Children's books      11/23/2020

Tests on the history of the beginning of the reformation in Europe. Test. Beginning of the Reformation in Europe. A3. The dominant religion in Europe before the spread of Protestantism... A) Orthodoxy C) Buddhism B) Catholicism D) Judaism A4. The document that testified to the leave

A1. "The Pope of Geneva" A) Martin Luther C) John Calvin B) Thomas Müntzer D) Ignatius Loyola A1. What is the Reformation? Orthodox Church C) movement to strengthen the Catholic Church D) movement against Protestants

A4. The document, which testified to the absolution of sins, sold by the Catholic Church, was called A) edict C) auto-da-fé B) indulgence D) "95 theses" A4. The beginning of the Reformation in Germany is considered A) Martin Luther's speech against the sale of indulgences B) the peasant war C) the humanists' speeches against the Catholic Church D) the trial of Luther in Worms

A7. Peasant war in Germany B) yrs. B) yrs. D) years A7. Decisive battle between the English fleet and " Invincible armada"Spain happened in ... A) 1566 C) 1588 B) 1577 D) 1599

A8. The Jesuits are: A) supporters of the Reformation in Germany B) the direction of the Presbyterian Church C) the bodyguard of the Pope D) an order to fight the Protestants A8. The laws that went down in the history of England as "bloody legislation" were directed against: A) Protestants C) Catholics B) vagabonds and beggars D) robbers and murderers

A9. The Calvinist Church recognized... A) baptism and marriage B) baptism and communion C) baptism and burial A9. The reformation in England is called royal because: A) the English parliament forced the first king from the Tudor dynasty to sign an act on the reform of the church B) Henry VIII carried out a church reform in the country, because without this the parliament did not agree to recognize him as king C) Henry VIII carried out a reform churches on personal initiative

A13. Under which monarch did the Reformation begin in England? A) Henry VIII B) Mary the Catholic B) Edward VI D) Elizabeth I A13. What was Martin Luther's 95 Theses directed against? A) against indulgences B) against church tithes C) against the papacy D) against the inquisition

IN 1. Arrange the events in chronological order: A) The death of the "Invincible Armada" B) The beginning of the Reformation in England C) The beginning of the reign of Elizabeth I Tudor C1. Arrange the events in chronological order: A) The Edict of Nantes B) St. Bartholomew's Night C) The defeat of the Invincible Armada

AT 3. Match the names A) Lutherans 1) England B) Calvinists (Presbyterians) 2) France C) Puritans 3) Germany D) Huguenots 4) Switzerland C3. Match the representatives of Protestantism and the country of their activity A) John Calvin 1) England B) Martin Luther 2) France C) Henry VIII and Elizabeth I 3) Germany D) Admiral Coligny and King Henry of Bourbon of Navarre 4) Switzerland

1. C 2.C 3. B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10D 11.A 12.B 13.A C1.BVA C I A B A B C A C A B A BVA 4312

Test on the topic "The Beginning of the Reformation in Europe"

1. Find the wrong answer. Causes religious revolution are:

A) the process of secularization of people's consciousness;

B) the desire of kings to take church power into their own hands and get rid of the power of the Pope;

B) a sharp conflict between Christian doctrine and greed for the representatives of the Catholic Church.

2. The most shameless demonstration of the spirit of thirst was:

A) church tithe B) payment for high church positions; B) trade in indulgences

3. Find the wrong answer. The Reformation began in Germany because

A) the country was fragmented, it was not strong royalty; B) there were extensive church possessions in Germany; C) the Pope received the largest income from Germany; D) the German king personally led the fight against the Catholic Church.

4. When were the 95 theses of Martin Luther posted? A) 1517; B) 1518; C) 1519; D) 1520

5. What were Martin Luther's 95 theses directed against?

A) against indulgence; B) against church tithes;

B) against the papacy D) against the Inquisition.

A) Holy Scripture B) The opinion of the Holy Fathers;

C) the opinion of the Holy Church; D) The order of the secular authorities.

7. main idea Luther's teaching was that:

A) each person must work hard to know his destiny during his lifetime;

B) every person is saved only by his sincere faith in God and does not need a mediator in the form of a church; C) a person cannot save his soul on his own, in this he must rely on the church.

8. The goals of the participants in the reformation. Find matches:

1) Princes A) get rid of the oppressors

2) Nobles B) bring the church under their control

3) Peasants and townspeople B) take away land from the church

9. The leader of the popular Reformation in Germany was: A) Martin Luther B) Thomas Müntzer

History test The beginning of the Reformation in Europe. Renewal of Christianity. Counter-reformation for 7th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each with 8 tasks.

1 option


1) the influence of the ideas of humanism
2) Great geographical discoveries
3) development of world trade
4) strengthening the influence of the Catholic Church on secular power

2. The birthplace of the Reformation is considered

1) Italy
2) Germany
3) Spain
4) France

3. The leader of the Reformation in Switzerland was

4. Which of the following statements expresses one of Martin Luther's fundamental ideas?

1) recognition of the justice of forgiveness of sins for a fee
2) the possibility of saving the soul only with the help of clergy
3) a person must make decisions himself and be responsible for them
4) a person should do good deeds not for the salvation of his soul, but for all mankind

5. The Peasants' War in Germany took place in

1) 1524-1525
2) 1517-1520
3) 1520-1521
4) 1521-1522

6. Which of the following provisions Not refers to the main ideas of John Calvin?

1) a person is free to choose his life path
2) the fate of man is predetermined by God
3) a person should passively wait for the fulfillment of his destiny
4) a person must be a hard worker

7. Establish a correspondence between the creed, the order and their founders.

creed, order

A) Calvinism
B) Lutheranism
B) the Jesuit order



The movement to rebuild the Catholic Church is __________.

Option 2

1. One of the reasons for the beginning of the Reformation can be considered

1) a moral crisis within the Catholic Church
2) the spread of scientific views on the structure of the universe
3) expansion of contacts with the New World
4) development of manufacturing production

2. Particular distrust of the Catholic Church was called

1) the desire of the monks to lead a solitary lifestyle
2) mass sale of indulgences
3) strengthening of property stratification in society
4) the spread of Christian teaching in the New World

3. The 95 Theses that marked the beginning of the Reformation were drawn up

4. To the main ideas of Martin Luther Not applies

1) a person is saved only by faith
2) faith is acquired only through the grace of God
3) only Holy Bible is an authority in matters of faith
4) without a priest, a person is not able to comprehend the Holy Scriptures

5. The religious peace in Augsburg was concluded in

1) 1517
2) 1520
3) 1555
4) 1557

6. The main predestination of man on earth according to the idea of ​​Calvin

1) success in earthly affairs is a sign of the salvation of a person’s soul
2) serving God is possible only through renunciation of the world
3) only sincere passive faith in God is enough to save the soul
4) a person must blindly believe the word of the priest

7. Establish a correspondence between religious teachings, the order and the country where they originated.

A) Calvinism
B) Lutheranism
B) the Jesuit order

1) Germany
2) France
3) Switzerland

8. Write down the word (term) in question.

The struggle of the Catholic Church against Protestantism is __________.

Answers to the history test The beginning of the Reformation in Europe. Renewal of Christianity. counter-reformation
1 option
Option 2

Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Choose the correct answer

d) the church became cheaperA) Pray and work!
Choose the correct answers D) expensive rituals1) priest Thomas Münzer
Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Choose the correct answer
    Supporters of the Reformation in Germany were called:
A) Protestants b) Puritans c) Huguenots d) Jesuits
    As a result of the spread of the Reformation in Germany:
a) a unified nation-stateb) feudalism was abolishedc) the Presbyterian church was establishedd) the church became cheaper
    As a result of the spread of the Reformation in Switzerland
A) accelerated the development of capitalismB) the Catholic Church was strengthenedC) an absolute monarchy was establishedD) the church was separated from the state
    The main slogan of the Calvinist Church:
A) Pray and work!B) “Whose country, that is faith!”C) "Power must be given to the common people!"D) "The Pope must be obeyed without any talk!"
    The words: "... We promise to always, without delay and wholeheartedly obey everything that the current and future pope orders us, as far as it will serve for the good of the soul and for the spread of religion," are contained in the document:
A) "Augsburg Religious World" B) Appeal of Martin LutherC) Charter of the Jesuit Order D) "12 Articles"
Choose the correct answers
    Sectors of the German population who advocated the Reformation:
A) clergy b) townspeople c) peasants d) monks e) princes
    Causes of dissatisfaction with the Catholic Church:
A) building new churches B) paying church tithesC) the obligation to believe in God D) the sale of indulgencesD) expensive rituals
    Set the correct correspondence between the figure and his views:
1) priest Thomas Münzer


  1. The movement to rebuild the church was called

1.reform 3.counter-reformation

2.reformation 4.revolution.

2. The birthplace of the Reformation is considered to be

1. England 3. Italy

2.France 4.Germany

3. One of the causes of the Reformation is:

1. the ignorance of the clergy 3. the politics of kings

2.changes in society 4.views of figures of the Renaissance.

4. Whose teaching was the catalyst for the Reformation

1.Thomas Müntzer 3.Jean Calvin

5. What was the name of the work of Martin Luther, which was based on objections to the sale of indulgences

1. "12 articles" 3. "95 theses"

2. Society of Jesus 4. New Church

6. What was the basis of the teachings of M. Luther:

1. faith is the basis of human salvation

2. the basis of church doctrine - Holy Scripture

3. worship in the native language

4. all of the above is true.

7. What year did the Reformation begin.

1.1515 3.1555

2. 1517 4. 1530

8. Who led the peasant war in Germany during the Reformation.

2.Thomas Münzer 4.Ignatius Loyola

9. Who is a Protestant

1.participant in the Peasants' War in Germany

2. supporter of Luther

3. supporter of the Reformation

4. 2 and 3 are correct.

10. Which church was formed in Switzerland

1.Catholic 3.Calvinist (Prosvetirian)

2.Lutheran 4.Orthodox.

11. Who led the Jesuit society in the fight against the Protestants during the Reformation