Children's books      20.10.2022

Sober parties. Is it possible to? Fun without alcohol

I try to help people get rid of harmful addictions and enjoy a sober life. I want to teach people to perceive life without drugs as happiness and freedom, and not as an eternal oppressive ban on getting pleasure.

To do this, the personality must be rebuilt. Sober living is hard. This is much more difficult than constantly indulging your weaknesses and seeking pleasure in alcohol.

A person will need, as it were, to “grow up” so that a sober life becomes for him a source of joy and self-development. He needs to get rid of the personal causes of his addiction. Otherwise, sobriety will be a disappointing sentence for a person.

That's why I don't approve of methods like "code" except to use them only in difficult cases. Since in such situations there may be a strong discrepancy between the development of the personality and the new way of life. After all, a person gives up bad habits solely under duress, without understanding himself, why he drinks.

Of course, he will still have the opportunity to figure it out, but if he thinks that by losing the opportunity to drink, he will completely solve the problem, he is mistaken. To enjoy sobriety, he will need to change his habits, his leisure culture, and solve many personal problems. Otherwise, he is doomed to suffer because of the inability to return to the old habit.

Culture of collective leisure

One of the important components of these beneficial metamorphoses is a change in the culture of leisure, including collective.

A person must learn to have a good time without drugs, to enjoy relaxation, from communication, being sober.

This will be the topic of this article. I will tell you what conditions of leisure must be observed in order to experience the joy of sober pastime.

To clarify my next thought, I will give a gastronomic example.

Before I came across vegetarian cuisine, I thought that they eat like the rest of the people, only they exclude meat from their diet. For example, you eat a patty with rice, and a vegetarian eats just rice.

Actually this is not true. Vegetarian cuisine is a completely different culture of cooking and combining ingredients. Many vegetarians do not just eat their usual dishes without meat, they dine with completely different dishes, in which there is an abundance of vegetables, legumes, spices, etc. A varied diet is required, and if a person simply eats "rice without a cutlet", then he will not receive all the necessary vitamins.

The same principle applies to alcohol withdrawal. For you to enjoy a sober holiday, not only alcohol must disappear, but the components of this holiday must also change.

It won't be "the same thing, just without the beer." Why? The fact is that many of us are instilled with ideas about recreation associated exclusively with the collective use of drugs, including ethyl alcohol. Such a concept of relaxation includes nightclubs, noisy bars, gatherings in smoky kitchens over a bottle, etc.

Such a pastime is complemented by alcohol, just as a cutlet is complemented by rice, in a famous dish. But without alcohol, it will be the same as rice without a cutlet.

The conditions created in clubs and bars are adapted specifically for the use of alcohol. Therefore, a sober person in such conditions will be uncomfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to change the culture of recreation, then I will tell you how.

What should be the place?

First of all, the place should allow you to relax. In my opinion, uncomfortable conditions are deliberately created in bars and in many clubs: uncomfortable seats, narrow tables, lack of seating, loud music, noise. In such an environment it is very difficult to relax without alcohol. And people begin to drink, replenishing the wallet of the owner of the establishment.

If you want to stop drinking alcohol, then, first of all, you need to exclude such places from the list of places for your leisure. No bars, taverns, noisy, crowded, uncomfortable clubs. No underground passages, benches in the cold and other places where you feel uncomfortable.

First, you must sit, not stand, and this will allow you to relax. There should be enough space and comfort. No need for a lot of noise and an abundance of strangers.

Calm, cozy cafes or even a decent club with will do. The institution should not specialize exclusively in alcohol. It will not be a "beer house" with a cloud of smoke from the ceiling. This is not a club where people only go to get drunk.

If you are relaxing in nature, then also take care of your comfort by providing yourself and friends with places where you can sit or lie down.

Isn't everything too complicated? You may object to me that alcohol simplifies everything. No need to look for any special places to relax. It is good with him everywhere, even in the most cereal and unsuitable for normal rest establishments.

Yes it is. With alcohol, everything is much easier. But there is one big "BUT". When you drink in a bar or in a crowded club, you do not rest, you do not restore nerve cells, but, on the contrary, destroy them and kill your body. You can't call it rest. In addition, the next day you will have the most unpleasant consequences in the form of a hangover.

Alcohol just makes you less demanding. You don't care who you are with, where you are and what you are currently doing.

What should people be like?

These will be those people with whom you are interested, with whom you have a lot in common. These are not barely familiar personalities, these are not only people with whom it is fun to “break away” and drink. These should be your close friends.

Learn to be open and frank in communication. Your openness and sincerity will give rise to the same qualities in your interlocutors. As a result, communication will become interesting and frank.

A deep dialogue can liberate a person without any alcohol.

At the same time, your mind will remain clear and sober, you will not allow yourself too much and will not talk about what you will regret later.

What should be the lessons?

You can come up with some entertainment, or you can do without them if you just like to communicate. There are many board games and other ways to diversify your leisure time.

If you are in places of natural recreation and warm climate conditions, then there are many ways to have a great time, for example, to swim.

An excellent way of sober leisure is a joint active holiday with elements of entertainment: skiing, snowboarding, cycling, mountain hiking, etc. This is a great and useful pastime that charges you with a good mood and positive emotions in a natural way.

As I write this article, I can't help feeling that I'm describing obvious facts. Everyone, it seems, already knows what they can do during their leisure time.

But, I see that the culture of sober recreation is not very popular, especially in our country. Therefore, I think there will be nothing wrong if I remind people of banal things.

I want to make even a small contribution to the revival of the culture of sober, active, productive leisure, which is why I am writing about it.

What should be your mood?

Many people are accustomed to the fact that their fun, their mood require almost nothing from themselves. They come to the party, start emptying glass after glass, and gradually the mood appears by itself.

Under the influence of alcohol, people become liberated, they become ready to do the most daring things. And then adventures and mood seem to find people themselves.

If you are not going to drink at a party, then you will have to look for fun yourself, overcoming shyness and isolation. You will have to find topics for conversation and communicate with people without embarrassing yourself.

Yes, this is more difficult than just drinking and waiting for the conversation to flow by itself. But this is much better! Why?

If you are used to having fun only when drunk, then, having given up alcohol, you will sit at a company meeting with a downcast face, being sure that fun is possible only with alcohol. But it's not.

Please do not think that I am inventing some unnecessary difficulties when everything can be solved by simpler and more accessible means: “drink and have fun”.

This difficulty is justified by the result. In my article, I wrote that communications are a great source of self-knowledge. Communication, one might say, touches a huge number of "strings of your personality", causing certain psychological reactions.

If you observe these reactions, you can learn a lot about yourself. “Why am I embarrassed when this issue is discussed? Why is it so hard for me to talk about myself? Why do I want so much to seem better than I really am?

Those countless "Why?" help you to know yourself and get rid of many fears, complexes and social phobias.

And alcohol dulls these reactions, it suppresses awareness. And because of this, you do not learn from communication the lessons that you could learn from it, being sober.

Many people love and appreciate the action of ethyl alcohol because under it people get rid of. But this only happens temporarily. And alcohol only masks your problem. Your fears and complexes do not go anywhere, but remain with you after the effect of intoxication has passed.

Only by meeting your complexes face to face, in a sober mind, can you realize and destroy them, develop your communication skills and.

The emancipation that alcohol gives is unpredictable. Many are familiar with the situation when people said a lot of superfluous things, things that should not be said.

In addition, intoxication activates the lowest human desires. Alcohol can be said to stimulate your ego. A drunk person strongly wants to impress others, and often he is not even aware of the comedy of these actions. He wants to look better than he really is, to be "right", "noble", "sophisticated in every matter", "the most charming and intelligent".

A drunk person listens less to others, he wants to expose the content of his inner world as soon as possible, to speak out before others, to impress.

Alcohol intoxication, as a rule, does not make people better, smarter.

It dulls you, makes you biased, makes you overestimate your abilities and suppresses your ability to understand other people.

All these things that I outlined above prevent full and healthy communication. The result of these things is simply animal fun, inside which one person is needed by another only to maintain this mood! Whereas the center of this fun is not the person himself, but alcohol.

That is why sober communication is better than a drunken likeness of it! Healthy communication brings benefits, helps you recognize your shortcomings and deal with them. It does not always lead to unpredictable results and, of course, it is only good for your health, as it causes positive emotions.

Of course, alcohol helps many people to socialize, makes them more friendly. But the strength of the individual lies in reaching these states without the use of intoxicants!
Therefore, do not succumb to difficulties. Learn to communicate, learn to be sincere and frank in a sober state. Learn to overcome your complexes and inner tension. If you learn this, it will become your huge advantage!

I don't drink alcohol for almost a year. The last time I drank it was on New Year's Eve 2013. But already in those days, its use became episodic for me. After celebrating the new year, I was convinced that alcohol no longer brings me pleasure. It became something extra for me. I realized that I could do without it.

Since then, I have acquired a good habit of enjoying parties, meeting friends without alcohol. I feel quite comfortable and can have fun while sober. This is not a problem for me. This is quite natural.

I celebrated my last birthday and even my wedding without drinking a milliliter of alcohol (unlike my guests =)). Regardless, I had a great time.
But, I confess, when refusing alcohol at parties, there is one insidious moment. And you should know about it if you want to learn how to have fun without alcohol.

The first time at some party (not at every party, but it happens) I can become a little uncomfortable. This must be natural and the result of a sudden change of scenery. I suddenly find myself in a large gathering of people, I need to mobilize some of my mental resources, and until I do this, I may become a little uncomfortable.

I used to always kill this state with alcohol. But now, I know that you just need to let the brain get used to the new environment a little. There is no need to interpret such a state as an order to drink (this is the insidiousness of this moment - many people can not stand it and drop to the bottle). Be patient a little, then get used to it and join in the "fun" and "catch the wave." Don't expect it to be fun right away. You just need to get used to it, somehow “move yourself up” and everything will go like clockwork.

Yes, like I said, it's harder to just take it and drink it. But it will develop excellent mood management skills.

Sobriety Provides Choice

Of course, I cannot say that without alcohol everything is the same as with it. Now I can hardly go on a spree all night until morning and then sleep until evening. I leave when my body tells me it's tired. I don't stay at events I don't like. After all, I save money by not spending it on alcohol.

Sobriety allows me to choose: either stay or leave and get a good night's sleep, drive on my own or stay behind the wheel. It gives me the opportunity not to regret my behavior.
In general, sober parties, fun without alcohol - this is not some kind of perversion. For many people, including those who live in other countries, this is something taken for granted. It's just that within the framework of our culture, saturated with alcoholism, it looks very wild and unusual. But, nevertheless, it is possible. Try it!

You will need

  • - introspection;
  • - physical activity;
  • - positive communication;
  • - friendly party;
  • - shopping;
  • - visiting a beauty salon;
  • - romantic relationship;
  • - limiting the sense of responsibility for everyone and everything;
  • - help of a psychologist.


If another holiday awaits you ahead, which does not please you at all and will pass as always “gray and dull”, try to turn the tide and make it completely opposite.

Do not stay alone on a holiday (or days), even if you think that “all this fun is useless for you and it’s better, as usual, to read a book in a cozy armchair by the fireplace,” change this mindset. Try to answer yourself the questions: “What are you afraid of?”, “What will you lose by being left alone at home?”, “What will you gain by going to your friends for a party?”. Try to find more positive points in favor of fun.

Leave for a while your habit of analyzing everyone and everything around you, as well as the situation as a whole. Let the situation take over you for a couple of hours, and not vice versa. Relax, stop thinking that "a sane world rests precisely on your shoulders."

Make new acquaintances, try to trust people at least in the narrow company in which you are going to celebrate, for example, the eighth of March. Follow the course of your thoughts: do not let them flow in the usual gloomy channel, as soon as they “turn” there, boldly and boldly “unfold” them. If you have a free day after the party, you should not spend it in dreary fabrications about a life spent aimlessly. Better go shopping, buy yourself something that can please you; visit a beauty salon, go in for sports, etc.

Read more good quality humorous literature (for example, it can be stories by V. Shukshin or the works of Y. Gashek), watch comedy films (Soviet comedies by L. Gaidai will be very useful), etc.

Try to look at the world in a new way, to see the beautiful in the “ugly”, and not vice versa, cultivate a positive worldview.

The production of happiness hormones (serotonin, endorphins) in the body is facilitated by muscle loads, certain types of foods, and love. Try to make sure that your daily routine includes walking or jogging in the fresh air, exercising in the fitness center, swimming in the pool, etc. Do not limit yourself to simple human joys: sometimes you can break a strict diet by eating a chocolate bar or a cake; allow yourself a romantic relationship with the person you like; sex is another way to learn to have fun and enjoy life.

Visit online resources that allow you to show off your sense of humor and cheer up yourself and others. Such, for example, is the project "Answers Mail.Ru", category "Humor".

How to have fun without alcohol? In order to have a good time and relax, people often take alcoholic drinks with them, believing that this product can help them fully relax and have fun. Why does a person think so, and how does alcohol actually affect the body? Coming to visit, or arranging a holiday on their own, almost no one forgets to put wine, champagne or cognac in the center of the table. But why, celebrating a celebration or just relaxing, you need to take alcohol? Is there really such a tradition, or can't people learn to have fun and have fun without alcohol? In fact, this can be done quite simply.

Why do people drink alcohol while having fun?

Why do drinking alcohol make people have fun and make them feel better? Ethanol is present in any alcoholic product, which, after taking the drink, enters the stomach, and from there it quickly penetrates into the bloodstream, with the help of which it spreads throughout the body. First of all, ethyl alcohol (this is the second name of the substance) enters the human brain. A small dose of the component causes increased production of the hormone of happiness.

That is why, in order to have a cheerful “life” after taking alcoholic beverages, people take them in large quantities, believing that then their good mood will not leave them, and the fun will continue for a long time. But it's not. Yes, from a small dose of strong drinks, the mood really rises and lasts for 2-3 hours. However, if a person still takes alcohol, fun and good mood will quickly change to a deterioration in well-being. Why is this happening?

A large amount of ethanol in the blood leads to a strong. As a result of this, a person already during a party with friends or gatherings with relatives begins to feel the first signs of a hangover, namely:

  • vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • strong thirst;
  • lack of strength.

Is it possible to have fun without drinking alcohol, and how to have fun in this case? If people are not able to rest and relax without alcohol, they need help with this, because frequent “alcoholic gatherings” will soon lead a person to develop alcoholism, in which he will constantly want to take alcohol.

Narcologists say: “You can’t learn to have fun without alcohol if you don’t want to.” In other words, you need to understand yourself that you can relax and rest without alcohol, as well as get rid of the “personal” addiction that occurs on holidays or during rest.

How can you have a fun holiday or party without strong drinks ?

This is not difficult to do - people need to rethink their gatherings and do those things that will be pleasant and interesting for everyone.

Then no one will remember about alcohol. After all, not many are going to relax with friends and relax only to get drunk and suffer from the next day. And what can be true fun with a drink that can seriously harm human health?

How to have fun without alcohol

In order to be able to soberly rest, the personality must rebuild itself. If one person from the company does not drink, he will surely infect other people with it. Of course, maintaining a sober lifestyle is very difficult. But if you explain to relatives and friends that you can have great fun without alcohol, surely someone will support this idea. After all, not everyone believes that all the joy and pleasure is only in alcoholic products.

So that when relaxing and relaxing in the company of friends or relatives (not many people have fun alone), a person’s mood does not depend on the glass of alcohol he has drunk, you need to re-educate yourself and “grow up” to the point where a sober life and ordinary and hobbies become a good substitute for alcohol and bring pleasure and joy. Only then will people be able to truly relax and have fun without alcohol, because they will have other meanings and “values” that can improve their mood and allow them to have a great time.

Attention: the use of anti-alcohol drugs (you can buy them in the online store), hypnosis and coding, although they are reliable methods for eliminating alcoholism, they should still be used only in the most extreme cases.

After all, persuasion, a change in values ​​and other options for dealing with alcohol intake during fun and relaxation will bring much more benefit to a person.

In addition, these are the safest and most effective methods, because a person will never stop drinking if he does not want to. Self-hypnosis and rethinking your own vacation are the main approaches in the fight against alcohol during fun.

To get pleasant emotions and good mood from non-alcoholic fun with friends, people need to:

  • change your own habits (you can also try to do this to others);
  • solve personal;
  • normalize their own culture of leisure;
  • rethink how a person spends holidays and rests, as well as compare their relaxation with other people.

Otherwise, people will have to constantly suffer, because any fun will require the intake of alcohol, which will soon significantly change life and health.

Changing culture of leisure

In order for fun and relaxation without alcohol to be a success, it is necessary to radically change the type of gatherings. If you and your friends are used to seeing the same dishes on the table, alcohol will fit perfectly with them. This is especially true for those foods that are suitable for alcohol. These are pizza, salads, savory pastries, meat, smoked or dried fish, squid. If such a menu is the key to a party, guests will definitely want to take alcoholic drinks, as they will perfectly complement the meal, as well as be associated with alcohol. Therefore, for a complete non-alcoholic rest, it is necessary to exclude not only beer or wine, but also other components reminiscent of this destructive drink.

It is also important to abandon those places in which it is customary to drink strong drinks. It can be:

  • bars;
  • night clubs;
  • restaurants;
  • smoky apartments.

A place for fun and good rest should radiate calmness and harmony - only then will it be possible to soberly spend a holiday or just take a break from everyday work.

It will be uncomfortable for a sober person to have fun and relax without alcohol in those places where he used to take strong drinks.

Therefore, the apartment or restaurant must be carefully selected. Nothing in them should resemble alcoholic drinks and noisy smoky fun. Therefore, the choice of a place is the key to comfortable gatherings with relatives or friends. For example, in bars or clubs you can’t have a normal and complete rest - they won’t let you do this:

  • loud music;
  • crowd of people;
  • strangers;
  • small and uncomfortable tables with chairs;
  • walking distance to buy beer or wine;
  • constant noise.

In such conditions, everything will remind you of drinking alcohol, and how can you relax in a noisy company?

How can you fully relax and where do you need to be for this? A place to rest should be calm, cozy and comfortable. It can be a park, street restaurants or outdoor recreation, quiet cafes with calm music, an apartment, a country house, and even a bathhouse. The main thing is to aim for fun and relaxation, and then a non-alcoholic party will be provided. Also, do not forget about space and comfort - do not try to have fun in the cold on benches, metro stations, in underpasses and other places where you definitely won’t be able to relax normally.

Many will surely say that such a non-alcoholic holiday, although good for health, is too difficult: you have to hide from alcohol, look for a suitable place, take care of comfort and coziness. But at the same time, this is the only way to fully relax, gain strength, restore nerve cells, relax, and also have fun. Agree, not many people want to drink half the night after hard working days, and feel very bad on the weekends, suffering from hangover symptoms. It is better to spend some time creating a comfortable and "useful" vacation, after which everyone can relax, have fun and relax. Moreover, it is on this that a person’s health and his general condition depend.

Do not forget about people who drink - what non-alcoholic fun can be with a person who only thinks how to drink alcohol.

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Summer is a small life, but it is not always possible to think of something to do and how not to get bored. How to dispel boredom in the summer, have fun with friends and new acquaintances?

The first week of summer is always amazing. In the second week, you almost want to return as soon as possible. Get that thought out of your head! There are so many exciting activities around - a whole summer may not be enough to try them all, so seize the moment and choose a business for today!

1. New skills and interests

1.1 Find a new hobby. Have you wanted to learn something for a long time, but did not think that you would succeed? Summer with a lot of free time is the best time to take it and try it. Here are some ideas:

Learn to play a musical instrument.

Take up singing or dancing.

Find a new kind of art or craft, such as photography.

1.2 Go in for sports. In most places, summer is a great time of year for outdoor sports, as long as the heat doesn't scare you. If you don't have a favorite sport yet, have one this summer!

Gather your friends or join a club to play football, basketball or volleyball.

Find an activity for two - badminton, tennis, minigolf or surfing.

1.3 Make a film. Get your friends together and brainstorm ideas for a movie. It could be anything: a fantasy story, a cooking competition, a music video. If you're serious about a project, what follows is an exciting week of script writing, casting, costume design, filming and editing.

You can make a series of short videos and start your own YouTube channel.

1.4 Come up with a radio show. Find a computer recording program or even a cassette recorder and record your own show. Make a list of everything you would like to include: music, jokes, interviews, announcements, real or fictional news, etc.

1.5 Do something with your hands. Art projects require patience and time, which you don't have during the school year, but they can be completed in the summer.

1.6 Master a difficult game. In life, you will have time to learn a variety of games, but summer gives you a great opportunity to choose one and become an unsurpassed strategist in it. There are games that even host international tournaments with large prizes for the winners - both traditional bridge or chess, and modern computer toys.

1.7 Learn to cook. If you don't know how to cook, and don't know much about food at all, you can learn how to cook a few dishes. There are thousands of recipes in cookbooks and websites. Find the simplest, preferably with a step-by-step description.

2. Personal development

2.1 Find a job for the summer. You will be busy with business, meet new people and be able to earn money. Shopping, tourist attractions and attractions, festivals - all these places often require temporary workers for the summer.

2.2 Become a volunteer. Helping the community can bring satisfaction and joy, and besides, your work will really serve the good. Look for organizations in your city that clean up trash, care for injured or abandoned animals, and help the elderly.

In the future, the line "volunteer work" will grace your resume, but don't think about it now; do it if you sincerely want to be useful.

2.3 Collect a stack of books in the library. Books are able to take you to another world or allow you to see your usual life with different eyes. Try to learn as much as you can about a topic that interests you, such as Norse mythology, Japanese history, or space travel.

If you want to learn even more, sign up for an online course. Some of the world's leading universities even post lectures online, which are often much more interesting than middle or high school classes.

2.4 Start keeping a diary. Many people keep diaries to describe the day's events, to get through difficult times more easily, or simply to make plans for tomorrow. Perhaps in a few years you will re-read these entries and smile at your summer memories.

2.5 Write a novel. This is a huge project that, if you have the inspiration, will take a whole summer and even more. If you don't know where to start, try making up a story to imitate your favorite author, or invite a friend to co-author to share ideas.

2.6 Learn a foreign language. Knowledge of a foreign language will be useful to you for further education in the future, but not only - a person who speaks it has many different opportunities open to him. Find beginner courses nearby, or ask a friend or family member to teach you a language they know. Search the Internet for free lessons, sites to help learners, or foreign speaking partners.

3. Attending and organizing events

3.1 Attend local events. Many places host fairs, festivals, carnivals and other events in the summer. Find their calendar on the Internet or ask your friends what interesting things are planned in the city in the near future. Follow the posters of local theaters, concert halls, stadiums.

3.2 Be a tourist in your city. Check out a travel website or brochure for your city and find out what attracts travelers. It can be anything from museums to parks, in the city itself or in the surrounding area.

3.3 Live in a tent. Spend a few days with family or friends at a campground, or camp in the garden if you live in a detached house. Gather around the fire, barbecue or bake potatoes, sing songs or tell scary stories.

3.4 Participate in geocaching. Geocaching is a game that consists in finding hidden caches by their geographic coordinates. Find a site dedicated to it and find out if it is held in your city. With the help of a GPS receiver, you can search for caches or, on the contrary, arrange them yourself and transfer the coordinates to other participants.

3.5 Arrange a vacation at home. If the weather, transport or lack of cultural events prevent you from being a tourist in the city, arrange a mini-vacation without leaving your home. Invite your friends to spend the night with you and decorate the room to turn it into a palace, jungle, hotel or other interesting place. Buy unusual food and small "souvenirs" for guests. On a rainy day, you can put on your bathing suits and sunglasses and relax in your room, playing as if you were on a sunny beach.

3.6 Meet old friends. If your current buddies are busy or away on vacation, look for old phone books or scroll through your email contacts and contact those you've been in touch with before. Any activity will be more fun in a friendly company, although you can just spend a day together, sharing new events in life and indulging in common memories.

4. Fun in hot weather

4.1 Go swimming. If the summer is hot in your area, this will both entertain you and help you cool off. Take family or friends to the local beach or pool. Swim races, play games, jump in the water, dive for shells, or get together and try out a game of water polo.

4.2 Refresh yourself with other water activities. Even if you have nowhere to go to swim, this does not cancel out other fun water games. Put on a swimsuit or light clothing that you don't mind getting wet and invite your friends to join you.

Turn on your garden sprayers and play catch-up, hide-and-seek or Ali Baba in the water spray.

Have a water fight. Make sprinklers, buy cheap water guns, or use a garden hose. It can be a one time game or just the first battle of the great water war.

4.3 Prepare cold drinks and desserts. A cold drink or a scoop of ice cream is so wonderful in the heat. Making them yourself is an even better way to relieve boredom.

Try making homemade ice cream - either quick, with salt and ice, or real creamy, no worse than store-bought, using a freezer or ice cream maker.

Make sorbet, popsicles, or popsicles from banana halves.

Cook compote, make fresh juices, stock up on ice for drinks.

4.4 Relax at home. Decide which room is cooler and has more shade, draw the curtains, or even build a sheet house to shelter from the sun. Turn on the fan, grab an interesting book, and wait until the hottest part of the day is over.

You can also sew, play solitaire or play cards, watch movies, listen to music.

4.5 Play outside in the evening. When dusk begins to descend and the temperature drops, gather in a company in the yard or park and play hide and seek, “bouncers”, catch-ups or “Cossack robbers”. If the evening is too hot to run around, set up a table in the garden and play cards or board games.

Choose a board game that won't blow away in the wind. Easiest to find classic chess, checkers or any travel magnetic game

If you want to play cards and it's windy outside, you can press them down with a stone.

5. Style and decor

4.1 Tidy up or change the decor in your room. Some love it, some don't, but even if you're not a passionate decorator, it's better than sitting around doing nothing. You can just sort through old things and find old things and books that evoke memories. A more serious project is to repaint the walls in the room or hang posters and paintings on them.

4.2 Organize your wardrobe. Sort out your clothes and put aside items that you no longer like or are too small. Invite people you know, invite them to also bring clothes and accessories that they don't wear. Trade items or have a sale to earn money for expenses.


Choose your favorite ideas from this article, add your own and make a list of ideas for the summer. Try to complete all the points before the end of the summer.
In hot weather, drink plenty of water and apply sunscreen before leaving the house.
If you have siblings, find out what they're up to or invite them to join you.

Walk your dog every day.
Arrange a sleepover with friends.
Go on vacation!
Set up a campground in the garden with your friends.
Get out your old toys - Barbie dolls, radio-controlled cars, constructors.
If you have a dog, bathe it. If you want to earn some money, take care of washing cars with your friends. After that, you can arrange a water battle!
Play with your pet and teach him new tricks.
Play on the lawn in the yard.
Have a disco with your friends.
Walk with friends.
Apply makeup in a new way and experiment with new looks.
Go shopping.
Do different hairstyles.
Swim only in designated areas under the supervision of lifeguards or experienced adult swimmers.

If your liver began to ache due to a wild lifestyle, and your loved ones are tired of asking you to leave parties until the morning in the company of a hookah, unknown people and a bottle of tequila, then it's time to think about a healthy lifestyle. Of course, you shouldn't lock yourself in your room every time your friends call you out. It is better to try several ways to have fun without drinking alcohol and other stimulants. We talk about things that make you laugh better than a bottle of vodka or a glass of sambuca.

Throw a party and dance to the most pop tracks

Surely your playlist contains audio recordings, the existence of which you are ashamed to admit to your friends. However, for a night sober disco, the songs of Verka Serduchka or Leonid Agutin are just right. Such music intoxicates no worse than drunk alcohol, while in the morning you definitely won’t have a headache (maybe only your ears from poor-quality sound and wild, ear-piercing lines)

Play forfeits on a bet completely sober

Test your willpower and try in a big company to do something on a bet absolutely sober. It is much more interesting to complete the task when you know that the next morning your head will be fresh, and the memories of the past night are sorted in your head. You will remember who kissed whom, who and when ran out into the street, pestering sleepy passers-by, and why two best friends fought in the midst of a party. Being the only one sober and watching what's going on around you when you're betting is really interesting.

Drink a lot of coffee on an empty stomach

Surprisingly, on an empty stomach in an instant you get drunk not only from alcohol, but also from coffee. This strong drink speeds up the heartbeat, makes you move mountains and, of course, improves your mood. Coffee is the best stimulant of human fun. Of course, not entirely harmless, but giving energy for the whole night. And most importantly, coffee, unlike alcohol, will not make you want to sleep after a couple of hours, and in the morning you will not suffer from a sudden hangover, wondering: how is it, I drank only one glass.

Get together and sing along with the guitar

The main thing is to choose a repertoire for fun: we immediately cross out the songs of Spleen, the Kino group and Zhukov's favorite camp "Battery". If you do not want to fall asleep to the guitar motives and your friend's voice that does not fall into the notes, immediately take the initiative and demand that all slow and sad songs be excluded. And it doesn't matter if a drunken company shouts invitingly that "dawn is coming soon, there is no way out." You know best which songs will turn your friends on. Prepare a list of songs ahead of time and get your friend with the guitar to play them all.

Include on the full songs of Max Korzh

Just listening to this artist, you understand the value of a young wild life, sleepless nights and long parties with friends. Korzh's music is filled with the real energy of youth and memories of those very heart-to-heart conversations surrounded by people close to you in an atmosphere of separation. So, if you get bored, rather include the best songs of this artist.

And finally - a little hello from teetotalers

I have always been indifferent to alcohol, I can have a fun conversation with friends without it. Moreover, they say that with my sobriety, they also do not experience discomfort. Well, everyone relaxes in their own way. So in general I don’t care about the drunk. That being said, I will never turn down going to some night party to meet my friends. I like the atmosphere itself, when friends and relatives are nearby and you can discuss anything with them, get angry at everyone. Well, booze - we can sit without it.

/Aleksey, student/

I never understood why alcohol is necessary for fun. You can have fun thanks to interesting conversations with friends or board games. And why do you need alcohol if you are in good company?

/Natalia, student/