A. Smooth      08/05/2021

Workshop for teachers teacher and child: barriers to communication. Seminar - workshop for teachers "Psychological aspects of pedagogical interaction with participants in the educational process Practical seminar for teachers

Workshop "Communication of teachers with children"

Purpose: development communicative competence teachers in dealing with children.

1. Help teachers evaluate their own achievements and determine the level of problems in communicating with others.

2. Continue to improve the ability to show pedagogical tact in various working conditions at school.

3. To enrich the psychological culture of teachers in the process of using verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

4. To form the teacher's ability to adequately perceive himself and others.

Seminar progress:

The topic of our meeting: Communication between teachers and children. We already know that communication involves not just a discussion of some problems with others, but the process of accepting the issues that concern the interlocutor as one’s own, the ability to feel the mood of another person, the ability to be tactful and, without judgment, from the position of a partner, to perceive surrounding adults and children. Of course, we are all different in character, temperament, attitude to life, but even in this case there is something that unites us into a single whole. But more on that later, but now I suggest you do the following exercise ("Napkins"): exactly the same paper napkins lie on the table in front of you. Take one napkin and strictly follow my instructions:

Unfold the napkin;

Tear off the right corner;

Fold the napkin in half;

Tear off the right corner;

Fold the napkin in half;

Tear off the right corner;

Roll up the napkin;

Unfold the napkin.

See what happened. All napkins are different, although you all followed the same instructions. Why did it happen? Because you and I are different. Each of us perceives the same information differently, performs the same actions in different ways. This has both a plus and a minus. The “minus” is that different methods and techniques are needed in dealing with us, and the “plus” is that it would be completely uninteresting to live if we thought and did the same.

And if all this must be taken into account in the process of communication between adults, then what is the main thing in the course of interaction with children, the main thing for teachers? We think that at the end of our meeting we will be able to answer this question.

So, the first step to the answer will be an exercise - a greeting.

1. Exercise "Greeting each other"(goal: raising the emotional background, greeting each other).

I invite you to stand in a circle and greet each other with the word “Hello! » with 10 shades: fear, pleasure, discipline, surprise, reproach, joy, displeasure, dignity, irony, indifference.

2. Tale "What do people do."

I suggest you listen to one bike: “Three people worked at the construction site. They were doing the same thing, but when they were asked what they were doing, the answers were different. One said, "I'm laying bricks." Another: "I make a living." And the third answered: “I am building a temple.”

Question to you: what is the moral of this story?

(answers of teachers)

(Moral: everyone decides for himself "where to do the waist," as one tailor said)

What can be the conclusion? It would seem that people do the same thing, but respond differently. Have you thought about why this happens? Why at work, being "white and fluffy", at home we turn into tyrants? All this depends on the characteristics of our psyche. Only the person who knows himself well and loves the way he is can build harmonious relationships with the people around him. Listen to how the wonderful poet A.S. Pushkin wrote about this in the 19th century:

Whom to love? Whom to believe?

Who will not change us one?

Who measures all deeds, all speeches

Helpfully on our arshin?

Who does not sow slander about us?

Who cares for us?

Who does not care about our vice?

Who will never change?

The ghost of a vain seeker,

Works in vain without ruining,

Love yourself

Dear reader!

Item worthy: nothing

Kindly, it is not true.

Everyone decides for himself which line of behavior to choose, which way of communication to prefer. We are talking about children. And here it is important to understand that the relationship of the child with the teacher plays a stronger role in shaping his personality than relationships in the family, since the child spends most of his time at school. It is in the process of interaction with teachers that children acquire an idea of ​​the relationship between people, they are socialized.

3. Diagnostics (test "Check what kind of teacher you are" - modification by R. R. Kalinina)

And now, with the help of the test, I suggest that you determine if there are difficulties in your work, and what they are connected with.

Instructions: Please answer yes or no to the questions below.

1. Are you willing to take on the preparation of a lesson / class on new topic, which does not have a standard development?

2. Is it easy for you to abandon those methods of influencing children that you have successfully used before?

3. Did you quickly stop remembering with regret the past school and student years of study, becoming a teacher?

4. Do you decisively refuse standard behavior in various life situations?

5. Are you able to give an unmistakable description of your pupils, dividing them into strong, medium and weak in terms of mental abilities and moral qualities?

6. Are you able to let go of personal likes and dislikes when working with children?

7. Do you think that there is no universal style of work and different stages work, in different situations it is necessary to be able to apply different styles?

8. Do you find it easier to avoid conflict with children than with school administration?

9. Do you want to resolutely abandon the stereotypes of education and training recommended at the university and cultivated by your educational institution?

10. How often is your first intuition about the qualities of a student correct?

11. Do you often explain failures in work not by objective reasons, but by your own shortcomings?

12. Do you feel like you don't have enough time to work effectively?

13. Do you think that even without your presence and constant supervision, the children of your class/group will behave adequately?

14. Do you reward and punish different children differently for doing the same things?


And now let's process the results together: the table on the board shows the points that are assigned depending on the answer to each question. Add up the points you have earned.

№ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

yes 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

"no" 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 0


Now I will read the characteristics of each group by points:

0 - 5 points. You are a very weak teacher. You find it difficult to communicate with children. It is necessary to seriously work on oneself and master the methods of education and training.

6 - 10 points. You have many gaps in preparation for working with the children's team. Consult more often with colleagues, with experienced teachers. Regularly study pedagogical and psychological literature.

11 - 15 points. You are a good, knowledgeable teacher. However, think about whether you are striving for an ideal result. Give children more freedom, look at them as your assistants, while not forgetting to control the execution of instructions.

16 - 20 points. You are a skilled and experienced teacher. You are avoiding the pattern at work. Do your job creatively. Avoid being too categorical in people's assessments. Pay attention to your relationships with colleagues and administration - are you the cause of tension?

I think that each of you saw your own problems. We can discuss the questions that have arisen after the seminar individually.

4. Mini-lecture "Seven educational positions in relation to children"

There are several educational positions in relation to children.

Karabas-Barabas. In accordance with his role, this teacher needs only a clear and correct performance by children of his performances - productions. Such communication is more like training, the training of small children. tin soldiers. The basis of all education is fear and submission to the will of an adult who suppresses the natural activity of schoolchildren. The behavior of a child who has such a class teacher or teacher Karabas-Barabas is like a spring, constant pressure compresses it, at the slightest weakening the spring breaks up with great force and its trajectory becomes unpredictable, and the force becomes destructive.

The activity of children released for some time from the pressure of such a teacher / educator (for example, in the classroom with other teachers, is directed to a splash of accumulated energy, in other words, children do not pay attention to the words of an adult until they get tired. They quickly get used to strong stimuli ( shout) and stop responding to a calm voice.

If necessary (open lesson, diagnostic examination), children in the class / group of Karabas-Barabas can show a fairly high level of mastery of any knowledge and skills, but only under the conditions of an artificially created performance, since knowledge and skills are trained, learned automatically. It is worth slightly changing the conditions of the task, the game, replacing the pictures, asking the question differently, and the children will no longer be able to reproduce what they have learned.

The saddest consequence of such upbringing is the development of a double position in children, manipulative abilities. Children understand that lies help to avoid trouble, and flattery helps to gain approval. And all this is a consequence of the use of dictatorial style and discipline as the main measures of influence.

Malvina. Such a teacher clearly knows what is right and what is not, what is necessary and what is useless. Malvina's actions fit into a clear and only correct stereotype. She is smart, but she can only act this way, and nothing else, because she considers such actions to be the only correct ones. This approach is effective in educating children in cultural and hygienic skills, which involve the development of clearly consistent actions (first we unscrew the tap, then we wash our hands, and not vice versa). As for everyday communication, naturally arising conflicts, here Malvina acts simply: what she does not understand automatically becomes wrong. As a result, children lack initiative, independence, curiosity and emotionality.

Little Red Riding Hood. Emotional, inconsistent and unprogrammatic. Arouses sympathy in children based on similarity. In his actions, such a teacher is guided by momentarily arisen desires, does not think through the consequences at least half a step. The actions of Little Red Riding Hood do not take into account real life circumstances. Such infantilism leads to inhibition volitional regulation behavior in children, to the development of disorganization, inability to foresee the consequences of their behavior.

Sleeping Beauty. She is indifferent to both children and the world around her, "present, absent." In the class / group it is not seen or heard, the children are left to their own devices. The communication of the teacher with the children is absolutely formal, the activities of the children are not regulated in any way. Children cannot occupy themselves, they have no need for new sensations. The consequence of such a system of education is the indifference of children to the outside world or disinhibition, the main and favorite pastime is pampering.

Mother hen. She is caring, attentive, anxious, sees danger everywhere, cackles with or without reason, not for a minute leaving children without attention and vigilant control. He will tell everything, show everything, chew it and put it in his mouth. As a result, children lose the need and need to “flap their wings” on their own. Self-doubt, low self-esteem, anxiety, laziness - these are the consequences of such an educational position.

The Snow Queen. Beauty, devoid of feelings of love and affection for children. Her main desire is to command the little Kai. She achieves submission by manipulating feelings, replacing a rich natural life with an outwardly attractive, but, in fact, useless pastime. As a result - emotional insensitivity, cruelty, lack of initiative.

Mary Poppins. Diversified, erudite, tactful. Knows the needs of children, patterns of their development. In communication, she is natural and emotional, flexibly changes positions in different situations. Teaching children is carried out so naturally that they do not notice it, using the game, problem situations in Everyday life. Most importantly, he loves children!

Thus, we see that this classification reveals the features of the main pedagogical positions. It is important to note that, like pure types of temperament, there are no “pure” pedagogical positions either, one can only single out the ability for one or another. And, in this regard, a question for you: what do you think, which of these positions most fully contributes to the development of the child's personality and why?

(answers of teachers)

Our pupils, they are all children, but each of them is special, with his own character, habits. And each needs an individual approach in order to effectively build a line of relationships.

The “teacher-pupil” relationship is quite serious pedagogical problem. Two different spiritual worlds constantly interact: the world of the educator (experience, knowledge, beliefs, moral views, value orientations of his generation, etc.) and the world of the child (problems and contradictions of development, personality formation: the desire to know everything, try; diverse interests, desires, needs, etc.)

Pedagogical communication is productive communication. Its result is the spiritual enrichment of two sides: both the teacher and the pupil. But such enrichment is possible if the teacher, taking the position of the subject, also treats the pupil as a subject.

- What has a teacher in a child?

- What qualities irritate in a child?

- What qualities of the educator interfere with the establishment of positive relationships with the child?

- What can help, are a RESOURCE?

Resource search - teachers' answers

It means:

Respect for the teacher spiritual world pupil, recognition of his right to disagree with the teacher;

Interest in the world of the child and involvement in his condition, empathy for his success and failure;

The perception of the individuality of the pupil as a value with all the qualities inherent only to him.

The moral principles of pedagogical communication are one of the forms of the ethical consciousness of the teacher. They express the most generalized requirements for the ethics of communication between a teacher and children. The principles of pedagogical communication are determined by the goals of education, and they are based on the interactive nature of the interaction between the teacher and children. What do you think these principles are? These are the principles:

Non-violence (the right of the child to be what he is);

Respect for the labor of knowledge of the pupil;

Respect for the failures and tears of a child;

Respect for the hard work of growth;

Respect for the identity of the child;

unconditional love educator to pupil;

Optimal exactingness and respect;

Reliance on the positive in the child;

Compromise of controversial decisions. These principles are confirmed by the practice of outstanding teachers.

Exercise "Another angle"

Each teacher is given a sheet of the form:

Zhenya - sneak

Kolya is a coward

Klava - greedy

Petya - snotty

Tolya - frail

Igor is lazy

Olya is an upstart

Dima is fat

Leo is a whiner

Anna is stupid

Task: soften these statements.

By doing this exercise leading to the following conclusions:

It is possible to translate negative, negative definitions into positive definitions, moments, attitudes.

Intonation is important (for example: “donut” can be said with different shades)

The teacher must have pedagogical tact - be able to talk with children and listen to them; show restraint under any circumstances, find ways to influence children, given their pride; understand and correctly evaluate children's actions and manifestations of their personal qualities, and most importantly, be able to individualize the methods and techniques of education, relying on EVERYTHING THE BEST THAT IS IN THE CHILD

5. Practical part of the seminar - workshop.

3. Exercise “The hostess threw the bunny ...” (goal: developing the ability of teachers to control their voice).

One of the important points of communication with children is the ability to control the voice. I suggest you check how the ability to control your voice is developed in you. It is necessary to pronounce the text: “The hostess threw the bunny ...” with a certain intonation. I invite one participant from the team to choose a task. Preparation time 30 seconds.

Text pronunciation:

1. Whisper.

2. With maximum volume.

3. Wavy.

4. As if you were terribly cold.

5. Like you have a hot potato in your mouth.

6. Like a little girl.


A famous poet once said:

From the words of a man you can see

Who does he want to be known for?

but what he really is, you can guess

only by facial expressions, gestures, body movements,

which are involuntary.

(F. Schiller)

According to the French researcher F. Sulzhe, only 7% of information during communication we receive from the content of the statement, 38% - intonation, 55% of reliable information - through posture, facial expressions, expressive movements. All these concepts are included in the definition of voice. In your opinion, does it matter in what voice you will speak with children, parents? What can you generally say about the voice in the process of interaction with others? »

(statements of teachers)

From your words, we can conclude that the ability to control your voice is the most important moment in the process of communicating with others. There are such concepts as "charma" - a soft, soothing voice that does not include psychological protection and "imperative" - ​​a harsh, imperious, overwhelming tone. You understand that “charm” brings efficiency in communication, so you and I need to master this particular type of voice.

4. Exercise "Actors and spectators" (goal: developing the sensitivity of teachers to non-verbal means of communication).

I suggest you stage a few phenomena. One of the team members comes to the table and takes three sheets of paper with the phenomena indicated on them. Preparation time - 30 seconds. Then the teams show each other dramatizations, and try to guess the meaning of the shown phenomenon.



Against the wind;

Where you don't want to go;

So that someone does not wake up;

With the one who causes your alertness;

With someone who is very nice to you;

At a business meeting and suddenly realize that they forgot important documents;

And suddenly you see a person you want to like;

And suddenly find out that you have a hole in your pantyhose.


6. "People" (ideographic test by E. Mahoney, modified by G. V. Rezapkina)

You all know that our attitude towards ourselves and others is expressed in feelings, character, temperament and interests. A small graphic test will help identify the most striking features of your personality.

In order to determine your personality type, draw a person using geometric shapes: a triangle, a rectangle and a circle. The main condition: there must be ten figures used. After the drawing is completed, the number of triangles, rectangles and circles used is counted.

Test interpretation

Violation of the conditions of the task, that is, the use of figures less or more than ten, means anxiety, preoccupation with something. Lack of triangles - unwillingness to dominate others. The absence of circles - the ability to empathize is poorly developed. The absence of squares (rectangles) is non-constructive behavior.

If the figure is dominated by:

    Triangles - this means a tendency to organizational activity, dominance, striving for success, speed, determination, activity;

    Circles - a person easily establishes surface contacts, he is an excitable, exhausted, soft, sensitive type;

    Squares (rectangles) - introverted type, consistent in decision making, prone to technical types activities.

The predominant personality type is determined by the number of triangles.

    Leader type(the number of triangles is six or more).

These are people from high level claims, the desire for dominance and good communication skills. They have a strong nervous system. They understand people, skillfully classify and process information. The more triangles, the greater the degree of authoritarianism.

    Responsible professional(five triangles).

Possesses organizational skills, thinks through his activities to the smallest detail, non-conflict, with good intuition, shows high demands on himself and others, often works beyond his capabilities, prone to psychosomatic diseases.

    Unrealized genius(four triangles).

Anxious type. Differs in a variety of interests and talents. Difficulties in adaptation are possible, shows a tendency to individual work, indecision, self-doubt, vulnerability. He is characterized by doubts about his strengths and capabilities, despite the fact that he succeeds in everything he undertakes.

    type of scientist(three triangles)

Easily abstracted from reality, rational, objective. Spontaneity and inconsistency of behavior and activity are characteristic. Productive in a highly regulated environment. It is good to switch from one activity to another. Psychological protection type of rationalization.

    intuitive type(two triangles).

Differs in sensitivity and exhaustion nervous system. He is characterized by the desire to embellish, aestheticize reality, interest in art and man. It easily adapts to various social roles and subtly feels everything new and unusual, sympathetic, does not tolerate encroachments on his freedom.

    artistic type(one triangle)

Inventor, designer, artist. Emotional and obsessed with original ideas. Self-esteem is unstable, demonstrative in actions, has a rich imagination. Just like the intuitive type, he often lives according to his own laws, does not accept control from the outside, prefers self-control.

More information about your drawing

NO HANDS AND LEGS - defensive reactions, refusal to contact.

HANDS OR LEGS CONSIST OF SEVERAL ELEMENTS - high motor activity, well-developed "manual intelligence"; propensity for sports, dancing, needlework (fine motor skills).

HANDS RAISED UP - aggression.

OBJECT ON THE HEAD - anxiety, covert aggression.


FACE - undrawn (no mouth, eyes) - reduced need for communication; traced - sociability, emotionality.


HEAD - in the form of a triangle and a square - protest reactions.

The presence of a neck speaks of sensitivity, vulnerability, resentment.

A DISPLATED BODY (of several figures) OR ITS ABSENCE is a psycho-traumatic factor.


In my opinion, this is a very informative test. I think you have learned a lot about yourself.

6. "Psychological exercise" (goal: assisting in mastering relaxation and concentration techniques, increasing energy potential).

And now I suggest that you stand in a circle and do exercises: at the same time we make a movement and say a phrase.

1. Standing, bring the shoulder blades together, smile, wink alternately with the left and right eyes: “I am very proud of myself, I am good for a lot.”

2. Put your left palm on your forehead, then your right: "I solve any problems, because with me - love and luck."

3. Stand on tiptoe, raise your hands, close them over your head in a ring: "I am warmed by a ray of sunshine and deserve the best."

4. Hands to the sides, clench your fists, make rotations with your hands: “There is no obstacle in my way, and everything turns out the way it should.”

5. Hands on the belt, do tilts to the right and left: "I always keep a calm and a smile, and everyone will help me, and I will help."

6. Hands on the belt, tilting back and forth: "The situation is under my control, the world is beautiful, I am beautiful."

7. Jump on the right foot, then on the left: "I am cheerful and energetic, everything is going well."

8. Putting your hands in the lock, take a deep breath: "The universe smiles at me, everything works out for me."


7. Final word.

So, can we now answer the question, what is the main thing in the course of interaction with children, the main thing for us, teachers?

(statements of teachers)

In conclusion, I would like to say that, before educating any qualities in children, demand from them social norms behavior, you need to have it in yourself. Remember this. Engage in self-education, self-programming for a positive perception of life, realize subconscious desires.

As Epicurus said: “It is impossible to live pleasantly without living reasonably, morally and justly, and vice versa, it is impossible to live reasonably, morally and justly without living pleasantly.”

And yet, one must be happy, and “in order for happiness to be really deep and lasting, it is necessary that life be built around a specific goal” (philosophical dictionary).

We wish you all the best and see you soon!


1. Antoshina Yu. A., Kholodnaya E. V. Psychoprophylactic work of a preschool psychologist to optimize the psychological health of teachers. // Preschool Pedagogy No. 1, 2010, pp. 48-51.

2. Golikova O. Yu., Elizarova N. K. Workshop on the development of communication between teachers // Preschool Pedagogy No. 8, 2008.

3. Klyuchnikov S. Yu. Keep stress in your fist. How to take advantage of stressful situations. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2002.

4. Panfilova M. A. Game therapy of communication. - M .: "Gnome and D", 2001.

5. Rezapkina G. V. Me and my profession: A program of professional self-determination for adolescents - M .: Genesis, 2000.

6. Skripyuk I. I. 111 tales for coaches: stories, myths, fairy tales, anecdotes. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2007.

7. Shepeleva LN Programs of socio-psychological training. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2007.

8. Shitova E. V. Practical seminars and trainings for teachers. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Target : to summarize the ideas of teachers about the content of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education through an unconventional form of holding a seminar - a workshop in the form of a game "KVN".


    To consolidate and summarize the ideas of teachers about the content of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;

    Contribute in a playful way to consolidating teachers' ideas about modern technologies educational work with kids preschool age;

    Contribute to the further development of professionally significant qualities of teachers (the ability to quickly find solutions in pedagogical situations, creative improvisation, the ability to formulate questions, speak to an audience, etc.) in the conditions of the KVN game;

    To create a positive atmosphere of cooperation in the team of teachers in the process of solving game problems.


    Game protocol form (Appendix 1);

    Computer presentation illustrating the content of the workshop;

    Split pictures - 3 pcs. (each is divided by the number of parts corresponding to one third of the entire team of teachers);

    Three magnetic easels with magnets;

    Handout for the competition "Warm-up" (Appendix 2);

    Handout for the Lost Link competition (Appendix 3);

    Flags for each team - 3 pcs.;

    Phonograms (minus) of children's songs - 12 tracks;

    Audio recordings with children's questions - 6 options;

    Team honors.

The course of the seminar - workshop:

(Before the start of the event, each teacher receives a part of the split picture. All teachers sit in a semicircle. On the screen is the first slide of the presentation with the name of the workshop (see Figure 1)).

Picture 1

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today we have gathered for a serious event - a seminar - a workshop dedicated to the topic "FSES in preschool education: from theory to practice." We have repeatedly spoken about the Federal State Educational Standard. However, I have asked you to prepare for today's event by reading this document carefully again. You will have the opportunity to ask your questions a little later (if any), and together we will definitely answer them.

But we will build today's work not quite usual, if not quite unusual. I suggest you show your knowledge of the Federal State Educational Standard and discuss what is still incomprehensible, in the form of a game - the famous and fun game in KVN - the Club of Cheerful and Resourceful! And it will be called: “I know the Federal State Educational Standard!” So, tune in to the positive mood of our meeting (after all, all the most serious things are best known in a positive atmosphere) and let us begin our KVN “I know the Federal State Educational Standard!”.

So, the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful opens its magical doors in kindergarten No. 67, where talented, smart, resourceful and, undoubtedly, cheerful teachers work.

And of course, what is KVN without teams? Look at the parts of the picture, one of which each of you received when you entered the hall today. Now we can easily divide into three wonderful teams. In one minute you have to combine your parts and get three full-fledged pictures. And having made a picture, do not disperse! So we will determine the composition of our teams. …

(Teachers move freely around the hall, determine the similarity of the images and make up their own pictures. Having made up the pictures, they are arranged around the collected image. Upon completion of the task, the teams sit on chairs, arranged in three small semicircles (the location of each team is indicated by pre-set easels)).

Perfect! We wish our teams to perform brilliantly and conquer the strict but fair jury with their skill and charm!

So, I announce the jury... But wait! There are still three empty seats on our jury! Who will take these places? ... Let His Majesty Chance (or Fortune, as it will be more pleasant) determine this. Look under your chairs: only three of them (one for each team) have a mark on their legs. On whose chair this mysterious object was found, he becomes a happy member of our esteemed jury. So, I ask you to take a place on the jury ... (are called I.O. )!

And now I present our highly competent, and therefore no less resourceful and cheerful jury:

    the chairman of the jury is the head of our preschool educational institution E.P. Klimov!

    jury members:

    … (FULL NAME.)!

    … (FULL NAME.)!

    … (FULL NAME.)!

And let me take on the role of host of today's KVN game.

The teams have been created, the jury has been presented... Is everyone ready to start? …

But what about the teams - and without a name ?! I announce the first competition - "Greetings". In three minutes, the team needs to come up with the most original name and the most original way to present it to the jury members and rival teams! Is the assignment clear? Time has gone! …

After the allotted time: So, I'm ready to present our teams to your attention. Meet the first team!(... second!, ... third!) .

(The chairman of the jury enters the names of the teams in the protocol of the game).

Today's theme of our KVN is "I know the Federal State Educational Standard!" Don't worry, we won't take the GEF knowledge test. Our task today is to work together to understand what still remains incomprehensible, and, of course, to have a good time. The first competition has already shown us what we can do for a short time solve a fairly complex creative problem. And now I announce the second competition. It's called "Warm-up".

This is the essence of the competition. You will be offered parts of phrases that describe the principles of organizing a developing environment and examples of the implementation of these principles in the practice of a preschool educational institution. Your task is to pick up and arrange these parts in two minutes (each team on its own easel) in the following order: the name of the principle, next to it is its description, next to it is an example of its implementation. Raise your flag when you're ready! Because the speed of the task will give you an extra point in each competition! If everything is clear to you, then one representative from the teams, I ask you to come up for the task.

Let's give the floor to our jury: maximum amount points for the second competition - 4 points.(The assessment takes into account: the correct arrangement of parts + extra score for preparation speed)

The second competition is called "The Lost Link". We all know that modern education is impossible without the use of technology in working with children. Everywhere the manufacturability of the teacher's activity is proclaimed as a guarantee of the success of his work. And, of course, the concept of “personally-oriented interaction between an adult and a child” is not new. It is this interaction that is one of the aspects of the modern educational environment, the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard for the nature of the interaction between the teacher and children as a condition for creating a favorable social situation for their development.

So, it is precisely this concept - "personally-oriented interaction" - that formed the basis of the technology of Iraida Sergeevna Yakimanskaya, which is expressed in the model of person-oriented interaction with a child. Are you familiar with this technology?

Remember: this model has a core, i.e. the very goal that is achieved during its implementation is the “rays”, i.e. ways to achieve this goal. Now each team will receive their own model with rays. However, in none of them is its central part filled - namely, the purpose of this technology. In three minutes, you need to complete the technological model and name or determine as accurately as possible what, in your opinion, is the goal - the "core" of this technology. Representatives of the teams, please come and take your model. ... And now get to work! … And don't forget about speed!

Let's give the floor to the jury: the maximum number of points for the third competition is 3 points.(The assessment takes into account: the accuracy of the formulation of the goal (maximum approximation to the original), persuasiveness, evidence, the scientific basis for explaining one's vision of the goal, the speed of completing the task).

During a year ( the original model is displayed on the screen (see Figure No. 2) ) we will definitely dwell on this technology in detail again, because It is precisely this, in my opinion, that is the basis for building a modern educational process in preschool, as well as other technologies offered for working with preschool children.

Figure 2

It's time to relax a little and participate in the next competition called "Musical Riddles". You will be offered phonograms of famous children's songs. Under the same motto "faster, more accurate, more confident" you have to guess the name of the song and be the first to raise your flag. Be careful - your mistakes are a chance for your opponents to get the coveted score. Moreover, the team in this competition will receive its score for each guessed song. Ready? … Go! …

Let's give the floor to the jury: how many points did each team manage to score? …

(Soundtracks (minus) of famous children's songs are sequentially included. The team that first raised its flag gets the right to answer).

They guessed the songs, had a rest, and now the fourth competition, which is called "You to me - I to you." Children are our indefatigable why, and each teacher must skillfully, competently, and easily answer children's questions. And adults often ask sometimes difficult questions. Let's see how our teachers cope with a difficult task.

Now, within three minutes, you will have to formulate any question for the team - a rival on the topic of the competition, namely "FSES DO". The printed version of the Federal State Educational Standard, which you took with you, will help you with this. In addition, you can formulate in the form of a question the content of the Federal State Educational Standard that remains incomprehensible to you - right now we will have the opportunity to think together and understand the intricacies of this regulatory document.

Next, we will start asking questions in a clockwise circle. The order of answer is the same as in the previous contest, namely under the motto “faster, more accurate, more confident”. Most importantly, do not be afraid to answer - it may well turn out that it is you who know and can explain something to another that is not clear to him! In the end, we will understand everything together and find this long-awaited truth.

But not only your questions will be heard in this competition - each team will have to answer the questions of our children, which were selected at random. So, if everyone is ready, we begin! …

Let's give the floor to the jury: the maximum number of points for the third competition is 9 points.(When evaluating a question, the following is taken into account: the clarity of the wording of the question, the relevance of the question to the topic of the competition; when evaluating the answer, conciseness, completeness of the answer and scientific knowledge are taken into account + an additional point for the speed of answering each question; when evaluating the answer to children's questions, the following are taken into account: literacy of the answer, originality, pedagogical value + additional point for the speed of answering each question).

Unfortunately, we very often forget that humor and jokes are a very effective method in working with children. They create an atmosphere of ease and emotional intimacy. And now our participating teams will show their abilities as screenwriters, actors, comedians. The turn of the last fifth competition has come - "Creative Workshop". Each team will have to prove as ingeniously as possible that it is its members who are worthy of the title of “Winner of KVN“ I know the Federal State Educational Standard! ”And do it in the original form. Within 10 minutes you need to come up with the main motto of the teacher - an expert on the Federal State Educational Standard, and for any phonogram you like from the music competition (and maybe with your own accompaniment), present it in the most original way to the jury and spectators from the rival teams. Is the task clear? ... Let's go! …

Let's give the floor to the jury: the maximum number of points for the third competition is 6 points.(The assessment takes into account: the completeness of the disclosure of the idea, the reflection in the motto of the personality-oriented attitudes of teachers; a sense of humor, creative presentation, use of additional submission conditions, number of participants).

Perfect! Well, it was the last competition of our Club of cheerful and resourceful. I sincerely hope that this day has brought you not only the opportunity to once again plunge into federal standard preschool education, to see it from different angles, to understand what was incomprehensible, but also to feel your involvement in the team, forget your worries and problems for a while, and plunge into the world of joy from traveling on a beautiful ship of childhood, where we all sail hand in hand and every day we open new spaces and horizons together.

While the jury is counting the last points and determining the result of our KVN, I suggest you sum up our work. I suggest you get comfortable and look at the screen.

(Summing up is accompanied by a change of presentation slides (see Figures 3-10)).

So, the Federal State Educational Standard has replaced the FGT, according to (change slide ) by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013, effective from January 01, 2014.

Figure 3

GEF is a set of mandatory requirements for (change slide ):

1) the structure of the main educational program (including the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in educational relations and their volume);

2) the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program, including personnel, financial, logistical and other support;

3) the results of mastering the main educational program.

Figure 4

Please note that, unlike other standards,GEF preschool education is not the basis for assessing compliance with established requirements educational activities and training of students. The requirements for the results are presented in the Federal State Educational Standards in the form of targets for preschool education, which are successive with the integrative qualities of the child (remember FGT). Look at the next slide...change slide ) This succession of requirements for the results of mastering the main general education program is reflected here.

Figure 5

Targets are social and normative age characteristics possible achievements of the child at the stage of completion of the level of preschool education. Targets according to GEFnot subject to direct evaluation. (in the form of monitoring!), and cannot serve as a basis for analyzing them in the process of certification of teachers, the quality of education, etc. It is in connection with this that the item “Dynamics of children mastering the SEP” was excluded from the forms of expert evaluation during certification.

Requirements for the structure of OOP DO (see slide ) have also changed. But we will now review this very briefly: the presence of two constituent parts The OOP remained the same - the mandatory part and the optional part, but the ratio of these parts has changed.

Figure 6

The content of the program (and please don't make mistakes here!) has also changed (see slide ): in the FGT there were ten educational areas that were combined into directions for the development of the child, and in the Federal State Educational Standard this division was changed - now we are talking about only five educational areas! Let's remember what areas these are? ... (after teachers' comments see slide )

Figure 7

The very structure of OOP content representation has also changed significantly, but it makes no sense for us to dwell on this today. Another thing is more important: the understanding of what the program is aimed at has changed (see slide ): in the FGT, the PLO was aimed, among other things, at developing the qualities of children (intellectual, personal, physical ...), and in the Federal State Educational Standard, the main direction of the PLO is expressed in creating conditions!

Figure 8

The authors of the Federal State Educational Standard themselves note this as the main feature of the Federal State Educational Standard, its difference from the standards of primary and secondary schools - that this is, first of all, a standard of conditions! (change slide )

Figure 9

Let's look at this slide. The content of the BEP should reflect, and the activities of the kindergarten staff should ensure these aspects of the educational environment. Here (as in all GEF) the concept of " educational environment"not only includes the object-spatial environment (look, it is only part of the general scheme here), but also the whole variety of conditions - both material, external, social, and internal, i.e. the attitude of the child himself to the surrounding reality, understanding his place in social relations with adults and peers.

Requirements for the subject-spatial developing environment (change slide ) are the principles on the basis of which it should be built: we considered them today.

Figure 10

(Return previous slide ) The nature of interaction with an adult is nothing more than a personality-oriented interaction, i.e. the technology we talked about today. The relationship of the child with peers and his attitude to the outside world is a consequence of including him in the relationship with you as teachers, the inclusion of parents in the general scheme of relationships as also the most important (if not the main) models for the child, and, of course, support child development and initiatives. All this is the subject of our study with you in the current and next year. I hope that today you understand the Federal State Educational Standard: what it has brought, what changes, and what changes it expects from you and me.

And now, for the last time today, let's give the floor to our esteemed jury with the announcement of the results of the last contest first, and then the overall result of the game. …

Announcement of results.

Awarding of winners and participants.

Closing remarks by the chairman of the jury.

If desired, the response word of the teachers.

Annex 1

Form for registration of the scores of the KVN jury “I know the Federal State Educational Standard!”

Jury members' evaluations


2. Warm up

the correct arrangement of the parts

completeness of the answer when formulating own examples

Total for the competition:

2. Lost Link

the accuracy of the goal statement

persuasiveness, conclusiveness, scientific basis for explaining one's vision of the goal

task execution speed

When evaluating a question:

the clarity of the wording of the question

scientific basis and depth of the issue

When evaluating the answer to the opponent's question:

brevity of the answer

scientific nature of knowledge

When evaluating the answer to children's questions:

literacy of the answer


pedagogical value

an additional point for the speed of answering each question

5. Creative workshop

completeness of the disclosure of the idea

reflection in the motto personal-oriented. teachers' attitudes

sense of humor

creative presentation

use of additional terms of submission

number of participants

Total for the competition:


Appendix 2

Handout for the competition "Warm-up"

Saturation of the environment with content corresponding to the age capabilities of children and the content of the OOP DO

The educational space must be equipped with teaching and upbringing facilities (including technical ones), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory and materials. The saturation of the environment provides: playful, cognitive, research and creative activity of pupils, experimentation with materials available to children; motor activity, development of large and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions; emotional well-being of children in interaction with the object-spatial environment; opportunity for children to express themselves.

In the group for children of senior preschool age, a mini-laboratory was created adjacent to a corner of nature, which includes materials for experimentation (containers of various shapes and sizes, measuring instruments - rulers, weight scales, abacus, measuring cups, test tubes made of unbreakable material, various measurements and marks for making relative measurements, etc., natural and waste material for examination and study, magnifiers, etc.)


Providing opportunities for all pupils, including children with handicapped health and for children with disabilities, act in all premises where educational activities; free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the main types of children's activities; serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.


Compliance of all elements of the object-spatial environment with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

Transformability of space

The possibility of changes in the subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children

After attending an excursion to the fire department museum, the children began to actively play the role-playing game "Fire Department" (the boys "went out" to the call, "put out the fire", rescuing girls with dolls, etc.). In connection with the steady interest of the children, the educators decided to change the space of the group room: the “Transport” play corner, where cars were located, incl. for official purposes (firefighters), moved closer to the corner of the "House", a seating area and gaming phones, walkie-talkies were placed nearby. Attributes denoting various electrical appliances (irons, electric kettle, computer, etc.) were added to the “house”. Thus, they combined role-playing games into a more detailed game “Firefighters Rush to the Rescue”, introduced new roles (dispatcher, paramedic, rescuer, etc.), enriched children's understanding of these professions, and fixed the rules of safe behavior in direct game situations.

Polyfunctionality of materials

Possibility of diverse use of various components of the object environment, for example: children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.; the presence of multifunctional items, including natural materials suitable for use in different types activities.

The group has a “miracle screen”, which is a sensory panel on one side (various laces, fasteners, a color wheel with the ability to change sectors are permanently fixed on one segment of the screen (sectors are attached to the base using a contact tape (“Velcro”), attributes for stringing beads, large beads, etc.); on the other segment there is a flannelograph with the application of various materials to create compositions with a variety of topics; the next segment is intended to familiarize children with the emotional state of people - includes various diagrams, illustrations, which may vary depending on from current tasks). The charm itself can be used as a safe way to temporarily demarcate a group space, create a private nook, etc.


Availability of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that provide free choice for children;

Periodic turnover game material, the emergence of new items that stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

There is a tradition in the group: the introduction of a new element is always accompanied by a kind of “acquaintance” ritual - the children, together with the teacher, consider a new game (a new design for a developing corner, elements of a thematic exhibition, etc.), determine the possibilities of its use, the rules of action with a new game ( select the appropriate mnemonic table), as well as their attitude towards it (like it or not, what attracts them, etc.). Such a change of space is carried out in the group weekly.

(offer your example ):

(offer your example ):

Annex 3

Technology of personality-oriented interaction I.S. Yakimanskaya

The task of the seminar is to update the resources of teachers for self-development and professional self-improvement, to improve the psychological readiness of teachers to accept innovations in the field of education, to relieve emotional stress.



Municipal educational budgetary institution
average comprehensive school No. 4 r.p. Lesogorsk


for teachers


Developed by: Teacher - psychologist

Lisunova Nadezhda Pavlovna


Purpose: to increase the psychological readiness of teachers to accept innovations in the field of education.

Tasks: to update the resources of teachers for self-development and professional self-improvement, relieve emotional stress.

Materials and equipment: sheets of paper, pens, pencils, computer presentation.

Course of the seminar - workshop

  1. Introductory part. New tasks of psychological service. Problems of psychological support with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. To solve the problems that arise with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards, last year I developed the “Program for the psychological support of the Federal State Educational Standards of the IEO” and the “Program for monitoring the formation of UUD”. In the "Monitoring Program for the Formation of UUD" a plan is proposed - a grid in which you can trace which methods should be carried out in each parallel by teachers primary school and a teacher-psychologist.
  1. Exercise "Snowflake".

Purpose: actualization of the need for the adoption of new educational standards, increasing motivation to participate in the lesson.

Instruction. Take the sheets of paper in front of you and follow the instructions exactly. Try not to look at the sheets to the neighbors. Fold the sheet in half and tear off the top right corner. Fold the sheet in half again and tear off the top right corner. And once again fold the sheet in half and tear off the upper right corner. Now unfold the sheets, lift up and look at the sheets of all participants.

The teachers are given time to look at each other's sheets, after which the trainer asks the question: “What do you think this means?” the coach leads the teachers to the conclusion: despite the fact that now we were all in the same situation, in the same room, the instructions for everyone were the same, the sheets turned out to be different for everyone. Also, our children are different, and the approach to each child must be individual, it is obligatory to take into account personal characteristics.

  1. Main part.
  1. Education Matrix.

Instruction. Colleagues, look at the screen. For many years in our country there was a standard of education, the so-called matrix. The school produced a student who met a certain standard, i.e. circle. But today who comes to our schools? Circles, zigzags, stars, all completely different. What should be done. To put children through this matrix? Unbend, roll, and some will not fit into the circle. So how to be? The educational standard of the second generation is aimed at providing conditions for the effective implementation and development by students of the main educational program of primary general education, including providing conditions for individual development all students. The standard is based on a system-activity approach, which, among other things, involves taking into account individual age, physiological characteristics students, the role and importance of activities and forms of communication to determine goals and education and ways to achieve them.

To understand how testing is done in primary school, I suggest you carry out several techniques.

  1. Workshop.
  1. I bring to your attention the following exercise "Mittens", which is aimed at organizing and implementing cooperation. We will evaluate communicative UUD.

Imagine yourself as a child, aged 6.5 - 7 years.

Form (assessment situation): work of students in the class in pairs.

Grading method: observation of the interaction and analysis of the result.

Task description:Children sitting in pairs are given one image of mittens and are asked to decorate them so that they make up a pair, i.e. would be the same.

Instruction : “Children, in front of you are two painted mittens and pencils. The mittens must be decorated so that a pair is obtained - for this they must be the same. You can come up with a pattern yourself, but first you need to agree among yourself which pattern to draw, and then start drawing.

Material : Each pair of students receives an image of mittens (on the right and left hand) and the same set of pencils.

Execution time: 5-10 minutes.

Evaluation criteria:

  • joint productivity activity is evaluated by the degree of similarity of patterns on mittens;
  • children's ability to communicate , come to common decision, the ability to convince, argue, etc.;
  • mutual controlin the course of performing activities: do children notice each other's deviations from the original plan, how they react to them;
  • mutual aid while drawing,
  • emotional attitude To joint activities: positive (they work with pleasure and interest), neutral (interact with each other out of necessity) or negative (ignore each other, quarrel, etc.).

Job progress indicators:

1) low level - in the patterns, differences clearly prevail or there is no similarity at all; children do not try to negotiate or cannot come to an agreement, insist on their own;

2) average level - partial similarity: individual features (color or shape of some parts) are the same, but there are also noticeable differences;

3) high level - mittens are decorated with the same or very similar pattern; children actively discuss possible variant pattern; come to an agreement on how to color the mittens; compare methods of action and coordinate them, building a joint action; monitor the implementation of the adopted plan.

2. I bring to your attention several tasks for the development of UUD.

2.1. Develop actions of moral and ethical assessment. (Personal UUD)

"Restore the story"

Here is a story with missing words. Read the text carefully, filling in the missing words.

Option 1. “Once Alyosha went to _________ for mushrooms. I saw a squirrel on __________ and threw a cap on __________. I didn’t hit ___________, and the cap hung on a branch. Alyosha cried, ______________ cap became his. It's good that schoolchildren Sasha, Vera and Natasha passed by ____________. Sasha was tall ___________, he climbed ___________ and took out Alyosha's cap. __________ gave the cap to Alyosha and said: “You can’t offend __________. You yourself __________ punished!”

Option 2. “In the morning, Tolya _____________ from home. There was __________ in the yard. I got scared ________, stood under a poplar and thinks: “__________ to school. Scary _________". Then he saw Sasha, who is ___________ under a tree. He also gathered in ___________ and also _____________. The boys saw __________ friend. They became _________. They _______.

2.2. Develop actions of meaning formation. (Personal UUD)

Game "Auction of Ideas"

Instruction. We will name what people do, and you should continue the phrase, explaining why they do it. So:

  • People visit...
  • Doing homework....
  • They bake pies…
  • They write SMS...
  • Late…
  • Raise your hand in class...
  • Gossip...

2.3. Next tasks develop logical actions. (Cognitive, logical UUD)

"Make an Anagram"

Rearrange the letters in the words to make a new word. Write down the words that you have.

Baron - _____________ Karma - ______________

Smear - _____________ Pine - ______________

Mole - ______________ Knock - _______________

Moisture - _____________ Scale - ______________

Bank - _____________ Atlas - ______________

Weasel - _____________ Feed - ______________


Using the cipher, decipher the words hidden behind these numbers.


A - 1; B - 2; AT 3; K - 4; M - 5; H - 6; O - 7; L - 8; D - 9; T - 0

2780 _________ 37281 __________ 4756101 _____________

0164 _________ 21641 __________ 471691 ______________

3784 __________ 01876 __________ 578747 _____________

7467 __________ 91341 __________ 726731 _____________

2164 ___________ 81341 __________ 31661 ______________

"Find the Numbers"

Find in 2 minutes three numbers in a row, the sum of which is equal to the last selected number. Write them down on the right.

8 11 7 10 3 4 25 _______________

5 4 20 19 15 6 41 _______________

2 5 14 9 6 7 17 _______________

12 2 16 18 11 29 _______________

11 5 3 8 2 14 6 1 12 _______________

9 5 17 10 3 4 12 21 _______________

2 7 3 4 5 8 9 _______________

17 9 2 11 12 24 40 _______________

5 4 14 17 10 6 28 _______________

11 7 3 16 9 8 35 _______________

1 14 13 6 5 4 18 _______________

10 6 13 4 5 2 17 19 _______________

"Find a Common Name"

Write a common name for each pair of words.

Carp, perch - ____________________________________________________________.

Axe, hammer - _______________________________________________.

Autumn, spring - _____________________________________________________.

Aspen, poplar - _________________________________________________.

Bed, armchair - __________________________________________________.

September October - ________________________________________________.

Tree, flower - _________________________________________________.

Morning evening - ______________________________________________________.

Tuesday Thursday - _________________________________________________.

2.4. The following tasks develop the ability to put forward hypotheses and the ability to substantiate them. (Cognitive, logical UUD)

"Using Items"

Instruction. The newspaper is used for reading. You can think of other ways to use it. What can be made from it? How else can it be used?

Options: glass, paper clip, pencil, large box, etc.

"Consequences of the Situation"

Instruction. Imagine what would happen if animals and birds could speak human language.

Options: you will become the size of a little finger (giant) within 1 minute.


Instruction. Think of as many 4-word sentences as you can. Each word in the sentence must begin with the specified letter. These letters are: V, M, S, K. ​​Please use the letters only in this order, do not swap them. I give an example of a sentence: "A cheerful boy is watching a movie." Now come up with as many sentences as you can.

2.5. Tasks aimed at developing ways of interaction. (Communicative UUD).

"Greetings with the eyes"

Teacher: Now I will say hello to each of you. But I will say hello not with words, but silently - with my eyes. At the same time, try to show with your eyes what mood you are in today.

Farewell "Turret"

Children stand in a circle and build a tower of thumbs in a certain direction (for example, they start building from Masha towards Vanya). Each participant takes turns holding the thumb of the previous player, while raising their thumb up for the next participant. After the words: "Everyone, everyone - goodbye!" - the tower is collapsing.

"Wish classmates"

As quickly as possible, from each set of letters, select only those letters that are not repeated in the set. Write them down and make a wish for classmates from these letters.


2.6. Develop control actions and volitional self-regulation. (Regulatory UUD)

"Conductor and Orchestra"

Children stand facing the teacher so as not to interfere with each other.

Instruction. My baton will gradually rise up, and the higher my baton is, the louder your voices will be, the lower the baton, the quieter your voices. But my wand can go down and up not only gradually, it can go down and up very sharply and quickly. And then your sound will also change quickly: quieter - louder.

We sing sounds. A: quieter - louder; A: quieter - louder; U: quieter - louder; E: quieter - louder; And: quieter - louder; Y: quieter - louder.

Complications: when the conductor's baton is raised (louder), the children stand on their left foot, when the conductor's baton is lowered (quieter), they change their foot.

"We move on command"

Children stand in a row, facing the teacher.

Instruction. Let's count in rows for the first and second numbers. Close your eyes and listen carefully to my commands: “The first numbers are a step forward. The second numbers are two steps to the left. The first numbers are one step to the right. The second numbers are two steps back. Etc. Try with your eyes closed to determine where you are now. Open your eyes - look around.


Instruction. Cross your arms with palms facing each other, interlock your fingers. Move the finger indicated by the teacher. The finger should move accurately and clearly. Do not touch other fingers. All fingers of both hands must consistently participate in the exercise. In the future, children can do the exercise in pairs.

  1. Final part.
  1. Reflection exercise "Teacher".

Purpose: teaching reflection skills.

Course of the exercise: teachers are offered sheets of paper for reflection.

The most difficult part is to prescribe the “What I felt” and “What I will do” parts.

This is another feature of education and new standards. We used to give knowledge. Today we go to the formation of competence. And competence is not just knowledge or information. Competence has three components:

  • knowledgeable, informational,
  • emotional, relational,
  • Behavioral.

In order for the behavior to match the information received, the emotions must be appropriate. So it is also difficult for our children to keep track of what he feels, what he wants and, accordingly, how he will use the knowledge gained in the lesson.

You can use this method of reflection in your lessons and pay attention to these components.

  1. Summarizing. Reflection.

Attached to the board is a poster with images of emoticons expressing various emotional states. Teachers are invited to attach a sticker to the poster under the emoticon corresponding to the emotional state after the lesson.

Personal UUD

1. Remember that every child is individual. Help to find in him his individual personal characteristics.

2. In the life of a child, no matter what age he is, an adult is the person who “opens” the real world to him. Help to discover and develop in each student his strong and positive personal qualities and skills.

3. Organizing learning activities on the subject, take into account the individual psychological characteristics of each student. Use the data of psychological diagnostics.

4. Remember that the main thing is not the subject you teach, but the personality you form. It is not the subject that forms the personality, but the teacher (parent) through their activities related to the study of the subject.

Cognitive UUD

1. If you want children to learn the material in your subject, teach them to think systematically (for example, according to the scheme: the main concept (rule) - an example - the meaning of the material being studied).

2. Try to help students master the most productive methods of educational and cognitive activity, teach them to learn. Use diagrams, plans, models to ensure the assimilation of the knowledge system.

3. Remember that it is not the one who retells that knows, but the one who uses it in practice. Find a way to teach your child to apply their knowledge.

4. Develop creative thinking by a comprehensive analysis of problems; solve cognitive tasks in several ways, practice creative tasks more often.

Communicative UUD

1. Teach your child to express his thoughts. During his answer to a question, when in difficulty, ask him leading questions.

2. Do not be afraid of "non-standard lessons", try different types of games, discussions and group work to master the material in your subject.

3. Make for students an algorithm for retelling the text of the material, for following which for some time at first you will add an additional point.

4. When organizing group work or work in pairs, remind the children about the rules for conducting a discussion, a conversation.

5. Teach your child to ask clarifying questions on the material himself ("Who? What? Why? Why? Where?", Etc.), ask again, clarify.

6. Study and take into account the life experience of students, their interests, features of development.

Regulatory UUD

1. Teach your child to control his speech (tempo, volume, gestures) when expressing his point of view on a given topic.

2. Teach the student to control, to perform their actions according to a given pattern and rule.

3. Help your child learn to adequately evaluate the work he has done. Learn to correct mistakes.

A workshop is an effective form of methodical work with teachers.

Ershova Valentina Anatolievna,

c senior educator, first qualification category

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13 "Forget-me-not" combined type"

The preparation of any methodological event begins with the definition of a goal. It is important to answer the questions “What do we want to achieve by organizing this event?”, “What should be the result?”, “What will change in the activities of teachers?”. If the goal is real, then it encourages the teacher to work, causes him to be active.

Today, the main goal is to improve the methods of working with teachers, because each educator has his own level of pedagogical skill.

Answering the question "What is pedagogical experience?", K.D. Ushinsky explained: “More or fewer facts of education, but, of course, if these facts remain only facts, then they do not give experience. They must make an impression on the mind of the educator, qualify in him according to their characteristic features, generalize, become a thought. And this thought, and not the fact itself, will become correct educational activity.

Methodological work in the preschool educational institution is designed to help achieve high results with minimal time and effort. It is necessary to organize work in this direction in such a way that each teacher could show his abilities, acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to increasing his pedagogical competence, which in turn would lead to an increase in the efficiency and quality of education and upbringing of preschoolers.

When planning methodological work with teachers of our institution, we use well-known, widely used forms of methodological work, which can be divided into two groups:

- group(pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, methodological exhibitions, mutual visits, creative microgroups, schools of excellence, business games, etc.);

-individual(self-education, individual counseling, interviews, mentoring, etc.).

Workshop- one of the effective forms of methodical work in kindergarten, because allows you to more deeply and systematically study the problem under consideration, to reinforce the theoretical material with examples from practice, showing individual techniques and methods of work. The main objectives of the workshops are:

Improving the professional skills of teachers in a certain type of activity;

Development of creativity and imagination of teachers;

Discussing different points of view, leading discussions;

Creation of problem situations that allow to develop common positions in solving the problem;

Making realistic recommendations.

The workshop is distinguished by the fact that it includes practical tasks, observations of the work of colleagues, followed by a discussion. Teachers have the opportunity not only to master the methods of work, but also to develop a system for organizing activities with children under certain conditions.

In addition, the workshops provide for the possibility of discussing different points of view, discussions, creating problem situations, which ultimately allow developing a common position on the issue under consideration.

An important condition The organization of this form of work is the inclusion of all participants of the seminar in the discussion of the topic. For this, punched cards are used, opposing points of view are considered, game modeling methods are used, etc. Based on the results of the seminar, an exhibition of teachers' works can be arranged.

The content of workshops is the creativity and awareness of the goals of their organizers. However, one can distinguish a universal structure carrying out this form of methodical work:

    preparatory work(thematic exhibitions, views open classes, mutual visiting, etc.) - the goal is to identify the problem;

    Organizing time (psychological exercises, elements of a business game, discussion of statements, etc. frontally or in creative groups) - the goal is to specify the problem;

    theoretical part(representation by the organizer of the workshop, member creative team, multimedia presentation, "questions and answers", etc._ - the goal is a theoretical substantiation of what is being discussed;

    practical work(frontally, in groups) - the purpose of this stage is the dissemination of pedagogical experience, the acquisition of new skills by educators;

    summing up the event - the result of the work can be visual materials (booklets, memos, didactic games, etc.) made by the hands of educators, recommendations for their use that all teachers can use.

Thus, in methodical work at this stage of development of preschool education, it is necessary to use such forms of work that would contribute to continuing education teaching staff, improved their professional qualifications, provided real help teachers in the development of their skills as an alloy of professional knowledge and skills and necessary for modern teacher properties and qualities of a person. And workshops are one of such forms of methodical work.

"The importance of folk games for the development of children early age»


Tasks: updating the knowledge of teachers, competence in the implementation of leading tasks school year; development of the ability to discuss and agree on the proposed issues, the dissemination of pedagogical experience.

I. Preparatory work.

Exhibition of folk didactic games, operational (selective) control over the organization of the gaming environment in groups.

II. Organizing time.

Teachers are invited to divide into two teams "Theorists" and "Practices" and choose from a set of didactic games those that, in their opinion, are popular. Then the teams justify their choice and, from the point of view of their position, prove the pros and cons of using folk toys in pedagogical practice.

III. Theoretical part.

    The leading activity of a young child is play. An integral part of the game is a toy, which is a traditional, necessary element of the educational process, acting for the child as an object of fun, entertainment, joy, and at the same time it is the most important means of its comprehensive development. In this regard, we assign an important role in the upbringing and development of young children to folk toys. which is interesting to kids, suits them life experience, carries significant opportunities for cognitive and speech development.

The researchers noted that about 70% of the toys on the shelves of children's stores are the so-called "anti-toys", they are distinguished by brightness, affordable price and poor quality, about 20% are Western-made, they are distinguished by high price, good quality and techno-practicality, and only about 10% - local manufacturers. Oddly enough, but today there is an erroneous opinion among parents that the more toys, the better for the child, and they actively buy low-quality goods. Despite the fact that, it would seem, just such a toy is designed to make the child happy, enthusiastically play with it for hours, after a rather short time, interest dries up, and playing with it no longer brings the former pleasure. We believe this is a consequence of the substitution of the quality of the gaming tool for the quantity.

According to many experts, the material for the manufacture of gaming equipment is of great importance. Children learn a lot with the help of touch and tactile sensations. They touch different surfaces and structures of materials. Listen to the sound, explore the properties and qualities of a variety of objects. For example, a plastic cube may be large but weigh very little. Items made of natural materials, as a rule, are harmonious: the larger it is, the heavier it is. In addition, the child's hand, touching natural materials, receives genuine information about the world: tree bark is rough, sand is loose, stone is smooth, water does not contain a form. When a child takes something in his hand, information is transmitted to the brain. Interacting with natural materials, the child receives much more information than from contact with plastic. Therefore, for a small child who is just beginning to learn the world, it is more expedient to make educational toys from natural materials.

The tree is probably the most ancient material for the manufacture of children's toys. It is easy to process, can take on different shapes and be painted in different colors, and is very durable. And it is also “warm”, “alive”. Many manufacturers choose wood as the main material for toys for a reason. This is an environmentally friendly natural material that can work wonders.

We can say with confidence - if the toy does not help the child develop, especially at a very early age, then this is an empty toy. It is important to realize that the child must play with benefit. To a greater extent, it is wooden toys that can help develop the most important skills and abilities. If you give kids the opportunity to interact with developing wooden and folk toys, then it is easy to make sure that the children themselves begin to reach for them. Unfortunately, modern parents often consider such “grandmother's” games to be irrelevant. Apparently, for too long, modern children have been weaned from not fashionable, not prestigious "village" toys. For some reason, even matryoshka dolls are not a popular children's toy, although they have great opportunities for playing. These "messengers from the past" are considered unnecessary in the present. Or, for example, while a child is small (1.5–3 years old), fragile and breaking clay toys are almost never given to him, and if they are given, then for a short time and under supervision, which cannot but affect the research processes.

It is important to note that children should have folk toys at home from a very young age. First of all, these are clay and wooden toys. It is very good if a small collection of such toys is collected at home, it can be located on a small shelf or in a magic box. Of particular interest to kids are, for example, such folk toys as nesting dolls, spillikins, whistles, Dymkovo, Kargopol and Filimonov toys.

From early childhood, it is necessary to "accustom" children to folk toys, to educate the taste and eyes of the child. Little by little, introduce children to the real beauty and harmony that genuine folk toys possess. The communication of children with folk toys is also necessary so that a child who learns the world around him through games and toys can begin to join cultural values, the history of his fatherland, art and morality.

2) Teachers are offered booklets with the most common folk games and a description of the developmental effect:

1. Matryoshka classic folk toy for kids. Children love to disassemble and assemble, and such a game helps them to concentrate, learn patience and perseverance, develops logical thinking, spatial imagination, large and fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements. A unique folk toy comprehensively develops mental activity child, gives him new impressions and good mood.

2. Pyramids - already from six months the child begins to be interested in this toy. And this is good, since it has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements, logic, and thinking. If the pyramid is colored, then there is also an acquaintance with flowers.

3. Tops arouse a surprising interest in children. Games with spinning tops not only contribute to the development of fine motor skills and differentiation of finger movements, but also stimulate the development of attention and imitation.

4. "Spikers" - an old family game that develops eye, dexterity and patience. This wonderful game is extremely useful for kids. Firstly, during the game, the child learns to interact with other players, to follow the order. Secondly, the baby learns to properly distribute and concentrate his attention. The child's memory develops as he learns to memorize certain positions and movements of the hands. Thirdly, children learn patience, perseverance, accuracy. Fourthly, the details of the game are so small that manipulations with them are an excellent training for a child's hand, for the development of fine motor skills.

5. Sorter. The essence of this game is that the child must take a three-dimensional object (for example geometric shape) and place it in the appropriate place in the main part of the toy. Objects almost always come in different colors. In this case, the child not only studies volumes and objects, but also colors. The game is also aimed at the development of fine motor skills of hands, spatial perception, the development of logic, memory and attention.

6 . Insert frames or Séguin boards and split pictures . The essence of the framework is to select the object that corresponds to the allotted space. When a child plays this game, he learns shapes and objects, colors. He needs to use his logical abilities and develop them.

7. Educational game "Kegs" consists of barrels that are easy to disassemble and put into one another according to the principle of Russian folk nesting dolls. During the game, the child learns to distinguish colors and sizes. It is also a good exercise for the little hands of the baby. With barrels, you can play games with sand, natural materials, balls of various sizes. Other variants of such a game can wash bowls, balls, eggs.

8. "Magic bag" also very attractive to kids. With its help, the child will get acquainted with geometric shapes, develop touch and tactile perception, turning over the toy with his fingers and trying it by touch from all sides. Trains thinking processes (comparison, classification).

9. Laces can be very different, the most attractive for children are lacing in the form of an apple, pear, orange, mushroom, tomato and a piece of cheese. The game is designed for ages from 1.5 years old, and, as it was said, develops fine motor skills of the hands, thereby helping to acquire writing and speech skills. In addition, it develops correlative and differentiated finger movements.

10. Wooden crockery sets contribute to the development of gun actions. The child adjusts his hand to any object-tool. Such items are the most common household items - spoons, cups, combs, brushes, pencils, etc. All of them require very specific actions that are not easy for the baby at first. It is the cultural modes of action that are important here.

11. Beads for stringing . The formation of purposefulness and perseverance is carried out in simple productive actions that involve an idea of ​​the final result. Orientation to the result (goal) contributes to the formation of purposefulness. For the implementation of such actions, stringing beads, figured pyramids, and manuals that involve drawing up an image from several parts (beads, cubes, split pictures, etc.) are well suited.

12. Sets of wooden figures depicting characters famous fairy tales, people, wild and domestic animals are necessary for the speech development of children. The development of the child's speech is carried out in live communication with an adult. Such communication involves a common understanding and designation of any objects and events. Accordingly, game aids that promote speech development, should provide materials for recognizing, understanding and naming any objects, actions or plots.

13. Cubes develop fine motor skills of hands, sensory skills, coordination of movements. The child studies geometric shapes, primary colors (if the set is colored), masters the construction of towers.

14. Guessing game . One of the most favorite games, which is a frame with cells that close with doors. A duck, a bunny, a mushroom and a Christmas tree are hiding in the cells. To begin with, the child independently studies the frame, then the adult offers to guess which cover someone is hiding behind. The game develops memory, logical thinking and contributes to the correlation of primary colors.

15. Finger theater sets themes of fairy tales. Aimed at the development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills, creativity and development of active speech.