A. Gladky

Personal Kanban: how to learn to complete work on time Personal Kanban work map life navigator

Personal and work matters have one unpleasant property: they accumulate. This leads to different consequences. For example, you may have one thing that suddenly...

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Multiplication table by 2.3 4.5 6.7 8.9. Multiplying by four. Find an approach if the child is not in the mood

Schoolchildren find the table boring and useless. Children often get angry and upset when trying to figure out a set of numbers that is incomprehensible to them. Parents can...

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Photo selection: the only marshal of two countries in the history of the USSR, Konstantin Rokossovsky Anatoly Korolchenkomarshal Rokossovsky

EMERGENCY POWERS The first months of the Great Patriotic War passed. The Nazis were rushing to Moscow. They tried to bypass Moscow from the north. We went to the Volga, attacked...

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Little-known predictions for the future of Russia have been published

Only the best existing predictions can be found in the material of this article. Other and no less interesting and useful information should be sought from...

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Anger management or how to direct energy in the right direction How to learn to manage your anger

How to be angry correctly I still remember the words of my father once: “but you can’t be angry with dad!” Then I felt terrible confusion, anger and resentment. And even...

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Cultural heritage sites: overview, register, laws

Objects of cultural heritage are immovable objects that have cultural value for the population of Russia, and are also included in the world cultural...

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Topic: Public administration in times of troubles Managing the country in times of troubles

The end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries were marked by turmoil in Russian history. Having started at the top, it quickly went down, captured all layers of Moscow society and...

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The reign of Alexander 1 and his children

Valdai fort. 1838 The investigator is interrogating a woman who has just been brought in, whom the police considered suspicious. Her clothes are torn, but the woman...

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In turn, the system of “internal” Russian acts is represented by normative legal acts adopted at the federal level and including federal laws and by-laws

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Voronezh region “RST” Report Topic: “Educational monitoring - how...

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British Mandate for Palestine (1920–1948)

The political and economic development of the Jewish sector in Palestine was directly related to British policy. Even before the occupation by the English...

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