Literature      02/16/2020

Why can't I get rich. Why you can't get rich in any way: non-obvious facts. You don't believe that you deserve to be rich

Let's just imagine that it is not outside factors that are to blame for our financial troubles, but ourselves. Just for the sake of experiment. There are many reasons, but here are the most common ones.

Anatoly Pack

Relying on others more than ourselves

In Russia, it is customary to rely on others: take care of your neighbors, and your neighbors will take care of you. But financially literate people don't expect others to take care of them; they take care of themselves.

The woman hoped that someday her sister would also help her. But in the end, the sister found a husband for herself and left for Israel, never paying her debts. And the woman remained in Russia, all so kind and unhappy.

Who is guilty? Of course, she herself is to blame: you need to rely on yourself, take care of yourself and build your own castle.

Morality: Of course, it is not easy to refuse to help relatives. But they are not responsible for you - only you are responsible for yourself.

People on the internet are not responsible for how you deal with money. Even worse: these people are anonymous, you can not verify their expertise and the authenticity of their words.

One guy studied with me. He fancied himself a great specialist in currencies, because he participated in several closed forums ostensibly about the trends of the world economy. And right on the eve of the 2014 crisis, he was whispered there that because of Russia's policy, a currency crisis was about to happen and everything had to be kept in rubles.

He exchanged everything for rubles. Within a month, his savings halved; in a panic, he bought foreign currency for almost 100 rubles. Over the next three years, his savings were reduced by another third due to the strengthening of the ruble. Double failure.

Morality: The Internet can be listened to, but it cannot be unconditionally trusted. In general, no one can be trusted unconditionally.

We save, but do not increase income

Here is the simplest life example. Let's say a student wants to save 30,000 R for a smartphone. His pocket money is 1500 R per month. This is not enough. He must first raise his income, for example, find a part-time job. Then the purchase becomes more real, and he will have a stable stream of money from part-time work.

For adults, the situation is the same. For example, a person wants to buy an apartment, but can save only 5000 R per month for the entry fee. You need to accumulate 250,000 R. This is some unrealistic amount at such a pace. Need to increase income: find a part-time job, raise wages, find new job etc. Then he will save up for the entry fee much faster.

Morality: DO NOT SAVE until you learn how to earn a lot. It makes no sense: you will not save much, and you will limit your opportunities for development.

Often, our compatriots believe that the secret of wealth is in some other, magical things: luck, winning in a casino, the will of a distant relative. But in reality, everything is much simpler. You just need to make the right financial decisions every day. If you agree with this - share with those who are important to you.

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With the modern possibilities that we have, why why don't people get rich? Why most people live a poor life, even when they are far from stupid and talented. Here are 5 main reasons why many people fail to get rich.

1. It doesn't occur to them that it's possible for them.

First, this is something that never happens to them.

The average person grew up in a family where they never met or knew anyone who was rich. He goes to school and hangs out with people who are not wealthy. He works with people who are not rich. He has a social circle of people outside of work who are not wealthy. He has no role models. If this happened to you during your formative years, before your twenties, you can grow up to be fully grown in our society and it never occurs to you that it is as possible for you to become rich as it is for anyone else.

This is why people who grow up in homes where their parents are rich are much more likely to become rich than people who grow up in homes where their parents are not rich. And it's not about inheritance.

So the first reason people don't get rich is that it never occurs to them that it's possible for them. And of course, if it never happens to them, they never take any of the steps necessary to make it a reality.

2. They hesitate to become rich

The second reason people don't get rich is because they never make up their minds.

Even if a person reads a book, attends lectures, or is associated with financial successful people, nothing changes until he decides to do something else. Even if it occurs to a person that he can become rich if he does certain things in a certain way, if he does not decide to take the first step, he will be the way he is.

If you keep doing what you have always done, you will continue to get what you always have.

The main reason for not achieving is that the vast majority of people do not decide to be successful. They never make a firm, unequivocal commitment or a definite decision that they are going to become rich. They want and they intend and they hope and they are going to someday. They wish and hope and pray that they make a lot of money, but they never decide, "I'm going to do it!" This solution is important first step towards becoming financially independent.

3. Maybe tomorrow...

The third reason people don't get rich is procrastination.

People always have a good reason not to start doing what they know they need to do to achieve financial independence. It's always the wrong month, the wrong season, or the wrong year. Business conditions in their industry are not good, or they may be too good. They may have to risk or give up their security. Maybe next year..

There always seems to be a reason to procrastinate. As a result, they keep putting it off month after month, year after year, until it's too late. Even if it occurred to a person that he could become rich, and he made a decision to change, delays will push all his plans into an uncertain future.

4. They can't save

The fourth reason people don't get rich is what economists call the inability to delay gratification.

The vast majority of people have an irresistible temptation to spend every ruble they earn and anything they can borrow or buy on credit. If you cannot delay gratification and discipline yourself to refrain from spending, you cannot become rich. If you can't practice budgeting as a lifelong habit, you won't achieve financial independence.

As W. Clement Stone said: "If you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not sown in you."

5. They don't think far

The fifth reason why people don't get rich is very important, if not more important than all the others...

It is the lack of time perspective.

In a study conducted by Dr. Edward Banfield at Harvard University in the 1950s and published in 1964 as " sky city”, he studied the reasons for the increase in socio-economic mobility. He wanted to know if a person or family is going to move up one or more socioeconomic groups and be richer in the next generation than they were in this generation.

All his research led him to one of the factors that he believed was more accurate than any other in predicting success in America. He called it time perspective. It was defined as the amount of time you take into account when planning daily activities and making important decisions in your life. Time perspective was about how far into the future you were projected when you decided what you were going to do or not do in the present.

An example of a long-term perspective is the common habit of upper-class families in England to register their children at Oxford or Cambridge as soon as the child is born, even if he does not attend for the next eighteen years. This is the long term in action. A young couple who starts putting $50 a month into a scholarship fund so their newborn child can go to the college or university of their choice is a long-term couple. They are willing to sacrifice in the short term to ensure better results in the long term. People with a long-term perspective almost invariably move economically over the course of their lives.

Poverty negatively affects the human psyche and its ability to plan and make the right decisions.

1. Lack of money, time, food, and other means causes the mind of poor people to focus on a narrow range of problems, preventing a larger "look" at life's prospects.
2. Poor people get used to thinking only about the momentary and do not plan expenses, do not build their life strategy.

3. Borrowing money to buy an expensive phone or a branded bag is a sign of a poor person. A rich (or potentially rich) person only takes out a loan to grow their business or invest in education.

4. The poor are afraid to give their all to achieve their goals. They think that once you open your own business, there will be no personal time left at all.
5. Aimed at poverty, people constantly feel sorry for themselves: that they got married or did not get married, that they were born a woman because men are paid more, that they are not slim enough to work in a prestigious position, etc. They believe that if something more had been given to them from birth, then their life would have turned out differently.

6. The inability to make plans, to think about what else you can get besides money, does not contribute to enrichment. A poor person tries to get a job where they pay more, and a potentially rich person tries to get a job where they can learn something and where there are prospects for the future.
7. Greed. This tendency must be overcome first. Only at first glance it is useful for increasing wealth. In fact, total savings on trifles is not a sign of thrift, but of stupidity. Buying cheap and low-quality goods, a person loses more than he gains. No wonder they say that a miser pays twice. When hiring staff, the greedy person pays little, and as a result, all the valuable employees who can lead the company to prosperity leave.

A team of psychologists led by Anuj Shah of the University of Chicago conducted an experiment in which volunteers around the age of 25, divided into two groups - "poor" and "rich" - were asked to play three games.
They were given a certain number of attempts to correctly guess the answer, and they could also take an additional attempt if they were not enough. During the games, the “poor” spent a lot of time before each time they made their choice. They also expended more attempts on tasks, taking them on credit. The "rich" showed a good game, they practically did not take attempts for the correct answer. The “poor” simply “driven” themselves into the position of losers when they actively “borrowed” all new attempts to guess the right answer.

According to scientists, this test showed that the lack of funds creates a tendency to borrow the necessary resource without thinking through the costs and benefits of a life strategy. In their opinion, it is this “effect” that is behind the popularity of short-term, high-interest loans among the poor.
The results of the study found that, for example, very poor people often refuse to treat their illnesses, paying more attention to the price of medical services and not thinking about their health, which, in fact, is a higher priority in life.

A prosperous life in our time, unfortunately, is not feasible without a sufficient amount of financial resources. Money is also related to the degree of success. To put it bluntly, a rich person will always seem more attractive to others than a poor one. And all because prosperity is confidence, unlimited possibilities and pleasures. Why does not everyone manage to achieve wealth and success? Let's figure it out.

Reasons that interfere with achieving financial well-being and success

Scientists have found that the difficulties in achieving the desired are caused by the following factors:

  1. Expenses beyond capacity.

You have to live within your means. If you understand that your salary will not be able to cover all your needs or will cover, but at the same time the family will be left without a piece of bread, then you should moderate your appetites a little and give preference to more modest desires for now. If you can’t live without a new tablet, then postpone the purchase, gradually accumulating the necessary amount. By the way, here is the second reason why you can’t get rich:

  1. Inability to save.

Some people really can't put aside some money without touching it. At the first desire that appears, they take it without a shred of doubt and spend it. But if you introduce a rule for yourself every month to save at least a little bit, then soon a good amount will form in your home bank.

  1. Interest in loans.

It is tempting to buy household appliances in installments. Instead of twenty thousand at a time, you will pay only a thousand rubles to the store every month. Obvious benefit, right? But there is also back side. The total amount will exceed the one that was originally assigned, without installment terms. And the accumulated loans will be a heavy burden on your shoulders, significantly reducing the budget.

  1. Race for innovation.

A new car, and even more so, an updated version of an old model, is always expensive. At the same time, in the first year of operation, a new car loses about a quarter of its value. The same applies to fashionable novelties in clothing. As soon as they are at the peak of popularity, the price for them skyrockets. No one is saying that you have to dress second-hand and drive ten-year-old cars, but constantly chasing everything new is really a bad idea if your financial resources are limited.

  1. Lack of perseverance, purposefulness, unwillingness to work.

Oddly enough, if you do not make an effort, but wait for manna from heaven, then you will not become rich. Few, who million falls just like that on the head. Most often, you first need to work hard, earn initial capital, and only then make the money work for you. Yes, self-confidence matters. If you know that everything will work out and go to the intended goal, sooner or later you will definitely achieve it.

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In order to get rich, you must first start thinking like a financially wealthy person. This does not mean that you need to start "fat freaking out" and start throwing away money on expensive things that you can't (or even completely) can't afford or start dreaming about it. These are changes in thinking at the root to the exact opposite. The 10 points below will help you get started on becoming a wealthy person.

So why can't you get rich?

1. You have convinced yourself that money is not important.

People, unfortunately, buy into the lie that money is not an important part of life. This is an excuse for their lack of financial resources. If you think you don't need a lot of money, then you won't have a lot of money.

You should make money a high priority because money determines the food you eat; the clothes you wear; the car you drive; the house where you live; the education you have; medical care your family receives. Money is the resource that allows you to do, be and have everything you really want in life.

2. You don't believe you deserve to be rich.

Millions of people struggle financially every day because they don't believe they are worthy to be rich. They bought into the ideal that wealth is for “other” people. These ideals come from well-meaning parents, good religions, and the media.

But we are all equally important; we all deserve to have all the things we really want in our lives. If not you, then who? Why are others better than you?

3. You don't know what you want.

It's extremely difficult to get something when you don't know what you want to get. You must decide what you need in your ideal lifestyle. Maybe it's work from home, or vacation 6 times a year, but you have to be clear about what you want!

4. You don't have plans to create, manage and maintain wealth.

Once you know the financial goal you want to achieve, you must find a way to achieve your goal. You must follow a budget. You should also find a plan to generate additional income based on the abilities you possess.

5. You don't know what to do.

Do something that you are really interested in and have a passion for. Why? Because when you love something, you can do it all day long without paying attention to the time and therefore become the best at it soon. When you do what you really love to do and do your best at it, you have no competition.

6. You don't think like a rich person.

Like everything in life, success is mental, so you must have a certain mindset in order to succeed. There is a certain way of thinking that rich people think, and if you think in a similar way, then you will become rich by default. If you change your thinking, you will change yourself; and you will change yourself by changing what you think; and you will change what you think about by changing what you consciously bring to your attention. You are a creator, think like a creator, and create big and positive things in your life by focusing on the things you want, not the things you don't.

7. You don't act like a rich person.

Change the way you act! The rich act now because tomorrow never comes! When you get to what you call your future, you will rename it to the present. Write down the steps that will bring you closer to your goal. Then take action immediately and daily. If you do this with passion and faith, you will soon begin to realize the success you deserve. It will take a lot of work, contrary to what some people think. Yes, it turns out that the rich work hard. Maybe forever, but at the beginning of their careers, they made incredible efforts (which is why most people are not rich).