Personal growth      03.03.2021

Nod drawing in the senior group space. Drawing in the senior group on the day of cosmonautics. Open lesson for the day of cosmonautics in the senior group. Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group, topic: "Day of Cosmonautics in Kindergarten"

Abstract of the lesson on art activity in senior group"Space Landscape"

1. Consolidate children's knowledge of space.
2. Introduce them to "space painting" using the "drawing through" method of drawing.
3. Develop artistic and figurative thinking, imagination, a sense of composition. Cultivate independence, observation, accuracy.
preliminary work: A talk about the solar system, about the Universe, about the discoverers of space. Examination of reproductions of paintings: A. Sokolov "Before launch", "Start", "On Mars" A. Leonov "Orbital station", "Lunokhod-1", "Planet in the gas nebula", A. Plotnov "Goodbye, earthlings !
materials: Presentation for the lesson, sample work, sheets of white paper, wax crayons, watercolor.

Lesson progress:

Organizing time:
Distant stars in the sky are burning
They invite smart guys to visit
It won't be long for us to get on the road
And now we are ready to fly!
The announcer will command: “Attention, takeoff!”
And our rocket will rush forward
Farewell blink and melt away
The golden lights of our beloved Earth.
Today we will go on a space trip. Astronauts are not always able to talk, sometimes they have to communicate with each other without words. Let's try to send signals to each other silently, with a handshake. Stand in a circle, hold hands. The signal will now go from me to the right or to the left. You must feel it and pass it on to the next. When the signal returns to me, I will say: signal received, ready to fly. (signal transmission is repeated several times, each time a new leader is selected).

Main part:

Educator: What planet do we live on?
What are the names of people on this planet? (Earthlings)
-Now we will go to space. Who will we be in flight (Cosmonauts, astronauts)
- Where do spaceships start? (From the spaceport)
What will we wear when we fly into space? (space suit, helmet, special shoes)
Educator: Attention! Get ready to fly. Countdown: 5,4,3.2,1 - start!
caregiver: We are in a state of weightlessness, How do you understand this word?
Children: This is a state when astronauts and things weigh nothing and float in a spaceship.
caregiver: Look out the window. What do you see there?
planet slide show solar system accompanied by a recitation of a poem.
Meets the first solar storms
Elusive, little Mercury.
The second, behind him, flies Venus
With a heavy, dense atmosphere.
And the third, the carousel is spinning,
Our earthly cradle.
Fourth - Mars, a rusty planet,
Red - orange most.
And then they rush, a swarm of bees,
Asteroids in their orbit.
Fifth - Jupiter, very big
On starry sky visible well.
The sixth is Saturn, in chic rings,
Charming, under the rays of the sun.
Seventh - Uranus, lay down like a couch potato,
After all, his distant path is difficult.
Eighth - Neptune, the fourth gas giant
In a beautiful blue shirt dandy.
Pluto, Charon, ninth in the system,
In the darkness they pass the time in a duet.
The teacher asks what the children managed to see in distant space.
Children: planets, stars, comets, meteorites.
Educator: Now we will draw a "space landscape". (Teacher demonstrates an example)

Work execution algorithm:
We select 3-4 main objects and draw them on a sheet with wax crayons, you can draw how stars of extraordinary beauty sparkle, comets rush, leaving a multi-colored tail, planets circle in a round dance around the sun, a spaceship went on a space expedition, etc.
Then paint the background with watercolors. We paint over the entire sheet with dark paint so that all the stars and planets are clearly visible. We take purple or dark blue, burgundy paints and paint over the entire sheet with colored spots. Colored crayons show through on a dark background.
Educator: Then we will collect all the drawings and make a large panorama. It will contain both the Earth and the starry sky with spaceships, satellites, astronauts.

Phys. minute
1,2,3,4 we looked like on the spot,
And now we are children,
We fly on a rocket.
Got up on toes
Quick, quick, hands down
1,2,3,4 here's a rocket flying up!
And below the forest, fields -
The earth is spreading.
1,2,3,4 they landed a rocket on the ground!
Educator: Let's start independent work.

Summary of the lesson:
At the end of the lesson, the works are exhibited at the exhibition, the guys exchange their impressions - which drawing they liked and why. The teacher notes successful work, encourages all children.

Drawing lesson in the preparatory group on the theme "Space"

Lesson topic: Cosmonautics Day
Target: Develop the ability to reflect in the drawing their ideas about space.
1. Continue to expand children's understanding of the diversity of the cosmos. Tell children about interesting facts and events in space.
2. To give children the idea that the Universe is a lot of stars. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. Clarify ideas about the planets, constellations.
3. To give children knowledge about human space exploration, about the importance of space research for the life of people on Earth. To acquaint with the first pilot-cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
4. Cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland.
Space is so cool!
Space is so cool!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Swimming slowly!
Space is so cool!
sharp rockets
At great speed
Rushing here and there!
So wonderful in space!

So magical in space!
In real space
Visited once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!
O. Akhmetova
One of the topics that is very interesting for children preschool age, this is space. Space is mysterious world stars, planets, and other objects. From childhood, kids see that the day is replaced by night. The sun shines in the sky during the day, and the moon at night. And the sky is full of stars.
What can you tell children about space?
On April 12, Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day to commemorate the first space flight committed by Yuri Gagarin.
The starry sky has always attracted the eyes of people, beckoning with its obscurity. People dreamed of learning about space as much as possible. Thus began the time of space rockets, satellites, moon rovers ..

Our Earth is a huge ball on which there are seas, rivers, mountains, deserts and forests. Also people live. Our Earth and everything that surrounds it is called the Universe, or space. In addition to our blue planet, there are others, as well as stars. Stars are huge luminous balls. The sun is also a star. It is located close to the Earth, so we can see it and feel its warmth.

In addition to the Earth, there are 8 more planets in the solar system, each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.

To find out what a person will have to face in space, scientists sent animals for "reconnaissance". They were dogs, rabbits, mice, even germs.

Dogs are smarter than mice, but not all dogs were eligible for the test. Most of all came ordinary mongrels. The first dog, Laika, was sent into space in 1957. Then Belka and Strelka flew into space. In 1960, on August 19, they were launched into space on a prototype spaceship"East". They stayed in space for more than a day and returned safely.
The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and circled the Earth in 1 hour 48 minutes. Came back alive and well.

An astronaut is a person who tests space technology and works in space. Now there are astronauts in many countries.
The first spacewalk was made by Alexei Leonov in 1965.

And the first woman cosmonaut was Valentina Tereshkova, who flew into space in 1963.

To fly into space, you need to study a lot and well, be self-possessed, patient, enduring.
The theme of space contains a lot of ideas for drawings and our children preparatory group shared their impressions about space.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the senior group on the topic "Planet of my fantasies".

Author: Schukina Lyudmila Alexandrovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 174", Voronezh
Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for the development of coherent speech of older and preparatory age on the theme "Planet of my fantasies". This material will be useful for teachers of the senior, preparatory group. This is a summary of a speech development lesson aimed at developing coherent speech through storytelling.

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the senior group on the topic: "Planet of my fantasies"

Target: develop coherent speech through storytelling.
Educational tasks:
- compose coherent stories using mnemotables;
- to fix the clarity of diction when pronouncing tongue twisters;
- identify the ability to form the comparative degree of adjectives.
Educational tasks:
-to cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in one's country, a sense of goodwill towards the inhabitants of other planets.
- to cultivate positive behavior skills during the game.
Solving riddles on the topic.
musical accompaniment;
questions to children aimed at establishing cause-and-effect relationships;
developing exercises ("Centrifuge", "Cosmic rays" game techniques (introducing children to a game situation)
word games ("Say the opposite", "Bouncers")
artistic word (pure words, riddles).
verbal (conversation, writing a story);
visual (map of the solar system, children's crafts on the topic "Space", slides);
practical (laying out a word scheme.),
game (imitation of actions and movements)
Demo material: map of the solar system, planets, constellations, hoops, musical compositions of the Space group, computer presentation.
Handout: pictures with the image of food, cards with the scheme of the word.
Hall decoration: solar system model, space bodies, planets.

GCD progress
The hall is decorated on the theme "Space". Children enter the hall to the music.
Educator: Good afternoon guys and dear guests. I am very glad to see you all. We love to travel to different places. And today I again invite you to a place unknown to us. You can guess where we are going if you solve the riddles.
Riddle No. 1. White flowers on a blue handkerchief bloom in the evening and fade in the morning. (sky, stars)
Riddle number 2. From which ladle do they not drink, do not eat, but only look at it? (Big Dipper)
Riddle number 3. A yellow plate lies in the sky, a yellow plate gives us warmth (the sun)
Riddle No. 4. A piece of bread hangs over the hut of the grandmother, the dogs bark, they cannot get it (a month)
Riddle No. 5. Nine children walk in circles around their mother (planets of the solar system)
Riddle number 6. Consists of points of light, the upper room of planets is full (space)
Educator: Man dreamed of flying for a long time, this is said in many fairy tales. Remember fairytale heroes who flew?
Children's answers.
Educator: Space has always interested man. Is there air on other planets? Is there life? Astronauts prepare for a very long time to fly into space. What should an astronaut be like?
Children's answers.
Educator: We are with you too let's take a course preparation. Everyone who goes on a flight needs to know how the galaxy works.
1. What is the name of the planet we live on? (Earth)
2. How long does it take the Earth to make one revolution around the Sun?
3. Where to fly further from the Moon to the Earth, or from the Earth to the Moon?
4. What planets are included in the solar system?
5. Why don't the planets collide and bump into each other while revolving around the Sun?
6. What is the largest planet? And the smallest one?

7. Add the desired word:
a) flies in space - (cosmonaut)
b) observes stars - (astronomer)
c) predicts fate by the stars - (astrologer)
Educator: Well done, you have successfully passed the first stage. The tests are very serious, but all astronauts cope with them easily. Why do you think?
Children's answers: Train.
Educator: You all probably know how real astronauts train in special centrifuges, preparing their bodies for overload. To be ready for the flight, we will conduct a training session. We do not have centrifuges, but we can organize ourselves.
- To fly into space, you need to be able to do a lot.
Unfold the hoops. Children stand in hoops.
Competition "Centrifuge" sounds musical composition groups "Space"

Educator: Guys, you are great. I think we can go to space. And now remember and tell me, what else is the difficulty of life on a spaceship, what state do astronauts experience?
Children's answers: Weightlessness.
Educator: We have a long way to go, let's have a snack. Take a seat at the table. There is food in front of you. Lay out the outline of the word.
Educator: Let's see what space food scientists and doctors have prepared for us. In conditions of weightlessness, it is difficult to take food so that it does not fly away, does not spread over the ship, food is stored in tubes.
The tubes have 1, 2 or 3 stripes. You must name the food, the name of which has 1, 2 or 3 syllables (work to determine the syllables in the words: soup, borscht, meat, cutlet, goulash, jelly, compote, water.)

Educator: I invite you to fly to the planet Alpha-beta, which is located in another galaxy. I ask the crew to take their places on the ship, you have the numbers written, take the appropriate place.
Before the flight, we all say a tongue-twister: We are all flying to the planet, to the planet Alpha Beta. The astronauts are not afraid and strive forward to the star. 3, 2, 1- Start! Go!
Sounds musical composition of the group "Space"
Educator: Look guys, we are with you in the solar system: this is our galaxy. At the center of our galaxy is a large star - the Sun. Nine planets revolve around the sun.

1. First, closest to the Sun is the smallest planet Mercury. During the day it is very hot, at night it is very cold. There is nothing to breathe on this planet. No man has set foot on the planet Mercury.

2. Venus, the next planet from the Sun. It's very hot on her. It is difficult to see because it is covered by clouds.

3. The third planet from the Sun, we live on it - this is the Earth. The only planet in the solar system that has life.

4. The fourth planet from the Sun Mars is a reddish star. Formerly people they thought that there were living beings on this planet, but they were wrong.

5. The fifth largest planet - Jupiter consists of liquid and gas.

6. The planet Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. Saturn is a beautiful yellow-orange planet, and it is always surrounded by rings of rocks and ice.

7. The most distant planets from the Sun, which means that they are very cold and little known to people Uranus from ice and gas with stripes. Spins on its side.

8. The eighth planet of blue color Neptune is larger than Uranus. An icy winter reigns on it forever.

9. Farthest from the Sun is Pluto. It is a gray planet smaller than Neptune.

Educator: Here we are on the planet. What do you think this planet is? Who can we meet on the new planet? But, after all, earthlings do not know anything about the planet Alpha-beta. Who wants to dream up and make up an alien story?
Children's stories. (each talks about his planet)

Educator: But aliens know nothing about us and our planet. Let's tell them about it, and the pictures will help us.
Compilation of a story of Earthlings about their planet.
1. What shape does our planet have and what is its name?

Children: Our planet Earth has the shape of a ball.
2. Why does the seasons change on Earth?

On our planet there is a change of seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Because the earth revolves around the sun.

3. Why is there a change of day and night?

On Earth there is a change of day and night. In the morning the sun shines, and at night the moon and stars appear in the sky. Because the earth rotates on its axis.

4. What is on Earth?

On Earth there are mountains, forests, rivers and fields.

5. Who lives on our planet?

Animals, birds, fish, insects live on our planet.

6. Who lives on the planet?

Children of different nationalities live on planet Earth. They have different skin colors. And they speak different languages.

Educator: Now let's talk in pairs. An Earthman and an alien will come out. You must complete each other's story (communication in a dialogue.)
Game "Say the other way around"
Earthling: We have spring now.
Alien: And we have winter.
Earthling: Our day has come.
Alien: And we have night.
The game "Bouncers" And now let's brag
Earthling: Our planet is beautiful
Alien: ours is even prettier.
Earthling: Our seas are deep
Alien: and we are even deeper
Earthling: Our mountains are high
Alien: and ours is higher.
Earthling: Our bread is delicious
Alien: and we taste better.
Earthling: Our rivers are clean
Alien: and ours is cleaner.
Earthling: Our soldiers are brave
Alien: and our bolder.
Educator: Aliens and Earthlings became friends. And now we will figure out how best to remember this meeting of the two worlds.
Children offer.
Let's imagine ourselves as warm cosmic rays.
"Space Rays" children stand in a circle, stretch their right hand to the center, touching each other lightly with their fingers. Stand quietly like this, trying to feel like a warm cosmic ray.) The musical composition of the group "Space" sounds,
Educator: It's time for us to say goodbye and return to our native Earth. Goodbye! Take your seats on the ship, we're on our way! Three, two, one - start! The musical composition of the group "Space" sounds.


TARGET: Development cognitive activity children, artistic and aesthetic abilities.


    To consolidate and systematize knowledge about the Cosmos (stars, constellations, solar system, planets). Clarify knowledge about the study of the Universe, about astronauts.

    Develop attention, memory, observation, stage abilities. To improve the ability of children to convey in the image the features of the structure of the spacecraft in the application.

    Cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland.

    Activate the children's vocabulary: constellations, the universe, the solar system, the name of the planets, the name of the constellations, astronaut, antonyms.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Cycle of classes within project activities"This mysterious Cosmos".

MATERIAL FOR THE LESSON: Demonstration material "Cosmos", model "Solar system", material for staging (a set of tools, portraits of astronauts, an astronaut costume), constructor "Spaceships", scissors, glue, napkins, cutouts.


    Guys, do you like to look at the night sky? What can be seen in the sky? (stars, moon). How many stars are in the sky?

There are countless of them. On a cloudless clear evening, the sky above our head is strewn with small sparkling dots.

    What is a star? (These are huge hot balls of gas, similar to our sun. They glow, but do not heat, because they are very far from the Earth, which is why they seem so small to us.)

In order to navigate in the starry sky, people gave names to some of the most bright stars and united the stars into constellations, which can be compared with the image of objects and animals.

You and I watched the brightest star.

Child: There is one star in the sky, which I will not say.

But every evening I look at her from the window.

It flickers brightest of all and in the sky somewhere, Now, probably, the pilot checks the path on it!

    What is the name of this star? (Polar Star) In what constellation is the North Star located? (in the constellation Ursa Minor)

Graphic exercise "Connect the dots"

Let's try to connect the stars in these constellations and see what happens. Child: Here is the Ursa Major Interfering with Starry Porridge big bucket in a large cauldron. And nearby, Ursa Minor glows dimly, Collects crumbs with a small dipper! Guess the riddle, then you will find out what else you can see in the sky. At night I walk through the sky, I dimly illuminate the Earth. I'm bored, I'm bored alone, And my name is ... (Moon)! ( exhibited illustration)

    What is the Moon, and why did the artist draw the Earth holding the Moon by the hand? (The moon is a satellite of the earth.)

    But what is the Earth? (Earth is a planet.)

    Right. We said that the Earth is a home, and the solar system is a home city in which our home is located. There are other planets in this sunny town.

    All these planets are united in the solar system. Why is this system called the Solar System? (Because all the planets revolve around the sun. The sun is a big hot star, it warms and illuminates the planets.)

Each planet has its own path. It is impossible for her, believe me, to turn off the orbit. Our planets revolve around the sun. They are all warmed by the Sun in different ways.

Didactic game "Solar system"

    Help me get the planets back into their orbit. It's so hot on this planet

It's dangerous to be there, friends! (Mercury)

And this planet was bound by a terrible cold, The sunbeam did not reach its warmth. (Pluto)

And this planet is dear to all of us, The planet gave us life .... (Earth)

Two planets are close to planet Earth. My friend, name them soon. (Venus, Mars)

And this planet is proud of itself

Since it is considered the largest. 9 Jupiter)

The planet is surrounded by rings And this distinguishes it from all. (Saturn)

What is the green planet? (Uranus)

The king of the sea gave the name to that planet, He called it by his own name. (Neptune) The round dance of the planets is spinning, Each has its own size and color. For each path is defined, But only on Earth the world is inhabited by life.

    Why can we say that only on Earth there is life? (Research confirms this.)

Man has always been interested in the mysterious world of the Cosmos. Is there air on other planets, are there animals, plants. And so scientists under the leadership of Korolev invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it, and launched it into outer space.

    Which living being was the first to travel into space? (Dogs: Squirrel and arrow.) In a space rocket called "Vostok"

Who was the first on the planet to rise to the stars? (Yu.A. Gagarin) - On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, Y. Gagarin made a successful flight around the Earth in a spaceship. Our country is proud of this feat.

    Who repeated the feat of Gagarin? (G.Titov, V.Tereshkova, S.Savitskaya)

    What do astronauts do during a flight? (They conduct medical, technical observations, study the surface of the Earth, the Moon, and other planets. They report on approaching hurricanes, typhoons, natural disasters, update the weather forecast, provide satellite television and radio communications.)

speech game "Say the opposite"

    What should an astronaut be like? I will name the qualities, and for each of my words, choose another word denoting the opposite quality.

lazy - industrious

Evil - good

Weak - strong

slow - fast

slovenly - neat

Sad - cheerful

Nervous - calm

old - young

cowardly - brave

Clumsy - dexterous

    All the qualities that you listed are inherent in an astronaut.

    Would you like to become astronauts?

dramatization "Space flight"

First child: Astronaut heroes flew on rockets.

We saw our astronauts in portraits. Second child: Let's play - we'll make a rocket!

Like our astronauts, we will all fly into space! Third child: Such a glorious game you came up with for us.

What is needed for a rocket? We'll get it now. First child: I guys have a wonderful glue. Second child: I brought a box of nails with me. Third child: Here is cardboard, plywood, any tool. Together: We will make a rocket in one moment.

    And we guys will help our astronauts make a rocket.

Didactic game "Assemble from parts"

second child: We are all cosmonauts now, Like Gagarin, like Titov The crew of our rocket is ready to take off into space.Fourth child:Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets. Whatever we want, we'll fly to such.

    Is the rocket ready to take off? Take your seats .(children get up in pairs)

    We start the countdown: 10,9,8,7 ... 1, start. Third child: Flying into space

Our cosmonaut is around the Earth, Although the windows in the ship are small, He sees everything, as if in the palm of his hand: The steppe expanse, the surf, And maybe you and me. Second child: Commander of the ship, report the situation! First child: All B FULLY ORDER! Third child: Allow spacewalk! First child: I allow! Attention weightlessness!

Relaxation exercises "Soaring in the air"

I propose to return to Earth.

Here we are at home. During the trip we saw a lot of interesting things. I propose to depict what you saw.

Take the finished shapes, cut them out along the contour, make one big picture and glue the images, (independent activity of children)

Summing up the lesson.

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: Space

Abstract of direct educational activities for children of senior preschool age on the topic: "Space is great!"

In the technique of drawing with plasticine, appliqué, collage.

Teacher of MDOU kindergarten No. 16 "Baby", M.O. Serpukhov, teacher

Program tasks:

Artistic creativity:

Continue to acquaint children with the technique of drawing with plasticine,

To develop the ability to cut paper to obtain various geometric shapes, to compose images of various objects from these figures,

To consolidate the ability to convey in modeling the expressiveness of the image,

To form technical skills and skills in working with various materials for modeling.


Develop perception of color, shape, properties of objects and materials,

Continue to acquaint children with various geometric shapes,

To form the ability to use planar and volumetric forms as standards.


Expanding children's understanding of the diversity of the world,

Encouraging children's attempts to share with the teacher and peers a variety of experiences,

Enrichment of children's speech with adjectives characterizing the properties of the quality of objects.


For the educator: a laptop, a screen and a projector, a sample of work, a board or easels to show the technique.

For children: the basis for the composition (a sheet of colored cardboard in dark blue or purple), plasticine, beads, sequins, clippings with astronauts and spaceships, glue.

Lesson progress:

V. - Hello guys. (Hello)

V. - Please tell me which holiday is approaching soon (Cosmonautics Day), right, guys, it is celebrated on April 12th. And I invite you today, together with me, to go into space for a short time, and see everything that astronauts see and find out what is there behind the clouds of our beloved planet.

But for this you need to close your eyes tightly and loudly - loudly say let's go! Three four!

(The light goes out, the slides light up on the screen. The teacher tells.)

In the vast expanses of space, our Earth rotates.

She is one of the planets in the solar system. The solar system is a union of planets and their satellites - revolving around a star - the Sun.

There are only nine planets, they are all different. In the deep space permafrost, on the edge of the solar system, planets move - small bodies of ice, dust and stones. And between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is a large cluster of asteroids - boulders.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

It is a huge stone ball, most of the surface of which is covered with water.

The earth is surrounded by layers of air called the atmosphere.

Our planet is in constant motion: it rotates around its own axis and around the sun.

Stars appear to us as luminous lights from afar, because they are very far away. In fact, every star is a gigantic ball of gas, like our sun, that radiates heat and light.

A constellation is a pattern of stars that create a shape.

The first person to conquer space was the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

The flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. The ship "Vostok" made one revolution around the Earth.

In a space rocket

Named "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Singing songs about it

Spring drops:

Forever will be together

Gagarin and April. V. Stepanov.

Some studies require a person to be in space for a long time. Space houses were invented - orbital stations. Satellites launched by man into space send images of our planet and images of outer space to Earth.

Guys, did you like space?

What was especially memorable?

What are the people who fly into space in spaceships called? (cosmonauts)

What was the name of the world's first astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin)

What was the name of the ship that took him into the sky? ("Sunrise")

What good fellows you guys, listened so attentively.

V. – To go to space is a great event that gives a lot of impressions, and impressions help creativity very well. Therefore, I suggest that you now sit down at the tables, and together with me blind our amazing space.

(children move to the work area)


To fly into space, you need to be able to do a lot.

To be healthy, not to be lazy, to study well at school.

And we will do exercises every day - we are not lazy!

To the left, to the right to turn about again back to return,

Squat, jump and run, run, run.

And then everything is quieter, quieter to walk - and sit down again.

V. - Guys, let's see what is on our tables (stars, spaceships, plasticine, beads, glue, photographs by Y. Gagarin). From all this you can make a whole outer space, for example from this. (the teacher shows the children a sample)

Now I will tell you how to make such planets and comets from plasticine.

Algorithm for performing work.

We select the main object (cutout of an astronaut, a spaceship), glue it to the center of work,

To mold our planet from plasticine, we need 3 colors: a piece of green, white, and blue. We mix all three colors so that stains appear on the lump. We flatten. Attached to work.

To make such stars and comets, our plasticine must first be attached to the place where the star will be, and then simply pull the tips to the sides with your finger. Here are the rays. The tail of the comet is also performed.

Beads and sequins will help us make our space bright and shining, we attach them to plasticine like this.

But, know that in space you cannot do without a faithful comrade and friend, so you will work today in pairs, and in the end we will see whose team did the best job.

V. - Is everything clear? Well then, let's get to work.

(independent activities of children)

Soft music plays while you work.

At the end, all the works are laid out on the carpet, it turns out outer space.

V. - Guys, let's look at our space, what wonderful work you have done. And you did it all with your own hands.

Q. - What work, in your opinion, turned out to be the most interesting? Why?

Q. – Did you like being in space?

V. - Guys, I think our astronauts would really like your work, the space turned out to be real. Well, it’s time for us, swami, to go to Earth, because here on earth there are still many interesting things waiting for us.

For decades, every year

We mark new cosmic milestones,

But remember: the campaign began to the stars

From the Gagarin Russian "Let's go!"


Complex classes, senior group, N.V. Labodina, Volgograd "Teacher", 2012

Encyclopedia of a preschooler, N.N. Malofeeva, M. "Rosmen", 2007

Comprehensive classes for the development of speech, tutorial, G.Ya. Zatulina, Pedagogical Society of Russia, M., 2007

Synopsis of GCD for children of the senior group "Flight into space".

Thu, 12/19/2013

Bazhenova Olga Nikolaevna,

teacher speech therapist

MA DOU Golyshmanovsky

Kindergarten No. 5 "Rodnichok"

Educational area "Cognition ».

Expand your understanding of the profession of an astronaut.

Educational area "Communication".

Enrich children's speech with nouns, adjectives denoting the theme "space".

Develop conversational skills. Encourage attempts to share with teachers and other children a variety of impressions and knowledge about astronautics.

Educational area "Socialization".

Expand children's understanding of the year of astronautics. To develop the desire to express one's attitude to the environment, independently find various speech means for this.

Preliminary work:

    Examining pictures of space.

    Acquaintance with the map of the solar system.

    Conversations about satellites and ships.

    Memorizing poems about space.

    Getting to know the plot role playing Cosmodrome, Journey through the solar system.

Individual work:

Help Nikita G, Nastya L. express their point of view on the topic "Space", use nouns and adjectives correctly in speech.

Manuals and materials:

    Globe (collection of globes).

    Musical accompaniment.

    Portrait of an astronaut. (Gagarin Yu. A.).

    constellation (major and Ursa Minor, triangle, swan)

Lesson progress


Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

I'm glad to see all of you.

On a TV show at home.

Children, what TV programs do you like? (Good night, Smarties and smarties, Telenanny, The smartest). Today we have on the air the children's program "Journey into Space". As you probably know, in every program there is always a presenter.

The host of the program Irina Alexandrovna, and our guests are the children of the senior group of kindergarten No. 17. Let's start our program with a song, please listen to the song and tell me who it is about?

The song is about astronauts.

Children: About astronauts.

Teacher: Great! Who can guess why I included this song.

Children: On this day, for the first time, a man flew into space.

Educator: For the first time, an inhabitant of the planet Earth rushed to the stars. Who knows the name of the first astronaut in the world?

Children: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Educator: Children from the portrait look at us smiling, brave pilot - astronaut, hero Soviet Union Colonel Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

And here, look at the photo, he is dressed differently, in the clothes in which he is in flight. His entire costume is called a space suit. It includes shell, helmet, gloves, boots. The spacesuit is like the cabin of a spacecraft, everything is there so that the astronauts can be in flight. The suit has tubes with a breathing mixture that are needed for breathing, there is also a small box that maintains normal body temperature. The suit is a very durable spacesuit that protects against pressure and radiation. The suit is connected to the Earth, it contains a microphone with equipment sensors, we can see and talk with the astronauts. The suit is heavy and can only be worn by trained, hardy people.

Educator: And now Katya, read you a poem about this wonderful person.

Reading a poem. Do you know what kind of guy he was?

The one who opened the star path?

The whole world carried him in his arms.

Son of Earth and stars. He was gentle and simple.


And how do you understand in this poem the lines that Yuri Gagarin carried the whole world in his arms?

Children: After returning to earth, he traveled all over the world, met with residents of different countries.

Educator: Well said - simply and clearly. Why do you think he was called the son of the Earth and the stars.

Children: He is the first person who flew into space, saw our earth and stars. Do you want to go to outer space?

Host: And what do you need to be to fly into outer space.

Children: Strong, strong, dexterous, hardy.

Educator: Let's warm up with you and become like that.


Let's loosen up

Let's stretch, let's bend.

It's time for us to jump!

There will be no laziness in the muscles,

We are not on the way with her,

Bring your knees to your chest

Grab your hands!

Tilts left-right.

And two steps forward

We stand on the spot straight and a quick turn.

Educator: Good! I see that you are ready, and now our television studio has turned into a large outer space, and we, like Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, are flying to the stars.

Come, look, admire the radiance of the constellations. And who can say what a constellation is? Wonderful! A constellation is a collection of stars in the sky. And who will name the constellation that we see? Let's count the stars in our constellations. Great! Correctly counted. Can you count the stars in the sky?

Children: No.

Educator: Yes, there are an uncountable number of them. The sky above our head is strewn with thousands of stars. They appear to us as small sparkling dots, because they are far from the Earth. In fact, the stars are very big.

Guys, we are back in the TV studio, I want to say that in space, in addition to stars, there are 10 planets, but all the astronauts who flew into space said that the most beautiful planet is the earth.

Look what I'll show you.

Children: Globe.

Educator: That's right, children, this is a reduced planet of the Earth.

Look closely, what is not clear on the globe?

What surprises you?

Children: That our Earth is small, we can touch it with our hands.


Let me show you where we are? We are located in the city of Tyumen, and here is our kindergarten number 17.

And now I want to show the place where our Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin started from. This is the Baikanur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. And now let's get ready for take-off, together we count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We fly u-u-u. How many times has the Vostok rocket circled our land.

Children: Once

And the flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes.

Well, miracles in the transmission, where did it come from, what is it?

Children: Ball.

Educator: Tell the children what the ball and the globe are like. How is the globe different? Our ball wants to play the game "Name the words about space" with you.

Teacher: Do you want to play some more?

Children: We want.

Educator: I offer you the game "Find your rocket."

Educator: Children, what do you remember in our program?

What can you tell mom and dad today? And the most interesting is waiting for you ahead, we will meet again this week.


Gagarin's Lesson / Edited by Yu. A. Dokuchaev. - M.: Children's literature. - 1985. - 143 p., ill. Documentary story about the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and the Gagarints 39.

Star Son / Edited by L.A. Obukhov. - M.: Children's literature. 1974.

Space Harbor / Edited by A.F. Molchanov, A.A. Pushkarev.: Publisher: Mashinostroenie. 1982.

"Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0002276,

Subject: This mysterious space

Target: introduce the symbolism of the constellations, arouse interest in outer space; to expand children's understanding of the profession of an astronaut, to cultivate respect for this profession; develop imagination, fantasy.

Lesson progress

Guys, do you like to look at the sky at night? What can you see in the sky? (Stars, moon.) How many stars are there in the sky? There are countless of them. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky above our head is strewn with many stars. They appear as small sparkling dots because they are so far away from Earth. In fact, the stars are very big. The stars have their own names: the North Star, Sirius, Vega, etc. The stars are connected into constellations, which also have their own names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Space has always interested man. Is there air on other planets? Is there life?

And so, scientists under the guidance of designer S. Korolev invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it, and launched it into outer space. The flight was successful. The scientists decided to repeat the flight, but with living creatures on board - these were two husky dogs: Belka and Strelka, who returned safely to Earth. And then the scientists decided to fulfill their cherished dream - to send a man into space.

On April 12, 1961, this dream came true. For the first time in the world, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made a successful flight around the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft. It was a huge joyful event not only for our country, but for all mankind. All the people of our planet joyfully greeted the first cosmonaut.

Soon the feat of Gagarin was repeated by the second cosmonaut - G. Titov. And then the astronaut crews began to increase. 2-3 cosmonauts began to go on space flights. But it was still ahead of us interesting event: the world's first female cosmonaut V. Tereshkova went on a space flight. And then the second woman-cosmonaut - S. Savitskaya. Many cosmonauts looked at our Earth from space, and among them our countryman Konstantin Feoktistov. Astronauts during the flight see and observe a lot of interesting things and work a lot. They conduct medical and technical observations, study the surface of the Earth and report to the Earth about places where minerals have been found, report about the approach of hurricanes, typhoons, natural disasters, fires in the taiga, update weather forecasts, provide space radio and television communications. . This is the complex and interesting work of astronauts.

At home for a book and in kindergarten

Boys dream, girls dream

Fly to the moon.

They long for the moon

And they even fly ... but only in a dream.

Do you guys want to be astronauts? What do you think an astronaut should be like? (Healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, hardy, persistent, etc.)

Listen, I'll tell you about the tests that astronauts have to go through on Earth in order to cope with such loads in space.

Imagine that if one of you were put in a huge ball, and a huge giant would begin to throw him from one hand to the other. How would you feel about it? (children's answers)

And here is another test: they put the astronaut in a chair, fasten it with seat belts, and the car starts circling this chair with terrible speed: up, down, back and forth.

And here's another thing: when the rocket takes off, it trembles very much. In order to get used to this, the astronaut is put into a vibrator machine, and such shaking begins that you won’t get a tooth on a tooth.

The tests are very serious, but all astronauts cope with them easily. Why do you think? (Because astronauts are healthy, strong, trained, and go in for sports.)

All astronauts are masters of sports. They run, jump, exercise every day. various types sports.

Guys, after my story, you are probably afraid to enter the cosmonaut corps? To be ready for the flight, we will also conduct such a training.

Mobile attention game "Do this and don't do this..."

Well done! Everyone coped, everyone is enrolled in the cosmonaut corps. Now we need to decide what the astronaut needs in flight.

The game "What items the astronaut will take on the flight."

So, we went through training, took the necessary things. What else do we lack? (Rockets.)

We will build the rocket according to this plan. We will build from chairs. (Children build a rocket, sit down.)

Children, sit back, you will soon take off, and I will stay on Earth and follow your flight.

(Children count from ten to one and take off with the “Start!” command ...)

A rocket took off into the sky

And in that moment, she was gone.

Only a stripe in the blue sky

Like snow, remains white.

Goodbye guys, happy journey!

Role-playing game "Cosmonauts".

Drawing lesson in the preparatory group on the theme "Space"

Lesson topic: Cosmonautics Day
Target: Develop the ability to reflect in the drawing their ideas about space.
1. Continue to expand children's understanding of the diversity of the cosmos. Tell children about interesting facts and events in space.
2. To give children the idea that the Universe is a lot of stars. The Sun is the closest star to Earth. Clarify ideas about the planets, constellations.
3. To give children knowledge about human space exploration, about the importance of space research for the life of people on Earth. To acquaint with the first pilot-cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
4. Cultivate a sense of pride in their homeland.
Space is so cool!
Space is so cool!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Swimming slowly!
Space is so cool!
sharp rockets
At great speed
Rushing here and there!
So wonderful in space!

So magical in space!
In real space
Visited once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!
O. Akhmetova
One of the topics that is very interesting for preschool children is space. Space is a mysterious world of stars, planets, and other objects. From childhood, kids see that the day is replaced by night. The sun shines in the sky during the day, and the moon at night. And the sky is full of stars.
What can you tell children about space?
On April 12, Russia celebrates Cosmonautics Day to commemorate the first space flight by Yuri Gagarin.
The starry sky has always attracted the eyes of people, beckoning with its obscurity. People dreamed of learning about space as much as possible. Thus began the time of space rockets, satellites, moon rovers ..

Our Earth is a huge ball on which there are seas, rivers, mountains, deserts and forests. Also people live. Our Earth and everything that surrounds it is called the Universe, or space. In addition to our blue planet, there are others, as well as stars. Stars are huge luminous balls. The sun is also a star. It is located close to the Earth, so we can see it and feel its warmth.

In addition to the Earth, there are 8 more planets in the solar system, each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.

To find out what a person will have to face in space, scientists sent animals for "reconnaissance". They were dogs, rabbits, mice, even germs.

Dogs are smarter than mice, but not all dogs were eligible for the test. Most of all came ordinary mongrels. The first dog, Laika, was sent into space in 1957. Then Belka and Strelka flew into space. In 1960, on August 19, they were launched into space on the prototype of the Vostok spacecraft. They stayed in space for more than a day and returned safely.
The first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. On April 12, 1961, he flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft and circled the Earth in 1 hour 48 minutes. Came back alive and well.

An astronaut is a person who tests space technology and works in space. Now there are astronauts in many countries.
The first spacewalk was made by Alexei Leonov in 1965.

And the first woman cosmonaut was Valentina Tereshkova, who flew into space in 1963.

To fly into space, you need to study a lot and well, be self-possessed, patient, enduring.
The theme of space contains a lot of ideas for drawings and our children of the preparatory group shared their impressions of space.

The world around for preschoolers is a means of cognition and a source of artistic images that they are happy to embody on paper in the process of drawing. In the senior and preparatory group, kindergarten students get acquainted with the unknown world of the Universe. It attracts children's attention, makes them think and fantasize. As a result, the guys create wonderful compositions on the theme of "Space".

Features of drawing on this topic in senior preschool age

To understand the vast unexplored world of space, you need to use your imagination as much as possible. Preschoolers, on the other hand, can easily cope with this task - they can imagine themselves on board a spaceship flying past unknown planets, or rescuing an alien from a black hole.

Space is one of the topics that develop children's imagination very well. The emphasis in such drawings is placed on three main areas. First of all, this is the creation of a cosmic landscape with many stars, beautiful, dissimilar planets, comets, asteroids, etc. In some works of preschoolers, the foreground can be clearly distinguished - the landscape of a planet or another cosmic body (for example, the Moon is a satellite) is drawn in detail Earth).

Another direction of drawings on this topic- this is an image of technology intended for space exploration: rockets, satellites, spaceships. Older preschoolers create quite realistic images, paying attention to details. Along with such devices, the guys are very fond of drawing vehicles of fictional aliens, the so-called flying saucers.

And another part of the work on creating space compositions is the image of astronauts in their professional equipment and fantastic anthropomorphic creatures - aliens. The latter may look completely different in children's imagination, be cute or deliberately ugly, have their own character - kind or aggressive.

The teacher at the space drawing lesson does not give ready-made templates to older preschoolers. So, to create a cosmic landscape, it will be enough for the guys to have a poster with the image of the solar system in front of their eyes in order to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the various planets look like.

Preschool poster

Drawing a rocket is usually not difficult for children - the teacher only clarifies with the guys its constituent elements. In addition, drawing is usually preceded by an application on this topic.

As for creating the image of an astronaut, the image of a person is always a difficult task. However, in this case, the work is simplified by the presence of a voluminous space suit, so the detailed transfer of facial features or proportions of body parts will no longer be so relevant.

Drawing aliens is an exceptionally creative process when children independently look for ways to create a fantastic image. However, the teacher can provide preschoolers with a picture with different types of these creatures (for example, based on a cartoon).

Preschool poster

In the senior and preparatory group, the final part of the lesson is important - the analysis of finished works. For example, if the guys were drawing an alien, then the teacher organizes a discussion about the expressiveness of the created images. Children tell what colors they used in their work, what was the best way to portray. In addition, each child can come up with a name for their alien and talk about his character, as well as the planet from which he arrived.

The most appropriate materials and basis for work

Drawing on space theme involves the use of a certain framework. If this is a drawing with paints, then the sheet of paper, as a rule, is tinted in a dark color - black, brown, dark blue, dark purple. Although individual drawings look great on a blue base. The gradient background with beautiful color transitions also looks spectacular.

The basis for drawing a space landscape

The shape of the base can be not only standard (A4 format). An interesting solution is to offer the children large circles of gray paper (Moon), on which they will depict the lunar landscape or the fictional inhabitants of this space object.

The basis of the picture is a circle that fits into A4 format

As for paint, gouache in this case will be preferable to watercolors, as it allows you to create bright and rich images.

Space compositions are also created by older preschoolers with colored pencils or wax crayons. At the same time, the background is painted over in the process of work, and, unlike a drawing with paints, it is not too dark.

The combination of materials always looks unusual. For example, in a watercolor drawing, the outline of a white rocket is drawn with a bright felt-tip pen.

By using a felt-tip pen, the watercolor image becomes brighter and more contrasting.

Since non-traditional techniques are often used when drawing on the theme “Space”, the teacher provides the children with appropriate supplies - foam rubber sponges, toothbrushes, cotton buds, toothpicks for scratching the picture, glue. You can even use such unexpected material as soap bubbles or shaving foam.

In a visual lesson on this topic, children can also be offered stencils depicting, for example, a comet, an alien, a spaceship. At the same time, you can tint the base with beautiful color transitions, and make images of stencil objects monotonous and contrasting.

Drawing materials

Image techniques and techniques used when drawing on a space theme

Creating compositions on a space theme, older preschoolers work out all the previously mastered techniques of drawing with paints and pencils. The technique of working with a brush (the tip and the entire pile) is being improved. Children regulate the force of pressure on the pencil, exercise in painting the silhouette with rhythmic unidirectional movements. The teacher monitors whether the pupils hold the instrument correctly, makes comments as necessary (this is true even in the preparatory group).

In the senior, and even more so in the preparatory group, the guys are already well able to mix paints, achieving interesting shades. This skill will come in handy when drawing space landscapes.

Such an unusual and mysterious theme as "Space" opens up great scope for the disclosure of the creative imagination of preschoolers. In this regard, non-traditional imaging techniques provide great opportunities. So, for example, the vast expanses of space, depicted in watercolor, can be effectively supplemented with a toothbrush spray - in this way we will depict numerous distant stars, small asteroids and cosmic dust.

Drawing using an unconventional spray technique

To create an image of the mysterious Universe, the scratching technique is ideal - scratching silhouettes on a dark background. Previously, the base is painted over with multi-colored wax crayons and covered with a thick layer of black gouache (preschoolers may well do this on their own on the eve of class.

Technique scratching

The most interesting thing is the process of scratching the drawing itself. As a result of such work, the original image is obtained.

Drawing in the technique of scratching

Bizarre images of aliens are well obtained with the help of blotography - blowing paint through a cocktail tube, followed by addition of details.


Ordinary PVA glue in a bottle with a narrow neck will help to draw a lunar landscape with characteristic craters. Relief circles are depicted on the surface of the moon, which, after drying, are covered with gray paint.

Drawing with PVA glue

An interesting relief image is also obtained using ordinary salt. The silhouette of a space object is first marked with glue, and then sprinkled with coarse salt. When the image dries, it is covered with paint.

Salt painting followed by painting

Consider such an unusual technique as drawing with shaving foam. Foam is mixed with paint - the result is a beautiful marble effect. In this way, you can depict our native planet Earth.

Shaving foam drawing

In kindergarten, drawing with wax crayons is also often practiced, followed by covering a sheet of paper with watercolor or gouache. In this case, the property of wax crayons to repel water is used. At first, preschoolers draw space objects, rockets, astronauts, etc., and then cover the entire sheet with black paint using a brush. From the areas covered with wax, the paint rolls off. The result is a beautiful contrast image.

Drawing with watercolors and wax crayons

Additional types of visual activity that can be used when creating works, the implementation of an individual approach in the classroom

When drawing on such creative theme like "Cosmos", of course, you need to encourage preschoolers to use additional activities. Thus, it is possible to implement an individual approach to the lesson. For example, a bright picture depicting a distant alien planet with its bizarre inhabitants will be decorated with an application in the form of paper silhouettes of outlandish trees.

Drawing with appliqué elements

The composition will be made more original and plasticine details.

Combination of drawing and plasticineography

Variants of compositions for drawing on the theme "Space" in the senior and preparatory group

It is most logical to conduct a drawing lesson on a space theme with senior preschoolers in early April - on the eve of the celebration of Cosmonautics Day. Before such a productive activity, it is advisable to conduct a lesson on the knowledge of the surrounding world on the topic “Space”, so that later the guys reflect their knowledge and impressions in the picture.

The following topics can be proposed as specific topics for visual activity:

  • "Space landscape". Here the main attention is paid to outer space itself, comets flying in it, meteorites, space dust etc.)
  • "Planets of the Solar System". The children depict in detail the Sun and the planets revolving around it, reflecting the characteristic external features of certain space objects (the red color of Mars, the rings of Saturn, the green-blue Earth, orange Venus, very small Mercury, huge Jupiter, etc.).
  • "Flight to the Moon" (as an option - "Flight to Mars"). Preschoolers depict the lunar surface, a spaceship on it. You can also include the image of an astronaut in the composition. Another option - the moon is depicted from afar, and the spacecraft flies up to it.
  • "Astronauts in space". Children draw astronauts in a spacesuit floating in zero gravity in open space.
  • "Aliens in space" (as an option - "Martians"). This is a fantasy work in which preschoolers create a fictional image of an alien, endowing it with the most unthinkable external features.
  • "Rocket in space", "Flying satellite". Here, the emphasis is on a detailed depiction of technical objects created by man for space exploration.

Drawing on a space theme, if desired, can be organized as a team work. To do this, you can take a topic such as "The Solar System" - each child in a subgroup depicts a certain planet.

Organization of the motivating beginning of directly educational activity: a surprise moment, an informative conversation, reading a fairy tale, a poem, looking at illustrations, etc.

A space drawing lesson should take place in a creative atmosphere so that preschoolers come into contact with the mysterious and magical world of the endless universe. First of all, it will help to make thoughtful game motivation.

For example, the teacher tells the children that she received a message from outer space in which someone asks for help. It turns out that this is Dunno who flew to the moon and cannot return back. He is afraid to be alone in an unfamiliar place. Neznaika definitely needs help - send a rescue team of astronauts to the moon. But you can fly there only on a rocket or a spaceship, which you need to draw.

Cosmonauts can also send a letter to preschoolers. It also comes with a package with a gift - a helmet. The astronauts, knowing that the guys are good at drawing, ask them to send them pictures depicting a space landscape.

Interesting motivation using a toy character. An alien from outer space comes to visit the children. He says that he liked the big and beautiful planet Earth. Many people live on it, but he is sad and lonely, because he lives all alone on his planet. The alien asks the guys to please him - to draw friends.

A soft toy that can be used in class

To make the children imbued with the space theme, the teacher can invite them to turn into astronauts. To do this, preschoolers put on pre-prepared paper helmets and imagine flying to the appropriate music. The guys open their eyes and see a poster depicting the solar system.

Photo from an open lesson in kindergarten

Drawing on the theme of space can also be started with a fairy tale. A wonderful modern work is the fairy tale by Iris Revue "About a resourceful girl and a generous Sun." It says that once upon a time, our planet was illuminated only during the day, when the sun's rays illuminated all living things. But at night it was so dark and scary that it is impossible to describe. And then one little girl turned to the Sun with a request that someone shine at night, because she is very afraid of the dark. The sun thought and decided to perform a miracle - its rays gave light to the moon, so that it, in turn, would send it to the Earth. In addition, the stars volunteered to help the moon. Now the nights were not so dark, and the little girl was no longer afraid to sleep.

After reading this beautiful fairy tale, pupils of the senior or preparatory group can be invited to draw a cosmic landscape where the bright Moon and stars will illuminate the globe in the darkness of the Universe.

You can also recommend The Tale of the Lone Star. Her main character is a small star (although in fact she was larger than our Sun). She was very lonely, because other stars are far away, and the planets were not interested in her life. They only argued with each other about whose trajectory is more correct. And then one night a comet flew past an asterisk. The heroine has never seen them before. They started talking. The comet said that she was a celestial traveler - she flies wherever she wants. It is made of ice, but there are other comets made of stones and metals. The little star asked the comet not to fly away yet, but to stay with her and tell about the miracles that she saw in the Universe. The comet agreed, began to revolve around the star along with the planets and told amazing stories every day. From her stories, the little star learned that there are a lot of varieties of stars: young and old, red-hot and almost cooled down, small and giant. And the most interesting thing is that many stars that are visible in the sky actually went out a long time ago, and the light from them still goes on and will go on for a long time. The starlet confessed to the comet that her innermost desire is to talk to other stars. And a new friend told her that the stars communicate with each other with their twinkling (they will flash brighter, then almost go out) - this is their language.

Soon the comet flew away. And the little star kept peering into the sky, wanting to unravel the mysterious language. And suddenly one night, when she was admiring a bright red star, it began to blink - three short flashes, then one bright one. Then another star did the same. And then the little star realized that it was a greeting, and also winked at the distant stars. Now all that remained was to wait for an answer, even if it would come in a thousand years.

A picture to illustrate a story

The plot of this wonderful fairy tale will be a good motivation for drawing space objects - stars, planets and comets.

The teacher can also tell pupils in the first person such a fabulous story:

“Once I was at a star space ball. In the center, on a high throne, the queen of the ball, the Polar Star, sat motionless. She wore a magnificent blue dress, and a crown adorned her head. Multicolored stars circled around the waltz, constellations danced in different masks. The crystal ringing of bells announced the arrival of Mrs. Comet to the ball. Her tail shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow, the outfit was irresistible. The comet is called the cosmic messenger. Fast, where only it does not happen!? Looks into the most remote corners of the universe. The first to know about the birth of new stars and planets. And now she talked about where meteorites will fall soon and meteor showers. She also gave polar star a declaration of love from sailors, pilots and astronauts from planet Earth. They love her very much because she always points in the right direction.

The following tale is interesting, in which the planets of the solar system are endowed with anthropomorphic features.

“A friendly family lives in the Universe - the Solar System. Mom is called the Sun, and her children are planets. Like chickens around a chicken, the planets circle around the Sun, and it loves everyone, warms. The fastest son is called Mercury, the most beautiful daughter is Venus, and the kindest is Earth. The most pugnacious son is named Mars. The largest and thickest is Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are strong and calm. Saturn is considered a merry fellow, and only a small Pluto is always whiny and gloomy. The planets have friends - satellites. For example, the Earth's girlfriend is called the Moon. They never part, and the Moon in a yellow sarafan spins around the Earth, looks into her eyes. You can’t go into space without friendship!”

A poster to illustrate a fairy tale

After reading this unusual short fairy tale, you can invite the children to depict the planets from an unexpected perspective - with a human face, while trying to endow each of them with their own character.

There are also many interesting poems on the space theme, according to the plot of which you can also build a drawing lesson. Let's give some examples.

"Space is so cool!" O. Akhmetova

Space is so cool!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Swimming slowly!
Space is so cool!
sharp rockets
At great speed
Rushing here and there!
So wonderful in space!
So magical in space!
In real space
Visited once!
In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!

"Ten lunatics" (song-game, lyrics by A. A. Usachev)

Ten sleepwalkers have lived on the moon.
Ten lunatics tossed and turned in their sleep.
And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream
And NINE lunatics remained on the moon.
Nine lunatics have lived on the moon.
Nine lunatics tossed and turned in their sleep.
And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream.
And EIGHT lunatics remained on the moon.
Eight sleepwalkers have lived on the moon.
Eight sleepwalkers tossed and turned in their sleep...

Count sleepwalkers until:

And suddenly one lunatic fell from the moon in a dream!
And there were no more lunatics on the moon!

And if you don't want to sleep
Start counting again!

N. Tsvetkova

The blue sky has opened
yellow-orange eye
The sun is a daylight
Kindly looks at us.
The planet spins smoothly
In the flickering flicker of lights.
Comet somewhere in space
Follows after her.
Mercury breaks out of orbit
Wants to hug Venus.
This magnetic storms
Can Mercury lift.
distant stars flashing,
Something signaling the Earth.
Black holes are gaping
An eternal mystery in the mist.
Brothers in mind. Where are you?
Where are you waiting for us?
Maybe in the constellation Virgo,
Maybe in the constellation Pegasus?

V. Tatarinov "Cosmonaut".

I'll build a rocket, I'll go on a long journey,

I will choose the most radiant star.

And on the way, of course, I'll remember sweet home

And five-pointed stars over the Kremlin.

Where the planets circle, my ship will pass.

There, the sunny people will make friends with me.

And the local boys will meet me,

I will sing them a song about my native land.

Physical education and dynamic pauses on this topic:

Physical education "Cosmonaut"

Physical education "Cosmonaut costume"

Physical education "Let's go to the spaceport"

Finger gymnastics "Cosmos"

  • We flew into space with you
  • aliens met,
  • And for fingers charging
  • Performed with them.
  • We met first
  • One two three four five,
  • Made friends, hugged
  • And then go look
  • Through a telescope on a star track!

Mobile game "Cosmonauts":

  • Children, holding hands, walk in a circle:
    Fast rockets are waiting for us
    To walk the planets
    What we want -
    Let's fly to this one!
    But there is one secret in the game:
    Latecomers - no room!

Children scatter and try to take their places (in hoops). Only two astronauts can land in one rocket.

Lesson notes

Name of the author Abstract title
Smirnova A.V. "Space Landscape"
(senior group)
Educational tasks: learn to depict the solar system, get different shades of colors by mixing.
Development tasks: develop compositional skills, color perception.
Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in the world of space.
Integration educational areas : "Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demonstration material: illustrations of space, the solar system.
Handout: sheets of A4 paper, watercolors, oil pastels, brushes, non-spill cups, napkins
Lesson progress:
The teacher reminds the preschoolers that during the walk they looked at the sky, and asks them to describe it. It turns out that the sky is different: on a sunny day - bright blue, on a cloudy day - gray, at sunset - orange. At night, the sky seems black, thousands of stars light up against its background. In addition to our planet, there are a huge number of other planets, stars, dust, gases, asteroids in space.
Children are invited to take a fascinating journey through the universe, to imagine that they have risen so high that the Earth seems to be a small blue ball. The sky has turned into outer space filled with various objects. The guys will learn that our galaxy is called Milky Way, and the solar system consists of eight planets.
Reading a poem by V. Shipunova "On a distant planet ...":
  • On a distant, amazing planet
    (We won't fly in ten years)
    The emerald sun shines brightly
    And the orange bear lives.
    On silk lilac grass
    Calmly wandering pink deer -
    Pearl horns on the head
    A shadow tramples with a silver hoof.

Conversation on the topic: what else can be on a distant amazing planet.
A musical warm-up “10 sleepwalkers” is being held (in the words of A. Usachev).
Children are presented with a poster depicting the solar system. The teacher repeatedly designates external features planets. For example, Mercury has many craters, and Venus and Earth are called "sisters" for their same size. Mars appears red from space, Earth appears blue, and Uranus appears green. Saturn is surrounded by rings of rock and ice.
Preschoolers are encouraged to sketch their journey using watercolors and oil pastels. Space objects are drawn with crayons, and the airspace is painted over with watercolors.
Independent activity of children. Exhibition of works.

Alyaeva O.A. "We are flying into space"
(senior group)

Riddle about the Dunno:

  • In a round-brimmed hat
    And pants to the knees
    Busy with different things
    He's just too lazy to learn.
    Who is he, quickly guess,
    What is his name? (Dunno)

Dunno sends a message from outer space asking for help - he
Flew to the moon and can't come back. The guys must turn into astronauts to fly into space and help the character. But for this they
you need a rocket to draw.
The scheme of the solar system is considered.
Children are invited didactic game"Disenchant the Martian": you need to name what geometric shapes the portraits of aliens are made of, and count them.
The teacher tells the children that they will draw a rocket and space objects using the scraping technique. Preschoolers consider three samples of work in this technique.
A physical education session is held - to slow music, the guys imitate the movements of astronauts in weightlessness.
Independent productive activity. Work analysis.

Garifullina V.V. "Aliens from Space"
(preparatory group)

The teacher invites preschoolers to go on a virtual space journey - imagine themselves on board a spaceship. Talk about the planets of the solar system.
The teacher asks the children to fantasize about what aliens might look like, whether they will look like us. Children suggest that aliens can be huge, green, have a third eye, etc.

The toy alien Chucha appears. He came from a distant planet, but he lives there all alone. Chucha asks the guys to draw his friends - different aliens - and come up with names for them (motivation).
Finger gymnastics is carried out:

  • We met first
    We flew into space with you
    One two three four five,
    aliens met,
    Made friends, hugged
    And for fingers charging
    Six seven eight nine ten.
    Performed with them.
    And then go look
    Through a telescope on a star track!

Independent activity of preschoolers. Work analysis. Children talk about their alien and the planet from which he arrived, call his name.
The guys give drawings to Chucha and invite him to fly to them again.

Deeva T.
(preparatory group)

The lesson begins with riddles about the rocket and the astronaut:

    Wonder bird - scarlet tail
    Flew into a flock of stars.
    Our people built this
    He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
    He's flying a plane
    And a huge rocket
    Name who it is.

The mobile game "Cosmonauts" is being held.
A short talk about Cosmonautics Day. Reading a poem by V. Stepanov: “Yu. Gagarin":

  • In a space rocket
    Named "East"
    He is the first on the planet
    I was able to rise to the stars.
    Singing songs about it
    Spring drops:
    Forever will be together
    Gagarin and April.

Discussion of the profession of an astronaut, the qualities necessary for it. The teacher talks about the tests that astronauts are subjected to on Earth. Preschoolers imagine that they flew into space, look at illustrations on a space theme.
Physical education is carried out:

  • One, two - there is a rocket,
    (children check posture)
    Three, four - the plane.
    (hands to the side)
    One, two - clap your hands,
    (clapping hands over head)
    And then for each account.
    (four claps in front of you)
    One two three four
    (arms up, stretch)
    Arms higher, shoulders wider
    (arms to the sides, forearms up)
    One two three four
    And they were on the spot.
    (walking in place)
    And now we are with you, children,
    We fly on a rocket.
    (hands up, palms together - “rocket dome”)
    Got up on toes
    (stand on tiptoes)
    Quick, quick hands down
    (right hand down, left hand down)
    One two three four -
    Here comes the rocket!
    (pull head up, shoulders down)
    In the clear sky the sun shines
    The astronaut flies in a rocket.
    (sipping - arms up)
    And below the forests, fields -
    The earth is spreading.
    (low bend forward, spread arms to the sides)

Preschoolers are invited to draw a rocket using a stencil, drawing windows with their fingers. The planets will be represented by caps from
bottles (printing). White and yellow stars are drawn with cotton swabs.
Productive activities of children. While the drawings are drying, the guys lay out a rocket from counting sticks on the carpet.
Reading the poem by G. Lagzdyn "Cosmonaut":

  • I would need, I really need
    Be bold as an astronaut.
    I would need, I really need
    To fly to two Bears,
    Visit the Bears
    Treat them with a rug.
    There is such a nature there:
    No flowers, no bees, no honey,
    And then wave in a rocket
    To the northernmost planet...

Compositions of senior preschoolers with comments on the performance of work

"Space landscape, planets of the solar system"

Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups create wonderful pictures of the cosmos. Drawings on a dark background are always spectacular: planets and stars seem brighter and more contrasting. In this regard, we note the work unknown planet”, “Mysterious Saturn”, “Saturn”, “In the vastness of the Universe”.

Original compositions that involve non-traditional methods of drawing. It's work" uncharted space”, made in the technique of scratching, drawing “Our neighbors in space”, where Mars and green fragments of the Earth are depicted with the help of salt. And the composition "Silence and Tranquility in Space" is a whole combination of non-standard techniques - spraying, painting with soap bubbles and a sponge. Spatter is also used in the work "Comet".

Preschoolers love to depict the structure of the solar system. This teamwork"Our Solar System", where each child in the subgroup drew a specific planet. An interesting interpretation of this theme is in the fantasy drawing “Solar System”, where the child depicted the Sun smaller than Saturn, and painted most of the planets in a mysterious purple color.

Photo gallery: work of preschoolers

Drawing in gouache Drawing in gouache with salt Drawing in watercolor and pencils (collective work) Drawing in gouache using spatter technique Drawing with wax crayons Drawing in gouache Drawing in the technique of scratching Drawing in watercolor Drawing in gouache Drawing in gouache Drawing in watercolor and felt-tip pens Drawing in non-traditional techniques: spraying, painting with a sponge and soap bubbles

"Rockets and Spaceships"

Older preschoolers depict rockets and other types of space technology in a very realistic way. These are bright works “Space Flight”, “Rocket”, made in gouache. A neat drawing on a beautiful blue background - "Rocket on the way." The compositions “Forward to unknown worlds” and “Rocket launched from the Earth” are interesting for their technique (scratching and pencil drawing with a predominance of shades of black).

Of interest are the images of spaceships. In the "Unknown Planet" drawing, the technician is mastering the surface while the cosmonaut is planting the Russian flag. And in the composition “Squirrel and Strelka”, world-famous dogs look out from the spaceship.

Images of rockets and spaceships invariably coexist with the cosmic landscape, which includes stars and planets. Often in the drawings we see our Earth (“Belka and Strelka”, “Rocket”, “Rocket flies the planets”). In the picture "Journey in Space" we see Saturn with a smiling human face.

Photo gallery: drawings of children depicting space

Gouache drawing Scratched drawing Pencil drawing Marker drawing Gouache drawing Pencil drawing Watercolor drawing Gouache drawing Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing

"Flight to the moon"

In their drawings, preschoolers depict in detail the Moon - the constant companion of our planet. In the composition "Flight to the Moon" we see a rocket that starts from the Earth in order to reach the mysterious night luminary. The moon is depicted here in muted yellow against a mysterious blue background.

And the drawing "Greetings from the Moon" has a patriotic focus: after all, it was the Russian cosmonaut who set the flag of our country on the lunar surface.

The work "Journey to the Moon", made in pastel blue and blue colors, depicts an astronaut walking on the surface of the satellite.

Photo gallery: related drawings

Photo gallery: drawings on the theme "Flight to the moon"

Watercolor drawing Watercolor drawing Wax crayon drawing

Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group, topic: "Day of Cosmonautics in Kindergarten"


To acquaint children with the history of the holiday Cosmonautics Day.
Give the initial information about the planets, the Sun, the Moon.
Dictionary: space, planets, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin.
Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.
Improve your visual skills and abilities.
Develop spatial imagination, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate curiosity.


Pictures depicting the portrait of Yu. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, constellations, the Moon.
A set of geometric figures, a sample of a rocket made up of these figures.
Sheets of paper with drawn aliens and rockets from geometric shapes, pencils.
Constellation drawings.
Cut circle cardboard, yellow and orange flowers, sponges, drawing equipment.

Lesson progress:

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and thought about how to rise above the clouds and find out what is there. It took a lot, a lot of time until people learned how to build medical devices. And the first to fly into them were not people, but animals: rats, and then dogs. Take a look at this picture. (Show). On it you can see the first dogs. Who flew into space and returned back. Their names are Belka and Strelka. And only after other dogs successfully flew into space, the first man went there.
Many years ago, it was on this day that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew into space. (Showing a portrait of Yuri Gagarin).

In a space rocket
Named "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.

Since then, on this day every year we celebrate Cosmonautics Day - a holiday for cosmonauts and everyone who helps them successfully fly into space.

Today we will play astronauts: we will go on a flight in a spaceship, help aliens, watch the constellations.

Yuri Gagarin flew into space on a rocket. I will show you, using the example of a balloon, how a rocket flies.

The teacher inflates the balloon and pinches the hole with his fingers. And then he opens his fingers and the ball bursts sharply upwards.

Our balloon flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it. A rocket is not air, but fuel.

And now let's build our rockets from geometric shapes.

Didactic game "Build a rocket"

Children are offered a sample and a set of geometric shapes. From which you need to add a rocket.

Dynamic pause "Astronauts land on planets"

Hoops of various sizes and sizes are laid out on the floor. Children are divided into two teams "East" and "Lightning" and perform the commands:
Crew members of the Vostok spacecraft, line up one after the other.
Crew members of the Lightning spaceship, stand in a circle.
The crew of the Vostok spacecraft landed on a large yellow planet.
The crew of the Lightning spacecraft landed on two small blue planets.

Astronauts and scientists have found that there is no life on the planets that revolve around our Sun: some are too cold, others are too hot. Nobody lives on these planets.

Only our planet Earth
In all suitable for habitation.
After all, the Earth is a garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds calling migratory.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!

But maybe somewhere far, far away, near another star. There are living beings on distant planets. Those who live on other, other planets, we call "aliens". Now the aliens need our help: we need to help them find their spaceships.

Didactic game "Seed aliens in spaceships"

Take a look at the sheet and answer me children:
Who flies what rocket?

On a sheet of paper, aliens are drawn from geometric shapes and rockets in the form of the same figures. It is necessary to connect with a line the image of a rocket and an alien, consisting of identical geometric shapes.

Over the Earth late at night,
Just reach out your hand
You'll grab onto the stars
They seem to be nearby.
You can take a peacock feather,
Touch the hands on the clock
Ride a Dolphin
Ride on the Scales.
Over the Earth late at night,
If you look into the sky,
You will see, like clusters,
The constellations are there.

Didactic game "Give a name to the constellations"

Guys, astronomers - scientists who observe and study the stars have discovered new constellations in the sky and are asking us to help come up with names for them.
Place your hands in a tube one after the other, as if looking through a telescope, and look carefully at this constellation. How can you name it?

small house

When we look at the sky at night, what do we see? (Showing a picture. Children's answers). Stars and moon.
The moon is a satellite of our planet Earth.

Only the sun goes to sleep
The moon does not sit still.
Walks in the sky at night
Dimly illuminates the earth.

Now our rocket will go to the moon. There we will draw a lunar portrait. But first, let's prepare the fingers.

Finger gymnastics

(Two palms connected crosswise with each other with fingers spread apart)

(The palms are connected by index, middle and ring fingers, the lower parts of the palms are spread apart, wrists on the table)

(To sort through the surface of the table with your fingers, bypassing all the bumps, sideways, like a "spider")

Sponge drawing "Moon"

Children are invited to put a sheet of cardboard with a circle cut in it on a sheet of black paper and apply paint to the circle with a sponge (not smearing, but pressing). Then carefully remove the cardboard and draw crater circles with your fingers.

And we live with you on the planet... Earth.

We strive for miracles
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than to fly and return
Under the roof of your house!

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Abstract of the drawing lesson "Flight into space" (senior group)

Target : continue to acquaint children with the holiday - Dayastronautics.

Tasks :

1. Strengthen the ability of childrendraw a rocketflying toouter space.

2. Raise interest in the holiday - the Dayastronautics.

3. Develop aesthetic perception, memory, attention, speech.

preliminary work : reading poems aboutouter space, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations aboutastronauts, planets,space drawingin non-traditional techniques)

materials : sheets of black paper for each child of A4 size, gouache paints, brushes, jars of water, napkins, illustrations aboutspace and astronauts, hoops of different colors for an outdoor game, headbands.

Lesson progress

caregiver : Hello guys! Soon our whole country will celebrate a holiday - Dayastronautics! April 12 - on this day, a person made the firstflighton a rocket around the globe! And the name of the firstcosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin. (showing illustrations ofouter space, firstastronaut) Today we will go tospace trip! You are ready?(children's answers) And on what we will go, you will now guess.

Miracle bird - scarlet tail.

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Answer : rocket.

The teacher shows illustrations of different rockets andspaceships.

Children sit in a pre-built soft-module rocket.

caregiver : Guess the riddle.

A man is sitting in a rocket.

Boldly he flies into the sky,

And on us in your spacesuit

He is fromspace looks. Answer : astronaut.

astronautsdressed in special clothing - a spacesuit.(Show illustrations.) Look how strong she is!

Let's put on our space suits and go toflight! (children put on headbands, close their eyes to the music and imagineflight.)

caregiver : guys, we're in the openouter space, tell me what you see?(children's answers) Distant planets seem like luminous stars to us, look at the planets that scientists photographed.(showing illustrations of the planets of the solar system) And now we'll play!

mobile game"Fast rockets are waiting for us"

Bygrouphoops-rockets are laid out. Their number is several pieces less than the players. Children join hands and walk in a circle withwords :

Fast rockets are waiting for us.

To travel to planets.

What we want

For suchlet's fly!

But there is one secret in the game :

There is no room for latecomers!

After last words children scatter and take places in"rockets" (if there are a lot of children, then you can sit in one rocket for two or three people) and take differentspace poses. Those who did not get a place in the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful posesastronauts. Then everyone becomes again in a circle, and the game begins again.

caregiver : guys, we played with you, and now we will draw a rocket that makesa space flight. (showing ways rocket drawing children draw)

caregiver : And now we'll have a little rest.

Physical education minute-game"Spacesuit astronaut »

caregiver :

- Astronauts need a special space suit - a spacesuit. It protects the human body, allows you to breathe. We are also nowouter spaceand we are wearing spacesuits.

On the head ofastronauts helmet(tilts and turns of the head) .

The overalls should be comfortable and not restrict movement.(turns and tilts of the body) .

Hands are protected by gloves(rotation of the hands, compression and unclenching of the hands) .

Bootsastronautvery thick sole(walking in place, jumping) .

On the back behind the shoulders is a satchel with important devices and air cylinders.(raising and lowering shoulders, inhale-exhale)

The kids go onpaint.

caregiver : Guys, what a great fellow you are, what beautiful rockets you got! And it's time for us to returnspace to earth! Take your seats in the rocket!(Children sit down and go back to the kindergarten to the music.)

Thank you for your attention!