Psychology      06/19/2020

Time to make the most of it. How to make good use of your time. Taking advantage of every opportunity

Create your own personalized time management system and include the techniques that work best for you. The methods are described below. Success will come when you use this system consistently.

1. Don't rely on memory

Write down your tasks and unload your brain.

2. Make a Priority List

This will help you concentrate on the main thing and will not allow you to waste time on trifles and secondary tasks.

3. Set aside time at the end of each week

To plan for next week. Is not Lost time, it will pay off handsomely in increased productivity.

4. Don't expect to remember an interesting thought

Always have a notebook handy to write down your ideas. Alternatively, wear a voice recorder.

5. If the other person's requirements don't match your goals

Say no. This needs to be learned.

6. Before you act - think, but not too long

A little thought will save you from rash acts and waste of time.

7. Improve!

Set aside time in your plans for self-improvement.

8. Be aware of what you are doing

You need to understand what you are spending your time on. Your deeds should move you towards your goal.

9. Effective techniques

Incorporate into your individual time management system those techniques that are most effective for you and use this system constantly.

10. Assess yourself for bad habits

They take up your time. Make a list of these habits and eliminate them one by one. The most efficient substitution bad habit- useful.

11. Do not do their work for others to appear better.

So, you will spend time that you could use for your own promotion.

12. Start a journal

Where you can record your progress towards your goals. Complete and review this journal regularly to make sure you are moving in the right direction.

13. Not every problem can be solved in the best way.

You don't have to become a perfectionist and, for example, rewrite a business letter 20 times to achieve Leo Tolstoy's style.

14. Don't overload yourself with tasks.

If you have urgent matters and important tasks that will take up all your time, then secondary tasks can be postponed until a more favorable time.

15. Don't be fooled by efficiency

You can efficiently perform a task that is not this moment priority. In this case, it cannot be said that you are using your time effectively.

Ecology of life. All inhabitants of the planet are equal in one. Regardless of financial situation, status and other characteristics, everyone has the same amount of time

All inhabitants of the planet are equal in one. Regardless of financial situation, status and other characteristics, everyone has the same amount of time available daily. However, not everyone is able to properly manage their 24 hours.

Entire volumes are devoted to time management, its basic principles are taught by many truly successful people, repeatedly on personal experience convinced of their effectiveness.

However, there are many who do not even suspect the existence of such a subject as the theory of time management. However, learn about how to use it in own life, won't hurt anyone.

How to manage time

Various time management theorists tend to agree on a few basic principles without which it is impossible to learn how to use time effectively. One of the main rules is planning your affairs. A bunch of modern people, who are in a state of permanent time pressure, are simply obliged to visualize what exactly they have to do on a given day.

For this, it is necessary to make task lists. They can turn out to be quite extensive, and there will not be enough time to implement them. The principles of the so-called Eisenhower matrix will certainly come in handy here. According to it, all cases are systematized according to their importance and urgency and are distributed into four categories.

Systematization of priorities simple. The first group includes important and urgent matters, the second - important not urgent, the third - unimportant urgent and the fourth (also called the "trash can") - unimportant and not urgent. The priorities, oddly enough, will be the tasks of the second of the above categories. If a person concentrates precisely on them, then it is extremely rare - and even then, mainly not due to his own disorganization - he will encounter tasks that require speedy completion.

In practice, important non-urgent tasks can be a term paper or a diploma, which the student must pass at the end of the semester. Or a task entrusted to an employee by his superiors with a deadline in a month. If you immediately take up them and slowly carry them out, simultaneously coping with other, more urgent matters, then by the appointed time they will be completed long ago. Setting deadlines is another important principle.

Another well-known principle of time management is combination of different tasks. Unfortunately, many people underestimate him. For example, an effective housewife can load laundry into the washing machine, dirty dishes and cutlery into the dishwasher, and at the same time take care of lunch / dinner.

Also, while the dish is being prepared (if you do not need to monitor it at the moment), you can do the cleaning. It will not be difficult for an office worker, while waiting for an important fax, for example, to draw up a contract or draw up documents for the shipment of goods. Already in connection with a completely different task from his must-do list.

What is wrong with those who do not have time

However, Don't be a total perfectionist. Of course, any work should be done well. However, this does not mean that they should be literally “licked”. There is a huge chasm between a job well done and a slipshod finish, and it is not easy to cross it.

Anyone who wants to learn how to use their own time effectively You don't have to be a workaholic either. Undoubtedly, there will be situations in which you will have to stay late at work, but for a person who actively applies the rules of time management, this happens unusually rarely. In addition, he will remember that at the end of the working day it is important to relax both mentally and physically.

The evening should be spent with family members, friends, for your favorite hobby - in a word, with those and for those things that bring spiritual satisfaction and are not connected with the main work. And be sure to highlight enough time to sleep.

No less important is proper organization of the workplace. All documents and other items should be arranged there in an orderly manner so that you can easily find the right one. In addition, the disorder in the surrounding space contributes to a significant decrease in enthusiasm and ability to work.

If a person is subordinate to other workers, then he learn to delegate them some of the tasks entrusted to him and periodically monitor their implementation. Then the work will be completed on time, and you won’t have to strain much because of it.published

In fact, the efficient use of time is a skill that people try to instill from childhood. school teachers and parents. From childhood, the child is taught to follow the daily routine, alternating work and rest. For those who are used to living by the rules, it will be easier later on. However, remember that it is never too late to learn efficient use own time.

First of all, define a goal for yourself, that is, what you think should change if you learn how to use your own time effectively. After that, it is necessary to proceed with the implementation of a specific life situation. Get a diary and learn how to write down in it what you plan to accomplish during the day, that is, make a rough plan. Special attention to the word "exemplary". Often people who are just starting to learn how to plan their time make the mistake of scheduling the day, if not by the second, then by the minute. Naturally, most often they do not fit into such a strict framework, therefore they are hard pressed by the failure of their enterprise. Meanwhile, psychologists advise to schedule only 60% of your time, leaving the rest for unforeseen circumstances and self-development. After all successful man who knows how to effectively manage time, necessarily leaves a part of it for his own improvement.

Solving problems by importance

Done with tasks for the day? The next step will be their differentiation in importance. Divide your own affairs into the most important, medium importance and less significant. In this regard, you will become more efficient in spending energy to solve tasks. Next to each task, mark the level of its importance with a certain icon. In accordance with the gradation, choose the time for solving problems. Spend the most efficient time of the working day on important matters.

Don't forget to get results. When planning the next business, you are waiting for some result. So describe briefly your expectations, and then compare with what happened in reality. Do not match? Analyze what influenced the outcome, what reasons contributed to the unsatisfactory result. And it may happen that the result is better than expected. The reasons for success also need to be analyzed, methods, ways, techniques to achieve it should be written down.

Thus, by following essentially simple rules every day, you can learn how to use your own time effectively and become a successful person.

We run to and from work, snack on the go and lack sleep. At the same time, we chronically do not have time to do everything that we consider necessary. But, if we carefully analyze, our time will be quite enough to realize all our desires: to learn foreign language, lose weight or open your own online store. Even taking into account the 8-hour sleep, good nutrition and the road to work. After all, successful people, entrepreneurs, music and movie stars have exactly the same amount of time as we do. Then why are there so few of these people? Let's find out!

Successful people always devote a lot of time to time management

Do we need something that we do not have time for?

The very first question that a novice time manager should answer is: “Am I doing what I want?”.

Often, almost always, a person modern world doing something completely different to him. There are two main reasons. The first is the parents, they certainly knew “better” what their child should become when he grows up. As a result, such a person himself does not know what he really wants, he has never even thought about it! For his desires and goals, he takes the dreams of his parents.

The second reason is when a person consciously decides for himself who he wants to be based not on his real desires, but on those imposed by television and public opinion. We are taught to be rich, successful, famous. We compare ourselves to artificially created Hollywood ideals: specially selected people, plus specially crafted to appear in the best light. The boy is told that he must become rich: successful. The girl, what does she owe for such a "boy".

When you achieve goals that are not your own, you have to do everything on willpower. Contrary to the stereotypes imposed on us, it is impossible to strain willpower for a long time and a lot - a person burns out. Of course, sometimes you can and even need to strain it, but not much. There are rare people who were born very strong-willed; as a rule, they are set as an example for us. Moreover, they are presented not as isolated cases, exceptions, but as the norm of life - this is exactly what every person should be.

Since the tension of willpower is a very energy-consuming process, the body seeks to minimize it, or, if this is not possible, to delay the task as much as possible (suddenly something happens and the task will no longer need to be completed). There is such a phenomenon as procrastination - delaying the start of a business, even with clear planning.

As a result, when striving for goals that are not your own, something is very difficult, because you have to constantly fight with yourself. If at the same time you also use techniques, then the struggle with yourself becomes structured and, most importantly, begins to take up all your working, and sometimes free, time. Naturally, life just turns into torture.

A thick diary and a large cardboard bookmark

The main tool of a successful time manager is a diary. A solid leather-bound notebook sets you in a working mood by its very appearance. With it, you can plan your day more consciously and save yourself from forgetting important things.

But, do you know how to keep a diary correctly? “As I usually conduct it, it’s right,” the reader will think. Indeed, almost all people use the organizer in the only way known to them: they schedule all the tasks for the day and tightly tie each task to a specific time. But ask yourself, do you always have time to do everything planned for the day? Does confusion interfere in your life and break your plans? The questions are, of course, rhetorical. As Buddhists like to say: "If you want to make the gods laugh, tell them your plans." Life brings us many surprises and surprises, and many of them are at work.

As a result, being distracted by urgent and unforeseen matters, we do not fulfill everything that we planned. And this is depressing for us. Chewing on unfinished tasks can even lead to feelings of guilt. All this robs us of energy, which is sometimes lacking in our accelerated life.

IN effective time management You need to plan hard not all your time, but part of it. The remaining time should be devoted to spontaneously arising urgent matters.Experts have found that it is most effective to plan from 60 to 70% of your time. It is desirable that the breaks between the planned cases are evenly spaced. Such a loose arrangement will also help you out if the meeting or meeting drags on. They will simply take the time allotted for sudden events and will not climb into other tightly planned cases.

Behind the daily routine, you can lose your goals. Meanwhile, without long-term, strategic goals effective time management impossible. What is the point of clearly distributing all your affairs and living according to a schedule day by day and year by year, if this does not bring you closer to your main goals: wealth, success, financial freedom. In order not to forget why you once started all this, you need to keep in mind your long term goals. But how to do this if the brain is constantly busy with routine? The paper diary gives us a unique opportunity! We can make a big bookmark out of heavy cardboard on which we can write our real goals. Based on the modern understanding of the psychology of goals, it is recommended to set about 7 goals, but not more than 9.

It is better to make a bookmark immediately good, strong, so that it does not fray and creates a feeling of solidity. A carelessly made bookmark can even psychologically level your goals. In addition, such a “device” will help you immediately open the diary today.

Action Reward

As we already know, sometimes you still need to strain your willpower. However, for its manifestation to be productive, it is best to use the technique of intermediate joy. This technique also allows you to get things done more often and not give up halfway through. TPR is one of the key parts effective time management and lies in the fact that after doing some work you reward yourself with something.

How can we reward ourselves:

  • Eat or.
  • Play a computer game.
  • Buy a funny thing.
  • Read your favorite entertainment sites.
  • Pursue your hobby.

TPR should be applied like this: “If I successfully make a presentation, then in the evening I will fence myself off in the room, lock myself up from everyone at home and play my favorite game.” That is, the reward itself should be total. It should be noted that it is necessary to reward yourself adequately to the resolved issue. If you have sorted out things on your desk, then leaving for a month is not productive. But even for the conclusion of a multi-million dollar contract, one pie will obviously not be enough. It should be noted that this technique should be used occasionally, even if the work did not expend your willpower.

How to Prepare for New Jobs

It's time to talk about rest. Many people misunderstand it. Rest is not a replacement for work, but a way to set your body up for a more productive new job!

Learning to rest properly is very important, this is one of the secrets effective time management. We know the best option since school: after every 45 minutes of work, 15 minutes of rest. We know, but we do not apply ... In these 15 minutes, it is best to change seats. If you are sitting, then be sure to get up and walk around, talk about other topics not related to work.

If you work at the office at the computer, then the best option is a physical education minute. And the same one that was made in the Soviet Union. Pay special attention to exercises on the spine. Ideally, if your office has a horizontal bar where you can hang for at least 10 seconds. But lunch, on the contrary, is best devoted to discussing work issues, but those that are pleasant to you. Preferably non-urgent, so as not to wag your nerves additionally.

In the evening it is better not to watch TV, because this is the most counter-productive form of relaxation. The best option is to engage in a common family hobby, if possible, then in the air.

With such a vacation as Internet surfing, you need to understand that our brain can only “eat” a certain amount of information, so if you overload it with unnecessary data, even from the entertainment sector, this can significantly reduce your working abilities and even lead to headaches .

If you borrow time from sleep and sleep less than 8 hours, then this is bad. If you sleep 5, 4 or even two hours a day, then, as a rule, we grab this regimen for a maximum of a couple of years, then the retribution inevitably comes in the form of a sharp decrease in efficiency.

Therefore, you need to take at least 8 hours to sleep, but use it productively. Before diving into the realm of Morpheus, give yourself a task to solve some creative questions. You'll be surprised how often you wake up the next morning with solutions, or find them throughout the day.

time eaters

Time Eaters are the most dangerous enemies effective time management.We talked to a friend on the phone for 3 minutes, spent 10 minutes on VKontakte, talked to an annoying colleague for 5 minutes… and now a day has passed! And we, as usual, did not have time to do everything we wanted. Learn to identify and then avoid time wasters. These include:

  • Vkontakte and other social networks.
  • Talk about nothing.
  • Internet surfing.
  • Polite conversations.
  • Answering phone calls you don't need.
  • Thought chewing gum.
  • “Not our” affairs, things that we, for one reason or another, are forced to do at work, but which do not relate to our immediate duties.

A moment of philosophy...

It is useful sometimes to do this philosophical exercise: imagine your entire life from birth to death in the form of a ruler or a circle. It is recommended to take the total life expectancy of 80 years. Paint over the years already lived, as well as some of the years in old age (5-10), because in these years it is no longer possible to work productively.

Sometimes it is even recommended to paint over a third or more of the remaining time, because we spend a third of the time sleeping, traffic jams. You can see how much "left" time you have. Exercise is VERY mind-clearing. You begin to live more consciously.

Video on how to use your time properly

Do you ever feel like the day went by so fast and you didn't get to do anything? Proper time management allows you to not only cope with big amount tasks, but also helps to reduce tension and stress at work. offers 30 simple rules to help you manage your time more effectively and get more done.

1. Make managing your time a habit. Try to note everything that you do during the week and then analyze it.

2. Compare the time you actually spent on a task with the time you planned to take to complete it. Draw conclusions to better plan ahead.

3. Keeping track of some bad habits will help you gauge how much time you spend on them.

4. Conditionally divide your day into blocks of an hour or even half an hour. This will make it easier for you to organize tasks.

5. Never plan your day 100% - leave free time for new ideas.

6. Plan for the possibility that your work may be interrupted. This will help you avoid the discomfort of not doing everything you planned.

7. Give up things that distract and do not allow you to concentrate - control the time you spend on email and correspondence on social networks.

8. Completely stop texting when you're pressed for time and stressed.

9. Focus on one task. Stop multitasking.

10. Set priorities.

11. Write down three things you need to do and don't leave until you've finished them.

12. Remember that everything is possible, but not everything is necessary. Determine the importance of tasks.

13. Define five tasks for the week and think in advance how much time in percentage terms you would like to devote to each of them.

14. Check if you have implemented your weekly plan as planned.

15. When planning your day, leave small breaks between tasks to relax and feel productive again.

16. A break is not idleness, but recharging.

17. During work every two hours, take at least a ten-minute pause.

18. Do a little stretching or warm-up every hour. You will immediately feel a surge of strength.

19. If you can't start a task for more than 20 minutes, don't waste time and swap the tasks in your plan. If the task takes no more than two minutes, do it right away.

20. Start your day with a schedule and a plan. Don't start work until you've finished them.

21. Every 10 minutes of planning will save you tons of work time.

22. Think about what you can do on your way to work or home from work.

23. Turn your core tasks into habits.

24. Maintain order around you. Don't forget how much time a lost pen can take.

25. Want to speed up the meeting? Start the conversation with a short outline of what you need to discuss.

26. Set a clear time frame for the meeting - this will both save time and increase the effectiveness of the conversation.

27. Learn to say "no" - try not to take on any tasks, because they can disrupt your schedule.

28. Combine related tasks to increase your efficiency.

29. Separate meaningless and strategically important tasks. The less you need to switch between tasks, the better you will be able to focus.

30. Remember that The best way to cope with the task is to start doing something. Try starting with something simple to get the job done.