Esoterics      03.03.2020

Start to change your lifestyle. How to change for the better? Mastering meditation practices

When a difficult period happens in life, a black streak begins and everything does not turn out the way we would like - a person begins to look for something, often without knowing what. He hardly formulates his thoughts, but gradually gains confidence that he does not live his own life, not the way he wanted in childhood, and that his aspirations are alien, instilled by others, his profession is a boring stay at the workplace from morning to painfully expected evening.

Everything around is gray, gloomy, and he himself is out of place, out of time. When these sensations become especially strong, almost painful, the thought ripens in the head: something needs to be changed. Profession, place of residence, appearance - this, in essence, does not matter, what is important is a deep awareness of the need for change, thanks to which a person becomes ready to put the idea into practice. But few of us know exactly how to change our lives, and what kind of changes will lead to harmony in the soul, and it is disharmony that prevents us from enjoying life so much.

Comfort zone

The comfort zone is that area of ​​space around a person that gives him a feeling of comfort and stability.

The human psyche is designed in such a way that we:

  • we feel best in a familiar environment, where all stimuli are familiar, and we have long developed options for responding to them;
  • we are afraid of any new stimuli precisely because of the lack of familiar response scenarios.

Wherever we find ourselves, we involuntarily try to turn the space around us, physical and psychological, into a comfort zone in which everything is clear, familiar, there is nothing atypical and frightening with novelty.

Leaving the comfort zone, whether accidental or intentional, is in any case perceived by the subconscious as stress, and even a conscious desire to change life will not be easy to implement, just because any change is a violation of the integrity of the comfort zone.

Comfort zone as a battlefield

You should not assume that the comfort zone is an exceptionally safe haven for lovers of a passive existence within the framework of work-home.

Some people are so accustomed to living in conditions of constant change of places, a kaleidoscope of events and a heap incredible adventures that it is this state of bedlam, confusion and endless fuss that turns into a comfort zone for them.

Make them radically change their lives, settle down, start a family and go to work in the office every day - and such adrenaline addicts will quickly become patients of psychologists or give up everything and return to their usual, comfortable existence again - into the noise, to change.

The same problem is typical for workaholics who literally live for work. At work, something collapses all the time, and they feel like the saviors of the world, burning out without noticing.

In order for such people to understand how to change their lives for the better, others sometimes have to literally put ultimatums in front of them, knock them out of their comfort zone formed by endless sheets of reports, graphs, plans and eternal lack of sleep.

Habitual lifestyle or change

Having made a decision to change our life, we begin to analyze the amount of work ahead, and it may happen that the task that is acquiring complexities before our eyes seems insurmountable. “Too hard”, “too late”, “what if it doesn’t work out” - such doubts and fears are whispered by the subconscious, which protects the psyche from shocks and changes that can lead us out of balance.
But we must remember that it is impossible to change life for the better without going beyond the comfort zone.

The beauty of a habitual way of life lies in its predictability. You seem to have already arranged your life, started a family, got a well-paid job, and although the soul strives to get out of the locked cage, you persuade yourself: they say, and what I don’t like, how to change my life for the better, if everything is fine in it anyway?

But it is not always measured by the envy of neighbors, success in work or expensive repairs. The soul doesn’t care how much the tapestry-covered sofas cost, and how long it took you to achieve your position - if she wants to paint pictures, strives for art and beauty, then you won’t convince her that drafting contracts in a stuffy office is better and more productive.

Comfort zone: how to get out of the box

How to radically change your life if leaving the comfort zone is perceived by the subconscious as an escape from prison at gunpoint, and every step can be followed by a deadly turn?

Get out of it more often. We get out of the cozy little world every time we do something unusual, some small new job: we go to refresher courses, we go to the first yoga class, we call a stranger. And the more often we take ourselves out of the usual framework, the easier it is to endure each small feat, and such exits from the comfort zone gradually turn into an element of this zone.

Motivation and attitude

If stepping out of your comfort zone is perceived by you as some extremely painful step that causes a storm negative emotions, you have two ways to handle this:

  • increase motivation;
  • learn how to adapt to change.

In order to increase the motivation to change your life, you should remember exactly what reasons prompted you to think about how to change your life for the better, what prospects await you after leaving your comfort zone, what results you can achieve with this step and how good you will be after after the initial stress has passed.

There are different ways to get ready for change. You can think about future decisive steps in the epithets "scary", "dangerous" and "risky", or you can use the words "interesting", "informative" and "promising".

In order to get additional advice, you can use specialized literature. For example, the book “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life” can help you.

Types of change

Changes are different: positive and negative, expected and unexpected, big and small, but all of them will help you realize how to radically change your life.

The attitude of our brain towards them, accordingly, also varies: positive expected changes will be met with joy and enthusiasm, while negative surprises can throw us off balance.

In order not to experience unnecessary stress when leaving the comfort zone, it is worth applying the “there are positive aspects to everything” technique.

Whatever happens to you, try to find the positive side in the events. Turn it into a game, an exciting competition with yourself, a fantasy test, and gradually you can change your life, guided by the habit of seeing any changes as a positive factor.

The principle of reasonableness

Having made the final decision on how to change your lifestyle, you should not forget about the principle of reasonableness: having abruptly cut off all the threads, quit your job and left your family, you can be left without a livelihood and without moral support, and such changes can hardly be called positive .

Leaving home for the war is also a way out of the comfort zone, but is such a step reasonable? Will it bring happiness?

Going to a casino is an exit to the risk zone, but is the game worth the candle? Isn't the risk too high in relation to investments and hopes?

Not every risk zone is useful, and not every exit from a comfort zone is reasonable.

Limit of change

The limit of change is the amount of change that your psyche can endure without harm to itself in a unit of time.

Realizing how to change their lives, many joyfully rush to break and destroy the established order. Inspired by their own courage, intoxicated with determination, they risk one day sobering up, looking back and finding themselves literally in the ashes of their lives, and at the same time they will have nowhere to return to lick their wounds - without noticing it, they destroyed all the attributes of their comfort zone, in the worst case - life.

When trying to change your life, sometimes it’s worth stopping, taking a time out and going back to your comfort zone to feed on positive energy, return to a state of peace of mind, look around the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork on yourself and decide whether you are prepared enough to change your life. .

When deciding how to change your life, you need to remember the limit of change and the fact that changes do not have to be abrupt and drastic.

Change is like a drug

Having changed their lives once, some are so imbued with the consciousness of their own courage, receive such a charge of positive energy that they go to the other extreme - they become hostages of the risk zone, literally turning into adrenaline addicts.

Whenever they are no longer satisfied with something in life, instead of an easy, calm correction, they use a proven means: they destroy everything to the state of ruins and try to rebuild something completely new.

Such "drug addicts" turn, for example, into repair fans who endlessly want to bring their apartments to an ideal state that will never come, and as a result, they constantly live in devastation.

This is a dangerous trend: the idea of ​​changing lives is good, but like medicine, good in moderation. Total changes are not a panacea, instead of happiness, a person can get a series of failures associated with constant movements, lifestyle changes and unsuccessful searches for himself, while in order to become happy, he just needs to stop breaking everything around at the slightest sign of discomfort and look at himself from within.

Circumstances are not always to blame for dissatisfaction with life

It often happens that a person, solving the problem “how to change his life”, makes a lot of body movements, changes jobs, leaves his family, quarrels with friends, and each step is very hard for him, but it seems to him that just about, a little more just a little, it is enough to remove from your life one more obstacle that prevents him from living and developing normally - and happiness will come.

But we often forget about the following important point: the environment and circumstances are not always to blame for our troubles, sometimes the problem is in the person himself, and it will not be possible to escape from it with the help of such cardinal changes and changes in your life.

Simply because it is not the environment that needs to be changed, but the one who lives in this environment - the person himself, his essence, character, outlook on life and behavior. It is useless to cover a rotten fence with new paint - this will not make it stronger, and it is very important, when deciding that it is time to change your life, carefully consider why you need to change it, what exactly to change and whether it is exactly what you are preventing you from living happily. Were going to change, not something inside you.

Ways to expand your comfort zone

If any exit from the comfort zone is a powerful stress factor for you, in addition to motivation and mindset adjustment, a number of exercises will help you to turn the exit into the risk zone into a less uncomfortable experience:

  • if you have a large task to solve, and the need to do it scares, divide it into several small ones and do it gradually; walking in small steps is more convenient;
  • often remind yourself that the more often you leave your comfort zone, the calmer you will be about it, and the more you will learn and see; the frog is warm under the leaf, but the vast world around is not visible;
  • return from the risk zone in time to gain strength; designate for yourself some small actions that will symbolize for you a fleeting departure to your usual state and give you strength - eat your favorite mint candy, twist the bracelet, put on a lucky tie.

Remember that outside the cozy warm comfort zone that saves you from stress, but prevents you from changing your life for the better, not only horrors are hidden, but also prospects, success, independence, new positive impressions, pleasant acquaintances and a boundless world.

It is not easy to radically change your life, but the game is worth the candle - by tuning in to happiness and stepping towards it, overcoming your fears and indecision, you can get the result you expected.

Do you want a healthy body and activity on long years? We have collected all the scientific advice and compiled a list of products that are responsible for health and youth.

Surely you have met people who are older than you, but look younger. At 40 they don’t even get 30, and at 70 they are cheerful, like “youth” under 50.

In some cases, it is necessary to say thank you to genetics. But much more often the reasons lie in their lifestyle. Such people eat, in general, correctly.

They can eat a piece or two of pizza, but they also do not forget about healthy foods. They cope with stress perfectly, do not allow neurosis and depression to capture themselves.

Youth and flexibility of the brain

All scientists are in solidarity: the adequacy of the brain is the main thing that is needed for longevity. People with age-related brain diseases do not live long.

Alas, neurons in the brain lose speed and flexibility as we age. Stress and free radicals environment are damaging the brain cells, and it literally needs to be repaired.

And the “service station” for the brain is sleep and nutrition, those substances that patch up holes. You can't cover rust on a car with watercolors, can you? Or put a paper motor! So is the brain: not all food is a building material for it.

The main thing you need to “repair” the brain is Omega 3 fatty acids. Yes, the brain consists mainly of fat, but mayonnaise will not help it in any way. Mayonnaise is the fat that builds your belly and Omega 3 is the brain.

Omega 3 is the notorious fish oil, it is abundant in salmon, mackerel, mackerel. Omega 3s are generally very useful - they clean blood vessels and skin, reduce inflammation, restore cell membranes and help you lose weight! And for the brain, they are generally irreplaceable.

The second component for the brain is water. Dehydration causes fatigue, slow thinking and headaches. No need to drink extra - drink exactly as much as you want. But also avoid thirst and dehydration.

And finally, the third ingredient for brain health is B vitamins. These vitamins are abundant in foods such as eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, green vegetables, fish, and whole grains.

As you can see, fish is the leader in importance for a healthy brain, it has all the most important things.

Muscle mass

By age 50, the average adult loses 15% of their lean body mass. Further, this process only gets worse. The less muscle mass, the greater the percentage of fat in the body.

And this provokes diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Muscles are very necessary for health, longevity and visual appeal! Royal posture, which emphasizes the status and youth - it often happens in people with developed back muscles.

Do the exercises! Not necessarily in the gym, although fitness centers are true The best way gain muscle mass and tone the body.

Squats, push-ups and tilts can be done at home! Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are a wonderful and perhaps the best exercise for a healthy back. Any other activity that brings you pleasure will do. Walking in nature, tennis, yoga - it's all very useful for maintaining muscle mass.

Do not use the muscles - they begin to atrophy. Of the excess, the body likes to carry only fat, and it will gladly get rid of muscles.

The best foods for toning muscles are eggs, fish, poultry, beef, cottage cheese, and plant-based protein, including nuts and beans.


According to the data modern science, 70% of our immunity depends on intestinal health! Scientists have long discovered the relationship: how problems arise with the intestines - immunity drops significantly.

Doctor, expert in the field of longevity Delara Travicoli recommends eating broths on the bones. According to her, this is the best way for the body to get collagen, protein and essential minerals for gut health.

Vitamins E, C and D are also important for immunity. By the way, these same vitamins are very important for skin health. Vitamin C is responsible for collagen, and vitamin D is responsible for hormones. Briefly write where to find them:

Vitamin C: fruits, especially citrus fruits, berries, herbs, tomatoes, cabbage, sweet peppers;

Vitamin E: milk, vegetable oil, lettuce;

Vitamin D: Formed in humans by exposure to sunlight. Also found in foods: eggs, beef, vegetable oil, fish.

Sugar and hormones are under control

Sugar accelerates vascular wear and aging. And this vicious circle The more you eat sweets, the more your appetite and cravings for sweets increase. In the final - diabetes, which significantly accelerates aging. Watch your blood sugar! Eat more vegetables and fruits - they normalize sugar.

The balance of hormones is also important for youth and energy. If there are no diseases, then hormones are also important Construction Materials. Hormones consist of fats, but mayonnaise will not work here either.

The best fats for hormones are oily fish, avocados, and nuts. Power loads are also very useful, especially for men. And sleep - most hormones are produced during sleep. Sleep little - you do not produce enough hormones.

Thus, the brain, immunity, muscles and control of sugar and hormones are the main markers of health and longevity. Follow them, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep and do not forget to walk - and this will keep you healthy for years to come!

When do you want change? When something doesn’t suit us, something goes wrong, or we suddenly realize that we didn’t want what we achieved and didn’t strive for what we ended up with. There are times when everything is not to your liking. This is a difficult case, however, amenable to adjustment. Our life is largely created and maintained in a certain state by our habits. By changing habits, we change ourselves, our way of life and even its entire course. By becoming more active, a person can lose weight, move up the corporate ladder and find his other half. By adding more rest and peace to your life, you can get peace of mind, an explosion of creativity or harmony in family life in return.

We change the old for the new
How to change lifestyle? The best place to start is by understanding what and why you want to change. And what do you plan to get as a result of these changes.

The concept of "lifestyle" includes many aspects: work and family, friends and relatives, habitual activities and entertainment, the pace and rhythm of life, your political views and spiritual values, material well-being or lack of it, healthy and unhealthy habits, and much more. You need to realize what and why you do not like. And what would you like to have in return. And then think about how to make a replacement.

If you are mortally tired of your single life: gatherings with friends until morning with a hangover the next day, a lonely piece of moldy sausage in the refrigerator, emptiness and disorder of the apartment and soul, then you need to seriously look for a life partner. Thinking carefully, you will understand that for this you need to go not to bars and clubs, but to some other places where decent girls live: fitness clubs and parks, museums and libraries, shopping centers and supermarkets. You will make certain changes in your daily routine, these changes will entail internal changes and will lead, in turn, to a complete restructuring of the way of life.

If you suddenly realize that your social circle has narrowed to two or three people, and all old friends and acquaintances have disappeared somewhere, develop activity in this area: renew old connections, make new ones. People are potential sources of ideas, thoughts and moods. Surround yourself with those who inspire and invigorate you.

In case your main problem is your more voluminous figure than you would like, it is worth taking care of adding to your daily routine more physical activity and fewer meals. Make sure you don't have time to eat. So that you barely find time between extremely exciting and interesting activities to chew a couple of lettuce leaves and drink green tea.

What to change?
Sometimes a person himself does not know what exactly does not suit him and, moreover, does not know what and how to change. But he feels that everything or a lot is going wrong. In this situation, lack of understanding is not a reason for inaction. If you don’t know what needs to be changed, but you feel that something or even everything is wrong in your life, change at least something.

You can start small. Make changes to your daily routine. If you usually watch TV before bed, start walking or jogging. If you usually go to bed at twelve, start going to bed at eleven, and finish the unfinished business in the morning.

In case you don’t have a daily routine at all, and everything happens randomly, as you have to, try to get organized and stick to a certain routine. Perhaps you, on the contrary, are an overly pedantic and orderly person and never get out of your schedule. It will be useful for you to relax a little and even act out: do what your left heel wants, regardless of the rules and the established routine.

Pick up new habits from the category of what you like. Maybe you used to love to draw, but abandoned this activity long ago, because there is no time, and, it seems, there is no need for an adult and serious person to do this. This is not at all true, any creative activity has a beneficial effect on psychological condition and mood. And sometimes it can turn into a hobby or even a life's work. To change the way of life, you need to take something away and something to add. Add what you love.

In some cases, when depression or apathy has become your usual state, it seems to you that your life is hopeless and there can be nothing good in it, you can resort to extreme measures. Do not trifle, but change everything at once, or at least a lot. Move to another city or even a country, find a new job, change your environment and all your habits. Such a shake-up usually contributes to the release of depression and the emergence of a taste for life. The main thing is not to create old problems in a new place, from which you will want to run away again later.

Changing the way we think
We act according to the patterns we have in our heads. How we think largely determines how we live. Therefore, to change the way of life, you need to try to change the way of thinking. Our habits are created by our thinking and vice versa, thinking is created by habits. We think in familiar formulations and our thoughts most often move in a familiar circle.

You can start and continue to make changes in your life in two ways: by changing habits and by changing the way you think. These two aspects are closely interrelated and constantly influence each other. We have already talked about changing habits, now let's talk about changing the contents of our brain.

Each person has limiting attitudes, but not everyone is aware of this and notices them. Meanwhile, it is these attitudes that are often the main reason that a person cannot achieve the desired goals. Attitudes can be as follows: “to achieve something, you need to work hard, long and hard”, “in order to please people, you need to be handsome and charming”, “you can’t earn big money with honest work”, “for a successful business you need large initial investment.

There are many options for installations, their main purpose is to prevent you from acting and justify your inaction. You may think that it is not worth trying to open your own business, since you do not have start-up capital. Or don’t even try to get acquainted with the girl you like, because you are sure that nature has deprived you of external data.

Limiting installations need to be identified and eliminated. By and large, nothing prevents you from changing your lifestyle except your laziness.

Another hindrance to change is stereotyped thinking. People, with rare exceptions, think in patterns. To get such and such a result, you need to do so-and-so. Once you did it, you succeeded, and you decided that you should always act according to the same scheme. You are taking action but not succeeding. And blame it on bad circumstances or the wrong people.

If you learn to think differently every time and act in a non-standard way, changes, and the most favorable ones, will not be slow to appear in your life. Get used to thinking without limits, and you yourself will be able to choose and easily change your lifestyle.

Difficulties of a new life. Hello. I wanted to drastically change my life at the age of 48. She quit her boring but nourishing job and went to Big city behind interesting life. Some will require a gentle lifestyle, while others may lead to disability.

First, make up your wardrobe, you need: trousers (jeans), a skirt (sundress), two blouses (dark and light), a cardigan (jumper, sweater, sweatshirt), jacket (coat), ankle boots (immediately order thermal insoles to wear ankle boots, I, like almost everyone, did not understand>.

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My husband and I are 56 years old, we have been married for 30 years, we have two children, a daughter of 29 years and a son of 22 years. In principle, they lived all these years not bad, although there was everything, but in general, the marriage can be called good. And here comes the trouble. In June, I found out that my husband was cheating on me, did not love me and wanted to get a divorce. That in April he met a girl at work and fell in love and wants to be with her.

wardrobe: 5000 / 10 years. Survey. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in And, in anticipation of a cataclysm, the shadow decided to buy a wardrobe for all 10 years. And so - there is no information about the lifestyle of this aunt. If she is going to live somewhere in the country, then ...

if you want to update your autumn-winter wardrobe, and it turns out logically, since you write "before the start of the business season", then you need Autumn-winter sales in January usually. Now there are summer sales. I myself update my wardrobe twice a year - precisely during ...

Girls, please tell us what are the features of caring for a child with bypass hydrocephalus? Can such children attend childcare facilities? Do you need specialized institutions?

There is life beyond the Moscow Ring Road! I have such a feeling that there are 10-15 years of life then you will miss. How to evaluate them? for none. V Russian village I will not go, and a guest marriage does not suit me in any way.

I don’t like my way of life, I don’t like it at the level of understanding that I live wrong. And there is no motivation to change. If you do not like the way of life, this should motivate you to change, or not? And if "there is no motivation to change, over ...

The new me: how to change your diet, lifestyle and wardrobe. Clothes: rules for compiling a wardrobe and buying new things. From this question, Dominique Loro, best-selling author on simplifying life, suggests starting to compose your new wardrobe.

Has your lifestyle changed a lot? Are you happy with this apartment? And the remaining 3,000 thousand will be enough to live back to back. Parents will have nothing to send. That is, for them, with a mortgage, it will turn out already "abnormal", not like they are used to.

Girls, I don't even know if I'm psychologically ready for such a "wardrobe". For me it is very broad. I was somehow taught in the family. The wardrobe should at least cover all possible weather situations plus all the needs associated with your lifestyle.

change your lifestyle.... Serious question. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about a woman's life in the family, at work, relationships with And suddenly realized that this would be done only through a rather global change in lifestyle, moreover, of the whole family ... I myself do not ...

Ordinary life- sneakers or moccasins, boots for autumn-winter, etc. You can add a skirt to all this, with your lifestyle, I want to change the style of the skirt to a more feminine one and make up a basic wardrobe on this basis ... what will be the basis of the wardrobe if the costumes ...

I want to radically change my profession. Training. Work and education. Constant changes in laws. In the tax office they look at you like I owed them even before I was born.

Yes, given my lifestyle, yes, given the customs of the country where we now live (no - short, open). Let it be possible to walk in the yard with a child in old jeans, but we go shopping, go to restaurants, to the cinema .. And I am somehow afraid with my husband.

Life line. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine Child from birth to one year. But I know ABSOLUTELY for sure (I observed it myself) that if you change your lifestyle, then the line ...

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Depression, a dull and depressed state, complete apathy, increased anxiety and fears are frequent companions in the lives of many people. Someone is trying to fight it in different ways, someone has reconciled and continues to be in this state. But all these phenomena leave a large negative imprint on the quality of human life, on all spheres of its activity. What to do when life is like an endless bad dream?

What is the root of these problems?

Trying to solve these problems more or less responsibly, a person resorts to the help of some specialist psychologists, psychotherapists and other highly specialized professionals. But the result, most often, is not at all the one that we would like to achieve.

When solving these problems, it must be remembered that problems lie in many planes of human life. Anxiety, avoidance of any communication with others, detachment, lack of a motivational component - all these phenomena are associated not only with incorrect and inferior education, but also with the following factors:

  • Improper nutrition;
  • Violation of the normal biorhythm;
  • Inadequate, irregular sleep;
  • Lack of physical activity and more.

Thus, it can be said that the reasons for many psychological problems and blocks are directly and directly related to the formation of wrong life habits. Life habits are what a person does every day, for many years, without thinking about the expediency and correctness of this model of behavior. The formation of these wrong life habits is directly influenced by events that occurred in childhood and led to the formation of certain psychological problems. Thus, there is a chain of causes that eventually led a person to problems in conscious adulthood.

How to solve these problems and change your life?

The way to solve these complex problems, stretching from the depths of childhood, is based on an integrated and comprehensive approach to the solution.

It is necessary to create several planes of approach to solving problems: physical and psychological, as well as an additional plane.

physical plane should solve problems at the level of human physiology and put in order the disturbed physical mechanisms. The basis for solving the problem lies in changing and normalizing the balance of metabolism in the body at all stages. By stabilizing the metabolism, the problem of anxiety, internal causes of depression and depression is solved. To get rid of depression and apathy, it is necessary to adjust the mode of sleep and wakefulness. It is worth considering the most appropriate type of physical activity to achieve a more powerful effect.

Solving problems in psychological plane is based on the use of psychotherapy, hypnosis and other psychological knowledge in order to get rid of the problems that caused all these disorders in childhood.

Additional plane The solution involves resorting to the help of specialist doctors, a comprehensive medical examination and counseling.

All human health is made up of physical health and psychological, the loss of one element from this sum can lead to serious violations in the second area. Only using an integrated approach to changing lifestyles and forming new, positive life habits can you get rid of serious psychological and physical problems, normalize own life in all its areas.