Personal growth      03/13/2021

Home thoughts are feelings and discoveries. Thought is material, not feeling. Or why affirmations don't work and what works instead? A bracelet that will make our lives better

Each of our thoughts, whether conscious or fleeting, materializes, regardless of whether we want it or not. Many have heard more than once that. However, the majority considers such statements to be fiction, referring to their unfulfilled dreams and goals.

This is the main mistake: when something bad happens in life, a person often indulges in self-destruction and an all-consuming sense of hopelessness. Of course, as a result of such negative thinking, failures and disappointments will relentlessly pursue their owner, and the materialization of any positive thoughts becomes completely impossible due to the constant stay in a negative environment.

After all, every mental message in our minds, be it positive or negative, serves as a source of so-called, which are also called vibrations.

In order to materialize thoughts, it is necessary to observe a number of certain rules, including an adequate form and content. In this article, we will talk about the mechanisms of thought materialization, provide evidence that thoughts are material, and also teach you how to think correctly and fulfill your plan.

How to materialize thoughts and desires?

So, three mechanisms necessary for the materialization of thoughts:

It is not so important to whom exactly your request will be addressed. The only important thing is that you yourself believe that the object you have chosen will become a kind of conductor between you and the Universe, the forces of which will bring your dream closer to you, thereby making it a reality.

How to think correctly so that thoughts materialize

Each person can only change his life and is able to make everything he wants come true, only for himself. It is important to understand that when you set any goal for yourself, you must clearly and clearly project it onto yourself, you - main character in your desire!

Unfortunately, it will not work to materialize desires for someone else. That is why goals like: “My husband loves me and will always take care of me” or “My daughter will become an outstanding figure skater” will not come true. If there are other people in your dream, formulate it in such a way that the outcome of whether it comes true or not depends only on you.

For example: “I am my daughter's best friend, I always support her in everything, including in sports. I motivate my daughter to succeed in figure skating" or "to me, and I will always do it."

How to enhance materialization?

In order to enhance the materialization of thoughts and desires, it is important healthy lifestyle life: sports, proper nutrition, and alcoholic beverages. All this, oddly enough, forms a positive model of thinking.

Agree, a healthy person will reason more clearly, and his thoughts will be brighter and more joyful than a person who is sick, constantly does not get enough sleep, suffers from excessive fullness or thinness, leads a wild life.

The better physical training person, the better his thinking. Of course, this expression should not be taken literally: it is not at all necessary that an athlete or weightlifter will have great power of thought.

In this case, we are talking exclusively about the physical well-being of a person and its close connection with the psychological. It is no coincidence that there is a saying: "A healthy mind in a healthy body." This phrase most accurately reflects the essence of the materialization of thought.

How do you attract what you want into your life?

Another important step towards the materialization of thoughts and desires is the realization that you should think and imagine only what you want, and not what you would NOT want, you were afraid to implement. This principle works absolutely always and absolutely with everyone, regardless of whether you want it or not.

Remember, a person always gets what he thinks about, not what he wants. Each of us has the infinite power of our subconscious. Our thoughts can touch anything, and the Universe will attract it to us, and equally, whether it is bad or good.

Scientific evidence

Physics or mysticism

For many years, scientists around the world have been trying to understand the nature of human thinking. So, in the 90s of the twentieth century, the famous American psychotherapist, Ph.D. Stephen H. Wolinsky, gave rise to a completely new movement in psychology, called quantum psychology.

The main idea is the interaction of our consciousness with the material world and the impossibility of studying them as separate components.

The psychotherapist came to such conclusions after a thorough study of the nature of material elementary particles. As it turned out, electrons with protons make up the smallest particles - quanta and quarks, containing wave and energy forces.

It is thanks to this discovery that the supporters of quantum psychology adhere to the position according to which a person’s life, his environment, the events that happen to him are, first of all, a kind of reflection of his personality. inner world consisting of thoughts and experiences.

The fate of man life path depend on the ability of the brain to interpret external signals that are to be analyzed.

How thought was weighed and photographed

To finally ascertain whether a thought has a certain mass, scientists conducted a rather unusual and controversial experiment. The subject lay down on a sofa, which, in turn, was an ultra-precise scale.

In the course of the experiment, it was possible to find out that during the most intensive visualization, the weight of the subject increased by an insignificant fraction of a gram. When a person stopped thinking about what he wanted, his weight returned to its original state.

Not less than interesting discovery became the so-called photographs of thoughts, which were first carried out by American scientists in specialized photo laboratories. It turns out that any thought has a very real form and color that belong only to it.

So, negative thoughts have dark colors and ugly, sometimes even frightening forms, while positive thoughts, on the contrary, are painted in bright colors, and also have aesthetic and beautiful forms in structure.

A bracelet that will make our lives better

Priest Will Bowenn has figured out how a regular purple bracelet can make our lives brighter, more fulfilling, and happier.

You just need to wear a bracelet on your wrist for exactly 21 days, while every day it is strictly forbidden to complain about fate, swear and get angry, reveal dissatisfaction, swear, condemn someone, slander and spread gossip.

If you break one of these rules, the bracelet should be put on the other wrist and worn again for 21 days under the same conditions. This should be done again and again until you achieve the exact observance of the rules in this time period.

According to the priest, once a person can go 21 days without negative thinking, his life will be the one he has always dreamed of.

History of Henry Beecher

It would seem that in order to turn water into wine, you must be at least Jesus, but Henry Beecher did not think so. During the Great Patriotic War Henry served as a military doctor, and more specifically, as an anesthetist in one of the military hospitals.

Once, without the necessary medicines, Beecher quite convincingly told the wounded soldier that the physic. the solution is nothing more than a powerful painkiller - morphine.

Surprisingly, after a while the patient really stopped feeling pain, and subsequently even successfully underwent one of the most difficult operations, which is carried out exclusively under painkillers, otherwise people die as a result of pain shock.

At the end of World War II, Beecher made about 15 more experiments, in which about 1000 people became participants. Later, he wrote the article "The Almighty Placebo", in which he said that the placebo leads to a therapeutic effect in about 36% of cases, in other words: in a third of all experiments, people changed their own state of health with their thinking.

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Some facts about the materialization of thoughts:

As you can see, not only experienced psychotherapists speak about the materiality of thoughts, but also world-famous physicists, those people who are responsible for explaining the nature of both man and the universe as a whole. It was they who proved that thought is a kind of beginning of all things.

Examples of this are such geniuses as Nikola Tesla, who tamed lightning, Albert Einstein, who explained the structure of time, as well as many other great people who made their most incredible discoveries with the power of thought alone.

Every successful, influential person knows that all thoughts are material, and the proof of this is the constant analysis of the consequences of our thinking. There are an infinite number of sayings about the power of thought from famous people, but at the same time we could not find ANY converse assertion. Try and you will change your life in better side, materializing the most cherished, innermost dreams and, believe me, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

To understand what feelings are, you need to understand by what criteria they can be evaluated. Criteria is another basis for classification.

Criteria serve to ensure that experiences can be measured, characterized and called a word, that is, defined.

There are three criteria for feelings:

  1. valency (tone);
  2. intensity (strength);
  3. sthenicity (activity or passivity).

The table of feelings No. 1 allows you to characterize any complex experience:

For example, a person may experience a positive strong sthenic experience. It could be love. If the intensity of sensations is weak, it is just sympathy.

The table of feelings, characterizing experiences, does not allow us to call them a word. The name can only be guessed. A person does not always have enough knowledge and experience to decide how to correctly name the emotional excitement experienced. This is not surprising, since there are a lot of them. However, some people cannot even name ten feelings, and yet so many, on average, a person experiences every day.

The third basis for classifying socially conditioned experiences is based on the underlying emotion.

American psychologist Paul Ekman identified seven basic emotions:

  • joy;
  • sadness;
  • anger;
  • fear;
  • astonishment;
  • disgust;
  • contempt.

The table of feelings No. 2 involves the search for the name of the experienced emotional experience, starting from the first four basic emotions:

FearAnxiety, confusion, panic, nervousness, distrust, uncertainty, insecurity, apprehension, embarrassment, anxiety, doubt and others.
SadnessApathy, despair, guilt, resentment, concern, sadness, depression, weakness, shame, boredom, longing, depression, fatigue and others.
AngerAggression, rage, disgust, rage, anger, envy, hatred, discontent, disgust, intolerance, disgust, contempt, neglect, jealousy, annoyance, cynicism and others.
JoyCheerfulness, bliss, delight, dignity, trust, curiosity, relief, revival, optimism, peace, happiness, peace, confidence, satisfaction, love, tenderness, sympathy, euphoria, ecstasy and others.

The second table of feelings complements the first. Using these two, one can understand what kind of power has taken possession of the mind and heart, how to describe and call it. And this is the first step towards awareness.

List of moral, intellectual, aesthetic feelings

To the question: “what are the feelings”, each person can give his own answer. Someone often experiences strong and deep feelings, while for someone they are light and short. The ability to feel depends on temperament, character, principles, priorities and life experience personality.

Most often, feelings are classified depending on the sphere in which the object of experience is located:

  • Moral

These are sympathy and antipathy, respect and contempt, affection and alienation, love and hatred, as well as feelings of gratitude, collectivism, friendship and conscience. They arise in relation to the actions of other people or their own.

They are conditioned by moral norms accepted in society and acquired by the individual in the process of socialization, as well as his views, beliefs, worldview. If someone else's or one's actions correspond to moral standards, satisfaction arises; if not, indignation arises.

  • intellectual

A person also has such experiences that arise in the process mental activity or in connection with its result: joy, satisfaction from the process and result of work, discovery, invention. It is also inspiration and bitterness from failure.

  • aesthetic

Emotional unrest arises when perceiving or creating something beautiful. A person experiences incredible sensations when he sees the beauty of the Earth or the power of natural phenomena.

A person feels a sense of beauty when looking at a small child or an adult harmoniously built person. Beautiful works of art and other creations of human hands can cause delight and elation.

Since this classification does not reveal the entire palette of feelings, it is customary to classify them for several more reasons.

What is the difference between feelings and emotions

All people experience emotional experiences and excitement, but not everyone knows how to name them and express them in words. But it is precisely the knowledge of what feelings are that helps not only to correctly determine, but also to control, manage them.

Feelings are a complex of experiences associated with people, objects or events. They express a subjective evaluative attitude towards real or abstract objects.

People in everyday life and some psychologists use the words "feelings" and "emotions" as synonymous words. Others say that feelings are a kind of emotions, namely higher emotions. Still others share these concepts: emotions are classified as mental states, and feelings as mental properties.

Yes, there is a direct relationship between them, because they are human experiences. Without mental unrest, the individual would not live, but exist. They fill life with meaning, make it diverse.

But still, there are significant differences between feelings and emotions:

  • Emotions are the body's innate and instinctive responses to change. environment feelings are social experiences developed in the process of upbringing and learning. A person learns to feel, everyone knows how to express emotions from the moment of birth.
  • Emotions are difficult to control by willpower, feelings are easier to manage, despite their complexity and ambiguity. Most of them arise in a person's mind, emotions are often not recognized, as they are associated with the need to satisfy an instinctive need.
  • The feeling changes, develops and fades away, varies in strength, manifests itself in different ways, can develop into its opposite, emotion is a certain reaction. For example, if a person feels hatred for another person, it is possible that this experience will develop into love, and the emotion of fear is always fear, regardless of the object (it can be unreasonable). Fear is either there or it isn't.
  • Emotions have no subject correlation, feelings do. They are experienced in relation to something or someone differently. For example, loving a child is not the same as loving a spouse. And for example, bewilderment is always expressed in the same way, regardless of what specifically causes it.
  • Feelings are a stronger motivator than emotions. They encourage, inspire, push to commit acts in relation to the object to which they are directed. Emotions only give rise to actions in the form of responses.
  • Emotions are short and superficial, albeit vivid manifestations, and feelings are always complex and strong emotional disturbances.

It can be difficult to determine when a combination of emotions will give rise to a feeling, and what higher experience is expressed in a particular series of emotional manifestations. These are close, accompanying phenomena, but still they need to be distinguished. A person is responsible for his highest emotions and for the actions that they entail.

How to manage your feelings

When strong emotions and worries take possession of a person, even if they are positive, the psychological balance is disturbed.

For psychological health and well-being, you need to be able to measure how to enjoy positive feelings, and be upset by negative ones.

To cope with excessive sentiments that prevent you from responding adequately and acting reasonably, you need to:

  1. Characterize emotional sensations: determine valency, intensity, sthenicity (Table of feelings No. 1).
  2. Determine the underlying emotion. Choose what the experience is more like: fear, sadness, anger or joy (Table of Feelings No. 2).
  3. Decide on the name and try to understand the experiences on your own.

Sometimes spiritual impulses take possession of a person so much that he literally can neither sleep nor eat. Prolonged strong experiences are stressful for the body. It is not for nothing that nature intended that even a bright period of falling in love, when the blood is oversaturated with adrenaline, oxytocin and dopamine, does not last long, developing into a calm and thorough love.

Each person must have his own table of feelings if he wants to be a conscious person.

The eternal dispute between the mind and the heart is the question of the ability to regulate emotional, sensual impulses through the mind.

Experiencing deep and powerful experiences, a person lives life to the fullest. Limiting your sensitivity is unwise, and sometimes simply impossible. It's all about what experiences a person chooses: positive or negative, deep or superficial, real or fake.

: "Looking at a person, pronounce your thoughts, your feelings and your sensations." At the same time, everyone understands that “You must be about thirty years old” are thoughts, “I am drawn to you” is a feeling, and “My hands are sweating a little” is a feeling.

It would seem that everything is so simple and obvious, but in practice there are many errors, misunderstandings and just confusion. Yes, and from the point of view of theory, there are many difficult moments due to the fact that the prevailing word usage in practical psychology over many decades, it has become seriously different from the standards of academic psychology.


Sensations are, first of all, elementary kinesthetic sensations: everything that we directly receive at the output from the contact receptors of the body with a direct impact on them.

Touch or muscle tension, pain or cold, sweet or bitter - these are all sensations, as opposed to sounds, pictures and images. I see - I hear - sounds, and I feel (feel) - sensations.

"Pleasant relaxation in the chest" or "tension in the shoulders", "jaws clenched" or "feeling the warmth of the hands" - this is kinesthetic and these are direct sensations. But the story of what you see and hear is to a lesser extent a story about your feelings.

“I see the light and hear soft sounds” is also about sensations, and “I see your beautiful eyes and a warm smile” is no longer an immediate sensation. These are already perceptions, sensations processed by the mind, this is already a holistic and meaningful vision of what is happening with the addition of certain feelings.

Where perceptions begin, sensations usually end. Sensations are unprocessed, without interpretation, direct kinesthetics.

However, in life everything is more specific and more complicated. The phrase "I feel like my shoes are being squeezed" is still about sensations. Despite the fact that "boots" is a holistic perception of an object, it is no longer a sensation, but a perception, but the phrase focuses not on shoes, but on the fact that the shoes are "tight". And "press" is a feeling.


Thoughts are interesting bundles of something with something that the mind gave birth to in the process of processing sensations, feelings, or any other thoughts. Thoughts are clear and vague, shallow and deep, confused and clear, they can be assumptions and associations, convinced statements or a story about doubts, but it always works with thought.

If feeling is perception through the body, then thoughts are figurative-visual or conceptual perception, perception through the mind (head).

"I know that we are strangers" - through the head is this knowledge, a neutral thought. "I feel that we are strangers" - if it is passed through the soul (that is, through the body), - this can be a burning or chilling feeling.

Attraction, desire can be neutral knowledge: "I know that by dinner I will be hungry and I will look for somewhere to eat." And it can be a living feeling when the attention on all the signs is looking for "cafe" and it's hard to get distracted...

So, thoughts are everything that comes to us through the mind, through the head.


When you are asked about your feelings, it is not about the so-called external senses, not about your eyes, hearing and other senses.

If a girl tells her young man: "You have no feelings!", then his answer is: "How not? I have feelings. I have hearing, vision, all the senses are in order!" - either a joke or a mockery. A question about feelings is a question about inner feelings,

Inner feelings are kinesthetically experienced perceptions of events and states of the human life world.

"I admire you", "a feeling of admiration" or "a feeling of light emanating from your beautiful face" - these are about feelings.

Feelings and sensations are often similar, they are often confused, but in fact it is easy to distinguish them: sensations are elementary kinesthetics, and feelings are sensations already processed by the mind, this is already a holistic and meaningful vision of what is happening.

"Warm hugs" is not about 36 degrees Celsius, it's about the history of our relationship, just like the feeling "I'm uncomfortable with him" - says a lot more than the feeling of "squeezing shoes".

Feelings are often confused with intellectual evaluation, but the direction of the beam of attention and the state of the body will almost always tell you the right answer. In intellectual evaluation there is only the head, and feeling always presupposes the body.

If you look into your soul and feel a feeling in yourself, then it is true, you have a feeling. Feelings don't lie. However, caution is needed here - you can't always be sure what exactly you're feeling. What is sometimes experienced by a person as a certain feeling may not be it, it may be something else. At this particular point - feelings sometimes lie.

So that people do not get confused in feelings, so that people do not mistake one feeling for another and less invent feelings where they actually do not exist, composing racket feelings, many psychologists offer a dictionary of real feelings and a method for recognizing them.

So, how can we briefly define feelings? Feelings are a figurative-bodily interpretation of kinesthetics. This is kinesthetics framed in living metaphors. This is a living thing that came to us from our body. It is the language our soul speaks.

Who defines whom?

Feelings cause feelings? Feelings cause thoughts? Is it the other way around? - Rather, the correct answer is that the relationship of sensations, feelings and thoughts can be anything.

  • Feelings - Feelings - Thoughts

Feeling a toothache - a feeling of fear - a decision to go to the dentist.

  • Feeling - thought - feeling

I saw a snake (feelings), based on past experience, I concluded that it could be dangerous (thought), as a result, I got scared. That is, a different order.

  • Thought - Feeling - Feeling

I remembered that Vasya promised to give me money, but he didn’t give me (thought), he was offended (feeling), from resentment he stole his breath in his chest (feeling) - a different order.

  • Thought - feeling - feeling

imagined that my hands were warm (thought) - felt warm in my hands (feeling) - calmed down (feeling)

How much do you need?

If we have sensations, there are thoughts and there are feelings, is it possible to talk about some desirable correlation between them? In fact, at different people this ratio is very different, and first of all there is a difference in the predominance of thoughts or feelings.

There are people who love to feel and know how to feel. There are people who are inclined not to feel, but to think, accustomed to and able to think. It is difficult to turn to such people for feelings: they can tell you about their feelings at your request, but when you move away from this person, he will return to a regular way of life, where he thinks, makes decisions, sets goals and organizes himself to achieve them, without being distracted by what he does not need, by feelings.

Men are more likely to choose reason, women are more likely to choose feelings. At the same time, it seems that it is important not only this or that correlation of thoughts and feelings, but the question of the quality of thoughts and the content of feelings.

If a person has empty, negative and incoherent thoughts, then it is better that he has more good and beautiful feelings. If a person has a beautiful head, deep and quick thoughts, then distract him for a large number of feelings are no longer needed.

Probably, a developed personality should have sufficiently developed (as a living wage) all these three abilities - the ability to feel, the ability to feel and the ability to think, and then everyone has the right to choose.

This is what happens in a good school: it gives a mandatory set of subjects, and then everyone chooses their specialization, their future.

A person as an organism will more often choose to live by feelings, a person as a person will develop his mind. Cm.

Success is born in the subconscious

Or the most. Have you ever wondered why some people can easily achieve success, happiness, love, wealth? Why do they, and they easily manage to achieve any of their own? While others try to achieve this with great difficulty. And why, in the long run, do so many fail? What is this mysterious magic, or, and why is this happening? We will consider all these questions today on the blog, under the heading ""

So why is success easy for some people? Perhaps you think that they are smarter, more talented than the rest, or "They ended up in right place and at the right time" or "They just got lucky". Of course, there are people who are smart and successful, but there are also many people who are smart and unsuccessful. In order to easy to succeed in any field, you don't have to be talented or extremely smart.

In fact, there is no such thing as luck. Luck is just in your life, without any explanation. And everything that you have in your life was laid in your subconscious. Those are the ingredients for success. And it is the subconscious that is the most powerful part of the human mind.

Let's look at an example.
Have you ever planned to wake up at the right time for you, without an alarm clock? Perhaps you needed to wake up earlier for a particular job, an important meeting, or an errand to complete?
Even if it's a time completely different from your usual wake up time. You will wake up on your own if you have a clear intention.

Why is this happening?
This is the work of the subconscious.
The subconscious mind knows everything, including when you would like to wake up. You may be asking, “Well, if my subconscious mind knows everything, why shouldn’t I know everything about the subconscious mind? "
Good question.
Imagine your subconscious as an endless archive. And in order for you to get to the information you want to receive, you must first consciously direct yourself to the place
location of this information, and then you can use it.

The same process happens when you want to access the subconscious. If you want to wake up at 6 am instead of 10 am for an important meeting, you are consciously giving yourself a certain setting. To wake up at this time. This setting is entered directly into the subconscious. As a result, you wake up at the right time for you.

How does this happen? Our subconscious is a very complex and omniscient divine part within us and it is under our control. Therefore, we just need to think in the affirmative about what we want.

One more example.
Let's assume that you are traveling a long distance, with a change in time zone. You go to bed and tell yourself that you want to wake up at 5 am the next morning, but this time you are on a plane. And while you sleep, you quickly move around the world. You went to bed in one time zone, and during the flight you moved to another time zone, which has a difference of a couple of hours.

The surprising thing is that if you set yourself the installation to wake up at 5 in the morning. You will wake up at 5 am, in the new time zone. Your subconscious has to automatically adjust to you even when the time zone changes. These are the miracles our subconscious mind does.

Our subconscious is our friend, but it can also be our enemy, it does not argue, it does not judge, it just does. It can be compared to a magician with a genie from children's fairy tales, who is able to fulfill an unlimited number of desires. For the subconscious "Our wish is an order", it does not doubt that this is a fact. The subconscious is very sensitive to your statements.

If you lay in the subconscious such feelings as; fear, anxiety, doubt, sadness, or thoughts of poverty. Then you program it to make it all come true. Some people believe and think that most things in life happen by accident.
So, this is not true.

The entire universe works for absolute precision. And this is a fact, even if I or you do not understand how it works, and do not know all the details of this work. That absolutely does not mean that this does not exist or does not happen.

The mistake of many people that prevents them from achieving success is the uncontrolled course of their own thoughts and, accordingly, the uncontrolled course of life. Too many people blame their problems on anyone. They blame the devil or god, parents, family, country, laws, their spouses, or the Boss. As a rule, the list of culprits for these people can be endless.

Although the true cause of all problems lies precisely in ourselves. If there is something in your life right now that you don't like, you are sick and poor.

That You and only you are responsible for this.

Yes, you did not sit and wait, you did not set yourself such a goal. But you have drawn it to you. Consciously, many of us have no idea that we create certain conditions in our lives. This happens because a person tends to strong emotional level fix your attention on the negative manifestations of life, and the subconscious enters this into its archives. And then bring it into your life.

Therefore, you always need to follow and. Think as if each of your thoughts is written in huge letters in the sky and is visible to everyone, and only you are responsible for this thought - it is so. Our thought is similar to the spark of a fire, and like a spark a single thought does not have power, but only concentrated and repeated many times, it can be directed to whatever you want. The first thing to do is to follow, tune in to success. And from this moment, start thinking only about good and pleasant things, learn to always feel good and live with an open mind. And you will feel better when you understand and see that your subconscious mind (and therefore your whole life) is in fact completely under your control.

Each of us is an infinite source of well-being, and in each of us there is a divine participation, something much more powerful than we realize.

In the Western world, the great symbol of divinity is the story of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Now it does not matter what religion you are, or you are an atheist in general, it does not matter. I just wanted to draw your attention to the symbolism in the story of Jesus Christ. The story is presented on a subconscious basis.

The story of Jesus is that he was half man, half god. He
The son of a human and a deity of Almighty God in the Universe. He did the “impossible” throughout his life, healing the sick with the touch of his hand, resurrecting the dead, and, in the end, he surpassed even death itself.

There are many places in the Bible where he tells his followers that they will do many more things than he did. Today, for many people it remains a mystery whether Jesus really existed. And, we will not develop a debate on this topic. But, the story of Jesus gives us a clear understanding of what we are
more than just human beings and that we have the right to an abundant life, to love, to do, be or have whatever we want.

We are a mixture of flesh and "spirit". And it doesn't matter what you call it, God's spirit, or the Mind of the Universe. The label really doesn't matter. What matters is what you feel. We must feel, not understand!

If you want to succeed with every vessel, every cell, you will strive for this with all the fibers of your soul and willpower. Then nothing will stop you, and no one will stop you on this path. You just need to lay a new attitude to yourself and to life.