Fairy tales      03.03.2021

Homework speech therapist on the topic autumn. Lexical theme “Autumn. Ball game "The fourth extra"


Morning: morning exercises.

Ecological fairy tale - conversation "Adventures of the wind". Purpose: to concretize and consolidate knowledge about the wind.

P / and "Catching with the wind."

D / and "Harvest". Purpose: to develop coordination of words with movements.

Physical break. Ex. "Bird before takeoff". (Zhuravleva, 63).


Watching the sky and clouds. Purpose: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature; clarify the concept of "Cloud".

D / and the game "What sky?". Purpose: to exercise in the selection of relative adjectives.

P / and "The sea is worried." Purpose: to develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in motion.

Ind. zan. in physio with Vika and Yaroslav. Exercise: jumping into and out of a circle made of leaves.

Games for children.

Evening: gymnastics after sleep.

Reading and discussion of the story of O. Grigorieva "Waiting for winter". (set of illustrations).

P / and "The rain is prickly." ("The Magic Tree", 17).

Collective work "How animals prepare for winter."

Studio "Synthesis".


Morning: morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: "What did you see on the way to kindergarten?».

D / and "Whose supplies?". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about preparing animals for winter.

P / and "Squirrel chooses a hollow." Purpose: to introduce the Finnish outdoor game; interest children. (Kartushina, 19).

Relaxation exercise. "Autumn".

Walk: Watching rainy weather. Purpose: to introduce the most typical signs of late autumn - rainy weather; clarify the name and purpose of clothing.

D / and "Who lives where?". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to group plants according to their structure (shrubs, trees).

P / and "Stop". Purpose: to train children in the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Ind. zan. in physio with Veronica and Savva. Consolidate walking with a wide step.

Work on the site: continue to remove fallen leaves and branches.

Wellness run.

Evening: Gymnastics is a wake up call. (Kartushina, 29).

Reading and discussion of the story of A.I.

Strizhev "View of winter".

Communication game "Echo". (Kartushina, 18).

P / and "Such a different rain."

(Alyabyeva, 52).

Rhythmic gymnastics.


Morning: morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: "What autumn gave us." Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about fruits, vegetables, mushrooms.

D / and "Fruits and seeds".

Self-massage "Prickly hedgehog".

(with massage balls).

P / and "Drops of rain". (Comp. Zan. St. gr., 35).

Psychological study "My mood".

Walk. Observation of the connection of phenomena in nature. Purpose: to continue to develop the ability to establish causal - investigative links in nature.

Ind. zan. on the development of speech with David and Olya. D / and "Name the bird with the right sound."

Experimental activity. Feather experience. Purpose: to find out which feathers fly better in the air, why?

P / and "Run to the tree." Purpose: to fix the names of the trees.

Games for children.


hardening procedures. Walking on corrective mats.

"Autumn Flies". The story on the theme of the poem by E. Trutneva "Autumn".

Dynamic pause "Autumn Forest". (Comp. Zan. St. gr., 55).

Rhythmic gymnastics.


Morning: morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Why is November called “black-thrope?”.

D / and "Pick up a sign." Purpose: to exercise in the selection of adjectives.

P / and "Hares and the wolf". Purpose: to exercise in running on a signal: to develop dexterity, attention, courage.

Breathing exercises: ex. "Wind". (Zhuravleva, 87).


Observation of the first frosts. Purpose: to continue acquaintance with diversity natural phenomena late autumn.

Introduce the new mobile game "Potato". Purpose: to exercise the ability to throw the ball to each other. (Kobzeva, 83).

Game "Smells of autumn".

Experimental activity. Experience "Transparency of ice".

Wellness run.


Tempering procedures: washing the face and hands with cool water.

Reading x / l. Ecological fairy tale "The Legend of the Sun". ("Little Russians").

Registration of the "Red Book of the Samara Region".

C / r game "Journey to the forest."

Studio "Rainbow".


Morning: morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic "Good deeds in the fall." Purpose: to cultivate a respectful attitude to work, a desire to help nature.

D / and "Whose tail, whose head?". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the appearance of birds and animals.

P / and "From ice to ice." Purpose: to develop coordination of movements; sense of balance, dexterity.

Tea minute.


Weather observation. Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the last period of autumn, its features.

P / and "Don't get your feet wet." Purpose: to develop agility, reaction to a signal, running speed.

Ind. zan. in physics with Ilya and Masha. Fix walking in a limited area.

Experimental activity. Experience "Dependence of the state of water on temperature." Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the properties of water.

Games for children.


Gymnastics is a wake up call.

Exercises for the development of small muscles of the fingers: “Path to the forest” (laying out a path from seeds); "Draw how the leaf falls" (drawing straight, wavy, spiral lines).

Composition of the story "I want to protect ...". Purpose: to form a coherent speech, the ability to compose a story about any representative of nature.

Evening of poetry "Goodbye, autumn." (reading poems by Russian poets dedicated to autumn).

Lexical topic"Autumn"


Children should know:
- the names of the autumn months;
- the main signs of autumn;
- what happens to the trees, how the grass has changed, the meaning of the word "falling leaves";
What do animals and birds do in autumn?
- what people do
- what gifts did autumn bring to people;
- why they say "golden" about autumn.
Extension vocabulary children:
titles: autumn, september, october, november, months, falling leaves, rains, clouds, puddles, wind, fog, dampness, bad weather, freshness, nature, harvest, garden, kitchen garden, fruits, vegetables, stocks, trees, leaves, forest, birds , animals, slush, winter, weather, wilting, haze, sky, sun, people, clothes, umbrella;
signs: early, late, autumn, dull, sad, golden, farewell, foggy, distant, difficult, rich, long, short, frequent, rare, gloomy, rainy, rainy, damp, crimson, naked, fading, sad, marvelous, beautiful , lush, migratory, wintering;
actions: fly, rustle, fall, rustle, crumble, advance, come, frown, say goodbye, fly away, coo, clean, pluck, collect, dig, dress, prepare, fade, turn yellow, dry, drizzle.


The grammatical structure of speech

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes
"Call it sweetly"

Rain - rain, rain, sun - sun,
puddle - puddle, tree - tree,
wind - breeze, leaf - leaf, leaf, leaf,
cloud - cloud, forest - forest,
garden - garden, bird - bird.

Education plural nouns in the genitive case
"One - many"
Month - months, tree - trees,
rain - rain, fruit - fruit,
puddle - puddles, vegetable - vegetables,
harvest - harvests, leaves - leaves,
garden - gardens, bird - birds,
garden - gardens, slush - slush,
umbrella - umbrellas, forest - forests.

Noun and adjective agreement "Say with the word "autumn""

The sky (what?) - autumn,
wind (what?) - autumn,
alley (what?) - autumn.
The exercise is continued with the words: sun, cloud, rain, flowers, forest, weather, boots, day, morning, coat.

Education quality adjectives"Tell me what the weather is like?"

What is the weather like in autumn when it rains? - rainy
... the wind is blowing - windy;
if it's cold outside, what's the weather like? - cold;
if it's cloudy, it's cloudy
... damp - raw,
... gloomy - gloomy,
... sunny - sunny,
... clear - clear.

Formation of the plural of verbs, nouns and adjectives "One - many"
Autumn day has come - autumn days have come
yellow leaves on the tree - yellow leaves on the trees,
a dark cloud floats - dark clouds float,
there is a big tree - there are big trees,
it's cold raining - it's cold raining
a strong wind is blowing - strong winds are blowing,
a warm jacket hangs - warm jackets hang,
a flock of birds flies - flocks of birds fly.

Lexical structure of speech

Retelling of the story "Autumn"

After summer comes autumn. The leaves on the trees, bushes turn yellow, redden, fall off. The sky is often covered with clouds, it rains. They are not the same as in summer - warm and strong, but small and cold.
At the beginning of autumn there are many more warm days, the sun is still warm, there are many flowers in the flower beds. This Golden autumn. It's beautiful all around. By the end of autumn sunny days little, the sun heats badly, it becomes cold. The water freezes from the cold, sometimes snow falls, but it melts from the heat of the day. Almost all the trees are bare, the flowers have withered. It's getting cold, so the birds fly south. This migratory birds. Animals are preparing for winter too. Some go to bed for the whole winter, having made reserves of fat over the summer (bear, hedgehog, badger), others change their coats to a warmer one (hare, squirrel), many animals store food for the winter (squirrels, mice).
Insects hide in old stumps, snags, climb under the bark. The forest is quiet and deserted.
In the autumn they harvest: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden.
People dress warmer: they put on jackets, hats, warm pants, sweaters, cover their heads with scarves, put on boots, shoes.

Antonym search for “Say the other way around”

Early autumn - late autumn
happy day - sad day,
sunny day - cloudy day,
white cloud - black cloud
... cold - hot,
... good - bad.

Search for a relevant concept
"I will start and you will finish"

People are dressed in autumn, (in what?) - ...;
schoolchildren go with portfolios (where?) - ...;
the leaves on the trees became (what?) - ...;
flowers in the flower beds (what did they do?) - ...;
birds fly away (where?) - ...;
animals do for the winter (what?) - ...;
people gather in forests, gardens, fields and orchards (what?) - ....

Building a monologue
"Tell me about autumn according to the plan":

1) when autumn comes;
2) autumn months;
3) signs of autumn in nature;
4) the beauty of golden autumn;
5) what do birds and animals do in autumn;
6) human labor in the autumn period;
7) autumn clothes.

Search for factual errors
"Correct mistakes"

Summer has passed and autumn has come. Cold winds blew, the flowers withered, leaves blossomed on the trees. The animals began to stock up for the winter: a hedgehog - honey, a squirrel - nuts, a bear - cabbage, a fox - apples. Birds have come from the south.
The children put on panama hats and went out for a walk in the yard. They played hide-and-seek, made a snowman and fed the crumbs to the birds.


Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up,
And look sadly bare bushes.
The grass withers and turns yellow in the meadows.
Only the winter turns green in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine.
The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.
The waters rustled a fast stream.
The birds have flown to warmer climes.
A.N. Pleshcheev

Solve riddles!

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly. (Autumn.)

Dry - wedge, wet - pancake. (Umbrella.)

They often call me, they wait,
And when I come, they hide from me. (Rain.)

Yellow leaves are flying
They rustle underfoot.
The sun doesn't shine anymore.
When does all this happen? (In autumn.)

All the trees flew around
Only firs are green
Day and night it rains,
Mud and puddles at the gate. (Autumn.)

mobile game
"Hello, autumn!"

Host: Hello autumn!
Children: lead a round dance.
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you
What did you bring as a gift?
Simulate the preparation of pies.
I brought you pain
Children: So, there will be pies.
Leading: Brought you buckwheat -
Children Kasha will be in the oven.
Simulate cutting vegetables.
The host brought you
vegetables -
Children Both for soup and cabbage soup.
Presenter Are you happy with pears?
They spread their hands, showing a column of honey.
Children Dry for the winter.
Host Brought honey -
Children Full deck!
Host: And apples -
what honey! For jam, compote.
Children: You and apples, you and honey,
You saved the bread
And good weather
Did you bring us a gift?
Host: Are you happy about the rain?
Children: We don't want, we don't!
Who gets caught in the rain
He's going to drive now.
They run away, "hide from the rain."

Musical-rhythmic exercise
autumn leaves

We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on branches.
The wind blew - they flew.
We flew, we flew
And quietly sat on the ground
The wind came up again
And lifted all the leaves.
Turned them around, turned them around
And dropped to the ground.
Children accompany the poem with appropriate movements.

Finger gymnastics

Scattered autumn leaves, (open and close fists)
I painted them with a brush. (Make smooth waves with palms up and down.)
We will go to the autumn park, ("They walk" with the fingers of both hands.)
We will collect bouquets of leaves. (Cross palms with spread fingers.)
Maple leaf, aspen leaf, (Fingers are bent alternately, starting with the big one,)
Oak leaf, rowan leaf,
red poplar leaf
Jumped down the path. (jump off chair and squat down on carpet)
I. Mikheeva

Let's talk about roles:

Sun, sun, where are you from?
- I'm from a cloud of gold.
Rain, rain, where are you from?
- I'm from a thundercloud.
Wind, wind, where are you from?
- I'm from the far side.
- Leaf, leaf, where are you from?
- From the birch country!
From the manual of G. Bystrova, E. Sizova, T. Shuiskaya

Objectives: to develop general speech skills, intonational expressiveness of speech, voice power.
autumn, autumn,
Please visit.
Stay for eight weeks:
With rich bread
With the first snows
With leaf fall and rain
With a migratory crane.

Synopsis of GCD on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children with general underdevelopment speeches in a preparatory group for school on the topic: “Complex sentences with the union “a”

Netuzhilova Olga Sergeevna, teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU No. 124, Cherepovets.
Description of work: a summary of the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children with general underdevelopment of speech in preparatory school group on the topic: “Complex sentences with the union a”, lexical topic “Autumn”. The presented material can be used in the work of teachers of compensatory groups

Target: development of children's ability to compose complex sentences with the union "a".
1. Create conditions for consolidating the children's ideas about the signs of autumn;
2. Contribute to the development of children's ability to make sentences with an adversative union a;
3. Ensure the enrichment of children's vocabulary with synonyms, antonyms;
4. To promote the development of the ability to compare the signs of early and late autumn according to the verses of Russian poets.
Equipment: plot pictures on the topic, pictures for making sentences with the union "a", mirrors.

The course of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment

Guess my riddle and tell me, what season are we talking about today?
In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
Rustle underfoot
And fly, fly, fly... (Autumn)

2. Main body

1. Articulation gymnastics.
“We will punish the naughty tongue”, “Pancake”, “Fat and thin women”, “Swing”, “Delicious jam”, “Ball”, “Shovel-needle”, “Candy”, “Horse”, “Comb the tongue”. Exercises to relieve tension in the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
2. The game "Compare summer and autumn"
Consider paintings with images of autumn and summer. Name the signs of these seasons. Compare them with each other - make sentences with union A. (Example: the weather is sunny in summer and cloudy in autumn.)
3. Comparison of signs of early and late autumn in the verses of Russian poets
Listen to the poems and say about early or late autumn they say:

Autumn(Alexey Pleshcheev)
Autumn has come
dried flowers,
And look sad
Bare bushes.
Wither and turn yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.
A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling..
Noisy water
fast stream,
The birds have flown away
To warm climes.

Autumn(Z. Fedorovskaya)
Autumn at the edge of the paint bred,
On the foliage quietly brushed:
The hazel turned yellow and the maples blushed,
In autumn purple, only green oak.
Autumn comforts:
- Do not regret the summer!
Look - the grove is dressed in gold!

Why is early autumn called golden? (children's answers)
And why is late autumn called gloomy? (children's answers)
4. Phys. minute in autumn
On the way we go, the leaves are falling like rain.
Red-yellow leaf fall sprinkles all the guys. (walking in place)
And the clouds are moving across the sky, the sun will not break through. (raise hands up)
The wind blows from above, grasses and flowers wither. (tilts to the side)
We pressed our hands to our shoulders, we begin to rotate them.
Away with fatigue, laziness and boredom. Let's collect the leaves. (arm rotation)
They looked to the left, they looked to the right.
Oak leaf, maple leaf, hurry up to pluck. (turns left, right)
We squat low-low and collect the leaves.
We will collect a large bouquet of glorious autumn hello. (squats)
We sat down for the last time, rested, freshened up.
And now we go home, we carry yellow leaves. (walking in place)
5. Exercise for the development of breathing "Let's breathe in the autumn air in the forest"
6. The game "Say it differently"- an exercise in the selection of synonyms.
A dull time is boring, sad, dreary, gloomy, sad.
The sky is gray - dark, cold, overcast.
The trees are naked - naked, naked (without leaves).
The flowers dried up - wilted.
7. The game "Say the opposite":
Finish the sentence:
In summer the sun is bright, but in autumn...
In summer the sky is bright and...
In summer the days are long and...
Clouds go high in summer, and...
In summer, birds teach their chicks to fly, and ...
In summer, people dress lightly, but ...
In summer, children relax, swim, sunbathe, and ...
In the summer, people grow crops, and ...
In summer, the trees stand dressed in green foliage, and ...

What did we talk about today?
What seasons are we comparing today?
Which games were difficult for you to master, and which were easy?
Evaluation of children's activities by a teacher.

Remember with your child what time of year it is, name the autumn months in order;

Draw the child's attention to what changes have occurred in living and inanimate nature;

Compare nature in early and late autumn;

Talk about what happens to trees in autumn, how animals and birds prepare for winter;

Recall the names of migratory birds, why they are called that;

List as many signs of autumn as you can;

Tell about the work of collective farmers in the fields in the fall.

Task 2. Didactic game"When does it happen?"

The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet, the rain is pouring. - When does it happen?


The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,

The leaves on the trees also do not sit.

All day today everyone is flying, flying ...

Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa.(I. Tokmakova)


Boring picture! Clouds without end

The rain is pouring, puddles at the porch.

Why did you come early, autumn, to visit us?

The heart also asks for light and warmth.(A. Pleshcheev)

Task 4. Pick up as many signs as possible for the word autumn: autumn (what?) - golden, rainy ....

Task 5."Pick the items to the signs." Autumn - day, ... . Autumn weather, ... . Autumn - the sky, ... . Autumn - rains, ... .

Task 6. Didactic game "Right - wrong" (understanding cause-and-effect relationships).

I took an umbrella because it started to rain. It started to rain because I took an umbrella.

The birds have flown south because autumn has come. Autumn has come because the birds have flown south.

Task 7. Answer questions on the topic "Autumn".

What is the weather like in autumn? How does it rain in autumn?

Where did the flowers wither? Leaves fall from where?

What birds have flown? Where?

What did the farmers collect?

Task 8. Explain to the child the meaning of the phrases: “It is raining”, “gray clouds”, “leaves turn yellow”, “flowers disappear”, “autumn has come”, “early (late) autumn”.

Task 9. Write a story about autumn according to the following plan:

When does autumn come?

Name the autumn months.

Signs of early autumn in nature.

The beauty of golden autumn.

What poems about autumn do you know?

Signs of late autumn.

Human labor in autumn.

Task 10. Explain to the child proverbs about autumn.

Summer - with sheaves, autumn - with pies.

In November, winter fights with autumn. September is cold, but full.

Lexical theme: "Autumn"


1. Ask the child to name what time of year it is, what month.

2. Help your child remember the signs of autumn:

It has become cold, strong winds are blowing, cold drizzling rains are falling.

The leaves on the trees turn red, turn yellow and fall off.

The leaf fall has begun.

The insects are gone.

Birds gather in flocks and fly south.

The days got shorter and the nights longer.

Harvests are harvested from fields and orchards.

People began to dress warmer.

3. Explain to the child the meaning of the word "falling leaves". Ask the child to pronounce this word in syllables.

4. Help the child find the leaves of oak, birch, poplar, aspen, mountain ash on a walk; consider them.

Help the child draw the leaves in the notebook, sign them.

The child must distinguish between them.

5. Play a game with your child: “Which tree is a leaf from?”:

Birch leaf - birch leaf, etc.


1 subgroup:

  1. "Compare the leaves" (large - small)
  2. show and name geometric figures(circle, square, triangle)
  3. Count the leaves (up to 5)

2 subgroup:

  1. Find geometric shapes (circle, square)
  2. Game: "One - many"
  3. Match by color
  4. Color the aspen leaf


  1. Game: "Call it affectionately"

Rain - rain, rain, sun - sun,
puddle - puddle, tree - tree,
wind - breeze, leaf - leaf, leaf, leaf,
cloud - cloud, forest - forest,
garden - garden, bird - bird.


  1. Finger gymnastics:"Autumn Leaves"

One, two, three, four, five, (bend fingers, starting with the big one)

We will collect leaves (squeeze and unclench fists)

Birch leaves, (bend fingers, starting with the big one)

rowan leaves

poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We’ll take the autumn bouquet to mom (“we walk” on the table with the middle and forefinger)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lexical theme "Autumn. Signs of autumn. Trees in autumn" Presentation for joint activities of children and adults. Distance learning technology.

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