Psychology      01/20/2020

Game psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of development. Features of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of preschool children. Questions for self-control



Early childhood is a period of significant change in the life of a young child. First of all, the child begins to walk. Having received the opportunity to move independently, he masters the far space, independently comes into contact with a mass of objects, many of which previously remained inaccessible to him.

As a result of this release of the child, his dependence on the adult decreases and cognitive activity. In the second year of life, the child develops objective actions; in the third year of life, objective activity becomes the leading one. By the age of three, the leading hand is determined in him and the coordination of the actions of both hands begins to form.

With the emergence of objective activity, based on the assimilation of precisely those modes of action with an object that ensure its intended use, the child's attitude to surrounding objects and the type of orientation change. Instead of asking "What is this?" - when getting acquainted with a new object, the child already has a question: “What can be done with this?” (R. Ya. Lekhtman-Abramovich, D. B. Elkonin). cognitive interest the child is extremely expanding, so he seeks to get to know big amount objects and toys and learn how to use them.

In close connection with the development of object actions, the child’s perception develops, since in the process of actions with objects the child gets acquainted not only with the ways of using them, but also with their properties - shape, size, color, mass, material, etc.

Children develop simple forms of visual-active thinking, the most primary generalizations, directly related to the selection of certain external and internal features of objects.

At the beginning of early childhood, the perception of the child is still very poorly developed, although in everyday life he is already well oriented. This is due more to the recognition of objects than to true perception. The very same recognition is associated with

highlighting random, conspicuous signs of landmarks.

The transition to a more complete and comprehensive perception occurs in the child in connection with the mastery of objective activity, especially instrumental and correlative actions, performing which he is forced to focus on different properties of objects (size, shape, color) and bring them into line according to a given attribute. First, the correlation of objects and properties occurs in practical activity, then correlations of a perceptual nature develop, and then perceptual actions are formed.

The formation of perceptual actions in relation to different content and different conditions in which this content is embodied does not occur simultaneously. In relation to more difficult tasks, a young child may remain at the level of chaotic actions, without any regard for the properties of the objects with which he acts, at the level of actions with the use of force, which do not lead him to a positive result. But in relation to tasks that are more accessible in content and closer to the experience of the child, he can move on to practical orientation - to the method of trials, which in some cases can provide a positive result of his activity. In a number of tasks, he moves on to a proper perceptual orientation.

A child at this age rarely uses visual correlation, but uses extended fitting, but it provides a better account of the properties and relations of objects, provides more opportunities for a positive solution to the problem. Mastering trying on and visual correlation allows young children not only to differentiate the properties of objects at the signal level, i.e., to search, detect, distinguish and identify objects, but also to display the properties of objects, their true perception based on the image. This finds its expression in the ability to make choices according to a model. The close connection between the development of perception and activity is manifested in the fact that the child begins to make a choice according to the model in relation to the form and size, that is, in relation to the properties that must be taken into account in practical action, and only then - in relation to color (L A. Wenger, V. S. Mukhina).

The development of speech during this period is especially intensive. Mastering speech is one of the main achievements of a child of the second or third year of life. If by the end

In the first year of life, the child has only 10–20 babbling words in the dictionary, then by the age of three years and his active dictionary, there are already more than 400 words. During early childhood, speech becomes more important for everything. mental development baby as she becomes the most important means transferring social experience to him. Naturally, adults, guiding the perception of the child, actively use the naming of the properties of objects.

The emergence of speech is closely related to the activity of communication. Speech appears for the purposes of communication and develops in its context. The need for communication is formed with the active influence of an adult on a child. A change in the forms of communication also occurs with the initiative influence of an adult on a child.

Thus, in early childhood, one can note the rapid development of the following mental spheres: communication, speech, cognitive (perception, thinking), motor and emotional-volitional.



At children of early age with psychophysical disorders mastering walking is delayed for a long time, sometimes until the end of early age. In addition, their movements tend to differ from those of normally developing children. They have instability, clumsiness of gait, slowness or impulsiveness of movements.

At for these children, objective activity is not formed in a timely manner. Some of them show no interest in objects, including toys. In some cases, they do not pick up toys at all, do not manipulate them. Not only do they not have an orientation like “What can I do with this?”, but also a simpler orientation like “What is this?”. In other cases, children of the third year of life appear to manipulate objects, sometimes reminiscent of their specific use, but in reality, the child, performing these actions, does not at all take into account the properties and purpose of objects. In addition, these manipulations are interspersed with inadequate actions (knocking the table with a spoon, throwing a typewriter, a doll, etc.).

The activity of a problem child of an early age differs from that of a normally developing child. Her characteristic features are: lack of focus with a predominance of inadequate actions, indifference to the final

result, the presence of a verbal (verbal) designation of the goal in case of inability to achieve it.

Other types of children's activities are also not formed - playing, drawing, self-service skills, which, with normal development, appear by the end of the third year of life. Many problem children have a startled delay in the development of skills of neatness, independence.

The lag in the development of speech begins in such children "of infancy and continues to accumulate in early childhood. Such prerequisites for speech deprivation as interest in the environment, emotional-will-C.1I sphere, in particular, have not been formed. emotional communication with adults, not formed phonemic awareness, the articulatory apparatus is not developed.

Many children with psychophysical disabilities begin to speak only after the age of three. Speech is so poorly developed that it cannot carry out the function of communication. 1Unfortunately, the underdevelopment of the communicative function of speech is not compensated by other means of communication, in particular mimico-gestural ones; an amimic (devoid of facial expressions) face, poor understanding of the gesture, the use of only primitive standard gestures distinguish mentally retarded children from speechless children with other disabilities.


The proposed ten tasks are designed for examination of children 2-3 years of age (see Table 1).

Table 1

Tasks for the examination of early childhood



Children's age

catch the ball

Hide the balls: in

two boxes in three




Disassemble and fold the matryoshka:



Disassemble and fold the pyramids: from

three rings of four rings

Find paired pictures:

Play with colored cubes: with two

(red, yellow or white) with four

(red, yellow or white, green, blue)

Fold cut pictures: from

two parts three parts

Stick Build: Hammer

(from two sticks) house (from three

Get the cart:

sliding ribbon

sliding and one false ribbon

Note. For the examination, it is necessary to have two children's tables and chairs, as well as: 1) a groove with a ball; 2) three rectangular boxes of the same color, different in size, with corresponding lids; three different-sized balls of the same color; 3) two nesting dolls (three-piece); 4) two pyramids - from three and four rings of the same color; 5) two pairs of subject pictures; 6) eight colored cubes - two each red, blue, yellow (white), green; 7) split pictures: the first pair - one of the subject pictures is cut into two parts, the second pair - one of the pictures is cut into three parts 8) ten flat

some sticks of the same color; 9) a trolley with a ring through which a ribbon is threaded; 10) pencil, paper. (Item numbers correspond to task numbers.)

When analyzing the results of the survey, the main attention should be paid to assessing the child's ability to accept help, that is, his ability to learn.

Many young children with intellectual disabilities do not speak well enough, so the proposed tasks have a non-verbal form of execution.

Tasks are offered taking into account the gradual increase in the level of difficulty - from the easiest to the most difficult.

Separate tasks are duplicated, i.e., several tasks of similar difficulty are given. This is done in order to exclude some introduced factors, for example, the need for a certain muscular effort, which for some children could become irresistible.

an obstacle (parsing and folding nesting dolls).

The task involves a simple movement of objects in space, where spatial dependencies are revealed, the correlation of objects in shape, size, color.

A special stage in diagnostics is tasks to determine the level of development of visual correlation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that sensory disorders always affect the mental development of the child, therefore, when

need to conduct a hearing and vision examination.

1. CATCH THE BALL. The task is aimed at establishing contact and cooperation between the child and an adult, and revealing the child's understanding of verbal instructions, the ability to follow a moving object, and determining the level of development of manual motor skills.

Equipment: groove, ball.

Conducting a survey: the psychologist puts the ball on the groove and asks the child: “Catch the ball!” Then he turns the groove and asks to roll the ball along the groove: “Kati!” The adult catches the ball. This is repeated four times.

Training: if the child does not catch the ball, the adult shows him two or three times how to do it, i.e., the training goes on showing.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; understanding of speech instructions; desire to cooperate (play) with an adult; attitude towards the game; result; relation to the result.

2. HIDE THE BALLS. The task is aimed at identifying practical orientation to the value, as well as the presence of correlative actions.

Equipment: two (three) square-shaped boxes of the same color, different in size, with corresponding lids; two (three) balls, different in size, but the same in color.

Conducting a survey: two (three) boxes, different in size, and covers for them, located at some distance from the boxes, are placed in front of the child. The psychologist puts a big ball in a big box, and a small ball in a small box and asks the child to cover the boxes with lids, hide the balls. At the same time, the child is not explained which cover to take. The task is for the child to guess which lid to close the corresponding box.

Education: if the child picks up the lids incorrectly, the adult shows and explains: “The big lid

we cover a large box, and with a small lid - a small box.

After learning, the child is asked to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; understanding of speech instructions; execution methods - orientation to the value; learnability; the presence of correlative actions; attitude towards their activities; result.

3. DISASSEMBLE AND FOLD MATRYOSHKA. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation to

the size of objects, the presence of correlative actions, understanding the pointing gesture, the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

Equipment: two two-piece (three-piece) nesting dolls. Conducting a survey: The psychologist gives the child a two-part matryoshka and asks him to open it. If the child does not begin to act, then the adult opens the nesting doll and offers to collect it. If the child cannot cope on his own,

training is being carried out.

Training: the psychologist takes another two-piece nesting doll, opens it, drawing the child's attention to the insert nesting doll, asks him to do the same with his nesting doll (open it). Next, the adult, using a pointing gesture, asks the child to hide the small nesting doll in a large one. After training, the child is asked to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; execution methods; learnability; relation to the result; understanding of the pointing gesture; the presence of correlative actions; result.

4. DISASSEMBLE AND FOLD THE PYRAMIDS. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation to the value, the presence of correlative actions, the leading hand, the consistency of the actions of both hands, the purposefulness of actions.

Equipment: a pyramid of three (four) rings. Conducting a survey: the psychologist offers the child

Disassemble the pyramid. If the child does not begin to act, then the adult disassembles the pyramid himself, asks to repeat.

Education: if the child does not begin to act, then the adult himself gives him one ring at a time, each time indicating with a gesture that they need to be put on the rod. Then he invites the child to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; accounting for the size of the rings, learning ability, attitude to activity, result.

5. FIND A PAIR OF PICTURES. The task is directed to

Visual material: set No. 1, fig. 9-12.

identification of the level of development visual perception subject

pictures, understanding of gesture instructions.

Conducting a survey: an adult shows a child two

Equipment: two (four) pairs of subject paintings

(three) parts of a split picture and asks: "Fold the picture."

(fungus, house, umbrella, butterfly).

Education: in cases where the child cannot correctly

Visual material: set No. 1, fig. 1-8.

connect the parts of the picture, the adult shows the whole and asks

make the same parts. If after that the child does not

Conducting a survey: put two in front of the child

copes with the task, the teacher himself imposes part of the cutting

subject pictures, an identical pair is in the hands

pictures on the whole and invites the child to add another. Then

adult. He correlates them with a pointing gesture,

The child must complete the task on their own.

showing at the same time that he and the child have the same pictures.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; comparison

Then the adult closes his pictures, takes out one of them and,

showing it to the child asks to show the same.


if the child does not complete the task, then emed


show how to correlate paired pictures: “I have such a

8. BUILD FROM STICKS (hammer or house). Exercise

you have the same”, using a pointing gesture.

aimed at developing in the child the ability to act on

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; implementation

imitation, display.

choice; understanding of gesture instructions; learnability; result;

Equipment: four (six) flat sticks of the same color.

attitude towards their activities.


to identify the child's ability to highlight color as

sign, distinguish and name colors.

Equipment: colored cubes (four colors) - two red,

two yellow (white), two green, two blue.

Conducting a survey: put two (four) in front of the child

colored cubes and are asked to show the one in the hand

adult: "Take a cube like mine." The teacher then asks

show the cubes: "Show me where the red is, and now where the yellow is."

Conduct: in front of the child, they build a hammer or

house and ask:

"Build it like

Cube: “Tell me what color this cube is.”


if the child does not distinguish colors, then the teacher teaches

Education: if the child cannot construct

his. In cases where the child distinguishes colors, but does not highlight

hammer (house), the teacher asks: "Look and do as I do."

by the word, he is taught to distinguish by words) two colors, while repeating

Then he again invites the child to complete the task.

color name two or three times. After training, it is checked again

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; nature of action

independent completion of the task.

(by imitation, display); learnability; result; attitude to

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task; comparison


color child, recognizing it by the word, knowing the name

9. GET THE TROLLEY. The task is aimed at identifying

colors; speech accompaniment, result, attitude to one's own

level of development

visual-effective thinking, ability


use an auxiliary tool (ribbon).


Equipment: a trolley with a ring through which a

to identify the level of development of a holistic perception of the subject


ribbon; in another case, next to the sliding ribbon -

Equipment: two identical subject pictures, one of

which is cut into two (three) parts (ball, teapot).

Conducting a survey: in front of the child (on the other end

table) there is a trolley that he cannot reach

hand, but within his reach are the two ends of the ribbon,

spaced apart from each other

50 cm. The child is asked for access. t "mi<жку. Если он тянеЧ только за один конец тесом кн. то тележка остается ш месте. Задача заключается л том, чтобы ребенок догадал: ся соединить оба конца тесемки и тпким образом подтя| нул тележку.

Training is carried out at the level of practical tests of the child himself.

Evaluation of the child's actions: if the child pulls for about; end, it is noted high level execution. If the child pulls first at one end of the ribbon, then he must be given the opportunity to try again. An adult with a screen threads the ribbon through the ring and, removing the screen, invites the child to get the cart. If the child does not guess to use the ribbon, then this is evaluated as failure to complete the task, the ratio of I to the result, the result, is also fixed.

10. DRAW (path or house). The task is aimed at identifying the understanding of the speech instruction, the level of development of the prerequisites for the subject drawing, as well as determining the leading hand, the consistency of the actions of the hands, and the attitude to the result.

Equipment: pencil, paper.

Conducting a survey: the child is given a sheet of paper

pencil and asked to draw a path (house). Training is not provided.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task and attitude towards it; performance evaluation; understanding of speech instructions; result.

Analysis of drawings: scribbles, intentional scribbling, prerequisites for a subject drawing, compliance of the drawing with instructions.

The results of the survey are evaluated in

>> and l l ah.

1 point - the child does not begin to cooperate even on me? training and behaves inappropriately (throws a ball, hits his mouth, etc.).

2 b al la - the child has learned and begins to cooperate, tries to roll and catch the ball, but this is not always given.

3 b al la - the child independently starts co-

mining, but it is not always possible to catch the ball due to motor difficulties; after training, the result is positive

4 points - the child immediately begins to cooperate with p.foslm, successfully catches and rolls the ball.


1 point - the child does not understand the task; does not strive for the goal; I did not understand the task after learning.

2 points - the child does not understand the task; after learning, he strives to achieve the goal, but he does not have correlative actions; indifferent to the final result; does not complete the task on its own.

3 points - the child immediately accepts the task, but difficulties arose when performing correlative actions (cannot correlate the corners of the lid with the box); interested in the result of their activities; performs the task after training.

4 points - the child immediately understands the task; execute it; applies correlative actions; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child did not learn how to fold the matryoshka; after training, he acts inadequately on his own (he hits his mouth, throws, knocks, holds the matryoshka in his hand, etc.).

2 points - the child performs the task, only imitating the actions of an adult.

3 points - the child accepts and understands the task, but performs it after the help of an adult (uses an ominous gesture or verbal instruction); understands that the final result is achieved; after training, he folds the nesting doll on his own.

4 b a l l a - the child immediately accepts and understands the task; performs it independently; the presence of correlative actions is noted; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child acts inadequately (even after training, he tries to put the rings on the rod, closed with a cap, scatters the rings, clamps them in his hand, etc.).

2 ba lla - the child accepts the task; when assembling, it does not take into account the dimensions of the rings; after training, strings all the rings, but their size still does not take into account; dominant hand not defined; there is no coordination of actions of both hands; indifferent to the end result of his actions.

3 points - the child immediately accepts the task, understands it, but strings the rings on the rod without taking into account their size; after training, the task performs without error; the leading hand is determined, but the coordination of the actions of the hands is not expressed; adequately evaluates the result.

4 points - the child immediately independently disassembles and assembles the pyramid, taking into account the size of the rings; the leading hand is determined; there is a clear coordination of the actions of both hands; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child after training continues to act inadequately (turns pictures, does not fix his gaze on the picture, tries to take a picture from an adult, etc.).

2 points - the child understands the task, but cannot immediately complete it; in the process of learning compares paired pictures; indifferent to the assessment of their activities; does not complete the task on its own.

3 points - the child immediately understands the conditions of the task; makes one mistake; acts confidently after training; understands that the end result is achieved.

4 points - the child immediately understands the task and confidently compares paired pictures; interested in the end result.


1 score - the child does not distinguish colors even after training.

2 points - the child compares two colors, but does not highlight the color by word even after learning; indifferent to the end result.

3 points - the child compares and highlights the color by the word; shows interest in the outcome.

4 points - the child compares colors; highlights them in y; names primary colors; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child acts inadequately after training (not

tries to relate the parts of the split picture to each other).

2 points - the child folds the split picture with the help of an adult; indifferent to the final result; can't put together a picture on its own.

3 points - the child immediately understands the task, but puts the picture together with the help of an adult; after training, he folds the picture on his own; understands that the end result is positive.

4 points - the child understands the task; independently folds a split picture; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child after training continues to act inappropriately (throws sticks, puts them next to them, waves them); indifferent to the result.

2 points - the child after training tries to build a figure, but the pattern is not achieved; irrelevant to the end result.

3 points - the child correctly understands the task, but builds the hammer only after imitating the actions of an adult; interested in the end result.

4 points - the child correctly performs the proposed task according to the model; interested in the end result.


1 score - the child does not understand the task; does not seek to achieve

2 points - the child tries to reach the target with his hand; fails after several unsuccessful attempts

3 points - the child tries to get the trolley by one end of the ribbon; after two or three attempts reaches the result; understands the end result of their actions.

4 points - the child immediately finds the correct solution and completes the task; interested in the end result.


1 point - the child does not use a pencil to draw on paper; behaves inappropriately to the task; does not follow verbal instructions.

2 ba lla - the child strives depict something (scribble);

To the final image is indifferent; Not

the leading hand is determined; there is no coordination between the action of both hands.

3 points - the child understands the instructions; tries to draw a path, depicting it with multiple broken lines without a specific direction; understands the end result of his actions; the leading hand is determined, but there is no coordination of actions of both hands.

4 points - the child performs the task according to: but the verbal instruction; interested in the final result (in most cases it is a straight continuous line); the leading hand is clearly defined, the coordination of the actions of both hands is observed.


Many years of experience in our work on examining young children using the presented methods shows that the differences between the examined children are mainly in the nature of cognitive activity and in its components. According to ethyl surveyed children can be divided into four groups.

Approximate data on the performance of tasks by children and their scores are shown in Table 2.

The first group (10-12 points) consists of children who do not follow instructions in their actions, do not understand the purpose of the task, and therefore do not strive to complete it. They are not ready to cooperate with an adult (they do not understand the purpose of the task, they act inadequately. Moreover, this group of children is not ready to act adequately even under conditions of imitation.

The indicators of the children of this group testify to the deep trouble in their intellectual development, the need for their comprehensive examination.

The second group (13-23 points) includes children who cannot complete the task on their own. They hardly come into contact with adults, act without taking into account the properties of objects. In the nature of their actions, there is a desire to achieve a certain desired result, therefore, chaotic actions are characteristic of them, and in the future

Refusal to complete the task.

In a learning setting, when an adult asks to perform an imitation task, many of them cope. However, after training, the children of this group cannot independently complete the task. This indicates that the principle of action remained unrecognized by them. At the same time, they are indifferent to the result of their activities.

An analysis of the results of the examination of children in this group suggests the need to use other methods of study (examinations of a psychoneurologist, etc.).

The third group (24-33 points) consists of children who are interested in cooperating with adults. They immediately accept the task, understand its condition and strive to complete it. However, in many cases, they cannot find an adequate way of doing it on their own and often turn to an adult for help. After showing the teacher how to complete the task, many of them can independently cope with the task, showing great interest in the result of their activities.

table 2

The results of a survey of children with different levels cognitive development



Group scoring

catch the ball

hide the balls

Take apart and fold

nesting doll

Take apart and fold




fold split


Build from

Get the cart

Total score

Children of the first group must be taught to understand an elementary instruction, to perform an action in accordance with a verbal instruction, consisting of one word denoting an action; to teach children to understand the purpose of the action; to form in them the actions of grasping with two hands, with one hand; develop attention, fixing the gaze, tracing the eye of a moving object.

In addition, with these children it is necessary to carry out physical exercises focused on the development of all basic movements, as well as general developmental exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, coordination of movements, development of balance.

When teaching children of this group, the main methods are joint actions of a child with an adult, imitation.

The second group of children must be given ways to assimilate social experience. The first condition in this case is the formation of cooperation between the child and the adult based, on the one hand, on the emotional contact of the adult with the child, and on the other hand, on the correct determination of the method of setting educational tasks for the child. It is important to teach children to imitate the actions of an adult, understand, use verbal instructions and pointing gestures, work according to the model and according to verbal instructions.

A special place in the correctional work with these children should be occupied by physical education. It is aimed at the timely development of motor skills, abilities and physical qualities, on the development of interest in various types of motor activity available to the child.

At the same time, attention should be paid to improving manual motor skills, developing the dominant hand, coordinating the actions of both hands, as well as developing small movements hands.

The central task of working with this group of children is the formation of orienting-cognitive activity, i.e., the development of practical orientation to the properties and qualities of objects, targeted trials, practical fitting, and then visual correlation. It is important to remember that the development of perception proceeds* from the ability to distinguish objects, their properties, attitudes towards their perception on the basis of an image, and then to fixing the image in a word, i.e., to the appearance of an image-representation.

In the future, corrective work on the development of orientation-cognitive activity should be aimed at forming the relationship between the main

components of mental activity: action, elephant and image.

One of the main areas of work with these children is the development of speech. It is carried out in the process of the neck of the child's life and on special classes, where specific tasks are solved: the development of communication, cognitive and regulatory functions.

In addition, the main correctional task in working with these children is the formation of play activities and the prerequisites for productive activities: drawing, designing.

Children need to arouse interest in didactic and plot toys, play actions with them, develop the ability to play next to their peers, and in the future - you have.

It must be remembered that all these children need to form correct behavior taking into account a certain situation, as well as such personality traits as mutual assistance and responsiveness. This is possible only when a positive microclimate is created in preschool and the child's family.

When teaching children of the third group, it is necessary to initially clarify the nature of the primary violation. But regardless of it, all children need to form an active interest in the properties and qualities of objects, develop perceptual actions (trials, trying on). And pay special attention to the formation of productive activities: sculpting, appliqué, drawing, designing.

An important direction corrective work is the formation in children of ideas about the surrounding reality, about a person, his activities and interactions between people. It is important to bring children to the understanding that human behavior and activities depend on natural conditions.

In all cases, corrective work is carried out with these children on the development of speech. Depending on the primary violation, a specific system is created for including the child's speech in the process of sensory cognition of the surrounding reality.

Thus, the proposed psychological and pedagogical examination makes it possible to identify deviations in cognitive development in young children. The recommendations described for each category of children will help psychologists and defectologists to outline ways of corrective work with each of the subjects, taking into account their individual structure of the disorder.



Preschool childhood is an important period in the mental and personal development of the child. IN domestic psychology and pedagogy, it is customary to single out younger, middle and older preschool age. Each age period is associated not only with further development, but also with a significant restructuring of the child's cognitive activity and personality, which is necessary for his successful transition to a new social status - the status of a schoolchild.

At preschool age, a normally developing child undergoes great changes in all mental development. Cognitive activity increases extremely - perception, visual thinking develops, the beginnings of logical thinking.

The growth of cognitive abilities is facilitated by the formation of semantic memory, voluntary attention etc.

The role of speech is significantly increasing both in the child's knowledge of the world around him and in the development of communication. different types children's activities. In the works of A. V. Zaporozhets, it is noted that preschoolers can perform actions according to verbal instructions, acquire knowledge based on explanations only if they have clear visual representations.

New types of activity appear: the game is the first and main type joint activities preschoolers; visual activity - the first productive activity of the child; elements of work.

There is an intensive formation of personality, will. The child, assimilating moral ideas, forms of behavior, becomes a small member of human society.

At preschool age, a normally developing child has an extremely increased cognitive activity, interest in learning about the world around him. It is not for nothing that preschool children go through the age of "why-why".

The basis of knowledge for the child preschool age is sensory knowledge - perception and visual

thinking. It is on how perception, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking are formed in a preschooler that determines his cognitive abilities, the further development of activity, as well as speech and higher, logical forms of thinking.

Perception is formed at preschool age due to the improvement of perceptual actions and the assimilation of systems of sensory standards developed by mankind throughout history ( geometric shapes, colors of the spectrum, measures of weight, values, time, system of phonemes mother tongue, pitch range, etc.).

In three-year-old children, perception reaches a relatively high level. For example, they can highlight the properties and relationships of objects, which can occur not only practically, but also visually with the help of perceptual actions. Children are able to work according to a model, while highlighting the color, shape, size, material and other properties of objects, as well as some spatial relationships between them.

Perception is actively included in the child's activity, it helps him to perform tasks that are feasible, familiar in nature, presented to adults (or encountered in everyday life), to find a solution much faster and more efficiently than before.

The perceptual actions themselves in younger preschoolers are still insufficiently perfect. Only the first step took place - the transition from practical orientation to perceptual orientation. So, for example, when folding a nesting doll, a three-year-old child already chooses in advance those of its elements that seem suitable to him. But this choice is still often inaccurate, so the child checks its correctness by trying on the selected parts against each other and, if necessary, replacing them. Here we are dealing with an expanded perceptual orientation. In the fifth year of life, children already learn many sensory standards (for example, the names of shapes and objects: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle), but so far unsystematically.

IN senior preschool age, along with the assimilation of individual standards, there is also the assimilation of systems in which these standards are included. Having mastered the system of sensory standards, children of older preschool age are already making a generalization of objects according to their essential features and properties. Along with the formation of the perception of the properties and relations of objects, a preschool child develops an idea of ​​​​space, develops orientation in it, which arises on the basis of the previously established consideration of the spatial properties and relations of objects, and the holistic perception of objects changes.

Psychological pedagogical diagnostics child development

Diagnosis of children 2-3 years old

job number

Task names

2-2.5 years

2.5-3 years

Catch the ball

Hide the ball: two boxes, three boxes

Disassembly and folding nesting dolls: two-piece three-piece

Dismantling and folding the pyramid: from three rings from four rings

Paired pictures: two four

Colored dice: two [red, yellow (or white)] four [red, yellow (or white, green, blue]

Split pictures: two-piece three-piece

Construction from sticks: “hammer” (from two sticks) “triangle” (from three sticks).

Get the trolley: Sliding ribbon Sliding and one false ribbon

Draw: Walkway House

Note. For the examination, it is necessary to have two children's tables and chairs, as well as:

1) a groove with a ball;

2) three rectangular boxes of the same color, different in size, with corresponding lids; three different-sized balls of the same color;

3) two nesting dolls (three-piece);

4) two pyramids - from three and four rings (rings of the same color);

5) two pairs of subject pictures;

6) eight colored cubes - two each red, blue, yellow (white), green;

7) different pictures: the first pair - one of the subject pictures is cut into two parts; the second pair - one of the pictures is cut into three parts;

8) ten flat sticks of the same color;

9) a trolley with a ring through which a ribbon is threaded;

10) pencil, paper

(numbers correspond to job numbers).

When analyzing the results of the survey, the main attention should be paid to assessing the child's ability to accept assistance, i.e. his learning ability.

Many young children with intellectual disabilities do not speak well enough, so the proposed tasks have a non-verbal form of execution.

Tasks are offered taking into account the gradual increase in the level of difficulty, from the simplest to the more complicated.

Individual tasks are duplicated, i.e. several tasks of similar difficulty are given. This is done in order to exclude certain introduced factors, for example, the need to display a certain muscular effort, which for some children could become an insurmountable obstacle (parsing and folding nesting dolls).

Tasks involve a simple movement of objects in space, where spatial dependencies are revealed, correlation of objects in shape, size, color.

A special stage in diagnostics is tasks to determine the level of development of visual correlation. At the same time, it should be taken into account that sensory disturbances always affect the mental development of the child. Therefore, if necessary, an examination of hearing and vision should be carried out.

Tasks for children 2 - 3 years old

  1. Catch the ball.

The task is aimed at establishing contact and cooperation between the child and an adult, at the child's understanding of verbal instructions, tracking a moving object, and developing manual motor skills.

Equipment: groove, ball.

Conducting a survey. The teacher puts the ball on the groove and asks the child: “Catch the ball!” Then he turns the groove and asks to roll the ball along the groove: “Kati!” The adult catches the ball. This is repeated four times.

Education. If the child does not catch the ball, the adult shows him two or three times how to do it, i.e. training is on display.

Evaluation of the child's actions: Acceptance of the task, understanding of the speech instruction, desire to cooperate (play) with an adult, attitude to the game, result, attitude to the result.

2. Hide the ball.

The task is aimed at identifying the child's practical orientation to the value, as well as the presence of correlative actions in the child.

Equipment: two (three) square-shaped boxes of the same color, different in size, with corresponding lids; two (three) balls, different in size, but the same in color.

Conducting a survey. Before the child are placed two (three) boxes, different in size, and covers for them, located at some distance from the boxes. The psychologist puts a big ball in a big box, and a small ball in a small box and asks the child to cover the boxes with lids and hide the balls. At the same time, the child is not explained which cover to take. The task is for the child to guess which lid to close the corresponding box.

Education. If the child chooses the lids incorrectly, the adult shows and explains: the big lid closes the big box, and the small lid closes the small box.

After training, the child is asked to complete the task independently.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, understanding of the speech instruction, methods of implementation - orientation to the value, learning ability, the presence of correlative actions, attitude to one's activity, result.

3. Disassembly and folding nesting dolls.

The task is aimed at revealing the level of development of the child's practical orientation to the size of objects, as well as the presence of correlative actions, understanding of the pointing gesture, and the ability to imitate the actions of an adult.

Equipment: two two-piece (three-piece) nesting dolls.

Conducting a survey. The psychologist gives the child a two-piece nesting doll and asks her to open it. If the child does not begin to act, then the adult opens the nesting doll and offers to collect it. If the child cannot cope on his own, training is provided.

Education. The psychologist takes another two-piece matryoshka, opens it, drawing the child's attention to the insert, asks him to do the same with his nesting doll (open it). Next, the adult, using a pointing gesture, asks the child to hide a small nesting doll in a large one. After training, the child is asked to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, methods of implementation, learning ability, attitude to the result, understanding of the pointing gesture, the presence of correlative actions, the result.

The task is aimed at identifying the level of development in the child of practical orientation to the value, correlating actions, the leading hand, the coordination of the actions of both hands, the purposefulness of actions.

Equipment: a pyramid of three (four) rings.

Conducting a survey. The psychologist offers the child to disassemble the pyramid. If the child does not act, the adult dismantles the pyramid himself and invites the child to assemble it.

Education. If the child does not begin to act, the adult begins to give him the rings one at a time, each time indicating with a gesture that the rings need to be put on the rod, then he offers to complete the task on his own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, taking into account the size of the rings, learning ability, attitude to activity, result.

5. Paired pictures.

The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of the child's visual perception of subject pictures, understanding the gesture instructions.

Equipment: two (four) pairs of subject pictures.

Conducting a survey. Two subject pictures are placed in front of the child. Exactly the same pair of pictures is in the hands of an adult. The psychologist correlates them with a pointing gesture, showing that he and the child have the same pictures. Then the adult closes his pictures, takes out one of them and, showing it to the child, asks to show the same one.

Education. If the child does not complete the task, then he is shown how to correlate paired pictures: “I have the same one, you have the same one,” using a pointing gesture.

Evaluation of the child's actions: accepting the task, making a choice, understanding the gesture instruction, learning outcome, attitude to one's activities.

6. Colored cubes.

The task is aimed at highlighting color as a sign, distinguishing and naming colors.

Equipment: colored cubes - two red, two yellow (two white), two green, two blue (four colors).

Conducting a survey. Two (four) colored cubes are placed in front of the child and they are asked to show the one that is in the adult’s hand: “Take a cube like mine.” Then the teacher asks to show: “Show me where the red is, and now where the yellow is.” Next, they ask the child to name the color of each cube in turn: “Tell me what color this cube is.”

Education. If the child does not distinguish colors, then the teacher teaches him. In cases where a child distinguishes colors, but does not distinguish by word, he is taught to distinguish two colors by word, while repeating the name of the color two or three times.

After training, the independent performance of the task is checked again.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, it is noted: does the child compare colors, does he recognize them by the word, does he know the name of the color; speech accompaniment, result, attitude to one's activity are fixed.

7. Split pictures.

The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of a holistic perception of a subject picture.

Equipment: two identical subject pictures, one of which is cut into two (three) parts.

Conducting a survey. The psychologist shows the child two or three parts of a cut picture and asks them to put together the whole picture: “Make the whole picture.”

Education. In those cases when the child cannot correctly connect the parts of the picture, the adult shows the whole picture and asks to make the same part of the parts. If after that the child does not cope with the task, the psychologist himself superimposes a part of the split picture on the whole and asks the child to add another. Then he invites the child to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, methods of implementation, learning ability, attitude to the result, result.

8. Construction from sticks (“hammer” or “house”).

The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of a holistic perception, analysis of the sample, the child's ability to act by imitation, display.

Equipment: four or six flat sticks of the same color.

Conducting a survey. In front of the child, they build a “hammer” or “house” figure out of sticks and ask him to do the same: “Build it like mine.”

Education. If the child is unable to create a “hammer” when shown, the experimenter asks to complete the task of imitation: “Look and do as I do.” Then they again offer the child to complete the task according to the model.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, nature of the action (by imitation, display, model), learning ability, result, attitude towards the result.

9. Get out the trolley (sliding ribbon).

The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual-effective thinking, the ability to use an auxiliary tool (ribbon).

Equipment: a trolley with a ring, a ribbon is threaded through the ring; in another case - next to the sliding ribbon - false.

Conducting a survey. In front of the child at the other end of the table is a cart, which he cannot reach with his hand. In the reach of his hand are two ends of the ribbon, which are separated by 50 cm. The child is asked to get the cart. If the child pulls on only one end of the string, the cart stays in place. The task is for the child to guess to connect both ends of the ribbon and pull up the cart.

Education. It is carried out at the level of practical tests of the child himself.

Evaluation of the child's actions. If the child pulls at both ends, then a high level of performance is noted. If the child pulls first at one end of the ribbon, then he should be given the opportunity to try again, but this is more low level execution. An adult behind the screen threads the ribbon through the ring and, having removed the screen, offers the child to get the cart. If the child does not guess to use the ribbon, then this is assessed as a failure to complete the task, and the attitude towards the result, the result, is also fixed.

10. Draw (path or house).

The task is aimed at understanding the speech instruction, identifying the level of prerequisites for the subject drawing, as well as determining the leading hand, coordination of hand actions, attitude to the result, result.

Equipment: pencil, paper.

Conducting a survey. The child is given a sheet of paper and a pencil and asked to draw: “Draw a path”, “Draw a house”.

Training is not provided.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, attitude to the task, evaluation of the result of the activity, understanding of the speech instruction, result.

Analysis of drawings: scribbles, deliberate scribbling, prerequisites for a subject drawing, compliance of the drawing with instructions.

The results of the survey are evaluated in points.


1. Catch the ball.

1 point - the child did not begin to cooperate even after training and behaves inappropriately (throws the ball, takes it in his mouth, etc.).

2 points - the child has learned and began to cooperate, tries to roll and catch the ball, but this is not always possible in practice.

3 points - the child independently began to cooperate, but it is not always possible to catch the ball due to motor difficulties; after training, the result is positive.

4 points - the child immediately began to cooperate with the adult, successfully catches and rolls the ball.

2. Hide the balls.

1 point - the child did not understand the task, does not strive for the goal; I did not understand the task after learning.

2 points - the child did not understand the task; after learning, he strives to achieve the goal, but he does not have correlative actions; indifferent to the final result; does not complete the task on its own.

3 points - the child immediately accepted the task, but difficulties arose when performing correlative actions (he could not correlate the corners of the lid with the box); interested in the result of their activities; performs the task after training.

4 points - the child immediately understood the task; completed the task and at the same time used correlative actions; interested in the end result.

3. Disassembly and folding nesting dolls.

1 point - the child did not learn how to fold the matryoshka; after training, he acts inadequately on his own: he takes it in his mouth, throws it, knocks it, holds it in his hand, etc.

2 points - the child performs the task in conditions of imitation of the actions of an adult; does not complete the task on its own.

3 points - the child accepted and understood the task, but performs it after the help of an adult (pointing gesture or speech instruction); understands that the end result has been achieved; after training, he folds the matryoshka on his own.

4 points - the child immediately accepted and understood the task; performs it independently; the presence of correlative actions is noted; interested in the end result.

4. Dismantling and folding the pyramid.

1 point - the child acts inadequately: even after training, he tries to put the rings on the rod, closed with a cap, scatters the rings, holds them in his hand, etc.

2 points - the child accepted the task; when assembling, does not take into account the dimensions of the rings. After training, strings all the rings, but the size of the rings still does not take into account; the leading hand is not defined: there is no coordination of actions of both hands; indifferent to the end result of his actions.

3 points - the child immediately accepts the task, understands it, but strings the rings on the rod without taking into account their size; after training, the task performs without error; the leading hand is determined, but the coordination of the actions of the hands is not expressed; adequately evaluates the result.

4 points - the child immediately independently disassembles and assembles the pyramid, taking into account the size of the rings; the leading hand is determined; there is a clear coordination of the actions of both hands; interested in the end result.

5. Paired pictures.

1 point - after training, the child continues to act inadequately: turns the pictures over, does not fix his gaze on the picture, tries to take a picture from an adult, etc.

2 points - the child understands the task, but cannot complete it immediately; in the process of learning compares paired pictures; he is indifferent to the assessment of his activity, he does not carry out the task independently.

3 points - the child immediately understands the conditions of the task; makes one mistake, after training acts confidently; understands that the end result is achieved.

4 points - the child immediately understood the task and confidently compares paired pictures; interested in the end result.

6. Colored cubes.

1 point - the child does not distinguish colors even after training.

2 points - the child compares two colors, but does not highlight the color by the word even after learning; indifferent to the end result.

3 points - the child compares and highlights the color by the word; shows interest in the outcome.

4 points - the child compares colors, highlights them by word, names the main colors; interested in the end result.

7. Split pictures.

1 point - the child acts inadequately after training: he does not try to correlate parts of the split picture with each other.

2 points - the child folds the split picture with the help of an adult; he is indifferent to the final result, he cannot put together a picture on his own.

3 points - the child immediately understands the task, but puts the picture together with the help of an adult; after training, he adds up the picture on his own; understands that the end result is positive.

4 points - the child understands the task; independently folds a split picture; interested in the end result.

8. Construction from sticks.

1 point - the child after training continues to act inappropriately: throws sticks, puts them nearby, waves them; indifferent to the result.

2 points - the child, after training, tries to build a figure, but compliance with the model is not achieved; indifferent to the end result.

3 points - the child correctly understands the task, but builds “milk dots” only after imitating the actions of an adult; interested in the end result.

4 points - the child correctly performs the proposed task according to the model; interested in the end result.

9. Get out the cart.

1 point - the child does not understand the task; does not seek to achieve the goal.

2 points - the child tries to reach the target with his hand; after several unsuccessful attempts, he refuses to complete the task.

3 points - the child tries to get the cart by one end of the ribbon; after two or three attempts reaches the result; understands the end result of their actions.

4 points - the child immediately finds the correct solution and completes the task; interested in the end result.

10. Draw.

1 point - the child does not use a pencil to draw on paper; behaves appropriately to the task; does not follow verbal instructions.

2 points - the child has a desire to portray something (scribbling); indifferent to the final image; the leading hand is not selected; there is no coordination of actions of both hands.

3 points - the child understands the instructions; tries to draw a path, depicting it with multiple broken lines without a definite direction; understands the end result of their actions; the leading hand is determined, but there is no coordination of actions of both hands.

4 points - the child performs the task according to the verbal instruction; interested in the final result (in most cases it is a straight continuous line); the leading hand is clearly defined, the coordination of the actions of both hands is observed.


Our many years of experience in examining young children using the presented methods shows that the differences between the examined children are mainly in the nature of cognitive activity: in accepting a task, methods of performing it (on their own or with the help of an adult), learning ability, and interest in the result. Accordingly, the examined children can be divided into four groups.

The first group (10–12 points) consists of children who do not follow instructions in their actions, do not understand the purpose of the task, and therefore do not strive to complete it. They are not ready to cooperate with an adult, not understanding the purpose of the task, they act inadequately. Moreover, this group of children is not ready to act adequately even under conditions of imitation.

The indicators of the children of this group testify to a profound disadvantage in their intellectual development. A comprehensive examination of these children is necessary.

The second group (13–23 points) includes children who cannot complete the task on their own. They hardly come into contact with adults, act without taking into account the properties of objects. In the nature of their actions, there is a desire to achieve a certain desired result, therefore, they are characterized by chaotic actions, and in the future - refusal to complete the task.

An analysis of the data of children in this group suggests the need to use other methods of study (examinations by a psychoneurologist, etc.).

The third group (24–33) consists of children who cooperate with adults in an interested way. They immediately accept tasks, understand the conditions of these tasks and strive to fulfill them. However, on their own in many cases they cannot find an adequate way to perform and often turn to an adult for help. After the teacher has shown how to complete the task, many of them can cope with the task on their own, showing great interest in the result of their activities.

table 2

The results of the examination of children with different levels mental development

date no.

Job name

First group

Second group

Third group

fourth group

Score in points

Catch the ball

hide the balls

Dismantling and folding mats

Dismantling and folding the pyramid

Paired pictures

colored cubes

Split pictures

Construction from sticks

Get the cart



12 points

22 points

32 points

39 points

These children must be taught to understand an elementary instruction, to perform an action in accordance with a verbal instruction, consisting of a single word denoting an action. At the same time, it is necessary to teach children to understand the purpose of the action; to develop in them the actions of grasping with two hands, with one hand; develop attention, fixation of the gaze, tracking the gaze of a moving object.

In addition, with these children it is necessary to carry out physical exercises focused on the development of all basic movements, as well as general developmental exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, coordination of movements, development of balance.

When teaching children of this group, the main methods are joint actions of a child with an adult, imitation of the actions of an adult.

In another group of children who received 13-23 points, it is necessary to form ways of assimilating social experience. The first condition for this is the formation of cooperation between the child and the adult. The basis of such cooperation is, on the one hand, the emotional contact between the adult and the child, and, on the other hand, the correct determination of the method of setting educational and educational tasks for the child. It is important to form in children the ability to imitate the actions of an adult; ability to understand and use gestural instruction and pointing gesture; ability to work according to the model and according to verbal instructions.

A special place in the correctional work with these children should be occupied by physical education. It is aimed at the timely development of motor skills, abilities and physical qualities; on the development of interest in various types of motor activity available to the child.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the improvement of manual motor skills, the development of the leading hand, the coordination of the actions of both hands, as well as the development of small movements of the hands.

The central task of working with this group of children is the formation of orienting-cognitive activity: the development of practical orientation to the properties and qualities of objects - the formation of targeted trials, practical trying on, and then visual correlation. The main thing to remember is that the development of perception comes from the ability to distinguish objects, their properties, attitudes towards their perception on the basis of an image, and then to the fixation of an image in a word, i.e. to the appearance of the representation.

In the future, correctional work on the development of orienting-cognitive activity should be aimed at forming the relationship between the main components of mental activity: action, word and image.

One of the main areas of work with these children is the development of speech. It is carried out in the course of the entire life of the child and in special classes where specific tasks are solved: the development of communication, cognitive and regulatory functions.

In addition, the main correctional task in working with these children is the formation of play activities and the prerequisites for productive activities (drawing, design).

Children need to form an interest in didactic and plot toys, play actions with these toys, the ability to play next to their peers, and later together.

Given all of the above, it must be remembered that all these children need to form the correct behavior, taking into account a certain situation, as well as some personality traits of each child, where the main attention is paid to such qualities as mutual assistance and responsiveness. This possibility is ensured by the creation of a positive microclimate both in the preschool institution and in the child's family.

In children of the third group, who received 24-33 points, it is necessary to clarify the primary violations. Regardless of the primary violation, all children need to form an active interest in the properties and qualities of objects, develop perceptual actions (trials, trying on). At the same time, it is necessary to develop productive activities: modeling, appliqué, drawing, designing.

An important direction in corrective work with these children is the formation of a holistic view of the surrounding reality, of a person and of interactions between people, to acquaint children with human activities. It is important to bring children to the understanding that human behavior and activities depend on natural conditions.

In all cases, corrective work is carried out with these children on the development of speech. Depending on the primary violation, a specific system is created for including the child's speech in the process of sensory cognition of the surrounding reality.

Thus, the proposed psychological and pedagogical examination makes it possible to identify deviations in mental development in young children and helps psychologists and defectologists to outline ways of corrective work with each of the examined children, taking into account their individual structure of the disorder.

Diagnosis of children 4-5 years old.


Completing a task

3-4 years

4-5 years

Disassembly and folding nesting dolls:



Dismantling and folding the pyramid
of four rings
of six rings



Form box ("mail box"):
of four forms
from five forms


Split picture:
in three parts
in four parts



Colored cubes:
five colors
seven colors



Get the key:
practical task
on the picture




of four elements
of the five elements



A game

1. Disassembly and folding nesting dolls. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of practical orientation to the value, learning. Equipment: quadruple (five-seat) matryoshka.

Conducting a survey: an adult gives a child a four-seat (five-seat) matryoshka and asks her to open it, to examine other nesting dolls. Then he offers to collect all nesting dolls into one. In case of difficulty, an adult takes a nesting doll and asks the child to see how he does it: "First I take a small nesting doll and look for a little less, then I pick up a handkerchief for it, etc." An adult shows the folding of a matryoshka by trial method, drawing the child's attention to the search for the next part. After training, the child is asked to complete the task on their own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the conditions of the task, methods of implementation, learning ability, attitude to the result of their activities.

2. Dismantling and folding the pyramid. The task is aimed at the child's ability to distract from color and highlight the value as the main principle of action, practical orientation to the value.

Equipment: a pyramid of four (six) rings, rings of different sizes, different colors.

Conducting an examination: an adult offers the child to disassemble the pyramid. If the child does not act, the adult begins to disassemble it himself and involves the child in this action. Then he offers to collect the same pyramid. In cases of difficulty, an adult shows the child how to choose rings in size: "We must take a large ring every time." Then he shows how to put one ring on another to see the difference in their size. After training, the child is asked to complete the task on their own.

3. Box of forms ("mailbox").The task is aimed at checking the level of development of practical orientation to the form, learning ability.

Equipment: "mailbox" - a plastic or wooden box with four (five) slots of various shapes; eight volumetric geometric shapes corresponding to the slots of the box.

Conducting an examination: an adult puts a box in front of the child, paying attention to the slots, and next lays out three-dimensional figures so that the base of each figure, corresponding to the shape of the slot, is at the top. The child is offered to lower all the figures into their slots, i.e. determine which slot fits one or another shape. In case of difficulty, the adult asks the child to try on the figurine to the slot, turning it to the right side, shows how to do it.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the conditions of the task, methods of implementation, learning ability, attitude to the result.

4. split picture. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of a holistic perception of a subject picture.

Equipment: two identical subject pictures, one of them is cut into three (four) parts diagonally.

Conducting an examination: an adult shows the child three (four) parts of a cut picture and asks to add up the whole picture: "Make a whole picture."

Teaching: an adult shows how to connect the parts into a whole. After that, he again invites the child to complete the task on his own.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, methods of implementation, learning ability, attitude to the result.

5. Colored cubes . The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of color perception (highlighting by word, color name).

Equipment: colored cubes of five (seven) colors: two red, two yellow, two green, two blue, two white (blue and pink).

Conducting a survey: colored cubes are placed in front of the child and they are asked to show a cube of a certain color: "Show me where red, blue, green are." Then they are asked to name the colors of all the cubes. If the child does not highlight the color according to the word, training is carried out. The child is asked to show such a cube as in the hand of an adult, i.e. the level of comparison is specified. Then they are taught to correlate the color of the cube with the word-name, while repeating the color two or three times: "Show me where the yellow is, here is the yellow. Find where the yellow is."

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, the level of color perception (comparison, color recognition by word, naming), learning ability, attitude to the result is noted.

6. Get the key.

For children of the 4th year of life. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual-effective thinking.

Equipment: clockwork toy, key.

Examination: the child is given a wind-up toy, and the key to it hangs so high that the child, standing on the floor, cannot reach it. The task is for the child to guess to use a large chair (large and small chairs are not far from him). Training is not provided.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, ways of performing (did you immediately guess to take a large chair, was there an attempt to get the key with your hand, was there an attempt to use a small chair or immediately refused to complete the task), attitude to the result.

For children of the 5th year of life. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual- figurative thinking.

Equipment: a plot picture depicting the following situation: a boy is standing in the room, he has a typewriter in his hands, he looks at the key that hangs on the wall, on a carnation. Not far from the boy are two chairs - a large one and a small one.

Conducting a survey: an adult invites the child to look at the picture, then says: "The boy wants to start the car with a key, but does not know how to get it. Tell the boy how to get the key."

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, solving the problem in a visual-effective way, whether there are attempts to solve the problem in an effective way.

7. Account. The task is aimed at identifying quantitative representations in the child.

Equipment: 15 flat sticks.

Conducting a survey:

For children of the 4th year of life: 10 sticks are placed in front of the child and asked to take one, and then a lot. Learning is by imitation; for children of the 5th year of life: counting sticks are placed in front of the child and asked to take two, one, three. Then the adult puts one stick in his palm, in front of the child's eyes he takes another stick and puts it in his palm, covering it with the other palm. The child is asked: "How much is there?" Then they put another stick in the same palm and again ask: "How much is there?", i.e. check counting representations within three. If there are difficulties, training is provided. If the child cannot cope with the choice of a certain number of words, then they offer a choice - one, two, three by imitation.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, choosing from a set of one, two, three by word, by imitation, the ability to perform counting operations according to the presentation.

8. Construction. The task is aimed at identifying the child's ability to create structures from four (five) elements according to the model, learning ability.

Equipment: 10 flat sticks of the same color.

Conducting a survey: an adult builds a figure from flat sticks behind the screen. Then he shows the building and asks the child to build the same one. In case of difficulty, the child is asked to build according to the show.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the ability to work according to a model or show, learning ability, attitude to the result.

9. The task is aimed at revealing the level of development of the subject drawing, behavior in a certain situation, purposefulness of activity.

Equipment: colored markers, pencils and paper.

Conducting a survey: the child is given paper and asked to draw one object first - a house. After that, they are asked to draw a person, and then a tree. Training is not provided.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, analysis of drawings: scribbling, prerequisites for a subject drawing, subject drawing, leading hand, coordination of actions of both hands.

10. Game . The child's interest in toys, the nature of the use of toys, the nature of the game (manipulation, procedural actions or plot elements) are checked.

Equipment: a play corner with a doll, strollers, sets of clothes and utensils for a doll, a car, cubes, soldiers, a gate, a ball, a bowl of water, small toys, bi-ba-bo dolls.

Conducting a survey: an adult invites the child to the play corner and emotionally involves him in joint activities with toys. First, it is proposed to feed the doll, then ride it in a stroller, then put it to bed. If the child does not want to play with the doll, he is offered to load the blocks into the car and take part in the construction. An adult builds a road with bricks and then puts a small doll in the car and asks the child to drive it along the path. In case of refusal, the child is offered to play near a basin of water: one small toy (balls, fish, etc.) is lowered there, then they are offered to catch them with a net.

Evaluation of the child's actions: attitude to toys, interest and nature of actions with toys, selectivity in toys.

Score in points

1. Disassembly and folding nesting dolls:

1 point - does not understand the goal and acts inadequately even in training conditions;

2 points - understands the goal, but acts chaotically, i.e. does not take into account the value, acts adequately in the learning process, and after learning does not complete the task independently;

3 points - understands the goal, folds the matryoshka by sorting through options, acts adequately under training conditions, after training proceeds to the task using targeted tests;

4 points - understands the goal and independently folds the matryoshka doll using purposeful tests.

2. Disassembly and folding of the pyramid:

1 point - does not understand the goal, acts inadequately;

2 points - understands the goal, strings rings without taking into account the size, after training does not take into account the size of the rings;

3 points - understands the goal, strings rings without taking into account the size, after training proceeds to independent completion of the task;

4 points - understands the goal, collects the pyramid on his own, taking into account the size of the rings.

3. Box of forms ("mailbox"):

1 point - does not understand the goal, acts inadequately even in training conditions;

2 points - understands the goal, acts chaotically when lowering figures into the slot, after training does not move to another level of action;

3 points - understands the goal, when performing the task, uses the method of enumeration of options, after training, acts by the method of targeted trials or by the method of visual correlation;

4 points - understands the goal, performs the task independently by the method of targeted trials.

4. Split picture:

1 point - does not understand the purpose of the task, acts inadequately in the learning environment;

2 points - accepts the task, but does not understand the terms of the task, acts chaotically, after training does not proceed to independent way execution;

3 points - accepts and understands the purpose of the task, performs the task by enumeration of options, after training moves on to the method of targeted trials;

4 points - accepts and understands the purpose of the task, acts independently by trial method or practical trying on.

5. Colored Cubes:

2 points - accepts the task, compares two or three colors, after training cannot distinguish the color by the word-name;

3 points - accepts the task, compares all the primary colors, can single out two or three colors by the word, but does not name;

4 points - accepts the task, highlights the color by the word-name, can name all or almost all of the proposed colors.

6. Get the key:

4th year of life:

1 point - does not accept the task, acts inadequately in the conditions of a practical problematic task;

2 points - accepts the task, but cannot analyze the conditions of the problematic practical task; trying to reach the goal using his physical abilities(jumps, reaches out with his hand), does not accept other ways of solving the problem or immediately refuses to act;

3 points - accepts the task, analyzes the conditions, i.e. understands that it is impossible to complete the task by hand, but there is no active independent choice of means to achieve the goal, after the adult activates the orientation activity, the problem is solved by trial method;

4 points - accepts the task, independently analyzes the conditions of the task, solves the problem either by trial method or at the level of visual orientation;

5th year of life:

2 points - accepts the task, but does not understand the conditions of the task, tries to solve it in an inadequate way, using practical actions, or refuses to solve it ("I don't know");

3 points - accepts the task, tries to solve the problem in a visual-figurative way, but cannot analyze the whole situation depicted in the picture, therefore, lists the objects shown in the picture;

4 points - accepts the task, independently analyzes the situation depicted in the picture, perceives it as a whole, understands the relationship of all the depicted objects and solves the problem in a visual-figurative plan.

7. Account:

1 point - does not understand the task, acts inadequately in the conditions of training;

2 points - the task is accepted, but there is no idea of ​​the quantity;

3 points - the task accepts, there is an elementary idea of ​​the quantity, differentiates "many - one", selects one or two from the set, but does not perform counting operations on the representation;

4 points - the task accepts, there is an idea of ​​the quantity; performs counting operations on the representation.

8. Design:

2 points - accepts the task, does not perform the task according to the model, after training tries to perform some kind of construction, but this model does not build;

3 points - accepts the task, according to the model, he cannot complete the task on his own, but after the show he can switch to independent task completion;

4 points - accepts the task and independently performs it according to the model.

9. Drawing (house, tree, person).

1 point - acts inadequately, does not even try to use the felt-tip pen for its intended purpose;

2 points - accepts the task, uses a felt-tip pen for its intended purpose, drawing at the level of scribbling;

3 points - accepts the task, drawing at the level of prerequisites for the subject drawing;

4 points - accepts the task, there are subject drawings.

10. Game:

1 point - not included in the game with adults;

2 points - joins the game, interest in toys is superficial, performs procedural actions with toys;

3 points - joins the game, performs a number of subject-play actions with toys;

4 points - included in the game, can organize a story game.

Diagnosis of children 6 years old.


Completing a task

Inclusion in a row



"Find the Season"


Drawing (house, tree, person)

A game

1. Inclusion in a row . The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of the child's orienting-cognitive activity, namely, orientation to size.

Equipment: screen, six-seat matryoshka.

Conducting a survey: an adult takes a six-seat nesting doll and, in front of the child, disassembles and assembles it in pairs. Then he arranges nesting dolls in a row in size, observing equal intervals between them. The adult behind the screen removes one of the matryoshka dolls and equalizes the interval between the remaining ones. The child is given this nesting doll and asked to put it in its place. In this case, one should not pay attention to the fact that the series is uniformly increasing or decreasing. When the matryoshka is put in its place, the adult invites the child to continue the game. The child should put two or three nesting dolls in a row (each time one).

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, methods of implementation, learning ability.

2. "Ladder" . The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of constructive abilities, the ability to work from memory, according to the model.

Equipment: 20 flat sticks of the same color, screen.

Conducting a survey: an adult, in front of the child, builds a "ladder" of eight sticks and invites him to remember this "ladder". Then the adult covers the "ladder" with a screen and asks the child to build the same one. If there are difficulties, training is provided.

Education: the adult once again builds a "ladder", drawing the child's attention to how he does it. He closes his "ladder" with a screen and asks the child to build the same one. If the child has difficulties, the task is offered to be performed according to the model.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, methods of implementation - independently, after training, according to the model.

3. Classification of pictures according to their functional purpose. The task is aimed at revealing the child's ability to understand the principle of classification and to make generalizations on an essential basis, i.e. the level of development of visual-figurative thinking.

Equipment: eight subject pictures depicting clothes and eight depicting dishes.

Conducting an examination: an adult puts a picture of clothes (coats) on the table in front of the child so that a vertical row can be laid out. Then he shows a picture depicting dishes (cups) and puts it on the table at some distance from the first one so that another vertical row (parallel to the first) can be laid out under it. After that, the adult takes a picture of a hat, asks the child whether to put it under the picture of a coat or under the picture of a cup, and puts it himself under the picture of a coat. A picture of a spoon is placed under the picture of a cup. After that, the child is sequentially (one at a time) given pictures in his hand, each of which depicts clothes or a piece of utensil, and is asked to put the picture in one of the columns. If he put the picture wrong, the adult does not correct the mistake.

The order of presentation of pictures must be constantly changed so that the child is not guided by the order of presentation. After the child lays out the pictures, he is asked: "Tell me which ones are in this row, and which ones are in the other," i.e. the child's ability to generalize and express in verbal form their actions.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, method of implementation, the ability to work according to the model, the ability to generalize the principle of grouping in speech terms.

4. Grouping pictures by action. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual-figurative thinking.

Equipment: eight pairs of subject pictures, with some of which you can act, with others you cannot.

Conducting an examination: an adult puts two pictures next to the child: on one - a ball with a rope, on the other - a ball without a rope. Then the adult shows the child a picture of a flag with a flagpole, asks: "Where should I put it?" - and he puts a ball with a rope under the image. A picture of a flag without a flagpole is placed under the image of a ball without a rope. After that, the child is given one picture at a time, mixed up, so that he does not focus on the order of presentation. Next, the child is asked to tell which pictures are in the first row, which ones are in the second, i.e. find out if he can generalize the principle of grouping in speech terms.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, the ability to work according to the model, the ability to isolate the principle of grouping in the speech plan.

5. Account . The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of quantitative representations, the child's ability to perform mental counting operations, i.e. the level of development of visual-figurative and elements of logical thinking.

Equipment: 15 flat sticks of the same color, a screen.

Conducting a survey:

The first option: an adult puts 15 sticks in front of the child and invites him to take five sticks. Next, the child is asked to remember how many sticks he has, and they are covered with a screen. Behind the screen, an adult takes away three sticks, shows the child this number and asks: "How many sticks are left there?" After the child's answer, the adult shows two sticks, puts them behind the screen to the previous two sticks. Without opening the screen, he asks the child: "How many sticks are there?";

second option: if the child answers correctly, he is offered an oral task: "There were four pencils in the box, two of them are red, the rest are blue. How many blue pencils were there?" If there are difficulties, training is provided.


The first option: an adult reduces the number of sticks, first within four, and if the child finds it difficult, then up to three. In this case, an open presentation of the task is used (the screen is completely removed);

second option: the child is offered to take four sticks and use them to solve the problem. The adult repeats the condition of the problem about pencils and invites the child to solve the problem using sticks. If the child has solved the problem, you can offer a similar problem: "The girl had four balloons, there are two left. How many balloons burst?"

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, understanding the conditions of the task, the ability to perform counting operations according to the presentation, to solve oral problems.

6. "Find the season."The task is aimed at clarifying the level of formation of ideas about the seasons, i.e. level of visual-figurative thinking.

Equipment: plot pictures with specific features of the four seasons.

Conducting a survey: four pictures are laid out in front of the child, which depict the four seasons. The child is asked to show where winter, summer, autumn, spring are depicted. Then they ask: "Tell me how you guessed that winter is depicted here." In cases of difficulty, training is provided.

Education: pictures are left in front of the child depicting only two seasons - summer and winter. They ask him clarifying questions: "What happens in winter? Find where winter is depicted here."

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the level of formation of temporary ideas, the ability to verbally explain their actions.

7. "Draw" . The task is aimed at clarifying the level of development of generalized ideas about the properties and qualities of objects of the surrounding reality, elements of the imagination.

Equipment: a sheet of paper on which two circles were drawn, colored felt-tip pens.

Conducting a survey: the child is given a sheet of paper and asked to complete these figures to make two different objects.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, analysis of drawings.

8. A series of plot pictures (a girl bathes a doll).The task is aimed at understanding the sequence of events depicted in the picture, i.e. the level of formation of visual-figurative thinking.

Equipment: plot pictures depicting a sequence of actions: 1st - a girl undresses a doll; 2nd - a girl bathes a doll; 3rd - the girl wipes the doll; 4th - the girl puts a new dress on the doll.

Conducting a survey: plot pictures are mixed up in front of the child and they are offered to consider them and put them in order: "Decompose what happened first, what then and how it all ended. Now tell me what is drawn there." An adult does not interfere in the process of laying out pictures. The child can correct his own mistakes.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the child's ability to understand that one event is shown in all the pictures, and also that the event has a certain temporal sequence, the child's ability to compose a coherent logical story.

9. Drawing (house, tree, person).The procedure is the same as for children of the 5th year of life.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance of the task, interest in drawing, analysis of drawings - the main parts in the image of objects, the use of color in drawings.

10. Game . The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of the role-playing game.

Equipment: in the play corner there is a doll, dishes, furniture, clothes, strollers, sets for a hairdresser, for a doctor, cars, construction material, constructor, toy soldiers, a basin of water, small toys.

Conducting a survey: the child is offered to play in the play corner, while noting interest in toys, the nature of actions with toys, the ability to independently deploy the game, the child's speech during the game.

Evaluation of the child's actions: interest in toys, the nature of actions with toys (manipulation, procedural or inadequate actions, desire for a plot).

Score in points

1. Inclusion in a row:

2 points - accepts the task, but does not understand the conditions of the task, puts nesting dolls in a row without taking into account their size;

3 points - accepts and understands the conditions of the task, performs the task, using practical trying on;

4 points - accepts and understands the conditions of the task, performs the task using visual orientation.

2. "Ladder":

1 point - does not understand the goal, acts inadequately in the conditions of training;

2 points - accepts the task, but does not understand its conditions, lays out the sticks differently than in the sample, cannot build not only from memory, but also from the sample;

3 points - accepts and understands the task, but cannot immediately complete it on his own, after repeating the sample twice, adults are able to switch to an independent way of completing the task;

4 points - accepts and understands the task, knows how to reproduce the design from memory (in some cases, works independently according to the model).

3. Classification of pictures according to their functional purpose:

1 point - does not understand the conditions of the task, acts inadequately in the conditions of training;

2 points - accepts the task, performs the classification without taking into account the main feature, lays out the pictures either in turn, or in one row, then in another;

3 points - accepts and understands the task, performs a classification according to the main feature, but cannot generalize the principle of grouping in speech terms;

4 points - accepts and understands the task, performs classification taking into account the main feature, can generalize it in speech terms.

4. Grouping pictures by action:

1 point - does not understand the task, acts inadequately in the conditions of training;

2 points - the task accepts, lays out pictures without taking into account the basic principle;

3 points - the task accepts, lays out pictures taking into account the main principle, but cannot generalize the principle of grouping in speech terms;

4 points - the task accepts, lays out pictures taking into account the main principle, can generalize the principle of grouping in their statements.

5. Account :

1 point - acts with chopsticks, not focusing on the task;

2 points - accepts the task, but quantitative representations are formed at the most elementary level - can single out only within three of the set, does not perform counting operations on the representation;

3 points - accepts and understands the purpose of the task, counts the sticks within five - in an efficient way (touches each stick with a finger), performs counting operations according to the presentation within three, cannot solve the problem;

4 points - accepts and understands the purpose of the task, counts the sticks within five visually, performs counting operations within five, solves the proposed tasks.

6. "Find the Season":

1 point - does not understand the purpose, shifts pictures;

2 points - accepts the task, but does not correlate the images of the seasons with their names, i.e. temporal representations are not formed, but after training, they can highlight pictures depicting winter and summer;

3 points - accepts the task, confidently correlates images of only two seasons with their names (winter and summer);

4 points - accepts the task, confidently correlates images of all seasons with their names.

7. "Draw":

1 point - does not accept the task, acts inadequately in the conditions of training;

2 points - accepts the task, but does not understand its conditions, tries to depict his subjects or strikes;

3 points - accepts the task, understands its conditions, can draw only one object or both are the same;

4 points - accepts the task, understands its conditions, draws two different objects using colored felt-tip pens.

8. A series of plot pictures (a girl bathes a doll):

1 point - does not understand the task, acts inappropriately to the instructions;

2 points - the task understands, lays out the pictures without taking into account the sequence of events depicted in the picture, perceives each picture as a separate action, without combining them into one plot;

3 points - accepts the task, lays out the pictures, confusing actions, but eventually lays them out sequentially, but cannot compose a coherent story about this event;

4 points - accepts the task, lays out the pictures in a certain sequence, combining them into one event and can make up a story about it.

9. Drawing (house, tree, person):

1 point - does not accept the task, does not use a pencil or felt-tip pen for its intended purpose;

2 points - accepts the task, draws only the elements of these objects, draws all objects with one pencil;

3 points - accepts the task, draws the main parts of the given objects, omitting the main details (draws a person without a neck);

4 points - accepts the task, performs it with interest, asks questions, tells what he will draw or what he draws, the main parts and details are noted in the drawings, uses different colors, the person has a pronounced gender.

10. Game :

1 point - accepts the game at the most elementary level;

2 points - accepts the task, acts with toys, but the actions are manipulative in nature, shows interest in toys in the water;

3 points - accepts the task, acts with interest with toys, can unfold a simple plot: feeds the doll, puts it to bed, shakes it in the stroller;

4 points - accepts the task, acts with interest, can turn the game around, talks with toys, tells what he will play, the child is able to maintain the specific behavior of a certain role.

Diagnosis of children 7 years old.


Completing a task

"Find the Season"


"Continue row" (letter)

Word analysis

Drawing (house, tree, person)

1. "Find a place for a figure" (matrix of figures) Methodology L.A. Wenger. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of logical thinking. Equipment: three square tables divided into 36 cells (six rows of six cells). The top line of the table is filled with images of triangles, the bottom - with images of circles (the figures are arranged in descending order). In the left and right graphs, from top to bottom, there are a triangle, a trapezoid, a square, a pentagon, a hexagon, a circle. All figures in the left column are the largest, in the right - the smallest.

16 internal cells of the table are not filled. The task facing the child is to mentally place in the empty cells the three figures drawn under the table, in accordance with their shape and size (the cell selected for each figure is marked with a pencil). To correctly solve the problem, the child must take into account the principle of constructing a table (a combination of classification of figures according to shape and size) and find the necessary line and column for each figure.

Conducting a survey: an adult invites the child to carefully consider one table. It is divided into cells. Some of them contain figurines of various shapes and sizes. All figures are arranged in a certain order. Each figurine has its own cage. After the child has examined the table, the adult says: “Now look at the middle of the table. There are a lot of empty cells. You have three figures below the table. They have their own places in the table, they are marked with crosses. Look carefully for which figure each is placed cross. Show in which cell you need to put each figure. " Then the child is given another table, where the other three figures are drawn below. The adult says: "Find a place in the table and mark the cells where you want to put the figures."

Education: if the child finds it difficult to complete the task, he is helped to determine the place for each figure, while activating the orienting-cognitive activity of the child. After training, he is offered another version of the table for independent completion of the task, where it is necessary to put other figures in their places, i.e. Mark right places crosses.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the method of implementation - on their own or after learning the result.

2. "Find the Season". The technique is aimed at identifying the level of development of temporal representations, the child's ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Equipment: plot pictures depicting the four seasons with pronounced specific features.

Conducting a survey: pictures depicting the seasons - winter, summer, autumn, spring are laid out on the table in front of the child. The child is offered to consider them and asked:

"Tell me what season it is now. Show it in the picture. What season will come next?" Clarify the child's knowledge of the sequence of seasons.

Training is not provided. However, if the child does not cope with the task, he is asked to find an image of a certain season.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the ability to determine the season during the examination and correlate it with the image in the picture; the level of formation of temporary representations: generalized, elementary, fragmentary and lack of representations.

3. Grouping pictures by quantity. The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual and logical thinking.

Equipment: paired pictures depicting objects that are different in quantity: 1st pair (on one - a lot of colored pencils, on the other - one pencil); 2nd pair (on one - a lot of apples, on the other - one); 3rd pair (on one - a lot of chickens, on the other - one), etc.

Conducting a survey: a couple of pictures are placed in front of the child, which show: on one - five colored pencils, on the other - one. The child is offered to consider these pictures, and lay out the rest under them to make a vertical row. The adult says: "All similar to this picture (points to a picture with a lot of pencils) you will put here, and all similar to this (where there is one object) you will put in another row." Then the child is given one picture at a time and is not interfered with in the course of his actions. After laying out the pictures, he is asked to explain which pictures he put in one row and which in another.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the method of fulfillment, the child independently isolating the basic principle of grouping and the ability to generalize this principle in speech terms.

4. Account . The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of quantitative representations, the ability to perform mental counting operations, the ability to accept and analyze the conditions of a cognitive task, i.e. to identify the level of mental operations.

Equipment: 20 flat sticks, screen. Conducting a survey: carried out in two stages: 1st stage - the child is offered to count verbally to 10 and back.

Then they ask: "Which number is greater: 5 or 6? Which is less: 8 or 9? What number is between 4 and 6?" Stage 2 - the child is asked to take only five of the many sticks. Then they are laid out horizontally in front of him and the following game is offered: "Remember how many sticks you have. Now I will decrease or add, and you must answer what I did first: if I added, then how much, if I reduced, then how much too." An adult covers five sticks with a screen and removes two. The screen opens and the child is asked questions: "What did I do - took away or added? How much did it become?" The task is repeated several times, and counting tasks are performed within eight.

Training: carried out only at the 2nd stage. If the child does not answer the question: "How much did I take?" - the teacher again shows five sticks, already without a screen takes away two sticks and again asks the same question. The task is then repeated using the screen.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of all options for tasks, analysis of the conditions of the cognitive task, the ability to perform mental counting operations.

5. " Finish" (the end of the drawing according to the given figure). The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of visual-figurative thinking, recreating the imagination.

Equipment: on one sheet - four circles, on the other - four semicircles drawn in a row at some distance from each other, a set of colored felt-tip pens or pencils.

Conducting a survey: first, the child is given one sheet with the image of four circles and asked to finish them so that four different objects are obtained. Then they are offered another sheet with six semicircles and asked to draw four different objects using colored markers.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, attitude (interest) to the task, analysis of the drawings.

6. A series of plot pictures (a game with cubes).The task is aimed at checking the level of development of visual-figurative thinking.

Equipment: a series of four plot pictures "Playing with dice": 1st - the boy carries a box with dice; 2nd - a boy, sitting on a carpet, lays out cubes from a box; 3rd - the boy is building a tower; 4th - the boy finishes building the tower - puts the final detail.

Conducting a survey: the child is offered to look at all the pictures, and then they say: "Think about how to make a story out of these pictures? Arrange the pictures so that you get a story: its beginning, continuation and end." After the child has laid out the pictures, regardless of the sequence of events (no evaluation of his actions is given), he is asked to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures. In the process of the story, the child can change the pictures in places. There is no help from the experimenter.

Evaluation of the child's actions: the child's understanding that a series of pictures is united by one plot, whether the child takes into account that this event occurs in a temporal, logical sequence (the basis for this is a correctly selected series of pictures), whether the child can reflect this event and its sequence in his story.

7. "Continue the row" (letter).The task is aimed at identifying the level of development of hand readiness for writing, the child's ability to accept the task and analyze the sample.

Equipment: a sheet of paper on which three samples of written assignments are presented: on the 1st line - four sticks; on the 2nd line - sticks and hooks; on the 3rd - triangles; pen.

Conducting a survey: the child is asked to write on a piece of paper those elements of the letters that are given in the sample, he is told: "Keep writing."

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, analysis of the sample, the ability to write according to the model.

8. Word analysis . The task is aimed at identifying the child's ability to accept new cognitive tasks related to educational activities.

Conducting a survey: an adult says to the child: "I'll tell you a word, and you count how many sounds there are." Calls the word "house" and asks: "How many sounds are there?" After that, he calls the words "wall", "tail" and asks: "What is the second sound? Name the third, first, fourth, fifth sounds."

Learning: if a child cannot say how many sounds are in the word "house", an adult slowly pronounces each sound and counts them: "D - one sound, o - two, m - three. There are three sounds in this word. Now count, how many sounds are in the word cat. Other words in these cases are not offered for analysis.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the ability to analyze words, learning.

9. Selection of illustrations for the text (birthday). The task is aimed at identifying the relationship between the word and the image.

Equipment: three pictures - a forest clearing, a city street, a birthday.

Conducting a survey: the child is offered to listen to the text of a coherent story that reflects a certain plot, and select an illustration that matches the text he has heard, and then justify his choice.

The text of the story: "Masha had a birthday. Friends came to visit her. They brought her gifts. Natasha brought a ball. Petya brought cubes. And mother gave Masha a doll."

The text is read once at a slow pace, while the pictures are not shown to the child. Only after the story is read, the child is offered to choose an illustration corresponding to the read text: "Find a picture where what I told is drawn." After choosing a picture, regardless of the correctness of the decision, the child is asked: "Why did you think that this picture fits what I read?"

Education: repeated listening to the story is suggested.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the formation of the relationship between the word and the image, the result.

10. Drawing (house, tree, person). Equipment: paper, colored markers. Examination: the technique is the same as for the 6th year of life.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, interest in the task, analysis of drawings - the desire for a plot image.

Score in points

1. "Find a place for a figure" (matrix of figures):

2 points - accepts the task, but the analysis of the conditions of the task and the solution itself in the mental plan cause difficulties, tries to put crosses in any cell, i.e. does not perform the task either for classification or for seriation;

3 points - accepts the task, understands its condition, solves the problem in terms of classification (selection by form), difficulties are noted in the choice by size, i.e. in terms of series. This indicates an insufficient level of development of perceptual actions;

4 points - accepts and understands the task, solves the problem in terms of classification and seriation.

2. "Find the Season":

1 point - does not accept and does not understand the task;

2 points - accepts the task, but cannot name the time of the year at the time of the examination, does not correlate it with the image in the picture, singles out only two seasons by the word - winter and summer. Only fragmentary representations of the seasons are noted;

3 points - accepts and understands the task, there are ideas about all seasons, can correlate a word and an image, but ideas about a certain change of seasons have not yet been formed;

4 points - accepts and understands the task, correlates the time of the year at the time of the examination with the image in the picture, knows a certain sequence of seasons.

3. Grouping pictures by quantity:

1 point - does not accept and does not understand the task;

2 points - accepts the task, but does not understand the conditions of the task, lays out the pictures either in one direction, or in order (in turn) either in one direction or in the other;

3 points - accepts the task, understands the condition of the problem, lays out the pictures according to various criteria, corrects errors on his own, ultimately highlights the basic principle of grouping - a quantitative sign, but cannot formulate this principle in speech statements;

4 points - accepts and understands the condition of the task, groups according to an essential feature, formulates this principle in speech terms.

4. Account :

1 point - does not accept and does not understand the condition of the task, acts inadequately in training;

2 points - accepts the task, but cannot complete any of the proposed options, there are counting operations within three or four;

3 points - accepts the task, but cannot complete it on his own, however, after training, he performs counting operations within five;

4 points - accepts the task, understands the conditions of all its options, performs counting operations within seven to ten.

5. "Draw" (the end of the drawing according to the given figure):

1 point - does not accept or does not understand the terms of the assignment;

2 points - accepts the task, but requires multiple help to start its activity, or can finish drawing one object, or "leaves" the task and begins to draw elementary objects (houses, paths, etc.);

3 points - accepts the task, completes two (rarely three) subjects; does not use all the given forms, and the drawings themselves are very uniform;

4 points - accepts the task, draws with interest, using all the proposed forms.

6. A series of plot pictures (a game with cubes):

1 point - does not understand the task, shifts pictures or behaves inappropriately to the task;

2 points - perceives each picture in isolation, i.e. does not combine a series of pictures into one plot (perceives a series of pictures as a set of adjacent events, talks about each picture separately);

3 points - highlights the plot content of the series of pictures, isolates central idea plot, but serious difficulties are caused by the temporal development of events, the logical sequence of operations. The child has no understanding initial stage action and its completeness, it is difficult to compose a story;

4 points - perceives the event in a series of pictures as a whole, understands that the event is presented sequentially, can compose a logical story.

7. "Continue row" (letter):

1 point - does not accept or does not understand the conditions of the task;

2 points - accepts the task, but cannot work according to the model, writes elements of letters, not taking into account the principle of alternation, does not always adhere to the line;

3 points - accepts the task, works according to the model, takes into account the principle of alternation, but violates it in the process of work, the sizes of the letter elements are not always consistent;

4 points - accepts the task, works with interest, analyzes the sample well, takes into account the principle of alternation, the sizes of letter elements are preserved.

8. Word analysis:

1 point - does not accept the task or does not understand the conditions of the task;

2 points - accepts the task, but cannot perform the analysis of the word, after learning cannot determine the place of the sound in the word;

3 points - accepts the task, understands its conditions, but cannot independently analyze the word; after training, performs the analysis of a word of three sounds;

4 points - accepts the task, understands the conditions of the task, can independently analyze words and determine the place of a sound in a word of five to six sounds.

9. Selection of illustrations for the text (birthday):

1 point - does not accept the task;

2 points - accepts the task, but cannot choose the desired illustration for the text, takes any picture;

3 points - chooses the right illustration, but cannot verbally justify his actions;

4 points - accepts the task, immediately chooses the right illustration, verbally justifies his choice logically.

10. Drawing (house, tree, person):

1 point - the task does not accept or accepts, but cannot draw an object;

2 points - the task accepts, draws the given objects without details, without using color as a sign of certain properties of objects (a drawing of a person, as a rule, without a neck);

3 points - the task accepts, draws given objects with details, but does not use color as a sign of certain properties of objects, there is no desire for a plot image in the drawings;

4 points - the task accepts, draws the given objects with details, using color as a certain sign of the objects, the trends towards the plot image are clearly noted.

The results of the psychological and pedagogical examination

The differences between the examined children consist mainly in the nature of cognitive activity: in accepting the task, in the ways of performing it (on their own or with the help of an adult), learning ability, and interest in the result. In accordance with this, the examined children can be divided into four groups:

1. The first group (10 - 12 points) consists of children who do not follow instructions in their actions, do not understand the purpose of the task, and therefore do not strive to complete it. They are not ready to cooperate with an adult, not understanding the purpose of the task, they act inadequately. Moreover, this group of children is not ready to act adequately even under conditions of imitation.

The indicators of the children of this group testify to a deep trouble in their intellectual development. A comprehensive examination is required.

2. The second group (13 - 23 points) includes children who cannot complete the task on their own. They hardly come into contact with adults, act without taking into account the properties of objects. In the nature of their actions, there is a desire to achieve a certain desired result, therefore, they are characterized by chaotic actions, and in the future - refusal to complete tasks.

In a learning setting, when an adult asks to perform an imitation task, many of them cope. However, after training, the children of this group cannot independently complete the task, which indicates that the principle of action remained unaware of them. At the same time, they are indifferent to the result of their activities.

An analysis of the data of children in this group suggests the need to use other methods of study (examinations of a psychoneurologist, etc.).

3. The third group (24 - 33 points) consists of children who are interested in cooperating with adults. They immediately accept tasks, understand the conditions of these tasks and strive to fulfill them. However, on their own, in many cases, they cannot find an adequate way to perform and often turn to an adult for help. After showing the teacher how to complete the task, many of them can independently cope with the task, showing great interest in the result of their activities.

The indicators of children in this group indicate that this group may include children with hearing, vision, local speech disorders, with minimal brain dysfunction, etc.

4. The fourth group (34 - 40 points) consists of children who accept all tasks with interest, perform them independently, acting at the level of practical orientation, and in some cases at the level of visual orientation. At the same time, they are very interested in the result of their activities. These children usually reach good level mental development.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics

The readiness of a child to study at school is determined by three parameters: the first - the state of health and the level of physical development - is determined by doctors and reflected in medical card, second and third - intellectual and personal readiness - is determined during the pedagogical examination.

When a child is admitted to school, the child must be examined by a school psychologist, a survey of parents in order to determine the level of readiness of the future first-grader for learning.

Methods are used to identify the degree of development of figurative representations of children, sensory development, the development of observation, memory, imagination, the child's attitude to school, to peers and adults is assessed.

Essential for psychological and pedagogical diagnostics is also the determination of the formation in preschoolers of the prerequisites for mastering literacy and mathematics. These prerequisites are the age-appropriate level of development oral speech(state of auditory-speech memory, lexicon, the state of coherent speech); age appropriate level general development(learning of the child, sufficiently developed visual-figurative thinking, the basics of logical thinking); a sufficient degree of development of a number of non-speech functions (the state of visual perception, the state of spatial perception, the state of motor skills and hand-eye coordination).

Input Diagnostics

Questionnaire for parents

(adapted version of the J. Chapey questionnaire)

Fully proficient - 2

Partly owned - 1

2. Is the child able to name pieces of furniture, modes of transport, etc. in one word?

Can always pick up a generalizing word -2

Not always- 1

3. Can the child remember and follow at least three directions?

Yes 1

No -0

4. Reading

The child knows the letters

Understands the difference between a letter and a sound, can read a word of 1-2 syllables

The child reads fluently, can divide words into syllables, highlight the first and last sound in a word

5. Can the child name and designate the main objects around him?

Yes 1

No -0

6. Is it easy for a child to answer questions from adults?

Yes 1

No -0

7. Can the child explain what different things are for?

1- gives elementary explanations

2- gives detailed explanations

8. Can the child tell a story, describe an incident that happened to him?

Yes 1

No -0

9. Does the child pronounce words clearly?

Yes 1

No -0

10. Is the child able to act out any situation or play in a home performance?

Yes 1

No -0

11. Is the child able to listen without interrupting?

Yes 1

No -0

12. Is it easy for a child to memorize poetry?

Yes 1

No -0

13. Is the child able to expressively recite poetry?

Yes 1

No -0

14. Can the child hold a pencil (pen)?

Yes 1

No -0

15. Can a child independently assemble a picture cut into several parts?

Yes 1

No -0

16. Coloring and Drawing:

Enjoys coloring and drawing

With pleasure and neatly paints

17. Can the child make up a story from the picture?

Yes 1

No -0

18. Do you think your child is knowledgeable enough?

Good Enough - 1

Good -2

19. Do you consider your child to be inquisitive?

Yes 1

No -0

Poll results:

(individual work)

Month (no explanation)

Month, because to……

Name the days of the week starting with Monday

Correct answer

What types of transport do you know?

Ground, water, air

Named any of the ground, air, etc.

Pear, peach, apple - what is it?

Fruits, fruits

Cat, mouse, dog, who is this?



Piano, violin, guitar...

Musical instruments

Peony, rose, carnation...


name the birds

Correct answer, 2-3 options

Poll results:

1. High level - 22-26 points.

2. Above average - 18-21 points.

3. Average level - 12-17 points.

4. Below average - 6-11 points.

5. Low level - 0-5 points.

Intellectual readiness of the child for learning

(group work)

Exercise 1.

Target : to reveal the ability to convey the shape of the figure, the ability to draw straight line segments and angles, to assess the hardness of the child's hand.

Task text: look here (a picture for the task is shown on the board). You see a figure. Review it on your worksheets. Take a pencil and draw a similar figure next to it (the figure is given at the discretion of the teachers in all groups is the same).

Completion score:

3 points - a similar figure is depicted, the proportions are mostly preserved;

2 points - a similar figure is depicted, the proportions are slightly changed, but all the angles are straight, not everywhere parallel lines are observed

1 point - the general shape of the figure is poorly grasped, the proportions are significantly changed

0 points - the general shape of the figure is not captured.

Task 2.

Target: determine the ability to navigate on a plane, the ability to count cells.

Task text: the task will be performed on a worksheet in a box. Find on your sheets a cell painted in black.Take a red pencil, count 4 cells from the black cell to the right and color the fifth cell in red.Take the blue pencil. From the red cell, step down two cells and paint over the third with a blue pencil.Take a green pencil and paint over the cell to the left of the blue one through one cell.Take the yellow pencil. Count five cells up from the green cell and color the sixth in yellow.

Completion score: if everything is done correctly and evenly colored, then the total score is 3 points. One point is deducted for every two wrong steps.


Target : to identify the ability to select and perform the operation of addition and subtraction according to the correct understanding of the text of the problem.

Task text: on a blank worksheet, you will do the third task.

1. 3 girls and 2 boys are playing in the clearing. How many children are playing in the meadow? Draw as many circles as there are children playing in the clearing.

2. There were 6 people on the bus. Two people got off the bus. Draw as many squares as there are people left on the bus.

Performance rating:

3 points - both tasks are completed correctly

2 points - one task was completed correctly, an attempt was made to solve the second

1 point - completed one task, no attempts to solve the second

0 points - there is an attempt to solve one problem, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect.

Task 4 .

Target : to identify the level of understanding of the terms "inside", "outside".

Task text : look at the blackboard (the teacher draws a triangle on the blackboard).

I drew a triangle (a point inside the triangle is marked). I marked a point inside the triangle (a point outside the triangle is marked). I marked a point outside the triangle. Now on your worksheets find a square and a circle. Take a blue pencil and mark a point inside the circle but outside the square. Take a red pencil and mark a point inside the square but outside the circle. Take a green pencil and mark a point that would be located both inside the circle and inside the square.

Performance evaluation :

3 points - everything is done correctly.

2 points - done correctly 2 points

1 point - completed correctly 1 point

0 points - task not completed

Task 5.

Target: identify the ability to compare sets by the number of elements.

Task text: find a drawing on your papers (25-30 circles are shown in three or four rows, in which triangles are inscribed, one of the circles is empty).Which is more: circles or triangles?If circles, then draw how many are missing.If triangles, then draw the triangles.

Performance evaluation :

3 points - the comparison is correct

2 points - the comparison was made with minor inaccuracies

0 points - the comparison was made incorrectly.

Task 6.

Target: identify the ability to classify, the ability to find the signs by which the classification is made.

Task text: there are two frames on your worksheet: in one - 4 birds, in the other - 5 animals. Between them is a squirrel. Consider where she belongs. From the squirrel, draw a line with a pencil to the frame where it belongs.

Completion score:

3 points - the line is drawn correctly: from the squirrel to the frame in which the animals are depicted.

2 points - the line is drawn to the birds, but the feature is related to the number of items.

1 point - the line is drawn incorrectly.

0 points - the line is not drawn.

Task 7.

Target: determine the state of phonemic hearing.

Task text: on your worksheets pictures (sun, dog, umbrella, plane, scythe, elephant, fox, rose, chicken, vase, paintbrush, cabbage) under each is a circle. You need to name each picture and cross out the circle if there is a sound in the name that I will name - sound (s).

Completion score:

3 points - the whole task was completed correctly

2 points - the sound is highlighted only in the position of the beginning of the word

1 point - the presence of errors (no differentiation sounds from-z)

0 points - no differentiation of sounds (s-s, s-ts, s-ts)

Task 8.

Target : to reveal the degree of mastery sound analysis at the level of determining the number of sounds in a word.

Task text: you see houses with a different number of windows and pictures next to them (cancer, lion, wolf, cheese, bow). Place each picture in a house so that each sound has a separate window. Look at the picture "cancer". The word cancer has three sounds. So this picture is for a house with three windows. Try to do the work yourself.

Completion score:

3 points - all tasks are correctly completed

2 points - the presence of single errors

1 point - the presence of several errors

0 points - complete lack of correspondence between the number of sounds in the word and the number of "windows"

Final diagnostics "Studying the characteristics of the child's personal development" (for children)

Answer options

(+ yes, - no)

1. Do you have friends?

2. Can you follow the rules of the game?

3. Can you get to know the children yourself when you are in an unfamiliar place?

4. Do you know how to clean up your toys and personal items after playing or at the end of the day on your own, without being reminded by adults?

5. Can you listen to others without interrupting?


5 "+" - high level

4-3 "+" - average level

2-0 "+" - low level

Questionnaire to study the requests and educational needs of parents

Dear parent! We ask you to answer the questions of this questionnaire in connection with the fact that our educational institution switches to the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standard) of a new generation. Read carefully and answer the questions honestly. Your opinion matters to the organization educational process.

FULL NAME.____________________________________________________________
1. Do you know that the most important task modern education is to improve the quality educational services?
a) yes
b) No
c) Difficult to answer
2. Are you satisfied with the quality of preschool education?
a) yes
b) No
3. Does your child attend institutions additional education, music schools, sports and health facilities?
b) No
4. What is your child interested in? Are his interests permanent?
5. Do you think that your child has special talents and abilities?
a) Yes (which ones) ____________________________________________________________
b) No
c) Difficult to answer
6. Assess the importance of educational services in the school. Put in the box next to each statement the number of place in importance from 1 (most important) to 5 (less important).

Other (what exactly?) _______________________________________________________________
7. What additional (paid) services do you want to receive from the school?
a) Learning the second foreign language(what) _______________________________________________________________
b) Studying new subjects (courses) (what) ______________________________________________________________
8. What Additional information about the organization of the educational process you would like to receive?
a) from the administration _________________________________________________________
b) from the teacher ____________________________________________________________
c) from honey. employee _________________________________________________
Thank you for your cooperation!

Methodology "Nonsense"


Target: identification of the child's elementary figurative ideas about the world around him, the logical connections and relationships that exist between some objects of the world; the ability to reason logically and grammatically correctly express their thoughts; For children from 4 years old.

Stimulus material: the picture with the image a large number absurdities.

Conducting a survey: The child is shown a picture. During the examination, the child receives the instruction: “Look carefully at this picture and say if everything here is in its place and if it is drawn correctly. If something is not right, then point it out and explain why it is not; explain how it should be. Both parts of the instruction are executed sequentially. First, the child simply names all the absurdities and points them out in the picture, and then explains how it should really be. The time for displaying the picture and completing the task is 3 minutes. During this time, the child must show and name as many absurdities as possible.

Processing instruction: 10 points (very high level of development) - if in the allotted time the child noticed all the absurdities, managed to satisfactorily explain what was wrong and how it should be.

8 - 9 points (high level of development) - the child noticed and noted all the available absurdities, but from 1 to 3 did not manage to fully explain or say how it should be.

6 - 7 points (normal) - the child noticed and noted all the available absurdities, but 3 - 4 of them did not have time to fully explain.

4 - 5 points (average level of development) - noticed all the absurdities, did not have time to explain 5 - 7 absurdities.

2 - 3 points (low level of development) - did not have time to notice 1 - 4 absurdities in the picture, the matter did not come to an explanation.

0 - 1 point (very low level of development) - in the allotted time, the child managed to detect less than 4 of the available absurdities.

Method "Seasons"


Target: clarification of the level of formation of ideas about the seasons (the level of visual - figurative thinking) of children from 4 years old.

Stimulus material: plot pictures with specific signs of four seasons.

Conducting a survey: Four pictures are laid out in front of the child, which depict the four seasons. The child is asked to show where winter, spring, summer, autumn are depicted. Then they ask: "Tell me how you guessed that spring is depicted here." In case of difficulty, training is provided. Run time - 2 minutes.

Education: pictures are left in front of the child depicting only 2 seasons - summer and winter. They ask him clarifying questions: “What happens in winter? Find where winter is depicted here.

Evaluation of the child's actions: acceptance and understanding of the task, the level of formation of temporary ideas, the ability to verbally explain their actions.

Processing instruction: 10 points (very high level of development) - in the allotted time, the child correctly named and linked all the pictures with the seasons, indicating at least 2 signs on each of them, indicating that the picture shows this particular season (at least 8 in total features in all pictures).

8 - 9 points (high level of development) - the child correctly named and connected all the pictures with the right seasons, while indicating 5 - 7 signs confirming his opinion in all the pictures taken together.

6 - 7 points (normal) - correctly identified the seasons in all the pictures, but indicated only 3 - 4 signs confirming his opinion.

4 - 5 points (medium) - correctly identified the season only in 1 - 2 pictures out of 4 and indicated only 1 - 2 signs to support his opinion.

0 - 3 points (low level of development) - the child could not correctly identify any season and did not name exactly a single sign.

1 point - does not understand the goal, shifts the pictures.

2 points - accepts the task, but does not correlate the image of the seasons with their names, i.e. temporary representations are not formed, but after training can select pictures depicting winter and summer.

3 points - accepts the task, confidently correlates images of only two seasons with their names (winter and summer).

4 points - accepts the task, confidently correlates images of all seasons with their names.

Method "What is missing?"



Stimulus material: 7 pictures depicting objects that lack any essential detail.

Conducting a survey: The child is offered pictures, the instruction is given: “Each of the pictures is missing some important detail, look carefully and name the missing detail.” The examination time is 25 seconds.

Processing instruction: 10 points (very high level of development) - the child completed the task in less than 25 seconds, while naming all 7 missing items in the pictures.

8 - 9 points (high level of development) - the time to search for all the missing items took from 26 to 30 seconds.

6 - 7 points (normal) - the search time took from 31 to 35 seconds.

4 - 5 points (average) - the search time was from 36 to 40 seconds.

2 - 3 points (low) - the search time was in the range from 41 to 45 seconds.

0 - 1 point (very low) - the search time was more than 45 seconds in total.

Method "What objects are hidden in the drawings?"


Target: identification of the level of development of perception of children from 4 years old.

Stimulus material: 3 drawings depicting contours of real objects superimposed on each other.

Conducting a survey: The child is presented with 3 pictures in sequence. Instructions: “Objects are hidden in the picture. Find as many objects as you can and name them." The examination time is 1 minute.

Processing instruction: 10 points (very high level of development) - 14 items are named, time - 20 seconds.

8 9 points (high level of development) - all items are named in 21 - 30 seconds.

6 7 points (normal) - all objects are named in 31 - 40 seconds.

4 5 points (average level of development) - solving the problem with time - 41 - 50 seconds.

2 - 3 points (low) - the child coped with the task in 51 - 60 seconds.

0 - 1 point (very low) - for more than 60 seconds, the child was unable to solve the problem of finding and naming all 14 objects.

Methodology "What is superfluous here?"


Target: study of the processes of figurative - logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization of children from 4 years old.

Stimulus material: a series of pictures showing different objects (3 from one classification series, 1 from another).

Description of the technique: The child is presented with a series of pictures, accompanied by the following instruction: “In each of these pictures, one of the four objects is superfluous. Look carefully at the pictures and determine which item and why is superfluous. Examination time: 3 minutes.

Processing instruction: 10 points (very high level of development) - the child solved the task assigned to him in less than 1 minute, naming the extra objects in all the pictures and correctly explaining why they are superfluous.

8 9 points (high level of development) - the child correctly solved the problem in 1 to 1.5 minutes.

6 7 points (normal) - the child coped with the task in 1.5 to 2 minutes.

4 - 5 points (average level of development) - the child solved the problem in 2 to 2.5 minutes.

2 - 3 points (low) - solved the problem in 2.5 to 3 minutes.

0 - 1 point (very low) - the child did not cope with the task in 3 minutes.

Method "A series of plot pictures"


Target: identification of the level of formation of visual - figurative thinking of children from 4 years old.

Stimulus material: plot pictures depicting a sequence of events.

Conducting a survey: plot pictures are laid out in front of the child and they are offered to consider them and put them in order: “Decompose what happened first, what then and how it all ended. Now tell me what's in it." An adult does not interfere in the process of laying out pictures. The child can correct his own mistakes.

Processing instruction: acceptance and understanding of the task, the child's ability to understand that one event is shown in all the pictures, and also that the event has a certain time sequence, the child's ability to compose a coherent logical story.

1 point - does not understand the task, acts inadequately to the instructions.

2 points - the task understands, lays out the pictures without taking into account the sequence of events depicted in the picture, perceives each picture as a separate action, without combining them into one plot.

3 points - accepts the task, lays out the pictures, confusing the actions, but eventually lays them out sequentially, but cannot compose a coherent story about this event.

4 points - accepts the task, lays out the pictures in a certain sequence, combining them into one event and can make up a story about it.

Methodology "Grouping pictures by quantitative attribute"


Target: identification of the level of development of visual and logical thinking of children from 4 years old.

Stimulus material: paired pictures depicting objects of various quantities: 1 - I'm a pair (on one - a lot of cucumbers, on the other - one cucumber); 2 - I'm a couple (one has a lot of apples, the other has one), etc.

Conducting a survey: a couple of pictures are placed in front of the child, on which they are offered to consider these pictures, and the rest are laid out under them to make a vertical row. The adult says: “Everything similar to this picture (points to a picture with a lot of cucumbers) will be placed here, and everything similar to this (where there is one object) will be placed in another row.” Then the child is given one picture at a time, and the input of his actions is not interfered with. After laying out the pictures, he is asked to explain which pictures he put in one row, and which in another.


Oleinik Alena Evgenievna

4th year student, Department of Pedagogy and Methods primary education TI (f) NEFU,
Russian Federation, Neryungri

Mamedova Larisa Viktorovna

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of TI (f) NEFU,
Russian Federation, Neryungri

Early childhood is one of the most important periods in a child's life. This is due to the fact that it is during the period of preschool childhood that such mental processes as memory, speech, thinking, attention, and perception actively develop.

Features of the mental development of children of primary preschool age are revealed in the works of domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists, such as A.A. Rean, L.F. Obukhova, M.V. Gamezo, M.I. Lisina, O.A. Karabanova, R.P. Efimkina et al. Analysis scientific papers allowed to determine the significance of the mental development of the child.

aim this study is to identify the level of cognitive development of children of primary preschool age.

For experimental work we have chosen a methodology for examining cognitive development, diagnostic training, qualitative and quantitative assessment of the actions of a child of 3-4 years old (Strebeleva E.A.).

The diagnostic results were as follows:

1. "Play"

Purpose: "to identify the level of development of the game and the formation of object-game actions" .

When analyzing the results, it was found that in the group 16.7% (2 people) of the total number of students have a very low level of development of the game. The child is not interested in toys, does not show a desire to start playing activities.

25% (3 people) have a low level of game development. The child performs play actions together with an adult. Shows no initiative.

33.3% (4 people) of the total number of children have an average level. The child is interested in toys, plays with them independently. Game activity is not accompanied by speech.

33.3% (4 people) have a high level of development of gaming activities. The child performs actions sequentially, combines them into a plot. As the task is completed, the child accompanies his actions with speech.

Based qualitative analysis according to the results of the task "Play" was made quantitative analysis, which determines the level of development of the game, i.e., the attitude towards toys and the development of object-game actions, the ability to imitate several consecutive game actions. The results are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The results of the study on the task "Play" (09/12/14)

2. "Box of Forms"

Purpose: "identifying the level of development of the ability to use the trial method".

16.7% (2 people) of the group have a very low level of development of practical orientation to the form. The child does not understand the task, does not show interest and desire to complete it. After training, the task still remains incomprehensible to him.

25% (3 people) have a low level of development of practical orientation. The child accepts the task and tries to complete it, but the actions in the process of execution are chaotic. The child does not resort to the trial method even after training.

The average level of ability to use the trial method when performing practical tasks is 33.3% (4 people) of the total number of children. The task is clear to the child, he performs it by the method of enumeration of options, after training he resorts to the method of trials.

25% (3 people) have a high level. The child understands and accepts the proposed task, performs it by the method of purposeful trials or practical trying on, while showing interest.

On the basis of a qualitative analysis, a quantitative analysis was made, which determines the level of ability to use the trial method when performing practical tasks. The results are presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The results of the study on the task "Box of Forms" (09/12/14)

3. "Disassemble and fold matryoshka"

Target: "Identification of the level of development of the orientation to the size".

Diagnosis of children through this task showed that 8.4% (1 person) have a very low level of development of orientation to value. The child does not accept the task and even after training continues to act chaotically.

33.3% (4 people) of the group have a low level of development. The child understands the task, actively acts with the nesting doll, but does not take into account the size. The actions of the child during the performance of the task are chaotic. After joint activities, he does not proceed to independent actions, shows indifference to the result of his activities.

25% (3 people) have a high level of development of value orientation. The task is clear to the child, he tries to fold the matryoshka by trial and error, shows interest in the results of his activities.

33.3% (4 people) have an average level of development. The child accepts and understands the task, performs it by enumeration of options; after training, acts independently. Shows interest in the end result.

The results are presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3. The results of the study on the task "Disassemble and fold the matryoshka" (09/12/14)

4. "Toy Grouping"

Purpose: "Identification of the level of development of the implementation of grouping by form" .

16.7% (2 people) have a very low level of perception of form and ability to use geometric standards. The child does not accept and does not understand the task, while learning the actions are inadequate.

25% (3 people) have a low level of perception of form and ability to use geometric standards. When completing a task, the child does not resort to orientation to the model.

The average level of development of perception of form is 33.3% (4 people). The child lowers the toys, not always resorting to orientation to the sample, after training, correlates the shape of the toys with the sample.

25% (3 people) have a high level of grouping skill. The child lowers the toys based on the sample, shows interest in the final result.

We carried out a quantitative analysis that determines the level of development of the perception of form, the ability to use geometric standards in determining general form specific items.

The results are presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4. The results of the study on the task "Grouping toys" (09/12/14)

5. "Fold the cut picture"

Purpose: "determining the level of development of a holistic perception of a subject image in a picture".

25% (3 people) of the total number of children have a low level of development of holistic perception. The child accepts the task, but does not understand that the parts must be combined into a complete picture. When performing the task, he tries to stack the parts on top of each other. After training, the child is able to complete the task without help. Shows no interest in the result of his activity.

33.3% (4 people) have an average level of development. The child accepts and understands the task, tries to connect the parts into a picture, but cannot complete it without help. After joint activities, he copes with the task, shows interest in the result of his activities.

A high level of holistic perception in 33.3% (4 people). When performing, the child resorts to the method of targeted trials or to practical trying on. The task is clear to the child, performs without outside help. When performing, resorts to the method of targeted trials or resorts to practical fitting.

Very low level of holistic perception in 8.4% (1 person). The child does not accept the task, the actions are inadequate even under learning conditions.

The results are shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. The results of the study on the task "Fold the split picture" (09/12/14)

6. "Get the cart"

Purpose: "determining the level of development of visual-effective thinking" .

A very low level of development of visual-figurative thinking was found in 8.3% (1 person). The child does not accept the task, does not understand the goal set for him.

A low level of development is also in 25% (3 people). The child accepts the task, acts inadequately when performing, i.e. e. the child tries to reach the trolley with his hand or get up and go to the trolley.

The average level of development of visual-figurative thinking is noted in 50% (6 people). The task is understandable for the child. At first, he tries to get the trolley with his hand, then he tries to get up and approach the trolley, then he uses sticks to get the trolley, resorts to using the trial method. Completion of the task shows a positive result.

16.7% (2 people) have a high level of development. The child accepts and understands the task, immediately picks up the tool. The task is performed through the method of trials or visual correlation.

The results of the survey are presented in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Results of research on the task "Get the cart" (09/12/14)

7. "Find a Pair"

Goal: "determining the ability to analyze and compare images, find similarities and differences."

A very low level of development of the ability to analyze and compare is noted in 8.3% (1 person). The child does not understand the task, the actions in the learning process are inadequate.

A low level of development of the ability to analyze and compare is noted in 16.7% (2 people). The child accepts the task, but does not understand the conditions for its implementation, randomly selects pictures and shows them without resorting to the operation of comparison and generalization. After training, he still can't cope with the task.

50% (6 people) have an average level of development. The task is clear to the child, but the operations of generalization and comparison are not sufficiently developed. After co-execution, performs the task correctly.

A high level of development was found in 25% (3 people). The child accepts and understands the task. Owns the operations of comparison and generalization, the task immediately performs correctly.

Our quantitative analysis allowed us to determine the level of ability to analyze and compare images, to find similarities and differences. The results are presented in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Results of the study on the task "Find a Pair" (09/12/14)

8. "Build with Cubes"

Purpose: "determining the level of development of the ability to work by imitation".

A low level of development of the ability to work by imitation is 25% (3 people). The child accepts the task, but cannot follow the example. Under conditions of imitation, he copes with the task, but after training, he again fails to cope with the task.

The average level of development of the ability to perform a display task is noted in 58.3% (7 people). The child accepts the task. The display task is performed inaccurately, but after training, it can complete the construction according to the example.

16.7% (2 people) have a high level of development of this skill. The child understands and accepts the task, can immediately build according to the show.

The results are presented in Figure 8.

Figure 8. The results of the study on the task "Build from cubes" (09/12/14)

9. "Draw"

Purpose: "determining the level of development of the subject drawing".

25% (3 people) have a low level of development of subject drawing. The child accepts the task, but cannot draw a rope to the ball, draws on paper. After joint execution, he draws lines on paper, not taking into account the conditions of the task.

The average level of development was revealed in 50% (6 people). The child accepts the task, but does not complete it independently. After training, he draws balls and ropes. Shows interest in the results of their work.

25% (3 people) have a high level of development. The child accepts and understands the task, draws a rope to the ball immediately after the show. Shows interest in the result of the activity.

The survey results are shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. The results of the study on the task "Draw" (09/12/14)

10. "Story Pictures"

Purpose: "determining the level of development of understanding the plot image, the level of development of coherent speech".

A very low level of understanding the plot image and the development of coherent speech was found in 8.4% (1 person). The child has no own speech, not even reflected speech.

A low level of development of coherent speech is noted in 33.3% (4 people) of the total number of children. The child's own speech consists of onomatopoeia and individual words.

33.3% (4 people) have an average level of speech development. The child's own speech consists of phrases, but is not clear to others.

25% (3 people) have a high level of development. The child has his own phrasal speech, well understood by others.

The results are presented in Figure 10.

Figure 10. The results of the study on the task "Subject pictures" (09/12/14)

Primary diagnostics showed that not all mental processes are developed in accordance with the age norm.

Thus, there are several areas of work with children. Firstly, it is the creation of a favorable environment for the education of the child. And secondly, planned and regular work with children in order to develop such mental processes like thinking, perception, speech, etc.


1. Strebeleva E.A. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age: Method. allowance: with app. album "Look. material for examining children” / [E.A. Strebeleva, G.A. Mishina, Yu.A. Razenkov and others] / Ed. E.A. Strebeleva. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M.: Enlightenment, 2004. - 164 p.