Classic      06/06/2022

You can't lead it. Physics textbooks will have to be rewritten sooner or later! The ancients are great people about goal setting

It is not known for certain who owns the words: if you cannot win, lead. I deliberately omitted the word "enemy", because in the context of March 8 it is inappropriate and even smells bad.

Nevertheless, having observed closely what is happening in Europe with women deprived of women's holiday, as well as how men actually relate to this, a seditious thought came to mind: having intuitively felt the power slipping out of their hands, the men decided to gradually lead the feminist movement in order to eventually break it down. In any case, in Barcelona, ​​which was not too spoiled by female conquests, the strong sex, until it was forcibly turned into a weak one, already began to guess about something, began to act preventively, and infiltrate the very first ranks, and no longer really hiding their intentions . True, they are in no hurry to call themselves feminists.

Let me remind you, by the way: in the EU, the average incomes of women already exceed those of men, but in Catalonia, which is much more conservative, the situation is similar to that in Russia: women's incomes are about 15% lower. Neither bad nor good, just like the Catalans, we love women not at all for income, but for something completely different:

There are women in Russian villages
With calm gravity of faces,
With beautiful strength in movements,
With a gait, with the eyes of queens, -

Can't the blind see them?
And the sighted one says about them:
“It will pass - as if the sun will shine!
He will look - he will give a ruble!

They go the same way
What all our people go,
But the dirt of the environment is squalid
They don't seem to stick to them. blooms

Beauty, marvelous to the world,
Blush, slim, tall,
Beautiful in every dress
Dexterity for any work.

And endures hunger and cold,
Always patient, even...
I saw how she mows:
What a wave - then a mop is ready!

The handkerchief fell into her ear,
Look, the braids will fall.
Some guy screwed up
And threw them up, fool!

Heavy blond braids
Fell on a swarthy chest,
Bare feet covered her legs,
They prevent the peasant woman from looking.

She took them away with her hands,
He looks angrily at the guy.
The face is majestic, as in a frame,
Burning with embarrassment and anger...

On weekdays, he does not like idleness.
But you don't recognize her
How the smile of fun will drive away
From the face of the labor seal.

Such heartfelt laughter
And songs and dances
Money can't buy. "Joy!"
The men are talking to each other.

In the game, her equestrian will not catch,
In trouble - he will not fail, - he will save;
Stop a galloping horse
Will enter the burning hut!

Beautiful straight teeth
What large pearls she has,
But strictly ruddy lips
Keep their beauty from people -

She rarely smiles...
She has no time to sharpen her hair,
She won't dare a neighbor
Grip, ask for a pot;

She does not feel sorry for the poor beggar -
Feel free to walk without work!
Lies on it rigorously
And the seal of inner strength.

It is clear and strong consciousness,
That all their salvation is in work,
And her work is rewarded:
The family does not struggle in need,

They always have a warm house
The bread is baked, the kvass is delicious,
Healthy and well-fed guys
There is an extra piece for the holiday.

This woman is going to dinner
Before the whole family ahead:
Sits like on a chair, two years old
The baby is on her chest

Next to a six year old son
The elegant uterus leads ...
And to the heart of this picture
To all those who love the Russian people!

Happy holiday, our dear and beloved!


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If in my whole life I wrote only this article and nothing else, it seems to me that I was not born in vain! This article is about the fact that the main struggle between Evil and Good is on the ideological level, and there is nothing above this level.

Announcement: "This small philosophical work is an analysis of the natural scientific and religious experience of mankind in comprehending the mystery of secrets - SVETA. Its content can be compared with the appearance of a geometrically correct mirror in the interior of crooked mirrors. The author decided to turn to both natural science and religion at the same time for a reason. HWithout drawing parallels between the science of Nature and between religion, it is absolutely impossible to explain to contemporaries why the majority of people living on the planet have formed an inherently false (distorted) worldview that does not correspond to the true picture of being at all.

The depressing situation with the worldview of millions of people is explained by the presence of the most diverse lies in the media and various popular science books, including school textbooks, from which the formation of an idea of ​​the world and Nature among the younger generations of earthlings begins.

A person with any level of education who knows elementary logic should understand that any lie is a poison for consciousness, and lies in the media or in textbooks are so harmful that they can be equated with weapons of mass destruction.

When a lot of lies accumulate in the mind of a person, and its concentration reaches a certain critical level, such a person completely loses the correct understanding of both himself (his inner Self) and the Nature that surrounds him.

This should also be clear to anyone who owns elementary logic.

In connection with all of the above, we have the right to ask ourselves the question: who and why is spreading lies around the world?

To the question "WHY is someone spreading lies around the world?" we can find the answer without much difficulty: it is easiest to manipulate those people whose consciousness has been poisoned by lies. But to the question “WHO seeks to poison the minds of millions of people with lies in order to manipulate them?”, oddly enough, the best answer is given by religion.

Books on Christianity and Islam, without saying a word, call these intruders "children of the devil" ("sons of Iblis"), and they call this devil (Iblis) nothing more than The Father of Lies .

Jesus Christ, whom the Gospels speak of as the greatest Enlightener, at one time explained our life in the following way: The world is a field in which both good seeds and evil seeds - tares - grow at the same time. “The good seed are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the evil one; the enemy who sowed them is the devil…”(Matthew 13:38-39).

At the same time, both of these religions give us the opportunity to understand that since ancient times, philosophers and sages of various peoples have had a desire to know the secret of LIGHT, because it was in the LIGHT that they saw God, the Father of everything that exists in the Universe.

Today, all believing Christians have the opportunity to read in the sacred Gospels the following words of Jesus Christ: "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness" (1 John 1:5).

Similarly, all believing Muslims have the opportunity to read in the Holy Quran the similar wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad: "Allah is the light of heaven and earth" (Quran, 24:35).

If we look into the books of the Indo-Aryan epic - the Vedas and the Mahabharata, written many centuries before the Bible and the Koran, then there too we will find similar thoughts of the ancient sages and philosophers who literally deified the essence of LIGHT, its Holy Spirit.

Bodies are transitory; their separateness is dead;

Only eternal spirit infinity lives on.

For spirit there is no death, just as there is no birth,

And there is no dream, and there is no awakening ...

Who, acting with by the spirit of the Almighty will merge

That eternal evil will not touch, -

He merges with the spirit of beings, With Eternal light,

And, acting, it will not become dirty at the same time ...

So, turning to different primary sources, we find that in ancient times people associated their ideas about God with ideas about LIGHT, calling the invisible Creator of Life, the creator of the Worlds, in different ways: Allah, the Holy Spirit, the Most High, the Eternal Light, the All-Existing Spirit, and etc., etc.

The term "Holy Spirit" was the most common term for Higher Power that governs the universe. This phrase conveys the two most important qualities of the Higher Power that creates life: the spirit is a symbol of movement and, at the same time, a symbol of unlimited freedom, omnipotence, and the word Holy or Holy means: having "body" of light(having the same essence as light).

I would like to note now that in ancient Greek mythology and philosophy, a frequently used word was the word Ether. The ancient Greeks called this word "luminous matter" which, according to them, "fills the entire Universe and serves as the fundamental principle of the world."

I also note that in this sense the word "ether" was used by physicists studying Nature and its laws, right up to the beginning of the 20th century!

The most priceless, in my opinion, treasure that we inherited from the ancient Greeks is their idea that the Earth flows around from all sides "the gray-haired ocean is Ether, rolling its waters in an eternal whirlpool."

I ask everyone to remember this image maelstrom in the ocean of Ether! We will meet him again in the natural-science part of this article and will serve him well.

Look at these pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope now. They allow us to literally see from within the majestic Universe in which we all live. In the upper photo, the spiral galaxy is a kind of giant "whirlpool" of matter in the ocean of the Cosmos. Our Earth is a tiny dot in comparison.

In the following photo, against the backdrop of cosmic darkness, numerous distant galaxies and the Sun are captured, literally surrounding our Earth from all sides.

It is logical to think that there are planetary systems similar to ours near these Suns. I believe that it cannot be ruled out that there is also life on some planets in these solar systems.

If we stretch our imagination a little, we can easily imagine that the Universe in which we live is an endless "Aquarium" filled with "Holy Water" - the omnipresent "matter of light".

The ancient Greek philosophers imagined the Universe exactly in this way.

How do you like this comparison? Water is like the "dark matter" of the Cosmos, fish are like stars and planets...

According to the terminology of the Indo-Aryans who wrote the Vedas and the Mahabharata, as well as according to the terminology of Christ, the role of "Holy Water" in the Universe is played by the "Holy Spirit" (or "Ether" - in the terminology of ancient Greek philosophers).

The ancient sages, speaking of the "Holy Spirit" (Ether), often spoke of its Triune essence. Obviously, this is where the religious idea of ​​the "Holy Trinity" later arose.

From a scientific point of view, the "Holy Trinity" is decomposed as follows:

1. energy, inherent in the matter of light;

2. information- as a property of the Ether to remember and transfer information in space (a good example is radio waves: radio and television);

3. "flesh of light"- the material from which all atoms of matter are built and everything, small and large, that is born in the Universe. Hence the origin of the word "matter" - the Mother of God of all.

Today we know, thanks to the experiments and discoveries of physicists, that LIGHT can be very different in its properties. It is visible to our eyes and invisible (radio emission, X-ray, infrared light, ultraviolet). It can be reflected from objects, or it can be all-penetrating.

We also know about the dualism of light: in some cases, light behaves as a set of certain transverse waves, and in some cases - as the movement of rectilinearly flying particles-corpuscles.

However, whatever we try to identify LIGHT with, with corpuscles flying in a straight line, or with waves moving in space in some mysterious way, we are forced to state: LIGHT is omnipresent both on the scale of the macrocosm of the Universe, and on the scale of the microcosm (microcosm) , and there is not even such a tiny corner in the entire Universe where there would be absolutely no light.

Proceeding from this, a simple logical conclusion suggests itself: the Universe is an OCEAN OF LIGHT, and everywhere, absolutely everywhere, both at the macro and micro levels, at every moment of time there is something mysterious for us. "body" of light having a wave or corpuscular nature.

Now let's talk about the malefactors mentioned at the beginning of our story, those who since ancient times have been striving to poison the minds of millions of people with lies in order to manipulate them.

Two facts:

At the beginning of the twentieth century, a real revolution took place in the science of nature. The luminiferous ether was declared an illusion that does not really exist, and it was simply thrown out of the science of Nature. The place of luminiferous matter in the Universe from that very moment began to be called emptiness. To designate this "natural emptiness" a special scientific term was coined "physical vacuum" . Translated from Latin, this phrase is translated as - "natural void".

In order to further twist the minds of millions of people, the same attackers came up with the theory of the so-called " big bang».

If we open any modern encyclopedia, we will find the following explanation there. The Big Bang is a generally accepted cosmological model describing the early development of the Universe, namely, the beginning of the expansion of the Universe, before which the Universe was in a singular state. Cosmological singularity is the state of the Universe at the initial moment of the Big Bang, characterized by infinite density and infinite temperature of matter. The cosmological singularity is one of the examples of gravitational singularities predicted by the general theory of relativity (GR) of A. Einstein and some other theories of gravity.

When someone talks about the Big Bang theory, I immediately say to this person: can you imagine the Universe the size of a lemon grenade?

Can you imagine that this grenade-universe, which was supposedly in the initial moment in a state of "infinite density" and infinite temperature, once exploded, and now we live on one of its fragments, surrounded by complete emptiness?

You have to be crazy to imagine that!

What kind of “emptiness of nature” can we talk about if we understand that the Universe and that “emptiness” that we call airless outer space are actually a giant OCEAN OF LIGHT?! All airless outer space is completely filled with infinite matter of light!!!

The foregoing indicates that since the beginning of the twentieth century, world science has been in the power of those who are not at all interested in humanity having a correct worldview! These people are interested in millions of other people having a distorted idea of ​​reality, only in this case they can be manipulated, and therefore dominated.

It is possible that the turning point in our history was the so-called "OLIGARCHY MANIFESTO", written in 1878 by the English Lord Cecil Rhodes, one of the richest men in the world, nicknamed the "Diamond King".

“Today, the world is entering that period of further development of its entire civilization, when all wars for the expansion of state borders and new sources of very cheap raw materials are being replaced by a struggle to preserve the accumulated and increase it economically. This does not mean, of course, that wars with the same goals will cease. Naturally, there will always be some offended, dissatisfied, or simply maniacs, again ready to divide the world we have already divided.

The main danger awaits us in a completely different way, namely, that the cultural level of the entire population the globe continuously increases and this process is irreversible. I understand that all this sounds like a paradox, we are all for culture, but it is the cultural level of a person that changes his concepts of the essence of justice and, at the same time, injustice. This is the only reason why in the near future, in addition to interstate wars, we now expect, as a rule, intrastate wars: for a more even distribution of all the wealth that states today own. That is why the union of all the people who today represent the whole color and power of the nation, who own all the wealth of the nation, is not some kind of fun, as some of my critics may seem, but a necessity of the utmost importance.

If we, endowed today with wealth, high titles and the ability to solve state and world problems, do not want to be crushed by the unions of the mob, whose interests around the world will ultimately come down to a common denominator, we should unite for a meeting fight without distinction as national, as well as state affiliation. With all this, our union must be a government over all governments and have the ability to respond very quickly and quite effectively to all possible conflicts in the world.

Stabilization of property rights and privileges is our main goal. Awareness, readiness to fight, devotion to one and all to one - this is our main slogan for all future times.

From reading this historical document, reflecting the thoughts and concerns of the “Union of People”, endowed with wealth, high titles and the ability to solve state and world problems, one thing follows: all the peoples of the earth are for them a mob that is dangerous because it can try to demand at any moment justice and equality.

To draw a historical parallel in order to find out WHO rules the world, we are allowed today by the words of the head of Sberbank of the Russian Federation German Gref, which he inadvertently uttered at the economic forum held in St.

Apparently, the “Union of People”, endowed with wealth, high titles and the ability to solve state and world problems, arose in 2012 a kind of “managerial impasse”, which prompted them to get together in St. Petersburg and discuss at an international forum how them to get out of the "administrative crisis", and what to do next. We only know about it thanks to video recordings, which hit the world media. Here is what was said at the international economic forum.

“I want to tell you that you are saying terrible things, in fact,” the head of the Savings Bank of Russia, G. Gref, began his speech, answering the previous speaker. What you say makes me scared. Why? You propose to transfer power in fact to the hands of the population. But you know, for many thousands of years this problem has been a key one in public discussions. And we know how many wise heads thought about this topic. This is how Buddhism was born. Grand Heir one of the richest families in India went to the people and was horrified at how badly the people live, and he tried to help the people. He tried to find the answer, what is the root of happiness, how to make people happier. He did not find an answer, and as a result, Buddhism was born, in which the key ideology that he laid down is the rejection of desire, he did not see a way to realize these desires. People want to be happy, they want to realize their aspirations, and there is no way to realize all desires.

The economic mode of production dreamed of by Karl Marx has not yet been realized, and therefore it is necessary to work. And not the fact that everyone will get this job, and not the fact that everyone will receive the desired salary, and not the fact that they will be satisfied from this. And at the same time, if each person can participate directly in management, what will we manage?”, - complained the president of Sberbank.

“The great Minister of Justice of China, Confucius, started out as a great democrat, and ended up as a man who came up with a whole theory of Confucianism, which created strata in society, and great thinkers like Lao Tzu came up with their theories of Tao, ciphering them, afraid to convey to a simple people, because they understood: as soon as all people understand the basis of their “I”, they will self-identify, manage, that is, it will be extremely difficult to manipulate them,” G. Gref said.

“People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. In Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life (to whom? - A.B.), has been a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it means to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient,” G. Gref. “Any mass management implies an element of manipulation.

How to live, how to manage such a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive directly unprepared information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines that are lowered on their heads, means mass media, which are, as it were, independent, but in fact we understand that all the media are still busy building, preserving strata?, - German Gref finished his speech, causing considerable surprise among his colleagues with his own words.

From this recognition of the head of the Savings Bank of Russia, which was made at a high international forum, several conclusions follow at once.

Conclusion one. The world community on a global scale is indeed divided into strata: primarily into two castes: "managers" and "managed". The same applies to individual states. Second conclusion. The caste of "managers" is divided, in turn, into "top managers" and "lower managers". The highest administrative superstructure, obviously, is a certain ancient race of people who self-proclaimed themselves "the first after God." They play the role of “first violin” for the world community, in their hands is the so-called “conceptual management of humanity”. It is they who determine what enlightenment should be and in what direction science should develop.

The lowest level of management are, apparently, those gentlemen who, among other things, manage the global financial system. And they seem to be in some kind of "managerial crisis" at the moment.

If we try to schematically depict the power structure, we will get a kind of pyramid, the top of which will symbolize the highest power over society. Good example- symbolism on a dollar bill, understandable only to the initiated. This pyramid with an eye instead of a top is a symbol of world power.

If you try to depict the power structure in more detail, indicating a number of positions and the degree of initiation into secret knowledge, you will get something similar to this drawing more than a century old. I reproduce it by the book contemporary writer V.F. Ivanov "Secrets of Freemasonry".

And finally, the third conclusion.

The “caste of the ruled” is all the other people living on the planet. Their destiny is to live in an information space that is completely artificial in its essence and largely false. It is false already for the reason that all the information provided by the world media, - as G. Gref admitted, - was dissected by special specialists - analysts, political scientists and other "agents" trained by the governments of different countries, who faithfully serve the "caste of managers".

The task of all these “agents” is to form a distorted worldview in the subject people day by day and such an idea of ​​the surrounding reality, the history of mankind, so that millions of people in the world could not understand, for example, who controls the global financial system, why evil is multiplying day by day , and morality, called morality, is declining on a global scale, disappearing like a fog, and why do those in power need different religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism ... if it is argued that God is one.

It is easy to understand that the most important thing that “top managers” can worry about today and at all times is that the majority of people do not understand and do not even guess that they are shamelessly manipulated by those in power.

Manipulations of consciousness have long been taking place in absolutely all spheres of life, from natural science to religion. This is the mentioned pseudo-scientific "Big Bang Theory", as a result of which, allegedly, the Universe was formed, and A. Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and the introduction of the concept of "physical vacuum" into the science of Nature, and much more.

The “union of people”, endowed with wealth, high titles and the ability to solve state and world problems, all this: one, another, third ..., tenth, was needed solely to deprive millions of people of the natural scientific and spiritual heritage of their ancestors, to cause they have a real "inversion of the mind", and thus deprive them of the opportunity to understand reality.

I personally am of the opinion that any torsion can be cured, and any dislocation, even if it is a dislocation of the mind, can be put back in place. To do this, you just need to find and hand over to people the so-called keys of understanding and discrimination.

I have been purposefully searching for these keys for more than 20 years. And I did manage to find something. Below I want to introduce the reader to one of the keys of understanding and discernment.

The picture below is a fragment of an ancient geometry textbook, found in 1858 in Thebes - the largest city of Ancient Egypt. This ancient geometry textbook is said to have been copied by a scribe named Ahmes onto a papyrus scroll 32 cm high and 199.5 cm long from another older papyrus.

Historians date the writing of this "manuals of arithmetic and geometry" to the period of the XII dynasty of the Middle Kingdom (1985 - 1795 BC!).

In 1887 this papyrus was deciphered, translated and published by G. Robinson and K. Schute (London, The British Museum Press, 1987). Most of this old manuscript is now in the British Museum in London, and the second part is in the USA, in New York.

You see here 5 problems separated from each other (on the papyrus) by horizontal lines. Top down:

1 - an example of calculating the area of ​​a rectangle of land measuring 10 hats by 2 hats.

2 - calculation of the area of ​​a circular field with a perimeter of 9 hats.

3,4,5 - calculation of the field area, having the shape of a triangle and a trapezoid.

As you can see, at a time when, according to a number of historians, many peoples of the planet had only a spoken language, and writing was still in its infancy in some places, ancient Egypt already had exact sciences, and there was not just writing, but existed written language scientists!

It was bright side ancient Egyptian history.

Now let's take a look at her dark side.

By the way, the word diabolus(devil) in the language of scientists - Latin - this is the division of a single whole into two opposite parts.

Bolus(from Greek βόλος) means - part, lump, piece. Console Dia translated from Greek διά- (di-) means: secession, division, separation. Translated from Latin Dia - diameter. Thus, dividing the whole in half into two equal parts in diameter - diabolus.

Look now at the scroll lying on the table in front of these famous gentlemen. It is very similar to the ancient Egyptian textbook on geometry! This is the "holy book" of the Jewish people - the "Torah", about which the Jews say: "The Torah is the law and, at the same time, it is a guide to life, received by Moses on Mount Sinai from the hands of God himself."

Here is an explanation from a modern preacher of Judaism who popularly explains to Jews what the Torah is.

"What is Torah? The written Torah (Torah shebihtav) is the five books of Moses. In any synagogue, Torah scrolls are kept - exact copies of the first scroll received by Moses on Mount Sinai. In a sense, the Written Torah is the constitution of the Jewish people, but proclaimed not by people, but by God. Oral Torah (Torah shebealpe) ... - explains the Written. It contains “general rules according to which wise men can find the right solutions to constantly arising questions, based on what is said in the scripture briefly and in a hint” ...

Torah Written and Oral are a guide to life. Although the Torah is addressed primarily to the Jewish people, it contains instructions for all mankind. It deals with every aspect of human existence. The rules governing the ritual side of religion are only part of the whole complex of commandments.

Torah laws cover the entire spectrum of individual and social behavior. It makes its judgment on such aspects of a person's life, which in other religions are usually considered to be related to the sphere of ethics and morality, or fall under the articles of civil and criminal codes. Even in those parts of the Torah that are not directly related to law and law, spiritual ideals are constantly proclaimed and the subtleties of ethical and moral norms are explained ... The Torah is the embodiment of the Jewish faith. It contains the conditions of union with the Almighty. It makes a Jew a Jew.”(Chaim Donin, "Being a Jew").

What the Torah (which contains "the conditions of union with Gd") originally taught the Jews, we can all learn from the Bible, which is publicly available. This "textbook" of Christians includes a large fragment of this " holy book» Jews.

This is what I quoted bible, 2/3 of the volume of which is Jewish Torah.

Don't you think, reader, that under the guise of a world religion called Judaism, we have some kind of mafia sect?! "Go, kill, exterminate!"- say "God-given laws." And if you do not want to embark on a criminal path, they will kill you without mercy!

“He who rejects the law of Moses, with two or three witnesses, without mercy, is punished by death” (Bible. Hebrews 10:28).

The Jewish religion is wonderful, isn't it?!

It is known that the Jewish mafia, aiming the Jews at the extermination of peoples from the face of the earth little by little, appeared on our planet about three and a half thousand years ago, and this historical event turned out to be associated with the exit of a certain tribe (clan) from Ancient Egypt, like the Jews themselves they talk about themselves in the same Torah and the Bible.

The Exodus of the Jews from Ancient Egypt was recorded in religious history with one remarkable phrase: “And he brought out [the Israelites] with silver and gold, and there was no sick person in their tribes. Egypt rejoiced at their departure; for fear came upon him from them.". (Bible. Psalm 104: 37-38).

Let's take another look at bright side ancient Egyptian history.

Mathematics, geometry and perfect writing - this is not all that ancient scientists owned, for whom Ancient Egypt was the center of world science.

In those distant times, there was no mystery to scientists about the question that worries most people today - about the origin of life on earth.

The scientists of ancient Egypt were literally convinced that life-giving, creative The power of the universe is the invisible luminous Spirit nature. Remember the lines of the Mahabharata I have quoted. This conviction of the ancient scientists was based both on the personal experience of sacred rites and on the knowledge that the invisible, life-giving energy (or force) that controls this world has an amazing property to concentrate (intensify) in stone structures of a certain geometric shape!

In Ancient Egypt, therefore, pyramids were built according to exact mathematical calculations, so that one could live and work near the source of this bright, creative, life-creating natural energy (or force)!

The very word "pyramid" literally means - "fire in the middle". Pyro - translated from other Greek. πῦρ- fire, root mid - in most languages ​​of the world means middle, middle. Putting these two words together means - "fire in the middle" .

By the way, some modern scientists are also convinced of this, who dared to experimentally test the idea of ​​distant ancestors that the pyramids concentrate some kind of energy inside themselves, “fire in the middle”.

Relatively recently, Russian engineer Alexander Golod received permission from the competent authorities of the Russian Federation to build a small 44-meter pyramid in the Moscow region. Here is the pyramid.

Engineer A. Golod erected without a single nail on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye highway. Even this small pyramid, which cannot even be compared in power with the majestic pyramids of Ancient Egypt, has demonstrated some unusual phenomena to scientists.

For example, water during the experiment in the pyramid of A. Golod did not freeze, even if the air temperature inside the pyramid dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius! The water remained liquid! However, a sharp blow to a container of highly chilled water was enough to turn it into ice in a matter of seconds! This means that the ancients did possess some kind of sacred knowledge about the essence of Nature, which today is inaccessible to modern society due to the fact that this sacred knowledge is simply hidden from the people! So it's not without reason that the word "pyramid" means "fire inside"?! The proof is right there, right there! The same experience with water can always be double-checked!

Isn't it a saint spirit concentrated inside the pyramids, about which there is so much talk in Christianity?! And is it for nothing that the "Holy Spirit" emanating from the ancient Egyptian pyramid appeared after the war with Napoleon on commemorative medals Russian Empire?!

Now let's look again at dark side ancient Egyptian history.

What was useful for themselves, besides gold and silver, that those who left the Ancient Epithet took out of ancient Egyptian science priests of Judaism?

When, after the Exodus from Ancient Egypt (in honor of which the Jews celebrate Pesach), the priests of Judaism created a religion for the Jews, they included in it the sacred knowledge that they learned from the scientists who built the pyramids. Only they perverted it in a monstrous way!

The Jews gave the Jews a completely distorted idea of ​​God, who is Spirit!

The priests of Judaism portrayed God to the Jews in the form of some invisible, very evil force, bringing death and destruction, with which, allegedly, they can always agree if they cajole it with regular sacrifices !!!

Here is one of the descriptions of the God of the Jews given in the Torah and the Bible: “God is a zealot who punishes children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth generation”(Deuteronomy 5:9).

The manifestation of God's power, his spirit, became in the Jewish teachings the fire that incinerates living flesh, acting like the breath of a fabulous fire-breathing dragon.

Since the religion created by the Jewish priests was based on the principle "you - to us, we - to you", its most important component was ritual sacrifice to God.

Moreover, the victims were supposed to be burned without fail. This pleases God! - said the priests of Judaism to the Jews. The food of the fire is an offering to the Lord. The smell of burnt meat is a fragrance for God!

I can illustrate what has been said with excerpts from that part of the Torah that turned out to be included in the Bible. Quoting Leviticus chapter 9:

1 On the eighth day Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel;

2 And he said unto Aaron, Take unto thee out of the oxen a bullock for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, both without blemish, and present them before the Lord.

3 And say to the children of Israel, Take the goat for a sin offering, and the calf and the lamb, a year old, without blemish, for a burnt offering,

4 and an ox and a ram for a peace offering, to make a sacrifice before the Lord, and a grain offering mixed with oil, for today the Lord will appear to you.

5 And they brought what Moses commanded before the tabernacle of the meeting, and the whole congregation came and stood before the Lord.

6 And Moses said, This is what the Lord commanded you to do, and the glory of the Lord will appear to you.

7 And Moses said to Aaron, Come near to the altar and offer your sin offering and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself and the people, and make an offering from the people, and make atonement for them, as the Lord commanded.

8 And Aaron came to the altar and slaughtered the calf that was for him for a sin offering:

9 The sons of Aaron offered him blood, and he dipped his finger in the blood and laid it on the horns of the altar, and poured out the [remaining] blood at the foot of the altar,

10 And he burnt the fat, and the kidneys, and the omentum of the liver, from the sin offering, on the altar, as the Lord commanded Moses;

11 But the flesh and the skin he burned with fire outside the camp.

12 And he slaughtered the burnt offering, and the sons of Aaron offered him the blood; he sprinkled it on the altar on all sides;

13 And they offered him a burnt offering in pieces and the head, and he burned it on the altar,

14 And he washed the inward parts and the feet, and burned them with burnt offerings on the altar.

15 And he brought an offering from the people, and took from the people a goat for sin, and slaughtered it, and offered it as a sin offering, just like the first one.

16 And he offered a burnt offering, and offered it according to the ordinance.

17 And he brought the grain offering, and filled his hands with it, and burned it on the altar in addition to the morning burnt offering.

18 And he slaughtered the ox and the ram, which are from the people, for a peace offering; and the sons of Aaron offered him blood, and he sprinkled it on the altar on all sides;

19 [offered] and fat from an ox, and from a ram a fat tail, and [fat] covering [the insides], the kidneys and the omentum on the liver,

20 And they put the fat on his chest, and he burned the fat on the altar;

21 And Aaron brought his chest and right shoulder, shaking before the face of the Lord, as Moses commanded.

22 And Aaron lifted up his hands, [turning] to the people, and blessed them, and came down, offering the sin offering, the burnt offering, and the peace offering.

23 And Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting, and went out and blessed the people. And the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people:

24 And fire went out from the Lord, and burned the burnt offering and the fat on the altar; and saw all the people, and cried out for joy, and fell on his face...

Fire became for Jewish priests, among other things, an important means of punishing fellow tribesmen who violated one or another religious law. It turned out that it was as if the Lord himself was punishing them.

Here are two examples of how the Jews punished members of their community. “If anyone takes a wife and her mother, this is iniquity; on fire shall burn him and them, so that there is no iniquity between you."(Bible. Lev. 20:14). “If the daughter of a priest defiles herself with fornication, then she dishonors her father; fire must burn it" (Bible. Lev. 21: 9).

I think that now the reader will be very surprised when he finds out that such a ritual sacrifice arranged by Jewish priests, or such a punishment of Jews for sins, has long been called HOLOCAUST(from English holocaust, from other Greek ὁλοκαύστος - "burnt offering").

Doesn't this remind you of anything?

Do you see some parallel with medieval history (the burning of heretics by Jewish Catholics) and with modern history ("the myth of the Holocaust of 6 million Jews during the Second World War")?

6 million Jews were burned to ashes, just like Catholic Jews once burned "witches" and "sorcerers"? No! Then what kind of Holocaust do Jews tell us every year?!

However, let us return to the science of Nature. We must state the sad fact that today's science - the so-called "modern physics" - contrary to all common sense, is built on the false idea that at the heart of the universe lies not the matter of light, not Ether and not the Holy Spirit, but "natural emptiness" - "physical vacuum" .

Who did this, who perverted the worldview of all mankind in a monstrous way, I believe, is already clear. Obviously, this was done by the descendants of those whom Christ the Savior, during his arrest, said directly to his face: “But to the chief priests and the rulers of the temple and the elders who were assembled against Him, Jesus said: As if you came out against a robber with swords and clubs to take Me? Every day I was with you in the temple, and you did not lift up your hands against Me, but now YOUR TIME AND THE POWER OF DARKNESS". (Gospel of Luke, ch. 22: 52-53).

It turns out that we all live "in the time of the POWER OF DARKNESS".

I will only modestly note for now that V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin in his remarkable book Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.

In my further story, I want to talk about two amazing discoveries made in 1820 by the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851). His first discovery became the key to all natural science. Oersted discovered the interaction, i.e. direct connection between electricity and magnetism! Before him, no one could find this connection! Magnetism was considered a separate phenomenon, and electricity - also a separate phenomenon.

The second discovery of G.Kh. Oersted was the discovery of the existence of an invisible vortex of matter around a current-carrying conductor!

Now it is called "vortex magnetic field", but what this "field" is, what specifically rotates in the form of a vortex around a current-carrying conductor - physicists are still forbidden to say, as it was once forbidden to say that the Earth rotates around its axis, and that it revolves around the Sun .

Remember how the Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire almost burned Galileo Galilei alive solely because he decided to support the idea of ​​the heliocentric system of Nicolaus Copernicus?! Several centuries ago, when the Sun was glorified in Rus', revered as God, holidays were organized in his honor ("Christmas Kolyada", for example), they danced round dances, in the West, in the Holy Roman Empire, a real war was declared on "sun worship"!

As a result, at the insistence of the Roman Catholic Church, all subjects of the vast Holy Roman Empire were "fed" with such a pseudo-scientific truth:

Geocentric system of the world.

So, two discoveries of G.Kh. "On the Holy Spirit"! However, the power of darkness, of course, was not necessary! And it was decided to hide the secret of the "Holy Spirit" from the people behind the abstract term "a magnetic field ", which to this day remains a completely unknown object for billions of people on the planet!

First: if the "magnetic field" is capable of making work, which means it has kinetic energy. Second: with a mathematical calculation quantities kinetic energy, we never do without such a thing as weight. It follows from this that some "vortex magnetic field" is not a disembodied ghost, it possesses and energy, and distributed in space weight! These are two interrelated qualities of matter, with which, thank God, all physicists agree! Therefore what we call "vortex magnetic field", is in fact vortex rotation of matter.

Please do not confuse the original luminous matter, the mother of all things, with the substance, the product of matter.

Part 2

The story of one discovery, which is destined to become the foundation of NEW PHYSICS

Imagine, friends, our world in the 18th-19th centuries. Then there were no telephones, no televisions, no planes ... but otherwise everything was the same as ours: secret organizations, coalitions, wars, the redistribution of the world by those in power, and with all this, the development of sciences took place.

Of the many historical events of that time, I chose only a few and arranged them in a table. I believe that this small chronicle is quite enough to see the main thing that Europe, England, the USA and Russia lived on.

In the XVIII century, in addition to wars for the redistribution of property and revolutions (in the name of imaginary freedom), a very special revolution took place in the world - the Industrial Revolution. Mankind began a smooth transition from manual labor to machine. This was made possible by the invention of steam engines, mechanical spinning wheels and spinning machines. The active introduction of steam engines into production began in the second half of the 18th century and continued to gain momentum throughout the 19th century.

The Industrial Revolution, which began in this way, gave a powerful impetus to scientific and technological progress. He, in turn, opened the doors to the enlightenment of the broad masses of the people...

Historians note that it was in the 18th century that science, culture, philosophical and social thought, which had previously been literally in shackles, began to develop at a record pace. The Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church, rampant in the Middle Ages, began to burn less and less "dangerous heretics" at the stake. The cruelty experienced by Joan of Arc, Giordano Bruno, Savanarola, Jan Hus, Jerome of Prague, Miguel Servet and hundreds of thousands of other citizens of Europe, accused by the church of either heresy or witchcraft, could not in any way be combined with the beginning of scientific research. industrial progress.

Therefore, thanks to the Industrial Revolution, the powerful brake or stopcock imposed by the institution of the church on all areas of human life was thwarted.

As for the eternal struggle of those in power with the enlighteners of the people, who, in the opinion of those in power, must always remain dark and submissive, this struggle, of course, could not stop for a minute. When it became impossible to act only by prohibitive measures, the struggle against enlightenment and popular educators took on a different, more sophisticated form.

"If you can't beat the crowd, lead it" , - taught the famous medieval politician N. Machiavelli.

In the current situation, those in power needed to defeat not so much the crowd as progressively thinking people, who, thanks to the scientific and industrial progress that had begun, became more and more.

To solve this important problem, dedicated to secret science management of society, people ahead of time created a religious and ethical movement, which they called FREEMASONRY.

At first, Freemasonry was a secret organization, which included only the elite, however, in the 18th century, when a massive and well-controlled force was needed (for many tasks arose that had to be solved, including with the participation of scientists), the veil of secrecy was removed from Freemasonry and various Masonic lodges began to openly recruit supporters into their ranks. This happened for the first time in 1717 in the English capital. Then in London, four large Masonic lodges united at once, organizing the Grand Masonic Lodge. Gradually, the rest of the British lodges joined it, and then a number of foreign ones.

It was in this historical atmosphere that the OLIGARCHY MANIFESTO I mentioned earlier was written, authored by the English lord and diamond king Cecil Rhodes. He wrote this document in 1878, and in it Rhodes expressed curious thoughts about the danger of the growth of the cultural level of the people.

In his MANIFESTO, Rhodes expressed not only his personal opinion, but also the opinion of the majority of rich and influential people of that time: raising the cultural level of the population is, on the one hand, a positive moment, because it contributes to scientific and technological progress and the development of industry, which is, of course, good for all those in power. On the other hand, an increase in the cultural level of the population opens the eyes of people to the injustice reigning in society, because of this, the masses will always try to demand a better share for themselves, which, of course, is evil for those in power. From here, the further proposal of the "diamond king" is understandable - to create a "Union of Oligarchs", which will act against the "mob" clearly and smoothly based on the slogan from the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers" - "One for all and all for one!"

Creation Masonic lodges, where many monarchs, diplomats, government officials, scientists and lawyers considered it an honor to enter - in fact, successfully solved the tasks that Cecil Rhodes outlined in his OLIGARCHY MANIFESTO.

Modern Freemasons are members of the "Order of Freemasons" in Kazakhstan.

As for solving the problem of lowering the cultural and educational level of the population in the course of scientific and industrial (technical) progress, it was successfully solved by professors from various universities who were taught in Masonic lodges to disguise scientific truth with the help of special "Jesuit logic" and "Aesopian language" . These professors were given the task of explaining any scientific discovery in such a way that the words they wrote or said were not completely transparent, that is, that the essence of the phenomenon was only partially understood by students.

From this point of view, let's now look at the history of the discovery made by G.Kh. Oersted.

By the time to be discussed later, electrical phenomena and magnetism were fairly well known, but the alleged close relationship between them could not be discovered. The nature of electrical phenomena at that time was explained in different ways.

Russian academician Mikhailo Lomonosov saw the essence of static and atmospheric electricity in the various movements of the particles of the luminiferous ether, with the help of which he explained everything optical phenomena. The French physicist Charles Coulomb, who studied the attraction and repulsion of electrified bodies, was sure that electricity is created by two different "electric fluids" that are contained inside absolutely all bodies. In electrically neutral bodies, the content of these "fluids" is the same, Coulomb explained. And the violation of their quantitative balance for any reason leads to the fact that the bodies acquire an electric charge of a positive or negative sign.

If there was at least some clarity with electricity, then the origin of magnetism, its nature, remained a complete mystery to scientists for a long time ...

The first person on the planet who expressed the idea of ​​a possible connection between magnetism and electricity, and later discovered this connection during the experiment, was the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted.

Here is a brief history of this man and this discovery.

Oersted with young years was fond of chemistry, physics and Schelling's philosophy. In 1797 he graduated from the University of Copenhagen, where he received a diploma in pharmacist. As a philosopher, he was sure that everything in the Universe was created from one pra-matter (original matter), and all the forces of Nature come from a single primary source of forces. He was strengthened in this opinion by the works of philosophers of the ancient world: ancient Greek, ancient Japanese, ancient Indian and ancient Chinese.

In ancient Chinese Taoism (4th century BC), in the canon "Tao Te Ching" and the treatises "Zhuang Tzu" and "Lao Tzu" it is reported that everything in the world consists of coarse particles ("tsu") and the finest ("ching"). They form a single "qi" - the ether, the original, the same for all things. "A single ether permeates the entire Universe." It consists of "yin" (material) and "yang" (fire, energy). “There is not one thing that is not related to another, and yin and yang appear everywhere.
In ancient Japan, philosophers believed that space was filled with mukyoku - an infinite universal supernatural force, devoid of qualities and forms, inaccessible to human perception. The mystical absolute of takeku is the nature of the ideal principle "ri" associated with the material principle "ki". "Ri" - energy, which is eternally connected with "ki" - matter, and without it does not exist.
Ancient Indian teachings - Jainism, Lokayata, Vaisheshika, Nyaya and others, such religions as Brahmanism and Buddhism, initially contained the doctrine of ether (Akasha) as a single, eternal and all-pervading physical substance that is not directly perceived by the senses. Ether, the ancient Indian philosophers were sure, is one and eternal. Matter in general (pudtala) consists of the smallest particles (anu), which form atoms (paramana), which have mobility (dharma). All events take place in space and time. Prakriti - matter in the teachings of Sanhya, - the root cause of all things, not generated by anything. She is eternal and omnipresent. This is the most subtle, mysterious and huge force that periodically creates and destroys worlds. Its elements (gunas) are simple, indivisible and eternal.

Adhering to exactly the same worldview and deeply imbued with the idea of ​​the unity of the forces of Nature, Oersted was the first of the scientists to express in 1812 the idea of ​​a possible connection between electricity and magnetism. However, the years flew by, and neither he nor any other scientist could find any connection between the two phenomena in practical experience, although scientists all over the world were concerned about the search for this connection.

And then came 1820. G.H. Oersted, being a professor at the University of Copenhagen, gave a lecture there, which was accompanied by a demonstration experiment on heating a wire with an electric current. In the course of the experiment, it was noticed that, by chance, on the laboratory table near the heated wire, the compass needle reacted with a turning movement to the closing of the electrical circuit. She turned towards the wire, although before she was oriented parallel to the wire strictly in the direction of the magnetic poles of our planet. When Oersted opened the electrical circuit, the magnetic needle, under the influence of earthly magnetism, returned to its previous position.

Realizing, thanks to the movement of the arrow, that he was finally able to discover the cherished connection between magnetism and electricity, the existence of which he foresaw 8 years ago, Oersted immediately conducts a series of experiments and writes his famous scientific work, containing only four pages of text. But what!!!

In his explanation of the experience, Oersted told what research he carried out with the help of the same magnetic needle, and what interesting conclusions he came to when analyzing the behavior of the latter. Oersted published his work in the form of a thin pamphlet and hastened to send printed copies to all famous European scientists.

His discovery of the effect of electric current on the magnetic needle was a breakthrough into a new field of knowledge. The four pages of text written by Oersted were distributed all over the world and caused a rapid surge in research in the field of electromagnetism.

So the world-wide fame and glory came to the Danish scientist...

And in 1821, continuing his reasoning about the unity of the forces of Nature, Oersted publicly expressed the idea within the walls of his native university on the closest connection of light with electricity and magnetism... He saw with his mind's eye that electricity, magnetism and light as phenomena are interconnected with each other!

After 10 years in Scotland, in the city of Edinburgh, a boy was born to the Maxwell couple. They gave him the name James. Subsequently, James Clerk Maxwell became an outstanding scientist. He believed in the idea of ​​the connection of light with electrical and magnetic phenomena and, using his unique mathematical logic, proved the Danish scientist right.

Maxwell created the theory of electro magnetic field, and he called the main work of his life as follows: "The Electromagnetic Theory of Light". It happened in 1865, 14 years after Oersted's death.

A few more years passed, and the English telegrapher George May discovered a phenomenon that was called the internal photoelectric effect. In 1873, George May discovered that under the influence of lighting, the electrical conductivity of selenium metal changes.

Thus, a direct connection between light and electricity was discovered!

Another 15 years later, in 1888, the German scientist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz during his experimental studies discovered the existence of radio waves. He created a pilot plant in which the direct current coming from a galvanic battery was converted into alternating current of very high frequency. This electric current, rapidly moving back and forth along a structure consisting of two short metal rods, excited in the world space environment, in luminiferous ether, invisible waves. Another device (in the form of an open wire loop with metal balls at the ends), located at some distance from the first, caught these waves, and converted their energy into electric sparks visible to the eyes.

Hertz conducted painstaking research and found out that the waves he discovered were absolutely identical to light waves, which by that time had already been well studied by optical physicists. They had the same propagation velocity in space, close to 300,000 km/sec, obeyed the same laws of reflection and refraction, and differed from visible light waves only frequency their hesitation.

Hertz's discovery was a convincing practical proof of both the correctness of Oersted's idea about the connection of light with electricity and magnetism, and the correctness of the electromagnetic theory of light created by Maxwell ...

Reference: In 1865, the author of the electromagnetic theory of light, D.K. Maxwell, scientifically substantiated the existence of an invisible world space medium - the ether. “We ... have some reason to assume, based on the phenomena of light and heat, that there is some kind of ethereal medium that fills space and permeates all bodies, which has the ability to be set in motion, transmit this movement from one of its parts to another and communicate this movement dense matter, heating it and influencing it in various ways. The energy communicated to the body by heating must have previously existed in the moving medium, because the wave motions left the heat source some time before they reached the heated body itself, and during this time the energy must have existed half in the form of motion of the medium and half in form of elastic stress. Based on these considerations, Professor W. Thomson proved that this medium should have a density comparable to that of ordinary matter, and even determined the lower limit of this density. Therefore, we can, as a given, derived from a branch of science independent of the one with which we ... are dealing, accept the existence of a penetrating medium that has a small but real density and the ability to be set in motion and transmit movements from one part to another with a large, but not infinite speed..." D. K. Maxwell "Dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field", part I. Translation from English by Z. A. Zeitlin. Quoted from the book by G. M. Golin and S. R. Filonovich "Classics of Physical Science", Moscow, "Higher School", 1989, p. 479-480.

It occurred to me to retell this story about the scientist Hans Christian Oersted today not at all in order to simply remind my contemporaries that, they say, such a wonderful person once lived on earth. I took up the pen to ask physicists living in various countries of the world, as well as all lovers of natural science, to understand this dark matter ...

In modern collections of scientific works and in reference manuals, in which the famous article by Oersted is reproduced “Experiments related to the action of an electric conflict on a magnetic needle”, it is often accompanied by a comment of this kind: “... Oersted’s work was a major milestone in the history of physics, although the explanation of the discovered effect given by the Danish scientist was erroneous”. I saw this comment in the book by G. M. Golin and S. R. Filonovich “Classics of Physical Science” (Moscow, Vysshaya Shkola Publishing House, 1989, p. 308).

Such a comment in a book on natural science could only be given by scientists from among the Freemasons, whose goal was to hide from millions of schoolchildren, students and young scientists the fact that Oersted not only discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism, he, in addition, found direct and irrefutable proof of the existence ether, that invisible material light-bearing medium, about which the ancient philosophers spoke back in prehistoric times!

When I happened to read Oersted's famous article "Experiments relating to the action of electrical conflict on a magnetic needle", then I was surprised to find in it a description of another discovery, which was carefully hidden from mankind for almost 200 years!

So what else did Oersted discover besides the effect of electric current on a magnetic needle? And why can't one read about his other scientific discovery in any physics textbook?

The answer to the last question is contained in the OLIGARCHY MANIFESTO by Cecil Rhodes. According to those in power, the people must always remain dark and submissive, and in order for them to always remain so, their worldview must be wrong, perverted and false. Only in this case can people be manipulated and even be forced to believe in God, who created our world in just six days!

Being a person who is partly enlightened and partly understands how the world is run, I do not want a handful of powerful crooks to continue to mock the billions of people living on the planet. That is why I want to explain today to everyone what was so important discovered in 1820 by the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted.

The discovery made by him is the key to understanding Nature and man's place in it. It proves that there is no "physical vacuum" in the Universe! The whole world, the whole Universe is all the Matter of light!!! We are in Her, She is in us! Everything is as in the teachings of Christ: “God is in us, we are in Him!”

Proceeding from this amazing coincidence of philosophical views on the world, we have every reason to assume that both the Freemasons and the Church were the customers who ordered the concealment of this Truth from the people! First of all, the Western Church.

It was the Catholics who figured out how to apply the old trick "divide - conquer" also in philosophy. It was they who figured out how to divide the philosophical world into "materialists" and "idealists". (The Bolsheviks later did something similar in Russia, dividing the entire people into "reds" and "whites" and forcing some to fight with others until the complete victory of one of the parties).

The philosophy of idealism, opposite in meaning to the materialistic philosophy, which was adhered to by the entire ancient and modern world until the beginning of the twentieth century, was invented in the first half of the eighteenth century.

The most pernicious of the teachings of the idealistic trend was created by the Anglican Bishop George Berkeley, who lived in Ireland. In 1710 he wrote a Treatise on the Principles of Human Knowledge. In it Bishop Berkeley declared that “... matter is “nonentity” (“non-existent entity”), that “matter is nothing”.At first, says Berkeley, they believed that colors, smells, etc.“really exist”, then abandoned this view and recognized that they exist only depending on our sensations. But this elimination of the old erroneous concepts has not been completed: the remainder is the concept of “substance”… On the basis of the doctrine of matter or bodily substance, all the godless constructions of atheism and the denial of religion were erected. There is no need to talk about what a great friend of atheists at all times was the material substance. All their monstrous systems are so obviously, so necessarily dependent on it that once this cornerstone is removed, the whole building will inevitably fall apart ... "(Source: "Treatise on the Foundations of Human Knowledge", written by Berkeley, cited from V. I. Lenin's book "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism. Critical Notes on a Reactionary Philosophy", POLITICAL LITERATURE Publishing House, Moscow, 1969, pp. 21-26).

Who completely rejected the existence of any matter at all and argued that even colors and smells are nothing more than our illusion (!), Bishop George Berkeley was recognized as the founder of a new philosophy !!!

Dozens, and hundreds of pro-church-minded European philosophers and scientists, who are members of various Masonic lodges, took up the further development of Berkeley's philosophy.

When more than a 100-year campaign to eradicate from the minds of thousands and thousands of people any idea of ​​a material substance was about to end with the victory of the idealists, suddenly something happened that no one expected.

In Denmark, in the city of Copenhagen, within the walls of the University of Copenhagen, Professor Hans Christian Oersted first discovers electromagnetism, and then he finds extremely convincing evidence that a thin, invisible, all-penetrating material substance exists!!!

In the course of experiments with a magnetic needle, Oersted established the following: when an electric current begins to move along a wire, a special kind of matter begins to CIRCLE IN A VORTEX (!) around this wire. For her, glass, water, stone, metal are not an obstacle. And while it is spinning in a whirlwind, it manifests itself as a real force that has a tangible mechanical (!) Effect on magnetized metal objects, on a compass needle, for example.

Before Oersted, no researcher of Nature could say for what reasons one magnet attracts another magnet to itself, because nothing was known about the origin of magnetic force!

The uninitiated did not even have a reason to guess that something invisible was moving around the magnets. Later, the English scientist Michael Faraday, a brilliant self-taught experimenter, will figure out how to create a visible picture of the power characteristics of the movement of invisible matter using iron filings, whether around magnets, whether around wires through which current flows.

One day, he will take a sheet of cardboard, make a small hole in it, pass a wire through the hole, position it vertically so that the sheet of cardboard is horizontal, sprinkle iron filings on the cardboard next to the wire, then, run a current through the wire and see that the iron filings regrouped in lines of circles, creating a characteristic swirl pattern on a sheet of cardboard.

The picture that Faraday sees with his own eyes, he will call in his work a magnetic field, and he will call the lines drawn by iron filings closed in a ring magnetic lines of force. However, all this will come later. In the meantime, we are talking about 1820, and apart from Oersted, no one knows about the new phenomenon ...

Oersted understands that magnetism comes from the movement of electricity. But what is electricity?

Many scientists (including the future French celebrity - André Marie Ampère) at that historical moment were sure that there were two different types of "electric matter", positive and negative; they create two poles of electricity ...

Oersted thought the same. This was not true, but many then thought so, but the truth was discovered much later ... Therefore, Oersted saw the cause of the appearance of an electric current when the conductor closed the two poles of the "voltaic column" in the movement of positive and negative "electric matter" towards each other.

Proceeding precisely from this idea of ​​electricity, the scientist in his work calls the actions that occur in a conductor with current (and produce a magnetic effect in the space around it) an “electric conflict”, meaning by this a “struggle” or a collision in a wire of two different types electricity.

Here are the definitions that Oersted gave in the course of explaining his discovery. “The opposite ends of the galvanic apparatus are connected with a metal wire, which we will call for brevity a conductor wire or a connecting wire. The actions that take place in this conductor and in the space surrounding it, we will call an electrical conflict ... "

Here are Oersted's conclusions, which he drew from subsequent experiments carried out on the same day. It has been said about them for almost two centuries that they are wrong. “…Electric conflict (read here and below - an electromagnetic field generated by an electric current) acts only on magnetic particles of matter. All non-magnetic bodies are permeable to electrical conflict. However, the magnetic bodies, or rather the magnetic particles of these bodies, resist the passage of this conflict, so that they become carried away by the collision of opposing actions. According to the facts presented, the electrical conflict does not seem to be limited to a conducting wire, but has a rather extensive sphere of activity around this wire. In addition, from the observations made, it can be concluded that this conflict FORMES A VORTEX AROUND THE WIRE. Otherwise, it would be incomprehensible how the same section of wire, being placed under the magnetic pole [arrows], carries it to the east, and, being above the pole, drags it to the west. It is VORTEXES that tend to act in opposite directions at the two ends of the same diameter. Rotational movement around an axis, combined with translational movement along this axis, necessarily gives a screw movement ... "(Translation from the Latin work of G.Kh. Oersted was made by Ya.G. Dorfman. Reproduced from the publication: Ampere A.-M. Electrodynamics, M., 1954).

These words of Oersted are well illustrated by a figure in which, for the convenience of explaining the essence of the phenomenon he discovered, the wire is located in the direction of the Earth's magnetic poles.

When no current flows through the wire, the magnetic needle, wherever it is, above the wire or under the wire, is oriented in the N-S (North-South) direction under the influence of the magnetism of our planet.

"I'll just add one more word,- with this Oersted concludes his article, - in a work published seven years ago ("Investigation of the identity of electrical and chemical forces." Paris. 1813), I proved that heat and light are the result of an electrical conflict. From the observations that I have given, it can be concluded that this conflict creates, in addition, vortex movements; I am convinced that in these movements an explanation will be found for the phenomena known as the polarization of light.. (Translation from the Latin work of G.Kh. Oersted was made by Ya.G. Dorfman. Reproduced from the publication: Ampere A.-M. Electrodynamics, M., 1954).

Today there is no doubt that the scientific censorship of the 19th century, consisting entirely of members of the Masonic lodges, recognized the explanation of Oersted's experiment as completely erroneous solely because the scientist wrote in his article that, by the characteristic behavior of the magnetic needle, he identified a VORTEX around the wire with current, in the literal sense of the word. “...otherwise,” Oersted argued his conclusion, “it would be incomprehensible how the same piece of wire, being placed under the magnetic pole [arrow], carries it to the east, and, being above the pole, drags it to the west. It is VORTEXES that tend to act in opposite directions at the two ends of the same diameter ... "

From the point of view of all sane people, a VORTEX is a rotation of some medium. A whirlwind can arise in water, as well as in any other material medium. For example, in the air. It cannot only be formed in a void, in a vacuum, that is, where there is nothing to move, rotate.

The fact of identifying a vortex of matter around a conductor with a current, moreover, an all-penetrating matter freely penetrating through glass, water, stone, metal, unambiguously spoke in favor of the existence of the world ethereal medium, which philosophers of all times and peoples considered the origin of everything, the first "stone" Universe.

Thus, the whirlwind discovered by Oersted threatened in one fell swoop to cross out all the fruits of the political campaign, which (as V. I. Lenin assessed it in his book “Materialism and Empirio-Criticism”) was initiated by clerics and carried out in Western countries by idealist scientists.

It is for this reason that the censors of science hastily declared the explanation of Oersted's discovery erroneous, thus misleading the world community for almost 200 years!!!

Rejected by the censors of science, Oersted's discovery (an electric current forms a vortex around a wire) turned out to be the key to understanding a number of physical phenomena, which fans of the theory of physical vacuum began to give very abstract, obscure or completely incorrect interpretations.

Before telling about some of these phenomena, I want to invite the reader to get acquainted with the view on Nature of our great scientist Mikhail Lomonosov, who in 1756 made an analysis of possible movements in the world ether.

“For a clear and detailed concept, one must consider all possible matters of motion in general. So, having put the liquid, subtlest and intangible matter of light, which no one doubts now, we find three possible movements in it, which really exist or not - later it will turn out. The first movement can be flowing or passing, as Gassend and Newton think, by which the ether (the matter of light with ancient and many new ones I call so) moves from the Sun and from other great and small luminous bodies in all directions like a river without ceasing. The second movement in the ether can be unsteady, according to Kartesiev and Gugeniev, by which it acts like very small and frequent waves in all directions from the Sun, stretching them over the ocean of universal space filled with matter, like calmly standing water from a fallen stone on all sides parallel waves spread in circles, without their current movement. The third movement may be rotatable, when each insensitive particle, the ether component, rotates around its center or axis. Whether these three possible ethers of motion can really exist in it and produce light and flowers, we will begin to investigate this decently and carefully.

As we understand it, in 1820, Hans Christian Oersted discovered around the wire with current, thanks to the characteristic behavior of the magnetic needle, the third type of motion of matter from the list that Lomonosov proposed for consideration. That is, Oersted revealed sloppy, or vortex motion of matter in modern terms.

Do right now, reader, such an experiment and try to comprehend it. Wave your palm or a thick piece of paper near your face and feel the wind. As long as there was no movement of air, we did not detect its presence; when the movement of air appeared, we perceived it as wind.

We know, we are convinced that air exists around us, so we are smart enough not to say that with the disappearance of the wind, the air also disappears!

Let's now solve the riddle: what is a "magnetic field"?

This figure shows a wire twisted into a spiral, through which an electric current flows (the current flow is not shown). When an electric current moves through such a wire, twisted into a spiral, a magnetic field of complex shape arises around it.

This characteristic pattern of the magnetic field is the result of the merging together of many individual vortices that form around each turn of the wire.

Attention, the question is: what is the "magnetic field" formed from and where does it disappear when the movement of electric current through the wire stops?

The founders of "modern physics", who adhere to the theory of "physical vacuum", have no clear answer to this question. They cannot have it. But the materialistic idea of ​​the Universe, which is literally filled with the matter of light, makes it easy to answer this question.

When the movement of tiny electrons (the ordered movement of which we call electric current) generates a local phenomenon in the ether surrounding us, called a vortex, we immediately detect the so-called "magnetic field". When the action of the current ceases, the vortex motion in the ether ceases along with it. We say in this case: "the magnetic field has disappeared". The ether itself, of course, does not disappear anywhere. (Just as the air does not disappear when the wind disappears).

As you can see, Nature can be imagined in a much simpler way than we were told about it at school. And most importantly, you can do without a fictional theory in theory "a special form of matter", which the adherents of the idea of ​​"physical vacuum" were forced to introduce into physics to explain the phenomena of electricity and magnetism.

According to their theory, this “special form of matter” suddenly appears FROM NOTHING, when the electric current begins to flow through the wire, then suddenly it disappears into ANYWHERE, when the current flow through the wire stops.

What can you think of in order to hide the Truth from the people and deprive not millions, but billions of people of the correct worldview!

Having once managed to acquire the correct worldview, thanks to an independent study of nature, today I have no doubt that the Truth will one day become publicly available!

And to all those who continue to spread lies to the masses, I want to remind one biblical wisdom: “The stone that the builders rejected, the same became the head of the corner? Is this from the Lord, and is it marvelous in our eyes? Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who bear its fruit. and whoever falls on this stone will be broken, and whoever it falls on will be crushed.”(Matthew 21:43-44).

Don’t you think, reader, that this wisdom is very accurate for modern French-Mason scientists (“freemasons”), who captured the Olympus of Science not by right of the most intelligent, wise and far-sighted, but by right of the most greedy and arrogant?!

Part 3

Physics textbooks will have to be rewritten sooner or later!

From this part of the publication, the reader will learn that in the foundation of the modern ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF LIGHT (and hence in all PHYSICS textbooks that talk about LIGHT and RADIO WAVES) there is a gross logical ERROR, due to which millions of schoolchildren and students in different countries of the world For many years in a row a false idea has been formed about the fundamental foundations of the Nature around us.

What does even one mistake usually lead to? fundamental sciences, well explains the so-called "TAILOR'S RULE", which is known to every scientist: “If the first button on a shirt is not buttoned correctly, then all the other buttons are also not buttoned correctly.”

I am sure that if society corrects this mistake, then a whole series of new discoveries and inventions in theoretical and applied PHYSICS will immediately follow, and perhaps even a new scientific and technological revolution will begin.

Before explaining the essence of the problem I saw, I want to return again to the scientific discovery of Hans Christian Oersted.

From the point of view of all sane people, the VORTEX discovered by Oersted around the wire with current is the rotation of the matter of light - the primordial Ether. A vortex, as is known, can arise in water, as well as in any other material medium. For example, in the air. It cannot only be formed in a void, in a vacuum, that is, where there is nothing to move, rotate.

The fact that a vortex of matter was discovered around a conductor with a current, moreover, all-penetrating matter, freely penetrating through glass, water, stone, metal, unequivocally spoke in favor of the existence of the world ethereal medium, which philosophers of all times and peoples considered the origin of everything, the first "stone" Universe. However, most scientists of that time did not show any enthusiasm for this discovery. Worse, many of them unanimously expressed the opinion that Oersted fantasized about a vortex, they say, there is no and cannot be any vortex of matter around a wire with current!

Why there was such a reaction of the majority, I have already explained: because two centuries ago membership in Masonic lodges was fashionable. This fashion was also widespread among scientists.

The first Masonic organization, called the "Grand Lodge", appeared in London on June 24, 1717. Immediately after this, Masonic lodges appeared throughout Europe and even in Russia. It included diplomats, and scientists, and lawyers, and even some monarchs. Freemasonry gave many advantages to its members: career advancement and other support were guaranteed. The flip side of Freemasonry was the subjugation of all internal charter, where, among other things, it was stated that Higher knowledge should be the monopoly of the chosen people.

As a result, scientists from among the Masons were obliged to hide all important knowledge about Nature from the rest of society. And what was difficult to hide had to be explained to others in such a way that those who were not included in the circle of the “chosen ones” turned out to be misinformed.

When I talked about all this in the previous part of the article and published it on the Internet, I received a lot of feedback from readers, both positive and negative. One of them was from my old acquaintance from Poland, Bohdan Shynkaryk.

Bogdan wrote to me: as Cicero said: "Each person is prone to error, but only a fool is prone to persist in his error." Oersted believed in nonsense about "magnetic vortices around a wire with an electric current." In reality, there are no vortices around a wire with current. Therefore, I suggest here to Anton Blagin that he pay attention to Oersted's mistake. The mistake that A. Blagin repeats after Oersted and presents it to others as a correct description of a physical phenomenon becomes Blagin's mistake.

Another reader of Aidobudenovets replied to Bogdan Shynkaryk before me the following:

"Firstly, do not engage in substitution of concepts. Blagin, speaking of Oersted's work, speaks of it as proof of the existence of the ether, or, as it is sometimes called now, the "Divine Matrix." Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, the most respected representatives of orthodox science used to descriptions of this invisible material substance using ancient terminology: “We have to admit that the ether, in which the energies and vibrations of the electromagnetic field propagate, has a certain substantiality, although it differs in structure from ordinary matter,” Nobel laureate Hendrik Lorentz wrote in 1906, equations which helped Einstein to create his famous Theory of Relativity.Einstein's theory made the concept of ether optional, and yet he continued to search for this substance that fills the airless space of the Universe: "It is difficult to imagine space without ether ..."
Like Lorentz and the ancient Greeks, Einstein guessed that it was in this substance that light waves propagate. He believed that the concept of ether is necessary to explain the laws of physics: "In a space devoid of ether, not only light, but also space-time cannot exist."
Einstein believed that one should not represent the ether as energy in the generally accepted sense of the word: "It is wrong to endow the ether with the properties of matter, which has mass and consists of particles that leave traces in time." So Einstein made it clear that the concept of aether is still compatible with his theories. We are still regaled with the results of the most "unsuccessful" experiment in the history of science - an attempt to detect the "ether wind" by Albert Michelson and Edward Morley in 1881 and repeated in 1887.
The essence of the experiment is as follows. Any pilot knows that when an airplane flies in the direction of the wind, the flight time is significantly reduced. Otherwise, the flight is difficult - wind resistance delays the arrival at the destination. Using this analogy, the experimenters decided that if light rays were sent simultaneously in two different directions, then the difference in the time of the rays' movement would make it possible to ascertain the presence of an "ethereal wind" and its direction.
The experiment of 1887 showed that there is no "ethereal wind", which means that there is no ether. It haunted scientists for a hundred years. But what does the failure of Michelson and Morley's experiment mean? But simply the insufficient accuracy of the instruments of that time. You might as well raise your finger above your head in calm weather and conclude that there is no air.
However, in 1986, with the support of the US Air Force, the scientist E.W. Silvertus conducted an experiment that disproved the results of the Michelson and Morley experiment, and at the same time the view of the interaction between man and the Universe accepted in science. Having repeated the experiment of 1887 on more sensitive equipment, Silvertus discovered the movement of the ethereal wind! Moreover, it completely coincided with the direction of the Earth's orbit, as expected in the original hypothesis. Thus, Planck's conjecture, expressed by him in 1944, was confirmed.
It can be argued that the universal field of energy permeating the universe, the existence of which is confirmed by modern research, will no longer be called "ether". In science, this term will forever retain the stigma of a pseudoscientific or tabloid buzzword. And because the existence of a universal energy field was proved not so long ago. Scientists have not yet decided on its name. The most romantic name is the Divine Matrix. In the light of what has been said, the emergence in the near future of a theory that combines the Theory of Relativity, quantum mechanics and the theory of gravitation is possible. In any case, with massive funding, large-scale scientific experiments are being carried out in the USA and England to explain the mind and consciousness from the point of view of quantum mechanics. Information on this subject can be found on the Internet. The lack of extensive information on this issue proves Blagin's hypothesis about the presence of a modern priestly scientific caste and the rest of humanity, and it is hardly he who is mistaken.

Following the reader Aidobudenovets, I decided to answer Bohdan Shynkaryk myself. And I want to start my answer with a quote of my own making: “Nothing activates the work of a person so much as his mind indignant with someone and the desire to establish the truth in a dispute.”

Let's recall some generally accepted truths and together try to comprehend a number of phenomena that are absolutely indistinctly explained and interpreted by some doctors of physical and mathematical sciences, which suggests that they either do not understand the essence of these phenomena and the subject they are talking about, or they purposefully hush up the truth .

1. Electric current is the ordered movement of subatomic particles - electrons. It is caused either by the difference in electrical potentials in the presence of a conductor between them, or by a magnetic field of varying strength, which affects a closed circuit.

2. Electron (from other Greek ἤλεκτρον - amber) - stable, negatively charged elementary particle, one of the basic structural units of matter.

3. The ordered movement of electrons along a conductor can generate in space either a vortex magnetic field or radio waves.

4. The source of the vortex magnetic field is even a single electron, since it is a formation that has a certain size, mass, rotational and translational motion. A single electron, which is a toroid of rotation according to the views of modern scientists, can also be a source of radio waves.

5. Vectors of electric field strength E and magnetic field H are always perpendicular to each other.

What is the secret of the perpendicularity of these fields, we can easily understand if we look at the tornado formed in the atmosphere as an analogue of the electric and magnetic fields.

An analogue of the magnetic field in a tornado is the vortex motion of air masses. An analogue of the electric field is the air pressure gradient inside the tornado.

6. Electricity, in general, can be static or dynamic in nature.

7. Static electricity is due to the property of bodies to accumulate electric charges on their surface (acquire additional free electrons or, conversely, lose them).

8. The lack of electrons in any body is called a positive charge, an excess of electrons is called negative.

9. When static electricity occurs on the surface of bodies, repulsive forces act between charges of the same sign (“Coulomb forces”, named after the scientist who discovered them - Charles Coulomb). A good example of this is the photograph of an electrified boy.

10. Dynamic electricity is associated with the occurrence of an electric current and is caused either by a difference in electrical potentials in the presence of a conductor between them, or by a magnetic field of varying strength, which affects a closed circuit.

11. Electric current can be constant (it is created, for example, by chemical current sources and rectifiers) as well as alternating (it is caused by a magnetic field of varying strength in power plant generators). An example of this is the state power system with an alternating voltage of 220/380 Volts with a frequency of 50 Hz.

12. There are two types of translational motion of the same electrons along a conductor - slow (example: galvanic current) and high-speed (example: electrostatic current arising from the interaction of electrostatic charges).

Reference: When they talk about the speed of propagation of an electric current in a conductor, they always mean the speed of propagation of an electric field along the conductor. (In order to better understand what an electric field is, an interesting parallel can be drawn: in a city water supply system (in a pipe), the analogue of an electric field is the water pressure in the system. In this example, the water molecules that form a water flow can be compared with free electrons involved in the formation electric current.

The speed of propagation of water pressure in a completely filled plumbing system is determined by the mechanical elasticity of water, and it is equal to the speed of sound in water ~ 1500 m/s. As for the speed of movement of water molecules in the plumbing system, it is many times less than the speed of propagation of water pressure and is equal to the speed of the water jet).

IN electrical conductors the speed of propagation of an electric field (analogous to pressure in a water pipe), as experiments have shown, is close to the speed of light. An electrical signal sent, for example, by wire from Moscow to Vladivostok, travels a distance of 8000 km in about 0.03 seconds.

This analogy suggests that the speed of propagation of an electric field in conductors, as well as the speed of light, is also determined by the elasticity of the medium in which radio waves and light propagate. Previously, scientists around the world called this medium the ethereal medium, but at present it is customary to say that it does not exist!).

As for the speed of the ordered translational motion of electrons in a conductor under the action of an electric field, it can be different.

When we are dealing, for example, with a galvanic current, the speed of the ordered translational movement of electrons is only a few millimeters per second (or even less). However, when electrons move along the surface of metals under the influence of static electricity (Coulomb forces), their translational speed can be very high, in some cases even comparable to the speed of light!

It's important to know!!! This is not even talked about in Russian universities!

13. Slow the translational movement of electrons along the conductor leads to the birth around it of the so-called vortex magnetic field, which can be detected, for example, using iron filings.

14. high-speed the translational motion of electrons along the conductor gives rise to a qualitatively different phenomenon - radio waves.

High-speed current is induced on the surface of conductors by changing the potential static electricity.

Electrons can quickly move along the surface of bodies as a result of the action between them of the Coulomb forces (repulsive forces).

High-speed current occurs only on the surface of conductors and is called skin effect(from English. skin- skin, sheath).

Reference: in modern scientific and popular science literature, the skin effect (surface effect) is explained as the effect of a decrease in the amplitude of electromagnetic waves as they penetrate deep into the conducting medium.
It is also explained that the skin effect occurs not only for high-frequency currents that vary in time according to the sine or cosine law.
The skin effect also occurs when the conductor is connected to a DC voltage source. The current first appears on the surface of the conductor, then gradually increases in deeper layers and lastly on the axis of the conductor. This process ends when the current is evenly distributed over the entire cross section of the conductor. This behavior of the electric current resembles the spread of heat when a body is heated: it turns out that both of these processes are described by the same equations
. .

An amazing thing. In the modern theory of the formation of radio waves, the primary and secondary are mixed up in places (as if on purpose to confuse the uninitiated). The main thing here is that the skin effect occurs even (!) at the moment the conductor is connected to a constant voltage source! And this is a fact.

Therefore, it does not matter at all whether a DC or AC source is connected to the conductor, in any case, the skin effect (surface current) will occur for some time.

It is also surprising that not a single scientific work (!), which is in the public domain, says a word that this surface current qualitatively different from the so-called galvanic current, which is due to the movement of free electrons throughout the thickness of the conductor.

Let's ask ourselves what is the reason for the formation of the skin effect, and why should the surface current be qualitatively different from the so-called galvanic current, as I say?!

The answers to both questions lie in the ability of any body to accumulate electric charges on its surface (the so-called static electricity).

Quantitative measure of ability various bodies to hold electric charges, scientists agreed to call electric capacitance. It is measured in farads. All bodies have electric capacitance, we ourselves, our planet Earth and, of course, wires, without which radio engineering is unthinkable. The electrical capacitance of any conductor depends primarily on its shape and dimensions, as well as on the properties of the environment.

When we connect even to a solitary conductor (not closed in an electrical circuit) any source of constant electrical voltage, a certain amount of electric charges pass from this source to the surface of the conductor. Their number depends both on the magnitude of the electrical capacitance of this conductor, and on the potential difference between the conductor and the source of electrical voltage.

The process of flowing to the surface of a conductor of electric charges is necessarily accompanied by the appearance of a short-term electrostatic current on the surface of this conductor!

How such an electrostatic current can be generated on the surface of a conductor not closed to an electrical target is demonstrated by a simple experiment:

We can all repeat this experience at home, for which we need to have the following:

1. A metal rod, one end of which should be connected to a foil ball to increase the total electrical capacitance;

2. A plastic comb, which we will charge with electrostatic electricity (by rubbing it against our hair).

When a charged comb is brought to the lower end of a metal rod, an electrical spark visible to the eye jumps between the comb and the metal rod. These free electrons, which are in excess on the surface of the comb, jumped to the metal rod, as well as to the foil ball, while causing a short electrostatic current in the metal rod!

Let's now understand why electrostatic current occurs in our NOT CLOSED in a loop system.

Remember the school physics course! What forces act between electric charges on the surface of bodies?

Right, Coulomb forces. They were discovered by Charles Coulomb in 1785.

Opposite charges tend to attract each other, while charges of the same sign tend to repel each other.

In our case, we are dealing with the flow of electrons, which are similarly charged material formations, therefore, between them there are always repulsive forces. Graphically, the interaction of their electric fields looks like this.

Between charges one character forces are at work repulsion.

As a result of the action of the Coulomb forces, free electrons that have passed to the surface of the conductor from external source electric voltage, tend to move away from each other as far as possible, that is, to be distributed over the entire area of ​​the metal conductor and the foil ball.

Since at the initial moment these free electrons were at the lower end of the metal rod (this is where we touched the comb, see the figure), they are forced to move along the entire surface of the rod towards its second end, which is connected to the foil ball.

When free electrons are distributed over the entire surface of the conductor and the foil ball, the movement of electrostatic current through the metal rod will stop. Such a short-term current is called pulsed.

If, instead of a plastic comb, we attach an alternating voltage source to our metal conductor with a ball at the end, then a pulsed electrostatic current of alternating directions will constantly arise in this solitary metal conductor!

So he then generates radio waves in radio transmitting devices.

We can easily be convinced that this is exactly the case if we repeat the experiment of Heinrich Hertz using a Hertz dipole (two solitary conductors with balls at the ends) and an ordinary stun gun, which, as you know, is not (!) a radiating device.

When metal rods of any length with balls at the ends are attached to the stun gun (as in the Hertz installation), our design turns into a powerful radio interference emitter! Our installation will work for radiation even if there are no metal balls at the ends of the conductors, since any conductors (wires) have their own so-called linear capacity.

So, we got a completely new look at the process of generating radio waves with a Hertzian vibrator.

The main reason for the formation of radio waves in the surrounding space is the high-speed electric current that occurs on the surface of the radio transmitting antenna.

This current is high-speed due to the following factor:

The electrons of the surface layer of the conductor are very weakly connected with this layer, and when moving, they do not need to overcome the resistance of the crystal lattice of the conductor.

It should be understood like this. In the surface layer are those electrons that have some excess energy. Due to the excess of this energy, which is commonly called the work function, electrons gain the ability to break out of the metal surface.

Whatever the temperature of the conductor, there is always a cloud of the most energetic electrons above its surface. This cloud in radio engineering is called the "electron cloud". Its thickness is the greater, the higher the temperature of the conductor.

When some of the electrons leave the metal and create a negatively charged cloud above its surface, the metal itself, having lost this negative charge, in its surface layer thereby receives a positive charge. As a result, a potential difference is formed at the metal-environment boundary (minus is the electron cloud and plus is the surface of the metal).

This potential difference keeps the cloud of free electrons in close proximity to the surface of the conductor.

Now imagine that these free electrons, which have a high degree of freedom to move along the surface of the conductor, are subject to two forces:

1. High-frequency alternating electrical voltage of an external source;

2. Coulomb repulsive forces that act between all charges of the same sign.

These two forces accelerate free electrons on the surface of conductors to speeds comparable to the speed of light.

Let's look at the picture now radio waves Hertzian dipole.

Here is a view from above (as if we were looking at radio masts from a height). Hertz dipoles (transmitting and receiving are located vertically, and we see only their ends).

Radio transmitting vertical antenna.

Now the process of the birth of radio waves can be described as follows:

A high-speed electric current of alternating direction, caused on the surface of conductors by a corresponding change in the potential of static electricity, due to the direct interaction of electrons with the world ethereal medium, generates in it areas of compression and rarefaction in the form of spherical waves, which run away from the transmitting Hertzian dipole to infinity at the speed of light. These invisible waves we call radio waves.

By the way, the word radio translated from Latin (radio) - means radiate, radiate.

Let us now ask ourselves: what is the difference vortex magnetic field caused, for example, by galvanic current, from radio waves generated by waves of electrostatic current running over the surface of the conductor?

If we recognize the existence of the world ethereal medium and compare it with air or water, then the following analogy arises: a vortex magnetic field is an analogue of a vortex that occurs under certain conditions in any medium, and radio waves are an analogue of sound waves propagating in an elastic medium, which arise when it is deformed by some oscillating body.

In our case, the "oscillating body" is material formations - fast electrons, moved along the surface of the conductor by Coulomb forces and simultaneously driven by the electric field of an external source of electrical voltage, and the elastic medium in which radio waves and light propagate is, of course, the world ethereal space.

Considering the fact that WHAT is generated by the movement of electrons depends only on the SPEED of the translational motion of electrons along the conductor: a vortex magnetic field or radio waves, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that the above comparison is absolutely correct.

A vortex magnetic field is really a vortex motion of luminiferous matter, which was discovered by Hans Christian Oersted in 1820, and radio waves are elastic deformations of the world ethereal medium. These deformations propagate in the world ethereal space at a tremendous speed, which is a kind of passport of this medium and amounts to almost 300 thousand kilometers per second!

Here, in my opinion, one more important explanation is required, because it is generally accepted that light and radio waves differ from sound waves propagating in air and water in that they have polarization.

It's right.

In fact, radio waves and light are LONGITUDINAL WAVES, but with a spatial asymmetry caused by the difference spin moment ether particles in neighboring half-waves. Because of this, in fact, there was a misconception about their transversality.

Various experiments with light (both visible and invisible) show that it can behave in some cases like a wave, and in some cases like the movement of particles. This duality of light we call dualism.

Our imagination can easily imagine the movement of waves (one picture) and the movement of particles (another picture).

And can we imagine in one imaginary picture both the waves and the movement of particles as something unified?

Can. Easily! Here's an example.

Do we have the right to assume that the particles of the ether tend to rotate around their axis as well as electrons?

I think yes, we can!

This means that we can also assume that in the radio wave drawn by us, particles of fine luminous matter have different directions of rotation (different spin) in different half-waves!

Why do ether particles have different directions of rotation?

Because in an antenna emitting radio waves in different half-waves of the current, the electrons also have a different direction of translational motion along the surface of the antenna and a different direction of rotation around its axis!

With an ordered motion of electrons along the conductor, the direction of their rotation is the same when they begin to move along the surface of the conductor in reverse side, they unfold in space, and the direction of their rotation becomes opposite. The ether particles inside the radio wave behave similarly.

If we connect these two phenomena: radio waves and electric current with each other, then we should not deny the main law of Nature: "every entity gives birth to its own kind". Similar means having similar characteristics.

By the way, no one from modern physicists doubts that electrons have rotation around their axis. As for ethereal particles, scientists have been talking about their possible rotation since ancient times. Our Russian academician Mikhailo Lomonosov also wrote about this (see the earlier quote from his work for 1756). And even earlier, in 1627, the idea of ​​the rotation of ethereal particles was expressed by the French scientist Rene Descartes, who explained the reason for the origin of the rainbow using the law of light refraction he derived.

When Descartes was looking for an answer to the question why white light, when passing through a drop of water at a certain angle, breaks up into seven colors, he came to the conclusion that “the nature of color lies only in the fact that the particles of fine matter, transmitting the action of light, tend to rotate with greater force than to move in a straight line; thus, those that rotate with much more force give a red color, and those that rotate only a little more, give a yellow ... "(Rene Descartes. "Meteors", chapter VIII, pp. 333-334. Cited from Mario Gliozzi's book "HISTORY OF PHYSICS", publishing house "MIR", Moscow, 1970, p. 117).

When, after a quarter of a millennium, the Russian scientist Alexander Stoletov investigated the phenomenon of the external photoelectric effect discovered by Hertz in 1887, he discovered that light of different wavelengths at the same radiation intensity has different kinetic energy. (When working with an open resonator, Hertz noticed that if you shine ultraviolet light on zinc spark gaps, the passage of a spark is noticeably facilitated).

Red and yellow light in Stoletov's laboratory setup did not cause a photoelectric effect at all, and the light with the shortest wavelength - ultraviolet - caused the strongest photoelectric effect: falling on negatively charged bodies, ultraviolet literally knocked out electric charges from their surface.

Today, nothing prevents us from explaining the results of Stoletov's experiments with the help of Descartes' hypothesis.

If the ethereal matter is homogeneous, and the speed of propagation of perturbations in it is the same (≈300000 km/sec), then only the difference in the speeds of rotation of light-bearing particles around their axis (in different parts of the spectrum) causes them to have different kinetic energy. Moreover, as can be seen from the experiments of Stoletov, the shorter the wavelength of light, the faster the rotation of the ether particles ("photons") in this wave, and the higher the total energy they have.

This is the simplest and most logical explanation of the results of the study of the photoelectric effect. In addition, it is in perfect agreement with the statement " quantum theory”, which appeared in the twentieth century, that light is the movement in space of “portions” of energy, the so-called “quanta”.

These "portions" of energy are particles of ether inside a wave of light or a radio wave. This is the whole secret of corpuscular-wave dualism.

In other words, the interpretation of light as longitudinal wave, propagating in the ethereal medium, radically changes or even cancels the so-called problem wave-particle duality.

The opponents of the ether, of course, could not recognize the above explanation as correct. And in order to somehow explain the same results of Stoletov's experiments, they had to fill their "physical vacuum" with myriads of new entities - "quanta" of different sizes and different masses (which allegedly move in space like spermatozoa, due to oscillatory movements. The last , of course, a joke on my part, inspired by this collage, which I copied from the textbook "Modern Physics"):

Otherwise, in a different way, as soon as like this, with the help of "quanta" of different sizes, the revolutionaries of science could not explain through the Einstein formula of energy E \u003d mc2, where c is a constant (speed of light), why, for example, ultraviolet is many times more active than red light.

He has a quantum more!

At the same time, with the help of their “quantum theory”, they were completely unable to explain (and still cannot!) "quanta" of light, moving forward, make oscillatory movements in space in the transverse direction, if it is argued that light has polarization.

The figure above, which I copied from a "modern" physics textbook, illustrates this absurdity well.

Let us now find out how physicists came to the false idea that light is transverse waves. Where did this delusion come from?

History shows that the phenomenon light polarization was discovered due to the unique properties of Icelandic spar crystals. It turned out that a beam of light passing through this crystal is divided into two beams, each of which has special property. First discovered birefringence light in crystals of Icelandic spar Danish scientist Erasmus Bartholin. He made this discovery in 1669.

In 1678, the Dutch scientist Christian Huygens discovered double refraction in a quartz crystal. In 1808, the French military engineer Etienne Malus discovered that light reflected at a strictly defined angle from the surface of a window pane or from the surface of the water has the same property as light that has passed through a crystal of Icelandic spar. Malus called this light polarized, and he gave the following explanation for his discovery. “Corpuscles in sunlight are oriented in all directions, but when passing through a birefringent crystal or when reflected, they are oriented in a certain way”.

Pay attention to how closely this idea of ​​Malus echoes the idea of ​​Descartes, who suggested the rotation of particles "subtle matter transmitting the action of light". Malus expressed the idea that corpuscles (particles) of light have different spatial orientations. This means he believed that all light particles have a spatial asymmetry. If we represent particles of light as some kind of small balls, then we can talk about their asymmetry only if they rotate around their axis. The presence of an axis of rotation gives any body a spatial asymmetry. Consequently, both Malus and Descartes had the same or very close idea of ​​the particles of light, which are inherent in rotation around their axis.

In 1810, when Malus was experimenting with two crystals of Icelandic spar at once, he discovered a curious effect: if the crystals are placed one after the other and one of them begins to rotate, then the intensity of light at the output of the second crystal will decrease in proportion to the cosine j.

If the crystals are placed at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to each other, then the light will no longer pass through them at all!

In 1817, the famous English scientist Thomas Young, who in 1801 presented the world with indisputable experimental and theoretical evidence of the wave nature of light, suggested that the light coming from an Icelandic spar crystal should be considered not as longitudinal waves, but as transverse ones. He substantiated this idea as follows.

Since transverse waves can only arise at the boundary of two media (for example, air and water) or in solid elastic bodies (in metal rods, for example, or in tightly stretched strings), most sensible scientists categorically rejected Jung's idea of ​​​​transverse waves of light.

What strings (!) can be in the world ethereal space!? - the experts of Nature were perplexed ...

And now we are back to the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted. In 1820, in his work “Experiments Relating to the Action of Electric Conflict on a Magnetic Needle,” he expressed the most sensible idea that the secret of the polarization of light must be sought in the vortex motions that electromagnetism generates. "... I am convinced that in these movements an explanation will be found for the phenomena known as the polarization of light."

In 1864, Oersted's idea was supported and developed by James Clerk Maxwell, the founder of the ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF LIGHT, who proposed to consider polarized light as magnetic disturbances in the ether generated by the movement of electricity. "... Magnetic perturbations ... converge with light in the sense that perturbations at any point are transverse to the direction of propagation and such waves can have all the properties of polarized light."

The following figure expresses this idea of ​​Maxwell very clearly.

On the right is a fragment of a plane magnetic Maxwell wave. To an observer located at point X and measuring technical means magnetic field strength, it may seem (!) That the radio wave crossing the designated point is transverse vibrations some imaginary line.

Agree that the above figure and a quote from Maxwell's work explain well why light waves, as well as radio waves, are characterized by the phenomenon of polarization. Now compare Maxwell's drawing with this drawing:

Practically we have the same plane magnetic wave Maxwell, only, as it were, under high magnification (the particles of matter that form it are visible).

As you can see, even in the century before last, scientists had a correct understanding of many phenomena of Nature!

Now let's find out what we currently have left.

According to the modern theory of the electromagnetic field, which is included in all textbooks of physics in all developed countries of the world, electromagnetic waves of light and radio waves propagate not in the ether, but in an absolutely empty space (the so-called "physical vacuum").

In all textbooks on physics and radio engineering, radio waves are drawn in the same way, in the form of two “moth butterflies”, as if sitting side by side on a stretched wire, wing to wing. One half of the wing of these "moths" is an electric field, the other half is a magnetic field. Such “moths” move in space sideways along the X axis, synchronously flapping their semi-wings, which naturally do not rest on anything in the void.

Who is who in the telegram channel market

At the turn of 2016-2017, the Kremlin began to spend hundreds of millions of rubles to promote its agenda in Telegram and thus formed an entire empire of channels associated with the authorities. This is stated in the investigation of the online publication.

Until 2017, when anonymous Telegram channels just started to appear, their existence caused an extremely negative reaction from the Kremlin due to their uncontrollability. After it became known that the authors of the channels did not really have insider information, officials of the presidential administration decided to create these channels themselves and asked for several hundred million rubles for this project.

In creating its channels, the Kremlin acted through contractors, the largest of which were the former press secretary of the Nashi movement Kristina Potupchik and the Civil Society Development Fund of Konstantin Kostin, former head of the internal political department of the Presidential Administration. Potupchik's channels include Akitilop, Ortega, and Polny P among the channels controlled by Potupchik. Former Nashi were also involved in channels 338 and Media Technologist. In addition to working with Telegram, Potupchik, according to some reports, is also involved in a systemic response to the negative in relation to the authorities in social networks. Kostin is also involved in the creation of the channels "Metodichka" and "Ministry of Truth".

One of the first tasks of the contractors was to discredit Alexei Navalny before the presidential elections in 2018, the newspaper writes. The largest networks of channels were formed around the two first deputies of the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko and Alexei Gromov, as well as Rosneft. Thus, posts in the Nezygar telegram channel are published by the owner of the M 13 company and a technologist of the Ministry of Defense, Vladislav Klyushin: it was M13 that developed the Katyusha media monitoring system, which is used by the Ministry of Defense and the presidential administration.

The Mash channel is managed by Stepan Kovalchuk, the son of the president of the National Media Group, Kirill Kovalchuk, and the great-nephew of Vladimir Putin's friend Yuri Kovalchuk. The Karaulny channel in the fall of 2017 was allegedly bought by Rosneft for 10 million rubles, after which all negative references to the company disappeared from the channel. When Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak urged the oil industry to freeze gasoline prices, an attack began on him with the participation of this particular channel, Proekt notes.

Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontiev commented "Rain" this information in a traditional way: “It just surprises me that adults like people, sexually mature, are engaged in some kind of crazy nonsense, investigations. Rosneft does not deal with Telegram channels. I read them, for example. What am I to you, will I report, give interviews? Well, go to the ass, guys, well, honestly.

How much bitcoins a post will cost and what you can’t write about

The prices of telegram channels depend on the budget: as the authors of the investigation found out from their own experience, for a post over a hundred words, the Nezygar channel asked for 1.5 bitcoins (about 630 thousand rubles at that time), for a post less - 0.008 bitcoins for each word, and a package of three publications was offered at a “favorable rate” - three bitcoins. For posts in "Karaulny", "Cello Case", "Media Technologist" and "Boiler Room" they asked from 30 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the channel, "Kremlin mumkoved" takes 30 thousand per post, and "Double Yat" - 50 thousand.

In addition, there are stop lists in Telegram channels. Thus, Karaulny does not post paid posts mentioning in a negative light the employees of the Presidential Administration, the Security Council and oil companies, and one of the contractors said that he received an order from a major football club to block the dissemination of negative information about arrested football players. Alexandra Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev .

There is also a “block to block” - a practice in which the customer of the negative on any person or company can additionally pay the channels so that they do not take money for the block from the “victims”. Officially, Karaulny does not refute their contacts with the authorities, but they assure that they "constantly have criticism of federal and regional officials."

At the same time, it is noted that even unverified information published in a major channel is widely disseminated, including by authoritative media. An example of such a fake was the message of Nezygar about the plans of the President of the Russian Federation this year to change the Constitution. After the presidential election, Telegram channels are more likely to be in an information war with each other, the Project continues.

The presidential administration, meanwhile, switched to public groups in whatsapp and viber, which are also similar to Telegram channels. According to the authorities, these messengers influence the moods of people in the regions, and the absence of the authorities' point of view in the groups could, in particular, be the reason for the poor results of the Kremlin candidates in the autumn elections.

Officials resorted to the data of the Prism media and social media monitoring system, which is used by the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, and all regional divisions subordinate to him. Since the fall of 2018, it has featured an overview of negative messages about power in open WhatsApp and Viber groups. This information was also confirmed by an interlocutor close to the Prizma manufacturing company.

Sun Tzu "The Art of War"

For doing anything at all - it is very important to choose the right strategy. But the wrong strategy is still much better than no strategy at all. But one strategy is not enough - you also need tactics to translate the strategy into reality. Even our ancient philosopher ancestors understood this and wrote about it in their treatises.

The ancients are great people about goal setting

Strategy without tactics is the slowest path to victory. Tactics without strategy is just hustle before defeat. Sun Tzu is an ancient Chinese strategist and thinker, author of the famous treatise on military strategy, The Art of War. 6th century BC e.

Who does not know which harbor to sail to, there is no favorable wind for him. Lucius Annaeus Seneca was an ancient Roman philosopher, poet and statesman. 1st century AD e.

There are two types of people: some are rolling the world, while others are running alongside and shouting: “God, where is this world rolling ?!”

Those who do not think about distant difficulties are sure to face close troubles. Confucius is an ancient Chinese thinker and philosopher. 5th century BC e.

Everyone, to the extent of his understanding of the general course of things, works for himself, and to the extent of misunderstanding, on the one who understands more. You rule, but you are also ruled. Plutarch is an ancient Greek writer, philosopher and public figure. 1st century AD e.

He who correctly points out my mistakes is my teacher; he who correctly notes my faithful deeds is my friend; he who flatters me is my enemy. Xun Tzu is an ancient Chinese thinker, the founder of Han Confucianism. 3rd century BC e.

Whoever owns the information owns the world. Nathan Mayer Rothschild is a German entrepreneur and founder of N M Rothschild & Sons. XVIII-IX centuries.

Those who do not want to change their lives cannot be helped. Hippocrates is an ancient Greek healer, physician and philosopher who went down in history as the "father of medicine". 5th century BC e.

There is a lot of laughter, jokes, ironic statements, talented cartoons, etc. around the wretched, at first glance, blockade of Crimea, arranged by professional Tatars in exile and professional raiders and bandits from the Right Sector organization. Around the really funny blockade arranged by Transnistria, the same thing is happening, only with less intensity, because behind the Crimea, let the Crimeans not be offended by me, in this matter the right of the first night. They decided to block them first, so the eyes of the media, bloggers and everyone who is interested in politics are now attracted to two checkpoints on the Russian-Ukrainian border...

And it seems to be a really miserable miserable action, organized by miserable miserable little people. But when you look at it, it starts to look a little different, and that's why, let's pay attention to the sequence of events. At first, Dzhemilev and Chubarov, well-known in narrow circles of professional Russophobes, made their pompous statements about the organization of the blockade. The Kiev authorities did not react to this in any way - either because they were busy defeating the newly-minted opposition in the Rada and placing the corpulent Igor Mosiychuk in a dark prison, or because the whole kahal was compiling another sanctions list that would make even the unsmeyan princess laugh, or for some other reason. It does not matter - the main thing is that she really left all these statements without attention. Until the moment when the blockade became a fait accompli, and the right-wing separatists came to the aid of the "professional Tatars", who, we must give them their due, seem to have introduced a certain element of organization into the action ...

And then it suddenly became clear that President Poroshenko, heart and soul, is on the side of the blockers! A reasonable question - why were you silent about this before? - hangs in the air. And one involuntarily recalls the events of three months ago at a completely different point on the map of Ukraine - in the Transcarpathian town of Mukachevo. Remember, there an unspecified number of right-wingers shot at the policemen, and they shot at the right-wingers in response, after which a Niagara waterfall of mutual accusations, revelations, threats, promises, versions and all that other stuff fell on the unprepared heads of readers and listeners. After some time, from behind the veil of silence, the President of Ukraine majestically emerged and ... declared that it was time to start a decisive fight against regional corruption, which had completely lost its fear. That is, we do not support the actions of the Right Sectors, but we understand the spiritual impulses that led them...

It seems that I, too, begin to understand something in the behavior of the head of the Ukrainian ... hmm, okay ... state. Such a model is called as follows: "if you can't stop the disgrace, lead it, and if you can neither stop nor lead, blame it on someone else." It operates as follows: in the cases of Mukachevo and the Crimean blockade, the president supports the initiators of lawlessness, and in the case of a grenade explosion near the walls of the Verkhovna Rada, he blames everything on the Hand of the Kremlin, which, may the Kremlin not be offended by me, is shoved in Ukraine into completely indecent places. This model is not stupid, this model can even be effective from time to time...

The trouble lies elsewhere - they resort to it when, for some reason (personal or public), they understand that there is no real power in their hands, and all you can do is imitate the power you have with varying degrees of persuasiveness.

PS. And after all, what is especially interesting is that the more remote points from Kyiv such events take place, the less effectively the central government operates. And someone is seriously afraid that under the new Constitution, if the relevant amendments are adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, the president will concentrate dictatorial power in his hands (well, in this case, in his sweaty palms). But has at least one dictator in world history relied on a stack of some kind of paper, on which it is not clear what and it is not clear who was painted? And in some cases - as, for example, with the Magna Carta, it is also not clear when? This did not in the least prevent Cromwell from giving orders to throw the deputies of the next amusing parliament out of the windows. But Poroshenko, even the Constitution, proclaiming him the mistress of the sea, will not help ...

P.P.S. And all because the rulers, who are usually called dictators, have always relied on the support of a significant part of the population of their countries. Like it or not, this is how it was. Well, are there still people in Ukraine who are capable of feeling for Poroshenko ... no, not even love, and not admiration for him, and not respect, but at least neutral feelings? Here's to you, grandmother, and Petya's dictatorship ...

Anastasia Skogoreva (hedgehogs)