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Lexical theme my city my country. Summary of the joint activities of the teacher with children of preparatory age with an onrlexical theme: “city. Development of visual and auditory perception and memory

Didactic games


Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the coat of arms of their native city. Activate dictionary.

What do you think the coat of arms of our city means?

How would you name the shape of the coat of arms?

What colors are on the coat of arms?

What is on the coat of arms?

Think about why the city needs a coat of arms?


Target.To develop the speech of children, the ability to form a diminutive form of a word. Cultivate love for your hometown.











Target.Develop the ability to complete sentences by choosing words that fit the meaning. Strengthen knowledge about your hometown. Cultivate love for your hometown.

Our city is called...

The inhabitants of our city are called ...

Our city is located near the National Park…

In winter in our city…

What I love most about our city is…


Target.Activate adjectives in children's speech. Develop memory, thinking.

Korolev (native, beloved, glorious, beautiful, etc.).

Klyazma (deep, cold, wide, etc.).

Central Park (green, clean, beautiful, etc.).

Bridge (long, new, noisy, etc.)


Target.Strengthen knowledge about animals native land.

Fox, wolf, hedgehog, bear, hare, beaver, deer, squirrel, elk, wild boar, tiger, lynx, etc.


Target.To consolidate knowledge about the trees of their native city.

Birch, spruce, pine, thuja. acacia, bird cherry, chestnut, poplar, maple, palm, larch.


Target.Develop logical thinking, speech.

Flag, coat of arms, banner.

Park, forest, forest.

Korolev, rocket, satellite, machine.

House, street, avenue, lane.

TsUP, "Energy", museum.

"Vostok", "Energy", comet.


Target. Develop logical thinking.

Korolev is the capital of Russia.

We live in houses.

The coat of arms of Korolev depicts a birch.

The flag of the hometown has an image of the planet Mars.

The longest street in our city is Michurin Street.

Korolyov is located on the banks of the Yauza River.

The city of Korolev is larger in area than the city of Moscow.

Residents of the city of Korolev are called kings.


Target. To improve the ability of children to form words in the plural.

House, street, resident, museum, satellite, rocket, coat of arms, flag, shop, kindergarten and etc.


Homeland - native, people, parents, born, relatives, parental, etc.


"Name the house in which 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 floors."

Formation of compound adjectives . You can name the beginning of the word, and the child continues and calls the whole word.

House with one floor - what? - cottage

a house with two floors, - what? - a two-story house

house with three floors - what? - three-storey house

a house with four floors, - what? - a four-story house

house with five floors - what? - five-storey building

house with many floors - what? - multi-storey building.

Game options“One - many”, “Make an offer”, “There is nothing?”


Agreement of nouns and adjectives with numerals

Count from 1 to 5 (10), from 5 (10) to 1.

Street, wide street, beautiful street.

home, new home, high house, multi-storey building.

Road, wide road, smooth road, long road.
Store, children's store, large store.

Monument, beautiful monument, large monument, bronze monument.

Museum, local history museum, historical Museum, Space Museum.


Formation of the comparative degree of adjectives. Playing with a ball or any other object.

This avenue is wide, and the other is even ... (wider).

This lane is quiet, but that one is still ... (quieter).

This road is narrow, and there is more ... (already).

This house is old, and the other is even (older).

This area is large, and next to it (more).

This monument is high, and the other is even ... (higher).

Formation of adjectives from nouns. You can offer to come up with and name a derivative word.

There are many streets in our city. New houses, streets appear, but do not yet have names. Let's come up with names for these streets so that the inhabitants of the city will immediately remember them.

There is a factory on this street. Let's call it (Factory).

There are many flowers on this street. Let's call it (Flower).

There are many schools on this street. Let's call it (School).

Near this street is located national park « Moose Island". Let's call it (Losinoostrovskaya).

There are many birches on this street. Let's call it (Birch).

There are many garden trees on this street. Let's call it (Garden).

There is a pharmacy on this street. Let's call it (Pharmacy).

Come up with some more street names yourself.


Target:To promote the development of the ability to navigate in their hometown. To consolidate knowledge about its attractions.

Children sit on chairs arranged in 2 rows, like seats on a bus. The driver sits in the front seat. He holds an imaginary steering wheel in his hands. One child is dressed in a traffic light costume.

Children: We got on the bus together

And looked out the window.

Our driver pressed the pedal,

And the bus ran.

Children sway rhythmically, the driver “turns the steering wheel”.

Traffic light:

Stop! Cars have a red light.

Look at the windows

And think a little:

What is the building in front of you?

Answer quickly yourself.

A child in a traffic light costume asks questions, showing children photographs of streets, monuments, sights:

What is the street in front of you?

What is the monument in front of you?

What kind of enterprise is in front of you?

What is the building in front of you? Etc.

(children's answers)

Traffic light: I turn on the green light

So children travel around their hometown and return to the street where the kindergarten is located.




The story of an adult is a model for children, so you need to:

accompany the story with visual material: photographs, reproductions, slides, diagrams, drawings; address children with questions in the course of the story in order to activate their attention, to arouse the desire to learn something on their own, to try to guess something on their own; do not give dates: they make it difficult to perceive the material; use vocabulary accessible to children, explain the meaning of unfamiliar words, do not use special terminology, do not overload the story with complex grammatical structures.


Target:Teach children to write a short coherent story on a topic

"My city". Develop self-confidence, love for your hometown, desire to learn more about your city.

Material for the game:microphone, badge with the inscription "Newspaper correspondent".

"City of the future"

Target:To teach children to fantasize, come up with their own street names, be able to explain why the street is named that way.


a) What is the name of your city?

b) Who is your city named after?

c) What was the name of your city before?

D) Name the streets and avenues of the city.

D) The main attractions of your favorite city.

AND) Your attitude to your hometown.


a) What is the name of the street? Why?

B) What is this street like (quiet, noisy, wide, green, etc.?)

c) What is located on this street? (Shop, park, hospital, etc.)

d) Where is this street located?

D) Your attitude to this street.


(5 pieces with views of the city of Korolev, its sights).



Target.To consolidate children's knowledge of their hometown, develop imagination, memory.

Game progress:the teacher makes a riddle about a place in the village, and the children guess.

For example:

This building stands on Michurin Street. It is large, two-story, with many windows. Every morning, parents bring their children there to play, study, and communicate with each other. (Kindergarten) This building is located on Dzerzhinsky Street. Beautiful, with white columns. All residents of Korolev love to go to concerts there, watch new films. Here are the ceremonies festive events. (Palace of Culture Kostino) This wooden building is located near a pond with a fountain. There is a park nearby. It is visited by children who want to learn about the history of our city. (Museum of History and Local Lore) This place is loved by both adult residents of Korolev and children. People often go there to relax, enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe fresh air, ride bicycles along the canal. If you're lucky - meet the moose. And go skiing in the winter. (Moose Island Park)

Game options.Riddles can be guessed according to the type of game "Yes - no" (Children ask leading questions, and the teacher answers "yes" or "no", you can also switch roles).


Target. To develop the ability to talk about the city, the definition of which indicates atypical signs that develop thinking and imagination.

Game progress:the teacher calls the phrase, the child reveals its meaning.

For example:

Cold Korolyov (city in winter),

cheerful Korolyov (city on holidays),

dark Korolev (city at night),

young Korolev (new buildings, young residents), etc.


a) make a word from the underlined letters of these words:









b) name all the vowels in the name of the street where your kindergarten is located


c) how many syllables are in the name of MICHURINA street?





How many words are in a sentence? Name the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th word. Say the 2nd word. How does it sound? Name the 4th word. How does it sound? Name the 5th word. How does it sound?


Target:Development of logical thinking, fine motor skills hands

Lay out a rocket from counting sticks - the symbol of our city. Lay out from the counting sticks the name of the street on which the kindergarten is located. Lay out the name from the counting sticks spaceship, a monument that stands on the territory of RSC Energia.


Purpose: To form the ability to consistently and expressively retell the story close to the text, syntactically and grammatically correctly build answers to questions. Expand your understanding of the nature of your native land.

Reading the story "An Unexpected Meeting" by the Barykin family (Almanac "And I love my native places" No. 1)

2. Conversation

What is this story about? Where and when did the boy walk with his family? What did the boy see on the walk? Why did the boy and his parents decide to return home? What scared the boy on the way home? How did the boy behave? How did the father comfort the boy? How did the moose cow and the calf behave? What proverb did the boy remember? In what mood did the boy come home? Why?

Rereading the story.

4. Retelling by children the passage they liked.







Task for the child : count 3 cells from the top, 7 cells from the left and put a dot. Now from this point, count 1 cell to the right, one cell down and put another point. From the second point 4 cells down and put the third point. Now, from the third point, count 1 cell to the right, 1 cell down and put the fourth point. From the fourth point, count one cell down and put the fifth point. Now from the fifth point, count one cell to the left and one up and put the sixth point. From the sixth point, count two cells to the left and put the seventh point. Now from the seventh point, count one cell to the left and one cell down and put the eighth point. From the eighth point, count one cell up and put the ninth point. From the ninth point, count one cell to the right and one cell up and put the tenth point. From the tenth point, count up 4 cells and put another point. Connect all the dots and color.


I. Correction-developing:

1. Development of logical thinking: the ability to guess riddles, puzzles, encrypted words;

2. Improve auditory perception;

3. Improve visual perception;

4. Development of phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis: disassemble and compose a word from sounds;

5. Develop coordination of speech with movement, fine motor skills;

6. Develop communication skills, abilities.

II. Correctional - educational:

1.Activation of the dictionary on the topic, streets, Neva river, avenues;

Nouns: city, citizens, St. Petersburg;

Adjectives: urban, necessary, Petersburg, Petersburg women, Petersburgers, Petersburg (streets) wide, straight, narrow;

Verbs: live, ride, watch, grow.

2. The grammatical structure of speech:

Improve the ability to coordinate words in a sentence in gender, number, case;

3. Connected speech:

Develop the ability to make sentences with the proposed words;

Define the term "city".

III. Correctional and educational goodwill, skills of cooperation, activity.

Preliminary work:

Sights of St. Petersburg, Vasilyevsky Island;

Conversations, familiarization with the literature on the topic;

Reading and learning poems on topics;

Walking with parents around the city;

Didactic games for the development of phonemic perception, the development of visual-spatial functions, the ability to navigate the scheme own body, group space;
- Musical leisure "Journey through spring St. Petersburg";

Drawing, application on the theme "Our city";

Organization of the exhibition creative works By lexical topic.


Slides showing the sights of the city.

GCD progress

1. Org. Moment. Communication game « Good morning
(Children enter the group. Stand near their places. Say hello.)
Speech therapist: We have guests today. Let's say hello and say good words to each other and guests……

Good morning me!
Good morning for you!
good morning us
To our friends and our guests!
M.Yu. Kartushina.

(Sit down at the tables.)

2. Logical thinking. Dialogic speech. + slide

Ex. "Guess a riddle".

(Children sit at the tables. Slide with a guess.)
Speech therapist: We should have another guest or guest. But who? You will know if you solve the riddle. Sonya will guess the riddle. Listen. Listen carefully, who guessed, raises his hand and beautifully answers.

The gray bird is circling

Kar-kar! - shouting and having fun.

well-known person

And her name is ... .. (Crow.)
Who is this? (Children's answers.) Are we checking? We all look at the screen.

3. Phonetics. Analysis and synthesis.
Speech therapist: And so we have an unusual guest. She is curious, restless. And her name is... Do you want to know what her name is? Guess the encrypted word with the first letters. What is the name of our guest? (Children's answers.) Are we checking?

4. Connected speech. Dialogic speech.

Ex. “Make sentences out of words.
(On the tables of the children are "pebbles" with words.)
Speech therapist: Lusha loves to collect pebbles, and she knows that pebbles can be found on the river bank. She flew and landed on the bank of a full-flowing river. The water was blue-gray and the waves crashed against the shore. And then the Crow saw what she was looking for. But Lusha has never seen such pebbles. Look. (Slide.) Words are written on the pebbles . ( Read them) . Help Lusha, make a sentence out of these words. You also have “pebbles” with written words on the plates, make a sentence from these words.

A city was founded on the banks of the river.

Speech therapist: What is the first word, second, third, fourth, fifth. How many words are in a sentence?
Speech therapist: Do you want to know on the banks of which river Lusha ended up?

5. Word synthesis + slide.

Speech therapist: But suddenly a huge wave rolled ashore and splashed the Crow . Droplets hit the head, beak, back, paws. The droplets shone in the rays of the sun and Lusha saw that there were letters in the droplets. (drop slide)

Try to compose the name of the main river of our city from the letters. (Neva.) What is the main river of the city? (Answers.)

Herman will read us a poem about the Neva.

Quiet evening over the Neva
Filled the city with blue.
How much blue do you want
He will get from the Neva.

6. Finger game.

(Children stand near their seats.)

Speech therapist: While Lusha is walking along the banks of the Neva River, we will warm up a little. Get up near your seats. Prepared the pens. (M.b. Anya.)

We are walking around the city, (rings)
We see a lot, we call (cams)
Traffic lights and cars, (rings)
Zoo and shops, (rings)
Squares, streets, bridges, (thumb of the right hand with the thumb of the left hand, etc.)
Both trees and bushes.

7. Connected speech. Talk about the city.

While we were playing Lusha flew over the city. Look what the crow saw. (Slide show.) Did you find out? (Arrow of Vasilyevsky Island. Peter and Paul Fortress.)

Then tell Lusha, what is the name of the city? (This is St. Petersburg.) Who founded St. Petersburg? (Emperor Peter I.)

Yes, the city was built at the behest of Tsar Peter. It is on May 27 that St. Petersburg celebrates its 311th birthday.

Our city is amazing, that's why talented writers and poets live in it. Listen to poems about our city.

I love you, Peter's creation,

I love your strict, slender look,

Neva sovereign current,
Its coastal granite,

Your fences have a cast-iron pattern,
your thoughtful nights
Transparent dusk, moonless brilliance,

When I'm in my room
I sit and read without a lamp.

A.S. Pushkin

We love our city very much.
The sun is shining over the Neva,
Or rains knocking on the window -
We love him anyway.
We live in this city.
And it grows and we grow

M. Borisova.

Speech therapist: St. Petersburg is one of the largest cities in Russia and the world. Amazing, wonderful people live in our city. We live in Saint Petersburg. Who will tell you what the inhabitants of St. Petersburg are called? What is the name of a resident of St. Petersburg? What is the name of a resident of St. Petersburg?

Speech therapist: Petersburgers are very well-mannered, well-read. Many people like to solve puzzles. Lusha found a puzzle. It's just hard to figure it out. Help her.

Indeed, in our city there are many streets, streets, alleys, avenues. What are the streets, avenues, squares in St. Petersburg? (Petersburg.) What is the main avenue of St. Petersburg? (Nevsky Prospekt.) Who knows why the avenue was called that?

Nevsky Prospect got its name not from the Neva River. Nevsky Prospekt was named after Prince Alexander Nevsky

It is possible that the name of Nevsky Prospekt came from the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. (Alexander Nevsky Lavra.)

Speech therapist: What island do we live on? (We live on Vasilyevsky Island.)

What is the main avenue of Vasilyevsky Island? (Big Avenue.) Tell us about the Big Avenue.

Bolshoy Prospekt is one of the oldest avenues in the city. During the time of Peter I, it was the road to the shore of the Gulf of Finland. During the reign of Catherine II, Bolshaya Street was called Bolshoi Prospekt. (Dima.)
Speech therapist: Name the streets of our district.? (Answers.) What are the streets where you live? Lusha learned a lot of interesting things about the streets of St. Petersburg.

8. The game "The sea worries once ..."
St. Petersburg is an amazing city, it is called the Northern Venice, but St. Petersburg is also a sea city, because it stands not only on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. Let's play the game "The sea is worried ...". You point to the sea figures, and the city ones and name them ..

Dasha will drive today

The sea is worried

The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
The urban figure freeze in place ....
Name the shape.

10. Results
Name the guest who visited us today?


  1. Kartushina M.Yu. speech therapy classes in kindergarten. Moscow 2003
  2. A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman".

elena chetverikova
Logorhythm on the lexical topic "My city, my street" for middle, senior and preparatory group with ONR.

I bring to your attention logarithmics. In our kindergarten, we spend them with the children of OHP not as an activity, but as dynamic pauses between classes every day.

LOGO RHYTHM "MY CITY, MY STREET" (preparatory group A)

Perform jumps in a circle.

I'll tell you about the city.

Shop, library.

And trees and flowers.

The city is for the people. Clap

He speaks so loudly.

Shu-shu-shu - they rustle.

Ta-ta-ta - hurry forward.

PLAY: We start the engine

CHILDREN: Drrrrr….

You know this game.


LOGORITMIC "MY CITY, MY STREET" (senior group pa)

Perform jumps in a circle.

VOSP-L: I invite you on a tour of the city of Kirov.


CHILDREN: I walk around the city, Walking in place

I'll tell you about the city.

Polyclinic, pharmacy, Flex fingers on both hands

Shop, library.

There are a lot of residential buildings here Unclench fingers in turn

And trees and flowers.

School, kindergarten, museum, Finger-to-toe tapping

The city is for the people. Clap

PLAY: Build a street. (stand in 2 columns along the edge of the carpet) What is it called? Let's drive over it in a car.


CHILDREN: Beep-beep-beep - the car is buzzing. Fingers in a fist except for the big one - honking

Knock-knock-knock - the engine knocks. Hitting fists on palms

Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go - Rhythmically stomp our feet

He speaks so loudly.

Tires rub against the road, Rubbing palms against each other

Shu-shu-shu - they rustle.

Wheels are spinning fast, Spinner with hands

Ta-ta-ta - hurry forward.

PLAY: We start the engine


CHILDREN: Drrrrr….

PLAY: The car speeds up if the music is fast and slows down when the music is slow.


VOSP-L: A traffic light will help us cross the road.


VOSP-L: Here are circles of 3 different colors,

You know this game.

If I show red, I will ask everyone to clap.

If I show yellow, I will ask everyone to stomp.

Well, what if green color– all URA shout in the answer.

VOSP-L: We came to the theater square. What kind of theater is there? Name other theaters that are in our city. Let us also turn into artists and perform a round dance.

6. DANCE "Vesnyanka"

LOGORITMIC "MY CITY, MY STREET" (middle group pa)

Children go into the hall and perform jumps in a circle.

VOSP-L: I invite you on a tour of the city of Kirov.


CHILDREN: I walk around the city, Move my fingers in the air

I'll tell you about the city.

There are many residential buildings here. Take turns touching your thumb

And trees and flowers. Rest

VOSP-L: We will drive around the city in a car, but first we will check if it is ready.


CHILDREN: Beep-beep-beep - the car is buzzing. honking

Knock-knock-knock - the engine knocks. Knocking finger on finger

Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, stomp our feet

He speaks so loudly.

VOSP-LI: They took a passenger into the cabin (get up in pairs). Go.

3. MOTOR MANAGEMENT "WE GO BY CAR" (running in pairs in a circle)

VOSP-L: The car brought us to a construction site where a new house is being built.


CHILDREN: Knock and knock all day long. Knock fists slowly

There is a loud knock.

Building a house, a big house Knocking fast

And with a porch and a pipe.

We will decorate the house, Shake their hands below

We'll beat the flag at the top. Raise your hands up

Will live in that house Clap

Bunny with a bear and an elephant.

VOSP-L: And next to the new house in the park, a birch grows. Take handkerchiefs and

let's dance.

5. Round dance with handkerchiefs "HAY YES, BIRCH"

1. We will stand around the birch in a round dance. They go in circles

Everyone will sing joyfully and loudly.

Oh yes, birch, white trunk. spring

Greener, greener, you are foliage. Shake a handkerchief

2. We will take bright handkerchiefs. Fit the handkerchief up to the birch

At the birch we will start a slender dance. They step back and lower the handkerchief

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The preparatory stage of our work was the production of small folding pupae, as the formation of a complete picture of the world according to the lexical.

Lexic theme: « Russia is my homeland. My hometown…"

Ask the child: What is the name of the country, the city in which you live? Why is it called that? What does the coat of arms of our state, city look like? What does it symbolize?

Take a walk around the city. Show the main sights of the city - the park, Eternal flame, monuments, museum. Show the enterprises of the city, tell about their products.

During a walk around the city, parents should pay attention to public buildings (library, post office, school, cinema, etc.), tell them about their purpose, and about the professions of people working in these institutions.

New vocabulary

Nouns: Motherland, country, state, region, Russia, border, capital, city, village, village.

Verbs: to love, to protect, to protect, to protect, to protect, to take care of, to be proud of.

Adjectives: beloved, unique, huge, beautiful.

1. Learn tongue twisters : .

Zhura - Zhura - Zhuravel!

He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, went around

Wings, legs worked hard.

We asked the crane:

"Where is the best land?"

He answered, flying:

“Better there is no native land!”

P. Voronko

2. Game: "Pick up signs for our Motherland, Russia"

Homeland - what?

(beloved, immense, powerful, dear, boundless, defenseless, beautiful, rich, funny, huge, beautiful, sad)

3. The game "Which word does not fit?":

Russia, Russian, dew, Russians.

Homeland, native, parents, joy.

Father, Fatherland, despair, paternal.

4. The game "Cities of Russia" (divided into syllables, words - the names of cities in Russia): Mo-skva, Tver, Sa-ma-ra, Tu-la, Nov-go-rod, Pskov, Ros-tov, Vo-ro -gentle, So-chi, Chu-men.

8. Learn the verse by heart:

The sky is blue in Russia

The rivers are blue in Russia.

Cornflowers and forget-me-nots

Do not grow anywhere more beautiful.

There are maples and oaks,

And what are the mushrooms!

They also bake in the oven.

Here are such kalachi!

Speech development exercises:

Exercise "Pick a sign":

city ​​(what?) - ..., street (what?) - ..., house (what?) - ....

Make up a story (from personal experience) “The road to kindergarten” - which street the child is walking along, past which buildings, etc.

Exercise "One - many" (education genitive plural noun):

one house - many houses, one street ... (village, city ...).

An exercise in word formation with the help of suffixes.

House - house, house, house. City - town, small town, settlement.

Exercise “We don’t have in the city ...” (formation of the genitive case of nouns)

In our city there is no theater, circus, fountain, ...

LEXICAL TOPIC: "The city where I live"

Nouns: city, village, capital, region, address, river, bay, square, street, lane, avenue, embankment, boulevard, lane, crossroads, house, hospital, theater, museum, monument, station, bridge; shop, school, kindergarten, theatre, balcony, showcase, library, kiosk, clinic, pharmacy, attractions, art school, fountain, garden, factory, plant, square, park, stadium, highway, sidewalk, district, temple, dome, museum, landscaping, cinema, palace of culture, lawn, entrance, railway station, new building.

Adjectives: urban, rural, Amur, Russian, beautiful, beautiful, wide, long, narrow, spacious, straight, multi-storey, old, quiet, noisy, green, stone, industrial, cultural, residential, park.

Verbs: build, rebuild, love, protect, clean, repair, decorate, protect, be proud of, live, move, travel, look, grow, become prettier, expand, improve.

    Do children know the name of the city they live in? Teach them to clearly pronounce the name of their hometown. Organize walks (excursions) with the children along the streets where the kindergarten is located, show interesting buildings, tell about the institutions that are on them. Practice a clear pronunciation of the sentence: I live on the street. Tell us on which street is the kindergarten that the child attends. Help him say the sentence: Our kindergarten is outside. Help the children make up a story: I live in Blagoveshchensk on the street ... My kindergarten is on Komsomolskaya street. Let the child answer the questions:

What city do you live in? On which street? On which street is your kindergarten?

    Visit some with your child interesting places your city so that he can tell his friends in kindergarten about them. Choose a picture, photograph or draw one of the wonderful places in our city with your child.


    “In our city” (composing sentences with the word “many”)

V n our city has a lot... streets.
(Houses, trees, people, roads, flowers, buildings, lights)

    "How many?" (coordination of numerals with nouns in gender, number and case):

One house , two Houses , five houses .
(bridge, path, bus, street, square, market,
shop, pharmacy, school, park, stadium, pond, building)

    "Unravel the Proposal" (working with a deformed sentence)

There is a house, near a cinema.
Kindergarten, corner, stands behind.
Near, hairdresser, house, built.
Nearby, market, with, house.
Street, on, houses, stand.

    "What do you have and what do we have?" (learning the comparative degree of adjectives)

In your city, the trees are tall, ... but in our city higher .
(the trees are green, old, large, luxurious; the streets are long, noisy, short, smart, clean, well-maintained; houses are large, beautiful, durable; people are kind, cheerful, brave, young, hardworking, beautiful)

    "The fourth extra" (find an extra item, explain your choice)

Square, pond, lake, river.
School, kindergarten, pharmacy, School of Arts.
road, street, path, traffic light.
street, crossroads, car, square.
Blagoveshchensk, st. Kalinina, Vladivostok, Moscow
Library, shop, market, supermarket.

Connected speech

    Planning a story:

1). What is the name of your favorite city?
2). State your home address
3). What institutions are located near your home?
4). What is the name of the main street in your city?
5). The main attractions of your city.
6). What are you doing to keep your city always clean and beautiful?
7). Your attitude to this city.

Lexico - grammar games and exercises.

    "Continue the offer"

There are many streets in our city (houses, squares, people…)

Houses are one-story, (multi-story, brick, block, wooden, large, old ...)

The streets are even, (large, new, old, narrow, straight, wide ...)

There are many trees in our city. (What?) There are many green, beautiful, tall, old, luxurious trees in our city.

There are many people in our city. (Which ones?) There are a lot of good, hardworking, kind, cheerful, wonderful people in our city.

    "Count to ten"

One big city...

One old village

One marble statue...

    Blagoveshchensk has a lot of lanterns. How to name a lantern that stands:

On the street - a street lamp;

In the theatre - …

On the boulevard...

At the train station…

In the park - …

a) What is the address where you live?

b) Why do you need to know your address?

C) Who needs to tell their address, and who does not?

    What is common and what is different:


    "Choose the right word"

City Square…

City - street ...

City - highway,…

Urban - …

    "Fix the offer"

The houses are above the street.

We live in houses.

    Answer the questions and LEARN:

What is the name of our country?

What is the name of our republic?

What is the name of the capital of Russia? Amur region?

What is the name of your hometown?

Name the main square, the street of our city.

Name your street.

    The game "Who knows the streets in our city more"

The one who names the street last wins.

    Make up a story with pictures. Make up a story on the topic "My street" according to the plan:

1) What is the name of the street?

2) What is this street like (quiet, noisy, narrow, wide, green…)?

3) What is located on this street (shops, other institutions)?

4) Where does this street pass?

5) Your attitude to this street.

    "Unravel the Proposal"

Located, house, square, front.

The house, near, a cinema, is.

Kindergarten, corner, stands behind.

Nearby, a hairdressing salon, a house, built.

Nearby, market, with, house.

    "What do we have and what do you have?"

In our city the trees are tall (green, old, big, luxurious),… and in our city even taller (greener, older, bigger…)

In our city, the streets are long (noisy, short, elegant, clean, well-maintained), ... and in our city it is even longer.

In our city, the houses are big (white, more beautiful, durable), ... and in our city there are even more.

In our city, people are kind (cheerful, brave, young, hardworking, beautiful), ... and in our city it is even kinder. Etc.

    "City Journey"

The teacher selects a set of pictures for each child and lays them out in different places in the room: representatives of different professions, a grandmother with a child, modes of transport, flowers, squares, fountains, etc. Children “travel” around the city, find pictures and talk about what they saw.

    Drawing up a story-description "Town" according to reference subject pictures.

The builders built the town. In the center of it are multi-storey buildings. Near them - a grocery store and a library. On the outskirts of the town, builders built one-story houses. To their right is a hospital. Not far from the hospital is a school. Outside the city, builders built garages for cars. The town turned out beautiful.

    "Say the opposite"

My street is new...and my street is old.

My street is long...and my street is short.

My street is bright...and my street is dark. Etc.

    Fiction - reading, memorization

Here stands one-story, two-story, three-story

Hundreds of brave people once built them,

To live in them with you, we are all a friendly family. (House)

Starts with "O" and ends with "O".

I'm sick, I don't go for walks - I look at him all day. (Window)

In the house the room walks, surprises no one.

You will be delivered to the twelfth floor at the same hour. (Elevator)

I just took one step out of the house on the threshold

The door closed behind me no way in front of me.

I am at home and not at home, between heaven and earth.

Where am I then, please? (Balcony)

Development of visual and auditory perception and memory.

    "What is hidden in the picture?" (Overlay pictures) "Spot the Differences" "How can the car get to the house?" (Labyrinths) "Which word is different from the others?"

Avenue, project, avenue, avenue.

    "Which word doesn't fit?"

home, home, smoke, brownie.

City, urban, peas, townswoman.

Street, lane, street, snail.

river, river, hand, river, riverman.

    "What is redundant and why?"

park, square, forest.

Car, street, avenue.

Development of general motor skills

    Speech mobile game "We are walking around the city"

We walk around the city

We see a lot, we call:

Traffic lights and cars

fairs and shops,

Squares, streets, bridges,

Both trees and bushes.

Development of fine motor skills

    Finger exercise for the counting rhyme "House" according to the type "fingers say hello":

To build a new house

Store the oak forest,

Bricks, iron, paint,

Nails, tow and putty,

And then, then, then

They start building a house.

    Continue working on the stroke and hatching of the shapes.