A. Smooth      19.12.2021

Literature lesson in grade 9 Derzhavin monument. Lesson 'Horace, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Pushkin about the monument'. Describe the composition of the poem: how many parts can be distinguished in it? What is said in each part

History of creation

Derzhavin's poem, written in 1795, refers to the mature period of the poet's work (from the second half of the 1790s to the early 1800s). It was a time of summing up the results of life and work, when the poet persistently strives to comprehend the path he has traveled, to determine his place in the history of society and literature. The poems he created at that time become a kind of poetic manifesto. These, in addition to the "Monument", include the poems "My idol" (1794), "Swan" (1804), "Recognition" (1807), "Eugene. Zvanskaya Life "(1807).

It is significant that it is time to take stock poetic life Derzhavin was marked by a free translation of the ode of the Roman poet Horace "To Melpomene". Before him, another Russian poet, Lomonosov, had already addressed this work, having made the first translation of the poem into Russian. Lomonosov's translation was quite accurate, reflecting the main ideas and images of the original. In the further history of Russian literature, Horace's poem most often was not translated into Russian, but served as the basis for creating his own "monument" poem. It was such a free translation-arrangement that was first made by Derzhavin, who brilliantly continued the work of Lomonosov.

Genre features

According to its formal features, Derzhavin's poem, like Lomonosov's, is an ode. But this is a special genre version of the ode, which takes its origins from Horace's poem and gets the name "Monument".

Quintus Flaccus Horacegreatest poet antiquity, whose name passed through the centuries and became known in many countries. He was born in 65 and died in 8 BC. During these years Ancient Rome experienced a major turning point in his historical development The fall of the republic and the establishment of an empire. Many of Horace's poems glorify statesmen and express the pride of the poet for the achievements that made the Roman Empire the largest and most developed state in all respects ancient world of that era. Such poems were created by him in the genre of an ode and made up three whole books that became widely known to readers. Reflecting on the poetic fame that came to him and on the further fate of his work, Horace devotes many works included in his collection of odes to the theme of poetry and poetic immortality. Not all of Horace's odes have come down to us, but the most famous among them was the ode "To Melpomene". In ancient Greek mythology, Melpomene is one of the nine muses, the patroness of tragedy. This ode was included in the last of the three books of the collection of odes at number 30 and thus ended not only the third book of odes, but the entire collection, since it was a kind of poetic result of the poet's work.

Subsequently, this ode became widely known not only in ancient Roman literature, but became widespread in many European countries, where it was translated into national languages. This is how the tradition of the poetic “monument” genre began to take shape. Russian literature did not bypass it either. After all, it is difficult to imagine a poet who would not dream of poetic immortality, who would not try to evaluate his work and determine what was his most important, most significant contribution to the development of literature and culture and his own people, and the peoples of the world.

The first translation of Horace's ode into Russian, made by Lomonosov, quite accurately conveys its content and style features. Of course, Derzhavin knew him and, creating his poem, relied on the experience of his great predecessor. But Derzhavin's "Monument" is an original work in which the writer puts forward his own criteria for evaluating poetic creativity.

Main themes and ideas

The main theme of the poem is the glorification of true poetry and the affirmation of the high purpose of the poet. It is a true hymn to poetry. The main theme of the poem is set already in the first stanza: creativity becomes a kind of monument to its creator, and this “wonderful” monument is stronger and more durable than any “man-made monuments” - such is the power of poetic art. It should be noted that this idea is a continuation of the Horatian image. Let's compare these lines (the text of Horace is given in the translation of S. Shervinsky):

I created a monument, cast bronze is stronger,

The royal pyramids rose higher.

Neither consuming rain, nor dashing Aquilon

They won't destroy it, won't crush a row

Endless years - running time.

(Horace. "To Melpomene")

I erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself,

It is harder than metal and higher than pyramids;

Neither his whirlwind, nor thunder will break the fleeting,

And time will not crush him.

(Derzhavin. "Monument")

Both authors note that the poetic monument is unusually durable (“cast bronze is stronger” and “harder than metals”), and the forces of poetry turn out to be even more powerful than the laws of nature (“Neither scorching rain nor dashing Aquilon will destroy it”, Aquilon- among the ancient Romans, this was the name of the strong north or northeast wind, as well as the deity personifying this wind; "Neither its whirlwind, nor thunder will break the fleeting"). This "monument" is higher than the pyramids - the traditional image of the power of the creative force. But more importantly, it turns out to be timeless.

This theme of the poet's immortality is developed in the next stanza, and again Derzhavin's image is similar to that of Horatian: "No, not all of me will die, the best part of me will escape burial" (Horace); "So! - all of me will not die, but a large part of me, having escaped from decay, will begin to live after death ... ”(Derzhavin).

But then there is a significant difference. Horace emphasizes that the guarantee of his poetic immortality is in the power and steadfastness of Rome. Derzhavin sees the strength of his glory in respect for his fatherland, skillfully playing on the common root in the words “glory” and “Slavs”: “And my glory will increase without fading, as long as the universe will honor the Slavs.” In this regard, it is also interesting to note that writing about himself, a poet and courtier of Catherine's Russia, Derzhavin organically transfers the Horatian image of the breadth of the distribution of poetic glory ("I will be named everywhere - where the frantic Aufid murmurs", Awfid - river in southern Italy, where Horace was born) to Russian realities:

The rumor will pass about me from the White Waters to the Black ones,

Where is the Volga, Don, Neva, the Urals pour from the Riphean ...

Horace takes credit for the fact that he was a reformer of the national system of versification: for the first time he began to use the achievements of ancient Greek in Latin poetry (“I was the first to attach the song of Aeolia to Italian verse”, Aeolian- Greece). For Derzhavin, something else is more important: he not only notes his innovation, especially in the field of poetic language and genres, but also poses the problem of the relationship between the poet and power:

That I was the first to dare in a funny Russian syllable

Proclaim the virtues of Felitsa,

Talk about God in simplicity of heart

And tell the truth to kings with a smile.

Derzhavin sees his merits in the fact that he made the Russian syllable "funny", that is, simple, cheerful, sharp. The poet "dared ... to proclaim" not about exploits, not about greatness - about the virtues of the empress, that is, to speak of her as common man That's why the word "dared" sounds.

The last stanza of the poem, like that of Horace, is the traditional appeal to the Muse:

O Muse! be proud of just merit,

And whoever despise you, despise those yourself;

With a leisurely, unhurried hand

Crown your forehead with the dawn of immortality.

These lines testify to the fact that Derzhavin does not hope for the unanimous approval of his contemporaries, but retains the traits of dignity and greatness on the threshold of immortality.

In general, we can conclude that we have a completely original interpretation, based on the Lomonosov ode that arose half a century before it, but at the same time developing a pan-European cultural tradition. At the same time, it is interesting to note the fact that, although Derzhavin's version did not claim to be a literal translation, but, on the contrary, flaunted his autobiographical attitude, in terms of semantic orientation it is closer to the Horatian source. In comparison with Lomonosov's poem, Derzhavin strikes with the originality of poetic images, starting from the original source - Horace's ode. It is rather a free arrangement, in which there are certain reminiscences, common poetic motifs and images are used, but filled with the specific realities of one's own life.

Artistic originality

Derzhavin's poem, created in the genre of an ode, or rather its special variety, corresponds to this high genre in terms of style. It is written in iambic with pyrrhic, which gives its sound a special solemnity. The intonation and vocabulary here are very solemn, the rhythm is slow, majestic. It is helped to create numerous rows homogeneous members, syntactic parallelism, as well as the presence of rhetorical exclamations and appeals. Selection also contributes to the creation of high style. lexical means. The author makes extensive use of lofty epithets ( miraculous, eternal, fleeting, among innumerable peoples, be proud of the just merit). There are many Slavic and archaisms in the poem, which also emphasizes its solemnity ( erected, decay, how long, dared, glorifyingnew generation, despise the forehead and etc.).

The meaning of the work

Derzhavin's poem continued the tradition of the poet's comprehension of his work and summing up, laid down by Lomonosov. At the same time, Derzhavin approved the genre canon of the memorial poem. Then he received a brilliant development in the work of Pushkin, who also turned to the Horatian primary source, but based on Derzhavin's poem. After Pushkin, poems in the genre of "monument" were continued by leading Russian poets, for example, such a magnificent and original lyricist as A.A. Fet. This tradition did not disappear in subsequent eras. At the same time, each of the authors in his own way defines the role of the poet and the purpose of poetry, relying not only on the literary tradition, but also on his own creative discoveries. And whenever any poet, including our contemporary, comprehends his contribution to poetry and his relationship with society, he again and again turns to this wonderful tradition, conducting a lively dialogue with his great predecessors.

The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of G. R. Derzhavin. The poem "Monument" (1795)

Lesson Objectives:

Didactic: find out what place the theme of the poet and poetry occupies in Russian literature of the 18th century; get acquainted with the history of the creation of the poem "Monument" by G.R. Derzhavin; find out what the poet sees as the task of his creativity in the poem; compare views on poetry in Derzhavin's poem and in M.V. Lomonosov's translation of Horace's ode "To Melpomene"; see how the work of G. R. Derzhavin influenced subsequent generations of poets.

Correction-developing : develop the skills of dialogic and monologue speech, improve the skill of expressive reading of a poetic work.

Educational: develop motivation for learning.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    introduction teachers.

For many centuries, people have thought about the meaning of human life.

What do you think is the meaning of human life? (D.z)

(Already now you are faced with the question: which road to take, how not to make a mistake in choosing a profession, because your future depends on it. It is very important to find your place in life, an occupation you like, not to live life in vain.)

3. Actualization of knowledge.

In what form do poets express their thoughts, feelings, views on life and man? (Poetic, through poetry)

The theme of the appointment of the poet and poetry was addressed in ancient times. Which of the ancient Roman poets touched on this topic in his work? (Horace's ode "To Melpomene") This theme was one of the main ones in Russian literature of the 18th century. And in the work of G. R. Derzhavin, she occupies an important place. He showed the role of his poetry in the poem "Monument". In 1796, almost half a century later, G. R. Derzhavin turned to this source and wrote a free version of Horace's ode. But Derzhavin does not repeat the thoughts of his distant predecessor, but expresses his point of view on the poet and poetry.

People liked to compare Derzhavin with Horace. A.S. Pushkin saw them together

Pets of the young graces

With Derzhavin later

Sensitive Horace

Is two.

Derzhavin knew Horace German translations already in the 1770s. Among Derzhavin's poems, one can count at least 15 transcriptions and translations from Horace. With Horace, Derzhavin associated 2 significant works in which he assessed his work: "The Swan" and "Monument".

Expressive reading of a poem

What words are incomprehensible in Derzhavin's poem?

(Guys explain the meaning of words from the compiled dictionary; there is a comment on the desks)

4. Work on the analysis of the poem.

- What features of the poet's biography are reflected in the poem?

« How out of obscurity I became known for that ...”, “That I was the first to dare to proclaim the virtues of Felitsa in a funny Russian syllable”, “And speak the truth to the kings with a smile.”

WITH How is the monument compared in Derzhavin's poem?

(“metals are higher and harder than pyramids”).

- Why with them? (Fortress, eternity)

A monument is a creation left to posterity, so comparison with pyramids, metal implies a figurative meaning.

- What thought helps to validate these comparisons?

(All this helps to affirm the idea of ​​the importance of creativity, of immortality works of art).

And what epithets does Derzhavin use when talking about the monument?

("wonderful, eternal")

- The poet is convinced that the power of poetry is more powerful than the laws of nature and time. What lines say this?

“Neither his whirlwind, nor thunder will break the fleeting,

And time will not crush him.”

(His monument is not subject to whirlwinds, thunders, time).

How does Derzhavin see the strength of fame?

(“And my glory will grow without fading,

How long will the universe honor the Slavic race")

- How do you understand these words?

(He sees the strength of glory in respect for the Fatherland, considers himself a national Russian poet)

What does the poet take credit for?

« that I am the firstdared in a funny Russian syllable ... "

Why did the poet choose the verb "dared"?

What did the poet dare to do? (" Ovirtues Felitsy to proclaim")

- What did the genre of ode require? (Talking about the greatness of monarchs, glorifying their deeds, creating a kind of “ceremonial image.” Derzhavin saysabout virtues Felitsa-Catherine 2!

- Remember the ode "Felitsa". What virtues are we talking about? (Pay tribute to her energy, efficiency, ability to forgive weaknesses, simplicity, justice).

- "And tell the truth to the kings with a smile."

Derzhavin sees his merit in maintaining human dignity and sincerity. He is one of the few who allowed himself to directly criticize certain actions of the queen, nobles.

Therefore, Derzhavin looks at the poet as a servant and champion of truth.

Derzhavin also sees his merit in making the Russian syllable "funny."- Choose synonyms for this word. (fun, simple, sharp)

- To whom are the last stanzas of the poem addressed?

(To the Muse)

- What is the meaning of this word?

- Muse - Goddess - patroness of arts and sciences

Muse - Source of poetic inspiration

Muse - The very inspiration, creativity.

5. Summing up.

And in 1836 the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin will write the poem "Monument" and take as a basis a free arrangement of the ode by Horace Derzhavin. The “Monument” of G.R. Derzhavin will become the pedestal of the “Monument” of A.S. Pushkin.

6. Homework. Prove the validity of the words of G.R. Derzhavin “I erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself ...”

TOPIC: G.R. Derzhavin. The theme of the poet and poetry in the lyrics of G. Derzhavin "Monument"

GOALS: to give knowledge about the main themes of lyrics and Derzhavin's poetic innovation; learn to work with artistic text, analyze lyrical work.


    Organizational moment.

    Checking homework.

III. Introductory speech of the teacher:

The theme of the poet and poetry is traditional, cross-cutting in European culture. The poet's monologue about himself is found in ancient poetry. So, Horace's ode “To Melpomene” translated by M.V. Lomonosov served as the basis for the poems of G.R. Derzhavin and A.S. Pushkin about the “monument”. Its main aspects are the process of creativity, its purpose and meaning, the relationship of the poet with the reader, with the authorities, with himself. Thus, among the poets of different eras there was a tradition of lyrical depiction of a “not-made-by-hand” monument, as if summing up creative activity.

Today in the lesson we will compare the poems of M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavin, A.S. Pushkin. Let's see how the theme of the poet and poetry develops in these works, what is the difference between the position of the authors in understanding this topic? Let's compare artistic means with which the point of view of poets is expressed.

- Reread Derzhavin's poem "Monument". Determine its topic and main idea.

(The theme is the immortality of the poet in his works, in the memory of people about the creator famous works. The poet sees his main merit in the fact that he could “speak the truth to kings with a smile”, “talk about God”, “dared” to tell about the virtues of Catherine!! not high, but simple syllable).

What size is the poem written in, what rhymes does it contain?

(The poem is written in iambic, in each quatrain the first

the line rhymes with the third, the second with the fourth, i.e. cross rhyme).

- What means of artistic depiction did the poet use (epithets, personification, comparison, hyperbole)?

To give solemnity to poetic speech, the poet uses the words "high style"

- brow, be proud, proclaim, dared, innumerable etc.;

various epithets - with a leisurely hand,cardiac simplicity, meritfair , monumentwonderful , eternal , thunderfleeting .

Hyperbole and comparison at the same time -“metals are higher and harder than pyramids” .

A monument is a creation left to posterity, so the comparison with pyramids, metal is clearly figurative, i.e. implying a figurative meaning. All this helps to affirm the idea of ​​the importance of creativity, of the immortality of works of art. Reading and analysis of poems (drawing up a table)

So, for the first time he turned to the theme of the poet and poetry back in the 1st century BC. e. Ancient Roman poet Quintus Horace Flaccus in his ode to Melpomene.

There were many translations of Horace's ode. Some of them (M.V. Lomonosov, V.V. Kapnist, A.Kh. Vostokova, S.A. Tuchkova) were undoubtedly known to Pushkin, while others (A.A. Feta, N. Fokkova, B. V. Nikolsky, P.F. Porfirov, V.Ya. Bryusov) appeared after the death of Pushkin.

In 1747 M.V. Lomonosov translated Horace into Russian.

Read the arrangement of Horace's ode “To Melpomene” (“Monument”), created by M.V. Lomonosov.

Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the poem.(The theme of the ode is the role of creativity, poetry in people's lives. What is created by the poet makes him immortal - that's the main idea poems).

In what way does the poet give his poems solemnity and precision?(The two-syllable size - iambic - gives the unrhymed lines of the poem clarity, chasing. Words of high style give solemnity to the sound: I will raise, above, increase, fatherland, obstacle, etc., many words and expressions of Greco-Roman origin, from history and mythology: aquilon, Aufid, Aeolian poetry, muse, Delphic laurel, etc.).

Explain the meaning of these words: (aquilon- northeast wind; Awfid- a river in Italy in the homeland of Horace; Aeolian poems- exemplary, ancient Greek; Alcean lira- the lyre of Alceus = Alcaeus, one of the best ancient Greek poets; muse- goddess, patroness of sciences and arts; Delphic laurel- in the city of Delphi there was a temple of Apollo, the leader of the muses. Laurel was considered a sacred tree).

In 1796 G.R. Derzhavin addresses this topic, writes the poem "Monument" - this is a free arrangement of Horace's ode. But Derzhavin does not repeat the thoughts of his distant predecessor, but expresses his own point of view on the poet and poetry. The poet believed that people who are not inspired, do not care about art, remain deaf to goodness, indifferent to the joys and sufferings of those around them. Such people

Not a tear will touch the widows,
Nor orphans unfortunate moan:
Let the universe drown in blood
He would be happy... ("Art lover")

According to Derzhavin, the purpose of art and literature is to promote the spread of education and the cultivation of love for beauty, correct vicious morals, and preach truth and justice. It is from these positions that he approaches the assessment of his work in the poem “Monument”. He likens his work to a “wonderful, eternal” monument. The unhurried, solemn rhythm of the verse (the poem is written in iambic six-foot) corresponds to the importance of the theme. The author reflects on the impact of poetry on contemporaries and descendants, on the poet's right to respect and love of fellow citizens. He expresses confidence that his name will live in the hearts and memory of the “countless peoples” inhabiting the space “from the White Waters to the Black Waters”. The poet connects his immortality with the “family of the Slavs”, that is, with the Russian people:

... And my glory will grow without fading,
How long will the universe honor the Slavs?

In the "Monument" Derzhavin explains what his services to the "family of the Slavs" and Russian literature are:

... the first I dared in a funny Russian style
Proclaim the virtues of Felitsa,
In the simplicity of the heart to talk about God
And tell the truth to kings with a smile.

Independent analysis of Pushkin's poem "Monument"

      Filling in the table "Three "Monuments" in Russian literature."

M.V. Lomonosov


A.S. Pushkin

Biography features

“I was not an obstacle to an obscure family.”

“... the first I dared in a funny Russian syllable // About the virtues of Felitsa to proclaim, // In sincere simplicity to talk about God // And speak the truth to the kings with a smile.”

“…I aroused good feelings with my lyre… in my cruel age I glorified Freedom // And called for mercy to the fallen.”

The poet will live as long as his Fatherland is alive.

"How long will the universe honor the Slavs?"

“... as long as in the sublunar world // At least one piit will live.”

Muse is a high patroness.

Muse is the true friend of the poet.

Muse is a companion in the great field of poetry.

    Summary of the lesson.

In which poem, in your opinion, is the author's personal beginning least traced?

What is it connected with?

Why for his poem about the duty and appointment of the poet and poetry A.S. Pushkin took as a model a free arrangement of Horace's ode by G.R. Derzhavin, and not a translation more accurate to the original by M.V. Lomonosov?


    Chapters "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow".

    Ind. task "Biography of Radishchev"

M.V. Lomonosov

I erected a sign of immortality for myself
Above the pyramids and stronger than copper,
What a stormy aquilon cannot erase,
Neither many centuries, nor caustic antiquity.
Not at all will I die; but death will leave
Great is my part, as I end my life.
I will grow in glory everywhere
While the great Rome owns the light.
Where the fast jets of Aufid roar,
Where Davnus reigned among the common people,
My fatherland will not be silent,
That an obscure family was not an obstacle to me,
To bring Aeolian verses to Italy
And the first to ring the Alceian lyre.
Be proud of righteous merit, muse,
And crown the head with the Delphic laurel.

A.S. Pushkin

I erected a monument to myself not made by hands,
The folk trail will not overgrow to it,
He ascended higher as the head of the rebellious
Pillar of Alexandria.

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the cherished lyre
My ashes will survive and decay will run away -
And I will be glorious as long as in the sublunar world
At least one piit will live.

The rumor about me will spread throughout the great Rus',
And every language that is in it will call me,
And the proud grandson of the Slavs, and the Finn, and now wild
Tunguz, and a Kalmyk friend of the steppes.

And for a long time I will be kind to the people,
That I aroused good feelings with lyre,
That in my cruel age I glorified Freedom
And he called for mercy on the fallen.

By the command of God, O muse, be obedient,
Not afraid of resentment, not demanding a crown,
Praise and slander were accepted indifferently,
And don't argue with the fool.

Table "Three "Monuments" in Russian literature.

M.V. Lomonosov


A.S. Pushkin

Biography features

Limits of creative immortality

What is the relationship between the poet and the muse

Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin went down in history domestic literature as the founder of autobiographical poetry, in which the praise of one's own uniqueness runs like a red thread. This will be confirmed by the analysis of the poem "Monument" (Grade 9), in which the poet sings of his talent. Thanks to brief analysis"Monument" according to the plan, 9th grade students will be able to fully prepare for the lesson in literature and the upcoming exam.

Brief analysis

History of creation The poem was written in 1795.

Theme of the poem- The glorification of poetic creativity and the affirmation of the high purpose of the poet.

Composition– The composition consists of five stanzas: in the first four, the author describes the high value of poetry and extols his own merits in art, in the fifth, he addresses the Muse.

Genre- Oh yeah.

Poetic size– Six-foot iambic with cross rhyme.

Metaphors"time flight", "dawn of immortality".

epithets"eternal", "wonderful", "fleeting".

Hyperbola"He is harder than metal and taller than pyramids."

Inversion“and who will despise you”, “uncountable peoples”.

Avatars- “neither thunder will break”, “the rumor is passed”, “the flight will not crush time”.

History of writing

The poem "Monument" was written by Derzhavin in 1795, when the 52-year-old Gavriil Romanovich served as president of the College of Commerce in St. Petersburg. He devoted a lot of energy to work in a responsible position, but he never forgot about the poetry he loved so much.

The work belongs to the mature stage of the poet's work, when he began to sum up not only his literary path, but his whole life. Rethinking the experience gained, Gavriil Romanovich tried to determine his place in life, in society, in literature.

During his reflections, the court poet drew attention to Horace's ode, which inspired him to write the verse "Monument", which, in fact, became a free interpretation of the work of the same name by the ancient Roman poet. In his "Monument" Horace shared the idea of ​​the greatness of a true creative artist. The theme of the immortality of the poet and his literary works was so close to Derzhavin that he became one of the first Russian authors who began to sing of his own talent and poetic glory.


When analyzing the verse "Monument" by Derzhavin, it should be noted that the central theme of the work is the immortality of poetry, capable of living forever in the memory of future generations.

In his work, Gavriil Romanovich reflects on the sublime influence of poetry on society, the poet's right to the love and respect of his contemporaries and descendants. After all, it is literature and art that gently and humanely instill in a person a love for beauty, a desire to develop spiritually, they are able to eliminate vicious mores, and therefore their importance in society can hardly be overestimated.

The main feature of Derzhavin's entire work is his sincerity, which he once again demonstrated in the poem "Monument". He emphasizes that a true poet must be honest and open not only with the people, but also with government officials. The author also mentions his merits to Russian literature without undue affectation.


Derzhavin's poem is represented by five stanzas, each of which consists of complex sentences designed to emphasize the seriousness of the author.

In the first stanza, the poet focuses on the immortality of poetic art, capable of surviving even the most durable man-made monument.

The entire work takes the form of a monologue, as it is conducted in the first person with frequent use of personal pronouns.


The poem "Monument" is written in the genre of an ode. A leisurely rhythm, a certain escape from vanity is achieved thanks to iambic six-footed with cross rhyme.

means of expression

In Derzhavin's poem "Monument" the analysis is briefly as follows. The work is distinguished by high-sounding intonation and vocabulary, as well as a majestic, unhurried rhythm. To achieve this effect, the author uses numerous means of artistic expression.

To emphasize the sublime structure of thoughts in his work, the poet uses grandiloquent expressions(“brow”, “puffed up”, “decay”, “dared”) and epithets("eternal", "wonderful", "fleeting").

Also found in the poem metaphors(“time flight”, “dawn of immortality”), hyperbola(“he is harder than metals and higher than pyramids”), inversions(“and who will despise you”, “uncountable peoples”), personifications(“Not a thunder will break”, “a rumor is passed”, “a flight will not crush a time”).

Poem Test

Analysis Rating

Average rating: 4.4. Total ratings received: 182.

▫ Absolutely agree. No comment, as they say. When telling children, it may be worth emphasizing heroism, but one should not discount hard facts either. In fact, this is the same falsification, I agree.
▫ And a little more. Such a theme: Finnish war. Previously, they tried not to talk about it at all. Now there are many publications. And for the most part - bleakly there, in publications. But the distortion of history - is it really true to tell about losses, disastrous blunders in supply, command and control, propaganda and in general the `orientation` of this entire military campaign? Silence is a distortion. Although ... And here, too, there are two ways: you can laugh vilely at defeats, keeping silent about heroism. Or you can fall into pathos, convict of `defeatism` of those who realistically assess the scale and results ...
▫ You and I are talking about the same thing... It's just that your first comment was not very clear right off the bat, and so, our position is almost the same.
▫ Quite right: to see adequately. For example: here was Prince Alexander. He kicked the Scandinavians, it was the case. Then he stuffed the `order-bearers`. And besides, he led the Horde to Rus' and used their help in civil strife. By the way, a lot of people died in Rus' then, from these campaigns. It is also appropriate to give explanations of actions: the situation, the problems of choice ... Another example: the role of such and such an organization in the Great Patriotic war. And instead of `If not for us, then there would be no victory!` - to tell how it really happened. That there were those who were from their ranks, but fought. The number can be specified (so that there is no impression that the rest stood on the sidelines, and those figures did everything themselves). Marked in heroism. And there were those who hugged and drank vodka together with the military, not in our uniforms. Also indicate the number - to compare the scale of participation on our side - and on the enemy side. So as not to give the impression that they were standing on the sidelines. And the conclusion to draw: that's how they won. Together. This is our TOTAL victory. Not dependent on the cross, crescent and other things; from `Thank you`, `rakhmet`, `barkal` or `dyakuyu`. =================== You look, next time a young man or girl who saw a `judge` about how everything was `oh, bad-bad-bad!` - or about how everything was `oh, good, good, good!` - they could independently, with KNOWLEDGE of the matter and Luggage of truthful, adequate knowledge, smile, sorry: `This is a lie, guys. This is on purpose to distort our country, our history, our VALUES (disgrace, misrepresent, overpraise, stretch ... etc.). Isn't it adequate? I think it will be respectful and principled both for the country and for history. Well, the blanket is pulling - so, I repeat, the domestic ones are even worse than the Midwayers. Whatever they were and to what social or other `niche` they did not belong. Because they are nearby. Among us. Because they know: from adults and principled ones, you can rake and, so to speak, `respond for the bazaar` - and they climb to the children. Different ways. I am sure that stopping such people is both adequate and patriotic. Whoever they are and whatever they dress up and don't 'dress up'.