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The profession of psychologist in modern society. Features of the profession of a psychologist. What qualities are needed

Today, the profession of a psychologist is one of the most popular. The work of a psychologist is a relationship with many people, the ability to understand, listen, help in various everyday situations.

The help of a psychologist in modern society is becoming more in demand, and the specialty itself is becoming more prestigious and highly paid. Most people consider it expedient to turn to a qualified specialist in a crisis situation.

The profession of a psychologist is very interesting and creative, requiring constant development and improvement. The variety of different professions is simply huge, but not all include huge mental costs and investments, as well as help in various family conflicts and various crisis situations. Psychologists are people whose profession is to help people.

History of the psychologist profession

Existing in the world for more than a thousand years, psychology is considered an old science. But some modern philosophers are sure that the true peak of the development of this science is yet to come.
The history of the profession of psychologist dates back to antiquity. The authors of that time, not realizing their first attempts in the practice of psychology, described a person as a kind of system, spoke about his soul and mind.

Several centuries passed before psychology acquired the status of a science. In 1590, Rudolf Goclenius first identified it as the science of the soul. However, the teaching about this science in the context as we understand it today, psychology received from the scientist Otto Kasman.

Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist - what's the difference?

In the modern world, psychology is considered a relevant and sought-after profession. However, to become a good psychologist, you need to get a higher education in this specialty. Moreover, you need to study, deeply delving into each topic.

In most cases, when entering the Faculty of Psychology, all that a freshman knows about this specialty is pictures from the cinema, where psychologists have their own office and secretary, a beautiful leather couch, a good suit and patients with complex problems that the psychologist is sure to help solve.

Applicants make another mistake when, wanting to become a psychotherapist, they apply to the faculties of psychology. You need to understand that there is a significant difference between the professions of a psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist. The last two concepts denote the specialties of doctors, therefore, students are trained in medical universities.

Features of the profession of a psychologist

One of the peculiarities of the profession of a psychologist is the goal to understand the inner world of a person, to explore his state of mind. However, it is wrong to think that having mastered all the intricacies of the profession, a psychologist can see through a person. This is the same myth as the assumption that a person is endowed with psychological abilities at birth, as if this is a kind of talent.

Introduction to the Psychology Profession

Psychology is one of those specialties, entering which you must first familiarize yourself with the basics and basic concepts of this science. Today there are many articles and scientific manuals for this. In addition, an introduction to the profession of psychologist can be found in every library or bookstore.

Requirements for the profession of a psychologist

Not everyone can be a good specialist in this field, just like a psychologist is an expert on the human soul. Boundless love and respect for people, the ability to understand the character of each, even the most extraordinary personality, is very important.

A highly qualified psychologist is not a teacher or adviser, but an excellent assistant in situations that seem insoluble. His task is to teach the client to cope with any problems, to be resistant to various stresses that he is often exposed to in modern society. But the main task of a psychologist is to do everything possible so that a person believes in himself, perceives life in bright colors, and achieves success in all endeavors.

Pros and cons of being a psychologist

Few people know that according to statistics, a fourth of psychologists and psychotherapists are people with a depressive character structure, who, by helping others, have the opportunity, first of all, to help themselves. Therefore, special training of psychologists allows you to better know yourself and adapt in life.

The professional experience of these people makes it possible to understand their inner world much deeper and realize their own life. Despite the fact that life is constantly changing, a person is aware that it is changing thanks to himself. From this follows the first minus, choosing the profession of a psychologist, this person becomes him forever, and everywhere. Being at home, in the circle of friends, communicating with a loved one, he does not leave a sense of duty.

Applying his knowledge and experience, he will always come to the aid of others. When interviewing psychologists, it turned out that everyone has their own opinion about the minuses and pluses in their work. Naturally, the pros outweigh, since any psychologist is attached, and one can even say that he is in love with his profession.

For some, this is a constant search, the desire for spiritual development and growth. Without having any of this, what then can be offered to a person in need of professional help.

Some imagine psychologists as almost superhuman, capable of possessing special properties, maybe even superpowers, people who know the answers to all questions and are able to change people's destinies. This attitude can also arise from close people. For example, in their address they can hear “You are a psychologist, you must understand, help, listen”! Although, first of all, they are ordinary people, and then psychologists. This will be the second disadvantage that exists in this profession.

The third minus can manifest itself in the fact that the psychologist is so deeply imbued with the problems of his clients, experiences their crisis situations, thinks about them both at work and at home, that he simply stops living his full and interesting life, trying to provide them with any support.

Also, this article will help prepare an essay, report or presentation about the profession.

Psychology is an applied and fundamental science of mental life, behavior and human activity. It studies the various mechanisms, patterns and manifestations of the psyche of people in various conditions and at various stages of the life path. The profession of a psychologist includes the scientific study of the human psyche, its description. The main task of a specialist is to help a person to understand the situation on an emotional level, understand intellectual abilities, get rid of the circle of repetitive mistakes and direct them forward in order to change their life.

Why go to the Faculty of Psychology

Psychology is in great demand among young people and is perceived by many as an interesting and rather simple science, so a large number of applicants go to study psychology. But having entered a university and started studying, students are faced with disappointment, because as soon as everyday experience, they will not be able to pass the exams. Their course does not include the usual books on psychology, suitable for light reading. For the first few years, students study such serious disciplines and areas as “physiology of higher nervous activity”, “general psychology”, etc.

Another common reason for entering the Faculty of Psychology is the desire to know yourself and deal with your subconscious. It is possible that further a person will be sincerely interested in science and continue building a career, but if this is the only motive, it is worth choosing another profession.

To become a consulting psychologist, or rather a psychotherapist, you need to take your training quite seriously, and studying at a university does not end there. A psychologist has the right to provide psychological assistance only after completing additional training and obtaining the necessary certificates; studying at a university only gives a direction for further development. Therefore, he never stops learning.

Psychology as a profession requires a lot of dedication from a person, but most importantly, in order to be a good specialist, you must first understand your personality.

Where can you get an education

To become a psychologist, you must have a higher education in one of the following areas:

  • psychology,
  • clinical psychology,
  • conflictology,
  • psychological counseling,
  • preschool psychology and pedagogy.

A degree in psychology can be obtained at many universities in the country. To be a highly qualified specialist after basic training, it is necessary to take additional courses and continuously improve qualifications.

Necessary personal qualities of a future specialist

Contrary to cinematic images, the profession of a psychologist does not make a specialist omnipotent or omnipotent, therefore, without the participation of the client himself, it is impossible to solve all problems.

The essence of the activity of a psychologist is to help with the search for internal resources in order to direct them to change life for the better. Its main task is to help a person understand that he himself, his attitude to life, and his worldview are to blame for most of the failures in his life. A good psychologist will help you look at the problem from a different angle and find solutions through internal changes.

To carry out such delicate work and provide psychological assistance, a specialist must himself possess such personal qualities as:

  • the ability to listen and understand a person,
  • the ability to empathize (but at the same time he should not take everything to heart),
  • the ability to isolate oneself from other people's problems,
  • tact,
  • high intellectual ability
  • ability to analyze and draw conclusions,
  • observation,
  • responsibility,
  • stress resistance,
  • tolerance,
  • logical thinking,
  • be confident in your abilities.

If a person has chosen the right direction in his life and decided to devote himself to psychology, then he must learn and improve day by day.

Place of work

A big plus: this profession is quite in demand and popular in the market. A specialist in the field of psychology can become an employee of both an educational institution and law enforcement agencies or, for example, a prison. Quite often, specialists in this area choose private practice. Having a degree in psychology, you can become a recruiting manager or a psychological coach. This specialty is most in demand among women.

A child psychologist in educational institutions helps to get used to a new place and build relationships with the team. He also conducts testing to identify bright personal qualities and choose a future profession.

In medical institutions, psychologists often meet people who are subject to severe stress and nervous impulses. Specialists in places of detention prepare prisoners for release and help them return to a decent life after release.

Profession benefits

Undoubtedly, the work of a psychologist has its advantages, in which you can help people who are faced with difficulties. Profession benefits:

  • the main advantage is the opportunity to participate in solving real problems of people,
  • creative work,
  • the need for continuous development and professional development,
  • the opportunity to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life,
  • development of tolerance and tolerance.

All these advantages make specialists feel happy while working in this field.

Disadvantages in the profession

While working as a psychologist has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages. In it, you may encounter the following problems:

  • you may face the main problem and the main disadvantage of this profession - emotional burnout,
  • too close to the client's problems,
  • stop separating life and work.

If these disadvantages do not scare away from the profession, then the chosen direction of activity is really your vocation.

Not a single job has only pluses, in each there are also minuses. The choice whether to continue your work or not in this direction depends only on what you meet more - pluses or minuses. At the same time, learning and gaining new knowledge is always necessary.

Career prospects

The main prospect in work is the possibility of endless self-improvement and, as a result, the achievement of the level of a highly qualified specialist with the possibility of private practice. Constant trainings and seminars provide an opportunity to learn new techniques, and then apply them in your work. A high-level specialist can open his personal office or a company providing psychological assistance to people who find themselves in various difficult situations in life.

The psychologist receives the highest rating from people whose lives have changed for the better, whom he helped to overcome personal fears and achieve heights in their careers or personal lives.

The profession of a psychologist is quite popular and in demand. The level of wages in it directly depends on the place of work and on the services provided. Private practice is considered the most profitable, but the level of income also depends on the number of people who apply. Despite all the difficulties and disadvantages, a good psychologist learns only positive aspects from this experience.

Every year in modern society, the profession of psychologist is gaining more and more popularity. Is she as good as it seems at first glance, what are her strengths and weaknesses?

The profession of a psychologist in the modern world is relevant, prestigious and popular as never before. Many educational institutions, industrial enterprises, rescue and assistance services have specialists who help restless souls find a way out of problem situations. Almost every university graduates psychologists - demand creates supply.

What is psychology? From ancient Greek, this word is translated as “the science of the soul”, because psychological problems have long been considered mental wounds. Yes, and now in our dictionary there is such a word as "mentally ill", although we all already know that the problems of such people are embedded in the brain. Psychology studies mental and emotional processes, personality structure, ways of connecting a person with the outside world, the subtleties of communication and relationships, the specifics of self-perception. Psychology is divided into theoretical and practical. The first deals with the study of normal and abnormal states of the psyche, the second with the correction of problems.

It is not difficult to get a profession of a psychologist today. You can unlearn at the university if the decision to help people came at a young age. If this is a mature decision, then you can leave the existing higher education as a base and go to the courses, of which there are a huge number today. The main thing is not to fall into the bait of a scammer: to find out thoroughly about the institution and teachers, get feedback, ask what kind of knowledge they give in these courses.

How to become a psychologist?

Being a psychologist and becoming one is not quite the same thing. Let's start with the fact that not everyone thoroughly knows how psychologists differ from psychotherapists and psychiatrists.

Psychotherapist and psychiatrist are medical specialties that are in demand in hospitals and various medical centers. They assume the presence of a medical education, since doctors of this specialty must know human anatomy, prescribe drugs, and be able to diagnose using various equipment.

Psychology is a humanitarian direction that does not require medical education. It reveals the mechanisms of mental processes and gives an understanding of the causes of their violation. Assistance to patients is carried out through explanatory conversations, trainings, and practices.

Family psychologistWhere to go with a diploma in psychology? Of course, everyone dreams of opening their own office in order to earn good money from consultations. But the fact is that a private psychologist is first of all a name and reputation, a beginner will not be able to make a profit by renting an office and posting ads on poles. Therefore, first you need to work in the state structure. This:

kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities;

rehabilitation centers (teenagers, victims of domestic violence, prisoners, people with addictions, etc.);

rescue services (Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance service);

military units;

sports institutions.

After receiving a certain practice, you can take a swing at the position of a psychologist at a private enterprise - a factory, a design bureau, an IT company. Here, psychologists participate in the selection of personnel, organize trainings, develop corporate ethics, and, of course, conduct personal conversations. They are responsible for a positive, efficient and creative team spirit.

Private practice is submitted to those who have been working in the field of psychological assistance for a long time, have proven themselves well and already have a small circle of private clients. Often, psychologists combine work in the state structure and private practice.

Pros of being a psychologist

1. Help people

It's nice to know that you did something important. Psychologists save people from suicide, help solve problems in the family, give advice in resolving conflicts. Every saved life, saved family or person who did not get on a slippery slope is on the account of a psychologist. And when you know that you bring benefit to people, you understand that life has not been lived in vain.

2. Help yourself

Child psychologist Many go to study as a psychologist in order to understand themselves, to understand their own problems. According to statistics, a quarter of psychologists themselves have psychological problems. Is it good or bad? Practicing psychologists often become people prone to depression, and in this case it is even good. Firstly, they can understand the patient like no one else, because they themselves have experienced his troubles. In addition, helping others is considered the best cure for depression. People who are aware of their importance and necessity are less likely to suffer from decadent states.

3. Know human depth

We penetrated into the depths of the earth, dived into the ocean, took off into space, split the atom ... But we still do not know ourselves thoroughly. Man is the most unexplored area of ​​science. But even the knowledge that we have is amazing. Having studied even the very basics, we understand how interesting and unforgettable it is to penetrate into the deeper layers of human souls, to understand them. And at the same time, a specialist will always have a field for new discoveries.

Disadvantages of being a psychologist

1. Burnout

During practice, psychologists have to deal with the worst nightmares of the human psyche. They will always see someone else's grief, they will look into their eyes, looking for sympathy and solutions to problems.

If a psychologist works at a school, then children who are beaten by their parents, adolescent drug addicts and thieves, young hooligans will pass through him - in general, the most problematic students. If he works in a psychological or physical rehabilitation center, he will see dozens of mutilated bodies and lives every day. The list can be continued for a long time, but the meaning is the same - the psychologist will have to see the most painful side of human nature. Can he stand it? This needs to be recognized and decided in advance.

2. Vest for a friend

“Oh, you are a psychologist! Advise what to do, I have such a situation here ... ”Every familiar and semi-familiar person, having heard that you are studying to be a psychologist or working for him, will ask for help or advice. Many have to politely refuse and advise to sign up for a consultation. Naturally, not everyone likes this - only understanding people are able to agree that a psychologist at least sometimes wants to take a break from the burden of other people's problems. But there are many who will be offended and will consider you an evil and callous person. There's nothing to be done here.

3. No room for error

Psychology is not just a job. This is a vital role. A psychologist, like a politician, a judge or a teacher, must sparkle with a crystal clear biography. He is obliged to guard himself, because for people he is something like a worldly priest - they open their souls to him, let him into the most hidden corners of their lives. Will a family psychologist who has three divorces behind him be able to work as a specialty? Will a patient trust a psychologist with alcohol addiction? “Healer, first heal yourself,” they will say to him. And really, how can you help others if you can't help yourself?

What personal qualities are necessary for a psychologist?

To become a psychologist, you must first of all be an altruist, since in such a profession no amount of money can compensate for the emotional difficulties that a specialist faces. Only love for people can become a saving beacon, helping to understand why this is all being done. It is necessary to have a great responsibility, because for many patients a psychologist is the only hope. You need to be stress-resistant, because clients are different, including hostile ones. You need to be tactful and delicate, because there are touchy patients. And, most importantly, sociable. Anyone who is able to communicate for a long time and not experience emotional fatigue can become a good psychologist. If you get tired of communication, then think again - is it yours?

The essence of the profession of a psychologist is to take apart all the motives and factors that guide people's behavior. If we draw a parallel, then a psychologist is a mechanic of the human soul, who understands how all this complex and intricate device works, and is able to fix it in case of malfunction.

Today the profession of "psychologist" is one of the most popular. Almost every university considers it its duty to open an appropriate (psychological) faculty. Thousands of graduates graduate from these universities every year. Why has this profession become so attractive? What are the advantages of the profession "psychologist"? And, maybe there are "minuses"? We asked these questions to professional psychologists.

Today we publish the best and most interesting answers and reasonings of wonderful psychologists.

Strelchenko Andrey Borisovich - doctor of medical sciences, psychotherapist, trainer-consultant, specialist in rehabilitation medicine, therapeutic physical education and sports :

Late evening. Or an early night….

I sit at the computer and frantically try to come up with something wise, fundamental, eternal.

So that those who accidentally or out of stupidity suddenly read what I invented, say: “Yes-a-a-a! This is the head!”.

It is impossible to accept nothing - promises must be fulfilled ...

Probably, if not for some knowledge of psychology. So I would have sat for fifteen minutes, staring blankly at the screen, trying to give birth to banalities. And, having given birth, I would have been proud for another fifteen minutes. And then, after some time, if I had accidentally read what was written then (that is, now), maybe I would feel ashamed, or maybe I wouldn’t ...

The big and, probably, the most important plus for me is the opportunity to know myself better. Understand WHAT you can and how you get it. Still - to answer the main question of life: Why are you here?

It is clear that the answer will come. Later. He now.


If you have something to answer.

Ho, being a psychologist, and with all your major appearance, taking the next client out of the existential crisis, you quietly, to yourself, understand that you are not alone in your searches.

Many knowledge - many sorrows. Probably, this is not about us: "A lot of knowledge is a little wiser."

And, as you know, in the metaposition it becomes easier. This even follows from the laws of gravity. I don't see any minions.

I have it so.

Пpядкинa Елeнa Гeopгиeвнa - пcихoaнaлитик, ceмeйный пcихoтepaпeвт, члeн Пpoфeccиoнaльнoй Пcихoтepaпeвтичecкoй Лиги, члeн Евpoпeйcкoй Accoциaции Пcихoтepaпии и Meждyнapoднoй Accoциaции Сeмeйных Пcихoтepaпeвтoв (IFTA), pyкoвoдитeль OOO "Пpoфeccиoнaльнaя пcихoлoгичecкaя пoмoщь" :

Recently, not without the participation of the media, there has been a noticeable growth in the general psychological culture. There are few large enterprises and firms that do not have a psychologist on their staff. More and more people consider it right to seek help from a specialist in a crisis situation. Psychological assistance is becoming more and more in demand, and the specialty is becoming more and more prestigious, more and more highly paid and attractive for people choosing a profession. Кpoмe тoгo,пo дaнным cтaтиcтики в пoмoгaющих пpoфeccиях, тaких кaк пcихoлoг, пcихoтepaпeвт дo 25 % людeй c дeпpeccивнoй cтpyктypoй хapaктepa, для кoтopых пoмoщь дpyгим cтaнoвитьcя вoзмoжнocтью пoмoчь ceбe (ктo нe cлышaл o « paнeннoм цeлитeлe»!) . Special training allows you to better know yourself, become more efficient, adapt to life.

Hapядy c этим, тaкжe нe бeз yчacтия СMИ, пpoфeccия пcихoлoг идeaлизиpyeтcя, oбpacтaeт мифaми и пcихoлoги пpeдcтaют в oбpaзe эдaкoгo «cвepхчeлoвeкa», oблaдaющeгo ocoбыми cвoйcтвaми, cyпepcпocoбнocтями, знaющими oтвeты нa вce вoпpocы и yмeющими измeнять cyдьбы людeй. It is difficult not to succumb to temptation and not merge with a professional role - it is already very socially accepted. Here lie the main disadvantages of our profession. This is, first of all, the overestimated requirements for us close people, who of us at least once in our lives have not heard - “You are a psychologist! You must understand, accept, help (and further on the choice ...) ”You need to remain yourself, appreciate your individuality, give yourself the right to make mistakes. We are, first of all, people, and then psychologists! Пeчaльнo видeть, кoгдa пcихoлoг нacтoлькo пoглoщeн пpoфeccиoнaльнoй poлью, чтo пepecтaeт жить coбcтвeннoй пoлнoй и интepecнoй жизнью, a « дoвoльcтвyeтcя кpoшкaми co cтoлa жизни cвих клиeнтoв» Тoлькo чeлoвeк, yмeющий цeнить ceбя, кaк личнocть, cyмeeт бepeжнo oтнocитьcя и к личнocти клиeнтa и быть иcтиннo эффeктивным psychotherapist.

Erinova Elena Gennadievna - specialist in the field of psychological counseling, clinical psychologist, specialist of the counseling department of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology :

Determining my future profession, I hesitated between philosophy and medicine, but neither one nor the other found a response in my heart, I didn’t leave the feeling that my vocation was in something else. By chance, I learned about psychology as a science that was born at the junction of natural sciences and philosophy, and immediately realized that this is exactly what I was looking for. But then, 16 years ago, the profession of a psychologist was not so popular. I already learned about its possibilities and difficulties in the process of studying at the Faculty of Psychology and later in practice, working as a psychologist.

The word "psychology" in translation from Greek literally means "science about the soul" (gr. psyche - soul, logos - concept, teaching). "Soul" and "psyche" from a linguistic point of view are one and the same. However, with the development of nayka and culture, the meaning of these concepts diverged.

Psychology is, first of all, a science that has its own scientific definition, its own goals and objectives, an object, a subject, and everything that makes it a science. For me, psychology is the science of the soul in the broad sense of the word. In my opinion, this is a special science - a science about the most complex, completely unknown humanity. After all, the human psyche is the most highly organized matter known to us. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote in his treatise “On the Soul” that, among other knowledge, the study of the soul should be given one of the first places, since “it is the knowledge of the most amazing.”

I think that in every profession there are "minuses" and "pluses". I was very lucky that my profession coincided with a hobby. Therefore, for me personally, there are no minuses as such in my profession, I see opportunities and difficulties in it.

Among the opportunities that the profession of a psychologist gives, I would like, first of all, to highlight the following:

The opportunity to use your knowledge in the field of psychology in everyday life;

Knowledge of oneself and, as a result, a change in oneself, one's attitude to the events and phenomena of the surrounding world;

The opportunity to help people with professional knowledge in the field of psychology and get pleasure from this, seeing the results of help;

Development of a non-judgmental attitude towards people;

The ability to learn to be sensitive to the emotional state of a person who is nearby;

Openness to own experience;

Development of tolerance for uncertainty;

Ability to set realistic goals and achieve them;

The need for constant professional improvement and growth, and, consequently, the possibility of personal growth.

Speaking of difficulties, I would like to note that at the first stages of work, a psychologist may encounter some of them:

In accepting the client's worldview;

In an effort, it is imperative to give useful advice;

In experiencing the client's problem as your own;

Customer ratings;

Projections of own difficulties on the client.

But according to the measure of personal and professional experience, personal processing of their own problems, these difficulties are solved.

There is a wonderful phrase: “A pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity, and an optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty.”

Sinareva Julia - psychologist, family therapist, NLP trainer, author of numerous articles and two books "Love is gone, life goes on" and "A married couple: together or side by side" :

"Occupation Psychologist, or "An experienced fairy is looking for cheerleaders"

The psychologist now, perhaps, is one of the most popular specialties. Today, only a completely "lazy" or completely technical university does not have a psychological faculty. And numerous applicants can be quite understood. Psychology is INTERESTING!

For me, this is, first of all, creativity, novelty, a huge set of possibilities and fascinating changes - both in myself and in other people. As if I really have a magic wand in my hands, which can bring both cardinal rethinking, and instant relief, and healing tears, and the return of life In this sense, psychologists are similar to doctors and teachers - the "helping" instinct is realized here in full measure.

But you can’t overdo it here. I remember, 17 years ago, when we came to study as freshmen, on the very first day at one of the seminars we started a debate - is it necessary to live or work as a psychologist? They argued for a long time, and came to the conclusion that it is still impossible to live in the mode of trouble-free ambulance. If a person constantly remains only within a professional framework, he makes unbearable both his life and the life of his loved ones. From impeccable observation, insight and "correctness" sometimes you still want to rest. In this profession, as nowhere else, unfortunately, one must give oneself the opportunity to remain just people.

Miroshnichenko Ekaterina - professional psychologist - consultant, consultant of the portal Psychological Navigator and magazine Magic Cosmo :

To choose the profession of a psychologist means to choose a Path, a style, a way of life.

And this has its pluses and minuses. The profession of a psychologist is a creative and very interesting profession that requires constant development and improvement. The work of a psychologist is a concentrated experience of relationships with very different people. An experience that gives you the opportunity to become more aware and understand about yourself and about your own life. Raising your level of awareness, you will begin to manage what you can manage in your life, and consciously let go of the steering wheel where it is needed. Life is changing, and you will be aware that you are changing it yourself.

Minus, I, perhaps, would call that there is no turning back. Becoming a psychologist, you become him forever and everywhere. Watching your own children, communicating with friends or loved ones, you cannot but use the knowledge and experience that you have. And it can be quite sad to understand something more than others, because it sometimes moves you away from some close people.

Istratova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - practicing psychologist, specialist in process therapy, crisis counseling, Erickson therapy :

For me, the undoubted advantage of our profession is the constant search, the desire for spiritual development, growth, fulfillment. After all, if you have nothing, then you have nothing to give to other people.

Minuses ... Perhaps this is some kind of fatigue that occurs from time to time, which is quite natural with such mental costs and investments that our work requires. You think about your clients even outside the reception, worry about them, answer calls to provide help and support. But such fatigue is pleasant and expensive. After all, if you are in demand, then you bring help and do your job well. And it cannot be compared with fatigue from unloved work or idleness.

So it turns out that there are no minuses in your favorite work.

Answer correctly the question "What does a psychologist do?" may not be all. If you focus on movies and TV shows, it will seem as if the psychologist is only engaged in intimate conversations with clients and draws thoughtful and yet obvious conclusions.

Yes, the profession of a psychologist is connected with working with people and helping them in difficult or non-standard situations. The essence of the work depends on the specifics of the specialist. Some help to adapt to a new team, others support people after accidents, injuries or misfortunes, others choose a profession, others achieve high results (in sports, business or other areas of life), fifths teach new skills, sixth work with children, and so on. Further.

Psychology is an applied profession, there are no generalists in this business. Each such specialist works in his narrow field.

Places of work

If earlier the position of a psychologist was available only in educational or healthcare institutions, then in recent years there have been significantly more such specialists. Psychologists work:

  • in training centers;
  • in social institutions;
  • at labor exchanges and career guidance centers;
  • in military establishments;
  • in the sports industry;
  • in some commercial companies.

In addition, many specialists work for themselves - they are engaged in private practice.

Duties of a psychologist

Depending on the type of activity of the organization, the job responsibilities of a psychologist may be as follows:

  • conducting psychological trainings;
  • advising and helping people in difficult or critical situations.
  • assessment of the psychological qualities of people;
  • advising management on team management issues;
  • development and education of children;
  • adaptation of workers to new conditions or team.

In a number of companies, other functions of a psychologist are also provided: conducting business or educational games, recruiting staff, writing articles and books, etc.

Requirements for a psychologist

Since the areas of work can be different, the psychologist must know different things. A psychologist in the personnel department must understand the procedure for appraising employees. Specialist in working with athletes - to know sports psychology and understand this sport.

Here are the generalized requirements for a psychologist:

  • higher education;
  • work experience (in a specific area).

How to become a psychologist

To become a psychologist, first of all, you need to graduate from a university with a specialty. Secondly, you need to choose a specialization that interests you. Now there are a lot of specializations: educational psychologist, clinical, social, sports, school, child, military psychologist and many others. This choice will determine your development and learning path and will help determine the skills you need to have as a psychologist.

In general, psychologists most often become by vocation, and not because of education. Some people, having overcome serious difficulties in their lives or having achieved tremendous success, decide for themselves to help others in these matters. Some have successfully quit smoking and have decided to devote themselves to treating other smokers. A mother who raised three children can become a great child psychologist.

For this reason, education is secondary, but in our society without a diploma it can be difficult to get a job.

Pros and cons of being a psychologist

The advantages of the profession of a psychologist include its usefulness for oneself. Even if you fail to get a job in your specialty, knowledge will be useful both in everyday life and when working in other areas, for example, in management.

The second plus is the high demand for specialists.

At the same time, the main advantage that psychologists themselves note is simply the pleasure of working, understanding one’s need not only for the employer, but for people in general.

The main disadvantage of the profession of a psychologist is the constant stress caused by difficult situations and the behavior of clients. The most difficult thing is to regulate your own state so that it does not affect either customers or the quality of work.

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psychologist salary

Depending on the organization, the salary of a psychologist ranges from 18 to 60 thousand rubles per month. According to experts, a psychologist is one of the most interesting and low-paid professions. The average salary of a psychologist is about 30 thousand rubles a month.

If we talk about specialists who have opened their own private office, it is extremely difficult to estimate their income. There are psychologists who earn big money, and there are those who work for food and an idea.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

Modern Scientific and Technical Academy (SNTA) and a number of its courses in the direction of "".

Interregional Academy of the construction and industrial complex and its courses of the direction "".

The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) teaches in the specialization "" and issues a diploma and a certificate.

The Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" invites you to take distance courses in the direction "" (there are options 256, 512 and 1024 academic hours) with a diploma or a state-issued certificate. We have trained over 8000 graduates from almost 200 cities. You can study externally, get an interest-free installment plan.