Literature      09.12.2021

Does telepathy exist between people? Telepathy is... What is telepathy? Sudden receipt of information

Telepathy is the transmission of thoughts over a distance. Many materialists, confident in the need to explain any phenomena from a point of view that does not contradict generally accepted scientific theories, deny the existence of telepathy. At the same time, there is a lot of evidence indicating that telepathy is real. So does telepathy really exist? We will try to figure this out in this post.

Cases that can be considered as the transmission of thoughts at a distance have been known since ancient times. Often such cases happened to the most ordinary people, and some thoughts or visions came on their own. This phenomenon is called “spontaneous telepathy.” Often cases of spontaneous telepathy concerned loved ones who found themselves in a dangerous or deadly situation. For example, there is a well-known case that happened to the great Russian scientist Lomonosov, who once saw in a dream his father, who was caught in a shipwreck on desert island in the White Sea. At the insistence of Lomonosov, his brother, along with the fishermen, went on a search, and they, indeed, found the body of his father in the indicated place.

The origin of the word “telepathy” dates back to 1882. This year, the Society for Psychical Research was founded in Great Britain, with the goal of studying unusual psychic phenomena from a scientific point of view. It was its members who coined the term “telepathy”. One of the first who decided to thoroughly study telepathy and made the first scientific report on this topic was English physicist William Barrett.

Soon other scientists began researching. In addition to the fact that they collected and recorded cases of “spontaneous telepathy” (for example, the famous astronomer Flammarion collected about 1000 cases), special experiments were also carried out. The results of the experiments were analyzed using probability theory to distinguish them from random guessing. The experiments involved an “inducer” - a person who transmitted mental images, and a “recipient” - the one who received them. It soon became clear that some people are much more prone to telepathy than others, and also that telepathic abilities are greatly enhanced if the recipient is put into a state of hypnosis. Pictures or playing cards were usually used as transmitted images; later, psychologist Karl Zener proposed using special cards with abstract symbols in tests, which, from his point of view, would help avoid ambiguity.

Zener cards

Usually the percentage of cards guessed turned out to be higher than what it should be according to probability theory; sometimes the entire series was guessed - 25 cards in a row, which inclined researchers to the idea that telepathy is a real phenomenon, although it cannot be used for reliable transmission of information.

Skeptics tried to explain telepathy by random coincidences and quackery, but, nevertheless, there were soon many supporters in the camp of its supporters. famous people. Even in the USSR, where materialist ideology dominated, telepathy had many adherents. In 1921 academician V.M. Bekhterev and V.L. Durov (a famous trainer) began experiments on the telepathic transmission of commands from people to dogs. Most of the experiments (out of more than a thousand) turned out to be successful; the researchers concluded that “... the dog’s responses were not a matter of chance, but depended on the influence of the experimenter on it.” Bekhterev then described these experiments:

The third experiment was as follows: the dog had to jump onto the piano round chair and hit the right side of the piano keyboard with its paw. And here is the dog Pikki in front of Durov. He looks intently into her eyes and covers her muzzle with his palms for a while. Several seconds pass, during which Pikki remains motionless, but being released, he quickly rushes to the piano, jumps up on a round chair, and from the blow of his paw on the right side of the keyboard, several treble notes are heard.

In the fourth experiment, the dog had, after a well-known procedure of suggestion, to jump onto one of the chairs that stood against the wall of the room, and then, climbing onto the round table standing next to it, scratch with its paw a large portrait hanging on the wall above the table. It would seem that this complex action is not so easy for a dog to perform. But Pikki exceeded all our expectations. After the usual procedure (Durov looked intently into the dog’s eyes for several seconds), Pikki jumped from his chair, ran to the chair standing against the wall, then with the same ease jumped onto the round table, and, rising on his hind legs, reached for the portrait with his right forelimb and began to scratch him with his claws.

However, Durov could also influence people. One day Bernard Kazhinsky asked him to demonstrate this.

— Vladimir Leonidovich, you are good at conveying mental suggestion. Make me mentally make this or that movement. I wonder what I will be aware of or feel at the same time. However, will this succeed?
- No big deal, just sit still! - Durov answered decisively, and we got down to business.
I remained motionless for no more than two minutes and saw how my famous interlocutor, without looking at me, took a piece of paper and hastily wrote something on it with a pencil, which he took from the pocket of his favorite black velvet blouse. He placed the note on the table, face down, covering it with his palm, and put the pencil in place. Then Durov began to look at me. I didn’t feel anything special, only suddenly I mechanically touched the scalp behind my ear with the finger of my right hand. Before I had time to lower my hand, V.L. Durov handed me a piece of paper, on which I read with amazement: “Scratch behind your right ear.” Amazed by what had happened, I asked:
- How did you do that?!
“Imagine that I have severe skin irritation behind my right ear and that I need to raise my hand and scratch this place. I tried to imagine the sensation of itching behind the ear as vividly as possible. That's all. How did you feel?
- Of course, I didn’t feel any transmission. I just wanted to scratch behind my ear.

Books were published in the USSR, the authors of which did not doubt the existence of telepathy, although they tried to provide a materialistic basis for it. The most famous were “Biological Radio Communication” by B. Kazhinsky, “Mysterious Phenomena of the Human Psyche” by L. L. Vasiliev, “About Myself” by Wolf Messing. There have been different versions of what is the carrier of telepathic information. Some believed that these were electromagnetic waves, others believed that this was some other material field not yet discovered by physicists.

Wolf Messing, who fled to the USSR after the German occupation of Poland, not only wrote about telepathy, but also demonstrated his mind-reading abilities in numerous public speaking. Usually one of the spectators gave him mental tasks, and Messing carried them out. One of the spectators recalled:

I remember Messing’s performance at the Youth Theater very well. The hall was packed! He did all sorts of things, but I still remember his trick connected with me. Messing asked the audience to hide the pen. She walked through the aisles, everyone snatched her, but I said, well, pockets and boots are not interesting, give it to me! She hid the pen in her hairstyle, a fashionable babette at that time. Messing went out into the hall... You could see how he was shaking from tension, he kept repeating either “oh, mommies” or “gods”. Walking through the rows, he clapped the hands of those who had a fountain pen, and quickly reached me, hitting my hand hard, shouting: “It’s here!” And he took out a pen!

Wolf Messing

Skeptics often came to the performances, trying to “expose” Messing. Those who did not believe in telepathy tried to explain telepathy by Messing’s ability to read “ideomotor acts,” that is, his ability to determine a person’s thoughts and intentions by the smallest involuntary muscle movements.

Messing's speech (newsreel):

A lot of information has been preserved about attempts to use telepathy for military purposes. Such experiments were carried out both in the USSR and in the USA. So, in the 70s, the CIA and American intelligence launched the secret Stargate project, within which it was planned to use clairvoyants and telepaths to obtain intelligence information and transmit it over long distances. In particular, the experiments involved an attempt to transmit images that the recipient had to reproduce. As a result, the military came to the conclusion that telepathy exists, but is of little use for practical use. In the 90s, the Stargate project was closed.

Drawings from Stargate telepathy experiments. On the left is what was transmitted, on the right is what the recipient drew.

What conclusion can be drawn in the end? Numerous cases of “spontaneous telepathy,” as well as clear examples of the transfer of thoughts in experiments, speak in favor of the fact that telepathy actually exists. The problem, however, is that this phenomenon cannot be reproduced with the participation of arbitrary people and under arbitrary conditions, and the accuracy of information transfer remains quite low. All this still gives skeptics reason to doubt the reality of telepathy and declare recorded cases to be “coincidences” and “quackery.” However, people with a skeptical approach take a similar position in relation to any non-standard phenomenon or new theory.

Everything that lies beyond understanding invariably arouses interest or frightens. Superpowers that the main characters of films and books can boast of are sometimes claimed ordinary people living among us.

Gift of telepathy - one of the most common skills in the resume of magicians, fortune tellers and everyone who considers themselves close to the world of the unknown. What is hidden behind this term?

A telepath is a person who can at a certain distance, convey your thoughts to another subject, feelings without verbal or any other contact (except mental).

The one to whom the mental message is transmitted may be at arm's length or at a significant distance. The distance is determined by the degree of preparedness and strength of the telepath.

It is believed that only those with a special gift can practice suggestion. But in some sources there is an idea that this is art can be developed through training.

Origin of the definition

Telepathy is defined as the ability "feel from a distance"(Greek). In this case, information is transferred in both directions. That is, a telepath can not only “put a certain thought into the head” of his opponent, but also “read” what the interlocutor was thinking about.

Before 1882 such a concept might already exist, but there was no term as such. He was introduced F. Meiser- founder of the Society for Psychical Research (UK). He, together with his followers, conducted a number of studies (including practical ones) aimed at understanding the phenomenon of transmitting thoughts at a distance.

Similar work was later carried out by scientists in other countries, but telepathy has not yet received official recognition. But even official psychology and medicine in general find it difficult to deny the phenomenon, for example, Wolf Messing.

Telepaths are able to transmit and receive the moods and emotions of their opponents. In this case we are talking about of the sensual variety phenomenon. The highest degree of mastery is the situation when the recipient does not perceive the messages coming to him as alien. The person with whom the professional telepath works will think that these are his own sensations and images.

Thought broadcast- another type of unique ability. For the most part, this skill is described in literature as telepathy. Undoubtedly, such skills are of interest to different categories of people. It's very tempting to know what everyone around you is thinking and be able to influence their thought process.

In addition, there is gradation into conscious and unconscious telepathy. In the first case, the process is initiated and controlled by a person with superpowers. Unconscious transmission or reception of thoughts can manifest itself unexpectedly. It often comes as a surprise to those who suddenly feel someone else's influence on them.

Why transmission becomes possible and how to develop this ability in yourself

The mechanism of telepathy is described as the transfer of thoughts, images, memories and sensations directly to the brain from one participant in the process to another. The broadcast takes place on a special unique channel, which is not related to to none of the 5 astral senses.

That is, neither vision, nor touch, nor smell, nor anything else is involved in the process. A separate “organ” is responsible for receiving signals from brain activity. In practical yoga it is known as glandula pienalis.

It is a mistake to assume that the gift of reading and transmitting thoughts is available only to a few. In fact, you can become a telepath, because everyone has a piece of such a gift. The most striking example is the invisible connection between children and parents. Many cases have been described where loved ones felt each other's pain at a great distance.

It is possible to learn how to transmit images and feelings into the brain of another person, but the process will be long. In addition, one must take into account the personal degree of predisposition to such a gift. Some will be able to successfully exchange information, but for others, the “ceiling” will be guessing the simplest pictures and plots conceived by the opponent.

Here are some tips where to start training.

  • Find like-minded helpers.
  • Carry out the simplest tasks: one remembers arbitrary drawn geometric shapes, selects a specific one, tries to mentally imagine and “transmit” it. Another participant in the experiment, without thinking, tries to “catch” the thought and name the figure.
  • Develop observation and intuition (for example, watching people on the subway, try to guess where this or that passenger will go or what he will do).

You can trust telepaths or attribute their skills to a lucky coincidence of circumstances. But you won’t be able to ignore the fact that they exist. Do you want to join their ranks? Be prepared to train and use abilities without malicious intent.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ ★Telepathy for dummies. How to learn to read other people's thoughts.

    ✪ Telepathy. The principle of operation of the telepathic channel.

    ✪ How to develop telepathic abilities. (Part 1).


    ✪ Memory training and telepathy


    Greetings. My name is Evgeniy Gorobchenko. In this video lesson we will talk about how to learn telepathy. TELEPATHY IS THE ABILITY TO TRANSMIT THOUGHTS OVER A DISTANCE. Moreover, this ability is available to almost everyone. Have you noticed that in some cases you can guess people’s thoughts without making much effort? Therefore, it is quite possible to learn telepathy. Do you know the feeling when you just don't like another person? You intuitively feel dislike for him without even realizing it. The fact is that when you recognize another person, you seem to be trying to penetrate his inner world. This is called customization. Likewise with thoughts, by tuning into another person, you can learn about possible negative intentions on his part. How to do this correctly in order to protect yourself from possible troubles? 1. For initial training, you need to agree with your partner that you will convey your thoughts to him. 2. When you learn this, you will be able to work with strangers. 3. Choose a position that is comfortable for you, straighten your spine, it should be your extension towards Space. Relax. Imagine a channel that connects you to open space. Keep him conscious. 4. Now, imagine the image of the person to whom you want to convey your thought. To do this, use the technique of internal dialogue, but the message itself must be clearly formulated. For example, you can imagine your thought in the form of some kind of information ball that penetrates the consciousness of another person. 5. Try to pass this ball to another person. Practice and you will definitely succeed. People who speak confidently about the possibilities of telepathy have precise recommendations for learning mind reading and telepathy skills. To read minds is to exchange energy. You just need to direct this energy specifically to reading people’s thoughts. But how? Remember the expression that all thoughts are material? This proves the theory that all thoughts are in the same information field. After all, it sometimes happens that different people or people located in different places on the planet saw the same dreams about some event that happened later. Explanations prophetic dreams they give the same. The main task is to catch the thoughts of a particular person from the general energy-information flow. Concentration is a wonderful tool in trying to learn to read people's minds. Even ancient yogis from India created various breathing exercises, meditation, etc. Practice on someone close to you first. so that in the future you can read the thoughts of even a complete stranger. The first thing you must do first is learn mind control. Using meditation and other relaxation techniques, try to achieve a state of ideal peace of mind. After completing the first point, you will understand that even when you are absolutely calm, the thoughts in your head continue to exist, the brain does not stop working. Learn to manage your thoughts. To do this, create a “vacuum”, “endless silence” in your head. Block any thoughts and attempts to create them with your consciousness. Experience will help you turn off the flow of thoughts for a long time. Have you mastered this skill? Let's move on to the next exercises. Find a room that will not allow outside noise to pass through. In a closed space, any thought can create energy fluctuations - this is what physicists say. Find a test subject. Let him think about some event that happened recently, in which you also took part. The partner should not report the event he is thinking about. He should sit in a comfortable position, without being distracted by extraneous sounds. Sit next to him. Relax your mind, thereby preparing it. The meditation process should not be too long, as the subject will get tired of waiting for you. Let your thoughts become free, and silence appear in your consciousness. Try to catch the direction of your partner's thoughts. After some time, fragments of the event will appear to you, make sure that they are not a figment of your imagination. When you understand what the pictures roughly show and are sure that they came from outside, discuss what you saw with your partner. This exercise usually needs to be repeated a number of times before you are completely able to relax and concentrate on mental images of the other person. Over time, the partner will be able to go to any distance and think about completely different things. You just need to master this exercise, and then it will be much easier. Is telepathy harmful? No, telepathy is not harmful, since it does not waste the body’s internal, non-renewable resources. Sometimes after classes your head may hurt or tingle because you are not used to it. This occurs due to overexertion during the session. The benefits of telepathy The benefits of telepathy are hard to miss. Firstly, it helps the person to concentrate and learn to disconnect from external stimuli. Secondly, in emergency or life-threatening situations, you will be able to read people’s thoughts and better navigate. Thirdly, for people in high positions or businessmen, this telepathy technique is indispensable. Plus, it's extremely interesting! Results Much in our world cannot be explained by simple logical laws, nevertheless it exists. Same with telepathy. Superpowers seem like a fairy tale to us, but there are people who have them. They got it. And you can do it too! If you took something useful for yourself in this training video lesson, give me a like and subscribe to my channel. This video was recorded by Evgeny Gorobchenko. Bye bye.


The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology formulates the fundamental difference between telepathy and the transmission of thoughts at a distance:

In telepathic “communication,” the transmitting party may not be aware that it is acting as an agent and the receiving party may not consciously prepare itself to receive the thought. Telepathy cannot be the object of experiment, while thought transmission at a distance can. The transmission of thought is a rudimentary property. Telepathy is a highly developed mode of paranormal perception and is usually driven by strong feelings.

Original text (English)

In telepathy the transmitter is often unaware that he acts as an agent and the receiver does not consciously prepare himself for the reception. Telepathy cannot be made a subject of experiments while thought transference can. Thought-transference is a rudimentary faculty. Telepathy is a well-developed mode of supernormal perception and is usually brought into play by the influence of very strong emotions.

The need for such a division was also recognized by “old school” researchers. One of the skeptics, Frank Podmore, said: “While the attempt to correlate the two types of phenomena is quite legitimate, it is unlikely that a spontaneous phenomenon of this kind should be attempted as the basis of a theory of telepathy.” Myers, who opposed Podomor, believed that “...telepathy as a property of the mind must undoubtedly exist in the Universe, if a disembodied mind is present in the Universe at all.”

In parapsychology, several types of telepathy are considered, in particular, latent (“delayed”) and emotive telepathy, as well as retrocognitive, precognitive and intuitive telepathy (depending on whether the transmitted information concerns the past, future or present).

There is also a division into physical, sensory and mental forms of telepathy.


The belief in the existence of the phenomenon of telepathy goes back to ancient times. According to N. Fodor, in itself "Prayer can be seen as an attempt at telepathic communication with supreme being» . It has been suggested that telepathy underlies intuition, in particular, intuitive likes and dislikes. It was believed that the “sensation of someone's gaze” or someone's approach was also the result of the brain receiving and processing telepathic signals.

Many paranormal researchers consider telepathy and suggestion to be related phenomena, especially when hypnosis is carried out at a distance. Myers called this phenomenon “telepathic hypnotism”.

Reports of manifestations

Among the most famous examples of telepathic messages is the case of Major General R., described in the “Protocols of the OPI,” vol. I, p. 6. . On September 9, 1848, having been seriously wounded during the siege of Multan (then still in the position of regimental adjutant) and deciding that the end was near, he asked to have the ring taken off his finger and given to his wife, who was 150 miles from the scene of hostilities. The latter claimed that she was half asleep when she clearly saw her husband being carried away from the battlefield and heard his voice: “Take this ring off my finger and send it to my wife.” Subsequently, as stated in the OPI documents, the authenticity of what happened on both sides was convincingly confirmed.

The woman’s determination not to tell anyone about this unpleasant incident (as N. Fodor notes) seems to indicate that a telepathic message can not only be unconscious, but also directly contradict the intentions of consciousness.

Telepathy and animals

It has been suggested that the phenomenon of telepathy exists not only in the human community. Perhaps the most striking example of telepathic communication between an animal and a person was described by Rider Haggard in Journal of the S.P.R. in October 1904. On the night of July 7, 1904, Mrs. Haggard heard her husband making strange sounds in his sleep, reminiscent of the groans of a wounded animal. When he woke up, the writer told her that in his dream he experienced a “painful feeling of constriction,” as if from suffocation. At the same time, he realized that he saw the world through the eyes of his dog:

I saw old Bob lying on his side in the bushes near the water. My own personality mysteriously as if she had passed on to a dog, whose muzzle rose upward at some unnatural angle. Bob seemed to be trying to speak to me and, being unable to convey meaning through sounds, conveyed in his mind a very clear idea that he was dying.

The Haggards' dog, Bob, was indeed found dead four days later in the water with a crushed skull and broken paws. He was hit by a train on a bridge and thrown into the water. The bloody collar was found on the bridge the morning after the night its owner allegedly had a prophetic dream. William J. Long (eng. William J. Long) in the book “How Animals Talk” described numerous cases of telepathic communication among animals, in particular in packs of wolves, where the cubs apparently obey silent signals sent by the mother. N. Fodor suggested that the phenomenon of the famous horses from Elberfeld could serve as an example of telepathic transmission of information - from a person to an animal.

Telepathy and mediumship

The phenomenon of telepathy and the supposed possibility of transmitting thoughts and images at a distance (sometimes to several recipients simultaneously) was a stumbling block in disputes between spiritualists and supporters of theories related to telepathy. The latter suggested that messages received by mediums at spiritualistic seances are merely telepathically “caught” from the information field created by those present.

An attempt was made to classify visions as a type of telepathic hallucination. The main supporter and propagandist of this theory was one of the leaders of the British Society for Psychical Research, Frank Podmore. It was this problem that was devoted to his most famous book, Visions and Transmission of Thought. Apparitions and Thought Transference, 1894).

F. W. Myers believed that telepathy alone could not explain the nature of visions. He put forward the theory of “psychic invasion”, as a result of which a certain phantasmogenetic center arises in the environment surrounding the recipient.

However, parapsychologists who are skeptical about the spiritualistic phenomenon believe that it is the theory of telepathic communication that can plausibly explain the results of the so-called “cross correspondence” carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century with the participation of several mediums located in different countries and even on different continents.

Telepathy and psychoactive drugs

Some travelers who consumed an extract of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine in the Amazon rainforest as part of the ayahuasca drink noted the presence of telepathy-like effects in the altered state of consciousness caused by the drink. The Colombian physician Guillermo Fischer Cardenas, who first isolated the active substance of the liana (), called it “telepathin”; Later it turned out that it is identical to harmine, isolated from the seeds of harmala vulgare.

Telepathy-like effects were sometimes noted by Stanislav Grof in subjects during psychotherapy studies using LSD.

Attempts at explanation

Although there is no conclusive evidence for the existence of telepathy, since the 19th century several theories of varying degrees of science have been developed that try to explain this phenomenon. One of the most popular theories which seemed to explain the phenomenon of telepathy was the so-called "wave theory". One of its supporters was William Crookes, who suggested the existence of certain “ethereal” waves of small amplitude and higher frequencies than gamma radiation, which, “piercing” human brain, are able to evoke in the recipient’s brain an image similar to the original one.

Opponents of the theory noted that the intensity of the wave radiation weakens in proportion to the square of the distance, and the telepathic image, according to reports, can remain bright even at a great distance, moreover, it often takes on symbolic or modified forms. There have been cases when a dying person appeared before the recipient’s mind’s eye in the prime of his strength and did not in any way express suffering through his appearance. “Mr. L. Dies of heart disease while in bed. Around the same time, Mr. N.J.S. sees Mr. L. standing not far from him with a cheerful expression on his face, dressed as if for a walk and with a cane in his hand. It is impossible to understand how any system of physical vibrations could transform physical facts in this way,” Myers wrote.

Telepathy and psychoanalysis

The Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (article by Sofia de Mijolla-Mellor) interprets telepathy as a process that occurs “... when a physical act performed by one person results in the same physical act being performed by another person.”

Several hypotheses regarding the possibility of direct transmission of thoughts from one person to another were developed by Sigmund Freud. He considered telepathy to be a rudimentary means of communication between people and perhaps "a physical process that became mental - at two ends of a communication chain." Carl Jung and Sándor Ferenczi were also interested in issues related to telepathy.

Freud's attitude towards telepathy was ambivalent. On the one hand, he viewed it as a direct path leading to the depths of the subconscious, on the other hand, he treated the phenomenon with caution, fearing that psychoanalysts experimenting with it risked being placed on the same level as occultists.

Scientific research and testability

In the mid-twentieth century, when the topic of “paranormal phenomena” was widely covered in the popular press, as a method for testing telepathic abilities Zener cards were the most widely used. Many representatives of the scientific community often argue that in not a single serious study has the effect of telepathy given results better than the average results of simple guessing.

In Nazi Germany there was a service “SS Ahnenerbe”, which was engaged not only in the occult, but also in the study of telepathy and the search for knowledge with its help. Prominent scientists also studied telepathy - in particular, Academician Vladimir Bekhterev. Numerous laboratory research people who called themselves “psychics” - for example, Ninel Kulagina and Wolf Messing. Despite a significant number of tests carried out and funds expended, experiments with telepathy have not been able to definitively reveal its existence.


The Polish writer and philosopher Stanislaw Lem put forward the "evolutionary" argument against telepathy as the main one:

...the number of people who have seen, heard or experienced "telepathic phenomena", whatever it may be, is close to zero compared to the number of "experiments" that have been conducted natural evolution throughout the existence of species, over billions of years. And if evolution failed to “accumulate” telepathic signs, then this means that there was nothing to accumulate, sift out and condense.

Transmission of thoughts using implantation of chips

According to some researchers (in particular, those who consider themselves transhumanists), although telepathy does not exist, in the future it is possible to create new ways of transmitting thoughts using high technologies. One of the ideologists of this direction is Kevin Warwick, a participant in the development of a practical safe technology for combining nervous systems several organisms with each other and the computer. He believes that scientifically implemented “telepathy” could become an important form of communication in the future. According to Warwick, this technology will gain widespread popularity due to natural selection, for the reason that many will have a need for "telepathy" for economic and social reasons. Similar ideas were expressed by leading Russian neuroscientist Konstantin Anokhin

At the beginning of 2013, scientists at Durham University, during experiments on implanting electrodes into the brain, for the first time experimentally proved the possibility of interaction between two consciousnesses bypassing the signaling system (i.e., without sounds, symbols, signs, colors, etc.). Rats were implanted with electrodes at identical points in the brain and forced to solve joint task. At the same time, the rats themselves were in different cities, and the electrical voltage that arose when solving the problem on the electrode of the first rat was removed and transmitted via the Internet to the electrode of another rat, restoring in its brain those electrical impulses that the first rat produced. According to scientists, the rats were not able to understand that they were being influenced in any way from the outside, so the second rat did not perceive these impulses as an external signal. The first rat had to solve a problem, the correct solution of which would receive a reward, but only if the second rat, who did not have the necessary information for this, made the same decision. If the second rat made an error, both rats did not receive food. In this case, the first rat repeated the correct actions until the second did the same. Both rats knew nothing about each other's existence, feeling the other, according to scientists, as something in their consciousness. Thus, the second rat, in making a decision, was guided by “intuition”, “inner feeling” - impulses from the first rat. The result of the second rat was 70% correct answers, which significantly exceeds the number of correct answers with a random coincidence.


  • “Telepathy Investigated” is a popular science film produced by the National Geographic Society as part of the “Naked Science” series in 2007.

see also


  • Alexandrov E. B.“Natural science in the world of spirits” // RAS Commission on Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification scientific research In defense of science. - 2015. - No. 15.


  • Alexander Kitaygorodsky.“Renixa” (excerpts from the book)
  • V. Lebedev."The Eternity of the Myth of Extrasensory Perception"
  • Stanislav Lem.“Extrasensory phenomena” (from the book “Sum of Technology”)
  • M. Muravyova. Mind reading will become a reality. Interview with K. Anokhin
  • Guillaume Gustave. Specificity of clairvoyance as preconsciousness // Guillaume G. Principles of theoretical linguistics. - M.: Progress, 1992, pp. 146-147


  1. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Telepathy (undefined) . (2008). Retrieved January 6, 2010.
  2. Philosophy dictionary. Telepathy (undefined) . Retrieved January 6, 2010. Archived June 2, 2012.
  3. National Science Board. Chapter 7: Science and Technology: Public Attitudes and Understanding (undefined) . Science and Engineering Indicators 2006. National Science Foundation (2006). Retrieved September 3, 2010. Archived August 22, 2011.

    “…[A]bout three-fourths of Americans hold at least one pseudoscientific belief; i.e., they believed in at least 1 of the 10 survey items… Those 10 items were extrasensory perception (ESP), that houses can be haunted, ghosts/that spirits of dead people can come back in certain places/situations, telepathy/communication between minds without using traditional senses, clairvoyance/the power of the mind to know the past and predict the future, astrology/that the position of the stars and planets can affect people's lives, that people can communicate mentally with someone who has died , witches, reincarnation/the rebirth of the soul in a new body after death, and channeling/allowing a “spirit-being” to temporarily assume control of a body.”

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How to influence a person telepathically?

IN Last year my study of the power of thought has advanced greatly.

This happens largely due to the fact that I have the opportunity to communicate with you, my dear readers: through communication during the day, mental work plans and consultations, find out your desires and watch how you fulfill them.

Most of the desires that I encounter in my work relate to human interaction with other people.

Often we want to attract the attention of another person, attract an abstract personality, or influence the decision of a specific personality.

These can be like love desires, when we want to win over a person of the opposite sex.

So are any other desires where the solution to our situation depends on other people.

And every time, fulfilling such desires, solving such situations, I and my clients are faced with the question: how to influence a person telepathically?

Is telepathy for the privileged few?

I believe that telepathy is something that every person possesses from birth. We all communicate telepathically from the cradle. We just don't know about it.

We don’t know because in our material, limited society it is believed that there is no telepathy, and if there is, then it is absolutely some kind of incredible ability, the lot of the chosen few, people with a subtle perception of the world.

And there is a grain of truth in this, of course... but only a small fraction.

For example, in order to learn to communicate telepathically with another person, you really need to become “subtler”, that is, feel more subtle, trust your intuition, listen to the whisper of your heart.

But each of us can do this if we practice at least a little.

Therefore, dear ones, I have good news for you - you are a telepath from birth, and you can transmit thoughts to other people.

Moreover, keep in mind that telepathic communication is always two-way; you can not only transmit thoughts to another person, but also receive information from him if he wants it.

What do you need to know to influence telepathically?

In this section of the article about telepathy, I will give the basic concepts that you need to understand before starting your telepathic experiments.

And the first concept is a phantom, or the image of a person.

Very important when establishing a telepathic connection is the ability to “summon”, to present an almost living image of the person to whom you want to convey information.

How to summon a phantom person?

I hope the word phantom doesn’t scare you, and if so, I hasten to reassure you. After all, during the day you constantly unconsciously evoke phantoms different people. Just do it when you think about them and remember what they look like.

The first and most natural way, given to us by nature, is the usual mental representation of the image of a person.

You need to very clearly and colorfully imagine this person in front of you, on your mental screen.

Imagine a person’s face, his eyes looking at you, his smile or other facial expression; a person’s body, his height relative to yours, his characteristic movements or even words.

Second way, which can make your work easier is to take a photograph of this person, and, looking at it, “revive” the phantom.

In both the first and second cases, it is important to achieve the feeling that the image is alive. You must literally see the image move, this could be a slight movement of his eyes, facial expressions, scratching the back of his head, or his characteristic tucking of hair behind his ears... anything that will allow your image to come to life.

If, when you revive the image, you feel a little uneasy because you are no longer alone in the room... and the person you imagine appears there, then you did everything right.

Your intuition, your instinct, will tell you that the image has been summoned. Trust yourself.

The nature of thoughts

An important basis for understanding telepathy is the actual understanding of what thoughts are and their nature.

And below I will indicate basic characteristics of thought, mental energy:

  1. Thought has no physical barriers.
  2. Distance from another person does not matter.
  3. Thoughts spread instantly to any distance.

Altered state of consciousness

Of course, as you might have guessed, in the normal, everyday state of your consciousness, your telepathic influence will be minimal.

It will be, yes, because it is natural, but the transmitted information will not be so clearly and clearly transmitted to the person on the other end of the line.

Therefore, before starting work, you should relax thoroughly and tune in to communication.

You can do this by simply immersing yourself in the alpha level; I have written about ways to relax more than once; look for exercises in the articles:

What message can you send consciously?

Here are just a few examples and ideas of what requests and messages you can send to other people to get the results you want.

To resolve issues in court:

Tell the judge in your case your thoughts on deciding the issue in your favor. Talk to him, proving that you are right (if you are sure of it).

To successfully pass the interview:

Send the employer a message that you are the most suitable specialist for the proposed position.

To search for a missing person:

Ask the person to get in touch, tell him your coordinates or tell him how to find you, through whom or where.

To meet someone you haven't seen for a long time:

Invite the person to come or call you.

To convey your attitude towards a person:

You can send love to a person if you are hesitant to confess it in person. There is no point in sending negative feelings; the person will simply turn away from you, and your negative attitude will come back to you like a boomerang.

For seduction:

To get rid of alcoholism:

You can instill in a person a feeling of joy of liberation from addiction, a feeling of freedom from a harmful potion, or a feeling of disgust for alcohol (here it is important to study the issue well in advance so as not to cause harm).

Instructions for children in studying:

Send your child thoughts that studying well is interesting and worthy, that he himself wants to have only A’s in his diary.

These are just a few examples; here you need to look for your own method for each specific task.

Please note that a telepathic connection is not an attraction or instillation of feelings in a person. This is not about changing reality, which is what my blog is mostly about. When reality changes, we move to other life lines, where these people treat us differently, rather than influencing people on this life line.

By sending telepathic love to a person, you cannot force him to love you. But you can “make” him catch thoughts of you... and win him over to you.

Having received your message, the person on the other end of the line decides whether to follow your request or not. He may think about you, he may remember you, he may rejoice in your love, but he may not indulge these thoughts if he does not want to do so.

Telepathy will be useful in ensuring that a person makes the right decision that you need; but she cannot control the deep will of a person.

How to influence a person telepathically?

In this article I will look at several ways to set up telepathic communication that I learned from different authors. And the first method belongs to Marina Sugrobova, a very interesting woman who deals with the magic of influence.

Telepathic communication through the third eye

You place a photograph of the desired person in front of you.

Look very carefully for 2 minutes, practically without blinking, at the area of ​​his third eye (the hollow between the eyebrows).

Keep a steady, focused gaze.

After 2 minutes you will feel that your third eye is also activated.

There is a certain energy coming from your third eye that goes in a spiral. And with such a “gimlet” it is screwed into the third eye of the person in the photograph.

And you create this kind of energetic connection. When you have created it, established a connection between you through your third eyes, you can begin to work.

How to send feelings?

First you must feel love for the object within yourself, feel it. And how to put your feeling into your third eye and direct it along this spiral into the third eye of the object.

In a similar way, you can send other good feelings: support, care. For example, if your loved one is sick, you can send them words of encouragement. If your child is in an exam, you can send him strength and confidence. You can calm your child if he is in the dentist's chair...

You can mentally hug a person if he is far away and you really miss him.

How to send thoughts?

Make up in advance the attitudes and thoughts that you will convey to the person to solve your problem. Convey in the form of information and phrases.

Telepathy method by Victor Kandyb

The second method of telepathic communication was described by Victor Kandyba in his book “The Secret Possibilities of Man.”

And this is what he writes:

The generally accepted method of transmitting thoughts at a distance is briefly summarized as follows.

In the starting position, lying down, introduce yourself into an altered state of consciousness to the level of “shakti” (immersion in nothingness). This level of brain state requires the complete exclusion of thoughts, that is, the student in this state should not think about anything. Not a single thought, not a single image should flash through the brain. At this time, the telepathist should experience a feeling of an unusual emptiness of the abyss, filled with nothing. This state should be entered as follows.

  1. Lie on your back on a bed without a pillow, close your eyes, stretch your arms along your body. The muscles are relaxed.
  2. Lie like this for several minutes until your whole body calms down. Then begin to breathe rhythmically, wait until the normal rhythm and pulsation of the whole body is established.
  3. If any thoughts still arise, you should calmly, as if from the outside, observe them.

They, like on a film reel, will pass in a continuous stream before your mind's eye. Don't try to forcefully break this endless flow.

Do not use willpower or strain under any circumstances. Don’t force yourself to think, but very calmly, as if from the outside, as if with a condescending smile, look at the thoughts flashing in your brain. Be their outside spectator, that is, throw away all thoughts and images, and you will plunge into “nothingness”, transformed into the state of “shakti”. It takes about 10 minutes after special training, and over time it comes faster.

  1. Perform the Great Psychic Breath of Yogis until the entire body is filled with energy. Remember that telepathy requires a lot of energy and it must be accumulated in yourself in advance using special psychotechnics.
  2. Without wasting the received energy, direct it to your head (in yoga this state is called “shaktiprarsadasana”). When your body is filled with energy with the help of the Great Psychic Breath of Yogis, you should try to pour it from all parts of the body to the head, as if attracting energy to the head. It works like this.

In time with the pulsation (Shakti effect from rhythmic breathing), you need to send an impulse - a clot of energy from the body to the head. The pulsation acts like a piston, sucking energy from the body into the head with its movement. Thus, within a few pulsations, the brain is filled to the limit with powerful energy.

  1. You need to focus on your brain and this powerful energy in it. Get into this state, it will strengthen the state in which you are. Breathing all this time should be rhythmic, the pulsation should be well felt. All thoughts are absent. This state is an altered state of consciousness specifically for telepathy (or a state similar to shakti-prarsadasana).
  2. In this state, you are ready for telepathy.

Now, against the background of mental emptiness, reproduce the image of the person you want to influence. This image must be very clear and completely real.(You may think this is difficult to do, but in the state you are in, it is easy to do).

You were in a transformed state of consciousness, and such reconstruction of the image was a simple self-suggestion, but the establishment and establishment of communication in an unknown field that has not yet been studied by science, apparently the psychic field of the planet.

Very often in this state, when a connection is established, the phenomenon of “clairvoyance” appears. You can “lose yourself” and find yourself, as it were, next to the person you are representing. You will see what he does and what he does.

  1. The connection is established, you physically feel it.

Breathing is rhythmic all the time. As you look at the image, focus on the thought you want to convey to it. Then, saturating it with energy, direct this thought into the image in time with the pulsation. Here, rhythmic breathing acts like a bowstring, throwing an arrow-thought into the target space.

So, thoughts are “thrown out” to the beat of the pulsation. You will feel that a connection has been made. That's all, actually.

How will a person receive your message?

A person will receive your message in the form of thoughts or feelings that come to his mind. The person will think that these thoughts belong to himself, so he will accept them as his own.

It’s a rare person who is able to discern a “strange” thought and distance himself from your suggestion. You yourself receive hundreds of other people’s thoughts every day and in 99% of cases you don’t realize that they are not yours at all.

Once again, I repeat that a person will not necessarily follow your suggestions.

Let me give you an example to understand why this is so.

For example, more and more often at work you catch the eye of your colleague of the opposite sex. Then suddenly, in the middle of the day, you start thinking about him, sex scenes with him and you appear in your mind.

If you are very careful and realize that you never liked this colleague, you will understand that you simply “caught” his thoughts.

Most likely, this person set up a telepathic connection unconsciously. He just wants you and dreams about you, vividly imagining your body during the afternoon break...

And if you are an observer and track your thoughts, you will understand that these thoughts are “alien”, not yours. It is your will to succumb to his suggestions or not.

If you love another person, then you will be able to resist telepathic seduction. But if you want to give in, then do it... In any case, the choice is yours.

By the way, the example described above is so common that I have seen this very, very often. Moreover, in all cases, the “victim” of suggestion was sure that these sexual thoughts were her own and arose spontaneously... it seemed to her that she was thinking them herself and, probably, this is because that person is very attractive and she likes... Ha , as if not so!

If you dream of returning to your relationship with your loved one, but don’t know how, come to my free master class.

This is how you can influence people telepathically. Use this knowledge for good purposes ;-). Good luck!