Esoterics      05/27/2020

Information about the organization of summer holidays for school students. Analytical information on the organization of recreation, health improvement and employment of children in the summer. Tobacco Prevention Subprogram "Let's Help Each Other"

« Analytical reference for the organization of recreation and health improvement of students in the summer of 2015. MOAU "Secondary School No. 5 of Sol-Iletsk" is building its work on organizing a recreation system, ... "

Analytical reference

for the organization of recreation and health improvement of students in the summer of 2015.

MOAU "Secondary School No. 5 of Sol - Iletsk" is building its work on organizing a recreation system,

health improvement and employment of children and adolescents in the summer based on the requirements

normative documents on the organization and maintenance of children's recreation and taking into account the conditions

work educational institution. Among the tasks of this area of ​​work of the school -

improvement of forms of recreation and creation of conditions for health-improving activities and creativity of children, involvement of students prone to delinquency in active recreation, involvement of parents in various forms of leisure, socially useful, sports and recreational activities. These areas are reflected in the School Development Program in the section "Program for the development of the educational component in a general education institution."

The school uses various forms of organization of summer holidays, health improvement and employment of children. Sufficient experience has been accumulated in conducting school-based children's camp for primary and secondary students, as well as a profile shift for students in grades 5-8. Volunteers of the school are involved in the work in the camp and the profile shift. In 2015, a camp functioned on the basis of the OS day stay children "Solnyshko" and a profile change in the civil-patriotic orientation "Patriot".

The activities of the "Solnyshko" camp were built on the basis of the "Solnyshko" program, the purpose of which is to develop the child's personality, strengthen the physical, mental and emotional health of children, and bring up the best features of a citizen. The program provides for various forms of expanding the motor activity of children:

Daily physical exercise


Sports competitions, holidays, competitions, competitions;

outdoor games,

One-day hiking trips;

Excursions, etc.

Educational work during the camp shift was carried out in a number of areas: prevention of DDTT (“Be careful on the road”, conversations about traffic rules), promotion of healthy lifestyles (“Health Day”, “Sports Day”, Olympians Day), aesthetic and ethical (Rules of conduct in library, excursions to the museum, quiz "In the world of fairy tales", Rules of etiquette, Day of creativity, School of etiquette, Music day, Day of talents, etc.), environmental (Day of summer colors, Day of ecology, Gifts of the forest, "Take care of nature" ), patriotic (Day of Professions, Day of Great Masters, Day of Russia, Feat of Heroes of the Second World War), as well as the rules of safe behavior during a fire, on water, in public transport. Particular attention was paid to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The total enrollment of students in grades 1-4 is 85 people (45-1 stream and 40-2 stream), which is 37% of the number of primary school students.

The first stream of the LDP "Solnyshko" was very rich, varied, informative and exciting.

There was a line every day in the camp. The results of the previous day were summed up on the line, the winners of the camp events were noted, they got acquainted with the camp work plan for the day, received a new task and a plan for preparing for the general event every day. At the end of the day, each child noted their attitude to the camp in the form of emoticons, flowers, etc. in the "Mood Diary".

For the organization of children's leisure activities, outdoor cultural events and excursions were planned and successfully implemented. Such events are necessary to create an elevated emotional mood, creativity, to organize the interaction of children and for the comprehensive development of children. The guys sang songs, recited poems, but also took part in competitions: whoever does more push-ups, sits down. And on the Day of Sorrow and Remembrance, a field trip to the Regional Children's Library took place, where the children held an event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The librarians held a courage lesson “In memory of the fallen, be worthy” and offered a presentation “Children of War”.

The organization of children's leisure consisted not only in field events. Therefore, the plan of educational work carried out by educators in the health camp is drawn up in such a way that each event is of a comprehensive educational nature, affecting all aspects and directions of the educational concept. It is very important to interest, captivate children interesting activity. So, for example, all entertainment and educational activities were carried out in the form of trips around the islands. On the birthday of A.S. Pushkin's children held an action drawings on the pavement: "Let there always be sunshine." During the stream, the guys visited Old city, Raipo, the editorial office of the newspaper "Iletsk protection", the Museum of Local Lore.

On June 12, on the Day of Russia, a conversation was held, during which the children got acquainted with the main state holidays of Russia, the peoples living in Russia, and their holidays, as well as watched the film "My Russia" and a presentation to the poem by Z.

Alexandrova "Motherland" and "Tolerance Day" in the Club. Lenin.

The competition “Journey to the fabulous Pushkin Island”, held in the children's library, turned out to be very interesting. In addition to how the guys answered questions, guessed lines from fairy tales, solved crossword puzzles, improvised passages.

The sphere of leisure creates quite comfortable conditions for revealing the creative potential of children. Instead of guardianship - the community of teachers and children. This is the main organization joint activities children, a means of including them in the system of social ties and relationships, the accumulation of experience in these relationships. In the detachment, the child can feel his importance, show individuality, creativity, self-actualize as a person. Helping a child to open up, show his best qualities, establish equal relations with peers and older than himself, plan activities is the main task of educators. Each planned business created conditions for the development of the child, his maximum self-realization. It's no secret that the first step in creating a team is getting to know each other. The sooner the guys get to know each other, the easier it is to work with them. To this end, the educators held games to get to know each other and unite the team, to identify the interests and creative potential of the children. Fascinating trips to "Journey to Prostokvashino", "Island of Smiles", "Land of Talents", "Gorge of Agents" - allowed the guys to show initiative, interest, reveal themselves as creative personalities and also contributed to the development of collective relations and interaction. Competitions such as the competition of readers, the competition of drawings "I'm coloring summer", the competition "We are looking for talents" and "Light your star" helped the children to prove themselves and fulfill themselves as creative and talented individuals. In these competitions, the guys sang songs, read poetry, danced, played musical instruments, improvised.

In order to improve the health and physical development of children, educators carried out:

quiz "Tourist educational program", sports and entertainment program "Checkers Tournament", "travel" to the "Matroskin Cup Tournament". Every morning in the health camp began with morning hygienic gymnastics, consisting of a set of physical exercises for the development of children. The school nurse held talks on health promotion and a healthy lifestyle, on proper nutrition and food culture, on the dangers of drugs and smoking, talks on the prevention of injuries and sunburn.

Daily exposure to fresh air, hardening procedures, afternoon naps and fortification of third courses contributed to the physical development and health of the children.

In order to develop skills healthy lifestyle life, educators conducted health-saving conversations: learning the rules traffic, about a safe way to the camp and home, about the rules of behavior on the street, in public places, on walks, about friendship and mutual assistance, fire safety and environmental knowledge. The guys got acquainted with the evacuation plan in case of fire and emergency situations, a training evacuation was carried out.

No less interesting is the 2nd stream of the LDP "Solnyshko". The guys have already visited the local history museum, where they listened with great interest to the guide's story about the history of our region, took part in the Quest "The roads we choose", organized by the MOBU DO "TsTR Sol - Iletsk district" and took 3rd place. In the club named after Lenin, the guys not only watched interesting cartoons, but also took part in fun competitions. The children will especially remember the trip to Cossack Kuren.

Also, from June 3 to June 27, a profile change of a civic-patriotic orientation functioned on the basis of the school, the purpose of which was to create optimal conditions that ensure the full rest of children, their recovery, creative and physical development, and also contribute to the formation moral qualities, patriotism, love and respect for the native land and its inhabitants, riches and its history. To achieve this goal, the Patriot program has been developed. The program is implemented through the organization of activities in various areas: health-saving, civil-patriotic, environmental, spiritual and moral, etc. The program is based on local history material and provides for such actions as cleaning the territory of the Dvoryansky Well spring, cleaning and laying flowers at the Common Grave, visiting museum of local lore and the museum of military equipment.

Much attention is paid to the physical training of children: throwing, endurance running, shooting, drill training, sports competitions, etc. The theme of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory runs through the entire program.

In the profile shift "Patriot", attention was paid to the formation in the younger generation of feelings of civic responsibility, pride in the country, in small motherland, for education ecological culture. Each day of stay in the camp was subject to a certain theme. During their stay in the shift, the guys visited the district local history museum, where they got acquainted with the exhibition "To the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War", about the evacuation hospital "No. 3332", learned songs of the war years, learned about the veterans of the Second World War living in the microdistrict, together with the chiefs of the State Institution "Sol-Iletsk Forestry" held the action "Clean Spring" , visited the park Military equipment, studied the AKM mechanism, learned in practice the assembly and disassembly of the machine gun.

Almost every day the guys participated in competitions. These were drawing competitions (on asphalt, on paper), handicraft competitions (from natural material, paper, plasticine, fabric).

Children played with pleasure in a specially equipped playroom: the program included games for the development of communication skills, for acquaintance and team building, for emotional liberation, role-playing games, and board games, outdoor games were also carried away by children. Much attention was paid by the administration and educators to outdoor games. For games, the school administration purchased the appropriate equipment: sports balls, jump ropes, outdoor games (checkers), a set for playing rounders. The work plan of the camp included watching films of an educational nature. Game informative, entertaining and intellectual programs were held.

As part of the recreational work in the camp, sports events were held, such as camp championships, team sports, sports relay races (both team and individual championships), in which all children were involved. Health care has not been neglected either. All the guys had the opportunity to practice on sports equipment at the stadium. With great pleasure, they participated in sports competitions, where they showed strength, endurance, patience, the ability to empathize, sympathize. In such events, the children released negative energy and charged with positive emotions. In the course of all events, as well as during the games, dancing physical education sessions were mandatory.

The educators held discussions on the rules of fire safety, the basics of life safety, a series role playing"My safety" on knowledge of the rules of behavior in extreme situations.

The Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, held on June 21, became special for children. This day showed that children can be serious and grateful. They recited poems, sang songs, drew pictures on military theme, laid flowers at the Mass Grave, honored their memory with a moment of silence.

It should be noted that the attendance of the camp in 2015 was high. Shift supervisors and educators explanatory work with parents. The interest of students was supported by a variety of creative activities, excursions and trips.

Educators and counselors took into account the daily temperature regime, therefore, in the morning hours, games, contests and other events were held on the street, and starting from 12 o'clock (temperature rise) classes were held mainly indoors.

Children were fed on the basis of an agreement with IP Mamashev and in accordance with the approved menu.

Medical worker Eseneva S.Zh. food samples were taken daily and portions were weighed.

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on the organization of summer holidays, health improvement and employment of children and adolescents

in MBOU "Koltsovskaya high school» 2016/2017 academic year

According to the plan of intra-school control from May 29 to June 16, 2017. the work of the daytime thematic platform at the MBOU "Koltsovskaya secondary school" was organized, as well as training camps with 10th grade boys and the rehabilitation of children in camps located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

aim organization of summer holidays was to create conditions for the formation of the child's needs for health promotion and successful self-determination in society.


1.Increase in the number of teenagers employed useful activity during the vacation period through the introduction of various forms of organization.

2. Identification of gifted children through creative activity.

3. Increasing children's interest in their health.

4. Development of the child's social, socio-cultural and moral experience.

Summer holidays make up a significant part of children's free time. This period is most favorable for the development of their creative potential, improvement of personal capabilities, entry into the system of social relations, implementation of their own plans, satisfaction of individual interests in personally significant areas of activity.

The necessary information about the organization of the work of the daytime thematic platform in the institution was brought to the attention of parents at parent meetings, through the school website and information stand.

A work plan for the daytime thematic platform was drawn up and approved, drawn up by the Deputy Director for educational work.

The day thematic area in our school is part of the social environment, a space for recovery, development of artistic, technical, social creativity, in which children realize their abilities, needs for individual, physical and social compensation in their free time. The organization of recreation and employment of children at the daytime thematic site was under the constant control of the head of the daytime thematic site I.A. Andreeva.

To ensure the safe and proper rest of students in the MBOU "Koltsovskaya Secondary School", the necessary regulatory and material base was prepared, premises for teams and sports were prepared, those responsible for organizing the rehabilitation and ensuring the safety of the rehabilitation of children during the period summer holidays.

A feature of planning on a daily thematic site is the presence of a “zest” for every day. Every day - new topic: "Day of Acquaintance and Ideas", "Day of Records, Health and Sports", "Book Day", "Children's Day", "Creativity Day", "Sun Day", "Traveler's Day", "Earth Day", "Day of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin”, “Day of Russia”, “Day of safety and health”, “Day of cartoons”, “Day of laughter”, “Day of fun games”, “Day of closing the site”.

Within the framework of thematic days, preventive events, outdoor games, patriotic contests and exhibitions, entertainment contests were held.

Detachment corners, health corners, stands on the rules of the road and fire safety, and an information stand of the camp were decorated. Implemented action plans for fire safety and traffic rules.

As part of the program, daily morning exercises, sports competitions, games and relay races, outdoor games, a trip to the village of Ognevoye were organized. Sports and recreation activities were held on the sports ground using sports equipment - balls, jump ropes, hoops.

The guys had a good rest, received a charge of vivacity, broadened their horizons, strengthened and retained their physical health.

The quality and timeliness of the planned activities were monitored. The schedule of activities was completed by all designated responsible persons.

An analysis of the activities of the children's day camp showed that all the tasks were completed.

The main goal was achieved - the employees of the daytime thematic platform and the institution as a whole, conditions were created for the disclosure creativity each student and strengthening the health of each individual child through a set of recreational activities and the organization of sports and leisure activities.

The certificate was compiled

Deputy Director for educational work I.A. Andreeva

Organization of summer holidays


MBOU Chikoy secondary school in 2014

1 . Today in schools there is an acute problem of maintaining the health of children and adolescents. The development of effective measures to improve the health of students, to instill health skills is important for the administration of the Chikoy school ... A priority aspect in the educational system of the school is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. The organization of health-improving holidays for school students is one of the important areas of this work.

In system continuing education Holidays in general, and summer holidays in particular, play a very important role in the development, upbringing and health improvement of children and adolescents. Summer is a kind of bridge between the ending academic year and the upcoming one. Every year, the school administration carries out work on organizing a summer camp for rest and health improvement of school students, a certain traditional system has developed in organizing vacation holidays in the summer. The educational value of the summer recreation system lies in the fact that it creates conditions for pedagogically expedient, emotionally attractive leisure time for schoolchildren, restoring their health, satisfying the needs for novelty of impressions, creative self-realization, communication and amateur performance in various forms, including work, knowledge, art, culture. , play and other areas of possible self-determination

The reality is that the education system is still the main organizer of recreation and health improvement for children. Summer vacation is not only social protection, it is also an opportunity for creative development children, enrichment spiritual world and intelligence of the child. All areas of work of the summer school camp: sports and recreation, cultural and mass, tourist and local history and labor - have an educational character. The organization of leisure, gaming activities should encourage the acquisition of new knowledge, serious reflection. A reasonable combination of rest and work, sports and creativity disciplines the child, balances his thinking and emotions.

2. "Program for organizing recreation and health improvement for students of the Chikoi school in 2014." is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the improvement and organization of leisure of students during the holidays.

Almost every family faces the problem of summer holidays. And especially in front of large, low-income, and the so-called "risk groups." Standing on intra-school control.

MAIN DIRECTIONS OF THE CAMP:1.Sports and recreation2. Tourist-local history 3. Cultural-mass 4. Labor


1. Form the foundations of the physical and mental health of children

2. Acquire vital skills and abilities

3. To form the ability to cooperate, sociability, tolerance

4. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of children by means of folk and arts and crafts

5. to form the skills of safe behavior in everyday life




Sports and recreation

Days of health, basketball, volleyball, football competitions, "Small Olympic Games", "Funny Starts", "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", "Scout School"; entertainment "Traffic light", "Feast of Neptune"; quizzes "Connoisseurs of traffic rules", on the history of the Kyakhtinsky district, on safety at home, on the street, in the forest, on the river. Game "Find the treasure", Knight's tournament

Tourist and local history

Excursions to the forest, hikes with parents in the area Sakharovskoye, Urusovskoye; excursions to the Kyakhtinsky Museum of Local Lore, Murochinsky Datsan, around the city of Kyakhta, departure to the cinema "Temp"; study of the Buryat language

cultural mass

Contests: “Vytvoryashki”, “Karaoke”, “Miss and Mister Camp”, for the best drawing, crafts made from natural material, KVN, dramatization of fairy tales, learning songs, dances for performances with concerts in front of parents, residents of the village of Chika, pupils of children. garden, art festival, exhibition of drawings, crafts; Festival of bows, Festival of flowers, competition of hairdressers, Round dance of friends, fairs, auctions


Labor landings, assistance in preparing the school for the school year, cleaning the forest from debris, work in the school garden, in the school museum

The school administration pays great attention to creating the necessary conditions to ensure a continuous educational process in the field of safe traffic and safety rules for schoolchildren. The planning of the work of the camp at the school includes measures to improve the knowledge, skills and habits of safe behavior on the streets, roads, water, the prevention of child road traffic injuries, the formation of strong skills and skills of safe behavior on water bodies. By order of the director of the school, a person responsible for the timeliness of training on labor safety for camp workers was appointed. The camp staff was instructed on life safety, sanitary and hygienic rules, fire safety rules, the behavior of children on the water, on hikes, when performing community service, conducting sports and other events, as well as on providing first aid in case of accidents. cases. During the camp, the teaching staff conducted mandatory scheduled and unscheduled briefings with children on safety and traffic rules. The main task of this direction is propaganda and educational activities in the field of safe behavior of children and adolescents.

Social partners involved in the joint implementation of the program:

1. House of culture with. Chikoy

2. Feldsher-obstetric station

3. Village library

4. Administration of the municipality "Chikoyskoe"

5. Chikoy forestry

3. The policy of the summer health campaign is determined by the level of preparedness of teaching staff. Summer camp is, on the one hand, a form of organizing free time for children different ages, gender and level of development, on the other - a space for recovery, development of artistic, technical, social creativity of the child. The development and health of children is largely dependent onfrom the knowledge, skills and preparedness for the work of adults, who organize the life of the child in the camp during each day. It is important for the teaching staff of the school that the holidays are the child’s free time from study, which he has the right to dispose of, and the content and organization of this time is relevant. life problem personality, in the development of which assistanceadults is invaluable. It is in their free time that a child has great opportunities to become an organizer, an active participant in socially significant activities.

One of the topical issues of organizing the work of the summer camp is its staffing. The basis of the camp team is a team of like-minded people whose activities are aimed at competent methodological organization work and unity of the children's team. Special responsibility for the conduct of the camp rests with its head and teachers. The camp leader is approved according to the following criteria:

  • experience of working with children during the holidays;
  • organizational experience;
  • the degree of knowledge of the organization of work in the summer day camp.

G.N. Shadrina was appointed head of the camp; educator - E.B. Rabdanova, physical education instructor - V.V. Lesneev.

To work in the summer day camp involved: school librarian M. R. Andreeva, coach of the Youth Sports School L. I. Yankov, artistic director of the House of Culture G. G. Goncharova, workers of the canteen, as well as technical workers of the school.

Before modern system education, the task is to involve the younger generation in historical memory people, and therefore preserving it in our children. The main cognitive tasks of this shift were acquaintance, repetition and consolidation of knowledge on the history of Buryatia, Buryat language; fostering respect for the traditions and customs of the peoples living on the territory of the republic and the Kyakhta region, fostering love for the native land.

An indispensable condition for organizing the life of the camp is feasible work .. The task of the camp teachers is to organize the activities of children in an interesting way, with invention, to captivate them with useful practical exercises: this is the improvement of the territory and premises, and maintaining cleanliness and order in the camp, making necessary and useful things, security nature, etc. At the same time, teachers should have a differentiated approach to each age group of children and adolescents.

A reasonable combination of rest and work, sports and creativity disciplines the child, balances his thinking and emotions.

The health-improving components of the life of a summer camp are an optimal motor regimen, a balanced diet, hygiene skills and a proper lifestyle. When planning work in the camp, the head of the camp and the nurse must include health-improving measures in the plan: optimal motor mode, preventive medical examination of children, herbal medicine, with various herbs brewed, vitamin therapy, which is so necessary for children, the "ABC of Health", preventive conversations of medical workers on the formation healthy lifestyle. At the beginning of the camp medical worker measured the height and weight of the children, and at the end of the shift, the children will be re-examined.

With the help of sports and physical education, the tasks of physical education of children were solved. Every day in the summer camp will be held a variety of physical education activities. The most anticipated desired thing in the camp is hiking. The coach and educators of the camp, organizing trips, must enrich something, educate something in teenager.


  • the formation of an asset: the development of an active citizenship of a young person;
  • tourism and local history: getting active tourism skills, getting to know the Buryat language, nature, history, sights native land, education of patriotism;
  • ecological: education of respect for nature, humane attitude towards the environment and people, the opportunity to engage in research activities;
  • sports and recreation: the formation of a healthy lifestyle, improvement physical training students;
  • labor: the possibility of including adolescents in labor activity combined with active recreation.

And we're ready to jump, sing

And we can dance squatting!

Analytical report MOU "Ageevskaya average comprehensive school No. 3 "on the organization of recreation, rehabilitation and employment of children in the summer of 2011.

MOU "Ageyevo secondary school" builds its work on organizing a system of recreation, rehabilitation and employment of children and adolescents in the summer based on the requirements of regulatory documents for the organization and maintenance of children's recreation and taking into account the working conditions of an educational institution. Among the tasks of this area of ​​work of the school are the improvement of forms of recreation and the creation of conditions for recreational activities and creativity of children, the involvement of students prone to delinquency in active recreation; participation in the vacation period in the mass events of the village, the involvement of parents in various forms of leisure, socially useful, sports and recreational activities. In this regard, the programs “School - Territory of Health”, “Vacations ».

The school uses various forms of organization of summer holidays, health improvement and employment of children. Sufficient experience has been accumulated in conducting a school-based children's camp for primary and secondary school students, labor and recreation camps for grades 5-8, 10, and hiking trips (water canoeing, hiking) for grades 1-11.

Organizational preparatory work for the summer holidays of children in the summer period, a plan is carried out throughout the school year - a forecast taking into account the number of children who will take part in school camps and trips; selection of personnel, their methodological training; organizational meetings; paperwork; development of educational programs, etc. This work makes it possible, long before the start of the camp shift, to work with each family and with each specific child in terms of involving children in active recreational, labor and leisure activities.

The summer health campaign of 2011 made it possible to fully use various forms of recreation, health improvement and employment of schoolchildren.

Summer holiday form


Amount of children

School children's camp

Work and rest camp

Ecological hikes

Tourist water kayak trips

Regional tourist meeting

Youth inter-district local history gathering "Likhvin Meetings"

5 + participation of school VIA

  1. Children's school camp "Sun »

The activities of the camp "Solnyshko" were built on the basis of the "Fidgets" program, the purpose of which is to develop the personality of the child, strengthen the physical, mental and emotional health of children, and bring up the best features of a citizen. The program provides for various forms of expanding the motor activity of children:

Daily physical exercise


Medical examinations and procedures;

Sports competitions, holidays, competitions, competitions;

outdoor games,

One day hikes.

Educational work during the camp shift was carried out in a number of areas: bad habits(The secret of happiness. A person must take care of his health), road traffic injuries ( game program"Red, yellow, green"), the formation of a healthy lifestyle (sports festival "Physical education - Hurray!"), aesthetic (Creativity Day, School of Etiquette.), Environmental (Defender's Day environment, Ecology Day), patriotic (Day of Russian Traditions, Day of Remembrance).

  1. 2. LTO

The labor and recreation camp operates under the Green Academy program, the main goal of which is to develop

individual qualities of the child and the formation of an active citizenship. This program provides for the employment of students in the summer with useful work, and is also aimed at restoring health. In the process of implementing the program, environmental, labor, patriotic education of students is carried out, creative activity develops and, in general, the socialization of the individual takes place. Nature itself enriches inner world child and therefore contributes to the harmonious development of personality.

The work of LTO in 2011 was built in the following areas:

Ecological research activities, the purpose of which was to master the skills of research activities, develop the intellectual and creative abilities of students (Studying the surroundings of the reservoir, conducting simple research work and observations in nature, “The Earth is our home. Calendar of a young ecologist. Learning the basics of communication with each other and nature);

Ecological and recreational activities - the improvement of children through air-water hardening, conversations promoting a healthy lifestyle, sports events, lectures on the use of medicinal plants ("Pharmacy underfoot", "Vitamins around us", "Meadow secrets", "Extreme in Russian" - sports and tourism program);

Labor activity - acquiring the skills of practical and experimental work with plants in the training and experimental plot (planting, watering and loosening, weeding, cuttings of plants, in the training and experimental plot and school flower beds);

Local history activities - the study of the historical past of the native land, the organization of socially useful affairs, raids to clean up historical sites (Operation "Help the Monuments", Operation "Help the River" - cleaning the coastal zone of the Cherepetsk reservoir, hiking in the forest "Exploring my land" - mapping localities, "Bureau of Good Deeds" - landscaping of memorable places);

Ecological activities - the formation of ecological conscious thinking among the younger generation, the organization of monitoring of the environment (“Notes of an Ecologist” - studying the basics of self-organization and self-discipline, “Environmental Quiz”, Environmental Protection Day - teaching the ability to make the right decisions environmental issues, monitoring of the Cherepet reservoir);

- leisure activities - to promote the development of individual personality traits through communication with peers, nature and through gaming and theatrical activities (Entertainment program "I want to know everything!", "Kaleidoscope of smiles", icebreaker games "Merry Company", game for mutual understanding "Evening of the Heart ").

  1. 3. Ecological hikes

This year we organized 3 trips, in which the groups not only travel, but also clean up the campsites "mountain of tourists". We collected bottles, cans, bags, clean springs and did everything in our power to ensure that the purity and beauty of nature is not disturbed by traces of human presence (or rather, the absence of HUMAN in people). This is our service to the Earth and care for nature. We came to the conclusion that calling for order and neatness is not always effective, and sometimes you just need to roll up your sleeves, put on gloves, take bags and change - if not the whole world - then a very small, but beautiful corner of it.

  1. 4. Tourist water kayak trips

Tours are carried out on the basis of the program of activities of the school tourist club "Scarlet Sails" (grades 9-11) and as a practical part of the program of the "Young Tourist" circle (grades 5-8).

This form of recreation, acquaintance with nature and the sights of our Motherland has been practiced in our school for over 15 years. That year we passed the water tourist route with a length of more than 250 kilometers. This is the most popular form of recreation among schoolchildren. 90 children visited the Resseta, Zhizdra rivers, having received a charge of positive emotions and a healthy lifestyle (physical activity, sports games, proper nutrition, solar and water procedures).

  1. 5. Youth inter-district local history gathering "Likhvin Meetings"

This year, our school took part in a new form of summer recreation for the region, the inter-district local history gathering “Likhvin Meetings”. We, together with the regional education committee and the Chekalinsky school, prepared this meeting and received guests from the Belevsky district. The program of the rally was very interesting and full of various events. All teams took part in the competition business cards“Come visit us” with a presentation of the sights of your area, got acquainted with the history of the Likhvin region, visited the Museum of Military Glory of the Chekalin secondary school named after I. A.P. Chekalin", house - museum of Alexander Chekalin, church in the village. Peskovatsky. Museum staff held an exciting local history quiz on the knowledge of the history of the Tula region. The guys were engaged research work on the Likhvensky geological section, having explored the Likhvinskaya and Dnieper moraines (clearing the geological layers of the section). The craftsmen of the Suvorov region taught the children their skills in making Filimonovo toys, Likhvin dolls, and woodcarving. Guests of our region went on excursions to the village. Mishnevo (church visit). Every evening, the participants of the rally were entertained by the VIA of our school, before lights out, we all sat in the Eaglet circle summed up the day and sang songs with guitars. The weather marred this stay in nature a little, but our guests and we were satisfied with the meeting.