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Semantic translation. Bible. Semantic translation into modern Russian. See what the "semantic method of translation" is in other dictionaries

For 15 years, the Russian Bible Society has been preparing for publication a translation of the Holy Scripture into modern Russian language . Finally, this work came out from under the printing press to our enlightenment.

Old Testament: translation from Hebrew

Translators refer directly to the ancient original of the Old Testament books - to texts in Hebrew and in some cases in Aramaic. Translation is done from a standard scientific publication Old Testament- Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart, 1990). In their work, the team of authors is guided by two basic principles: scientific correctness and adherence to the norm of the modern Russian language. Thus, the creators of the series are faced with the task of combining exact adherence to the ancient original with an impeccable artistic form of translation. This type of translation is called semantic.

In the entire history of translations of Holy Scripture into Russian, a task of this kind has been posed for the first time. The work takes into account the most recent achievements modern biblical studies and a thorough analysis of various textual evidence of biblical books is carried out. This allows for the high qualification of translators and the extensive fund of the scientific library of the RBO. For the first time in translations into Russian, among other things, the data of the Qumran manuscripts are used. The authors and experience of the most authoritative translations of the Bible into modern are taken into account European languages(New Revised Standard Version, New International Version, Revidierte Elberfelder, Bible Jerusalem, Nouvelle Edition Geneve, La Sacra Biblia Nuova Riveduta). http://www.biblia.ru/translation/show/?2&start=0

Joyful News: New Testament translated from ancient Greek

The project participants were guided modern principles translation, developed in the 40s. XX century by the famous linguist Eugene Nida (Eugene Nida) and successfully embodied in many translations of the Holy Scriptures. According to these principles, the translation must accurately convey the meaning of the original, and not follow literally the foreign language text. Translation of "Glad Tidings" is made from the scientific publication The Greek NewTestament. Ed. by B.Aland, K.Aland, J.Karavidopulos, C.M.Martini, and B.M.Metzger. Stuttgart, 1993. This used the most authoritative exegetical and textual commentaries on the books of the New Testament and took into account the experience of Good News Bible, New International Version, New Jerusalem Bible, Revised English Bible, New Living Translation, Die Bibel in heutigem Deutsch, Santa Biblia: DiosHabla hoy. Much attention was paid to reflecting the peculiarities of the style of the New Testament authors by means of modern language.

Over the course of five years, the editorial committee, scientific consultant and translator discussed more than 9 thousand comments and suggestions, and made about 7 thousand changes and amendments to the text.

Philologists, historians, specialists in the New Testament from different Christian denominations took part in the review of the translation: S.S. Averintsev, A.A. Alekseev, hegumen Hilarion (Alfeev), Fr. Alexander Borisov, A.E.Grafov, M.P.Kulakov, I.A.Levinskaya, E.B.Rashkovsky, M.G.Seleznev, G.A.Sergienko, N.L.Trauberg, A.L.Khosroev , O. Georgy Chistyakov.

For a better understanding of biblical realities and worldview, the translation is accompanied by historical and philological notes. In addition, the most significant variants of discrepancies in the New Testament texts are given. http://www.biblia.ru/translation/show/?3

One can argue about the success/failure/merits/misses of this publication, but the importance and necessity of the work done can hardly be overestimated.

Semantic way of translation

one of the subjectively existing patterns of transition from one language to another, which means the identification of a denotation that precedes the search for a foreign language match.

Explanatory translation dictionary. - 3rd edition, revised. - M.: Flinta: Science. L.L. Nelyubin. 2003 .

See what the "semantic method of translation" is in other dictionaries:

    Semantic way of translation- one of the objectively existing patterns of transition from one language to another, which means the identification of a denotation that precedes the search for a foreign language match ...

    One of the fundamental categories of the science of translation. The method of translation is defined as an objectively existing pattern of transition from one language to another in translation activities. There are two ways of translation - sign and semantic ...

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Holy Bible- this is a book that is the message of the Almighty to all mankind. Its author is the Almighty Himself, and therefore we must read the Holy Scriptures carefully, with due respect. This book covers the most important historical events: about the creation of the Universe, about how sin entered the world when a person disobeyed the Almighty. It gradually reveals the plan of the Almighty, which was to atone for the sins of all mankind (this plan is fully revealed in Injil). These events still affect the world and people's lives.

The Scriptures contain many practical advice about how to live wise life a life filled with meaning. But the most important thing is that Scripture helps to solve the problems encountered on the path of any person: alienation from the Almighty because of our sins, emptiness in the depths of the soul and fear of a life that we cannot control. This book gives answers to those questions that arise before each person in quiet moments of reflection; this book is a guide to living a life full of abundance. For this reason, this book - Holy Scripture - has been and remains the most popular of all time. In the last two centuries alone, more than 2.5 billion copies of the entire Holy Scripture have been printed in over 400 languages ​​of the world. Injil was published in 1000 other languages, and portions of the Scriptures were translated into 850 other languages. Men, women and children in every country have found and continue to find hope and salvation in the pages of this book.

Most importantly, Scripture explains how the Almighty calls every person to obey and follow Him. It tells how everyone who by faith accepts the word of the Most High becomes part of His people, whose representatives live in every country of the world. Although Scripture is one of the ancient books, it remains to this day the most important and practical book for our lives.

The uniqueness of this translation

Although there are already other translations of the Holy Scripture into Russian, many in Central Asia felt the need for a new translation, the purpose of which would be to preserve, identify and emphasize many of the cultural and religious notes inherent in the East, the oriental flavor that originally exists in Scripture. Where possible, translators have used Eastern terminology to emphasize that the Scriptures were indeed written in an Eastern key.
At the beginning of this work, a group of translators decided that the translation should be understandable to the vast majority of the population educated in Russian, especially the representatives of the Eastern peoples, even to those who read the Scriptures for the first time. And so for this translation it was important to convey the meaning of the text, and not to preserve the literalness. This means that conveying the meaning of the original text was more important than preserving literal translation. Many obsolete words and structures used in traditional translations have been dropped. Further discussion of the principles applied in this translation can be found in Appendix I.

Who translated

The translation was made by the International Society of the Holy Scriptures (ISSP), which has experience in translating Scripture into 85 languages ​​of the world. This book was translated by professional Russian translators who also knew the ancient languages ​​(Hebrew and Greek) of the original text they were working on. Each verse was checked against the original text.
The Draft Translation Editing Team (DTP), made up of indigenous Central Asians, spent thousands of hours studying the text to determine its original meaning. They made sure that the original meaning of the text was conveyed through words and terms close to Eastern culture. They also checked the text for clarity, authenticity, and naturalness. Each verse was tested seven times. He was read different people: professional proofreaders and university students. Students at scripture institutes and religious leaders tested the text for its theological accuracy. Finally, the text was submitted for review and approval by a professional scriptural translation consultant who knows more than twenty languages, including Russian, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, and Aramaic.

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