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What qualities characterize a personality briefly. Positive character traits in men and women. Features of people that characterize their temperament

Qualitative changes in society and an orientation towards market relations change people's value attitudes, complicate interpersonal interactions, and break established stereotypes and ways of behaving. The understanding is affirmed that the scale of achieving personal success and the level of development of the whole society depend on the individual self-realization of each person. In order to realize oneself spiritually and socially, a person needs to know himself, his environment and his place in this environment.

Graduate Specialist educational institution, designed to be ready for management activities. To do this, he needs not only professional knowledge, but also skills in the field social management, sociology of enterprise organization, psychology of working with people.A person, entering into communication with people (work, study, rest), is perceived and evaluated by others as a person. Each personality has such psychological components as will, intellect, emotions. Man is not born. personality. He becomes her in the process labor activity, social education and self-education. The most important quality of a person is the ability to control their actions, correctly evaluate them and improve from the standpoint of the moral requirements of society.

The mechanism of formation of the spiritual make-up of a young worker's personality is complex. In it, a special place belongs to needs and interests. Needs determine the direction of human actions, are the initial motivation for actions. The diversity of the needs of the individual is one of the starting points for the versatility of her interests. Interest is a conscious form of manifestation of one or more needs. The formation of interest is decisively influenced by those material and social conditions in which a person is brought up and works. Content interests are material, vocational, cognitive, collective, etc. Knowledge of the basic interests of the individual makes it possible to determine the motives of her behavior. Interests are divided into active and passive. Active interest is manifested by perseverance in mastering knowledge, professional tricks etc. Passive interest is characterized by a weak manifestation of purposefulness in the activity of the individual. A capable but passive young man does not achieve the results he is capable of.

The most important role in determining the orientation of the individual is played by worldview and conviction. Worldview expresses the general view of the individual on the world as a whole and on his place in it. The principles by which a person is guided in relation to people, work, himself, are based on his convictions. Clear and stable beliefs help a person to be purposeful, consistent, able to overcome difficulties, not to lose courage in difficult times. The one-sidedness of beliefs, the predominance of the ordinary, the petty-bourgeois in them, inevitably leads to a narrowing of the social contacts of the individual, to the freezing of his abilities. The struggle for the regular fulfillment of production standards, the improvement of the organization of labor and production technology, and in connection with this, increased pay for excellent work is an example of a healthy material interest. Working only for the sake of high earnings at the expense of quality, due to the ruthless exploitation of machines and mechanisms, is an example of an unhealthy material interest. The main direction of personality formation in modern society is to ensure a harmonious combination of its interests with the interests of society. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to know the individual qualities of a person: his character, temperament, attitude towards his personality, volitional properties of character.

Character - an individual warehouse of a person's personality, manifested in the characteristics of behavior and attitude to the surrounding reality, developing and manifesting itself in activity and communication, causing typical for the individual ways of behavior. Translated from Greek, “character” is “chasing”, “sign”. Indeed, character is the special signs that a person acquires while living in society. Just as the individuality of a person is manifested in the features of the flow mental processes(good memory, rich imagination, ingenuity, etc.) and in the traits of temperament, we find ourselves in the traits of character. The properties of character include: industriousness, laziness, conscientiousness, negligence, initiative, lack of initiative.

A person's personality is characterized not only by what he does, but also by how he does it. Acting on the basis of common interests and shared convictions, striving in life to common goals, people can discover in their public behavior, in their actions and deeds are not the same, sometimes opposite individual characteristics. You can, along with other people, experience the same difficulties, fulfill your duties with equal success, love or not love the same thing, but at the same time be soft, compliant. social groups(in a family, a friendly company, a work or educational team, etc.). Depending on how the individualization of the individual in the group is carried out and what is the level of development of interpersonal relations in it, openness, directness, courage, adherence to principles, firmness of character can be formed in one case, secrecy, deceit, cowardice, conformity, weak character. In the team, as a group of a high level of development, the most favorable opportunities for development and consolidation of the best character traits are created. This process contributes to the optimal integration of the individual in the team and the further development of the team itself.

In the individual psychological differences between people, an important place is occupied by the so-called dynamic features of the psyche. As you know, with a relative equality of motives for behavior and activity, with the same external influences, people differ markedly from each other in impressionability, impulsiveness, and energy displayed. So, one person is prone to slowness, the other to haste, one is characterized by the ease of awakening feelings, and the other by composure, one is distinguished by sharp gestures, expressive facial expressions, the other by restraint of movements, very little facial mobility.

Of course, the dynamic manifestations of a person can largely depend on attitudes and habits, on the requirements of the situation, etc. But there is no doubt that individual differences, which are discussed, have their own innate basis. This is confirmed by the fact that such differences are found already in childhood, appear in the most diverse spheres of behavior and activity, and are distinguished by particular constancy.

Temperament - natural property nervous system a person that has a direct impact on the manifestation of character. It is customary to distinguish four types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.A sanguine person quickly gets to know people, is cheerful, easily switches from one type of activity to another, but is not predisposed to doing monotonous work. The sanguine person needs to instill patience in doing the usual, but necessary for the production of business.

Choleric is a person who is easily excitable and quickly acting. Passionate and energetic in speech, gestures, facial expressions. He can work hard and usefully, captivate others with his enthusiasm, but as soon as he loses interest in activities, and even more so faith in achieving his goals, his mood drops sharply. In choleric, restraint and patience, poise, self-control, and prudence should be cultivated.

The melancholic is overly shy, often lost in a new environment, when meeting new people he is unsociable, prone to prolonged internal experiences, depression, sadness, depression.He can be a good worker, an attentive, tactful comrade. In extreme situations, he has a panic state, despondency, melancholy. The melancholic needs help in overcoming shyness in relationships with people, in cultivating decisiveness in difficult situations.

Phlegmatic is a slow, always balanced person. He is even in behavior, restrained, weakly shows his feelings, is not distracted by trifles, loves a clear organization of work, is hard to rebuild from one type of work to another, and is often inert. A phlegmatic person needs to be helped to exercise his mobility, the speed of performing labor processes.

A strong character can be formed with any properties of the nervous system. The decisive role in this belongs to the social conditions of a person's life, his worldview, conviction, self-education. Of course, restraint is more difficult for a choleric than for a phlegmatic, just as it is easier for a sanguine person to take risks in work than for his fellow worker, the melancholic.

It is clear that not all people can be divided into four types. The question of the diversity of temperaments has not yet been finally resolved in science. But these types are considered to be the main ones. In life, quite often there are people who can be attributed to one or another of these types.

In self-management, in personal discipline, in subordination to moral principles, the personality of a person is manifested. Attitude towards one's personality is one of the manifestations of a person's character. An unreasonably high assessment of one's position in the team leads to self-confidence and arrogance. Modesty and self-criticism must be combined with the personal dignity of the worker, based on the consciousness of the real value of his personality, the presence of certain successes in work for the common good. Modesty should not be an obstacle for the employee to defend his opinion. The nature of people depending on their manifestation act of will Ivnosti is divided into strong and weak. People with a strong character are purposeful, independent, resolute, persistent, self-possessed, disciplined, courageous and courageous. People with a weak character, having good intentions and goals, passively show their personal and business qualities, do not achieve serious results in work and social activities.

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are the conditions for the successful implementation of this activity and reveal differences in the dynamics of mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for it. If a certain set of personality traits meets the requirements of the activity that a person masters over the time pedagogically reasonably allotted for its development, then this gives grounds to conclude that he has the ability for this activity. And if another person, ceteris paribus, does not cope with the requirements that the activity imposes on him, then this gives reason to assume that he does not have the corresponding psychological qualities, in other words, the lack of abilities. The latter does not mean, of course, that a person cannot master the necessary skills and knowledge at all, but only that the process of assimilation will be delayed, will require significant efforts and time of teachers, extreme effort with relatively modest results. This does not exclude the possibility that abilities may develop over time.

Abilities are the psychological properties of a person, which are a condition for her to perform certain types of activities. Distinguish between general and special abilities. The former include the subjective qualities of a person, which are manifested in attention, observation, memorization, creative imagination, prudence, etc. The latter include abilities that matter in certain areas of activity: ear for music, abstract thinking, visual memory, etc. Special abilities are greatly developed in human activity if they are combined with general abilities. In developing the abilities of the individual, it is necessary to take into account its inclinations and inclinations. Under the makings understand the congenital anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics of a person. They are one of the subjective conditions for the formation of abilities. In order for natural inclinations to be developed to the high perfection of a professional, not only material and social conditions are needed, but also the persistent, painstaking work of the individual himself.

Among the many qualities of a person that make up her individuality, the qualities of the intellect (mind) are essential. They are manifested in the features of a person's mental activity, in the specifics of his mental abilities. Mental abilities are a set of certain qualities that characterize thinking this person. Such qualities of the mind include: curiosity, inquisitiveness, depth of thought, flexibility and mobility of the mind, logicality, evidence, critical thinking, etc.

Curiosity is understood as the desire of a person to learn something new that he encounters in life, work, and study. An inquisitive person is called a person who seeks to find out any object, event, to comprehensively understand the main phenomena and causes previously unknown to him.

Depth of mind. This quality of intelligence is manifested in the ability of a person to reveal the essence of a particular phenomenon, in his ability to establish basic, essential connections between phenomena and within them.

Flexibility and mobility of the mind. These qualities characterize a person's ability to quickly disconnect from old connections in the analysis of events and quickly establish new relationships and connections, while being able to consider a phenomenon, a fact from an unusual point of view.

Logic. This quality of the mind characterizes the course of the thought process and is determined by the analysis-synthesis ratios, the clear direction of the thinking process, its consistency, the correspondence to the question posed, the correct comparison of general and particular problems.

Evidence and criticality of the mind reflect the ability of a person to justify his decision. A person's thinking acquires evidence and persuasiveness when he is able to give irrefutable arguments and facts to substantiate his decision.

The most important element of the socio-psychological structure of the personality is the will. Will is the regulating side of consciousness, expressed in the ability of a person to perform purposeful actions and deeds that require overcoming difficulties.

As you know, a volitional act is performed under conditions of a certain physical and psychological stress, i.e. volitional effort, which is characterized by an appropriate amount of energy expended not performing a purposeful action or, conversely, keeping from it. as show psychological research, the intensity of the volitional effort of the individual, his strength and stamina depend on the worldview, the significance of the goal, the level of responsibility and strength of character (including the type of temperament).The level of development of the will is manifested in the following basic volitional properties of the personality: purposefulness, determination, perseverance, endurance, independence.

Purposefulness is the ability of a person to set and achieve socially significant goals. A purposeful person has clear and distinct goals in life (work, study). Often this is a person obsessed with work, working 12-16 hours a day (for example, the famous physicist Edison believed that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% "sweating").

Decisiveness is the ability of a person to quickly and thoughtfully choose a goal and determine how to achieve it. A decisive person is able at the right time to cast aside all hesitations and doubts and firmly stop at a specific goal or choose a means of realizing it.

Persistence. This volitional property of the individual is manifested in the ability to direct and control behavior for a long time in accordance with the intended goal. A persistent person does not stop at failures, does not succumb to the feeling of doubt, reproaches, but again and again mobilizes his physical and mental strength to achieve the goal.

Endurance (or self-control) is understood as a volitional property of a person, which is reflected in the ability to restrain physical and mental manifestations (actions, emotions) that interfere with the achievement of a goal. Endurance is especially necessary in difficult, extreme conditions that threaten the health and life of a person, his honor, dignity, etc.

Independence is a volitional property of the individual, expressed in the ability to set goals on their own initiative, to find means to achieve them. An independent person does not wait for instructions from other people, does not rely on a hint, but makes decisions himself and implements them in practice.

The next element of the socio-psychological structure, which plays a stimulating role in the activity of the individual, are emotions and feelings. Feelings are complex, stable personality traits that manifest themselves under the influence of any influences. Personal experiences that reflect certain influences are emotions. Emotions are mental processes on the basis of which feelings are formed as personality traits.

In psychology, the following feelings of a person are distinguished: moral (moral), intellectual (cognitive), aesthetic.The moral sense is called the emotional; the attitude of the individual to the behavior of people and his own. Such feelings arise and develop in the process joint activities people and reflect the moral norms accepted in society, in a particular team. These experiences are the result of an assessment of actions, their compliance or non-compliance with moral standards, which a person considers obligatory for himself and others. Moral feelings include feelings of sympathy and antipathy, respect and contempt, gratitude and ingratitude, love and hatred.

Intellectual feelings are experiences that arise in the process mental activity. The main intellectual (cognitive) feelings include: curiosity, joy and admiration, pride in solving a problem, doubt and disappointment in case of failure, inspiration, etc. Development in a person is especially important (primarily in the transition of the economy to market relations, a sense of a new as a motive for searching for new methods and methods of work, the struggle for the introduction of innovations (innovations) and practices, the formation of market thinking.Intellectual feelings are very closely related to moral feelings.Thus, the desire to know the truth is determined not only by intellectual feeling, but also dictated by the moral duty of a person.

Aesthetic feelings arise and develop when a person perceives and creates beauty. Perceiving the beautiful (for example, masterpieces of art), a person experiences an aesthetic sense of beauty, which causes a desire to admire it, encourages more and more new meetings with it.

The systemic qualities of a personality include the whole set of characteristics that reflect its sociality, belonging to humanity. These qualities include such generalized characteristics as worldview, beliefs, patriotism, civic responsibility, etc.

Identification of abilities, formation of inclinations and development of inclinations young man is one of the most important tasks of a leader. The development of the employee's abilities is greatly influenced by the labor collective, labor itself. It is necessary to educate young people to love work and understand the need to work for the good of society, with a consciousness of the vital importance of socially useful labor and not a desire to work “in general”, but to perform those types of work that society needs.

By studying the characteristics of the character of a particular person, it is possible to identify what qualities characterize a person. At the heart of their manifestation are the influence of individual experience, knowledge, abilities and capabilities of people. The list of biological features includes the innate characteristics of a person. The remaining personality traits are acquired as a result of life activity.

Individual characteristics of people

The personal qualities of a person are internal perception and external manifestations.

External manifestation includes a list of indicators:

  • congenital or acquired artistry;
  • attractive appearance and sense of style;
  • ability and distinct pronunciation of speech;
  • smart and sophisticated approach.

The influence of the inner world of people on behavioral factors:

The main qualities of a person (her inner world) can be classified according to a number of criteria:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the situation and the absence of conflicting perceptions of information;
  • inherent love for people;
  • unbiased thinking;
  • positive form of perception;
  • wise judgment.

The level of these indicators determines the student.

Structural type of organization of biological systems

To more accurately determine the quality of a person's personality, it is necessary to highlight its biological structure. It consists of 4 levels:

  1. Temperament, including characteristics of genetic predisposition (nervous system).
  2. The degree of unique mental processes that allows you to determine the personal qualities of a person. The level of individual perception, imagination, manifestation of volitional qualities, feelings and attention affects the result.
  3. The experience of people, characterized by knowledge, abilities, capabilities and habits.
  4. Indicators of social orientation, including the attitude of the subject to the external environment. The development of personal qualities acts as a guiding and regulating factor of behavior - interests and attitudes, beliefs and attitudes (a state of consciousness based on previous experience, a regulatory attitude and), moral norms.

Human temperament

The innate qualities of a person form him as a social being. Behavioral factors, type of activity and social circle are taken into account. The category is shared by 4 concepts: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • Sanguine - easily adapting to a new habitat and overcoming obstacles. Sociability, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main personality traits.
  • Melancholic - weak and inactive. Under the influence of strong stimuli, behavioral disturbances occur, manifested by a passive attitude to any activity. Closure, pessimism, anxiety, a tendency to reason and touchiness are characteristic features of melancholic people.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic personality traits. They are short-tempered and unrestrained. Resentment, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability are clear indicators of a restless temperament.
  • Phlegmatic - a balanced, inert and slow personality, not inclined to change. Personal indicators are in easy overcoming negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence are the hallmarks of calm people.

Ability scores

Individual psychological qualities of a person contribute to the achievement of success and perfection in a certain activity. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

Exist different levels abilities:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of the algorithm of personal qualities and abilities of a person is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

Personality motivations

Motives and motivations that contribute to the activation of actions are formed from. The stimulating qualities of a person are conscious and unconscious. They manifest themselves in the form of striving for success, avoiding trouble, gaining power, etc.

Individual character traits

Character is a set of traits of an individual, which are manifested in different types activities, communication and relationships with people. The development of personal qualities is formed against the background of life processes and the type of activity of people. For a more accurate assessment of a person's character, behavioral factors in specific circumstances should be studied in detail.

Varieties of character:

  • cycloid - changeability of mood;
  • hyperthymic accentuation consists in high activity, failure to complete things;
  • asthenic - capricious and depressive personal qualities;
  • sensitive - timid personality;
  • hysterical - the makings of leadership and vanity;
  • distimic - focused on the negative side of current events.

free will

Adjustment of behavioral factors associated with overcoming internal and external discomfort makes it possible to determine personal qualities: the level of efforts and plans for taking actions, concentration in a given direction. Will manifests itself in the following qualities:

  • - the level of effort to achieve the desired result;
  • perseverance - the ability to mobilize to overcome troubles;
  • endurance is the ability to limit feelings, thoughts and actions.

Courage, self-control, commitment are the personal qualities of strong-willed people. They are classified into simple and complex acts. In a simple case, urges to action flow into its execution automatically. Complex acts are carried out on the basis, drawing up a plan and considering the consequences.

human feelings

The persistent attitude of people to real or imaginary objects arise and are formed on the basis of the cultural and historical level. Only the ways of their manifestation, based on historical epochs, change. are individual.

Methodology characterizing the individual

The personal qualities of an individual are determined by analyzing behavioral factors:

  • self-esteem. manifest themselves in relation to themselves: modest or confident, arrogant and self-critical, decisive and brave, people with high level self-control or lack of will;
  • assessment of the relationship of the individual to society. There are different degrees of the relationship of the subject with representatives of society: honest and fair, sociable and polite, tactful, rude, etc.;
  • a unique personality is determined by the level of interests in the labor, educational, sports or creative field;
  • clarification of the position of the individual in society occurs in a close relationship of opinion about it;
  • when studying psychological factors, special attention is paid to memory, thinking and attention, characterizing the development of personal qualities;
  • observing the emotional perception of situations allows you to assess the reaction of a person when solving problems or its absence;
  • measuring the level of responsibility. The main qualities of a serious personality are manifested in labor activity in the form of a creative approach, enterprise, initiative and bringing things to the desired result.

Recognition of the individuality of people

An overview of the individual properties of people helps to create a general picture of behavior in professional and. Under the concept of "personality" is a person with individual properties, due to the social environment. These include personality traits: intelligence, emotions and will.

Individual signs

Grouping features that contribute to personality recognition:

  • subjects who are aware of the presence of their inherent social traits;
  • people participating in the social and cultural life of society;
  • personal qualities and character of a person are easy to determine in a social relationship through communication and the labor sphere;
  • individuals who are clearly aware of their peculiarity and significance in the public.

Personal and professional qualities of a person are manifested in the formation of a worldview and internal perception. The individual always asks philosophical questions about life, his significance in society. He has his own ideas, views and life positions that influence

What personal positive qualities of a person to indicate in a resume

If there are usually no difficulties with listing jobs in a resume, then it is often difficult to name your positive qualities. A person does not know how to evaluate himself objectively, which can be an obstacle. Another reason is that it seems to the applicant that he needs to be more modest and not paint himself in bright colors. This is a misconception, because your resume is a kind of presentation. Therefore, do not be shy and think carefully about what positive qualities you would like to indicate in your resume the most.

The enumeration should be based on several rules:

  • be restrained in your presentation;
  • don't make an overly long list;
  • move away from patterns;
  • choose positive qualities for a resume in accordance with the requirements of the vacancy.

Do not be ironic and witty if you are applying for a position that requires a serious approach. You can show your humor only in cases where the intended work requires exceptionally creative qualities. In addition, try to show that you are exactly the person that the employer is waiting for. Avoid definitions such as communication skills: this is found in almost every resume and has long been a template.

Do you find it difficult to describe positive qualities in your resume?

We offer service in Russian or English. We will take into account all the features of your profession and help the employer to present you, your experience, your skills and knowledge in the best possible way.

List of examples of positive qualities of a person for a resume

Too long a list of your strengths will tire the recruiter and make him think that you thoughtlessly recalled all the positive qualities on the resume list. Therefore, try to proceed from an understanding of what characteristics of a person are most suitable for the vacancy you have chosen. For example, a sales manager will be highly regarded if he:

  • works for the result;
  • has the gift of persuasion;
  • active;
  • knows how to communicate with people.

In contrast to this specialty, an engineer or accountant requires the following qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • performance;
  • Analytical mind.

Examples of positive qualities of a person for a resume, which can also attract the attention of a recruiter, include the following:

  • non-conflict;
  • adherence to principles;
  • high level of learning;
  • the ability to negotiate;
  • independence in decision-making;
  • energy;
  • concentration.

Try not to attribute to yourself those qualities that you do not possess. Remember that inconsistencies will be clarified literally in the very first days of your work, and then the attitude towards you and your bosses and colleagues may change for the worse.

Top 5 Positive Qualities in a Resume

There are also universal qualities that will suit almost any applicant:

  1. performance.
  2. No bad habits.
  3. Focus on results.
  4. The ability to win people over.
  5. Stress resistance.

Any employer is looking for an employee who knows how to work, defend his point of view and at the same time not bring discord into the team. Therefore, the positive qualities of a person for a resume should be matched perfectly.

Today, finding a job is not so difficult, you just have to want to do it. But getting the desired position is always quite difficult. What is needed for this? Competently compose a resume, where it will be necessary to indicate business and personal qualities, as well as successfully pass an interview.


What not to mention

Looking through personal qualities that help in work, you should pay attention to those that can be very harmful to a potential employee, if indicated in the resume. Too high qualifications of the employee may alert the employer, because a normal person will not apply for a position much lower than his intellectual level. Also bad for work are such qualities as laziness, restlessness, high conceit. Lack of initiative and indecision are also not the best qualities for a resume. So before you indicate personal qualities in a resume, carefully study the example of a successful one. It is worth first finding a good one to see exactly what personal indicators are needed for the desired position, and indicate exactly them. But you should not lie openly, because the lie will be revealed, and this will not play into the hands of the employee.

Each person is unique, he is a person endowed with certain features that distinguish him from others. These features are called personal qualities: some of them are given from birth, others appear during life. One part of personal qualities has a positive orientation, the other - a negative one. The latter can greatly complicate family life, professional area. But not all negative qualities are easy to get rid of - you have to work hard on yourself. That's why great importance has a diagnosis and identification of personality traits.

Manifested in the characteristics of temperament and self-esteem

Personality structure

To better understand the qualities of a person, you need to disassemble the structure of personality. It consists of 4 parts:

  1. Temperament is an innate genetic trait that is inherent in every person. Based on them, you can say a lot about a person, adjust the direction of his life. There are 4 types of temperament: choleric (impulsive and touchy), sanguine (social and open to everything new), phlegmatic (balanced and calm), melancholic (prone to solitude). Even in the same situations, representatives of one or another type of temperament behave differently.
  2. Mental processes are how he perceives the world, how he reacts to unforeseen situations, how developed his imagination is, what he is afraid of.
  3. The experience and skills that people acquire turn into habits, style and demeanor.
  4. The attitude of the individual to the events around her. It depends on the worldview, the level of consciousness, the observance of social norms.

Qualities influence the formation and development of character

Most elements of the structure are difficult to change, their abrupt change can occur due to the impact of extreme circumstances. Movable elements, if necessary, can be adjusted by working with a specialist.

Why you need to know personality traits

To identify, realize, accept or change personal characteristics is necessary for:

  • self-knowledge and development;
  • understanding other people;
  • recognition of options for inappropriate attitude towards oneself;
  • search for a loved one;
  • career advancement.

Classification of personal qualities

They can be classified according to various bases. The most common is the division into positive and negative. Positive traits are characterized by their indisputable benefits that they bring to the owner of the qualities and to the people around them. Negative ones always bring harm to the subject himself and his environment.

Positive personality traits

They are divided into several groups. Those that do not depend on events and interactions with others include:

  • kindness;
  • responsiveness;
  • friendliness;
  • optimism;
  • patience;
  • honesty;
  • courage;
  • attentiveness;
  • diligence;
  • accuracy.

Qualities that are manifested when interacting with other people, when any events occur:

  • sociability;
  • responsibility;
  • masculinity;
  • generosity;
  • prudence;
  • erudition;
  • sense of tact;
  • upbringing;
  • self confidence;
  • practicality.

The indicated properties of a person can be called basic, they can be divided into smaller varieties.

Negative personality traits

The list of qualities coming from the depths of the personality itself:

  • laziness;
  • touchiness;
  • anger;
  • selfishness;
  • stubbornness;
  • pessimism.

Properties that characterize a person in the process of activity, communication with others:

  • deceit;
  • coarseness;
  • jealousy;
  • cowardice;
  • hypocrisy;
  • greed;
  • envy;
  • careless attitude towards things.

The classification is carried out conditionally. Certain personality traits can be positive in some situations, and negative in others.

It is known that our shortcomings are an extension of our virtues.

Personal qualities in the professional field

Your qualities directly affect your work and success.

The value of personal qualities in business circles is priceless. They:

  • increase labor productivity;
  • strengthen interpersonal relationships a team;
  • clearly build a vertical boss - subordinate;
  • cause an increase in sales;
  • help climb the career ladder;
  • stimulate the emergence of new ideas.

Among positive personality traits that are indispensable in professional activity , can be distinguished:

  • responsibility - the ability to take on obligations and be independently responsible for them;
  • perseverance and perseverance - the ability to bring things to the end, despite the difficulties;
  • diligence - strict execution of all assignments and orders;
  • organization - the ability to subordinate all circumstances to the fulfillment of the main goal;
  • initiative - making new work proposals;
  • sociability - the ability to find a common language with colleagues and business partners;
  • mindfulness - self-control over the correct performance of labor duties;
  • punctuality - fulfillment of all orders on time;
  • purposefulness - a vision of the final result and competent progress towards it;
  • stress resistance - the ability not to react to negative situations from the outside.

Definitely negative personal qualities in the business environment are:

  • conflict;
  • hypocrisy;
  • arrogant behavior;
  • slowness;
  • laziness;
  • overconfidence;
  • slovenliness.

In vacancies for applicants, certain requirements regarding personality characteristics are set. Different professions require exactly the opposite properties. Categories of managers cannot do without a set of leadership qualities - responsibility, flexibility, determination, self-confidence, efficiency. For some employees (accountant, clerk), such qualities as perseverance, attentiveness, scrupulousness, patience will be fundamental.

Evaluation of the personal qualities of an employee

The manager can assess the personality traits of the applicant for the position by reading about them in the resume. A potential employee should give this paragraph of his resume considerable attention, but their description should not take up more than half the text and you should not exalt yourself. You should try to objectively treat your qualities, the emphasis should be on those personal characteristics that are somehow related to the proposed work. According to this indicator, the boss will evaluate whether this candidate is suitable or not. It is better if the description is supported by specific professional achievements.

Personal qualities play an important role in all spheres of our life. They can be both positive and negative. To negative sides did not create problems, you need to fight them, working on yourself.

In search of ways to achieve personal and professional success, promising ambitious people are trying to find an answer to the question of what external factors contribute to success, what aspects of their own personality can and should be developed?

Of course, the level of education, personal factors of upbringing, as well as a healthy share of luck play an important role on the path to success. But precisely personal growth and the development of certain qualities play a key role in the formation of self-sufficiency, the maturity of a person. A high level of development of these qualities will certainly lead you to the heights of self-actualization.

How personal qualities are formed

In the structure of personal qualities, there are both hereditary and qualities formed over time. that characterize the individual. You can make a list consisting of four substructures-levels, under the influence of which specific personal qualities are formed.

  1. Temperament. The type of human temperament depends on the characteristics of the functioning of his nervous system. Of the four types of temperament, each person usually has two main ones that are pronounced. Two different person may have the same personal quality, but they will manifest themselves in different ways, because one of them is choleric, and the second is phlegmatic. For example, creativity in a choleric person will be manifested by high creative activity, increased emotional background. A phlegmatic person can be no less creative, but he will not put his ideas and emerging emotions on public display. The result will be the same, but the way to achieve it will be different.
  2. mental processes. Their individual characteristics contribute to the development of personality traits associated with the level of development of perception, memory, will, thinking, sensations, and imagination. Features of the logical operations of thinking form the way of mental actions, which also affect the formation of personality traits. For example, a person with developed volitional qualities is distinguished by purposefulness, high adaptability and stress resistance, and developed imagination and thinking contribute to the formation of ideological, enthusiasm and high creative activity. Developed logical operations of thinking form ability to quickly learn and absorb information.
  3. Experience . Personal qualities are formed on the basis of habits, knowledge, skills, skills of a person, established in the process of learning and practical activities. For example, they can contribute to the formation accuracy, flexibility, delicacy, assertiveness, or asceticism, recklessness, carelessness.
  4. Orientation. Based on the views, interests, beliefs, social attitudes, value orientations, moral principles and worldview of a person, personal social qualities are formed that characterize his attitude towards other people, the world as a whole, there are driving force his motivation and behaviour. Orientation is the basis of the mechanism of self-government. On the one hand, these qualities tact, altruism, selflessness, gratitude. On the other hand, this arrogance, vulgarity, imperiousness, irascibility.

As you can see, the list is made up of genetically determined qualities - this is the central core of the personality (temperament and features of mental processes). The formation of other qualities is determined by the life of a person in society (experience and orientation).

Personality traits of a successful person

The previous list clearly shows what multifaceted aspects make up a personality, where the formation of personal qualities occurs under the influence of complex biological and social aspects. As a result, a person is a carrier of many versatile individual qualities, from which a list of the most significant qualities can be distinguished, a high level of development of which is the key to social success.

  • Responsibility. This quality means the ability, willingness to ensure and regulate the independence, integrity and effectiveness own life and activities in their various manifestations. Responsibility predetermines a person's ideas about success, helps to create clear, logical and thoughtful action strategies in the field of personal and professional achievements.
  • Creative activity. This is the desire to comprehend the new with the help of developed creative imagination and creativity, the ability to independently create personal ideas. It involves independence of judgment, the ability to compare, analyze, find contradictions, justify one's point of view on the way to the implementation of non-standard original ideas and projects.
  • Charisma. This is a strong energy, a powerful driving force that makes other people listen, “follow” him, makes him a leader. Charisma comes from a special elevated emotional state, which is perceived by others as willpower, a high level of confidence. A large role is played by personal external aspects, such as intonation of voice, gestures and facial expressions. able to inspire other people, causing respect and even some admiration.
  • existential anxiety. This concept means a sense of one's finiteness, mortality, which makes a person feel a constant need for self-realization, a desire to have time to achieve their goals, while there are internal strengths and inspiration, while a person is alive and healthy. These people are endowed with some kind of internal engine, who are keenly aware of the rapid passage of time, trying to make the most of their potentialities, never resting on their laurels, constantly moving to new heights.
  • "The Power of Purpose". This means the quality of a person to be extremely concentrated on distant goals that constitute the main desire of his life. This is the ability under any circumstances to remember and know why certain actions are performed. This is the force that guides a person throughout his life. Only the ability to set a big goal and patiently, in small steps to achieve it, lead to real success and self-realization.
  • Optimism. This is an inexhaustible faith in one's personal capabilities, strengths, the ability not to stop there even after a large number of failures, when most people give up. This is the ability to evaluate your chances and abilities above other people, while being able to not only talk about it, but also demonstrate it in reality. Failure only increases the enthusiasm and desire to prove their ability to be the best in their field. Quality is listed as one of the most important.

Some more qualities:

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A person's qualities are a set of stable mental formations of a person, with the help of which he influences society, is active, interacts with other people. To describe a person as a person, it is necessary to characterize his qualities, how he reveals himself to others through actions and deeds.

Personal qualities of a person

Genetic predisposition in the development of personal qualities plays an important role, but the environment in which a person develops cannot be ruled out. Surrounded by other people, the child absorbs different patterns of behavior, learns to read the reactions to certain actions and to realize which qualities are welcomed in society and which are not. The personal qualities of a person develop throughout life and a person often has a choice to prove himself from a good or worse side.

Good qualities of a person

Qualities good man always evoke a response in people and find approval in society. These qualities can be listed indefinitely, some are inherited from ancestors, others, if desired, need to be developed. Positive qualities of a person - a list:

  • sincerity;
  • cheerfulness;
  • altruism;
  • reliability;
  • tenderness;
  • charm;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality;
  • loyalty;
  • decency;
  • caring.

Bad qualities of a person

Negative traits or qualities are inherent in every person, even the ancient sages pointed to the duality of a person and compared “good” and “evil” in him with two wolves - good and evil, fighting among themselves, and the one whom the person feeds more wins. Bad qualities manifest themselves in full measure if the child has not learned the moral values ​​of society, often such children grow up in dysfunctional families, but it happens that bad things are inherent in a person initially by nature.

Negative qualities of a person - a list:

  • envy;
  • selfishness;
  • arrogance;
  • pride;
  • hypocrisy;
  • laziness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • cruelty;
  • greed;
  • vanity;
  • deceit;
  • indifference.

What is the relationship between activity and human qualities?

All human qualities stem from basic needs - to be accepted, respected, to live in safety, to fulfill oneself, so the connection is direct. Needs give rise to activity, and in order to satisfy needs, certain qualities of a person are needed, for example, professional ones, they are needed for recognition. Endurance, self-discipline and perseverance are essential to winning in sports. Choosing a direction of activity, a person cultivates in himself those qualities that are necessary for its implementation.

What are the qualities of a person?

The physical qualities of a person are determined by his endurance and natural data, other qualities are more high order relate to character traits, disposition. Both are formed throughout life, many of them are important to develop for the formation of personality in childhood. Qualities are moral, strong-willed, professional - they all reflect inner world man, what he is.

The moral qualities of a person

Morality and morality are closely related and these qualities stem from one another. The qualities of a cultured person such as courtesy, tact, respect for one's heritage and nature are the basis of well-being in society. Among moral qualities the following can also be distinguished:

  • philanthropy - kindness to people, help to the weak and disadvantaged;
  • respect for others - understanding that everyone is different and each person has something to respect;
  • fidelity - a quality that relates both to oneself (to be true to one's principles), and a more global concept - loyalty to the Motherland;
  • selflessness - the performance of actions from good intentions, without seeking benefits for oneself;
  • spirituality is a quality that includes all moral aspects and religiosity that exalt the human spirit.

Moral qualities of a person

The qualities of a disciplined person are important for the existence of society. The norms and values ​​of society form a kind of common framework or basis that people are guided by and pass on to their children. A person expresses his inner "I" through behavior and manners - these are the moral qualities that are formed through the intellect, emotions and will. Conventionally, the moral qualities of a person can be divided into 3 categories "necessary", "possible", "impossible".

Moral qualities from the “need” category are the ability to act for the common good:

  • duty;
  • responsibility;

Qualities from the category of “possible” are all those manifestations of a personality that do not conflict with internal beliefs and principles:

  • honor;
  • dignity;
  • conscience;
  • sense of justice.
  • envy;
  • shamelessness;
  • cunning;
  • propensity to lie.

Volitional qualities of a person

The strong qualities of a person are stable mental formations that define a person as mature with a high level of conscious self-regulation of behavior, controlling himself in different situations. Doctor psychological sciences VC. Kalin, exploring the emotional-volitional qualities of a person, divided them into 2 large groups: basal and systemic.

Basal (primary) volitional qualities:

  • patience - the ability not to force events and pursue a quick result, but to support work with additional effort, to go at a given pace, even if circumstances do not develop properly (obstacles, delays, internal fatigue);
  • courage - confronting fear, the ability to take risks, maintaining calm in stressful situations;
  • energy - a quality that allows you to raise activity to the desired level by an effort of will;
  • self-control and endurance - the ability not to go beyond feelings, impulsive actions, self-control, emotions, behavior.

Systemic volitional qualities:

  • purposefulness- striving for the goal, supporting the "internal compass" leading to the result;
  • persistence- the ability to overcome difficulties;
  • subsequence- following a single guiding principle, not exchanging for a secondary one;
  • initiative– the ability to embody the ideas that have arisen;
  • adherence to principles- the quality of a person that allows you to be guided by certain moral principles and not change them.

Social qualities of a person

A person cannot exist outside of society, as individuals are revealed in society by interacting with each other. A person influences society, and society influences a person - this process is always two-way. Each individual performs several social roles, and for each role there is a set of qualities that reveal it. The positive qualities of a person help him to open up in society with better side and bring harmony.

Social qualities of people:

  • self-awareness is an important ability that allows a person to be aware of himself in the social system;
  • social identification - the ability of a person to self-identify with other people consciously or emotionally;
  • self-esteem - the ability to adequately evaluate oneself without exceeding or belittling one's own merits, is an important component of the self-concept;
  • social activity - skills and abilities to perform socially significant actions for the development of society;
  • worldview - a set of views, values, norms and attitudes that determines a person's attitude to society and the world as a whole.

Business qualities of a person

The professional qualities of a person show his competence and are defined as a specialist; they are formed on the basis of existing qualities and abilities. When applying for a job, the employer without fail looks at what qualities and skills the applicant possesses. Qualities important for a person’s business activities (each type of profession may have its own requirements):

  • fast learner;
  • organizational skills;
  • sociability;
  • independence in work;
  • initiative;
  • ability to work within multitasking;
  • the ability to speak in front of an audience;
  • experience in business negotiations;
  • accuracy;
  • ability to plan a working day;
  • high stress resistance;
  • tact and courtesy in interpersonal relationships;
  • Analytical mind;
  • literacy;
  • organizational skills.

What qualities are necessary for a person to achieve the goal?

If you ask any person what helps him achieve his goals and objectives, everyone will have different answers - this is such an individual process and depends on a number of circumstances and character traits, values ​​laid down in childhood. The qualities of a creative person are inspiration and creativity, while a “mundane” person needs self-discipline and diligence. What advances some towards the goal is not even a help to others, everyone has their own path to success and yet there is a standard idea of ​​​​people about what these qualities should be.