Literature      12/12/2020

Another powerful flash: what is happening to the Sun? Scientists: something incredible is happening to the Sun What happened to the sun on October 17

Yesterday, October 17, 2017 at the beginning of the ninth morning, I received an SMS from a friend, from Pskov: - "Go outside, look at the Sun." I went out, but the sun was not visible due to dense clouds.
It turned out that in Pskov, which is 50 km. from me to the northeast, people are discussing what is happening with the Sun. It had strange ragged edges, and glowed with an unnatural red color. Many have captured it.

But here's what eyewitnesses told me. At some point, the Sun blinked, and turned into a black circle in the sky. But it didn't get dark! Then the daylight “turned on” again, but no one managed to photograph the moment at which it turned black. Most of them didn't even see it.

Here is another photo of eyewitnesses from Pskov:

And today it turns out that on this day in Finland and Sweden, pitch darkness set in ...

As you can imagine, Scandinavian emergency phone numbers are red-hot. The most common was the message about the beginning Ragnarök, of course. Ragnarok is translated as: - the end of the world.
There is no information about calls from Pskov residents to telephone 112. Ours is all to the light bulb, or to the lantern: - "the whole world is a mess, and the Sun is a fucking lantern."
However, there are many videos that show the Sun flickering like a light bulb experiencing a power outage. Just 4 days ago in Nigeria, many people witnessed a stunning picture:

So... Do we continue to believe that the Sun is a red-hot star millions of kilometers away from us, or is it something else?

From other sources:

a reader writes:

flew yesterday from Singapore to Koh Samui at about 19 pm local time and took a picture as if 2 suns, one was already setting - three times brighter and higher!

Shooting in Odintsovo. New Moon - 10/19/2017
Two suns or sun and moon together in the sky:

Session excerpt:

Q: Why does your head hurt so much in the sun? How can the sun affect you like that?
A: Such and such irradiation comes from him.
Q: And what kind of object is this, look?
A: Some kind of chemical capsule, very high technology, its light is slightly shifted in the spectrum, not real yellow, some kind of muffled, dusty ... there are some chemical reactions going on ... if the real sun is such the joy of life, then it’s just chemical reactions that give this artificial light ... I can’t understand what the capsule itself looks like, it’s very similar to these breaking fluorescent tubes. Similar reaction in this capsule. We, on the other hand, perceive only a limited range of radiation, so we forget that in addition to the visible range, this one also occurs. chemical reaction. It somehow affects the duration of life, suppresses all functions ... Over each major city its such a chemical sun, they are synchronized with each other ...
Q: Where is the real sun then?
A: It shines from above, just the dome removes these rays.
Q: Do you see one dome?
A: No, it's like a layered cake...

I'll post the whole session later.

I would like to know your opinions on this:

How do you see the "sun" that hangs over us every day?

UPD from comments:

I have been observing such a strange sun for the second day. Noticed in the morning. The sun rises just opposite the windows and usually everything is filled sunlight. And yesterday and this morning I just watched an orange ball, which can be viewed for a very long time and it does not blind at all. The same sun was at sunset. And I wasn't the only one watching. Instagram of the city of Pyatigorsk is full of messages about the unusual sun.
the first thoughts that came to me - again they are doing something with the sun. Well, people are being sold such an official version "The day before, the Russians could observe a blood-red sun in the orange sky in the sky. About this phenomenon in last days wrote social media users across Europe. Its cause was Hurricane Ophelia, which hit the UK and Ireland. He brought sands from the Sahara that turned the sky and the sun orange."
The sands are to blame for everything)

Such a sun was on this de day in the Netherlands, although the news said that this was due to dust storms in the Sahara and smoke from forest fires in Portugal:

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, but for each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to extract information autonomously)

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Firstly, on this day, October 17, Surya Sankranti begins, the change of the sign by the Sun, which is considered an unfavorable time for any new and important business, trips, major acquisitions, and the beginning of treatment. In addition, in the period from October 17 to November 16, the Sun will be in the fall (nicha).

Due to the fact that the flow of solar energy is reduced, in October we are most often subject to apathy and blues, periods of bad mood and depression. You can feel a loss of energy.😔 The sun is ours main inspiration and a source of optimism, and the lack of his energy is manifested in depression, lethargy, mental drowsiness. At this time, many of us need support, understanding, sympathy. In October, more than in other months, we feel the need for love, comfort, harmony in the family.

Those who know how to diplomatically and tactfully resolve conflicts and maintain equanimity in any situation will feel best during this period. life situation. If at this time we show discontent, aggression, impatience, we can face serious obstacles and difficulties. The Sun in Libra teaches us the ability to compromise, to find a common language with others.

From positive qualities such a position of the Sun, it can be noted that this period can become incredibly fruitful for the disclosure of creative potential. The sign of Libra - contributes to the understanding and feeling of beauty. Therefore, if you have a passion or hobby, devote as much time and attention as possible to it while the Sun is in this sign, and you yourself will be surprised what results you can achieve.

It is undesirable to remain alone for a long time during this period. Try to spend more time with friends and like-minded people, look for good companies and places. In the company of pleasant people, during warm communication, you can make up for the lack of energy and warmth, and most importantly, enthusiasm, which we lack from the Sun in the fall.

In order to maintain your inner strength during this period, you need to strengthen solar energy. To do this, you can perform a number of actions that will return the beneficial influence of the Sun into our lives.

🔸 Give up the nocturnal lifestyle. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier

🔸 Take a few minutes a day to think about loved ones and those around you and wish them happiness.

🔸 Do good deeds, but do not seek reward or fame for them

🔸 Perform Surya Namaskar

🔸 Chant the Sun Mantra - Om Namo Bhagavat Ramachandraya

🔸 Eating ghee (clarified butter) and wheat is beneficial for enhancing the energy of the Sun

🔸 Refrain from criticism, discussion, negative thoughts towards leaders, bosses, government, father. Show respect for superiors

On October 17, 2017, at the beginning of the ninth morning in Pskov, people saw a strange Sun. According to eyewitnesses, it had torn edges, and the star itself was unnaturally red. This phenomenon has been captured by many.

According to eyewitnesses, and their words are confirmed by numerous videos filmed in different parts of the planet, the Sun suddenly began to “blink”. That is, its brightness jumped from zero to a maximum, during which the Sun in its luminosity far exceeded its usual indicators.

Then, after a series of such flashes, an absolutely black circle appeared in place of the Sun. You can even call it black hole- this phenomenon looked so unnatural. This transformation was captured on video. Looks monstrous.

But, as eyewitnesses note, at the time of the Black Sun it became dark, and the night did not come. Let me remind you that this took place at the beginning of the ninth hour of the morning.

After that, the Sun turned on again. Gradually flaring up from the Black Sun, it returned to normal. The parameters of the day have not changed in any way.

A similar phenomenon was observed in other parts of the Earth. On the same day, it was recorded in Finland and Sweden. But there at the moment of turning off the Sun came total darkness. She was captured on camera.

The incomprehensible behavior of the Sun was recorded by the emergency services of the Scandinavian countries, because the population panicked and literally cut off the emergency telephone numbers. In Pskov, such behavior of residents has not been recorded.

Eyewitnesses and observers have come to the conclusion that numerous videos show that the Sun behaves like a light bulb, which has power outages.

Although there is another explanation for this phenomenon. As I have already said, the Sun is a part of the vacuum Lamp, its anode. The Lamp itself is similar in its functioning to the radio tube of conventional amplifiers. With the passage of a certain signal, such lamps change their brightness. Approximately the same we observed in the behavior of our Sun.

In Catholic countries, the same phenomenon was associated with the appearance of the Virgin Mary. But before we plunge into the present, let's remember the history.

The first "wonderful" behavior of the Sun was documented by Catholics exactly 100 years ago - on October 13, 1917. This phenomenon was noticed in the town of Fatima, located in Portugal. According to three eyewitness children, they saw a woman "more brilliant than the sun." She gave messages to the children, and after that, the similar “wonderful” behavior of the Sun began.

The Virgin Mary turned her hands. Beams shot from her palms towards the sun. As a result of this, the sun began to fade, then turned into a silver disk, at which everyone could look directly, without protecting their eyes. Then multicolored rays hit from the Sun in all directions. And after that, the Sun began to rotate madly around its axis, turning into a giant fiery wheel.

After that, the Sun began to dance wildly. And then, as it seemed, it broke from its orbit and began to fall to the Earth. The people screamed and begged for mercy. Suddenly the Sun stopped its fall, and in the same revolving motion it began to rise upward until it took its former place in the sky.

There were reports about this phenomenon in several newspapers at once, and the number of direct observers is estimated from 50 to 70 thousand people.

Similar "wonderful" behavior of the Sun was repeated more than once. On April 23, 1991, it was recorded in Puerto Rico in front of a crowd of 100,000 people. March 5, 1993 in the Philippines - in front of a crowd of 300 thousand people.

On October 16, 2017 in the UK, the sun turned red. This phenomenon was recorded by numerous media and eyewitnesses not only on the islands, but throughout the world. Including, in Holland, Germany, Portugal, Russia, in the USA… scientific explanation we will not give it so that the scientists who gave it do not look like idiots.

The sun blinked and switched - a new era began. Photos and videos of this event from different parts of the planet...

VIDEO 25 minutes

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In Stockholm, the Sun normally overcame its rising and was habitually shining in the sky, and then, about an hour later, it suddenly turned red and darkness set in. The photo shows a street clock that shows the time - 15:29.

Just 4 days ago in Nigeria, numerous observers witnessed the flashing of the Sun. It happened in the middle of the day with a large crowd of people, and some of the eyewitnesses filmed the "wonderful" behavior of the Sun on a video camera.

Reminds me of my mother's stories. She told me that when she was a girl, then on Kupala (on the night of June 21-22) all the village youth gathered at the forest edge. Early in the morning, around 3 - 4 o'clock, they met the Sun - to watch the Sun play. Sometimes it danced in the sky, sometimes rays or circles radiated from it. Most importantly, in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, this phenomenon was very common in the Tula region. I have no information about other areas.

Materials on the topic of the Sun

2000 kilometers to the sun

Round meter: only 2 thousand kilometers to the Sun?

Before the 16th century there was no sun? It is not clear to what time the appearance of the word "sun" refers ...

It turns out that the phenomenon recorded by eyewitnesses in October 2017 is not so rare. And that in itself raises some questions.

For example, if at some hour on October 13, 2017, the Sun was blinking over Nigeria, then why wasn’t a similar behavior of the star recorded at the same moment in other parts of the world? If the Sun is one for the whole Earth, and it shines equally for the whole Earth from a distance, then how to explain the fact that in some places the luminary blinks, but not in others?

Or do we have several Suns - one for each continent? Therefore, while in Africa its own, the local Sun was blinking, in Eurasia its own, the local Sun shone in the usual mode.

By the way, psychics and I have studied the issue of the number of suns and moons many times. Each time the answer was that the Earth has many of those and others. In my video "", I considered a situation in which the specific illumination of the Moon can be explained by the presence of five Suns.

Numerous Suns have already been observed. There is a video that captures not a halo, to which everyone is already accustomed, but a lot of Suns. An eyewitness filmed this phenomenon on a mobile phone. The video shows that several objects glowing like the Sun are located in different parts of the sky. Moreover, a directed stream of light emanates upward from one.

Now about the essence of the phenomenon. Naturally, each religious sect pulls the “blanket” of this phenomenon over itself. Catholics have linked the "wonderful" behavior of the Sun to the Virgin Mary, in whom they believe. Pagans in Rus' in the 20th century associated the dancing Sun with Kupala.

In Scandinavia, people perceived the signals sent by the Sun as a "bell" to the beginning of the Ragnarök period. Usually this word is translated as "the end of the world." Representatives of other Christian denominations were hysterical in the same way.

Representatives of the scientific religion were silent - they officially do not have God, and without him there is no one to push the "blame" for what is happening on anyone. space objects should not have such properties. Therefore, learned sectarians do not believe their eyes and simply fence themselves off from what they themselves have established. scientific principle: At the heart of science is observation.

Of course, I don't know what's going on in heaven. But in my videos, I have already considered some moments of this behavior of the Sun and fixing the “miracle”, and in one video I predicted to Dasha that such a behavior of the luminary should soon take place.

Briefly, my concept looks like this. Our world is not the usual physical one. It is material, but artificially created. There is a virtual world generated by some kind of supercomputer, within which our Earth and all its surroundings are formed by software.

Our world is shaped like a vacuum tube, the kind that used to be used in amplifiers. In this lamp, the Sun and Moon are the anode and cathode, respectively. Earth - is a grid through which the control coming from these two luminaries passes.

Every 259 years there is a change of era, and the Earth goes into a different state. As a result of this, the climate of the Earth is changing, and all the rules of the Game are changing on it.

The change takes place in the sixfold system, in which there are three Suns and three Moons. Each Moon is literally a shutter of the Sun of the previous era. When all three Suns are closed, three Moons are visible in the sky, the number of Moons in the sky indicates the number of eras passed and, accordingly, the number of closed, “shone” Suns.

The next change of the Sun, according to my calculations, should take place on the 20th of November 2018. But perhaps this happened in October 2017, which is recorded in the above videos. Or while this is a prelude, and the real change will take place next year.

By the way, remember the Bible. It says that the light of day exists independently of the Sun, and God created the Sun and Moon only to control day and night. We emphasize - for control, and not for lighting or heating.

Moreover, this is said in the very first lines of the very first chapter of the very first book - “Genesis”: “3 And God said: let there be light. And there was light. 4 And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light day, and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day.

Obviously, the observation is as true scientific way knowledge of the world around us - shows us that the Sun is not at all a "star", as the scientific sect draws us. The sun is the control element of the system. A system called Earth.

Andrey Tyunyaev, Chief Editor newspaper "President"

In October 2017, astronomy lovers will be able to observe such planets as Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Moreover, the planet Uranus on October 19 will be in opposition to the Sun. It is clearly visible through binoculars throughout the night. We are also waiting for the coverage of bright stars by the Moon. The main one is the occultation of Aldebaran (α Taurus) by the Moon, which will occur on the night of October 9-10. The phenomenon will be visible mainly from Siberia and the Far East.

Before telling in detail about what the most notable astronomical phenomena are waiting for us in October 2017, we will inform our readers about them in a brief form. We draw your attention to the fact that here (and further in the review) the Universal Time (UT) is given. T Moscow time = UT + 3 h. :

02 - Moon in the descending node of the orbit at 02:05
05 - Full moon at 18:40
05 - Venus will pass 0.2° north of Mars (morning)
08 - Mercury in superior conjunction with the Sun
09 - Maximum meteor shower Draconids
09 - Moon at perigee at 05:51. Distance to Earth 366858 km
09 - Aldebaran occultation by Moon (evening)
12 - Moon in the phase of the last quarter at 12:25
14 - Moon in the ascending node of the orbit at 22:10
15 - The moon will pass south of Regulus
17 - The moon will pass north of Mars
18 - The moon will pass north of Venus
19 - Uranus in opposition to the Sun
19 - New Moon at 19:12
21 - Maximum of the Orionid meteor shower
24 - The moon will pass north of Saturn
25 - Moon at apogee at 02:25. Distance to Earth 405151 km
26 - Jupiter in conjunction with the Sun
27 - Moon in the phase of the first quarter at 22:22
29 - Moon in the descending node of the orbit at 06:41

Our main star is the Sun

During October, the Sun moves from west to east along the constellation Virgo, in which it crossed the celestial equator on September 22, and continues to move away from it into the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere. The Sun culminates every day at a lower altitude, and the duration of daylight hours continues to decline steadily. At the latitude of Moscow, the longitude of the day is: October 1 - 11 hours 34 minutes, October 15 - 10 hours 30 minutes, October 31 - 9 hours 18 minutes.

The decline of the 24th eleven-year cycle of solar activity continues. But solar activity last September brought many surprises in the form of well-developed active regions (groups of sunspots) and the most powerful solar flares. Thus, the daytime luminary reminded that even at the recession of the solar activity cycle, it is ready to show a reverse trend for a short while. Time will tell how the Sun will behave in October. We hope that astronomy lovers will have something to observe on its disk in the average autumn month.

Astronomy lovers will be interested in following the changes in the Sun's spot-forming activity associated with changes in its activity. So, if you make visual observations of the solar disk day by day with a small telescope and sketch the sunspots (if any), and then calculate the Wolf number, it will be possible to determine the current trends in solar activity. The Wolf number can be averaged over decades and months, which will make the results of observations even more visual.

How to determine the Wolf number? For this you need multiply the number of sunspot groups you see by 10 and add the total number of visible sunspots. If one spot is visible, then the Wolf number (W) will be equal to 11, if two groups of spots consist of 5 spots, then the number W \u003d 25. And if there is not a single spot, then the Wolf number is 0 (W \u003d 0). And this result should also be noted in the observation log.

It is worth remembering that observing the Sun without the use of special protective equipment is very dangerous for your eyesight. When observing the daylight, it is necessary to use either special solar light filters with all attendant precautions, or use the method of observing the Sun on the screen. You can get more information about how to safely observe the daylight by going through.

Do not be upset if on some days you cannot see a single sunspot. Note this in the observation log and enter the Wolf number equal to zero.

Our natural satellite is the Moon

starry sky

Going out on a clear evening in mid-October at about 10 pm local time, you will notice that the Big Dipper bucket is visible low in the northwestern - northern part of the sky. Much to the right of the bucket, at about the same height above the horizon, a bright yellow star is visible in the northeastern part of the sky. This is the Chapel (α Aurigae). The remaining stars of the constellation Auriga, which together with Capella form a large pentagon in the sky, are visible below and to the right of this bright star. Above the Auriga, the T-shaped figure of the constellation Perseus is noticeable, and even higher - almost overhead - the stars of Cassiopeia, forming a W-shaped figure in the sky.

To the right and below the Chapel, pay attention to the bright orange star. This is Aldebaran (α Taurus). To the right and above Aldebaran, pay attention to the stars that form the figure of a house lying on its side with a gabled roof. Here on vintage star charts drawing the head of a mythical bull. Now it is the central part of the constellation Taurus, as well as the open star cluster Hyades, against which the orange Aldebaran is visible. Above and to the right of Aldebaran, look for a small bucket of the Pleiades open star cluster, consisting of naked eye from 6 stars. With binoculars here you will find rich placers of several dozen stars.

Directly overhead - at the zenith - Cepheus is visible, the stars of which form the figure of a house with a gabled roof.

High in the east - southeast - south are the constellations of Andromeda and Pegasus, the "big square" of which is visible high in the southeastern part of the sky. Below, above the point of the south, the stars of Aquarius culminate, and very low above the horizon in the southern part of the sky in open areas, you can see the bright bluish star Fomalhaut (α Southern Fish). This is the southernmost bright Star, which is visible from the territory of Russia. Its brilliance is +1.2 magnitude.

If you believe your eyes, then the photo was taken either in the evening, after sunset, or before dawn, at about 6 o'clock in the morning. However, this is not so: darkness covered Stockholm more than an hour after sunrise, when morning had already come, the Sun was shining in the sky and it was completely light. And suddenly darkness came...

On October 16, 2017, the inhabitants of the UK faced a very strange phenomenon: everywhere over the British Isles the Sun suddenly turned red:

The news spread throughout the world press, however, did not attract much attention. The day before Hurricane Ophelia came to Britain, so meteorologists gave a very good explanation for the reddened Sun: earlier Ophelia raised a lot of sand in the Sahara and now the sand has come to England, giving the sky a frightening reddish tint.

Not everyone agreed with the explanation, since the reddening of the Sun on October 16 was observed around the world.

In each case, the red Sun was explained differently. If the Sun was red in Holland or in Germany, people talked about Hurricane Ophelia, about the Sahara desert and about Portugal, which also has red-red sand. If the red Sun was over the USA, the fires in California were cited as an explanation.

Everything was quite convincing, although many were still tormented by vague doubts. In particular, fires in the forests of the United States happen quite often, this summer it burned, in particular, in national park Yellowstone, there were fires in the forests of neighboring Canada. But somehow people did not see the red Sun.

The same is true of the Sahara, on the edge of which lies Egypt. If you believe in red sand, then in Egypt the sky should be purple-red all the time, and all Egyptians should be orange, like Martians. And in Europe, at least sometimes red dust should appear - as a reminder of the desert lying thousands of kilometers away. However, for some reason this does not happen.

If you believe your eyes, then the photo was taken either in the evening, after sunset, or before dawn, at about 6 o'clock in the morning. However, this is not so: darkness covered Stockholm for more than one hour after sunrise When morning had already come, the sun was shining in the sky and it was quite light. And suddenly darkness came...

Alarmed, the Swedes began to cut off the emergency phones, probably deciding that a nuclear war had begun and the city was covered with a radioactive cloud. What other explanation could there be?

Over time, the darkness passed, the Sun shone again, nevertheless, questions remained. Resourceful weather forecasters brought all the versions together. According to them, one part of the wind brought sand from Hurricane Ophelia, and the second part brought soot from Spain, where forests are currently burning. The third part, apparently, blew somewhere in Moscow, where people report that at 13 o'clock local time the Sun shone like at sunset.

Looks like something weird is going on around here. We are following developments.

Original taken from kadykchanskiy in the Sun it's time to repair, or replace under warranty

Yesterday, October 17, 2017 at the beginning of the ninth morning, I received an SMS from a friend, from Pskov: - "Go outside, look at the Sun." I went out, but the sun was not visible due to dense clouds.
It turned out that in Pskov, which is 50 km. from me to the northeast, people are discussing what is happening with the Sun. It had strange ragged edges, and glowed with an unnatural red color. Many have captured it.

But here's what eyewitnesses told me. At some point, the Sun blinked, and turned into a black circle in the sky. But it didn't get dark! Then the daylight “turned on” again, but no one managed to photograph the moment at which it turned black. Most of them didn't even see it.

Here is another photo of eyewitnesses from Pskov:

And today it turns out that on this day in Finland and Sweden, pitch darkness set in ...

As you can imagine, Scandinavian emergency phone numbers are red-hot. The most common was the message about the beginning Ragnarök, of course. Ragnarok is translated as: - the end of the world.
There is no information about calls from Pskov residents to telephone 112. Ours is all to the light bulb, or to the lantern: - "the whole world is a mess, and the Sun is a fucking lantern."
However, there are many videos that show the Sun flickering like a light bulb experiencing a power outage. Just 4 days ago in Nigeria, many people witnessed a stunning picture:

So... Do we continue to believe that the Sun is a red-hot star millions of kilometers away from us, or is it something else?