Personal growth      15.10.2020

Class hour "educate yourself". "every person must educate himself" Every person must educate himself meaning

"Each person must educate himself - well, at least like me, for example," says Bazarov in Turgenev's story "Fathers and Sons." This phrase is very difficult area human relationships - education. How, whom and how much to educate - these questions have always given rise to a lot of controversy: everyone has their own opinion on this matter. What did Bazarov mean when he spoke of self-education, “like me”?

“To educate yourself” means to develop your own system of worldview, to strive for an ideal defined by yourself. This makes the personality bright, unlike the others; such a person can bring something new to this world.

But what is self-education in the understanding of Bazarov - a nihilist and a romantic at the same time? Bazarov does not recognize authorities and believes only in facts, the confirmation of which he saw with his own eyes. A person who has educated himself by himself, in a Bazarov way, blindly denying all other ideas and values, will be extremely one-sided: as Pavel Petrovich rightly noted, denying something before getting acquainted with it is only an attempt to hide one's own ignorance. A person who does not have authorities and values ​​is of two types: Turgenev's Bazarov - "I deny everything"; “in our age, denial is the most useful of all,” one who denies because he does not want to know, and the “flowers” ​​of the Strugatskys, who deny because they know. The first type wants to "destroy ... because strength", while the second one leaves the society that they do not need. Both come to denial, but the first - blindly, not knowing from what and to what they are going; the latter know what they are coming from, but do not want to go anywhere. These "denyers" are united only by their lack of viability, which is what the authors have shown.

Bazarov talks about self-determination, but at the same time teaches and instructs Arkady and considers his worldview the only true one for everyone. This gives his phrase a completely different color: “like me, for example” turns into “I am an example for everyone.”

How did Bazarov educate himself? It's easy to imagine. The time of the Decembrists has long passed, until 1917 is still far away, but the youth is already against the existing order of things and everything connected with it. Bazarov, not wanting to become a "lost, wasted force", is engaged in natural sciences - the only one in this world that does not deny his worldview. He is a materialist and a skeptic to the last degree.

If someone had discussed the above with Bazarov, then, I’m sure, they would have heard in response: “Everyone man of sense who had not fallen under the pernicious influence of the so-called authorities, would have done the same as I did; a person who listens to authorities cannot be called educating himself. Unfortunately, Bazarov denied both universal human values ​​and tolerance until his death, and we can only regret that such an intelligent person as Bazarov could not understand that what he refused in his self-education does not destroy originality, but helps to see everything holier and better.

In conclusion, I want to say that the phrase under discussion is true in general, but from the lips of Bazarov it sounds absurd; passing through the prism of Bazarov's soul, it is distorted beyond recognition and completely changes its meaning.

I am myself! "Each person must educate himself"

Man must learn to obey himself and obey his decisions.

CICERO So, you have decided to engage in self-education! What is its essence and what are its tasks?

Self-education is a conscious, systematic work on oneself, it is aimed at the formation of such personality traits that meet the requirements of society and personal development.

Before embarking on this difficult work, it is necessary to analyze the traits of your character, to think about which ones you need to change, what new qualities to cultivate in yourself. And only then can you set practical goals for self-improvement.

And there is the first obstacle, the first obstacle - laziness. No wonder they say: "Laziness is the mother of all vices." Resist the temptation to take a break from working on yourself, reschedule what was planned for another day, do not compromise with yourself. Let your "NECESSARY" turn into "I WANT", "I WANT" - into "I CAN", and "I CAN" - into BUSINESS. If you want a certain behavior to become a habit, practice that behavior day in and day out, systematically.

One of constituent parts self-education - self-hypnosis, i.e. suggestion to oneself of certain thoughts and states associated with them. People encounter self-hypnosis of various strengths and depths at every step: suppression of fear of obstacles, overcoming feelings of insecurity, struggle with extraneous desires that interfere with work - all this is, to varying degrees, the result of autosuggestion. The mechanism of self-hypnosis is simple: "I feel good", "I am cheerful", "I am calm", etc. In self-hypnosis, the main role belongs to the word as a means of influencing the state of the organism.

Words and phrases of self-hypnosis must be mentally pronounced in the first person and always in an affirmative form, in an imperative tone. Moreover, the negative particle "not" in verbal formulas is excluded.

With self-hypnosis, one cannot pronounce long monologues, but at the same time, each phrase in different variations must be repeated several times. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly, with full concentration of attention on the subject of suggestion. During the pronunciation of each phrase of self-hypnosis, one must clearly imagine, figuratively see what is being suggested. No need to rush: after each phrase of self-hypnosis, you need to vividly imagine, figuratively see what is being suggested. There should be a pause after each phrase.

Only by observing these rules, by systematically training, you will be able to master the skill of psychological self-regulation and, through self-suggestion, form the desired results in yourself.

I will give a formula for self-hypnosis of self-discipline and self-confidence, for example, before a serious, responsible event. The night before, before going to bed, and also in the morning, after waking up, do the following self-hypnosis: "I am calm. I am completely calm. I am ready for this day. I am ready for this event. All the main points are thought out. I am collected and attentive. I am capable focus on any issue. I am well prepared for this event. I believe in my strength. I believe in my abilities. Everything is fine. I am calm."

The principle is the same: do no harm. Self-hypnosis is different: unconscious (passive) and conscious (active), useful and harmful. There are known facts when self-hypnosis chained a person to a hospital bed for a long time, made him disabled, and sometimes drove him to the grave. And vice versa, in a number of cases, self-hypnosis helped the healing, the recovery of a person.

The mode of breathing also has a serious effect. Rhythmic, calm full breathing lowers the excitability not only of the respiratory center, but also of some other centers, for example, the emotional one. Between breathing and the emotional state of a person there is both a direct and feedback relationship.

For example, during unrest and strong emotional experiences, breath holding occurs: it becomes intermittent, and vice versa, even breathing is characteristic of a person in a calm state. And vice versa - the rhythm and depth of breathing can cause certain emotional states.

To calm down, remove disturbing excitement, establish even and deep breathing. Remember to pause between inhalation and exhalation. This will relieve excitement or significantly weaken it, help you focus.

Remember the laws of Rhythm!

All earthly processes proceed in a certain rhythm. So, for example, the lunar month, or the interval between full moons, is 29.53 days. Day and night, high and low tides alternate in a certain rhythm. Biological processes are also characterized by rhythm - the repetition of a particular phenomenon at certain intervals. The human body has adapted to the rhythmic changes in the environment and has developed its own biological rhythm corresponding to these changes. In his work, both daily and seasonal, annual rhythms are observed. A certain rhythm differs in the manifestation of physical, emotional, intellectual activity of a person.

Knowledge of this regularity is of great practical importance. Let me remind you that according to existing opinion In each cycle, positive and negative half-cycles are distinguished. Days of transition from positive to negative half-cycle and back are called zero or critical days. At this time, the activity of the main functions of the body is significantly reduced, which means that the working capacity of a person also decreases. Sometimes the critical days of all three cycles (physical, intellectual, emotional activity of a person) or two of them coincide. It is on these days that people are most vulnerable and predisposed to diseases, less efficient.

One and a half hour cyclical changes in the activity of the functioning of the body were also found. This cycle lasts 90-100 minutes whether you are sleeping or working. And in each cycle, you can still highlight the rise and fall in the intensity of functions. There are also daily biological rhythms. During the day, not only a cyclical change of sleep and wakefulness is observed, but also periods of increased emotional excitability, mood swings, as well as cyclical physiological changes, on which, for example, a person’s susceptibility to drugs depends. different time days.

There is also a weekly cycle of changes in the activity of the vital functions of the body. During the weekly cycle, performance changes noticeably, not only physical, but also mental.

Usually on Monday it is the lowest (it is no coincidence that they say: "Monday is a hard day"), then it gradually increases, and on Friday and Saturday we observe a decline in working capacity. This means that the body needs rest.

So, all processes in the body proceed rhythmically. Rhythm is a kind of counter of the time of life and activity of the organism - its biological clock. You don't need to count these "clocks", you need to use them for the purpose of psychological self-regulation.

Save your internal regime. The biological rhythm is most clearly manifested in the change in the processes of sleep and wakefulness. If a person is used to falling asleep at a strictly defined time, then regardless of the location at this time, he will be sleepy. But if, by an effort of will, he systematically forces himself to work at this time, instead of sleeping, then his biological rhythm of life may be disturbed.

Over time, it will become more and more difficult to fall asleep, then irritability will appear, fatigue will increase, and eventually illness may develop. If we consider the physical and mental activity of a person depending on the daily rhythm, we can see a number of patterns.

First, from two to five in the morning and between 13 and 14 in the afternoon, a person is physically and intellectually weakest. These data are confirmed by many experiments.

It has been established that the performance of the heart muscles decreases twice a day in a person: about 13 hours and 21 hours. Therefore, it is not recommended to do a lot of physical work at this time.

Between two and four o'clock in the morning, a person's activity of memory and attention decreases. At the same time, muscle strength decreases at this time. By 18 o'clock our body temperature is maximum, and between one in the morning and five - the lowest.

Human biological rhythms have been developed over millions of years and are one of the forms of adaptation to the conditions of existence. Therefore, all sorts of "artificial failures", violations of habitual rhythms very often lead to overwork and the emergence of excessive stress on the body's systems, and sometimes to illness.

This is especially noticeable in violation of the daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

At night, a person rests and accumulates energy reserves for the next day. As soon as he woke up, the biological rhythm “starts”.

There is a simple rule: do not eat a lot at night - by the evening the activity of the stomach is minimal, and at night it is almost zero. And in the morning, not only the stomach works well, but also the head. Therefore, an important decision is made in the morning.

The biological rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is most subject to our will and is more dependent on social causes. Sleep saves a person from exhaustion. A person can live longer without food than without sleep. Sleep (rest) is especially necessary for the central nervous system.

And in conclusion, we would like to say that after reading this article, you will not immediately become attentive, collected, calm and decisive. In order to learn how to manage your psyche, you need time, simplicity and systematic training. And we would like this article to help you seriously engage in self-education and teach you to control yourself - to concentrate your desires and actions.

We wish you success in self-improvement!

Oct 06 2015

The period covering the end of the fifties - the beginning of the sixties of the last century, marked by the rise of revolutionary activity (the first Russian revolutionary situation), was called by historians Raznochinsk. Indeed, the main face public life In post-reform Russia, a democrat-raznochinets became, differing from his predecessors-nobles not only in origin, but also in behavior, ideas, etc. The philosophical and social position of the main part of the youth of the sixties was nihilism. The first nihilist was given by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in his novel "Fathers and Sons", which reflected the main ideological conflict of the era - the conflict between the views of the local nobility and the young raznochinsk generation, professing democratic aspirations and actively bringing new views to society. So nihilism. What are its main features? Firstly, the denial of all and all kinds of authorities, the original, primitive materialism, extreme empiricism.

Bazarov defines what a nihilist is like this: "A nihilist is one who does not bow to any authority, who does not accept a single principle on faith, no matter how respect this principle is surrounded." Such a position inevitably led to a denial of the existing order (or rather, it followed from it), but did not provide any positive program. Among other features of nihilism, we note the reduction of feelings to nervous activity, in general, attachment to the natural sciences (Bazarov, a graduate of the Medical and Surgical Academy, “does not believe in principles, but believes in frogs”), denial of art, materialistic views, etc. Bazarov is a typical nihilist, and the idea of ​​self-education stems from the very essence of nihilism: negation of authorities, reliance on experience is, in fact, self-education, so in this sense Bazarov “educates himself”: since he lives, focusing only on himself and on his experience, then in the process of any choice (and a person constantly then chooses: for example, to put or not to put a comma - my choice in this moment) he performs an act of self-education.

But it is impossible to talk about self-education in the full sense of the word in relation to Bazarov: he has no goal, he is not satisfied with the existing, but there is no ideal - there is nowhere to strive (negation alone cannot lead to the ideal). His existence is ultimately aimless, he must make the Main Choice (the choice of the ideal, the choice of the path) or die. As the main method of education, one of the necessary conditions for development, self-education is put forward in the program work of the sixties - in the novel “What is to be done?

". This is not nihilistic, it is written by a practical revolutionary, calling for a fight, it carries a clear positive position. The novel "What to do?" was written by Chernyshevsky in Alekseevsky ravelin and is the embodiment of the feat of man and citizen. The "new people" - Lopukhov and Kirsanov - also "educate themselves", but the theory of self-education was given by Chernyshevsky in the chapter "A Special Person".

The image of Rakhmetov is based on the idea of ​​self-education. Having set a goal for himself, he methodically and consistently goes towards it, subjecting himself to the most severe trials (and sometimes tortures), if it seems to him that this is necessary to achieve the ideal. In the chapter "A Special Person" there are very important words about Rakhmetov: "When he saw that he had acquired a systematic way of thinking in the spirit, the principles of which he found just, he..." all so ch. en 2001 2005 (etc.). That is, we are no longer talking about a nihilist (these are the very principles over which Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich argued), but about a person of democratic convictions who has a positive program, and this is not accidental.

It is in relation to such a person, a revolutionary, that the idea of ​​self-education is revealed to the end, because only conscious movement and purposefulness create “education of oneself” in the true sense of the word. Rakhmetov's self-education, therefore, is qualitatively different from Bazarov's self-education: for Bazarov it is intuitive, for Rakhmetov it turns into a purposeful construction of his own personality down to the smallest detail. The images of people like Rakhmetov do not leave us indifferent even today.

It is about such people that Nekrasov’s poems are written: Mother Nature If you didn’t send such people to the world sometimes, The field of life would die out ... And understanding the role of self-education in the formation of such bright personalities allows us to get a little closer to perfection.

Need a cheat sheet? Then save it - "Every person must educate himself (according to the works of I. S. Turgenev). Literary writings!

Help! An essay is needed: based on Turgenev's work "Fathers and Sons" on tmu "every person must educate himself" and received the best answer

Answer from Maxim Yu. Volkov[guru]
"Each person must educate himself - well, at least like me, for example," says Bazarov in Turgenev's story "Fathers and Sons." This phrase touches on an extremely complex area of ​​human relationships - education. How, whom and how much to educate - these questions have always given rise to a lot of controversy: everyone has their own opinion on this matter. What did Bazarov mean when he spoke of self-education, “like me”?
“To educate yourself” means to develop your own system of worldview, to strive for an ideal defined by yourself. This makes the personality bright, unlike the others; such a person can bring something new to this world.
But what is self-education in the understanding of Bazarov - a nihilist and a romantic at the same time? Bazarov does not recognize authorities and believes only in facts, the confirmation of which he saw with his own eyes. A person who has educated himself by himself, in a Bazarov way, blindly denying all other ideas and values, will be extremely one-sided: as Pavel Petrovich rightly noted, denying something before getting acquainted with it is only an attempt to hide one's own ignorance. A person who does not have authorities and values ​​is of two types: Turgenev's Bazarov - "I deny everything"; “in our age, denial is the most useful of all,” who denies because he does not want to know, and the “flowers” ​​of the Strugatskys, who denies because they know. The first type wants to "destroy ... because strength", while the second one leaves the society that they do not need. Both come to denial, but the first - blindly, not knowing from what and to what they are going; the latter know what they are coming from, but do not want to go anywhere. These "denyers" are united only by their lack of viability, which is what the authors have shown.
Bazarov talks about self-determination, but at the same time teaches and instructs Arkady and considers his worldview the only true one for everyone. This gives his phrase a completely different color: “like me, for example” turns into “I am an example for everyone”.
How did Bazarov educate himself? It's easy to imagine. The time of the Decembrists has long passed, until 1917 is still far away, but the youth is already against the existing order of things and everything connected with it. Bazarov, not wanting to become a "lost, wasted power", is engaged in natural sciences - the only one in this world that does not deny his worldview. He is a materialist and a skeptic to the last degree.
If someone had discussed the above with Bazarov, then, I am sure, they would have heard in response: “Any reasonable person who did not fall under the harmful influence of the so-called authorities would do the same as me; a person who listens to authorities cannot be called educating himself. Unfortunately, Bazarov denied both universal human values ​​and tolerance until his death, and we can only regret that such an intelligent person as Bazarov could not understand that what he refused in his self-education does not destroy originality, but helps to see everything holier and better.
In conclusion, I want to say that the phrase under discussion is true in general, but from the lips of Bazarov it sounds absurd; passing through the prism of Bazarov's soul, it is distorted beyond recognition and completely changes its meaning.
Source: link

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Help! An essay is needed: based on Turgenev's work "Fathers and Sons" on tmu "every person must educate himself"

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