Medicine      12/20/2023

Spelling of roots rasch rasch ros presentation. Letters O – A in roots. No! This is a masculine word, said his friend.

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We repeat! Fill in the table with words Meaning Word Mathematical operation inverse to subtraction Set of rules, laws Something that is added to something Type of written work aimed at retelling the text Basic syntactic unit of language ADDITION POSITION APPENDIX EXPOSURE SENTENCE

Insert the root - lag -//- lie - in place of the gaps, indicate the spelling. We repeat! From at, through, through, through, through, through. Petya told his mother: “Don’t put the book on the table.” And mom corrected him. How?

The letters A-O in the root are rast (- rasch -) // - ros. Lesson topic: learn: When the root is rast (- rasch -) // - the letter A is written, when is O? learn: Correctly write roots – rast - (- rasch -) // - ros-.

Observation You grow up, grown up grow up, overgrown Think! Why is the root written O in some cases, and A in others? What does this depend on?

Let us formulate the rule r _ st - r _ sch - r _ s a a o In the roots - r a st -, - r a sch -, - ro s- unstressed a is written before st, sch, unstressed o - before s

Why do you think the spelling of these words does not follow the rule? R_ st ov R_ st islav r_ st ovshchik r_ st ok ot_ s l o o o o a These are exception words and they must be remembered! The moneylender Rostislav went to Rostov to buy sprouts for his industry. The moneylender Rostislav lives in Rostov and wears clothes that fit his height.

We fix it. Write, indicate the spelling. The next generation, the leaves of the reeds, the young pores, grow... with grass, have grown to the skies, grow... of the reeds, the bushes are growing, the sea water... of the reeds... stock roses,

Linguistics Minute If the letter O appears in a word, clap in front of you, if A, clap twice above your head. r ... if ot... sl r ... sti r ... drain r ... stening grow ... with ... become ... grow ... drain merging ... r ... stockist

“Name in one word” The science of breeding cultivated agricultural plants. PLANT CULTIVATION A separate area of ​​activity, science, production. OTR A SL The stem of a plant at the very beginning of development from a seed. R O STOCK

“Name it in one word” An aquatic plant that lacks division into roots, stems and leaves. VODOR O SLI Boy or girl aged 12 to 16 years. ADVANCED STOCK One who lends money in interest at high interest rates. USURER

Grow, grow, screed, plant “The third odd one” Grow, sprout, grew Grow, branch, age Grown.. grown, merging.. insufficient.. with

Reflection In what cases is the letter A written in the roots rast -, rashch -, ros-? Name the words that are exceptions to the rule. What was unclear? What caused the difficulties? Have we achieved our goals?

Letters O – A in roots -GROWTH-, -GROWTH-, -GROWTH-

The Russian language lesson in the 5th grade was prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature of the Nizhne-Solotinskaya Secondary School N.A. Loktionova.



  • In what cases does the vowel O – A alternate in these roots?
  • Exception words for root spelling

-growth-, -growth-, -growth-.

Be able to:

  • Recognize words with alternating O – A in the crowns –rast-, -rasch-, -rost-
  • Justify the choice of vowels in these roots

Syntax five minutes

  • Break down the offer by member
  • Explain the spelling of the missing letter.
  • Parse the word according to its composition located.

The tourist camp was located in a beautiful forest in the vicinity of Moscow.

Trial action

A tulip will grow on the shore...

Guess answer: grown garden

pod..sli in the garden

sector of economy

The purpose of the lesson: Identify the conditions for writing the vowels a - o in the roots -rast- -rasch- -ros, learn to apply the rule for writing a variable root.

Lesson topic: Letters a – o in the roots

- grow- , -grow- , -grew .

Let's watch together!

produced ra st yes You ro With la

You ra sch to live behind ro With whether

ra st tion water ro With whether

  • Explain the condition for choosing the vowels O – A in the root.

Exception words

R O stov

R O drain

R O stislav

R O stockman

Negative A with

Letters O A in the roots grew- growth expansion


ABOUT let's write at the root grew- :

Grew up, outgrew, grew up .

R A ST -, R A SCH -

But never confuse:

IN growth And expansion let's write A .

Vyr about With, r a st tion, r a sch u.


Height ov, Height islav, height OK, height sheepman, from races l.

Algorithm of actions

  • Select root
  • Determine the final consonant in the root
  • Remember exceptions
  • Draw a conclusion

Insert the missing letters

a tulip grows

grown garden

pod..sli in the garden

sector of economy

Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health

A. Schopenhauer

Primary consolidation in external speech

  • Explain the spelling of the vowel O - A in the root of the word.

Leaves of the plant, young growth, rose drain, roses are opening, industry, boy R...stislav, seaweed, growing young animals, the city of R...stov, reed growth, greedy moneylender.

Design styles

Other details


Grown up



It's time


Design styles

Other details

Grown up



The sprout grew, grew, grew and finally grew.


  • In which row is the same letter missing in all words?
  • Zar...sli, adj...gat
  • Assumption, water...if
  • Mi...become, expression
  • Reject,

Additional task

Insert the missing letters, indicate the conditions for choosing vowels in the roots:

For a long time the river grew..the plant, grown by a grower from R..stov named R..stislav, until the river..flow over..with the age barrier, growth..with higher, having passed through all plant barriers, becoming the prey of food industry workers.


  • What goal did we set for the lesson?
  • Have you reached it? Prove
  • What difficulties did you have?
  • What helped you overcome them?


1) paragraph 85, (learn the rule),

  • ex. 454, 455(optional)
  • ex. 456 (oral)
  • And for those who are confident in their knowledge, complete a creative task: come up with comic quatrains using words with alternating vowels A And ABOUT in the roots -growing- -growing- -growing-

1 slide

Lesson topic: “Spelling the roots RAST, RASCH, ROS” Prepared by teacher of Russian language and literature MOU – Secondary School No. 14 Ryzhkova Nadezhda Mikhailovna

2 slide

LESSON GOALS: 1. Generalization and systematization of information about the spelling of alternating vowels in the root of a word; developing the practical ability to find roots with alternation and choose the correct spelling. 2. Contribute to the development of speed of reaction, attention, memory, thinking, speech. 3. Formation of communication skills, a positive and attentive attitude towards the Russian language.

3 slide

Psychological mood for the lesson Let's put aside experiences and failures. Let's get down to business without giving up, my friend! And in this lesson we will again all work at “five”.

4 slide

Spelling of roots “rast-rasch-ros” and “lag-lozh” Check!!! Vowels in the root stressed unstressed -lag- -lozh- -rast -rasch- -ros- alternating Unverified by stress Verified by stress REFLECTION - Do you think the diagram is complete or incomplete?

5 slide

Let's remember the vocabulary words Words for reference: Rostov Rostislav branch rostok moneylender

6 slide

Training exercises Creative dictation. Replace with one word. 1. Young forest. 2. A separate area of ​​activity, science, production. 3. A frequent shrub that has overgrown some place. 4. Let it rise. 5. Become branchier, denser, larger.

7 slide

Selective dictation. Write down the words in the spelling pattern you are studying, check the spelling. This is interesting. Wheat is the very first grain plant that man sown. 2. Rye grows quickly and copes with many weeds on its own, without human help. 3.Beet seeds are united so tightly that it is impossible to separate them. If balls of beet seeds are sown, several shoots will grow from each. 4. In July, caraway seedlings look as if white lace had been thrown over them: this is due to the abundance of small white flowers.

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Training exercises 1. Creative dictation. Words for reference: shoots, branch, thickets, sprout, grow. 2. Selective dictation. Plant, grows, grows together, grows, sprouts, thickets.

Slide 9

Relaxation. Children close their eyes and lower their heads to the desk. “You are a little flower. Your life is just beginning. You feel warm and calm. Your stems stretch upward towards the sun. The petals smile brightly and squint under the sun. You looked around. You are not alone. You are surrounded by beautiful flowers that have grown. Life is Beautiful. But the time has come to wake up...” Children raise their heads and stretch.

10 slide

Working with the text R_sti, r_sti apple tree grow up. Blossom, blossom the apple tree is blooming! The sun is shining hotter! Grow the apples quickly! R_sla, r_sla apple tree, pod_sla. Blossom, blossomed apple tree, blossomed2. The apple tree tore off its outfit, And the apples ripened for the children4.

11 slide

Grow, grow, apple tree, grow up. Blossom, blossom, apple tree, blossom! Golden2 sun, warm up hotter! Grow up, apples1, quickly! The apple tree grew and grew and grew. The apple tree blossomed, blossomed, blossomed2. The apple tree shook off its outfit, And the apples ripened for the children.4

12 slide

Explanatory dictation The Red Book of Plants. How the beauty and aroma of wildflowers pleases us! But often greedy hands reach out to them and tear them mercilessly. These beautiful flowers and valuable medicinal plants may disappear forever. Many of them are listed in the Red Book of Plants.

Slide 13

Suggestion for analysis Scientists created the Red Book and listed in it the plants lilies of the valley, bells, night violets that are disappearing from the thoughtless barbarism of man. Explain the placement of punctuation marks in a sentence. What is the general word? Explain the spelling of this word. -Check the spelling of the remaining words in the sentence. -Why was the book of endangered plants and animals called Red? What do the Red Book and traffic lights have in common? -Red traffic light means danger to life. Killing nature is dangerous for human life).

Slide 14

Guess the riddles!!! Carefully swaddled by nature, Wrapped in a green leaf, A flower grows in the untouched wilderness, Cool, fragile and fragrant... (Lily of the valley) The maiden is red in the ground. (Carrots) Both green and thick - a bush grows in the garden. They began to pinch - they began to cry and sob. (Onion) Ros Demid, grown up, climbed out into the white light, passed through the ground, found a red cap. (Mushroom) What grows with its top down? (Carrot) There is a forest around the lake ..steeting (Reeds)

15 slide

Control test in Russian language!!!

Sections: Russian language

Class: 5


  • Introduce the conditions for choosing the letters a - o in the roots -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.
  • To develop the ability to find and highlight spellings with alternating a - o.
  • Strengthen the skill of spelling words with roots -lag-, -lozh-, -kas-, -kos-, -rast-, -rasch-, -ros-.
  • Develop research skills.
  • Cultivate interest in the Russian language.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, presentation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Captains carry out tasks.


Are you happy, pirates? Are you convinced that our guys are great?

First pirate:

Okay, okay, we'll come to you again.

Second pirate:

Then we will definitely take everyone prisoner.

First pirate:

Or we'll drown you.

The pirates are leaving.


Everything went well. Let's continue our journey. On the right side is the ground. Upon landing on the shore, you will immediately find yourself in a dense forest Take your pick.

3. Selective dictation (Annex 1, slide 11-14).

a) Distribute the words in two columns, highlight the spelling.

One student does the task at the board.

R_steniya, grew_sli, opens up, branch_left, grows, grow_sli, dor_sti, zar_sli, r_stoka, over_sli, grown, R_stov.

b) Parse the words according to their composition: plants, grown, grows, sprout.

4. Test in Unified State Exam format (Annex 1, slide 15-16).

A1. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?, earn..sti, touch..contacts

r..drain, k..snus, increment..

adjective, noun, negative

R..stislav,, grow..grow

A2. In which series do all words have roots with alternating vowels?

location, k..soi, por..sle

simplify, touch, adjective

water..sli, water, water

assumption,, grown

Key to the test: A1. 3. A2. 4.

Emerging from the thickets of a dense forest Take your pick, we got to the river bank Game.

5. Game “Make a word” (Annex 1, slide 17).

From the word go out take the console.
From the word thickets– root.
From the word sat– last suffix.
From the word bush- ending. ( Grew.)

V. Summing up.

This is where our journey ended. Let's remember what we learned new in class today.

VI. Homework.

(Annex 1, slide 18-19).

Paragraph 85, exercise 441 or compose a vocabulary dictation with the studied spelling (at the students’ choice).