accounting      25.07.2020

Conditions for the formation of cognitive interest through entertaining material on the Russian language. Entertaining material in mathematics lessons Entertaining material

" A game is the life laboratory of childhood,

giving that aroma, that atmosphere

young life

without which this time would be useless

for humanity.

In the game, this special treatment

living material,

there is the most healthy core of reasonable

childhood schools"

S.T. Shatsky


    Expanding knowledge about entertaining elements, specifics

one element or another.

    Cultivate an interest in mathematics.

    Promotion of entertaining materials.





The content of the work

A) Rebus as a way of encryption with drawings.

c) Verbal charades, metagrams.

b) Crosswords.

d) Game tasks.


How to make friends with math? What is needed to make the formulas seem like the inhabitants of a magical land that they can't wait to visit? So that mathematical knowledge does not look dry, requiring blind memorization? How to learn to see beauty in the amazing building of science, each brick of which is an image of universal harmony? Answers to all these questions were found through kind mathematical tales, funny games, entertaining tasks. Mathematics should be absorbed cheerfully, through games, crossword puzzles, wise problems. Entertaining mathematics becomes attractive due to problems with unusual plots, entertaining excursions into the field of the history of mathematics, unexpected applications of mathematics to practical life. Entertaining problems in mathematics have been published for many centuries. However, most of the tasks do not lose their relevance and encourage mathematical reflection. Solving non-standard old problems, joke problems arouses interest in mathematics. Having solved a difficult, unusual problem on your own, you feel that you have made a small discovery. Throughout life, we will have to solve various kinds of life tasks and problems. And most often they are all unusual and non-standard. And to be ready for this, you need to train now. After all, problem solving disciplines the mind, is a kind of gymnastics. It is known that the one who more often exercises in solving problems, puzzles, masters a lot, is engaged in guessing various ingenious riddles will quickly figure out, guess.

The game is the way of children to the knowledge of the world.

The task of the teacher is to teach each child to learn independently, to form in him the need to actively relate to the learning process.
The game for younger students continues to be one of the main means and conditions for the development of the student's intellect. The game gives rise to joy and cheerfulness, inspires the children, enriches with impressions, helps to avoid annoying edification, creates an atmosphere of friendliness in the children's team. In games for schoolchildren there should not be dullness and monotony. The game should constantly replenish knowledge, be a means of comprehensive development of the child, his abilities, evoke positive emotions, fill the life of the children's team with interesting content.
Play is the path of children to the knowledge of the world in which they live and which they are called upon to change. Work and learning, combined with play activities, contributes to the formation of character and the development of will. The efforts (physical and mental) that the child makes in the game are fruitful, since in the game, unnoticed by himself, he develops a number of skills and abilities that will later be useful to him in life. Games diversify activities in the classroom, foster interest in the subject, develop attention, memory and thinking of students, lead to the systematization of life experience, are a detente for nervous system, develop initiative and resourcefulness, accustom to work, accuracy, accuracy and perseverance in overcoming obstacles.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Let's take a closer look at what place the game occupies in the life of a child. For him, the game is the most serious thing. In the game, the world is revealed to the children, they develop Creative skills personality. Without play, there can be no full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world the child is infused with a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts about the world around him. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

Formation and development of interest in mathematics.

What can make elementary school student to think, to start thinking about this or that mathematical task, question, task? Interest can serve as the main source of motivation for junior schoolchildren to mental work. Therefore, the teacher must look for and find means and ways to arouse children's interest in mathematics. The children's interest in individual tasks, which I offer as entertaining exercises, arouses interest in mathematics itself.
To arouse interest in mathematics, I try not only to draw the attention of children to some of its elements, but also to arouse surprise in the children. Children are surprised when they see that the current situation does not coincide with the expected. If, in this case, surprise is associated with the emergence of some pleasure, then it turns into a pleasant surprise. In an ill-conceived situation, it can be the other way around: an unpleasant surprise may arise. Therefore, it is important at the initial stage of teaching mathematics to create situations for a pleasant surprise. Surprise should coexist with the curiosity of the children, with their desire to see something new against a mathematical background, to learn something still unknown to them. Surprise, combined with curiosity, will help to excite active mental activity of students. Getting children's attention and surprise is only the beginning of interest, and relatively easy to achieve; harder to keep interest in math and do it enough

Maintaining interest by various methods, it is necessary to gradually educate it so that it develops into an interest in mathematics as a science, in an interest in the process of mental activity itself, in new knowledge in the field of mathematics. The material must be clear to every student, otherwise it will not arouse interest, because. will be meaningless to them. To maintain interest in anything new, there must be elements of the old, known to children. Only under the condition of establishing a connection between the new and the old are manifestations of ingenuity and conjecture possible. To ease the transition from the known to the unknown, I use different kinds visualization: complete objective visualization, incomplete objective visualization, symbolic and memory representations - based on the level of development in the minds of students, at which the corresponding mathematical concepts are located. Especially often I use children's imagination. It is bright, much stronger than intelligence. Steady interest in mathematics is supported by the fact that this work is carried out systematically, and not from case to case. In the lessons, small questions and riddles that are easy for children to understand should constantly arise, and an atmosphere should be created that excites the active thought of students. I can always detect the strength of the emerging interest in mathematics. It is expressed in the perseverance that students show in the process of solving mathematical problems, performing various tasks related to solving mathematical problems.

The role of entertainment in mathematics lessons.

Interest in mathematics in the lower grades is supported by the amusement of the tasks themselves, questions, assignments. Speaking of entertainment, I do not mean entertaining children with empty amusements, but the entertainment of the content of mathematical tasks. Pedagogically justified entertainment aims to attract the attention of children, strengthen it, and activate their mental activity. Entertaining in this sense always carries elements of wit, playfulness, and festivity. Entertaining serves as the basis for the penetration into the minds of the children of a sense of beauty in mathematics itself. Entertaining is characterized by the presence of light and clever humor in the content of mathematical tasks, in their design, in an unexpected denouement when performing these tasks. Humor should be accessible to the understanding of children. Therefore, I seek from the children themselves an intelligible explanation of the essence of easy tasks-jokes, funny situations in which students sometimes find themselves during games, i.e. I strive to understand the essence of humor itself and its harmlessness. A sense of humor usually manifests itself when they find separate funny lines in different situations. A sense of humor, if a person possesses it, softens the perception of individual failures in the current situation. Light humor should be kind, create a cheerful, high spirits.
The atmosphere of light humor is created by including tasks-stories in the lesson, tasks of the heroes of funny children's fairy tales, including tasks-jokes, by creating game situations and fun competitions.

a) Didactic game as a means of teaching mathematics.

Games play an important role in mathematics lessons. This is mainly didactic games, i.e. games, the content of which contributes either to the development of individual mental operations, or to the development of computational techniques, skills in counting fluency. The purposeful inclusion of the game increases the interest of children in the lesson, enhances the effect of the learning itself. Creating a game situation leads to

the fact that children who are fascinated by the game, imperceptibly for themselves and without much effort and stress, acquire certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

At primary school age, children still have a strong need for play, so I include it in my math lessons. The game makes the lessons emotionally rich, brings a cheerful mood to the children's team, helps to aesthetically perceive the situation related to mathematics.
A didactic game is a valuable means of educating the mental activity of children, it activates mental processes, arouses a keen interest in the learning process among students. In it, children willingly overcome significant difficulties, train their strength, develop abilities and skills. It helps to make any educational material exciting, causes deep satisfaction among students, creates a joyful working mood, and facilitates the process of mastering knowledge.
In didactic games, the child observes, compares, contrasts, classifies objects according to certain characteristics, makes analysis and synthesis available to him, and makes generalizations.
Didactic games provide an opportunity to develop in children the arbitrariness of such mental processes as attention and memory. Because the leading type of activity of younger students - educational activities, didactic games should ensure the formation of skills academic work and the formation of actual learning activities.
Game tasks develop in children ingenuity, resourcefulness, ingenuity. Many of them require the ability to build a statement, judgment, conclusion; require not only mental, but also strong-willed efforts - organization, endurance, the ability to follow the rules of the game, to subordinate their interests to the interests of the team.
However, not every game has a significant educational and educational value, but only one that acquires the character of cognitive activity. A didactic game of an educational nature, brings the new, cognitive activity of the child closer to the one already familiar to him, facilitating the transition from the game to serious mental work.
Didactic games are especially necessary in the education and upbringing of children of six years of age. They manage to concentrate the attention of even the most inert children. At first, children show interest only in the game, and then in that educational material, without which the game is impossible. In order to preserve the very nature of the game and at the same time to successfully teach children mathematics, games of a special kind are needed. They should be organized in such a way that they: firstly, as a way to perform game actions, there is an objective need for practical application accounts; secondly, the content of the game and practical actions would be interesting and provide an opportunity for children to show independence and initiative.

b) Logical exercises in mathematics lessons.

The idea that the school needs to work on the formation and development of logical thinking, beginning with lower grades, in the psychological and pedagogical sciences is generally recognized. Logic exercises are one of the means by which the formation of correct thinking in children takes place. When I speak of logical thinking, I mean thinking that, in content, is in full accordance with objective reality.
Logic exercises allow children to understand the mathematical material

le, based on life experience build correct judgments without prior theoretical development of the laws and rules of logic themselves.
In the process of logical exercises, children practically learn to compare mathematical objects, perform the simplest types of analysis and synthesis, and establish relationships between generic and specific concepts.
Most often, the logical exercises I offer do not require calculations, but only force children to make correct judgments and give simple proofs. The exercises themselves are entertaining, so they contribute to the emergence of interest in children in the process of mental activity. And this is one of the cardinal tasks of the educational process at school.
Due to the fact that logical exercises are exercises in mental activity, and the thinking of younger students is mostly concrete, figurative, I use visualization in the lessons. Depending on the characteristics of the exercises, I use drawings, drawings, brief conditions for tasks, and notes of terms-concepts as a visual aid.
Folk riddles have always served and serve as fascinating material for reflection. In riddles, certain signs of the object are usually indicated, by which the object itself is also guessed. Riddles are a kind of logical tasks to identify an object by some of its features. Signs may be different. They characterize both the qualitative and quantitative side of the subject. For mathematics lessons, I select such riddles in which, mainly by quantitative characteristics, the object itself is located along with others. Highlighting the quantitative side of an object (abstraction), as well as finding an object by quantitative characteristics, are useful and interesting logical and mathematical exercises.

c) The role of the role-playing game in the process of teaching mathematics.

Among the mathematical games for children, there are also role-playing ones. Role-playing games can be described as creative. Their main difference from other games is the independent creation of the plot and rules of the game and their implementation. The most attractive force for younger students are those roles that give them the opportunity to show high moral qualities of the individual: honesty, courage, camaraderie, resourcefulness, wit, ingenuity. Therefore, such games contribute not only to the development of individual mathematical skills, but also to the sharpness and logic of thought. In particular, the game contributes to the education of discipline, because. any game is played according to the relevant rules. Involving in the game, the student follows certain rules; at the same time, he obeys the rules themselves not under duress, but completely voluntarily, otherwise there will be no game. And the implementation of the rules is associated with overcoming difficulties, with the manifestation of perseverance.
However, despite all the importance and significance of the game in the process of the lesson, it is not an end in itself, but a means for developing interest in mathematics. The mathematical side of the content of the game should always be clearly brought to the fore. Only then will it fulfill its role in the mathematical development of children and instilling their interest in mathematics.

The Queen of Mathematics invites you to her

Amazing Planet "ZANIMATIKA"

1. All Dragon heads are renumbered from left to right.

"You can slay him if you chop the heads of this 7-headed Dragon in a certain okay"Clever Horse whispered to the Warrior.

1. None of the heads can be cut according to their number.

2. The heads you knock off with the first and fourth blows must be odd numbers.

3. after removing head number 6, you will only have to cut off the heads of her neighbors."

The warrior has won!

What blow hit Warrior number 2's head?

(a) 1st; (b) 2nd; (c) 3rd; (d) 4th; (e) 5th; (f) 6th; (g) 7th;

What to say?

2 .If the Queen asked you: "With what speed should the future cosmonaut climb onto the cabinet if he saw a mouse?"

What would you answer:

(a) He must climb onto the cabinet very quickly;

(b) he must fit on the cabinet with space speed;

(c) he must calmly climb onto the stool;

(d) a future astronaut should not be afraid of mice.

3. We solve a mathematical puzzle

The sum of two numbers - three-digit number, which ends in 27.
One of the numbers ends in zero, but if we erase this zero, we get another number.

Find the sum of two numbers, what is the sum of the digits of this number?

(a) 9; (b) 15; (c) 16; (d) 17; (e) 18; (f) 21;

It was very interesting rebus. first we arrange the numbers * 70 + * 7 \u003d * 27, then we look for a number that, in total with 7, equals 12, this is 5. it turns out that the second number about 57, and the first is 570. The sum is equal to 627, 6+2+7=15. Answer b

4. Candy and logic

My grandfather is very fond of pranks.

He locked the door of the room where my grandmother keeps sweets with a key. He put the key in one of the boxes, which he marked as follows: A, B, C.

Then he attached notes to each box:

A) The key is not in the box B

B) The key is not in this box

C) The key is in this box

Grandma told me that some of these statements are correct and some are false.

But if, without looking into the boxes, I hand Grandfather a box containing

lie the key, I will have as many candies as I want.

Which box should be extended to grandfather?

(a) A; (b) B; (c) B; (d) Impossible to determine.

5. We solve puzzles

Numbers are hidden under each polygon: 0, 2, 4 .

Look carefully at each of the three examples and identify the numbers behind the shapes.

Remember: identical figures have the same numbers, different figures have different numbers.

What number is behind the triangle?

(a) 0; (b) 2; (c) 4;

6. Spring has come!

With the advent of spring, elementary school students decided to plant cacti in the desert.
They put in one line 19 cacti.
The distance between each two catus is constant and equal to 1 meter.

What is the distance between the first and last cactus?

(a) 17 m; (b) 18 m; (c) 19 m; (d) 20 m; (e) 21 m;


Answer a. Figures in a row change in two ways: height and width. Of the proposed options, only the first one is suitable, because only in it this rule is fulfilled.

8.Chocolate and Chefs

Five Little Cooks decided to share a large rectangular chocolate bar among themselves.

But she fell to the floor and when they unrolled her, they saw that the chocolate bar had broken into 7 pieces.

Nikolay ate the biggest piece.

Sveta and Masha ate the same amount of chocolate, but Sveta ate three pieces and Masha only one piece.

Bella ate 1/7 of the whole chocolate bar and Katya ate the rest.

What piece of chocolate did Katya get?

(a) 1; (b) 2; (c) 3; (d) 4; (e) 5; (f) 7;

The largest piece - 6 (it consists of 8 square meters) - was eaten by Nikolai. Bella ate piece 4 (it has 4 square measures = chocolate_area(28):7). Sveta ate pieces 1,5,7, and Masha - 3 (the sum of pieces 1+5+7 = 5 square meters and piece 3 = 5 square meters). Katya is left with a piece 2. Answer: (b)

9. What is the odd number?

The artist painted a beautiful tree in a tub.

And since he is very fond of drawing numbers, he placed several numbers on this tree.

Look carefully at the drawing and tell me what number the artist, by mistake, drew twice?

(a) 1; (b) 3; (c) 5; (d) 8; (e) 10; (f) 12;

10. We solve a mathematical puzzle

Arrange the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in a column and in a row of dinosaurs, so that the sum of the numbers in both the column and the row would be equal to 9 !

What is the number in place of the question?

a) 1 ; b) 2 ; c) 3 ; d) 4 ; e) 5 .

You need to place the numbers as follows: from top to bottom - 2, 4, 3, and from left to right - 1, 3, 5. The total will be 9. And the number 3 is questionable.

11. How many matches to remove?

Queen Mathematics loves to make puzzles out of matches.

She brought matches and said:

"My friend! You are given a figure of 5 squares: 4 small and one large. You need to remove a few matches so that 2 squares (of any size) remain."

What do you think, how many matches, at the very least, should be removed so that instead of five squares there are two?

(a) 4; (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1 .

Answer: c. It is necessary to remove two matches from a large square that are perpendicular to each other. Then there remains a large square, and in it a small one.

12. We count the steps

Serezha climbs the stairs. Each time he jumps over one step.

Now he is on the third step.

On what step will he be after taking his three "steps"?

If you have already calculated, look for your number in the list of answers:

(a) 9; (b) 8; (c) 6; (d) 5;

Serezha on the third step. One step 2 steps, the second - 2 steps, the third two more. It is easy to add to 3 three times 2. 3+2+2+2=9. So, on the 9th step

13. How many years do Dragons live?

"How old are you?" Dundee asked the Dragon King.

And this is what the King said to the child:

"If you were seven times older than you are now, you would only be half my present age.

And then you would have to live another 112 years to reach my present age."

How old was the Dragon King when Dundee was first born?

(a) 96 years old; (b) 108 years; (c) 112 years; (d) 200 years; (e) 208 years; (f) 224 years; answer e. D*7=half(112), so Dandy 112:7=16 years old, King 112*2=224 years old, and when Dandy was born, he was 224-16=208 years old

14. Arithmetic in the forest

Only 48 birds are sitting on three trees.

After 8 birds have flown from the first tree to the second,

and 6 birds flew from the second tree to the third, each tree had the same number of birds. How many birds sat on the first and second trees together initially?

(a) 40 birds; (b) 38 birds; (c) 34 birds; (d) 30 birds; (e) 28 birds; (f) 24 birds;

If at the beginning there were x birds on 1 tree, birds on 2, and z birds on 3, then after all the flights there were: on 1 tree - (x - 8), on 2 - (y + 8 - 6) \u003d y + 2, by 3 - z + 6. Since there are equally birds on each tree, and this is 48: 3 \u003d 16, then x - 8 \u003d 16 and y + 2 \u003d 16. Hence x \u003d 16 + 8 \u003d 24, and y \u003d 16 - 2 \u003d 14. So, 24 + 14 \u003d 38 birds sat on the 1st and 2nd tree. Answer: (b)

1 5. Let's help Penguin!

The penguin builds a house out of ice. It remains to complete the roof. But he can't choose which piece of ice to take. Help him, friend!

Which ice cube is right for you?

(a) A; (b)B; (c)C; (d)E; (e)K; (f ) M ; (j ) P ; (h ) H .

16.Suitcase with stickers

Costin's dad often goes on a business trip.

What city does he travel to most often if, upon returning home, he sticks stickers with the name of the city on his suitcase?

Look carefully at the picture, find such a city, and then look at the answers.

(a) London; (b) Delhi; (c) Minsk; (d) New York; (e) Oslo.

17. What is your mother's middle name?

Vasya's father's name is Ivan Nikolaevich,

and grandfather - Semyon Petrovich.

What is Vasya's mother's middle name?

a) Ivanovna; b) Nikolaevna; c) Petrovna; d) Semyonovna; e) Impossible to determine.

d) Semyonovna, because my mother's father is grandfather Semyon Petrovich

18. Let's count the matches

To solve matchstick puzzles, the teacher brought 10 boxes to the class.

In the first box

- 1 match,

In the second box

- 2 matches,

In the third box

- 3 matches,

In the fourth box

- 4 matches,

in the fifth box

- 5 matches,

in the sixth box

- 6 matches,

in the seventh box

- 7 matches,

in the eighth box

- 8 matches

in the ninth box

- 9 matches,

in the tenth box

- 10 matches

How many matches are in all the boxes together?

a) 27 matches; b) 28 matches; c) 36 matches; d) 45 matches; e ) 55 matches;f) 60 matches;


19. What number did the butterfly cover?

The butterfly landed on a correctly solved example. What number did she cover?

(a) 250; (b) 400; (c) 500; (d) 910; (e) 1800;

ANSWER S. 2007-207-1300=500

20.How many pages are missing?

Several pages are missing from the open book.

On the left page, the girl saw the page number - 12, and on the right - 15.

How many pages were skipped?

(a) 1 page; (b) 2 pp; (c) 3 pp; (d) 4 pp;

There are no 13 and 14 pages, so there are no two. Answer b.

21. What is more expensive: "smile" or "sadness"?

The figure shows the prices of different combinations

smiling, sad and neutral faces.

Which face is more expensive: smiling or sad, and by how much?

(a) "smile" is 1 ruble more expensive; (b) "smile" is cheaper by 3 rubles; (c) "smile" cheaper by 5 rubles; (d) "smile" is 8 rubles more expensive; (e) "smile" is 5 rubles more expensive; (f) "smile" is 2 rubles more expensive;

By comparing 3 columns and 2 lines, you can find the price of a sad face 3 sad and one neutral 42 rubles, and 2 sad and 1 neutral 32 rubles, which means the price of a neutral is 10 rubles, then on the first line we find the price of a smiling face, since in the first line 2 smiling and 1 sad, then 40 rubles minus 10 rubles for sad and dividing by the number of "smiles" we get that the price of a smile is 15 rubles, so the answer is e.

22. Let's fly to the holiday!

C Queen Mathematica has sent a spaceship for you and your friends.

The numbers you see in the boxes spaceship(in the picture on the left) are the numbers of your seats.

She also sent tablets to all of you:


Kostya Vite

Nikolai Serezha

Each of you will count what is written on the tablet and find out the number of your place on the ship.

Now tell me, my friend, which boy will sit right behind you and which one will be in last place?

(a) Nikolai (behind you) and Vitya (last); (b) Kostya (behind you) and Nikolai (last); (c) Vitya (behind you) and Seryozha (last); (d) Kostya (behind you) and Serezha (last);

The answer is d, since by solving the examples we found out that Kostya has a plate with No. 2, Vitya has a plate with No. 3, Nikolai has a plate with No. 4, Serezha has a plate with No. 5. So Kostya is sitting behind me, and the last one is Serezha.

Game tasks

Of great interest are game tasks of various types that can be used

when consolidating the material, and in preparing for various mathematical quizzes and


Let's look at a few examples.

A) Using the hints in brackets, you need to guess the words and names themselves geometric shapes who "fit" into them.

Za_ _ _ _ _ (the process of sharpening an object).

You _ _ _ _ _ (constructive element of clothing).

Fore _ _ _ _ _ (part of the window).

Las _ _ _ _ _ (bird).

Kis _ _ _ _ _ (artist's tool).

Kar _ _ _ _ _ (yellow, electronic, telephone). (Dot)

b) According to these definitions, you need to guess the mathematical term or concept that is polysemantic word. The one who gives the correct answer with the fewest clues wins.

    Solid, control, meaningful, Arabic, Roman,

binary, decimal... (number).

    The first, hot, wrinkled, torn, cross, diamonds, trump ... (ten).

    Fireproof, round, large, control, monetary, received ... (sum).

c) An exciting task is when you need to remember, find out or guess what numbers, numbers, numerals, units of measurement, as well as other mathematical terms and concepts are found in Russian proverbs.

    From ... a rotten apple, the whole thing rots. (one)

    A friend in need is ... a friend. (twice)

    the head is good, but ... better. (one, two)

    For ... miles of jelly slurp. (seven)

    try it on once, cut it off once. (seven, one)

    Miss a minute - you lose .... (hour)

Entertaining material that I use in mathematics lessons, I systematized. For each section of the program, I selected the appropriate tasks, separately for each class. The main purpose of the entertaining material that I use is to help children master the main issues of the program.

About mathematics!

They say mathematics is very dry,

They say math is irresistible

But everyone admits that without sin,

What you need to know about math.

A bad student will tell about dryness,

About the difficulty the guy is lazy.

But who penetrated deeper into mathematics,

He will be quite happy.

There is no algebra without arithmetic.

You can't take a step without geometry.

Neither in the sea, nor in the sky, nor to the world of planets -

You can't buy a ticket without an account.

And even if you did not think to go into science.

You stay in the village, or you will be a worker.

To make a worthy contribution everywhere,

I advise you to know mathematics very much!

Entertaining material - material necessary to create interest in game material, to attract children's attention to the lesson. Entertaining material includes fairy tales, riddles, poems, rebuses, crossword puzzles, charades, puzzles, chainwords and others.

Consider in more detail the puzzle, crossword puzzle, riddle, rebus.

The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary gives the following definitions of concepts:

§ "a puzzle is a riddle, a task that requires ingenuity, ingenuity for its solution; a game with tasks of this nature";

§ "a crossword puzzle - a puzzle task, filling in the letters of the intersecting rows of cells so that the words given by meaning are obtained horizontally and vertically";

§ "a riddle is a genre of folk poetry; an allegorical poetic description of an object or phenomenon that tests the ingenuity of a guesser";

§ "a rebus is a riddle in which the words or expressions to be solved are given in the form of drawings in combination with letters and some other signs" .

There are puzzles: gears, a secret order, digital syllables.

Gears: If you correctly connect the teeth of the gears and rotate the right gear to the left and the left gear to the right, you will read the riddle. What is it about?

(Answer: Black, crooked, mute from birth. They will stand in a row - they will immediately speak. Of course, these are letters)

Secret order:

Note. Cross out the letters that occur more than once and read the order.

(Answer: Be the enemy of laziness.)

Digital syllables

Note. In a syllable, each number denotes a syllable (always the same). From these syllables the words in riddles are composed. Our syllable begins with the letter B.

(Answer: epic, prey, sorcerer, (Answer: bulldozer, grain, dominoes, road.) destroyer.)

There are riddles: about nature, about objects, riddles-folds, riddles-jokes.

Riddles about nature:

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This beast is a forest ... (bear).

Riddles about objects: Feeds everyone,

But she doesn’t eat herself (spoon).

In a black field, a white hare

Jumped, ran, made loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare? ... (chalk).


Better than these two guys

You won't find it in the world.

They are usually referred to as:

Water ... (do not spill).

Your friend asks furtively

Copy the answers from your notebook.

No need! After all, this is you friend

You will do ... (a disservice).


a) Do newspapers and books have legs?

(probably there is: after all, they sometimes say that he took a book (newspaper) upside down).

b) In what phraseological unit is the action of the multiplication table mentioned? (clear as twice two is four).

c) What is common in the words arc, ram's horn, three deaths? (they can be ... bent, or rather, all these names are combined with this verb).

Rebuses are: with a rearrangement of letters in a word in accordance with numbers, with the addition of a letter or syllable to a word or the exclusion of a letter or syllable from it, with the replacement of a letter in a word, with the exclusion of a letter from a word and the addition of a specified letter to the word, with the reading of letters and syllables inscribed into larger letters.

Rebus with the rearrangement of letters in a word in accordance with the numbers(cat - who);

What do the numbers indicate? (replace letters)

What letter to take first? second? third?

What will be the word? .

Rebus with the addition to the word or the exclusion of a letter or syllable from it (pillar-table, arc-rainbow);

Make up a word from the picture.

Read. (Arc).

Add the syllable "ra" to this word.

Read what happened.

Rebus with the replacement of a letter in a word (table-chair, kit-cat);

What word is "hidden" here?

(the letter "and" is crossed out, in its place it is necessary to put the letter "o").

Rebus with the exclusion of a letter from the word and the addition of the specified letter to the word(cancer - hand - hand; crane - wound - wound).

On the exception of the word letters can indicate not only a line that strikes out a letter, but also a comma. If a comma precedes the figure, then the first letter is excluded, if after it, then the last. The source words and guess words are made up of the letters of the split alphabet, read.

Rebus with reading letters inscribed in larger letters(crow, pumpkin).

Read the printed part of the word. Guess where it is located (poke in "a" - pumpkin).

Let's take a closer look at the crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzles occupy a special place in the system of entertaining material. When working with crossword puzzles, students compete more with "themselves", that is, personality traits compete: efficiency with laziness, hunting with unwillingness to do something, curiosity with indifference, mental stress and perseverance with relaxation, etc. Success and victory positive traits a student's character over negative ones is more important than short-term successes over other students.

According to the teacher of the University of Makhachkala Sh.Sh. Khidirova, it is known that "if you look at the nature of cognitive interest in the lessons of the Russian language, then students love intellectual games more. intellectual games they get maximum independence. This is due psychological feature such students and the natural instinct of a person to assert himself. A child can show these qualities by solving crossword puzzles. But this does not mean that students with amorphous interests are not drawn to crossword puzzles. Guessing at least one word in the whole crossword puzzle is already success, luck, it brings joy, positive emotions appear, self-confidence, a sense of intellectual usefulness, a desire to search and guess other words involuntarily arises, i.e. cognitive interest is actualized ".

Crosswords are technologically easy to use. In them, all the rules are predetermined, everything that is needed for implementation is available. The student solves the crossword alone from beginning to end, his work does not depend on other children, he receives maximum independence. And independent work is the most important way for students to master new knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of independent work, an important and final stage of cognitive activity is carried out - testing the acquired knowledge in practice. Independent work, as well as the learning process as a whole, performs not only the functions of education, but also the education of such personality traits as diligence, the ability to overcome difficulties, perseverance, self-confidence, in addition, develops observation, the ability to highlight the main thing, self-control, etc. .; it can be a source of knowledge, a way to test, improve and consolidate it, and in relation to skills and abilities, it is one of the ways to form them.

A crossword puzzle is a kind of self-examination, control of one's knowledge, an entertaining text.

The educational role of crossword puzzles is that it allows intensifying the process of mastering new knowledge in a game situation, and the positive emotions that arise in children in the process of solving crossword puzzles help prevent their overload, ensure the formation of communicative and intellectual skills.

Here you can solve some issues of individual and differentiated approach to students. Usually good students ahead of schedule finish their work in class. And so that they do not get bored and do not interfere with others, they can be offered small crossword puzzles on the topic being studied.

The developing and organizing role of crossword puzzles is that when solving them, students have to work without any coercion with textbooks, manuals, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. Visiting the library becomes a favorite and familiar activity. Asking the meaning of obscure and unsolved words in crossword puzzles, students involuntarily make teachers, parents and others around them think and get involved in learning activities children. Thus, conditions are created for the useful organization of free time for children and parents.

Compiling crossword puzzles is not an easy task. Compiling thematic crossword puzzles is more difficult than usual, because the vocabulary is limited to a specific topic of the lesson.

When compiling crossword puzzles, it is necessary to adhere to such a didactic principle as the scientific nature of the content and its accessibility for students. It is also necessary to match and interconnect the content of the crossword puzzle and the process of solving it.

To maintain a continuous interest in this type of entertaining material, it is necessary to diversify the forms of crosswords, to come up with new forms of guessing words. The more ways of guessing the same word, the deeper and more versatile the knowledge will be, since different ways of guessing mutually complement the ideas about this concept.

When solving a crossword puzzle, children are convinced that mastering vocabulary, terminology and the ability to write words correctly are necessary conditions for the correct completion of the task. Compiling crossword puzzles by the students themselves provides no less important didactic effect than solving crossword puzzles. To do this, students organize their lexicon, group words according to the number of letters, etc. Unbeknownst to themselves, students clarify the spelling of various terms. Then the crossword puzzle is created on a draft, while the logic and ingenuity of the child work. And if he was not able to "assemble" the crossword puzzle to the end, then he would have to "disassemble" this construction and "assemble" it again. In the process of this work, the logic of thinking, perseverance, the desire to complete the work begun, perseverance, purposefulness, etc. develop. When compiling a draft version of a crossword puzzle, students have to diversify the drawing and shape of the crossword puzzle, while developing creativity and imagination when sketching the crossword puzzle grid, developing artistic and aesthetic abilities. If the work is carried out on a computer, then knowledge and skills in computer science, the ability to work with various programs are fixed.

The whole variety of crossword puzzles can be divided into two categories: content and design. According to the content, they distinguish: thematic, polyglot, alphabetical, crosswords with non-standard definitions, humorous, with fragments, rebus, loose, crosswords with non-standard filling, syllabic crossword, two-letter, symbolic, etc .; by design - scanword, reverse, endless, Russian, dictionary, chainword, curly, drawing, oblique, circular, volumetric. As you know, games can be widely used in Russian language lessons. Language games are usually entertaining, but always contain a didactic element, sometimes reaching a high level.

According to the weight of this didactic contribution, games are evaluated and classified. There are also games by type of activity: games based on observation; games for designing, for inventing new structures; creative games. Games are also classified according to language material: verbal, grammatical, alphabetic, etc.

In recent decades, a huge number of manuals on gaming methods have been published: these are quick wit games, "tricky" tasks, word games, verbal and picture lotto, wheels of prefixes and suffixes, ladders of words, as well as materials for quizzes and olympiads, tasks for guessing proverbs and phraseological units, assignments for the selection and commenting of synonymic groups, antonymic pairs, homonyms, paronyms, for the polysemy of words.

Thus, the use of crossword puzzles, language games, etc. cannot become the main form of work, but their use in educational process quite expedient.

Classification of entertaining material in the Russian language

Thus, after analyzing the literature, we made a classification of entertaining material and came to the conclusion that it is quite diverse. Its use in Russian language lessons is very important. At the same time, it is possible to apply more and more new tasks each time, thereby enriching the speech of students, developing their cognitive interest in the subject "Russian language", individual inclinations, independent activity, the need for self-education (accustoming to use additional literature, different materials, deepening knowledge about the language obtained in the classroom, improving the quality of this knowledge and skills).

Entertaining material

Wealth entertaining tasks is so great that it will help even a weak student to develop and manifest a desire to study Russian, then the performance of a younger student will increase, and this will be a huge achievement in the work of any teacher. After all, the result of the work performed is important for him.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Voronezh State Pedagogical University"

Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education


by discipline Preschool Pedagogy

on the topic: The use of entertaining material as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of preschoolers

in the direction of "Pedagogical education"

profile " Preschool education»

Completed by: 3rd year student absentee form learning

department "Preschool education"

Faculty of Psychology and Education

Onokolo Lyudmila Petrovna

Checked by: assistant Kolomeets A.V.



Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects activation of cognitive activity of preschoolers

1 The concept and essence of the cognitive activity of preschoolers. Cognitive activity of preschoolers

2 The value of entertaining material in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers


List of used literature



The theme of our term paper: "The use of entertaining material as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of preschoolers."

This topic is relevant, since entertaining material is a creative purposeful activity, during which children in an entertaining form more deeply and easily learn the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

The inclusion of entertaining material in the lesson makes the learning process interesting, creates a cheerful working mood in children, and helps to overcome difficulties in mastering the material.

The use of entertaining material is justified only when it is closely related to the topic of the lesson, organically combined with educational material, corresponds to didactic purposes.

Modern strategic goals of education focus on the formation of a creative, independent personality, its development as an active subject own life and activities.

In this regard, pedagogy is actively discussing the problem of the transition from the reproductive model of education, which ensures the reproduction of "ready-made knowledge", to a productive model focused on enhancing the cognitive activity of students.

Cognitive activity is one of essential conditions development of preschoolers.

The formation of cognitive activity is an important stimulus for the education of purposefulness, perseverance in achieving the goal, striving to complete the activity.

The activation of cognitive activity occupies a special direction in the improvement of the educational process. Preparing for school children before school age is unthinkable without the use of entertaining games, tasks, entertainment.

At the same time, the role of simple entertaining material is determined taking into account the age capabilities of children and the tasks of comprehensive development and education.

The problem of the development of cognitive activity is considered in the studies of a number of teachers and psychologists (B.G. Ananiev, L.I. Bozhovich, V.B. Golitsyn, O.M. Dyachenko, V.S. Ilyin, N.N. Poddyakov, T. I. Shamova, G.A. Shchukina and others), aimed at studying various aspects of teaching children.

Meanwhile, the above studies are devoted mainly to children of school age, while the problem of activating the cognitive interest of preschoolers in the scientific psychological and pedagogical literature is extremely rare.

The object of the study is the cognitive activity of preschoolers.

The subject of the research is the use of entertaining material as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of preschoolers.

Work tasks:

To reveal the concept and essence of the cognitive activity of a preschooler;

To study the levels of cognitive activity of preschoolers;

Justify the importance of entertaining material in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers;

Research methods: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, logical, descriptive, methods of synthesis and analysis, comparative methods.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of enhancing the cognitive activity of preschoolers

1 The concept and essence of the cognitive activity of a preschooler

Cognitive activity is a specific type of human activity aimed at cognition and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including oneself and the conditions of one's existence.

In activity, a person creates objects of material and spiritual culture, transforms his abilities, preserves and improves nature, builds society, creates something that would not exist in nature without his activity.

Creative nature human activity manifests itself in the fact that, thanks to it, he goes beyond his natural limitations, i.e., surpasses his own genotypically conditioned capabilities.

Activity is the active state of a person. Therefore, the activity of a preschooler can be expressed through various types of activity: labor, cognitive, social, etc.

Manifestations of activity in certain types of activity correspond to their nature and specificity. In some cases, motor, physical activity is expressed to a large extent, in others - cognitive, spiritual. However, the manifestation of all forms of activity in any activity (sensory-motor activity, for example, in teaching, cognitive activity in work, the introduction of elements of social activity into work and teaching) should be considered optimal for the development of a personality. A comprehensive solution to this problem contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual. The activity of the child is a manifestation of the need for his vitality, therefore, it can be considered both a prerequisite and a result of his development.

J. Piaget said that in the process of development, the body adapts to environment. Therefore, the intellect is the core of the development of the psyche, because it is the understanding of the creation of the correct scheme of the environment that ensures adaptation to the surrounding world. At the same time, adaptation is not a passive process, but an active interaction of the organism with the environment. This activity is a necessary condition for development, since the scheme, Piaget believed, is not given in finished form to a person at birth, it does not exist in the outside world. The scheme is developed only in the process of active interaction with the environment, or, as Piaget wrote, "the scheme is neither in the subject nor in the object, it is the result of the active interaction of the subject with the object."

Taking into account the developmental features of preschool children, S.A. Kozlova notes that "cognitive activity" is an activity that arises about cognition and in its process. It is expressed in the interested acceptance of information, the desire to clarify, deepen one's knowledge, in an independent search for answers to questions of interest, in the manifestation of elements of creativity, in the ability to assimilate the method of cognition and apply it to other material.

The development of cognitive activity is based on the child's overcoming of the contradictions between the constantly growing cognitive needs and the possibilities of satisfying them, which he has in this moment. Cognitive activity is an active state that manifests itself in the child's attitude to the object and process of this activity. physiological basis cognitive activity is the inconsistency between the current situation and past experience. Of particular importance at the stage of including the child in active cognitive activity is the orienting-exploratory reflex, which is the reaction of the body to unusual changes in the external environment. The exploratory reflex brings the cerebral cortex into an active state. Excitation of the research reflex is a necessary condition for cognitive activity.

According to R.S. Nemov, cognitive activity is formed mainly in cognitive activity, which is associated with the purposeful actions of the child. Thus, being formed in the process of activity, cognitive activity also affects the quality of this activity, i.e., it acts as a means and condition for achieving the goal. At the same time, in his interaction with children, the scientist emphasizes, it is necessary to take into account the fact that cognitive activity includes not only an organized learning process under the guidance of a teacher, but more often a spontaneous acquisition of certain knowledge by a child.

The following levels of cognitive activity of preschoolers are distinguished:

The first level is reproducing activity. It is characterized by the desire of the child to understand, remember, reproduce knowledge, master the method of its application according to the model. This level is characterized by the instability of the child's volitional efforts, lack of interest in deepening knowledge, and the absence of the question "Why?"

The second level is interpretive activity. This activity is characterized by the child's desire to identify the meaning of the content being studied, the desire to know the connections between phenomena and processes, to master the ways of applying knowledge in changed conditions. An indicator of interpretive activity, according to the scientist, can be a greater stability of volitional efforts, which manifests itself in the fact that the child seeks to complete it, does not refuse to complete the task in case of difficulty, but looks for solutions.

The third level is creative activity, characterized by the interest and desire of the child not only to penetrate deeply into the essence of phenomena and their relationships, but also to find a new way for this. A characteristic feature of this level of activity is the manifestation of high volitional qualities of the child, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal, broad and persistent cognitive interests. This level of activity is provided by the excitation of a high degree of mismatch between what the child knew, what has already been encountered in his experience, and new information, a new phenomenon.

Thus, cognitive activity is personal education, an active state that expresses the intellectual and emotional response of the child to the process of cognition: the desire for learning, mental stress, the manifestation of volitional efforts in the process of mastering knowledge, the child's responsiveness to the learning process, the performance of individual and general tasks, interest in the activities of adults and other children.

1.2 The value of entertaining material in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers

Entertaining material is a creative purposeful activity, during which children in an entertaining form more deeply and easily learn the phenomena of the surrounding reality. The inclusion of entertaining material in the lesson makes the learning process interesting, creates a cheerful working mood in children, and helps to overcome difficulties in mastering the material. The use of entertaining material is justified only when it is closely related to the topic of the lesson, is organically combined with educational material, and corresponds to didactic goals.

Researchers offer definitions for the following types of entertaining material.

A tongue twister is a specially invented phrase with an unpronounceable selection of sounds, a quickly pronounced comic joke.

Rebus - a riddle in which the desired word or phrase is depicted by a combination of figures, letters or signs.

A proverb is a short folk saying with instructive content, a folk aphorism.

Saying - short set expression, predominantly figurative, not constituting, in contrast to the proverb, a complete statement.

Quiz - a game of answering questions, usually united by some common theme.

Crossword - a game - a task in which a figure from rows of empty cells is filled with intersecting words with values ​​given by the conditions of the game.

Chainword is a task game in which the cells located in a chain are filled with words in such a way that the last letter of one word begins the next.

Charade - a riddle in which the hidden word is divided into several parts - separate words; such a mystery, presented in live scenes.

Competition is a competition aimed at identifying the best participants, best work.

Entertaining material is also considered as one of the means that ensure a rational relationship between the work of the educator in the classroom and outside of them. Such material can be included in the main part of the lesson or used at the end of it, when there is a decrease in the mental activity of children. Elements of entertainment: the game, everything unusual, unexpected causes in children a sense of surprise rich in its consequences, helps them to learn any educational material.

Entertaining material is given by the game elements contained in each task, logical exercise, entertainment, whether it is a riddle or the most elementary puzzle. The variety of entertaining material - games, tasks, puzzles - gives grounds for their classification, although it is rather difficult to divide into groups such a diverse material created by teachers, methodologists.

Forms and methods of presenting entertaining material:

joint game of the educator with the child;

independent activities of children;

Mathematical holidays and entertainment;

classes (according to the study schedule);

Guessing riddles, entertaining questions, comic puzzles, puzzles;

reading fairy tales.

Any logical task for ingenuity, no matter what age it is intended for, carries a certain mental load, which is most often disguised by an entertaining plot, external data, the condition of the problem, etc. The mental task: to make a figure or modify it, to find a solution, to guess the number - is realized by means of the game in game actions. Ingenuity, resourcefulness, initiative are manifested in active mental activity based on direct interest.

The variety of entertaining material - games, tasks, puzzles - gives grounds for their classification, although it is rather difficult to divide into groups such a diverse material created by mathematicians, teachers, and methodologists. It can be classified according to various criteria: according to the content and meaning, the nature of mental operations, as well as the focus on the development of certain skills.

Based on the logic of actions carried out by those who solve the problem, a variety of entertaining material can be classified by conditionally singling out 3 main groups in it: entertainment, mathematical games and tasks, developing (didactic) games and exercises. The basis for the allocation of such groups is the nature and purpose of the material of a particular type.

Of all the variety of entertaining mathematical material in preschool age didactic games are most widely used. Their main purpose is to provide children with an exercise in distinguishing, highlighting, naming sets of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, directions, etc. In didactic games, it is possible to form new knowledge, to acquaint children with methods of action. Each of the games solves a specific problem of improving the mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations of children.

Didactic games are included in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of the didactic game in the structure of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, content of the lesson. It can be used as a training task, an exercise aimed at performing a specific task of forming representations.

Didactic games and game exercises mathematical content - the most famous and frequently used types of entertaining mathematical material in modern practice of preschool education. In the process of teaching preschoolers mathematics, the game is directly included in the lesson, being a means of forming new knowledge, expanding, clarifying, and consolidating the educational material.

In an integrated approach to the upbringing and education of preschoolers in modern practice, an important role belongs to entertaining educational games, tasks, and entertainment. They are interesting for children, emotionally capture them. And the process of solving, searching for an answer, based on interest in the problem, is impossible without the active work of thought. This position explains the importance of entertaining tasks in the mental and all-round development of children. In the course of games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material, children master the ability to search for solutions on their own. A systematic exercise in solving problems in this way develops mental activity, independence of thought, a creative attitude to learning task, initiative .

The activation of the cognitive activity of preschoolers is unthinkable without the use of entertaining games, tasks, and entertainment. At the same time, the role of simple entertaining material is determined taking into account the age capabilities of children and the tasks of comprehensive development and education:

activate mental activity

interest in learning material

captivate and entertain children,

develop the mind, expand, deepen ideas,

to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, to exercise in applying them in other activities, in a new environment.

Children are very active in the perception of tasks - jokes, puzzles, logical exercises. They are persistently looking for a course of action that leads to a result.

In the case when an entertaining task is available to a child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards it, which stimulates mental activity.

The child is interested in the ultimate goal that captivates him: to add, transform, find the right figure.

Introducing preschool children to entertaining mathematical material will help solve a number of pedagogical problems.

Tasks for ingenuity, puzzles, entertaining games are of great interest to children.

Children can, without being distracted, practice for a long time in transforming figures, shifting sticks or other objects according to a given pattern, according to their own plan.

In such classes, important qualities of the child's personality are formed: independence, observation, resourcefulness, ingenuity, perseverance is developed, and constructive skills are developed.

Entertaining mathematical material is also considered as one of the means to ensure a rational relationship between the work of the educator in the classroom and outside of them.

So, it is advisable to use puzzles when fixing ideas about geometric shapes, their transformation.

Riddles, tasks - jokes are appropriate in the course of learning to solve arithmetic problems, operations on numbers, in the formation of ideas about time.

At the very beginning of the lesson, in the senior and preparatory groups for school, the use of simple entertaining tasks as "mental gymnastics" justifies itself. The educator can also use entertaining mathematical games to organize independent activities of children. In the course of solving tasks with ingenuity, a puzzle, children learn to plan their actions, think about them, look for an answer, guess the result, while showing creativity.

Such work activates the mental activity of the child, develops in him the qualities necessary for professional excellence, no matter in what area he then works.

A variety of elementary entertaining material can be classified, conditionally distinguishing three main groups in it:


Mathematical games and tasks;

Educational (didactic) games and exercises.

The basis for the allocation of such groups is the nature and purpose of the material of a particular type.

Entertaining math material:

these are entertainments (riddles, joke tasks, rebuses, crossword puzzles, puzzles, mathematical tricks).

Games - puzzles "Tangram", "Columbian egg", "Pythagoras", "Cubes for everyone", "Vietnamese game", etc.

Math games logical tasks and exercises (checkers, chess, verbal, etc.)

Didactic games and exercises (with visual materials, word games).

A special place among the entertaining mathematical material is occupied by Kuizener's Sticks and Gyenesh's Logic Blocks.

Kuizener's sticks are a set of counting sticks, which are also called "numbers in color", "colored sticks", "colored numbers", "colored rulers". Kuizener's counting sticks are a multifunctional mathematical tool that allows the child to form the concept of a numerical sequence, the composition of a number, the relations "greater - less", "right - left", "between", "longer", "higher" and much more "through the hands" of a child. . Set promotes development children's creativity, the development of fantasy and imagination, cognitive activity, fine motor skills, visual-effective thinking, attention, spatial orientation, perception, combinatorial and design abilities. On initial stage Kuizener's sticks are used as game material. Children play with them, as with ordinary cubes, sticks, constructor, in the course of games and activities, getting acquainted with colors, sizes and shapes. At the second stage, sticks already act as a guide for little mathematicians. And here the children learn to comprehend the laws mysterious world numbers and other mathematical concepts;

Gyenes Logic Blocks is a set of logic blocks consisting of 48 three-dimensional geometric shapes that differ in color, shape, size and thickness. Thus, each figure is characterized by four properties. There are not even two figures in the set that are identical in all properties. The main goal is to teach a child to solve logical problems for partitioning by properties.

In the conditions of a preschool educational institution in the morning and evening, it is possible to conduct games of mathematical content (verbal and using manuals), desktop - printed, such as: “Domino figures”, “Compose a picture”, “Arithmetic domino”, “Logic loto”, “ Lotto”, “Find a Pair”, games of checkers and chess, solving labyrinths, etc.

When organizing a corner of entertaining mathematics, it is necessary to proceed from the principle of the availability of games for children at the moment, to place in the corner such games and game materials, the development of which by children is possible at different levels. The organization of entertaining mathematics corners is possible in groups starting from middle preschool age. A variety of entertaining material is placed in the corner so that each of the children can choose a game for themselves. These are board-printed games, games for the development of logical thinking, leading children to mastering checkers and chess: “Fox and Geese”, “Mill”, “Wolves and Sheep”, etc.; puzzles (on sticks and mechanical); logical tasks and cubes, labyrinths; games to compose a whole from parts, to recreate silhouette figures from special sets of figures; movement games.

To encourage team play, creative activity it is necessary to use magnetic boards, flannelographs with sets of figures, counting sticks, albums for sketching the tasks invented by them, made up of figures.

IN preparatory group teachers are encouraged to use games that require attention, endurance, and the ability to describe. Such as “What has changed?”, “Find the differences”, “Find the same”, “Who is attentive?”. Games were also offered for various mental operations, in which children must analyze, generalize, find different ways to solve the same problem, such as "Find your home", "What is different?". In the upbringing and education of preschoolers in modern didactics, an important role belongs to entertaining educational games, tasks, and entertainment. In the course of games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material, children master the ability to search for solutions on their own. The educator equips children only with a scheme and direction for analyzing an entertaining problem, leading to a solution (correct or erroneous) in the end.

All of them are interesting and entertaining. Currently, many children's magazines and newspapers have headings that focus on entertaining material.

cognitive preschooler entertaining activity

One of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process is the formation of cognitive interest. Cognitive interest is an internal motive based on an innate cognitive need characteristic of a person. Motivation is based on the emotional factor (like - dislike) and volitional (want - don't want). A child whose cognitive interest is well formed learns knowledge independently. If the cognitive interest of the child is not formed, take a few recommendations:

Don't let your child learn on their own. Only in the process of independent discoveries, "insights" will he have a desire to learn further. The joy of learning new things is the best motivating factor.

The cognitive process is interesting only when it is diverse. Do not repeat at home passed in kindergarten material. Let the child organize his own cognitive process at home, as he likes, decide for himself how to furnish his work area, how to organize his work time.

Any person performs an activity with pleasure only when he understands what it is for. Explain the need for certain knowledge to the child.

Do not rush to facilitate the work of the child (do for him homework, require the educator to cancel any type of work). But do not force the child to redo the task, do tedious monotonous work, memorize additionally difficult, incomprehensible material. Remember that neither too difficult nor too easy material is of interest. The learning process should be difficult, but feasible.

Give your child confidence that they will succeed. Talk about problems you had as a child. If the child does not believe in himself, then he develops learned helplessness, that is, he is unable to perform the activity successfully.

Never punish your child for failure. It doesn't improve motivation.

The child likes only what he knows well, what he succeeds in. Sometimes the lack of interest in something is due to the fact that the child has a lot of knowledge gaps. This prevents him from learning further material. Help your child fill in these gaps.

Remember: if a child shows an unwillingness to learn new material This is not a whim, but a cry for help. Do not scold, but find out the reasons for this behavior.

The development environment should include the following indicative material:

measuring instruments and tools: scales different kind, thermometers, measuring cups, rulers, centimeters;

informative children's encyclopedias with pictures (the animals must be drawn realistically, have normal proportions and natural coloring) or good photographs;

picture alphabets, books for the first reading;

epics, myths, legends;

wall clock and calendar;

desktop-printed games - lotto, puzzles;

board games - dominoes, checkers, chess;

clean sheets of white paper, felt-tip pens, watercolor paints and pencils, wax crayons, brushes, water cans, rags, checkered and lined paper, glue, colored paper, scissors, plasticine;

equipped, a place for classes according to the type of the student's learning zone.

Remember to create an atmosphere of friendliness and acceptance of the child, regardless of his success in kindergarten. Encourage any achievements, help in solving problems that the child cannot cope with on his own. Make sure that the child is accepted in the peer group. Be attentive to the emotional state of the child and his physical and mental activity. If there are problems that you cannot cope with on your own, contact specialists in time: teachers, doctors, psychologists. The main thing is that everything that you do with your child should be interesting to him, give pleasure and the joy of learning.


Thus, summing up the results of the work done, we can draw the following conclusions:

For successful learning At school, a child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and conclusively, to guess, to show mental tension. Intellectual activity based on active cognition, the search for ways to act, can become habitual for children already at preschool age under appropriate conditions.

As you know, a child shows special mental activity in the course of achieving a game goal, both in class and in Everyday life. Game entertaining tasks are contained in various kinds of fascinating mathematical material. In the history of the development of methods for teaching children mathematics, quite a lot of such material has been accumulated, some of it is also available to preschoolers.

Cognitive interest is a selective, emotionally colored attitude of the child towards it, manifested in the preference of this type of activity to others, in the desire to gain more knowledge, to use it in independent activities.

An indispensable condition for the development of children's cognition is an enriched object-spatial environment. This is, first of all, the presence of interesting educational games, various game materials, as well as games, entertaining mathematical material. The main purpose of using entertaining material is to form ideas and consolidate existing knowledge. At the same time, an indispensable condition is the use by the educator of games and exercises for the active manifestation of cognitive independence in children (the desire and ability to learn, to carry out effective mental operations). Entertaining in content, aimed at developing attention, memory, imagination, these materials stimulate the manifestation of cognitive interest in children. Naturally, success can be ensured under the condition of a personality-oriented interaction of the child with an adult and other children.

Entertaining material is also considered as one of the means that ensure a rational relationship between the work of the educator in the classroom and outside of them.

In classes for the formation of elementary mathematical representations, such material is included in the course of the lesson itself or is used at the end of it, when there is a decrease in the mental activity of children. So, puzzles are useful when consolidating children's ideas about geometric shapes, their transformation in middle, senior and preparatory groups for school. Riddles, joke tasks are appropriate in the course of learning to solve arithmetic problems, operations on numbers, the formation of temporary representations, etc. At the very beginning of the lesson in the senior and preparatory groups for school, the use of simple entertaining tasks as mental gymnastics justifies itself.

During extracurricular time, entertaining games, along with others, are used by the teacher to organize independent activities of children based on their interest. The forms of organization of children are varied: games are held with the entire team of pupils, with subgroups and individually. Pedagogical guidance consists in creating conditions for games, maintaining and developing interest, encouraging independent searches for solutions to problems, and stimulating creative initiative.

List of used literature

1.Baranova E.A., Viktorova E.I. Question as a form of search and cognitive activity of a preschooler // Global Scientific Potential. - 2012. - No. 18. - S. 188-190.

2.Bleher F.N. Didactic games and entertaining exercises. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003. - 413 p.

3.Burnysheva, M.G. The development of cognitive activity of children of senior preschool age through experimental research activities: the Curiosity project. Project duration 3

4.of the year. // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2011. - N 3. - S. 24-26.

5.Vesnin I.V., Shinkareva L.V. Cognitive activity of preschoolers: essence, levels of manifestation // Psychological and pedagogical journal Gaudeamus. - 2005. - V. 2. No. 8. - S. 187-190.

.Questions of the dynamics of cognitive activity of children of preschool and school age: a collection of articles / Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. Height. n/a state ped. in-t; [res. ed. cand. psychol. Sciences, Assoc. L. A. Rostovetskaya]. - Rostov n/a: [B. and.], 1972. - 112 p.

.Game and preschooler. The development of children of senior preschool age in play activities / ed. T.I. Babaeva. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2004. - 192 p.

.Isaeva, O.S. Development of the cognitive sphere in children of senior preschool age in the process of cultural and leisure activities // Research schoolchildren. - 2007. - N 2. - S. 22-36.

9.Kazantsev, Yu. N. Development of cognitive activity in the classroom and at home // Chemistry at school. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 13-16.

10.Kozlova S. A. Preschool pedagogy. - M.: Academy, 2000. - 416 p.

.Korotaeva, E. V. Cognitive activity: issues of pedagogical tactics // Russian language at school. - 2008. - N 2. - S. 14-19.

.Litvinenko S.V. Psychological and pedagogical ways of development of cognitive activity of preschool children as components school readiness // Elementary education. - 2009. - No. 3. - S. 38-41.

13.Miklyaeva N. V. Theory of education of preschoolers: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / N. V. Miklyaeva, Yu. V. Miklyaeva. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 208 p.

.Musina V.P. On the issue of changes in cognitive activity and creativity in children // Uchenye zapiski St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and social work. - 2008. - V. 9. No. 1. - S. 37-40.

.Nemov R.S. Psychology: Textbook. - M.: Higher education, 2008. - 639 p.

16.Novopavlovskaya, Yu.A. The essence of cognitive activity and pedagogical guidance in the formation of cognitive interest in preschool children // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2009. - N 8. - S. 46-48

.Pavlova T.V. Cognitive activity of preschoolers in joint mental activity // Modern studies of social problems. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 139-145.

.Petrova, E.D. Mental processes and states. - Magnitogorsk: MaGU, 2011. - Part 1: cognitive processes: tutorial for university students. - 2011. - 296 p.

.Surkova E.S. Children, get ready for school!: A guide to preparing children for school. - Voronezh, 2001. - 96 p.

20.Fadeeva E.R. Activation of the cognitive activity of older preschoolers by means of original techniques // Science and School. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 124-126.

.Fadeeva E.R. Formation of cognitive activity of older preschoolers in the classroom for visual activity // Lecturer XXI century. - 2010. - V. 1. No. 4. - S. 115-117.

.Shashenkova E.A. Psychological and pedagogical workshop: educational method. allowance / E. A. Shashenkova, T. N. Shcherbakova. - M.: UTs Perspektiva, 2010. - 176 p.

.Shchetinina V.V. Updating approaches to the formation of cognitive activity of preschoolers // Vector of Science of Togliatti State University. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 441-444.

Annex 1


In the senior preschool group

Topic: "The first story about the delay"

Prepared by: Onokolo L.P.


Exercise children in recreating the indicated dimensional relationships between objects in length and width.




Line: straight, curve, broken

The teacher shows and names these types of lines. Children draw them on small sheets of paper with colored markers.

In this lesson, we will introduce children to the ruler, teach them how to use it to draw straight lines.

There was a wire. She lay on her path, and animals ran past, birds flew by, but none of them needed a wire, and they did not notice the wire.

Once a forest teacher Owl flew to a lesson and saw a wire. She decided to take her to class with her to explain to her students what a straight line is.

An owl flew in and showed her find to the students: "This wire looks like a straight line. Only a straight line has no end or beginning, it goes on endlessly in all directions, it has no bends or corners. What is like a straight line?"

Electric wires! Rails! Asphalt road!

The owl took the wire and made a few bends.

Now what does it look like? she asked.

To the waves on the river! - answered the magpie, which was just returning from the river.

on the path in our forest, - said the hedgehog.

On me! - the fluffy bright green caterpillar proudly declared.

And on me, - said the black shiny one.

Well done! Owl praised. And this wire also looks like a line, which is called a curve. See, it has curves...

Is it possible to make another line out of wire? the students shouted.

The owl sharply bent the wire several times so that sharp corners were obtained.

Such a line is called a broken line, she explained.

Yes, as if someone had broken a tree branch, and it turned out to be such a break, - said the squirrel.

Such a break is called an "angle," the Owl explained.

This corner is similar to the roofs of houses that people build, - said the thrush.

And on the fence!

And on someone's sharp teeth, - the hare whispered.

To lightning in the sky, when there is a thunderstorm, - said the fox.

You see how useful a simple wire that got bored on the path turned out to be, - said the Owl. - We'll hide it, we'll still need it. And now - a change, we all rest!

And the disciples scattered, spread and scattered in all directions.

While all the animals were frolicking, the hedgehog took the wire and began to bend it in different directions. Finally, he connected both ends.

Wow, it's a ring! - the hedgehog was delighted, took a stick and began to roll the ring across the clearing. Gradually, the rest of the animals gathered around him. The squirrel wore a ring around her neck, like beads, then on her paw, like a bracelet. The bear cub put on his head like a hat. The squirrels put the ring on the ground and jumped into it and back.

An owl flew up to the noise.

Look, we got a ring! - said her animals.

You have a circle, - said the Owl. - A circle is a closed line. By the way, is it straight, curved or broken?

What do you think the animals said?

A circle is a closed curved line, repeated the Owl. - The circle has a center. From it to any point on the circle - the same distance. People draw circles with a tool like this - it's called a compass.

From the word "circus"? - asked the little bear. I don't like circuses...

From the word "circle" in one of the languages ​​spoken by people. "Circus" means round. This is a circle...

The animals looked at the compass as if spellbound.

Teacher, where did you get the compass? - the titmouse asked timidly.

It was dropped from the briefcase by the boy Vasya, who was in a hurry to go to school in the morning, - said the Owl. - All the birds whistled and screamed, but Vasya did not pay any attention to them. And so the compass remained with us. Would you like to try drawing a smooth circle with it? (The teacher calls several children).

By the way, a special object is also used to draw straight lines - it is called a "ruler". See how smooth a straight line turns out if you draw it on a ruler ...

Meanwhile, the hedgehog again took the wire and bent it into a loop.

Teacher, what is it?

This is a loop. What line is this? Is she closed? A closed line is a line whose ends coincide. A loop is an open line, but it intersects itself. Try to come up with another closed line yourself.

The squirrel bent a beautiful heart out of the wire. The little fox made a circle, and then flattened it and got an ellipse.

Perhaps that's enough for today, - said the Owl. - You got acquainted with a circle, with a compass and a ruler, learned about closed lines. It's time to rest.


Directly - educational activities

in the senior preschool group

Topic: "The second story of the delay"

Prepared by: Onokolo L.P.


to form geometric representations in children;


develop verbal communication, creative imagination.

develop the ability to justify your answers.

to form the ability to understand the task.


foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, a desire to work together.

cultivate interest in creativity.


Geometric shapes (review)

The teacher shows the children shapes, and they call them: circle, triangle, square, rectangle.

The third story about the wire

The owl called the animals to the next lesson. She took the wire again, bent it from both ends upwards into equal segments and connected them.

Look what I did, - she turned to the students. - What does it look like?

On the roof of a human house! shouted the thrush.

On the anthill, - prompted the hedgehog.

The owl listened to the animals and said:

Such a figure is called a triangle. And now I will introduce you to another geometric figure, - and she began to bend the wire again. - See what happened? This shape is called a rectangle. Opposite sides are equal, but touching sides are not. And a square similar to it has all sides equal, - and the Owl again set to work to show the animals what a square looks like.

The animals listened very carefully and drew the figures in their notebook (do you also draw?)

After the fairy tale, children are invited to play the game "Magic Bag". Familiar geometric figures are put into the bag, the children take turns putting their hand into the bag, recognize the figure by touch and take it out so that everyone is convinced that the child has identified it correctly.

We turn the figures drawn on a sheet of paper into pictures.


Directly - educational activities

in the senior preschool group

Theme: "The third story of the delay"

Prepared by: Onokolo L.P.


to form geometric representations in children;

Exercise children in recreating the indicated dimensional relationships between objects in length and width;

consolidation of the material covered.


develop verbal communication, creative imagination.

develop the ability to justify your answers.

to form the ability to understand the task.


foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, a desire to work together.

cultivate interest in creativity.


While waiting for the students, Owl thoughtfully twisted the wire around the stick, and then removed the resulting curl from the stick.

Oh, curl! - exclaimed the squirrel.

These are such rings, - said the hedgehog.

The animals began to gather in the clearing.

What happened is like a line called a spiral, said the Owl. - By the way, on your shell, a snail, you can see it.

Everyone looked at the snail shell, and she just beamed with pride.

I saw a staircase in a man's house, - the little mouse squeaked, trembling and timid. - She, too, was bent, like a snail shell and like this ... pee-pi-spiral ...

And I once found an electric light bulb on the road - it also had a spiral of thin wire inside it, - said the hedgehog.

Spirals can be twisted either to the left or to the right, - Owl drew two spirals in the sand. - The coils of the helix can be located close to each other or far away. Look for spirals around you and report your observations in the next lesson.

Children draw a spiral and remember what they saw that looked like a spiral.


Directly - educational activities

in the senior preschool group

Theme: "The fourth story of the delay"

Prepared by: Onokolo L.P.


to form geometric representations in children;

Exercise children in recreating the indicated dimensional relationships between objects in length and width;

consolidation of the material covered.


develop verbal communication, creative imagination.

develop the ability to justify your answers.

to form the ability to understand the task.


foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, a desire to work together.

cultivate interest in creativity.


Today I will show you with the help of our wonderful assistant - wires, how lines can be arranged in different ways relative to each other. Let's take a wire and a stick, - the Owl began the lesson. - They can be placed like my paws, at the same distance from each other.

Like wires! - said the titmouse.

Like rails on which trains go, - said the hedgehog.

In such cases, people say that these lines are par-ral-lel-ny, - said the Owl. - Draw 2-3 parallel lines in the sand under the big pine tree. Lay several large pine needles parallel to each other. preschooler learning math entertaining

To draw straight and parallel lines beautifully, use a ruler; it will be even more convenient if you take the rulers at once - like this. (And the Owl drew 3 parallel lines).

Straight lines can also intersect (the Owl folded the wire and the twig "crosswise"). How many times can two lines intersect, do you think? Draw intersecting lines.

Curves can also intersect and even more than once, - said the hare. - The paths in our forest are also crooked, and they intersect 2 times - at the clearing and at the lake.

And straight lines can be arranged like this. (The owl took the twig in its beak, and put the wire on the sand). They do not intersect, but they are not parallel. In this case, the lines are said to be intersecting.

The owl picked up a leaf that had fallen from a tree.

You can pierce this sheet with a wire, and put a twig on top of it. It turns out that they are located in the same way as intersecting lines. It's enough for today.

And the owl flew away.

Children draw everything in their notebooks.

Annex 2

Entertaining material for working with children of preschool age

Examples of math games for preschool children

Chain of examples

(The game is offered for individual work with children 6-7 years old who have successfully mastered the program material for the development of elementary mathematical concepts)

Target. Exercise children in the ability to perform arithmetic operations.

Game progress. Two groups of participants sit on chairs - one opposite the other. One child takes the ball, calls a simple arithmetic example: 3 + 2 - and throws the ball to someone from the other group. The one to whom the ball is thrown gives an answer and throws the ball to the player from the first group. The one who caught the ball continues with examples in which it is necessary to perform an action with the number that is the answer in the first example: add, subtract, multiply, etc. The participant in the game who gave the wrong solution and named an example, the solution of which results in a non-integer number or a number that cannot be subtract, out of the game. The group with the most players left wins.

guess the number

(for older preschoolers)

Game progress. On the instructions of the leader, the child must quickly name the number (numbers) less than 8, but more than 6; more than 5, but less than 9, etc. The child who fulfilled the conditions of the game receives a flag. When children are divided into 2 groups, the one who answered incorrectly is eliminated from the game.

Both games are simple in content and task; its participants must perform arithmetic operations or name the required number based on knowledge of the sequence and the relationship between numbers. Amusement, interest is provided by game actions (throwing the ball), game goal setting, rules, methods of stimulating mental activity.

A variety of mathematical games and tasks are logical games, tasks, exercises. They are aimed at training thinking when performing logical operations and actions: "Find the missing figure", "What is the difference?", "Mill", "Fox and geese", "Four", etc. Games - "Growing a tree", "Miracle -pouch", "Computer" - suggest a strict logic of actions.

Only one property

(for older preschoolers)

The material for the game are geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles, rectangles) of four colors and two sizes. To play, you need to make a special set of geometric shapes. It includes four figures (circle, square, triangle and rectangle) of four colors, such as red, blue, yellow and white, small size. The same set includes the same number of listed figures of the indicated colors, but larger in size. Thus, for the game (per participant) you need 16 small geometric shapes of four types and four colors and the same number of large ones.

Target. To consolidate knowledge of the properties of geometric shapes, to develop the ability to quickly select the desired figure, to characterize it.

Game progress. Two playing children have a full set of figures.

One puts any piece on the table. The second player must put on the table a figure that differs from it in only one sign. So, if the first one put yellow on the table big triangle, then the second player places a large yellow square or a large blue triangle, etc. A move is considered incorrect if the second player places a piece that does not differ from the first or differs from it by more than one sign. In this case, the piece is taken from the player. The one who is first left without pieces loses. (Options are possible.)

The game is built like a domino. In the course of the game, a quick orientation of the players in the color, shape, size of the pieces is required, hence. impact on the development of logic, the validity of thinking and actions.

Entertaining material also includes various didactic games, exercises that are entertaining in form and content. They are aimed at the development of children different ages logical thinking, spatial representations, provide an opportunity to exercise children in counting, calculations.

Number series

(for older preschool children)

Target. To consolidate knowledge of the sequence of numbers in the natural series.

Game progress. Two children play, sit at the same table, lay out all the cards with numbers from 1 to 10 face down in front of them. At the same time, each of the children is given a certain number of cards with numbers (for example, up to 13).

Some of the numbers appear twice in the set. Each player in turn takes a card with a number, opens it and puts it in front of him. Then the first player opens another card. If the number indicated on it is less than the number of the previously opened card, the child puts the card to the left of the first, if more - to the right. If he retakes a card with a number already revealed to him, then he returns it to its place, and the right to move is transferred to a neighbor. The first person to lay out their row wins.

We can conditionally distinguish 2 more large groups of games and exercises. All belong to the first math problems, game on, savvy.

name the number

Target. Exercise children in the ability to make oral calculations.

Game progress. An adult or older child says: "I can guess the number that you have in mind. Think of a number, add 6 to it, subtract 2 from the sum, then subtract the thought number, add 1 to the result. You got the number 5."

In this simple task of ingenuity, the intended number can be any, but to solve it you need to be able to calculate verbally.

Solving problems of the second group does not require special mathematical training, only resourcefulness and ingenuity are needed.

Target. Exercise children in correlating the conditions of the problem with the result.

Game progress. The condition of the problem is proposed: "There are 2 varieties of sweets in a paper bag. Several candies are taken at random. What is the smallest number of sweets that must be taken so that at least 2 candies of the same variety are among them?" (Not less than 3.) The problem is solved by logical thinking.

The problem about apples is solved in the same way: "There were three apples in the vase. Mom treated them to three girls. Each of the girls received an apple, and one remained in the vase. How did it happen?" To the answer problem-solving comes as a result of reflection, correlation of conditions with the result. One girl took an apple along with a vase.

Drawing shapes from triangles and squares

Target. To teach children to make geometric shapes from a certain number of sticks, using the technique of attaching to one figure, taken as a basis, to another.

Material: Children have counting sticks, a board, chalk on the tables in this and the next lesson.

Progress. 1. The teacher invites the children to count 5 sticks, check and put them in front of them. Then he says: “Tell me, how many sticks will it take to make a triangle, each side of which will be equal to one stick. How many sticks will it take to make two such triangles? You only have 5 sticks, but you also need to make 2 equal triangles from them. it can be done, and compose."

After most of the children complete the task, the teacher asks them to tell how to make 2 equal triangles of 5 sticks. Draws the attention of the children to the fact that the task can be done in different ways. Ways to do it should be sketched. When explaining, use the expression "attached to one triangle another from below" (on the left, etc.), and in explaining the solution of the problem, also use the expression "attached to one triangle another, using only 2 sticks."

Make 2 equal squares of 7 sticks (the teacher first specifies which geometric figure can be made up of 4 sticks). Gives the task: count 7 sticks and think about how to make 2 equal squares on the table.

After completing the task, they consider different ways of attaching another to one square, the teacher draws them on the board.

Questions for analysis: "How did you make 2 equal squares out of 7 sticks? What did you do first, what then? How many sticks did you make 1 square? How many sticks did you add the second square to it?

Target. Compose figures by attaching. To see and show at the same time a new figure obtained as a result of drawing up; use the expression: "attached to one figure another", to consider practical actions.

Progress. The teacher invites the children to remember what figures they made using the attachment technique. Informs what they will do today - learn to compose new, more complex figures. Gives tasks:

After completing the task, the teacher invites all children to make 3 triangles in a row so that a new figure is obtained - a quadrangle (Fig.). Children draw this solution with chalk on the blackboard. The teacher asks to show 3 separate triangles, a quadrilateral and a triangle (2 figures), a quadrilateral.

Rice. 1. Drawing figures from triangles

From 9 sticks make 4 equal triangles. Think about how this can be done, tell, then complete the task.

After that, the teacher invites the children to draw the drawn figures on the blackboard with chalk and talk about the sequence of the task.

Questions for analysis: "How did you make 4 equal triangles from 9 sticks? Which of the triangles did you make first? What figures did you get as a result and how many?"

The teacher, clarifying the answers of the children, says: "You can start making a figure from any triangle, and then attach others to it on the right or left, above or below."

Mathematical riddles

Two ends, two rings, and a carnation in the middle. (Scissors.)

Four brothers live under one roof. (Table.)

Five brothers live in the same house. (Mitten.)

Antoshka stands on one leg. Where the sun is, there he will look. (Sunflower.)

I don’t have legs, but I walk, I don’t have a mouth, but I’ll say: when to sleep, when to get up. (Watch.)

The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion.)

One hundred brothers live in a red house, they all look alike. (Watermelon.)

We are 7 brothers, all equal in years, but different in name. Guess who we are. (Days of the week.)

Grandpa has 4 names in a year. Who is this? (Spring Summer Autumn Winter.)

brothers go one after another, they do not find each other. (Months.)

Who changes clothes 4 times a year? (Earth.)

Many arms, but one leg. (Tree.)

Five boys, five closets, the boys dispersed into dark closets. (Fingers in a glove.)

In order not to freeze, 5 guys are sitting in a knitted stove. (Mitten.)

Four legs, but can't walk. (Table.)

Joking tasks for children 6-7 years old

You, me, and you and me. How many of us are there? (Two.)

How to form a triangle on the table with only one stick? (Put it on the corner of the table.)

How many ends does a stick have? Two sticks? Two and a half? (6.)

There are 3 sticks in a row on the table. How to make the middle extreme without touching it? (Shift the last one.)

How to form a square on the table with 2 sticks? (Place them in the corner of the table.)

Three horses ran 5 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (For 5 km.)

Three brothers have one sister. How many children are in the family? (Four.)

It is necessary to divide 5 apples among 5 girls so that one apple remains in the basket. (One should take the apple along with the basket.)

4 birches grew. Each birch has 4 large branches. Each large branch has 4 small ones. On each small branch - 4 apples. How many apples are there? (None. Apples don't grow on birch trees.)

Can it rain 2 days in a row? (It can't. The night separates the days.)

There were 4 apples on the table, one of them was cut in half. How many apples are on the table? (4.)

One man was asked how many children he had. The answer was this; "I have 6 sons, and each has a sister." (7.)

Which figure has neither a beginning nor an end? (At the ring.)

How can you pluck a branch without frightening the birds on it? (Impossible, fly away.)

svetlana tubasova
Entertaining math material

Entertaining math material is a good means of educating children at preschool age of interest in mathematics, to logic, the desire to show mental tension, to focus attention.

Entertaining material in teaching mathematics divided into 3 conditional groups:

1. Entertainment:

Puzzle "Tangram", "Pythagoras", "Columbus egg" etc., in which a plot image is created from a set of flat geometric shapes

- "Snake", "Magic Balls", "Pyramid", "Fold the Pattern", "Unicube" and other puzzle toys consisting of three-dimensional geometric bodies that rotate or fold in a certain way;

Labyrinths are exercises that combine visual and mental analysis to find the shortest and surest path from the start to the end point ( For example: "How does a mouse get out of a mink?", games for spatial transformation, various riddles, tasks in poetic form. tasks - jokes, puzzles, crossword puzzles, math tricks. They are interesting in content. entertaining in form, differ in unusual solutions) consolidate previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Mathematical(brain teaser) games and tasks, exercises (with blocks, dice for inclusion, finding, checkers, chess, word games, logical exercises that require inferences built on the basis of logical schemes and rules; tasks for finding signs of difference or similarity, for finding the missing figure.

3. Educational (didactic) games and exercises (with visual material, verbal) "Find the same shape?"

use of gaming entertaining material and games in the FEMP classes makes it possible to perform mathematical tasks at a high educational level.

There is another kind entertaining mathematical material is mathematical fairy tale . Folk and author's tales, which children already know by heart from repeated reading, are invaluable helpers. In any of them, a whole lot of various mathematical situations. (teremok, turnip, bun, little red riding hood, "About a kid who could count to ten") Fairy tale "Three Bears"- This mathematical super fairy tale. You can count the bears and talk about the size (large, small, medium, who is larger, who is smaller, who is the largest, who is the smallest, correlate the bears with the corresponding chairs, plates, spoons.

Pedagogical requirements for entertaining math material as a didactic tool.

1. Material must be diverse (development and improvement of quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in children) entertaining tasks by way of solution. Various forms of organizing work with this material: individual and group, in free independent activity and in the classroom, in kindergarten and at home, etc.

2. Entertaining material should be used in a specific system, involving the gradual complication of tasks, games, exercises.

3. When organizing the activities of children, it is necessary to combine direct teaching methods with the creation of conditions for independent searches for solutions.

4. Must answer different levels general and mathematical development child, vary tasks, methodological techniques and forms of organization.

5. Usage entertaining math material should be combined with other didactic means for the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

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