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What college can you go to after college? Where can I go without the exam? How to get a higher education without the exam. Graduate admission is possible

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you are in or college, then soon you may have a question how to enter a university after college? We will try to deal with this issue, but first we will try to find out whether admission to a university is really necessary. The technical school also provides an opportunity to work in the specialty.

The main advantage of a technical school or college over complete secondary education at school is that having received secondary specialized education in the above-mentioned educational institutions, you may well get a job, because you have a profession, but school graduates do not. As for the demand and wages offered by the employer, of course, it does not strike the imagination, but you definitely won’t find a better salary after school, and you’ll get a job like a promoter or car wash, while graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions can apply for a job in specialties.

What gives admission to a university after a college or technical school

Admission to a university is a completely logical and understandable act after receiving a secondary specialized education. And it will be easier to enter a university than a student, but not always, more about these subtleties in the next subparagraph.

Do I need this Moscow State University or maybe a college is enough?

Firstly, if you enter a university for the same specialty that you received at a technical school, then you have several advantages over yesterday's students:

  • You know what you will be taught and are ready for it, schoolchildren, for the most part, do not have the slightest idea about where they entered and what they will be taught. Of course, this does not apply to those who decide to enter a medical or pedagogical university, but this is rather an exception.
  • It will be much easier for you to learn new knowledge, because you have basic knowledge and, possibly, experience, schoolchildren have none of this, it will be harder for them.
  • You will simply be more accustomed to studying than recent students who are not used to such long classes and short breaks, dividing classes into lectures and practical classes, semesters, sessions and much more.

Secondly, studying at a university after a technical school or college gives you the opportunity to develop and step up the career ladder. But I mean development not only in terms of a career, but also in terms of self-improvement, the ability to keep your brain in good shape and, if it becomes a habit, then you will meet a pension with a well-thinking person who is ready to work further or do something for your own pleasure. , and not stick around all day on the TV screen and discuss what everyone around is bad and how wrong they are doing.

Thirdly, you, most likely, will not be so afraid not to act, because you will not remain incomprehensible where, but calmly continue to work at your workplace, not particularly worrying about your failure. Nothing, go next year.

Fourthly, when entering a university for a specialized study program for you (similar to your specialty in college), you have an excellent opportunity to get a higher education in a shortened period of study. At the same time, it is most advantageous to do not full-time, but evening or part-time. So you can combine work with study in order to gain invaluable work experience, but also significantly save on education, because evening and part-time forms are much cheaper, and, fortunately, the quality of education does not suffer.

An excellent example of such an opportunity is MPEI State University.

So, what gives admission to a university after college, we have analyzed, now we will try to deal in detail with the question of how to enter a university after a college or technical school.

How to enter a university after college or technical school

Since 2018, absolutely everyone can enter a university after a college or technical school without an exam. But you will need to pass an internal exam established by the university. And different universities set different exams, so be careful and see the list of internal exams on the website of each university.

Of course, internal exams are easier than the USE, but you still need to prepare for them.

Therefore, for example, the aforementioned MPEI University offers graduates of colleges and technical schools an excellent, and most importantly, free, preparation option: Trial exam online.

Well, in order to do so, you need:

  • Submit documents
  • College or technical school diploma
  • Passport
  • Photos

2) Pass the entrance exams

3) Wait for the results of the exams and the order for admission (by the way, you can enter the MPEI University by scoring only the minimum passing scores in the exams.

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Today, higher education for many parents and students is considered almost a mandatory item in life. And even despite the fact that more than 60% of college students go to work outside their specialty, the demand for admission to college continues to grow. In today's article, we will talk with you about how easy it is to go to college. We will give recommendations from personal experience, and also answer a very painful question: “How to enter the Institute without the Unified State Examination?”. But everything is in order.

How to enter an institute (after a technical school, school or college)

In all cases, admission to the Institute is almost the same:
  1. Choosing an institute

  2. You choose a specialty;

  3. You submit documents;

  4. Passing an exam;

  5. You enter the Institute.

Of course, it’s a little easier to enter after a technical school or college, since in a college at an institute you can be prepared for this higher educational institution, and after a technical school there is a chance to enter the 2nd or even 3rd year right away (depending on the institute and the chosen faculty ). The exams that you will need to take, of course, differ and again depend on the chosen university and your education.

If you want to enter an institute on a budget, that is, not only not pay tuition fees, but also receive a scholarship, then you need to have an excellent school certificate, as well as pass the entrance exams perfectly. In addition, do not forget to take into account the city in which your future university is located. For example, entering an Institute in Moscow for a state-funded place is much more difficult (I would even say unrealistic) than in a small town. However, the attitude towards such a diploma will be different.

You can learn more about the list of documents, dates and amounts for training at the admission committee of any Institute. To do this, either come to the university yourself, or study the website of the institution, or call them by phone.

And most importantly, remember that you will have to study well at the institute, if you want to get into a good high-paying position later, therefore, most likely, our other article will come in handy:.

How to enter the institute without the exam?

In one word, then no way! The authors of the online magazine site studied this issue in detail and realized that at the moment it is impossible to enter the institute without the Unified State Examination. Even if you graduated from a school or technical school earlier, without the Unified State Exam, you will have to take it directly at the university itself.

There is an opinion that there are a number of institutions that accept students without the Unified State Examination on a paid basis, but it is not yet clear which Higher Educational Institutions we are talking about. Also, it is not clear whether this is actually the case.

If you want to express your opinion about the exam or about entering the institute, then feel free to unsubscribe in the comments. We welcome any opinion and are ready to discuss your question. We will also be grateful if you write your opinion about the allegedly existing institutions that are accepted without exams.

Not only girls and boys think about acquiring a higher education after graduating from the 11th grade of high school. Many people who have received secondary vocational education are interested in how to enter a university after college. In contrast to former schoolchildren, they already have a profession, but higher education opens up more opportunities for them.

What are the rules for entering a university after receiving a secondary specialized education. Successful graduation from a secondary specialized educational institution (SSUZ) gives graduates the right not only to start working in their specialty, but also to continue self-development at the university. Moreover, the admission rules for this group of applicants have a number of differences. This year, in order to enter a university after successfully graduating from college, applicants will have to prepare a package of documents.

Graduates of the secondary school

It includes:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • diploma of secondary vocational education;
  • 4 to 6 photos;
  • a medical certificate of the established form to confirm the absence of diseases that prevent work in the chosen specialty;
  • results of the Unified State Examination in the subjects established for the chosen profession.

Graduates of a technical school for admission to the first year of the institute must take part in a general competition on an equal footing with school graduates. But, in contrast to former students, they can enter a university without a USE after college. They are given the right to replace the USE with entrance examinations organized by the institute.

Attention! According to the current legislation, college graduates can enter universities, both according to the results of the Unified State Examination (USE), and according to the results of internal tests.

To pass internal tests, applicants after a technical school will have to prepare the same number of disciplines that school graduates took when passing the Unified State Examination, despite the fact that the number of tests is set by the university. The names of the subjects also coincide with the list of disciplines that applicants who have graduated from high school take.

For those graduates of technical schools who wish to improve their qualifications and enter the institute in a specialized direction, there is an opportunity to replace one of the general education disciplines with another or with a comprehensive professional test.

The decision on this issue is also considered by the institute. To clarify all the nuances related to the question of how to get a higher education after graduating from college, applicants with a secondary school diploma should contact the selection committee of the selected educational institution.

The criteria for evaluating internal tests do not differ from . The results are set on a 100-point scale, therefore, when participating in the competition, they are comparable with the results of the Unified State Examination.

Useful video: about the fact that college graduates do not have to take the exam

Entrance tests or USE

Graduates of the secondary school are given the right to choose between the Unified State Examination and internal entrance examinations of the institute. In this regard, many applicants think about how to go to university after college It will be easier. A comparative table of the USE and entrance examinations will help to understand this issue.

Comparable indicatorsUSEEntrance tests
Pre-registration From December 1 to February 1, you must apply for the exam in the required disciplinesNot required
Number of applications to various educational institutionsBy law, you can participate in the competition for admission to five institutions in three directions each. This increases the chances of admission to budget places. The schedule of entrance examinations at various institutes is the same, so you can try to enter 1, maximum 2 institutes
The right of the university to determine the form of entrance examinationsThe results of the USE for participation in the competition are accepted by all higher educational institutions Institute rules may not provide for passing exams in certain subjects

In addition, some universities allow combining the results of the USE and internal tests in various subjects. To enter the university after college, you can take the exam in individual subjects, and the rest of the exams in the form of internal tests. In addition, if the number of USE scores in any discipline is not enough, you can try to improve the result by passing the university's internal exam.


Advantages of the highest level

What are the benefits of education at a university for graduates of a secondary specialized educational institution. In the conditions of the modern labor market, it is much more realistic for a specialist with a higher education to get a prestigious position than for a graduate of a secondary school. Employers rightly believe that the knowledge of a specialist after the institute is deeper, his qualifications are higher, respectively, he can bring more benefits to the enterprise. Therefore, obtaining a higher education is beneficial for graduates of secondary educational institutions for employment and further careers.

Applicants are given a number of options to choose from:

  1. Full-time or part-time education. Part-time form combines both forms of the educational process.
  2. Studying at a higher educational institution according to an individual schedule of classes. This gives a chance to work in an existing profession while studying, accumulating invaluable experience.
  3. Accelerated training.

The benefits depend on the rules for organizing the educational process of a particular educational institution, as well as the level of knowledge and abilities of the student.

Special attention deserves the issue of admission to a medical institute after graduating from a medical college. For most medical specialties, only full-time education is provided, and part-time education is possible only for the specialty "pharmacy". You will have to study for 5 or 6 years, depending on the specialty, since an abbreviated program of the educational process is not provided.

Many vocational school students are interested in advance how to enter a medical university to improve the level of education after college and get a doctor's degree. Answers can be obtained at the open day organized by educational institutions, where students of secondary schools are also invited. At this event, you can get acquainted with the conditions for admission and the rules for conducting the educational process at a particular university, as well as evaluate its equipment.

There is still an advantage during the period of study at a medical institute after secondary school. It lies in the possibility, having settled down to work in the specialty, to receive a referral to the university from a medical institution. This is a real chance for free education without stopping work.

Sometimes it happens that a person who graduated from a secondary school understands that the received specialty is not interesting for him. Then the question arises whether it is possible to enter the institute for another specialty. There are no prohibitions or restrictions in this regard. You can enter the university after college in any specialty. But when studying at a university not according to the profile of a graduated secondary school, the educational process will take place on a general basis.

Short form

Graduates of the secondary school not only get a profession and can start earning money, but also have the right to study at the university under an accelerated program. However, the reduced form of education is not available to everyone.

The prerequisites for studying at a university under this program after college are:

  1. Successful completion of secondary school, confirmed by a certificate of attestation in all disciplines.
  2. Admission to the university according to the profile of the received specialty, or related to it.
  3. The abbreviated form is not available for applicants with diplomas from the initial vocational school.

Attention! The reduced form of study program does not apply to graduates of PU.

College students who plan to continue their studies at a university often wonder if it is possible to enter a university with a diploma from a college right away for the third year. In contrast to the rules in force earlier, according to innovations in legislation, applicants with a secondary school diploma can be enrolled in the university on a general basis based on the results of competitive selection exclusively for the first year.

To obtain the right to study under an accelerated program, a graduate of the secondary school after enrolling in a university must submit an application to the dean's office of the faculty for transferring him to an abbreviated form of the educational process. Since some disciplines have already been studied by a student in a secondary school, there is no need to master them again. Therefore, an individual schedule of classes is approved for such a student. If the number of students enrolled under this program is 7 or more people, a special group is formed from them. Otherwise, students studying on an individual schedule are divided into existing groups.

Before submitting documents for admission to the institute, it is recommended to ask in advance if it has an abbreviated form of education for graduates of the secondary school. Not all universities are ready to train students on an individual program. It should also be noted that the final decision on the transfer of a student to an accelerated education program is made by the dean's office of the faculty.

Useful video: how to enter the institute without the exam?


For college graduates, admission to a university is not only possible, but also very profitable. It is much easier to continue your studies than to start the process again. After all, often, to move up the career ladder, a person lacks a diploma of higher education. In addition, studying at the institute can be successfully combined with work in the profession, choosing the appropriate form of education.

In contact with

After receiving a diploma of secondary specialized education, most college graduates decide not to stop there, and therefore ask themselves a predictable question: where to go after college? Indeed, the studies are over, and now there are two ways to continue a professional career:

Start working right away

Continue learning

The second way is preferable for many, especially given the fact that today one can not only gain knowledge at a university, but also gain experience by combining education with work. Forms of education such as:

  • part-time
  • correspondence

allow you to start the path to career heights in parallel with receiving.

So, higher education is a dream and a goal for many yesterday's graduates of secondary vocational schools, who rightly believe that education after college will open for them more desirable prospects for further employment, and will also allow them to increase their own status in a society in which being a person with a completed higher education is still considered prestigious and honorable.

What is education after college?

So, you graduated from college, and now you can officially declare: you have secondary vocational education.

To date, studying after college has one path:

  • admission to the bachelor's degree (the next step on the education ladder).

To begin with, decide whether you are ready to continue your studies in an already chosen specialty or want to try a new direction. After all, for those 1-2 years that you studied in college, the situation in the labor market could change, as well as your personal preferences when choosing a future profession.

It is believed that it is an ideal basis for subsequent admission to a university, and this is true, since a completed secondary specialized education gives the future student of the university not only confidence in their abilities and knowledge, but also often indulgence in admission: if the profile specialty, it is usually enough to pass an internal exam, while the results of the USE are the fate of applicants entering an educational institution for the first time after school. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that when choosing a non-core specialty, it may be necessary to complete entrance examinations - on a par with yesterday's schoolchildren. That is why all questions about admission should be addressed to the chosen university and get advice directly from the admissions office - both in person and by phone.

How to get into college after college

When deciding for yourself the question of where you can go after college, you should determine not only with a specialty, but also with a university where college graduates can sometimes count on studying after college in a shortened program. For example, in the case of choosing a specialized specialty, such opportunities are often provided as:

Admission to the third year

Admission to a shorter term course in a program designed specifically for former college graduates

In addition, colleges already exist at some universities, which greatly simplifies further higher education for those who, after school, make their choice in favor of secondary specialized education.

After graduating from college, thinking about what kind of education to get further and whether it is necessary in principle, you can both immediately start earning seniority and continue your education by choosing a worthy university for yourself. However, be aware that continuing your studies after college is a mature decision that opens up many new possibilities for you!

In order to get higher education without the Unified State Examination, it is necessary to know which categories of citizens have this opportunity and under what conditions.

If this question worries an applicant who simply did not cope with the exam, then it is quite difficult to choose a university for him.

Among universities that do not pay enough attention to the number of points scored on the exam, there are institutions with creative specialties. To enter such an institution, first of all, it is necessary to have talent in the relevant field.

Many universities in Russia accept applicants without the Unified State Examination who already have a secondary specialized education. At the same time, it is possible to enroll immediately in the 2nd course.

Who can get a higher education without passing the exam

The possibility of entering an educational institution without USE results depends on the reason for their absence. Consider the categories of citizens who have the opportunity to enter the university without passing a single exam.

The reasons why a person may not have USE results are different. Here are some of them:

  • secondary education was obtained in a foreign country;
  • disability;
  • more than 1 year has passed since the exam;
  • the school was completed before the introduction of the exam;
  • did not have enough scores to pass the minimum threshold of the exam.

Citizens of other countries who graduated from school in their home country and wish to receive higher education in the Russian Federation can enter a Russian university without the exam. For this category of students, the Government of the Russian Federation allocates quotas. However, foreign applicants will still have to take entrance exams.

Citizens who did not pass the exam due to disability or health reasons have the right to take the exam in a form convenient for them.

The last three listed reasons are a more serious obstacle to admission to a university. Nevertheless, options for continuing education after school exist for these categories of citizens.

How to get a higher education without the exam

Despite the stringent requirements of educational institutions for the availability of USE results, there are options for entering a university for all applicants.

One of the most common ways to “get away from the exam” is to enter college on the basis of a 9th grade certificate. After three years of college, you can get higher education without the exam. The disadvantage of this method is the loss of one year: instead of two years in grades 10 and 11, it will be necessary to study for three years in college. At the same time, in some universities there is the possibility of entering the second year of the university immediately after college, then there will be no loss of a year.

Important point! Admission to a university without the Unified State Examination after college is possible if this college is located at the university, admission to which is planned.

When transferring from one educational institution to another, the USE results are also not required. Therefore, having entered one university after college, a student has the right to further transfer to any more desirable university without passing a single exam.

Many universities hold various olympiads and sports competitions. Applicants who have a medal for a prize at such events get a chance to enter a specialized university without passing a single exam.

The possibility of entering a university for those who graduated from school before the introduction of the Unified State Examination exists in some institutions, but only in the evening or correspondence department.

Citizens who already have a diploma of higher education and wish to study again at a higher educational institution can enter without the exam.

Do not enter a university without an exam

It is quite possible to get an education without USE results. The only thing to keep in mind is that in most cases, tuition without the results of a single exam will most likely have to be paid. The only exceptions are persons entering out of competition based on the results of competitions.

It should also not be forgotten that for those who did not pass the exam, there is the possibility of retaking it for the next year. During this time, you can carefully prepare, and then the probability of successfully passing the exam is quite high.

Where can I go without the exam? How to get a higher education without the exam updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru