Jurisprudence      03/29/2020

Read Hasidic parables. Book: Proverbs. Hasidic, Egyptian, Sufi. Ability to read minds

What you read below will definitely help you in fulfilling your desire.

If you have read my book, then remember the step where I tell you how to increase energy for the fulfillment of desires.

Today I want to remind you of this and tell you why it is important.

Thoughts are like radio waves

The human body and consciousness have a certain level of energy, which has now been learned to be read using sensitive medical devices.

Doctors have noticed that, for example, in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, the brain emits very weak energy signals.

Important! If you have a disease, this does not mean that you are unable to fulfill your desires with the power of thought. You just need

The results of the study confirmed that if our brain and consciousness are weak and de-energized, the whole body suffers, diseases appear in different parts of the body.

But that's not all.

The thoughts of de-energized people can be compared to music on the radio that you can barely hear. You can't make out a word. And a de-energized person, a person with low energy, cannot add his radio - there are no forces.

As you know, we are able to influence reality with our directed thoughts. We transmit information to the Universe, wanting what we ask for to come to us.

To do this, we visualize, presenting images of our future. We think about what we want, write down our goals, and so on.

Imagine that in order for the Universe to hear our request, we need to communicate our thoughts loudly and clearly.

Imagine that we are a radio and with the help of voice, thoughts and emotions we send our desires into space, into the world.

If the Universe hears us, it will quickly answer us. A person with strong energy will receive answers to given requests much faster.

But what happens to weak radio waves? They simply do not reach the addressee.

How does this manifest itself in Everyday life? We visualize and visualize, but nothing happens.

Energy secret

What is the most powerful de-energizing agent? From what does the body and our whole life suffer?

This is depression, stress, ie. a state of consciousness in which we feel bad, we are upset, offended, angry, etc.

All conditions that can be called in one word are negative.

They really de-energize us, don't you agree? It feels physical!

This also includes excessive excitability, when a person cannot concentrate and is not able to control his thoughts.

All this weakens and de-energizes us.

How to increase energy?

The strong energy of a person threatens to gain:

  • excellent health,
  • youth,
  • activity and restlessness
  • success in life
  • good mood and positive
  • easy wish fulfillment!

Well, what exactly are the ways to increase energy?

I asked this question to you, my subscribers, and received as many as 85 letters! Thank you so much to everyone who shared this valuable information.

Thanks to our joint efforts, an impressive list has emerged. Read, bookmark and repost the link to the article in your social networks =)

88+ Ways to Boost Your Energy!

1. Sports:

1.1. Run

According to many testimonies, while running, wishes come true.

I'm sure it's not easy.

Many more runners notice such a thing as happiness from running, they really get high from it and feel an incredible surge of energy. Running unambiguously leads to the awakening of some kind of force inside the body, capable of intensifying our mental flow into the Universe at the moment of peak.

While running, think about your desire, visualize its fulfillment, and direct the energy received from running into the universe to realize it.

To increase energy, you need to meditate while moving. Now I'm on my 7th day of running and walking fast. During this, I present what I have guessed)))

1.2. Morning work-out
1.3. Pool

Going to the pool perfectly tones the spirit.

Sometimes, as an extra practice, I do this:after the end of the session in the pool, when I take a shower, I imagine how the water washes away all the insults, all the negativity, all the bad things that have ever happened to me.

Thus, after a workout, I leave filled with energy and a positive attitude.

1.4. Physical exercise

No matter how strange it may sound, sports, dancing and any other types of physical activity have a beneficial effect on increasing personal energy “transmission”.

In this case, it is important to choose your own type of “activity”, which would bring maximum satisfaction, cause a surge of positive emotions, a desire to do more in the chosen direction.

The secret is that by doing this, we not only improve the body, but also tune in absolutely positively, get rid of negative thoughts, experiences, get rid of stress.

This is the universal case when through the body we improve the mind.

2. Practices for the body

2.1. Yoga

It has been proven more than once in theory and practice, and I am sure that it is no longer a secret for you that the state that the practitioner experiences during yoga classes allows him to achieve inner harmony, concentration, and at the same time, visualize his desire.

2.2. Kaoshiki dance (kaushiki)

In the yogic philosophy of kaoshiki, Shakti is the transcendental cosmic operational energy, representing the causal matrix and the root cause of creation.

Literally translated, kaoshiki means "Dance for mental expansion, dance of the mind" and in Sanskrit the word "kosa" means "layer of the mind and inner self."

The spiritual master Anandamurthy invented dance as a holistic exercise to develop all the layers of the mind known as the braids, increase their vitality and lighten the light of the soul. Like most Indian classical dances, Kaoshiki is based on mudras, which are movements filled with deep spiritual knowledge. People practicing this dance noticed how it turned out to be very easy to increase energy by performing simple movements.

2.3. Eye of rebirth

This is a complex consisting of 5 exercises, the implementation of which contributes to the rejuvenation and healing of the body. This practice provides excellent energy boost.

There is such a Tibetan gymnastics “eye of rebirth”, a powerful system, although it must be done constantly and should not be missed.

But the body after it always vibrates and feels the power. Requires a lot of patience and willpower.

2.4. Cold and hot shower

3. Sleep

3.1. Enough sleep
3.2. early rise

After I decided to normalize my sleep pattern, began to sleep for 7-8 hours and get up early in the morning, I discovered a huge change in my life.

My productivity has increased significantly. I realized that a task that would normally take 2-3 hours can be done in an hour in the morning.

I have extra time for myself. But there are so many opportunities to work on my desires! Do you understand what I mean?

With an early rise, morning well-being will delight you: a feeling of cheerfulness and clarity of thought for the whole day.

3.3. Relaxation meditation before bed

Do you know that you can save in different ways?

You can really get a good night's sleep if you are well relaxed before that. Then even a short sleep will be very high quality and deep.

3.4. Night sleep

Carlos Castaneda wrote in his book Magical Passes:

Sleep at night, not during the day, because melotonin is produced at night, which controls the entire body, otherwise a person will get sick and lose energy.

4. Nutrition

4.1. Live food

The strong energy of a person directly depends on how he eats.

You should try not to eat dead food, such as canned food, the fresher the food, the better.

4.2. Lack of fast food and chemicals
4.3. Vegetarianism

Meat is believed to cloud the brain. Meat-eaters find it more difficult to practice mindfulness, more often they are overcome by negative thoughts and fears.

4.4. raw food diet

A large amount of energy is given by live food, checked!

4.5. No alcohol
4.6 Drink plenty of water

5. Mental practices

When I asked a question to you, my subscribers, what increases energy, a bunch of answers fell on me, relating specifically to mental practices. I have already written about many of them on my blog, just click on what interests you and read the article:

5.1. Prayers by Joseph Murphy
5.2. Practicing Forgiveness
5.3. Practicing Gratitude

Find out how gratitude affects us in these articles:

5.4. Ho'oponopono Method
5.5. Visualization of desire with emotions
5.6. Affirmations for energy

For example, here is such an unusual one:

One person advised me to do the exercise, which consists in pronouncing the phrase “I am a woman-ah-ah-ah-ah!”, speak on elevated notes and sing in every possible way ending a-a-a-a. And you know? Helps!

5.7. Technique recapitulation
5.8. Emotional Freedom Technique
5.9. Georgy Sytin's moods for raising energy

Sytin's settings - a method of emotional-volitional persuasion of a person to increase energy and introduce thought forms.

For example: "Increasing self-confidence about good health", "Divine strengthening of the feeling of love."

5.10. Knowledge: deep study and understanding of a subject

A knowledgeable person understands that if something did not work out, then the law of intention coordination worked (Zeland V.).

Which gives an understanding - either the time has not come for the implementation of the intention, or after its implementation, something unfavorable may follow.

Conclusion: understanding (awareness) gives peace of mind, which means energy.

5.11. religious prayer

Religious prayer well increases the energy potential. Read the prayer 40 times "Our Father" and notice the result.

5.12. positive thoughts

Very uplifting positive attitude.

At first, you can force yourself to notice and note only the positive in the surrounding reality.

Reading helps me a lot. little prince:). It's so bright and joyful right now. Believe in beauty.

6. Mindfulness practices

6.1. Stopping the internal dialogue

Expands the boundaries of thinking.

By stopping its internal dialogue, the brain is freed from unnecessary stress and waste of energy.

6.2. mindfulness

It is the ability to be in the moment now.

Thanks to awareness, a person begins to get acquainted with his inner world and work with your energy without wasting it on external factors.

Here is what one of the subscribers wrote:

I would suggest for a minute or two to stop and look around you.

To see something that was not noticed before, how the sun is shining or, on the contrary, it is snowing. How the birds sing. What kind of people pass by, with what emotions.

And find something that makes you smile and rejoice.

6.3. Stay in the body (energy)

This is a way to raise the vibrational frequency of your entire energy field. As a result, everything that vibrates at lower frequencies - fear, anger, depression, and so on - remains outside the threshold of your reality.

And be sure to stay in the moment of the present.

Read more in Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now.

6.4. Meditation

During which you calm down and go to. Breathe and stop the internal dialogue.

7. Energy practices

7.1. Energy gymnastics (according to Zeeland)

The energy of the Earth and the energy of the Cosmos circulate in space in the form of two central flows - ascending and descending, respectively.

Energy gymnastics by Vadim Zeland will help to clear our energy channels and ensure their efficient operation.

Imagine how ascending and descending flows of energy flow through you, then they become fountains above your head and, accordingly, under your feet.

These fountains close and you stand inside these fountains as if in an egg (in shape). You stand like that for a while, then do the visualization of desire.

7.2. Bioenergy

This is a therapeutic practice based on the process of transforming the energy flowing within the body.

This can also include bioresonance method:

I came across this method 4 years ago.Many, even the majority, do not believe in this. I experienced it on myself and my family, life forced me. After that, I recommend to all adequate people.

The effect is positive.

This method not only cures many diseases, but also helps people get out of depression and so on.

7.3. Cosmoenergetics

This is a spiritual practice that ordinary person it is quite simple, without many years of living in monasteries, to acquire for your use the most effective tools - energies of the widest spectrum of action.

7.4. Working with Prana

Prana is what sets the human body and consciousness in motion. It is the universal life energy. Yogi Ramacharaka writes that we can get this vital energy from water and air.

Breathing is one of the most important ways to receive prana.

7.5. Work with chakras (manipura)

Chakras are energy centers, developing which, it is possible to achieve spiritual perfection and balance.

Manipura is a chakra, the energy center of the solar plexus.

It has been proven that working directly with manipura gives a great burst of energy.

Here are huge reserves of the body, which are clamped by various blocks. The removal of these blocks and the study of manipura smoothly increases energy.

7.6. Lowing =)

What is this magical "mooing"?

In the ancient texts on yoga and tantra, this vibration is called "visagra-anusvara." The sacred treatises say that eternally lastingthe sound of “Mmmmm…” is the source of our universe and the vibration that can work wonders.

Therefore, my dears, "Mmmm"! 🙂

Comprehension of the secret of the sound "M"

  1. Sit with a straight back and relax a little.
  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  3. At the exit with a closed mouth (out loud), passing the sound through the nose, “mumble” “mmmmmm ...”, as it were.

You may feel some vibration while doing this.passing through your body and bones (maybe at first you will feel vibratory micro-shaking only in your head), this is a rather pleasant and cleansing sensation.

So you need to “moo” from 5 minutes to half an hour or more.

8. Good deeds

8.1. Help for loved ones and others
8.2. Charity
8.3. Financial assistance to another person

By doing good deeds, we begin to feel good, satisfied. This means that the energy within us is rising.

If you're into charity, you know what I mean.

I remember the day I first decided to financially help those in need. I transferred money to Orphanage and helped financially one project for elementary school in a small town.

The feeling that filled me after that is indescribable. There was no narcissism or boasting, no. I felt good inside myself, I felt that I want to help again and again, to give great help. My body was filled with warmth and gratitude. I believe that this was the very moment when I increased my own energy.

Helping other people, financially, psychologically, or in other ways, definitely boosts your own energy.

9. Interaction with other people

9.1. Embrace
9.2. Communication with loved ones, friends, those with whom communication brings joy

For example, going to the theater with friends.

9.3. Communication with the opposite sex, flirting, falling in love

If a person pays attention to you, at least through a smile, gesture, is interested in you, then he shares his energy.

I think this is indeed the case.

10. Self care:

10.1. Spa visits, saunas
10.2. Massage
10.3. Body care, manicure and pedicure

I think the girls will understand me. Visiting spa treatments, manicures, pedicures, massages, any other body care - not only increases self-esteem and gives a wonderful feeling, but also increases energy.

10.4. Shopping, shopping

Not to mention shopping. Having bought the very dress that you dreamed about and searched for so long, which gives you confidence, doesn’t it increase your energy?

11. Creativity and hobby

11.1 Doing what you love

This applies not only to a hobby, but in general to the business, the business of life. For example, I love writing articles for this blog. It charges me.

And even more pleased that you are carrying out an important mission. And don't waste your life. More on this in paragraph 14.

11.2. Listening to the right music

Listen to Beethoven!

In general, the influence of music on us is very great, because it is a part of our life from birth to the end.

Listening to our favorite songs, we seem to be going to another, magical and beautiful world, where there are no problems, sadness, pain, disappointment and unpleasant memories, where it’s just good and calm in the soul. For many, music helps to survive difficult situations in life. It gives us joy, positive, a charge of energy and cheerfulness.

A subscriber sent me the following message:

I did this, I just turned on the music and danced, and sang along, trying to disconnect from everything at that moment.

Here you can choose any convenient way, you can turn on music at home and dance like it was the last time, you can go to a club with friends, or enroll in a dance studio according to the style closest to your taste.

For example, at one time I went to Latin American classes, even if it was lazy in the evening, I lifted myself up by the scruff of the neck and walked. But she returned on wings, dancing is great to raise her tone!

Singing your favorite and positive songs, dancing, music, watching your favorite movies and reading inspiring books, any motivating and funny videos. Choose what you like the most and a good mood will not keep you waiting.

11.3. Singing

Sing as often as possible, but only the right songs!

11.4. Dancing
11.5. Watching comedies and favorite movies
11.6. Reading your favorite book
11.7. Motivational videos, films and books

12. Travel

12.1. Trip abroad

Message from one of the subscribers:

Of course, it increases the energy of traveling abroad, to the sea! This has been the best experience in my experience! It is in another country, where there is a different language, culture.

And the sea is, of course, just wonderful! It calms emotions, removes negativity, even very strong ones, and in just minutes!

12.2. Hiking in the wild

This is my hobby, so I know what I'm talking about)

13. Nature, flora and fauna

13.1. Communication with pets

Walks with your beloved, walks with your beloved dog)) squeezing your beloved cat)))

13.2. Mountains, forest - nature!

At one time I liked to go to the mountains and there, when you rise higher and higher and hug trees, pines, spruces and ask nature itself or the same tree that you hug to give you your energy and wisdom, after a while you begin to feel the rise and it seems that you have so much strength and energy that you can overcome any distance!

I was lucky - I work in the forest near the reservoir. When I just need to recharge, I go out into the forest at lunchtime. I stand for 5-10 minutes, leaning my back against a birch.

If I feel that I need to get rid of someone else's heavy energy, I first stand by the running water, and then by the birch. It helps me.

13.3. Solitude in nature

I can say that it helps me 100% - this is solitude with nature, at least for 30 minutes. be alone in nature! I understand that this is not a mega discovery, but it really works!

13.4. solar energy, Tan

I noticed that when I rest in warm countries, the energy in me just starts to seethe. From a vacation at sea, I come with a huge list of new goals and plans for their implementation. And you?

13.5. Ocean

I once lived on the coast Atlantic Ocean. And you know, the ocean produces such powerful energy!

I remember that my favorite pastime in our town was just to sit and look out to sea.

When I moved, I felt very acutely disconnected from this source of energy.

14. Awareness of the meaning and purpose of your life

14.1. Map of desires for 3-10 years ahead

14.2. List of 100 goals and desires for the year

14.3. A big dream

The right concentration on your desire increases energy so that there is no dissipation of energy.

Source Joe Dispenza's Supernatural Mind.

14.4. Knowing the meaning of your life

14.5. Do what is planned

As you wrote above, stress, frustrations, worries, and the like consume our energy very much. And in order for this not to happen, you need to “do what you need to do”.

I heard this wording at one training. It may seem that absurdity is written, but it seems to me that you can’t say it better. Because everyone has their own list of things to do.

Let me give you an example: someone has been planning to go to the gym for a long time, but for some reason does not go, while constantly reproaching himself for this, thereby wasting his energy on remorse.

And someone doesn’t need this gym at all, but every day, passing by a mountain of unwashed dishes, he sighs heavily and promises himself to wash tomorrow, etc.

Things can be both global and every little thing. main idea in doing immediately what we "worry" about in vain.

That's all.

And if you want to know my main secrets in the fulfillment of desires, come

Described well, a lot of ways to increase energy. Take and apply! Write in the comments what works best for you.

Are you incredibly tired, but you have to do something? Still, it’s Monday on the calendar, which means that work week just started. If you do not have time to open your eyes in the morning, but, the point here may be chronic fatigue syndrome. However, this is not at all necessary, since most often people who get tired quickly and constantly face a banal lack of energy.

Despite what may seem like a logical way out of the current situation, excessive caffeine consumption will lead to something just the opposite. How to proceed? Below are four simple and clear tips to help you recharge.

Protein in the diet

The downside on the menu is carbohydrate cravings, brittle bones, and lack of muscle tone. Not surprisingly, in this position, you will not even have the strength to respond to an email. “Many people only get one serving of protein a day,” nutritionist Jackie Lynch tells the Daily Mail. “But it’s not enough to eat boiled chicken breast or steamed fish steak for dinner, as you need more.” The fact is that protein plays an important role in maintaining blood sugar balance by slowing down the processing of carbohydrates, and thus providing more sustainable energy levels throughout the day. That is why it is important to eat something protein, be it meat, fish, eggs, legumes or nuts, with every meal.

Proper Carbohydrates

But if you had time to think that protein is all you need for normal functioning, then you thought wrong. In fact, it is carbohydrates that provide our body with energy, so it’s definitely not worth abandoning them completely (as the extremely popular ones suggest). Think for yourself: our brain is completely dependent on glucose obtained from carbohydrates, because, unlike the body in general, it is not able to pump energy from fat stores. However, not all carbs are created equal, and choosing fiber-rich complex carbs—not powdered donuts, white bread, and rice, but whole grain breads, durum wheat pasta, and vegetables—is always better.

caffeine within normal limits

Can't imagine your morning without a cup of coffee? And you don’t need to - scientists have proven that in limited quantities caffeine. However, it’s worth getting carried away and starting to drink coffee without measure, as you will encounter inexplicable anxiety and which you definitely didn’t order. Keep in mind that caffeine is a powerful stimulant that can disrupt sleep so that you stop and feel even worse than before as a result.

Plus, caffeine activates the insulin response (a hormone that removes sugar from the blood), which can lead to imbalance and a significant energy drop. Not convinced? Then add to the list and the fact that caffeine is able to block the absorption of iron in the intestine, which prevents the production of hemoglobin and the transport of oxygen, which our cells need for energy production. Simply put, drink coffee, enjoy your coffee, but always watch your quantity.

Physical activity

It just seems like a strange idea, but in reality, moderate ones, when you feel tired, can revive you. The fact is that any movement improves blood circulation, sending oxygen on a "journey" through the body, due to which the energy level in the brain, tissues and muscles automatically increases. Regular exercise, among other things, will help reduce stress levels, which will positively affect well-being due to the production of serotonin and endorphins. An important point: it is not necessary to buy a subscription to the gym and work out there to exhaustion, because even 15-20 minutes of brisk walking a day will help you feel better. Ideally, you should provide yourself with about 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week.

Often we complain about lack of motivation, loss of strength, lack of energy. Yes, and no wonder - because we live in a world where so much happens in a unit of time, so much needs to be done ... Therefore, it is often very difficult for us to encourage ourselves to do something. Whether it's important or not, it doesn't matter, we'll continue an infinite number of times.

But we do not notice that we ourselves have driven ourselves into such a trap.

No energy? No problem, we'll fix it!

What to do? How to stop being lazy and finally do what you need?

Friends, today the health care system will reveal to you a terrible secret *_*

Answer: get started. Strength and energy are given to us only for action!

See how it turns out: if we do nothing, then our body goes into low energy mode. We have nowhere to spend our energy, so we get a minimum of energy (so that we only have enough to maintain the work of the body). It is the low power mode that is the main cause of the lack of energy.

Therefore, guys, if we have nothing to spend our resources on, we will never find them.

The reverse is also true.

The Force always needs an outlet! And energy is given only for action.

As long as there is somewhere to go to our energy, it will flow through us in a powerful, stormy stream. Just make sure you point her in the right direction!

But as soon as you stop creating, the power turns from a powerful stream into a thin, almost dry stream. And this is completely justified from the point of view of our body, because otherwise we will burn out from the doubts, worries and mental anguish that burst us.? It's so hard to want to do something, but not be able to do it.

Thus, if we do not give an outlet to the force, then all the energy goes inside us, provoking a severe brain drain. To avoid this, the body artificially limits the flow of energy. Otherwise, we would just choke.

It turns out like this vicious circle: no business - no energy, no energy - no business. To get out of this circle you just need to get started.

The larger our activity, the more energy we can get. The more we create the reality around us, the more we influence the world, the more energy resources we have!

The goal is primary. Energy is secondary. Our goals determine our strength, not the other way around.

The more ambitious the goal, the more energy we will get to achieve it. That is why you should not be afraid to desire something truly global.

Yes, maybe in this moment you do not have the necessary amount of energy (and not only) resources to realize what you want. But you, simply - and everything will spin so that you will be surprised at yourself!

With each step towards OUR goal, we begin to feel an inner upsurge. Remember this rule? They apply here too: in order to receive energy, you must first begin to act.

Example: Have you ever decided to tidy up a little and suddenly find yourself doing a general cleaning of the whole house?? But you only wanted to tidy up a little, brush off the dust there, clean up the documents from the table, throw out the garbage. In short, little things. But what happened in the end? You were so covered with a flow of energy that you redid much more than you originally intended!

Thus, you just need to act! Let your steps seem ridiculous and funny, let them. But with each new step, your gait will gain firmness and confidence.? What's the gait, you will naturally take off when you seriously decide to do something global.

There are also many energy practices that can increase a person's energy. They are useful, no doubt. Taking the same is a very cool practice.

But still, the most effective in terms of obtaining energy is finding the true goal. ? I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles! Obstacles are scary while we are inactive. But as soon as we begin to act, the obstacles that previously seemed insurmountable turn into ridiculous barriers that explode from within with the power of our energy and purposefulness.

Power is put to work...

This simple but obvious truth shakes our souls as soon as we realize it. And if you regularly apply it in practice, then be sure that your efficiency will skyrocket. Please never forget this simple yet wildly effective trick. No energy - start acting!

Business to your liking

With how to instantly get energy, we figured it out. But there is more.

There is always energy for what you love!

If you are forced to do a business from which you turn back, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get a lot of energy. Yes, the action will give you energy, but not too much.

How to get a lot of energy? Try to do in life what makes you rushing.

Of course, this is not always possible, and it is unlikely that you will be able to completely exclude from your life what you do not like. BUT! If you have, then it will energize even those things that you do not want to do.

Do what you love, surround yourself with the people you love, after all, just be yourself.

Yes, it will not give us instant results.

But in the future, we will get such advantages that we will forever forget about the question of where to get energy. For what we like will surely give us what we need. This is the law of life, no more and no less.

Proper nutrition

Enemy number 1 that takes our strength is not proper nutrition. Like a favorite thing, this is no longer fast way energy, but extremely efficient in the long run. And we won’t talk about the health benefits, everything is obvious here.

So, by malnutrition, we mean:

  1. Regular eating of dead food.?
  2. Lack of living food in the diet.?

Read more about living and dead food, but we will highlight the main points. Dead food is almost all supermarket synthetics. Living food is the gifts of nature without heat treatment: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, greens. By increasing the proportion of natural food in our diet, we thereby significantly increase our energy level.

Live food will definitely make you cheerful and energetic.

Of course, we will not see an instant result, but over time you will notice that you have become much, much more energetic. In fact, it even seems easier!

The greater the proportion of live food in the diet, the more noticeable these positive effects.


To quickly receive energy, you need to start acting, because the power is given to the action.

Favorite work and proper nutrition are also very important, but the effect of them is manifested in the long term.

I would be very happy if you put the tips from my article into practice.

The body constantly, without any effort on the part of a person, absorbs and spends energy. However, with age, the body begins to absorb less energy and, accordingly, spend less, which leads to a decline in strength and the emergence of various diseases. Therefore, in order to restore and strengthen health, it is necessary with the help of special exercises increase the flow of energy into the body.

The set of energy and its movement is carried out primarily by the power of thought. When collecting energy, it is necessary to imagine how it flows into the body, spreads throughout the body, revitalizes every muscle, every cell, and the more figurative and brighter the idea, the more effective the energy intake. You can imagine the energy flow in the form of rain, a falling waterfall, rays, ethereal substance, etc. Everyone chooses the most accessible and figurative representation of a moving energy flow for him.

I give the simplest and most effective, experience-tested exercises for gaining energy, by performing which you will achieve real healing and rejuvenation of the body.

1. One of the simplest exercises to gain energy in yoga is breathing in a triangle: inhale - hold - exhale and then repeat this cycle many times. It is best to use the same duration of the stages: for example, 6 seconds inhale, 6 seconds hold and 6 seconds exhale. If this duration does not cause difficulties, it can be increased. Breathing should be performed freely, without interruptions and tension. The exercise can be performed while standing, lying down and while walking. When walking, the duration of the stage is regulated by steps. By doing this exercise daily, you will achieve real success in restoring and strengthening health.

2. Another very effective energy building exercise in yoga is Jalandhara Bandha. It is performed as follows: Inhale, press your chin firmly to your chest, hold your breath, stay in this position for as long as you can, while exhaling, lift your chin. The number of exercises during the day according to well-being. I personally do about 10 times a day.

According to the teachings of yogis, if you are able to hold your breath inside for five minutes, then you have the ability to predict the future;

if you can hold your breath for six minutes, you have the ability to read other people's minds;

if you are able to hold your breath for eight minutes - levitation;

for nine minutes - psychometry, hyperacuity of hearing, and so on;

for ten minutes - the ability to move invisibly;

for twelve minutes, the ability to enter the body of another person;

for thirteen minutes - eternal youth;

for fifteen minutes - anima, mahima and other siddhis.

3. The most effective yoga exercise for gaining energy is Bhastrika. It provides a strong influx of energy into the body. No exercise gives such an amount of energy in a very short period of time as Bhastrika. Get in a comfortable position with your back straight. Take a deep breath, then a sharp exhalation and a passive breath, a sharp exhalation and a passive breath, and so on 20 times. After the end of the last exhalation, take a deep breath through the nose and hold your breath for as long as you can.

Repeat the exercise two more times. Yogic sources believe that an accelerated exhalation should take about two tenths of a second, and a passive inhalation from three tenths to eight tenths of a second. If you do this exercise every morning before breakfast, then the healing and rejuvenation of your body will become a reality.

4. Energy breathing No. 1 (according to Yu. A. Andreev). The breathing chart resembles the drawing of a fortress wall: the rise of a tooth is inhalation, the step of a tooth is a pause, the movement down the tooth is exhalation, the gap to the next tooth is a pause, etc.

Breathing is done by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. We mentally draw in energy on inhalation through the solar plexus. During a pause, we form an energy ball in the solar plexus like a whitish cloud. On exhalation, we mentally direct this cloud to the organ that we want to strengthen energetically, for example, in the heart. During a pause, we dissolve the energy ball in this organ. This breathing allows you to get the greatest effect during movement, jogging.

It is best to produce a set of energy in the solar plexus mentally from some powerful natural energy carrier, for example, the sun, a cloud, a clear sky area, a sea, a river, a mountain peak, trees, etc. This exercise significantly increases a person’s energy. If you constantly perform it, then healing from many diseases will not take long.

5. Energy breathing No. 2 (according to Yu. A. Andreev). This breathing is like a two-way pump: on inhalation, energy is collected and sent to the organ whose energy you want to strengthen, and on exhalation, negative information is removed from another organ that usually bothers you, or what is superfluous, harmful to your body is eliminated. body (for example, the accumulation of fat in a particular place).

Inhale and exhale through your mouth. While inhaling, we simultaneously protrude the peritoneum and draw in energy through two fists folded in a tube one in front of the other near the eyebrows (the area of ​​the "third eye").

It is recommended to take a double breath. During this two-stroke inhalation, we send an energy ball to that organ or that part of the body that requires energy replenishment. It can be the heart, any other organ, muscle group, etc.

During the pause between inhalation and exhalation, we dissolve this energy ball in the “addressee”. Making for a long slow exhalation, we tighten the stomach and mentally push out of ourselves what we would like to eliminate through the surface of the body closest to this place. For example, chronic cystitis in the bladder interferes with someone, and for someone - a fatty fold in a specific place. When the "dirty" energy is removed, the negative information that the cells of this organ obey is eliminated, and it happens; normalization process.

According to the experience of Yu. Andreev, in obese people, working with the second energy breath, there is a rapid normalization of weight.

6. Standing, presenting bright sun over your head. We raise our hands to the top, imagine how the sun sinks into our hands. Hold it above your head and observe the flow of its rays. Then we shift the sun to one hand, for example, to the left and imagine that it becomes liquid and flows down the arm into the upper body. We lead the sun down the body, lower it along the right leg to the foot and through it it returns to the sky. During the exercise, we imagine how the sun, passing through the body, fills all the muscles and organs with golden energy. Repeat, changing arms and legs accordingly.

7. The exercise is done while standing. We close our eyes and imagine that we are standing on the Earth with bare feet and that a stream of heavy warm and viscous liquid of golden color begins to flow through the feet. Your body is an empty vessel, into which this liquid enters with pleasant sensations of warmth and heaviness. After filling, imagine that you are shining with golden energy. Stay in this state for a few seconds.

8. Zen breathing. This breath is used for a powerful collection of energy and strength. Its practice dates back many centuries. Its methodology provides for the implementation of four mandatory elements of the ritual. During breathing, the lower abdomen moves back and forth in accordance with inhalations and exhalations.

The gaze should be focused inseparably on one fixed point. Breathing should be intermittent, i.e. jerky, with stops on both inhalation and exhalation. All your attention, especially on exhalation, is concentrated in the lower abdomen. You must clearly imagine that you are pumping yourself with gigantic power with the help of this breath, as if charging a very capacious battery with energy. Zen breathing is a favorite exercise of the giant wrestlers of the Japanese sumo system.

The next two exercises to gain energy should be performed in nature, in the country.

9. Stand facing the sun and stretch your arms out in front of you with your palms in the sun. Close your eyes and feel the warmth on your palms, imagining how the rays of the sun enter your hands, pass into the body and gradually fill it from the inside with a golden glow. Do this until your palms tingle and you feel a pleasant warmth in your body.

10. This is one of the ancient methods of increasing human energy. You need to sit with your legs crossed. Put your hands on your knees, connecting the thumb and forefinger on both hands, and extend the remaining fingers so that they touch the Earth. By establishing deep breathing and focusing on the thought that when you inhale, the energy of the Earth enters through the fingertips into the body, and when you exhale, it dissolves into it.

But it must be remembered that on early stages training should not be carried out for particularly long sets of energy, as this can lead to energy overload, which is fraught with the danger of a mental disorder (especially for those who are not too strong). A figurative representation should be developed in oneself and in one's mind gradually, from day to day, from month to month. This psychological effort has a quick effect - a person immediately experiences an increase in vitality and health.

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