Children's books      07/15/2020

It was as quiet as the day before. Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words material for preparing for the exam (gia) in the Russian language (Grade 11) on the topic. Specify where commas are needed in place of numbers

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) People created a reliable tool - language - and with its help developed science and technology, and then forced science and machines to improve this tool. (2) The first major help from mechanical devices came to language when printing was invented. (3) _____ happened around 1450 when the German Johannes Gutenberg invented typesetting.


Which of the following sentences is correct HOME information contained in the text?

1. Language helps the development of science and technology.

2. Typography was the first major help in improving the language.

3. People forced science and machines to improve the language.

4. The first serious help in the development of the language was provided by the invention of printing.

5. Typesetting, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, came to the aid of language.


Which of the following words should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write out this word.

4. Maybe

5. Of course


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word TOOL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TOOL, -I, cf.

1. A technical device, with the help of which work or some kind of work is performed. action. O. production. Agricultural about. Tools. Fishing gear (fishing).

2. trans. A means to achieve a goals. Language - o. communication. O. in the hands of someone. (about the one who dutifully fulfills someone's will).

3. The general name of artillery weapons (cannon, howitzer, mortar, mortar, etc.). Artillery about. Anti-tank about. Anti-aircraft about.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.




In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. Nature seemed to want to sharply DETERMINATE here the coastal region from the Iman River basin.

2. Having left for the clearing, they immediately heard HORSE clatter and neighing.

3. A disciplinary battalion in pre-revolutionary Russia was a military correctional unit of the ROYAL army.

4. Ornamentation, splendor, external EFFICIENCY in architecture are alien to the Japanese spirit.

5. Egor was a good man in his own way, kind, but IRRESPONSIBLE.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.


ABOVE the rainbow

Shortest way


LIE on the floor


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and those allowed in them grammatical errors: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) incorrect use of a pronoun with a preposition 1) As the journalist said, three of my lives are not enough to exhaust the topic of Baikal.
B) violation of the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 2) A team of ornithologists from several universities have developed a methodology for studying rare birds.
C) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover 3) The buzz of a flying fly is created by its wings; some flies are able to move at a speed of 15 m/s.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) The girl, taking a music folder from the table, politely said goodbye to the teacher.
D) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech 5) This symbol refers tourists to the history of the city, which survived more than one flood.
6) Eucalyptus oil is a powerful antiseptic, suitable for treating colds and healing wounds.
7) The monkeys made a strong impression on the visitors of the zoo: even the most serious people laughed at them.
8) In an effort to get the perfect tan, a special cream will help you.
9) The head of the polyclinic received us quickly.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.







Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

with ... zmala, take ... mother

and ... spend, ra ... burn able, pr...miracle

s ... river, in ... general

monkey ... yana, in ... it turns out


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.




shot ... new (weapon)

made ... bed (bed)


Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.



get some sleep




Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. AT THE SAME time, I was proud (FROM) THAT my thesis was highly appreciated.

2. Around it was SO (SAME) quiet as (ON) THE EVE.

3. (B) SUBSEQUENTLY next to the village should have been built new bridge, but, (B) in view of the fact that people had nowhere to live, they decided to build a house first.

4. They went (TO) MEET danger, not sparing themselves, WHAT (WHATEVER) then they were said about them.

5. I tried to go AS (SAME) fast as our guide did, but (B) I soon realized that I was exhausted.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HN is written.

The diver has long (1) flippers on his feet, made (2) of ordinary (3) rubber, and (4) air cylinders are attached to his back.


Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. In 1856, in the German city of Karlsruhe, the first edition of the poem "Demon" by the former lieutenant of the Tenginsky regiment M.Yu. Lermontov and in the same year in Omsk in the family of the staff captain of the same Tenginsky infantry regiment A.M. Vrubel's son was born - the future artist Mikhail Vrubel.

2. Many canvases by I.K. Aivazovsky are perceived as musical or poetic improvisations.

3. The story of E.I. Zamyatina "In the middle of nowhere" is full of love and compassion for compatriots and protests against social conditions.

4. With the Decembrist poets of the composer A.A. Alyabyev was bound by both general views and many circumstances of life and a difficult personal fate.

5. Here the sources of rivers and springs and groves and oak forests have become reserved.


The courier (1) greeted his father (2) and (3) handing him the package (4) removed (5) a tablet with receipts fastened to his belt (6).


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

He did not notice what was happening and (1) fortunately (2) was still unperturbed.

A person in a rush (3) to happiness (4) is able to perform miracles.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

An ancient pond (1) in the dark depths (2) of which (3) huge carps were hiding (4) has long attracted our attention.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

When the night dew and mountain wind refreshed his hot head (1) and (2) thoughts returned to their usual order (3) he realized (4) that it was useless to chase lost happiness (5) and (6) you need to return.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian literary language.

The cuckoo chick emerges from the egg very small and helpless, but grows quickly and soon overtakes its stepbrothers and sisters.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) When the sun melted the black granular snow and a mess of smells rose in the air, in which the damp and sweet smell of spring earth was the strongest, Genya Pirap-pilots came out into the courtyard.

(2) His last name was written so ridiculously that since he learned to read, he felt it as a humiliation.

(3) In addition, from birth he had problems with his legs, and he walked with a strange, jumping gait.

(4) In addition, his nose was always stuffy and he breathed through his mouth.

(5) The lips were dry and had to be licked frequently.

(6) In addition, he did not have a father. (7) Half of the guys did not have fathers. (8) But unlike others, Genya could not say that his father died in the war: he did not have a father at all. (9) All this, taken together, made Genya a very unhappy person.

(10) Genya stood in the middle of the yard and listened stunned to the heavenly rumble, and the fat cat, carefully touching the wet earth with its paws, crossed the yard obliquely.

(11) The first clod of earth fell right in the middle, between the cat and the boy. (12) The cat, arching, jumped back. (13) Genya shuddered - splashes of mud plopped heavily on his face. (14) The second lump hit the back, and he did not wait for the third, he jumped to his door.

(15) ... On the eve of his birthday, his mother told Gene that she would arrange a real holiday for him.

(16) - Call whoever you want from the class and from the yard, - she suggested.

(17) - I don't want anyone. (18) Don't, mom, Genya asked.

(19) - It is necessary, - the mother answered briefly, and by the way her eyebrows trembled, he realized that he could not get out.

(20) In the evening, mother went out into the yard and invited the guys herself for tomorrow. (21) She invited everyone in a row, indiscriminately.

(22) ... Genya was sitting by the windowsill, with his back to the table, and tried not to think about how noisy, cheerful and irreconcilable enemies would now burst into his house ... (23) It seemed that he was completely absorbed in his favorite pastime: he folded a boat with a sail out of a newspaper.

(24) He was a great master of this paper art ...

(25) By four o'clock, on the extended table, there was a large soup bowl with finely chopped vinaigrette, fried bread with herring and rice pies.

(26) Genya twisted the unfinished boat in his hands and waited with horror for the arrival of guests. (27) They came at exactly four, in a crowd.

(28) The shaved heads of the boys, the heads of the girls pulled together by tight pigtails, bent over the table. (29) A boat ... a boat ... a boat with a sail ... a glass ... a salt shaker ... a bread box ... a shirt ... (Z0) He barely had time to make the last movement, as the waiting hand immediately snatched out the finished thing . (31) They stretched out their hands to him, and he handed out his paper miracles to them, and everyone smiled, and everyone thanked him.

Point out the erroneous statement.
1) In the word SILK, the stressed vowel sound is [o].
2) There are more letters in the word GO than sounds.
3) In the word SELECT, the first consonant sound is [d].
4) In the word PASTE the first consonant sound is [n].

Indicate the word that has the following composition:
prefix - root - suffix - suffix - ending.
1) seasoned
2) hang out
3) firmly
4) occupying

Specify the correct morphological characteristics selected word.
Unfortunately, not everyone can understand. HOW difficult and responsible is the work of a children's coach. r />1) relative pronoun
2) adverb
3) subordinating union
4) interrogative pronoun.

1) pro ... army. prose ... bat (in obscurity)
2) (delicious) rugs ... .ka, (sailor's) vest ... .ka
3) obliging (girl), (wake up on) s.. .re
4) (thin) r.. .stochek, transform ... zit.

In which row is the same letter missing in both words?
1) not ... good. be ... compromising
2) previous.. .history, vz.. .mother (tribute)
3) pr ... open, pr ... be able
4) p...edestal. injection

In which answer option are all the words where the letter I is omitted?
A. swing
B. raged ... waded
B. enamel
G. commanded ... wat
1) A, B, G
2) A
3) B, C, D
4) A, B

In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HH is written?
Due to the increased (1) risk of a landslide, work in the sand (2) quarry was suspended (3). r />1) 1
2) 1, 2
3) 1.3
4) 2

In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?
1) (Un)finished education prevented me from getting a position as a researcher.
2) The gift was, though (not) expensive. but very necessary.
3) The wind (not) raged all night, howling in a terrible voice in the chimney.
4) Significant areas in the resort areas are still (not) built up. working health resorts can not cope with the seasonal influx of tourists.

In which sentence is the underlined word spelled together?
1) WHAT (WHAT) we want to measure, we need a unit of measure.
2) Around everything was SO (SAME) quiet as the day before.
3) The conductor will stop and indicate to me with a sign that I should do the SAME (SAME) thing.
4) According to Famusov, Chatsky is not Sophia's fiancé. Molchalin is SO (SAME) not suitable for this role.

In the sentences below, some commas are numbered. Write down the number(s). denoting(s) comma(s) at the introductory(s) word(s).
Marina, (1) joyful, (2) came home from school earlier than usual. She, (3) smiling, (4) anyway, (5) of course, (6) tried to be serious, but she did not succeed.
- Marina, (7) what's wrong with you? - Mom was worried.

In the sentences below, some commas are numbered. Write down the digit(s) denoting(-not) a comma(s) with a separate application(s).
A man of about forty entered, (1) belonging to a large breed, (2) tall, (3) voluminous in the shoulders and throughout the body, (4) with large features, (5) with a large head. It was Mikhey Andreevich Tarantiev, (6) Oblomov's countryman.

Read the text and complete tasks 12-19.
(1) The entire poem by Lermontov “When the yellowing field is agitated ...”, in fact, fits into one huge complex sentence with a clause of time located in front of the main part. (2) If you work through a large layer of Russian poetry (I was drawn into this search by scientific excitement), you will see more than one or two dozen works where the same composition is used (“when A, then B”). (3) Is this an accident or the scheme of such a complex sentence turned out to be something convenient for expressing a certain lyrical plot? (4) Let's consider Lermontov's text more carefully and try to find this plot. (5) The subordinate part lists a number of phenomena from the outside world, the natural world, which are observed lyrical hero: “the yellowing field is agitated”, “the fresh forest makes noise”, “the icy spring plays along the ravine”, etc. (6) The main part includes events from inner peace hero, which arise in response to the events of the outer world, listed in the appendage: “the soul is humbled<...>anxiety", "I can comprehend happiness on earth"... (7) Here. in fact, and lyrical plot: looking at the events of the outside world (they are listed in the subordinate clause), the poet describes the response that they left in his soul (the content of the main part of the complex sentence). (8) It is this plot that unfolds in most Russian poems built on the basis of a complex sentence scheme with a clause of time. (9) This is easy to verify by re-reading the lines of Pushkin's "Memories" or Bunin's "When it descends on a dark city ...". (10) This is how lyric poetry uses typical grammatical forms national language.

Which statement best reflects the main idea of ​​the text?
1) The text of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ..." is a common complex sentence with a clause of time.
2) On the example of Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ..." we can observe how lyric poetry is based on the grammatical structures of the national language.
3) In Lermontov's poem "When the yellowing field is agitated ..." we meet a fairly common lyrical plot.
4) The events of the outside world, observed by the poet, often become an occasion for a lyrical response in his soul.

Specify an offer. in which there is a colloquial(s) or vernacular(s) word(s).
1) Is it an accident or the scheme of such a complex sentence turned out to be somehow convenient for expressing a certain lyrical plot?
2) Here. in fact, the lyrical plot: looking at the events of the outside world (they are listed in the subordinate part), the poet describes the response that they left in his soul (the content of the main part of the complex sentence).
3) If you work through a large layer of Russian poetry (I was drawn into this search by scientific passion), you will see more than one or two dozen works where the same composition is used (“when A, then B”).
4) This is how lyric poetry uses typical grammatical forms of the national language for its artistic purposes.

In which fragment is the epithet used as a means of expressiveness of speech?
1) humble souls... anxiety
2) fresh forest makes noise
3) happiness I can comprehend on earth
4) the poet describes the response that they (events) left in his soul

1. Task 13 No.

The relations between the poet and the monarch (IN) AFTER will become sharply complicated, and ALL (THAT) Pushkin will prefer the personal censorship of the tsar to the general censorship of officials.

Pushkin called on Nicholas I to mercy, (THE) THAT he more than once turned to his exiled friends with words of sympathy, (FOR) EXAMPLE in the message "In the depths of Siberian ores ...".

In May 1827, Pushkin (AT) THE END receives permission to live in St. Petersburg and (AT) NOV finds himself next to his friends.

(B) AT THE BEGINNING of many of Pushkin's poems, despondency and even despair are heard, and EVERYTHING (SAME) usually his poems end optimistically.

(B) CONTINUATION of the year I visited (ABROAD) ABROAD several times.

2. Task 13 No.

(FOR) FREQUENTLY we don’t even imagine (FOR) HOW MUCH it is important for a person to understand what is the main thing for him in life.

The city of Kalinov does not need lightning rods or a perpetual motion machine, BECAUSE (THAT) all this (FOR) SIMPLY has no place in the patriarchal world.

You can (IN) DIFFERENTLY explain the scene of a verbal duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, and (IN) THE BEGINNING it may seem that the nihilist is right.

TO (WOULD) return Radishchev to the modern reader, it is necessary to try to impartially evaluate him philosophical views, SO (SAME) as well as literary creativity.

(APPOINTS) Botticelli was a student of the famous painter Philippe Lippi, as well as the Florentine painter and sculptor Andrea Verrocchio.

3. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

I sat down by the fire and SO (SAME), like my father, listened to the morning voices of the birds and (WHERE) THEREFORE I did not hear the steps of the hunters.

Observant people noticed a strange girl who walked the streets AS if she was looking for SOMEONE.

The cat's troubles began (B) AT THE END of summer, when the bow-legged dachshund Funtik and the little fluffy puppy Bim appeared in the old village house (B) DURING the day.

There were so many berries that they all the time strove to pour out of the basket, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that the basket was closed (C) TOP with a wicker lid.

(B) IN VIEW of the icing of the track, all flights were canceled, and we (B) CONTINUED a day had to wait out the bad weather.

4. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(NOT) DESPITE the fact that the poem "Svetlana" by V.A. Zhukovsky is translated, in it we see EVERYTHING (TAKI) a beautiful image of a Russian girl.

(C) DUE TO the delay of the train, the parking lot was reduced, (FOR) THIS passenger was not able to walk around the city.

(AT) THE END the famous lecturer thanked the audience, and the rest of the speakers did the same (SAME).

(AT) MEETING us (AT) ALONG the road wandered, tucking the floors of wet raincoats, mushroom pickers.

WHAT (WHAT) they say about me and my brother, we are always (FOR) ONE with him.

5. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(AT) THE END the case was transferred to the district court, after which our opponents went (AT) BACK.

(B) DURING the year, the output at the enterprise increased (B) TWO.

If you are (IN) THE TRUTH living a dream, it is important to continue to believe in it, WHATEVER (WHAT) others tell you.

(ON) THIS bridge, which was two stretched ropes with bamboo crossbars, it was dangerous to go (IN) TWO.

(ON) AT THE BEGINNING, Gosh THAT (SAME) was afraid of the stern huntsman, but was soon completely captivated by his ability to handle horses and dogs.

6. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

While the road was near the swamps, (B) IN SIGHT of a pine forest, deviating all the time (B) BOK, we kept frightening whole broods of ducks sheltering here.

(B) DURING the whole day, our detachment hardly walked forward, moving (TO) FEEL.

In the forest (IN) AUTUMN, it smelled of dampness, it was cold and dank, and we lit a fire in order to (WOULD) warm ourselves.

(ON) IN THE MIDDLE of the room there was a huge oak table, as well as (SAME) strong, to match the table, heavy chairs.

Marusya for a long time could not understand (WHY) WHY no one so directly, (C) MOVE can not give an answer to the question that tormented her.

7. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

From the point of view of the "young symbolists", the purpose of the symbol is SO (SAME) to express the realities of a higher order.

Mikhail was told (THAT) THE SAME as everyone else: the factory building was dilapidated, the conveyors were outdated, and (FOR) THAT the enterprise would be closed and the workers fired.

In Russia, (IN) FORCE known historical circumstances, Napoleon (C) AT THE BEGINNING was presented as a great personality, and then the era of debunking the idol began.

Traveling (IN) ALONE across native expanses is a good opportunity to comprehend the life lived, (FOR) AS WELL, one thoughts after another easily and calmly run on the road.

(B) AFTER it turned out that my fears about Alexei were not in vain, although (C) TO THE LOOK, he seemed to be “my boyfriend”.

8. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

At the heart of symbolism is a sign, insight, (FOR) THIS, in the poetry of the symbolists, not rational, but intuitive thinking prevails: poems are like music, their content is vague, (FOR) THEN their very form carries a special “message”.

(NOT) VIEWING that the mushroom season was over, the forest (STILL) STILL smelled of mushroom dampness.

The name of Fedor Ushakov is a symbol of the Russian ability to win (PO)SUVOROVSKI, a symbol of fearlessness, as well as reasonable audacity and courage.

(C) CONCLUSION The old people asked that (WOULD) Mironych not be touched.

I wanted to win, but the game ended (IN) A DRAW, SO (WHAT) my soul was sad.

9. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(I) SO, Konstantin claimed that this trip added vitality, I said the SAME (SAME) thing.

TO be happy, you need to strive for success and at the SAME time you need to learn nobility in relation to the people around you.

Soon, the birds (CO) EVERYONE fell silent, except for one, which (ON) DIFFERENTLY chirped everyone.

The stranger disappeared around the corner AS (SAME) suddenly as he appeared, (FOR) THIS was not possible to consider him.

(AT) THE END the rain stopped, but SOME (WHERE) heavy masses of partly scattered clouds still crowded.

10. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

For her gullibility in her life (NOT) ONCE she had to pay a significant amount of money and lost (IN) EMPTY time.

Masha studied (IN) FAR from her hometown, (FOR) THAT she and her sister rarely saw each other.

He is (ON) SO accustomed to making others lie that he himself also lied (ON) THE GO, without even thinking.

SOMEWHERE (THAT) on the edge of the village the girls sang, (FROM) WHAT Matvey felt sad.

Levin did not think of anything, did not want anything, except for one thing: WHAT (WOULD) not lag behind the peasants and work AS (SAME) well as they do.

11. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Along the coastline (FOR) a kilometer there are recreation centers with restaurants and cafes, as well as detached cottages.

Alexei (HOW) managed to earn enough money (WHAT) WOULD his brother continue to study.

(C) IN THE BEGINNING it seemed to me that there was nothing special in the works of Nikolai THEN (SAME).

In the evening, Pyotr Ivanovich sat again AT (THAT) same table, listened to Nastasya Ivanovna and tried to understand WHY (WHY) he felt so good in this house.

(B) FOR two hours, climbers climbed the mountainside, then moving (B) FORWARD, then sliding down again.

12. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

On Earth, even before the appearance of man (B) FOR millions of years, events took place that changed our planet: mountain ranges rising from sea waters were undermined by snow waters, as well as (SAME) by glaciers that descended from mountain peaks.

In many countries, recreation areas are expanding (FOR) THROUGH vast areas former quarries: (FOR) EXAMPLE, in Greece it is planned to develop several quarries where sports fields, attractions and beaches will be located.

(B) CONTINUED for long hours Andrei Rublev remained in the temple (IN) ONE with his teacher Theophan the Greek, who revealed the secrets of painting to the icon painter.

The peculiar composition of the text is determined by variable repetitions, when the thesis (C) of the BEGINNING is formulated, and (FOR) THEM is repeated many times.

Lightning flashed, and hordes of clouds rushed WHERE (THAT) (TO) FAR.

13. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(IN) AFTER I often went to that old square, TO (WOULD) immerse myself in my memories of my first love and again feel the sweet taste of happiness.

(B) DURING the day, the rain did not subside, because in the house THEN (SAME) it became damp and chilly.

In many of Ostrovsky's plays, a separate city (often a provincial one) is depicted as NOT (something) specific, closed and self-sufficient place, the image of which is the embodiment of Russia (B) TOTAL.

“(I)SO, today we will sum up our work,” said the director (B) at the beginning of the meeting with a smile.

Being more than thirty years (IN) THE PLACE, the spouses (ON) STILL loved each other, treated each other with tenderness and respect.

14. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) UNLIKE many, M. Gorky did not chase fame; he was not afraid of criticism, but SAME (SAME) did not feel joy from the praise of a fool or ignoramus.

My father was a (REALLY) skillful carpenter, (FOR) THEN, and for his cheerful disposition he was respected in the village.

Even in ancient times, people dreamed of WHAT (WOULD) rise into the sky: in the legend of Daedalus and Icarus, which was created by the ancient Greeks, (JUST) this dream was reflected.

One night I woke up with a strange feeling: it seemed to me that I had gone deaf in my sleep; I lay there for a long time, listening, and finally realized that I had not gone deaf, but (FOR) SIMPLY, an unusual silence had come outside the walls of the house.

The fighters walked (ON) TWO, (ON) BEHIND the column a wagon with a field kitchen was dragged.

15. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Among the realistic features of Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", among other things, is the construction of the play based on two storylines. (WHAT) WHAT both components - love and socio-political- appear in the character of Chatsky.

Those present in the room spoke IN (FLOOR) VOICES, and no matter how hard I tried to understand AT LEAST (WOULD) something, I did not make out a word.

(B) DURING the day, I EVERYTHING (SAME) managed to catch a few goldfish.

(AS) ONCE Masha unwrapped a paper bag with dried lavender flowers, the room (C) IMMEDIATELY filled with a truly wonderful aroma.

WHATEVER others say about the silent Denisk, I considered this boy a talented student, a devoted friend and, (IN) THE END, just a good person.

16. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

TO (WOULD) get to the river, where there were a lot of fish, it was necessary (C) to start driving forty kilometers on a narrow gauge railway, and then walk thirty kilometers.

Yevgeny Bazarov - the main character of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" - had no one who (REALLY) REALLY understood him, believed him, respected and loved him and to whom he himself would treat SO (SAME).

It was dark in the forest, (FOR) THAT it was warm and quiet, and (FOR) FOR a whole hour I sat on an old stump, inhaling the forest aromas and listening to the silence.

(BY) WHAT Grandma said, it was clear (FOR) HOW much she loved her village and her little log cabin.

(FROM) FOR the loud noise Lyonka (FOR) SIMPLY did not hear the words of Varya.

17. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The written language, although it is animated (ON) MINUTELY by the expressions that are born in the conversation, but should not renounce what it has acquired (IN) FOR centuries.

It is necessary that (WOULD) each phrase express a thought or an image, and (IN) THIS is as accurate and complete as possible.

(IN) THE CIRCLE it was SO (SAME) quiet as the day before.

(B) CONTINUED all the way through the forest Egor walked silently, noiselessly, raising (ON) ABOVE his legs, so as not to catch on to something.

From time to time a breeze swept in and pinched the face, it was (FOR) WINTER frosty, (FOR) THEN the beauty everywhere was extraordinary.

18. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Snow under the pressure of the wind flew (TO) MEETING (B) DOWN the street.

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl must be seen (DURING) DURING the rain, when a huge cloud stops as if to (Would) admire the temple.

Few (FOR) REAL knew Rakhmaninov: he approached people with (C) WORK, opened himself to a few.

It is forbidden for cars to drive on Red Square (FOR) REASON for the special cultural status of this place and (B) IN SIGHT of a large number of people who want to walk this square on foot.

Forest birds do not live long in a cage, (WHERE) I decided to release my bee-eater into the wild; he sat down on a bough of a nearby tree and, as if saying goodbye to me, sang a song.

19. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) SOON our boat went to the very middle of the river; when the farmstead appeared around the bend, one of the women sitting in the boat bowed her head (ON) SIDE and sang softly.

My guide took off his wet clothes, wrapped himself in a dry blanket and said WHAT (WOULD) I did the SAME thing.

(FOR) FOR several years, my father and I collected coins, SO (WHAT) we have an impressive collection.

Before leaving, Oleg decided EVERYTHING (TAKI) to inform his parents about his imminent arrival, so as not to catch them (B) by surprise.

Vasyutka wanted to make a surprise for mom (FOR) REALLY unexpected, FOR (THIS) he kept all the preparations a secret.

20. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Freud fundamentally, (FOR) SCIENTIFIC approached such a secret of humanity as dreams, and thereby confirmed how complex a person is, and ALSO (SAME) his inner world.

The third bell had already sounded, but the auditorium was STILL (SEM) EMPTY.

Savrasov came to the outskirts of the village of Molvitina, TO (WOULD) look (IN) CLOSELY at the old church.

(B) DURING the day, the heat did not subside, and only in the evening (AT) THE END it started to rain.

(FOR) THE way the dog behaved, it was clear that he was worried about something, (FOR) THEN the cat sitting on the doghouse purred blissfully.

21. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) CONTINUATION of the conversation, she was mostly silent, and it was difficult for me to understand WHY (WHAT) she came for.

(By) the way this person carries himself, it is clear that he (IN) EVERYTHING is used to being the first.

Lake Beloe (FROM) THAT is charming that (IN) AROUND it is a dense variety of vegetation.

It's hard to even imagine WHAT (WOULD) happen to me IF (WOULD) the ship was late.

22. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Next year, the actress, beloved by the audience, plans to act in (B) CONTINUATION of the series, as well as (SAME) in the new film of the Italian director.

(B) FORCE of age, grandmother was used to not being surprised, and therefore, whatever (WHAT) happened, she interpreted in her own way.

(B) DURING a long winter, coal, which (ON) TWO winterers carried on dogs, heated living quarters on the shores of Lake Taimyr.

(B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of a severe drought that happened in July, the river became shallow, (FROM) THEN the pasture was moved to a distant lake.

(C) RIGHT from the front door was a large box with ANY (THAT) tools.

23. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) CONTINUED for three hours Mishka and Borka argued heatedly about (FOR) WHAT the numbers are drawn on the telegraph poles and what they mean.

The sun does not shine in the north, but BUD(TO) (C) EASILY shines through the translucent thick glass.

It is difficult to explain (FROM) WHERE (SOME) WHAT habits come from.

Levitan, AS (SAME), as Pushkin, Tyutchev and many others, was waiting for autumn - the most expensive and (PAST) SUMMER season.

At the tables, on which stood dozens of cutlery and containers (IN) THE LIKENESS of jugs, only (ON) TWO sat down.

24. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Dante mentions the church of San Miniato and the staircase leading to it (FOR) TO (WOULD) show how high and difficult the stairs carved into the slopes of the sacred mountain were for people.

(B)DIFFERENT from most art communities, the circle of interests of the "World of Art" was unusually wide: "World of Art" worked a lot in the theater, designed books, did interior projects, and ALSO (SAME) spoke in print on various issues of art.

On the SAME day, when Bazarov was explaining to Arkady in the garden, (WHY) WHY the young oak trees did not start, he met Fenechka.

For I. A. Bunin, and SO (SAME) for many others (IN) THROUGHOUT his whole life, L. N. Tolstoy remained the creator of absolute values ​​in the field of artistic creativity.

25. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

A pond in the park, covered with (DARK) GREEN duckweed, stood a BUD(TO) huge black mirror.

(B) DURING an hour, the conversation did not stop: they talked mainly (ON) ABOUT the upcoming trip.

I am not a rich person; my affairs are upset, and besides (SAME) I got bored of wandering from place to place (B) FOR a whole year.

(B) OTHER, only an unexpected snowfall can make the birds fly further, (NOT) LOOKING at the wind and cold.

From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS if (WOULD) from a gloomy world I (THAT) HOUR was transferred to another world - sunny and bright.

26. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The body becomes immune to infection (B) AS A CONSEQUENCE OF immunization, aka vaccination.

This insignificant tavern conversation had an extraordinary influence on Raskolnikov, (AS) AS if there really was some kind of predestination, indication.

(FOR) WHAT and as my companion said, I (C) IMMEDIATELY understood: he is an experienced, strong man.

It rained so heavily at night that we were all soaked (ON) THROUGH, but there was still no way to get into the village (STILL).

Sasha thought that it was better to move (ALONE), Borka suggested the SAME thing.

27. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The house opposite was (HALF) in the woods, and on the open part of the brick facade was overgrown with ivy, so that inside it always reigned (HALF) DARKNESS.

WHATEVER my father decided then, I was ready to accept it, (because) I respected his opinion.

The sun disappeared behind an aspen grove (B) NEAR the garden, the shadow from it (WITHOUT) THE END stretched across the motionless fields.

A cloud, black, with a (WHITE) SNOW edge, froze in the east, and on the western side (BETWEEN) THEN the sun shone.

(NOT) DESPITE the fact that most of the story is devoted to the experiences of Timofey Ivanovich, EVERYTHING (SAME) the author pays enough attention to describing the morals and way of life of his heroes.

28. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(BY) THAT calm that reigned (ON) EVERYWHERE, it seemed to us that there would be no more rain.

The sail was usually tucked in at the bottom and lowered only (DURING) TIME strong storm, TO (WOULD) reduce the sail area.

(B) DURING the day we (B) WILL admire the ducks and therefore returned home in a cheerful mood.

Having folded the bag (B) TWO, Arseny quickly jumped into the boat, she leaned (B) SIDE from his weight, but soon straightened out.

(AT) THE BEGINNING Egorka was very scared, but he managed to gather his will into a fist, SO (THAT) no one noticed his short confusion.

29. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

A stream of fresh air ran (IN) MY face, and I opened my eyes: a (DARK) GRAY sky froze in the window.

This city - so big, boastfully clean - uncomfortable, (AS) AS if it was created not for people, but (FOR) SHOW.

It was impossible to get out of the sleigh: snow piled (FLOOR) ARSHINA; I (FOR) FORCE waited for us to drive up to the inn.

THAT (WOULD) not be considered weak, I, (NOT) LOOKING at extreme fatigue, did not dare to ask for a break.

Yakov entered the hall, I decided to do SO (SAME) - it turned out that there were (NOT) LITTLE people gathered there.

30. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Investigation of evidence (IN) THE CONSEQUENCE is preceded by the announcement of the documents formulating the charge, and ALSO (SAME) by a discussion of the procedure for examining evidence.

The nihilistic philosophy does not allow any (SUPER)PERSONAL value on which a person could rely to justify his existence.

(FIRST) FIRST, everything should be fair, so the booty should be divided (FOR) EXACTLY.

(NOT) DESPITE the hostility of critics, Turgenev was extremely popular among Russian readers: his novels enjoyed great fame even (AT) THE BEGINNING of the 20th century.

The theater was a (WHITE)STONE building with a high porch and SO(SAME) high oak doors.

31. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) CONTINUATION of the sea voyage we (NOT) ONCE fell into storms.

To lure Chekhov into a political party was not SO (THAT) simple: he expressed his protest against injustice and cruelty (IN) HIS OWN.

(B) UNLIKE from others, Zelensky was ready to speak, although he perfectly understood what Rybin (B) meant when he made the appointment.

“(FROM) WHAT are you so sad?” - Maria asked with excitement in her voice, tilting her head (TO) SIDE.

WHAT (WHATEVER) the guest told, he knew how (IN) TRUE to ignite, inspire the interlocutor ..

32. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(FOR) WHAT, in separation from her, (TO) DESCRIBE with slander, the heart in us is ready to bleed to the drop ...

(PO) APPEARS, the very principle from which this truth proceeds obliges you, (IN) VIEW of your position in society, to recognize in it only the inner light.

(IN) IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM (B) FOR 20 years the same table stood, covered with the same lace tablecloth.

I wanted to meet Sonya by all means, to tell her how I missed her, how I suffered (IN) ALONE, not daring to confess my feelings to anyone.

The officer stood (ON) THE HOOD, and the general, meanwhile, gave the order to the soldiers to form columns (ON) TWO.

33. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(TO) MEETING the train flew poles, copses, steppes; I sat by the window and (PO) CHILDLY naively smiled.

In my letter SO (SAME) I inform you that all the cases have been successfully completed by me, so (ON) ABOUT this you can no longer worry.

Raisa Pavlovna (IN) THE BEGINNING was embarrassed, even (AS) AS if she had lost control over the situation, but quickly pulled herself together and continued the conversation.

(NOT) (ON) FAR from the pine forest, we ALL (TAK) decided to make a halt.

34. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Yegor sat alone for a long time in a (SEMI) DARK room, then he went out into the dining room, said something, but no one understood what he had (B) in mind.

Krygin TO (SAME) was a specialist in this field, (WITH) known.

My grandmother and I walked (IN) into the depths of the forest, but I didn’t worry at all, because I knew: my grandmother knows this forest well enough TO (Would) find the way back.

SO (SAME) the director talked about the plans of the enterprise for the next year, and everyone (FOR) FOR several hours listened attentively.

The children broke into columns (PO) TWO and (THAT) HOUR set off.

35. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

It was getting (FOR) a LITTLE way to get dark outside, and we moved along the road already without a map, hoping to find the right path (FROM) MEMORY.

On the bridge, everyone passed (ALONE) ALONE, THAT (WOULD) not break the structure, which was fragile from dilapidation.

The cat was well aware that he was playing a prank when (C) RUNNING jumped onto the bookcase with souvenirs and broke one porcelain figurine - (FROM) THAT and climbed under the sofa.

(FOR) IN THE BEGINNING, I took the news of the reorganization of our group bleakly, but then it turned out that living in a (FOR) NEW is very interesting.

The time was (B) CUT: before the scheduled meeting, there was no more than (HALF) HOUR.

36. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(FOR) BECAUSE, as Leo Tolstoy was silent in concentration, his relatives could guess (FOR) HOW hard his brain is working now.

(C) CONSEQUENTLY, scientists have found that magnesium plays an important role in regulating potassium levels in the body, and ALSO regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands.

From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS if (WOULD) from a gloomy world I (THAT) HOUR was transferred to another world - sunny and bright.

(B) CONSEQUENCE, researchers have repeatedly said that the apotheosis of Russian glory is the painting "Bogatyrs", in which V. M. Vasnetsov expressed his romantic and at the same time deeply civic understanding of Russia.

The physical properties of interstellar gas essentially depend (FROM) WHAT it is in relative proximity to hot stars or, (ON) REVERSE, is sufficiently remote from them.

37. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Almost at the same time when I proposed to print our poem here, it was published there, (THAT) IS (ABROAD) FOREIGN.

Olya was happy (FROM) THAT Alexander Nikolayevich, from whom (B) FOR six long months there was not a single line, sent her a letter full of tenderness.

He ALMOST slept with a copy of his collection, looked at everyone (C) HIGH.

Eugene, among other things, SO (SAME) dreamed that (WOULD) he had a chance to show himself again.

(B) FOLLOWING one wagon, another one drove up to the house with a noise, and in the meantime the hostess was already (BEFORE) DEATH frightened by such an influx of uninvited guests.

38. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

In groups and (ALONE) tourists in resort caps wandered, (AND) SO it was almost the whole year.

(NOT) LOOKING at the past years, Nikolai could not forgive the person whom he considered a friend, his (LITTLE) SOUL.

(C) AT THE BEGINNING the children walked in a column (ON) TWO, but then they began to move in random groups.

(BY) THE way Oleg spoke, it was clear that he, (BY) APPEARS, was alarmed.

I was SO (SAME) very sorry about what was said, I wanted to forget about everything, (IN) THAT as soon as possible.

39. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Sleep (IN) THE BEGINNING was not in any eye, however, as soon as I decided in the morning to find out everything at all costs, I managed to fall asleep.

In front of me stood a girl in a (LIGHT) BLUE dress. She stood as if rooted to the spot and was silent; I THAT (SAME) was silent.

(UNDER) THE ARMS this gentleman had a fresh newspaper clamped, (FROM) THAT his movements were a little constrained.

(B) DURING the summer, Yegor Matveevich was engaged in a garden, (AT) WHAT he did it with his soul; and in the winter he went to Italy to improve his health.

(NOT) DESPITE the fact that the father was always in a (SEMI) joking mood, he was by no means a frivolous person.

40. Task 13 No.

Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Maximka, (WHAT) EVERYONE said, believed in success, and (BY) LITTLE things went.

The one who approached the fire (C) START stood shyly, and then moved closer to the fire (FOR) CLOSER.

The weather, as it seemed to Natasha, BUD (TO) began to change, the snow seemed to stop falling like a solid wall - but no: in the morning everything was THE SAME (SAME).

“Let's leave everything (FOR) THE STILL,” Olga asked in such an imploring voice that I didn’t even immediately understand what she meant (IN) THE SIGHT.

(FROM) whether my favorite lilac bloomed outside the window, or because of the letter

Nastya - but, (IN) GENERAL, my heart warmed up.


Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words. Task 13.

Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of various parts of speech.

Table 1 contains the words distinctive feature many is the presence of homonyms, that is, words that sound the same, but have different spelling. Abbreviations are used to indicate parts of speech and explanations:

noun - noun

num. - numeral

nar. - adverb

places. - pronoun

dep. - gerund

n / n - derivative preposition

n / n - non-derivative preposition

a/c - introductory word

fe - phraseological unit




would, b

merged only in union in order to. I went to bed earlier don't miss the train. (union = in order to would cannot be moved or removed) To not to be left without a certificate, you will have to study how the particle "by" is written. So that Don't forget, I'll write it down in my diary.

separately in all other cases: What should I read? (local + frequent, would can be moved or removed.) I would have said earlier as if do not be late; What would did I do without you? I will return that no matter what happens.

after all

according to the rule of writing a particle - the same. Always with a hyphen.

at the end

unlike (difference)

in the dark


by virtue of


in general (not possible in general)


all the time

doesn't matter



through thick and thin

always separate

at the bottom


afterwards (aftermath)


at random

at random


double (triple...)

to the left




back home


at all


to the top

always together

due to

in mind


missed due to illness (n / n, \u003d due to)

keep in mind (FE)

butterfly decoration

up, above

to the top

look (where? adv.) up; is (where? adverb) at the top

aim (at what?) at the top (of what?) of the tree, target ()

deep into

deep into

go deep (where? Nar.)

go deep into the (what?) forests ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

In the end

In the end

utterly exhausted ( How? adv., = final)

Rearrange the phrase at the end of (what?) sentences ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

instead, together

to the place, to the place

spoke instead of me (n / n, \u003d for), together (adverb) with me. It is forbidden: instead of me

get (into what?) at the place of fall, found (where? ) at the location (noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

away, away

in the distance, in the distance

look (where?, adverb) ) into the distance; seen away (where? adverb.)

into the distance ( what?, n/n + n. in Rod. case) seas; seen in the distance (of what?) the sea ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

at first

at first

difficult at first (when? adv.)

at the beginning (of what?) of the book ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word



do on time (when? adv.)

hurts during (what?) sleep ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

down, down


fall (where? Nar.) down; is (where? adverb) below

aim (at what?) at the bottom (of what?) of a tree, target ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word), at the (very) bottom of the mountain

up to

in the flesh

study until the morning (n / n, \u003d until)

clothe (in what?) in flesh and blood (n + n / n)


into dense

come close ( How? adv., = very close)

wrap in thick paper (what? adj. + n / a)


to the right

turn right (where, adverb)

into what? to the right possession of an inheritancenoun + n / n, there is an explained word)


in law

has the right to know (c / s, \u003d has the right)

share in (in what?) right apartment ownership (noun + n / n, there is an explained word), in criminal (what?) law

in continuation

in continuation, in continuation

a preposition that specifies a period of time. Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (similar to "throughout")

Noun continuation in different cases with the preposition in: in continuation ( into what? ) novel will introduce new characters. In the continuation of the novel in what? ) we learn about their fates.



see for the first time (when? adv.)

get bored in the first days (what? num + n / a)

due to

in consequence, in consequence

flight delayed due to (n / n, \u003d due to) bad weather

Noun consequence in different cases: intervene ( into what? ) as a result (noun + n / a ) ; errors in (preliminary) consequence (noun + n / n)


in the wake

look (where, what?) after (adv.) for the outgoing train to go after him, after another (p / p, \u003d for)

Follow the trail ( noun + n / a)


during, during

a preposition that specifies a period of time.Combines with the words day, day, hour, week, etc.: during the day, during the lesson, during the year (similar to "throughout")

Noun flow in the accusative or in the prepositional case with the preposition v: during ( into what? ) rivers; (about what) about the course of the river.



always the same


Always separated by the particle rule. The particle contributes an amplifying value.

Wow, tell me, how is it possible, how is it, it's the same wrong, one and the same the same, the same, the same time, exactly same .

Not to be confused with unions ALSO and ALSO (see table)

work and live abroad

for lack of time or money

at the expense (treat at the expense of the institution)

always the same

before dark


always the same


For what



For what

for that

Adverbs and conjunctions:

then ( When? adv., = later) we will leave;

Why asked? ( adv., = for what purpose?);

small, but (union, \u003d but) smart.

Pronouns with prepositions:

I came for that (what exactly? ) a kitten that I liked; I got in line for those (what exactly? ) by a man who went to the window.

Similarly: for what (namely) queue? (local + n / a, = for which product?) For what (exactly) did you come back? For the keys.

Likewise: I thank you for then (for what? ) that you helped me; I'm not offended then (for what? ) that you did not come, but for that ( for what exactly? ) that deceived me.


for often

often there is no result (adv., \u003d often) for frequent change of mood (for what? adj.+n/a)

from afar

always together



So let's start the lesson! (introductory word)

twisted this way and that (how? Nar. + union); and so (how so? ) many times, and so all the time


Always hyphenated by the particle rule.

Bring it, tell it, watch it

in a row

to a row

Several times in a row like, adverb = in a row) sneezed

To a row (why, noun name + n \ n.) numbers, to a number of acquaintances

as if

as soon as

as if

as it were

always the same

Li (particle)

Always the same and separate.

for a long time





not far away

not at all



Always the same


in sight

always the same


to a meeting

go towards (where? Nar.); go towards (whom?) friend (n / n)

go to a (long-awaited) meeting with a friend (n + n / a)



finally he fell asleep adv., = after everything)

reschedule to the end of the month noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


to the front (rarely!)

know everything in advance How? adv., = in advance)

Fall on the front of the car ()



a figure like a ball (p / p, \u003d like)

task (for what? ) on the similarity of triangles ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

For example

For example

There was, for example, (introductory word) such a case.

note to (this) example (n.+n/n)



half destroyed (adv., =partially)

claim (for what?) half of the house ( noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


to the account

to knowabout(n/n, =o)tickets

put moneyon(bank)check(noun+n/a), don't take it personally(FE)


back (rare!)

turn aroundback (Where? bunk.)

lookon(broken)asscar (noun+n/a)

up, up

up, up*

climbup(Where? bunk.), upstairs (Where? bunk.) it was cold

climbto the top (what?) mountains (noun + n / n, there is an explained word), on (how?)on top of a building, on top of bliss (figurative)


for strength

violentlykept(how? adv., = with great difficulty)

hopeon(my)force (for what? noun+n/a)

how much

how much

How muchIt's right? (adv., = to what extent?)

How muchraise your pension?(local + n / a)


so much

sotired to sleepto what extent? bunk.)

What numberso muchless? (= for the same number, places + n / a)



Maybe,it will be raining. (introductory word = probably)

Maybebusiness let's go! (adj. + n / a, for what business? correct)

to death

to death

beatto death(How? adv., = to death)

They were senton(correct)death.(n.+n/a)


on the head

enemies are defeatedutterly (How? adv., = final)

bandageon the head (for what? noun+n/a)

vying with each other

for interruptions

started talkingvying with each other (How? adv., = interrupting each other)

complainon (permanent) interruptionswater supply (for what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


for cleanliness

talkfrankly (How? adv., = frankly)

notefor cleanlinessin room (for what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)

on the face

on the face

dataon the face (ext., = available)

apply creamon(own)face (for what? noun+n/a)

for a long time

for a long time

leavefor a long time(nah, for how long?)

lookfor a long timedancing girl (dancing how? long, adv. + n / a)



leaveforever(nah, for how long?)

lookonAlwaysneat girl (neat when? always, adv.+n/a)



fled,despitefatigue (n / n, \u003d contrary to)

fled,despiteunder your feet (dep., = without looking)

regardless of


Regardless offatigue, we went to explore the city (n / n, \u003d contrary to)

I tried to sitregardless ofsurrounding and hiding his eyes (dep., = without looking)


from there


always the same

from this

always separate


from that

I didn't receive a noticebecauseand didn't show up. (adv., = for this reason)

From thatwho is not nice, and the gift is disgusting. (from whom? local + n / a, \u003d from a person)

pushed offfrom thatshores (from what? local + n / a, \u003d from adj.)

from what

from what

From whatYou did not sleep? (adv., = for what reason?) Because it worked.

Fromwhatdid you refuse? (local + n / a) From work, from the task.


from part

PartlyYou are right. (how much? adv., = partially)

He refusedfrom(larger)partsincome. (from what? noun + n / n, there is an explained word)



for a long time


because the


little by little

one by one

always together


compared with)


with the flow

always separate


what does

The thing is beautifulandinexpensive. (union, = besides, in addition)

What doeswill you stay? (local + n / a, \u003d with what?) At what (local + n / a) Are the parents here, if he is to blame?



The thing is beautifulbesidesinexpensive. (union, = besides, in addition)

Atvolumemanual has an application. (at what? local + n / a, \u003d adj.)

That's why

That's why

He stayedThat's why,who wants to know the truth. (Why? adv., = for that reason)

goThat's whyshore (on what? local + n / a, \u003d adj.) guessedThat's whywhat I saw (local + n / a, \u003d according to what he saw)



Whyare you silent? (adv., = for what reason?) Because I don't want to talk.

Whyare you doing? (local + n / a, \u003d for which allowance?) According to Rosenthal's textbook.Whydo you miss the most? In the summer, in the sun.

That's why

That's why

worked a lot,That's whytired (nar., why? for what reason?)

studyThat's whytextbook (local + n / a, according to what? =adj.)



Thistrulya rare thing. (adv., = actually)

People are boredBy(real)truth. (noun+n/a)

at first

at the beginning

missat first (adv., = first time)

guessBy(to myself)beginningnovel (noun + n / n, there is an explained word)


with time

always separate

immediately, right away

on right



from below



always the same

at first

at first

at firstthink (When? bunk.)

Shouldn't the fairy tale startWith(himself)start? (why? noun+n/a)

at all

at all

at allnot enough sleep (How? adv., = perfect)

leftat allproperty (with which? local + n / a)


off the shoulder

swungshouldered(How? adv., = immediately)

take offWith(own)shoulderparrot (why? noun+n/a)



It can be written either with a hyphen or separately.

brokestill, againstill, directlystillafter verbs, adverbs, particles through a hyphen

Mestillhired, Istilllate - in all other cases separately


that hour

appearedimmediately (How? adv., = immediately)

has comethat hour (local + noun, what time is it? That)when I saw you again





Homonyms: there are unionstoo, also

ISamejust like you, I'm learning foreign languages. (union, \u003d and, SAME cannot be omitted).

I have a cat and youSame..

I'm into music andAlsoI love to read very much. (union, \u003d and, SAME cannot be omitted).

The cat loves to sleepAlsohide in new packages.

Homonyms: pronoun with a particlesame. She amplifies the meaning, see SAME

Meet atSametime. (local + frequent, what time exactly?) - at that time;same

Brother advisedSameas you. (local + frequent, advised what exactly?) - then;sameyou can omit it, replace it with a union and you can’t!

YouAlsoas young as ten years ago. (nar., how young?) - so;samecan be omitted, replaced by a union and cannot).


always separate


at least, at least

always separate

Adverbs are written through a hyphen, formed:

1 ) from full adjectives or pronouns with a prefixBy-and ending in-mu, -him, -tski, -ski, -i

act in a friendly way sing in a Kazakh way live in a new way do it your own way in a hare cowardly

2) from ordinal numbers to-oh, -themusing an attachmentin- (in-)

secondly thirdly fifthly

3) by repeating the same word or root, complicated by prefixes, suffixes

barely, exactly the same day-to-day, more or less

4) by combining synonyms

unexpectedly, unexpectedly, I’ll pick up, I’ll say hello to

5) using a prefixsomethingand suffixessomething, something, something

somewhere, sometime, somewhere, anywhere

general rules writing words with FLOOR, FLOOR.

Semi- is always written together: crescent, half a year.

State Budgetary General Education Institution Center
Education No. 162 of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg
Preparation for the exam in the Russian language. Analysis of Tasks A 13.
1. Define a sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The relations between the poet and the monarch (IN) AFTER will become sharply complicated, and ALL (THAT) Pushkin will prefer the personal censorship of the tsar to the general censorship of officials.
Pushkin called on Nicholas I to mercy, (THE) THAT he more than once turned to his exiled friends with words of sympathy, (FOR) EXAMPLE in the message "In the depths of Siberian ores ...".
In May 1827, Pushkin (AT) THE END receives permission to live in St. Petersburg and (AT) NOV finds himself next to his friends.
(B) AT THE BEGINNING of many of Pushkin's poems, despondency and even despair are heard, and EVERYTHING (SAME) usually his poems end optimistically.
(B) CONTINUATION of the year I visited (ABROAD) ABROAD several times.
Here is the correct spelling.

Relations between the poet and the monarch will SUBSEQUENTLY become more complicated, and STILL Pushkin will prefer the personal censorship of the tsar to the general censorship of officials. (the word "subsequently" is an adverb meaning "later", "after all" is always written with a hyphen)
Pushkin called on Nicholas I to mercy, AND he repeatedly addressed his exiled friends with words of sympathy, FOR EXAMPLE in the message "In the depths of Siberian ores ...". (the word "at the same time" does not exist, "for example" is an adverb)
In May 1827, Pushkin FINALLY receives permission to live in St. Petersburg and AGAIN finds himself next to his friends. ("finally" is an adverb, the word "again" does not exist)
AT THE BEGINNING of many of Pushkin's poems one can hear despondency and even despair, and YET usually his poems end optimistically. (“at the beginning” is a preposition and a noun here, since we can modify this construction as “at the very beginning”, the word “even so” does not exist)
DURING the year, I went ABROAD several times.

2. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(FOR) FREQUENTLY we don’t even imagine (FOR) HOW MUCH it is important for a person to understand what is the main thing for him in life.
The city of Kalinov does not need lightning rods or a perpetual motion machine, BECAUSE (THAT) all this (FOR) SIMPLY has no place in the patriarchal world.
You can (IN) DIFFERENTLY explain the scene of a verbal duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, and (IN) THE BEGINNING it may seem that the nihilist is right.
TO (WOULD) return Radishchev to the modern reader, it is necessary to try to impartially evaluate his philosophical views, AS WELL (SAME) as literary work.
(APPOINTS) Botticelli was a student of the famous painter Philippe Lippi, as well as the Florentine painter and sculptor Andrea Verrocchio.
Here is the correct spelling.

FREQUENTLY, we do not even imagine HOW important it is for a person to understand what is the main thing for him in life.
The city of Kalinov does not need lightning rods or a perpetual motion machine, BECAUSE all this SIMPLY has no place in the patriarchal world.
It is possible to DIFFERENTLY explain the scene of the verbal duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, and at the beginning it may seem that the nihilist is right.
IN ORDER to return Radishchev to the modern reader, it is necessary to try to impartially evaluate his philosophical views, AS WELL as his literary work.
APPEARS, Botticelli was a student of the famous painter Philippe Lippi, as well as the Florentine painter and sculptor Andrea Verrocchio.

3. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

I sat down by the fire and SO (SAME), like my father, listened to the morning voices of the birds and (WHERE) THEREFORE I did not hear the steps of the hunters.
Observant people noticed a strange girl who walked the streets AS if she was looking for SOMEONE.
The cat's troubles began (B) AT THE END of summer, when the bow-legged dachshund Funtik and the little fluffy puppy Bim appeared in the old village house (B) DURING the day.
There were so many berries that they all the time strove to pour out of the basket, (NOT) DESPITE the fact that the basket was closed (C) TOP with a wicker lid.
(B) IN VIEW of the icing of the track, all flights were canceled, and we (B) CONTINUED a day had to wait out the bad weather.
Let's expand the brackets.

I sat down by the fire and, JUST like my father, listened to the morning voices of the birds and THEREFORE I did not hear the steps of the hunters.
Observant people noticed a strange girl who walked the streets, AS IF she was looking for SOMEONE.
The cat's troubles began AT THE END of summer, when a bow-legged dachshund Funtik and a small fluffy puppy Bim appeared in an old village house DURING the day.
There were so many berries that they all the time strove to pour out of the basket, DESPITE the fact that the basket was closed TOP with a wicker lid.
DUE TO the icing of the route, all flights were canceled, and we had to wait out the bad weather for 24 hours.

In the fourth sentence, the derivative preposition DESPITE ON and the adverb TOP are written together.
Answer: despite the top.
4. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are written together. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(NOT) DESPITE the fact that the poem "Svetlana" by V.A. Zhukovsky is translated, in it we see EVERYTHING (TAKI) a beautiful image of a Russian girl.
(C) DUE TO the delay of the train, the parking lot was reduced, (FOR) THIS passenger was not able to walk around the city.
(AT) THE END the famous lecturer thanked the audience, and the rest of the speakers did the same (SAME).
(AT) MEETING us (AT) ALONG the road wandered, tucking the floors of wet raincoats, mushroom pickers.
WHAT (WHAT) they say about me and my brother, we are always (FOR) ONE with him.
Let's expand the brackets.

DESPITE the fact that the poem "Svetlana" by V.A. Zhukovsky is translated, in it we see ALL the same beautiful image of a Russian girl.
DUE TO the delay of the train, the parking was reduced, THEREFORE, the passengers were not able to walk around the city.
FINALLY, the famous lecturer thanked the audience, and the rest of the speakers did the same.
MEETING us ALONG the road wandered, tucking the floors of wet raincoats, mushroom pickers.
EVERYTHING they say about my brother and me, we are always AT ONE with him.

In the fourth sentence, derivative prepositions: TOGETHER and ALONG - are written together.
Answer: towards.

5. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(AT) THE END the case was transferred to the district court, after which our opponents went (AT) BACK.
(B) DURING the year, the output at the enterprise increased (B) TWO.
If you are (IN) THE TRUTH living a dream, it is important to continue to believe in it, WHATEVER (WHAT) others tell you.
(ON) THIS bridge, which was two stretched ropes with bamboo crossbars, it was dangerous to go (IN) TWO.
(ON) AT THE BEGINNING, Gosh THAT (SAME) was afraid of the stern huntsman, but was soon completely captivated by his ability to handle horses and dogs.
Let's expand the brackets.

FINALLY, the case was transferred to the district court, after which our opponents went BACK.
DURING the year, the output at the enterprise doubled.
If you're REALLY living your dream, it's important to keep believing in it, NO matter what others tell you.
It was dangerous to walk ON THIS bridge, which was two stretched ropes with bamboo crossbars.
AT THE BEGINNING, Gosha was ALSO afraid of the stern huntsman, but soon he was completely captivated by his ability to handle horses and dogs.

In the last sentence, the adverb AT THE BEGINNING and the union are ALSO written together.
Answer: at first.
6. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

While the road was near the swamps, (B) IN SIGHT of a pine forest, deviating all the time (B) BOK, we kept frightening whole broods of ducks sheltering here.
(B) DURING the whole day, our detachment hardly walked forward, moving (TO) FEEL.
In the forest (IN) AUTUMN, it smelled of dampness, it was cold and dank, and we lit a fire in order to (WOULD) warm ourselves.
(ON) IN THE MIDDLE of the room there was a huge oak table, as well as (SAME) strong, to match the table, heavy chairs.
Marusya for a long time could not understand (WHY) WHY no one so directly, (C) MOVE can not give an answer to the question that tormented her.
Let's expand the brackets.

While the road went near the swamps, IN SIGHT of a pine forest, deviating sideways all the time, we kept frightening whole broods of ducks sheltering here.
DURING the whole day, our detachment with difficulty walked forward, moving by groping.
The forest smelled like AUTUMN dampness, it was cold and dank, and in order to warm ourselves, we lit a fire.
IN THE MIDDLE of the room was a huge oak table, as well as strong, to match the table, heavy chairs.
For a long time Marusya could not understand WHY no one could give an answer to the question that tormented her so directly, ON THE GO.

In the first sentence, the noun VID carries the preposition В; in this sentence is the expression spatial relationships. Very rare, but still. For example: In view of the surrounding mountains, the area seemed especially attractive.
In the fourth sentence, the preposition IN THE MIDDLE and the union are ALSO written together.
Answer: in the middle.
7. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

From the point of view of the "young symbolists", the purpose of the symbol is SO (SAME) to express the realities of a higher order.
Mikhail was told (THAT) THE SAME as everyone else: the factory building was dilapidated, the conveyors were outdated, and (FOR) THAT the enterprise would be closed and the workers fired.
In Russia, (IN) FORCE known historical circumstances, Napoleon (C) AT THE BEGINNING was presented as a great personality, and then the era of debunking the idol began.
Traveling (IN) ALONE across native expanses is a good opportunity to comprehend the life lived, (FOR) AS WELL, one thoughts after another easily and calmly run on the road.
(B) AFTER it turned out that my fears about Alexei were not in vain, although (C) TO THE LOOK, he seemed to be “my boyfriend”.
Let's expand the brackets.

From the point of view of the "young symbolists", the purpose of the symbol is ALSO to express the realities of a higher order.
Mikhail was told the SAME thing that everyone else was told: the factory building was dilapidated, the conveyors were outdated, and THEREFORE, the enterprise will be closed and the workers fired.
In Russia, FOR the well-known historical circumstances, Napoleon was FIRST presented as a great personality, and then the era of debunking the idol began.
Traveling ALONE across native expanses is a good opportunity to comprehend the life lived, BECAUSE on the road thoughts easily and calmly run one after another.
SUBSEQUENTLY it turned out that my fears about Alexei were not in vain, although LOOKING LIKE he seemed to be “my boyfriend”.

In the first sentence, the unions: ALSO TO - are written together.
Answer: also to.
8. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

At the heart of symbolism is a sign, insight, (FOR) THIS, in the poetry of the symbolists, not rational, but intuitive thinking prevails: poems are like music, their content is vague, (FOR) THEN their very form carries a special “message”.
(NOT) VIEWING that the mushroom season was over, the forest (STILL) STILL smelled of mushroom dampness.
The name of Fedor Ushakov is a symbol of the Russian ability to win (PO)SUVOROVSKI, a symbol of fearlessness, as well as reasonable audacity and courage.
(C) CONCLUSION The old people asked that (WOULD) Mironych not be touched.
I wanted to win, but the game ended (IN) A DRAW, SO (WHAT) my soul was sad.
Let's expand the brackets.

At the heart of symbolism is a sign, insight, THEREFORE, in the poetry of the symbolists, not rational, but intuitive thinking prevails: poems are like music, their content is vague, ZATO their very form carries a special “message”.
DESPITE Mushroom season was over, the forest STILL smelled of damp mushrooms.
The name of Fedor Ushakov is a symbol of the Russian ability to win in the SUVOROV way, a symbol of fearlessness, as well as reasonable audacity and courage.
In conclusion, the old people asked that Mironych not be touched.
I wanted to win, but the game ended in a DRIVE, SO my heart was sad.

In the first sentence, the unions: THEREFORE AND ZATO - are written together.
Answer: therefore.
9. Define a sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(I) SO, Konstantin claimed that this trip added vitality, I said the SAME (SAME) thing.
TO be happy, you need to strive for success and at the SAME time you need to learn nobility in relation to the people around you.
Soon, the birds (CO) EVERYONE fell silent, except for one, which (ON) DIFFERENTLY chirped everyone.
The stranger disappeared around the corner AS (SAME) suddenly as he appeared, (FOR) THIS was not possible to consider him.
(AT) THE END the rain stopped, but SOME (WHERE) heavy masses of partly scattered clouds still crowded.
Let's expand the brackets.

SO, Konstantin claimed that this trip added vitality, I said the SAME.
TO be happy, you need to strive for success and at the same time you need to learn nobility in relation to the people around you.
Soon the birds were ALL silent, except for one, which DESPITE all the monotonous chirping.
The stranger disappeared around the corner AS suddenly as he appeared, SO it was not possible to see him.
FINALLY the rain stopped, but SOMEWHERE heavy masses of partly scattered clouds still crowded.

Answer: quite the contrary.
10. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

For her gullibility in her life (NOT) ONCE she had to pay a significant amount of money and lost (IN) EMPTY time.
Masha studied (IN) FAR from her hometown, (FOR) THAT she and her sister rarely saw each other.
He is (ON) SO accustomed to making others lie that he himself also lied (ON) THE GO, without even thinking.
SOMEWHERE (THAT) on the edge of the village the girls sang, (FROM) WHAT Matvey felt sad.
Levin did not think of anything, did not want anything, except for one thing: WHAT (WOULD) not lag behind the peasants and work AS (SAME) well as they do.
Here is the correct spelling:
For her credulity in her life more than once she had to pay a significant amount of money and wasted time. (MORE THAN ONCE it is written separately, because this adverb is not in -o, -e; WASTE is written together, because this is an adverb)
Masha studied FAR from her hometown, THEREFORE she rarely saw her sister. (FAR AWAY - adverb, spelled together; THEREFORE - union, spelled together)
He was SO accustomed to making others lie that he himself lied ON THE GO without even thinking about it. (SO SO - an adverb, written together; ON THE GO - an adverb that needs to be remembered)
SOMEWHERE, on the edge of the village, the girls began to sing, which made Matvey sad. (WHERE: -something, -either, -something are written with a hyphen; FROM WHAT - a pronoun with a preposition)
Levin did not think of anything, did not want anything, except for one thing: TO keep up with the peasants and work AS well as they do. (TO - union, SAME - demonstrative pronoun with a particle, the particle can be easily "thrown away")

Answer: far away therefore
11. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Along the coastline (FOR) a kilometer there are recreation centers with restaurants and cafes, as well as detached cottages.
Alexei (HOW) managed to earn enough money (WHAT) WOULD his brother continue to study.
(C) IN THE BEGINNING it seemed to me that there was nothing special in the works of Nikolai THEN (SAME).
In the evening, Pyotr Ivanovich sat again AT (THAT) same table, listened to Nastasya Ivanovna and tried to understand WHY (WHY) he felt so good in this house.
(B) FOR two hours, climbers climbed the mountainside, then moving (B) FORWARD, then sliding down again.
Here is the correct spelling:
Along the coastline WITHIN a kilometer there are recreation centers with restaurants and cafes, as well as detached cottages. (THROUGH - a preposition, written separately; ALSO - union, written together);
Alexei somehow managed to earn enough money that his brother continued to study. (SOMETHING is written with a hyphen; TO - union, written together);
AT FIRST, it seemed to me that there was ALSO nothing special in the works of Nikolai. (FIRST - adverb, written together; ALSO - union, written together);
In the evening, Pyotr Ivanovich sat again AT THE SAME table, listening to Nastasya Ivanovna and trying to understand WHY he felt so good in this house. (FOR THEM - demonstrative pronoun with a preposition; WHY - union, spelled together);
FOR two hours, the climbers climbed the mountainside, moving FORWARD, then sliding down again. (DURING - a preposition, written separately; FORWARD - adverb, written together).

Answer: first too
12. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

On Earth, even before the appearance of man (B) FOR millions of years, events took place that changed our planet: mountain ranges rising from sea waters were undermined by snow waters, as well as (SAME) by glaciers that descended from mountain peaks.
In many countries, recreational areas are being expanded (FROM) THROUGH extensive areas of former quarries: (FOR) EXAMPLE, in Greece, several quarries are planned to be developed, where sports fields, attractions and beaches will be located.
(B) CONTINUED for long hours Andrei Rublev remained in the temple (IN) ONE with his teacher Theophan the Greek, who revealed the secrets of painting to the icon painter.
The peculiar composition of the text is determined by variable repetitions, when the thesis (C) of the BEGINNING is formulated, and (FOR) THEM is repeated many times.
Lightning flashed, and hordes of clouds rushed WHERE (THAT) (TO) FAR.
Here is the correct spelling.
On Earth, even before the appearance of man, FOR (the preposition is written separately) for millions of years, events took place that changed our planet: mountain ranges rising from the sea waters were undermined by snow waters, and ALSO (the union is spelled together: it can be replaced by the union I) by glaciers that descended from the mountain peaks.
In many countries, recreation areas are being expanded AT THE CAUSE of (the derivative preposition is written separately) vast areas of former quarries: FOR EXAMPLE, in Greece, several quarries are planned to be developed, where sports fields, attractions and beaches will be located.
IN CONTINUATION (derivative preposition) for long hours, Andrei Rublev remained in the temple ALONE (the adverb is spelled together) with his teacher Theophan the Greek, who revealed the secrets of painting to the icon painter.
The peculiar composition of the text is determined by variable repetitions, when the thesis FIRST (the adverb is written together) is formulated, and THEN (the adverb is written together) is repeated many times.
Lightning flashed, and hordes of clouds flew away SOMEWHERE (-SOMETHING, -OR, -NEVER are written with a hyphen) Away (the adverb is written together).

Answer: first, then.
13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(IN) AFTER I often went to that old square, TO (WOULD) immerse myself in my memories of my first love and again feel the sweet taste of happiness.
(B) DURING the day, the rain did not subside, because in the house THEN (SAME) it became damp and chilly.
In many of Ostrovsky's plays, a separate city (often a provincial one) is depicted as NOT (something) specific, closed and self-sufficient place, the image of which is the embodiment of Russia (B) TOTAL.
“(I)SO, today we will sum up our work,” said the director (B) at the beginning of the meeting with a smile.
Being more than thirty years (IN) THE PLACE, the spouses (ON) STILL loved each other, treated each other with tenderness and respect.
Here is the correct spelling:
AFTER I often went to that old square to immerse myself in my memories of my first love and feel the sweet taste of happiness again.
DURING the day, the rain did not subside, because the house ALSO became damp and chilly.
In many of Ostrovsky's plays, a separate city (often provincial) is depicted as SOME specific, closed and self-sufficient place, the image of which is the embodiment of Russia AS A WHOLE.
“SO, today we will sum up our work,” the director said with a smile AT THE BEGINNING of the meeting.
Being TOGETHER for more than thirty years, the spouses STILL loved each other, treated each other with tenderness and respect.

Answer: subsequently.
14. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) UNLIKE many, M. Gorky did not chase fame; he was not afraid of criticism, but SAME (SAME) did not feel joy from the praise of a fool or ignoramus.
My father was a (REALLY) skillful carpenter, (FOR) THEN, and for his cheerful disposition he was respected in the village.
Even in ancient times, people dreamed of WHAT (WOULD) rise into the sky: in the legend of Daedalus and Icarus, which was created by the ancient Greeks, (JUST) this dream was reflected.
One night I woke up with a strange feeling: it seemed to me that I had gone deaf in my sleep; I lay there for a long time, listening, and finally realized that I had not gone deaf, but (FOR) SIMPLY, an unusual silence had come outside the walls of the house.
The fighters walked (ON) TWO, (ON) BEHIND the column a wagon with a field kitchen was dragged.
Here is the correct spelling:
UNLIKE many others, M. Gorky did not pursue fame; he was not afraid of criticism, but ALSO did not feel joy from the praise of a fool or ignoramus.
My father was a REALLY skilled carpenter, FOR THAT, and for his cheerful disposition, he was respected in the village.
Even in ancient times, people dreamed of Rising into the sky: in the legend of Daedalus and Icarus, which was created by the ancient Greeks, this dream was reflected EXACTLY.
One night I woke up with a strange sensation: I felt as if I had gone deaf in my sleep; I lay there for a long time, listening, and finally realized that I was not deaf, but SIMPLY an unusual silence had come outside the walls of the house.
The fighters walked in TWO, BEHIND the column dragged a wagon with a field kitchen.

Answer: as if, simply.
15. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Among the realistic features of Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", among other things, is the construction of the play based on two storylines. (WHERE) both components - love and socio-political - are manifested in the character of Chatsky.
Those present in the room spoke IN (FLOOR) VOICES, and no matter how hard I tried to understand AT LEAST (WOULD) something, I did not make out a word.
(B) DURING the day, I EVERYTHING (SAME) managed to catch a few goldfish.
(AS) ONCE Masha unwrapped a paper bag with dried lavender flowers, the room (C) IMMEDIATELY filled with a truly wonderful aroma.
WHATEVER others say about the silent Denisk, I considered this boy a talented student, a devoted friend and, (IN) THE END, just a good person.
Here is the correct spelling:
The realistic features of Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", among other things, also include the construction of the play based on two storylines. Moreover, both components - love and socio-political - are manifested in the character of Chatsky.
Those present in the room were talking in an undertone, and no matter how hard I tried to understand AT LEAST something, I could not make out a word.
DURING the day, I STILL managed to catch a few goldfish.
AS ONCE Masha unwrapped the paper bag with dried lavender flowers, the room was IMMEDIATELY filled with a truly wonderful aroma.
WHAT others might say about the silent Denisk, I considered this boy a talented student, a devoted friend and, FINALLY, just a good person.

Answer: also.
16. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

TO (WOULD) get to the river, where there were a lot of fish, it was necessary (C) to start driving forty kilometers on a narrow gauge railway, and then walk thirty kilometers.
Yevgeny Bazarov - the main character of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" - had no one who (REALLY) REALLY understood him, believed him, respected and loved him and to whom he himself would treat SO (SAME).
It was dark in the forest, (FOR) THAT it was warm and quiet, and (FOR) FOR a whole hour I sat on an old stump, inhaling the forest aromas and listening to the silence.
(BY) WHAT Grandma said, it was clear (FOR) HOW much she loved her village and her little log cabin.
(FROM) FOR the loud noise Lyonka (FOR) SIMPLY did not hear the words of Varya.
Here is the correct spelling:
TO get to the river, where there were a lot of fish, it was necessary FIRST to go forty kilometers on a narrow gauge railway, and then thirty kilometers to walk.
Yevgeny Bazarov - the main character of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" - did not have anyone who would REALLY understand him, believe him, respect and love him, and to whom he himself would treat the SAME.
It was dark in the forest, BUT warm and quiet, and FOR a whole hour I sat on an old stump, breathing in the forest aromas and listening to the silence.
FROM WHAT Grandmother said, it was clear HOW much she loved her village and her little log cabin.
BECAUSE OF THE LOUD NOISE Lenka SIMPLY didn't hear Varya's words.

Answer: to first
17. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

The written language, although it is animated (ON) MINUTELY by the expressions that are born in the conversation, but should not renounce what it has acquired (IN) FOR centuries.
It is necessary that (WOULD) each phrase express a thought or an image, and (IN) THIS is as accurate and complete as possible.
(IN) THE CIRCLE it was SO (SAME) quiet as the day before.
(B) CONTINUED all the way through the forest Egor walked silently, noiselessly, raising (ON) ABOVE his legs, so as not to catch on to something.
From time to time a breeze swept in and pinched the face, it was (FOR) WINTER frosty, (FOR) THEN the beauty everywhere was extraordinary.
Here is the correct spelling:
Although the written language is enlivened PER MINUTE by the expressions that are born in conversation, it should not renounce what it has acquired DURING the centuries.
It is necessary that each phrase expresses a thought or image, and BECAUSE it is as accurate and complete as possible.
AROUND it was AS quiet as it had been the day before.
DURING the entire journey through the forest, Yegor walked silently, noiselessly, raising his legs HIGH so as not to catch on to something.
An occasional breeze blew my face, it was WINTERLY frosty, BUT the beauty everywhere was extraordinary.

Answer: besides.
18. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Snow under the pressure of the wind flew (TO) MEETING (B) DOWN the street.
The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl must be seen (DURING) DURING the rain, when a huge cloud stops as if to (Would) admire the temple.
Few (FOR) REAL knew Rakhmaninov: he approached people with (C) WORK, opened himself to a few.
It is forbidden for cars to drive on Red Square (FOR) REASON for the special cultural status of this place and (B) IN SIGHT of a large number of people who want to walk this square on foot.
Forest birds do not live long in a cage, (WHERE) I decided to release my bee-eater into the wild; he sat down on a bough of a nearby tree and, as if saying goodbye to me, sang a song.

Snow under the pressure of the wind flew TOGETHER ALONG the street.
The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl must be seen DURING the rain, when a huge cloud stops as if in order to admire the temple.
Few people REALLY knew Rakhmaninov: he approached people WITH WORK, opened himself to a few.
It is forbidden for cars to drive on Red Square BECAUSE of the special cultural status of this place and DUE TO the large number of people who want to walk this area on foot.
Forest birds do not live long in a cage, THEREFORE I decided to release my bee-eater; he sat down on a bough of a nearby tree and, as if saying goodbye to me, sang a song.
Answer: towards along
19. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) SOON our boat went to the very middle of the river; when the farmstead appeared around the bend, one of the women sitting in the boat bowed her head (ON) SIDE and sang softly.
My guide took off his wet clothes, wrapped himself in a dry blanket and said WHAT (WOULD) I did the SAME thing.
(FOR) FOR several years, my father and I collected coins, SO (WHAT) we have an impressive collection.
Before leaving, Oleg decided EVERYTHING (TAKI) to inform his parents about his imminent arrival, so as not to catch them (B) by surprise.
Vasyutka wanted to make a surprise for mom (FOR) REALLY unexpected, FOR (THIS) he kept all the preparations a secret.
Let's define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out these two words.
SOON our boat came out into the middle of the river; when the farmstead appeared around the bend, one of the women sitting in the boat tilted her head to one side and sang softly.
My guide took off his wet clothes, wrapped himself in a dry blanket and told me to do the same.
OVER THE YEARS, my father and I have been collecting coins, SO THAT we have an impressive collection.
Before leaving, Oleg decided to ALL THE SAME tell his parents about his imminent arrival, so as not to take them by surprise.
Vasyutka wanted to make a surprise for his mother REALLY unexpected, THEREFORE he kept all the preparations a secret.

Answer: soon, sideways.
20. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Freud fundamentally, (FOR) SCIENTIFIC approached such a secret of humanity as dreams, and thereby confirmed how complex a person is, and ALSO (SAME) his inner world.
The third bell had already sounded, but the auditorium was STILL (SEM) EMPTY.
Savrasov came to the outskirts of the village of Molvitina, TO (WOULD) look (IN) CLOSELY at the old church.
(B) DURING the day, the heat did not subside, and only in the evening (AT) THE END it started to rain.
(FOR) THE way the dog behaved, it was clear that he was worried about something, (FOR) THEN the cat sitting on the doghouse purred blissfully.
Let's define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out these two words.
Freud fundamentally, SCIENTIFICLY approached such a mystery of humanity as dreams, and thereby confirmed how complex a person is, as well as (=) his inner world.
The third bell had already sounded, but the auditorium was STILL HALF-EMPLOYED.
Savrasov came to the outskirts of the village of Molvitina TO look NEARLY at the old church.
DURING the day, the heat did not subside, and only in the evening it FINALLY began to rain.
BY THAT (why?), how the dog behaved, it was clear that he was worried about something, ZATO the cat sitting on the doghouse purred blissfully.

Answer: close.
21. Define a sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) CONTINUATION of the conversation, she was mostly silent, and it was difficult for me to understand WHY (WHAT) she came for.
(By) the way this person carries himself, it is clear that he (IN) EVERYTHING is used to being the first.
Lake Beloe (FROM) THAT is charming that (IN) AROUND it is a dense variety of vegetation.
It's hard to even imagine WHAT (WOULD) happen to me IF (WOULD) the ship was late.
(FOR) BECAUSE, as Leo Tolstoy was silent in concentration, his relatives could guess (FOR) HOW hard his brain is working now.
Let's define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

DURING the conversation, she was mostly silent, and it was difficult for me to understand WHY she had come.
BY THE way this person carries himself, it is clear that he is used to being the first in EVERYTHING.
Lake Beloye is BECAUSE and charming that AROUND it is a dense variety of vegetation.
It's hard to even imagine WHAT WOULD happen to me IF the ship was late.
BY THE way L. N. Tolstoy was silent with concentration, his relatives could guess HOW intensely his brain is working now.

Answer: because of the circle.
22. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Next year, the actress, beloved by the audience, plans to act in (B) CONTINUATION of the series, as well as (SAME) in the new film of the Italian director.
(B) FORCE of age, grandmother was used to not being surprised, and therefore, whatever (WHAT) happened, she interpreted in her own way.
(B) DURING a long winter, coal, which (ON) TWO winterers carried on dogs, heated living quarters on the shores of Lake Taimyr.
(B) AS A CONSEQUENCE of a severe drought that happened in July, the river became shallow, (FROM) THEN the pasture was moved to a distant lake.
(C) RIGHT from the front door was a large box with ANY (THAT) tools.
Let's define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Next year, the actress, beloved by the audience, plans to star in the CONTINUED series, as well as in the new film by the Italian director.
BECAUSE of age, my grandmother was used to not being surprised, and therefore, EVERYTHING that happened, she interpreted everything in her own way.
DURING the long winter, coal, which was carried by two winterers on dogs, heated the living quarters on the shore of Lake Taimyr.
DUE TO a severe drought that happened in July, the river became shallow, THEREFORE the pasture was moved to a distant lake.
TO THE RIGHT of the front door was a large box with SOME tools.

Answer: because of that.
23. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) CONTINUED for three hours Mishka and Borka argued heatedly about (FOR) WHAT the numbers are drawn on the telegraph poles and what they mean.
The sun does not shine in the north, but BUD(TO) (C) EASILY shines through the translucent thick glass.
It is difficult to explain (FROM) WHERE (SOME) WHAT habits come from.
Levitan, AS (SAME), as Pushkin, Tyutchev and many others, was waiting for autumn - the most expensive and (PAST) SUMMER season.
At the tables, on which stood dozens of cutlery and containers (IN) THE LIKENESS of jugs, only (ON) TWO sat down.
Let's define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

FOR THREE HOURS Mishka and Borka argued heatedly about WHY the numbers were drawn on telegraph poles and what they meant.
The sun does not shine in the north, but LITTLE shines through the translucent thick glass.
It's hard to explain WHERE SOME habits come from.
Levitan, JUST like Pushkin, Tyutchev and many others, was waiting for autumn - the most expensive and Fleeting time of the year.
At the tables, on which stood dozens of appliances and containers LIKE jugs, only TWO sat down.

Answer: like a little.
24. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

Dante mentions the church of San Miniato and the staircase leading to it (FOR) TO (WOULD) show how high and difficult the stairs carved into the slopes of the sacred mountain were for people.
It seemed to Korsakov that the authors of critical articles did not say what (WOULD) they wanted to say, and (WHERE) they were irritated.
(B)DIFFERENT from most art communities, the circle of interests of the "World of Art" was unusually wide: "World of Art" worked a lot in the theater, designed books, did interior projects, and ALSO (SAME) spoke in print on various issues of art.
On the SAME day, when Bazarov was explaining to Arkady in the garden, (WHY) WHY the young oak trees did not start, he met Fenechka.
For I. A. Bunin, and SO (SAME) for many others (IN) THROUGHOUT his whole life, L. N. Tolstoy remained the creator of absolute values ​​in the field of artistic creativity.
Let's expand the brackets.
Dante mentions the church of San Miniato and the staircase leading to it THEN TO (“then to” is a compound union of the goal, both words are written together) to show how high and difficult the stairs carved into the slopes of the sacred mountain were for people.
It seemed to Korsakov that the authors of critical articles did not say WHAT WOULD (the pronoun WHAT WOULD be written separately with the particle) they wanted to say, and BECAUSE (the pronominal adverb is written together) are irritated.
UNLIKE (the derivative preposition is spelled separately) from most communities of artists, the circle of interests of the "World of Art" was unusually wide: "World of Art" worked a lot in the theater, designed books, worked on interior projects, and ALSO (the union is spelled together) appeared in print on various questions of art.
ON THE SAME (the demonstrative pronoun with the particle SAME is written separately) the day when Bazarov in the garden explained to Arkady WHY ( allied word) young oak trees did not start, he met Fenechka.
For I. A. Bunin, and ALSO (the union is spelled together) for many others THROUGHOUT (the derivative preposition is written separately) throughout his life, L. N. Tolstoy remained the creator of absolute values ​​in the field of artistic creativity.

Answer: then

1. In which word are all consonants soft? 1. Serenity 2) decade 3) consolation 4) commentary
2. Which word has the sound [z]? 1) land surveyor 2) freeze 3) give up 4) turn green
3. In which row does each word consist of a prefix, a root, one suffix and an ending?
defrosted, sumptuous, oily, stirred
powdery, spinning, debilitating, dry out
twisted, cooking, hidden, stalled
coloring, pre-evening, grounding, trimmed
4. How many morphemes stand out in the word relative
1)3 2)4 3)5 4)6
5. What is the way of forming the word below.
1) Attached
2) suffix
3) prefixed-suffixal
4) non-suffix
6. The letter O is written
1) decrement value
2) wire fencing
3) suppose
4) ur_understand in rights
5) rebirth
7. The letter E is written
1) recipient
2) spread the bedspread
3) uproot
4) irreconcilable
5) hide
8. Mark the gap numbers where the particle NOT is written. How n ____ (1) twist, but n ____ (2) where n ____ (3) you can get away from worries. H_ (4) one of them did not follow the new teacher.
9. Mark the numbers of the sentences where the words are written separately.
Everyone gets to work; everyone in our tent is busy.
All around was as quiet as the day before.
And _ so, I have to go, I was late.
He is old, but his soul is young.
They argued for a long time, then fell silent.
10. What complex sentence consists of two indefinite personal sentences?
I’ll go out to the lake into the blue avenue, evening grace pours into my heart.
At least they laugh at braggarts, and often they get shares in the division.
They forgot about the light of the evening windows, they blew out the warm, red hearth.
I'll sit down and think about how I can live on.
11. Which sentence is not impersonal?
I'm cold and scared.
Life is good.
To live well.
It's damp and dirty all around.
12. Mark the sentences in which there are NO errors in the transmission of direct speech. 1) They repeatedly asked him about what impressions he had from the trip.
2) The boy told his friend that I would not be able to come to the birthday party.
3) The collective farmer said that: "The horse is harnessed and you can go."
4) The old woman Izergil, recalling her youth, said that I wove carpets from sunrise to sunset.
5) The teenager tried to convince his friend that I was not to blame for what happened.
13. In what phrase is the type of word connection - management? 1) Buying a house; 2) second number; 3) learn to draw; 4) it's a tree.
14. Which sentence is a complex non-union? 1) Before a thunderstorm in the forest it is so good, as if everything around is smoking with fragrant fumes.
2) The sky cleared up from the sunset edge, the sun came out.
3) I cannot see the light of the sun, nor is there room for my roots.
4) According to the latest meteorological data, warming is expected.
15. Which group of one-part does this proposal belong to?
Without birds, there would be no our crops.
definitely personal
indefinite personal
16. Mark the numbers of sentences where the words in italics are NOT separated by commas. 1) A Polish girl from Krakow took care of me.
2) The glorious son of the Ukrainian people Bogdan Khmelnitsky headed liberation war.
3) He was a careful reader who was allowed to take up to a dozen books at once.
4) A joker and a merry fellow, he quickly won over people.
1) Georgian villages_ are solid gardens.
2) These plains are like an endless sea.
3) The arrival of cranes is a sign of spring.
4) Agatha Christie __ the most popular author of the detective genre.
5) Our duty ____ to improve knowledge
18. Mark the numbers of words with stress on the FIRST syllable. 1) re-men 2) gna-la 3) i-skra 4) a-rest
19. In what series are not all words synonymous?
languish, fade away, melt 2) approve, praise, show off
3) cunning, cunning, hypocrisy 4) tired, exhausted, exhausted
20. All words in a row belong to one part of speech
drawing, weak 4) bright, given
earth, earthen 5) leave, meditate
kids, kitchen
21. Listen to the text and do the tasks.
(1) The brother was clumsy. (2) Broad-shouldered and round-headed. (3) His eyes were not golden, like his sister's, but gray, like a foggy forest morning. (4) Born and raised in the city, for some reason he perfectly imitated the cries of animals and birds. (5) Volodya possessed such a rare and useless talent for the city. (6) A strange shifted harmony distinguished him from most of his classmates. (7) With it, he atoned for physical unattractiveness, which, however, in combination with shifted harmony, was no longer perceived as unattractive. (8) Everything in Volodya was a little different. (9) He was kind and simple, never shouted, never said stupid things. (10) If he promised something, he always fulfilled it. (11) To all who turned to him, he treated with the participation, which, in fact, is expected by people who apply for something. (12) But they rarely wait ... (13) The girls teased Volodya, but they preferred him to any of the handsome classmates. (14) Volodya was so attracted by kindness and simplicity ...
A. Which of the following statements is not consistent with the content given text? 1. The physical unattractiveness of Volodya repelled everyone around him.
2. Volodya's physical unattractiveness was redeemed by his kindness and simplicity.
3. Volodya had a rare but useless talent.
4. Volodya was very different from his peers.
B. Which proverb reflects the main idea of ​​the text? 1. Simplicity is worse than theft.
2. Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy.
3. Do not be born handsome, but be born good.
4. The simpler the better.
B. What style of speech does the text belong to?
1. Journalistic 2. artistic 3. scientific 4. official-business D. What type of speech does the text belong to?
1) Description 2) narrative 3) reasoning with elements of description 4) narrative with elements of reasoning
E. Which sentences are not linked by a personal pronoun?
1)2 and G 2) G and 4 3)6 and 7 4)7 and 8
Option 2.
1. In which word are all consonants soft?
1. Bulletin 2. Cut 3. Silver 4. Pinch.
2. Which word has a sound [z "]?
1. get hold of 2. in advance 3. mirror 4. synthesis
3. In which row does each word consist of a prefix, a root, one suffix and an ending?
weathered, quail, listened, viewed
legal, read, pasting, durable
hammering, detail, eversion, eaten
disheveled, great-grandfather, underestimated, coppice
4. How many morphemes stand out in the word compatriot?
1)3 2)4 3)5 4)6
5. What is the way of forming the word count.
1. attachment
3. prefix-suffix
6. The letter O is written 1) otr_leftO
2) split por_vnu
3) pay
4) reward
5) boots prom_cabin
7. The letter E is written 1) sd_rat seven skins
2) try_ryat rivals
3) gentle mode
4) purchased
5) bl_stely
8. Mark the gap numbers where the particle is written NOT What n __ (1) say, but we had a great rest in the summer: n __ (2) we had to n_ (3) hurry, n_ (4) fuss, n_ (5) nervous.
9. Mark the numbers of sentences where the words are written together.
The plane, by all means, had to be taken out of the fog.
The furniture is rough, but durable.
Because of this unfortunate answer, do not judge my knowledge.
You are as cheerful as ten years ago.
The heat at night is as unbearable as it is during the day.
10. Indicate indefinitely personal sentences. 1) Everyone asked him in detail about the trip. 2) I'm going to help!
3) Snow lies to the very edge of the water.
4) In the meantime, they will see us from the plane and save us.
5) The lights were never lit in the house in the evenings.
11. Which part of complex sentence does not include the impersonal?
The eyes are dark, and the soul froze.
Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world.
The scamp has already frozen his finger: it hurts and it's funny.
We knew very well that for a long time in this house they talked about how Alexei could decide on such an act.
12. Mark the sentences in which speech errors are NOT made when transmitting direct speech.
1) The seller asked the buyer what you would like to buy in the store.
2) I was afraid of rain, but the hunters said that "It's not a cloud, but fog."
3) Classmates told Sergei that we are no longer offended by you.
4) I woke up from some noise and asked what happened.
5) Lena directly refused the vacation and said that: "I don't want to go to the sanatorium now."
6) Adults tried to instill in a teenager that your grief right now can be helped.
13. In what phrase is the type of connection of words - adjacency? 1) spoke smiling; 2) looks at the ground; 3) fulfill the obligation; 4) known to everyone.
14 . Which statement about the offer is false? The sea murmured dully, and the waves ran up Sandy shore.
1) The sentence is compound;
2) the offer consists of two parts;
3) in the first sentence, the subject is the sea, the predicate is muffled;
4) in the second sentence grammatical basis- the waves ran.
15. Which of the sentences is compound (punctuation marks are not placed)? 1) The student himself laughed most cheerfully and loudest of all, and he most likely stopped laughing.
2) When a thunderstorm began, the game stopped and the children rushed to run home.
3) The Neva swelled and roared like a cauldron bubbling and swirling.
4) The pines stirred anxiously and rustled and groaned, creaked over their heads
16. Mark the numbers of sentences where the words in italics are NOT separated by commas.
1) The great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov wrote numerous works on higher nervous activity.
With him, a good-natured hero, Natasha was not afraid of anything.
The youth will come to him with time respect for wrinkles and gray hairs.
Vorontsov lived with his wife, the famous St. Petersburg beauty.
17. Mark the numbers of sentences in which a dash is NOT put at the gap.
1) Morning cold dews in August __ harbingers of September frosts.
Helen is beautiful on the outside, and Princess Mary is on the inside.
Spreading enthusiasm is a sign of limited understanding and taste.
Snow is like silk.
The madness of the brave __ is the wisdom of life.
18. Mark the numbers of words with emphasis on the first syllable 1) spa-la 2) double-native 3) chauffeur 4) bar-man
19. Which pair of words are not antonyms?
fabulous, miserly 2) reverently, irreverently
3) indifference, indifference 4) folly, prudence
20. All words in a row belong to one part of speech
kids, kitchen 4) thinking, leave
drawing, weak 5) given away, bright
earth, earthy
21. Listen to the text once and do the tasks.
(1) From ancient times in Rus', dwellings were built of wood. (2) There are many reasons for this.
(3) First, the Russian land has always been rich in forests. (4) Moscow was once completely covered with dense forests. (5) The memory of them is preserved in some geographical names: Borovitsky Hill, Maryina Grove, Serebryany Bor. (6) In ancient times, a person only had to go out with an ax outside the outskirts of his village in order to start cutting down the forest, so the tree is like construction material it was very cheap.
(7) Secondly, wood, unlike stone, is easy to process, which means that construction is going on very quickly. (8) A friendly artel of carpenters could put together a residential building or a small temple in one light day. (9) In addition, wooden structures are easily dismantled and transported to a new location. (10) Finally, a wooden dwelling is admittedly more hygienic. (11) It breathes. (12) In it, as they say, it is always dry, cool in summer, warm in winter. (13) It has been established that in forty-degree frost, pine walls only 20 cm thick can protect you from the cold, while brick walls must be three times thicker for this.
A. Which statement does not match the content of the text?
Stone houses are more practical and hygienic.
place names keep the memory of the ancient landscape of those countries.
The wooden structure is easy to disassemble and transport to a new location.
A wooden structure could be built in Rus' within one day.
B. What is the style and type of speech of the text?
1) conversational style; narration 2) art style; narration
3) scientific style; description 4) journalistic style; reasoning
B. Which sentence expresses the main idea of ​​the text? 7, 8 2) 1.2 3) 3, 4 4) 9, 10
D. How many arguments supporting the main idea are contained in the text?
1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 E. In which sentence are the words used in a figurative sense? 1)6 2) 7 3)11 4) 13
19. Final testing
1. Which word has more sounds than letters?
1) bee;
2) at night;
3) a snake;
4) oriole.
2. What word consists of a prefix, a root, two suffixes and an ending?
1) seaside;
2) tanned;
3) envious;
4) neglect.
3. Which of the following words means "very important for the present moment"? 1) grandiose;
2) up-to-date;
3) principled;
4) influential.
4. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?
1) leisure;
2) indulging;
3) understood;
4) given away.
5. Which sentence has a gerund?
1) Purple clouds, stretching to the west, barely missed the red rays.
2) In the distance, the windmill still flaps its wings, and still it looks like little man waving his arms.
3) The sun warms more and more, and the first thawed patches appeared on the hillocks.
4) The servant who galloped after him returned and reported to his master that, they say, Andrei Gavrilovich did not obey and did not want to return. (A. Pushkin)
6. In which line is the letter e missing in all cases?
1) following, spreading, warming by the sun, behind a green field;
2) pr_wise, frozen, processed_my product, on the opened forum;
3) to think, nut, he breathes, to visit the greenhouse;
4) enable, move, command, above the visible forest.
7. In which line in all words should you write b?
1) appoint (b) those, luxury (b), eight (b) th, about the bear (b) den;
2) reach (b), ver (b) fi, back (b), seven (b) hundred;
3) eat (s) those, lantern (s) schik, jump (s), nyan (s) read;
4) entertain (s), false (s), unbearable (s), eight (s) ten.
8. In which word is the letter o missing after the hissing?
1) lattice;
2) cheap;
3) barrel_nights;
4) push.
9. In which word is one letter n missing?
1) midday heat;
2) a broken stone;
3) broken line;
4) you are always scattered.
10. In what phrase is the type of word connection - management?
1) early wheat;
2) looks silently;
3) went to rest;
4) I am reading a book.
11. In which sentence do you need to put a dash? (Signs not posted.)
1) Mountains are like lush folds on the rich clothes of the earth.
2) Everything should be beautiful in a person: face and clothes, soul and thoughts.
3) Life is beautiful and amazing.
4) The Volga is the largest river in Europe.
12. In which sentence are the punctuation marks correct?
1) The leaves in the field have turned yellow, and are spinning and flying.
2) Sometimes a pole or log floats like a dead snake.
3) At night the wind gets angry, but knocks on the window.
4) He loved thick groves, solitude, silence and night, and the stars, and the moon.
13. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which commas should be in the sentences?
As a result of the rapid melting of snow (1), flooding is possible (2).
In the month of May (3), it is possible (4) that there will be frosts.
1) 1, 2, 3, 4; 2) 1, 2; 3) 3, 4; 4) 1, 3.
14. Which sentence needs only one comma?
1) The sun, hiding behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges.
2) Streams of smoke curled in the night air full of moisture and freshness of the sea.
3) In the Meshchersky region there are no features other than forests, meadows and clear air.
4) Stremglav ran down the stairs and ran out into the street.
15. Consider sentences with direct speech. Which one has a punctuation error?
1) “No,” Vanya said, “I can’t go now.”
2) "Well, well, well!" Valya laughed: “I won’t tell anyone.”
3) “What is your name?” the landlady asked.
4) “Really, stay, Pavel Ivanovich! - said Manilov, when they came out onto the porch. “Look at the clouds.”
16. In which example was a mistake made when replacing direct speech with indirect speech?
1) I finally asked her if she had any news from her son.
2) Pavel, leaving home, told his mother that on Saturday he would have guests from the city.
3) Chichikov said that he had not picked up checkers for a long time.
4) Bazarov answered Pavel Petrovich that arguing is not our business, first we need to clear the place.
Read the text and do the tasks for it.
1) Captain Scott's expedition to South Pole died in the terrible snowstorms that broke out in Antarctica in the spring of 1911.
2) Six people went to the pole on skis. 3) Went more than a month. 4) Five reached the pole. 5) One fell into a crevice and died of a concussion.
6) Near the pole, Scott, walking in front, suddenly stopped: something blackened in the snow. 7) That was the tent abandoned by Amundsen. 8) The Norwegian was ahead of the British.
9) Scott realized that this was the end, that they could not master the way back, could not drag their bloody legs through the icy snow. 10) Then poison was equally distributed to all.
11) On the way back, a silent Scot, Lieutenant Oto, fell ill. 12) He had gangrene in both legs. 13) Each step caused a sharp pain. 14) Otho knew that he was delaying the expedition, that everyone could die because of him. 15) And he found a way out.
16) Scott's diary, found along with four corpses a year after the expedition, says this:
17) “In the last 24 hours we have only done three miles. 18) (Not) despite the (in) human pain, Otho (did not) lag behind us, but we walked much quieter than we could (could). 19) Yesterday at night we stopped. 20) Otho gave me a note and asked me to pass it on to my relatives if we survived. 21) Then he got up and said, looking into my eyes: “I will go. I probably won't be back soon." 22) He did not return. 23) He acted like a noble man.”24) At the end of his diary, Scott wrote in trembling letters: 25) “I appeal to all mankind. 26) It should know that we risked, risked consciously, but we failed in everything. 27) If we had remained alive, I would have told such things about the high courage and simple greatness of my comrades that they would shock every person.
17. From sentences 17–19 write out the word (s) in which the letter c denotes the sound [z].
18. From sentence 5, write out the word (s) formed by the prefix-suffix method.
19. Write out sentence 18 from the text. When cheating, open the brackets. MAKE AN OFFER SCHEME
20. Among sentences 1–9, find sentences with separate members. Write down their numbers.
21. Read the text carefully again. Title it. Why do you think people deliberately take risks, discovering new lands, fossils, laying new paths? Is it necessary? Write down your reasoning in the form of a short essay