Fairy tales      03/16/2020

Presentation on the theme of the heroes of the battle of Stalingrad. The exploits of the heroes of Stalingrad. Presentation on the topic: Children-heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad

Hero Battle of Stalingrad Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev

  • One day, Zaitsev made his way to a burned-out house and climbed into a dilapidated black stove. From this unusual position, two entrances to the enemy dugouts and the approach to the basement of the house where the Germans cooked food were clearly visible. . 10 the Nazis were killed that day by a sniper.

After examining the hole, he moved to another place and did the same. And another shot. Zaitsev clung to the stereo tube. I began to scan the area carefully. A shadow flickered on one of the hills. Here! Now we need to lure the fascist and take aim. Zaitsev lay in ambush all night. At dawn, the German sniper was destroyed.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1943 for courage and military prowess shown in battles with fascist german invaders junior lieutenant Zaitsev Vasily Grigorievich was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. Throughout the war, V.G. Zaitsev served in the army, in the ranks of which he began his military career, headed the school of snipers, commanded a mortar platoon, then was a company commander. He crushed the enemy in the Donbass, participated in the battle for the Dnieper, fought near Odessa and on the Dniester.

  • Presentation authors

Students of the Lake School of the branch of the Burkovskaya secondary school of Sredneakhtubinsky

district of the Volgograd region

  • V. Frolova
  • Y. Levina
  • Ya. Pryadkina
  • A. Ryzhova
  • N. Tsvetkova
  • G. Murtazakulova

teacher Eremenko T. A.

Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad July 17, 1942 February 2, 1943 Order of the Red Star and medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad"

The feat of Matvey Putilov Matvey Methodievich Putilov, an ordinary signalman of the 308th Infantry Division. On October 25, 1942, at the lower village of the Barrikady plant, Matvey received an order to eliminate the break in the communication line. During the search for the place of the cliff, the signalman was wounded in the shoulder by a fragment of a mine. Already at the very target, an enemy mine crushed the second hand of a fighter. Losing consciousness, Matvey Putilov squeezed the ends of the wire with his teeth, thereby restoring the connection. This feat was accomplished in the area of ​​school 4 along Pribaltiyskaya Street. Matvey Putilov was posthumously awarded the order Patriotic War.

The feat of Nikolai Serdyukov Nikolai Filippovich Serdyukov, locksmith of the Barricades plant, junior sergeant, squad leader of the 44th Guards Rifle Regiment of the Don Front. On January 13, 1943, in the battle near Stary Rogachik, he was wounded, but continued to fight. Promotion in this area was fettered by 3 German bunkers located on a high-rise. Together with two fighters, Nikolai Serdyukov went to storm the German positions. Two firing points were destroyed by grenades, but both comrades of Nikolai died in the process. To destroy the third firing point, Nikolai Serdyukov rushed forward and closed the embrasure of the bunker own body. Having received a short respite, the squad fighters destroyed the surviving Nazis. Nikolai Serdyukov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by the meter, he was also awarded the Order of Lenin.

The feat of Mikhail Panikakha Mikhail Panikakha, private Pacific Fleet. On November 2, 1942, near the village of the Krasny Oktyabr plant, the positions of the division were attacked by fascist tanks. Mikhail Panikakha with two Molotov cocktails crawled closer to the attacking tanks, but one bottle was shattered by a bullet, the Red Army soldier was engulfed in flames. Covered in flames, Mikhail Panikakha with the remaining bottle rushed to the head tank of the enemy and lay down on top of the engine room. The tank burned down along with the crew, and the rest of the vehicles retreated

The feat of Viktor Rogalsky Viktor Andreevich Rogalsky, junior sergeant. On August 10, 1942, in a group of attack aircraft, he covered the crossing over the Don. From a direct hit by an anti-aircraft shell, his plane caught fire, but the plane, engulfed in fire, continued to storm the target. Viktor Rogalsky directed the car, enveloped in flames, at the accumulation of enemy armored vehicles, destroying up to a dozen tanks.

Machine gunner Khanpasha Nuradilov during the fighting in the Serafimovich area in September 1942 commanded a machine gun platoon. In the battle on September 12, 1942, he was seriously wounded, but continued to fight, destroying 250 Nazis and 2 machine guns. In this battle, Nuradilov died. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Tank ram Khanpasha Nuradilov

Tank ram of Captain Mikhail Nechaev. This battle took place in the area of ​​​​the village of Tatsinskaya, where the Nazi airfield was located. On December 26, 1942, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Novoandreevsky farm, five T-34 tanks under the command of Nechaev entered into battle with the advancing German tanks. They destroyed seven enemy vehicles, while losing four of their tanks. Captain Nechaev sent the last one, engulfed in flames, with a jammed T-34 turret, to the enemy’s lead vehicle, ramming it. Both tanks were killed in a terrible explosion. Captain Mikhail Efimovich Nechaev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Tank ram by Mikhail Nechaev

Nurse Anna Beschastnova carried hundreds of wounded Red Army soldiers from the battlefield. A young nurse carries a wounded soldier on her shoulders from the battlefield. Nineteen-year-old nurse of the 269th rifle regiment of the 10th division of the NKVD troops, Anya Beschastnova, carried 50 wounded soldiers and commanders from the battlefield during street fighting in the city, and when the enemies surrounded the unit, she replaced the machine gunner and fought with the enemy. Anna Beschastnova

Sergei Sergeevich Markin - driver of the 102nd tank brigade. On November 20, 1942, his brigade fought in the area of ​​​​the village of Kletskaya. In a fierce battle, the entire crew of his tank was killed, and Sergei Markin himself was mortally wounded. Bleeding, Sergei Markin got out of the burning car and wrote on the armor of the tank with his blood: “I am dying. My Motherland, the party will win!” For heroism shown in battle, Senior Sergeant Sergei Sergeevich Markin was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree Sergei Markin

Gulya Koroleva Gulya (Marionella) Vladimirovna Koroleva, medical instructor of the medical and sanitary battalion of the 280th Infantry Regiment. She went to war as a volunteer, before the war she was a film actress. On November 23, 1942, during the battle for height 56.8 in the area of ​​​​the Panshino farm, she carried 50 wounded soldiers from the battlefield, and at the end of the day, with a group of soldiers, she went on the attack to the height. Bursting into the enemy trenches, Gulya Koroleva destroyed 15 soldiers and officers with several throws of grenades. Mortally wounded, Koroleva fought to the end. Was awarded the Order of the Red Banner posthumously

The glory of a sniper came to Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev during the Battle of Stalingrad. Only in the period from November 10 to December 17, 1942, Zaitsev destroyed 225 enemy soldiers and officers, including 11 snipers. A particularly famous episode was the sniper duel between Vasily Zaitsev and the German "super-sniper" Major Köning, who arrived in Stalingrad to fight Soviet snipers Sniper Vasily Zaitsev

The medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" was awarded to more than 707 thousand participants in the battle. 707 thousand participants in the battle. Orders and medals received Orders and medals were received by soldiers and 373 militia soldiers and 373 militia.

"Hero City" On November 10, 1961, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR decided to rename the city of Stalingrad to the city of Volgograd. On May 8, 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree approving the Regulations on honorary title, on the same day, with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal, it was awarded to the city of Volgograd. Order of Lenin Medal "Gold Star"

The war has long ended, but the feat of our people in the Patriotic War will forever remain in history and our memory. The memory of the exploits of our people is kept by war veterans, memorial plaques, obelisks, whole architectural ensembles and you saw how in the monuments modern Volgograd the feat of the people is captured ...

summary of other presentations

"Monuments of the Battle of Stalingrad" - Panorama Museum "Battle of Stalingrad". Chronicle of the Battle of Stalingrad. Hall of Military Glory. Monumental relief at the foot of the Mamay Kurgan. Monument to the Komsomol Heroes of Stalingrad. Monuments of the memorial complex "Mamaev Kurgan". Wall "Memory of generations". Natural and historical monument poplar-hero. Monument to a grieving mother. Mass grave of three soldiers-defenders of Stalingrad. Pavlov's House. Songs of the war years.

"The exploits of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" - Zaitsev returned to the front. The feat of signalman Matvey Putilov. Stalingrad battle. The soldiers adapted the house for all-round defense. The feat of the defenders of Pavlov's House. Vasily Zaitsev. The feat of the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. Feat of Nikolai Serdyukov. Gulya (Marionella) Queen. Guards Square. The feat of Mikhail Panikakha.

"History of the Battle of Stalingrad" - Commander of the 62nd Army. The inscription on the wall of Pavlov's house. Archimandrite Kirill. Doomsday. Hitler and Paulus. Station Stalingrad-1. Commander. Car. People's militias. The worst thing is Stalingrad. Dropped 12,000 bombs. For the motherland. Stalingrad battle. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Mamaev kurgan. 100 meters of Stalingrad land. One of the units of the Red Army. The situation with Stalingrad worsened.

"70 years of the Battle of Stalingrad" - German fascist troops. Square of the Fallen Fighters. Historical and memorial complex. Sculpture. Hall military glory. The purpose of the German command. Hero City. Titles of Hero of the Soviet Union. More than 42 thousand people died in Stalingrad. Artistic panorama. Counteroffensive. Stalingrad. For the defense of Stalingrad. Monument to Mikhail Panikakha. The battle of Stalingrad is over. Pavlov's House. Capitulation of the army of Paulus.

"Stages of the Battle of Stalingrad" - Historical Battle of Stalingrad. Stalingrad was defended by two armies. Stalingrad region. Massive bombardment of Stalingrad. Heroic defense of Pavlov's house. Significance of the Battle of Stalingrad. Infantry columns. The feat of the soldiers of the Battle of Stalingrad. The purpose of the German command. Signalman Matvey Putilov. July 17, 1942 Historical and memorial complex. Orders and medals. Liquidation of the encircled group of fascists.

"Pavlov's House" - Fighting in the area of ​​Stalingrad. Defense of Pavlov's House. Garrison "Pavlov's House". The building was defended by the sons of 11 nations. They protected not only our lives, but the very title of man. It was truly a titanic struggle of man against man. Guard Lieutenant Ivan Filippovich Afanasiev. We are indebted to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Pavlov's House (House of Soldier's Glory). Pavlov's House. November 19, 1942

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Battle of Stalingrad 07/17/1942 - 02/02/1943 Bow to the earth, harsh and beautiful!

In 1942, the fate of the entire civilized world was being decided at the walls of Stalingrad. In the interfluve of the Volga and the Don, the greatest battle in the history of wars unfolded. On July 12, 1942, the Stalingrad Front was formed, and the day of July 17 went down in history as the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.

It surpassed all previous battles in its scope and fierceness: more than two million people fought on a territory of almost one hundred thousand square kilometers.

Target fascist invaders: take over an industrial city whose enterprises produced military products; reach the Volga, along which in the shortest possible time it was possible to get to the Caspian Sea, to the Caucasus, where the oil necessary for the front was extracted.

Hitler planned to carry out this plan with the forces of one 6th field army of Paulus in just a week.

In the harsh days of the battle on the Volga Soviet troops preserved and multiplied the best traditions of the Russian army.

And such values ​​as love for the Motherland, honor and military duty, unbending will to win, steadfastness in defense, firm determination in the offensive, selfless courage and bravery, the military brotherhood of the peoples of our country, became sacred to the defenders of Stalingrad...

“I was at the forefront. I climbed it, and then counted 50 bullet holes on my overcoat. But the bullet that would have struck me has not yet been cast. Don't worry about me, mom, I'll be back!" "Sasha! You ask how our school is. We live nothing. Tenth graders study in the 3rd shift. We finish the lessons at eleven at night. And during the day we work at the factory for 12 hours. We make shells for Katyushas. So sleep hunting! Sometimes we even fall asleep on the machines, on the shavings!”

“You know, Sasha! And now we have an ensemble at school, and the real composer Mikhail Vladimirovich Chernyak directs it. We go to hospitals with concerts. Already 70 concerts have been given. Our sponsored hospital in the 30th school. So we can say there, all our free time.

The Battle of Stalingrad showed examples of mass heroism, in which the best qualities of patriotic soldiers were clearly manifested - from a soldier to a marshal - Mikhail Panikakha, Yakov Pavlov, Vasily Efremov, Vasily Zaitsev, Mikhail Baranov, Pyotr Boloto, Nikolai Serdyukov, Alexei Kholzunov, Nikolai Zabolotny, Ivan Lyudnikov, Alexander Rodimtsev, Timofey Khryukin, Vasily Chuikov, Mikhail Shumilov, Andrey Eremenko, Alexander Vasilevsky, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Georgy Zhukov ...

Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad Mikhail Averyanovich Panikakha Date of birth 1914 Place of birth Mogilev village, Novomoskovsky district, Yekaterinoslav province Date of death October 2, 1942 Place of death Stalingrad

Mikhail Averyanovich Panikakha

Monument to Mikhail Panikakha

Matvey Putilov

Gulya Koroleva

Courage and courage were shown by the Stalingrad pioneers in the fight against the enemy during the Battle of Stalingrad. May the names of young patriots and pioneer heroes not be erased from our memory.

Seryozha Alyoshkov

"Barefoot Garrison" Listen, people, a sad story. We used to have fascists. The inhabitants were robbed, tortured, beaten. Those bloodsuckers lived in our houses. Where there is a silo pit on the collective farm, a bloody drama broke out during the day. A bloody drama, a terrible drama: the silo pit has become a grave. Bandits killed ten boys. In the pit, like cats, the poor things were buried. Ten boys: Ivan, Semyon, Vasenka, Kolya, Emelya, Aksyon. The bandits tied their hands before execution, the bullets of the Nazis pierced the hearts. Their mothers sobbed bitterly. No! Do not forget us Averin drama.

"Barefoot Garrison"

Pavlov's House

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Dedicated to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad.......

Need a lesson in courage dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad? So this is for you! This lesson amazed not only the students, but also the teachers of our school. It was noted in the regional newspaper as "The pivotal foundation...

Development of a class hour "Dedicated to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad"

For 5th grade students, a class hour dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad ...

Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad

Stalingrad... A great battle where two great armies clashed. The city that claimed more than two million lives within 5 months. The Germans considered it hell on earth. Soviet propaganda spoke of the death in this city of one German soldier per second. Nevertheless, it was he who became the turning point of the Great Patriotic War and, without a doubt, became the personification of the feat of the Red Army. So who are they... The Great Heroes of the Great Battle?

Military statistics calculated that during the battle at Stalingrad the enemy used up about 100,000 shells, bombs, and mines on average per kilometer of the front, or 100 per meter, respectively.

The burnt building of the mill with empty eye sockets of the windows will tell posterity more eloquently than any words about the horrors of the war, that the world was won at a high price.

Nikolai Panipakha

Buried on Mamaev Kurgan Through the roar of shots and explosions of shells, the clanging of caterpillars was heard more and more clearly. By this time, Panikaha had already used up all his grenades. He had only two bottles of combustible mixture left. He leaned out of the trench and swung, aiming the bottle at the nearest tank. At that moment, a bullet shattered the bottle held above his head. The warrior flared up like a living torch. But the hellish pain did not cloud his consciousness. He grabbed the second bottle. The tank was nearby. And everyone saw how a burning man jumped out of the trench, ran up close to fascist tank and hit the grille of the engine hatch with the bottle. A moment - and a huge flash of fire and smoke swallowed up the hero along with the fascist car set on fire by him.

This heroic feat of Mikhail Panikah immediately became known to all the soldiers of the 62nd Army.

Hero of the Battle of Stalingrad

Zaitsev Vasily Grigorievich

In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since September 1942, he received a sniper rifle from the hands of the commander of his 1047th regiment, Metelev, a month later, along with the medal "For Courage". By that time, Zaitsev had killed 32 Nazis from a simple "three-ruler". In the period from November 10 to December 17, 1942, in the battles for Stalingrad, he destroyed 225 soldiers and officers of the pr-ka, including 11 snipers (among whom was Heinz Horvald). Directly at the forefront, he taught sniper business to command fighters, trained 28 snipers. In January 1943, Zaitsev was seriously wounded. His eyesight was saved by Professor Filatov in a Moscow hospital.

Having received the Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union in the Kremlin, Zaitsev returned to the front. He finished the war on the Dniester with the rank of captain. During the war, Zaitsev wrote two textbooks for snipers, and also invented the method of sniper hunting by “sixes” that is still used today - when three pairs of snipers (shooter and observer) cover the same battle zone with fire.

Demobilized after the war. He worked as the director of the Kyiv Machine-Building Plant.

The feat of Nikolai Serdyukov

  • On April 17, 1943, junior sergeant, commander of the rifle squad of the 44th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 15th Guards Rifle Division Nikolai Filippovich SERDYUKOV was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for military exploits in the Battle of Stalingrad. It was necessary to silence the firing points of the enemy. Lieutenant V. M. Osipov and junior lieutenant A. S. Belykh undertook this task. They threw grenades. The dots were silent. But on the snow, not far from them, two commanders, two communists, two guardsmen remained forever lying.
  • When the Soviet soldiers went on the attack, the third pillbox spoke. Komsomol member N. Serdyukov turned to the company commander: "Allow me, comrade lieutenant."
  • Not tall, he looked like a boy in a long soldier's overcoat. Having received permission from the commander, Serdyukov crawled to the third pillbox under a hail of bullets. He threw one, two grenades, but they did not reach the goal. In full view of the guardsmen, rising to his full height, the hero rushed to the embrasure of the pillbox. The machine gun of the enemy fell silent, the guardsmen rushed at the enemy.
  • The name of the 18-year-old hero of Stalingrad is the name of the street, the school where he studied. His name is entered forever in the lists of personnel of one of the divisions of the Volgograd garrison.
The feat of signalman Matvey Putilov The feat of Matvey Putilov

When communication stopped on Mamaev Kurgan at the most intense moment of the battle, an ordinary signalman of the 308th Infantry Division Matvey Putilov went to eliminate the wire break. When restoring a damaged communication line, both hands were crushed by fragments of a mine. Losing consciousness, he tightly clamped the ends of the wire between his teeth. Communication has been restored. For this feat, Matvey was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree. His communications reel was handed over to the best signalmen of the 308th division.

The feat of the defenders of Pavlov's House The heroic history of this house is as follows. During the bombardment of the city on the square, all the buildings were destroyed and only one 4-storey house miraculously survived. From the upper floors it was possible to observe and keep under fire the part of the city occupied by the enemy (to the west up to 1 km, and in the northern and south directions even further). Thus, the house acquired an important tactical significance in the defense zone of the 42nd regiment.

  • The heroic history of this house is as follows. During the bombardment of the city on the square, all the buildings were destroyed and only one 4-storey house miraculously survived. From the upper floors it was possible to observe it and keep the part of the city occupied by the enemy under fire (up to 1 km to the west, and even further to the north and south). Thus, the house acquired an important tactical significance in the defense zone of the 42nd regiment.
  • Fulfilling the order of the commander, Colonel I.P. Yelin, at the end of September, Sergeant Ya.F. Pavlov with three soldiers entered the house and found about 30 civilians in it - women, old people, children. Scouts occupied the house and held it for two days.
  • On the third day, reinforcements arrived to help the brave four. The garrison of the "Pavlov's House" (as it began to be called on the operational maps of the division, regiment) consisted of a machine-gun platoon under the command of the guard Lieutenant I.F. A. A. Sobgaida (6 people and three anti-tank rifles), 7 submachine gunners under the command of Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov, four mortars (2 mortars) under the command of junior lieutenant A. N. Chernyshenko. Only 24 people.
  • The soldiers adapted the house for all-round defense. Firing points were taken out of it, underground passages of communication were made to them. Sappers from the side of the square mined the approaches to the house, placing anti-tank, anti-personnel mines.
  • The skillful organization of the defense of the house, the heroism of the soldiers allowed the small garrison to successfully repel enemy attacks for 58 days.

Not far from Pavlov's House, on the banks of the Volga, among the new light buildings stands the terrible building of the mill named after Pavlov, disfigured by the war. Grudinin (Grudinin K.N. - Bolshevik worker. He worked at the mill as a turner, was elected secretary of the communist cell. The party cell led by Grudinin waged a decisive struggle against disguised enemies Soviet power who decided to take revenge on the brave communist. On May 26, 1922, he was shot dead from around the corner. Buried in the Komsomol garden).

Not far from Pavlov's House, on the banks of the Volga, among the new light buildings stands the terrible building of the mill named after Pavlov, disfigured by the war. Grudinin (Grudinin K.N. - a Bolshevik worker. He worked at the mill as a turner, was elected secretary of the communist cell. The party cell led by Grudinin waged a decisive struggle against the disguised enemies of Soviet power, who decided to take revenge on the brave communist. On May 26, 1922, he was shot from around the corner, buried in the Komsomol garden).

Not far from Pavlov's House, on the banks of the Volga, among the new light buildings stands the terrible building of the mill named after Pavlov, disfigured by the war. Grudinin (Grudinin K.N. - a Bolshevik worker. He worked at the mill as a turner, was elected secretary of the communist cell. The party cell led by Grudinin waged a decisive struggle against the disguised enemies of Soviet power, who decided to take revenge on the brave communist. On May 26, 1922, he was shot from around the corner, buried in the Komsomol garden).

Buried at Mamaev Kurgan