Literature      24.01.2020

Historical events of the 12th century of Rus'. Domestic and foreign policy of Kievan Rus during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise

2nd millennium BC e. 14th century BC e. 13th century BC e. 12th century BC e. 11th century BC e. 10th century BC e. 1209 1208 1207 1206 ... Wikipedia

1103. Successful campaign of princes Svyatopolk II and Vladimir Yaroslavich against the Polovtsy. 1106 1107. Completion of the struggle for investiture (the right to appoint bishops) between the papacy and the kings of France and England; the royal power ceded this right to the church. 1106… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Georgy Yaroslavich, Prince of Murom, the son of Yaroslav Svyatoslavich, was, if not in submission, then in complete obedience to the Prince of Suzdal, then the Grand Duke of Vladimir. George Dolgoruky in 1152, in the midst of the struggle for the Kiev table, sends to ... Biographical Dictionary

XII Roman numeral 12. XII century a century that lasted from 1101 to 1200. 12th century BC e. century, lasting from 1200 BC. e. until 1101 BC. e. XII millennium BC. e. XII arrondissement of Paris Final ... ... Wikipedia

2 millennium X century XI century XII century XIII century XIV century 1090 e 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 ... Wikipedia

2 millennium X century XI century XII century XIII century XIV century 1090 e 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 ... Wikipedia

2nd millennium BC e. 14th century BC e. 13th century BC e. 12th century BC e. 11th century BC e. 10th century BC e. 1200 BC e. 1210 1209 1208 1207 1206 1205 1204 1203 1202 1201 ... Wikipedia

XIV millennium BC. e. XIII millennium BC. e. XII millennium BC. e. XI millennium BC. e. X millennium BC e. CXX century BC e. 19th century ... ... Wikipedia

The Moscow International Film Festival took place in 1981. Opened July 7, 1981. Contents 1 Jury 2 Films participants 3 Awards ... Wikipedia


  • Library of Literature of Ancient Rus' Volume 4 XII century, Likhachev D., Dmitrieva L., Alekseeva A., Ponyrko N. (eds.). The St. Petersburg branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Nauka Publishing House issues book series"Library of Literature of Ancient Rus'" in 20 volumes... In the history of the development of the ancient Russian written heritage, this is ...
  • People and stones of North-Eastern Rus'. XII century, S. A. Sharov-Delaunay. The architecture of North-Eastern Rus' of the XII century is a unique phenomenon in the history of Russian culture, which set the vector of its development for centuries to come. Its extraordinary nature is not fully appreciated ...

The policy of Russian princes in the X-XII centuries.

Period Domestic politics Foreign policy
Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, Saint In 980, he made an attempt to carry out a religious reform (he streamlined the pagan pantheon of gods). In 988 he was baptized and commanded to baptize his subjects (Baptism of Russia).

Began minting coins in Rus'. Vladimir appointed his sons governors in the cities

He conquered the Principality of Polotsk on the Western Dvina, subjugated the tribes of the Vyatichi, Radimichi, and Yatvingians.

Defeated the Volga Bulgaria. In 981 he conquered Cherven and Przemysl from Poland. On the southern borders, he founded lines of defensive lines from fortresses, ramparts, signal towers that protected against nomadic raids.

power struggle Between the 12 sons of Vladimir, the struggle for the throne of Kiev broke out. (Svyatopolk killed Boris and Gleb. Yaroslav defeated the troops of Svyatopolk)
Yaroslav the Wise Compiled "The Truth of Yaroslav", which is part of the first written collection of laws - "Russian Truth".

He ruled with the help of his sons, whom he sent to the largest lands as governors. The southern borders of Rus' were fortified

In 1030, on the western shore of Lake Peipsi, he founded the city of Yuryev. In 1036, near Kiev, Russian troops defeated the Pechenegs. After that, the Pechenegs stopped raiding Rus'.

In 1041 he concluded an alliance agreement with the Polish king.

1043 - military clash between Rus' and Byzantium (unsuccessful). In 1046, Byzantium and Rus' signed a peace treaty. Conclusion of dynastic marriages

Yaroslavichi (Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod) Publication of Pravda Yaroslavichi, constant internecine wars The emergence of the Polovtsian tribes in the Black Sea steppes. In 1068, on the Alta River, the troops of the Yaroslavichs were defeated by the Polovtsy, which became the reason for the uprising in Kyiv

Baptism of Rus' and the Russian Orthodox Church

Having come to power, Prince Vladimir I streamlined the pagan pantheon of gods, erected a temple in Kyiv with idols of the main pagan gods, headed by Perun, the patron of the prince and squad. But the tribes retained the veneration of their gods, the reform did not help unite the tribes that became part of the state, and strengthen the power of the prince. Then, according to chronicle sources, Vladimir summoned the preachers of Islam, Judaism, and Western Christianity to court, but settled on Eastern Christianity and decided to be baptized "according to Greek law." In 988, he captured Korsun (Chersonese in the Crimea) and demanded Anna, the sister of the Byzantine emperors Basil II and Constantine VIII, as his wife. The emperors demanded the baptism of the prince, so that the sister would marry a fellow believer. Vladimir, together with his retinue, underwent a rite of baptism, after which he performed a marriage ceremony and returned to Kiev, where he immediately ordered to overturn pagan idols. Unlike Kiev, the baptism of the Novgorodians aroused resistance, which was described in the annals: “He baptized Putyata with a sword, and Dobrynya with fire” (they forced him to accept Christianity under the threat of weapons and arson of houses).

At the head of the church stood the metropolitan, who was appointed from Constantinople. Rus' was divided into church districts headed by bishops (in Novgorod, by an archbishop). The clergy were divided into white (priests who served in urban and rural churches) and black (lived in monasteries). One of the first was founded the Kiev-Pechersk monastery. Schools and libraries were opened at monasteries.

Under Prince Vladimir, the Church Charter was adopted, which established the church tithe. Church courts judged for crimes against faith - heresy, for offenses of a moral nature. Baptism contributed to the rejection of pagan customs, forbade blood feuds, sacrifices, polygamy, and influenced the development of the craft. The church supported the efforts of the princes in the struggle for the unity of Rus', opposed civil strife. strengthened international position ancient Russian state.

The population of ancient Rus'

The princes declared free lands their property, granted possessions to relatives and warriors, churches. This is how the first fiefdoms appear - hereditary land holdings. The main part of the population of the Old Russian state were free farmers who united in communities; smerds - villagers who carried duties in favor of the prince. A dependent population also appeared: purchases - ruined community members who received a kupa from the landowner - help in money or goods on credit. Having returned the debt, the purchase became a free man. Ryadovichi - people who have entered into an agreement (row), agreeing to work for the master on certain conditions. The dependent position of a ryadovich and a purchase did not extend to members of his family and was not inherited. The most disenfranchised were slaves - serfs (servants). They worked on the land of princes and owners of estates.

Princes of Rus': Vladimir the Holy, Yaroslav the Wise, Svyatopolk the Accursed, Boris and Gleb, Vladimir Monomakh, Mstislav the Great.

Timeline of major events

972-978 - princely strife (struggle for power).

978-1015 - Board in Kyiv Vladimir I Svyatoslavich.

1015-1019 - the struggle for power between the sons of Vladimir I.

1019-1054 - Board in Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise.

1097 - Lyubech congress princes.

1113-1125 - the reign of Vladimir Monomakh in Kyiv.

1125-1132 - the reign of Mstislav the Great in Kyiv.


Polovtsian danger. In 1055, detachments of Kipchak nomads appeared near the banks of the Dnieper, near Pereyaslavl. In Rus' they were called Cumans. These tribes came from the Ural-Altai steppes. From that time until the beginning of the 13th century, the Polovtsy constantly raided Russian lands. Fighting them has become one of the main tasks Kyiv princes.

The basis of the Polovtsian society was a large patriarchal family. Its head was considered the owner of all property. The richest heads of families - beys or beks were subordinate to the head of the tribe (horde) - the soltan, or khan. There were also unions of tribes.

Nomads worshiped stone statues depicting dead rich warriors and women. These statues were placed on high barrows, at the crossroads. Statues were considered patrons of a clan or a large family. The nomads made sacrifices to them. The Polovtsians believed in evil spirits, afterlife as a continuation of earthly life. Often, the Polovtsian khans were also the high priests of the tribe.

Yaroslavichi. Yaroslav the Wise bequeathed to his children to live in love and harmony, when younger brothers are obedient to their elders. The prince divided the Russian land among his sons. Izyaslav received Novgorod, Kyiv, Svyatoslav - Chernigov land, Ryazan and Murom, Vsevolod - Pereyaslavl and Rostov-Suzdal land, Igor - Vladimir-Volynsky, Vyacheslav - Smolensk. In the XI century Kyiv, Chernihiv and Pereyaslavl were considered the main cities of Ancient Rus'.

For about ten years the brothers lived in harmony and did not violate their father's commandments. The Troubles were started by Prince Vseslav of Polotsk, the great-grandson of Vladimir I. In 1067 he tried to capture Pskov and later Novgorod. The Yaroslavichi united and together defeated Vseslav. After a short reconciliation of the princes, Izyaslav lured All-glory to Kyiv and imprisoned him.

Polovtsian warrior

The prince with his retinue goes on a campaign against the Polovtsians. Artist A. Mayboroda

According to the chroniclers, treachery was punished. In 1068, on the banks of the Alta River, the squads of Izyaslav and his brothers were defeated by the Polovtsians. The Kievans gathered veche and demanded weapons and horses from the prince in order to fight the nomads. Izyaslav refused them. Then the people of Kiev freed Vseslav from prison and declared him their sovereign. Izyaslav regained Kyiv with the help of Polish troops. Vseslav fled to his native Polotsk.

Princely strife continued for decades. At this time, the Polovtsy made raids, devastating the Russian lands. Thousands of people died in battles, cities and villages were emptied. The population of Rus' saw in this a manifestation of God's wrath. In 1071, sorcerers appeared in Kyiv, frightening the people with prophecies that the Dnieper would turn its waters back and flood cities and villages.

Lubech Congress. In 1093, the last of the Yaroslavichs, Prince Vsevolod, died. Svyatopolk Izyaslavich became the Grand Duke. And the struggle for the throne of Kiev began again - now among the grandchildren of Yaroslav the Wise.

In 1093, the Polovtsians invaded the Kyiv lands and defeated the Russian squads near Trepol. Svyatopolk fled from the battlefield. The authority of the prince was finally undermined. Another grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich of Tmutarakan, made an alliance with the Polovtsians and brought them to Rus'. Sweeping away everything in its path, the Polovtsy reached Chernigov, where Vladimir Monomakh ruled. However, the city persevered. Near three years the strife continued.

Congress of princes. Artist S. Ivanov

In 1097, the princes gathered in Lyubech for a congress. They decided together to defend the Russian land from the Polovtsians. The princes agreed that “let everyone own his fatherland”, that is, the eldest in the princely family should inherit. Kyiv remained for Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, Chernigov - for the Svyatoslavichs, Pereyaslavl - for Vladimir Monomakh. Thus, at the Lyubech Congress, the princes consolidated the division into destinies- each representative of the princely family was allocated its own share in the principality. However, the strife did not stop. Now the princes were arguing about which particular lands in the principality should be included in the "fatherland" of each of them. The throne of Kiev was the cherished dream of ambitious princes.

Vladimir Monomakh. Vladimir was born in Kyiv in 1053. His father was the beloved son of Yaroslav the Wise, Prince Vsevolod, and his mother was Princess Maria, daughter Byzantine emperor Constantine IX Monomakh. This is how the legend arose about the royal regalia allegedly received by Vladimir from the Byzantine emperor. In fact, the crown, which later became known as the "Monomakh's hat" and has survived to this day, was made only in the 14th century and became a symbol of the power of the Russian tsars. She was crowned king. After the proclamation of Russia as an empire under Peter I, the Monomakh's cap was replaced with an imperial crown.

As a child, Vladimir lived in Pereyaslavl, bordering the steppe, and saw the consequences of the Polovtsian raids: cities and villages plundered and burned, the bodies of Russian soldiers chopped up by nomads and ordinary people, crowds of slaves, whom the Polovtsians drove into foreign lands.

In 1078, Vsevolod Yaroslavich became the Grand Duke and sent his son Vladimir to reign in Chernigov.

After the Lyubech Congress, Vladimir Monomakh was at enmity with Svyatopolk for a long time. Not only Russian princes were drawn into the princely strife, but also nomads, Poland, Hungary, who sought to profit at the expense of Russian lands.

Vladimir Monomakh led the fight against the Polovtsians. He managed to unite the forces of the Russian princes and in 1103 and 1111 make successful campaigns. The victory over the Polovtsy brought Vladimir Monomakh the glory of a commander and defender of Rus'.

Vladimir Monomakh. Artist I. Bilibin

The battle of the Russians with the Polovtsy. chronicle miniature

In 1113 the prince of Kiev Svyatopolk II died. An uprising broke out in Kyiv. The townspeople smashed the yards of those who had profited from usury minions of Svyatopolk, including the palace of the thousandth Putyata Vyshatich. The frightened Kievan boyars sent messengers to Monomakh: “Prince, come to Kyiv. If you do not come, then know that great misfortunes will occur. Vladimir arrived in Kyiv and established order in the city. Interest on loans was reduced, the situation of ordinary citizens improved.

Monomakh, elected to the throne of Kiev, reigned in the capital city from 1113 to 1125. He subordinated everything to Kyiv ancient Russian lands and cruelly suppressed princely strife.

In his declining years, Vladimir Monomakh recalled that he led 83 campaigns for the sake of peace in the Russian lands. Everywhere he was accompanied by luck. Energetic and intelligent, Vladimir devoted all his strength to serving the Fatherland.

Ancient Russian cities. Old Russian cities consisted, as a rule, of two parts. The first is a fortified castle ( detinets, or the Kremlin), where the princely court, city government and church were located. The second is a roundabout city ( Posad) - the territory where the craft and trade (posad) population lived. In some cities, a settlement adjoined the citadel, not protected by defensive fortifications, in others - the fortress wall encircled the entire city. In a number of cities, the outer city was divided into "ends". There were five of them in Novgorod. "Ends" existed in Kyiv, Rostov and Smolensk. Posad was also divided into streets and separate villages. Blacksmiths settled at the city gates, leather men settled along the banks of rivers and streams, and potters settled near ravines with clay banks.

Center public life In the city there was a "bargaining" (or "trade") - a city market, where on certain days the townspeople, residents of neighboring villages, merchants from other cities and foreign guests traded. Here, the townspeople gathered at the veche.

What was the prince's castle known from archaeological sites produced in Lubech. Here, scientists discovered the remains of buildings from the time of Vladimir Monomakh. The castle was surrounded by strong walls made of oak logs. The upper platform of the fortress was small, and therefore all the buildings stood on it very closely.

The castle was surrounded by a moat, across which a drawbridge was thrown. There was a bridge tower nearby.

Castle in Lubech. Reconstruction by B. Rybakov

A road paved with logs ran between the walls and led to the main gate of the fortress. Behind the gate was a courtyard where the guards were located and from where there was an exit to the walls. Special buildings were used as storage cells (premises for storing food, grain, clothing and other property). On the walls were large copper cauldrons for "var" - boiling water, which was poured over the enemies during the assault. The castle had deep underground passages through which it could be quietly left.

A four-tiered structure towered in the courtyard, to which all the paths in the castle converged - a tower (vezha). Only through this tower could one get into the princely mansions. Not connected with the fortress walls, it could act as the last stronghold of defense. In the cellars of the vezha, grain and water supplies were stored.

The prince's palace was a three-tiered building with many small rooms. Summer feasts were arranged on the second tier - the front one - with a wide gallery (“canopy”), in the large princely chamber it was possible to put tables for about a hundred people. There was a church in the castle.

Polovtsy Kipchak nomads.

lot (from the Old Slavonic word "deeds"Part) – share of a member of the princely family in the principality.

Usury lending money to a person at a high interest rate.

Detinets the inner fortified part of the city where the prince or bishop lived.

Posad trade and craft part of the city. As a rule, it was located outside the fortress wall.

1068 year- the defeat of Russian troops in the battle on the Alta River.

1097 year- Lyubech Congress of Princes.

1113 - 1125- reign of Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh in Kyiv.

Questions and tasks

1. What was the reason for the civil strife of the sons of Yaroslav the Wise?

2. What decisions did the princes make at the Lyubech Congress?

4. Find on the map (p. 89) the old Russian cities known to you from the previous paragraphs of the textbook and indicate the dates of their foundation.

5. Fill in the table in your notebook " Old Russian state in the second half of the 11th - early 12th century.

Working with a document

From "Instructions" by Vladimir Monomakh.

“Do not be lazy in your house, but look after everything: do not rely on either a tiun or a youth, so that those who come to you do not mock either your house or your dinner. Going out to war, do not be lazy, do not rely on the governor, do not indulge in food, drink, or sleep; and dress up the watchmen yourself, and at night, having dressed up warriors everywhere around, also go to bed, and get up early. Do not immediately take off your weapons: due to negligence, a person suddenly dies. Beware of lies, drunkenness and depravity, for in this the soul perishes and the body. When you travel through your lands, do not allow the youths to do evil either to your own or to strangers, neither in villages, nor in fields, so that they do not start cursing you. Wherever you go, wherever you stop, drink, feed the poor; more honor the guest, from where it comes to you, whether simple, noble, or an ambassador, if you cannot with a gift, then with food, drink: they, passing by, will glorify a person either good or evil throughout all lands.

If you forget this, then read it more often - and I will be without shame, and you will be fine. What good you know how to do, do not forget that, and what you do not know how to do, learn from it; this is how my father, being at home, mastered five languages; this is something that inspires respect from other countries. For laziness is the mother of everything evil, what a person knows how, he will forget, and what he does not know how, he does not learn.

1.What do you think is the most important in the "Instruction" and why?

2.What qualities statesman highlights Vladimir Monomakh?


In the 9th - 10th centuries, tribal unions Eastern Slavs merged into one state Ancient Rus' with its capital in Kyiv. The new state soon became known far beyond its borders. The Kiev prince ruled the state with his retinue, princes-governors, posadniks, thousand, sotsky and other princely servants. The main tasks of the ruler were to establish general laws, protection of the Russian land from external dangers, strengthening its borders, princely court.

Of great importance in the Old Russian state was the veche - a meeting, without which not a single decision was made. important question in the life of society.

Under Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Rus' adopted Christianity as the official religion, which gave Russian society internal unity and strength, and strengthened the power of the Grand Duke. Often the metropolitans acted as defenders of the internal order in the Russian lands, condemning princely strife.

Most of the population - merchants, artisans, merchants, communal peasants - was free. Among the dependent population, serfs (slaves) stood out for their disenfranchised position.

For many years, Rus' was shaken by princely strife. Clever and far-sighted rulers sought to maintain peace in the state, defended common interests, and stopped the discord of the princes. It was this policy that Prince Vladimir Monomakh pursued.

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Story Kievan Rus officially begins in 882 - as recorded in the annals, it was then that Oleg from the Rurikovichs, having killed Askold and Dir, began to rule the principality with its capital in Kyiv. His travels and conquest wars other princes led to the fact that the lands under the hand of Kyiv became more and more. Kievan Rus in the 9th-12th centuries is a large and developed European state.

Foreign and domestic policy of the ancient Russian state

From the very beginning foreign policy had several directions at once: it was necessary to resist both Byzantium, which spread its expansion to the Northern Black Sea region, and the Khazars, who prevented trade in the eastern direction, and the Pecheneg nomads - they simply devastated Rus' with their raids.

Byzantium repeatedly tried to subdue Ancient Rus', but not all of its attempts were successful. So, after Oleg’s sea campaign against Tsargrad, a trade agreement beneficial for the East Slavic state was concluded between the countries, however, during the reign of Igor, after his less successful military operations, the conditions changed to less favorable for Rus'.

The most successful in terms of foreign policy was the reign of Svyatoslav - he not only defeated the army Khazar Khaganate and Volga Bulgaria (having previously captured the Vyatichi), but also conquered the North Caucasian tribes and founded the Tmutarakan principality.

Rice. 1. Svyatoslav Igorevich.

He also concluded an agreement with Byzantium, after which he turned his gaze to the Balkans. However, the conquest of the Bulgarian kingdom in 967 turned an insidious ally against him: the Byzantine ruler supported the Pechenegs, they went to Kyiv, but were defeated by Svyatoslav. He again returned to the Danube and, with the support of the Bulgarians, went to Tsargrad. The map of hostilities was constantly changing, either Svyatoslav or the Byzantine side took the upper hand, and at some point the Kiev prince decided to return to his capital, but was killed by the Pechenegs on the way.

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It is believed that the Byzantine diplomats sent to them persuaded the Pechenegs to kill Svyatoslav.

The most politically stable was the reign of his son Vladimir, but already in 1015 a struggle for power began, which lasted more than 20 years - only in 1036 Prince Yaroslav began to rule in Kiev, after whose death his sons only strengthened the power of Kievan Rus. But this did not save the state from feudal fragmentation, the beginning of which had already been laid: the autocracy of the Kyiv princes fell. Vladimir Monomakh, who tried to resist her, achieved only a temporary increase in power, and under his son Yaropolk, the process of disintegration of the state was finally completed.

Rice. 2. Vladimir Monomakh.

Economy and culture of Kievan Rus

Rus' in the 9th early 12th century was a state with feudal land ownership. The owners of the land were not only the princes, but also the boyars and warriors, and a little later the church was added to them. labor force, on which it was based economic development Kievan Rus, there were serfs, serfs and other categories of the population. They took food rent from them.

As for culture, it was largely formed under the influence of the Byzantine tradition - this applies not only to architecture, but also to painting. Own literature was also formed under the influence of translation, but was ideologically rich and perfect in artistically. Most famous works of that time - this is the "Tale of Bygone Years", "Instructions" by Monomakh and, of course, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".

The reign of the English king Henry I (1100 - 1135) began. Strengthening the system government controlled; a significant role began to play a permanent royal council.

The Magna Carta, which guarantees the observance by the king of the rights and privileges of large proprietors, is the charter of Henry I (Britain).

Proclamation by Henry IV of a universal zemstvo peace.

The beginning of a whole series of campaigns of Vladimir and Svyatopolk against the Polovtsy (1103 - 1120).

Rebellion against Henry IV and his son (continued 1104 - 1106).

The reign of the German king and emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" Henry V (1106 - 1125) began. Completed the struggle with the papacy for investiture.

Compromise agreement between Henry I and Pope Paschal II, according to which the king renounces the investiture of bishops and abbots, and the pope recognizes his right to receive a feudal oath from all English prelates who came into possession of church lands.

Capture of Suzdal by the Volga Bulgarians.

The reign of the French King Louis VI began. Strengthening of central power, put an end to the resistance of the feudal lords in the royal domain (their castles are destroyed or occupied by royal garrisons).

Polish-German war of Henry V.

During these years, the "Tale of Bygone Years" was written.

The campaign of Henry V in Italy, the conclusion of an agreement with Pope Paschal II (the campaign lasted 1110 - 1111).

Victory over the Polovtsians at Salnitsa.

Svyatopolk died.

The uprising of dependent (enslaved) people against the princely power and merchants-usurers. "Charter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich".

The beginning of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh (1113 - 1125).

The reign of the Byzantine emperor John II Comnenus (1118 - 1143) began.

Byzantine Emperor John II Komnenos defeated the Pechenegs.

Concordat of Worms between the pope and the emperor - the end of the struggle for investiture - the loss of power by the German emperors over the Italian episcopate.

Byzantine emperor John II Komnenos defeated the Serbs.

"Teaching children" Vladimir Monomakh.

Marriage of Matilda, daughter of Henry I, and Count of Anjou Geoffroy V Plantagenet.

Liquidation by Mstislav Vladimirovich of the independence of the Principality of Polotsk (during 1128 - 1130).

Famine in Novgorod, Pskov, Suzdal, Smolensk and Polotsk lands.

The campaign of Lothair II in Italy (1132 - 1133).

Byzantine emperor John II Komnenos defeated the Seljuks.

"Regulations" Prince of Novgorod Vsevolod Mstislavovich about the management of trading people.

The beginning of feudal strife after the death of Henry I. The struggle for power of King Stephen Blaussky with Matilda, daughter of Henry I, heir to the throne.

The reign of the English king Stephen of Blois (1135 - 1154), the nephew of Henry 1, began. The strife and weakening of the central government caused by claims to the throne from Matilda, daughter of Henry 1.

The campaign of Lothair II in Italy (1136 - 1137).

Separation of Kievan Rus from Novgorod.

Byzantine Emperor John II Komnenos established Byzantine sovereignty over Antioch.

Catalonia and Aragon united into one kingdom - Aragonese.

The reign of the French king Louis VII (1137 - 1180) began. By his marriage to Eleanor, heiress of the Duchy of Aquitaine, he annexed the territory of southwestern France to his domain.

Election of King Conrad III of Hohenstraufen.

Unrest in Kyiv and its capture by Vsevolod Olegovich.

As a result of the anti-papal uprising of the Romans, under the leadership of Arnold of Brescia, the Roman Republic was created. In 1155, it was liquidated with the help of Frederick 1 Barbarossa, the power of the pope was restored.

The unification of the Galicia-Volyn destinies into a single Galician land.

The Seljuk Turks captured Edessa.

The beginning of the fierce struggle of the princely clans for the throne of Kiev (Monomakhovichi, Olgovichi, Davidovichi) - lasted until 1161.

Campaign of Emperor Conrad III to Poland.

The second crusade began (1147 - 1149). The campaign was led by the French king Louis VII and the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, the German king Conrad III. The reason was the capture of Edessa by the Seljuk Turks.

The first annalistic mention of Moscow.

Divorce of Louis VII from Alienta. After this, Alienta of Aquitaine married Henry II Plantagenet, Duke of Normandy, Count of Anjou, which led to the loss of Aquitaine by France and marked the beginning of a long struggle between France and England.

The reign of the German king Frederick 1 Barbarossa (1152 - 1190), from 1155 - the emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" began. Tried to subdue the northern Italian cities.

Wallingford Agreement - Matilda recognized Stephen as king, Stephen recognized Matilda's son Henry II Plantagenet as heir.

Accession to the English throne of Henry II Plantagenet. Accession to England of the possessions of the House of Anjou.

The beginning of the campaigns of Frederick I Barbarossa in Italy (1154 - 1186).

The reign of the English king Henry II Plantagenet (Henry of Anjou), the first of the Plantagenet dynasty, began (from 1154 to 1189). He also owned vast estates in France. Carried out reforms that strengthened royalty. Defeated the Irish clan chiefs and forced them to recognize him as "supreme ruler".

1155.02.05 - 07
The probable time of birth of the "man of the millennium" Genghis Khan. Or in 1167

Return of Bavaria to Heinrich Welf (Lion).

The campaign of Frederick I Barbarossa in Poland (1132 - 1133).

Revolt of smerds in Kyiv (1157 - 1159).

(June 4 according to the Julian calendar) The beginning of the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157 - 1174). He was elected (!) Prince of Rostov and Suzdal, which later transformed into Muscovy. The act of electing Andrei Bogolusky can be seen as the first manifestation of a new emerging people - the Russians.

Treaty of Roncal, ordering the transfer to the emperor of supreme power over Italian cities.

King Alphonse VIII (1158 - 1214) began to rule in Castile.

The beginning of the Franco-Angevin war (1159 - 1299).

The uprising of the Novgorodians against Svyatoslav Rostislavovich.

Destruction of Milan by Frederick I Barbarossa.

Andrey Bogolyubsky's campaign against the Volga Bulgarians. The victory of Novgorodians over the Swedes.

"Clarendon constitutions" - limiting the competence of ecclesiastical courts.

The beginning of the judicial reform of Henry II (lasted until 1179).

The probable time of birth of the "man of the millennium" Genghis Khan. Or in 1155

The Lombard League was formed - an association of Italian cities to fight the German feudal invaders.

Beginning of the conquest of Ireland. Peil's education (1171).

The capture of Kyiv by Andrei Bogolyubsky "on the shield."

The assassination of Becket by order of Henry II.

Founding of the Principality of Mecklenburg.

The murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky. The first mention in the annals of the name "nobles".

The reign (1175 - 1193) of the Egyptian sultan Salah-ad-Din (Sala-din) began. Founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. He led the struggle of the Muslims against the Crusaders.

The beginning of the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest in Sudali (1176 - 1212).

The German king Frederick I Barbarossa was defeated by the troops of the Lombard League at the Battle of Legnano. Friedrich barely escaped. It was one of the first battles in which the knightly army was defeated by the militia of city artisans and merchants.

The reign of the French king Philip II Augustus (1180 - 1223). Successfully pursued a policy of centralization of the state (increased the royal domain by about 4 times, transformed its management, limited the independence of the feudal nobility). He won the French territories subject to him (Normandy, etc.) from John Landless, turned France into a leading European power.

Confiscation of the possessions of Henry the Lion.

The Peace of Constance between Frederick I and the Lombard League, Frederick's refusal of the Roncal Agreement, is the restoration of the rights of self-government of the northern Italian cities.

The reign of the Byzantine emperor Andronikos I Komnenos (1183 - 1185) began. He seized the throne, having achieved the support of the masses by demagogy. He pursued a policy of terror against the aristocracy. Deposed by the nobility of Constantinople in 1185 with the help of the masses (whose situation did not improve) and executed.

The reign of Queen Tamar (1184 - 1207) began in Georgia. During her reign, Georgia achieved great military and political successes. Shota Rustaveli's poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" is dedicated to her.

The unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor against the Polovtsy.

The Muslims recaptured Jerusalem, taking it from the Christians: In the battle of Lake Tiberias, the Egyptian Sultan Salah ad-Din defeated the troops of the Kingdom of Jerusalem and captured Jerusalem.

The Second Bulgarian Kingdom was formed (1187 - 1396).

The reign of King Richard of England began Lion Heart. He spent most of his life outside of England, fighting against the French king and against the Muslims. Returning from the third crusade, he was captured by Emperor Henry VI, who demanded a huge ransom, which was paid, including due to higher taxes in England (1194).

The Third Crusade has begun. (Continued 1189 - 1192). The crusaders were led by the emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" Frederick 1 Barbarossa (died - drowned while crossing the Salef River), the French king Philip II Augustus and the English king Richard 1 the Lionheart.

The struggle of Henry IV and the king of the Sicilian kingdom Tancred (continued 1190 - 1194). The transition of the kingdom under the control of the Hohenstaufen.

Recognition of the independence of Serbia by Byzantium.

The reign of the German king and emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire" Henry VI (1190 - 1197) began. By marrying the heiress of the Sicilian throne, he annexed the Sicilian kingdom to his possessions.

Richard 1 the Lionheart, having achieved success in Syria, having taken possession of Cyprus and formed the Kingdom of Cyprus, concluded a peace with Salah ad-Din, according to which a narrow coastal strip from Tire to Jaffa remained behind the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Jerusalem remained in Muslim hands.

Agreement between Novgorodians and Germans and Gotlanders.

The Bishopric of Livonia was established, the onslaught of Catholicism on the Baltics intensified.

King Alphonse VIII of Xtilia was defeated by the Arabs.

Revolt of citizens in London against the royal administration and wealthy citizens.

Henry IV's attempt to make the German crown hereditary.

Recognition by the princes of Novgorod liberties.

Danish knights attack the east coast of the Baltic.

Swedish feudal lords plunder and burn the villages of the Estonians.

Pope Celestine III proclaims the Northern Crusade. The Teutonic Order is founded (form - a white cloak with a black cross). Bishop Berthold with an army of crusaders comes to the Western Dvina, forcibly baptizes the Livs, and imposes tribute on them.

The IV crusade began (continued 1199 - 1204).

The reign of the English king John the Landless began.