Literature      08/30/2020

Gaidar Timur and his team are the main characters. The system of characters in the story "Timur and his team" (highlights). Some interesting essays

"Timur and his team" is a work that teaches to be kind, responsible, disciplined and always ready to help people. Heroes are true patriots, they are a model of what a person should be.

The main character is Timur. He is brave, bold and determined. Good, loyal friend. Having created a detachment that takes military families under guardianship, Timur and the guys help people around the house and keep order, which a gang of hooligans led by Mishka Kvakin is constantly striving to break.

Zhenya- a thirteen-year-old girl who came to the dacha with her older sister Olga. She loves and is waiting for her father, the commander of the Red Army. Accidentally meets Timur and his team. Being bold and lively, she quickly imbued with their activities and helps them in everything.

Georgy Garaev- Uncle Timur. The young engineer is incredibly talented, he sings well, performs in the factory opera. Sociable, responsible, cheerful, he falls in love with Zhenya's sister Olga. While he is waiting for the summons, he is educating Timur, and having received it, he goes to the front in tank troops as a captain.

Olga- the daughter of Colonel Aleksandrov and the elder sister of Zhenya. The father sends the sisters to a dacha in the suburbs. At the age of 18, Olga considers herself independent and mature, strictly educates Zhenya. Despite the fact that she constantly scolds her sister for her tricks, Olga sincerely loves Zhenya. Having created a not very flattering opinion about Timur, she forbids her sister to be friends with him, but, having got to know him better, she explains to Garaev that she was mistaken in her judgment about his nephew. Olga is a fair and honest girl, together with Timur's team and many others, she escorts George to the front.

Colonel Alexandrov- a fair and honest person. Trying to save his daughters from the horrors of war, he sends them to the country. He appreciates the act of Timur, who manages to bring Zhenya to Moscow to say goodbye to his father.

Mikhail Kvakin- chieftain of a gang of hooligans, which robs the gardens of local residents and engages in hooliganism. Kvakin is a smart guy, in some cases he acts fairly and honestly. Over time, he begins to understand that their gang, bringing trouble to people, to some extent oppose the Soviet regime. It is possible that Michael will improve and choose a different path in life.

Team Timur- brave, disciplined, responsible and very friendly boys and girls, together with their commander they help people. Cowardly, but kind and honest Kolya Kolokolchikov, cheerful and efficient Sima Simakov, serious Vasily Ladygin, kind Geika, energetic and businesslike Nyurka - each of these heroes embodies the best human qualities.

Gang of Kvakin- local hooligans, causing fear and hostility of local residents. They steal, fight and behave ugly. In everything they obey their chieftain and wage war with Timur's team. Only two characters are presented vividly. Alyosha is honest, respecting Timur, despite the fact that he is his enemy. The figure - it is no coincidence that it is presented nameless - is cruel, cynical and angry at the whole world.

This work is the embodiment of the best human qualities, you want to re-read it again and again.

Option 2

Timur is a boy who is a very kind and non-mercenary person. He is a very responsible person and creates a special detachment that is ready to help all the inhabitants of the city in their difficulties. Thanks to his diligence, all residents take military families under guard and make sure that everything is fine with them and that they do not need anything.

Zhenya, this is a girl who is 13 years old, in addition to all this, she is an unusual girl, her parent is a native of the Red Army. Not only she is present in her family, but also her older sister. This is a brave girl to get acquainted with a boy named Timur, who is also the main character of the work, later she learns about what kind of activity he is doing and she becomes very pleased that she met such a boy who brings so much benefit to people.

Garaev is Timur's uncle and is very in love with Zhenya's sister. This is a very educated and intelligent person, for a long time he has been waiting for the agenda, which should come to him from day to day, so that he enters the service at the front. Despite his great love for Olga, when a summons comes to him, he is forced to go to the front to become a captain of tank troops.

Olga, is the sister of Zhenya, together with her they live in a dacha near Moscow, to which their father Alexandrov sent them. She is also in love with Garaev and cannot hide her feelings at the moment when he goes to the front to become a captain of tank troops. She is a very serious girl and quite often scolds her sister for doing pranks, but at the same time she loves her very much and takes care of her.

Mikhail Kvakin, we are a real hooligan together with the assembled gang, constantly commits various pranks and brings only one harm to the people around them, they steal crops from gardens and harm everyone. But over time, he comes to understand that he is not on the right track and there is hope that over time he can change and become a completely different person.

The secondary characters in the story are:

Timur's team is a team that Timur has assembled in order to help people in need.

Kvakin's gang, they are opponents of Timur and his gang.

Colonel Alexandrov, is the father of Olga and Zhenya, as well as a captain in the Red Army.

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The story "Timur and his team" is still regularly reprinted and is included in the list of one hundred books recommended to schoolchildren by the Ministry of Education for independent reading, although the historical situation in which it was created text is long gone. This is one of the most popular and in-demand books of the Soviet children's canon. The story was read both within the framework of the school program, and completely voluntarily; heroes were imitated, for many years boys were named after Timur, and girls after Zhenya. Timur pushed the protagonist of the 1930s, Pavli-ka Morozov, into the Soviet pantheon and won the sympathy of readers for a long time. According to the British anthropologist and historian of childhood culture Catriona Kelly, "even those adults who criticized other aspects of Soviet life retained a warm feeling for this hero."

Timur and Timurovtsy

Cover of the story "Timur and his team" by Arkady Gaidar. Gorky, 1942"Detgiz"; Russian State Children's Library

Not many people remember that the story "Timur and his team" was preceded by a script for the film of the same name. The film appeared before the book, and it was he who first drew the attention of Soviet children to the story of the boy Timur and his friends. Only six months after finishing work on the script, when the film had already been put into production, Gaidar began to rework it into a story.

Its plot is this. An unusual team operates in a dacha village near Moscow - teenagers secretly help the families of soldiers and commanders of the Red Army: they carry water from a well, put firewood in a woodpile, look for missing pets, protect children from cruelty by adults. In parallel, the guys come into confrontation with local hooligans - the destroyers of orchards and orchards - and win a convincing moral victory over them.

This model of self-organization and social activity immediately found a response and became a role model. The first Timurov teams appeared in the USSR as early as 1940, right after the film was released. After the German attack on the Soviet Union, Timur's teams began to actively spread: the number of participants in the first post-war years numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Even the expression “Timurov movement” appeared - in fact, this was the name of a form of social volunteering, firmly tied to the postulates of Soviet ideology. Today, the initial context for the appearance of Timur and the Timurites is little understood. Let's try to restore it.


Any reader of the story, like the viewer of the film, cannot help but notice that descriptions of the movements of Soviet troops and various types of weapons occupy a huge place in these works. Even in the dacha village, Uncle Timur turns out to have a pistol loaded with blank cartridges, and Dr. Kolokolchikov has a hunting rifle, and the heroes shoot from both.. The word "front" appears already in the second sentence of the story, and the word "armored division" in the first. When Olga, the sister of the main character, goes to the dacha, sitting on a wicker chair in the back of a truck with a kitten and a bouquet of cornflowers on her knees, she is overtaken by an army motorized column. In this sense, "Timur and his team" is perhaps one of the most disturbing works of Soviet children's literature.

The signs of an impending war will become clearer if you look at the dates of the start of work on the script, and then on the story. It follows from Gaidar's diaries that he sat down for the script in early December 1939, that is, immediately after the start of the Soviet-Finnish War Soviet-Finnish war- the war between the USSR and Finland in the period from November 30, 1939 to March 12, 1940..

On June 14, 1940, Gaidar would write in his diary that he had begun writing "the story of Dunkan" (at first he was going to call Timur that), and by the end of August he was finishing it. The start date of work is very important: it was on June 14 that the Soviet Union delivered an ultimatum to the Republic of Lithuania before sending troops there. The next day, similar ultimatums were sent to Latvia and Estonia, followed by the occupation of all three Baltic countries.

Newspaper language

A shot from the film "Timur and his team", directed by Alexander Razumny. 1940"Soyuzdetfilm"

An important place in the plot of "Timur" is occupied by the episode with the ultimatum, which Timur decides to send to the gang of the hooligan Kvakin. He is in the story and in the film. In the script, these scenes could have appeared even before the corresponding events of the summer of 1940: the word "ultimatum" was in use in the international politics of the previous 1938-1939. In 1938, Hitler sent an ultimatum to the government of Czechoslovakia before the occupation of the Sudetenland, in March 1939 Germany put forward a verbal ultimatum to Lithuania, and on September 2, 1939, after the German attack on Poland, Great Britain -co-val your ultimatum to the aggressor country..

However, it was in the summer of 1940 that the Soviet government also began to speak the language of ultimatums, and their tone was very harsh. During these months, Gaidar includes details in the story that are not in the film: the boys ask Uncle Timur how an ultimatum is drawn up, and he replies that each country does it “in its own way”, but it is imperative to end the text with assurances “in accordance with highest respect to you.” Timur's team refuses diplomatic protocol and decides to "send a simpler ultimatum, in the manner of that message of the Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan, which everyone saw in the picture when they read about how the brave Cossacks fought the Turks, Tatars and Poles." The only boy from Kvakin's gang who knows what an ultima-tum is, gives this diplomatic genre an unambiguous interpretation: "They will beat."

The mention of the letter of the Cossacks here is not accidental, because, according to legend, it was created shortly after the annexation of Ukraine to Russia. It is believed that in 1676 the Cossacks of the Right-Bank Ukraine sent a letter to the Turkish Sultan, demanding to stop the raids on the Ottoman Port (Right-Bank Ukraine then belonged to the Commonwealth, which concluded a peace treaty with Turkey). The text was harsh and full of curses. The scene of the creation of this letter is captured in the famous painting by Repin and re-produced in all Soviet school history textbooks. Ukrainians in general and Zaporozhye Cossacks in particular were presented as carriers of a freedom-loving spirit, which inevitably turned them away from Turkey and Poland and encouraged them to ask for help from Russia. This is how the decision of the Pereyaslav Council of 1654 on the annexation of the Left-Bank Ukraine to Russia was presented to Soviet schoolchildren, followed by the war of Rus' with the Commonwealth. The accession of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus in 1939 was part of the next partition of Poland, carried out by Germany and the USSR.. Thus, the language of ultimatums is presented here as the language of "liberation from the yoke of hostile peoples", but in fact acts as the language of imperial expansion.

Internal chronology of the story

A shot from the film "Timur and his team", directed by Alexander Razumny. 1940"Soyuzdetfilm"

The action of the film and the story takes place in the summer of 1939. The dating of individual episodes can be calculated literally from a calendar. telegram and invited his daughters Zhenya and Olya to move to da-chu.

Timur's company is especially concerned about the family of the Red Army soldier Pavlov, who was recently (that is, apparently, in the early summer of 1939) killed "on the border". We know that Lieutenant Pavlov was a pilot: it was in June 1939 that the heaviest air battles at Khalkhin Gol took place Battles at Khalkhin Gol- armed conflict in the spring - autumn of 1939 near the Khal-Khin-Gol River on the territory of Mongolia, where Soviet troops and the Mongolian army fought on the one hand People's Republic, and on the other - the army of the Japanese Empire. The conflict ended with the victory of the Soviet-Mongolian group..

The last day of the action is determined even more precisely: the arrival of the colonel in Moscow and the rapid voyage of Zhenya and Timur on a motorcycle is preceded by a holiday "in honor of the anniversary of the victory of the Reds near Khasan." fighting on Lake Khasan Hassan battles- an armed conflict between the Red Army and the army of the Japanese Empire, which happened in the summer of 1938 over the territory around Lake Khasan and the Tuman-naya River. The top was won by the Soviet military group. ended on August 11, 1938. This means that the last scenes of the film and the story take place on the night of August 11-12, 1939, a few days before the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and three weeks before the start of World War II.

This dating obviously contradicts what we see in the book and on the screen. Troops moving into combat positions; conscription of Timur's uncle, George, into the army; Colonel Alexandrov, clearly heading to the same place as Georgiy - all these are the realities not of August, but of September 1939, when Germany invaded Poland, and the USSR began the occupation of its eastern part. The beginning of partial mobilization in the USSR was announced not in August, but in early September. At the same time, theoretically, the redeployment of military units under the command of Colonel Aleksandrov should have occurred: if in the spring and early summer he was “at the front”, then only one front can be meant - in Mongolia. The fighting at Khalkhin Gol, as you know, continued until the very end of August 1939, and the armistice was signed on September 15.

The shift of the historical chronology within the artistic chronology, most likely, was necessary for Gaidar in order to fit the entire action of the story into the summer season: in September, the characters had to sit at their desks.

military kids

A shot from the film "Timur and his team", directed by Alexander Razumny. 1940"Soyuzdetfilm"

The device of Timur's detachment is not just a game, but a military one. The communication system and call signs, reconnaissance and patrols, prisoners and parliamentarians - all this indicates a war that has already turned into Child's world from an adult. There is not a single peaceful song in the story and the film. Olga's favorite song, which she plays on the accordion, contains the refrain “Pilot pilots! Bombs-machine guns!". George represents an old partisan in the theater, who, even twenty years after his military exploits, is ready to rush into battle. At the end of the film, the entire detachment of Timur, with Olga at the head, sings a song based on Mayakovsky’s verses: “Take new rifles, / flags on the bayonet! / And with a song / let's go to shooting circles. The following stanzas of the song and poem call on Soviet schoolchildren to become orderlies and scouts.

In 1938-1941, Gaidar was very interested in the problems of military education for schoolchildren and educational military games. Traces of these interests were reflected in his diary and in stories about Timur. The first, "Timur and his team," is about a military-type children's organization that voluntarily and secretly helps the families of Red Army soldiers. In the second, "Commandant of the Snow Fortress" (written in the winter of 1940-1941), the children are already playing a real military game - with attacks, assaults, and even the use of children's weapons. The third, "Timur's Oath", created in a few days at the end of June 1941, talks about what a children's paramilitary organization will need in the conditions of the outbreak of war (duty during bombing and blackout, vigilant protection of the village from spies, weeding collective farms vegetable gardens and the same as before, assistance to the families of the Red Army).

The prospect of escaping to the front is discussed in the first and main story of the cycle: Timur unambiguously declares to his companions that this is impossible under any circumstances, the commanders received an order to “drive our brother out of there in the neck.” Thus, all that remains for brave and socially active children is to become a support for adults on the home front and prepare for military service by improving discipline, physical endurance and, finally, special military skills such as shooting, moving inconspicuously in reconnaissance or marching. . For Gaidar, there was no doubt: until they reached draft age, teenagers should remain in the rear, but the very organization of their rear work would be military.

Commissioners of the Civil War

A shot from the film "Timur and his team", directed by Alexander Razumny. 1940"Soyuzdetfilm"

The country was preparing for a battle with an external enemy: bourgeois Poland, militaristic Japan or fascist Germany. However, Gaidar's children get involved in an internal war, shown as an analogue and continuation of the Civil war. Antagonists --- Timur and Mishka Kvakin call each other commissar and ataman, and these nicknames refer to the conflicts of the late 1910s and early 1920s. For the commissars, the Red Army and Soviet power there are ideas of social justice, protection of the offended and oppressed, knightly honor and nobility; behind chieftains (in other words, gangs of street hooligans) - complete disregard for any ethical norms, humiliation of human dignity (even among their own), indifference to the life of the country and society. Gaidar shows that many destructive forces of the Civil War are still strong and the new generation will have to enter into the same confrontations as their fathers.

Timur's desire to independently restore order, establish social justice and decide which of the neighbors needs help and protection establishes an important parallel with the legend of Robin Hood. The idea of ​​secretly doing good deeds, leaving behind all kinds of written messages (notes to Zhenya, a poster at the place of imprisonment of Kvakin's gang), refers to the same tradition. At the same time, Gaidar clearly did not want to emphasize such a similarity, because the main enemies of Robin Hood were representatives of the British state. Therefore, it was important to show that Timur's detachment is doing exactly what they believe in this moment important party and government.

Children Adults

A shot from the film "Timur and his team", directed by Alexander Razumny. 1940"Soyuzdetfilm"

Whether Gaidar wanted to create an alternative to the pioneer organization with his Timurov stories, or only suggested new ways for its development in wartime, we don’t know exactly how and whether Timur’s team had a real prototype: according to one version, Gaidar described in the story the experience of scouting organizations during the First World War. One way or another, "Timur and his team" is a book about a "self-disciplining" children's team (the term of the philologist Yevgeny Dobrenko): children take on all their duties and decide everything themselves, without the help and control of adults. This means that they have fully mastered social norms and the demands of the adult world and are able to solve the problems facing them without special stimulation and prodding - simply because they know that this is how it should be. If one of them makes a mistake or stumbles, neither a teacher nor a Pioneer leader will be needed: others will help and speed up.

Of course, in reality, such children's groups did not exist. However, Gaidar (like the writer Anton Makarenko before him) came up with a model that was very convenient to plant as an example to follow. If children cope with the tasks assigned to them without the help of adults or with their minimal mediation, then they not only show independence, but also save the personnel (and, therefore, material) resources that the state needs so much. And if we add to this the very possibility of using these commands as free work force, the benefit for the state, which had already actually entered the war, was huge. It was these motives that caused, apparently, the active promotion of the story and the film by the Central Committee of the Komsomol.

Children of the Soviet era without fail studied the story of Arkady Gaidar (Golikov) "Timur and his team" at school. Films were made on this plot, performances were staged. But now the children began to read less. Many modern guys, unfortunately, have never even heard of the book "Timur and his team." Summary, a review of this story will help children form their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis work, and their parents - to remember their favorite characters.


The book was written before the Great patriotic war, in 1940. At that time, they did not yet know that such trials were coming for the Soviet people. But Gaidar seemed to have a presentiment that the country would soon be in danger - the story takes place during the war, but with an unnamed enemy.

In the center of the story are teenagers. Zhenya and Olga - the daughters of Alexandrov, a Soviet commander - come to the dacha in the summer. One day, 13-year-old Zhenya wandered into the attic of the house and found a whole headquarters there. Carried away, the girl began to give signals, without knowing it herself. Guys from a secret youth organization came running to them.

It was Timur and his team. The summary (reviews about the story are mostly positive) will tell about the main storyline. Timur was the same age as Evgenia. He told the girl that he and the guys help the elderly, lonely and needy people. Especially those who have left their family for the war. To do this, the guys draw stars on the houses of the Red Army.

Hooligan Kvakin

As a counterbalance to Timur's bold team, Gaidar puts Kvakin's gang. These guys traded in petty theft of fruits and berries from other people's gardens and hooligans. By coincidence, Zhenya's older sister, 18-year-old Olga, sees Timur next to Kvakin and decides that he is the same bully. She forbids her younger sister to be friends with him. Here's an interesting plot came up with Gaidar. Timur and his team, on the contrary, helped the elderly, cleaning houses, on the site, etc.

The young man helped Zhenya. One day, the father called his daughters and said that he would be passing through a city apartment. Olga managed to go to meet her father, but Zhenya was not at home at that time. She read the note left by her sister late. Evgenia really wanted to see her father, but did not know how to get to him from the dacha. Night fell and the trains were no longer running. Then Timur helped her. Despite the prohibition of his older brother, he took his motorcycle and drove the girl to the meeting place.

Good wins, as does Timur and his team. Summary, review, resonance of the story

At the end of the story, the heroes - Timur and his team - brought Kvakin's gang to clean water. They came up with a clever plan, as a result of which the hooligans fell into a trap - they were locked in a booth in the market square, and everyone saw who was stealing fruits from the orchards. Timur released the head of the hooligans, despite the fact that he did not want it. So the noble hero and his friends won, and the hooligans were defeated, but more - in moral terms.

This is the main storyline of the story "Timur and his team" - a summary. The reviews, the resonance after the book saw the light, were impressive. Many "Timurov" detachments began to form in the country. Children helped those who needed their help, collected scrap metal, waste paper. During the war, which began a year after the publication of the book, many pioneers showed miracles of heroism. And they were also called "Timurovites".

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"Timurov's movement" is a familiar phrase, a familiar phenomenon. The source - and the phrase of this, and this phenomenon - is the story of Arkady Petrovich Gaidar "Timur and his team", the main characters of which express the meaning of the emerging movement. The purpose is to help the needy, the elderly and the sick. In a word, those who needed the noble intervention of caring people - often young, young.

What does this work teach? A number of qualities: patriotism, attentiveness, responsibility ... Also love for one's neighbor, compassion, participation, discipline. The reader learns mercy, readiness and composure at any time. The author seeks to show what should be real man.

As often happens with literary works, the writer embodies abstract ideas and moral ideals in concrete characters. No exception - "Timur and his team", the main characters of which line up in a system.

Characteristics of the character system of the story "Timur and his team"

The dialectical method, we can assume, is a favorite approach to the work of Arkady Gaidar, because with the help of it the author constructs a system actors: as expected, heroes and anti-heroes are written out here.


The central character, as the title of the story suggests, is Timur.


So, Timur Garaev is a wartime teenager, a clear leader in the group, who tends to show a talent for organizational matters (and they called him the appropriate nickname - "ataman"). Timur is shown respect by colleagues, comrades, and enemies: this says a lot. But Timur also contains an inner dialectic. On the one hand, the young man is responsible, reasonable, wise beyond his years. Timur is understanding and responsive. On the other hand, Timur also makes mistakes, the hero is not an ideal, but a living person, childishly naive and spontaneous. Timur is distinguished by courage and courage, determination and heroism, loyalty and reliability, justice and honesty. He is a pioneer, unselfish in helping those who need this help. In difficult times of the war, Timur and his comrades protect the wives and children of the military.

Team Timur

Georgy Garaev

Uncle Timur embodies the image of a senior comrade and mentor. The man is a cheerful and creative person (sings and plays in the local theater). Therefore, George is characterized by talents, resourcefulness and flexibility of mind. The uncle is no less determined and responsible than his nephew. Garaev is an engineer by education and is raising Timur. During the war becomes a captain in tank troops: Georgy understood that he would also receive a summons, but the hero is ready to defend the fatherland, even though in civilian life the man was kept by love for Olga, who escorts Garaev to the front.

Olga Alexandrova

The eldest child of Colonel Aleksandrov of the Red Army. The girl's father, wanting to save his daughter, to keep her away from the horrors and dangers of war, sends Olga to the dacha - near Moscow. The younger sister, Zhenya, is also going there with the girl. Olga is 18 years old - not so much, but already at this age Olga is distinguished by strictness, seriousness, maturity and a desire to appear older and more independent. She is raising Zhenya.

At first, Olga hostilely perceives Timur, but then tells George that she was wrong. In Olga, the world of an adult and the world of a child are connected, which do not reconcile, but oppose each other.

Zhenya Alexandrova

younger child Colonel Alexandrov. Unlike her older sister, Zhenya is dreamy and prone to pranks.

The girl is the epitome of an emotional leader, romantically passionate about ideas. Despite this, Zhenya is determined, responsible and serious enough to make real adult decisions. The wife is only 13 years old, but, being lively and courageous, she is imbued with deep sympathy for Timur and the cause of the young man. Olga is sometimes strict with her sister, but she understands that Olga sincerely and passionately loves her. Subsequently, Zhenya manages to motivate her older sister to join Timur's team.


This character, commanding the respect of his comrades, is internally strong - a mirror through which the reader sees how well-coordinated Timur's team is.

Kolya Kolokolchikov

Kolya is the smallest, youngest member of the team. As befits the youngest, the boy is characterized by shyness and shyness. Kolya is an example of honesty and kindness.

Sima Simakov

If Zhenya is a leader in the field of emotions, then Sima is in the field of affairs. The young man is responsible, independent, smart and resourceful. When the reader meets this character on the pages of the book, he attributes Sima to quickness and sense of humor, a cheerful character, a combination of youth and seriousness in his approach to business.

Vasily Ladygin

then, perhaps, the most closed and mysterious member of the team. The hero likes to remain silent, but in the matter of attitude to business he shows seriousness and responsibility.


Finally, the last member of the team, Nyurka, is an example of energy. The girl inspires with her own activity, combining emotional traits (empathy, sympathy) and business, organizational ones.


As expected, in dialectics, plus is balanced by minus, which, fighting, create order and system.

The opposite of Timur's team is Kvakin's gang.

Gang of Kvakin

Mikhail Kvakin

Misha, like Timur, is also an "ataman", but he does not lead a cohesive team, but a scattered gang (there is a difference in the names of these groups) of local hooligans. If Timur's team helps people, then Mikhail's gang, on the contrary, brings discord, destruction, destruction, chaos. Local residents suffer from the actions of Kvakin's gang: hooligans spoil gardens, orchards, households ... However, Mikhail himself is a smart young man who is not alien to high traits: for example, the concept of justice and honesty, who has every chance of becoming a real person. Gradually, Mikhail understands the wrongness, immorality of his actions.


Perhaps Alyosha embodies a peculiar understanding of honesty in the context of Kvakin's gang: for example, he respects Timur, who is his enemy, opponent.


The nameless figure (this is not an accident) is a reflection of the destructive impulses of the gang. This character is a synthesis of cruelty, cynicism, isolation and anger at people and the world. It is important that the figure does not have a sense of humor, which in the work "Timur and his team" is written out as one of the main features of a Real Man.

Year: 1940 Genre: story

Main characters: teenagers Zhenya and Timur, Olga - Zhenya's sister

The main idea: The main meaning of the work is reflected in the concepts of "disinterestedness", "nobility", "childhood". Good deeds are not measured by money or something material, they are done disinterestedly - this is what little readers should understand. “You always thought about people, they will repay you the same,” the main character says to the boy Timur at the end of the work.

The children's and youth story "Timur and his team" was written Soviet writer Arkady Gaidar in 1940. There are still five years before the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet people do not yet know what trials will befall the country. However, the writer accurately anticipates the impending storm. What kind of war, and with whom the Red Army is fighting, the writer does not say, but the events in the book take place in wartime.

Sisters - eighteen-year-old Olga and thirteen-year-old Zhenya, at the request of their father-front-line soldier, go to the dacha to spend the remaining summer days there. On the very first day, circumstances bring the sisters together with a boy named Timur.

Zhenya meets the boy while examining an old barn. In an abandoned building, the girl discovers the headquarters of the Timurov detachment - a small detachment of guys led by Timur. The boys voluntarily and secretly help people living in the village, and especially those whose relatives are fighting at the front. In addition, the guys are waging their own little war here in the village, and are fighting a gang of hooligans who rob other people's gardens. Zhenya decides to join Timur and his team, but Olga, having accidentally seen the boy in the company of a local bully Mishka Kvakin, forbids her sister to be friends with Timur.

Olga became friends with Georgy Garaev, who is Timur's uncle. He is a tanker, educated, singing. At a party in the park, Olga learns about Timur and Georgy's kinship and accuses the boy of turning Zhenya against her. Children are forbidden to communicate.

At this time, the Timurovites are trying to defeat the hooligans. They set up an ambush and expose Mishka Kvakin's gang, locking them in a booth in the square.

Once Olga leaves for Moscow, and leaves Zhenya at the dacha as a warning. But in the capital, the girl receives a telegram from her father: he will come to see his daughters for only three hours. Zhenya cannot come, because she finds out about her father's arrival late in the evening, when the trains no longer run, and besides, the little daughter of a neighbor remained in her care. Timur comes to the aid of his friend: he asks the guys to look after the baby, and Zhenya is being taken to Moscow on a motorcycle.

Picture or drawing Timur and his team

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