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Exercises for the development of imagination. Interesting exercises to develop the imagination. Game: "Different pictures" -

One of the most mysterious mental phenomena of the human brain is imagination. This concept is understood as a special mental process, thanks to which new images are created on the basis of previously perceived ones. It seems to reflect the reality in a new unusual form. Without it, creative professions would not exist: poets, artists, writers, musicians. Naturally, the question arises - how to develop imagination?

Varieties of Imagination

There are many types of this mental process. Let's briefly review the main ones.

  • Active. Thanks to him, we have the ability to consciously call up the necessary image. In turn, it is divided into:
  1. Creative - helps to create new images, which are later embodied in a painting, architectural work, music, clothing, etc. Without even a remote idea of ​​​​the future result of their labors, a person will not start working. This view is also called productive, since the image created by our brain is later brought to life in the form of a picture, sculpture, song, clothing and much more.
  2. Recreating - allows you to again and again represent the visual image of those things that we once saw. This type is very important, since the information it accumulates is the base from which ideas for creativity are drawn.
  • Passive. It generates images and ideas that will not be realized by man in the near future. May be conscious or unconscious.
  1. A dream is the ability of the human brain to generate images of the distant future, to plan things that, in general, are possible to implement, but not in the near future. Dreams manifest consciously.
  2. Dreams. main feature This type of imagination lies in the fact that the implementation of the image created by the brain is impossible and unrealistic. appear consciously.
  3. Hallucinations - unconscious generation human brain those images that are unreal and non-existent. They appear in case of a malfunction of the brain (for example, as a result of taking certain drugs or with a mental illness). Their impact is so strong that a person absolutely does not doubt their unreality.
  4. Dreams, we see at a time when our body is resting. They appear unconsciously.

Features of the development of imagination

The level of development of imagination is individual for each person. It also develops differently in adults and children.
Mostly it depends on how much a person developed his imagination. The surrounding people also play an important role in this. If parents do not allow their child to fantasize, treat his innocent fictions with condemnation, then, most likely, the baby will give free rein to his fantasies less and less.
Some psychologists distinguish three stages in the development of fantasy:

  • childhood from 3 years;
  • adolescence;
  • youth.

During these periods, a person has the most violent fantasy, when he believes in the most incredible miracles, he wants to perform feats, get involved in adventures. At the same time, rash, risky and dangerous actions are often committed at such stages.
Note that the degree of development of the imagination is directly related to the emotionality of a person: the greater the ability to fantasize, the stronger emotion.
Without a developed imagination, a person thinks in cliches, his inner world poor and monotonous, his brain cannot produce new ideas, unique images.

It has been observed that imagination improves in those who freed from: limiting thought patterns, complexes, negative states and other mental rubbish. For this purpose, use the Turbo-Gopher system ().

Imagination Exercises

Exists a large number of exercises for the development of the imagination. They are suitable for both adults and children.

  • Visualization

This exercise is recommended as an initial one. It is designed to train the ability to reproduce and create visual images in detail. You will be able to develop fantasy, memory and thinking.
Think of an object. You can start with something as simple as a book. Imagine it down to the smallest detail. Then mentally open it, look through it, imagine how you are reading or looking at pictures. It will be a little heavy at first, although it seems very simple: the images may be fuzzy, and thoughts may slip away. When the visualization of simple objects starts to turn out easily, move on to more complex ones. At all, this exercise teaches you to control your thoughts.

  • New words

Invent and compose new words. Rename objects. At first, you will have to work hard to come up with something interesting and successful. But the more you practice, the easier the words will come to mind.

  • Verbal counting

By doing calculations, you not only train your imagination, but also your mind. Additionally, you can imagine how you write down the numbers on paper and do the calculations there.

  • Silent films

Watching movies without sound gives free rein to the imagination. You can not only voice individual phrases or dialogues of the characters, but also come up with a whole story. You can play this game with friends: everyone will choose a hero and speak for him.

  • Associations

This exercise is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. You can play in associations both independently and as a team. Come up with an association to a word: imagine an object or feeling associated with a hidden word. It is very important at the same time to explain what exactly connects these two words. This game is good for developing creative thinking.

  • Reading

When you read a book, try to imagine as vividly as possible everything that happens in a novel or story: characters, houses, rooms, outfits, nature.

  • Study of diagrams and maps

Turn the exercise into an interesting exciting game. Make up a story about a treasure hidden by pirates and try to find it. Or think up a journey through uncharted lands. You can simply follow the map through familiar cities and imagine places that you have already visited once.

  • Make up stories

This game is good to play with a group. Come up with an exciting story and tell your friends. The most important thing is to invent a story on your own, on the go, without preparation.
Modeling situations or hypotheses.
Start the game with the phrase "What if ...". Try to come up with a more unbelievable hypothesis, and continue the thought in the same spirit. The situation must be as improbable as possible.

  • Hobby

A creative hobby will help develop the imagination: drawing, knitting, sewing, weaving, beads and much more. Nowadays, the choice is huge. Find a hobby to your liking where you can let your imagination run wild. In addition, you will be able to spend time with pleasure, which will become a good rest.

Those people who know how to develop their imagination have the opportunity not only to train their brains, but also to make their lives brighter. This will help not only in your work, but also in Everyday life.

Still need some creativity and developed imagination.

Imagination is the ability of a person to create images (in - image- enie) spontaneously in any situation, connect these images with some idea, and all this can result in a fairy tale or a fable or a true story and fiction. That is, if you have begun to develop this quality in yourself, then later you will see that you want more - something complete, so that there are not just some images, but so that all this is perceived as complete and complete. interesting story. Then a person is perceived as a person with greater significance, this is appreciated not only by girls, but by all people, therefore, having the ability to imagine is a valuable quality and a necessary thing for a pickup truck (we will develop it below).

To summarize: the meaning of the word imagination - in two words - is think in images. It would seem that there is a situation, and our senses (for example: eyes) do not see any images, and the guy next to him painted the situation in images so beautifully that everyone "rolled on the floor with laughter."

Fantasy It is a kind of creative imagination. And, as it turns out, not everyone knows how to fantasize, and some do not succeed very well. It is very important for the development of the imagination to visit different places, countries, travel, be at different parties and events, watch movies, know everything new (trends, fashion), because only through this experience will you be able to imagine (psychology).

Dream is also a product of the imagination. Very useful and very necessary in life. The one who can dream - develops faster. Do not let life's difficulties - "plug" these processes.

In general, how to develop thinking and good imagination should be from childhood, because it is similar foreign language, as a child, learning languages ​​is easier, and at an age it is more difficult, and here too. If parents or teachers took care of the development of the imagination, then there would be no particular problems, so smart parents send their children to progressive schools.

Types of human imagination

To understand better let's take a look at varieties:

1. active imagination- this is when a person tries and makes certain efforts to manifest this process (if it is not developed in childhood, then you have to work harder)

2. passive imagination- this is when it works unintentionally, for example, if you worked with it in childhood, then it works in a passive mode and you don’t need to strain.

That is, it is clear, probably, that in the process of development, the active is able to pass into the passive.

Techniques for Modeling the Imagination

A) hyperbole- this is an increase in the properties, qualities of the image of the object. (For example: she has such big ears like a Cheburashka). Antonym - miniaturization (reducing the qualities and intensity of the properties of an object or person through images)

b) Agglutination- the connection of objects that are not connected in reality through images.

c) Permutation - moving the properties or parts of an object and presenting the object in a new image.

d) Substitution - replacement of parts of an object or image.

e) Complexation - the combination of parts into a single whole (possibly incompatible and at first glance, but how did he imagine it this way? And so...)

h) Regeneration- restoration of the missing areas of the image (completion).

i) Typification - the allocation of some common features in objects or phenomena (manifested with a developed imagination).

j) Transformation - the transformation of a form into some other. (For example: Katya, you are so slim today like a birch)

These views will be enough to start developing your imagination ... start introducing one view per day, for example, or a week into your speech and thinking.

What are the characteristics of imagination

  1. accuracy- as your imagination develops, the images that you will generate will be more and more accurate; At first, I will laugh at your images, or vice versa there will be no reaction, in this case you need to understand that while your imagination is tight, but everything develops through modeling methods (listed above). Also watch Comedy Club, Comedy Woman and so on, there is simply a hyper-developed imagination.
  2. Flexibility- at first, too, everything is flat in this matter, then it will be more flexible and cooler.
  3. Originality- if at first you will repeat the fruits of someone's imagination, then as this skill develops, you will already generate your own and original.
  4. Fluency- this means that as you develop, everything will turn out much faster, train.

How to develop imagination - exercises

Exercise 1: develop ideas, for example, run through them in the morning:

  • visual representations: forest, rose, hollow, boat, dog, smile.
  • auditory representations: the sound of the surf, the beat of a drum, as the alien says, the barking of a dog;
  • olfactory representations: the smell of a rose, the smell of the sea, mud, the freshness of the forest coolness, the smell of wild strawberries;
  • tactile representations: a prick of the game, someone pinched you, kissed your ear, a wasp crawls along your arm, velvet skin, imagine how the iphone 7 is in your hands (and what it feels like).
  • motor representations: swimming, you are as agile as spiderman, biceps swing, kiss.

Exercise 2 is an imaginative game

Games are a very powerful developmental action, so in childhood it is "in bulk". Don't avoid them if you want to develop your own imagination. What games would be appropriate and well suited here:

  1. "play with words"- one person comes up with the first word with a certain letter, then the second person also with the same letter, and so on, but you need to come up with and tie it to one idea, for example - to create a poem further from them or right along the way, to create a saying, fable, fairy tales.
  2. "the game is your story"- try to invent a story from the words that the listeners will offer you or, for starters, just any story. In any case, it is usually better to take supporting words in these games.
  3. "game - what would happen if ..."One person says, for example:" What if aliens landed near your house and extended their hand to you and said - come to us ...", or "What would happen if Moscow turned out to be an island surrounded by the sea ... " and so on, you can come up with fantastically funny questions and answers, which is a powerful impetus for the development of your imagination.
  4. "game - compose a fairy tale, fable, riddle, saying"- this is already more difficult, for teachers it will go to the second stage.

Exercise 3: Read imaginatively

That is, if in the text you see a description of the city, the market, nature, the body, the situation - try to imagine it all, do not jump in these places and then it will improve your abilities in the imagination.

Exercise 4

study and, they have a lot of valuable ... take them apart piece by piece.

Exercise 5

take geographical map and walk along different routes, this will also be food for the development of the imagination.

Exercise 6

try not to drink alcohol - although it improves the imagination in the first moments or months, but then the brain degrades, permanent memory disappears and the imagination will be poor or sick, but not good at all.

Develop this skill and eventually you will know what the power of imagination is.

As Einstein said, logic will take you from one point to another, but imagination can take you anywhere. People with a developed imagination are dreamers who know how to enjoy life, because even in the most difficult situations they can come up with an unexpected solution. That is why it is very important to develop the imagination of adults and not to suppress it in children. We all know how children love to imagine, but adults often, without realizing it, stifle this way of thinking of a small person in the bud. As a result, people incapable of creative thinking, ordinary people, grow up. However, our goal is to prove that imagination can be developed at any age.

What is imagination?

Imagination is a kind of creative thinking of a person, in which he independently creates new images, ideas, opens up unprecedented horizons. Very often, it is the dreamers who become discoverers in a wide variety of areas of life:

  • Sergei Pavlovich Korolev dreamed of conquering space and became the leading developer and designer of rockets in the USSR.
  • Pablo Picasso had an incredible imagination, you can see this by looking at his brilliant paintings, which, by the way, not everyone can understand.
  • Alexander Flemming dreamed that he would find a cure for infections. And so it happened, he discovered penicillin, which saved many people from terrible diseases.
  • The great experimenter Thomas Edison lit up the whole world with his incandescent lamp. However, this was preceded not only by a developed imagination, but also by incredibly hard work.

You can continue indefinitely, there are many people with a developed imagination among scientific and creative figures.

One of the varieties of imagination is recreative thinking, thanks to which a person “thinks out” what he has not seen before, what he has not encountered in the past. Unlike memory, recreative imagination is incredibly flexible and dynamic.

The complexity of the development of the imagination lies in the fact that it is difficult to formalize, control and subordinate to any algorithm. However, the good news is that every person has imagination, therefore, it can be developed at any time.

Household tools and exercises to develop the imagination

In order for imagination to develop on its own, it is necessary to stimulate those parts of the brain that are responsible for life experience. It turns out that the more irritants a person receives, the more developed his imagination. So, household means for the development of imagination, available to every person:

  • Need to communicate with big amount of people.
  • Participate in a variety of community activities.
  • Do more and more things every day.
  • There is no need to follow the knurled road, one should choose unknown paths. This applies not only to walking or driving, but also to decision-making methods.

Consider 2 very productive methods that help develop imagination at any age.

Developing the imagination by expanding the number of models of the world

The model of the world is perceived different people differently, so it is difficult to talk about objectivity in the interpretation of reality. This formulation is well reflected by the saying "There are no comrades for the taste and color." However, any model of the world can be expanded by trying to understand the point of view of other people and their idea of ​​the world. In everyday communication, try to put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and see the world through his eyes. Experiment - today you are a child, tomorrow you are an elderly neighbor, and the day after tomorrow you are a soldier who has returned from the army. All these mental reincarnations will positively affect your creative thinking.

Reading - tell me what your favorite book is and I'll tell you who you are!

Books are an inexhaustible simulator for the imagination. As the saying goes, "A book is a small window through which you can see the whole world." While reading fiction images are rendered. For the development of the imagination, it is recommended to choose detective novels, adventures, popular science fiction. Quite effectively affects the imagination of a person and poetry. However, fans of day and night reading should be aware that books are not the only way to develop creative thinking and imagination. Over time, avid readers get used to receiving other people's thoughts, their mind does not work to the fullest, so books must be alternated with other exercises. The optimal reading rhythm for everyone is different, as a rule, reading 1-5 books a month can be considered useful.

Imagination exercises during a creative crisis

Lack of imagination often worries creative people who, by their vocation, are forced to constantly work with imagination. Here are some exercises that will help you discover your writing talent or train your imagination:

  • Take a pen or pencil and colorfully describe the place where you like to relax.
  • Imagine that an unexpected guest came to you at 4 o'clock in the morning. What do you tell him? Write it down on paper.
  • Write short story on a philosophical topic, such as what is the meaning of life?
  • Create a message for yourself in the future. Refer to yourself in 10 years, ask or advise, tell about yourself and try to guess what you will be doing in the future.
  • Find yourself 250 options for activities if you had an extra week.

Game exercises that develop the imagination

  • Unraveling drudles. Drudles are simple scribble-like pictures containing several interpretations. The person is asked to say what he sees in the image. Interestingly, there are no right and wrong answers. The very process of finding the answer is training.
  • Word game. The standard game can be complicated by new rules. For example, you need to name only those words whose symbols will fit in a five-liter barrel. Or name only those items that are in the house.
  • Description of images. A very effective method, especially for children. Show the child any illustration and ask him to tell what he sees. You will be surprised by the boundless imagination of the little explorer.
  • Adults will love this game. While traveling by subway or other public transport, try to come up with in your mind for any passenger his biography - first name, last name, year of birth, the main points of life. Guess his occupation and hobby. Such a game can be a great option for spending time with friends in the park or any other crowded place.

Computer exercises for the development of imagination

It is impossible to describe all the techniques for training a person's fantasy. Nowadays, various online simulators, allowing you to fantasize and develop your imagination anywhere - on a trip, during a break at work, at home.

Our Brain Apps service presents a series of wonderful games that help develop imagination and creativity. These are games from the section "Thinking". We also recommend visiting the section Tasks, in which you will find interesting riddles with a trick.

Remember that imagination is a gift to be used. If you do not use fantasy, then very soon you can turn into an ordinary and boring person who is not interesting to anyone. Dare!

7 exercises for " Development of the imagination"from the book of Boreev G. "Conscious exits from the body. Nine practical methods. (Techniques for achieving physical immortality)".

Imagination development - First exercise

Choose an object at eye level at a distance of 1 - 3 meters. The subject to begin with should be very simple: a book, a pen, a matchbox. Close your eyes, imagine a white, empty luminous space. Keep a clear image of it in your mind's eye for 3 to 5 minutes. Then open your eyes and contemplate the object for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, do not think about it, but simply look through it, as if you are looking into the distance, trying to capture the subject as a whole. Close your eyes and imagine this object in your imagination, placing it in a white luminous space for 3 to 5 minutes. The exercise should be done 5-8 times, trying to perform it calmly, without straining, without effort of will.

Development of imagination - Second exercise

Lying in bed, before going to sleep, close your eyes and imagine a black letter "A" on a white background. Keep the image of the letter in your mind for a few minutes. The letter can change in shape, float away, decrease - calmly return it to its original place in its original form. The next day, imagine the letter "B" in the same way. Hold the letter in your imagination until the image is clearly fixed. At the next stage of this exercise, hold the combinations of the letters "AB", then "VG" and so on. Then hold in your imagination already three letters. Some people immediately manage to keep 5 or more letters on the mental screen. Work further, bring the number of letters held in the imagination to ten. Exercise helps to develop concentration, expand the scope of perception, improve memory.

Development of imagination - Third exercise

Imagine a small red square, fix it in your mind. Now imagine that the square increases in size, diverges with faces to infinity. Now you have a red space in front of you, contemplate it. The next day, do the same experiment with the orange space. Then with yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. Having learned this, move on to more complex things. Imagine first a red color, smoothly turning into orange, orange turning into yellow, and so on until purple. Then from purple you need to go back. Then imagine red-skinned people walking through a green forest. The skin of people gradually becomes orange, yellow - and so on to purple. Then it gradually turns red again.

Development of imagination - Fourth exercise

Imagine an apple. Start rotating it in space clockwise. Imagine how it flies out of your head and flies around the room. Place the apple in front of your nose, look at it. Carefully try to mentally enter it, feel yourself in its size, shape. Then fly in an apple from the body one meter up and look at the world from this point. You should see your body below, the walls of the room, the furniture, the close ceiling. This exercise should be done while sitting in an armchair or lying on a bed, since an involuntary exit to the astral world is possible. It is extremely important during the exercise not to lose control over yourself. If you feel something is wrong, immediately open your eyes.

Development of imagination - Fifth exercise

Look closely at any item. Close your eyes, try to see the same object in the same place. Open your eyes, compare the imaginary object with the real one. Close your eyes again. Open. Strive for the maximum identity of the physical and the imaginary. As you move forward in your studies, the subjects under consideration should become more and more difficult. Then start looking at animals and people like that. After fully mastering this exercise, you will be able to look at a person with eyes closed and see the aura and internal organs of his body.

Development of imagination - Sixth exercise

Learn to create some mental image in space with open eyes. For example, imagine that you have a vase with different flowers on your table. Try to see her there.

Imagination development - Seventh exercise

Take mental journeys. Imagine how you walked around the room, hall, kitchen, went out into the corridor, returned. Imagine how you left the house, walk down the street, get on the bus, go to the forest, to the river, swim, and so on.

I often encounter the fact that people do not have a clear understanding of how the processes of visualization, imagination and clairvoyance occur during work, how they differ and what to do with them. You can find the meaning of words in explanatory dictionaries. I will give specific examples.

The first term is Visualization

Then I suggest doing a little warm-up. You will also do it now, reading these lines. And even regardless of your desire, your mind itself will begin to visualize.

Remember the tree. An ordinary tree that grows in the forest, maybe a Christmas tree. You have seen this plant many times in your life and you know exactly what this tree looks like. You are unlikely to confuse spruce with another tree. You don't have to remember every needle on the tree, you just know what it looks like. This is visualization.

Any sighted person who has everything in order with the psyche and memory can remember what a Christmas tree looks like. The image of this tree itself appears before the inner eye and this process is called visualization.

A few more examples - remember your kettle, which you use every day. Do you really know what he looks like? Remember your slippers in which you walk every day. I think that you will definitely recognize your slippers among your other shoes, because in your memory there is an image of how slippers look and now, reading these lines, you can see them with your inner eye.
like this in a simple way we found out what you can visualize.

Another question is how long you can hold the image of an object - it depends on your ability to concentrate your attention and stop the flow of thoughts. To do this, there are many practices that allow you to focus on one object.

The second term is Imagination

Let's take the same tree as an example. When you turn on your imagination, you can imagine how cones suddenly begin to grow quickly on this tree, flowers of an unusual shape appear, some other objects, and any that you think about and want to imagine. That is, by the power of your imagination, you can transform, subject to any changes the original object.

Using imagination, a person can create with his inner vision any development of events, metamorphoses of anything into anything.

Imaginative people tend to be very creative people. Conversely, in order to develop creativity, you can train the imagination. This is a certain skill that can be developed using visualization. The danger of playing with the imagination too often is that a person can come up with an illusory world for himself, in which everything looks just the way he wants and there is a gradual and unconscious separation from reality. Vivid dreams belong here - this is not the case in reality, but a person really likes to invent his own reality. This pleasant activity leads to the fact that a person begins to build beliefs and restrictions for himself, as it should be. Naturally, the internal picture of the world does not coincide with the reality of the world and an internal conflict begins, and the consequence of this is rejection, irritation, resentment and a negative reaction to ongoing events.

Here it is necessary to note one more aspect of the play of the imagination.

When teaching energy practices to beginners, many masters recommend that their students close their eyes so that external objects do not distract and the practitioner keeps his concentration on the process itself. As a result, a person may begin to see something. There is a very thin line here, what exactly happens to the practitioner - whether he really begins to see the flows of energies, or whether his imagination turns on. If the picture is sufficiently stable, bright, changing according to your desire, then this is imagination. Also, if a person begins to see from the side of himself and the ongoing actions, various endless distances, the cosmos or the entire Universe - most likely, this is also an imagination.

This happens because a person begins to do things that are unusual for him. The mind tries to explain everything and sort it out, but it fails. Then the mechanism of imagination turns on and at least somehow it becomes clear what is happening for the human mind.

In order not to tempt the mind and not provoke an unconscious process of imagination, it is best not to completely close your eyes, but simply cover them (the gaze falls on the tip of the nose), and at the same time defocus the gaze. That is, you see reality, but do not cling to any objects with your eyes and are concentrated on the very process of your practice.

At first, it is very interesting to watch beautiful pictures of light, flows and unprecedented cosmic heights. Our mind very quickly understands what we like and tries to draw non-existent worlds in more and more detail. I already wrote above that this is a trainable process. As a result, the person is again in illusions. Instead of looking at your imaginary pictures, even if they are very believable and beautiful, it is better to train your sensitivity to sensations. The movement of energies in the air next to you, through your body. When the body is involved, the trick is less likely. The body does not know how to invent and lie to its owner. It either feels or it doesn't. In order to learn to feel the energy processes in the body, training is also required. This process is also being developed, but it is real. The more you work with your feelings, the more subtle you will feel different kinds energies and their movement. Plus, you will learn to feel, hear and understand your body! This is also very important in self-improvement.

Imagination is used when working with the past, change the situation in the best side changing the course of events. Some practitioners use imagination to build desired outcomes in the future, but I believe this should not be done. Our mind will never think of what the Universe has to offer us. Since our mind is limited, we can predict something for ourselves only within our own limits, thereby limiting our capabilities.

The third term is Clairvoyance

If you think that clairvoyant people watch movies from the future, then this is a delusion. The ability to see flows or clots of energy, color, internal organs of a person is given to each of us. But these visions are very subtle and difficult to recognize when hundreds of thoughts are rushing through the head. Stopping your mental flow, it is possible to see something, but since the mind is not used to subtle vibrations, it simply does not identify - because in order to understand what a person sees, his mind must process the information and translate it into a human-understood meaning.

When you are just starting to practice and develop clairvoyance, the data will flicker somewhere along the very border of consciousness, almost imperceptible light remnants of the image. A very rough comparison, but still it will help to understand - when we are walking down the street and suddenly with peripheral vision we notice that something flashed almost behind us. We turn around to look, but nothing is happening there and we are left in the dark about what it was. That is, the eye fixed some kind of movement, but the mind did not have time to recognize and identify it. You can also compare it to the reflection in the glass of a person running past. Not in a mirror, but in transparent glass in sunny weather.

In general, our vision is arranged in a strange way - the more we peer into something, the worse we see. The same applies to clairvoyance. The more we try to see something with the third eye, the further this possibility will go from us.

Only a relaxed look of the observer, not trying to evaluate and sort out what it is and how, will allow you to begin to observe floating subtle-subtle images. Thoughtless contemplation (without thoughts and evaluation) will gradually begin to show more and more pictures before your eyes.

The density of the pictures will not change - your ability will change not to try to grab and stop them, but simply to contemplate and see. Gradually, the mind begins to get used to such a structure of images and only after that recognize what exactly you see. This skill is also trained, but without effort. You need to be in a state of Contemplation and inner silence.

It is important to understand why you want to develop clairvoyance. Just for fun and interest won't work.

Do not forget to ask yourself the question - why am I doing this? In the subtle worlds there are different levels and depending on your vibratory background, you will be able to see different manifestations of these levels. At low vibrational levels, there are all sorts of pranksters and entities that frighten inexperienced practitioners. Not always nice pictures can be seen. If you experience fear, then, most likely, your clairvoyance will be closed, as a person who is not yet ready to accept other dimensions. In everyday life, you can often see the low-lying manifestations of most people, various settlements, and much more. If you don’t know why you are shown this, what to do with it and whether you need to do something about it at all, then you shouldn’t even start.

First, prepare your mind and discuss the basic principles with your mentor. I do not want to scare you or convince you that clairvoyance is bad and scary. I want to show just the real picture. As with everything, there are pros and cons. For example, when you have developed your sense of smell, you will pick up not only the fragrance, but the stench more clearly. So do not deceive yourself that having developed clairvoyance, you will begin to see angels, divine light and unearthly beauty. You will see both. In the real world, when working with people who ask for help, the opposite is more common.

You can go to the forest, live in isolation and claim that there are no diseases, or you can come to the hospital and every first patient will confirm that there are diseases. The choice is always yours - in which reality you want to be.

It should be noted that Lately clairvoyance became more common. A person does not recognize pictures, but simply receives information. Imagination can also come into play here. Be vigilant and do not live in illusions!

Imagination Exercises

First exercise

Choose an object at eye level at a distance of 1 - 2 meters. The subject should be simple at first: a pen, a mug, a teapot. Close your eyes, imagine a white, empty luminous space.

You can imagine a TV screen or a window to the street. If you can't get white, create whatever you can. Keep a clear image of it in your mind's eye for a couple of minutes. Then open your eyes and contemplate the object for 3-5 minutes.

Just look, without going into the properties of the object, through it, as if you are looking into the distance, trying to capture the object as a whole. Close your eyes and imagine this object in your imagination, placing it in a white luminous space for 3 - 5 minutes. The exercise must be done several times, without straining, without effort of will.

Second exercise

Create a colored dot of red color, then start increasing the size of the dot until the red color fills all the inner space. Create an orange dot and do the same. This is followed by yellow, green, cyan, indigo, and purple. It is desirable to achieve natural, accurate colors. With easy getting, create all the colors in turn. If it is difficult to imagine all the colors at once, you can create a day by color.

- Exercise contributes to the development of concentration of attention, expansion of the scope of perception.