Psychology      07/06/2020

The territory of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs test. Verification tests on the history of Ancient Rus' (to the textbook by A.A. Danilov, S.M. Kosulina). A) church schism

1. The emergence of a producing economy occurs:

a) during the Neolithic period;

b) in the Paleolithic era;

c) in the Mesolithic era;

d) in the era of the Eneolithic;

e) there is no correct answer.

2. Eastern Slavs belong to language family:

a) Finno-Ugric;

b) Iberian-Caucasian;

c) Indo-European;

d) Baltic;

e) there is no correct answer.

3. East Slavic tribes appeared by the VI century. AD:

a) agricultural;

b) livestock;

c) wild (did not have a producing economy);

d) nomadic pastoralists;

e) there is no correct answer.

4. The territory of settlement of the East Slavic tribal unions in the VI - IX centuries extended to:

A) West Siberian Plain;

b) the East European Plain;

c) the northern coast of the Black Sea;

d) the Carpathian region;

e) there is no correct answer.

5. The formation of the state among the Eastern Slavs occurs as a result of:

a) the decomposition of the tribal system and the emergence of classes;

b) calling Varangian princes;

c) agreements between the princes of the East Slavic tribal unions;

d) the expansion of Byzantium;

d) there is no correct answer

6. The formation of the Old Russian state takes place in:

a) VI century AD;

b) 9th century AD;

c) IX century BC;

d) X century AD;

e) there is no correct answer.

7. The unification of the Eastern Slavs takes place around:

a) a tribal union of glades;

b) the tribal union of the Drevlyans;

c) the tribal union of Polotsk;

d) the tribal union of the Krivichi;

e) there is no correct answer.

8. Ilmen Slovenes lived around the cities:

a) Ladoga and Pskov;

b) Novgorod and Ladoga;

c) Izborsk and Novgorod.

d) Novgorod and Pskov;

e) there is no correct answer.

9. The central part of the ancient Russian city was called:

a) the Kremlin;

b) kid;

c) freedom;

e) there is no correct answer.

10. The religion of the Eastern Slavs in the VI - IX centuries. was:

a) Christianity

b) Catholicism;

c) paganism;

d) Judaism;

e) there is no correct answer.

11. The Old Russian state was:

a) military democracy;

b) absolute monarchy;

c) early feudal monarchy;

d) boyar republic;

e) there is no correct answer.

12. Date of formation of the state Kievan Rus counts:

b) 882;

d) 1054;

e) there is no correct answer.

13. Name of the dynasty Kyiv princes gave:

a) Rurik;

d) Svyatoslav;

e) there is no correct answer.

14. Norman origin theory Old Russian state appeared in:

a) 15th century

b) XVIII century;

d) the 16th century;

a) Lomonosov M.V.;

b) German scientists Miller and Bayer;

c) chronicler Nestor;

d) historian Solovyov;

e) there is no correct answer.

16. In the first half of the 10th century, the people of Kiev paid tribute:

a) Pechenegs;

b) Polovtsy;

c) the Khazars;

d) Avaram;

e) there is no correct answer.

a) the interfluve of the Oka and Volga;

b) Middle Dnieper;

c) Lake Ilmen;

d) northern Carpathian region;

e) there is no correct answer.

18. Eastern Slavs include:

a) Bulgarians;

c) catch;

d) Pechenegs;

e) there is no correct answer.

19. The god was the patron of cattle breeding among the Slavs - pagans:

a) Veles;

b) Svarog;

c) Stribog;

e) there is no correct answer.

20. The first of the Kyiv princes took the title of grand duke (prince of all princes):

b) Svyatoslav;

c) Oleg;

d) Vladimir;

e) there is no correct answer.

Part 2

1. The main occupation of the Eastern Slavs was .... (agriculture)

2. The capital of the Old Russian state was the city .... (Kyiv)

3. The most important trade routes of Ancient Rus' were .... (the path "From the Varangians to the Greeks" and "Volga trade route")

4. The main agricultural systems of the Eastern Slavs were .... (slash-and-burn and fallow)

5. The collection of tribute in Ancient Rus' was called .... (polyudye)

6. Alexander the Great of Eastern Europe are called... (Prince Svyatoslav)

7. Name the difference between a neighboring community and a clan community. (association not on the basis of consanguinity, but on the basis of common territory of residence)

8. First of known forms The economic dependence of the population on the authorities was called ... (polyudye)

9. The first "tax reform" was carried out in the reign of ... (Olga) and consisted of... (ordering the collection of tribute: established "lessons" - the amount of tribute and "graveyards" - places of tribute collection)

Test on the topic "Russian centralized state in the XIV-XVII centuries"

1. Name two centers of the unification of Russian lands in the XIII-XIV centuries.

A) Moscow and Tver

B) Moscow and Kyiv

C) Tver and Vladimir

D) Moscow and Vladimir

2. The Battle of Kulikovo took place:

3. The victory on the Kulikovo field was won by:

A) Dmitry Donskoy

B) Alexander Nevsky

B) Ivan Kalita

D) Ivan III

4. The unification of Russian lands into a single centralized state was completed by:

A) Dmitry Donskoy

B) Alexander Nevsky

B) Ivan Kalita

D) Ivan III

5. To the governing bodies at the end of the 15th - the first half of the 16th century. not applicable:

A) boyar duma

B) Senate

B) royal court

6. What was the name in medieval Rus' position of abbot of a monastery?

A) metropolitan

B) Bishop

B) hegumen

D) Deacon

7. In what year was the Sudebnik of Ivan III adopted?

D) 1497

8. What event is the ending associated with Horde yoke in Rus'?

A) "Standing on the Ugra"

B) "The Great Jam"

C) "Union of Utrecht"

D) "Uglich case"

9. Who created the idea of ​​"Moscow - the third Rome"?

A) Metropolitan Jonah

B) Elder Bartholomew

C) monk Philotheus

D) Joseph Volotsky

10. Name the years of the reign of Ivan the Terrible:

A) 1547-1584

11. What is oprichnina?

A) a special procedure for governing the country under Ivan IV

B) special forces

B) land holding system

D) governing body

12. Early 17th century entered the history of Russia as:

A) time for reform

B) the era of liberation

B) great conquests

G) Time of Troubles

13. The following event does not belong to the era of troubled times in Russia:

A) The campaign of False Dmitry I to Moscow

B) Polish-Swedish intervention

B) Adoption of the Law Code

D) Creation of the people's militia by Minin and Pozharsky

14. The first tsars from the Romanov dynasty (eliminate the excess):

A) Vasily Shuisky

B) Alexei Mikhailovich

B) Mikhail Fedorovich

D) Fedor Alekseevich

15. An important event in the middle of the 17th century. :

A) church schism

B) Zemstvo reform

C) The election of the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty

History test East Slavs and their neighbors for 6th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each with 10 tasks.

1 option

1. Arrange the following events in chronological order.

1) settlement by Eastern Slavs of the East European Plain
2) the allocation of the Balto-Slavic tribes from the group of Indo-European tribes
3) the division of the Balto-Slavic tribes into Balts and Slavs
4) the division of the Slavic tribes into three branches


A) Poles
B) Serbs
B) Russians
D) Croats
D) Ukrainians
E) Slovaks

Groups of Slavs

1) East Slavs
2) Western Slavs
3) southern Slavs

3. Distribute the occupations of the Eastern Slavs and the results of labor that relate to them.

A) farming
B) cattle breeding
B) hunting
D) beekeeping

Labor results

1) honey of wild bees
2) wheat, rye, millet
3) meat of pigs, cows
4) fur skins


“Entering the battle, most of them go to the enemy with shields and darts in their hands, but they never wear shells; others do not wear shirts (chitons) or cloaks, but only trousers, pulled up by a wide belt on the hips, and in this form they go to battle with enemies ... They are very tall and of great strength.

1) What people are mentioned in the text?
2) What weapon is mentioned in the passage?
3) What country is the historian, author of the text from?

5. The list lists the gods of the Eastern Slavs. Find two extra names. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Stribog
2) Zeus
3) Yarilo
4) One
5) Perun
6) Mokosh


The People's Assembly among the Slavs, which decided critical issues, - This __________.

7. The city that became the center of the Ilmen Slavs, a tribe of Eastern Slavs, is

1) Kyiv
2) Smolensk
3) Novgorod
4) Chernihiv

8. two

1) clearing
2) Volhynia
3) votyaki
4) Khazars
5) radimichi
6) krivichi


A) rope
B) colonization
B) people's militia
D) paganism


1) an army consisting of representatives of the community
2) a community among the ancient Slavs
3) economic development of land
4) belief in many gods

10. Mark the rivers along which the tribes of the Eastern Slavs settled.

1) Vistula, Oder
2) Dniester, Dnipro
3) Vyatka, White
4) Sava, Morava

Option 2

1. Arrange the following events in chronological order.

1) the settlement of Slavic tribes in the territory from the White Sea to the Balkan Peninsula, from the Elbe to the Volga and Don
2) settlement East Slavic tribes territory of the East European Plain
3) the settlement of Indo-European tribes in the territory from India to Western Europe
4) the participation of Slavic tribes in the Great Migration of Peoples

2. Establish a correspondence between the Slavic peoples and the groups of Slavs to which they belong.

A) Russians
B) Czechs
B) Slovaks
D) Belarusians
D) Bulgarians
E) Serbs

Groups of Slavs

1) Eastern Slavs
2) Western Slavs
3) southern Slavs

3. Establish a correspondence between the farming system and its characteristics.


A) prevalence mainly in the forest belt
B) prevalence in the steppe zone
C) use the soil until depletion, then, after 20-30 years, reuse
D) cutting down trees, burning stumps

farming systems

1) slash and fire
2) shifting

4. Read an excerpt from historical document and answer questions.

“They believe that only God, the creator of lightning, is the master of all, and bulls are sacrificed to him and other sacred rites are performed. They worship rivers, and nymphs, and all sorts of other deities, make sacrifices to all of them, and with the help of these sacrifices, they also perform divination.

5. Establish a correspondence between the names of the Slavic gods and their functions.

A) Mokosh
B) Veles
B) Stribog
D) Yarilo

1) god, lord of the wind
2) goddess of fertility
3) patron of cattle breeding
4) sun god

6. Write down the term you are talking about.

The neighboring community among the ancient Slavs is __________.

7. The city is the center of the Ilmen Slovenes, a tribe of Eastern Slavs

1) Smolensk
2) Novgorod
3) Kyiv
4) Iskorosten

8. The list includes the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Find two extra names. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) cheremis
2) Dregovichi
3) krivichi
4) Pechenegs
5) vyatichi
6) Drevlyans

9. Match the term with its meaning.

A) colonization
B) veche
B) beekeeping
D) double field


1) a national assembly among the Eastern Slavs
2) economic development of land
3) the system of agriculture among the Slavs
4) collecting honey from wild bees

10. Mark the rivers along which the tribes of the Eastern Slavs settled.

1) Dnieper, Volkhov
2) Yaik, Vyatka
3) Danube, Elbe
4) Seine, Thames

Answers to the history test Eastern Slavs and their neighbors
1 option
1) Slavs
2) shield, darts
3) Byzantium
Option 2
1) Procopius of Caesarea
2) sacrifice
3) nymphs

History has preserved several names of the ancestors of the East Slavic tribes, including

Varangians, Vikings, Normans - these are all names

In which of the chronicles in the first lines the question is posed: “Where did the Russian Land come from, who in Kyiv began to reign first and where did the Russian land come from?”

What modern peoples were based on the ancient Russian nationality?

A5. In the pre-state period, the Eastern Slavs developed two centers in

1) Novgorod and Dnieper

2) Volga and Baltic

3) Baltic and Black Sea

4) The Volga region and the Don

A6. Neighbors of the Eastern Slavs

1) Germans

2) galls

3) Romans

4) Khazars

A7 . The transition from a tribal community to a neighboring one among the Eastern Slavs occurred as a result of

1) formation of unions of tribes

2) development of arable farming

3) the emergence of feudal estates

4) the need to defend against nomads

A8 . The occupation of breeding bees and obtaining honey among the Slavs was called

1) beekeeping

2) architecture

3) cooperage

4) pottery

A9. The main trading partner of the Old Russian state was

1) Byzantium

2) Sweden

3) Tmutarakan

4) Scythia

B1 Position in correct sequence from north to south, rivers and lakes, which were parts of the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks."

A) Lake Ladoga

B) Dnieper

B) catch

D) Ilmen

B2. Establish a correspondence between the name of the tribal union of the Slavs and the place of their settlement. Enter your answer in the table:




Upper reaches of the Western Dvina, Dnieper and Volga


Lands between Pripyat and Western Dvina


Lands along the Oka, Klyazma, Sister, Moscow, Upper Volga


Lands along Sula, Semi, Desna

Lands along the Western Bug and in the spurs of the Carpathians

Part C

1. (С4)

Name at least three provisions characterizing the occupations of the Eastern Slavs, and give at least three names of the tools that they used.

2. (С4)

Name at least three provisions that characterize the beliefs of the Eastern Slavs, and give at least three names of the deities they worshiped.

3. (С4)

Name at least three provisions that characterize the social structure of the Eastern Slavs in the 6th-8th centuries, and indicate at least three main prerequisites for the formation of the state among the Eastern Slavs.

No. 5. (C5)

Below are two points of view on the origin of the Old Russian state:

  1. The Old Russian state arose as a result of the folding of internal prerequisites: the development of society, social and economic changes.
  2. Statehood was brought to Rus' from outside, by the Normans. Which of the above points of view do you prefer?

more preferable and persuasive. Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view.

No. 6. (C5)

Below are two points of view on the formation of the state among the Slavs:

  1. The Varangians brought statehood to the Slavic lands.
  2. The Varangians had little influence on the formation of the state among the Slavs.

Indicate which of the above points of view seems to you more preferable and convincing. Give at least three facts, provisions that can serve as arguments confirming your chosen point of view.

A8. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.
A5. The rope is
A7. In case of military danger, they fought with enemies
Similar material: Test 1. Eastern Slavs

Option 1

A1. What was the territory of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs?

1) East Asia 2) Western Europe 3) East European Plain 4) Baltic

A2. What occupation are the words “cutting”, “plough” associated with; and "harrow"?

A3. What explained the distribution of the shifting system of agriculture among the Eastern Slavs in the Dnieper region?

1) soil fertility 2) forested land 3) use of a plow 4) marshland

A4. An excerpt from the work of a Byzantine historian: “These tribes, Slavs and Antes, are not ruled by one person, but since ancient times they have lived in democracy (democracy), and therefore they consider happiness and misfortune in life to be a common thing” - indicates that the Eastern Slavs in the 6th century:

1) approved feudal relations 2) the tribal system was preserved

3) a state was formed 4) there was no division of labor between men and women

A5. Verve is:

Test 1. Eastern Slavs

Option 2

A1. When did the Slavs settle in Eastern Europe?

1) 40 thousand years ago 2) in the 7th-6th centuries. BC e. 3) in the VI-VIII centuries. 4) in the tenth century.

A2. What occupation are the words "fallow", "zhito" and "ploughshare" associated with?

1) with fishing 2) with beekeeping 3) with cattle breeding 4) with agriculture

A3. What explained the spread of the slash-and-burn system of agriculture among the Eastern Slavs?

1) soil fertility 2) forest cover of the region 3) lack of forest 4) use of a plow

A4. An excerpt from the work of a Byzantine historian: “They believe that only God, the creator of lightning, is the master of all, and bulls are sacrificed to him and other sacred rites are performed. They revere rivers, and nymphs, and all sorts of other deities, make sacrifices to all of them, and with the help of these victims, they also make fortune-telling "- testifies that among the Eastern Slavs:

1) Christianity was established 2) fishing and navigation were the main occupations

3) were distributed pagan beliefs 4) there were no contacts with other countries

A5. Verve is:
1) the custom of blood feud 2) territorial (neighboring) community among the Eastern Slavs

3) a place of worship for pagan gods.

A6. The most important cases among the Slavs were decided by:

1) Tribal lords 2) magicians 3) general council-veche

A7. In case of military danger, they fought with enemies:

1) units of hired soldiers from neighboring countries

2) the people's militia of the Eastern Slavs

3) good trained units professional Slavic warriors.

A8. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.