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How the world works around the world 3. Test on the world around on the topic "How does the world work?" (Grade 3). The concept of the multiverse. We and our world are a statistical accident

This article or section describes the situation in relation to only one region. You can help Wikipedia by adding information for other countries and regions... Wikipedia

- (from Tolkien) a fandom of fans of the books of J. R. R. Tolkien, with a close connection with the role-playing subculture. Contents 1 History 2 Some features ... Wikipedia

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Donetsk club "Mithril" role-playing games, primarily live-action role-playing games. Akin to role-playing are historical movements ... ... Wikipedia

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Lazare Ponticelli, the last surviving (confirmed) participant in the First World War from France with participants in historical reenactment dressed in the uniform of soldiers of that era Reenactors during maneuvers on the Molotov Sea line ... Wikipedia

Donetsk club "Mithril" Movement of role-playing games (RIG), Role-playing movement, role-players an informal community of people playing various role-playing games, primarily live-action role-playing games. Akin to role-playing are historical movements ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Mobbers (ed. 2014), Ryzhov Alexander Sergeevich. They call themselves mobbers. Their task is to shock the public and at the same time make dozens or even hundreds of completely different, unfamiliar people for a moment ...
  • Mobbers, Ryzhov A. They call themselves mobbers. Their task is to shock the public and at the same time make dozens, or even hundreds of completely different, unfamiliar people feel for a moment ...

How to determine who lives next door to you, studies shoulder to shoulder? What subculture do my acquaintances, passers-by belong to? I decided to post a more detailed story about who the “Roleviks” are, so that my further “Tales of the Rolevik” would be more understandable for readers. And if the topic interests you, then I will reveal an interesting and fascinating world in more depth.

Well, let's start perhaps. “We were born to make a fairy tale come true…”

Words from a song…


is an association of people who love history, love legends and myths. But they do not just like to read, but also try to experience on their own "skin" what our ancestors or the heroes of legends and fairy tales felt.

If you are interested in how a person in chain mail feels in the rain, how much you can run in armor, how you would behave in the place of a great magician, how the inquisitors proved the guilt of witches, what it means to get a sword on a helmet in a knightly tournament or be a princess, or feel like a serf - welcome to the world of roleplayers.

But remember - tourism should not be confused with immigration. A fairy tale in words real life turn into a rough day. Roleplayers build their world with their own hands. There are still very few far-sighted sponsors, and therefore, in order to become a knight, you need to acquire armor; to become a princess - you have to prove that you are a princess; to get to the polygon game - you need to be ready for life in the wild; to enjoy the game - you must learn to live.

Those who are ready to come to terms with the harsh reality and boldly look into the eyes of gray everyday life and work on themselves - read on. Who is not ready - also reads and enjoys. The main event in the life of every roleplayer is the Game.

A game is an attempt by role-players to live in real life a certain episode from the history of mankind or from a world created by writers, or any fictional world. The main difference between a game and a performance is the complete improvisation of all the characters taking part in the game. Games are different, but the most important and striking are the Polygon Games, which take place in nature: in forests, forest plantations, forest areas, lasting more than one day.

More about what games are, I'll tell you another time. In the meantime, a small digression into the history of rolevikov. So, where did the role-playing movement come from?

The founders of the Role Movement were members of the Fantasy Writers Club Soviet Union. In 1989, at the next congress of Fantasts, the work of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, and as part of the festival, it was decided to try to stage the events described in the book. The proposal was accepted and implemented with the writers' usual imagination and enthusiasm, and subsequently it was decided to make it an annual event. The people who took part in this event spread the idea throughout the expanse of the now Soviet Union, including Ukraine. The first Ukrainian club was created (and even officially registered in 1990). The Role Movement came to Zaporozhye in 1994, thanks to the acquaintance of young students with Valeria Alexandrovna Matorina (among the Role people affectionately referred to as VAMushka) Her translation of Tolkien's works was recognized the best translation into Russian. Well, this is probably the end of the digression into history.

Essence. The unconditional passion for the Middle Ages and fantasy dominates, of course. Role players live where dragons, demons, elves, gnomes and other magical creatures live. This is their way of life, but do not think that reality has turned away from them. After all, such people perfectly find a job, friends, family ... Interestingly, according to statistics, most of the role players are either psychologists or programmers. Of course, any of them loves fires, forests, nature, songs with a guitar. The role-playing movement, first of all, is built on friendly relations - you can’t live without them in our world, so everyone knows that if he gets into a difficult situation, they will be happy to help him.

Music. As the old truth says: "Not every metal worker - role player, but each role player– metalworker”, It follows that all role players, without exception, have a love for rock music, mainly for heavy metal. And, of course, to folk-rock stylized as old music... In Russia, these are either Celtic, Irish or Slavic national melodies, as well as role-playing songs, which are still accompanied by musical details of the Middle Ages and fantasy.

Appearance. First of all, of course, long hair. Regardless of gender, 90% roleplayers wear long hair. They also have all sorts of attributes of a historical type - metal bracelets, rings, rings, the use of various runes, leather shoulder pads, a hair lace across the forehead, well, and everything related to their lifestyle. IN casual clothes they are not much different from ordinary informals. But if wagering or training is carried out, then Old Russian shirts, chain mail, armor, raincoats, long beautiful dresses, fur and leather cuirasses are used, all this, together with weapons, such as a sword, bow, dagger, halberd, etc.

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How the world works. World around 3rd grade Teacher: Dovgal Natalya Valentinovna

Think. - Which of the above can be attributed to nature, and which is created by man? rain tractor cloud bear brick clay dandelion hammer oak book

Think. - How to divide these words into two groups? rain cloud bear clay dandelion oak Wildlife Inanimate nature

How to distinguish living nature from non-living? Wildlife breathes grows develops produces offspring dies feeds

Biology is a science that studies living things.

Scientists divide all living things into large kingdoms Kingdom of plants Kingdom of animals Kingdom of fungi Kingdom of bacteria

Work with the textbook. Read the text on pages 8-9 of the textbook. This is interesting!

What kingdoms do these organisms belong to?

What is the nature of man?

Nature is the source of ... Materials for Agriculture Air, food, water, kindness, beauty, knowledge of health

Work with the textbook. Read the text on page 6 of the textbook. Answer questions 1, 2 3 on page 7.

Thank you for your work!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation on the world around for grade 2 "Rivers of the Earth. Parts of the river" Compiled on the basis of the textbook "The World Around" for grade 2. Author O.T. Poglazova

The presentation on the world around was developed on the basis of the textbook "The World Around" for grade 2. Author O.T. Poglazov. Theme of the lesson "Rivers of the Earth. Parts of the river" Program "Harmony" ...

Everything that surrounds us around - forests, mountains, seas, rivers, air, sun, animals and plants - is nature: it does not include only what is made by human hands. In turn, nature can be animate and inanimate. All parts of the world around us are inextricably linked. Let's learn more about how the world and nature works.

Inanimate nature

We live in the world of nature, thanks to which the existence of all life on our planet has become possible. Initially, inanimate nature originated on Earth. Its objects include mountains, water, earth, air, celestial bodies.

A layer of soil was formed from the mountains, and under the influence solar energy and heat in the water, and then on the earth, the first life was born. These were microbes and the simplest microorganisms that, in the course of evolution, learned to breathe, eat and multiply on land.

Rice. 1. Microbes.

Inanimate objects have the following properties:

  • They can be in various states: solid, liquid or gaseous. In the solid state, they are distinguished by high strength (stone, sand, mountain, earth), in the liquid state they have no definite shape (water, cloud, fog, drop), in the gaseous state they are vapor and air.
  • They do not need food, respiration and reproduction. They can change their size or shape, but not on their own, but only under external influence.
  • Objects of inanimate nature cannot be born and die. They appear and do not disappear anywhere, but only pass from one state to another.
  • They cannot move independently.

Rice. 2. Mountains are objects of inanimate nature.

Live nature

Objects of wildlife - people, animals, plants, microbes. They are strikingly different from the inanimate world. Their features include:

  • The ability to breathe and eat.
  • Living organisms are born, develop throughout life, and then die. The origin of human or animal life begins with the formation of an embryo, and a plant develops from a tiny seed.

Rice. 3. Human embryo.

  • The ability to reproduce.

In nature there is a large number of breeding methods. Plants can produce their own kind with the help of seeds, spores, parts of their body (tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, shoots). Animals lay eggs or give birth to live young.

  • The life cycle of any living organism goes through several stages: birth - development - reproduction - death.

It is noteworthy that living and inanimate nature cannot exist separately from each other - in our world everything is interconnected. For example, plants - objects of wildlife - cannot exist without sunlight, air and water. They can form nutrients with the help of carbon dioxide, which is contained in the air, and only in the light. Reproduction of plants occurs due to the wind, which spreads the seeds on the ground. And this is just one example of the inextricable connection between animate and inanimate nature, and there are countless of them.

Control test on the world around How the world works Grade 3 with answers. The test includes 6 tasks.

Check what you have learned by studying this section. In front of each skill, put one of the signs:

"+" - I can do it;
"−" - sometimes I experience difficulties;
"?" - I find it difficult to answer.

1. Classify objects of nature.
2. Recognize and reveal the value of nature for people.
3. Observe and describe how a person learns the world.
4. Detect relationships in nature.
5. Understand the role of society in human life.
6. Recognize the need for a responsible attitude towards nature.

Make sure your answers are correct. To do this, complete tasks 1-6. Please note: task numbers are the same as skill numbers.

1. Write the following words in the diagram: plants, wildlife, bacteria, animals, fungi, inanimate nature.

Where can you write the word "lichen"?

2. Review the drawings. Write down the role nature plays in people's lives.

3. Establish a correspondence between terms and their definitions.

4. Give some examples of the relationships shown in the diagram.

5. Describe yourself as a member of society. Insert missing words.

The closest part of society to me is ___________,
I am a citizen of ___________, which is called Russian Federation.
Together with all the peoples of the Earth, I am part of ___________.

6. What conservation measures should be taken? Circle the numbers of the correct answers.

1) Do not pluck plants listed in the Red Book.
2) Do not visit forests, meadows, banks of rivers and lakes.
3) To equip plants and factories with modern treatment facilities.
4) Do not build roads and new settlements.

Answers to control test around the world How the world works Grade 3
Nature: living, inanimate;
living: plants, animals, fungi, bacteria.
Lichens can be attributed to the fungi kingdom.
2. nature gives man food;
fresh air and sunlight necessary for human health.
3. A4 B3 B2 D1
4. Insects feed on nectar and promote plant reproduction.
5. The closest part of society to me is family. I am a citizen states called the Russian Federation. Together with all the peoples of the Earth, I am part of humanity.
6. 1 3