Esoterics      30.10.2021

What can change a person's worldview. Internal changes are impossible without…. The fastest way

This article contains 7 rules for those who want to become happy and achieve something in this life. Are you one of those? Get comfortable.

No. 1. Mirror Rule

The people around you are your mirrors. They reflect the features of your own personality, often not realized by you. For example, if someone is rude to you, it means that you want it that way, you allow it. If someone deceives you again and again, then you have a tendency to believe anyone. So no one to be offended.

No. 2. Choice Rule

You realize that everything that happens in your life is the result of your own choice. And if today you communicate with a boring person, does it mean that you are the same boring and boring person? There are no bad and evil people - there are unfortunate ones. If you rake in their problems, then you like it. So don't complain to anyone. You are the reason for everything that happens to you. You are the author and creator of your own destiny.

No. 3. Error Rule

You have to accept that you can be wrong. Not always your opinion or your actions other people should consider correct. The real world is not only black and white, there is also light gray and dark white. You are not ideal, you are just good man and you have the right to be wrong. The main thing is to be able to recognize it and correct it in time.

No. 4. Matching Rule

You have exactly what, and exactly as much, what you correspond to, what you deserve, no more, no less. It concerns everything: relationships with people, work, money. If you cannot love a person to the fullest, it is ridiculous to demand that this person love you the same way. So all your claims are meaningless. And at the same time, when you decide to change, the people around you also change (in better side).

No. 5. Dependency Rule

Nobody owes you anything. You can selflessly help everyone you can. And you enjoy it. To be kind, you have to be strong. To become strong, you must believe that you can do everything. Although, sometimes you need to be able to say “no”.

No. 6. Presence Rule

You live here and now. There is no past, because every next second comes the present. There is no future because it doesn't exist yet. Attachment to the past leads to depression; preoccupation with the future breeds anxiety. As long as you live in the present, you are real. There is reason to rejoice.


First of all, determine your current one. To do this, answer a few questions for yourself:
How did our world come about?
- was it created by God or is it a natural process? big bang»?

After answering these questions, try to find sound evidence for your answer. Perhaps they will not seem so convincing to you, and your initially formed worldview will begin from this moment. After all, the study of the structure of the world and your opinion about it are the starting point in understanding the world and attitude. So summarize yours and clearly define your point of view in this aspect of the worldview.

Determine your attitude to the world and to the events taking place in it. The attitude can be pessimistic, realistic or. If this is a pessimistic option or too realistic, try to argue in favor of a realistic or moderately optimistic option.

Now, having answered all the questions, it will be easy for you to change your worldview - the arguments of science or religion, the main thing is that they satisfy your new worldview.

Find right conditions motivation in order to increase your self-esteem, and set yourself higher goals, but definitely feasible in life. This can be achieved through various life-affirming psychological trainings or friendly communication. Having determined your place and goals in life, your worldview will improve, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the standard of living in general.


  • how to change events

It is practically impossible to find people who would keep their beliefs, views, tastes, habits unchanged for the rest of their lives. It is human nature to change over time. It is not for nothing that they say: “Whoever is not at least a little revolutionary in his youth has no heart, and whoever is at least a little conservative in old age has no mind.” But what are the limits of such changes?

Why does a person change at all?

Is it possible to count on the fact that a person will completely change, for example, his character, behavior, attitude towards this or that object? Each person comes into this world with only a set of unconditioned reflexes and genetic inclinations received from his parents. But as he grows up, he begins to develop as a person. In addition to genetic predisposition, he is greatly influenced by the upbringing that he receives at home, in the circle of his closest people, at school, in the garden. It is in early childhood that the character of a person is laid, which determines his subsequent behavior.

This is what the old saying is based on: “You need to teach a child while it lies across the bench, but when it lies along it will be too late!”

Subsequently, the child begins to interact closely with his peers in kindergarten, school. In the process of studying, he learns a lot of new things, gradually gains some experience, he develops some hobbies and hobbies. All this also affects his behavior, attitudes, tastes. Then, during adolescence, his character and behavior can change dramatically, but this is temporary, until the hormonal background stabilizes. And so on. As a person gets older, he gains more and more experience, changes his attitude towards people, his value system, etc. Accordingly, he himself changes, including under the influence of other people, primarily those whom he loves and appreciates.

How long can you change a person

However, in most cases, such changes are not too deep. After all, what was laid down in childhood is very difficult to correct. A person can be influenced to some extent for better or worse, but completely changing him is almost impossible. Exceptions are extremely rare.

Therefore, the dreams of many people in love that they will be able to “remake” after the wedding, that is, re-educate their loved ones, change their views, habits, in most cases remain dreams.

In the end, every person is unique and unrepeatable. Therefore, he has the right to both weaknesses and shortcomings (of course, up to certain limits). And you shouldn't change it. Think, after all, you fell in love with a person with all his shortcomings. Perhaps you should not dwell on the minuses, you need to pay attention to the pluses of a person close to you.

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Many people from time to time have a desire to change the person who is nearby. This is especially true for women. Almost every loving woman is sure that she can change her beloved man, creating some ideal image out of him. Unfortunately, in real life this is rarely possible.

Why do you want to change a person?

The reasons why a person can be very different. Among them are various bad habits(drunkenness, smoking, gambling), excessive craving for the opposite sex, causing infidelity, difficult character, too much passion for any sport or collecting, taking a lot of time or damaging the family budget.

However, we should not forget that if a person himself does not want to change anything, it is very difficult to change him, or rather, almost impossible. No scandals, threats and demonstrative departures will help here. Most likely, he will consider that he is not understood, not loved and not appreciated, and will only get angry.

Factors affecting the character and lifestyle of a person

And yet people change throughout their lives. A young man can be influenced by military service, an adult, an accomplished person can change his career advancement or, conversely, the loss of a job or ruin in business. Young spouses (or one of them) may become different after the birth of a child. At such moments, a reassessment of values ​​often occurs, a person can take a different look at his life, begin to evaluate his actions in a completely different way.

It is sad if the cause of changes in the character and way of life is the loss of someone close, an accident, war or disaster. In this case, a person may be broken, lose interest in life, withdraw into himself. True, it also happens that it is difficult, tragic circumstances that change people for the better. Under the influence of hardships and hardships, a character is tempered, a person becomes stronger, thinks more seriously about life, begins to set fundamental goals for himself.

Sometimes a person can change if he wants it and understands how important it can be for loved ones and loved ones. We need to help and support him in every possible way along this path. Of course, you can try to make him want to change on his own. However, this takes time, patience and considerable. In addition, the desired goal matters: if you need to correct an obvious flaw, then this is a good and necessary thing. If the main goal is to adjust the partner to your own taste, you need to think carefully: is it worth it? Perhaps, as a self-valuable personality, he is much more interesting and multifaceted.

It should also be noted that the older a person becomes, the more difficult it is to change his established habits, lifestyle and the prevailing worldview.

In the case when we are not talking about serious vices and shortcomings, it is better to learn to love and accept a person as he is. After all, as you know, ideal people do not exist.

A worldview is a set of a person's ideas about the world. It includes various views, statements, principles and values, and also describes a person's place in life, his prospects. Usually all this is laid down in childhood, and then only supplemented with new knowledge and skills.


The worldview of each person is unique, even if the children were brought up in the same family, they still had different experiences, and did not hear the same things. The general principles in this case will be similar, but there will still be disagreements in the details. Many psychologists argue that the possibilities for achieving success, wealth, power are laid in diapers, and if a person in his worldview does not have the opportunity to receive these categories, then they will never be realized. Therefore, hundreds of people today are striving to change their established attitudes.

Changing mindset is Long procces that anyone can pass. Today it is assisted by professional psychologists and personal trainers. You can work on your own, but the process will be longer. It all starts with identifying programs that exist. Usually one sphere of life is chosen and all the attitudes associated with it are clarified. Consider an example with money, a person may have a fear of big money, a fear of losing money, uncertainty that he deserves a high salary, and many others. It is worth realizing them and understanding that these attitudes interfere with implementation.

Viktor Minin, Natalia Berezhnova, Olga Gorets.

You can change your worldview without special techniques, but with the help of books. At school, studying textbooks, we expanded the picture of the world, made the worldview more complete. You can do the same today. For this, someone will choose specialized literature on one subject, others will devote time to the classics in order to enjoy new experiences and feelings, many will begin to look for answers about the unknown or turn to religion.

A person's worldview is bound to change with experience. At twenty, a person thinks differently than at forty, and is very great. And these changes are inevitable. But often they pass unconsciously, the person does not influence them much, and they do not touch the basic principles. But if you move purposefully, then you can change exactly what prevents you from being realized, and this opens up new perspectives.

Change of eras - change of outlook.

The world is on the threshold new concept Universe and New Worldview. The ongoing events, not only on a planetary, but also on a galactic scale, force each person to take a fresh look at the Universe (macrocosm) and himself (microcosm), in order to see the interconnection and interdependence of everything that happens around.

Every 26,000 years, the energy of the Earth changes, the vibrations and radiations of the planet change, and the New Epoch begins. We are lucky to be a part of this great event. When epochs change, fundamental changes and renewal always occur in all areas of life, including the worldview of a person and society. For a while, both the old and the new are present at the same time. This is the transitional period, the Time of Changes, in which we live.

Life in an era of change forces every person to make their own CHOICE and make significant adjustments to their worldview. How to be in tune with the New World? How will spiritual development and self-improvement contribute to the renewal of human life? They say that any idea that is in harmony with the evolutionary development of the Universe is real. It all depends on how we perceive this world and how we develop ourselves. As it turned out, the problem of a person is not in ecology, not in economics and not in politics, but in what is happening to us today, the problem is in the WORLD VIEW of a person.

In the previous age of Pisces, much was said about spiritual development, creative thinking, sublime Love and religion. But these were only words, we could not understand and feel these things for real. It was easier for a person to create a world of illusions and live in it than to understand the true essence of phenomena. Science delved into the details, not seeing a holistic picture of the Universe. It was a time of power, a desire to expand their territories and their influence. The 20th century is a vivid confirmation of this: wars for the expansion of lands, the formation and enlargement of states, the formation of alliances of states - military, cultural, economic, the expansion of spheres of influence, the strengthening of state power, etc. In the same era, the emergence, formation and flowering of the Christian religion took place. And yet, the so-called "discovery" of the Pisces era - "money, like the fifth element." Cash flows filled the whole world and became the leading value on Earth. What did such a materialized worldview lead to? To deplorable results in all spheres of human life!

This is what the Higher Mind gives to earthlings through the “Revelations to the people of the New Age”, transmitted through the doctor technical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Academy technological sciences RF Leonid Ivanovich Maslov:

“27. This path has become a reality, but not so joyful, and only because the Fifth Race, unlike previous civilizations on Planet Earth, could not fully realize the potential of Spiritual DNA, because most of the time was mediocrely spent on studying Matter and achieving Mammon, breeding human sins and vices.

28. The Universal Experiment The Fifth Race, one might say, “failed”, finally losing its positions, because instead of improving Co-Knowledge, you spent most of your time and continue to spend it on the materialization of your manifestation” (Dictation dated 22.01.09. "Revelations" - Messages of the Creator from the Thin Plan).

Indeed, our science on many issues has reached an impasse. So, for example, the worldview offered by modern physics, whose founders are A. Einstein, N. Bohr, W. Heisenberg, R. Oppenheimer, F. Capra, Jeffrey Chu and others, convinces us that the concept of elementary "building blocks » Matters are hopelessly outdated. In the past, these concepts were a suitable basis for describing the physical world in terms of particles, such as atoms and their structures, nuclei of atoms and their building blocks: protons and neutrons, and so on. However, none of the discovered particles justified the hopes of physicists regarding its fundamental nature, because all particles contained elements internal structure and, as a result, continued their continuous division. Naturally, physicists hoped that the next generation of their colleagues would obviously get to the last fundamental particle. On the other hand, new theories of atomic and subatomic physics have confirmed that the existence elementary particles almost impossible. They found out the fundamental interconnectedness of various aspects of the existence of matter, discovering that the energy of motion can be transferred into mass and vice versa, and therefore, it turned out that particles, in the end, are not objects, but processes, say, wave ones.

All these discoveries necessitated the abandonment of old concepts and the emergence of new ones. It became obvious that nature in general must be accepted as something that has internal procedural self-consistency. In the context of the new approach, the Universe is viewed as a single network of interconnected events. None of the properties of this or that section of this network is of a fundamental nature: they are all conditioned by the procedural properties of the other participants in the network, the general structure of which is determined by the universal consistency of all interconnections.

The main schools of Eastern philosophy also say that the universe is an inseparable whole, the parts of which intertwine and merge with each other, and none of them is more fundamental than the others, so that the properties of one part are determined by the properties of all other parts. In this sense, we can say that every part of the Universe, including man, “contains” all other parts, and the awareness of the universal fusion and inseparability of the Universe is one of the most important characteristics of the mystical worldview about “the presence of everything in everyone and everyone in everything." Therefore, Eastern mystics have always considered Co-Knowledge as an integral part of the Universe, and man as a part of an indivisible Whole, which is capable of knowing, that is, knowing itself. This development of knowledge opens up broad prospects for the study of the nature of human Consciousness, which has unlimited physical, mental and intellectual capabilities.

From the above, it became clear that the world is on the threshold of a new concept of the Universe and a New WORLD VIEW. The ongoing events, not only on a planetary, but also on a galactic scale, force each person to take a fresh look at the Universe (macrocosm) and himself (microcosm), in order to see the interconnection and interdependence of everything that happens around. It all depends on our reaction and openness to comprehend new knowledge. If a person is ready, then he moves to a new level of development of his Consciousness, and then he perceives all the changes in his life as steps on the way of the ascent of the Spirit, lessons and tasks that must be passed with joy. This is a symbol of the fact that a person is already led by his Higher Self!

Today we are eyewitnesses of the processes of the dying of the old and the birth of the New World. We are accomplices of the Great Transition into the Cosmic Age of Aquarius, which is led by the Creator of the Universe himself. Therefore, humanity is on the verge of mastering a new energy-informational worldview based on spiritual development and self-improvement of the individual. Since 2004, the Higher Cosmic Mind in "Revelations to the people of the New Age" has been giving humanity the entire Development Program in the transitional period and the foundations of the energy-informational worldview expressed through the Canons of Eternity.

The essence of the energy-informational worldview is that everything in the Universe consists of energy and information. Consciousness, as an intermediary, unites all fields of the Universe, the entire material world, all levels of the Subtle, Superfine world and functions on the principle of energy-information exchange. Man, as a microcosm, is able to perceive energy-informational waves and transform them into any form of internal activity. Further development of man will be carried out on the basis of energy-information exchange with more developed levels of the Universe.

"5. The great Einstein was a thousand times right when he put forward the theory of relativity, because the picture of Space will change (for perception) depending on the angle at which the process of cognition proceeds, or on what energy level (at what frequency of vibration) a person is, and more precisely, his Co-Knowledge.”

6. Everything that you study or observe around you is only a flat REFLECTION (of the structure) of Space and is in no way a manifestation of Its true structure!


18. Believe Me, MULTIFACETED and MULTILEVELESS did not appear yesterday or today, for this is the MAIN CANON OF ETERNITY…

24. And the first step towards understanding and accepting Eternity is a step towards yourself!

30. Everything in the World is so connected that nothing goes unnoticed and EVERYTHING finds its reflection, for it is said: what you send, you will receive in the Great variety of levels of Space.” (Dictation of 27.08.09 "A multi-level picture of Space").

What is the task at this stage of our evolutionary development?

The purpose of the development of human Consciousness on Earth is to become a Creative Personality, a New Subject of the Historical Creativity of the Earth, Co-Creating Consciousness to the Universal Consciousness.

Here is what the Creator says about it:

“24. The perfection of a person's personality, the perfection of his Soul and his Spiritual substance are the main tasks of a person on Earth. (Dictation of 21.06.05 "Feast of the Trinity").

“17. FULFILLMENT OF HIS PURPOSE is the main task of a person, because, according to the Canons of the Universe, or Cosmos, a person has a PERFECTION PROGRAM for the realization of his energy Essence in the expanses of Eternity. (Dictation of 12.08.06 "The Canon of Human Energy Evolution")

As it turned out, it is here, in co-creation with the Creator, that the meaning is laid human life and his immortality:

“26. I repeat that each of you contains MY CREATIVITY, which means that each of you has the ENERGY OF THE CREATOR, therefore your Material DNA is not at all connected with the NATURE of your origin, because the NATURE of your origin is embedded in the depths of each individual FRACTAL, each individual ENERGY QUANTUM, united by cause-and-effect relationships of Eternity into an IDEAL ESSENCE capable of CREATING!

27. You are able to CREATE the World with your thoughts, which means you are able to materialize the Thin Plan into the Dense Plan of manifestation.” (Dictation from 12/16/09 "Knowing yourself, you will understand the Truth")

"13. TIME does not exist only for those who understand the meaning of this coordinate of Space, for those who CREATE themselves, and therefore fulfill their destiny and go their way of evolution in accordance with the Unified Program of the evolution of the Whole.” (Dictation dated 29.06.09 “Time is a variable, controlled value”).

These are the unlimited opportunities that open up before a person the development of the energy-informational worldview, presented by the Almighty to the mankind of the Earth! And our task is to start mastering it, delving into the Canons of Eternity and making them our way of life. There comes a time Creative Personalities, the time of opening of new energy-information channels of communication with the energy-information field of the Earth, with the noosphere, about which V.I. Vernadsky. New human abilities are opening up: telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, extrasensory abilities and others. “LIVE” creative thinking is gaining more and more importance.

Now the milestone has come, and we must realize the extent of our responsibility for every thought, for every action, for every emotion. If earlier we were given a time delay between our thoughts, emotions, actions and what will follow (the Law of Cause and Effect), now this delay has been removed - everything materializes very quickly, both good and bad.

This indicates that the time has come to make adjustments to your WORLD VIEW and reveal internal reserves and talents. Therefore, we will be open to the New World and New Opportunities, we will develop spiritually, improve ourselves and renew ourselves! Let us fill our lives with the knowledge of the deepest Divine Providence, Creativity, Joy and Love.

Natalia FISENKO, Senior Researcher, Kharkov, Ukraine

A worldview is a system of views of an individual on environment, vision of cause-and-effect relationships of an event, (its causes and its consequences).

Worldview depends on the level of development of the individual, his position on the evolutionary ladder and understanding of the world. The right worldview forms the right worldview and, accordingly, allows you to take a worthy place on the evolutionary ladder. Whoever a person imagines himself to be, in the universe he will occupy not a fictional, but a well-deserved place.

Can animals in the zoo become aware of the world and themselves in this world enough to leave the zoo and return to their homeland? For example, according to the scenario of the cartoon "Madagascar". Imagine in reality how many processes need to be controlled in order to realize all the dangers that arise from the first minute of the escape of animals and bypass them? To do this, they will need knowledge of the control and tracking system used by people, the time of a possible absence of control, the methods and skills of controlling the means of the technosphere - a ship, an aircraft, etc., as well as operating features - the fuel used, lubricant, coolant, and much more, much more. In this case, the potential capabilities of animals should exceed the potential capabilities of people at all possible points of contact for the entire period of escape. At least for the duration of the run.

And the most important thing that animals will need when escaping is the right worldview. Animals must be clearly aware of themselves, their role in the zoo, the role of people, the spatial position of the Native Territory. Ways to overcome huge distances using Vehicle technosphere. Methods of orientation over large spaces and distances.

The Right Worldview is what we need to correctly understand our place in the universe. At the same time, the following is important: being an observer from the outside, it is easy for us to assess the situation of animals when escaping from the zoo, provided that we ourselves are ideologically at the level of enslavers (people) who are on the evolutionary ladder much higher than enslaved animals. At the same time, the moral side of the issue seems indisputable to us - after all, in the menagerie there are animals that are not equal to us in development and awareness of the essence! Now leading to an informational direct question: what if humanity is just unreasonable animals for some civilization that is on the civilizational ladder much higher than us? Then we automatically take the place of animals in the zoo, and it becomes vitally important for us to answer the same questions that confront animals who decide to escape from the zoo.

In this state of affairs, it will be easiest for those who are absolutely satisfied with life in the zoo. Living life, such a person does not want to admit that life does not end with the cessation of the functioning of the body, because then you will have to see clearly and admit that life has been lived in vain, the “escape” did not take place, and in a new life you will have to start all over again. Therefore, it is much easier to live without thinking about anything, indulging in the pleasures and “joys” of material life, without burdening the consciousness with subsequent posthumous disappointment.

But people who correctly imagine the state of things are puzzled by the search for a way out of the created world order into areas that are close to themselves in terms of mood and energy. That is, to stop the unreasonable destruction of nature, their own kind. That is, to recreate the relationship of the kingdom of peace, joy, understanding, order, and then follow the path of self-improvement. At the same time, it is vital to have ways to correctly solve the problems facing humanity, which are effective only if there is a single purposefulness and the combined efforts of all mankind. Unanimity.

Alignment Filters

The Universe radiates in a huge range of frequencies. The human eye can only see a narrow spectrum electromagnetic radiation- visible light. The ear distinguishes a narrow range of sound vibrations. The skin perceives a small range of temperature changes. And so on. That is, a person, due to limited perception, does not perceive a huge amount of universal information and builds a worldview based on a very small amount of information received from this universe.

Next come more subtle filters - social: a person brought up in Christian tradition does not perceive for itself (or in a simple way - blocks) a large number of information related to other religions, atheism, secular life, and many other types of information. Other social formations do the same in relation to alien information, for example, communists to imperialists, Buddhists to Islamists, scientists to mystics, and many, many others. That is, from the information received from the universe (of which we are all a part), we deliberately cut out a fairly wide range of information as unnecessary. Then the genocide filters turn on - alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, TV, fashion and many, many others, they also bite off and throw away some of the information. You must have witnessed how a drunk person, surrounded by a crowd without noticing anyone, suddenly began to do what he could allow himself in a sober state, being only in complete isolation. His world narrowed down to a circle a meter or two in diameter. For such a person, the range of information perceived from the universe for the analysis of the state is so narrow that it cannot even be compared with an animal.

Or another case: saying “this is not fashionable!”, you pass by very warm, comfortable and practical things ...

Opportunity filters - a person is unable to visit places, purchase books, or talk to people who are sources of information.

In connection with the foregoing, a person in its mass has a wrong idea of ​​the environment, that is, a distorted worldview. It is not complete. Moreover, the information we have is distorted. So it happened historically, or we were born as a species with a wrong idea about the world, or it happened due to our delusion, or it was someone from the outside (the director of the menagerie?) who gave it to us, today it doesn’t matter so much! It is important that our worldview does not give us a correct idea of ​​the world and, therefore, a very painful conclusion for a person: having an incorrect worldview, we, as a biological species, are not correctly aware of ourselves and behave accordingly in relation to the environment.

And according to this, if we do not change ourselves, we will be forced to disappear as an unnatural (unnatural) phenomenon. This is not a postulate of faith or teaching, this is not a prediction or prophecy, this is the real material need of the world to get rid of what is contrary to nature. Or in another way - we will eventually destroy ourselves. The elementary desire to survive should make us take an interest in phenomena that are outside the sphere of our current interests.

Imagine: the watchman in the menagerie went on a spree and the animals, being in cages (That is, we), and being not free in search of food, are doomed to extinction!

What is the mind and how can we see the light, how to see correctly ... or acquire the correct vision of the world - a worldview, the answers to all these questions are material, as well as their solution. In order to see the light and look at the world correctly, it is enough for a drunkard to stop drinking and one morning, waking up, to see what a mess he left after drinking, as well as what needs to be done to clean up this mess, prevent the next drinking, get a job, to distribute the debts accumulated during the booze, start a family, put yourself and things in order. Leave behind offspring. It's real? I think yes! You just need to make an effort.

At the same level of effort, there is a solution to almost all human problems. For example, having abandoned pride (not to be confused with pride!), a person stops blocking incoming Additional information, which he did not allow for consideration, considering his opinion unsurpassed, and his vision of the world is expanding.

Recognizing that there are many sources of true information, you just need to skillfully separate the truth from the husk, a religious person takes off the impenetrable cocoon of religion, and begins to accept a huge amount of additional universal information, which greatly increases the information potential that a person was deprived of, limiting himself to the postulates of religion. Having once admitted that the authority of modern science is not so unshakable, turning to the experience of ancestors, a person suddenly acquires a huge layer of experience of previous generations and understands what an abyss of information was inaccessible to him.

And so, gradually clearing the consciousness, a person expands the circle of vision - horizons. All of a sudden, he begins to feel that the depressing psyche, which means interfering with the vision of the world, the substances he takes - cigarettes, alcohol, other drugs and factors - TV, newspapers, computer, Internet, fashion, gambling and much more helped him to be in a state of suspended animation. Having excluded all this from his life, a person will wake up one day sober and see what kind of mess he left after suspended animation, as well as what needs to be done to clean up this mess, prevent the next drinking, get a job, pay off the debts accumulated during the drinking, start a family, put yourself and things in order ...

That is, you need to understand the main thing: everything that stronger than a man should get weaker. Man must rule vice, not vice man!

People think that for insight you need to do something.

In fact, you need just the opposite - to stop doing something!

Watch TV, drink, smoke, be proud of your unsurpassedness, deny other faiths and religions, deny the existence of a mind outside the earth, consider it unshakable and unequivocally true modern science, believe the news… act unwisely and much, much more. At the same time, a change in worldview is not something bodily-material.

The world order is self-sufficient, it exists regardless of our delusions and distortion of consciousness. We, having an incorrect worldview, do not represent the correct world order. It is hidden from us behind distortions. Now imagine the reverse situation: the distortions are slowly disappearing. And our outlook gradually turns and becomes correct. We will perceive this change as a process of curvature of the existing worldview, that is, a distortion. You need to have some courage and a stable mind in order to correctly endure the process of correcting the worldview, and bringing it to the true. At the same time, you need to understand that much will have to be left behind and abandoned forever! For example, holidays with the use of alcohol ... any ... and in any quantities. Life without TV, fashion. Relationships between people without lies, deceit, bank loans without interest... business activities without profit... a society without rich and poor... The most important thing is that this is not a fairy tale and not the delusions of an idiot! This is how our ancestors lived before the baptism of Rus'! Many thousands of years...

At first glance, today it is absolutely impossible, but this is from the point of view of a distorted worldview. From the point of view of true reality, such a concept as loan interest has no right to exist. And he really wasn't. In Rus', he appeared after 988 AD. In Japan, China, it is practically non-existent today. Prior to this, having developed economic internal and foreign relations, Russia had no idea about the existence of loan interest. Drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco was introduced in Rus' by Peter 1. that is, 300 years ago. Televisions appeared in the 20th century. So talking about the impossibility of life without these perversions does not make sense!

From the point of view of rationality, these human perversions, their essence and harmfulness are visible to everyone. But not everyone is strong enough to give them up. And that's just the point. It is clear that after the refusal there will be a break - we have been sitting on the needles of television, fashion, prestigious and others for so many years that we involuntarily merged with them. But for the sake of our children, for the sake of the future of mankind, we will do it right? A child is born and grows up in an environment of worldview prepared for him by adults. And over time, he accepts both their worldview and lifestyle. Seeing the distorted organization of society around him, even a reasonable person succumbs to the influence of the majority and accepts the proposed scheme of life. If someone suddenly begins to see clearly, the system pulls him back. Therefore, insight and change in worldview should be universal and, if possible, one-time.

The most important thing today is still not even an understanding of what should change in our worldview, but an understanding of how we will make these changes.

And here it is necessary to repeat: there is no need to do something! You need to stop doing unreasonable acts. As a result, our consciousness, devoid of constant oppression, will wake up by itself.

A person would not have fallen into insanity if our ancestors had not begun to accept seemingly harmless and invisible perversions into their lives - a small loan interest, cultural drinking of alcohol, harmless fashion, the wealth of some and the poverty of others, prestige, smoking. Now you need to turn on the back! If humanity does not want to disappear from the face of the earth, as a biological species, it is forced to switch to a reasonable, rational way of life. This is only in conditions of conditional loneliness in space. If we finally admit that we are not alone in space, then this will also require combining efforts and increasing their effectiveness.

It is vital to understand one simple thing: everything that leads to the separation of people who are the indigenous inhabitants of the planet earth - husband and wife, father and son, neighbor with neighbor, Russians with non-Russians - contributes to the sleep of the mind.

This division into male and female mentality, rich and poor, capable and not so! Successful and unsuccessful, beautiful and scary, distant and close, high and low... It is much more difficult to get rid of it than everything that was before. But in the face of the danger of extinction, we simply must unite as in "Madagascar" - zebras and lions, hippos and penguins! It's not even about water! The point is whether we will live at all or not!

So the conclusion is simple:

1. To acquire a true worldview, you need to exclude factors that depress the psyche from your life.

2. Organize your life based on the principles of reasonableness and expediency within the power of everyone. It just takes effort to change yourself.

3. it is much more correct to treat other representatives species"A reasonable man", as to future comrades-in-arms in relations with representatives of other civilizations.

And now about the zoo.

We have what we have! Only what we have is ours and only we are free to dispose of it - the last will: to die or not to die! There is no third!

tell everyone how to change mindset! And let it be done what our enemies fear:

Let someone wake up... let someone speak...

What to do?

If you are sitting in a cinema hall, you understand the essence of the events taking place on the screen, causally - investigative links, foresee the outcome and are ready to give recommendations to the heroes of the film ... But being in the film itself, you do not see this ... and your affairs are not so good. We cannot influence the director by playing by his rules.

The main thing that humanity needs to do today is to go beyond the limits of the game - into the hall, and from the outside look at the events taking place in its life. It is simply vital for us to form a correct idea of ​​the world and the events taking place around us. At the same time, we must correctly realize our place in society, nature and in the universe and our destiny. For a correct understanding of the world, we must clean our physical filters - expand the ranges of the organs of world perception - vision, hearing, touch. Further, humanity is simply obliged, for the completeness of the information perceived from the universe, to remove the social filters leading to the division of society - the jealousy of religion, political prejudice, sexual and racial differences, everything that cuts off the flow of information from the universe and narrows the horizon. After that, having acquired the ability to recognize true and false information, humanity or each individual individually will form the most complete and correct idea of ​​the world order.

Today, the picture of the world for earthlings is approximately as follows:

Many thousands of years ago, on the earth, located on the periphery of the galaxy, there was a developed civilization of our ancestors. After the planet entered the dark arm of the galaxy, earthlings lost the support of the center of galactic light forces. Aggressive Dark Ones, having approached the earth, mastering the art of mental suggestion, pitted earthlings against each other, and they destroyed civilization in terrible wars. After that, the dark ones continue to control science, culture, and, most importantly, the information used on earth. Having created a controlled group from selected earthlings (secret world government), and having given them a certain amount of information and technology, the dark ones control the civilization of earthlings and direct its development in their own interests, through the monetary financial system, means of genocide, information means - religion, teachings, beliefs. To do this, they rewrote history, replaced science, moral guidelines. The main goal is to seize the resources of the planet and their development by the hands of enslaved masters.

Management of today's humanity is carried out at the level of thoughts. To date, several self-regulating systems for controlling humanity have been created to prevent its insight into the receipt by the latter of information dangerous to the dark.

1. Psychiatric hospitals. It is worth declaring someone crazy and any information coming from him will not be perceived by anyone. The ease of being accused of inadequacy makes it easier to hide "dangerous" information.

2. Authoritarianism. human system acceptance of reliable information is based on the authority and merit of individuals offering information. No authority can not be a carrier of serious information. This significantly narrows the circle of information carriers in our understanding.

3. Evidence. Information not proven adopted evidence is not considered reliable. The cumbersomeness of the existing methods of proof involves the "write-off" of a huge amount of reliable information in the category of unreliable.

4. Mass character. Information not accepted by the majority of votes shall be deemed not accepted.

5. Fifth column. The presence of hybrids and modified dark people among people allows the latter to form the necessary tastes for humanity - fashion, life priorities, lifestyle, attitude towards their own kind (people), and thereby reduce the possible resistance of humanity through disunity, wars, irreconcilability, greed and much more .

Today's idea of ​​humanity about the world order is modeled and supported by the dark ones. Therefore, the existing worldview of mankind does not imply ways of getting out of the control of the dark and mastering the independent control of the planet. Mankind is capable of resistance… the trouble is that the majority of people have no idea about the true state of things. It does not see the enemy, the purpose and method of resistance, the poverty of the real state of affairs.

For this reason, the following is essential today:

Stop the oppression of the psyche that interferes with the correct vision of the world -

  1. stop drinking, smoking, taking drugs, getting rid of compelling habits. Open your eyes and start looking.
  2. not to get involved in dubious scandals and troubles associated with the mass opposition of man to man - wars, pogroms, conflicts, especially on ethnic grounds.
  3. get rid of financial dependence - loans, debts to the banking system, the state. In fact, a handful of managed bankers.
  4. to study the true history of their people, state, clan, humanity. This will help to create a correct picture of the relationship of peoples on earth before outside interference.
  5. to reconsider the impact on life of global intoxicating factors - ideological - religions, teachings, theories of the structure of society, to identify and discard the false ones from them. Correct - unifying.
  6. change the worldview and, in accordance with this, the way of life, interests, values. People cannot be enemies to each other.
  7. on the basis of all of the above, accept that humanity has a common enemy, in the face of which humanity must unite, understanding that all past grievances arose with the complicity and intrigue of this very enemy.
  8. discard all thoughts of a possible peace treaty with the dark forces in order to avoid war, knowing that humanity is food for them.
  9. clearly imagine that all unreasonable and inhumane actions in relation to itself, humanity performs under the influence of the mental influence of the dark ones. Therefore, continuously control your thoughts and emotions, guided by universal ethics of harmonious existence.
  10. Remember that the Temlyans are much weaker than us physically and in the ability to be creative.

Having the right worldview, you will see who is responsible for soldering, economic and informational oppression of mankind, ideological and historical genocide, the destruction of the human species, a reasonable person. Salvation is in uniting people!

Earthling, help Earthling! Wake him up!

Otherwise we will all die in our sleep. tell everyone what they don't talk about. Someone wake up...

[email protected]

1. I want to tell you what sociologists don't talk about.

1. The existing world order on planet earth.

7. The position of the earth in the world hierarchy of planets.

8. The true rulers of the planet earth.

10. Science on earth and beyond.

13. Where can you learn to learn.

18. I want to tell you something that culturologists don't talk about.

20. Priorities of managing humanity.

25. Directive Alain Dulles.

26. Harvard project.

28. Fracture.

30. I want to tell you something archaeologists don't talk about.

37. Who arranged the Genocide for us?

38. How the ROC conducts genocide.

39. What do the ROC and the CIA have in common?

40. What kind of science does Harvard do?

42. A few words about rationality.

48. How to change the worldview?

Materials used in this work

"public safety concept"

Petrov K.P. Zaznobin V.M. Efimov V.A.

Secret CIA Blue Book Project

Secret CIA project "Harvard Project"

"Academy of Information Science and Applied

Ufology" Vladimir Azhazha

Volga Study Group anomalous phenomena»

Gennady Belimov

Development Fund "Third Millennium"

Bible; Koran; Slavic-Aryan Vedas

Archival data of the registry office of the Russian Federation

School of Yuri Okunev

Good day to all! With you again Yuri Okunev.

Have you ever had a strong feeling that something in your life needs to be changed? On some subconscious level, do you feel that you are not following the path you dreamed of?

If so, then it will be extremely useful for you to learn how to change your worldview, because it is precisely this that often prevents us from moving in the intended direction. As a result, at some point we find ourselves far enough away from the wonderful life that we saw in our dreams. And before it's too late, this situation must be changed!

If you remember that the worldview is, then you can change this system by changing the angle from which you look at everything that happens around and inside you. It is extremely difficult to do this. Especially those who have already developed a whole arsenal of habits, attitudes and opinions. But if you really want to change your life for the better, then you have to start with yourself.

For example, you will need to learn to perceive strangers in a more positive and friendly way. Or, let's say, to overcome fear public speaking. It may be necessary to abandon the wait-and-see tactics like "I'll sit on the shore, wait until the corpse of the enemy swims by" in favor of the method "I'll go and defend my rights now." And so on.

As a result, at least you will get invaluable experience. Well, ideally, you will become a happy person who lives the way he likes. Tempting, right?!

Belief System Correction Mechanism

I propose some general rules, which will be appropriate in absolutely every case. Such a step-by-step instruction to correct the outlook.

Step 1. Understand yourself

You ask, is it possible to change ingrained views? And how! But first you have to find out what exactly in the current situation does not suit you. Why did you even think about the need for change? What confuses, alarms, upsets? Now think about why.

For example, you don't like your job. You have a good salary, a pleasant team, a polite understanding administration (yes, dear, you are lucky!), But every morning you have to literally force yourself to drag yourself to a hated office. Perhaps you dreamed of working in a completely different field? Perhaps you prefer a more active/inactive schedule? Perhaps there is not enough opportunity to express your leadership / creative / organizational skills?

Step 2 List #1

After you have roughly outlined the problem, write a list of the things that need to be changed.

If we continue to work with the example already taken, we get:

  • Change scope of work.
  • Find a job where you could dangle from one end of the city to the other all day / sit at a table, sort through papers.
  • Find a position where you could command / create / work calmly.

Step 3 List #2

Now you need to make a checklist of more specific tasks that you need to solve in order to get what you want.

For example:

  • Express your wishes regarding the desired job to your boss. Perhaps the solution to the problem will be simpler than you expected.
  • Write a new resume taking into account new job requirements.
  • Send out resume.
  • Monitor companies that may be of potential interest to you.
  • Make a direct mailing of resumes.

Step 4 List #3

I will be infinitely happy if your desires coincide with your capabilities. But this does not always happen. Therefore, most likely, you will have to make a parallel list of what needs to be changed in yourself in order to achieve what was planned.

  • Conquer the fear of change.
  • Become more active and purposeful, confident.
  • Sign up for trainings for managers/organizers.
  • Go to refresher courses.
  • Learn a new profession.

After all the points are indicated, you will have no choice but to strictly adhere to them. Don't forget - now you're starting new life, and therefore leave old habits, fears, beliefs in the past.

Auxiliary tools

Good films, articles and books that aim to motivate a person will provide very powerful informational and psychological support. Suitable for you:

  • Biographies and memoirs of people who have achieved success on their own: Franklin, Ford, Jobs, Akio Morita, Richard Branson, etc.
  • Works about the nature and mechanisms of our psyche, the sources of our fears, doubts and inspiration: Nikolai Kozlov, Eric Bern, Viktor Frankl, Ron Hubbard and many other authors have already done tremendous work in this regard.
  • Research papers on the development and functioning of society, health, financial well-being.
  • Life-affirming books that give a powerful charge of optimism and hope for the best. From this row « Seagull named Jonathan Livingston» Richard Bach, or « How to become best version myself» Dan Waldschmidt.
  • The following articles in which I will give more full list inspiring and mind-changing books and films.

In addition, you will find powerful theoretical training and strong practical support on my website.