Psychology      04/08/2020

Class hour and its types. Class hour and its characteristic features. Class hour -




Types and forms of class hours

Report for the methodological association of educators and class teachers "Rodnik"

E.Yu. Govyzha, teacher

Belogorsk, 2014

Class hour is one of the main forms of education at school, in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations to the outside world.

The classroom has the following functions:

1) educational - makes it possible to expand the circle of those knowledge of students that are not reflected in curricula. This knowledge may contain information about events taking place in the country and abroad. The object of discussion can be any phenomenon or event.

2) orienting - contributes to the formation of attitudes towards the outside world, the development of a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. Helps to evaluate the phenomena occurring in life.These two functions are closely related, since students cannot be taught to evaluate phenomena with which they are unfamiliar.

3) guide - designed to translate the discussion of a phenomenon into the framework of the real experience of students.

4) formative - forms the skills of students to think about and evaluate their actions and themselves, the skills of conducting a dialogue and building a statement, defending their opinions.

Classroom types:

Moral class hour


1. Enlightenment of students in order to develop their own moral views, judgments, assessments

2. Study, understanding and analysis of the moral experience of generations

3. Critical reflection and analysis of one's own moral actions, actions of peers and classmates

4. Development of moral personal qualities (kindness, desire to help people, the ability to admit one's mistakes, defend one's point of view and respect someone else's point of view)

Intellectual-cognitive class hour


1. Develop cognitive interest students

2. To develop the ability to realize their individual capabilities, the desire for self-improvement

Thematic class hour


    Develop students' horizons

    Contribute to the spiritual development of students, the formation of their interests and spiritual needs

Information class hour


    Formation of students' involvement in the events and phenomena of the socio-political life of their country, their city, district

    Application of knowledge gained in the lessons of history and civics

    Forming your attitude to what is happening

    Development of research skills

The class teacher chooses the content and form of the class hour based on:

age and psychological features schoolchildren

The goals and objectives that he sets

Moral ideas, interests, needs of students

Forms class hours:

Conversation (aesthetic, moral)


Meeting interesting people

Quizzes in various fields of knowledge



Interactive games

Travel Games


When preparing and conducting an educational event, it is necessary to focus on the following system of actions:

Define a topic, formulate a goal

Make a plan (script)

Select appropriate material, visual aids, musical arrangement, etc. on the topic

Give the task to the students for preliminary preparation (if it is provided by the plan)

Determine the degree of expediency of participation in the class hour of other teachers or parents

New forms of class hours:

    Class hour - alphabetical (The teacher calls the letter and asks what the topic of the class hour for this letter is of interest to the children)

    Class hour - the game "Revelation" (can be used as a game at the classroom hour of the spiritual and moral direction)

Let everyone who wants to tell about his comrade from the “only good news” class - what is remarkable about this person, what he did, whom he helped, what are his interests, his incredible deeds, habits, addictions. It is only necessary to comply with one condition. During the story, you can not give the name and surname of this person. It’s good if the guys guess who they are talking about, and it’s also good that in the process of telling the story, the students voluntarily or involuntarily voice their values, views on people, and interests.

    Class hour "Mailbox"

In a box with a slot, students put questions printed or written in any way so that if the author of the note wishes, he can remain incognito. The class teacher answers those of them that he can answer, but if the questions require special preparation, and the answers to them are very important for the students, then a second class hour may be held the next day.

    One-to-One Chat Hour

An hour of heart-to-heart talk or an hour of secret preparation for some event that everyone should not know about.

    Class hour "Question to question"

The class is divided into 2-3 teams, 3 people are selected to the jury. Each team asks the other team a question on a pre-announced topic, the beauty of the question and originality, accuracy, imagery, humorousness of the answer are evaluated by the jury on a 5-point scale.

Topic: "Do I owe my parents?"

Possible questions:

If parents constantly lose their temper, scream, blame - what is happening to them and can this be forgiven?

What will you buy your parents from the first paycheck?

How would you raise your children if you had them?

The most wonderful qualities of your parents.

    Hour of mystery

In an atmosphere of complete secrecy, so that no mouse or fly will know, the class prepares for some kind of event. It can be a concert for the anniversary of your favorite teacher or for some school holiday; preparation of a performance, an amateur gift, a newspaper or a competition.

    Tolerant class hours

"You're still great..."

Participants are paired up. The first one turns to the partner with the phrase: “They don’t like me because ...”, The second, having listened, should react, starting with the words: “Anyway, you’re great, because ...” Then the participants switch roles.

"Stand in someone else's shoes"

1.Participants are invited to think and answer the question:
- What would your life be like if you were: a mouse caught in a mousetrap and not knowing how to get out; a teenager whom peers do not accept in the game; person who has fallen into desert island?

2. Participants are invited to choose one of these characters to try to play a role, feel in his place and describe their feelings, state.

3.Participants are invited to introduce themselves: a midget among people; a man among the Lilliputians; newborn baby; a deep old man; blind; deaf.

4. Participants need to portray one of the characters and describe their feelings, state.

5. Participants should talk about the feelings they had while watching the scenes enacted.


    Boguslavskaya I.G. Everything for the Deputy Director for educational work / a course of lectures - Kazan, 2007.

    Classroom teacher. Main activities. - M .: Verbum - M, 2001

    Master class for school deputy principals for educational work: Organization and planning of work; From the experience of the school in Voronezh / Auth. T.M. Kumitskaya, O.E. Zhirenko M.: 5 for knowledge, 2007.

    Savina L.M., Siverina O.A. Non-traditional forms educational work at school - Volgograd: Publishing house "Panorama", 2006.

    Forms of educational work class teacher./ Ed. L.V. Kuznetsova; comp. G.S. Semenov.- M.: School press, 2006.

Class hour occupies an important place in the educational process of the school. The classroom is the main structural link in the school. Here the origin and development of relations between students take place, their worldview is formed through the cognitive activity that is offered to them in the classroom.

Class hour- one of the forms of direct communication between a teacher and students, during which social and ethical education of students, the development of each student as an individual, the formation of a class team take place. Thus, the organization of a class hour for a teacher is not an easy and very responsible task.

The class teacher is engaged in the main educational and organizational work in the classroom. His duties include not only creating favorable conditions for the personal development of the student, but also effective assistance in solving psychological problems that arise in the child in communication with other students, parents and teachers.

The class teacher is, as it were, an intermediary between the student and society, helping to build relationships in the team through a variety of activities that contribute to the self-expression of each student and his development as an individual.

Participating in the formation of the primary children's team in the class, the class teacher must take on the role of leader, mentor, guardian and friend of his wards. He should be able to inspire the guys, understand their needs, be an assistant, and not only organize, but also actively participate in the collective creative activity of his class.

Extracurricular communication between the class teacher and students occupies a very important place in educational work. At the same time, the class hour is one of the most common ways of organizing such communication. Despite the fact that a certain time is allotted for it in the school schedule, the class hour is not inherently a lesson. And communication on it can be attributed to extracurricular activities.

Class hour represents the time spent by the teacher with the students in the class and organized in such a way that the children have the opportunity to take part in certain activities that contribute to the development social relations and the formation of moral values.

Class hour usually takes place every week. It can last like a regular lesson, but this is not a prerequisite. Sometimes 15-20 minutes is enough to cover a topic. Other topics require longer communication.

Thematic class hour differs in that it is dedicated to a specific topic. Such communication is more holistic and complete, helps to focus students' attention on specific things, without being scattered over trifles. A class hour on a specific topic is more effective than just an informal meeting. He is knowledgeable. The topic itself is very convenient to use to achieve certain pedagogical goals during communication.

One of the main forms of extracurricular educational work has been and remains the class hour. A classroom hour is a form of educational work in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are included in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of a system of relations to the outside world.

V.P. Sergeeva

The class hour is a flexible form of frontal educational work, which is a specially organized after hours communication of the class teacher with the students of the class in order to promote the formation of the class team and the development of its members

E.N. Stepanov

Based on the above definitions of the class hour, certain features can be distinguished:

  • - it is a form of educational interaction that is flexible in its composition and structure;
  • - this is a form of communication between the class teacher and his pupils, the priority role in the organization of which is played by the teacher.

The experience of successfully working class teachers testifies to the great pedagogical potential of this form of educational work. In the process of preparing and conducting class hours, it is possible to solve the following pedagogical tasks:

Creation of conditions for the formation and manifestation of the individuality of the student, his creativity.

Enriching the consciousness of students with knowledge about nature, society, man.

Formation of the emotional-sensual sphere and value relations child's personality.

Assimilation of knowledge, skills, cognitive and practical-creative activity by children.

Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

The purpose of the class hour is the end result that the teacher strives for in the system of educational work. And the task of the class hour is the result that the teacher plans to receive and receives on this moment. A task is a step in the overall movement towards a goal. A variant is possible when not one, but two or three tasks are solved at the classroom hour. Many class teachers make serious mistakes: they do not always see the difference between the goal and task of the class hour; and the tasks set by them then look like "tell about ...", "explain ...", "see ...", "discuss ...". After spending one class hour, the class teacher expects immediate results, without creating a system of appropriate influences in another area of ​​students' life; inventing the theme of the class hour, then they adjust the educational goal and tasks for it, they come from the event, and not from education. All these mistakes sometimes give rise to a formal educational event.

So, by organizing the value-oriented activity of schoolchildren with the help of a class hour, we thereby contribute to the transfer and development of social value relations in them, which are the main goal of this form of educational work.

It is necessary to prepare a class hour no less carefully than a lesson: think over the content, determine a clear structure, create an environment and prepare auxiliary material in advance. It is equally important to build the thematic system of a number of classroom hours so that they constitute the goal of the impacts. The methodology for organizing a class hour consists of three main areas: determining the content of a class hour, organizational design, and planning a series of class hours. The organization of a class hour should begin with the psychological preparation of students. Also, an important part of the overall organizational work is the preparation of the premises.

Class hours must be reasonable. The basic rule of time management can be formulated as follows: "The class hour must be completed before the students began to expect the end."

A significant methodological complexity of the class hour lies in the fact that ease, freedom, spontaneity must be combined with clear rules of conduct, clear order, respectful silence and absolute attention of students.

What is class hour? Probably, every teacher, without hesitation, will be able to give a brief description of this form of educational work. This process of communication is planned, designed, managed by the teacher.

The methodology for preparing and conducting a class hour, first of all, involves determining its content, which in turn depends on the goals and objectives, age characteristics of students, and their experience. IN Lately There are many developments that make it easier for the class teacher to do his job. Of course, the class teacher will determine the topics and content of class hours when he studies the level of upbringing of schoolchildren, their moral ideas, views, interests, desires, and judgments.

The first class hour should captivate, should amaze! The teacher should go not from the program, but from what is especially close and dear to him. In our gymnasium, enrollment is carried out after the 4th grade. This academic year, I spent a class hour with the 5th grade (children came to the gymnasium for the first time), of course, from acquaintance. Acquaintances between students and the teacher and, of course, among themselves. Everyone hung the hearts prepared in advance with inscribed names on an impromptu Happiness tree (in this case, a ficus) and told a little about themselves. The main idea was that everyone gave a piece of their heart to unite into a single whole - 5-A class.

But is it possible to limit oneself only to this? After speculating about the future, the children decided that all hearts with wishes for the New Year will be sealed in a Magic Heart, which can only be opened at the end of grade 11.

It was the first class hour for the children in the new school. Undoubtedly, in this case, the preparation and conduct of the class hour belongs to the teacher.

But after all, not every first class hour can begin with an acquaintance. Usually, the 1st, 5th and 10th grades of the school begin with an acquaintance. These are the so-called class hours-acquaintances. In the preparation and conduct of class hours are used various methods and techniques: a story, reading newspaper and magazine materials followed by a discussion, lectures by specialists, questioning and analysis of its results, round-table discussions. Discussion of specific events, acquaintance with works of art, elements of the creative activity of students (draw, sing, compose), appeal to the statements of prominent people, followed by a discussion.

Class hours can also be held outside the school. So, a class hour dedicated to the hometown can be held in the form of a walking tour of the city; nature conservation, it is best to organize in the forest, and it is advisable to consider the problems of contemporary art after a collective visit to the theater or art gallery.

A special cycle is made up of class hours on moral education. In this case, an ethical conversation about moral qualities is most often used: about friendship and camaraderie, honesty and truthfulness, kindness of spiritual generosity, etc.

These conversations should help schoolchildren to understand the principles of universal morality, to comprehend the existing life experience. The living word of the class teacher here alternates with answers, reflections, and opinions of students.

Such conversations are recommended to begin with the definition of the content of the moral concept. It is advisable to use specific examples that help to understand the essence of the relevant moral categories. However, examples should be used wisely, it is better if they are positive, unhackneyed, little-known. With interest, children perceive parables. When analyzing negative examples great tact, a sense of proportion are needed: it is not so much the behavior of people that should be disassembled as the moral side of their actions. It is impossible to reduce the conversation to teachings, deviate from the topic, start talking about the behavior of students in the classroom, because the educational position of the teacher should be hidden from the students.

In the formation of moral ideas and beliefs of students, class hours-disputes are important. Discussion is possible if students have some knowledge, opinions on the issue under discussion, therefore, most often the dispute is a continuation of a series of class hours on moral issues or a conversation that arose in the lesson. The dispute, to a certain extent, allows you to see the final result, the effectiveness of the previously held class hours, educational work in general.

The class teacher's hours are very diverse in content, forms, methods of their preparation and conduct. Depending on this, class hours can be divided into three types:

The first includes those for which preparation requires broad knowledge, pedagogical and life experience. Students are only involved in the course of the conversation to discuss some issues, present examples and facts. Such, for example, are class hours on topics about self-education: “How do you understand self-education?”, “How to develop memory?”, “What is artistic taste and fashion”, “On individuality and individualism”, etc. Some hours of this type it is expedient to carry out with the involvement of specialists: a lawyer, a doctor, a psychologist, etc. The task of the class teacher is to help them prepare the speech.

The second type of classroom hours is characterized by the joint activities of the teacher and students. The definition of the content of the main ideas, as a rule, belongs to the teacher, and the development of ways, methods, their implementation is carried out by the teacher together with the students. Under the guidance of a teacher, schoolchildren prepare fragments of an educational hour, the teacher leads a class hour, involving the children in discussing the problem, combining their performances into a single whole. Approximate topics of such class hours: “About kindness and mercy”, “About culture appearance”, “On the beauty of internal and external”, “Do good for the sake of good”, “Friendship in human life”, etc.

The third type of class hours involves active, independent work the students themselves. Responsibility for their preparation and conduct rests with the class asset. The students themselves lead the class hour, the teacher imperceptibly guides them.

The choice of the type of class hour depends on the topic, the content of the material, the age of the student, the level of their knowledge on this issue, the experience of collective activity, the formation of the class team, as well as pedagogical skills, the individual characteristics of the class teacher, the nature of his relationship with schoolchildren.

So, the classroom hour is a form of educational work of the class teacher in the classroom, in which students take part in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system of relations to the outside world. And, despite all the changes that have taken place in recent years at school, the classroom hour remains one of the main forms of educational interaction between the class teacher and students.

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There are 16 presentations in total in the topic