Fairy tales      04/03/2020

By changing the worldview of a person, we invite you. Internal changes are impossible without…. Belief System Correction Mechanism


First of all, determine your current one. To do this, answer a few questions for yourself:
How did our world come about?
- was it created by God or is it a natural process? big bang»?

After answering these questions, try to find sound evidence for your answer. Perhaps they will not seem so convincing to you, and your initially formed worldview will begin from this moment. After all, the study of the structure of the world and your opinion about it are the starting point in understanding the world and attitude. So summarize yours and clearly define your point of view in this aspect of the worldview.

Determine your attitude to the world and to the events taking place in it. The attitude can be pessimistic, realistic or. If this is a pessimistic option or too realistic, try to argue in favor of a realistic or moderately optimistic option.

Now, having answered all the questions, it will be easy for you to change your worldview - the arguments of science or religion, the main thing is that they satisfy your new worldview.

Find right conditions motivation in order to increase your self-esteem, and set yourself higher goals, but definitely feasible in life. This can be achieved through various life-affirming psychological trainings or friendly communication. Having determined your place and goals in life, your worldview will improve, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the standard of living in general.


  • how to change events

It is practically impossible to find people who would keep their beliefs, views, tastes, habits unchanged for the rest of their lives. It is human nature to change over time. It is not for nothing that they say: “Whoever is not at least a little revolutionary in his youth has no heart, and whoever is at least a little conservative in old age has no mind.” But what are the limits of such changes?

Why does a person change at all?

Is it possible to count on the fact that a person will completely change, for example, his character, behavior, attitude towards this or that object? Each person comes into this world with only a set of unconditioned reflexes and genetic inclinations received from his parents. But as he grows up, he begins to develop as a person. In addition to genetic predisposition, he is greatly influenced by the upbringing that he receives at home, in the circle of his closest people, at school, in the garden. It is in early childhood that the character of a person is laid, which determines his subsequent behavior.

This is what the old saying is based on: “You need to teach a child while it lies across the bench, but when it lies along it will be too late!”

Subsequently, the child begins to interact closely with his peers in kindergarten, school. In the process of studying, he learns a lot of new things, gradually gains some experience, he develops some hobbies and hobbies. All this also affects his behavior, attitudes, tastes. Then, during adolescence, his character and behavior can change dramatically, but this is temporary, until the hormonal background stabilizes. And so on. As a person gets older, he gains more and more experience, changes his attitude towards people, his value system, etc. Accordingly, he himself changes, including under the influence of other people, primarily those whom he loves and appreciates.

How long can you change a person

However, in most cases, such changes are not too deep. After all, what was laid down in childhood is very difficult to correct. A person can be influenced to some extent for better or worse, but completely changing him is almost impossible. Exceptions are extremely rare.

Therefore, the dreams of many people in love that they will be able to “remake” after the wedding, that is, re-educate their loved ones, change their views, habits, in most cases remain dreams.

In the end, every person is unique and unrepeatable. Therefore, he has the right to both weaknesses and shortcomings (of course, up to certain limits). And you shouldn't change it. Think, after all, you fell in love with a person with all his shortcomings. Perhaps you should not dwell on the minuses, you need to pay attention to the pluses of a person close to you.

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Many people from time to time have a desire to change the person who is nearby. This is especially true for women. Almost every loving woman is sure that she can change her beloved man, creating some ideal image out of him. Unfortunately, in real life this is rarely possible.

Why do you want to change a person?

The reasons why a person can be very different. Among them are various bad habits(drunkenness, smoking, gambling), excessive craving for the opposite sex, causing infidelity, difficult character, too much passion for any sport or collecting, taking a lot of time or damaging the family budget.

However, we should not forget that if a person himself does not want to change anything, it is very difficult to change him, or rather, almost impossible. No scandals, threats and demonstrative departures will help here. Most likely, he will consider that he is not understood, not loved and not appreciated, and will only get angry.

Factors affecting the character and lifestyle of a person

And yet people change throughout their lives. A young man can be influenced by military service, an adult, an accomplished person can change his career advancement or, conversely, the loss of a job or ruin in business. Young spouses (or one of them) may become different after the birth of a child. At such moments, a reassessment of values ​​often occurs, a person can take a different look at his life, begin to evaluate his actions in a completely different way.

It is sad if the cause of changes in the character and way of life is the loss of someone close, an accident, war or disaster. In this case, a person may be broken, lose interest in life, withdraw into himself. True, it also happens that it is precisely difficult, tragic circumstances that change people in better side. Under the influence of hardships and hardships, a character is tempered, a person becomes stronger, thinks more seriously about life, begins to set fundamental goals for himself.

Sometimes a person can change if he wants it and understands how important it can be for loved ones and loved ones. We need to help and support him in every possible way along this path. Of course, you can try to make him want to change on his own. However, this takes time, patience and considerable. In addition, the desired goal matters: if you need to correct an obvious flaw, then this is a good and necessary thing. If the main goal is to adjust the partner to your own taste, you need to think carefully: is it worth it? Perhaps, as a self-valuable personality, he is much more interesting and multifaceted.

It should also be noted that the older a person becomes, the more difficult it is to change his established habits, lifestyle and the prevailing worldview.

In the case when we are not talking about serious vices and shortcomings, it is better to learn to love and accept a person as he is. After all, as you know, ideal people do not exist.

A worldview is a set of a person's ideas about the world. It includes various views, statements, principles and values, and also describes a person's place in life, his prospects. Usually all this is laid down in childhood, and then only supplemented with new knowledge and skills.


The worldview of each person is unique, even if the children were brought up in the same family, they still had different experiences, and did not hear the same things. The general principles in this case will be similar, but there will still be disagreements in the details. Many psychologists argue that the possibilities for achieving success, wealth, power are laid in diapers, and if a person in his worldview does not have the opportunity to receive these categories, then they will never be realized. Therefore, hundreds of people today are striving to change their established attitudes.

Changing mindset is Long procces that anyone can pass. Today it is assisted by professional psychologists and personal trainers. You can work on your own, but the process will be longer. It all starts with identifying programs that exist. Usually one sphere of life is chosen and all the attitudes associated with it are clarified. Consider an example with money, a person may have a fear of big money, a fear of losing money, uncertainty that he deserves a high salary, and many others. It is worth realizing them and understanding that these attitudes interfere with implementation.

Viktor Minin, Natalia Berezhnova, Olga Gorets.

You can change your worldview without special techniques, but with the help of books. At school, studying textbooks, we expanded the picture of the world, made the worldview more complete. You can do the same today. For this, someone will choose specialized literature on one subject, others will devote time to the classics in order to enjoy new experiences and feelings, many will begin to look for answers about the unknown or turn to religion.

A person's worldview is bound to change with experience. At twenty, a person thinks differently than at forty, and is very great. And these changes are inevitable. But often they pass unconsciously, the person does not influence them much, and they do not touch the basic principles. But if you move purposefully, then you can change exactly what prevents you from being realized, and this opens up new perspectives.

Until you learn to understand yourself, you will not be able to understand others. This is not about being able to correctly assess other people's beliefs only after we can accurately assess our own beliefs. We are talking about the fact that now you are able to appreciate and think about what you did not notice before, and first of all we are talking about your inner world and your life in general. It is introspection that is most important for human development and survival.

Exploring the outer world, we are unlikely to experience as many painful sensations as when exploring the inner world, our world. And it is not surprising that people tend to avoid introspection whenever possible. There are many different representations in our minds that reflect our perception of the world, but even if we consider some new ideas, we tend to push them aside, sometimes quite aggressively. We are simply sure that everything that goes against our views and beliefs is initially wrong. Change of outlook helps make the right decisions

When you feel that certain changes have taken place in your worldview, it is often not because of your participation, but because of the influence of the ideas of individuals with a different level of thinking. And this moment, when you realize the changes, can be considered an epiphany. Change of outlook is when we suddenly realize that we already look at things differently and the world. Remember that the mind is sufficiently inert that it takes a certain amount of time for it to absorb new ideas before we can perceive them as our own. Often, the reaction to something new can be expressed by the phrase: “I can’t accept this, because it goes against my beliefs.” When we hear the same idea a second time, we are less categorical, although we say something like: “It’s good to think about it, but still, in general, I don’t accept it.” The third time is more encouraging, and goes something like this: "Actually, I can agree with this idea, although I see some difficulties in use." As a result, we say: “Oh, yes, that’s exactly what I think!” And based on such a reaction, a person needs to program himself for the perception of the new with the help of various settings, so that the perception does not immediately respond with a refusal. And, notice, the more limited your current beliefs, the more stubbornly your consciousness resists, and the more difficult it will be for you to come up with various innovative ideas.

As personal growth we advise you to carefully study and observe your beliefs in an attempt to understand why you are ready to share them, and indeed, whether you have them. Has it ever happened that, being half a step away from your plan, you suddenly retreated under the influence of some factor? Perhaps under the influence of the thought that they did not deserve or were not ready for success? Often such thoughts are based on erroneous reasoning, because our consciousness, at any opportunity that has turned up, sets us up for rational thinking so that the old beliefs remain with us. And we are indeed prone to deception, and we deceive ourselves much more often than others.

Let's add some specifics. Suppose you know a person who wants to start a business. So he sends out letters, making up ideas about the possibilities, and is delighted when he succeeds in everything he has planned. He is almost ready to make a decision, but at the last moment he wants to get Additional information for a better understanding of the matter. After that, he needs all the new information, additional meetings with people, and as a result, he begins to subconsciously look for reasons that will help him abandon the idea.

What facts a person will cite to prove his innocence does not matter in the slightest. In any case, he will give the definition of the situation and bring out such results that can justify his choice.

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

The world as a person sees it is nothing but a reflection of the inner "I". If life seems gray and bleak, made up of a chain of continuous failures, but I would like to paint the course of days in bright colors, it is not the circumstances that need to be changed, but our attitude towards them.

You can become an optimist and believe that all changes are for the better at any age, because variations in worldview are not subject to age qualifications. However, an optimist can be brought up from childhood, teaching the baby from the first years of life to believe in success and feel uplifted.

The conscious desire to see a half-full glass of water instead of a half-empty one can also manifest itself in older years. As you know, in the life of any person, success alternates with failures, which in turn changes with joyful feelings of victory over circumstances, so the only question is how to perceive all these “gifts of fate”.

Any laughter from life - from a fatal failure to a banal trouble - should be taken as luck, because everything has its own positive result. For example, being fired from a job opens prospects for a new job. interesting activity with the possibility of career and material growth, and a break in relations entails making new contacts.

You can become an optimist even imperceptibly for yourself, constantly communicating with people who perceive the world in bright colors. If you make certain efforts, purposefully working on yourself, then after a short period of time, optimistic settings will become part of the character.

Firstly: perceiving reality as it is, it is necessary to note the independence of the decision made and the good chances of correcting the situation, noticing a spoonful of honey even in a barrel of tar.

Secondly: any difficulties can be turned to good, turning a mistake into an experience and forgiving oneself shortcomings and losses. People who perceive the world around them optimistically are less than others, pessimists, in particular, step on the same rake.

Third: you should trust yourself more, ignoring the negative remarks of others that are thrown in passing, while also not allowing you to reproach your own person for failure.

Fourth: It is necessary to deprive the negative thoughts that may arise. A little trick to help: you can put an elastic band around your wrist and pull it back every time some kind of pessimistic thesis circulates in your brain.

Fifth: there is always a person who found himself in much worse circumstances. Helping a comrade in misfortune contributes to a sense of satisfaction from the work done, and dedication will distract from one's own problems.

After the difficulties are overcome, there will be faith in own possibilities and a reason to be proud of yourself, that is, optimism will appear. Excessive modesty can get in the way of working on an optimistic attitude, so the phrase “I just got lucky” is best deleted from your everyday life, replacing it with the words “I did a good job and received an award for my efforts.”

In general, there is no one in the world who has never faced difficulties and failures, but a positive worldview testifies to the inner strength of a person. That is why optimists keep their backs even under the pressure of circumstances and confidently overcome obstacles, not forgetting about a strong shield against manifestations of pessimism - a wide smile.

How to change your mindset

IN modern world Everyone wants to be happy, but not everyone really wants to be. People can learn, but not memorize, try to become a singer, when they themselves are endowed with the talent of a mathematician. Humanity has forgotten that perfection is the truth, and it is possible to find and realize it only with deep introspection. Looking for new hobbies when there is no inspiration is pointless, since this is done more often not at the call of the heart, but in order to become interesting to others. But this is all tinsel, an external picture, an emotion, but not something that is sincerity, but the path to oneself begins with it.

Many people begin and continue to talk about material goods as the main goal in life. But human thoughts will stop sooner or later, and then the understanding comes that you are living in error. You should always try to pull yourself out of such darkness of thoughts. A person can talk about God, scripture, heavenly harps, Christ, hell, etc. But all his mindsets are absolutely worthless when there is no faith. Everything you believe in surrounds you: you hear it, feel it, see it, invent it for yourself. Eternity is the truth that cannot be forgotten. One's worldview needs to be built only with the realization that all the accumulated life experience will definitely stay with you forever.

Many people may mistakenly believe that a "simple" person does not have an abyss of knowledge and the power of thought. They would rather go to a psychologist with their “heart problems” than diligently dig into themselves and look for the root cause of destruction. But neither psychology, nor magic, nor horoscopes will answer the questions that are in your mind. Deal with your fears and understand that this is an illusion. Calmly analyze as if you were just getting to know yourself. Rewind the film of life back and, remembering unpleasant situations, try to replay them and come to harmony with yourself. You can do this while walking or in the country. By the way, asked the question - where is the best place to buy a plot? Look for yourself something for relaxation and silence, since the choice is excellent in a vast natural area. The most important thing is to be alone with yourself. Thus, over time, your subconscious mind will block all thoughts that bring discomfort.

Joy, love, helping people - this is good for you. Use your imagination (a powerful weapon) for the good and re-evaluation of everything that is going to happen within you. Re-educate yourself, because the best supervision is self-control. How to change your worldview? For some people, one phrase is enough: stop being afraid of death.

- Let there be light! God said.
But it was still dark.
- Let there be sight! God added. (With)

1. It is not the system that creates, the Man creates.

In order for the life of each person to improve qualitatively, the energy of life must be returned to the Person, the bearer of which he is. A person cannot fight the system, in this fight he only loses his strength. But you can get out of it and not play by its rules. You say: "well, yes, but taxes, food, paying bills, the needs of the family - where does all this go?" After all, it is precisely these needs that a person satisfies in the system, giving most of his life time to earn money, connections ...

Let's let go of worries and doubts for a while, and recognize simple thing that our own thinking creates the reality in which we explore ourselves. Our thinking is not free from rules, norms and attitudes, that is, all the content that we have been loaded with since childhood.

The system, having taken away all freedoms, cannot return them to a person, but a person can take away his freedom himself, as the right to his life. A mature person understands that it is pointless to fight for freedom and peace! Old methods cannot lead to new solutions.

It is useless to fight the system, there is only one way - to stop playing by the rules proposed / imposed by the system itself. If you ask yourself the questions “how to live properly?”, “what should I do for this?”, you will have a number of ready-made answers that have entered the subconscious since childhood.

Each person will have his own set of ideas, which the surrounding specific environment endows with each member of his team. All these answers are part of the psychological program when you think about how to follow these laws and rules in order to survive, to be accepted and appreciated.

We can trace how a network of co-dependent bonds is woven between people, depriving them of their personal freedom - waiting for someone else's reaction, opinion, approval or criticism deprives people of peace and confidence. But, free thinking reflects precisely your perception - only those who are internally free can freely perceive. It should be remembered that thinking itself is only an instrument of our consciousness, and the worldview palette builds a point of view. The wider the palette, the more voluminous the worldview, reflecting not only knowledge about the world and oneself in this world, but, most importantly, a personal attitude to everything where the focus of attention is directed.

Our mood or attitude towards something creates an emotional color - negative, positive, neutral, or cognitive ... Pessimists, positivists and realists can change their position, depending on the transition from one topic to another.

In the process of thinking, when we think or speak, the change of attitude occurs due to our feelings first of all and secondly to our knowledge. Knowledge itself does not make us more human or less, but our feelings make us either hostages or free people if our thinking expresses precisely a personal position, and not someone else's.

Duality- this is the lack of choice of the reality in which your consciousness is located, and when there is no choice, there is no position, no freedom of thought, no real freedom of being.

The most common form of anxiety in modern man: "how I look, how I am perceived, how other people evaluate me"- just think about this absurdity!

This experience takes a lot of mental strength, because a person thinks that his life depends on it. But your life does not depend on someone else's opinion, it depends on what you are willing to do with your life yourself.

The first step towards personal freedom is to get out of dependence on public opinion, which exerts the strongest pressure. You will understand that you cannot be pressured or intimidated if you have decoded this social code in your subconscious. Thinking clogged with other people's thoughts is not able to see its own ... Not all other people's thoughts are bad or harmful, many of them can be puzzling and develop your ability to think for yourself. But when your own system of understanding information appears, and your personality is harmonious enough, it is directly connected to the living perception of the world, do not forget to clean up the outdated content.

Experience and all the heritage of the past are hopelessly outdated. It turns out that now everyone who is aware of the disturbed balance between external conditions and self-perception in the inner world must make an effort within himself, changing the settings of his program. It is enough to change your worldview to change your destiny. There is Pure Knowledge of how things work and that is spiritual in nature, but don't confuse this knowledge with religion.

A person himself, and only himself, is able to gain this freedom in his inner world, step by step getting rid of the experience of the victim, which is filled with prohibitions, restrictions, problems, illnesses, suffering and humiliation of the individual. To change your personality settings, you need to practice self-observation and acknowledge the facts of your addiction, and after re-evaluating them, you can do something with them: rewrite your beliefs, become aware of your experiences and get out of the grip of oppressive emotions.

Belief is the most stable thought-form, she carries a powerful energy of faith and it is useless to argue with her. For example, a person believes that he will not succeed ..., this belief makes life not successful, and experiences dramatic. Replacing a new thought can create a new belief: I regain confidence in myself and I can do something. Such a reminder at the right time will work as self-support, and you will find that you are not as helpless as you thought before.

In regaining confidence in yourself, you will have to be more inventive, asking yourself to think more practical thoughts that puzzle you: how and where can I find best work for myself, instead of complaining about her absence ... What should I pay attention to and change if I don’t like the partners I choose, instead of stating - no one loves me.

Raising one's fortitude occurs with such elements of self-support, while blocking dissatisfaction with oneself, the habit of criticizing, whining and complaining about one's fate. You will have to change the mindset that affects the desired results, and then the changes will start to happen. By changing his own reactions, a person ceases to be a puppet, responding to any provocation from the outside world; these signals no longer injure and do not cling, the consciousness decoded from the 3D psi.program is released, moving to a new level.

2. Who is ready? - Units. Why?

In their mass, people behave as if they do not remember, they are asleep, they are frozen, they are stricken with ignorance, they lack discrimination, and the entire focus of attention is directed, as before, only to comply with systemic norms, which is perceived by many as a necessary condition. become happy (...) Does everyone need to change now to such an extent as to strive for personal freedom and live outside the system? Obviously not. This has its own wisdom, since everyone moves at their own speed, enjoying the life that they know, this is how the personality and soul mature.

There are people who have not finished playing yet, have not received all the experience due to them within the framework of the system, they keep themselves within the usual, sometimes comfortable limits, not wanting to change anything. This book simply will not fall into the hands of such people, and those who read it should not agitate anyone by doing more good than anyone can accept. Even if these are your close people, and you wish them beautiful changes. Accept the fact that they are simply not ripe for a new uplift of their consciousness, to complete a multi-year run of one circle, to take stock and discover their new deep content, with an exclusive simulation of their life.

This creativity of life is not for everyone: it is still understandable only to those who are already ready, who have matured. When a person awakens, he begins to realize that the social scenario no longer fits him, he realizes that he has grown. Aware has outgrown children's script, written by the system - one for all, with variations of 500 templates. While the mass consciousness habitually scrolls in their heads stigmas like: "for bad behavior, the formidable God will come and punish you ... and reward you for good behavior," the system has them from all sides. The very word God can be hidden, and a vivid fear of punishment simply comes from the system, from the very environment in which each of you lives, feeling this fear.

Who do you feel when you feel it?

Does the sacrificial program sound full enough in you for you to establish contact with it? To want to do something for themselves, taking care of themselves, taking spiritual responsibility for themselves? The infantile consciousness behaves in the system like in a kindergarten, confident that everyone owes it, and everyone is to blame if it has a bad life. As if the conversation between the minors and the educator continues: the search for justice in order to receive protection for themselves and punish the offenders.

The transfer of a religious attitude to life, first of all, affects the sense of responsibility, and if a person perceives himself as small and God as big, then the roles are logically distributed: I am small, I am a performer, you are big, you are responsible for everything.
Logical, right?

This approach also affects the relationship between people who have an infantile consciousness: God is an intercessor, God is a punisher, God is an encouraging and punishing force. That is the reason for conflicts, wars under the guise of God, murders are easily committed and blood is shed. And the more cries "with God on their lips", the more primitive the understanding of the meaning of life, their lives, people turn into zombies - convenient players for the system.

The more such people seek justice, the more evil they meet, and they themselves create it - remaining dissatisfied, they turn into aggression, considering it right. It is precisely such a primitive attitude that is being introduced into the mass consciousness so that people do not penetrate into the essence of the very divine nature, the bearers of which they themselves are. The light of the soul is blocked by fears, mistrust, insecurity, self-abasement... mass consciousness represents a dead end from all sides - and there are only two of them, and we feel ourselves in a trap of duality, which broadcasts a planar picture-image: black - white, good - bad, right - wrong, moral - immoral and even attribute such authorship to God. God is not in the plane, does not live in dual thinking, is not present in three-dimensionality..., it is crowded there, He is Multidimensional.

But this is already a matter of voluntary choice, to remain forever small or to move into multidimensionality, after God: those who have grown up and are no longer satisfied with the flat image of God in their minds, as we already understand, reassess obsolete values, that is, more primitive ideas are not satisfied mature person and this process is tangible, as it takes place inside you.

Gradually, the three-dimensional consciousness of 3D (collective) in the process of searching for new answers begins to mature and awaken to new revelations - and this we will call evolution. We call such a consciousness Awakened, that is, beginning to realize itself not only as a part of the human race, a part of nature, but also a part of the divine power. It is for her that the Seeker, Feeling himself in the life stream, goes in search, he sets off on the Path for the knowledge of God in himself.

(fragment of the book, sharing parts in the process of writing)