Children's books      02/16/2020

It is possible from the village but the village. Oh, you rustic! Village psychology. And the main prize in the nomination “the best collective farm tuning” goes to this guy

— 16.02.2016 I considered Alexei Nemov a great sportsman. Talented, friendly, hardworking, charming - an example for any boy, in our country there are few such. For many years, Alexei achieved the most high results thus glorifying our country. But now I am once again convinced that the cattle and the village from the inside of a person can never be brought out.

I can't say that I don't like the StopHam movement, but I respect them for what they do.

Their goal is very correct. Zadolbali those who park incorrectly in the city, put the car in the second row, interfere with traffic, drive on sidewalks and so on.

Activists are polite, perhaps even too much, it may seem that they provoke drivers to be rude towards them. But how else? To be the same cattle as Nemov? And immediately beat the glass or in the face?

The stickers that they put on the glass are made in such a way that they can be torn off, but hard, which gives time to a person who does not give a damn about the law and everyone around him to think again about his act.

I know who finances the StopHam and Lev Against movements, but for now I'm sure they are doing good deeds.

Who gave him the right to break the law? Who gave him the right to throw his hands on an activist?
Maybe his orders? For this they give the order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree? Or the Order of Courage? Maybe zatty boorish behavior give the Order of Honor?

Is this how the "Russian of the Year" and a member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture (under the Russian Orthodox Church) behaves?

He still decided to sue, repent Alexey and do not make a laughing stock of yourself! Be a man, like in Athens in 2004.

What do you think about Nemov and Stopkham? How will it all end?


To hell, I'm taking off my English suit.

Well, give me a scythe, I'll show you -

Am I not your own, am I not close to you,

Do I not value the memory of the village?

The village in Russia is disappearing. Year by year, fewer and fewer people live in villages. This process is quite natural - the same thing happens in many many countries. But nevertheless - a lot of people in the cities - people from the countryside in the first or second generation. And - gaining strength reverse process. Creation of ecovillages, different townhouses. So it makes sense to talk about how the village lives - and how it lives.

Historically the backbone of the village Agriculture was. And most of the inhabitants were somehow engaged in agriculture, or otherwise connected with it. Today, domestic agriculture is not in demand as it used to be. Less in demand. And as a result, there is no or very little work in many villages. And it's kind of a watershed. Between people and villages who have jobs and those who don't. Where there is - people are somehow arranged there, everything is relatively good there. Where not, everything is terrible. People live on the pension of elderly relatives and subsistence farming. Young people, and even middle-aged people, are trying to leave by any means. Somehow to gain a foothold in the city. Or - on a rotational basis to work in the city. for example, by guards two weeks later. And those who remain in the village are those who can’t get out at all - or who don’t care at all. And as a result - the extreme wretchedness of life, alcoholism (there seems to be no money - but they somehow find alcohol, a paradox?) and practically - degeneration.

But these are signs of the last time. And what else can be said about the psychology of a village dweller? First of all, the village is small in size. Which means everything is close. Infrastructure, work, place of residence - everything is nearby. Even if you go to the other end of the village, it's still not far. Which means you can get everywhere. Which means you can't rush. And therefore (and not only because of this) - the rhythm of life in the village is unhurried. Nobody is in a hurry. This is very noticeable when driving out of the city. And especially from the metropolis. The walking speed of movement of the surrounding mankind falls literally before our eyes. Hence - some regularity, thoroughness. Many even perceive it as lethargy. Such a rhythm of life is quite comfortable for the psyche. This is the rhythm in which our ancestors lived. It is no coincidence that some of the townspeople are so eager to return to the village, even in the form of a dacha. Even in the form summer holiday. Though cutting the lawns on the hacienda or growing tomatoes on the window. This rhythm relaxes the psyche of a city dweller, cocked to the limit, the psyche of a person who is ready to run somewhere every second. By the way - often for such relaxation people go to distant seas - to Goa or to the Himalayas - where the peasant way of life has not completely disappeared.

In addition - the village is small not only in size - but also in inhabitants is small. In other words, everyone knows each other. This is a fundamental difference, and leaves a distinct imprint on the behavior and mentality of the villager. If people in the city don't know their neighbors, if people in the city learn the news from TV, then in the village everyone knows everything about everyone. Your neighbor died in the city, got married or joined the army - you don't know about it most often. And in the village - people discuss it among themselves, they discuss it for weeks. The density of social ties is higher. If you live here for a long time, you are with the majority of the inhabitants - either you studied at school together, or worked, or you are distant relatives, or your parents / spouses / children worked / studied / became related together. In the city, you can push a person in transport, insult, simply ignore - and you will never meet again. And in the village everyone will know about the attitude you have shown, so the style of communication is different, often more neighborly. On the contrary, in the city you can afford to be eccentric, different, strange or just a freak. The people around don't care. But you are not in the village. Don't give a damn. Social pressure is higher.

Well, social integration has its own positive sides. You are yours. This means that in a very large number of cases you will be helped. Because you are yours. If in the city you can lie on the street with a heart attack and ten thousand people pass by you in a minute and no one will help. Then in the village the chance that the first or second person will help you is great. Because - and people are not in such a hurry, and they know you, they see that you are not drunk drunk - which means you need help. There are also back side such close social integration. It is not customary to give out to strangers even for a serious offense. The police, the court, the prosecutor's office - these are all strangers and not familiar. They came and left. And you are yours. It is possible that you even killed someone or committed an equally serious offense. But you are yours. To hit on you by a visiting cop is somehow not good, they studied together (fished, baptized children).

Also, on average, the infrastructure in the village is much worse. And very often - and frankly degraded. Therefore, even some simple actions cause a lot of effort. Until now, many people heat the stove with wood. Many villages have no hospitals or schools (or nothing at all). One store in the village with an extremely poor assortment. There are no firemen. And from the police - one precinct. Who is also someone's relative, and can fulfill his duties in an extremely strange way. Many simple things for a city dweller turn into quests. Take a relative to the hospital or hospitalization. Get a passport - when the passport office is in a neighboring town. Buy and bring home a TV. Simple things - and so complex with an undeveloped infrastructure. Naturally, it forms a certain special way of thinking. “The law is a taiga and the prosecutor is a bear”, - after all, this is a proverb about such bearish corners torn off from civilization. A person gets used to doing without the state - with all its positive and negative aspects. A person understands better that the state is something artificial, even hostile.

Well, the measure of labor. If the village has stove heating. And imported water. And we need to think about how to store firewood for the winter. How to remove snow in a huge peasant yard. How to harvest. How to maintain a house in a residential condition. All this is work. Huge work, which the city dweller does not even suspect. Therefore, the interests of the peasant very often seem more mundane. There is no time for beautiful abstractions because.

Once in the city, the villager is lost. High pace of life, vanity, everything and everyone is unfamiliar. He seems narrow-minded and funny, annoying and stupid advanced townspeople. This is the wrong impression. This is only for a short period. After a very short time, he will get used to it - and he will give odds to the city ones. Because in many matters his independence, his habit of relying on own forces, worldly ingenuity - more adequate to reality than the behavior of a city dweller. Which is too dependent on many services and people. And unconsciously believes that this is how the world works. When thousands of people have to provide him with living conditions. And such an approach to life is far from always winning.

Alexander Chernykh

Life is a constantly spinning wheel. Change changes the familiar in your life. We ourselves or under the pressure of circumstances change jobs. We change our status, getting a high position, or we successfully marry.

We change the residence permit, or the continent of our residence. And someone changes gender, becoming a different person! And what can we say about the hairstyle, style, cars - you will not surprise anyone with these changes.

Only one thing remains the same, unchanged, constant - habits. And they do not always add delight. And here are 20 photos to prove it!

You can't explain to your grandmother that you have a Porsche.

Save on shipping - that's how we do it.

Linoleum is the latest fashion in car upholstery.

Ashot has already become a serious person, but the habits remain.

Cleanliness must always be maintained.

When I bought fruit before the New Year.

Finally bought a Mercedes, but used to tune only pots.

It doesn't matter how many kilometers your Tesla drives, the main thing is how many sacks of potatoes will fit in it.

And the main prize in the nomination “the best collective farm tuning” goes to this guy.

Rolls Royce Trial.

On Louboutins, oh, and drop dead socks!

You can still understand when they do this with a Zhiguli, but a BMW ...

Vyrviglazny tuning Porsche.

Well, but it's convenient.