Health      01/19/2022

PRO ability to laugh at yourself. The ability to laugh at yourself makes you a charming person People who do not know how to laugh at themselves

The most complex and accessible form of humor that is far from being accessible to everyone - what is it called when they make fun of themselves? Why are some people not able to make a joke about themselves and what is the reason for this? What is the line when a person can joke about himself: successes, failures, defeats and awkward situations? How does this behavior characterize a person?

The ability to joke about your actions, appearance or your own lifestyle is called positive self-criticism. Arises as a result of the analysis of one's behavior through the prism of one's own inner vision: principles, beliefs and values.

For the most part, it is inherent in people who have a sense of humor, aimed at positive thinking.

Jokes on ourselves - where we see them daily

Stand Up - it is in this show, popular among young people, that self-criticism is 100% revealed. Most often, comedians representing this direction joke about: their childhood, bad work experience, personal life, daily affairs. How does such passion and positive self-criticism characterize a person?

Psychologists believe that natural self-criticism, “working” through the prism of its principles and personal qualities, is nothing more than “kicking forward”. Analyzing his behavior, a person is able to become better, not to repeat his own mistakes. It is even better when such behavior is “framed” with notes of humor.

However, public humorous self-flagellation in some cases is a kind of mask, a layer between people and a broken state of personality. It’s easier to smile in front of others, to play a sparkling joke in your address, than to seriously analyze the problem and come to a solution.

Such disguised self-criticism is characteristic of the stronger sex. From childhood, boys are taught that any manifestation of self-pity, in a negative light, is a desperate weakness, accessible only to women. Maybe that's why there are so many male comedians in the stand up?

Why not all people can make fun of their personality

As already written earlier, the ability to undergo introspection and joke about oneself is inherent in strong personalities who are ready for change. A person who cannot joke about his own mistake or perfect actions is not ready for change.

Most likely, his internal state is in stagnation, and his deep psychological problems growing like a snowball.

Few things calm me down more than laughing at my failures. Science, too, began to see value in self-irony. Self-deprecating humor not only lifts your spirits, it also improves your overall health.

Psychologist Arnie Kann, who studies humor, notes that it all depends on the context. Depending on how we use jokes, they can lead to positive or negative consequences. So, it is better not to resort to self-irony to hide your anger.

Understanding the benefits of laughter can improve your life. If you're looking for reasons to take yourself less seriously, they're here.

1. It will be easier for you to build positive relationships with people.

Laughter releases oxytocin, and this hormone increases confidence and helps a person open up.

In addition, sincerity is always attractive. By revealing your flaws through humor, you win over a person, and he begins to feel comfortable.

And finally, the third argument - no one likes whiners. People are drawn to those who exude positivity.

2. You can rethink your problems

When you face fear or stress, allow yourself to see the funny side, and there is a side to every situation. Laughter will give vent to your emotions, calm you down and help you look at what is happening from a different angle.

Of course, you should not laugh in the face of all threats, otherwise your life will turn into a continuous tantrum. But most of the troubles you face are not as serious as you imagine them to be.

3. Humor will help develop creative thinking

This is not only about self-irony, but also about laughter in general. There is a lot of research that confirms that positive emotions allow us to solve problems more creatively and effectively.

4. This is a great tool to deal with possible stress

Exposure to something positive before you experience a stressful situation reduces it. bad influence. With self-irony, you control this “something positive”.

If you are afraid of a difficult meeting or interview, discuss it with a loved one in a humorous way. This will help reduce the pathos of the upcoming event and relax.

Humor is a powerful tool to overcome any life stresses. The ability not only to understand other people's jokes, but also to use self-irony will help you always control the situation.

5. You will start to feel better about yourself.

Self-irony should be a gentle way for you to admit your own shortcomings. By making fun of yourself, you make it clear that all people are imperfect.

When you can be kind to your shortcomings, you will become more tolerant of others too.

Jokes on yourself can be angry, harsh, whatever, they will help you more anyway.

Austrian scientists consider craving for black humor a sign of high intelligence. They asked over 150 people to different levels education to evaluate 12 dark comics with jokes about death and mutilation. Their research showed that dark humor lovers are non-aggressive, intelligent, and emotionally stable. The results are published in the journal Cognitive Processing.

You can feel the positive effect of self-irony only if it is sincere. Respect the boundaries: do not slide into self-deprecation and do not turn yourself into a laughing stock. Your goal is not to arouse pity, but to laugh heartily.

Surely you have experienced a feeling of embarrassment in public, and sometimes, perhaps, they even giggled at you because of some kind of embarrassment. Most likely, we all have such an experience, and this is normal - you should also laugh at this experience.

Frame from the movie "Dumb and Dumber"

1. Learning to laugh at yourself means accepting the real you.

Most of us feel insecure or frustrated by past failures. However, there is nothing terrible about being imperfect - it is our shortcomings that make us human. At the same time, you must stop diligently convincing others of your worth or strenuously creating an ideal image of yourself. The important thing is that you are honest with yourself about who you are and accept the real and real you despite your flaws. Self-acceptance is the key to self-confidence, and when you are confident, you can easily make fun of yourself and laugh at yourself.

2. A little self-skepticism actually helps build confidence.

People who can laugh at themselves are usually optimists, and optimists are more likely to succeed in life. Acknowledging your mistakes in a playful way helps to perk up in case of problems or confusion and embarrassment. More importantly, we are clearly aware of our weak sides and understand what needs to be improved. The ability to joke about your own mistakes means that you are already working on them. This is the very quality that gives strength to cope with stressful situations and promotes peace of mind. By the way, a confident and balanced person always disposes to himself.

3. When you laugh at yourself, people will like you for being natural.

Making fun of other people can cause offense or misunderstanding, but good-natured banter at yourself usually makes them smile. Don't worry about losing their respect this way. In fact, people really appreciate your courage and self-criticism. By laughing at yourself, you show them that you are objective about your imperfections, therefore you look cute and natural, and not capricious and dull. Don't take yourself too seriously all the time, just joke about yourself more.

4. Try to laugh at your past experiences - there you can find a lot of material for good jokes

Learning to laugh at yourself isn't always easy, but you can start by remembering past experiences and mistakes. Try to understand yourself better, think about what makes you uncomfortable. Remind yourself of the mistakes you made: for example, you forgot about an appointment or ruined an important document. Instead of criticizing yourself for inattention and lack of concentration, look at mistakes positively. Think about some of the little details of that experience that might bring a smile to your face right now. Just remember: to err is human. Tell yourself that you are a perfectly imperfect person, and accept yourself as such. Learn to laugh at yourself and you will become much calmer and happier.

Everyone can make fun of others, but to laugh at oneself is a more subtle science, it is far from being given to everyone. They say that self-irony is a skill available only to people with high intelligence. We found for you 20 people who are all right with their wit and sense of humor.

1. “Best friend took his wife away. Need money for a thank you card

2. Blow under the stomach

3. “Breasts are real, but the smile is fake”

4. Dedicated to all owls

5. The tattoo says: "Made in China" - "Made in China"

6. “The girl in the restaurant asked me: “Are you alone?” I happily answered: “Yes.” Then she took the second chair, standing in front of me, and left.

7. Age 6: “I want to be a doctor.”

At 16: "I want to be a nurse"

At 19: "I'll try my hand at accounting"

Age 24: "Hey guys, welcome to my video channel"

8. When you are also a little star

9. “329 day without sex: I went to Starbucks only to hear someone scream my name.”

10. "I will never be as successful as this gosling."

The inscriptions on the plates: "Best young goose", "Vice-champion", "Best waterfowl", "Best novice".

11. Moose. Just Elk

12. “On my birthday, I went to the game of my favorite team to celebrate their victory. So-so idea was "

13. All girls are witches

14. “This is me taking a cool underwater selfie.”

15. “My drunk boyfriend just asked me: “Who is the most handsome man in the world?” I said: “You”. And he told me: “Lies, this is fucking Ryan Reynolds” ”

16. “When I get sad, I just look at this picture of me from the past.”

17. Pelmeni - Foreva

18. What do you know about the luxury life?

19. “I no longer open the front camera on my phone. How I look is none of my business now.”

20. Expectation and reality