Children's books      03.03.2020

Chat soon to the school prep group. Summary of the lesson on the topic “Soon to school. Exercise "Magic squares"

The lesson is aimed at developing the emotional sphere of older preschoolers: the ability to recognize and express emotions, emotional states in facial expressions, the development of self-regulation through listening to music, the creation of a comfortable psychological microclimate in the group, the preservation of the health of pupils through psycho-gymnastics, the formation of a positive attitude towards others, balance of emotions.



Abstract of a lesson on the emotional development of children

senior group preschool age:

Journey to the Land of Emotions.

Target: The development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers.


To consolidate the ability to recognize and express emotions, emotional states in facial expressions.

To develop self-regulation of pupils through listening to musical works.

Create a comfortable psychological microclimate in the group, a cheerful and joyful mood;

Preserving the health of pupils through psycho-gymnastics and relaxation.

to form a positive attitude towards others, a balance of emotions;

to form friendly and equal relations between peers;

exercise in the ability to maintain a conversation, participate in a collective conversation.

Composition of the group:

Age of participants: 5 - 6 years.
Number of children in a group: 6-8 people
Lesson duration: 30 minutes.

Lesson material:

"Magic ball";

Emotion pictograms and photos: fear, joy, anger, etc.

Magnetic board; Human emotions;

Drawing paper, pencils;

Children's chairs according to the number of children;


Small sandbox, frames with sand; brushes;

Lesson technologies used:

Accompanying CD music: Tape recorder and CD with calm music; Audio recording "Joy" from the selection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva; music E. Grieg "Procession of the Dwarves" or "In the cave of the mountain king";

Elements of health-saving technology

Sand games.


Methodical methods:conversation, group discussion of various feelings; questions for children pictograms of emotional states; viewing; show; explanation; practical activities of children.

Preliminary work:

– familiarity with basic emotions: fear, joy, anger, sadness

- listening to music

– holding psychological games and exercises

Lesson progress:

Greetings. "Magic ball".

- Hello guys. I'm glad to see you!

Children, what is this in my hands?(children's answers) But this is not a simple ball, but a magical one. Passing the "magic ball", let's greet each other.

The psychologist passes the ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread around his finger and affectionately calls the child sitting next to him by name or says “a magic polite word”, then passes the ball to another child, etc.

- Guys, today we will go on a trip. And what country we will go to, you will tell me after I read the poem to you.

Animals have feelings
In fish, birds and people.
No doubt affects everyone.
Us mood.
Who's having fun!
Who is sad?
Who got scared!
Who is angry?
Dispels all doubts
Mood ABC.

(brief discussion of the poem, repetition of emotion names)

Our mood depends on our actions, on what we do and how. In turn, our mood affects the mood of others, and they experience different emotions.

Guys, do you know what emotions are? (children's answers)

- What do you think we will do today? What are we going to talk about?(children's answers)

- Guys, now we will go on a trip to the country "Emotions". In order to be able to travel, we need transportation. What transport did you travel on? Let's build a fabulous train. Stand one behind the other, take the one in front of you by the belt. Our train will be able to move with the help of magic words:

Our magic train
All friends are taken forward ...

(Children pronounce words and walk in a circle, depicting wagons)

1 stop. "Glade of Joy" (sounds audio recording "Joy" from a selection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva)

Who do you see in this field? (Man-joy)

And what is his mood?

Children, what is joy?(children's answers)

For example:

"Joy is when everyone is happy, everyone is having fun."

“There is great joy, and there is little. Small is when one person has it, and big is when everyone has it.

"Joy is when everyone has a holiday."

“Joy is when no one cries. No one".

"Joy is when there is no war."

"Joy is when everyone is healthy."

“Joy is me, because my mother says:“ You are my joy.

- What do you do when you are having fun?(Children's answers.)

Etude "Who rejoices how"Children become in a circle. The psychologist invites them to portray, to show without words how happy they are when they meet their mother, when they meet guests on their birthday, when walking together with their parents or when going to the zoo, circus.

Expressive movements: hugs, smiles, laughter, joyful exclamations.

Exercise "Draw an emotion"

Now imagine that we are artists and we need to draw a picture on the theme - "Joy". Take papers and pencils, and let everyone draw joy the way they want.

(Then the children are invited to sit in a circle and talk about what they have drawn. Then the psychologist, together with the children, sticks the drawings on a large sheet of paper - an exhibition is held (discussion, selection of the most original drawing, answers to the question “What is joy? And the most interesting stories ).

Psycho-gymnastics "Stream of joy"(calm music playing)

Children sit on the floor in a circle, hold hands, relax.

Guys, mentally imagine that a kind, cheerful stream has settled inside each of you. The water in the stream is clean, clear, warm. The stream is very small and very mischievous. He cannot sit in one place for a long time. Let's play with him and mentally imagine how clean, transparent, warm water flows through your hands in a circle to each other.

Children mentally convey joy to each other.

2 stop. "Island of Sadness"

What is sadness?

Guys, who lives on this island? (Man-Sadness)

Look at this boy. What expression on his face... What happened to his mouth? Eyebrows? What is the expression of the eyes? What is this emotion?(children's answers)

- And how did you guess? (on the face, on the eyes, eyebrows are shifted, lips are lowered)

Guys, you also probably have a sad mood? Tell me.(children's stories)

Not only humans, but also animals can live on the island. And now I offer you to portray an animal.

Good Animal Game.Stand in a circle and hold hands. Now I will check how you can breathe together. We will turn into one big, kind animal.(Soothing music turns on.)Let's hear how it breathes.

Now let's breathe together. Inhale - all together take a step forward. Exhale - step back.

Our animal breathes very evenly and calmly. And now let's depict and listen to how his big heart beats. Knock - take a step forward. A knock is a step back.

3 stop. "Cave of Fear"

We got to the cave.(The psychologist turns on the music.)

Exercise "Scary sounds"(music by E. Grieg "Procession of the Dwarves" or "In the cave of the mountain king" sounds)

- Guess what sounds we hear?(children's answers)

- We hear a lot of sounds, some of them are scary. We will listen to the sounds and guess which ones are frightening, scary, and which are soothing or joyful.(discussion of children)

Has the sound always been scary? The sound of the train also seems scary to you, but if you remember the trip on vacation by train, which was fun and interesting, then the fear disappears.

What kind of person lives here. (Man - Fear)

How did you guess?(children's answers)

The game "I'm not afraid of horror stories, I'll turn into whoever you want"

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce these words in unison. When the driver (initially it may be a psychologist) calls some scary character (Koshchei, wolf, lion, etc.), the children need to quickly “turn into” him and freeze. The host chooses the worst one and he becomes the leader and continues the game.

Exercise "Fear has big eyes"

Now, let's play with fear. Imagine that you have a big, huge fear.(Children spread their arms wide to the sides).Everyone who is afraid has big eyes from fear.(Depict big round eyes with hands.)But now the fear is waning.(Children move their hands.)

And then it disappears altogether.(Shrug their shoulders and throw up their hands in bewilderment.)

Look at each other and make sure that no one else has big eyes and therefore none of you are afraid of anything, because the fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

4 stop. "Mountain of Anger"

Who lives on this mountain? (Angry Man)

How did you guess?

What's going on with the mouth? Show! The mouth is open, the teeth are connected. The mouth can be skewed in an evil little man.

What's going on with the eyebrows? Show! Eyebrows lowered, folds between them. The nose wrinkled.

What happens to the eyes? Show! The eyes became narrow, like slits.

- Children, and in what cases do they experience such emotions?(come up with the children a life situation).

Exercise "Mirror"

Children are invited to portray anger in front of a mirror.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The facilitator asks a question that the children must stomp to if they want to answer yes. If "no", then the legs are in place.

I'll tell you when moms get angry, and you can guess if I'm right.

Moms get angry when they're late for work.

Moms get angry when they eat ice cream.

Mothers get angry when they are yelled at.

Mothers get angry when they are given gifts.

Mothers get angry when they are late with their child for kindergarten.

Moms get angry when they say "bad" about moms.

Moms get angry when they take their personal belongings without asking permission.

Mothers get angry when they are loved.

Well done boys. You have guessed what events the Anger-Man likes.

Exercise "Finish the sentence."

Think carefully and complete the sentence “I am happy when ...” (the statements of the children are recorded).

I get angry when...etc.

- Guys, look at what emotions are, and what pictograms correspond to them. (photos and pictograms)

Pictograms are a schematic representation of emotions.

Reflection. Conversation with children:

And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

What did you learn in class today?(children's answers)

And what did you like the most?(children's answers)

Well done boys! You were friendly, active coped with all the tasks!

I also really enjoyed our trip. I wish you a good mood, and that you only speak good and kind words to each other.

I really want to know what mood you have left after our trip. And I suggest you paint your mood on the sand with a brush!

And to make our meeting memorable, let's take a photo as a keepsake.

This concludes our lesson. Thank you bye.

Veronika Balashova
Abstract of the lesson on the development of the emotional sphere of children of senior preschool age "Emotions and feelings"

"Emotions and feelings"

Target: identify the available children's stock of knowledge about emotions and feelings

Educational tasks:

introduce children with the world of emotions and feelings;

introduce children With distinctive features emotions

learn children to distinguish emotions according to schematic images;

learn children transmit given emotional condition using

various means of expression (facial expressions, gestures, colors).

Correction- developing tasks:

develop lexicon children;

develop higher mental functions children(attention, thinking);

develop general and fine motor skills;

develop correct speech breathing;

develop mimic movements;

develop expressiveness of speech.

Educational tasks:

educate interest in achieving results in the work performed;

build group cohesion.

Equipment: picture cards emotional states(anger, joy, surprise, fear, sadness); picture (Little Red Riding Hood); cardboard blanks (road, circles, houses); textile; split picture (astonishment).

Lexico-grammatical material: poem ( « Feelings» ); mystery ( "Little Red Riding Hood"); physical education minute ( "Rest"); relaxation ( "Lazy").

musical material: soft music; M. Meerovich "A song about Africa"; I. Korenevskaya "Autumn".

Lesson progress

A. Organizational stage

Hello guys, nice to meet you. Now we sit in a circle and hold hands. Let's say hello to each other, but not with words, but with the help of hands. Close your eyes. Now I will touch the one who is sitting to my right, he will accept my greeting and in the same way will touch his neighbor, saying hello to him, and so on, until my greeting returns to me in a circle, but already on the left. (The game is being played "Greetings").

B. Milestone

1. Introduction to the topic classes

Guys, do you like to travel? (Yes). Today we will go on a journey to one Fairyland. And in which country, you will find out a little later. But so that we do not go astray and get acquainted with all the beauties and with all the inhabitants of this country, we will be accompanied by one fairy-tale hero. Guess who is he?

Went to visit my grandmother

She brought the pies.

The gray wolf followed her.

Deceived and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood).

That's right, it's Little Red Riding Hood. (The picture with the image of Little Red Riding Hood is shown). Today she will be our guide to Fairyland. And now it's time to find out what kind of Fairyland we will travel to lesson.

2. Post topic classes

Listen carefully poem:

There are feelings in animals,

In fish, birds and people.

No doubt affects everyone.

Us mood.

Who's having fun!

Who is sad?

Who got scared!

Who is angry?

Dispels all doubts

Mood ABC.

What is this poem talking about? (about emotions, about the mood). About what emotions say in a poem? Let's call them (joy, sadness, fear, anger). You guessed what we are going to talk about today lesson, which country will we go with Little Red Riding Hood? (we'll go to the country « emotions» ). That's right guys.

3. Updating knowledge on the topic classes

Guys, do you know what it is? emotions? (answers children) . Emotions is an expression of our attitude (feelings) to what is happening around us or within us. But before going on a trip, Little Red Riding Hood invites us to gain strength and play one very exciting game called .

4. Game "One, two, three, mood, freeze"

Now I will show you pictures with images of various human emotions(sadness, resentment, joy, anger, etc.). And your task is to portray on your face the mood that will be shown. This must be done by team: "One, two, three, mood, freeze". (The game is being played "One, two, three, freeze the mood").

5. "Journey to Fairyland"

And now we can go on a trip to Fairyland « emotions» . This is an amazing country. There are rivers, mountains, dark dense forests and sun-drenched meadows, there are marshy treacherous swamps. (Three roads are made of cardboard blanks). Three roads lead to this country. One of them looks like the river: quiet, calm, helps to quickly reach the country, but the longest, but it does not give much power in Fairyland « emotions» . (The fabric is laid out, imitating a river). The second road passes through swampy swamps. It is shorter than the first, but more difficult and dangerous, it gives more power than the first road. (Cardboard circles are laid out imitating bumps in a swamp). The third road is the shortest, but also the most dangerous. Follow her to Fairyland « emotions» the most daring travelers go. She gives the most power in Fairyland. Let's choose which way to the country « emotions» go each of us. Little Red Riding Hood and I will take the third road. And you? Choose a path for yourself and walk along it with your fingers. (Children choose their own path). Here we come to Fairyland « emotions» . (Houses are laid out). Little Red Riding Hood says that the inhabitants of Fairytaleland « emotions» they like to communicate and play with travelers, guests of their country. Let's get to know them soon. Lead Little Red Riding Hood us to the first inhabitant. (imitates knocking on the door).

6. Joy

Hello, my name is Joy! (Shows a picture of joy). I love to laugh, have fun, dance, listen to music so much... When I appear, everything around blooms, becomes bright, colorful, spring. The air is filled with the singing of birds, the smell of flowers ... Guys, let's check if Joy tells us the truth about himself. Little Red Riding Hood has prepared such an interesting game for you. She invites you to turn into monkeys and dance to the music. (The game is foreseen "Funny Monkeys" under music: M. Meerovich "A song about Africa"). Guys, did you have fun? So, Joy told us the truth about herself? Little Red Riding Hood, let's go further, introduce us to other residents of this wonderful Fairyland. (Imitated boredom at the door).

Oh, ah, oh, ah... My name is Sadness. (The picture with the image of sadness is shown). My arrival is accompanied by rain, slush, puddles, wind that whistles through the gardens. Bright, sad, spinning, missing, shedding tears, reminding me of longing ... Guys, we probably also have a sad mood. Tell me. Now we will pass the ball from hand to hand to each other, and tell our sad stories. (The game is being played "Sad story" under music: I. Korenevskaya "Autumn"). For example, Little Red Riding Hood says I was sad when my grandmother got sick; I feel sad when I sit at home alone… Well done guys. Let's not be sad, but always rejoice. So let's move on. Little Red Riding Hood, where should we go next?

8. Physical education

And Little Red Riding Hood offers us a little rest. (Physical training is being held "Our rest").

Our rest is a physical education minute,

Take your seats.

Once - sat down, two - got up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

Sit down, get up, sit down, get up

As if they had become a roly-poly.

And then they took off running

Like my bouncy ball.

9. Interest

Well done boys. Here we rested and it's time for us to move on. So, who's walking around here? What are you doing here?

Light-winged, omnipresent,

I listen, I observe, I know

And to the snowy peaks

And to the secret depths

I will bring you.

Who am I? Guessed? I am Interest. (The picture with the image of interest is shown). I am interested in everything, wherever I am, whatever I do. Are you interested in traveling around our Fairyland? emotions. And I'm interested in watching you, playing with you. I'm interested in everything. Guys, let's play together with Interest? Little Red Riding Hood, what are we going to play this time? Let's play a mind game. Get up from your seats. Now I will say the words "air", "Earth", "fire", "water" in a different order. As soon as I say the word "air", you must put your hands up. If you hear the word "Earth" then put your hands down. On word "fire" rotate your arms back and forth, per word "water" put your hands forward. Whoever makes a mistake - sit on a chair. The most attentive wins. (The game is being played "Air, earth, fire, water"). Are you interested in playing this game? Okay, it's time for us to move on. To whom shall we go next, Little Red Riding Hood? Yes, where are you? go- Exclaimed Interest - I'm also interested.

10. Anger

Who's walking around here? I don't need anyone, everyone go. So you need it, I'll beat everyone, you will know how to argue with me. Oh guys, who is this? Who is angry here? This is Anger. (Shows a picture with an image of anger). Little Red Riding Hood, let's move on quickly before Anger ruins us. Go ahead. (imitates knocking on the door).

11. Surprise

Oh, it's you who came to me. I didn't expect at all. And Little Red Riding Hood is here? Good afternoon guys, I'm Surprise. (The picture with the image of surprise is shown). You probably want to play with me? On this occasion, I came up with a game. But first, please help me to assemble my portrait from the scattered pieces. (The game is being played "Collect a picture"). Now imagine that you are outside, and it is raining heavily, and suddenly the sun is peeking out. Show how surprised you were when the sun suddenly came out. (Children show surprise on their faces). Well done boys. Let's go further. Let's quickly knock on the door and find out who lives there. (imitates knocking on the door).

Who's there? I'm afraid to open the door, I'm very, very scared. Guys, guess who lives in this house (fear). That's right, it's fear. (The picture with the image of fear is shown). Fear, open the door for us, this is Little Red Riding Hood who came with the guys. Right? Are you deceiving me? Guys, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. Sometimes I explode like a snake, like a tiger. And sometimes I can sneak up suddenly, imperceptibly, take me by surprise, I can take off rapidly - like a thunderstorm ... From my appearance, everyone becomes uneasy. Sweat may come out on the forehead, goosebumps crawl up the back, hands become sticky and slippery, and legs become heavy ... sounds: [S], [W], [X]. Phrases are heard "I'm eating now", "I'll drag myself", "scary". Guys, have you ever been scared? Little Red Riding Hood offers to play a game with Fear . Get up from your seats, make a circle. Now you you will go around in circles, and say such words: "And I'm not afraid of whoever you want to turn into". As soon as I name any scary fairy tale hero(for example, Koschey, wolf, Baba Yaga, lion, Nightingale the robber, giant, you must quickly turn into him and freeze. And then I will choose the most terrible hero, and he will become the driver. (The game is being played "And I'm not afraid of fear, whoever you want to turn into"). Now let's play with fear. Imagine you have a big, huge fear (children are widely spread their arms to the sides) . Everyone who is afraid has big eyes from fear (depict large round eyes with hands). But now the fear is waning (children move their hands). And then disappears altogether. (shrug their shoulders and bewildered shrug) . Look at each other and make sure that no one else has big eyes, and neither of you is afraid of anything, because the fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

13. Exit from a fairy tale

Here Little Red Riding Hood introduced us to some residents of the Fairytale Land « emotions» . But not with everyone yet. Our journey is coming to an end. Residents of the country say goodbye to us and invite us to visit again, get to know them better, play, have fun. Shall we visit them again? On the next classes we will continue our journey through this wonderful country, and learn all the secrets of the inhabitants of Fairytaleland « emotions» .

14. Relaxation

Today all the children did a lot of work, played and, probably, got tired. Little Red Riding Hood invites you to be a little lazy. (Soothing music turns on). Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine that you are lazy and bask on a soft, soft carpet. The surroundings are quiet and calm, you breathe easily and freely. A feeling of pleasant peace and relaxation permeates your entire body. You rest easy, you are lazy. Rest your arms, rest your legs. Pleasant warmth covers your whole body, you are too lazy to move, you are pleased. Your breathing is perfectly calm. Your arms, legs, your whole body is relaxed. Feeling pleasant peace fills you from the inside. You rest, you are lazy. Pleasant laziness spreads throughout the body. You enjoy complete peace and relaxation, which brings you strength and good mood. Stretch, throw off laziness and count "three" open your eyes. feel well-rested, you are in a cheerful mood.

C. Final stage

Here comes our job at the end. It's time for Little Red Riding Hood to return to the fairy tale, and you to the group. You are all great fellows, you did a good job. Tell me what was interesting lesson? Let's give each other a goodbye smile and say "Goodbye! See you soon".

Abstract of a lesson on the emotional development of children

senior grouppreschool age :

Journey to the Land of Emotions.

Target: The development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers.


To consolidate the ability to recognize and express emotions, emotional states in facial expressions.

To develop self-regulation of pupils through listening to musical works.

Create a comfortable psychological microclimate in the group, a cheerful and joyful mood;

Preserving the health of pupils through psycho-gymnastics and relaxation.

to form a positive attitude towards others, a balance of emotions;

to form friendly and equal relations between peers;

exercise in the ability to maintain a conversation, participate in a collective conversation.

Composition of the group:

Age of participants: 5 - 6 years. Number of children in the group: 6-8 people Duration of the lesson: 30 minutes.

Lesson material:

"Magic ball";

Emotion pictograms and photos: fear, joy, anger, etc.

Magnetic board; Human emotions;

Drawing paper, pencils;

Children's chairs according to the number of children;

Small sandbox, frames with sand; brushes;

Lesson technologies used:

Accompanied by CD music: Tape recorder and disc with calm music; Audio recording "Joy" from the selection of T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva; music E. Grieg "Procession of the Dwarves" or "In the cave of the mountain king";

Elements of health-saving technology

Sand games.


Methodical methods: conversation, group discussion of various feelings; questions for children pictograms of emotional states; viewing; show; explanation; practical activities of children.

Preliminary work:

– familiarity with basic emotions: fear, joy, anger, sadness

- listening to music

- conducting psychological games and exercises

Lesson progress:

Greetings. "Magic ball".

- Hello guys. I'm glad to see you!

Children, what is this in my hands? (children's answers) But this is not a simple ball, but a magical one. Passing the "magic ball", let's greet each other.

The psychologist passes the ball of thread to the child, he winds the thread around his finger and affectionately calls the child sitting next to him by name or says “a magic polite word”, then passes the ball to another child, etc.

- Guys, today we will go on a trip. And what country we will go to, you will tell me after I read the poem to you.

Animals have feelings In fish, birds and people.No doubt affects everyone.Us mood.Who's having fun!Who is sad?Who got scared!Who is angry?Dispels all doubtsMood ABC.

(brief discussion of the poem, repetition of emotion names)

Our mood depends on our actions, on what we do and how. In turn, our mood affects the mood of others, and they experience different emotions.

Guys, do you know what emotions are? (children's answers)

- What do you think we will do today? What are we going to talk about?(children's answers)

- Guys, now we will go on a trip to the country "Emotions". In order to be able to travel, we need transportation. What transport did you travel on? Let's build a fabulous train. Stand one behind the other, take the one in front of you by the belt. Our train will be able to move with the help of magic words:

Our magic train takes all friends forward...

(Children pronounce words and walk in a circle,depicting wagons)

1 stop. "Glade of Joy"» (sounds audio recording "Joy" from a selection of T.D.Zinkevich-Evstigneeva)

Who do you see in this field? (Man-joy)

And what is his mood?

“Children, what is joy?” (children's answers)

For example:

"Joy is when everyone is happy, everyone is having fun."

“There is great joy, and there is little. Small is when one person has it, and big is when everyone has it.

"Joy is when everyone has a holiday."

“Joy is when no one cries. No one".

"Joy is when there is no war."

"Joy is when everyone is healthy."

“Joy is me, because my mother says:“ You are my joy.

- What do you do when you are having fun? (children's answers.)

Etude "Who rejoices how" Children become in a circle. The psychologist invites them to portray, to show without words how happy they are when they meet their mother, when they meet guests on their birthday, when walking together with their parents or when going to the zoo, circus.

Expressive movements: hugs, smiles, laughter, joyful exclamations.

Exercise "Draw an emotion"

- Now imagine that we are artists and we need to draw a picture on the theme - "Joy". Take papers and pencils, and let everyone draw joy the way they want.

(Then the children are invited to sit in a circle and talk about what they have drawn.Then the psychologist, together with the children, sticks the drawings on a large sheet of paper - an exhibition is held (discussion, selection of the most original drawing, answers to the question “What is joy? And the most interesting stories).

Psycho-gymnastics « Stream of Joy" (calm music playing)

Children sit on the floor in a circle, hold hands, relax.

-Guys, mMentally imagine that inside each of you a kind, cheerful stream has settled. The water in the stream is clean, clear, warm. The stream is very small and very mischievous. He cannot sit in one place for a long time. Let's play with him and mentally imagine how clean, transparent, warm water is pouring through your hands each friend around.

Children mentally convey joy to each other.

2 stop. « IslandSad"

What is sadness?

Guys, who lives on this island? (Man-Sadness)

Look at this boy. What expression on his face... What happened to his mouth? Eyebrows? What is the expression of the eyes? What is this emotion? (children's answers)

- And how did you guess? (on the face, on the eyes, eyebrows are shifted, lips are lowered)

Guys, you also probably have a sad mood? Tell. (Rchildren's stories)

Not only humans, but also animals can live on the island. And now I offer you to portray an animal.

A game« Good animal." Stand in a circle and hold hands. Now I will check how you can breathe together. We will turn into one big, kind animal. (Soothing music turns on.) Let's hear how it breathes.

Now let's breathe together. Inhale - all together take a step forward. Exhale - step back.

Our animal breathes very evenly and calmly. And now let's depict and listen to how his big heart beats. Knock - take a step forward. A knock is a step back.

3 stop. « Cave of Fear»

We got to the cave. (The psychologist turns on the music.)

Exercise "Scary sounds" (music sounds.E. Grieg "Procession of the Dwarves" or "In the cave of the mountain king")

- Guess what sounds we hear? (children's answers)

- We hear a lot of sounds, some of them are scary. We will listen to the sounds and guess which ones are frightening, scary, and which are soothing or joyful. (Odiscussion of children)

Has the sound always been scary? The sound of the train also seems scary to you, but if you remember the trip on vacation by train, which was fun and interesting, then the fear disappears.

What kind of person lives here. (Man - Fear)

How did you guess? (children's answers)

The game "I'm not afraid of horror stories, I'll turn into whoever you want"

Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce these words in unison. When the driver (initially it may be a psychologist) calls some scary character (Koshchei, wolf, lion, etc.), the children need to quickly “turn into” him and freeze. The host chooses the worst one and he becomes the leader and continues the game.

Exercise "Fear has big eyes"

Now, let's play with fear. Imagine that you have a big, huge fear. (Children spread their arms wide to the sides). Everyone who is afraid has big eyes from fear. (depictbiground eyes with hands.) But now the fear is waning. (Children move their hands.)

And then it disappears altogether.(Shrug their shoulders and throw up their hands in bewilderment.)

Look at each other and make sure that no one else has big eyes and therefore none of you are afraid of anything, because the fear has disappeared. Smile at each other.

4 stop. "Mountain of Anger"

Who lives on this mountain? (Angry Man)

- How did you guess?

What's going on with the mouth? Show! The mouth is open, the teeth are connected. The mouth can be skewed in an evil little man.

What's going on with the eyebrows? Show! Eyebrows lowered, folds between them. The nose wrinkled.

What happens to the eyes? Show! The eyes became narrow, like slits.

- Children, and in what cases do they experience such emotions? (come up with the children a life situation).

Exercise "Mirror"

Children are invited to portray anger in front of a mirror.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The facilitator asks a question that the children must stomp to if they want to answer yes. If "no", then the legs are in place.

I'll tell you when moms get angry, and you can guess if I'm right.

Moms get angry when they're late for work.

Moms get angry when they eat ice cream.

Mothers get angry when they are yelled at.

Mothers get angry when they are given gifts.

Mothers get angry when they are late with their child for kindergarten.

Moms get angry when they say "bad" about moms.

Moms get angry when they take their personal belongings without asking permission.

Mothers get angry when they are loved.

Well done boys. You have guessed what events the Anger-Man likes.

Exercise "Finish the sentence».

Think carefully and complete the sentence “I am happy when ...” (the statements of the children are recorded).

I get angry when...etc.

- Guys, look at what emotions are, and what pictograms correspond to them. (photos and pictograms)

Pictograms are a schematic representation of emotions.

Reflection. Conversation with children:

And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

What did you learn in class today? (children's answers)

And what did you like the most? (children's answers)

Well done boys! You were friendly, active coped with all the tasks!

I also really enjoyed our trip. I wish you a good mood, and that you only speak good and kind words to each other.

I really want to know what mood you have left after our trip. And I suggest you paint your mood on the sand with a brush!

And to make our meeting memorable, let's take a photo as a keepsake.

This concludes our lesson. Thank you bye.


(on the development of the emotional sphere in older preschoolers)

(using innovative technologies)


1. Development of the emotional sphere of older preschoolers. 2. To introduce children to a sense of joy, to teach them to express their emotional state with the help of facial expressions and gestures. 3. To develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to express it in facial expressions, sketches, gestures.
4. Expand children's ideas about the emotions of joy, form positive feelings and emotions through a smile.


Contribute to the rallying of the children's team and the establishment of a positive emotional mood in the group.

Equipment : sun, an envelope with a task, a picture "Joy", blank sheets (A4 format), colored pencils.

Lesson progress

I Introductory

1. Exercise "Sun in a circle"

Good morning, children! Let's get in a circle. I have a toy "sun" in my hands. The sun is light, warmth, joy, good mood. I propose to pass it around and give each other, the most beautiful smile. I am very glad that you gave a smile to each other, because when a person smiles, he, too, wants to smile back. And from this, the soul becomes warmer. The sun has returned to me.

Psychologist: Children, the topic of our lesson, a riddle will tell you, listen to it and tell the answer.

That's right, this is joy, today we will meet the children and talk about joy. Feelings help us understand ourselves, and are part of us. Some feelings such as love, joy, happiness make us feel warm. Other feelings, such as fear, sadness, anger, shame, make us feel defenseless and chills run through the body. It is very important to learn to recognize them and understand what they are telling us.

II main part.

1. Exercise "Collect the sun" (to introduce children to the emotion of joy, a picture of the sun with the emotion of joy)

Guys, look, today the sun is shining on the street, and this makes us in a good mood. But, there are days when it is cloudy and raining outside, and we all really lack warmth and smiles. I received a letter in the mail. Let's open it up and see what's in it. (Circle with the emotion of joy and stripes, rays). Children, let's try to collect now, the sun. You must take a ray and say a wish. Look how much sunshine we have. How did you feel when you completed the task? Let's pretend to be happy and smile at each other.And the fact that “A gloomy day is brighter from a smile!” - it's true, it's true! You are all little suns that shine and radiate goodness.Well done guys, you did a great job!

2. Conversation

I propose to sit on the chairs in a circle and continue the sentences:

When I am happy, I... (smile, jump, laugh, dance, sing...)

I am happy when I see... (gifts, mother's face, cake, sweets, clowns...)

What does joy look like? (Joy is like fireworks, fireworks, a holiday, joy is when everyone is happy when you see mom, swim in the river, etc.)

How can you please a person? (give a gift, etc.)

Psychologist. Well done, children, you felt: when we talked about joyful moments, our hearts also became joyful.

3. Etude "Kitten who wanted to please his mother"

The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that a person can smile and rejoice not only when they gave him something or fulfilled some of his desires, but also when he himself does something good for another. In support of his words, the teacher reads a fairy tale:

“Once upon a time there was a little kitten in the world. He had everything: a lot of toys, sweets, pencils, paints and even a computer. All day long he ran, played, not noticing anything around him. And then he got bored. He stopped smiling, and his mother was worried that her son might be ill.

One day, the kitten was waiting for his mother from work and wandered around the house from nothing to do. I wandered into the kitchen and saw a lot of dirty dishes in the sink. "Mom will come tired from work, and she will have to wash this mountain of dishes," thought the kid. - "Maybe I can handle this job?" And he tried. When mom came, a happy kitten dragged her to the kitchen. "Look, mom, I made you a present," and pointed to a clean sink. Mom smiled: "What a fine fellow you are, thank you!" And the kitten also smiled - it turns out that it is so nice to bring joy to someone.

After reading the fairy tale, the teacher invites each child to portray a kitten in turn, and he takes on the role of a mother cat. It is important that children feel the joy of helping their mother. At the end of the exercise, you can once again draw the children's attention to how nice it is to do something for another person.

4. Exercise "Joy"

Now imagine that we are artists and we need to draw a picture on the theme: "Joy". What color can you draw joy.

Take papers and pencils, and let everyone draw joy as he wants. Tell us about your joy: who was next to you, or whom you would like to see in a joyful moment; what they felt and what they did when they were happy. Maybe someone will want to draw a "Portrait of Joy". Tell us about your joy: where does she live, what does she do, does she like to visit or is she more often alone at home, does she have friends, or maybe enemies

III Final part

    Exercise "Give a smile"

Psychologist: Close your eyes and smile at yourself. Meet your joy in your body, find it, this place should radiate warmth. Remember this place. Ah, now open your eyes and smile at each other. And give your neighbor in a circle the most beautiful smile.


Today we learned about joy.

Tell me, is it good or bad to rejoice?

How can you create a good mood for yourself?

(Remember the face of a loved one, a cheerful hero from a fairy tale, come up with a story about some kind of joyful event, draw it). Children remember what they did, what they learned new.

The psychologist praises the children for a pleasant activity, notes positive moments, expresses wishes to the whole group: “Let's smile more often, and the world will become brighter from our smiles.”

Target- development of the emotional sphere of children of senior preschool age.

Conduct form- group lesson, 6-8 people.

materials: record player; audio recordings by V. Shainsky - Yu. Entin "Chunga-changa", sounds of nature, music for relaxation; box, pictures depicting emotions; cards 8 colors (red, blue, yellow, green, crimson, gray, brown, black), ball, tactile tracks.

Course progress.

I. Introduction.

1. Greeting "Joyful song".

Purpose: a positive attitude, the development of a sense of unity.

I have a ball in my hands. I will now wrap the thread around my finger and pass the ball to my neighbor on the right and sing a song about how glad I am to see him - “I am very glad that (name) is in the group”, and now all together “We are glad that (name) there is in the group"

Whoever receives the ball wraps the thread around his finger and passes it to the next child sitting to his right, and together (everyone who has the thread in his hands) sing him a joyful song. And so on, until the ball returns to me. Great!

The glomerulus returned to me, it ran in a circle and connected us all. Our friendship has become even stronger.

2. The game "Colorful mood".

The goal is to track your emotional state, mood.

One, two, three, four, five - we begin to play!

Now I will teach you how to color your mood. I will tell you a secret. It turns out that every mood has its own color. Look - I have multi-colored cards. We will spread them around. It turned out a flower-eight-flower - a flower of moods. Each petal is a different mood:

  • red - cheerful, active mood - I want to jump, run, play outdoor games;
  • yellow - a cheerful mood - I want to enjoy everything;
  • green - sociable mood - I want to be friends with other children, talk and play with them;
  • blue - calm mood - I want to play quietly, look out the window;
  • raspberry - it is difficult for me to understand my mood, and not too good, and not too bad;
  • gray - boring mood - I don’t know what to do;
  • brown - angry mood - I'm angry, I'm offended;
  • black - sad mood - I'm sad, I'm upset.

We will send the ball around in a circle, and each of you will say what color his mood is now. I will start and you will continue.

Children color their mood.

Thank you, I am very pleased that many of you are now in a good mood. And for those guys who have it not very good, we will help now.

II. Main part.

3. Etude "Dance of Joy".

An audio recording of the music of V. Shainsky - Y. Entin "Chunga-changa" sounds

We all stand in a circle, hold hands, now we jump like joyful sparrows in sunny weather (children dance for 1-2 minutes) Now we turn our sides to the sun like joyful kittens (children dance for 1-2 minutes) You are doing well! And now we jump like joyful guys on a sunny walk (children dance for 1-2 minutes) Good! Mood up guys? The children answer.

4. Game "Box of emotions"

The goal is to master the skills of managing their emotional sphere: developing in children the ability to understand, realize their own and others' emotions of joy, express them correctly, and fully experience them.

Guys, look, here is the "Box of Emotions" I propose to play with it. Inside is a set of cards that depict various emotions. Everyone takes one card for themselves without showing it to the others. After that, everyone takes turns trying to show the emotions drawn on the cards. The rest of the audience, they have to guess what emotion they are being shown and explain how they determined what that emotion was.

Discussion: What emotions are easier to show? And which ones are more difficult? Why?

Children's answers.

5. Exercise "Music and emotions"

The goal is to promote the development of an understanding of the transmission of an emotional state through music, and the development of figurative thinking.

Now we will listen to musical passages and then describe the mood of the music.

Discussion: What was the mood of each music? What feelings does it evoke? (cheerful - sad, contented, angry, courageous - cowardly, festive - everyday, sincere - aloof, kind - tired, warm - cold, clear - gloomy)

Children listen to music and answer.

6. Exercise "Magic Paths"

The goal is to promote the development of an understanding of the transmission of an emotional state through sensations, touches (soft, prickly, hard, etc.)

Now we will go along the magical paths. Why do you think the paths are magical?

Children's answers

(The paths are magical, because they are different - some are soft, pleasant, and there are prickly, hard, rustling)

What feelings, sensations does each track evoke in you? What touches do we have in life? Children's answers.

III. Conclusion.

7. Relaxation exercise.

The goal is to teach self-regulation methods, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Joyful mood helps relaxation.

Sit comfortably. Stretch out and relax. Close your eyes, think about the pleasant.

Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet beautiful lake. You can barely hear your breathing. Inhale-exhale. The sun is shining brightly and you feel better and better. You feel the sun's rays warm you. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and still. You feel calm and happy. You enjoy peace and sunshine. You are resting… Inhale-exhale. Now open your eyes. They stretched, smiled and woke up. You have a good rest, you are in a cheerful and cheerful mood, and pleasant sensations will not leave you throughout the day.