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Zoya Leshcheva managed the whole family. Collection of ideal essays on social studies. Pedagogical University "First of September"

Pedagogical University "First of September"

Narushevich Andrei Georgievich- Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Linguistic Education of the Southern Federal University, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Taganrog Municipal General Education Lyceum. Author of scientific and methodical articles, textbooks on the Russian language, regular contributor to the newspaper "Russian Language". Winner of the final round of the All-Russian competition "For exemplary knowledge of the Russian language in professional speech" for employees of institutions of higher professional education of the Russian Federation (Belgorod, 2006).
Since 2002, he has been participating in the preparation of students for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, and is an expert in checking task C1 (essays).


Methods of preparation for the exam
in Russian: lesson planning,
organization of the lesson, system of exercises

Course Curriculum

newspaper number Title of the lecture
17 Lecture 1 Phonetics. Orthoepy. Typology of tasks. Modern orthoepic norms. Phonetic-graphic exercises and tests. Accent minimum.
18 Lecture 2 Vocabulary. Phraseology. Typology of tasks. Basic lexical categories and units. Lexico-phraseological analysis. Lexico-phraseological exercises and test tasks.
19 Lecture 3 Morphemics. Word formation. Typology of tasks. Difficult cases of morphemic and word-formation analysis. Morphemic and word-building exercises and test tasks.
Control work number 1.
20 Lecture 4 Morphology and culture of speech. Typology of tasks. Morphological norms of the Russian language. Difficult cases of morphological analysis. Morphological exercises and tests.
21 Lecture 5 Syntax and culture of speech. Typology of tasks. Difficult cases of syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences. Syntactic norms of the Russian language. Syntactic exercises and tests.
22 Lecture 6 Spelling and punctuation. Typology of tasks. Principles of Russian spelling and punctuation. Organization of generalizing repetition. Difficult punctuation issues. Exercises and test tasks.
Control work number 2.
23 Lecture 7 Work with text. Semantic and compositional analysis of the text. Style and type of speech. Typical cases of text analysis. Analysis of the expressive means of the text. Exercises and test tasks.
24 Lecture 8 Essay writing. Basic essay requirements. Identification of the problem of the text. What is a comment? Difficulties in identifying the author's position. Ways of argumentation in the composition of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.
Final work.

LECTURE No. 8. Writing an essay

Basic essay requirements. Identification of the problem of the text. What is a comment?
Difficulties in identifying the author's position. Methods of argumentation in the composition of the exam
In Russian

The main requirements for the content of the essay are formulated in task C1. Write an essay based on the text you read. Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting). State the position of the author. Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your answer based on knowledge, life or reading experience (the first two arguments are taken into account). The volume of the essay is at least 150 words. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated with zero points.

The following stages of work on preparing high school students for writing an essay can be distinguished:

1) familiarization of students with the requirements for the essay and the criteria for its verification;

2) a phased analysis of each substantive criterion:

a) the problem of the text, types of problems, methods of highlighting the problems of the text, ways of formulating the problem;

b) comment, types of comments, method of registration;

d) argumentation of one's own position, types of arguments;

3) work on the composition of the composition;

4) writing and checking essays according to the developed evaluation criteria.

So, we will describe an approximate system of lessons in preparation for writing an essay.

Lesson 1

Key questions of the lesson:

What is a problem?

How to identify the problem of the text?

How to formulate the problem of the text?

Turning to explanatory dictionaries, we get the answer to the first question.

A problem is a complex practical or theoretical issue that requires solution, research, for example: the problem of preserving the environment, the problem of the meaning of life, the problem of the connection between language and thinking, etc.

Such questions can affect different aspects of life: the structure of the universe, the life of nature or society, the inner world of a person, and many others. Allocate various categories (types) of problems.

Philosophical problems affect the most general features of the development of nature, society, and thinking. Social problems relate to the structure and life of society. Political issues associated with the activities of state power, parties or public groups. Ecological problems reflect the interaction between man and the environment. Moral (ethical) problems associated with the internal spiritual qualities that guide a person, with certain rules of conduct.

What to do when you are very lonely?

The feeling of loneliness is typical for young people (nature pushes us to create a nest, a family). Another thing is that loneliness more often stems from the devaluation of the “context”: the parents are not the same, the friends are not the same, the girl is not the same. The sooner you recognize the unique preciousness of everything that surrounds you, the more pleasant you will live and the stronger your mood will be. Offer others your care for them, and to whom we give, we appreciate.

Feelings of loneliness can also arise in the absence of the stress of life. Happiness in general is in the pressure of life; in a sense of light concentration. Longing, melancholy come to visit only during arbitrary or involuntary, but inactivity.

(V.K. Kharchenko)

The text begins with a question stating the problem: what to do when it's very lonely? Further, the author sets out his vision of the problem and offers options for solving it.

However, the texts offered at the exam are designed to test mastery of the most important type of speech activity - conscious reading. Therefore, they most likely will not be too simple in terms of the author's intention and its implementation. The student needs to independently identify the problems of the text, and this implies the ability to generalize information.

When defining a problem, you should think about how the content of the text concerns you, other people, and all of humanity. Remember that the specific situation described in the text, the facts of someone's biography, etc. - this is an illustration, a special case, an example of the manifestation of any abstract idea considered by the author. Therefore, formulate the problem in such a way that it covers not only the case considered in the text, but also many similar situations.


There is a joyful event in the Sverl family: a son was born.

Parents do not stop admiring the offspring, the neighbors look - they are surprised: the spitting image of the father!

And they named their son Corkscrew.

Time goes by, corkscrew grows stronger, matures. He should study the real thing, try himself on the metal (After all, drills are all hereditary metalworkers), but his parents do not give him: he is still young, let him learn something soft first.

The father wears corks home - special corks - and Corkscrew learns drilling skills from them.

This is how the son of the Drill is brought up - on traffic jams. When the time comes and they try to give him something stronger (drill, they say, he has already learned) - where is it! The corkscrew doesn't want to listen! He begins to look for corks for himself, to look closely at the bottles.

The old Drills are surprised: and how did their son get out of hand?


The writer Felix Krivin in an allegorical form puts before the reader the problem of educating the younger generation. The author is concerned with the following questions: how should children be raised? Why do children sometimes become spoiled, unadapted to life? In the personified images of inanimate objects, we can easily recognize parents who, out of good intentions, protect their son from life's difficulties, but in this way they only pamper him, turning him into a lazy person, not adapted to serious work and independent living.

The difficulty of highlighting the problem lies also in the fact that several problems can be touched upon in one text. The most reasonable thing in this case is to try to isolate the main problem and make it the basis of your essay.

Let's try to analyze the multidimensional text and highlight several problems in it.

Zoya Leshcheva managed to surpass her entire family. This is how it was. Her father, mother, grandparents and older teenage brothers were all dispersed to distant camps for their faith in God. And Zoe was only ten years old. They took her to an orphanage (Ivanovo region). There she announced that she would never take off the cross from her neck, which her mother put on her when parting. And she tied the thread in a knot tighter so that it would not be removed during sleep. The struggle went on for a long time, Zoya became embittered: you can strangle me, take off the dead! While she was not amenable to education, she was sent to an orphanage for the handicapped! The struggle for the cross continued. Zoya resisted: even here she did not learn to steal or swear. “For such a holy woman as my mother, the daughter cannot be a criminal. I’d rather be political, like the whole family.”

And she became political! The more educators and radio glorified Stalin, the more she guessed in him the culprit of all misfortunes. And, having not succumbed to the criminals, she now dragged them along with her! In the courtyard stood a standard plaster statue of Stalin. It began to appear mocking and indecent inscriptions. (Youngsters love sports! It is only important to direct them correctly.) The administration paints the statue, installs surveillance, and informs the MGB. And the inscriptions keep appearing, and the guys are laughing. Finally, one morning, the head of the statue was found broken off, upside down, and in its emptiness - feces.

Terrorist act! The gobists have arrived. According to all their rules, interrogations and threats began: “Give out a gang of terrorists, otherwise we will shoot everyone for terror!” (And it’s nothing wonderful, just think, to shoot one and a half hundred children. If he had found out, he himself would have ordered.)

It is not known whether the youngsters would have resisted or faltered, but Zoya Leshcheva announced:

- I did it all by myself! What else is papa's head good for?

And she was judged. And they were sentenced to the highest measure, without any laughter. But because of the unacceptable humanity of the law on the return of the death penalty, it seems that it was not supposed to shoot a 14-year-old. And so they gave her a ten (surprisingly, not twenty-five). Until the age of eighteen, she was in ordinary camps, from eighteen - in special ones. For frankness and language, she had a second camp term, and, it seems, a third.

Both Zoya's parents and brothers have already been released, but Zoya still sat.

Long live our tolerance!

Long live the children - the masters of communism!

Respond, that country that would love its children as much as we love ours!

(According to A.I. Solzhenitsyn)

Before us is an excerpt from the book by Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago". Literally an abbreviation Gulag means the General Directorate of Camps - a body in the system of the Ministry of the Interior in the 1930s-1950s, which was in charge of prisons and camps. Archipelago is a group of sea islands located close to each other. So the title of the book is a metaphor: Gulag archipelago - it is a network of camps that has entangled the country. After the publication of the book Gulag received a new meaning - the system of surveillance, denunciation, the suppression of dissent, the lack of democratic freedoms, the state of universal suspicion, spiritual, political, religious lack of freedom. The questions of some of my students show that the text needs commentary: MGB- Ministry of State Security. Gebist (colloquial)- member of the state security agencies. Unfortunately, not everyone sees that the author's bitter irony sounds in the last three sentences. So, the typical Soviet slogan “Children are the masters of communism” against the background of this and many other stories about child prisoners sounds like a cynical, rude lie.

Solzhenitsyn's book contains many stories of people who were unjustly accused of various crimes against the existing state system and ended up in prisons or camps. What problems can be identified in the above fragment?

First, as throughout the book, here rises the problem of inhuman treatment of a child (and a person in general) in a totalitarian state (why is a person's life depreciated in a totalitarian state?).

Secondly, let's remember that the heroine, like her whole family, suffers for her faith in God. Therefore, the author raises the problem of religious freedom (does the state have the right to persecute a person for his religious beliefs?).

Thirdly, the story of Zoya Leshcheva is a stunning example of human courage, loyalty to one's ideals. Here we see the problem of spiritual fortitude (what helps a person to maintain human dignity in inhuman conditions?).

Each of the problems considered can become the basis for writing an essay, and yet, in my opinion, the author's focus is primarily on the courage and spiritual stamina of the heroine.

As we remember, the problem of the text should not only be identified, but also formulated. Can be offered The two simplest ways to formulate the problem are:

2. Wording as a question(I remind you that the problem is a question that needs to be solved) gives more opportunities in cases where it is impossible to briefly formulate the problem of the text: What should be the correct upbringing of a child? Felix Krivin's text is devoted to this complex problem. After reading the text, I thought about the question: should a person be afraid of loneliness? What should a person be guided by when choosing a profession? - the author reflects on this problem in his text.

Pay attention to the fact that it is these two ways of formulating problems that are offered in the answer models for experts who check USE essays.

So, one must be careful when identifying the problem of the text. An incorrectly highlighted problem jeopardizes the content of the entire essay!

Lesson 2
and identification of the author's position 1 .

Key questions of the lesson:

What is a comment?

What are the types of text commenting?

To answer the question of what a comment is, we again turn to the explanatory dictionary: comments - reasoning, explanatory remarks about something.

It is the commentary that shows how deeply and fully the problem is understood, how the writer was able to see its aspects outlined by the author, followed the course of the author's thought.

There are two types of comments.

1. Textual a comment is an explanation of the text, following the author in revealing the problem.

2. At conceptual comments in the focus of attention are the interpretation of the problem of the text, its relevance, the clash of different opinions on this issue, etc.

It should be remembered that in any case The comment should be based on the read text.

You can specify the content of the comment using the following questions:

What does it focus on?

What aspects of the problem are discussed in the text?

What means of expression help to reveal the author's attitude to the problem?

The comment is a logical transition from the formulation of the problem to the presentation of the author's position on this problem.

To distinguish a comment from a paraphrase, you need to remember the following. By retelling, we are talking about what the characters are doing, and by commenting, we are talking about what the author is doing.

Let us give an example of a commentary on one of the problems of the text analyzed earlier by A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

problem spiritual stamina of a person A.I. Solzhenitsyn reveals by example the difficult fate of Zoya Leshcheva, who, following other members of her family, was persecuted for her religious beliefs. Author not accidentally emphasizes that we are talking about the fate of the child. After all, it is difficult even for an adult to maintain faith in himself and his ideals when he is faced with violence, hatred, lies, and Zoya, in spite of everything, did not want to learn to steal and swear, i.e. become like the juvenile delinquents around her. The writer admires the courage of a teenage girl who managed to resist the evil around her, was not afraid to challenge the inhuman regime, because she was convinced that she was right, sincerely believed in God, in genuine human values ​​- goodness, mercy, justice.

Recall that when evaluating a comment, factual errors associated with the distortion of text information are taken into account.

If the problem of the text is a question, then author's position is the answer to the question posed in the text. Thus, by formulating a problem as a question, the writer must already know exactly how the author answers it. There is an erroneous opinion that in order to express the position of the author, it is enough to give a suitable quotation from the text. You can object to this as follows: firstly, it is far from always possible to find a quote that accurately and fully expresses the main idea of ​​the text, and secondly, it is your wording that should demonstrate the ability to analyze the text.

By the way, it should be remembered that speech in the first person in a literary text usually belongs to the hero, the narrator, who should not be confused with the author - their positions may not coincide. Confusing the concepts of “author” and “narrator” can lead to a factual error: not so long ago, in writings based on an excerpt from A.P. Chekhov “A Boring Story”, some students quite seriously wrote about “the problem of A.P. Chekhov to his children!

There are various ways to formulate the author's position:

The text argues that...

The main idea of ​​the text is that...

Lesson 3. Argumentation of one's own position.
Kinds of Arguments

Key questions of the lesson:

What is an argumentation?

What are the main types of arguments?

Having formulated the position of the author, the graduate must express his attitude to his point of view on this problem. Please note: it is not enough just to formally state your opinion (I agree/disagree with the author). The position of the writer must be supported by two arguments. We will understand what argumentation is and what types of arguments can be used in an essay.

In this part of the work, you must strictly follow the rules for constructing a reasoning text. The purpose of this type of speech is to convince the addressee of something, to strengthen or change his opinion. For this, a logically coherent system of proofs is used.

A typical (complete) reasoning is built according to a scheme in which three parts are distinguished:

1) thesis (position to be proved);

2) argumentation (evidence, arguments);

3) conclusion (grand total).

Argumentation- this is bringing evidence, explanations, examples to justify any thought in front of the listeners (readers) or the interlocutor.

Arguments- this is evidence given in support of the thesis: facts, examples, statements, explanations - in a word, everything that can confirm the thesis.

From thesis to arguments, you can raise a question Why?, and the arguments answer: because

supportive and refuting

Distinguish arguments for"(your thesis) and arguments against"(someone else's thesis). Thus, if you agree with the position of the author, then his and your theses coincide. Please note that you should try not to repeat the author's arguments used in the text, but bring your own.

Attention! Typical mistake! If you support the position of the author, you should not specifically analyze his arguments: To support his position, the author uses such arguments as... Do not waste precious exam time on work that is not provided for by the assignment!

Arguments for" must be:

Accessible, simple, understandable;

Reflecting objective reality, corresponding to common sense.

Arguments against" must convince that the arguments given in support of the thesis being criticized are weak and do not stand up to scrutiny. In case of disagreement with the author, the graduate will have to build a refuting argument, which requires tact, emphasized correctness from him (by the way, the need for ethical correctness in the essay is especially emphasized in the evaluation criteria of part C).


1. Natural evidence.

Natural evidence is the testimony of witnesses, documents, expert data, etc. A prime example of such an argument is argument for the obvious. The use of this argument presupposes a situation in which there is an eyewitness (eyewitnesses) of some event, fact. For example:

Did you do a major renovation on this house?No. I have lived in it since it was built and I know that it has not been renovated..

Did everyone like the new movie? - No, not everyone. I haven't seen it myself yet, but I've heard from many who have watched it that they didn't like it.

1.1. In its usual form, this argument can hardly be used in an essay, however, as an "eyewitness" one can attract the person being convinced (ie, an expert who will check the essay). In this case, we use as an argument a reference to a generally valid experience that each person has (or could have), those. we appeal to the experience that is the same for the majority and therefore obvious: everyone experienced pain, everyone knows the feeling of resentment, the majority is familiar with the state of inspiration, etc.

Using this type of argumentation, one should strive to ensure that the description contains specific details, is vivid, imaginative, psychologically convincing. One should take the position of an observer, a witness to events and describe them as if they are standing before one's eyes.

Landscape art is the most exciting and the most affecting of all the arts. Such a statement seems strange at first sight. It seems hard to agree with him. Why, in fact, garden and park art should be more effective than poetry, literature, philosophy, theater, painting, etc.?

But think impartially and remember your own impressions of visiting the historical parks that are most dear to us all, even if they are neglected.

You go to the park to relax - surrender to impressions without resistance, breathe clean air with its aroma of spring or autumn, flowers and herbs. The park surrounds you from all sides. You and the park face each other; the park opens up new views for you - glades, alleys, perspectives; and you, walking, only make it easier for the park to show itself.

1.2. Can be used as an argument testimonies of the author himself. In this case, the student refers to events from his own life or the lives of those around him, referring to facts that are directly or indirectly related to the thesis being proved.

A typical mistake when using this method of argumentation is that the life situations addressed by the author of the essay do not confirm the thoughts of the author of the original text. For example, when discussing the problem of spirituality/non-spirituality of art, a student writes the following:

So, for example, an incident happened to me during the winter holidays. My parents wanted to go to the theater with me. But I told them that I did not like this kind of events and would not go with them, even though I am an art connoisseur. They didn't listen to me. And so I wasted my time.

It is easy to see that the described situation has little in common with the indicated problem and in a certain way characterizes the student himself.

Another shortcoming is that the student, following the logic of the author, comes up with some "life" situations that usually look naive, and sometimes even funny:

I have an illiterate but very spiritual acquaintance who never goes to the theater or the cinema, but it is always interesting to be with him.

I have another classmate. She constantly visits museums, exhibitions, theaters, but cannot explain the meaning of the film she watched or the book she read, but only sees entertainment, a game in everything.

I know an elderly woman who has been striving for good all her life, and even in her old age she has a “thirst for truth” and an insatiable “hunger for beauty”.

1.3. Links to authority. It is often beneficial for a persuader to turn to a "third party" - to refer to the opinion of an authoritative public figure, scientist, specialist in any field, to mention a proverb, saying, appealing to folk wisdom. The strength of such arguments lies in the fact that by using them we are accessing a collective stock of knowledge that is always greater than that of individuals.

A "Third Party" may be a specific or generic person, or a group of persons. The name of a person is usually accompanied by additional characteristics: famous Russian writer, outstanding scientist, philosopher and so on. For example: Eminent civil rights activist Martin Luther King taught that...…; The brilliant Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev once said that ......; Even Peter I said that ...; Any historian will tell you that……; Most doctors believe that ......; As established by Japanese scientists ......

Attention! Typical mistake! Since the graduate will not have the exact text of the quote, it is better to use indirect speech: in such constructions, it is enough to convey the general meaning of the statement. Thus, the writer will not embarrass the expert, who cannot verify the accuracy of the quoted phrase, and will avoid being accused of distorting the quote.

1.3.1. Proverbs, sayings. By themselves, proverbs and sayings can hardly be a convincing argument. Demonstration plays a special role here, i.e. explanation of the connection of the quoted fragment with the problem of the text. For example: “To endure, and the pot will sit down”, “to endure, and the stone will crack,” - folk proverbs say caustically, but aptly. Three hundred years under the Tatars, three hundred years under the Romanovs developed not only heroic patience, ending in explosions of popular uprisings, but also servile patience - patience.

(E. Evtushenko)

1.3.2. Unfortunately, examples from fiction not frequent guests in the essays of the unified exam. Schoolchildren either do not find suitable examples in their intellectual baggage at all, or avoid them for fear of making inaccuracies. I must say that there are many different kinds of errors associated with the distortion of examples from fiction. Let's take a look at some of them.

I agree with the position of the author. I immediately remember one of the heroes of Gorky's work "At the Bottom", who always had a dusty book open on the same page on the table. This indicates the lack of spirituality of a person, his lack of desire for something new, for the comprehension of art.

You can also cite as an example a person of high spirituality, the hero A.S. Pushkin - Eugene Onegin. He not only read new literature, but also took notes. He strove for knowledge of the new, he was tormented by spiritual thirst and was truly a man with a soul.

The publicist S. Soloveichik uses in his text lines from a poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Prophet", showing the suffering of the lyrical hero due to the lack of spirituality.

Yet successful examples can be found in the work of strong students. Thus, discussions on the problem of spirituality were illustrated by the spiritual searches of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky; or in an essay on patriotism, examples of false and genuine patriotism from the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Of course, fiction provides the richest material for constructing arguments, and sometimes it is enough to tell students the direction of their search in order to connect their literary knowledge with life.

2. Logical proofs.

They are also called arguments "to the logos" or reasons for thinking. ancient greek word logos means "concept; thought, mind. Thus, arguments to logos are arguments that appeal to human reason, to reason.

2.1. One of these types of arguments is reasoning with a definition 2 . Such argumentation is based on the definition, clarification of a concept, when it is necessary to establish the essential (most important) features of an object or phenomenon.

Usually, the discussion begins with a question about the content of the specified concept. Then an incorrect definition is given, reflecting the initial, inaccurate ideas about the subject. Then this definition (definitions) is replaced by the correct one, which completes the argument. It should be limited only to those definitions that have at least some features that coincide with the correct ones. Each difference between a correct definition and an incorrect one should be analyzed.

For example: What is a writer? Is this a person who can write? No. Every literate person can write. Maybe this is a person who writes correctly? No. All educated people can write correctly. So, a writer is someone who writes interestingly, captivatingly? No. The author of an interesting text can be a journalist, scientist, politician. A writer is a person who creates works of art, reflects the diversity of human existence with the help of the art of the word.

Another example of reasoning with a definition: It is often believed that a cultured person is someone who read a lot, received a good education, knows several languages. Meanwhile, you can have all this and not be cultured. That peasant family in the North, which I will remember for the rest of my life, had a genuine culture, because, above all, it had the ability to understand others, tolerant attitude towards the world and people.

(D.S. Likhachev)

Note! Such reasoning can be a spectacular introduction to the essay. In this case, the key concept of the text is specified, one way or another related to the problem raised by the author.

2.2. A more complex form of reasoning is syllogism- deductive reasoning, in which a third judgment (inference) follows from two judgments (premisses).

A textbook example of a syllogism: All people are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal. Usually syllogisms are based on well-known truths and on elementary logic, which is available to everyone.

For example: Every patriot has a feeling of love for his country. Any country is a set of large and small cities, villages, villages, farms inhabited by people. So, love for your home, for the street where our neighbors and friends live, for your hometown - this is the feeling from which patriotism begins - love for your Fatherland.

2.3. An analogy is a conclusion in which the properties inherent in one object are transferred to another object of the same class.

The basis of the analogy is the presence of two objects (phenomena) of common features, and on this basis it is concluded that these objects have other common features.

Distinguish physical And figurative analogy.

Physical analogy involves a comparison of close or practically identical phenomena and objects.

At the core figurative analogy lies the comparison of distant objects of reality, the similarity of which is manifested only in the process of comparison and has a pronounced figurative character.

It should be emphasized that analogy needs a fundamentally similar example. For example: Sometimes, choosing the wrong path, a person can get lost or even die in the forest thicket, not finding the right path. No less dangerous is the mistake in choosing a profession: you can aimlessly spend your whole life doing an unloved thing, not finding a worthy application for your abilities.

3. Sensual arguments.

Sense arguments are also called arguments for pathos 3 . Using these arguments, we build our speech in such a way as to evoke certain feelings and emotions in the addressee and form a certain attitude towards the described person, object, phenomenon. Such an argument is appropriate if we are talking about a situation in which an emotional attitude to something is assumed.

The persuader seeks to express his position, to infect the listener (reader) with it. From the point of view of the feelings that the persuasive seeks to evoke, two types of arguments for pathos can be distinguished:

1) arguments to the promise suggest an indication of something desirable, considered as good, for example, universal values: compassion, mercy, justice, spirituality, patriotism, honor, duty, nobility;

2) arguments for the threat indicate something undesirable, assessed as bad, for example, social vices (racism, corruption, bureaucracy), ugly, unethical phenomena (violence, cruelty, meanness, betrayal).


1. Select your own arguments and examples for the given theses. When is rebuttal argument appropriate?

1) Teaching literature at school is necessary.

3) Mercy is dying in our time.

4) A person should not give up his past.

5) The talent of kindness must be nurtured in a person from childhood, and one must begin with oneself.

6) The division of people into rich and poor is unnatural.

7) Man must be aware of his responsibility for all life on earth.

8) Professionalism and excellence are not the same thing.

2. Which of the following concepts, in your opinion, are suitable for reasoning with a definition? Justify your answer. Write your version of the reasoning using one of the given words.

Home, friendship, vacation, love, happiness, talent, computer, poverty, fire.

3. In the given example, indicate the thesis (if the thesis is not explicitly expressed, formulate it), determine the method of argumentation.

The aspen forest is good on clear autumn days! The foliage is purplish red and yellow. Fallen leaves spread under the trees like a clean carpet. Here and there, reddish caps of late mushrooms - aspen mushrooms are visible under them. Some belated forest flowers are still blooming here and there.


4. Link the following information to the idea of ​​benefit/harm for the person being convinced.

1. Politeness allows you to achieve a lot.

2. Take care of the elderly and the disabled.

3. You must be able to write correctly.

4. We must not forget the lessons of the historical past.

5. Partially agree with the above thesis and at the same time partially object to it, giving arguments for and against.

1. Watching TV is useless.

2. The teaching of literature at school should be abolished.

3. It's good when you are the only child in the family.

4. Theater is a dying art form.

1 The section was written taking into account the materials submitted by members of the Federal Subject Commission for the Russian Language on the website

2 Definition - a brief definition of a concept, reflecting the essential features of an object or phenomenon; word interpretation.

3 Paphos - inspiration, uplift, enthusiasm.


1. List the basic requirements for the content of an essay-reasoning.

2. What are the main stages of work on preparing high school students for writing an essay?

3. What are the main types of problem commenting?

4. What are the main types of arguments?

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1. Narushevich A.G.. Formulate, comment, argue. Learning to write an essay on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language // newspaper "Russian Language". No. 12/2006.

2. Sternin I.A.. Practical rhetoric. M.: Academy, 2003.

3. Khazagerov G.G., Lobanov I.B.. Rhetoric. R/D: Phoenix, 2004.

for students of advanced training courses

Dear students of advanced training courses!

You need to complete the final work send it until February 28 at the address: st. Kyiv, 24, Moscow, 121165. Pedagogical University "First of September".

The final work involves the systematization and generalization of knowledge gained as a result of studying the lecture material, and their application in practice in the preparation of teaching materials and conducting a lesson using new pedagogical technologies.

To receive a credit, it is necessary to complete the final work in full, namely: develop a plan-outline of the lesson on one of the proposed topics; prepare materials for work with students; conduct an open lesson. You are invited to choose one of the three options for the final work (in option I, you need to develop one of six topics).

A certificate (act on the introduction of new pedagogical technologies) certified by your educational institution must be attached to the materials of the final work. The certificate form is sent to students by mail.

Option I

1) Phonetics. Orthoepy.

2) Vocabulary. Phraseology.

3) Morphemics. Word formation.

4) Morphology and culture of speech.

5) Syntax and culture of speech.

6) Preparation for writing an essay-reasoning (part C1 of the exam).

Option II

Come up with at least 10 exercises aimed at preparing students for writing an essay-reasoning (part C1 of the USE).

Option III

Make a selection of fragments of student reasoning essays with typical factual, logical, grammatical and speech errors (at least 10 examples indicating the type of error).

Elena Fursova cites three completely egregious quotes from a social science textbook, ed. Bogolyubov and shows that the authors do not have any “general” understanding of history, but there is a desire to impose quite definite views on students. The author of the article describes everything very clearly and dispassionately, for which many thanks to her. For me, a cursory review of the entire textbook caused such negative emotions that there were no words for a couple of days.

And then information came from the city of Nizhnevartovsk about how children are prepared to write an essay. Let me remind you that by order of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin's graduation essay has been returning to schools since 2015. This year, the essay is admission to the exam.

So, the text for analysis in preparation for the essay.

“Zoya Leshcheva managed to surpass her entire family. This is how it was. Her father, mother, grandparents and older teenage brothers were all shot in distant camps for believing in God. And Zoe was only ten years old. They took her to an orphanage (Ivanovo region). There she announced that she would never take off the cross from her neck, which her mother put on her when parting. And she tied the thread in a knot tighter so that it would not be removed during sleep. The fight went on for a long time. Zoya was embittered: you can strangle me, take off the dead! While she was not amenable to education, she was sent to an orphanage for the handicapped! The struggle for the cross continued. Zoya resisted: even here she did not learn to steal or swear. “For such a holy woman as my mother, the daughter cannot be a criminal. I’d rather be political, like the whole family.”
And she became political! The more educators and radio glorified Stalin, the more surely she guessed in him the culprit of her misfortunes. And, having not succumbed to the criminals, she now dragged them along with her. In the courtyard stood a standard plaster statue of Stalin. It began to appear mocking and indecent inscriptions. (Youngsters love sports! It is only important to direct them correctly.) The administration paints the statue, installs surveillance, and informs the MGB. And the inscriptions keep appearing, and the guys are laughing. Finally, one morning, the head of the statue was found beaten off, turned upside down and in its emptiness - feces.
Terrorist act! The gobists have arrived. According to all the rules, interrogations and threats began: “Give out a gang of terrorists, otherwise we will shoot everyone for terror!” (And it’s nothing wonderful, just think, to shoot one and a half hundred children. If he himself had found out, he himself would have ordered.)
It is not known whether the youngsters would have resisted or faltered, but Zoya Leshcheva announced:
- I did it all by myself! What else is papa's head good for?
And she was judged. And they were sentenced to the highest measure, without any laughter. But because of the unacceptable humanity of the law on the return of the death penalty, it seems that it was not supposed to shoot a 14-year-old. And then give her a ten (surprisingly, not twenty-five). Until the age of eighteen, she was in ordinary camps, from eighteen she was in special ones. For frankness and language, she had a second camp term, and, it seems, a third. Both Zoya's parents and brothers have already been released, but Zoya still sat.
?Long live our religious tolerance! Long live the children - the masters of communism! Respond, that country that would love its children as much as we love ours!
(According to A.I. Solzhenitsyn) "

Chekhov and Pushkin, Tolstoy and Ostrovsky are thrown on the shelf and A. Solzhenitsyn became the beacon of Russian literature with a highly controversial literary and artistic value of works and fictional facts.

Where is this from? This question is answered by official information about the final essay from the site:

“The thematic directions of the final essay were developed by the Council for the conduct of the final essay, chaired by Natalia Solzhenitsyna, President of the Russian Public Foundation Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Within the framework of the directions, specific topics of essays will be developed, which will become known to graduates on the day of the final essay.

Indeed, what else do you need to prepare children for if Natalya Solzhenitsyna is developing the themes of essays?

The entire text offered to the students is a concentrated lie, which is not at all surprising, since the text was written based on the work of A. Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn himself, when asked why he writes something that never happened, answered that he had the right to fiction. He may have, but do we have the right to give children such fiction for study, which turns all moral and ethical education on its head?

How did Zoya not learn to use foul language if indecent inscriptions appeared on the monument?
Did Zoya learn hooliganism? Or is there nothing worse than theft (foul language does not stand up to criticism)? It was with God's blessing the act of defecation was performed?
And it doesn’t matter if she herself did all this or incited criminals.

It is known that in the Soviet Union people were not exiled for believing in God. That is, the author of the text begins with a clear lie. Children were not shot, which the author himself later claims, but first he gives a passage that Stalin himself would have ordered this if he had known.(If grandmother had wheels, then there would be not a grandmother, but a stagecoach.)The text lacks a sentence that Stalin personally would have eaten these 150 children, having previously abused them.

But what about children? They have nowhere to go, they write the analysis. I was also given the option of parsing the text of one of the students. Please see:

· The problem of religious freedom (Does the state have the right to persecute a person for his religious beliefs);
· The problem of inhuman treatment of a child in a totalitarian state;
· Why is human life depreciated in a totalitarian state;
· The problem of spiritual fortitude;
· What helps a person to keep human dignity in inhuman conditions;

Solzhenitsyn reveals the problem of a person’s spiritual stamina using the example of the complex fate of Zoya Leshcheva, who, like other members of her family, was persecuted for her religious beliefs.
The author does not accidentally emphasize that we are talking about the fate of the child.
After all, it is difficult even for an adult to maintain faith in himself and his ideals when he is faced with violence, hatred, lies, and Zoya, in spite of everything, did not want to learn to steal and swear.”

The problem is that children do not have enough knowledge and experience to identify the text as false nonsense. Suppose they do not know that children were not shot and exiled for their faith. Let's say the teacher doesn't know. But a simple logical error in the text that Zoya did not learn to use foul language, and obscene inscriptions appeared on the monument, should be obvious to an adult teacher. Did the teacher explain this mistake? Judging by the last sentence of the parsing, no. The student writes about the preservation of human dignity, which means that he perceived only the emotional message of the author of the text, and did not see a clear lie. What is the human dignity in the desecration of monuments? How does this fit in with the Orthodox faith in God? However, I can state with regret that not all adults will see these lies and inconsistencies today.

And the worst thing is that a hooligan is put in the place of the hero in the text. Here, they say, they brought it! Today we are watching with horror what is happening in Ukraine. And they all started 25 years ago with the introduction of the same viruses into education, as Pavel Rasinsky writes in his article “Reflection of Education in Politics”:

« In what we are now seeing in Ukraine, there is a significant component of the educational process that has been going on since the 90s. Brought up on the whitewashing of fascism, Stepan Bandera and other indecency, young people now go out into the streets and have no doubts about the methods that must be used to achieve their goals. Do not doubt their goals, no matter how anti-human they may be».

This is how the joy of returning the graduation essay to school education, that is, the form, is overshadowed by the content.

Zoya Leshcheva managed to surpass her entire family. This is how it was. Her father, mother, grandparents and older teenage brothers were all dispersed to distant camps for their faith in God. And Zoe was only ten years old. They took her to an orphanage (Ivanovo region). There she announced that she would never take off the cross from her neck, which her mother put on her when parting. And she tied the thread in a knot tighter so that it would not be removed during sleep. The struggle went on for a long time, Zoya became embittered: you can strangle me, take off the dead! While she was not amenable to education, she was sent to an orphanage for the handicapped! The struggle for the cross continued. Zoya resisted: even here she did not learn to steal or swear. “For such a holy woman as my mother, the daughter cannot be a criminal. I’d rather be political, like the whole family.” And she became political! The more educators and radio glorified Stalin, the more she guessed in him the culprit of all misfortunes. And, having not succumbed to the criminals, she now dragged them along with her! In the courtyard stood a standard plaster statue of Stalin. It began to appear mocking and indecent inscriptions. (Youngsters love sports! It is only important to direct them correctly.) The administration paints the statue, installs surveillance, and informs the MGB. And the inscriptions keep appearing, and the guys are laughing. Finally, one morning, the head of the statue was found broken off, upside down, and in its emptiness - feces. Terrorist act! The gobists have arrived. According to all their rules, interrogations and threats began: “Give out a gang of terrorists, otherwise we will shoot everyone for terror!” (And it’s nothing wonderful, just think, to shoot one and a half hundred children. If he had known, he would have ordered it himself.) It is not known whether the youngsters would have resisted or faltered, but Zoya Leshcheva announced: - I did it all alone! What else is papa's head good for? And she was judged. And they were sentenced to the highest measure, without any laughter. But because of the unacceptable humanity of the law on the return of the death penalty, it seems that it was not supposed to shoot a 14-year-old. And so they gave her a ten (surprisingly, not twenty-five). Until the age of eighteen, she was in ordinary camps, from eighteen - in special ones. For frankness and language, she had a second camp term, and, it seems, a third. Both Zoya's parents and brothers have already been released, but Zoya still sat. Long live our tolerance! Long live the children - the masters of communism! Respond, that country that would love its children as much as we love ours! (According to A.I. Solzhenitsyn)

Show full text

Before me is a text by A. I. Solzhenitsyn, in which the author examines the problem is how to keep the faith. The topic chosen for conversation with the reader, in my opinion, is very interesting.

The author of the text being analyzed claims that Zoya Leshcheva did not renounce her faith in God, although it was forbidden: "There she announced that she would never remove the cross from her neck..." The writer also says that "Zoya resisted: she did not learn to steal or swear."

The Essence of Time newspaper has already written about how, under the guise of social science lessons, children are being "brained" in the neoliberal direction. In the article “Manipulation under the guise of social science”, Elena Fursova cites three completely outrageous quotes from a social science textbook, ed. Bogolyubov and shows that the authors do not have any “general” understanding of history, but there is a desire to impose quite definite views on students. The author of the article describes everything very clearly and dispassionately, for which many thanks to her. For me, a cursory review of the entire textbook caused such negative emotions that there were no words for a couple of days.

And then information came from the city of Nizhnevartovsk about how children are prepared for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language.
Below is ttext to prepare for the exam. Such texts are used to write an essay in block C (at least 150 words). In the text, you need to highlight one of the problems, the position of the author on this problem and express your attitude.

“Zoya Leshcheva managed to surpass her entire family. This is how it was. Her father, mother, grandparents and older teenage brothers were all dispersed to distant camps for their faith in God. And Zoe was only ten years old. They took her to an orphanage (Ivanovo region). There she announced that she would never take off the cross from her neck, which her mother put on her when parting. And she tied the thread in a knot tighter so that it would not be removed during sleep. The fight went on for a long time. Zoya was embittered: you can strangle me, take off the dead! While she was not amenable to education, she was sent to an orphanage for the handicapped! The struggle for the cross continued. Zoya resisted: even here she did not learn to steal or swear. “For such a holy woman as my mother, the daughter cannot be a criminal. I’d rather be political, like the whole family.”
And she became political! The more educators and radio glorified Stalin, the more surely she guessed in him the culprit of her misfortunes. And, having not succumbed to the criminals, she now dragged them along with her. In the courtyard stood a standard plaster statue of Stalin. It began to appear mocking and indecent inscriptions. (Youngsters love sports! It is only important to direct them correctly.) The administration paints the statue, installs surveillance, and informs the MGB. And the inscriptions keep appearing, and the guys are laughing. Finally, one morning, the head of the statue was found beaten off, turned upside down and in its emptiness - feces.
Terrorist act! The gobists have arrived. According to all the rules, interrogations and threats began: “Give out a gang of terrorists, otherwise we will shoot everyone for terror!” (And it’s nothing wonderful, just think, to shoot one and a half hundred children. If he himself had found out, he himself would have ordered.)
It is not known whether the youngsters would have resisted or faltered, but Zoya Leshcheva announced:
- I did it all by myself! What else is papa's head good for?
And she was judged. And they were sentenced to the highest measure, without any laughter. But because of the unacceptable humanity of the law on the return of the death penalty, it seems that it was not supposed to shoot a 14-year-old. And then give her a ten (surprisingly, not twenty-five). Until the age of eighteen, she was in ordinary camps, from eighteen she was in special ones. For frankness and language, she had a second camp term, and, it seems, a third. Both Zoya's parents and brothers have already been released, but Zoya still sat.
?Long live our religious tolerance! Long live the children - the masters of communism! Respond, that country that would love its children as much as we love ours!
(According to A.I. Solzhenitsyn) "

Chekhov and Pushkin, Tolstoy and Ostrovsky were thrown on the shelf, and A. Solzhenitsyn became the beacon of Russian literature with a highly controversial literary and artistic value of works and fictional facts.

The entire text offered to the students is a concentrated lie, which is not at all surprising, since the text was written based on the work of A. Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn himself, when asked why he writes something that never happened, answered that he had the right to fiction. He may have, but do we have the right to give children such fiction for study, which turns all moral and ethical education on its head?

How did Zoya not learn to use foul language if indecent inscriptions appeared on the monument?
Did Zoya learn hooliganism? Or is there nothing worse than theft (foul language does not stand up to criticism)? It was with God's blessing the act of defecation was performed?
And it doesn’t matter if she herself did all this or incited criminals.

It is known that in the Soviet Union people were not exiled for believing in God. That is, the author of the text begins with a clear lie. Children were not shot, which the author himself later claims, but first he gives a passage that Stalin himself would have ordered this if he had known.(If grandmother had wheels, then there would be not a grandmother, but a stagecoach.)The text lacks a sentence that Stalin personally would have eaten these 150 children, having previously abused them.

But what about children? They have nowhere to go, they write the analysis. I was also given the option of parsing the text of one of the students. Please see:

· The problem of religious freedom (Does the state have the right to persecute a person for his religious beliefs);
· The problem of inhuman treatment of a child in a totalitarian state;
· Why is human life depreciated in a totalitarian state;
· The problem of spiritual fortitude;
· What helps a person to keep human dignity in inhuman conditions;

Solzhenitsyn reveals the problem of a person’s spiritual stamina using the example of the complex fate of Zoya Leshcheva, who, like other members of her family, was persecuted for her religious beliefs.
The author does not accidentally emphasize that we are talking about the fate of the child.
After all, it is difficult even for an adult to maintain faith in himself and his ideals when he is faced with violence, hatred, lies, and Zoya, in spite of everything, did not want to learn to steal and swear.”

The problem is that children do not have enough knowledge and experience to identify the text as false nonsense. Suppose they do not know that children were not shot and exiled for their faith. Let's say the teacher doesn't know. But a simple logical inconsistency in the text, that Zoya did not learn to use foul language, and obscene inscriptions appeared on the monument, should be obvious to an adult teacher. Did the teacher explain this logical inconsistency? Judging by the last sentence of the parsing, no. The student writes about the preservation of human dignity, which means that he perceived only the emotional message of the author of the text and did not see a clear lie. What is the human dignity in the desecration of monuments? How does this fit in with the Orthodox faith in God? However, I can state with regret that not all adults will see these lies and inconsistencies today.

And the worst thing is that a hooligan is put in the place of the hero in the text. Here, they say, they brought it! Today we are watching with horror what is happening in Ukraine. And they all started 25 years ago with the introduction of the same viruses into education, as Pavel Rasinsky writes in his article “Reflection of Education in Politics”:

« In what we are now seeing in Ukraine, there is a significant component of the educational process that has been going on since the 90s. Brought up on the whitewashing of fascism, Stepan Bandera and other indecency, young people now go out into the streets and have no doubts about the methods that must be used to achieve their goals. Do not doubt their goals, no matter how anti-human they may be».

What will our Russian children, trained on such texts, do when they don't like something?

What methods will they use?

PS The text has been changed after clarification made by litota2312 . What thanks to her!
I apologize to everyone who managed to repost before the update.

Text for analysis Zoya Leshcheva managed to surpass her entire family. This is how it was. Her father, mother, grandparents and older teenage brothers were all dispersed to distant camps for their faith in God. And Zoe was only ten years old. They took her to an orphanage (Ivanovo region). There she announced that she would never take off the cross from her neck, which her mother put on her when parting. And she tied the thread in a knot tighter so that it would not be removed during sleep. The struggle went on for a long time, Zoya became embittered: you can strangle me, take off the dead! While she was not amenable to education, she was sent to an orphanage for the handicapped! The struggle for the cross continued. Zoya resisted: even here she did not learn to steal or swear. “For such a holy woman as my mother, the daughter cannot be a criminal. I’d rather be political, like the whole family.” And she became political! The more educators and radio glorified Stalin, the more she guessed in him the culprit of all misfortunes. And, having not succumbed to the criminals, she now dragged them along with her. In the courtyard stood a standard plaster statue of Stalin. It began to appear mocking and indecent inscriptions. (Youngsters love sports! It is only important to direct them correctly.) The administration paints the statue, installs surveillance, and informs the MGB. And the inscriptions keep appearing, and the guys are laughing. Finally, one morning, the head of the statue was found beaten off, turned upside down and in its emptiness - feces. Terrorist act! The gobists have arrived. According to all their rules, interrogations and threats began: “Give out a gang of terrorists, otherwise we will shoot everyone for terror!” (And it’s nothing wonderful, just think, to shoot one and a half hundred children. If he had found out, he would have ordered it himself.) It is not known whether the youngsters would have resisted or faltered, but Zoya Leshcheva announced: - I did it all alone! What else is papa's head good for? And she was judged. And they were sentenced to the highest measure, without any laughter. But because of the unacceptable humanity of the law on the return of the death penalty, it seems that it was not supposed to shoot a 14-year-old. And so they gave her a ten (surprisingly, not twenty-five). Until the age of eighteen, she was in ordinary camps, from eighteen she was in special ones. For frankness and language, she had a second camp term, and, it seems, a third. Both Zoya's parents and brothers have already been released, but Zoya still sat. ?Long live our religious tolerance! Long live the children - the masters of communism! Respond, that country that would love its children as much as we love ours! (According to A. I. Solzhenitsyn).

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