Esoterics      03/10/2022

Dictionary of antonyms. Phraseological units - antonyms Phraseological units - antonyms about easy-hard

- (Greek nous, pneuma; lat. spiritus, mens; German Geist; French esprit; English mind, spirit) 1. The highest ability of a person, allowing him to become the subject of meaning-making, personal self-determination, meaningful transformation of reality; ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

A (y); m. 1. Consciousness, thinking, mental abilities of a person. A healthy body in a healthy e. Matter and e. Properties of the human spirit. // In materialistic philosophy and psychology: thinking, consciousness as special property highly organized... encyclopedic Dictionary

Husband. incorporeal being: inhabitant of the immaterial; A essential world; disembodied inhabitant of the inaccessible to us spiritual world. Referring this word to a person, others understand his soul, while others see in the soul only that which gives life to the flesh, but in the spirit ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- [human soul] n., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? spirit, why? spirit, (see) what? spirit what? spirit, what? about the spirit 1. The spirit is called the non-material part of a person, which includes consciousness, feelings, character, etc. Properties ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

SPIRIT, spirit, husband. 1. only units Psychic abilities, mind. A healthy mind in a healthy body. 2. only units Cheerfulness, moral strength, readiness for action. The spirit of the army. Spiritual uplift. Get together (see get together). Fall in spirit (see mouth1). 3. In ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Spirit: Wiktionary has an entry for "spirit" Spirit (philosophy) is a philosophical concept often identified with an immaterial principle. The definition of the relationship between spirit and matter is often considered the main issue of philosophy. Spirit (mythology) ... ... Wikipedia

See the soul, smell, stench, direction, mood, custom, heart, courage, style in the spirit, in full spirit, perk up, knock out the spirit, hit the spirit, single spirit, living spirit, evil spirit, give up the spirit, no spirit, unclean spirit, not to hear or spirit, ... ... Synonym dictionary

SPIRIT, a (y), husband. 1. Consciousness, thinking, mental abilities; beginning that determines behavior, actions. Matter and d. In a healthy body, a healthy d. D. contradictions (the desire to argue). D. indignation. 2. Inner, moral strength. High… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

A philosophical concept meaning an immaterial beginning, in contrast to a material, natural beginning. Spirit is interpreted as substance (pantheism), personality (theism, personalism). In rationalism, thinking is considered the defining side of the spirit, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

M. One of the persons of the Holy Trinity; Holy Spirit (by Christian doctrine). Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

SPIRIT 1, a (y), m. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov


  • The Spirit of Love, Du Maurier D. The Spirit of Love (1931) is the first novel by the remarkable English writer Daphne Du Maurier (1907-1989). Its plot unfolds against the backdrop of the breathtaking landscapes of Cornwall, which has become for Du Maurier ...
  • Spirit of love. Goodbye Youth by Daphne Du Maurier. This edition includes two of the earliest works of the English novelist Daphne Du Maurier: "The Spirit of Love" and "Farewell to Youth", in which her rare literary gift and ...

a term for designating an intangible principle that differs from a material, natural one. In cultural studies, the concept of "spirit" is used in a broad and narrow sense, as synonyms for the dominant spiritual culture and its core worldview.

Large explanatory dictionary of cultural studies.. Kononenko B.I. . 2003 .


-A (-y ), m.

Psychic abilities, consciousness, thinking.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

[Jacobi:] His illness, boyar, is polysyllabic: The flesh does not suffer alone - the spirit is sick. A. K. Tolstoy, Death of Ivan the Terrible.

A person needs not three arshins of land, not a farmstead, but the whole Earth, all nature, where in the open space he could manifest all the properties and features of his free spirit. Chekhov, Gooseberry.

One who is not an artist cannot experience the oblivion of everything around when the spirit is immersed in images. Garshin, Nadezhda Nikola...

spirit 1. spirit, a and (in stable combinations)-y; neither hearing nor spirit; as in spirit (in confession) 2. spirit, -a; pl. spirits, -ov (supernatural being)

Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001 .

SPIRIT is a philosophical concept, meaning an immaterial beginning, in contrast to a material, natural beginning. Spirit is interpreted as substance (pantheism), personality (theism, personalism). In rationalism, thinking, consciousness are considered to be the defining side of the spirit, in irrationalism - will, feeling, imagination, intuition, etc. In ancient Greek philosophy: pneuma, nous, logos.


a philosophical concept meaning an immaterial beginning, in contrast to a material, natural beginning. The question of the relationship between D. and matter is the fundamental question of philosophy. The affirmation of the primacy of matter, from which D. is a derivative, is Materialism; according to F. Engels, spirit is the "highest color" of matter (see K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 20, p. 363). The recognition of D. as the origin of the world is Idealism, Spiritualism. The idea of ​​D., which plays a central role in idealistic teachings, acts as a concept (panlogism), as a substance (Pantheism), as a personality (Theism, personalistic concepts). In rationalistic philosophical systems, D. is essentially identified with thinking, consciousness, in Irrationalism as moments that determine the essence of D. ...


a philosophical concept, a translation of the words “spiritus” (Latin) and “pneuma” (Greek) found in ancient philosophy and in the Bible, which means “moving air”, “breath”, “breath” (as a carrier of life), immaterial principle ; the soul as an entity that can leave the body once and for all; life itself (“For life is love, and the life of life is spirit” (Goethe); the essence of God: “God is spirit,” etc. In rationalism, thinking, consciousness are considered the defining side of the spirit, in irrationalism - will, feeling imagination, intuition, etc.

Beginnings modern natural science. Thesaurus. - Rostov-on-Don V.N. Savchenko, V.P. Smagin 2006


see Psychology.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron 1890-1907

(Greek nous, pneuma; Latin spiritus, mens; German Geist; French esprit; English mind, spirit) - 1. The highest ability of a person, allowing him to become the subject of meaning-setting, personal self-determination, meaningful transformation of reality; an ability that opens up the possibility of supplementing the natural basis of individual and social existence with a world of moral, cultural and religious values; playing the role of a guiding and focusing principle for other abilities of the soul. 2. Supernatural, ruling the world the power to which a person can be active...

spirit, -a and -u, pl. h. d "hoosh, -ov

. . 1999 .

spirit see miraculous Chinese philosophy. encyclopedic Dictionary 2009


[human soul] noun, m., use comp. often

Morphology: (no) what? spirit, what? spirit, (see) what? spirit, how? spirit, about what? about the spirit

1. spirit they call the intangible part of a person, which includes consciousness, feelings, character, etc.

properties of the human spirit.

2. In idealistic philosophy and religion spirit considered an immortal non-material principle, which underlies all things and phenomena and is primary in relation to matter.

Spirit SPIRIT, -A, m. 1. A young, novice soldier. 2. Policeman. 3. usually neglected Inexperienced, weak person. 4. Dushman, an Afghan rebel. 2. - Possible from corner ; 1., 4. - from arm. (4. - since the war in Afghanistan).

Dictionary of Russian Argo. - GRAMOTA.RU. V. S. Elistratov. 2002 .


In all spirit. Razg. Very fast (run, run, rush, etc.). FSRYA, 148; DP, 276, 514; BTS, 289; BMS 1998, 173; Mokienko 1986, 48; SHZF 2001, 39; SRNG 29, 69.

Free spirit. Ryaz. Heat in a fired oven after shoveling out the coals. DS, 93.

In one spirit. Kar. Immediately, immediately. SRGK 4, 150.

Drive out the spirit. Gorky. To perform the ceremony after the death of a person in the house. BalSok, 29.

Release the spirit. 1. Prost. Die, die. F 1, 98. 2. (from the sail). Psk. Lower the sail. SRNG 8, 277.

Give (bring) spirit


powerful spirit

Dictionary of Russian idioms. . Word combinations with a high degree meaning Academic 2011

A common Slavic noun of Indo-European nature, having the same root as the verbs to breathe, breathe.

Spirit (Spirit; Geist) - archetype and functional complex; often personified and experienced as inspiration, animation, or invisible "presence".
“Spirit, like God, designates the object of mental experience and experience, which cannot be docked.

Spirit a philosophical concept meaning an immaterial beginning, in contrast to a material, natural beginning. Spirit is interpreted as substance (pantheism), personality (theism, personalism). In rationalism, thinking, consciousness are considered to be the defining side of the spirit, in irrationalism - will, feeling, imagination, intuition, etc. In ancient Greek philosophy: pneuma, nous, logos.

1 . spirit,

2 . spirit,

(Source: "Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak")


Old Russian - spirit (soul, mind, wind).

Common Slavic - duchъ.

The noun "spirit", which came into the Old Russian language in the 11th century, has many meanings. It means: “mind”, “moral side of a person”, “true meaning”, “air”, “soul” and “supernatural incorporeal being”. We find a correspondence in the Lithuanian language - dvase (spirit, soul).

Derivatives: spiritual, wind, stuffy, stuffiness, choke.

Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Russian language from A to Z. Publishing house Moscow 2003

1. What does a dying person emit?
2. The story of Kira Bulychev "The Great ... and the fugitives."
3. David Lean's film "Restless...".
4. "Interlocutor" of the spiritualist.
5. A book about cinematography by a Hungarian writer and poet of the 20th century. Bela Balazza "... films".
6. Film Billy Wilder "... St. Louis."
7. Combat ... teams.
8. He is overwhelmed with delight.
9. Russian people often called him Russian, although they had to translate him, and at the end of the 20th century, many in Russia began to perceive him as a Muslim.
10. "Djinn" in Arabic.
11. Who was the mythical Viy?
12. A healthy man in a healthy body.
13. Incorporeal supernatural being.
14. He is healthy in a healthy body.
15. The determination of a real player.


Cm. soul, smell, stench, direction, mood, custom, heart, courage, style

in spirit, in full spirit, perk up, knock out the spirit, get the spirit, one spirit, living spirit, evil spirit, give up the spirit, no spirit, unclean spirit, neither hearing nor spirit, lose heart, take a breath, uplift, lost presence spirit, betray spirit, give spirit, presence of mind, mood, gather courage, lose spirit, low spirits, enough spirit that there is spirit ...

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999

A (-y), m. 1. Consciousness, thinking, mental abilities; beginning that determines behavior, actions. Matter and d. In a healthy body, a healthy d. D. contradictions (the desire to argue). D. indignation. 2. Inner, moral strength. High combat d. Raise chvy-n. (to inspire vivacity, confidence). Do not lose heart (do not despair). Fall in spirit (lose spiritual energy, despair). Presence of mind (complete self-control). 3. In religion and mythology: an incorporeal supernatural being. Saint e. Evil, good e. 4. what. Content, true the meaning of something. In the spirit of the law. * To be in the spirit (or not in the spirit) - in a good (or bad) mood. In the spirit of what, in the meaning. preposition srod, n. - in accordance with something, according to something. Act in the spirit of the decisions made. By the Holy Spirit (colloquial joking) - no one knows how. II adj. spiritual, -th, -th (to 1 value). D. the world of man. spiritual interests. SPIRIT?! -A (-U), M. 1. The same as breathing (colloquial). D. translate (take a deep breath, catch your breath; that ...

spirit, m. 1. only units. Psychic abilities, mind. A healthy mind in a healthy body. 2. only units Cheerfulness, moral strength, readiness for action. The spirit of the army. Spiritual uplift. gather your courage (see gather together). lose heart (see mouth 1). 3. In religious, mythological and theosophical concepts - an incorporeal supernatural being. Spiritualists evoked the spirit of Napoleon. Evil spirit (devil). Mountain spirits. Two powerful spirits (an angel and a demon) raise a dispute for a person. A. Maikov. 4. only units In idealistic philosophy - the main Essence, the non-material beginning of phenomena. Absolute spirit. Dialectical development of the spirit. 5. trans., only units. Essence, true meaning (book obsolete). According to the spirit of the law (as opposed to the letter of the law). 6. what or what. Inclination towards something, something. the beginning that determines the way of thinking, behavior, mood. There is a spirit of contradiction in him. They (the successes of collectivization) instill in our Party a spirit of cheerfulness and self-confidence. Stalin. 7. Typical, Characteristic Properties, Distinguishing Features...

spirit, -a and -u, pl. h. (meaning "supernatural being") d "hoosh, -ov

Russian spelling dictionary. / Russian Academy Sciences. In-t rus. lang. them. V. V. Vinogradova. - M .: "Azbukovnik". V. V. Lopatin (executive editor), B. Z. Bukchina, N. A. Eskova and others.. 1999 .

m. 1) a) A philosophical concept, meaning an immaterial beginning; consciousness, mind, thinking, mental abilities. b) Intangible and - by religious beliefs- supernatural, divine beginning in man; soul. 2) State of mind, mood. 3) Moral strength, readiness for action. 4) Attitude, worldview. 5) Character traits, basic properties, the essence of something. 6) An incorporeal supernatural being that, according to religious beliefs, influences the life of man and nature. 7) unfold Breathing (usually as part of phrases). 8) razg.-decrease. Same as: air (1*). 9) razg.-decrease. Aroma.

Essence, root cause and main active force of all things (Job 34.13-15). The human spirit (1 Cor. 2.11), which is sometimes understood as the soul, is different from it (1 Thess. 5.23) and stands above it, for only he is able to unite with the Spirit of God (Rom. 8.15-16; 1 Cor. 6.17). The word “spirit” also defines the spiritual powers of a person (2 Tim 1:7), which differ between believers (Eph 1:13) and the sons of this world (1 John 4:6; Rom 11:8). All angels are ministering spirits (Heb 1.14), among which there are evil ones (Lk 7.21). (See also Angel, Satan)

(Greek nous, pneuma; Latin spiritus, mens; German Geist; French esprit; English mind, spirit) - 1. The highest ability of a person, allowing him to become the subject of meaning-setting, personal self-determination, meaningful transformation of reality; an ability that opens up the possibility of supplementing the natural basis of individual and social existence with a world of moral, cultural and religious values; playing the role of a guiding and focusing principle for other abilities of the soul. 2. Supernatural, world-ruling power, to which a person can be actively or passively involved. 3. Inner essence, the meaning of h.-l. (in an expression like "the spirit of the law" or oppositions like "letter - spirit"). The concept of "D." is not as rigidly connected with rational-cognitive abilities as the concepts of "reason" and "reason". Unlike "intelligence", "D.", as a rule, correlates with its personified carrier, with a "face"; unlike the "soul" - it emphasizes the objective significance of its content and its from ...

In general, the word spirit in the sacred. Scripture is used in various meanings: for example, in the meaning of wind, a breath of air, - quiet or stormy (Gen. 8:1, 8, Ecc. , animal life (Gen.6:17, Gen.7:15 and others, Ecc.3:21). Sometimes this word denotes incorporeal spirits, gifted with mind, will, power (Acts 22:8, Eph.2:2, Heb.1:14), sometimes human souls (Gen.2:7, Ecc.12:7, Rome .3:10 etc.), sometimes the being of God, the spiritual nature of God, with all its essential properties (John 4:24); sometimes, finally - various gifts, ministries and actions from a God (Gen. 41:38, Numbers 11:25, 2 Pet. new life in man, and serving for his sanctification and salvation (John 3:5, 8, Acts 2...

School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. - M .: Bustard High combat d. troops ...

spirit genus. n. spirit, Ukrainian spirit, kind n. spirit, st.-glory. doukh πνοή, πνεῦμα, ψυχή (Supr.), Bolg. spirit(ut), Serbohorv. spirit, kind. n. spirit, sloven. dȗh, Czech. duch, Polish, v.-luzh., n.-luzh. duch. Another step of alternation: to breathe (*dъxnǫti). Related Lit. daũsos "air", with a different degree of vocalism - lit. dvãsė "spirit, soul", dvesiù, dvė̃sti "to breathe", Gr. θεός "god" (*θεσός), θέειον "sulfur" (*θεσειον); see dvohat, further goth. dius "beast", D.H.N. tior "animal" (Bernecker 1, 235; Trautmann, BSW 65; Pedersen, IF 5, 33; Thorpe 217; Endzelin, SBE 197; Boisac 339 ff.), otherwise o θεός – Hoffmann, Gr. wb. 113. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Progress M. R. Vasmer

Spirit `Dal's Explanatory Dictionary`

m. incorporeal being: inhabitant of the immaterial; but of the essential world; a disembodied inhabitant of the spiritual world inaccessible to us. Referring this word to a person, others understand his soul, while others see in the soul only that which gives life to the flesh, and in the spirit the highest spark of the Divine, the mind and will, or the aspiration to heaven. Good spirit, angel, spirit of light, pure; evil spirit, the spirit of darkness. devil unclean spirit. Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Holy Trinity. Spirit of God, grace, inspiration, inspiration, revelation. | Vision, ghost, shadow, phantom, incorporeal appearance on earth. | Strength of the soul, valor, strength and independence, courage, determination; cheerfulness. I don't have the heart for it. | Distinctive property, essence, essence, direction, meaning, strength, mind, meaning. spirit of the Christian faith. He is confused by the spirit of superstition. The spirit of meekness, and not a stick to the bone. | Breath. Let me take a breath. Fled, captured or laid down the spirit. | Visible breathing, steam coming out of the mouth. In this meaning. the spirit, like life, is lower than the soul; and in the highest lawsuit...

2000-2015 Dictionaries And encyclopedias
Collection of dictionaries and encyclopedias

Prepared a review phraseological units-antonyms .

It included 88 phraseological units according to 22 topics.

Among these topics: good-bad person, smart-stupid, cunning-simple-hearted, hostile-friendly, tall-low, chatting-silent, skillful-unskillful, good-bad work, easy-hard, expensive-cheap, few-many, far-close, dark-light, always-never, etc.

Phraseologisms - antonyms about a good-bad person

  • Man with capital letter- the devil in the flesh
  • A kind soul is a black soul (by the way, phraseological units about a person)

Phraseologisms - antonyms about a knowledgeable-ignorant person

  • The Walking Encyclopedia - Pick Up the Tops
  • Know like the back of your hand - understand like a pig in oranges

Phraseologisms - antonyms about smart-stupid

  • Mind chamber - without a king in the head
  • Seven spans in the forehead - he won’t invent gunpowder (by the way, phraseological units about the mind)

Phraseologisms - antonyms about the cunning-innocent

  • On your mind - holy simplicity
  • Lisa Patrikeevna - an open soul

Phraseologisms - antonyms about hostile-friendly

  • Like a cat with a dog - soul to soul
  • Can't stand the spirit - you can't spill it with water

Phraseologisms - antonyms about high-low

  • Kolomna verst - two inches from a pot
  • Uncle, get a sparrow - a meter with a cap (by the way, phraseological units are high)

Phraseologisms - antonyms about chatting-to be silent

  • Scratch your tongue - be silent like a fish
  • Tongue without bones - as if the tongue was swallowed

Phraseologisms - antonyms about to disclose - not to say too much

  • Take out dirty linen in public - keep your mouth shut
  • To blurt out too much - you can’t pull it out with ticks (by the way, phraseological units about the language)

Phraseologisms - antonyms about skillful-unskillful

  • Golden hands - hands grow from the wrong place
  • Jack of all trades - master jack-of-all-trades

Phraseologisms - antonyms about good-bad work

  • Having rolled up the sleeves - through the sleeves (diligently - carelessly (to work))
  • Tirelessly - beat the buckets (work with diligence - mess around) (by the way, idioms about work)

Phraseologisms - antonyms about easy-hard

  • Like clockwork - below average pleasure
  • As there is nothing to do - at least beat your head against the wall

Phraseologisms - antonyms about useful-useless

  • Cash cow - like a goat's milk
  • Manna from heaven - like a dead poultice

Phraseologisms - antonyms about expensive and cheap

  • No money is enough - it's not worth a damn
  • Fly into a pretty penny - almost for nothing

Phraseologisms - antonyms about drunk-sober

  • Get drunk like a pig - not in one eye
  • (Drink) to the position of Reese - sober as a glass

Phraseologisms - antonyms about rich-poor

  • Money bag - not a penny for the soul
  • Bathe in gold - make ends meet

Phraseologisms - antonyms about a little-a lot

  • With a gulkin nose - chickens do not peck
  • The cat cried - more than enough (by the way, phraseological units are few and phraseological units are many)

Phraseologisms - antonyms about quickly and slowly

  • Headlong - at a snail's pace
  • In the blink of an eye - a teaspoon per hour

Phraseologisms - antonyms about a long, short time

  • Dead hour - a matter of minutes
  • Until you turn blue (arguing, etc.) - five minutes and you're done (by the way, phraseological units for a long time)

Phraseologisms - antonyms about far, close

  • For distant lands - at hand
  • In the middle of nowhere - two steps away

Phraseologisms - antonyms about the disappearance-appearance

  • How to fall through the ground - grow as if from under the ground
  • How a cow licked her tongue - jumping out like a devil from a snuffbox

Phraseologisms - antonyms about dark-light

  • At least gouge out your eyes - at least collect needles
  • You can't see a single light - it's as bright as day

Phraseologisms - antonyms about always-never

  • From time immemorial - after the rain on Thursday
  • Until the end of time - when cancer on the mountain whistles

As is usually the case with linguists, with an understanding of what antonyms are, it's complicated. There are broad and narrow understanding of this term:

  • Broad understanding consists in the fact that phraseological units-antonyms have opposite meaning. There are quite a lot of such phraseological units.
  • narrow understanding lies in the fact that in addition to the requirement of opposite meanings, two antonymous phraseological units must have the same composition of words, with the exception of one of the words of each phraseological unit. For example, "roll up your sleeves" - "sleeve down". Naturally, there are already much fewer such phraseological units-antonyms.

To be honest, a narrow understanding seems to me somehow contrived and impoverishing linguistic reality, because the main thing is the opposite of meanings, and formal restrictions make it difficult to find a really successful variant of an antonym phraseological unit for this phraseological unit. Why such scientific constructions are put forward, creating only unnecessary difficulties, is difficult for me to understand as a practice.

Usually at the end of the material about phraseological units with any word, I write which of these phraseological units I myself liked the most . But now there are so many of them and they are so different that, perhaps, I will not be able to choose the ones I like the most.

You may also be interested in phraseological units - synonyms. I can also offer you the following materials about phraseological units: