Literature      11/19/2021

Quotes with the word "spirituality. Quotes with the word "spirituality The spiritual world is not a place for tourism

Quotes about morality and morality

Albert Einstein said that "morality is the basis of all human values". What are the values ​​in modern world I think it's clear to everyone. But not only have they changed. Thinking, behavior and our way of life is also an example of this. We have begun to forget about morality and morality, and this is very disturbing. What will the next generation be like, what can they learn? There are many questions, and the answer is becoming increasingly difficult to find.

- Nature has given man a weapon in his hands - intellectual moral force, but he can use this weapon in reverse side Therefore, a person without moral principles turns out to be the most impious and wild being, base in his sexual and taste instincts. Aristotle

- Morality is the science of the relations that exist between people, and of the duties arising from these relations. P. Holbach

- Who moves forward in knowledge, but lags behind in morality, he goes back more than forward. Aristotle

- Morality must lie in character. I.Kant

- What is morality? What should morality be? In a firm, deep conviction, in a fiery, unshakable faith in the dignity of man, in his high purpose. This conviction, this faith is the source of all human virtues, all actions. V.G. Belinsky

- There is no other morality, except that which is based on the principles of reason and follows from the natural inclination of man to goodness. P. Bayle

- Morals deteriorate more easily than they are corrected. L.Vauvenarg

- People need human morality based on human nature, on experience, on reason. V. Helvetius

- The best people are cognized by the highest moral development and the highest moral influence. F.M.Dostoevsky

- Morality is not a list of actions and not a collection of rules that can be used like pharmaceutical or culinary recipes. D. Dewey

- Morality serves to human society rise higher. V.I.Lenin

- Morality is not a teaching about how we should consider ourselves happy, but about how we should become worthy of happiness. I.Kant

- Moral fortitude in success is even more important than in adversity. F. La Rochefoucauld

- Corruption of morals is disastrous for republics and beneficial for absolute monarchies and despotic power. D.Leopardi

- Morality is, undoubtedly, the most important thing in life; she is perhaps the very will to live. T.Mann

- All our dignity is that we are able to think. Let us try to think correctly: this is the basis of morality. B. Pascal

- The range of moral duties is much wider than what the laws prescribe. Seneca the Younger

- The most important capital of the nation is the moral qualities of the people N.G. Chernyshevsky

And I end this post again with the words of Albert Einstein - "Ultimately, the basis of all human values ​​is morality."

Don't talk to me about your spirituality, mate. I'm not that interested... Please don't talk to me about "pure awareness" or "living in the absolute."
I want to see how you feel about your partner. To your children, to your parents, to your precious body.
Please don't lecture me about the illusion of a separate "I" or how you achieved permanent bliss in just 7 days. I want to feel genuine warmth emanating from your heart. I want to hear how well you can listen. Accept information that doesn't fit with your personal philosophy. I want to see how you communicate with people who disagree with you.
Don't tell me that you are awake and free of ego. I want to know you beyond words. I want to know how you feel when misfortune overtakes you. If you can completely immerse yourself in pain and not pretend to be invulnerable. If you feel your anger, but do not go into violence. If you can calmly allow the experience of your grief without becoming a slave to it. If you can feel your shame, and not shame others. If you can screw up and admit it. If you can say sorry and really mean it. If you can be fully human in your glorious divinity.
Don't talk to me about your spirituality, mate. It's not that interesting to me. I just want to meet YOU. Know your precious heart. Understand the beautiful man fighting for the light.
Until the words "about the spiritual man." To all skillful words.

Courage is courage inspired by spirituality. The stubbornness with which the Bolsheviks defended themselves in their pillboxes in Sevastopol is akin to some kind of animal instinct, and it would be a deep mistake to consider it the result of Bolshevik convictions or education. The Russians have always been like this and, most likely, always will remain so.

A man after fifty is a philosopher!
Thoughtful, thorough, smart.
He is concerned with various issues
When he accidentally comes to visit.

Where did the house come from, how much did you take the car,
For how many grabbed the boots,
Whose phone, who painted the picture
From fucks of course, but brains!

Talk about work and lovers
How exhausted the nerves and in general -
It's high time to think about spirituality!
And live in the forest - like Lenin in a hut!
You will have to listen to his nonsense for a long time,

And not to go crazy with longing
Say it straight - Enough!
I want sex!
And he, like in a song, will dump in a taxi!

Why is God considered the explanation of something? This is not an explanation, but a failure to explain, a shrug, a schoolboy "I don't know", wrapped in a veil of spirituality and ritual. Explaining something as the work of God usually means that the speaker has no idea about what is happening and therefore attributes authorship to an unattainable and incomprehensible celestial magician. Ask where this guy came from, and I bet you will hear in response vague pseudo-philosophical statements that he has always been or that he dwells outside the boundaries of nature. This, of course, is not an explanation.

Chess leads to spirituality, as it makes us understand that there is a struggle between two forces - white and black, which symbolize good and evil, positive and negative. They make it clear that each of us has our own role, but different abilities: a pawn, a queen or a queen, but depending on our location, all of us, even simple pawns, can checkmate.

What is spirituality? This is the gas that the priests emit from various bearded holes, and the one who inhales this gas goes to smash exhibitions, beat the poor girls on the head with a flagpole, goes to mutilate Pushkin's works, goes to destroy kindergarten to make there your commercial point of trade in grace, that's what spirituality is, my brothers.

He said "I love you" on the platform
Clicking imaginary wings behind.
[Giving away my eternities to strangers,
But he left a minute - to be with me.]

Rails, seeds, smoke, husks of accents,
Cup holder, government-issued sheet...
Let the minute be a special treasure
But you can't exchange a minute for eternity!
He told me, "It's never too late to love. Consumption is darkness, but spirituality is light.
In this moment of ours outer space.
Just feel and believe... and love in return. Renounce the petty-bourgeois - broader thoughts! -
Not from troubles, but from the wings, the back hurts.
For a minute we became big with you -
So there will be something to remember forever!
He, of course, sublime - I'm simple.
My mission is to listen and indulge.
He said, "I love you," and melted away.
Take care of him, Lord

"Mysticism is associated with spirituality rather than with soulfulness and involves penetration spirituality into soulfulness. Mysticism is awakening spiritual man who sees reality better and sharper than a natural or spiritual person. Mysticism is the overcoming of creatureliness.

We know world geniuses, without whom Russian music would be deprived, or something. But, having absorbed this world culture, we managed to say our own word, which entered the world not as a beggar, did not enter from the side, but in order to saturate it with the colossal power of expression, intelligence, talent and that truth, that spirituality which the West is largely deprived of. It's this rational, orderly world of the West that Russia shakes all the time, as it were, and forces one to remember that mercantilism, materialism, is transient. But there are incorruptible values. These include the highest manifestations of the human spirit, expressed in art, in culture, in our literature.

Cinema, above all, plays with the human skin of things, the epidermis of reality, it elevates matter and shows us it in a deep spirituality, in its relationship with the spirit that gave birth to it.

Since the great meaning of our religion lies in the unity of the spiritual and the human, how strange it is to see some spiritual treatises completely devoid of philanthropy.

Printing is the most common way for individuals to reveal their spiritual being. It is guided not by respect for individuals, but only for the mind.

Supreme calm still remains the ideal of great art. Forms and transient forms of life are but stages towards this ideal, which the religion of Christ illuminates with its divine light.

Human love lives on uncontrolled and unruly dark desires; spiritual love lives in the pure light of service prescribed by truth (Life in Christian Fellowship, Ch. 1)

Philosophy, considered in itself, has no value, there can be nothing worthy in philosophy, except what is required of it for divine wisdom. Everything else is wrong and empty.

Politeness, tolerance, humanity - these basic virtues of any moral system are completely incompatible with religious prejudices.

But the criterion of truth is not in the mind, not in the intellect, but in the integral spirit. The heart and conscience remain the supreme organs for evaluating and for knowing the meaning of things.

Philosophy can only exist if philosophical intuition is recognized. And every significant and genuine philosopher has his original intuition. This intuition cannot be replaced by either the dogmas of religion or the truths of science.

In other words, in all spheres of modern life, as soon as - systematically, historically or philosophically - we get to the heart of the matter, we come across spiritual structures that go back to antiquity or Christianity.

Creativity is an activity in which the spiritual world of the individual is revealed, it is a kind of magnet that attracts a person to a person.

Nature is more aristocratic than man. Differences in rank and status in European societies, as well as caste differences in India, are negligible in comparison with differences in mental and moral character people, supposed by nature itself.

The reality of the spirit is not objective, not material, but a different reality, and an incommensurably greater reality, a more primary reality. ... The spirit is different, top quality existence than physical and mental existence.

The salvation of mankind lies in the heart of man, in man's ability to self-knowledge, in human meekness and in human responsibility.

The unity of people with people, based on the real difference between people, the concept of the human race, transferred from the sky of abstraction to the real earth - what is it, if not the concept societies!

There are two ways in contemporary art: negation and continuation of traditions. Creation is the path of continuation. It is important to realize that the continuation of tradition does not deprive the artist of freedom of expression.



C 74

Libraries are the most important thing in culture. There may not be universities, institutes, other cultural institutions, but if there are libraries ... - culture will not perish in such a country.

D. S. Likhachev

Quotes, aphorisms, statements about culture [Text]: information manual/ MBUK "CBS"; CGB; Service Department; comp. Vertieva G. A.; resp. for the issue Parasotskaya E.V. - Bataysk, 2014. - 12 p.

To help organize cultural and mass work

Dear Colleagues!

2014 has begun, proclaimed the Year of Culture in Russia. We, like no one else, understand how important such a step is, designed to draw public attention to the development and preservation of Russian culture. Culture covers such significant aspects of life as language, history, education, science, religion, art, literature, music - everything that is called upon to preserve and ensure the spiritual development of the people.

We, cultural workers, should make the most of this opportunity to express ourselves and show our activities as an important component in the overall contribution to the development of Russian culture.

We offer you a selection of quotes, aphorisms, sayings about culture, which may be useful in the design of exhibitions, library materials, scripts, manuals, etc.)

If we think about Culture, this already means that we think about both Beauty and the Book as a beautiful creation.

N.K. Roerich

A common culture is what allows a person to feel wholeheartedly solidarity with others in time and space - both with people of his generation, and with past generations and with future generations.


Culture is memory. Therefore, it is connected with history, always implies the continuity of the moral, intellectual, spiritual human life, society and humanity.

Yu. M. Lotman

Culture is connected with a cult, it develops from a religious cult... Culture is connected with the cult of ancestors, with legends and traditions. It is full of sacred symbolism, it contains knowledge and similarities of another spiritual reality.. Every culture (even material culture) is a culture of the spirit, every culture has a spiritual basis - it is a product creative work spirit over natural elements.

N. A. Berdyaev.

There is only one way to become a cultured person - reading. A cultured person is a person oriented towards high moral values, striving to nourish the soul with the sublime and beautiful.

Cultural monuments are generators of spiritual energy invested in them by the people who created them, as well as by the people who have worshiped them for many centuries. Destroying cultural monuments, we destroy the most valuable thing - the spiritual energy of the people.

Fedor Abramov.

The modern culture of Russia is, first of all, our speech, our holidays, our schools and universities, our attitude to parents, to our family, to our Fatherland, to other peoples and countries. Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “If you love your mother, you will understand others who love their parents, and this trait will not only be familiar to you, but also pleasant. If you love your people, you will understand other peoples who love their nature, their art, their past.”

Literature has risen above Russia like a huge protective dome - it has become a shield of its unity, a moral shield.

D. S. Likhachev

Someday, when Russian readers become more interested in their past, the greatness of the literary feat of Russian literature will become completely clear to them, and ignorant scolding of Rus' will be replaced by an informed respect for its moral and aesthetic values.

D. S. Likhachev

Human culture as a whole not only has memory, but it is memory par excellence. The culture of mankind is the active memory of mankind, actively introduced into modernity.

D. S. Likhachev

Culture unites all aspects of the human personality. You cannot be cultured in one area and remain ignorant in another. Respect for different aspects of culture, for its different forms - this is the trait of a truly cultured person.

D.S. Likhachev

Memory is the basis of conscience and morality, memory is the basis of culture, "accumulated" culture, memory is one of the foundations of poetry - an aesthetic understanding of cultural values. Preserving memory, preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants. Memory is our wealth.

D.S. Likhachev

“Culture represents the main meaning and main value of the existence of both individual peoples and small ethnic groups, and states. Outside of culture, their independent existence loses its meaning. D. S. Likhachev "Declaration of the Rights of Culture".

D. S. Likhachev

“Culture is what largely justifies before God the existence of a people and a nation.
Much is said today about the unity of various "spaces" and "fields". Dozens of newspaper and magazine articles, television and radio programs discuss issues related to the unity of economic, political, informational and other spaces. I am primarily interested in the problem of cultural space. By space I understand in this case not just a certain geographical territory, but, first of all, the space of the environment, which has not only extension, but also depth.

D. S. Likhachev

“We still do not have a concept of culture and cultural development in our country. Most people (including “statesmen”) understand culture as a very limited range of phenomena: theatre, museums, variety art, music, literature, sometimes not even including science, technology, education in the concept of culture ... So it often turns out so that the phenomena that we refer to as "culture" are considered in isolation from each other: the theater has its own problems, writers' organizations have their own, philharmonics and museums have their own, etc.

D. S. Likhachev

“Meanwhile, culture is a huge holistic phenomenon that makes people inhabiting a certain space, from just a population, into a people, a nation. The concept of culture should and always has included religion, science, education, moral and moral standards of behavior of people and the state.

D. S. Likhachev

“I think of the 21st century as a century humanitarian culture culture, kind and educative, laying the freedom to choose a profession and apply creative forces. Education subordinated to the tasks of upbringing, variety of secondary and higher schools, the revival of self-esteem, which does not allow talents to go into crime, the revival of a person's reputation as something higher, which everyone should cherish, the revival of conscientiousness and the concept of honor - these are in general features then what we need in the 21st century. Not only Russians, of course, but especially Russians, because that is what we have largely lost in our ill-fated 20th century.”

D. S. Likhachev

The higher the culture, the higher the value of labor.

Wilhelm Roscher

The height of culture is determined by the attitude towards women.

Gorky M.

The advent of culture coincides with the birth of the intellect.

Claude Levi-Strauss

Culture is the measure of humanity in a person.

Karl Marx

Culture is perfection in being.

Culture is a great teacher of how one should live.

Dina Dean

The highest possible stage of moral culture is when we realize that we are able to control our thoughts.

Charles Darwin

Any rules about what should and what should not be read are simply ridiculous. Modern culture is more than half based on what not to read.

Oscar Wilde

Culture and appearance are completely different things.

Ralph Emerson

In order to enjoy many things, a person must be ... a highly cultured person ...

Karl Marx

Culture cannot be inherited, it must be won.

André Malraux

Mass culture is an anesthetic, an analgesic, not a drug.

Stanislav Lem

When a culture feels that its end is coming, it sends for a priest.

Karl Kraus

Culture, says one Japanese educator, is what remains when everything else is forgotten.

Edouard Herriot

Criticism requires much more culture than creativity.

Oscar Wilde

Culture is a desire for euphony and light, but the main thing is for both euphony and light to prevail.

Matthew Arnold

Culture is just a thin apple peel over red-hot chaos.

The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born.

Paustovsky K. G.

One who has not acquired cultural skills is rude.

Culture is about everything that we do and that apes don't do.

Lord Raglan

In culture, the base is the top.

Grigory Landau

The history of world culture is the history of the suffering of those people who created it.

Erich Maria Remarque

One cannot be a cultured person without knowing the basic results of all sciences. The culture is one. Synthetic. There is no separate culture for engineer and medic. All together sciences form culture, its ideology - outlook.

G. S. Altshuller, I. M. Vertkin

If a person is stuffed with fragments of a culture that he does not understand, then he becomes a wonderful fanatic and a weapon in the wrong hands.

Alexey Pekhov

In a war between civilizations, culture bears the losses. Samuel Huntington.

Culture is to know the best that has been said and invented in the world.

Matthew Arnold

If a movie is successful, it's a business. If a movie doesn't do well, it's art.

Carlo Ponti

Culture for many is the first need that does not need to be satisfied.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Culture begins with taboos.

Yuri Lotman

Civilization is power over the world; culture is love for the world.

Anthony Kempinski

Dying, culture turns into civilization.

Oswald Spengler

I don't want to wall my house or board up my windows. I want the spirit of the culture of different countries to blow as freely as possible everywhere: I don’t just need it to knock me off my feet.

If I believe in anything, it's only in culture. Culture, if you think about it, is not based on curiosity at all, but on the love of perfection; culture is the knowledge of perfection. People of culture are the true apostles of equality.

Arnold M.

Culture is that rope that you can throw to a drowning man and with which you can strangle your neighbor. The development of culture is as much for the benefit of good as it is for the benefit of evil. Meekness is growing - cruelty is also growing, altruism is growing, but egoism is also growing. It does not happen that with the increase of good, evil decreases; rather, as in the development of electricity: every appearance of a positive electricity goes in parallel with the appearance of the negative. Therefore, the struggle between good and evil does not fade away, but intensifies; it cannot end, and, apparently, it cannot but end.

Florensky P. A.

Poor conception of culture among those who believe that it is reduced to hardened formulas. The last student in the department exact sciences knows much more about the laws of nature than Pascal knew. But is a schoolboy capable of thinking like him?

Saint Exupery A.

And let the work up to a seventh sweat,

After all, holidays are not made in silence.

Culture is not a job at all

Culture is a state of mind.

The following sites were used in the work:

  1. Planning library events for the Year of Culture (viewed on 12/21/2013)
  2. Book exhibitions about Russian history and culture [Electronic resource]. - Access mode (view date 01/12/2014)
  3. New forms of library events [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (Accessed 01/12/2014)

Our coordinates:

346880, Rostov region,

Bataysk, st. Kirova, 32/1

Tel. 5−65−50

Email: [email protected]

Opening hours: 9-00 to 18-00

Saturday, Sunday: 9-00 to 17-00

Day off - Friday