A. Smooth      01/15/2020

Simple studies about human biorhythms. Research work. Topic: “Study of the influence of human biological rhythms on the efficiency of his life. Research work

Biorhythms - the cyclical nature of processes in a living organism. The main external rhythms influencing human biocycles are natural (Sun, Moon…) and social (working week…). Biorhythms can change, synchronizing with external rhythms - cycles of illumination (change of day and night, light).

A person from the day of birth is in three biological rhythms - physical, emotional and intellectual:

23 day rhythm- this is a physical rhythm, it determines the health, strength and endurance of a person;
28 day rhythm is an emotional rhythm, it affects the state nervous system, mood, love, optimism, etc.;
33 day rhythm is an intellectual rhythm. It determines the creative abilities of the individual. Auspicious days of the 33-day rhythmic cycle are characterized by creative activity, luck and success accompany a person. IN bad days there is a creative slump.

Each of the three long-term rhythmic cycles begins at birth. Its further development can be depicted as a sinusoid (graph). The higher the curve rises, the higher the ability corresponding to this mark. The lower it falls, the lower the corresponding energy. Periodic days are considered critical when the curve is at the intersection of the scale. This is an unfavorable time.

Thus, calculation of biorhythms quite uncomplicated. Starting from the exact date of your birth, count how many days you have lived. To do this, multiply 365 days in a year by the number of years lived, and multiply the number of leap years by 366 days. The leaps are: 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980.1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012 , 2016.

Calculate the total number of days lived. Now you know how many days you have been living in this world. Divide this number by the number of days of the biorhythm you want to calculate: 23, 28, 33. The remainder will show you where you are currently on the curve. For example, if the remainder is 12, then the 12th day of the biorhythm that you consider is coming. This is the first half of the cycle, usually it is favorable. If the cycle is at chart zero, then it's a bad day. In addition, the days when the lines of biorhythms cross the horizontal line in the center of the graph are the so-called critical days, when your abilities are completely unpredictable. A person on such days feels a breakdown and lack of energy.

Each biorhythm has 3 periods: high energy period, low energy period and biorhythm critical days. Let's take a closer look:

23 day rhythm

High energy (0-11 days): good physical health, resistance to stress, disease and high vitality, strong sexual desire, the danger of overestimating one's strength.
Low energy (12-23 days): increased fatigue, at this time it is recommended to rest more and conserve energy.
Critical days (11, 12, 23 days): reduced resistance to disease, a tendency to erroneous actions.

28 day rhythm

High energy (0-14 days): intense emotional and spiritual life, favorable time for friendship and love, increased creativity and interest in new things, a tendency to heightened emotionality.
Low energy (14-28 days): self-doubt, passivity, underestimation of one's capabilities.
Critical days (14, 28 days): a tendency to mental conflicts, a decrease in resistance to disease.

33 day rhythm

High energy (0-16 days): ability to think clearly and logically, ability to concentrate, good memory, creative activity.
Low Energy (Days 17-33): Decreased interest in new ideas, slow reaction times, creative decline.
Critical days (16, 17, 33 days): inability to concentrate, inattention and absent-mindedness, prone to erroneous actions (high probability of accidents).


Daily rhythms according to the "biological clock"


4-5 hours (in real, geographic time, as for acupuncture points) - the body is preparing for awakening.

By 5 o'clock in the morning, melatonin production begins to decrease, body temperature rises.

Shortly before waking up, at about 5:00 am according to geographic, real local time, the body begins to prepare for the upcoming wakefulness: the production of "activity hormones" - cortisol, adrenaline - is increasing. In the blood, the content of hemoglobin and sugar increases, the pulse quickens, blood pressure (BP) rises, breathing deepens. Body temperature begins to rise, the frequency of REM sleep phases increases, and the tone of the sympathetic nervous system increases. All these phenomena are enhanced by light, heat and noise.

By 7-8 o'clock, the "owls" have a peak in the release of cortisol (the main hormone of the adrenal glands) into the blood. In "larks" - earlier, at 4-5 hours, in other chronotypes - about 5-6 hours.

From 7 to 9 in the morning - rise, physical education, breakfast.

9 hours - high performance, fast counting, short-term memory works well.

In the morning - the assimilation of new information, with a fresh mind.

Two or three hours after waking up - take care of the heart.

9-10 am - time to make plans, "wiggle your brains." "The morning is wiser than the evening"

9-11 h - immunity increases.

Effective drugs that increase the body's resistance to disease.

Up to 11 hours - the body is in excellent shape.

12 - reduce physical activity.

The activity of the brain is reduced. Blood rushes to the digestive organs. Gradually, blood pressure, pulse and muscle tone, respectively, begin to decrease, but body temperature continues to rise.

13 ± 1 hour - lunch break

13-15 - noon and afternoon rest (lunch, "quiet time", siesta)

After 14 hours - minimal pain sensitivity, the most effective and long-lasting effect of painkillers.

15 - long-term memory works. Time - to remember and remember well the right thing.

After 16 - the rise of working capacity.

15-18 hours - it's time to go in for sports. I thirst, at this time, plentifully and often quench with clean boiled water, hot or warm - in winter time(for the prevention of colds, gastrointestinal diseases and kidney disease). In the summer you can also cold mineral water.

16-19 - high level of intellectual activity. Housework

19 ± 1 hour - dinner.

Carbohydrate food (natural - honey, etc.) contributes to the production of a special hormone - serotonin, which favors a good night's sleep. The brain is active.

After 19 hours - good reaction

After 20 hours, the mental state stabilizes, memory improves. After 9 pm, the number of white blood cells almost doubles (immunity increases), body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues.

From 20 to 21 - light physical education is good for health, walking in the fresh air

After 21:00 - the body prepares for a night's rest, the body temperature drops.

22:00 is time for sleep. Immunity is strengthened to protect the body during the night's rest.

In the first half of the night, when slow sleep prevails, the maximum amount of somatotropic hormone is released, which stimulates the processes of cell reproduction and growth. No wonder they say that in a dream we grow. There is a regeneration and cleansing of body tissues.

2 hours - those who do not sleep at this time may be depressed.

3-4 hours is the deepest sleep. Minimum body temperature and cortisol levels, maximum melatonin in the blood.

Biological rhythms in life

Air travel from east to west is easier than from west to east. For adaptation to the body (young, healthy) it takes about a day for each time zone, but not less than three to four days. The rate of capturing the biorhythms of the human body by the external rhythm strongly depends on the difference in their phases. On average, it takes one and a half weeks for sufficient adaptation and acclimatization in new conditions. It does not depend on the position of the hands on the clock face, but on the sun above your head. The local, local features of the geomagnetic and other fields and radiations, which differ from the usual ones, also noticeably influence.

The daily chronotype of a person: morning (larks), daytime (pigeons) and evening (owls). The nighttime activity of "owls" affects their health - myocardial infarctions occur in them more often than in "larks", their cardiovascular system "burns out" faster.

To increase productivity, labor efficiency, it is recommended to take into account the chronotype, individually for each employee, when drawing up a schedule, work schedule for personnel at enterprises, and especially for dispatchers and operators.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and ergonomic requirements, work and rest regimes is a necessary condition for the operation of a modern enterprise.

Efficiency decreases sharply from thirty degrees of heat, Celsius, halving at a temperature environment+33-34°С.

Shift work schedule (for example, from a night shift to a day shift) - no more than once a month, taking into account the time required for adaptation (1-2 weeks).

Accidents at work and traffic accidents on the road more often occur at certain hours:
- from 22 hours to 4 hours - a person has the lowest response rate.
- between 13 and 15 hours - first, general pre-lunch rush, after - "afternoon depression".

For the prevention of "afternoon depression", rest after lunch, lasting 10-20 minutes, or "midday nap", but not more than 1.5 hours, can be effective, otherwise there will be a reverse effect.

The working capacity of a person is higher from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 19 hours.


“Specially conducted studies and the practice of sports training show that the most favorable period for intense training is from 9 to 18 hours and that it is undesirable to carry out loads that are large in volume and intensity early in the morning and late in the evening” (N.A. Agadzhanyan et al., 1989 ).

Human biorhythms: Sleep

Try to go to bed and always get up at the same time. Otherwise - desynchronosis. The first 4-5 hours of normal, natural sleep (deep, without breaks) are mandatory, this is a vital daily minimum for the human body.

For insomnia and for quick falling asleep (normal - within 5-15 minutes):
1) lie down more comfortably, close your eyes, do not think about anything (reduce the bioelectrical activity of the brain);
2) focus your attention on the diaphragm (its movement during breathing) and on the inner ankles (ankles) of the legs.

For a sound sleeper, the main source of sensory information about the environment is the ears (“light sleep”), therefore, in order not to wake up from noise, silence must be ensured (including using anti-noise soft “ear plugs” made of hypoallergenic polymer, having good SNR (noise reduction), at a level of 30 dB or more), considering hypersensitivity hearing at night closed eyes and during sleep (10-14 decibels better compared to daytime). Loud, sharp, frightening sounds - can wake the sleeper for a long time and cause insomnia.

It is difficult to fall asleep on an empty stomach, therefore, dinner is around 18-20 hours or 2-3 hours before bedtime. Do not overeat at night. The usual duration of restful sleep is 7-9 hours. Not only its duration is important, but also its quality (continuity and depth of the first three, mandatory cycles, 1.5 x 3 = 4.5 hours)

Poor, restless sleep, nightmares, with a repetitive obsessive plot - may be the result of cardiovascular diseases (bradycardia - a rare pulse, arrhythmias), symptoms of snoring and respiratory arrest disease (sleep apnea), lack of oxygen in the room. The aeroion composition of the air in apartments, without ventilation or the use of an air ionizer, also needs to be improved.

Before waking up, a dream-movie is seen (its playback is a release of the ballast of nervous tension, unrealized ideas, unpleasant visual pictures that have accumulated over the past days, after processing and ordering the information received in the short-term and long-term memory of the brain, adaptation to complex life situations). The more intense the eye movements during REM sleep, the better the dream is reproduced. At the moment of falling asleep, a series of slides or pictures appears in the mind.

Laboratory studies have shown the need for REM sleep - for the survival of the body. A mouse deprived of this phase of dreams for 40 days died. In humans, when blocking REM sleep with alcohol, there is a predisposition to hallucinations.

Dreams, in the phase of "REM sleep" (after slow-wave sleep and before waking up, to rise or to "turn on the other side"), appear, according to an individual biorhythm - every 90-100 minutes. (in the morning - the cycles are reduced to the first tens of minutes, see the graph in the picture), in accordance with the intraday cyclicity of the change (increase) in the overall body temperature and the redistribution of blood in the body (from its periphery, from the extremities to the center of the body, inside), the growth of blood pressure, respiratory rate and heart rate.

Short-term memory is involved in remembering dreams, therefore, up to 90% of the content of a dream is forgotten within the next half hour, after waking up, unless, in the process of remembering, emotional experience, ordering and comprehension, its plot is not recorded in the long-term memory of the brain.

Human biorhythms: remembering sleep

According to enthusiastic researchers, practitioners, on high levels, lucid dreaming (OS) is cooler than many modern computer games.

Many people see dreams, but not all of them try to remember and remember them at the moment of waking up (especially during short awakenings between the first cycles, before returning back to slow sleep).

If there is very little time for rest, you can sleep from 10-11 pm to 3-4 am (“mandatory program” - the first three night cycles in a row, unwaking, that is, the duration of sleep will be 4-5 hours). In this case, the following are restored, sequentially: the brain, body and physical strength, the emotional sphere.

The duration of night sleep necessary for the human body also depends on the season. In winter - it should be at least half an hour longer than in summer.

Natural sleeping pills are fatigue and/or certain moments in the 90-minute cycles of the individual biorhythm of the body when the body temperature drops.

Sufficient night sleep contributes to weight loss (with excess weight - its normalization). In this case, dinner no later than four hours before bedtime. Night food - is excluded, you can only - drink clean water, in a small amount (for washing the esophagus, avoiding dehydration and for falling asleep as soon as possible). The effect will be more noticeable - with high physical activity, during daylight hours.

From frequent lack of sleep - the body wears out faster and ages. During the slow-wave stage of normal, deep sleep, the brain scans the digestive, respiratory system and the heart (as having the most clear rhythm), and with fast-wave - the cardiovascular and lymphatic, reproductive and nervous systems, as well as the liver, kidneys, muscles and tendons (that is, organs that do not have obvious short-term rhythm). After collecting and processing this information, a sequentially planned and coordinated restoration of the viscera (visceral sphere - stomach, intestines, etc.) of the body is carried out. In this process, mainly the most powerful "computing processors" are involved, for example, in the visual and motor areas of the cerebral cortex. In the case when you really want to sleep, but, systematically, there is no such possibility - physical changes may occur in the internal organs and the risk of developing pathologies (stomach ulcers, etc.) is significantly increased.

A sleepy and very tired person who is sleepy while driving a car also risks his health and is dangerous to others, just like a driver who is intoxicated.

Scientists, and not only British ones, have found out that it is possible to slow down the aging of the brain if you stabilize your biorhythms - by simply observing the sleep pattern, this natural circadian (that is, cyclically repeating every day, every 24 hours) rhythm.


Scientific - research

"Biorhythms of Life"


9th grade student

Simykina Daria


biology teacher

Gafner Elena Andreevna

Kungur 2016

Introduction_________________________________________________ 3

Biological rhythms ______________________________________ 4

Biorhythmology ___________________________________________ _5

Physiological and ecological rhythms _____________________ 6

Historical reference ____________________________________ 7

Classification of biorhythms __________________________________ 9

Infradian rhythms, lunar rhythms ____________________________10

Ultradian rhythms _____________________________________ 11

Circadian rhythms ____________________________________________12

Pseudo-scientific ideas about biorhythms __________________________ 13

The theory of "three biorhythms" __________________________________ 14

Cycles of biorhythms ______________________________________________ 16

Physical cycle of biorhythms________________________________ 16

Emotional cycle of biorhythms ____________________________17

Intellectual cycle of biorhythms __________________________ 18

Annex______________________________________________ 19

Literature__ _____________________________________________ 20


Of all the sciences dealing with human health, one of the most unusual and surprising is biorhythmology - the science of the influence of biological rhythms on human health.

The roots of knowledge about biorhythms go back to ancient times. The treatises of Hippocrates and Avicenna have survived to our time, in which a significant place was given to healthy lifestyle life, based on the correct alternation of the phases of activity and rest. In folk medicine, the influence of the phases of the moon and the sun on health has long been noticed. If we talk about modern biorhythmology, the first scientific research was carried out in the first half of the twentieth century. It is very important that largest contribution this problem was brought to consciousness by Russian scientists - laureate Nobel Prize academies I.P. Pavlov, V.V. Vernadsky and A.A. Chizhevsky, who convincingly proved that there is a close relationship between solar activity and events on earth - the number of deaths, suicides, epileptic seizures, etc. Modern biorhythmology, in addition to studying the relationship between biorhythms and human health is engaged in the development of methods and means for the restoration and harmonization of disturbed biorhythms. Currently, this direction is considered one of the most promising in preventive medicine, since it allows you to influence the earliest causes of the development of many diseases.

biological rhythms

Biological rhythms (biorhythms) (from Greek bios, life and rhytmos, any repetitive movement, rhythm) are periodically recurring changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena. They are characteristic of living matter at all levels of its organization - from molecular and subcellular to the biosphere. They are a fundamental process in nature. Some biological rhythms are relatively independent (for example, heart rate, respiration), others are associated with the adaptation of organisms to geophysical cycles - diurnal (for example, fluctuations in the intensity of cell division, metabolism, animal motor activity), tidal (for example, opening and closing shells in marine molluscs associated with the level of sea tides), annual (changes in the number and activity of animals, growth and development of plants, etc.)


The science that studies the role of the time factor in the implementation of biological phenomena and in the behavior of living systems, the temporal organization of biological systems, the nature, conditions for the occurrence and significance of biorhythms for organisms is called biorhythmology. Biorhythmology is one of the directions that was formed in 1960. Section of biology - chronobiology. At the intersection of biorhythmology and clinical medicine, there is the so-called chronomedicine, which studies the relationship of biorhythms with the course of various diseases, develops treatment and prevention schemes based on biorhythms, and studies other medical aspects of biorhythms and their disorders.

Physiological and ecological rhythms

Biorhythms are divided into physiological and ecological. Physiological, as a rule, have periods from fractions of a second to several minutes. These are, for example, the rhythms of pressure, heartbeat and blood pressure. Ecological rhythms coincide in duration with any natural rhythm of the environment.

Biological rhythms are described at all levels, from the simplest biological reactions in the cell to complex behavioral reactions. Thus, a living organism is a collection of numerous rhythms with different characteristics. According to the latest scientific data in the human body, approx. 400 daily rhythms.

The adaptation of organisms to the environment in the process of evolutionary development went in the direction of both improving their structural organization and coordinating the activities of various functional systems in time and space. The exceptional stability of the frequency of changes in illumination, t 0 , humidity, geomagnetic field and other environmental parameters due to the movement of the Moon and the Earth around the Sun, allowed living systems in the process of evolution to develop stable and resistant to external influences temporal programs, the manifestation of which are biorhythms. Such rhythms, sometimes referred to as ecological or adaptive (for example, diurnal, tidal, lunar and annual), are enshrined in genetic structure. Under artificial conditions, when the body is deprived of information about external natural changes (for example, with continuous lighting or darkness, in a room with humidity, pressure, etc. maintained at the same level), the periods of such rhythms deviate from the periods of the corresponding rhythms of the environment, showing that very own period.

Historical reference

People have known about the existence of biorhythms since ancient times.

Already in " Old Testament» instructions are given on the correct lifestyle, nutrition, alternation of phases of activity and rest. Scientists of antiquity wrote about the same: Hippocrates, Avicenna and others.

The founder of biorhythmology is considered to be the German physician K.W. including the human body.

The first systematic scientific research in this area began to be carried out at the beginning of the 20th century, including by Russian scientists I.P. Pavlov, V.I. Vernadsky, A.L. Chizhevsky and others.

By the end of the 20th century, the fact of the rhythmicity of the biological processes of living organisms began to be rightfully considered one of the fundamental properties of living matter and the essence - the organization of life. But until recently, the nature and all the physiological properties of biorhythms have not been elucidated, although it is clear that they have a very important role in the life processes of living organisms. great importance. Therefore, studies of biorhythms are still a process of accumulating information, revealing properties and patterns using statistical methods. As a result, in the science of biorhythms, 2 scientific directions: chronobiology and chronomedicine.

Soviet scientists F.I. Komarov and S.I. Rapportov in their book “Chronobiology and Chronomedicine” give the following definition of biorhythms: “Rhythm is a characteristic of a periodic temporal structure. Rhythm characterizes both a certain order of the temporal sequence and the duration of time intervals, since it contains an alternation of phases of various durations.

One of the main works in this area can be considered the classification of biorhythms developed by the chronobiologist F. Halberg in 1964.

Many hypotheses have been put forward regarding the nature of biorhythms, numerous attempts have been made to determine once again a number of new patterns. Here are some of them.

The Swedish researcher E. Forsgren, in experiments on rabbits, discovered the daily rhythm of glycogen and bile formation in 1930.

Soviet scientists N. E. Vvedensky, A. A. Ukhtomsky, I. P. Pavlov and V. V. Parin made an attempt to theoretically substantiate the mechanisms of the occurrence of rhythmic processes in the nervous system and showed that fluctuations in the characteristics of the state of the nervous system are determined, first of all, rhythms of excitation and inhibition.

In 1959, Jurgen Aschoff, later director of the Planck Institute for the Physiology of Behavior, in Andechs (Germany), discovered a pattern that was called the “Aschoff Rule” (under this name it entered the chronobiology and history of science): “Nocturnal animals have an active period ( wakefulness) is longer in constant light, while in diurnal animals wakefulness is longer in constant darkness.

He found that with prolonged isolation of humans and daytime animals in the dark, the wake-sleep cycle lengthens due to an increase in the duration of the wakefulness phase. Yu. Ashoff suggested that it is light that stabilizes the circadian rhythms of the body.

Classification of biorhythms

The classification of biorhythms is based on strict definitions that depend on the selected criteria.

The classification of biorhythms according to Yu. Ashoff (1984) is divided into:

by their own characteristics, such as period;

by the nature of the process that generates the rhythm;

according to the function that the rhythm performs.

The range of biorhythm periods is wide: from milliseconds to several years. And it can be observed in individual cells, in whole organisms or populations. Most of the biorhythms that can be observed in the central nervous system or the circulatory and respiratory systems are characterized by great individual variability.

Other endogenous rhythms, such as the ovarian cycle, exhibit little individual but significant interspecies variability. In other rhythms mentioned above, the periods remain unchanged in natural conditions, that is, they are synchronized with such environmental cycles as tides, day and night, moon phases and seasons. Tidal, diurnal, lunar and seasonal rhythms of biological systems are associated with them. Each of these rhythms can be maintained in isolation from the corresponding outer cycle. Under these conditions, the rhythm flows "freely", with its own, natural period.

The most common classification of biorhythms according to F. Halberg (1964) is based on oscillation frequencies, i.e., in magnitude, the reciprocal of the length of rhythm periods.

Rhythm Zone

Rhythms area

Period length

high frequency


Less than 0.5 hours




28 - 3 days

low frequency






7 + 3 nights

14 + 3 nights

20 + 3 nights

30 + 7 nights

1 year + 2 months

Infradian rhythms

Rhythms lasting more than a day.

Examples: hibernation (animals), menstrual cycles in women (humans).

There is a close relationship between the two phases: the solar cycle and the anthropometric data of youth. Acceleration is very subject to the solar cycle: the upward trend is modulated by waves synchronized with the period of the "polarity reversal" of the Sun's magnetic field (and this is a double 11-year cycle, i.e. 22 years). Longer periods, covering several centuries, have also been revealed in the activity of the Sun. Of great practical importance is also the study of other multi-day (about monthly, annual, etc.) rhythms, for which such periodic changes in nature as the change of seasons, lunar cycles, and others are the time gauge.

Lunar rhythms

Influence (reflection) of lunar rhythms on the ebb and flow of the seas and oceans. Correspond to the cycle of the phases of the moon (29.53 days) or lunar days (24.8 hours). Lunar rhythms are clearly visible in marine plants and animals, and are observed during the cultivation of microorganisms.

Psychologists note changes in the behavior of some people associated with the phases of the moon: the number of suicides, heart attacks and more increases on the new moon. Ultradian rhythms

Rhythms lasting less than a day.

Examples: concentration of attention, changes in pain sensitivity, processes of excretion and secretion, cyclicity of phases alternating during 6-8 hours of normal sleep in humans. In experiments on animals, it was found that sensitivity to chemical and radiation damage fluctuates very noticeably during the day.

Circadian rhythms

The central place among the rhythmic processes is occupied by the circadian rhythm (circadian), which is of the greatest importance for the organism. The concept of circadian rhythms was introduced in 1959 by Halberg. It is a modification of the circadian rhythm with a period of 24 hours, proceeds under constant conditions and belongs to the free-flowing rhythms. These are rhythms with no imposed external conditions. They are congenital, endogenous, that is, due to the properties of the organism itself. The period of the circadian rhythm lasts 23-28 hours in plants, and 23-25 ​​hours in animals.

Since organisms are usually in an environment with cyclical changes in its conditions, the rhythm of organisms is delayed by these changes and becomes diurnal. Circadian rhythms are found in all representatives of the animal kingdom and at all levels of organization. In experiments on animals, the presence of this rhythm of motor activity, t o of the body and skin, pulse rate and respiration, blood pressure and diuresis was established. The content of various substances in tissues and organs, for example, glucose, sodium and potassium in the blood, plasma and serum in the blood, growth hormones, etc., turned out to be subject to diurnal fluctuations. In essence, all endocrine and hematological indicators, indicators of the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems. In this rhythm, the content and activity of dozens of substances in various tissues and organs of the body, in blood, urine, sweat, saliva, the intensity of metabolic processes, the energy and plastic supply of cells, tissues and organs. The sensitivity of the organism to various environmental factors and the tolerance of functional loads are subordinated to the same circadian rhythm. In humans, approx. 500 functions and processes that have a circadian rhythm.

The dependence of the daily periodicity inherent in plants on the phase and development has been established. In the bark of young shoots of the apple tree, a daily rhythm of the content of biologically active substance phloridzin, the characteristics of which changed according to the phases of flowering, intensive growth of shoots, etc. One of the most interesting manifestations of the biological measurement of time is the daily frequency of opening and closing flowers in plants.

Pseudo-scientific ideas about biorhythms

Like many other aspects of life, biorhythms lead to people's beliefs. Combining observations of natural processes with numerology and divination, some people create their own "theories" about biorhythms, which should predict the future. Such concepts try to predict various aspects of an individual's life with the help of mathematical cycles. However, most scientists are convinced that these concepts have no more predictive power. Than that of a simple case, and consider it an example of pseudoscience. There is also no scientific evidence to support this theory.

The theory of "Three biorhythms"

Popular at the end of the 20th century, the pseudoscientific theory of "Three biorhythms" was proposed by a number of authors at the end of the 19th century as a hypothesis and was later experimentally refuted. The hypothesis assumed the presence of multi-day rhythms, independent of both external factors and age-related changes in the organism itself. The trigger mechanism for these rhythms is only the moment of birth of a person, at which rhythms arise with a period of 23, 28, 33 days, which determine the level of his physical, emotional and intellectual activity. The graphic representation of each of these rhythms is a sinusoid. One-day periods in which the phases switch ("zero" points on the graph) and which, supposedly, are distinguished by a decrease in the corresponding level of activity, are called critical days. If two or three sinusoids simultaneously cross the same "zero" point, then such "double" or "triple" critical days were supposed to be especially dangerous.

This hypothesis has not been confirmed. scientific research and is based on unsystematic empirical observations.

The assumption of the existence of the theory of "Three biorhythms" is about 100 years old. Three researchers became its authors: psychologist Herman Svoboda, otolaryngologist Wilhelm Fliss, who studied emotional and physical biorhythms, and teacher Friedrich Teltscher, who studied intellectual rhythm.

Herman Svoboda worked in Vienna (Austria). Analyzing the behavior of his patients, he noticed that their thoughts, ideas, impulses for action are repeated with a certain frequency. .

Herman Svoboda went further and began to analyze the onset and development of diseases, especially the cyclicity of heart attacks and asthmatic attacks. The result of these studies was the assumption of the existence of the rhythmicity of physical (22 days) and mental (27 days) processes.

The doctors Wilhelm Fliess who lived in Berlin, interested in the resistance of the human body to diseases. Why do children with the same diagnoses at one time have immunity, and at another they die? Having collected data on the onset of the disease, temperature and death, he connected them with the date of birth. Calculations have shown that changes in immunity can be predicted using 22-day physical and 27-day emotional biorhythms.

Newfangled biorhythms pushed Innsbruck teacher Friedrich Telcher to his research. Telcher noted that the desire and ability of students to perceive, systematize and use information, generate ideas change from time to time, that is, they have a rhythmic character. Comparing the dates of students' births, exams, and their results, he proposed an intellectual rhythm with a period of 32 days. Telcher continued his research, studying the life of creative people. As a result, he suggested the existence of a "pulse" of intuition - 37 days.

Subsequently, research on biorhythms continued in Europe, the USA, and Japan. This process became especially intense with the advent of computers. In 1970-1980, biorhythms conquered the whole world. Including, hardware was produced for counting "biorhythms" (for example, Casio biolator). Now the fashion for biorhythms has passed

Academic researchers have rejected the "three biorhythm theory". Theoretical criticism is set forth, for example, in a popular science book by a recognized specialist in chronobiology Arthur Winfrey. Unfortunately, the authors of scientific (not popular science) works did not consider it necessary to specifically devote time to criticism, however, a number of publications (in Russian, this is, for example, a collection edited by Jürgen Aschoff, book L. Glass And M. Mecca and other sources) allow us to conclude that the "theory of three biorhythms" is devoid of scientific grounds. Much more convincing, however, is the experimental critique of the "theory". Numerous experimental checks The 1970-80s completely refuted the "theory" as untenable. Currently, the "theory of three rhythms" is not recognized by the scientific community and is considered as a pseudoscience.

Thanks to the widespread theory of three rhythms”, the words “biorhythm” and “ chronobiology are often associated with pseudoscience. In fact, chronobiology is an evidence-based discipline that lies in the traditional academic mainstream of research, and confusion arises due to the misuse of the name of the scientific discipline in relation to pseudoscientific theory.

Form start

End of form

Cycles of biorhythms

Human life, like everything else in nature, is subject to cyclic changes. The success of this or that type of activity at each moment of time is determined by the balance of inflow and outflow of its internal energy. This balance changes according to cycles of human biorhythms.

Physical biorhythm

Characterizes the amount of internal energy of the body, as well as indicators such as endurance, activity, reaction rate and others. Also, the physical biorhythm determines the ability to restore the body, enterprise and ambition. It depends on the efficiency of metabolism.

Grade physical condition human must necessarily include the study of this biorhythmic cycle. This is especially important for athletes, for whom great physical activity becomes an integral part of daily work. The definition of favorable and unfavorable periods will make it possible to vary the degree of intensity of training. In this way, a person can avoid injury and make the most of their internal resources.

Emotional (spiritual) biorhythm

This biorhythm determines your internal emotional state. The course of his cycle directly affects the sensitivity of a person, his perception, as well as the whole range of feelings and emotions that accompany everyday life. Also, the soul biorhythm is responsible for creativity and intuitive knowledge. It is especially important to consider the emotional cycle for women and all people involved in creative activity or those whose work is connected with communication.

The impact of the spiritual biorhythm on family and love relationships is very clear. Since his cycle determines the tendency to empathy, vulnerability and resentment, these factors can have a significant impact on the communication of two close people.

Intelligent biorhythm

This biorhythmic cycle characterizes the mental abilities of a person. The ability to think, draw logical conclusions, compare facts, find relationships depends on the position of the sinusoid of the intellectual biorhythm. In addition, this biorhythm is responsible for foresight and caution, determining the rationality of human actions. The changes in the cycle are especially clearly felt by people of intellectual professions - teachers, writers, journalists, financiers, etc.

There is a version according to which there is a relationship between the intellectual biorhythm and the secretion of the thyroid gland. There is also data confirming the dependence of labor productivity on changes in the cycle of this biorhythm.


Formula for calculating biorhythms.

Everywhere for the calculation of biorhythms is the formula:


Where p=(23, 28, 33), i.e. the phase of the biorhythm that we want to calculate




B-state of biorhythm in %

Pi-number taken equal to 3, 14

T is the number of days that have passed since the day of birth until the current moment.


1Gubin G. D., Gerlovin E. Sh. Daily rhythms of biological processes and their adaptive significance in the onto- and phylogenesis of vertebrates. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1980.

2Chronobiology and chronomedicine. / Ed. F. I. Komarova.- M.: Medicine, 1989. ISBN 5-225-01496-8.

3 Perna N. Rhythm, life and creativity / Ed. P. Yu. Schmidt - L.-M.: Petrograd , 1925


5Internet, Wikipedia.

Job title:

“Study of biorhythms of students in grades 8-9 of the municipal educational institution “secondary school No. 1 of the village of Dergachi”. Head Sokolova Nadezhda Ivanovna, teacher of biology.


Every civilized person knows that one should brush one's teeth, wash one's hands, wash vegetables and fruits, observe hygienic rules when preparing food, etc. restore the temporary structure of your body. Often communicating with students and observing their activities in the classroom, I drew attention to some patterns in changing their emotional mood, intellectual activity and physical activity. Some of them begin their studies quite calmly and cheerfully, while others come to school irritated and sleepy, and the former cope more successfully with the intellectual load in the first lessons, the latter are more active in the second and subsequent lessons.

It turns out that the reason lies in biorhythms. Biological rhythms are periodically recurring changes in the intensity and nature of biological processes and phenomena. Since ancient times, scientists have noted the rhythmic nature of many biological phenomena and processes, but only by the middle of the 20th century was the idea of ​​the temporal organization of living systems formulated and an intensive study of biological rhythms began.

Biological rhythms are studied by biorhythmology. It is closely related to ecology, physiology, biochemistry, biophysics and other biological sciences. The term "chronobiology" is often used as a synonym for biorhythmology.

Rhythmic character is characteristic of many physiological processes occurring in the human body (daily fluctuations in blood pressure, body temperature, etc.). The cyclic nature of the physical state and psychological functions has been established. Violation of the rhythms of life can reduce performance, have an adverse effect on the human body.

Target: to reveal the influence of biorhythms and chronotype on the working capacity and intellectual activity of students.


1. Analyze the scientific literature on the research problem to determine the main theoretical concepts and provisions of the research.

2. Conduct a study of biorhythms and chronotypes of students in grades 8-9.

The relevance of the work. The study is relevant today, since the study of human biological rhythms opens up new opportunities for the regulation and management of processes occurring in the human body under the influence of various internal and external factors. The study of the nature of biological rhythms is of great importance in the organization of a rational mode of work and rest for a person.

Object of study: students of grades 8-9 of the school in the village of Aleksandrovka.

Subject study are the biological rhythms and chronotype of students.

Practical significance of the study is that I was able to coordinate my own educational activities, my daily routine, and my general physical condition. It was possible to interest others, involve them in the study, and, if they had knowledge, improve their learning activities.

Methodology and research methods.

    Studying the literature on this issue, compiling brief characteristics main biorhythmological types.

    Conducting a survey of students in grades 8-9, keeping self-observation diaries, building diagrams.

3) Analysis of research results.

The sample size was 39 people.

Short review literature.

    The concept of biological rhythm.

Under biological rhythm understand the regular reproduction at certain approximately equal intervals of time of any functional state organism as a whole, or its individual organs, systems, tissues, cells. For example, periodic contractions of the heart muscle every 0.6 - 0.7 seconds, a periodically occurring state of sleep every 24 hours, periodic activation of the motility of the gastrointestinal tract every 90 minutes. At the same time, it is very important to remember that the biorhythm is not the body's response to periodically acting environmental factors, but an internal property of the body that persists even in constant conditions of life isolated from the external environment.

    Classification of biorhythms. The classification of biorhythms is based on the length of their period.

Scientists distinguish five main classes of rhythms:

1. Rhythms of high frequency: from a fraction of a second to 30 minutes (rhythms run for molecular level, appear on the EEG, ECG, are recorded during breathing, intestinal motility, etc.).

2. Rhythms of medium frequency (from 30 minutes to 28 hours, including ultradian and circadian lasting up to 20 hours and 20 - 23 hours, respectively).

3. Meso-rhythms (infradian and circaseptane about 7 days lasting 28 hours and 6 days, respectively).

4. Macrorhythms with a period of 20 days to 1 year.

5. Metarhythms with a period of 10 years or more.

Daily biorhythms

The change of day and night, the season leads to the fact that human organs also rhythmically change their activity. A person's well-being largely depends on how the mode of work and rest corresponds to his individual biorhythms. The activation of organs is subject to the internal biological clock. With the energy excitation of the body, the main organs interact, adjusting them to each other, and to changes in the environment. Below is the time of maximum activity of a person in his daily biorhythm:

    liver- from 1 am to 3 am;

    lungs- from 3 to 5 am;

    colon- from 5 to 7 am;

    stomach- from 7 to 9 am;

    spleen and pancreas- from 9 am to 11 am;

    heart- from 11 am to 1 pm;

    small intestine- from 13:00 to 15:00;

    bladder- from 15:00 to 17:00;

    kidneys- from 17 to 19 pm;

    circulatory organs, reproductive organs- from 19 to 21 pm;

    organs of heat generation- from 21:00 to 23:00 at night;

    gallbladder- from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.

"Owls" and "Larks"

Many parents know how hard it is to get a child out of bed in the early hours of the morning. And in the evening it is not easier to put him to bed - at this time he is most active. However, there are children who like to get up early and willingly go to bed. These differences persist throughout life. What are their reasons?

Scientists have found that according to the different and always individual arrangement of biorhythm peaks, people are divided into three main chronotypes - "larks" (morning), "pigeons" (daytime) and "owls" (evening). Their differences are manifested in the functional capabilities of the body at certain hours of the day. "Larks" in the morning have a clearly defined synchronization of performance. In "owls", in the morning hours, an increased tension of the functions of the central regulatory systems was noted. It has been statistically proven, for example, that in the morning hours "owls" make one and a half times more errors in reading and writing than "larks".

"Larks" wake up early, feel cheerful and efficient in the first half of the day. In the evening they become sleepy and go to bed early. "Owls" fall asleep late at night, get up late in the morning and are efficient, come in the afternoon. Half of the people - arrhythmics - "pigeons" adapt to both the morning and evening work regime.

Weekly rhythms

In weekly rhythms, a social component is expressed - a weekly rhythm of work and rest, in accordance with which the functional functions of our body change. The dynamics of working capacity is influenced by the weekly rhythm: on Monday, workability occurs after the weekend, the maximum working capacity is observed in the middle of the week, and by Friday, fatigue is already accumulating, fatigue and working capacity are falling.

The weekly biorhythm affects not only physiological, but also mental processes, or rather a holistic flow of both. That is why a particularly successful routine is the one when the physical and intellectual activity of a person alternately intensifies. Sunday (day of the sun) the vital forces of the body are more active than on other days.

    Monday (moon day) reactivity increases, it is more difficult to gather, concentrate.

    Tuesday (Mars day), on the contrary, is characterized by an increase in excitability.

    Wednesday (Mercury day) the activity of the nervous system is enhanced, susceptibility and activity of thinking are increased.

    Thursday (Jupiter day) higher sociability, contact.

    Friday (Venus day) a day of increased emotional activity, more subtle sensitivity.

    Saturday (Saturn day) lowers sociability, gives a mental decline, but also increases concentration, this is the day of a new accumulation of strength.

Of course, one cannot live strictly according to the schedule, but it is quite possible to take into account the peculiarities of each day and, in accordance with this, control oneself. When distributing the workload, keep the following in mind:

    a) do not plan a big load on Monday. Monday is the day of conflicts, heart attacks and strokes.

    b) active action days - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday;

    c) Friday is a day of calm work that does not require stress and stress.

monthly rhythms

The monthly rhythm, unlike the weekly one, exists objectively in the nature around us. This is the so-called sidereal month - 27 1/3 days - the period of rotation of the Moon around the Earth and 29 1/2 days - the synodic month - the time from one new moon to another. We know well that the main action of the Moon on the Earth is connected with the interaction of their masses (the law gravity), manifested in the form of ebbs and flows in rivers and seas, as well as with screening of the Earth by the Moon from electromagnetic radiation sun or additional flux in the form of reflected light.

annual rhythms

Another very important group of biological rhythms, which are of great importance for higher and lower organisms, includes seasonal and annual rhythms, due to the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Seasonal changes in the vegetation cover of the Earth, migration of birds, hibernation of a number of animal species are examples of rhythms with a yearly period. Seasonal fluctuations in vital functions are also characteristic of humans. Thus, in regions with seasonal contrasts in climate, the intensity of metabolism is higher in winter than in summer. Cold is a stimulant for thyroid function. Blood pressure, red blood cells, hemoglobin are usually lower in the hot season. In spring and summer, most people work better than in winter. The undulating course of many diseases is well known, in which periods of exacerbation are replaced by long remissions, for example, tuberculosis is more often exacerbated in spring, and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in spring and autumn.

External and internal regulationbiorhythms.

For the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary that each function be carried out rhythmically in accordance with the state of the body changing over the course of different cycles. It is necessary that all biorhythms be in a certain way consistent with each other (synchronized). Only in this case the optimal level is ensured. health and the best adaptability. If, for some reason, the coordination of functions is violated, a mismatch (desynchronization) of biorhythms occurs, or desynchronosis. In mild cases, this condition is accompanied by some malaise. If the desynchronosis is strong enough and lasts for a long time, then the adaptive capabilities of the body weaken and various diseases arise. Which disease occurs in each case depends on the predisposition, the presence of a hidden pathology and on a number of other reasons. In this case, the popular proverb “where it is thinly torn” is true.

Internal and external factors that violatebiorhythmshuman body.

Changing the rhythm of external time sensors:

- Photoperiod lengths transitional seasons of the year (spring, autumn - “seasonal desynchronosis”), movement in the translatitudinal direction (for example, from middle latitudes to the Far North);

- Social Time Sensors shift work, transmeridian flights, shift work, change in habitual living conditions (for children - the beginning of school, the transition from one shift to another, etc.).

- Stressful situations. Violation of the rhythm of sleep-wakefulness, activity-rest, diet.

Main part.

1. Study of the daily chronotype of schoolchildren.

Total subjects : 39 people.

Targetexperiment : determination of the chronobiological type of students.

With the help of tests (Appendix No. 1 and No. 2), a study was conducted of students in grades 8-9 and their chronotypes were established.


Rice. 1. Chronobiological type of students in grades 8-9 (39 people)

2. Influencebiorhythmsto intellectualactivityschoolchildren.

Self-assessment of intellectual activity and physical condition.

Students in grades 8-9 were asked to keep a diary of self-observation of their intellectual activity and physical condition for three weeks. Record the results on the map (Appendix No. 3)

Purpose of observation : Revealing the pattern of changes in the state of students with different chronobiological rhythms in the morning and afternoon.

Rice. 2. Patterns of changes in the intellectual activity and physical condition of students in grades 8-9 with different chronobiological rhythms in the morning.

Rice. 3. Patterns of changes in the intellectual activity and physical condition of students in grades 8-9 with different chronobiological rhythms during the daytime.

During the analysis of the obtained data, it was revealed that there is a clear pattern of changes in the intellectual activity and physical condition of "owls" and "larks" in accordance with their chronobiological type, which cannot be done according to the chronobiological type - "pigeons". Keeping self-observation diaries made it possible to identify signs that occur when the daily routine is violated, after the end of the holidays and the beginning training sessions.

Symptoms of desynchronosis according to the results of the analysis of self-observation diaries

    Decreased ability to concentrate.

    Increased fatigue and irritability.

    Mood instability: from apathy to revival, and vice versa.

    Lack of vivacity, feeling of weakness after sleep.


    Feeling insecure.

3. The study of the weekly rhythms of the learning activity of students

Total : 39 people

Materials used :

    Diaries of self-observation of students.

    Analysis of performance for a given period.

    Teacher observation.

Purpose of the analysis: Identification of patterns of changes in intellectual activity of various chronobiological types with a weekly schedule learning activities.

Fig.4. Patterns of change in the intellectual activity of the chronobiological type "pigeons" of students in grades 8-9 with a weekly schedule of educational activities.

Rice. 5. Patterns of change in the intellectual activity of the chronobiological type "lark" of students in grades 8-9 with a weekly schedule of educational activities.

Rice. 6. Patterns of changes in the intellectual activity of the chronobiological type of "owl" of students in grades 8-9 with a weekly schedule of educational activities.

When analyzing the data obtained from the diaries of self-observation and teachers' observations of the intellectual activity of students, it should be noted that the patterns of circa-weekly rhythms exist and are expressed in increasing activity from Monday to Wednesday, and Thursday stands out especially as one of the most productive days of the week.

Work results.

The study involved 39 students. As a result, the chronotypes of students were determined, revealed: larks - 35%, pigeons - 40%, owls - 25%.

A pattern was established for the change in intellectual activity and physical condition of "owls" and "larks" during the day in accordance with their chronobiological type, which is impossible to do according to the chronobiological type - “pigeons”. At the first lesson, students of the "larks" chronotype have a much better speed of response to sensory signals and, consequently, the degree of assimilation educational material. The activity of "owls" in the first lesson is lowered.Starting from the second lesson, the “owls” wake up and their performance is not lower than that of other chronotypes. The efficiency and degree of assimilation of the educational material "pigeons" depends on the level of preparation of the child for the learning process.

A study of the weekly rhythms of students' learning activity was carried out. It was found that the patterns of near-weekly biorhythms are expressed in increasing activity from Monday to Wednesday, and Thursday stands out as one of the most productive days of the week, followed by a decline in activity. Signs of desynchronosis were identified that occur when there is a violation of the daily regimen, after the end of the holidays and the beginning of training sessions.

1) Rhythm of functioning is a fundamental biological pattern, which is subject to all life on Earth, and the human body in particular.

2) In general, the biorhythmological type has a certain effect on the intellectual and physical activity of schoolchildren .

3) Students in grades 8-9 need to know and follow certain rules for the rational organization of the daily and weekly regime of study, work and rest for productive intellectual activity.

4) I take into account the existence of daily and weekly biorhythms of working capacity for subject teachers, all control and verification work should be done in the middle of the week at the most productive time.

5) In order to prevent overload of students, ease the schedule of lessons at the beginning and end of the week.

6) Conduct a conversation with students in grades 8-9 on biorhythmology with an analysis of the study, give specific recommendations (Appendix

Thus, in order to maintain one’s health and productive intellectual activity, it is necessary to know and follow certain rules for the rational organization of the daily and weekly regime of work and rest, activity and rest, which prevent mismatch of internal biological rhythms, violation of the “internal temporary order” in the body.


    Dilman V.M. Large biological clock. Introduction to integral medicine.- M.: Knowledge, 1996.-256 p.

    Doskin V.A., Lavrentieva N.A. biological rhythms. – M.: Medicine, 1980.-161 p.

    Kupriyanovich L.I. Biological rhythms and sleep.–M.: Nauka, 1989.-112 p.

    Lamberg L.I. body rhythms. Human health and its biological clock. – M.: Veche AST, 1998.-274 p.

    Oransky I.E. The clock is within us. - Sverdlovsk, 1998.-164 p.

    Putilov A.A. Guide to chronobiology and chronomedicine. – M.: Medicine, 1989.-234 p.

Application No. 1

Owl or lark?

Self test

When determining the optimal hours for various kinds activities, it often turns out that these hours do not fall on the working day, nor on the time spent in the family. This quiz will help you get to know yourself better. Industrial psychology offers similar tests to assess the suitability of employees to work on the schedule of enterprises.

These eight questions are aimed at determining the mode of activity that you prefer in a given situation. Circle the number of the correct answer that best suits you.

    You had to go to bed 4 hours later than usual. There is no limit to how long you sleep. Can you wake up later than usual and by how much?

I can’t, I’ll wake up as usual……………………………………..1

Wake up an hour later…………………………………………….2

Wake up 2 hours later………………………………………….3

Wake up 3 hours later………………………………………….4

Wake up 4 hours later………………………………………….5

    During the week you went to bed and got up when you wanted. How long will it take you to fall asleep at 11 p.m. now?

10 minutes or even less…………………………………………1

15 minutes……………………………………………………………...2

Half an hour………………………………………………………..…...…3

About an hour……………………………………………………………4

More than an hour…………………………………………………………..5

    If for a long time you go to bed at 11 pm and wake up at 7 am, what will be the dynamics of your physical activity and performance?

With an evening-day peak……………………………………………..5

With a daily peak…………………………………………………….4

With morning and afternoon peaks……………………………………...3

With a morning-day peak……………………………………………...2

With the morning peak…………………………………………………….1

4. Imagine that you are on desert island. You have wrist watch. When would you like it to be light on your island?

At 9 o'clock in the morning, or later…………………………………………….5

At 8 o’clock in the morning………………………………………………………….4

At 7 o’clock in the morning………………………………………………………….3

At 6 o’clock in the morning………………………………………………………….2

At 5 o'clock in the morning, or earlier………………………………………………1

5. During the week you went to bed and got up on your own. Tomorrow you have to wake up at 7 am. There is no one to wake you up. What time will you wake up?

Before 6.30 am………………………………………………………..1

Between 6.30 and 6.50 am…………………………………………………2

Between 6.50 and 7.00 am…………………………………………………3

Between 7.00 and 7.10 am……………………………………………………4

After 7.10 am…………………………………………………………….5

6. Every day for 3 hours you have to complete a difficult task. It will require the exertion of all your strength and attention. What watch would you choose for this job?

From 8 to 9 am………………………………………………………………..1

From 9 am to 12 noon……………………………………………………….2

From 10 am to 1 pm………………………………………………………3

From 11 am to 2 pm………………………………………………...4

From 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.…………………………………………………………5

7. If you are awake at your usual time, then when do you feel a breakdown (lethargy, drowsiness)?

Only after sleep……………………………………………………………5

After sleep and after lunch……………………………………………………4

In the afternoon……………………………………………………3

After dinner and before bed………………………………………………..2

Just before bed………………………………………………………..1

8. When are you free to sleep, how much do you want when you wake up?

At 11 am, or later……………………………………………..5

At 10 am…………………………………………………………..4

At 9 am………………………………………………………………3

At 8 o’clock in the morning………………………………………………………………2

At 7 o'clock in the morning………………………………………………………………1

Count the sum of the numbers corresponding to your answers.

More than 32 - a typical evening type ("owl").

28-32 - moderate "owl".

21-27 - day type ("pigeon").

16-20 - moderately morning type ("lark").

Less than 16 - a typical "lark".

Application No. 2

Table for determining the chronotype




1. Awakening

1. Have no particular difficulty waking up; average score.

2. The main peak of efficiency falls on the first half of the day, they are active almost at any time of the day.

3. Physical activity - at 11-12 am

4. Fall asleep easily, as a rule, they do not experience any particular fatigue and drowsiness

1. Awakening

1. Falling asleep and waking up very late

2. Three peaks of intellectual activity: from 13.00 to 14.00, from 18.00 to 20.00, from 23.00 to 01.00 (the last one is the most fruitful)

3. Physical activity increases from 14.00, reaches a peak by 19.00 and continues until 23.00

4. Have trouble falling asleep


1. Awakening

1. No problem waking up early in the morning

2. Two peaks of intellectual activity: from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

3. Physical activity - 10-11 am

4. Fall asleep easily, but feel sleepy in the middle and at the end of the working day

Application №3

Observation map

for the student


Evaluation parameters

How do you feel?

(bad, good, satisfactory)

What's your mood? (excellent, satisfactory, worse)

What grades did you get today?

Application No. 4

General daily routine tips for early risers


Real "larks" usually have no problem waking up in the morning, even if you have to get up at 6-7 o'clock. However, they have another problem - the fight against drowsiness, which falls on them in the middle and at the end of the working day. Drowsiness can be dealt with with a very hot, or better contrast, shower. After that, you need to drink hot strong tea with 2-3 lemon slices.


Unlike "owls", energetic "larks" do not need tonic drinks in the morning. If early morning “larks” drink coffee, they only get overexcited, get tired quickly and lose their efficiency. It is better to drink green tea, which tones, but does not excite.

For breakfast, "larks" are suitable for cottage cheese or scrambled eggs, milk porridge, sandwiches with cheese or sausage.

Lunch at the "larks" falls at 13-14 hours. It should be dense and no less high-calorie than breakfast, because at this time the second peak of activity begins in the digestive system of the "larks". It is best to eat soup, spaghetti with cheese, potatoes with fish or meat. Lunch can be completed with a cup of strong tea in order to maintain high performance in the remaining work time. For dinner, carbohydrate food is recommended, taking into account the early bedtime. These can be cereals or muesli with honey or dried fruits, light toasts with jam, bananas, green tea with chocolate.

Work and study.

Most "larks" have only two peaks of intellectual activity. True, unlike "owls", these periods are longer. The first peak of activity begins at 8-9 o'clock and ends by 12-13 o'clock. The second - shorter - peak of intellectual activity occurs in the afternoon - from 16:00 to 18:00. For more accurate planning of your working day, you can use the appropriate test.

As for the physical activity of "larks", it also has a two-phase character. Most effectively, they can perform physical work in the morning from 7 am to 12 pm and in the evening from 4 pm to 7 pm.


Early risers are best trained in the morning. Morning exercises and jogging at 6-7 o’clock are about “larks”. Morning workouts are best done on an empty stomach, drinking only sweet cocoa or eating a few slices of chocolate, and the main breakfast should be taken after that. If "larks" prefer athletic exercises, then they are best done at 10-11 o'clock in the morning, about an hour after a hearty breakfast. In this case, you can achieve the most effective growth of muscle mass. In the evening, "larks" are not recommended to be overloaded. Firstly, the activity of most body systems decreases sharply in the evening, and, secondly, it can interfere with sleep. From evening classes, you can recommend calm types of physical activity - swimming, walking, slow cycling.


"Larks" usually fall asleep easily. However, if for some reason they do not go to bed at a time when they are "deadly" sleepy, they can break themselves all night. If you still have problems falling asleep, you can make going to bed much easier by using the following simple rules:

1. Try to go to bed at the same time;

2. About 40 minutes before bedtime, stop working on the computer or watching TV;

3. Before going to bed, it is advisable to take a walk or take a relaxing bath;

4. Ventilate the room well before going to bed.

To calculate your own biorhythms, you should determine the number of days lived on a certain date, starting from the day of birth. Then the total number of lived days must be divided by the duration of the periods of physical, emotional and intellectual cycles (23, 28, 33). By doing this, we "catch" the end of the sinusoid and determine which day of each cycle corresponds to desired date.

A person from the day of birth is in three biological rhythms: physical, emotional and intellectual.

The physical cycle is 23 days. It determines the energy of a person, his strength, endurance, coordination of movement.

· The emotional cycle is equal to 28 days and determines the state of the nervous system and mood.

Intelligent cycle (33 days) determines creativity personality.

Rice. 1. Sinusoids of biorhythms

Any of the cycles consists of two half-cycles: positive and negative.

During the first half of the physical cycle, a person is energetic and achieves better results in his activities; in the second half of the cycle, energy yields to laziness.

In the first half of the emotional cycle, a person is cheerful, aggressive, optimistic, overestimates his capabilities, in the second half - irritable, easily excitable, underestimates his capabilities, pessimistic, critically analyzes everything.

· The first half of the intellectual cycle is characterized by creative activity, luck and success accompany a person; in the second half there is a creative decline.

When calculating, it is enough to round the numbers to tenths of a fraction. Based on the exact date of birth, count how many days you have lived: 365 days a year, multiply by the number of years lived, excluding leap years; Multiply the number of leap years by 366 days; sum both works.

Divide the number of days lived by 23 (physical cycle) - you get a number with a remainder after the whole. For example, if the remainder is 20, this means that the 20th day of the physical cycle is coming, that is, the second half of the cycle is unfavorable. Also calculate the emotional and intellectual cycles.

There will be approximately six days in a year when the initial phases of the two cycles coincide - these are difficult days. And about once a year, all three cycles at zero is also a very bad day.

The days when the biorhythm graphs cross the horizontal line in the center of the graph (“zero” days) are critical. According to statistics, these days account for the most accidents, accidents, these days there are emotional downturns, mental breakdowns.

Example of calculating biorhythms

Date of birth of the student (student) - March 15, 1980. Make a monthly schedule of biorhythms, starting from September 1, 2000.

We calculate the number of lived days for the full 20 years, taking into account high years (1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012):

365 * 20 + 5 = 7305 days.

16 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 = 169 days.

The total number of days is

1)7474/23 = 324,9565217;

(324,9565217 - 324)*23 = 21,999 ~ 22.

2) 7474/28 = 266,9285714,

(266,9285714 - 266)*28 = 25,999 ~ 26.

3) 7474/33 = 226,4848484,

(226,4848484 - 226)*33 = 15,999 ~ 16.

The received numbers 22, 26, 16 mean that September 1, 2000 is the 22nd day of the physical, the 26th day of the emotional and the 16th day of the intellectual cycles of a student (student).

We analyze in which part of the period - positive or negative - the calculated days are (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Period charts

We build a calendar chart of biorhythms for September 2000 (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Biorhythm calendar chart


Analyzing the resulting schedule, we conclude that the most unfavorable in terms of student life safety will be September 1, 2, 13, 17, 18, 25. These days, you should be especially careful and, if possible, avoid situations related to the tension of attention (driving a car), exhausting physical and mental labor, and travel.

Questions to control

1. What are biorhythms?

2. Basic biological properties of vitamin E and A.

3. Basic biological properties of iodine and selenium.

4. What are chronobiotics?

5. General advice on daily routine for "larks".

6. General advice on the regime of the day for "owls".

7. How many groups does the chronobiologist F. Halberg divide biological rhythms into and what belongs to each group?

8. List the data on the types of biological processes in the body during the day.

9. List the types of chronobiotics and characterize them.

10. Basic biological properties of vitamins B12, B6.

Individual task


1. Biological rhythms / Ed. Yu. Ashoff: In 2 vols. - M .: Mir, 1984. Vol. 1. pp. 5-406; T.2. pp. 5-260.

2. Breus T.K., Chibisov S.M. , Baevsky R.M., Shebzukhov K.V. Chronostructure of biorhythms of the heart and the environment. - M .: Publishing house of the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, 2002. - 232 p.

3. Glass L., Mackie M. From clock to chaos. Rhythms of life. - M.: Mir, 1991. - 248 p.

4. Oransky I.E., Tsarfis P.G. Biorhythmology and chronotherapy (chronobiology and chronobalneophieiotherapy). - M., 1989. - 159 p.

5. Chronobiology and chronomedicine / Ed. F.I. Komarov. - M.: Medicine, 1989. - 401 p.

6. Lebedev N.N. Biorhythms of the digestive system. M: Medicine, 1987. - 320 p.

7. Zhelibo E.P. Security of life. Heading guide for students of the Higher Educational Educational Institution of Ukraine. - Kiev: "Karavela", 2001. - 320 p.

Educational edition


to the practice

by discipline

"Life Safety"

on the topic "Biorhythms and their role in
human life"

(for students of all specialties)

Compiled by:
Nikolai Anatolievich KASYANOV

Ilya Nikolaevich ARNAUT

Dmitry Viktorovich MIKHAILOV

Editor I.A. Morozova

Technical editor T.N. Drogovoz

Original layout D.V. Mikhailov

Signed for printing 26.06.06

Format 60×84 1 / 16 Printing paper. Times headset.

Offset printing. Conv. oven l.______. Uch.-ed. l. ______.

Circulation ____ copies. Ed. No. 2871. Order No. _______. The price is negotiable.

Publishing House of the East Ukrainian National
Vladimir Dahl University

Urban scientific and practical conference"First Steps in Science"


on the topic of:

Biorhythms. The dependence of the progress of adolescents on their biorhythmic type

Subject area:

9th grade students

Melnikova Alexandra,

Gladkov Nikita,

Hotemskoy Nikita



3 Research results

3.1 Individual daily biorhythms of schoolchildren …………………

3.2 Changes in mental performance in students of grades 8 and 9 in connection with their daily biorhythmic reaction ………………

List of used literature ……………………………………….

Application …………………………………………………………………


The body is able to sense and measure time. All living beings, from plants to humans, have this ability. It is this property that has helped many organisms to survive in the struggle for existence (Pekhov, 2000; Chernova and Bylova, 2006). Both in the human body and throughout the living world, certain phenomena are repeated, marking the onset of the next period of time. Flowering plants, seasonal migrations of animals and birds, the alternation of sleep and wakefulness, the change of seasons and many other cyclical processes in nature are all manifestations of biological rhythms. Humans have a biological clock, but not as accurate as some animals. The rhythmic change in the state of the human body has long been known. Greek physician Herophilus 300 BC e. discovered that the pulse of a healthy person changes throughout the day. Subconsciously, a person chooses a time when it is easier for him to work. Approximately 400 - 500 years ago, a person began to live by the clock, and before that there was no need for them, since the natural and biological clocks worked (Biological rhythms, 1984; Biology for applicants ..., 2005; Chernoa, Bylova, 2006).

Purpose of the study - study the complex characteristics of biorhythmic

types of adolescents (grades 8-9) in order to optimize learning activities.

In the process of achieving the goal, the following tasks were solved:

    Research the literature on these issues.

    Determine the frequency of occurrence of students of different biorhythmic types.

    To study the performance of adolescents of different biorhythmic types.

    To analyze the indicators of the dependence of academic performance on the biorhythmic type duringIIII quarters.

An object work: individual biorhythms (biological clock) and mental performance of schoolchildren of grades 8 and 9 (on the example of the MOU "Gymnasium No. 2").

Practical significance : the results of the study can be used in the organization educational process, as well as for long-term monitoring and application in the practice of schools to improve the quality of the educational process.

1 Analytical review of literature

The mighty 20th century stormed into historymankind with unprecedented and stunning changes.The rapid pace of development of science and technology, strikingsignificant achievements in the field of transport, communication, communication andinformation have changed our understanding of time and simplespace, about the scale of terrestrial distances. It's like she's shrinkingour planet, the meridians and parallels merged, and the world stoppedalready seem immensely huge to a person.

Deciding actual problems that appear before the humantoday, we are faced with the fact that the roots of some ofthey go into biology, into the area of ​​the basic phenomena of livingmatter. At the "junction" of adjacent scientific disciplines Not onlythe deepest discoveries are made, new ones are bornapproaches to the study of various natural phenomena, but also new scientific directions are emerging.

One of the young and rapidly developing sciences of the twentiethcentury - biorhythmology, or chronobiology, i.e. science, I studyschayuschaya cyclic biological processes available in alllevels of organization of a living system (Biological rhythms, 1984; Markov, 2001; Chernova and Bylova, 2006).

From year to year, interest in the problems of biorhythmology is growing, methodological principles which confidently penetratein the study of all levels of organization of living things - from moleculeslar to the level of the whole organism. And this is understandable iftake into account that over millions of years of evolutionary developmentthere was a process not only of continuous complication and perfectionof the structural organization of living systems, but also the processtheir temporary organization. Adaptation of the body to constantly changing environmental conditions was provided notseparate organs, but coordinated in time and space and subordinate to each other specializedny functional systems. It is no coincidence that at presenttime, through studies of the temporal organization of biosystems, ecological and physiological mechanisms of adaptation tohabitat and scientifically based environments are being soughtstviya correction of violations that occur when exposed tothe body of various adverse factors. Researchare held on different levels biological organization - fromthe individual as the basic unit of the biological community through the population to the ecosystem.

Our work studies the internal biorhythmological cycles of a person - the manifestation of sleep and wakefulness, expressed in three main types - "larks", "owls", "pigeons - arrhythmics" (Biological rhythms, 1984).

Internal loopsThese are, first of all, the physiological rhythms of the body. All internal rhythms of the body are subordinated, integrated into complete system and ultimately act as a general periodicity in the behavior of the organism. Rhythmically carrying out its physiological functions, the body, as it were, counts time. For both external and internal rhythms, the onset of the next phase depends, first of all, on time. Therefore, time acts as one of the most important environmental factors to which living organisms must respond, adapting to external cyclic changes in nature (Chernova, Bylova, 2006).

It is important for each person to be able to diagnose his biorhythm, because. many cognitive and other functions are associated with it, which has a great influence on well-being and career success.

2 Research methodology

Based on the objectives of our study, we conducted a series of studies with the participation of students in grades 8-9 of the MOU "Gymnasium No. 2" during 2008-2010. in order to study the complex characteristics of biorhythmic types of adolescents in order to optimize learning activities. The typology of individual biorhythms was diagnosed using standard methods (Biological rhythms, 1984).

Mental performance was assessedmethod of time-dosed proofreading work. According to the literature, the results of the proofreadingbots reflect not only the state of the attention function, but alsostanding electrical activity of the brain.For mass observations of the state of mental performance of schoolchildren, we suggest using the correction test and the Anfimo table.VA modified by S. M. Grombakh (Kuindzhi, 2001)

Groups of students who agreed to participate in the study in the first and last lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday throughout academic quarters determined their performance. In parallel, the type of biorhythm of each of the test participants was established. From the data obtained, we compiled summary tables.

3 Research results

3.1 Individual daily biorhythms of schoolchildren

Over the course of two years, 68 students were examined in grades 8 and 9. Among schoolchildren in general (Table 1), “owls” prevail - 26 people, “larks” - smallest number(20 people). However, these differences are not statistically significant.

Table 1 - Summary table of types of biorhythmic reactions of 8th grade students (2010 academic year)

In the 9th grades (Table 2) there are the most "larks" - 27 people, "owls" - the smallest number (19 people). Consequently, over time, biorhythmological manifestations in schoolchildren have changed.

Table 2 - Summary table of types of biorhythmic reactions of 9th grade students (2011 academic year)

In general, the number of arrhythmic schoolchildren (pigeons) did not change quantitatively. The number of "larks" has increased, while the number of "owls" has decreased. These differences may be due to the restructuring of the class schedule, as well as a change in the daily routine.

Based on the analysis of documents on progress (Tables 3, 4), the following regularities in the assessment knowledge of schoolchildren in grades 8 and 9 were revealed, depending on their biorhythmic types.

Table 3 - Summary table of the dependence of academic performance on the biorhythmic type (8th grade)

It was found that academic performance in the 8th grade is better for "owls" and "pigeons". However, in arrhythmics and "owls" differences in overall performance are statistically significant. In our opinion, this fact is directly related to the preparation of homework. All schoolchildren study in the first shift, so they prepare for the next school day the day before in the afternoon, while visiting tutors. Because "owls" are active in the second half of the day, therefore, their assimilation of the material is more successful than that of schoolchildren of other biorhythms. Arrhythmics with a certain organization of the daily routine

The performance of schoolchildren of the 9th grade, depending on biorhythmic reactions, is as follows.

Table 4 - Summary table of the dependence of academic performance on the biorhythmic type (9th grade)

The overall performance of schoolchildren has increased, regardless of the groups of biorhythmological reactions. This is due, first of all, to the increased responsibility of the students themselves in the final grades of the school, preparing for exams. The "larks" and "pigeons" have differences in general indicators academic performance is statistically significant, the “owls” are not. This means that with a clear organization of the daily routine, the daily endogenous type of biorhythms has a secondary effect on overall academic performance.

3.2 Changes in mental performance of students in grades 8 and 9 due to their daily biorhythmic response

Efficiency is also a biorhythm, which differs in the same person depending on the season (seasonal fluctuations), depending on the day of the week and on the time of day.

The conducted researches have shown that working capacity changes according to the seasons of the year very clearly (Appendix 1). The maximum working capacity is observed at the end of September - the first days of the week of October, the minimum working capacity - in the second and third ten days of December. Increasing efficiency begins in the second decade of April.

Figure 1 - The manifestation of fatigue according to the results of the correction test among students

Schoolchildren go to the winter vacation with minimal performance indicators, restoring lost strength during rest. The lowest working capacity was registered in all schoolchildren, regardless of their individual biorhythms. However, in “owls” the decrease in working capacity is minimal, in arrhythmics it is average, in “larks” it is significant.

Only a carefully thought-out regime of work and rest will contribute to successful certification.

Performance also varies depending on the day of the week.

Figure 2 - Weekly peaks of working capacity according to the results of the correction test of students

There is one peak performance (least fatigue) - on Tuesday. The most pronounced fatigue was observed on Saturday. Thus, the weekly dynamics of working capacity indicates the regular onset of uncompensated fatigue by the end of the week.

An analysis of the daily dynamics of performance-fatigue does not show a pronounced final breakthrough: that is, a decrease in fatigue and an increase in performance in the last lesson compared to the penultimate one.

IN high school(grades 8-9) the least productive (with quick fatigue) are the 1st and 6th, 7th and subsequent lessons. The second and third lessons are characterized by the least pronounced fatigue. The fourth and fifth lessons coincide with the periods of compensated fatigue (schoolchildren can overcome the initial stages of fatigue by willpower and maintain the required level of performance). This data can be used to build a school timetable.

Pronounced "owls" and "pigeons" did not have pronounced fatigue by the end of the school day, however, the results of their test sample in the first lessons are quite low. Those. these students are poorly “learned” into the learning rhythm, it is for them that it is necessary dynamic pause between 1-2 and 3 lessons.

In the process of learning, by the end of the year, the tension of the functional systems of the body is more pronounced in "larks". When studying the annual dynamics of the mental performance of schoolchildren, depending on individual biorhythmic reactions, it was revealed that two biorhythms overlap each other, sometimes significantly reducing academic performance.

    Evaluation of biorhythmic reactions of students is of particular importance for the introduction and implementation of health-saving technologies. Individual biorhythms "larks", "owls" and "doves" do not remain constant. Differences in biorhythmic reactions over time among schoolchildren can be associated with a restructuring of the class schedule, as well as with a change in the daily routine.

    "Doves" (arrhythmics) are easier to adapt to study load, because their individual activity, and consequently their performance at school, depends least of all on external causes.

    Efficiency is a component of the adaptive potential of high school students. Studies of working capacity have shown that it changes very clearly according to the seasons of the year: the maximum working capacity is at the end of September - the first days of the week of October, the minimum working capacity - in the second and third decade of December. Increasing efficiency begins in the second decade of April. Therefore, it is necessary to plan valeological measures to optimize the performance of students.

    During the year, the lowest working capacity was registered among all schoolchildren, regardless of their individual biorhythms. However, in “owls” the decrease in working capacity is minimal, in arrhythmics it is average, in “larks” it is significant.

    Most a pronounced process of fatigue and a decrease in the psycho-physiological and emotional functions of schoolchildren is observed on Saturday. In high school, the least productive (with rapid fatigue) are the 1st and 6th, 7th and subsequent lessons for all types of organization of the educational process. The second and third lessons are characterized by the least pronounced fatigue. This data can be used to build a school timetable.

    Pronounced "owls" and "pigeons" did not have pronounced fatigue by the end of the school day, however, the results of their test sample in the first lessons are quite low. They need a dynamic pause between lessons 1-2 and 3.

    In high school, new subjects are characterized by a greater degree of fatigue, because. they are more labor intensive. External environmental factors - microclimate parameters, especially temperature discomfort, also adversely affect performance. Fatigue is most pronounced in the lessons of any difficulty, if the room is very cold or stuffy.

Any teacher, parent of students, as well as the students themselves, need to familiarize themselves with active teaching methods aimed at activating the reserve capabilities of the body and high performance of students:

Suggestopedia (method of suggestion);

Relaxopedia (learning method using relaxation);

Rhythmopedia (the use of rhythmic stimulation of the sense organs as a tool for the formation of the student's state, the most adequate for the assimilation of this type of information);

Audiovisual and audiolingual methods

The method of subsensory influences, based on the effect of summing up a large number of repetitive weak signals.

All parents need to know that the daily routine and favorable conditions for mental activity schoolchildren will allow to overcome the influence of individual biorhythmic reactions on overall academic performance.


1 Biological rhythms. In 2 vols. T. 1. Per. from English. - M.: Mir, 1984.- 414 p.

2 Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary / Chief Editor M.S. Gilyarov. - Moscow: Bolshaya Russian Encyclopedia, 1995.

3 Biology for applicants to universities / Under the editorship of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V.N. Yarygin. - Moscow: graduate School, 2005.

4 Markov, V.V. Valeological education in modern world/ V.V. Markov // Biology at school - 2001 - No. 6. - P. 14-19.

5 Kuindzhi, N.N. Valeology: ways of forming the health of schoolchildren // N.N. Kuindzhi // Toolkit. - M.: Aspect Press, 2001. - 139 p.

6 Pekhov, A.P. Biology with the basics of ecology / A.P. Pekhov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2000.

7 Chernova, N.M. Ecology / N.M. Chernova, L.M. Bylov. - Moscow: Bustard, 2006.


Table 1 - Description of the dynamics of the working capacity of students in grade 8A


Health Dynamics





































Table 2 - Description of the dynamics of the working capacity of students in grade 8 B


Health Dynamics















Continuation of table 2





















Table 3 - Description of the dynamics of the working capacity of students in grade 8B


Health Dynamics



























Table 4 - Description of the dynamics of the working capacity of students 9A

Table 5 - Description of the dynamics of the working capacity of students 9B


Health Dynamics



































Table 6 - Description of the dynamics of the working capacity of students 9B


Health Dynamics


















Table 6 continued









Figure 2 - The frequency of occurrence of biorhythmic types in grades 9