Literature      04/28/2020

Spiritual self-development of personality: culture and religion. Introduction of a dissertation on pedagogy, on the topic "Pedagogical conditions for the professional and creative self-development of the student's personality"

By clearly generating entropy, it serves as a source of self-destruction, turning from a force that opposes chaos into a force that feeds it. From this it becomes clear how important it is that the contradictions in the development of the style of pedagogical activity are fruitfully experienced by the teacher.

Since the individual style of activity is a relatively stable phenomenon, it is difficult to predict in advance which of the possible directions the system will “choose” at this point, which path its further development will take - all this depends on random factors. Therefore, pedagogical assistance to a teacher who is in a non-equilibrium state is very important. But it should be noted that external pedagogical assistance will be effective only if there are formed internal conditions, that is, depending on how much the teacher has independently advanced in the process of understanding the need to change the individual style of pedagogical activity.

Since we characterize the individual style of pedagogical activity as a constant self-regulating system in which information coming from outside is processed in a self-organizing process, it is the active role of internal conditions that are increasingly being formed and developed that determines the range of external influences. From this statement

It follows that in order to effectively influence the development of the individual style of the teacher, it is necessary to break its static stability and, through bifurcation, transfer it to a dynamically non-equilibrium, but amenable to influence, state of self-regulating development.

The most difficult moment is the process of creating perturbations for the development of an individual style of activity in the right direction. The self-orientation of the teacher to the maximum use of the potential of the internal environment and continuous self-renewal are impossible without the creative approach of the teacher to the self-regulation of the style-system.

Thus, within the framework of the synergistic approach, the individual style of the teacher's activity is an open self-regulating holistic system that ensures its development through the active use of both internal resources and opportunities determined by the conditions of the external environment. This approach is not a negation of any of the currently existing in philosophical and psychological-pedagogical science, but allows a new solution to the problems associated with the development of the individual style of the teacher's professional activity, with the transition of his functioning under the influence of "control levers" (G. Haken) to more a higher level associated with a more complex organization.


I.A. Sharshov

Analysis of the problem under study requires a theoretical and methodological integral understanding of the concept of "professional and creative self-development of the individual" in accordance with the personality-oriented orientation of education. To do this, we build a strict generic conceptual chain "self-development" -> "creative self-development of the personality" -> "professional and creative self-development of the personality".

Self-development, in our opinion, is the highest level of self-movement, at which not chaotic, but directed, conscious changes occur, leading to a qualitative transformation of the elements of the system and their functions, accompanied by an increase in the number of degrees of freedom of the system and the emergence and complication of new dynamic connections and relationships with the environment. . The dialectic of interaction between internal

of them and external factors is determined by the level of independence of the system, more precisely, by the level of its self-organization. The more the system is self-organized, the less significant is the influence of external factors. The ability for self-organization directly proportionally determines the degree of freedom of the system, the level of its autonomy and stability.

The process of self-development is endless, while the process of self-organization, as applied to a person, without further clarification, will have a limit determined by the absence of special qualities of a rational system - mechanisms of self-knowledge. Singling out self-knowledge as the first relatively independent functional block of self-development, it is necessary to note its inseparable functional connection with self-organization. Self-organization, building on the mechanisms of self-

knowledge is exclusively conscious in nature: the internal goal is formed by the personality itself; self-regulation is carried out between the various components of the personality as a system; there is a development of attitudes towards external goals and influences. Representatives of the synergetic approach (N.N. Moiseev, I. Prigozhin, G. Haken, etc.) argue that it is the possibility of a conscious choice from various options that underlies self-development, contributing to the emergence of more advanced forms of self-organization.

The effective development of a personality obliges to consider not only the means of obtaining information about oneself (self-knowledge), planning, ensuring and controlling one's behavior (self-organization), but also the mechanisms and essence of the goal-setting of the personality and the means to achieve the result. A special aspect of the study is professional self-realization as a goal, condition and result of purposeful professional and creative self-development of a person in the process of studying at a university. The process of self-realization involves setting goals, developing plans, projects and ideas, as well as mastering the ways to implement them.

The full-fledged self-realization of the personality necessarily implies a preliminary stage at which the pedagogical activity of the personality is carried out, aimed at oneself, with the aim of not only revealing the existing abilities, but also acquiring and developing new essential and potential forces for the conscious improvement of the personality in order to "build" oneself up to ideal image (“self-education”) as a holistic personality capable of creative self-realization. To do this, we single out a relatively independent block of self-development mechanisms preceding self-realization - self-education, which includes the processes of self-learning and self-education.

Thus, self-development of a personality is a conscious process of personal formation with the aim of effective self-realization on the basis of internally significant aspirations and external influences. Various mechanisms of the process of self-development are connected by us into four functional block-stages: self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization. In the integral structure of the functional blocks of personality self-development, we consider creativity and intellect as ways.

The need for an intellectual component is caused by the real state of affairs in the educational process at the university: the educational and professional activities of students are based mainly on intellectual activity, assuming a high degree of mental development of the individual. In the conditions of self-development, those students who have a more perfect intellect have the best chances.

Of particular interest in this regard is creativity as a pedagogical phenomenon. Self-development is also possible at the reproductive level, in the absence of a creative orientation of activity. If, in the philosophical sense, self-development implies certain changes in the personality, the emergence of something new (a sign of creativity), then in pedagogical terms, simple changes cannot be considered a manifestation of creative activity. Thus, we consider creativity as the most important way of effective self-development, which determines its creative essence.

All of the above allows us to assert the existence of the integral concept of "creative self-development of the individual" (TSL). It is a certain structural and procedural characteristic of a person, which can be represented both as a process of increasing the efficiency of the processes of “selfhood”, and as a level and special quality of a person (as an ability for creative self-development).

Such an interpretation allows us to introduce the concept of the space of creative self-development of the individual, located in multidimensional space personal qualities, values ​​and abilities. For clarity, let's enlarge the basis of space: as basic vectors, we take self-development, creativity and intelligence. In fact, these concepts themselves are multidimensional formations, that is, some subspaces of a lower dimension in the same TSL space.

Self-development (Q

Rice. 1. Space for creative self-development of the individual

Creative self-development of the individual is

an integrative creative process of conscious personal development based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors. The TSL process, as a form of existence of a personality at a certain stage of its formation, affects all the internal spheres of a person and finds its expression in all personal manifestations: in activity, activity, communication, etc.,

which, in turn, contributes to the formation of further motivation for creative self-development. When analyzing the features of this process for students, we mean its professional orientation.

Then the professional and creative self-development of a student's personality (PTSL) is the creative self-development of his personality in the educational process of the university, which ensures further creative self-realization in professional activities. PTSL is carried out through the mechanisms of self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education as a desire for professional and creative self-realization, using creativity and intelligence as ways to intensify this process.

Professional competence is formed on the basis of general personal development (education) and for further cultural development and the formation of his individual style of activity. Structurally, PTSL is a subspace of the TSL space, and its model can be built in the same three-dimensional coordinate system, taking into account the professional orientation of each axis. A point in the PTSL space reflects the state of the professional creative self-development of the individual at the moment, determined by the degree of manifestation of the qualities-coordinates. To build a visual model of the PTSL process, we define the key stages of all three basic processes in the PTSL space (self-development, intellect and creativity), the spatial intersections of which will give an idea of ​​their integral interaction.

Considering self-development as a structural and procedural characteristic of a personality, we can draw a parallel between the functional blocks of self-development that we have identified and the stages of realization of self-development as a process. Let us take self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization, which have a professional orientation, as such blocks-stages of the formation of the ability to self-development. For creativity and intelligence, we also offer several relatively independent blocks-stages, each of which reveals a certain facet of the concepts of "creativity" and "intelligence" and gives an idea of ​​the dynamics of the corresponding professional growth. For the axes of creativity and intellect in the PTSL space, we implement the principle of mutual complementarity of the corresponding qualities at the stages of the same name, synchronizing them with the stages along the “self-development” axis.

The first stages of intelligence and creativity are mutually complementary personal and professional features: rational mathematical thinking (including spatial) and creative imagination, respectively. Just as self-knowledge is

the foundation of self-development, and these abilities are the basis for the formation of an intellectual and creative personality of a specialist.

In factorial models of intelligence, as well as in intelligence tests, mathematical and (sometimes as a separate) spatial factors are necessarily present, and, in many theories, they are decisive. But in reality, in the process of studying at universities, these abilities develop only at special faculties, depriving students of the humanities faculties of the mathematical component as a powerful means of self-development of professionally significant qualities.

The stage of rational-mathematical thinking implies the development of not only arithmetic abilities, but also spatial imagination, which is directly related to creative imagination. We understand the latter as the ability of a person to create new images, structures, ideas, connections through a combination or recombination of previously known elements. Thus, creative imagination is based on operating with visual mental models, but at the same time it has the features of mediated, generalized cognition and abstract representations that unite it with thinking. It is important that the figurative imagination be integrated with the rational-mathematical one in order to ensure their full mutual development. This interaction mobilizes intuition and observation, a critical attitude to what is being studied, the ability to generalize, logic, accuracy, the ability to model, the ability to generate ideas, analyze and defend one's opinion, systematize knowledge, etc.

As the second stages of intellect and creativity, we note memory (semantic and figurative, respectively). In mnemonic activity both intellectual and creative aspects are hidden. G.K. Sreda characterizes memory as a continuous, never-ending process of "self-organization" of a person's individual experience. That is, professional memory organizes and reconstructs acquired knowledge.

Semantic memory, which is more inherent in an intellectual person, is distinguished on the basis of the relationship between memory and thinking and lies in the fact that information is subjected to active mental processing, logical analysis and synthesis, establishing relationships, generalization, etc. Semantic memory refers to deliberate thought processes : the subject consciously sets a goal, a task for memorization, providing volitional regulation memory processes. Figurative memory is determined by the connection of memory with perception and imagination and is usually divided into separate types, depending on the type of analyzer: visual, auditory, gustatory, tactile and olfactory.

memory. In our opinion, a more successful characteristic of memory is not the source of information, but the object of memory. If semantic memory deals with concepts, words, then figurative memory, of course, operates with images. At the same time, figurative memory often has an involuntary character, causing unexpected associations; it is characterized by emotionality, which is an additional powerful factor in remembering. For effective professional and creative self-development, it is necessary to use all types of memory in the aggregate, carrying out their complementarity.

The third stage of intelligence is the verbal abilities noted by all researchers, which are closely correlated with the general culture of the individual and academic performance. We refer to verbal abilities semantic understanding, the ability to verbal analogies, the ability to define and explain concepts, verbal fluency, adequate lexicon(professional integrity), etc.

For creativity, as the third stage, we single out a dual way of self-expression and self-education in relation to verbal abilities - acting. When preparing a specialist, it is useful to use the basic methods of the K.S. system in education. Stanislavsky, who improve the art of impersonation, speech improvisation, facial expressions, gestures, etc. Moreover, unlike an actor, there should be more roles in the creative arsenal of a self-developing personality, her behavior should be more flexible and inventive. Acting techniques of creative transformation enrich the possibilities of self-knowledge of the individual and the means of professional communication.

Finally, fourth stages intelligence and creativity let's call logic and intuition, respectively. Just as self-realization is both a stage and an intermediate goal of self-development, upon reaching which a new round of the endless process of self-development begins, so logical and intuitive abilities act directly as qualities inherent in an intellectual and creative personality at certain stages of PTSL, as well as the goals of this process, which are in

ability of the individual to solve in practice professional problems and tasks.

Logic, being the highest manifestation of intellectual thinking, acts, at the same time, as a starting point for intellectual development for more high level professional self-improvement. Similarly, intuition is interpreted both as the root cause of the creative act hidden in the depths of the unconscious (A. Bergson, N.O. Lossky, 3. Freud, etc.), that is, it necessarily accompanies all previous stages of creativity, and as a specific mechanism of the creative process, not reducible to discursive thinking. Professional intuition is considered the highest manifestation of competence, being a specific creative mechanism for going beyond the boundaries of established professional stereotypes.

Let us construct a PTSL model by depicting the correspondence between the stages of the three coordinate components in the PTSL space.

Rice. 2. Model of professional and creative self-development of personality (PTSL)

The spatial model of PTSL is dynamic, since the process of professional and creative self-development in it can be schematically represented as the movement of a person from point O, which corresponds to the minimum severity of basic qualities and abilities (or from that actual state of PTSL, in which the person is currently located), to the top cube corresponding to the achievement of the fourth stages in all directions. The implementation of this movement is individual for each student.

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  • Specialty HAC RF13.00.08
  • Number of pages 212



1.1. Philosophical and psychological and pedagogical analysis of the main categories of creative self-development of the individual.12

1.2. The essence and content of the professional and creative self-development of the individual.36

1.3. The main pedagogical contradictions of the professional and creative self-development of the student's personality.56

Chapter 2

2.1. Substantiation and implementation of the model of professional and creative self-development of the student's personality.75

2.2. The technology of teaching professional and creative self-development of the student's personality.105

2.3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the technology of teaching professional and creative self-development of a future specialist at a university.136

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university 2005, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Sharshov, Igor Alekseevich

  • Creative self-development of university students by means of amateur theatrical art 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kozodaev, Pavel Igorevich

  • Pedagogical conditions for designing "Self-concepts of creative self-development" of students: On the basis of teaching pedagogical disciplines 2006, candidate of pedagogical sciences Golovanova, Inna Igorevna

  • Formation of creative independence of students as the basis of their professional development: On the example of training commodity experts-experts in the university system 2004, candidate of pedagogical sciences Tsopanova, Elena Izmailovna

  • Independent work as a means of professional and creative self-development of students 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Nazarova, Irina Vladimirovna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Pedagogical conditions for the professional and creative self-development of the student's personality"

The relevance of research. The development of modern pedagogy is characterized by increased attention to the inner potential of a person, the creation of an educational environment conducive to the creative self-development of the individual. Existing in the system higher education the acute need for the training of intelligent, enterprising specialists with developed creative thinking is accompanied by a growing dissatisfaction with the educational process, which does not pay due attention to the independent activity of students in the development of professionally significant qualities and abilities. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of a student's future professional activity depends not only on the professional knowledge and skills acquired at the university, but also on the level of formation of the ability for further professional and creative self-development.

Innovativeness of psychological and pedagogical research (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.A. Verbitsky, P.Ya. Galperin, T.M. Davydenko, V.V. Davydov, V. P. Zinchenko, I.F. Isaev, V. M. Klarin, I. B. Kotova, V. V. Kraevsky, N. V. Kuzmina, A. I. Mishchenko, A. V. Mudrik, A. Ya. Nine, N.D. Nikandrov, L.S. Podymova, E.G. Silyaeva, G.K. Selevko, V.V. Serikov, V.A. Slastenin, E.N. Shiyanov, N. E. Shchurkova, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others), their focus on professional self-determination and self-development, the formation of a reflective culture of creative thinking, conscious interaction of education subjects in joint educational and professional activities, intensive development mechanisms of personal and professional-creative self-development are a logical consequence of the expansion and formation of new values ​​of education. This determines the relevance of studying the essence and mechanism of professional and creative self-development of a student's personality, identifying and analyzing pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective implementation of this process.

Analysis of the problem under study requires a theoretical and methodological understanding of the concept of "professional and creative self-development of the individual" in accordance with the personality-oriented orientation of education. Basic for the development of the problem under study are the works on general patterns pedagogical process in higher education, models of the personality of a future specialist, appropriate technologies for training and education (L.I. Antsyferova, S.I. Arkhangelsky, N.E. Astafieva, E.P. Belozertsev,

A.A.Verbitsky, V.I.Zagvyazinsky, I.F.Isaev, V.A.Kan-Kalik, E.A.Klimov,

V.N.Kosyrev, N.V.Kuzmina, Yu.N.Kuliutkin, A.N.Leontiev, N.E.Mazhar, L.N.Makarova, V.G.Maximov, A.K.Markova, N. N. Nechaev, A. G. Pashkov, G. K. Selevko, V. A. Slastenin, N. F. Talyzina, O. K. Tikhomirov, A. I. Uman,

V.D. Shadrikov and others). The concept of “personality” is being rethought in the light of the humanistic approach (B.G. Ananiev, A.G. Asmolov, L.I. Bozhovich, F.E. Vasilyuk,

S.I.Gessen, A.I.Eremkin, D.A.Leontiev, V.M.Menshikov, V.S.Merlin, N.A.Podymov, G.M.Potanin, V.I.Slobodchikov, S. D. Smirnov and others); the concept of “personal self-development” becomes the basic one for characterizing the goals, content and means of education (V.I. Andreev, E.V. Bondarevskaya, B.Z. Vulfov, O.S. Gazman, N.G. Grigoryeva, V.D. Ivanov, V.N. Kolesnikov, N.B. Krylova, L.N. Kulikova, A.K. Markova, B.M. Masterov, N.D. Nikandrov, V.A. , V.A. Slastenin, S.D. Smirnov, T.A. Stefanovskaya, P.I. Tretyakov, E.N. Shiyanov, G.A. Tsukerman and others); The concept of “creativity” is being updated more than ever, in particular, as a way of effective self-development and professional and personal self-realization (V.I. Andreev, V.S. Bibler, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, A.V. Brushlinsky, G.Ya. Bush, N.F.Vishnyakova, I.F.Isaev, I.P.Kaloshina, L.N.Kulikova, I.Ya.Lerner, L.S.Podymova, Ya.A.Ponomarev, P.V.Simonov, M.I. Sitnikova, E.V. Tonkov, N.Sh. Chinkina, A.F. Esaulov and others). Foreign researchers also turn to the problems of self-actualization and self-development (R. Burns, S. Buhler, A. Maslow, G. Allport, K. Rogers, E. Syutich, etc.).

Self-development of potential opportunities and internal resources of the individual, intensification creativity students, their full-fledged self-realization in educational and professional and future professional activities determine the need to study the functional components and means of professional and creative self-development of the individual. The process of transformation and improvement of modern pedagogical system involves the search for new ideas, technologies, forms and methods of organization educational process at a university for the purpose of professional and creative self-development of a person based on his internal motives, system of values ​​and professional goals. An important point of personal oriented education is the creation and implementation of special models and programs that provide a real opportunity to build and implement individual trajectories of professional and creative self-development, stimulating the student's activity in mastering the methods and means of implementing this process, necessary for revealing individuality, spirituality, creativity, contributing to professional development and self-realization.

Thus, the problem arises of identifying and analyzing the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the professional and creative self-development of the student's personality.

Solving this problem is the goal of our study.

The object of research is the professional and creative self-development of a person in the system of higher education.

The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the student's personality in learning activities.

In accordance with the problem, object, subject and purpose of the study, the following tasks were set:

1. To study the current state of the problem in pedagogical science and practice.

2. To reveal the essence, content and mechanism of professional and creative self-development of the student's personality.

3. To develop a dynamic model of the professional and creative self-development of the individual and a method of visual-schematic construction of individual trajectories for the implementation of the corresponding process in the university.

4. To identify and experimentally substantiate the system of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effective professional and creative self-development of the student's personality in the educational process of the university.

5. Based on the results of the study, develop and test a student-oriented technology for teaching students the skills and abilities of professional and creative self-development.

As a hypothesis of the study, it was suggested that the process of professional and creative self-development of a student's personality would be effective in the implementation of the following set of pedagogical conditions:

Creation of students' attitude to the professional and creative self-development of the individual in the process of educational activities;

Providing technological and innovative training of students for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual;

Increasing the share of reflective, creative forms of work at the university in order to increase the initiative and activity of students;

Organization of the complementarity of the dual qualities and abilities of the humanitarian and natural sciences to expand the totality of means and methods of professional and creative self-development;

Creation of an individual trajectory of professional and creative self-development of a student in the context of subject-subject relations at a university.

The methodological basis of the study is the conceptual provisions of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical theories about the personality as a multifunctional self-developing system, the subject of the creative process and the highest value of society; about the essence of self-development as a mechanism for the implementation of humanistic principles of education; ideas of creativity as a way of self-development; ideas of culturological, axiological, systemic, personal-activity, individual creative, contextual, synergistic approaches to the problem of professional and creative self-development of a person in their integral and complementary combination; the provisions of personality-oriented education, aimed at creating conditions for the full-fledged creative manifestation and self-development of the personal functions of the subjects of the educational process and their full-fledged professional and creative self-realization.

Research methods. The solution of the tasks set was provided by a complex of complementary research methods, including: methods of theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, diagnostic methods (questionnaires, interviewing, conversation, testing, self-assessment, peer review, rating, ranking, generalization of independent characteristics, projective methods); observational (direct, indirect and long-term pedagogical observation); praximetric (analysis of activity products); experimental (stating and forming experiments); mathematical and pedagogical modeling; classical methods statistical data processing, as well as the method of correlation pleiades and the method of transition to closer correlations.

The Tambov State University named after G.R. KD Ushinsky, the regional Academy of childhood, schools of the Tambov region. The study covered 712 TSU students, 187 high school students, 57 university professors, methodologists, and school teachers.

The organization of the study was carried out in several stages.

The first stage (1995-1996) - study and analysis of domestic and foreign philosophical, sociological and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem; understanding methodological and theoretical foundations research; development and implementation of the ascertaining experiment; establishing the initial level of students' ability to professional and creative self-development; search for a system of criteria and indicators for assessing the level of formation of the corresponding ability.

The second stage (1996-1998) - development of the content and methodology of the formative experiment; selection of experimental and control groups; studying the features of the formation of students' readiness and ability to implement the process of professional and creative self-development; experimental work on the development of technology for teaching students professional and creative self-development, followed by diagnostics and comprehension of the results obtained; verification of the identified pedagogical conditions for the professional and creative self-development of the student's personality at the university.

The third stage (1998-2000) - analysis, processing, generalization and systematization of the results of experimental work; formulation of conclusions and methodological recommendations on the problem; registration of research results in the form of a dissertation.

The most significant results obtained by the applicant, their scientific novelty and theoretical significance: the essence, content and mechanism of the process of professional and creative self-development of the student's personality at the university are disclosed; developed and substantiated spatial dynamic model of professional and creative self-development of the individual; a method of visual-schematic construction of individual trajectories of professional and creative self-development is proposed; the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of this process in the university are identified and experimentally substantiated; a personality-oriented technology for teaching students professional and creative self-development has been developed.

The practical significance of the study: its materials can be used in the development of special courses, programs, electives and alternative technologies for training a future specialist. The proposed exercises and tasks can be used as the basis for diagnosing the level of a student's professional and creative self-development. Based on the research materials, a special course "Professional and creative self-development of the student's personality" was developed, which can be used in higher educational institutions of any direction in the process of preparing students for professional activities; a teaching aid for teachers and students with specific methods and exercises for professional and creative self-development was published.

The reliability of the results obtained is ensured by the validity of the initial methodological positions, the use of a complex set of methods that correspond to the goals and objectives of the study, a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, the representativeness of the sample size, the use of mathematical processing methods and the statistical significance of experimental data, the consistency and continuity of the results at various stages of the study.

The main provisions for defense:

The concept of "creative self-development of a personality" is generic for the concept of "professional and creative self-development of a personality". Creative self-development of a personality (TSL) is an integrative creative process of conscious personal development based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors. When analyzing the features of this process for students, its professional orientation is implied. Professional and creative self-development of a student's personality (PTSL) is a creative self-development of his personality in the educational process of the university, which ensures further creative self-realization in professional activities.

The dynamic model of PTSD is built in the space of professional and creative self-development of the individual, the basic vectors of which are self-development, creativity and intellect. In the three-dimensional model of PTSD, the stages of each of the directions are distinguished, characterizing the qualitative changes in the personality.

A set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the possibility and effectiveness of students' PTSL: creating students' attitudes towards professional and creative self-development of the individual in the process of educational activities; ensuring technological and innovative preparation of students for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual; increasing the proportion of reflective, creative forms of work at the university in order to increase the initiative and activity of students; organization of complementarity of dual qualities and abilities of the humanitarian and natural science areas to expand the totality of means and methods of professional and creative self-development; creation of an individual trajectory of the student's professional and creative self-development in the context of subject-subject relations at the university. The technology of professional and creative self-development is based on the implementation of the individual PTSL trajectory of each student, having the necessary degree of generality and universality. The technology includes relatively independent blocks, each of which has its own goals and objectives associated with the stages of the PTSL process.

Approbation and implementation of the research results were carried out at the International (Orenburg, 1998; Tula, 1998; Belgorod, 1998; St. Petersburg, 1999; Novosibirsk, 1999; Smolensk, 1999; Moscow, 1999), All-Russian (Orsk, 1996, 1999; Barnaul, 1998; Smolensk, 1998; Orel, 1998; Belgorod, 1998. , 1999; Tyumen, 1998; Samara, 1998; Ufa, 1999), regional and interuniversity (Tambov, 1995, February 1998; May 1998; February 1999; September 1999, Balashov, 1996) scientific-practical and scientific-methodical conferences. In addition, there was a discussion on the pages of scientific and methodological journals (“Education in the Region”, issue 2, 1998; issues 3 and 4, 1999), educational and methodological and teaching aids(Tambov, 1997; 1999), collections of scientific papers and monographs (Moscow, April 1998; November 1998; Lipetsk, 1998, 1999; Tambov, 1998; Belgorod 1999). The results of the study were discussed at meetings of the pedagogy departments of Belgorod and Tambov State Universities. The research materials are used in the educational process of the Tambov State University, the Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Studies of Education Workers, the Pedagogical College named after. KD Ushinsky of Tambov, the regional Academy of childhood, schools of the Tambov region; introduced into practice a special course and scientific and methodological recommendations for teaching professional and creative self-development of the student's personality at the university.

The structure of the dissertation was determined by the logic of the study and the tasks set. It includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Theory and methods of vocational education", Sharshov, Igor Alekseevich

Experimental work to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the PTSL process in the student's educational activity was carried out within the framework of the ascertaining and forming stages.

The rationale and implementation of the dynamic model of PTSL made it possible to identify the stages of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual: trivial-adaptive (0), reflexive-semantic (I), organizational-cognitive (II), active-creative (III) and the stage of dialectical self-realization (IV) ; offer a method of visual-schematic construction of individual PTSL trajectories of students; develop a special personality typology in the context of PTSD (8 groups); identify criteria, indicators and levels of PTSL formation: very low, low, medium, high.

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the PTSL process was carried out according to the identified criteria (independence in professional / educational and professional / activities, professionally oriented thinking, creative attitude to professional / educational and professional / activities).

Within the framework of the ascertaining experiment, using the method of correlation pleiades, data were obtained confirming the theoretical grounds for considering professional and creative self-development as an integrative creative process that ensures further creative self-realization in professional activities; the features of the spontaneous implementation of this process in the university were studied, the internal (personal-creative) pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of PTSL in the university were identified.

In a formative experiment, within the framework of the technology of teaching students professional and creative self-development, personal and creative pedagogical conditions were experimentally tested, the effectiveness of this process in the university was assessed, and the reliability of the data obtained was statistically confirmed. Significant changes in the indicators of the formation of PTSL, a qualitatively better distribution of PTSL levels in the experimental groups compared to the control groups confirm the fact of increasing the efficiency of the process of professional and creative self-development of the student's personality in educational activities when implementing the following pedagogical conditions:

Creation of students' attitude to the professional and creative self-development of the individual in the process of educational activities;

Providing technological and innovative training of students for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual;

Increasing the share of reflective, creative forms of work at the university in order to increase the initiative and activity of students;

Organization of the complementarity of the dual qualities and abilities of the humanitarian and natural sciences to expand the totality of means and methods of professional and creative self-development;

Creation of an individual trajectory of professional and creative self-development of a student in the context of subject-subject relations at a university.


The study of the fundamental categories of professional and creative self-development of the individual has shown that a unified approach to the problem under study has not yet been determined in science. The introduction of the concepts of "creative self-development of the individual" and "professional and creative self-development of the individual" into the categorical apparatus of pedagogy, filling them with pedagogical content required both analytical and integral understanding of these concepts. Based on the results of the theoretical and experimental work, the following conclusions can be drawn. An analytical study of the generic concept of "creative self-development of a personality" was carried out, a comparison of existing philosophical and psychological-pedagogical interpretations of the terms "personality", "creativity", "self-development" was made, and an own point of view was developed. When considering the personality in the dissertation, the emphasis is on its uniqueness, its own path of development and formation, which is the priority value of the educational process. For a detailed study of creativity as a pedagogical phenomenon, a systematic different approaches to this concept, based on the fundamental differences between the authors' positions, taking into account the close relationship between creativity and self-development noted by many scientists. In the study, creativity is considered as the most important way of effective self-development, which determines its creative essence.

The concept of "self-development" is not disclosed in either philosophical or psychological-pedagogical dictionaries, which creates uncertainty in its understanding and complicates the introduction of students' independent activity into the educational process. The paper highlights three approaches to explaining the essence of self-development: through the universal concept of "development" (broad approach); with the help of philosophical identification with self-movement (ispecial); using a description of individual "self-" skills and abilities of the individual (discrete) - and also analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The author's understanding of the essence of self-development is proposed, the main characteristics, functional components, the degree of influence of internal and external factors are determined. A family chain has been built: self-development -> creative self-development of the personality (TCJ1) -> professional-creative self-development of the personality (PTSL).

Various mechanisms of self-development are combined into four functional block-stages - self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education and self-realization - with the rationale for their sequence and integral-functional interaction. Personal self-development is defined as a conscious process of personal formation with the aim of effective self-realization based on internally significant aspirations and external influences.

Creative self-development of a personality” is obtained not by a simple addition of its constituent concepts, but is a qualitatively new phenomenon as a result of integral interaction and internal interpenetration of the initial concepts. Creative self-development of a personality is an integrative creative process of conscious personal development, based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors. The process of creative self-development affects all internal spheres of a person and finds its expression in all personal manifestations.

When analyzing the features of this process for students, its professional orientation is implied. Then the professional and creative self-development of a student's personality (PTSL) is the creative self-development of his personality in the educational process of the university, which ensures further creative self-realization in professional activities. PTSL is carried out through the mechanisms of self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education as a desire for professional and creative self-realization, using creativity and intellectual and pedagogical activity aimed at oneself as ways to intensify this process.

The study draws attention to the fundamental content-semantic discrepancy between the terms "creative self-development of the individual" and "self-development of the creative abilities of the individual". For the effective use of creativity as a way of self-development, a certain level of development of the creative qualities and abilities of the individual is necessary, therefore the process of self-development (and development) of creative abilities is a necessary link and integral part TCJI process.

The creative self-development of the personality is considered as a certain structural and procedural characteristic of the personality, which can be represented both as a process of increasing the efficiency of the processes of “selfhood”, and as a level and special quality of the personality (as the ability for creative self-development). This allows us to introduce the concept of the space of creative self-development of the individual, located in the multidimensional space of personal qualities, values ​​and abilities. Self-development, creativity and intellect are taken as the basic vectors of the TCJI space. The space is permeated and provided with personal factors (for example, motivation for this process) that do not satisfy the principle of independence, and therefore are not independent coordinates.

Structurally, PTSL is a subspace of the TSL space, and its model can be built in the same coordinate system, taking into account the professional orientation of each axis. In the dynamic model of professional and creative self-development of the personality, four key stages of each of the directions are identified and substantiated, characterizing qualitative changes in the personality: self-knowledge, self-organization, self-education, self-realization - along the “self-development” axis; rational-mathematical thinking, semantic memory, verbal abilities, logic - along the "intelligence" axis; creative imagination, figurative memory, acting, intuition - along the "creativity" axis. When selecting stages, the principle of mutual complementarity and synchronization of the corresponding qualities at the same stages is implemented.

The features of the student's PTSL process are analyzed from the age point of view, external and internal contradictions associated with the personality of the student and the conditions of his professional and creative self-development are systematized. The paper identifies three groups of relevant contradictions: socio-pedagogical, reflecting the inconsistencies between social processes in society and the functioning of the pedagogical system, which is part of the social subsystem; organizational and pedagogical, arising in the educational system itself, in the process of organizing the educational and professional activities of students (within this group, an important subgroup of contradictions is identified, which is determined by the discrepancies between the professional skills, abilities and values ​​of teachers necessary to ensure the PTSL process of students and the actual degree of preparedness of teachers ; these contradictions are designated as professional-pedagogical ones); personality-creative contradictions within the student's personality as a subject of the educational process at the university, reflecting the reasons for the formation and course of the student's PTSL process. The selected groups of contradictions complement each other and in general perform the function driving forces process of the student's PTSL, determining its main pedagogical patterns and factors.

Based on the logical analysis of the identified contradictions and the study of special studies in this area, the external pedagogical conditions for the process of professional and creative self-development of the student's personality (socio-pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical) are formulated, the study and verification of the effectiveness of which, due to objective circumstances, is impossible within the framework of this study. The identified professional and pedagogical conditions, which are more related to the teacher's personality and the degree of its influence on the student's PTSL process, actualize the further direction of the study. The dynamic model of PTSL and its implementation is substantiated: - using the stages of basic processes, the stages of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual are identified and described: trivial-adaptive (0), reflexive-semantic (I), organizational-cognitive (II), active-creative ( III) and the stage of dialectical self-realization (IV); the criterion for the transition from stage to stage is formulated: achievement of the corresponding (at least) stages of each of the coordinate components; the infinity and cyclicity of the PTSL process are shown;

A method of visual-schematic construction of individual (subjectively-optimal) trajectories of professional and creative self-development of students is proposed, focusing on the motives, personal abilities and goals of the future professional activity of each student as the main guidelines. educational activities at the university. Thus, the dynamic model of PTSL allows substantiating the possibility and provides specific ways to implement an individual and differentiated approach in the university when implementing the student's PTSL process;

Based on the characteristics of the degree of manifestation of basic abilities (creativity, intelligence and self-development), a typology of personality in the context of PTSD was developed, consisting of 8 qualitatively different groups;

Criteria /independence in professional (educational and professional) activities, professionally oriented thinking, creative attitude to professional (educational and professional) activities/ and indicators of PTSL are identified, on the basis of which, using the developed personality typology, the levels of formation of PTSL of students are revealed: very low , low, medium, high.

Within the framework of the ascertaining experiment, using the method of correlation pleiades and the method of transition to closer correlations, the integrity of professional and creative self-development was proved; the features and shortcomings of the spontaneous implementation of this process in the university are studied. Based on the study of the scientific and theoretical foundations and practical justification of the concept of "professional and creative self-development of the individual", the dissertation identified and experimentally tested the personal and creative pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the student's personality in the university, ensuring its existence and effective functioning: creating a student's attitude on the professional and creative self-development of the individual in the process of educational activities; ensuring technological and innovative preparation of students for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the individual; increasing the share of reflective, creative forms of work in the university in order to increase the initiative and activity of students; organization of complementarity of dual qualities and abilities of the humanitarian and natural science areas to expand the totality of means and methods of professional and creative self-development; creation of an individual trajectory of the student's professional and creative self-development in the context of subject-subject relations at the university.

A technology for teaching students professional and creative self-development is proposed, based on the implementation of the individual PTSL trajectory of each student, but having the necessary degree of generality and universality when used by other teachers and in other circumstances (subject to the selected pedagogical conditions). Priority is given to the goals of professional and creative self-realization of students, then to the forms and methods of teaching, which allow both organizing the fruitful activities of students and teaching them the methods and means of PTSL. The technology includes six relatively independent blocks that are closely related to the stages of the process of professional and creative self-development, so the proposed sequence of their passage is recommended. At the same time, each block has a variable content that allows you to change the sequence of studying topics within the block, taking into account the individual trajectories and characteristics of students, their motivation, objective conditions, in particular, the profile of the faculty.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the technology for teaching students professional and creative self-development was assessed: changes in the control and experimental groups according to the levels of PTSL were studied; an analysis of specific qualities and abilities that influenced these changes was carried out; their reliability was statistically confirmed. For a more detailed study of the features of the relationship between the elements of PTSL at each level, the method of correlation pleiades and the method of transition to closer correlations were used: the integrity of the concept of PTSL was confirmed - the backbone element is professional self-realization and some elements specific to each level; the most stable bonds between the elements of PTSL are singled out. As a result, we can draw the following conclusion: when moving to a higher level of formation of professional and creative self-development of an individual, the integrity of this quality increases and vice versa: the interaction of all components of PTSL, while observing the selected personal and creative pedagogical conditions, contributes to an increase in the level of its formation, ensures the effectiveness of this process .

All of the above allows us to state that the research problem is sufficiently solved in the dissertation: the pedagogical conditions for professional and creative self-development of the student's personality are identified, scientifically substantiated and experimentally tested. The results of the theoretical analysis and experimental work have generally confirmed the hypothesis put forward by us.

We see further scientific research of this problem in the study of the professional and creative self-development of the personality of a university teacher, the features and conditions for the effectiveness of this process. This will allow generalizing the results of the study on the problem of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process of the university.

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208. Teuvazhukova R.T. Organization and management of professional self-education of students of future teachers: Abstract of the thesis. dis. . cand. ped. Sciences. SPb., 1997.21 p.

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231. Sheveleva S.S. Open model of education (synergetic approach). M., 1997.48 p.

232. Shevyrev A.V. Creative problem solving technology (heuristic approach) or a book for those who want to think with their own heads: In 2 books: Belgorod, 1995. Book. 1.210 e.; Book. 2. 208 p.

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265. Sternberg R.J. General Intellectual Ability // Human Abilities by R.J. Sternberg. 1985. P. 5-31.

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267. The Nature of Creativity / Sternberg R.J. (Ed.). Cambridge, 1988.

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271. Weisberg R.W. Creativity: Genius and Other Myths. N.Y., 1986.

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Sharshov Igor Alekseevich. Pedagogical conditions of professional and creative self-development of the student's personality: Dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08: Belgorod, 2000 212 p. RSL OD, 61:00-13/486-6


Chapter 1

1.1. Methodological foundations of the study of the process of professional and creative self-development 21

1.2. Philosophical and psychological-pedagogical analysis of the category "self-development" 43

1.3. Psychological and pedagogical classification of approaches to the concept of "creativity" 65

1.4. The problem of professionalization in the context of personal self-development. Acmeological contradictions of professional and creative self-development 88

1.5. Integral formation of the generic structure of the concept of "professional and creative self-development" of a person/subject 108

Chapter 2

2.1. Spatial model of the process of professional and creative self-development of a university student 134

2.2. Substantiation of individual bifurcation trajectories of professional and creative self-development of a student at a university 151

2.3. Typology of the student's personality in the context of professional and creative self-development

Chapter 3

3.1. Spatial model of the process of professional and creative self-development of a university teacher 185

3.2. Localization of the personality of a university teacher in the professional space 206

3.3. Characteristics of the key styles of professional activity of a university teacher in the context of professional and creative self-development 225

Chapter 4

4.1. Interaction of subjects of the educational process at the university as a factor in the intensification of their professional and creative self-development 245

4.2. The system of criteria, indicators and levels of the process of professional and creative self-development of subjects 275

4.3. Technology of interaction of professional and creative self-development of subjects in the conditions of the university 303

4.4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of experimental work 332

4.5. Leading trends and principles of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university 362



APPS 428

Introduction to work

The relevance of research. Modern development trends Russian education cause a change in the priority tasks of the educational process in higher education: the role of internal determinants in ensuring the personal and professional growth of a person increases, the personality of a specialist with its need for self-actualization, self-development, and realization of creative potential becomes the highest value. New educational guidelines involve the creation of an innovative educational environment that contributes to the maximum disclosure of the internal potentials of both trainees and educators, presenting special requirements to students and teachers as subjects of the educational process at the university.

Today, professionalism is understood not so much as the reproduction of knowledge acquired at a university, but as initiative, a creative approach to solving professional problems, the ability for constant self-education, personal and professional self-improvement. Thus, the effectiveness of future professional activity for a student depends not only on the professional knowledge and skills acquired at the university, but also on the formation of the ability for professional and creative self-development. The teacher is a key figure in the ongoing transformations in modern higher education: today we need a professional teacher, teacher and scientist, who is distinguished by the ability for creative activity, pedagogical innovations, who is not just a carrier of the totality of knowledge and ways to transfer it, but is focused on the development of the student's personality and self-development in the process of subject-subject interaction.

The existing educational environment at the university does not provide a full solution to these problems: it does not sufficiently activate and use the internal resources of the subjects of educational activity, their creative potential, is not focused on their full-fledged personal self-realization, does not provide conditions for continuous self-improvement of students and teachers. The autopedagogical activity of students as subjects of the educational process at the university is not sufficiently taken into account; the introduced innovations are weakly related to the program of self-development of the teacher and his style of pedagogical activity: professional and pedagogical training of teachers that satisfies

requirements of training and education of students within the framework of the traditional educational paradigm, in the new conditions is ineffective, insufficient for the professional and creative self-development of future specialists.

In addition, the discussion of the problems of higher education that has unfolded today practically does not affect their solution in the context of the interaction of students and teachers in their joint, mutually enriching creative self-development: the corresponding processes occur in isolation, spontaneously (and, therefore, inefficiently), are ignored individual trajectories and the possibility of their mutual influence, reflexive technologies of interaction that promote mutual understanding and cooperation are poorly developed.

Thus, the process of transformation and improvement of the modern pedagogical system involves the search for new ideas, approaches, technologies, forms and methods of organizing the educational process at the university for the purpose of professional and creative self-development of subjects based on their internal motives, value system and professional goals. It is necessary to study the essence and mechanisms of the process of professional and creative self-development, identify the patterns and principles of its implementation, determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions and factors to increase its effectiveness.

Basic for the development of the problem under study are works on the general patterns of the pedagogical process in higher education, models of the personality of a specialist, corresponding educational technologies(S.I.Arkhangelsky, E.P.Belozertsev, E.V.Bondarevskaya, A.A.Verbitsky, V.I.Zagvyazinsky, I.A.Zimnyaya, I.F.Isaev, E.A.Klimov, N V. Kuzmina, N. E. Mazhar, L. N. Makarova, V. G. Maksimov, A. K. Markova, N. D. Nikandrov, P. Iobraztsov, A. G. Pashkov, L. S. Podymova , E.G. Silyaeva, V.L. Slastenin, N.F. Talyzina, O.K. Tikhomirov, A.I. Uman, V.D. Shadrikov, E.N. Shiyanov and others).

The psychological and pedagogical analysis of works on this issue allows us to conclude that in the scientific literature the process of professional and creative self-development has not been considered as a whole, although its components are of great importance. The concept of “self-development” today is becoming a key one for characterizing the goals, content and means of education (B.Z. Vulfov, O.S. Gazman, T.M. Davydenko, V.D. Ivanov, V.N. Kolesnikov, N.B. Krylova, L.N. Kulikova, V.G. Maralov, B.M. Masters, V.A. Petrovsky, V.V. Serikov, T.A. Stefanovskaya, P.I. Tretyakov, T.I. G.A. Tsukerman and others). The upbringing of a creatively active personality, capable of independent decision-making in a situation of choice, more than ever actualizes the concept of "creativity" as a way of effective self-development and professional and personal self-realization (V.S. Bibler, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, N.F. Vishnyakova, E.A. Golubeva, V.N. Druzhinin, V.A. Kan-Kalik, A.NLuk, A.M. Matyushkin, K.K. N.Yu. Postalyuk, M.I. Sitnikova, S.D. Smirnov, V.N. Sokolov, N.E. Shchurkova, E.L. Yakovleva, M.G. Yaroshevsky and others).

In this regard, some researchers consider the integral term "creative self-development of the personality" (V.I. Andreev, T.V. Galuzo, M.M. Gumerova, G.A. Medyanik, N.Sh. Chinkina, etc.). Foreign scientists also turn to the problems of self-actualization and creative self-development of the individual (R. Burns, S. Buhler, D. Gilford, K. Goldstein, T. Greening, W. James, M. Kuhn, A. Maslow, J. Mead, R. May, G. Allport, A.F. Osborne, K. Rogers, A. Tannenbaum, E. P. Torrance, E. Fromm, H. Heckhauser, V. Stern, etc.), including in professional activities (D .Jordan, D.Krait, D.Super, L.Tyler, D.Tideman and others). In the scientific literature, there are concepts of professional and creative development or activity, but not self-development (S.N. Begidova, I.A. Karpacheva, V.V. Matkin, etc.).

In recent years, issues of self-determination, self-development and self-realization of the individual in professional activities have been intensively developed in pedagogy, acmeology and developmental psychology (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, A.A. Bodalev, V.A. Bodrov, A.A. Derkach, A. A. Dontsov, I. V. Dubrovina, V. G. Zazykin, E. F. Zeer, I. F. Isaev, N. I. Isaeva, E. A. Klimov, I. B. Kotova, M. I .Kryakhtunov, T.V. Kudryavtsev, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, L.M. Mitina, Yu.P. Povarenkov, V.V. , L.V. Temnova, D.I. Feldshtein, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.), but usually the problem of interest to us is considered in terms of personal and professional development and self-development (T.A. Burmistrova, L.P. Kvashko, T.V. Luchkina, V.M. Nesterenko, G.V. Sorokovykh, B.E. Fishman and others), which is qualitatively different from the declared term “professional and creative self-development”.

Appeal to the problem of self-development, due to the change in educational paradigms, implies the recognition of the important role in the educational process of the university of an active person, both a teacher and a student, with their right to choose and responsibility to the Russian higher school. In this regard, the concepts of "personality" and "subject" are rethought in the light of the humanistic approach (G.I. Aksenova, B.G. Ananiev, A.G. Asmolov, M.M. Bakhtin, L.I. Bozhovich, L. .S.Vygotsky, A.I.Eremkin, E.I.Isaev, B.B.Kossov, D.A.Leontiev, B.F.Lomov, V.M.Menshikov, V.S.Merlin, AB. Petrovsky, N.A. Podymov, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.I. Slobodchikov and others); the problem of interaction between teachers and students as an indicator of effectiveness is updated educational system university (D.S. Grasmane, V.V. Zatsepin, I.A. Zimnyaya, I.B. Kotova, S.V. Kudryavtseva, V.L. Molozhavenko, N.N. Obozov, A.A. Rean, P.E. Reshetnikov, G.I. Khozyainov, E.N. Shiyanov and others).

It should be noted that there are much fewer scientific studies devoted to the analysis of the personality and activities of a teacher of higher education than works that study general pedagogical and professional problems of teaching students. The ways of professional self-development, the formation of professional and pedagogical culture and mastery, including the aspect of correlation of scientific and research activities of a university teacher, which is important for our study, are considered in the works of A.V. Barabanshchikov, G.I. Gaisina, V.G. .F.Esareva, N.F.Ilyin, I.F.Isaev, T.E.Klimova, N.V.Kuzmina, L.N.Makarova, V.I.Mareeva, P.I.Obraztsova, V.A. .Popkova, I.P. Rachenko, Z.I. Ryabikina and others.

At the same time, in the scientific literature there is no integral representation of the process of professional and creative self-development, the specifics of its implementation for university teachers have not been studied, the possibility of synchronization with the corresponding process of students, that is, it has not been developed holistic concept professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process in the university in the context of their interaction. The current situation in the theory and practice of higher education allows us to formulate a number of contradictions:

Between the society's need for intelligent, enterprising specialists with developed creative thinking, who are able to work constructively in problematic and constantly changing conditions, and the unpreparedness of the higher professional education system to provide training for such specialists;

Between the target setting of the education system on the personality of the student, his self-development and creative self-realization in the profession, becoming an equal subject of educational and professional activities and clearly insufficient attention to the independent activity of students in the learning process, in the development of personally and professionally significant qualities and abilities;

Between the need for continuous improvement of professionalism

teachers and the low level of readiness of teachers themselves for the conscious implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development both in relation to themselves and to students, including in interaction with them.

Scientific and practical needs and identified contradictions made it possible to determine the research problem: what are the theoretical foundations, leading trends, basic principles and psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university. The purpose of the study is to develop and scientifically substantiate the concept of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university. The object of the study is continuous professional education. The subject of the research is the theoretical and technological foundations of the professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university.

In accordance with the problem, purpose, object and subject of the study, the following tasks were set: S to substantiate the conceptual and methodological foundations of the study; S reveal the essence, content, structure and mechanisms of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process in the university, highlight the specifics and pedagogical features implementation of this process for students and teachers; S to develop a dynamic model of the integral process of professional and creative self-development of subjects in the context of their interaction, taking into account the general and the specific; S to develop and test the technology of professional and creative self-development of subjects in the conditions of the university: to determine the criteria apparatus, the stages of the process, to substantiate the psychological and pedagogical conditions for its effectiveness; S to identify the leading trends and principles of the process of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university. The methodological basis of the study is philosophical provisions on the universal connection, mutual conditionality and integrity of the phenomena and processes of the surrounding world; conceptual provisions of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical theories about the personality as a multifunctional self-developing system, the subject of creative activity and the highest value of society; about the essence of self-development as a mechanism for the implementation of humanistic principles of education; ideas of creativity as a way of self-development; provisions of the subject-subject paradigm, explaining the essence and mutually determining nature of the interaction between teachers and students; concepts of personality-oriented education, aimed at creating conditions for the full-fledged creative manifestation and self-development of personal and professional functions subjects of the educational process; acmeological patterns of the formation of a professional personality, ideas of integrity and activity of a person as a subject of education and professional growth.

The study is based on the main provisions of the systemic, synergetic, anthropological, personal-activity, cultural, poly-subjective, axiological, reflexive, acmeological, individual-creative, contextual approaches to the problem of professional and creative self-development in their integral and complementary combination, as well as the key principles of a specially developed a multilateral approach that allows you to build your own concept of the concept under study.

The leading idea of ​​the concept is as follows: effective professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university (PTSS), characterized by the orientation of teachers and students to the most expedient use of their own resources and the possibilities of the university environment for professional growth and creative self-realization in the profession, depends on the intensity of their subjective and reflexive positions, the degree of enriching interaction in joint educational activities.

The hypothesis of the study correlates with the leading idea of ​​the concept and is based on the assumption that the processes of professional and creative self-development of a student and a teacher are independent to a certain extent and are possible in an isolated version, but can move to a qualitatively new level when they interact if:

Orientation to the self-development of the creative personality of a specialist as a subject of professional activity is one of the main goals of education in higher education;

The essence of the process of professional and creative self-development as an integral phenomenon is revealed on the basis of a multilateral approach in the unity of its principles;

a conceptual model of PTSS was developed and scientifically substantiated, combining models of professional and creative self-development of students and teachers, characterizing the integral structure, dynamics and mechanisms for implementing the integral process of PTSS;

The principles of PTSS are being implemented, reflecting its leading trends, revealing both the internal features of the process and the features of external developmental influence;

Psychological and pedagogical conditions are defined and implemented that contribute to the effective implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university.

Research methods. The solution of the tasks set and the verification of the initial assumptions were provided by a set of complementary methods adequate to the nature of the phenomenon under study: methods for studying philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature and substantiating the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study (retrospective, logical-historical, comparative-contrastive, analytical-synthesizing, inductive-deductive , method of analogy, abstraction, theoretical modeling); diagnostic (questionnaire, interviewing, conversation, testing, expert assessments, self-assessment, rating, generalization of independent characteristics, projective methods); observational (direct, indirect and long-term participant observation, self-observation, practical synthesis); praximetric (analysis of activity products); experimental (stating and forming experiments) and mathematical methods (mathematical modeling, multidimensional analysis methods, correlation, factor and cluster analysis, classical methods of mathematical statistics, graphical display of results, etc.). The choice of methods was determined by the logic of the study and the tasks to be solved at each stage.

The main stages of the study.

The first stage (1995-1998) - definition of a scientific problem, theoretical prerequisites for research, study and analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem; development of methodological apparatus; conducting a exploratory experiment, designating the conditions conducive to increasing the effectiveness of PTSS, accumulating empirical material. The research problem is concretized at this stage in the aspect of studying the professional and creative self-development of students. Drawing up programs of ascertaining and

formative experiments, the definition of forms, methods and timing of their implementation.

The second stage (1998-2002) - development of PTSS models (students and teachers), identification of their specific features, methods and means of implementation in practice; development of scientific and conceptual apparatus of research, methodology of systematic research, criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the PTSS process; conducting a stating experiment and interpreting its results; refinement of the program of the forming experiment.

The third stage (2002-2005) - verification and correction of the generalized model of PTSS, development of the author's concept of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process in the university, refinement of the research hypothesis; verification of the identified psychological and pedagogical conditions, completion of the formative experiment, analysis, systematization and generalization of the results obtained; formulation of conclusions, identification of leading trends and principles of the PTSS process. Preparation of publications of monographs, educational and teaching aids, articles, electronic publications. Registration of research results in the form of a doctoral dissertation.

The experimental base of the study was Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Belgorod State University, Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, Michurinsk State pedagogical institute, Tambov Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators, Volga Region Academy of Public Administration, basic regional centers of the country for advanced training of teaching staff (within the framework of the NTP project of the Ministry of Education of Russia, 2004). The study at different stages of the experiment covered 2136 students and 1176 teachers and graduate students.

The scientific novelty of the study is due to the subject of the study and the logic of the tasks. The results of the study in the aggregate reflect the solution of an urgent scientific problem - the creation of a theory of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university - and are as follows:

A multilateral approach is substantiated, which is consistently included in the existing system of scientific knowledge and acts as a methodological basis for studying the problem of professional and creative self-development and general pedagogical problems;

The following concepts have been introduced into the conceptual and terminological apparatus of pedagogy:

“professional and creative self-development of the individual”, “professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university”, “space of creative (professional-creative) self-development of the individual”, “individual bifurcation trajectories of professional and creative self-development”; characterized the new kind interactions of subjects: the fragmentary-subjective, general pedagogical concept of "creative self-development of the personality" received the author's definition, different from the existing ones, and expanded the scope of use; a holistic scientific concept of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university has been developed, in the context of which:

The essence of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process in the university as a pedagogical phenomenon is determined;

Spatial dynamic models have been developed both of independent processes of professional and creative self-development of students and teachers, taking into account their specifics, and of the integral process of PTSS based on an analysis of the features of the interaction of subjects in the educational environment of the university;

A new approach to the construction of personality typologies of students and teachers based on spatial models was applied and substantiated; it made it possible to develop a typology of students' personalities, key styles of pedagogical activity of university teachers, a typology of interaction between subjects of the educational process at a university in the context of professional and creative self-development;

The set of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the PTSS process in the university was determined;

A reflexive-creative technology of PTSS interaction has been developed, implemented on an integrative-modular basis;

The leading trends and principles of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university have been identified and substantiated.

The theoretical significance of the study is that:

The multilateral approach as a pedagogical category is expressed through a set of interrelated principles that can serve as a methodological basis for further development of the problems of general and professional pedagogy;

the conceptual analysis of the professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university deepens and enriches the existing psycho-pedagogical and acmeological concepts of personal and professional development and reflects the transition from the paradigm of formation to the paradigm of self-development in the educational process;

The identified and systematized main approaches to the study of the basic concept of "self-development", the constructed classification of various approaches to the concept of "creativity", the identified acmeological contradictions of PTSS, the developed spatial models and the corresponding typologies for students and teachers can be used in the study of fundamental problems of self-development, its creative nature , features of subject-subject interaction in the educational space of the university and other educational institutions;

The proposed method for constructing individual bifurcation trajectories of PTSS, which determines the variety of subjectively optimal strategies for professional and creative self-development, the constructed polymotivational tree of the dominant motives of students and teachers in the context of professional and creative self-development, develop the ideas of individual and differentiated approaches and contribute to their real implementation in the practice of education;

The identified mechanisms, psychological and pedagogical conditions, criteria and performance indicators, leading trends and principles of PTSS contribute to understanding the possibilities of the educational process at the university for the implementation of a student-oriented concept of higher education, which implies creative development and self-development of each student and trainee.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the provisions and conclusions contained in it serve as a scientific basis for the development and implementation of programs for professional and creative self-development of subjects in the process of professional training, independent implementation of professional activities, retraining and advanced training of teachers and lecturers; building a professionally oriented, effective interaction between teachers and students, maximizing the use of their creative potential. The author's concept, model and criteria apparatus can be used by teachers, psychologists and students as the basis for theoretical analysis and diagnostic tools of both professional activity and themselves as its subject; used in the certification of scientific teaching staff in the education system.

The reflexive-creative technology of PTSS interaction, which has been experimentally tested and is based on the implementation of the individual bifurcation trajectory of each participant, is especially important in the context of changing the pedagogical paradigm from technocratic to humanistic. At the same time, due to the special features of the construction, which provide it with a universal character to a certain extent, it has the possibility of broad generalization.

Monographs, textbooks, articles published based on the results of the study can be applied in the system of continuing professional education in the development training courses, programs, technologies for the training of future specialists, graduate students, applicants, teachers of higher education.

The main provisions for defense:

1. The polylateral approach characterizes a special research methodology and is a set of principles and organizational and pedagogical methods of activity arising from them, allowing us to consider PTSS as an open and self-developing system from complementary dual positions, to determine the dialectics of alternative possibilities for changing the system, to study various facets of the PTSS process, to form a holistic concept in the unity of its hierarchical structure and the dynamics of functional interaction, to determine the multidimensionality and variability of situations of manifestation of the activity of subjects, to identify the leading direction of professional and creative self-development, the most effective for subjects at a given point in the field of self-development of the system. The following principles of the multilateral approach have been developed: multiple polarization, integral complementarity, creation of a new quality, structural integrity, systemic multidimensionality, multivariate determination and development, optimal resultant.

2. The concept of "creative self-development of the personality" is generic for the concept of "professional and creative self-development of the subject." Creative self-development of a personality is an integrative and creative process of conscious and purposeful personal formation, based on the interaction of internally significant and actively creatively perceived external factors.

Professional and creative self-development of a personality (PTSL) of a university teacher (student) is the creative self-development of his personality in the educational environment of the university, which ensures dialectical creative self-realization in professional (educational and professional) activities. Professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university is the unity of the processes of professional and creative self-development of a teacher and a student, carried out in constructive interaction.

3. The dynamic model of PTSL of a university student is located in the space of professional and creative self-development of the individual, determined by the basic vectors - self-development, creativity, intelligence - taking into account their professional orientation. Specific scientific and pedagogical directions have been added to the PTSL model of a university teacher. Spatial interpretations of the models made it possible to propose a method for constructing individual bifurcation trajectories of the student's PTSL, to characterize the specifics of the bifurcation choice and probabilistic paths of the teacher's PTSL; develop, visualize and describe the typology of the student's personality (8 key types) and the typology of key styles (7 types) of the pedagogical activity of a university teacher in the context of the study; build a polymotivation tree of the dominant motives of students and teachers; identify and substantiate the mechanisms of professional and creative self-development: reflection, creative self-regulation, self-actualization, which interact and are included in each other at subsequent stages of the process.

4. The interaction of the subjects of the educational process in the university is considered as a factor of integration and intensification of the processes of professional and creative self-development of students and teachers. The model of the integral process of PTSS is implemented as an interaction of relatively independent processes of PTSL of students and teachers in the corresponding space. The spatial interpretation of this model contributes to the construction and qualitative characterization of the typology of the interaction of subjects in the context of the study (7 key types).

The system of criteria and indicators for assessing the formation of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university is formulated in strict accordance with the presented models, namely: the criterion is determined by the axes of the model and is revealed through a set of relevant indicators (model stages). Seven criteria have been identified: the ability for professional self-development; professionally oriented thinking; creative activity in professional (educational and professional) activities; the degree of development of research qualities and abilities; the degree of development of professional and pedagogical qualities and abilities; value orientation to professional activity; the degree of interaction of subjects, each of which is revealed through three indicators. The criteria apparatus made it possible to characterize the five main stages of the PTSS process: trivial-adaptation, reflexive-imitation, organizational-modeling, system-creative and dialectical self-realization.

6. The reflexive-creative technology of interaction between the PTSS of teachers and university students is based on the implementation of the individual bifurcation trajectory of the PTSS of each participant and is carried out through the implementation of the analytical-reflexive, constructive-regulating and control-corrective stages on an integrative-modular basis. The technology implements a set of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the PTSS process in the educational environment of the university:

personality in the process of educational (professional) activity; Ф ensuring theoretical and technological-innovative preparation of subjects for the implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development, regardless of the profile of the faculty and the basic specialty; f construction of individual bifurcation trajectories of PTSS, which play the role of meaning-forming educational and developmental programs for managing and self-governing the subjects of this process; Ф activation and development of mechanisms of reflection, creative self-regulation and self-actualization in accordance with the requirements of professional activity and the conditions of the university environment; F organization of complementarity of dual qualities and abilities of the humanitarian and natural science areas to expand the totality of means and methods of professional and creative self-development, including ensuring the relationship between scientific and pedagogical activities of teachers with a leading pedagogical orientation;

Ф increasing the proportion of reflective, creative forms of work in the university, providing an optimal balance of intellectual and creative methods of PTSS;

Ф the priority of subject-subject relations in the university as the basis for the reflexive-co-creative interaction of teachers and students, ensuring their mutual professional and creative self-development. 7. The leading trends and principles of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process in the university are interconnected and interdependent, forming hierarchical system, which ensures the integrity and dynamism of the implementation of the PTSS process:

the trend of determination and development, which determines the dependence of the initiation and implementation of the process of professional and creative self-development on the characteristics of the inner world of the individual, the degree of development of his professional freedom, creative activity aimed at professional and personal development and creative self-realization in the profession, is expressed through the following principles: dual determination, progressiveness, non-linear superposition, continuity and cyclic development,

the trend of interaction and complementarity, which determines the transition from the personal to the subjective nature of professional and creative self-development in the educational process of the university, is characterized by the principles of: poly-subjectivity, unity of individualization and integration, parsipativity, unity of positive/negative and negative feedback;

the trend of management and self-government, which characterizes a gradual transition from external management to reflexive self-government, includes the following principles: compliance, developing influence, reflexive management and self-government, psychological support;

x trend of intensification and optimization, which determines the relationship between increasing the efficiency of the PTSS process and the rational use of personal and collective efforts, is expressed through the following principles: professional orientation and self-realization, unity of scientific and pedagogical (cognitive) activities, unity of intellectual and creative activity, professional self-education and self-improvement. The reliability and reliability of the results obtained is ensured by the validity of the initial methodological positions, the integration of various approaches to solving the problem posed, the use of a complex set of methods that is adequate to the purpose, subject, tasks and logic of the study, a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis, the representativeness of the sample size, the use of methods of mathematical processing and statistical significance of experimental data, consistency and continuity of results at various stages of the study, wide scientific approbation.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main theoretical and practical provisions of the work are reflected in monographs, educational and teaching aids, guidelines, scientific articles, reports, theses, electronic editions. The results of the study were discussed and approved at more than 50 International (Belgorod, 1998,2001; Bryansk, 2000; Lipetsk, 2004; Moscow, 2000; Novosibirsk, 1999; Orenburg, 1998; St. Petersburg, 1999,2001; Smolensk, 1999; Tambov, 2000,2003,2004,2005; Tula, 1998,2000), All-Russian (Barnaul, 1998; Belgorod, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004; Biysk, 2000; Michurinsk, 2003; Samara 1998; Smolensk, 1998; Orel, 1998; Orsk, 1996, 1999; Ryazan, 2001; Tambov, 2002,2003,2004,2005; Tyumen, 1998; Ufa, 1999; Chelyabinsk, 2003,2004,2005), regional and interuniversity (Balashov, 1996; Vladimir, 2000 ; Tambov - annually) scientific-practical and scientific-methodical conferences, federal seminar-meeting (V.Novgorod, 2004). In addition, there was a discussion at the meetings of the departments of pedagogy of the Belgorod State University, general pedagogy Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin; on the pages of scientific, theoretical and practical publications: journals "Pedagogy", "Teacher XXI century", "Pedagogical education and science", "Pedagogical informatics", "Education and society", "Gaudeamus", "Education in the region", Siberian pedagogical journal, Bulletin of the Tambov University, Scientific Bulletin of the Belgorod State University, Bulletin of the Krasnoyarsk State University, Bulletin of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University; teaching aids and teaching aids (Moscow, 2005; Moscow-Tambov, 2003; Tambov, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005), monographs and collections of scientific papers (Belgorod, 1999; Lipetsk, 1998,1999,2001; Moscow, 1998; Moscow-Tambov, 2005; Omsk, 2004; Orel, 2004; Tambov, 1998; Chelyabinsk, 2003; Biarystok (Poland), 2005).

The study was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: in 2002

(NTP of the Ministry of Education "State support for the regional scientific and technical policy of higher education and the development of its scientific potential", project No. 1822), in 2003 (NOP of the Ministry of Education "Scientific and methodological support for the functioning and modernization of the education system", project No. 167). Based on the materials of the project, an electronic publication “Professional Development teaching staff in the conditions of modernization of Russian education” (Moscow, 2004; state registration in the depository of electronic publications of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise STC “Informregister” No. 0320400538). In 2004, together with the Institute general education The Ministry of Education of Russia and the OSI Staffing Center developed the project “Toolkit for Researching the Efficiency of the Teacher Training System in the Conditions of Modernization of Education”, which is directly related to experimental work on the topic of the dissertation.

The structure of the dissertation reflects the logic, content and results of the study. It consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusions by chapter, conclusion, bibliography and appendices.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research topic and defines the main characteristics of the scientific apparatus of the research: problem, goal, object, subject, tasks, hypothesis, methodology and research methods; scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance, the main provisions submitted for defense are revealed; information about the approbation and reliability of the results is given.

In the first chapter " Methodological principles and research strategy: analytical and synthetic construction of the conceptual and categorical apparatus” substantiates the multilateral approach as a special research methodology, gives a philosophical and psychological and pedagogical analysis state of the art problems, the basic concepts of the concept of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process in the university are defined, the acmeological contradictions of the PTSS are highlighted, the logic of the study is revealed.

In the second chapter "Professional and creative self-development of a student in a university: essence and content" the specific features of the process of professional and creative self-development of university students as subjects of educational and professional activities are studied, a polymotivational tree of the student's dominant motives is built and analyzed, and the construction of a spatial dynamic model is substantiated PTSL of students and its interpretations: individual bifurcation trajectories of PTSL and typology of the student's personality in the context of professional and creative self-development.

The third chapter "Professional and creative self-development of a teacher of higher education: essence and content" is dual in relation to the previous one: the specifics of the process of PTSL of university teachers, the polymotivational tree of its dominant motives are studied, the spatial dynamic model of PTSL of teachers and its interpretation is substantiated: the scheme of the path of PTSL a teacher of higher education, which characterizes the specifics of the bifurcation choice and probabilistic paths, the typology of the key styles of pedagogical activity of a university teacher in the context of PTSS, as well as options for the ratio of scientific and pedagogical activities and their influence on the PTSS process; the mechanisms of professional and creative self-development are revealed.

In the fourth chapter "Integral interaction of the processes of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process in the university: essence, technology, leading trends and principles" the PTSS model is substantiated as the interaction of the PTSL processes of students and teachers, the results of experimental work are presented: the nature and plurality of types of interaction are studied subjects, the degree of influence of the type of interaction on the effectiveness of the PTSS process is revealed, a typology of interaction is developed in the context of PTSS, the criteria apparatus for assessing the formation of the PTSS process is determined, the corresponding stages of the PTSS process are characterized, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of PTSS are formulated and experimentally substantiated, the logic of construction and content are revealed reflexive-creative technology of interaction of PTSS, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of the experiment is carried out, the leading trends and principles of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university are determined.

In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized, the main conclusions are presented that confirm the hypothesis and the provisions submitted for defense.

The appendix contains materials of experimental work: methods of pedagogical experiment, computer program, methodological developments training exercises, graphical results of the experiment, materials of statistical processing of experimental data.

Methodological foundations of the study of the process of professional and creative self-development

Modern trends in the development of the education system are characterized by increased attention to the internal potential of a person, assuming the creation of an educational environment that contributes to the disclosure of natural data and the formation of a mechanism for the creative self-development of physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual abilities as the most effective and humanistic way of educating a person. However, such a process of reorientation of the pedagogical system towards the ideas of self-education and self-development creates significant difficulties in the theoretical and methodological understanding of pedagogical and psychological concepts that change their meaning in accordance with the new values ​​of education.

In particular, when considering the integral concept of "professional creative self-development of a personality" (PTSL), which is a new qualitative unit of analysis in comparison with the concepts included in it, the possible number of interpretations increases in proportion to the complexity of the phenomenon under study. "Professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university" (PTSS) clarifies the integral term, taking into account the specifics of the educational environment of higher education. We believe that within the framework of only one methodological conceptual construction it is impossible to adequately characterize such a complex phenomenon as a self-developing personality and the features of the corresponding process.

A.N. Poddyakov believes that the main requirement for any approach or method of research in any field is its ability to update, highlight the property under study and simultaneously ignore, neutralize or even actively suppress the effect of all other properties that are not the subject of study. Thus, any of the existing approaches, acting as the only methodological basis of the study, has its own advantages, but also fundamentally insurmountable limitations. V.V. Vasilkova states: “The behavior of systems is so diverse and specific that the question arises about the impossibility of their exhaustive characteristics within the framework of any one formal theory.” The same conclusion is reached by R. Flood and M. Jackson, who propose to group various systemological methods into a kind of “system of system methodologies” and, depending on the problem situation, choose the most suitable of them.

Actualizing the need to create a "systemic methodology of modern pedagogical research", N.V. Bordovskaya emphasizes that when researchers determine methodological guidelines in the process of scientific research, it is unproductive for the development of science not only to choose the "only correct" approach (the first group of researchers), but also to focus on several approaches, if they are not connected by a single system, logic (the second group of researchers). The most effective and successful in terms of novelty and theoretical significance, according to the author, are the scientists of the third group, who prefer the methods of argumentation and consistency in building the methodology of their research: “If we take into account all the trends that are manifested to some extent in the development of pedagogy and its , then we can talk not about the "system of pedagogy", but about their integrity and systematization of methodological guidelines. Researchers need to “rely not on separate principles or approaches known in science, but on their combination or even a system when creating a conceptual space” .

Indeed, modern psychological and pedagogical knowledge is characterized by polyconceptuality, not only in form, but also in content, which organically implies the complementarity of pedagogical trends and concepts. When constructing a methodological base for studying the problem of professional and creative self-development, we mean that various methodological approaches to studying the process of PTSS (students and university teachers) can fully interact, not only not contradicting, but also mutually complementing, expanding and correcting each other, highlighting as a subject studies of different aspects of the phenomenon under consideration. This provision serves as the basis for highlighting the key ideas in the interpretation of the research problem at all levels of methodological knowledge in accordance with the scheme of E.G. Yudin-I.V. Blauberg: philosophical, general scientific, concrete scientific and technological.

“Undoubtedly, for the development of pedagogical science and practice, general methodological and subject-scientific approaches and principles remain relevant, each of them has an objective need ... There are various methodological guidelines that somehow influence the choice of strategies and methods, research programs and content scientific search". But it should be noted that when considering the process of PTSS, we do not recommend using absolutely all approaches existing in pedagogy: this would be unrealistic in terms of the scope of knowledge and irrational, since the principles often overlap and do not differ significantly from each other in relation to a particular research topic. “The scientist is forced to choose such methodological foundations and conceptual strategies, guided by which he will be able to explain, describe and predict the trends or directions of significant changes in the pedagogical object” [ibid., p. 23]. Just as when constructing a model of a certain concept, we use only its most significant and distinctive features, so when forming methodological framework In our study, it is necessary to choose from the entire set of approaches the most significant, key approaches that, if possible, do not duplicate each other and, when interacting, introduce a new quality in the study of the phenomenon of professional and creative self-development of the subjects of the educational process at the university.

Since pedagogy as a science is based on the methodology of modern “human science” (B.S. Gershunsky), we will begin the philosophical level of methodology with an analysis of the ideas of philosophical anthropology.

The essence of the anthropological principle in philosophy lies in the fact that the concept of "man" is declared the main worldview category, on the basis of which it is possible to develop a system of ideas about nature, society and personality as a free and developing individuality. The principle of the highest value of a person as a subject corresponds to modern humanistic approaches and ideas of student-centered education, but detracts from the social factor human development and self-development. In particular, the anthropological principle of L. Feuerbach replaced the entire system of social relations and relations with the concepts of interindividual communication. However, this theory provides a useful idea for our study: considering the education system at a university as a subsystem of society, it can be characterized in the first approximation by the specifics of the “interindividual” interaction of the subjects of the educational process.

Over time, philosophical and historical thought begins to recognize the growing importance of social factors in the development of the individual. For example, the anthropological principles of A.I. Herzen, N. Chernyshevsky already imply an approach to man as a social being: the reasons for his behavior should be sought in the environment in which the personality was formed and educated, are carried out by individuals and bear their stamp - here is the interaction ”(A.I. Herzen). German classical philosophy (G. Hegel, I. Kant, I. Fichte, F. Schelling, etc.) combines the ideas of natural science and humanitarian scientism (knowledge and values, reason and faith, science and morality), that is, there is an interaction of two polar points of view. From the standpoint of self-development, I. Kant's theory is interesting: the so-called principle of autonomy of will, according to which every personality is an end in itself.

G. Hegel's dialectic, in fact, affirms the principles of self-knowledge and self-development of the individual as an analogue of the world spirit. Such dialectical laws as the law of negation of negation and the unity and struggle of opposites are, in our opinion, the most promising position when considering polar points of view in interpreting the PTSS process as a complex integral phenomenon. Dialectical materialism continued and developed these ideas, expressing the strengthening of integration processes in science. The principle of self-development, going back to Aristotle, G. Hegel, K. Marx, asserts the existence of a source of self-development of the individual in the very dialectics of development, and contradictions are its driving forces. A person, self-developing, realizes the unity and struggle of opposites, overcoming contradictions in the processes of self-knowledge, self-organization, self-realization (for example, between "I-real" and "I-ideal"). The law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones is expressed in the emergence of new levels of creative self-development, in the movement from stage to stage, characterized by qualitative leaps in the skills and abilities of a creatively self-developing personality, carried out under the influence of internally conscious contradictions. The law of negation of negation allows us to comprehend the progressive nature of this movement, the continuity and development trends of the qualities and abilities of the individual, the cyclicality and infinity of this process as a repetition at a higher level due to dissatisfaction with what has been achieved. Dialectical negation uses the potential of previous achievements as another starting point for the implementation of new ones, for the prospect of further growth. In addition to the three laws of dialectics, we are interested in such ideas of dialectical materialism as: consideration of the objective world as a single coherent whole, in which all phenomena are interconnected and interdependent; consideration of nature, society and man (including the process of his self-development) in continuous regular movement and change; understanding of internal contradictions as a source, a driving force of the process of development and self-development.

Anthropocentric ideas of self-development and self-realization are seen in Russian religious philosophy, which considers a person as a subject-creator: the teaching of N.F. Fedorov was characterized by an integral focus on the problem of a person and his development, an approach to the individual as a unique integrity; The epistemology of V.S. Solovyov lies in the intuitive figurative-symbolic (again, the combination of opposites) comprehension of the world; N.A. Berdyaev and S.L. Frank characterized a person as a self-overcoming creature, transforming himself, and in the act of self-consciousness a person realizes polar functions - he is in a dual state of the cognizer and the cognized, the appraiser and the assessed; N.O. Lossky considered personality not as a ready-made reality: it must build itself tirelessly throughout life, making the transition from a “potential” to a “real” personality. It should be noted that all representatives of Russian religious and philosophical thought are unanimous in that spirituality is a defining property of a person when the moral law inside him is stronger than the pressure of any external circumstances.

Between the extreme scientic and anthropological attitudes there is an ever-increasing number of philosophical schools and trends that evaluate these two extremes as complementary to each other. Typical examples of the strengthening of such integration tendencies are: sociobiology, whose modern representatives (A. Gushurst, C. Lamsden, etc.) come from the idea of ​​biological determinism to the realization of the importance of culture in the development of the individual; neo-Freudianism, in which the influence of anthropological ideas weakened and the role of humanitarian scientism increased; a number of schools that synthesized traditional views with Marxist ones (for example, the Frankfurt school of neo-Marxism or the philosophical evolution from neo-Freudianism to E. Fromm's Freudo-Marxism); the ecological direction, which made an attempt to overcome the ecological crisis by combining technological and anthropological approaches, which was reflected in the projects of the Club of Rome; neo-Thomism; existentialism, which, despite the various forms of its development: religious (N.A. Berdyaev, L.I. Shestov, K. Jaspers, etc.), atheistic (A. Camus, J. Sartre, M. Heidegger, etc.) ), - considered unacceptable any references to external circumstances, arguing that the individual creates himself, etc. Gradually, philosophy comes to understand that we live in a pluralistic, multifaceted world, and discoveries recent years in various fields of science - proof of this.

For us, the ideas of modern anthropologism about comprehending the inner world of a person as a subject of activity, identifying the logic of the development of this world and considering through it the possibilities and driving forces of self-development and self-realization of a person as a creation of his own being are relevant. The mechanism of such “self-creation” is based on a person’s free choice of a variant of his behavior in each life situation. At the same time, the ideas of natural science and humanities scientism, neopositivism, which offer alternative methods of studying a person, especially in the “borderline” conditions of choice, are valuable for our research.

The general scientific level of methodology is represented by systemic and synergetic approaches. The essence of the system approach lies in the fact that the studied phenomena are considered as systems that have a certain structure and laws of functioning; the components of the system are relatively independent, but not isolated, they are in interconnection, constant development and movement, and the way the elements of the system interact determines its structural construction and ensures stability. The holistic principle, which is the basis for the systemic approach, affirms the integrity of any system, namely: the emergence of a new quality that cannot arise from the additive addition of components; the system is not reduced to the sum of its constituent parts, and its properties as a whole cannot be derived from any of its parts (A.G. Asmolov, N.I. Boldyrev, V.A. Ganzen, B.F. Lomov, E.G. .Yudin and others). For the PTSS process, considered as an integral object, such a quality is the specific nature of the connections and relationships of functional components. Revealing the variety of connections within the object under study allows us to consider the properties complete system integratively. For our study, such features of the system approach as modeling (building models of the processes under study) and modularity (determining system-forming parameters, identifying the concept of integrally interconnected properties and qualities in the structure) are important. Man as a system has a special feature that distinguishes him from "non-living" systems that do not have consciousness: the presence of goals. This gave rise to the development of the so-called “methodology of soft systems” (D. van Gig, Yu.M. Plotinsky) as opposed to “hard systems” that operate only according to the laws of the objective world within the framework of a systematic approach. At the same time, as the world, and the person himself is considered as a problematic, weakly structured phenomenon, allowing many interpretations for objective research. The cognizing subject is the most important component of the system, structuring it with its activity: a person completes the world around him, but exploring the world, he discovers himself, discovers his interests, goals in it, forms an attitude towards the world, etc., that is, he completes himself too . The dynamic system - the object of the methodology of soft systems - is precisely the process of this "completion", "additional structuring" in the act of mutual creation. In our study, we use this theory as an integral part of a systematic approach, namely: when revealing the essence of professional and creative self-development, when considering the features of a teacher’s professional and pedagogical activity and student’s educational and professional activity (professional activity is also understood as a complex, developing system), when studying the interaction of subjects in the educational process of the university in order to find the optimal way of their mutual correspondence in conditions of significant uncertainty.

The synergetic approach, which studies the features of the existence and development of self-organizing complex systems, has much in common with general theory systems and systems approach. “But if the systemic approach focuses on questions of the integrity of the system, then synergetics is mainly interested in the development of this system, and more precisely in self-development.” It is noteworthy that the very concept of "synergetics" was formed from the Greek "joint action", "cooperation", therefore it can be considered as a theory of joint action (G. Haken), interaction in relation to the problem of self-development of the subjects of the educational process in the university. It should be noted that in the psychological, pedagogical and philosophical literature there is an identification of the concepts of "self-developing system" and "self-organizing system" (T.M. Davydenko, L.N. Makarova, L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova, V. S. Stepin and others). In our opinion, this is not a completely legitimate identification. The fact is that in philosophy there are three types of processes of self-organization. The first is the spontaneous generation of the organization, i.e. the emergence from a certain set of integral objects of a certain level of a new integral system with its own specific patterns. The second type is the processes by which the system maintains a certain level of organization when the external and internal conditions of its functioning change. The third type of self-organization processes is associated with the improvement and self-development of systems capable of accumulating and using past experience.

It is clear that only for the last type of self-organization processes is the equal sign between the concepts of "self-organizing system" and "self-developing system" valid. Thus, self-organization is clearly a broader concept, that is, there are self-organizing systems that do not have signs of self-development, and vice versa, any self-developing system necessarily has self-organization mechanisms. This feature will be required by us when studying the essence of self-development and highlighting its functional components.

In the meantime, the following conclusion is important for us: the synergetic approach, which studies the features of self-organizing systems, is equally applicable to the analysis of self-developing systems, in particular, the process of professional and creative self-development of subjects of education at a higher educational institution. Its significance for our study lies in the study of the features of the formation of new structures and qualities in the study of the dynamic behavior of the system in active interaction with the external environment. This will give a deeper understanding of the PTSS process in the university as a “multi-level whole” (M.V. Boguslavsky), for which such definitions as “multidimensionality” and “ambiguity” are the key characteristics.

From the standpoint of a synergistic approach, a person is interpreted as a self-regulating and self-actualizing system that interacts with other systems and is influenced by them, but is not reduced to them (E.A. Klimov, E.N. Knyazeva, S.P. Kurdyumov, V. Smerlin , M. Chernoushek and others). The uncertainty of the system is characterized by the so-called bifurcation mechanisms (N.N. Moiseev), which arise at the moments of a sharp change in the conditions of existence, crises or significant moments of choice. In special states of instability - bifurcation points - it is impossible to unambiguously predict the future of the system, its further behavior. According to the concept of I.Prigozhin, variability and the ability to choose from unpredictable alternatives underlie the self-development of nature (and personality), and only in an unstable system can unique events take place, the emergence of new, more advanced forms of organization. The author notes that this universal principle is especially pronounced in creative activity, which actualizes the importance of the creative mechanisms of the PTSS process.

Spatial model of the process of professional and creative self-development of a university student

Having an understanding of the essence of the PTSS process and the space for its implementation allows us to turn to the process of modeling professional and creative self-development as an open holistic system. V.D.Shadrikov proposes, when studying the theoretical foundations of the concept, to present it in the form of an ideal model, which can be considered as a theoretical generalization that allows reducing various types and forms of professional activity to a certain theoretical construct. S.Ya.Batyshev argues the need to develop a model of a specialist that allows to determine the structure of personal qualities, abilities, character traits and features of thinking necessary for the formation and creative self-realization of a professional, to fix and compare with the ideal the existing level of professional training of a person. The process of professional and creative self-development should be guided by an ideal representation - an image of the future state of the subject of education, systematically reflecting the desired properties and characteristics.

The very concept of the PTSL space, reflected in the coordinate system, suggests the possibility of constructing mathematical model of the process under study based on the multilateral approach. Unfortunately, when it comes to mathematical methods in pedagogy and psychology, as a rule, only the use of standard mathematical (statistical) methods for analyzing and processing experimental results and for establishing the simplest quantitative patterns and relationships is meant. The founder of Russian mathematical psychology, V.Yu. Krylov, believes that such a feature is typical only for the first stage of the development of science, which coincides with the stage of the birth of science, its isolation as an independent discipline, and the collection and systematization of experimental data. For example, for psychology, this is the 60s - 70s of the XIX century: the development of the theory of measurements in psychology and mathematical models for the presentation and analysis of data ( factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, etc.) .

The second stage (since the 50s of the XX century) involves the construction of mathematical models of some mental phenomena and processes, using, as a rule, a ready-made mathematical apparatus: the apparatus of Markov random processes for modeling learning processes (Atkinson, Bauer, Bush, Mosteller, Audley, Spence, Estes); methods of automatic control theory for modeling human behavior in a situation of probabilistic choice (V.Yu.Krylov, D.Lyus, M.L.Tsetlin); game theory methods - for describing collective behavior (T.N. Savchenko), a geometric model for describing the motion vectors of a subject in a special integral psychological field (K. Levin), a model of human reflexive behavior (V.A. Lefevre), etc. However, at this stage, along with obtaining significant results in the description and modeling of mental processes and features human behavior, the limitations of the possibilities of using a “foreign” apparatus developed for other sciences, which have a much simpler subject of study than psychology or pedagogy, were also revealed.

V.Yu.Krylov believes that the third stage has now begun in psychology - the creation of its own specialized mathematical apparatus for the study and modeling of mental processes and functions. This is due to the beginning of the generalization and synthesis of theoretical concepts of psychological science, with the development of a systemic and synergistic approaches in psychology and the creation of the foundations of theoretical psychology: “the description of certain psychological phenomena using mathematical methods is not only a means of processing observational and experimental data, but also a powerful means of generalizing them, and, consequently, building a psychological theory” .

The formation of pedagogy as a science has a longer and complex history, but gradually comes to the recognition of the same patterns of development. Ideally, pedagogy requires the creation of a single, strict, consistent methodology built on an axiomatic principle. The role of mathematization of psychological and pedagogical knowledge lies in the development of the logical structure of psychological and pedagogical theories "from descriptive to hypothetical-deductive and further to axiomatized content" . However, this is hindered by significant methodological problems associated with the ambiguity of the conceptual apparatus of pedagogy. As a result, the scope of mathematics in pedagogy is limited mainly to the analysis of the simplest situations - various types of statistical data processing, simple models of learning, management, etc. Complex pedagogical phenomena, processes associated with the appearance of properties in the whole that none of the parts possess, are difficult to mathematical analysis. Therefore, the question of the degree of mathematization and of an adequate mathematical apparatus must be addressed separately, in relation to each psychological and pedagogical problem, based on internal needs and the logic of its development.

Of particular importance in this context is the method mathematical modeling in pedagogy and psychology. Under the theoretical model of a phenomenon is understood, as is well known, its approximate description, given in any formal language, reflecting the studied aspects of the phenomenon to such an extent that the study of the model can provide new knowledge about it. That is, a model is a copy of a real object of study, reproducing its most significant characteristics and properties, principles of organization and functioning, which are decisive in relation to the results. The main requirements for the model are the adequacy of the original object (representation of the main properties), information proximity, the possibility of further transformation (development, refinement), and reproducibility. Violation of these requirements renders the model inoperable. At the same time, the absence of “irrelevant” elements in the model is no less important than the presence of “essential” elements in it (N.D. Nyurberg). Models perform the following epistemological functions: illustrative, translational, explanatory, predictive. When modeling, one should take into account the opinion of L. Zade, who put forward the principle of incompatibility, stating that the high accuracy of the description is incompatible with the high complexity of the system, the accuracy of the description and complexity in the first approximation are inversely proportional. Mathematical models use the mathematical apparatus as the mentioned formal language, which makes it possible to overcome the limitations of the L. Zadeh principle: the mathematical language, being the most accurate, is able to describe the development and evolution of very complex objects and phenomena different nature. Systematicity, capacity, rigor of description and ease of processing are the most important features of mathematical models that determine the effectiveness of their use in modern humanitarian research. A meaningful description of pedagogical processes in the language of mathematics is the essence of mathematical modeling, which, reflecting the dialectic of relations between pedagogy and mathematics, has the following logic: the construction of a pedagogical construct - a mathematical model - a pedagogical interpretation of the results obtained. In addition, the mathematical description language is convenient for assessing the possibilities of further implementation of the problems posed in the form of a specific computational model.

When substantiating the PTSS model as a targeted system from the standpoint of synergistic and multilateral approaches, we relied on the following main properties:

1) The system is in close interaction with the environment, with which it forms a special kind of unity (manifestation of the principle of integral complementarity of the multilateral approach);

2) The system can be considered as a hierarchical organized structure of subsystems, manifesting itself in the external environment as a whole (the principle of structural integrity);

3) The system is complex in the sense that it can carry out purposeful actions (the principle of multivariate determination and development);

4) The system is capable of changing its properties and fixing these changes, moreover, the behavior of the system is considered expedient, assuming as a goal to obtain optimal result or state (principles of optimal resultant and creation of a new quality);

5) To define the concept of a system, the minimum necessary and sufficient list of concepts is reduced to three: components of the system, its connections and relationships, and types of composition of elements by relationships; other characteristics are derived from these three (V.S. Tyukhtin) (principles of systemic multidimensionality, structural integrity and multivariate determination and development).

The tripartiteness expresses the integrity of dynamic rather than static systems (R.F. Abdeev, M.A. Marutaev). This allows us to substantiate the dynamic model of PTSD of a university student, which is located in the three-dimensional personal space of professional and creative self-development that we have defined. B.S. Gershunsky, updating the construction of a predictive model of a future specialist, proposes to include in it not only traditional blocks of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also a block of creative qualities, providing 137

developing the creative potential of professional self-improvement of the individual. A.A. Derkach, V.G. Zazykin require that in the acmeological model, firstly, there should be information about the conditions of activity and development, operating factors, the nature of their influence on the subject of activity, regulation of activity; secondly, about the personal characteristics of the subject of activity to be developed to the level of professionalism: “The professionalism of the individual depends on the level of development of professionally important qualities (PVK) of the subject of labor, that is, such personality traits that affect the performance of the activity ... These are often integral the mental properties of a person - attention, memory, imagination ... In acmeological studies, the role of personality strength and volitional qualities, which are a necessary condition for achieving large-scale goals and an internal regulator of self-development and self-improvement, was especially emphasized.

O.B. Khovov sees emotional, psychomotor and cognitive skills and qualities as the basis of professional competence, highlighting initiative, logical thinking, self-education skills, etc. among the latter. These opinions reflect our point of view on creativity and intelligence as mutually enriching ways of professional and creative self-development based on the principle of integral complementarity of a multilateral approach. Therefore, to build a visual model of the student's PTSL process, we define the key stages of all three basic processes in the PTSL space (self-development, intellect and creativity), the spatial intersections of which will give an idea of ​​their integral interaction.

The model will be located in the first coordinate octant of the PTSL space, where all directions are positive, which is of particular importance. Intelligence, by definition, cannot take negative values ​​(if you focus on a quantitative indicator - IQ); Creativity and self-development have antitheses that can serve as negative directions (anti-creativity and degradation, respectively), but they reflect the personality’s ability to destroy or “reverse” movement, which contradicts our approach to PTSD. (Here, by “reversing” we mean irreversible qualitative regression changes in the personality, and not organizational steps backward, consisting in correcting and correcting shortcomings and our own mistakes, the possibility and necessity of which we recognize and even affirm, as this contributes to a better understanding situation and further self-development of the individual). A point in the PTSL space reflects the state of the professional and creative self-development of the individual at the moment, determined by the degree of manifestation of the qualities-coordinates.

Given the functional dependence of the process of professional and creative self-development on the basic "variables" PTSS = C (T, I), it is advisable for creativity and intelligence, by analogy and in accordance with the coordinate of self-development, to single out four relatively independent blocks-stages, each of which reveals a certain facet concepts of "creativity" and "intelligence" and gives an idea of ​​the dynamics of the corresponding professional growth. These stages are procedural characteristics that determine the development of the relevant qualities and abilities, the possession of which together describes, in the first approximation, the creative and/or intellectual personality of a specialist. Thus, a person at a certain stage of professional and creative self-development is a complexly organized system of mental processes that implement various specific forms of creativity and intelligence. In the model under consideration, the principle of functionality is the leading one, which means that “the system of activity is built from the existing mental elements by their dynamic mobilization in accordance with the goal-result vector” .

We do not pretend to complete the description of all relevant qualities and abilities, this is not our task. Recall that V.I. Andreev, for example, singled out about 60 qualities of a creative personality, and the classification scheme of the “intelligence structure” by D. Guilford designates 120 factors of intelligence. It should be noted that in both cases, the classifications included certain aspects of the concepts of "creativity", "intelligence" and even "self-development", which gave rise to such synthetic groups of qualities as, for example, intellectual-heuristic abilities, motivational-creative activity and orientation of the individual, the ability of the individual to self-government in educational and creative activities, etc. (V.I. Andreev), as well as cognitive functions of figurative content, symbolic divergent thinking aimed at transforming reality, etc. (D. Gilford). Having singled out three directions of the creative self-development of the individual, we characterize the basic mental processes of each of the directions (which is necessary and sufficient when building a model), the spatial intersections of which give an idea of ​​their integral interaction, and the consistent implementation of these processes allows us to track the quantitative and qualitative increments of the personality in the implementation of the integral the process of professional and creative self-development.

For the axes of creativity and intelligence in the PTSL space, we implement the principle of integral complementarity of the corresponding processes at the stages of the same name, synchronizing them with the stages along the “self-development” axis.

The first stages of intelligence and creativity are mutually complementary personal and professional processes: rational-mathematical thinking (including spatial) and creative imagination, respectively. Just as self-knowledge is the foundation of self-development, so these mental processes are the basis for the formation of an intellectual and creative personality of a specialist.

Spatial model of the process of professional and creative self-development of a university teacher

In accordance with the main idea of ​​the bilateral approach, this chapter (and the structure of paragraphs) is dual to the previous one. At the same time, the processing of information consists in the transformation of some models into others, since psychological and pedagogical modeling, unlike mathematical modeling, is focused on taking into account the context in which the simulated process proceeds and unfolds (B.F. Lomov). Thus, the main provisions and principles of constructing a mathematical model of the process of professional and creative self-development are also valid in the application to the process of PTSL of university teachers, but taking into account the specifics of the professional activity of a teacher of higher education. According to E.I. Rogov, "the space of professionalization of the teacher's personality" depends on the characteristics of the structure of the personality, the characteristics of the object of activity and the functional structure of professional activity.

When constructing a mathematical model of PTSL for a higher school teacher, we proceed from the following methodological assumptions:

The PTSL model of a university teacher is probabilistic and variable: with respect to an individual teacher, it expresses an objective trend that allows for various options in accordance with the individual creative, psychophysiological and age characteristics of the personality, the established socio-pedagogical experience of the teacher;

As a set of information about the object being modeled, it makes it possible to foresee specific ways, means, operations, criteria for professional development (self-development) of the teacher, as well as to improve the program of personal and professional growth;

The teacher is the subject, the creator of his own development; the solution of even similar personal and professional tasks in accordance with the principle of systemic multidimensionality can occur in various ways and ways;

The teacher's PTSL process is a complex system and

inherently potentially pluralistic; the principle of multivariate determination and development provides for the possibility of many ways and own tendencies of self-development (individual bifurcation trajectories);

The development of the direction of PTSL occurs not by sequential enumeration of options, but by choosing the leading direction (the principle of the optimal resultant), which determines the totality of the necessary qualities and abilities and the corresponding strategy of self-development;

The PTSL process is not limited to any one period: plasticity, the ability to change and self-development persists, although to varying degrees, throughout the entire professional activity of a university teacher.

Within the framework of our study, the modeling of the process of professional and creative self-development of the personality of a university teacher as a subject of the educational process is built taking into account the features of practice-oriented pedagogical and research activities that take place and unfold in a specific educational space. At the same time, the main properties of building a PTSL model as a purposeful system from the standpoint of synergistic and multilateral approaches (see Section 2.1) are preserved, from which the three-dimensionality of the dynamic model of PTSL followed in the personal space of professional and creative self-development that we defined. But strictly speaking, the dimension of the teacher's PTSL model must increase, because in addition to the previously designated axes C (self-development - as a central process), I and T (intelligence and creativity - as ways of self-development) of the student's professionally universal model of the student's PTSL, the university teacher's PTSL model must reflect the features professional and pedagogical activity of a teacher in the conditions of a modern university environment (the principle of systemic multidimensionality of a multilateral approach). The intensification of the PTSL process of a teacher is associated with his development as a subject of professional and pedagogical activity and the activity itself: “The professional and pedagogical orientation sets, as it were, a“ vector ”of the teacher’s personality, in a concentrated form it accumulates his motivation for professional activity” .

The multilateral approach requires the identification of dual factors that differentiate professional orientation. The peculiarity of the activity of a higher school teacher is that it is complexly organized and consists of several interconnected types that differ in form, methods of implementation, temporal and spatial characteristics, functional orientation, etc. Realizing various goals, a university teacher carries out the following activities: professional and pedagogical (in the basic specialty), research, administrative, economic, managerial, commercial and public. Among the listed activities, two types of creative activity can be distinguished - a research worker and a teacher. In the theories of professional development of foreign authors, the corresponding dual factors look like “interest in practical work- interest in theoretical work”, which in the context of our study can be polarized according to the principle “pedagogical activity - scientific activity”.

Teachers are “people of two specialties” (LE Kertman): indeed, scientific and pedagogical activities have quite fundamental differences. To begin with, even their goals are different: the scientific one has the acquisition of objectively new knowledge; pedagogical - the development of reliably known knowledge, familiarizing new people with already known truths. The objects of activity are different: the first has objective laws that exist in nature and society, and the second has people. When these types of activities interact, there is a “conflict” between the depth and breadth of the area of ​​knowledge and interests: in science, this area is relatively local, because it is necessary to deeply consider everything related to the issue under study; in education - is very wide, because everything that can serve the improvement of man and society should be studied. Accordingly, the circle of communication differs: among fellow scientists, it is relatively small, and the qualifications are relatively high and homogeneous, which makes it possible to communicate using a “caste” language that clearly defines all the concepts used; in pedagogical activity, the circle of people studying the subject is wide, their knowledge is heterogeneous. Students need to be engaged and interested. The language of communication should be understandable, clear, figurative and even popular. Ideological and semantic repetitions in scientific publications, reports and reports are not allowed, in educational activities they are vital, because. without them, assimilation is unthinkable. Finally, the evaluation criteria are also different: in scientific activity they are relatively clear and few in number due to the limitation of research subjects; and in the pedagogical one they are blurred, numerous and still contradictory and not clearly defined (R.F. Zhukov), since the work is big amount people with different initial data (level of knowledge, characters, motivations, etc.).

Each of these components can be considered as an independent direction of the PTSL space (an independent axis of the PTSL model), thus, together with the existing three axes (self-development, creativity and intelligence), we get a five-dimensional PTSL space of a university teacher, in which the state of professional and creative self-development of the individual ( PTSL) of a teacher is expressed as a function of the process of self-development (S) from four “variables” (methods and directions for implementing this process) - creativity (T), intelligence (I), pedagogical (P) and scientific (S) directions: PTSL \u003d C ( T, I, P, N). Let us once again emphasize the non-orthogonality of this coordinate system: the direction axes cannot be absolutely independent of the axes of the process implementation methods. For example, research activity is unthinkable without the intellectual abilities of the individual, and so on. The allocation of additional axes is justified only by taking into account the specifics of the profession, the peculiarities of using the indicated methods of self-development in the context of the PTSL process.

Reading time 9 minutes

In the process of satisfying animal needs and chasing illusory aspirations, many of us often forget about spiritual development, not realizing how important this stage is during the formation of a person as a person. Do not forget that creative self-development is the realization, with the help of various creative tools of our mind, experience, and skills.

What is creative self-development?

Before moving on to the main stages of development of this direction, as well as all kinds of methods that will help stimulate progress, you must first understand - what is creative self-development? How to distinguish it from other components of the human personality?

Initially, creativity is a symbiosis of material and spiritual, the result of which is something new, never seen before, unique - not in direction, but in essence. Creative self-development is the ability of a person, at various levels, to engage in self-expression, embodying their aspirations, dreams and desires in art. Being engaged in creativity, a person acquires such skills as self-confidence, self-confidence, ambition, stability, as well as the ability to look at life from a completely different angle.

However, one should not consider such a phenomenon as monotonous - creative self-development is a necessary resource for achieving career heights, since it is no secret to anyone that people who think differently, are not afraid of new things, experiments - all this can be achieved if actively develop, as well as fill your inner world with new knowledge.

Creative people are very meticulous, which also speaks in their favor - it means that the work begun will be brought to its logical end, while the quality will be at a high level. But like every rule, there are always exceptions.

Stages of creative development

Based on the study of famous psychologists, as well as sociologists, it was possible to identify seven main stages of creative growth:

  1. Selective direction with enhanced motivation. At this stage, the personality independently, through study, or intuitively determines for the direction of creative activity - the area where it can reveal itself best, discarding its own uncertainty, fear of the new. Creative self-development at this level is absent as such: there is not yet the necessary number of skills, aspirations that would bring the desired result;
  2. Early creative self-determination. It is at this stage that the so-called “self-development program” begins to operate - a choice has already been made in favor of one or another type of self-expression, but at the same time certain internal problems remain - uncertainty, doubts - during this period it is very important to set priorities for yourself with a motivation program, returning to which at any time, you can revive the desire for action;
  3. Acquisition of professionalism. The name speaks for itself. A distinctive feature of this period is the complete and perfect mastery of professional methods, nuances, and means of achieving results in the chosen activity. Skills are honed to perfection - this moment is a catharsis in creative development, because few people want to go back, having done so much work on themselves, realizing in the end that everything was in vain;
  4. First results and achievements. Creative self-development begins to bear its first fruits - those colossal amounts of work done are already on the face, and at the same time, a desire arises already in the person himself to share it with the rest. It is during such “outbreaks” that one can trace the development of self-confidence, in one’s own abilities - there is no longer fear of defeat, criticism, and if it is still present, then it is very weak, which can be easily nipped in the bud;
  5. Creating your own style. It is not for nothing that it is an indisputable axiom that creativity, as a way of self-development, contributes to the disclosure of previously unknown facets of human nature, which are beginning to be realized. For example, certain character traits: quick-tempered people can bring those truly explosive notes in their owl creativity that will distinguish them from the rest. The invention of new techniques, characters - all this is just a small fraction of what each of us can create;
  6. The zenith of talent. Having surpassed all the expected results, a person begins to strive for new heights - at this stage, creative self-development becomes a necessity - the thought of stopping work on oneself, on one's self-expression becomes absurd. A person enters into a hunting passion - to do better, more perfect his work, mainly in such a way as to delight everyone, and first of all himself;
  7. Genius Absolute. The self-development program at this level is coming to a logical conclusion: the necessary skills and abilities have already been acquired. All desired results have been achieved. The main task of this phase is not to lose new skills, on the contrary, to keep them at the proper level, honing them to perfection and complete automatism; development and implementation of new, own projects - in a word, everything that will help you further develop your inner potential.

Looking at such a "career" ladder, one can clearly trace the growth curve of the internal, as well as the creative development of the individual. Going through all the stages, a person learns not to give in to problems and failures, on the contrary, this is just an additional incentive to conquer the peak, to achieve that absolute, which is complete perfection in all respects.

Code of laws of the creative personality

Creative self-development, like any other, has a number of immutable rules that help you reach the desired heights, as well as compliance with which will help you stay on track:

  1. The law of integral development. Defines creative self-development as a daily process - discover something new for yourself every day - study various books, visit exhibitions - make the main motto of the day: "Learn new things."
  2. The Law of Cooperation. In this case, the name is consonant with what is being promoted - do not go your way alone, find a person who will walk next to you in such a necessary way, but still thorny path. He will be your support, as well as support, in those moments when fatigue and uncertainty arise - it will be easier for you to overcome the “equator” if there is a reliable friend nearby.
  3. Healthy competition is essential. Any creative development will not be possible if a person does not have a competitor. But it is necessary to realize that competition should not go beyond normal human relations - respect the success of others, without trying to paint the joy of victory in dark colors. On the contrary, take it as an example to follow, in order to surpass this result later.
  4. Complete freedom of expression. Remember, you are learning techniques in order to create something new, never seen before! Do not try to copy the work of others: no matter how perfectly you recreate the Madonna in the Grotto, you will never be able to achieve the original idea, as well as high praise. Take her idea, but at the same time try to embody it in a different way - the result should bear the imprint of your personality.
  5. Rest Law. Any self-development program says that rest is a key part of any growth. Constant work, without logical breaks, will simply reduce you to chronic fatigue, perhaps even depression: there will no longer be that joy from the process itself, and there will also be no excitement to move forward. As a result - running on the spot, without any prospects.

Compliance with these fundamental dogmas will allow any person to follow his own path, avoiding all sorts of failures, as well as other factors. negative impact. Of course, everyone can modify them a little, adjust them for themselves by adding something new. The main thing is to leave their essence, the core on which they are based.

Types of creative people

Being able to categorize yourself is a great help in determining the direction that will help you maximize your inner potential. To determine to a particular group, you do not need to pass various tests, surveys - everything is based on your skills and talents. Thus, creative development, or rather its direction, will be chosen correctly.

The classification of traits includes four blocks, each of which has two or three sub-items:

Opportunities to develop theoretical and practical abilities

Determining how a person knows how to apply his knowledge - erecting new theories or using them in real life:

Practitioner- people of this type are able to wonderfully bring to life what is written on paper, while they absolutely cannot come up with something new, being at the table, having only a computer at their disposal. They need the action itself, the result that can be seen, heard or touched.

Theorist- the complete opposite of the first variety. All those scientific treatises, theories that are so easy to erect, at the moment of implementation in real life, are doomed to failure. A vivid example is armchair scientists who sometimes create brilliant things, but at the same time, having seen them not on paper, they may simply not recognize their creation;

On the development of logic and fantasy

Each of us has certain inclinations - someone likes to think about the essential, someone tends to fly into the world of dreams:

heurist- they will best cope with the task where it is necessary to go beyond what is permitted, expand the boundaries of consciousness - for such people, creative development is just a way of self-expression, a necessary tool that will make life easier;

Logician- such people devote more time to thinking about the way of expression: they need to think through every detail to the smallest detail, think over its interaction with others, as well as how it will be perceived;

Teamwork Ability

The ability of a person to work and create in society, his interaction with them at work:

Initiator- often it is they who present a new, completely “fresh” idea - its concept, main aspects, even partially small details, but at the same time, they absolutely do not know how to bring it to life, even frankly, they will not be able to bring it to life ;

Organizer- can establish all the necessary executive and creative process, which will be monitored throughout the entire time - from beginning to end, but also, like the initiator, will not be able to participate in "direct" creation for a number of reasons;

Executor- an ordinary hardworking unit, the leading function of which is reduced to the fulfillment of assigned tasks. But this does not mean that, falling into this category, you doom yourself to weaving in the tail. Not at all, this experience will help you achieve those goals that people who fall under the characteristics of the initiator and organizer cannot achieve;

Destination Interests

The direct method through which creative development will be carried out is the one through which self-expression can be carried out:

Artist also spatial visual perception. Simply put, seeing a certain picture in his head, a person seeks to fix it with the help of material - stone, canvas with paints, clay - this is the most common type of people, since it does not require a special mindset, and you can learn the most important tools yourself;

Journalist- creating creations with the help of linguistic tools - writing books, articles - all desires, aspirations gain strength on paper, hidden complexes disappear, because at this moment the human imagination plays a key role, it is not constrained by the boundaries of norms or duties;

Musician- the transfer of one's thoughts with the help of the power of music - the creation of a melody, which is a reflection of the internal state of a person, his worldview. In this case, creativity as a way of self-development helps a person get rid of the oppressive burden of hidden emotions, and possibly convey them to certain listeners;

Engineer- creating new projects that, at first glance, are completely unrelated to creativity. However, this opinion is fundamentally erroneous - the invention of new designs, mechanisms - this is also the embodiment of beauty, just by other methods. Engineers, just like the previous types, are creative people who create something that remains in the history of the world for centuries, admiring the views of people.

Based on this classification method, you can easily analyze not only yourself, but also other people in your environment. Perhaps it is you who will help others understand themselves by suggesting possible variant directions internal development. Possible because, as in any rules, there are always exceptions.

parting word

After reading this article, few of you will immediately begin to actively seek your creative potential, and also seek to unleash it. By no means, many people, having read it, will forget about it altogether, but there are also those who nevertheless decide to change their lives in a better direction. If the thought of the need to start following the path of self-development has settled in your head, then this work has not been in vain. After all, those who read this article and realized that it is necessary to change, are already at the initial stage of personal growth. They are at the stage of creative self-development.

Firstly, don't be afraid to experiment. For example, do not stop at one direction. Combine music and poetry, engineering with visual arts, because sometimes such symbioses lead to truly amazing, even unforgettable results.

Secondly - don't be afraid to make a mistake. After all, you are not a soulless machine that runs smoothly, with results that are close to perfection. Not at all. So, let your failures be a way to get better. They will help you avoid mistakes in the future, they will become an additional way of motivation for you, which will make it easier for you to travel along the road of creative self-development.

The role of creativity in realizing the potential of the individual. Creativity, in fact, is a kind of activity that actualizes the potential properties and resources of the individual. It is in creativity that the essential features of the personality acquire the most complete expression. Creativity becomes the meaning-forming base on the foundation of which the entire life strategy of the individual is built.

Creativity implies a new vision of the subject, a new solution to emerging problems, a willingness to abandon the usual patterns and stereotypes of behavior, perception and thinking, i.e. willingness to change.

The solution to the problem of becoming a creative personality largely depends on the school, on how much the organization of the educational process contributes to the realization of the creative potential of students. Creativity "launches" the mechanism of self-development of a creative person.

Creativity is a complex, integral concept that includes natural-genetic, social-personal and logical components, which together represent the knowledge, skills, abilities and aspirations of the individual to transform (improve) the world around them in various fields of activity within the framework of universal human norms of morality and ethics.

The “creative potential” that manifested itself in a particular field of activity is the “creative abilities” of a person in a particular type of activity, as well as a complex personality-activity formation, including motivational-targeted, meaningful, operational-activity, reflective-evaluative components that reflect the totality of personal qualities and abilities, psychological states, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to achieve a high level of its development.

The concept of creative abilities, their components. Creative abilities are understood as an integrative quality of a person, including motivational, activity and creative components, which provide a predisposition and readiness for activities to create an original product and contribute to the self-realization of the individual. formation of creative abilities.

The motivational component determines the attitude to creative activity, promotes the development of cognitive motives and interests of the individual, actualizes individual needs, inclinations for creative activity, creates a high personal interest in creating something new. This is, in fact, the creative orientation of the personality of students.

The activity component captures the involvement of the individual in different kinds creative activity: solving problem-creative problems and performing creative tasks, designing, modeling and other types associated with creative thinking.

The creative component provides a creative attitude and involvement in a creative search for the implementation of a plan and idea, determines the style of the student's activity and creative independence, and contributes to the manifestation of creative imagination.

The formation of the creative abilities of the individual is considered:

As an integral part of the overall education process;

Regular, purposeful change in the internal structure of creative abilities and external forms of their manifestation, as a result of which new qualitative states arise, the basis of which is the dialectical unity of the possible and the actual;

A self-regulating process, that is, an internally necessary movement, self-movement of students from the current level of creative abilities to a higher one in accordance with the individual characteristics and capabilities of each.

Techniques, methods, means of developing the creative abilities of the individual. Methods are the techniques and means by which the development of creative abilities is carried out.

One of the basic principles of teaching is the principle from simple to complex. This principle is the gradual development of creative abilities.

In the process of organizing training for the development of creative abilities, great importance is attached to general didactic principles: scientific nature, systematicity, consistency, accessibility, visibility, activity, strength, individual approach.

All classes for the development of creative abilities are held in the game. This requires games of a new type: creative, educational games, which, with all their diversity, are united under a common name not by chance, they all come from a common idea and have characteristic creative abilities.

1. Each game is a set of tasks.

2. Tasks are given to the child in different forms, and thus introduces him to different ways of transmitting information.

3. The tasks are arranged roughly in order of increasing complexity.

4. Tasks have a very wide range of difficulty. Therefore, games can arouse interest for many years.

5. Gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks - contributes to the development of creative abilities.

6. For the effectiveness of the development of creative abilities in children, the following conditions must be observed:

The development of abilities must begin at an early age;

Tasks-steps create conditions that are ahead of the development of abilities;

Creative games should be varied in content, because create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

Along with the principles, methods are also used: Methods - practical, visual, verbal.

Practical methods include exercises, games, modeling.

Exercises - repeated repetition by the child of practical and mental given actions. Exercises are divided into constructive, imitative-performing, creative.

The game method involves the use of various components of game activity in combination with other techniques.

Modeling is the process of creating models and using them.

Visual methods include observation - looking at drawings, paintings, watching movies, listening to records. Verbal methods are: storytelling, conversation, reading, retelling. In working with children, all these methods should be combined with each other.


See clause 1.7 №№ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,15,19,22,29,32,36.38,39.