Literature      11.10.2021

Presentation of the development of the creative abilities of the student. Development of creative abilities.ppt - presentation “Development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in the educational process in the framework of the implementation of fgos noo. Speech at the teachers' council

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Relevance and prospects of experience

“There are invisible strings in the soul of every child. If you touch them skillful hand they sound nice." V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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What is creativity?

Creativity is individual psychological features child, which do not depend on mental abilities and manifest themselves in children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, their point of view on the surrounding reality.

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Development creativity- the most important task primary education, because this process permeates all stages of the development of the child's personality, awakens the initiative and independence of decisions, the habit of free expression, self-confidence. If you look at state of the art education in Russia, it can be seen that it is characterized by qualitative changes in the field of content, which is aimed at developing the creative abilities of the child's personality. The relevance and prospects of work in this direction is determined by the extent to which the educational process ensures the development of the creative abilities of each student, forms creative personality prepares him for creative cognitive and social activities.

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The originality of my experience lies in the definition of the student as the main acting figure in the educational - educational process, implementation of the problems of creative development of the individual, development pedagogical technologies, the purpose of which is not the accumulation of knowledge and skills, but the constant enrichment of creative experience and the formation of a mechanism for self-organization of each student.

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Human abilities can be represented as a tree:

Roots are the natural inclinations of a person; trunk - general abilities; branches - special abilities, including creative ones. The more branches, the more powerful the tree, the more magnificent and branched its crown!

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Conditions effective development creativity junior schoolchildren.

Choice situations are created, the learning process includes tasks that are performed taking into account the imagination; Co-creation is organized in the children's team from the whole manifestation and development of the creative abilities of everyone; Technologies for the development of creative thinking are used.

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At the lessons we also write essays-fairy tales about parts of speech and short stories using phraseological units and popular expressions, for example: “hang your ears” “hack yourself on your nose”

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Ways to stimulate creativity

providing a favorable atmosphere; goodwill on the part of the teacher, his refusal to criticize the child; enrichment environment a child with a wide variety of new objects and stimuli for him in order to develop his curiosity; encouraging the expression of original ideas; providing opportunities for practice; usage personal example creative approach to problem solving; giving children the opportunity to actively ask questions.

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Leading pedagogical idea

All children are capable - this is my leading pedagogical idea. In this regard, I pay special attention to creating conditions for the development of the creative potential of each student. I think it is necessary to take into account physiological features child, different levels of learning, readiness to participate in creative activity. In this regard, I focus on the selection of multi-level creative tasks for each student.

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The effectiveness of the experience:

Quality improvement students' knowledge, - the acquisition of the skill to organize one's own learning activities, - activation of creative and cognitive activity students, - the formation of positive personal qualities of the student, - the formation of a conscious need for healthy lifestyle life. I consider the pedagogical experience that I have carried out to be relevant and productive.

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The development of students' creative abilities depends on the effectiveness of the methods and techniques used by the teacher and how creatively he approaches this problem. Usage various kinds and forms of creative tasks made it possible to reach a certain level in the development of creative abilities, which turned out to be feasible for each student. Systematic work on the development of creative abilities gives the following results: children grow up inquisitive, active, able to learn, real dreamers and dreamers, people who are able to see the miracle in ordinary things. Children's own creativity helps to more firmly absorb and memorize theoretical information. The problem of motivation is easier to solve, children themselves show a desire to create. The important point is that creative works attract the attention of all children, here they open from the positive side.

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“A child who experiences the joy of creativity even to the smallest degree becomes different from a child who imitates the acts of others” B. Astafiev.

Completed by the teacher primary school MBOU "Lesnovskaya secondary school" Tishina N.S.

Development of creative and cognitive abilities of primary school students in Russian language lessons. in Russian lessons

  • the main purpose of education is to prepare the younger generation for the future, for the new opportunities that life provides
  • we live in the age of information, rapid changes are taking place in society, a person is forced to respond to them, in order to adequately respond to these changes, a person must activate his creative abilities, develop creativity in himself.

  • A high level of interest in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading.
  • The ability to fantasize, imagine and model.
  • The manifestation of ingenuity, ingenuity; discovery of new knowledge, ways of action, search for answers to questions in books.
  • Expression of joyful emotions at work.
  • The ability to experience a situation of success; enjoy the creative process.
  • Showing independence at work.
  • Ability to overcome difficulties .

  • Combine learning activities with the development of individual inclinations of students.
  • Notice any creative manifestations of students.
  • To create conditions for the development of creative abilities in the classroom and during extracurricular activities.
  • Use creative tasks in lessons and extracurricular activities.

Criteria for the level of development of creative and cognitive abilities of younger students:

cognitive a criterion by which knowledge, ideas of younger students about creativity and creative abilities, understanding of the essence of creative tasks are revealed. Motivational - need criterion - characterizes the student's desire to prove himself as a creative person, the presence of interest in creative types of educational tasks. activity criterion - reveals the ability to originally perform tasks of a creative nature, activate the creative imagination of students, carry out the process of thinking outside the box, figuratively.

Stages of development of creative and cognitive abilities.

Preparatory-elements of creativity in ordinary, performing activities, for example, games, takes place more often in grades 1-2.

Research -creativity in language learning takes place in grades 2-3.

self-expression through various activities, for example, various compositions, takes place in grades 3-4.

  • writing essays, presentations;
  • reviewing creative works;
  • various types of games;
  • tasks to establish situational and causation between objects and events;
  • creative dictionaries, puzzles, charades;
  • compiling syncwines;
  • creative homework;

  • Free writing (write what you want).
  • “My diary” (write about what you just remembered).
  • "Fantasy-picture" (picture of your imagination).
  • Excursion to the art gallery.
  • Cartoon script (according to the drawings on the board).
  • Musical composition (under the impression of the listened work).
  • An essay is a continuation of a presentation or dictation written the day before.

  • "The child thinks in images"

You put on the wrong thing, You need not a fur coat, but ... ..

  • KOSM C

  • From b and nanos it is easy to lay out the letter "A", but you cannot lay out the letter "O".
  • When you get stung by a beer, it's hard to keep from shouting "-A!".
  • Well, what about the gathering without the sun?!

Phonetic clues.

  • The passenger takes the ticket at the box office.
  • I see familiar faces on my face.
  • In the west the sun falls.

  • highlighting opposite properties;
  • search for analogies;
  • asking questions;
  • reformulation;
  • generating ideas;
  • establishment of situational connections between objects;
  • establishing causal relationships between events;
  • game-tasks for the development of children's imagination, language sense;

situational connections.

How many camels can be wrapped in one newspaper?

What does the newspaper say about camels?

Why do you slouch like a camel when you read a newspaper?

  • A squirrel, sitting on a tree, missed a bump.
  • The dump truck with the cargo did not arrive at the appointed time.


This is a poem, consisting of five lines, in which a person expresses his attitude towards something or someone. These five lines are composed according to certain rules, in strict order. Let's take a look at how this is done.

First line - one key word determining the content of syncwine.

Second line - two adjectives, characterizing this concept.

Third line - three verbs showing the action of the concept.

Fourth line - short offer in which the author expresses his attitude towards someone or something.

Fifth line - one word, usually a noun through which a person expresses his feelings, associations associated with this concept.

True. Eternal, amazing. Runs, excites, triumphs. Truth is the mysterious unknown. Truth is a search.

Rights. Necessary, general. Guiding, guarding, protecting. You can't live without them. Necessity.









House. Beautiful, reliable Protects, warms, loves. The house is cozy. This is the main thing.

Reliable, beloved. Protect, protect, protect. Everyone needs it. Love.

  • 49 or more points . You have a significant creative potential, which provides you with a rich selection of creative opportunities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you.
  • 24 to 48 points . You have quite normal creativity. You have those qualities that allow you to create, but you also have problems that hinder the creative process. In any case, your potential will allow you to express yourself creatively, if you so desire, of course.
  • 23 points or less . Your creativity, alas, is small. But maybe you just underestimated yourself, your abilities? Lack of self-confidence can lead you to think that you are not capable of creativity at all. Get rid of it and thus solve the problem.

The main stimulus for creativity great joy that it gives to both the student and the teacher.

Create yourself, manifest in full force their creativity, and your students will create.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The development of creative abilities in children Prepared by a practical psychologist of the Mangush school No. 2 Kuznetsova N.A.

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Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

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Everything starts from childhood All the inclinations of a person are formed from early childhood and in the course of subsequent life they are simply improved and realized.

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IN modern society creativity is highly valued. In addition, creative professions are currently one of the most popular and in demand, and many purposeful creative people always find their place in the sun to further realize their creative potential. Its development must necessarily go in step with all other areas, and this is necessary for every child. And let him not become a successful actor or a famous singer in the future, but he will have a creative approach to solving certain life problems. And this will help him become an interesting person, as well as a person who will be able to overcome the difficulties that have arisen in his path. Naturally, each child's creativity manifests itself in different ways: for some, to a lesser extent, for others, to a greater extent. All this will depend on natural inclinations. And if the baby has at least the slightest creative abilities, then it will be much easier for him to study, work and build relationships with others.

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The components of creative abilities are the ability to learn everything new; desire for knowledge; activity and liveliness of the mind; the ability to find the non-standard in ordinary phenomena and familiar things; striving for constant discovery; the ability to put into practice the experience and knowledge gained; freedom of imagination; intuition and fantasy, as a result of which the corresponding discoveries and inventions appear.

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Diagnosis of non-verbal creativity. Torrance test. Subtest 1. "Draw a picture." Draw a picture, while taking a colored oval spot cut out of colored paper as the basis for the drawing. The color of the oval is up to you. The stimulus figure has the shape and size of an ordinary chicken egg. You also need to give a name to your drawing. The figure test by E. Torrens is intended for adults, schoolchildren and children from 5 years old. This test consists of three tasks. Answers to all tasks are given in the form of drawings and captions to them. The time for completing the task is not limited, since the creative process involves the free organization of the temporary component of creative activity. The artistic level of performance in the drawings is not taken into account.

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Subtest 2. "Completion of the figure." Draw ten unfinished stimulus figures. And also come up with a title for each picture. Subtest 3. "Duplicate lines." The stimulus material is 30 pairs of parallel vertical lines. Based on each pair of lines, you need to create some kind of (non-repeating) pattern.

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Directions for the development of creative abilities Development of creative imagination; Development of the qualities of thinking that form creativity.

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Creating a harmonious and favorable atmosphere, goodwill. Creation of good conditions and material base for creative development. The child should have the opportunity to practice and exercise. Stimulation of the development of abilities, encouragement for creative ideas. 4. Freedom in the choice of activity. Factors allowing to develop creative abilities

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Creativity can be developed in children with the help of the simplest games and exercises Goals and objectives of developmental activities: 1. To develop the creative abilities of students, independence. 2. Develop creative thinking: originality, productivity, flexibility. 3. To develop thinking operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. 4. Develop imagination, attention, memory. 5. Expand lexicon students. 5. Form adequate self-esteem. 6. To form a positive attitude towards their work and other students. 7. Raise interest in acquiring new knowledge, developing your skills and abilities.

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Exercises to develop the creative abilities of secondary students school age Exercise "What could this mean?" Before you are drawings of figures that look like several objects. Think about what it might be like.

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2. Fantasy games “What would happen if ......” Imagine what could happen if ... (trees disappeared; people could read each other’s thoughts; cows had wings; you were a resident of another planet; it will rain, not stopping; animals will speak in a human voice; fairy-tale characters will come to life.) 3. Exercise "Think up and tell" Think up and tell what happened to each of the characters. The child must understand the emotional state of each of the boys and tell what happened to them.

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4. Exercise "Make up a fairy tale" Look at the pictures and think of a fairy tale in which all these characters would participate. 5. Exercise "Pick up the words" Pick up the words that begin with the letters that make up the word "lemon" (you can take any words) L-elk ... I-needle ... M-milk ... O-eagle ... N-nose ...

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7. Exercise "Unfinished drawings" Try to draw something interesting using these figures. 6. Exercise "Magic blots". The child needs to determine what the blots depicted in the drawings look like.

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8. Exercise "New use of an unnecessary object" All things sooner or later become unusable. But some people are in no hurry to part with objects that have fulfilled their intended purpose. They come up with new uses for things and use them for a long time. Try to find at least twenty new uses for unnecessary items: - an empty tin can; - holey sock; - a burst balloon; - a burnt out light bulb; - an empty rod from the handle. 9. Exercise "Story with one letter" Here is a little story from modern life: "Adventurer Andrey Arkadyevich Antoshkin rented a car, corporatized a barn of watermelons, and Andrey was arrested by the ataman of the aborigines." In this story, all words begin with one letter - "A". Try to compose the same short story in which all words would begin with one letter, namely with the letter ... - "K"; - "M"; - "ABOUT"; - "P"; - "WITH".

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10. Exercise "The hero has a new character old fairy tale» The heroes of fairy tales are different: good and evil, cunning and simple-hearted, brave and cowardly. Each fairy tale is a clash of different characters. What happens if one of the characters changes character? Probably, all the events described in the fairy tale will take place in a different way. Try to tell some old ones in a new way folk tales taking into account the changed character of the protagonist. Imagine that... - Gingerbread Man - cruel and treacherous; - Mashenka ("Mashenka and the Bear") - stupid and tearful; - Wolf ("Wolf and seven kids") - kind and caring; - Emelya ("At the command of the pike") - greedy and cunning; - Hen Ryaba - capricious and arrogant. 11. Exercise "Clipmakers". Listen to the music video with eyes closed. During the sound of music, associate and remember your associations. Create your own version of the clip based on associations. “Draw” the created clip with words and demonstrate your version to the group members. After the participants demonstrate creative products to each other, view the author's version of the clip.

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12. The game "What looks like what" This event is held in the form of a game. Up to 30 children can participate in it, it is better for the teacher to take on the role of the leader. Children, with the help of the leader, choose 2 people who should be isolated from each other for several minutes. general group. At this time, everyone else thinks of a word, preferably an object. Then isolated guys are invited. Their task is to guess what was guessed with the help of the question: “What does it look like?” For example, if the word “bow” is guessed, then to the question: “What does it look like?” the following answers may come from the audience: “On the propeller by the plane”, etc. As soon as the drivers guess what was guessed, the leader changes them, and the game is repeated again. 13. Exercise “Rhyming names” Participants need to compose a couplet in their name, which begins with the words: “My name is ...” Example: My name is Nikita, mosquitoes love me! My name is Nina, I came from the store! My name is Sasha, my porridge burned down! My name is Nastya, hello from me to everyone! My name is Rita, everything is watered in the garden!

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14. Exercise "Development of creativity" Find the similarities between the objects below. For example: "What do an elephant and a banana have in common?". Possible answers: thick skin, hot climates, etc. Three minutes are allotted for each pair. What do coffee and the people of Lapland have in common? What do shoelaces and trains have in common? What do mountains and chocolate have in common? What do walking and talking have in common? 15. Exercise "Transformation" For the development of technical intelligence, it is very useful to imagine the design of various machines and devices, as well as the principles of their operation. We offer you a new and effective exercise. If you do not know what the principle of operation of a device is, just invent it! Imagine that you are the gasoline in the gas tank of a car entering the engine. You turn into an explosive force and move the car. With your eyes closed, imagine the process happening to you in as much detail as possible. Imagine that you are a signal emitted by the transmitter of a local TV station. With your eyes closed, imagine in as much detail as possible your journey from the transmitter antenna to becoming a picture on a television screen. Imagine that you have become own voice and make the journey from your handset through a communication satellite to your friend's handset, located on the opposite side of the planet. Close your eyes and visualize your journey in as much detail as possible.

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There are no uninteresting people in the world. Their destinies are like the histories of the planets. Everyone has a special, their own, And there are no planets similar to it. Creativity is contagious. Spread it. A. Einstein Thank you for your attention!

"Development of creative abilities
junior schoolchildren in educational
educational process within
implementation of GEF IEO"
Completed by: Medvedko L.P.,
primary school teacher,
MKOU secondary school №1

"In the heart of every child
there are invisible strings. If
touch them with a skillful hand, they
sound nice."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

What is creativity?
Creativity is individual
psychological characteristics of the child
do not depend on mental abilities and
appear in a child's fantasy,
imagination, a special vision of the world, your point
view of the surrounding reality.


The school always has a goal:
create conditions for the formation of personality,
capable of creativity.
Therefore, the elementary school, making the transition to new
second generation standards should be
focused on the development of creative
(creative) personality.

 The development of creative abilities is the most important
task of primary education, because this process
permeates all stages of development of the personality of the child,
awakens initiative and independence
decisions, the habit of free
self-expression, self-confidence.

Looking at the current state
education in Russia, you can see that it
characterized by qualitative changes in
areas of content that aims to develop
creative abilities of the child's personality.
The relevance and prospects of work in this
direction is determined by the extent to which educational
educational process provides development
creative abilities of each student, forms
creative person, prepares him for creative,
educational and social activities.

Creative abilities of students
Under creative (creative) abilities
students understand “…the complex possibilities
student in the performance of activities and actions,
directed towards creation."
Creativity embraces a certain set
mental and personal qualities, which determines
ability to be creative.

Basic goals

 development of consistency, dialectics
 development of productive,
controlled imagination;
 purposeful learning
use heuristic methods For
performing creative tasks.

 Create conditions for the development of the child's personality.
The sources of child development are
two types of activities:
 educational activities that are aimed at
child's acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary
for life in society;
 creative activity, during which the child
realizes its capabilities, because it is not aimed at learning
already known knowledge.
 Help the child to express
amateur performance, self-realization, the embodiment of its
own ideas, which are aimed at creating something new.

Components of creative
students' abilities:
 creative thinking;
 creative imagination;
 application of organization methods
creative activity.

Human abilities can be represented as
roots - natural inclinations
trunk - general abilities;
branches - special
abilities, including
The more branches, the
the tree is stronger, more magnificent and
branchier its crown!

Creativity Methods
 visibility;
 artistic word;
 technical means;
 game.

Ways to stimulate creative
 providing a favorable atmosphere;
 benevolence on the part of the teacher, his rejection of criticism in
child's address;
 enrichment of the child's environment with a wide variety of
new objects and incentives for him in order to develop his
 encouraging the expression of original ideas;
 providing opportunities for practice;
 using a personal example of a creative approach to solving
 giving children the opportunity to actively ask questions.

Methodological techniques that develop
creative thinking of students

game method
The dichotomy method in the game "Daneth"
Find out the object by description
"Minutes" of creativity
Lessons - fairy tales
Object conversion
Composing a syncwine
Project activity
extracurricular activities

The system of creativity, which is understood as
many interrelated tasks, focused
for knowledge, creation, transformation in a new quality
objects, situations, phenomena aimed at the development
creative abilities of younger students in the educational
The main condition for the creativity of students in the classroom
creation of "SUCCESS".

improving the quality of students' knowledge,
organize your learning activities
activation of creative and cognitive
student activity,
formation of positive personal
student qualities,
the formation of a conscious need for management
healthy lifestyle.

Developing the creative abilities of students
depends on the effectiveness of the
teacher of methods and techniques and how
creatively he approaches this problem.
The use of various types and shapes
creative tasks allowed to achieve
a certain level in the development of creative
abilities, which turned out to be feasible
for each student.

Systematic work on the development of creative
abilities gives the following results: children
grow up inquisitive, active, able
learn, real dreamers and dreamers,
people who can see miracles in ordinary things.
Children's own creativity helps stronger
learn and memorize theoretical information. Easier
the problem of motivation is solved, the children themselves show
desire to create. The important point is that
that creative works attract the attention of all
children, here they open with a positive

V.A. Sukhomlinsky owns the words: "In the soul of every child there are invisible strings. If you touch them with a skillful hand, they will sound beautifully."

Extracurricular activities, trips, excursions, school items, V primary school, developing the individuality of each child contributes to: 1. rallying the children's team; 2. lay the foundations of morality; 3. develop a sense of responsibility; 4. instill aesthetic taste.

Early detection of creative inclinations and abilities of children is very important. Children have an unconscious desire to learn something new and unusual. This allows you to make the most of all the opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities, to grow the sprouts of children's talents, taking into account the interest of each student.

For many years I have been observing the development of speech and contributing to the development of students' speech, because the child's speech is a key moment in his development. According to a person's speech, one can determine: 1) the degree of his culture and education; 2) the level of thinking of the speaker, as well as the level of his development. By developing the speech of the child, we develop his intelligence. Only through the development of speech is it possible: 1) the formation and improvement of thinking; 2) imagination; 3) representations of higher emotions.

The teacher should organize such training and extracurricular activities, in which the teaching turns into a research activity, which can and must be managed, adhering to the following requirements: to be attentive and sensitive to all manifestations of the creative activity of children; strive to help each child understand himself; in every possible way to encourage in children the desire to express and discuss their creative ideas with their comrades. Work on the formation and development of creative abilities of younger students must be carried out at every lesson and during after hours. Invaluable help in solving this issue provide mathematics lessons that provide: 1. improvement of the child's personality; 2. give a holistic view of the world and a person's place in it; 3. contribute to the development of creative inclinations and inclinations; 4. form the readiness of children for further self-development.

Studying initial course In mathematics, in the process of mastering the basic concepts, the most important thing is to help the child in the gradual transition from concretely effective thinking to abstract - conceptual. Therefore, the learning process should approach the formula: MASTERING = MASTERING + APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE,

Which is fully realized in the process of perception, comprehension, memorization, application, generalization and systematization. The development of creative abilities in the lessons of mathematics involves the solution (optional to choose from) of various types of tasks and tasks. Non-standard tasks contribute to the formation of a positive attitude to tasks of a problem-search nature, critical thinking and the ability to conduct mini-research; contribute to the manifestation of a higher degree of independence in the formulation of questions and the search for solutions; lead to the actualization of students' internal motivation, which is manifested in the preference for difficult tasks, curiosity, the desire for mastery and increased self-confidence. (Example: Jan)

“Abilities are not just manifested in labor, they are formed, developed, flourish in labor and perish in inaction.” The most effective way to develop individual abilities lies through introducing schoolchildren to productive creative activity from the 1st grade. Who needs creativity?

The acceleration of scientific and technological progress will depend on the quantity and quality of creatively developed minds, on their ability to ensure the rapid development of science, technology and production, on what is now called the increase in the intellectual potential of the people.

It turns out that everyone should become creators? Yes! Let some to a lesser extent, others to a greater extent, but certainly all. Where to get so many talented and capable? Nature, everyone knows, is not generous with talents. They are like diamonds, they are rare…. Significance of the period of childhood for the development of creative abilities Any inclinations, before turning into abilities, must go a long way of development.

A lot of questions are of concern to primary school teachers during the period of literacy and further teaching of reading, writing, retelling, writing ... Working with primary school children, I always ask myself questions: is the speech of my students meaningful? Is it logical? Is the choice of words and other means of language rich and varied? Is speech clear and expressive? Is the speech pure, is it correct in terms of grammar, spelling, orthoepy?

How can this be achieved? Not at all easy. The guys are overly mobile, attention is unstable, there are many difficulties with discipline. How to make a child listen, with what means and methods to make learning fun? Is it possible to keep in a child a sense of joyful surprise before school for a long time? I think yes. Therefore, I try to turn the education of my students from the world of assessments into the world of colors, sounds, fantasy, light, fairy tales, and creativity.

Often used in class didactic games. The game is an organic form of activity of a younger student. It contributes to the creation of an emotional mood among students, causes a positive attitude towards the work performed, improves overall performance, develops observation, creative abilities. The didactic game can be used at various stages of the lesson. Yes, while checking homework it is possible to play the game “Who is more correct and faster?”, Didactic games are especially common at the stages of repetition and consolidation.

Here are a few games I use: "Guess who I'm calling?". The purpose of this game is to develop the ability to select words with a given number of syllables. I suggest standing up to those children whose names consist of as many syllables as I make claps. For example, I clap 3 times, after which children whose names consist of 3 syllables should stand up. For example: Se - ryo - zha, Ma -ri - on, Na - that - sha, etc.

The game "Pick up a pair" is of great interest to the children. Its purpose is to develop the ability to correctly correlate the names of objects and actions. Each student has a card on the desk on which the words are written in a column: blizzard, thunder, sun, lightning, wind, rain, snow, clouds and strips of paper with the words dripping, floating, falling, sweeping, thundering, baking, etc.

Preparing for reading lessons, I try to think over all types of work so that the student actively thinks creatively throughout the lesson. I put the questions in such a way that the student can compare and, on this basis, draw a conclusion, for example: Whose plan of those written on the board is more successful? What do you think is the main point in our plan? What can be learned by following what is said in this question? I try to enable children to discover something new for themselves in a text familiar from the initial reading, which they have not noticed before, to focus on the main thing. So, getting acquainted with the content of an excerpt from the fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve months, the children for the first time did not notice which of the brothers - months turned out to be the most strict towards the Stepdaughter. Then, looking at her behavior and diligence, this brother became indulgent and kind to her. And why? The children found in the text words that characterize each hero, and then made a conclusion. And when they staged this fairy tale, the children tried to show the character of each hero and his attitude to other characters with voice and gestures.

Children are very fond of minutes of poetry. Poems by Pushkin, Yesenin and other masters of the word are heard in the lesson. Children also read poems of their own composition. At the reading lesson, the task “I will start, and you continue .... The game is called: “I will start, and you continue” Autumn is a yellow word of a yellow picture, Because ... (…..) Autumn is a delicious word, jam is being cooked, Because What… (…)

"Round table- the game helps to test how children can express their individuality. The teacher says phrases that the guys have to complete, for example: What I like most about myself is ... I am the same as everyone else, because ... I wanted to be ... My favorite game ... It seems to me that my name means ... I would like to know about ... I feel sad when... I wish I could be more... Someday, I hope...

"Make a wish" - they also sit around and make wishes ... If I were some kind of animal, then I would ... If I became a bird, I would ... If I were a tree, I would ... If I were a machine, I would... If I were our country, I would... If I were a foreign country, I would... If I were a game, I would... If I were a film, I would... If I were a color, I would …

All of the above leads: to the development of the student's creative thinking; revitalizes the learning process; makes the student want to learn something new; activates and shapes personality. With the development of creative abilities, the personality of the child also develops. Children become more active, take part in extracurricular activities: contests of readers, drawings of posters, crafts, essays, newspapers. (Example 4A-Excursion SYuT grew into the project "Crazy Hands"

You just need to teach them to see, peer into life. I gave each child an etude about winter nature. Music sounds, children examine the sketch and convey their mood in the composition, come up with names. Here is one miniature of class 2 A (Anna): “The beauty has come - winter. They put on their furry hats. There are big snowdrifts everywhere.

In Russian language lessons, I use the preparation of sentences for postcards with autumn, winter or spring landscapes. Starting from grade 1, I teach children: to express their thoughts in writing and orally; analyze and review the answers of their comrades; put marks; enter into a conversation with me. If the student does not have his own view, independence of judgment is not developed, there is no creative approach to the facts being studied, he is unlikely to develop a deep interest in any field of knowledge.

Types of work in the lessons of the Russian language 1. Meaningful work in oral speech- imitation of the teacher's story, inventing oral texts, writing up, drawing plot pictures (this helps to build a sequence of events unfolding in the text). Here it is very important to acquaint children with the genre organization of oral speech.

2. At the same time, work is underway to form children's ideal ideas about writing as an author's product. This happens through expressive reading of texts by the teacher, which is accompanied by stories about the author, his life, accessible to the experience of the child. At a certain moment, for some children, the technical equipment in writing and proactive oral writing coincide in a single direction. creative action. It is very important to capture this moment and translate it into a fascinating tradition. And here comes the crisis situation: the ability of children to invent and write down an oral text is limited by the inability to build it on the principle of written speech. It is at this moment that the teacher will need special actions to help the child create a written text.

At first, this work is carried out as a collective, and then it becomes individual. For example, at the Russian language lesson in the 3rd grade on the topic “The concept of ending”, at the end of the lesson, the children received the following text with the task to insert the missing endings and complete it: Tale about the Christmas tree_. In the dense forest, there lived a Christmas tree. Next to her lived a cunning fox, an angry bear and a toothy wolf. But the Christmas tree was not afraid of anyone. Only she was sad and lonely. And then one day ...

As children develop imagination, fantasy, almost all of them move on to writing. Some of them need transitional forms of action with a written text to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. But in addition to these "technical" means, children need to bring into their small work own feelings, thoughts, mood, experience, to “revive” their creation with them. Only then will it be true creativity. A very good help for this is the work on the development of creative imagination, which we carry out with children in reading lessons. The most common tasks in such work with texts - guess, conjecture, draw with words, creatively retell - allow you to “turn on” the imagination, which is the basis for the development of creative knowledge

Separately, I would like to dwell on poetry. I want to make a reservation right away: I do not set myself the task of teaching children to write poetry. This cannot be taught. Poems should be born suddenly, by themselves, but it is quite possible to introduce children into the world of poetic creativity.

This work starts in 1st grade. First - in the lessons of literacy, then it continues in the lessons of reading. We start by using a lot of poetic material: fairy tales, riddles, comic poems. Then the children are invited to finish the phrase themselves - to rhyme the syllables: for - for - for - there is a goat ra in the yard - ra - ra - there is a game in the yard

All these "tests of the pen" are very cheerful, with jokes and laughter, with great desire. Gradually, the tasks become more difficult and the children move on to composing couplets. Often I do this: I offer 2 poetic lines, and then you need to compose a poem yourself or give the word (for example, potatoes) and ask you to come up with two or four rhymed lines for it. These are the lines my children got: Oh, boiled potatoes! I'll eat you a little. It may be bad for me, but I will fill my stomach

At the reading lesson, we conduct “creative five-minute sessions”, in which children read their poems, fairy tales, essays, invented by themselves. Of course, the artistic merits of the above creations are not so great, both imitation and constraint in the choice of visual and expressive means are visible, but one cannot fail to note the sincerity, enthusiasm of children, their desire to express their feelings. As a positive factor, I want to note that when doing such work, children began to use explanatory dictionary What I recommend and encourage, they have increased interest, exactingness, independence of judgment, enthusiasm for reading real poetry. This, perhaps, is the greatest value of the poetic studies of my students.

I would especially like to say about children's writing. Children need to be taught how to write essays. Only a few have an inborn talent for writing, and the majority have the inclinations. But if the inclinations are not developed, then they can simply disappear. And you need to develop them as soon as possible!

In Russian, I pay great attention to the compilation of creative written works. It is the essay highest form manifestation of creative abilities, occupies a special place in the system of development of the child's speech. And the success of students in coherent speech ensures success in work in all subjects. In teaching writing, I set myself two goals: to teach children to formulate their thoughts; enrich the student's vocabulary

The most characteristic types of essays that I conduct are as follows: compositions based on one painting or a series of paintings; essays based on what they saw and heard on the tour; essays based on key words that indicate the content and determine the sequence of thoughts in the essay; compositions according to the beginning and end proposed by the teacher; essays by analogy with the material read;) essays from personal life experience student

Favorite game in reading lessons is to read with the voices of heroes from a fairy tale. If drawings of a kolobok, a wolf, a woman - Yaga, a bear appear on the board, it means that the warm-up time has come, and everyone should speak or read in the voices of the guests. Like children and choose words for characterization fairy tale hero. From the words written on the board, they choose the right ones, proving their choice. For example, on the board the words: kind, stingy, affectionate, rude, evil. The guys come up to the blackboard and, proving their choice, erase the words that are not suitable for characterizing the old woman "Tales of Pushkin's Fish and Fish.

In special Russian language lessons for the development of speech, I focus on awakening creative forces, literary abilities of younger students, expanding the scope of their verbal communication, increasing the culture of written speech - the most difficult type of speech activity. Great importance I attach three conditions to these classes:

In each class I conduct a series of classes that involve collective and independent individual creative work. Thus, work on style, culture of speech finds a practical way out in essays, the construction of texts of different genres is studied (unfortunately, there is not enough time for this in the lessons).

In writing, children share their experiences and thoughts. This is a special form of self-expression and a really creative and intellectual work for a small student - to tell about some event in his own way, conveying his moods and feelings. In these classes, I have another very important task - to create a special atmosphere of trust, goodwill, warmth, an atmosphere of creativity in which children "bath" and joyfully create. I do not try to criticize, correct their creations, but only praise - even for the smallest luck, the right word found, for diligence and diligence. Encouragement from the teacher is a recognition of the child's abilities, it stimulates him to further creativity.

At the lesson of the Russian language there is a moment “Composing”, where I teach children to select desired material, talk on the topic of the essay, enrich the vocabulary, spend spelling training. From grade 1 I give children close, understandable and interesting topics. I work orally. From the 2nd grade, we learn to write essays in a notebook. With each year of study, the work on the development of speech is complicated by the fact that those objects and events that children observe and compare become more and more complex and diverse. The language of the writings also changes markedly. The success of working on an essay ultimately depends not only on how well the students have a certain vocabulary, on their ability to reveal the topic, but also on whether the teacher has created an emotional mood, whether there is a desire to write on the proposed topic. Preparation for an essay begins long before the children write it. When preparing for an essay, I spend: a) lexical exercises on the choice of synonyms and comparisons; b) exercises that give an idea of ​​the polysemy of the word; c) difficult words that students could use in an essay are written in notebooks for the development of speech.

Letter. We must not forget that children still do not have enough knowledge of grammar, so it is important to prevent mistakes. If children find it difficult to do something, they can contact the teacher. This essay, written in draft, I try to check. Then we analyze the essay. I read the best. At the first lessons, I myself note why I consider the essay successful, I emphasize the imagery and brightness of the language. Later I involve the guys in the analysis.

I continue to develop the creative abilities of children in the lessons of natural history, during walks and excursions to the forest or park, to the meadow. Children manage to see a lot if they constantly maintain their interest, introduce elements of entertainment. Traditionally, I ask children to write a review about the excursion (all pupils have an ex. 1. good discipline, 2. everyone listens, remembers, because it will be necessary to write a review and check it. riddle: Troika, trio arrived. The horses in that trio are white, And in the sleigh sits the queen White-skinned, white-faced. As she waved her sleeve Everything was covered with silver. (winter) Guessing riddles by younger students can be considered as a creative process, and the riddle itself as a creative task. When summing up the results of the excursion, she praised the children on behalf of Zimushka - winter for their activity of observation. At the next lesson of natural history, the children received a letter from Pochemuchka. Where Pochemuchka lives, there is no winter. And he asked me to tell him about winter, to answer his questions: what is winter ? What months are considered winter months? How to explain the proverbs: December - the year ends, the winter begins; January - the beginning of the year, the middle of winter; Blizzards and blizzards flew in under February. According to the picture prepared in advance, the children told about the bear, the fox and the squirrel.

School after school is a world of creativity, manifestation and disclosure by each child of his interests, his hobbies, his "I". After all, the main thing is that here the child makes a choice, freely manifests his will, reveals himself as a person. Extra-curricular activities also bring up respect for each other and mutual assistance. In the 1st grade at the end of the first semester we spend extracurricular activity on the topic: "Holiday is coming soon New Year". In it we include tasks for academic subjects. And the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" and all the heroes of this song help us in this. You can take any tasks, but only on a winter theme.

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, It grew in the forest. In winter, a Christmas tree came to class, brought riddles. The blizzard sang a song to her: "Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!", Frost wrapped in snow, He read poetry to her. Cowardly bunny grey. He solved all the tasks. Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf He arranged all the numbers. Chu! Snow in the forest clean Under the runner creaks. A hairy horse With balls is running towards us. The horse is carrying a firewood, And in the firewood - Santa Claus. I decided to check the reading, Tired on the road, my friend. Here is an elegant Christmas tree She came to us for a holiday, She brought us a rebus on pretty balls.