Children's books      14.12.2021

Statuses about pity statement about pity

Pity is sympathy for the misfortune of others, and gloating is joy over such, and this sympathy and this joy are not caused either by enmity. We pity even strangers and people who are completely indifferent to us; if our gloating towards another person is caused by harm or resentment, then it is vindictiveness.
D. Hume

Pity is a feeling that binds the mind in the presence of what is serious and constant in human suffering, and thereby unites with the suffering person.
D. Joyce

Self-pity is only a somewhat disguised contempt for oneself, and therefore we will leave it to those who are truly worthy of contempt.
T. Williams.

The one who always complains is never pitied.
Thomas Fuller

Self-pity makes you callous to others.
Mason Cooley

We don't like to be pitied for our mistakes.
Luc de Vauvenargues

One should never regret that a person is overwhelmed by passions. It's the same as if we began to regret that he is human.
André Maurois

Only a very unhappy person has the right to feel sorry for another.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Have pity on me, says the Christian soul, because I have committed a sin.
Jacques Maritain

Pity is the kind of thing that is always missing every time you need it most.
R. Zelazny

Pity for the executioners becomes cruelty towards the victims.
R. Rollan

How often do we have to regret
About what we have achieved.
W. Shakespeare

Truly pitiful is he who seeks an easy life.
D. Jordan

Of all the ways to make a person humane and compassionate, the surest is to accustom him with early age identify with the unfortunate and see yourself in them.

Do not feel sorry for yourself - this is the most proud, beautiful wisdom on earth.

Do not pity the dead, pity the living - and above all those who live without love.

It is necessary that no one in the world count on the compassionate, because there are few of them, and even in them one can make a mistake, and then it will be worse. And severity is better: with it, everyone takes care of himself more and, fearing evil people, gets the best for himself in everything.

The unfortunate are not denied pity, as long as they do not ask for more.

The weak string of a woman is pity, so easily turning into love.

Those who have nothing should be content with consolation.

Self-pity is only a somewhat disguised contempt for oneself, and therefore we will leave it to those who are truly worthy of contempt.

We pity even strangers and people who are completely indifferent to us; if our gloating towards another person is caused by harm or insult, then it is ... revenge. In pity there is always an admixture of love or tenderness, and in gloating - an admixture of hatred or anger.

In pity there is always an admixture of love or tenderness, and in gloating - an admixture of hatred or anger.

Iconic Worthy Pity Quotes

Pity ... is different from compassion and is, in fact, a drawback, which consists in the fact that everything is limited to mere regret.

I cooked dinner, I'm afraid to try, I feel sorry for the cat ... I'll wait for my husband ...

Spare the bad if the good must perish with it.

You don't have to be moved to be touched.

Pity is a feeling that binds the mind in the presence of everything that is serious and constant in human suffering, and unites it with a suffering person.

We pity more than those who do not seek our compassion.

Pity is the sister of contempt.

The owner regrets that the wolf has kidnapped; the wolf is about what is left.

The desire to arouse pity or admiration is what often forms the basis of our frankness.

Love is not worthy of pity, but it is - sympathy, empathy ...

To regret... Whether to regret or not to regret - this is how false people put the question. You still find the strength to regret. Weak, but feigned invents what needs to be respected. To regret means to respect, but even more so.

Do not regret what you will not return.

It is not a pity that a person was born or died, that he lost his money, house, estate, all this does not belong to a person. And it's a pity when a person loses his true property - his human dignity.

No matter how respectfully the female half of your family treats you, no matter how much she appreciates your dignity and authority, secretly she always looks at you like a donkey and has something like pity for you.

Pity is the most useless thing in the world. She - back side gloating.

... pity can be higher than love, and friendship is stronger than despair.

And what man knows what lies ahead of him? Can anyone know whether in time the one whom he pities today will not seem happy to him?

Watch what you say... Have pity on those who digest It all... to avoid verbal diarrhea.

Pity in love is an unrequited feeling ...

Men do not like to be pitied, but very often this is what drives a woman in relation to men ...

Work is not a wolf, you can not shoot. It's a pity, right?...

Do not regret what was, rejoice in what is, but wish for more!

Where there is pity, there is no respect.

The most fierce beast is no stranger to pity. I'm a stranger, so I'm not a beast ...

I’m sorry more than you, but you yourself regret it a little: you are almost perfect, only you don’t know how to love.

Don't feel sorry! I'm addicted to this!

Pity kills the person himself, because you stop living your life and this is not love, this is just a semblance of a relationship when it suits one, but does not bring happiness to both !!!

Envy, like pity, is a nasty feeling for imperfect natures. It doesn't threaten me. I am self-sufficient and autonomous.

Pity can be reserved for suffering animals

The only being in the world who is not worthy of pity is yourself.


A stupid state ... it seems not needed ... but it's a pity to let go (((

Whether one should pity or one should not pity - this is how false people put the question.

Most of all, I feel sorry for lost children, humiliated men, women who fall out of love and forgotten old people.

Pity is a very good and noble feeling... But where you expect UNDERSTANDING, pity humiliates...

I'm the only one who can pity me! The rest are allowed to either worship or hate!

If you meet a bad person, take pity on him. You endure him - nothing at all, but him himself - all his life.

The envy of others must be earned. Pity will be yours for free.

I kiss the hands of the executioner: -Magician, don't hurt me! Believe me, and I've had enough ... I, if you want, will even scream !!!

"A generous heart can love out of pity"

I can't help but feel sorry for my exes, because they are my past, without which I would not be what I am now !!!

If you constantly feel sorry for a person, then he becomes somehow pathetic.

I don’t regret that we parted ... I regret that we met ...

I beg you: never, do anything for me out of pity. Pity humiliates a person ...

Don't regret what you did, regret what you didn't do...

Revenge is for the weak.

I feel sorry for you. There are so many good things around, and you always see only the bad.

I feel sorry for those people who do not have their own normal family life, and they still climb into someone else's to spoil there too!

Never regret the past. Just in this moment, in this particular situation, you could not do otherwise ...

Don't push for pity. Put pressure on the self-love of man!
Well, you can see...

- True friends are not those who have pity, but those who have a conscience!

"I do not regret anything. Never regretted. And I don't believe in the fruitfulness of regrets. While you regret, you are ashamed of yourself. While you are ashamed in a cage. "

I see no reason to regret the past, because it didn’t feel sorry for me ...

We are strange creatures, Women! We endure when we can't stand it! It's a pity... It's so pity that we pity Him more than ourselves... And us... Who will pity us if we are ready to become a victim, ahh???

I cooked dinner, I'm afraid to try, I feel sorry for the cat ... I'll wait for my husband ...

The only thing I regret in my life is that I gave a lot of time to people who were not worthy ...

If things are still good and it’s a pity to throw them away, take them to the country. There they mature, rot, after which they are thrown away without regret.

Sometimes you just want to understand and forgive yourself...

Never complain! In the eyes will regret, and behind the back they will condemn.

Do not complain. You will upset your friends, you will please your enemies - you will not help yourself

Living with a man out of pity is a double betrayal...

- Never live with a man - for the sake of money, children and pity. Money will be fed up, children will grow up, and pity will turn into anger!

Statuses about pity statement about pity