accounting      05/24/2021

The sun does not rise there. The axis of the Earth has shifted a lot, the Sun sets in the wrong place! And many people already see it. Polaris won't lie

As we see the Sun appear farther and farther north, we will know that the time of the end is drawing near and that we are all heading towards disaster.

Much North, much higher in the sky and much brighter than expected. This has recently been observed and recorded in America and Europe. This means tilting into opposition, that is, when North Pole The Earth is steadily pointing closer to the Sun and Planet X. The lean into opposition makes the Earth comfortable along the lines magnetic flux Planet X, aka Nibiru.

On June 9, 2013 at 4:30 pm in Blackpool, UK, the Sun was “nearly at its zenith” according to the shadows. The Sun at this time, according to Skymap, should have been casting long shadows, rising to about one-third of the sky (Altitude 30), being closer to the horizon than to the top of the sky. However, judging by the angle, it seems to have risen twice as high, to two-thirds of the firmament. In Wisconsin, when the Sun was sufficiently visible, the result of the measurement showed 20 or more degrees North of the position. The sun also rose early and was higher in the sky by about the same amount, 20 degrees.

June 9: Sun at 4.30pm in Blackpool in the NW UK. Pay attention to the shadows under the cars on the road - the sun is almost at its zenith!
June 11: Wisconsin, 6:55 am DST. According to my measurement, the Sun was at Azi 53 in the northeast and at Altitude 40, according to Skymap it should have been at Azimuth 73 and Altitude 17. That's a whole 20 degrees North and a whole 20 degrees higher in the sky than it should be!
June 17: The sun is far North of its position. Skymap says it should be at Azi 68, but it's at Azi 43, a full 25 degrees North!

And here is more evidence of the displacement of the sun, moon or stars:

01/11/11. In Murmansk, the sun rose 4 days ahead of schedule. Infa began to appear on the network that in the northern hemisphere ahead of schedule polar winter is over. According to the solar calendar, it turns out that in Murmansk the Sun should appear only on January 15, and these data are actually confirmed by the calculation plate.

January 11, 2011 | 15:31
Along with the Christmas holidays in the Arctic, the polar night ended. At the latitude of Murmansk, it lasted 40 days and nights. For the people of Murmansk, it was not only a dark, but also a cold period. At the end of the second decade of December, 30-degree frosts were noted, and on New Year's days the temperature did not reach the norm over 10˚. Now the sun will make up for lost time by leaps and bounds, adding 10-15 minutes of daylight time every day.

It turns out that the Sun rose 4 days ahead of time, and this can only happen if the tilt of the Earth's axis changes.

01/24/11. The sun rises in the morning and pleases and warms the soul. I enjoy watching where it leaves a shadow on the wallpaper. So I noticed where the shadow was last winter and last and the summer before last. This winter is cloudy and especially in the mornings there was nothing to see. Yesterday, on a sunny morning, I just afigel. The sun has risen and cast a shadow in an inexplicable distance from last year's memo!

05/15/11. The latest measurements just shocked me! What are the 80 degrees!? On May 12, the precession of the Earth's axis went beyond 90! hail! It's still 40 days until the spring equinox! And then believe the scientists who do not notice the obvious facts? One thing is certain - climate change will continue and worsen...

05/27/11. My apartment has windows on both sides. One side to the east, the other to the west. I have watched the sun set many times. The terrain is full of landmarks like trees, power transmission towers, CHP pipes, etc. Already quite low, the disk of the sun shone through my window before setting. Now the point of entry has obviously moved about 30-35 degrees north and is now in the north-northwest, which cannot be! Not only that, another person noticed a change today. The person is extremely skeptical, indifferent and down to earth. He's in charge of refrigeration. According to him, he always hung radiators exclusively from the north side, so that the sun would not shine on them and heat up once again. Today, he was surprised to find that they are illuminated by the sun ..

06/14/12. Of course, I am zero in Astronomy, but I have always observed the Big Dipper, looking from my point of view, towards the north (I don’t know how to explain it better), and now it is right in front of me, i.e. became closer to the southern point. And the Sun doesn't set where it usually does.

06/14/12. The sun sets much further north. Many people are already noticing this.

07/16/12. Well, I've noticed this too. A decent shift in the point of sunset! At least 15 degrees. In principle, it didn’t sit down behind the barn before, in the sense, it sat down before it, and then it hits with rays, passing behind it. The barn did not move))

07/16/12. I don't understand why people don't see the obvious. The sun rises and sets in a different place than usual. You don't have to look at the cards, you can see it that way. You will also notice the sunrise. All changes in the weather are explained very simply.

07/18/12. I read on the Internet that the tilt of the earth's axis has changed, and that this is true, I had no doubts. But I myself did not notice this with the naked eye, and last summer on the beach in Odessa at 8:00 am Kiev time, a neighbor told me that the sun always shone exactly in the middle at that time, and today it shines from the side to the left thigh, and I didn’t even notice it. This year, my mother noticed that when the bank minibus turns at 7:15 in the morning, the driver no longer lowers the visor, and earlier he did this in the summer for three years in a row. For me personally, this is indisputable evidence of a change in the tilt of the earth's axis.

07/26/12. That's how you want - and the center of rotation of B. Medveditsa has significantly shifted to the southeast. 15 degrees. Besides, she behaves rather strangely. In past years, rotation was clearly visible, within 2-3 hours. And at this time of the year, it was higher at night. Now, it is located quite low and there is almost no dynamics.

04/23/14. I loved to watch the sunrise since childhood, and the sunset too. I've been watching for 50 years. It has shifted, our sun... It has shifted. Not the sun, of course, but our planet relative to its axis. Previously, the sunrise was visible from the window, but now it rises behind our house. And the approach has also shifted accordingly. Probably, this factor somehow influenced the climate, like many others.

12/25/13. Why such a strange behavior of the Sun? In 2012, I noticed the sunset point on December 22, and this year it has shifted significantly to the right (to the west). Why? After all, in theory, the sunset point should be in one place?

06/17/12. I went to the village, it seemed to me that the sun began to set closer to the North. Don't you think something anomalous is going on?

I have been going fishing for a long time, and noticed that the sunrise has shifted to the northeast, and the sunset to the northwest. This was not the case before. We have 66 degrees north latitude. I came to the conclusion that not the warming of the planet is happening, but the pole shift. Therefore, the latitude has changed, and the ice in the Arctic and Antarctica is melting. But other areas have become colder. Apparently the poles ended up in these territories.

06/19/14. I am not strong in astronomy (unfortunately), but in which direction the sun rises in relation to my window, there is no doubt! What happened before the first observation, I do not know, because I am not a fan of getting up at dawn. But exactly on January 24, 2012, there was an early rise about the departure. Almost perpendicular to the window, in the east there was such a charming sunrise that I photographed the sunrise points for several minutes. Many months passed before I had to wake up at the hour of dawn. Well, I saw the sunrise in the north. Then I thought that the point of sunrise can change, depending on the month of the year. But time fled, January came, and the sun was also in the north and rising; It's June now and it's still there. I told my friend about this and met her puzzled and disbelieving look. I do not understand the degrees of deviation of the objects of observation, but in a philistine way, it seems to me that the sunrise (at the equator, where I observe it) has shifted to the north by about 70 degrees.

06/19/14. Today I took a new photo of the sunrise, where I "captured" the landmarks from last year's photo at the expense of the general plan. Yes, exactly, last year, I specified this in the archive (January 23, 2013). Even more meticulously I tried to determine the angle of displacement of the sunrise. Perhaps it is not so large, but not less than 45 degrees. About observing the night sky, I also had a slight shock when brightest star southern sky - Venus - has changed its location. But then I thought that I simply cannot distinguish one star from another, and my beloved Venus is in this moment in its place is covered from me by clouds ...

08/13/14. I don’t know what the Moon is, but I know for sure that it’s not what is written in the textbooks. A lot of people, not burdened with astronomical knowledge, have noticed something that is impossible not to notice: the different speed of the Moon in the nights following one after another, as well as the different points of rising and setting of the Moon, also in the nights following in a row. I once decided that I had hallucinations when I realized that last night I was standing on the porch at exactly this time, minute by minute (the beginning of the news on Channel One), and spotted the position of the disk (there was a full moon) at the level of the top of the spruce, on the edge of the ravine. The next day, at the same time, the Moon was not in the foreseeable sector at all. Terrified, I ran around the corner of the house, and found that the Moon was almost in the northeast, and barely appeared above the horizon!

09/16/14. Even I have noticed with the naked eye for a long time (every day at the same time I go outside and compare) that the sun sometimes moves chaotically, like the moon, which does not have a constant orbit. Strange as it may seem, it started in October last year. And the polar star is not in the same place as last year. For me, just evidence would be enough, and people who are determined to reject everything from the very beginning will not be helped by any photographs, seeing which they will invent something else.

09/16/14. That's right, the sun now rises not in the east, as before, but to the southeast, but sets to the southwest. Sometimes the stars are almost invisible, and sometimes you can see them, but they are located in the wrong place. The big dipper is also displaced, and the small one too. And the earth, I'll tell you, is already swaying a lot, especially in the evenings and at night, believe it or not, but that's exactly how it is.

10/20/14. Today at 14.20 I noticed the sun - it was not at all where it usually happens at this time (much lower). I'll check again tomorrow, maybe I'm wrong.

11/06/14. The sun does not rise at all where last year, the point of sunrise has shifted by 40 degrees. The moon is also out of place, as is Ursa Major. This is the Central Sayan.

11/22/14. Has anyone noticed that the Sun (Earth) began to move strangely? This morning at sunrise, the Sun is in the place where it was on January 21 and December 7, 2013. That is, moved on 15 days. And the Sun rises 25 minutes earlier (at the point where it rose a year ago).

In the far northern reaches, the sun is not visible for many days during the winter months. In these places the exact day when the Sun appears again is known as a holiday. This is the case for most of Greenland, northern Norway, and for Barrow, Alaska. This topic first came up when the people of Ilulissat, Greenland, saw the sun appear two days ahead of schedule. Scientists hypothesized that due to global warming the ice sheet shrunk, an explanation called bullshit.

If the ice sheet was the cause in Greenland, then what could be the reason for the similar early appearance of the Sun in Norway and Barrow, Alaska? In Barrow, Alaska, the Sun also appeared two days early, which the establishment dismissed as a "false sunrise."

'False Sunrise' Raises Sun Expectations at Barrow, Alaska
January 21, 2011
No, the sun didn't show up in the country's northernmost community earlier, although the blazing mirage and misleading internet information may have given the impression that the polar night was already over. The magic moment of the return of the Sun, the time of the Sunrise Tequila cocktail parties, when Barrow residents toast to the light that turns the horizon purple, will come this Sunday afternoon at 1:05 pm, said Dave Anderson, the official who runs the National Weather Service's office in the community. According to Anderson, who gets the information from the US Naval Observatory website, it will land at 2:14 pm. But last Sunday, some locals saw brief appearances of the new sun.

And then there's a documented case where in Tromsø, Norway, the Sun came up a whole day early. Once can be an accident, twice is a pattern, and three times is a clear pattern.

Welcome back dear sun
January 20, 2011
At 11:57. The plan was that for the first time it would appear in the morning. But it seemed to know that the weather forecast for Friday wasn't good, and so it knew it had to show off today. And when it shone on us for a few short minutes, it was as beautiful as ever. Welcome back, dear Sun.

People who have lived in one place for a long time, dozens of years, began to notice that the Sun is now setting and rising in a completely different place from where it rose and set 20 or 40 years ago. A natural question arises - why?

Let's turn to scientific information, relating to the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation:

The angle of inclination of the Earth's axis with respect to the plane of the ecliptic is 23.5 degrees. This was the reason for the change of seasons on Earth, as a result of rotation around the Sun.

Effects of the Earth's tilt and movement around the Sun

Imagine that the Sun is at the center of a rotating record. All the planets, including the Earth, revolve around the Sun like the tracks of a gramophone record. Now imagine that each planet is a top, the top and bottom points of which coincide with the angle of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. By measuring the angle of inclination between the poles and the orbit in which the Earth moves around the Sun, you will get just the same 23.5 degrees.

Graphical depiction of the tilt of the Earth

At one point in the Earth's orbit, the North Pole of the Earth faces the Sun. At this time, summer begins in the northern hemisphere. After 6 months, when the Earth is on the opposite side of its orbit, the North Pole is directed away from the Sun, and winter sets in, and in the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, summer sets in.

With a frequency of 41 thousand years, the angle of inclination of the earth's axis changes from 22.1 to 24.5 degrees. The direction of the earth's axis also changes with a period of 26 thousand years. During this cycle, the poles change places every 13 thousand years.

All planets in the solar system have a certain angle of inclination of the axis. Mars has a tilt angle very similar to that of the Earth, at 25.2 degrees, while Uranus, on the contrary, is 97.8 degrees.

Great, science describes everything in detail to us, but these data do not change for decades, and the tilt of the Earth's axis is changing. The sun rises and sets in a completely different place, and in addition, global climate change may not be associated with the notorious human impact on nature, but with a change in the tilt of the Earth, as a result of which the climate has changed, moreover, all natural anomalies indicate precisely this factor.

Why is this happening? There is only one answer - some huge cosmic body entered the solar system and has a powerful gravitational effect on our planet, it is so strong that it has already changed the axis of rotation of the Earth.

Scientists cannot but know, cannot but record such changes in the tilt of the earth's axis, but for some reason they are in no hurry to change the information, correct the data on the angle of inclination, and even more so they are in no hurry to explain why all this is happening.

Changes are noticed by many people who write about it, but science is silent. A popular U.S. informal radio host, Hal Turner, recently brought up the subject on his show and detailed his observations.

Here is what he reported:

"The sun sets much further north than it used to. I live at North Bergen, NJ 07047. My home is located on the western slope, 212 feet above sea level. I moved here in 1991, I live on the third floor, with a balcony facing west. For many years I enjoyed beautiful sunsets from this balcony, and in the early summer of 2017, I unexpectedly noticed that the Sun was setting in a completely different place.

It used to set in the west, but now it sets in the northwest. Moreover, it has shifted so much that if earlier I watched the sunset looking straight ahead, now, in order to see the sunset, I have to turn my head to the right.

I am not a scientist or an academician, but I have been living here for 26 years and I see that the Sun does not set at all where it used to be. The only reasonable explanation for this fact is that the Earth has changed the angle of its axis. Why is NASA praying, why do all the scientists of the world do not notice or do not want to notice this?

Influence of Planet X (Nibiru)?

According to ancient Sumerian texts and recent studies by modern scientists, the appearance of Planet X in the solar system will change the tilt of the Earth's axis, which will cause global climate change, and as this planet approaches the Earth, this will lead to large-scale natural disasters - tsunamis and other natural phenomena that are likely to destroy life on our planet.

Judging by the fact that billionaires, governments and other rulers of the world are preparing safe havens for themselves, creating "arks" of seed storage and cultural heritage human civilization, they know about the approaching global catastrophe

Perhaps that is why the space programs of NASA, Elon Musk (Space X) and Jeff Bezos (Blue Origin) began to actively develop, the purpose of which is to resettle the chosen ones to other planets and create colonies there.

Nibiru, also known as planet X, is considered to be a planet whose orbit at perihelion crosses the solar system between Mars and Jupiter once every 3600-4000 years. The Sumerians left a description of this planet, which says that highly developed people live on it. sentient beings- Anunnaki.

Not so long ago, just a few years ago, scientists called information about planet X a myth and pseudoscience, and then these same people who laughed at Nibiru themselves announced the discovery of Planet X. Maybe it's time to openly tell people about the real causes of global climate change and about planet X, also tell. Maybe the time has come?

Earlier, back in 2011, strange events began to occur related to the mismatch of sunrises and sunsets. For example:

And at the moment we began to receive a huge number of such messages:

Here are the comments:

I have been living in one place for 30 years and watching the sunset from the same point. So, the point of sunset on the horizon has shifted. Since my childhood, it has been significant.

In Moscow 8 years ago it dawned much later!

I live in the Krasnadar Territory, my window is directed to the east and I had clear landmarks for the place of sunrise. A few years ago I noticed that the sun began to rise 15-20 degrees north of its usual place, and now even more. And yes, the times of sunrise and sunset have shifted.

At first, it “seemed” to me, too, but after that I began to notice something that had never been in our area before. And the place of sunset, especially in autumn, has shifted significantly. Almost 15 degrees. And in the summer, sometimes a phenomenon happens that is very close to the “white nights” ... I quietly go nuts, like some of those with whom I sometimes discuss this

I noticed that the sun sets in the northwest, and rises in the northeast. those. those with windows to the north can now watch sunsets and sunrises, which was not possible before

I have three windows in the room of the corner house, at the corners of the rooms it means north south west east., the first window is between north and east, the second window looks east, the third window is between east and south. This year, it is felt that the sunrise and sunset have shifted, as it were, from the northeast to the south, I have flowers on every window, and they subtly feel natural changes, earlier on the northeast window from the rising sun and before lunch, the flowers appeared burns, this year now it is necessary to remove flowers from the eastern window on hot days.

I live in Yaroslavl, I also noticed. At home, so that at sunset the sun would not burn into her eyes, she always curtained half the window. Now I have to completely close the curtains - the sun began to set in a different place.

Yes, and in Ukraine it gets light very early now. Recently, I was surprised that sunrise and sunset moved to the North, I asked everyone: what is it? In general, strange things happen in nature - the sky is unusually beautiful, the magnolia began to bloom a second time, apples hang on the apple tree and release flowers nearby! Miracles!

In Kyiv, too, has shifted. Found yesterday at sunset. Mom never had the sun in the evening, last night it shone through the window.

One of the apartments in Novorossiysk, I rarely come there, usually May-June. The windows overlook not only the north, they overlook the beginning of the Caucasian ridge, that is, the mountains. This year, the sun rises not only earlier (always woke up at 5:30, this year, starting from February at 4:20, as if on call), it rises one mountain to the left, i.e. in the northeast, and not in the east. And sits to the north. And he also has a strange hot white color, not yellow, while this has nothing to do with air temperature. The color is very unpleasant, dead.
And yet there is no temperature difference between day and evening, literally 2-3 degrees, i.e. during the day 34 in the shade, at night 30.

I myself go to bed at 3 am and see that the axis has changed. three weeks ago I was in the Tushino hospital and the sun was on the horizon at three in the morning, and at 5 in the morning it was as high as at 12 noon according to the old one. axle offset is very strong

earlier in our country, at sunset, the sun always +/- set in the interval of the river delta, where it “poured out” into the “Arabian Sea”, as into a kind of fork. And now - no, he goes over the hill.

The same thing, I really feel when it gets light. I woke up + I look, but it’s still light out of time ... and the angles of sunrise this year are different relative to the same place of residence.

I have been living for 18 years in the same house, the orientation of the house is latitudinal. The bedroom windows face the north side and this side has never been insolated! This summer, at 4:30 am, the sun shining through my bedroom window wakes me up! Previously, the Sun did not shine into the windows on the north side at all (i.e., the Sun could not be seen from the northern windows). Now, starting from 4-30 in the morning, the Sun shines brightly straight through the window from the northeast, after two hours it goes to the other side of the house (south). Several times I had to stay up late, and around 3 o'clock in the morning it was already starting to get light, which was very surprising.

Exactly the same picture! The same orientation of the apartment, and also a shift in the place of sunrise and sunset. In terms of time ... It also seemed to me that it was earlier, but I’m not sure, because it has long seemed to me that the nights in Moscow are not the same as they used to be, they are bright in the summer, not yet white, but it doesn’t get dark to real darkness.

I also noticed that in Moscow it is now getting lighter early. Too early.

The birds are very active at night. And at two and at three o'clock the voices of birds are heard. Didn't notice this before. The noise of the birds is so strong that it sometimes interferes with sleep.

I live in Tula. Windows face north. Indeed, the sun began to set much more north than before, and rises not in the east, but in the northeast. Moreover, it does not set, but moves parallel to the horizon, it became not habitually light in the room at night, but on the horizon (where the sun moves) the sky is bright all night. The sunrise is very early. Not the same as it was before.

A year or two ago, I observed the buildup of the Earth at the sunset of the Yar. Now the time has been shifted by 2 hours at the zenith of Yar at 12. But at 2 am it starts to get light and when there are no clouds, the sky is flooded with white light even in the south. Really white nights, Yaroslavl. It wasn't like that 4 years ago.

The earth is shifting in the sun system, and solar the system is also shifting and so on. But in practice, I have been living in an apartment since 1976, all the windows are to the east. Earlier at 5 in the morning the sun was barely visible. And now at this time it is in that place as if it were 10 am.

The axis is changing. The earth is growing and expanding. Volcanoes have designated their living existence and are fully functioning. And the structure of water and air is also changing.

Yes, and in Ukraine it gets light very early now. Recently, I was surprised that sunrise and sunset moved to the North, I asked everyone: what is it? In general, strange things happen in nature - the sky is unusually beautiful, the magnolia began to bloom a second time, apples hang on the apple tree and release flowers nearby! Miracles!

Sunrise an hour earlier in the Kuban this year than last year

I agree that there has been a change in sunrise times, it rises almost an hour earlier in July than in June. I have been watching this for two months, someone wakes me up before sunrise and I go to the balcony to meet the coming of the sun, it has become different both in physical sensations and visually, and your comments and others have convinced me that I am not the only one who sees this, thank you.

In the winter of 2013-14, throughout December and January, I could not find the Big Dipper in the sky (and even more so the North Star). After the children’s classes, they returned at eight o’clock in the evening, there were other stars. I persistently looked at the sky every time, but alas. I thought then that perhaps our stars can now be seen in a different hemisphere. I forgot about them until the summer, until I saw them again in the dark Altai sky (she was glad to find a loss). I was surprised by the dawn at half past two in the night, but it didn’t happen all the time, but in some fits and starts, and I thought that maybe I was so buggy and urban environment affects. But in the 15th year, in the summer, being in the village in Altai, where the night comes quickly and it is dark, the presence of periodic early dawn was confirmed. I am “owl” and sometimes I don’t sleep before dawn, the curtains are not visible outside the window. And one of the June nights began to pour the neighbor's rooster heartily. There was about three in the night, it was a long time and I became curious for a long time, I praised the storm . On the sky shone bright sun(like a bright light bulb), although the sky was faded, dawn. But it wasn’t like that every time, so all sorts of transitions to winter-summer time Nothing to do with it. Even in the comments they wrote about thunderstorms without rain and thunder, in Altai I observed them for three summers in a row - only bright flashes of lightning, sometimes for half a night. She also noted that there are two summers in a row, the sun rises and sets no longer in opposite sides. Right now we are resting in our village in the Zhiguli mountains. Again, early dawns, then ordinary ones, and also at 10 pm in the south a bright orange lantern is lit, which does not look like a star.

In the Tambov region at 4-30 the disk of the sun comes out from behind the horizon. I saw this an hour later last year.

Absolutely agree! There were no such early sunrises. This summer is generally very strange, at three it is already getting lighter.

For four years I have been observing the same picture in Krasnoyarsk. and the sunrise shifted to the south.

I noticed that here (I live in Krasnodar) the sun somehow disappears too quickly from view - the windows face south and about 5 years ago it was in view (and roasted) until 16-17 in the evening and went behind the roof, now by 15 o'clock it ALREADY goes behind the roof .... Well, it began to get up in a slightly different place, moved to the side or something, not like before. I'm not the only one who noticed this. The location of the sun in the sky has shifted to the north, the angle has become different. And at 4 am it is already VERY light, like during the day, and the sun is not yet visible. It used to be so bright around 6 am

I noticed that this year in our lane (Yaroslavl region) raspberries ripened very early. In previous years it was the end of July. I noticed that grasshoppers chirp, as in August. And yes, early dawn. The husband sleeps in an eye mask, which was not the case before.

Oslo. I see boundless energy flows from the Earth, literally without beginning or end. Further, looking into the sky, suddenly there was a feeling that someone was watching me / us from above. It's like I'm in some thicket of Petri and under a transparent dome. There was no such feeling before. On the Internet it says that the sunset is at 22.28., the time is 2300, and the sun is still shining ..

Agree. The times and places of sunrises and sunsets have also changed. Yes, and the berries ripen earlier, I was surprised by this ... I live in the extreme north-west of the Moscow region

Ukraine dawn as before, without changes. But the sun really appears and sets in the wrong place, the shift of the setting to the north.

South of Moscow. It begins to dawn at about 2.30, in Yandex, sunrise is listed on July 13 at 4 o'clock. From the window, half of the sky is bright, including the area where the sun was setting. We always go to bed late and now it is always dark, since it is already dawning at 2-3 o'clock in the morning.

Early sunrises this summer are driving me crazy, because for some reason I wake up like an alarm clock around 4.30-5 and it’s already unrealistically light, something is wrong ..

Kazan, too. Even earlier by 10.15 minutes than in Moscow. More or less dark until 1:30 and that's it

My house is located strictly on magnetic fields- 2 windows to the east, 2 windows to the west, entrance from the north, another wall in the south. It's just how the house was built. I specifically checked the location of the house by magnetic fields to determine the zones according to feng shui 2 years ago. And today I decided to check again:
Can someone clearly explain this? In simple language, understandable to many?
P.S.: at the same time, I sat facing south (the old south, since where the new one can be seen from the compass).

This is all because of the desire to come up with crazy theories;)))

Everything is simple. Navigation twilight. Almost white nights))

There is no cause for alarm. In the north, everything is as it was, and remains. White nights in Karelia remain the same as they were nights. If something shifted there, then the Arctic Circle would move, and the sun would not set beyond the horizon. So look for other explanations for your early sunrises.

And soon the earth will fly into the celestial axis, have you heard? Well, the one that turned recently. And the other two axes, which are stable, will fly by on the sidelines. This will be an extravaganza, cleaner than chemtrails.

It seems to me that the last time the clock was somehow clumsily translated. After that, it became always dark at 9 pm, even in summer, and dawn is very early.

Damn it! They start guessing!
No, no, changing the clock has absolutely nothing to do with it! It's all the earth's axis, yeah. Bears rub against her, stagger, so they bent! They specifically wrote to you in red and white: “Nothing else can explain this,” and if it is written in red (and even bold), then this is an indisputable fact, everyone knows it!

Additions from comments:

I became interested in this issue in 2012.
I have been living in my apartment (Moscow) for 35 years. The windows face strictly to the west and, accordingly, all my conscious
life constantly watched sunsets of varying degrees of beauty from the window. Accordingly, I got used to the view from the window and where (in different time year and time of day) The sun should be setting. And I give my word of honor that neither my house, nor the rest of the houses around, moved anywhere, and the translation of the clock hands probably did not affect them in any way! 🙂 And when one fool on the throne, turned the arrows back and forth, then this is a great excuse. Because the ear of that fool was not whispered by fools. Now I regret that the diary of observations (Aha! " native nature" - how in primary school!) did not lead.

Case #1) In 2012 (if you remember - “Ahhh! The end of the world! Armageddon! We will all die!”) I began to notice that the sunsets became somehow strange and the Sun began to set a little to the north. "Can't be! They didn’t say anything on TV, in the news! ”, Like“ Well, since Ren-TV is silent.
Well, once - do not believe your eyes fool, then I bought Adrianov's compass (cool - as much as 64 points, and not the usual 16 or 32). He noted that the Sun sets instead of usual between W and WNW, goes behind WNW and is close to NW.
Told (and showed) to a friend. He - "What nonsense! It would have been on TV long ago!”

Case #2) Just last week, I was standing at the window, smoking, admiring the beautiful sunset. I noticed that the Sun again flew somewhere in the wrong direction. Grab a compass - and there, beyond NW and almost close to NNW (i.e. north-north-west).

Case #3) Since the spring, Girlfriend has been complaining that she constantly does not get enough sleep due to the fact that now the Sun is shining very (very, very!) early in the window. She even specially bought and hung heavy and thick curtains. I - “You have lived in this apartment all your life and only now noticed it? Don't you think there's something wrong with the Sun?"
She said, “That can’t be! It's the SUN!!! We would DEFINITELY be told!”. Yeah ... 2 times ... in Malakhov's program.

Enthusiasts are more competent than professors with regalia. People who are interested in alternatives and anomalies are not as stupid as some would like to believe, because they use critical thinking much more often than orthodox science, which uses unproven theories as dogma.

Earlier in 2011, NASA published a report "On the anomalous increase in the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit", by members of the Royal Astronomical Society Chris Benn (La Palma, Spain) and Ralph Martin (Cambridge, UK). The article contains information collected over a period of 38 years of observations of the Moon, which indicates that there has been an increase in the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit. Moreover, scientists are not able to explain this anomaly and only state the fact. The eccentricity of the orbit is one of the elements of the body's orbit, which characterizes its shape. Depending on the magnitude of the eccentricity, its orbit has the shape of an ellipse (e< 1), параболы (е = 1) или гиперболы. Ученные зафиксировали не только увеличение скорости вращения Луны по орбите, но и тот факт, что на изменение эксцентриситета орбиты может оказывать влияние некая огромной массы планета, пока находящаяся вне зоны видимости - Планета Х. Такой вывод делается посредством анализа данных полученных путем лазерного сканирования поверхности нашего спутника за последние 38 лет… Вопрос, что же собственно повлияло на изменение эксцентриситета сейчас остается открытым и версия с воздействующим на луну сторонним небесным и массивным телом является возможной, но отнюдь не основной и не приоритетной … В статье признается два положения 1. Луна действительно испытывает ускорение в эксцентриситете во время прохождения своей орбиты вокруг Земли, текущие модели Земного и Лунного ядра не соответствуют и не объясняют это. 2. Ведущие ученые Корнельского Университета используют «Х» (Планета Х, Немезида, Тихе) в попытке объяснить то, что происходит с Луной и ее земной орбитой.

These anomalous phenomena will increase and this will lead to more serious weather anomalies, crop losses, etc.

The interaction between Planet X and the Earth is causing its N Pole to be pushed away. Each day, when the Earth's magnetic N Pole emerges from the horizon so that it is in front of the Sun and the powerful magnetic Planet X, the Earth receives a push from Planet X, pushing its magnetic N Pole away.

This happens around 8:00 UTC, which is why many people notice that the Sun is too far south or north during the day. The fact that the Sun is much further south was recently reported on bulletin boards, with many people from the US reporting the same aberration during their sunrise. The figure 8 Earth wobble has placed the Sun much further south.

I did not believe the talk that the Sun was out of place. Now I believe. I went out this morning to look, and the Sun is rising in the Southeast. My house is facing south. Every morning for years, my friend and I sip coffee on my covered back terrace, which faces North. Every morning in summer or winter, we had to rearrange our chairs as the sun got higher because it would shine in our faces. I went out to see. It wasn't even close to where it used to be and didn't light up my terrace. I walked around the house, in the end it turned out to be in the Southeast. The rays of the sun shine through my front door. I'm shocked.

That's for sure. I have lived in this house for 23 years. I am an avid observer of the moon and the sun, and the Sun has never been so far south in the eastern sky. I mentioned this many times over the past month to my husband.

In the most recent years I find it in a place where it has never been before in my life. This is not at all difficult, since I have been sitting in the same place in the kitchen at the same time in the morning for the past 14 years. Whatever it may be, or what the reason is, it is definitely being ignored by the mainstream media for some reason. I wonder what that reason is.

I was also a skeptic. But now I know for sure that it has shifted. I noticed this while driving to work at the same time every morning for 25 years, on the same highway. At this very time of the year, on my way to work, the sun should blind my eyes. Now it rises a few degrees to the south. Whom do you believe? To those who say it's not true or that your eyes are lying?

I live east of the river and the sun always sets behind the river, in the west. I was driving south last night around 4:30 pm and the sun was setting right in front of me, in the south, not in the west. I looked west across the river and back south where the sun was setting. I can't explain it, but I know it's true and the old measurement system no longer works."

Observations in Moscow on 06/10/2009: The sun starts to rise at 03.45 (it gets dark at 22.45 - only 5 hours at night) almost in the North (!), rises above the horizon and moves to the East, by 8 o'clock it goes to the East and only then begins to rise.

Here it is dawn over Moscow: if you orient Luzhniki on the map (along the main arena), you get north (- north) -east. The summer night of June is 6 hours, so the Sun should rise in the northeast (at 45 °), but the duration of the night refused to be an hour less, so the angle of deviation from the north decreased to 37.5 ° (approximate estimate, of course). This is approximately the north offset of 8° that I observed from my window and which was captured by the photograph.

And this is dawn on the Yenisei near the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

The river (on the map) flows strictly to the North. Then the Sun rises there in general in the north (-north)-west!

And in Hong Kong, the sun rises in the northeast (the webcam of the observatory looks strictly to the East).

By the way, in 2008 hundreds of webcams in the world turned off, and the rest provide one picture a day.

Nice illustration from Tanzania (East of Africa) - Sunset: The webcam is looking at the Indian Ocean! This camera was also turned off, and in the middle of 2009 the site also disappeared.

Here interesting message from the forum, confirming these observations: all winter (and spring) the sun was noticeably shifted to the left, to the north at sunrise, and to the south, respectively, at sunset. But recently the sunset has shifted noticeably to the right (north) by a few degrees in a few days. I have been living in the same house for 30 years, the connection to neighboring houses and trees is clear. Earlier in the evening, the sun from 7 to 8 o'clock fell through the window into the TV, reflected and glared on the screen, now instead of it (in the same place) there is plasma, and the sun does not hit the screen! Even though the screen is bigger. To the north, to the left (if you stand facing the sun, of course) the sunrise was shifted a week ago. Now the sun has shifted to the right, more or less the way it has been for many years. With sunset - a week ago it was still setting much to the left, to the south (if you stand facing the sun). Now it has moved to the right, to the north, approximately as it was before. Changes occurred literally in 3-4 days. I live in Tula. Binding to houses and trees is clear. How else to explain (except for changing the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis of rotation) - I do not know.

And here is another message from the forum: The Sunrise point has shifted sharply by 10 degrees to the east. That is, most likely, the Earth has turned yet.

In the photo of several sunrises, including today's. They are superimposed on one photo, the coordinates are combined. For ease of analysis, clarity. Normal position which was observed in summer and autumn. It's amazing that the media is silent about this! And yet, this is all strange. Why the Sun stands still (near the perihelion), and then suddenly, on one of the not so close days, shifts sharply.

Other evidence:
07/07/12. Today I decided to take a walk in the morning and watch the sunrise. It was slightly unusual when the Sun rose in the north, not in the east or northeast. Can anyone explain this phenomenon? Observation point: 51° 30′ 0″ N, 31° 18′ 0″ E.

07/07/10. The fact that the sun sets 15-20 degrees from the west to the north, I have long noticed. I even showed it to my friends…with the help of a compass…. And today I was completely out when I woke up early in the morning and saw that the sun was shining directly into our windows facing the northeast. I was not even too lazy and brought a compass. THE SUN RISE EXACTLY IN THE NORTH-EAST. TOTAL SHOCK. Or I do not understand something at all.

3.02.11. You can argue for a long time, but comrades say that the polar night in Murmansk ended 4 days earlier than planned.

07/06/11. Jokes aside, but I always knew perfectly well where the Sun is at its zenith in June-July-August. Earlier (6-10 years ago) I could calmly see the sun at the peak point without coming closer than half a meter to the window. Now I have to stand close to the window and look straight up, pressed against the glass. So, I personally have no doubts about the pole shift over the past 10 years. Plus, it rises 15-20 degrees to the left of the usual for this time of year and goes up sharply.

I am not a very smart and educated person, I go to this forum to read the statements and opinions of people who are more competent and knowledgeable than me, but I think I can say something about this: I have been living in one place for 30 years, I have been watching sunrises and sunsets for the same amount, the fact that the Sun is not in its place now is unambiguous, by the way, the Moon is also not in its place.

06/11/12. The sunset point has shifted to the north. I have lived in the same house for 40 years. There can be no mistake. The sun has now set behind another house. I remember very well from childhood that it used to set strictly according to the map, but now it turns out that in the northwest. What the hell is this? Sorry, I can't say when it all started. On the Internet I met similar observations. They say glitches started in 2008. I live in Chelyabinsk.

01/15/11. I live in Moscow, I have been observing the sky for a long time ... I measure sunrises and sunsets with window frames, since I have lived for a long time and just look out of this window, and since April 2010 the sun began to set a little in the wrong place, more to the north by about 8-10 degrees and became higher. I was worried, I even looked at the data on the computer, but the data can be corrected, but my frames are unchanged. In December, the sun went to set very close to the south, which is far away, this had not happened before in 15 years !!

Although many people already notice that the Sun is too far south or north during the day, this is more evident in the Arctic when people observe much more sunlight. Due to the earth wobble and shifting sunrise and sunset points, the Earth's N Pole is more directed towards the Sun than usual, so weather extremes are observed - abnormal heat replaces abnormal cold, and the number of temperature records rolls over. Last winter was no exception, here are just some cases of such anomalies:

03.12.12. Last weekend, new absolute maximums were set in many settlements. So, for December 2, they now amount to +8.1 in Yelets, +8.4 in Tambov, +9.0 in Penza, +5.0 in Samara, +7.0 in Saratov, +12.0 in Volgograd, +12.7 in Rostov-on-Don, +19.0 in Krasnodar, +15.7 in Stavropol, +22.3 in Vladikavkaz.

05.12.12. IN Eastern Siberia there are abnormal colds, the average temperature is 8-14 degrees below the climatic norm. In Turukhansk, the air temperature dropped to -43.8C, which is the absolute minimum in the entire history of observations. Abnormal heat reigns in the south of the European part of Russia, the temperature is 10C higher than the climatic norm. In Penza +5.7, in Saratov +7.7, in Volgograd +11.3, in Krasnodar +22.9, in Sochi +23.4C.

13.12.12. Record cold came to the south Western Siberia. The average daily temperature is 15-22 degrees below normal. In the Altai Territory, absolute minimums of temperature were blocked, in places by several degrees at once. In Barnaul, the air cooled down to -41.2 degrees, breaking the 1984 record. in Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions frost reached -44 degrees, in Tomsk region up to -45, in Omsk up to -43.

12/15/12. Temperature records are shown by the Russian land from Chukotka to the Ob. According to meteorologists, the current frost is 20 degrees stronger than the last fifty or sixty years.

12/18/12. Abnormally cold weather persists in the countries of Central Asia. The average daily air temperature is 8-10 degrees higher than the climatic norm. On December 17, new records of minimum air temperature were set: in Dzheskazgan, -35.5, at Balkhash station, by -32.2, in Kyzylorda, -27.6, in Tamdybulak -23.7, in Turkmenbashi, -9.1.

12/20/12. The most severe frosts are in Altai and adjacent regions of Kazakhstan. The average daily temperature there is 20-25 degrees below normal! 40-degree frosts have been observed for a long time. On the morning of December 19 in Pavlodar the air cooled down to -44.7 degrees, in Novokuznetsk - to -39.6, in Barnaul - to -42.5. All these are new cold records for December 19th.

12/24/12. An unprecedented wave of warm air hit the Western Europe after snowfalls and frosts. In Munich - plus 21. In France already plus 24. On the coast of the Bay of Biscay, vacationers walk in shorts, T-shirts and swimsuits, some of them swim in the ocean. Spring weather prevails in most of Italy. In the south of the country, many Italians decided to celebrate Christmas on the beach, because the temperature reached 20 degrees Celsius. It is also hot in Sicily, Sardinia, Calabria and even in Rome. Three positive temperature records were registered in the mountains of Bulgaria within 14 hours. The temperature in the mountains was higher than in the lowlands. Unusually warm weather set 33 temperature records at once in the Czech Republic today.

12/25/12. The negative anomaly in the European territory of Russia has reached its climax; The average daily air temperature was 16 degrees below the climatic norm! That did not make us wait for the next records of the minimum air temperature. On December 24, records were set: in Vologda, -31.0, in Cherepovets, -33.9, in Rybinsk -31.6, in Vladimir -30.3, in Ryazan the change was -27.9.

12/27/12. In Antarctica, it warmed by a record 2.4 degrees. The temperature record shows a rise of 2.4 degrees Celsius in average annual temperatures since 1958 - that is, three times faster than the global average.

12/27/12. Fresh temperature records continue to be set in Japanese cities and villages. To date, in 44 points, mainly in the northern regions of the country on about. Hokkaido, old winter records broken.

12/27/12. In Rio de Janeiro, an absolute temperature record has been recorded in the entire history of observations. According to National Institute meteorology, on December 26, the thermometers rose to the mark of 43.2º Celsius.

12/28/12. China has a cold record. At the end of December, for the first time in 30 years, in far from the center of Xinjiang county, the thermometers dropped to -49ºC. In Jilin, extreme -38 degrees made traffic difficult and forced parents to keep their children out of school. In these frosty days, the number of calls to doctors has become the highest.

01/03/13. In the north of India - in the state of Uttar Pradesh, at least 114 people have become victims of record cold weather. Forecasters reported that the day before in the capital of Delhi was recorded a record low temperature since 1969 - at plus 9.8 degrees Celsius.

04.01.12. Australians are experiencing the worst heat wave in 10 years. In some cities, the temperature reaches 47 degrees. Intense heat keeps on 80 percent of the continent. According to forecasters, the decline in temperature is not expected soon. The record was recorded in the city of Eukla - 48.2 degrees.

09.01.13. The past year has brought the United States eleven natural disasters and many weather anomalies. In the US, the average temperature in 2012 was 12.9 degrees, beating the previous record in 1998. The hottest month of July also broke all records: its average temperature was 24.9 degrees, which is the highest figure in the history of meteorological observations.

09.01.13. Extremely cold weather persists this winter in the south of the Korean Peninsula. So, on the morning of December 31, after heavy snowfalls over the weekend, the air temperature in Seoul was minus 14 degrees. And on January 3, another temperature minimum was recorded in the central regions. The morning temperature was minus 22 degrees in Cheorwon, Gangwon Province, and minus 16 degrees in Seoul and the metropolitan area. Even in Busan, where the air temperature almost never drops below 0 degrees, it was minus 7 degrees. Due to the strong wind, the actual temperature was even lower - minus 23 degrees in the capital region. Such cold weather, according to forecasters, has never been recorded in the entire history of climate observations in Korea.

09.01.13. Much of central and southern Australia is currently under the influence of an intense heatwave that has resulted in a series of new temperature highs. Extreme heat began at the end of December 2012 and continues to the present. Temperature records are in the tens. Met Office spokesman Neil Plummer said the heat had set several national records.

01/10/13. This winter in China has become the coldest in the last 30 years, hundreds of thousands of people have suffered from severe frosts. About 250,000 Chinese need urgent help, according to the Xinhua news agency.

01/10/13. Record cold for Greece are in the north of the country, the thermometer dropped to 11 degrees below zero. According to the Greek media, in Thessaloniki the air temperature dropped to minus 5, in Florina - to minus 9, and in the northern regions in the morning it was minus 11 degrees. Epiphany frosts are also in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace minus 3 in Kavala and minus 4 in Alexandroupolis. Newspapers call the cold polar.

01/11/13. 90 people became victims of abnormal cold weather in Bangladesh. The weather has been unusual for the region for a week now. On the eve of the thermometer dropped to the lowest mark in 45 years - plus 3 degrees Celsius.

01/11/13. Meteorologists recorded a record temperature anomaly in the Arctic, for the first time in the waters of the Northern Arctic Ocean a deviation of the average annual temperature from the climatic norm by 7 degrees was recorded. "An anomaly of 5 degrees was recorded, but 7 degrees - such a deviation of the average annual temperature was recorded for the first time, this is without comment," the head of the Hydrometeorological Center said.

01/11/13. The heaviest snowfall in 20 years hit the holy city of Jerusalem, paralyzing traffic and causing a massive power outage. Flights canceled due to snow public transport, and the townspeople were advised to stay at home. On the eve of a heavy snowfall hit the east of Syria; in the area of ​​the Syrian capital Damascus, the thickness of the snow cover reaches one meter.

01/13/13. Abnormal low temperatures, due to which a storm warning was issued on Sakhalin last week, continue to persist in the center of the island. According to Sakhhydromet, while the absolute record of minus 41.2 was recorded on the night of January 12 in the Smirnykh village of Pervomayskoye. The lowest daily temperature of 25.6 degrees below zero was shown by thermometers in the north of Sakhalin, in the village of Moskalvo, Okha district.

01/14/13. Brazil's northeast is suffering from a drought the likes of which has not been seen in the past half century. The agricultural industry is in decline, as the fields of sugar cane, corn and cotton do not produce a full harvest. Also, due to the drying of pastures, cattle die. Horrified farmers consider huge losses.

01/18/13. While tourists conquer the snowy slopes in the mountains, and European motorists on the roads, spring has already begun in the USA. Primroses appeared on the East Coast, the time of which comes three or even six weeks later. This is the earliest spring on the East Coast in 150 years.

01/18/13. Yesterday in Krasnodar, meteorologists recorded a new temperature record. The thermometers stopped at +19.9 degrees, which is higher than in 1955. Then a record 13.3 degrees of heat was recorded in the shade. - Today, for a moment, it seemed that spring had come to Krasnodar. I don’t remember this for a long time, - the governor of the Kuban, Alexander Tkachev, is surprised in his Twitter.

01/18/13. Australia breaks absolute temperature record. This figure beats all records for the entire 150-year history of observations, forecasters say. On Friday, the temperature in Sydney reached 45.8 degrees, half a degree warmer than it was in January 1939.

01/18/13. One of Mexico's main print publications printed a front-page sensational article about how, thanks to a cold front, abnormally severe frosts came to the country. In Madera and Sazas Grandes, the temperature dropped to -13°C and -11°C, respectively.

01/23/13. In Ukraine, new records for maximum air temperature are set almost every day. Yesterday, January 22, was no exception. Records were set: in Krivoy Rog, 11.4; in Kherson, 15.2;

01/23/13. In Western Siberia, the air temperature has risen significantly. Its average daily values ​​turned out to be 8-10, in some places 12 degrees above the climatic norm. New records for maximum air temperature were set: in Omsk, -1.8, in Tomsk, -1.6, in Kemerovo, 0.3.

01/24/13. About 50 centimeters of snow fell in a day in the northern regions of India, a similar situation was observed in 2005. In the main city of the region, Shimla, a record 60 centimeters of rain fell in a day.

01/25/13. Unprecedented frosts came to the USA. Temperature records are being set in many regions. In the northern states, it got colder to minus 44. Dozens of people have been killed by the storm, according to police.

01/27/13. Last Saturday, the temperature in southern Siberia rose to record highs for this day. In Krasnoyarsk it was +3.4 degrees, which is three tenths of a degree higher than the previous record of 1983. In Kemerovo, the temperature reached a new extremely high mark, +3.3 degrees. In Novosibirsk it was +1.9 degrees, which can also be considered a new maximum for January 26.

Temperature records in a number of cities in the east and southeast of Kazakhstan could not resist. In Alma-Ata, the temperature rose to +12.5 degrees, the previous record in 1987 was "more modest" by almost 4 degrees and amounted to +8.8 degrees. In Dzheskazgan, it warmed up to 0.9 degrees. The previous record was held in Astana, it remained in 2007 and is +0.8 degrees.

01/30/13. Already, at least 150,000 people have been forced to leave their homes due to increasing flooding in Mozambique, the United Nations reports. In this southeastern African country, experiencing the worst flooding in a decade, has already killed 40 people.

04.02.13. The sixth temperature record this winter in Krasnodar. On February 3, against the backdrop of real spring weather, comfortable and sunny, the temperature reached +15.4.

02/06/13. Winter in Moscow is recognized as the snowiest in the last 100 years. Over the past century, for the first time in Moscow, such an amount of snow fell as in the winter season of 2012-2013. Due to the abundance of snow, traffic jams in the Russian capital on the first morning of the week amounted to 3.5 thousand km, which is equal to the distance from Moscow to Madrid.

10.02.13. spring warmth observed these days almost throughout European Russia. In the south of Russia, it came to overlapping historical highs. And this is observed here is not the first day. On February 9, it was very warm for this day in Maykop, Krasnodar and Vladikavkaz, the temperature rose to +21.1, to +17.5 and to +14.3 degrees, respectively.

09.02.13. On Friday, the highest temperature in the last 100 years was recorded in the Crimea. So, yesterday in the center of Simferopol at 15.00 the thermometers showed +21. Exactly a year ago, twenty-degree frosts were fierce on the peninsula at this time.

15.02.13. The Arctic coast of Yakutia is currently the leader in Russia in terms of negative temperature anomalies. The average daily air temperature is 10-12, in some places 14 degrees below the climatic norm. On February 14, a new minimum temperature record was set in Tiksi, -48.6.

16.02.13. Warmer, wetter weather prevailed across the US in January 2013, according to a report from the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration. The average monthly temperature was 0 degrees Celsius, 0.2 degrees above normal. The last time such indicators were recorded in January 1958.

18.02.13. Abnormally cold weather persists on the Arctic coast of Yakutia, in the north of Eastern Siberia. The average daily air temperature is 12-14, in some places 16 degrees below the climatic norm. On February 17, new minimum temperature records were set: in Tiksi, -49.5, in Khatanga -47.7.

20.02.13. In Oymyakon, at the Pole of Cold, the thermometer showed 71 °C at the beginning of the week. This is the lowest temperature ever measured in a populated area. Prior to this, the temperature record of Oymyakon (1933) was 68 ° C degrees. The temperature record outside the settlements reaches minus 89 degrees, it was measured in 1983 at the Russian Antarctic station Vostok.

02/22/13. Athens suffered the worst flooding in half a century. Greece was hit by severe flooding. Yes, so strong that local weather forecasters assure that such natural phenomena have not been in Athens since 1961. As a result, many basements were flooded in the city, the movement of trams and some metro stations was stopped. Cars were literally washed away by streams of water.

02/23/13. The second heaviest snowfall in a month hit the United States of America. A state of emergency has been introduced in 20 central states, there are interruptions in the operation of airports, the authorities are asking motorists not to travel on the roads. Meteorologists believe that this is the heaviest snowfall in the country in the last 100 years.

02/23/13. In China, the winter of 2012-2013 was the coldest in 28 years. Heavy snowfalls and low temperatures this winter have repeatedly interfered with the operation of airports, disrupting the plans of tourists and residents of the country.

02/22/13. The negative anomaly of the average daily air temperature on the Arctic coast and in the north of Yakutia has been off scale for more than a week. It reaches 10-15 degrees. In Verkhoyansk, night frosts are stable at -50, last night in Verkhoyansk the temperature dropped below -55 degrees. Tiksi is already tired of setting new cold records.

02/28/13. The summer ended in Australia became the hottest in the history of measurements, according to the Russian service of the BBC. The average temperature in the country for the season was 28.6 degrees.

Since the Earth wobble began in 2004, it has taken the form of the number 8. During the number 8, it causes the N Pole of the Earth to lean to one side or the other, as well as lean away from the Sun. The wobble is strongest when the Earth's magnetic N Pole breaks the horizon and collides with magnetic influence The N Pole of Planet X, which is pointing its magnetic N Pole more and more directly at the Earth. When over the central part Pacific Ocean noon begins, the North Pole of the Earth comes out from behind the horizon and repels from the Sun. This regularly pushes Alaska under colder air with less sunshine, and so in January 2012, when the wobble got stronger, historically cooler temperatures settled there. In the next part of the oscillation cycle in the form of the number 8 Earth leans so that the N Pole moves in a different direction, tilting the globe again, but this time in the opposite direction. At that moment of the wobble, when the noon Sun is located over Italy, the Earth's N Pole is tilted towards the Sun, which recently revealed that the Sun appeared in Greenland, Norway and Alaska two days earlier. During the wobble, the area below experiences weather extremes depending on where the globe is being pushed, or how much sunlight it is receiving, or how strong the push is at any given moment. The Arctic is melting because during the Earth wobble, it began to receive more sunlight than usual.

What is the common denominator of the tides in the UK and Europe, California and British Columbia, Australia and Indonesia at almost the same time, December 13-14, 2012? There is clearly some serious hesitation involved here. During this same time period, there were many reports that the Sun was too far south, that it rose too early, and that the sunset was somewhat delayed and late. The tilt of the Earth into opposition was responsible for this, and as the globe thrashes about trying to adjust to the jet of magnetic particles emanating from the server pole of Planet X, the oceans overflow. How else could coastlines along the Atlantic and Pacific be affected at the same time?

The weather has become more extreme due to the earth wobble. All of this is in the process of transitioning to a blending of the seasons. It won't be long before the mixing factor of the seasons will come into play to the point that the weather will jump from mid-summer to mid-winter during the day, and the wobble will create high tides on the coasts and flash floods due to sloshing.