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Acting skills exercises for beginners tutorial. Acting Lessons: Free instructional videos for beginners. How to choose a dress according to your figure

To become a sought-after professional actor, it’s not enough just to make your voice beautiful, graduate from a university or do acting exercises for beginners at a theater studio school. This profession is special, it involves all-round development of the personality and the possession of many skills that no one can teach you unless you learn yourself. In addition to the staged speech, plasticity and the ability to reincarnate, the actor must have:

natural mindfulness

developed imagination

tenacious memory (including emotional);

ability to improvise

confidence in one's strengthsman "Textbook of rhetoric"

endurance (both physical and mental)

charisma and strong communication skills

Exercise "Change"

Develops the ability for instant improvisation. The facilitator sets the conditions for what is happening on the site, explains how and under what circumstances students interact with each other. At any moment, the facilitator can shout out the word “change”, and students are required to instantly change actions, words and demeanor towards each other.

Sense of partner, interaction and trust

In acting schools, the interaction between partners is worked out very carefully and seriously. In particular, this is achieved by performing exercises to develop courage. The quality of the game depends on the ability of partners to interact, because the tone and energy of the question determine the tone and energy of the answer. In simple terms, if one actor gave a weak cue, the second actor will weakly respond to it and there will be chain reaction, which in a matter of minutes will bury the entire emotional intensity of the performance. The exchange of remarks between the artists should be similar to throwing the ball in volleyball - the attacking side wants to score a goal, the defending side wants to return the serve, the intensity of passions makes the game interesting and spectacular.

Exercise "Apple"

It is performed in a group with an even number of participants. Each student imagines that he has a juicy, ripe and weighty apple in his hand. The task is to silently and imperceptibly, without words, gestures and facial expressions, to find a partner with one eye and establish contact with him - to agree that you are now partners with him. Those who didn’t succeed raise their hands at the command of the host, see who is left without a partner, and also break into pairs.

The next task is to agree with your partner which of you will throw the apple to the other. The rules are the same: no words, no facial expressions, no gestures. At the leader's command, some throw an apple, others catch it. Those who failed, raise their hands and try again.

Now half of the group has an apple in both hands, the task is to throw one of them to a partner. Attention, if you throw an apple with your left hand, then the partner must catch it with the right, and vice versa. Again, we agree among ourselves, using no means other than visual contact.

If you lack leadership qualities, are tired of your colleagues not listening to you, you want to, but you are afraid of not being able to cope with leadership positions, then you need an acting studio for adults that will teach you the secrets public speaking, will develop confidence in you, teach the art of persuasion.

Associative thinking - games and exercises

(warm up, imagination, speed of thinking)

There are a lot of different exercises for the development of associative thinking.

Associations can be divided into several types:

  1. Compatibility: sea ​​Sun
  2. Similarity: ball - circle; line - beam
  3. Opposite: summer Winter; good evil
  4. Causal - investigative links: rain - puddle; joy - laughter
  5. Item part: horse - tail; house - roof
  6. Generalization: apple - fruit; tree - forest

You can use any type of associations in the exercises. Over time, you will notice which type you use more actively, and then you can consciously expand your thinking - train new ways.

simple associations

Start exchanging associations with your partner. They must be nouns (proper names can also be used).

For example: elephant - zoo - cage - bird - food - winter - skis - sticks - fence, etc.

The main thing here is the speed of thinking. Speak quickly, but at the same time try to relax and let the associations be born easily, without tension. Take the first association that was born, do not hesitate, do not choose from a variety of options, just let go of your imagination and create!

distant associations

The same as simple associations, but here you name the third or fourth image.

For example:

B: (to himself: zoo, cage, bird) - wing (out loud)

A: (to himself: flight, sky, clouds) - rain (out loud)

Partner B works with the image "rain"

This exercise also trains inner attention. At the moment when you imagine a chain of associations, you concentrate and turn on active imagination!

Unusual associations

For the development of the imagination, it is important to be able to look for unusual and non-standard associations. Move away from patterns of perception and think independently.

Take for the exercise very popular words or phrases:

  • fruit
  • a country
  • pet, etc.

Most people will build a chain like this:

  • fruit - apple
  • poet - Pushkin
  • a country - Russia (or any other country, which is also very standard)
  • pet - cat dog)

Come up with more recent associations to these words, try to expand your perception, and do not follow the template!

word flow

For this exercise, you need a partner who will listen to you or a voice recorder on which you will record this exercise.

For 1 minute, say all the words that come to your mind. It should be only nouns, do not make sentences out of words!

You need to speak very quickly, without pauses and "freezes".

Say everything, activate your imagination, speed up its work! Let the associations flow in a continuous stream!

After the end of the minute, count how many words you managed to say.

Good result - more than 60 words.

1 letter word flow!

Now do the same, but all the words that you name must begin with 1 letter. For example, you choose the letter "P"..

Printing, singing, singer, fasting, hovering, pond, hairstyle, reception, paralysis, food, button, etc.

Here the words are born from their phonetic basis. Sometimes you do not even have time to realize the word that you will now name.

This exercise develops conversational courage. We often analyze and weigh everything we say for a long time. And this exercise allows you to turn off unnecessary "thinking" and start just talking!

A good result is 25-30 words per minute!

The video lesson will be enjoyed by those who are interested in what rhetoric and oratory are and how to use them in practice.

Modern oratory, one way or another, concerns the experience of Rome and Ancient Greece. First of all, let's remember that rhetoric is a science that studies oratory and artistic prose. They began to resort to it as early as the 5th century BC. in Greece.

Stage speech is one of the important aspects acting skills. It includes the basis of diction, tongue twister technique and much more.

We offer you to watch the acting training, which will reveal a few little-known tricks.

Many believe that acting schools are created only for those who decide to link their fate with the theater, who are engaged in amateur performances, perform on stage. But there are many reasons why such an erroneous belief can be refuted. Indeed, many do not even realize how much good the basics of acting can give to the most ordinary people, whose life is not connected with the big stage and art. Therefore, the excellent video "Acting - exercises" is worth watching for everyone. The skills acquired after this lesson can sooner or later play into the hands of a person who, for example, finds himself in a difficult life situation.

What is sexuality? By what criteria do people determine the sexuality of women and men. Psychologists call many factors and signs. And far from the last place in this rating is the voice. This video will tell you how to make him sexy, in what tone to talk with a partner, what to completely win his attention, and maybe his heart.

Many people today, due to their professional duties, need to have a well-trained, velvety voice. How to make your voice velvety, how to learn how to clean up, relieve tension from vocal cords how to quickly prepare them for "work"?

Check out some lessons and exercises to help answer these questions.

The expressions "loudness of voice" or "sonority of voice" for an uninitiated person do not sound familiar. Some mistakenly believe that they are more related to the professions of a journalist and public people. But it’s not at all the last thing to be able to speak correctly, to clearly pronounce words so that others understand. If someone wants to check if his diction is good, try saying any tongue twister. We assure you that not everyone will be able to pronounce it quickly and clearly pronouncing the words. Therefore, if you hear from someone something like this phrase “We train our diction”, do not bypass this society, visit these classes, listen and learn to speak correctly and clearly.

In the life of every person, situations happen daily when you have to control your emotions, and this is not due to hypocrisy, sometimes you have to restrain anger, and sometimes the manifestation of feelings is simply not appropriate. And sometimes, on the contrary, you have to smile and show goodwill, even when the mood is spoiled.

How to learn to manage your emotions? To do this, there is a whole range of exercises, which can be found in the video material.

The ability to speak beautifully and fluently, as well as to express one's thoughts clearly and convincingly, is important for representatives of various professions. Teachers, doctors, as well as employees in leadership positions must be proficient in the basics oratory. In addition, the ability to beautifully express one's thoughts will not be superfluous for those who want to be able to persuade people to their side and win them over. The video "Oratory for Beginners" is useful for those who want to learn how to speak well and fluently.

Remember the phrase, our whole life is a game! Yes, and the people in it are actors. Many people really want to become masters of the stage and they cannot do without special training. Each teacher has his own approach to teaching, his own understanding of such a component of professionalism as acting. The exercises to be performed constantly not only teach, but improve what nature has given to man. Regular and persistent exercises will always give results.

“You saw a beautiful live bull. He's out there somewhere. They raised their hand and as if throwing a spear: “Hop! Hop! Hop! Then pull your prey…”.

This scene is from an acting class. Everyone who teaches actors to confidently stay on the stage, teaches them to capture events from life and through the game to convey to the viewer the essence and problems of an ongoing or once held event.

The concept of "Kama Sutra", as a rule, is associated with a very intimate sphere of human life. Rodislav Gandapas used this word in the title of his book, which, on the contrary, talks about the public sphere of activity. We are talking about the experience of a titled Russian business coach, who is treated with special respect by the first heads of ministries, large companies and even political parties. He shared his observations in the book "Training "Kama Sutra for the speaker". Video - a lesson posted in the heading "acting skills" on the Obvi website reveals in detail the secrets of the master of the word.

In general, all video lessons of the rubric are selected with professional care in order to provide maximum and effective assistance to public people:

  • oratory for beginners;
  • acting exercises.

For a public person, the voice is an important tool for persuading listeners. Under the heading "acting skills" there are video lessons that will be useful both for speakers and masters of ... seduction. Judge for yourself, here are some of the videos that you can watch on the site for free:

  • how to make a voice velvety;
  • how to make your voice sexy.

With the help of the lessons of the heading "acting skills" you can pass online learning diction training. Moreover, this lesson does not involve only representatives of oratory among its viewers. The training is addressed to everyone who is interested and interested in this topic with the goal of explaining how to speak so that the speech or conversation is clearly and correctly built and understandable to the interlocutor.

Another important aspect for any person is to be able to "control himself." Agree, this is not always possible and therefore often negatively affects the result.

How to manage emotions? This topic is devoted to a separate video - a lesson in the heading "acting skills". Pay attention to it: the lessons will help you behave correctly in communication with both friends and partners.

It is actively used not only directly by the actors. If you look closely, you can see that many people play in life. Yes, and we ourselves often have to play - at work, when communicating with friends, at home. Many participate in creative amateur groups or competitions, perform at corporate parties.

In order to evoke not condescending smirks, but admiring glances with your game, you should pay attention to the basics of acting.

Basic concepts

Both a novice theater and film star and an amateur need to understand what is required of him in acting classes, what qualities need to be actively developed in himself, and which ones should be hidden in a distant box and remembered as rarely as possible.

Selfishness and selfishness

Loving yourself is the natural state of every person. But it is worth distinguishing between a positive feeling - a healthy self-love and a negatively colored self-love.

Self-love makes us improve day by day, to be better than yesterday, not to let go of weakness, not to give up, even when it's hard. And acting lessons, especially at first, are not an easy task.

Selfishness is, in other words, selfishness. When a person only thinks about how beautiful he looks now, revels in the thought that he is on stage, then, as a rule, he forgets about his immediate task - to live on stage in the image of a hero, and slides down to banal narcissism.

Healthy pride pushes us to new heights and achievements, to constant work on ourselves. Selfishness kills anyone creativity, extinguishes the impulse, devastates the soul.


In any field of activity, a person with is unlikely to be able to achieve success. Acting skills for beginners include many exercises aimed specifically at development. A lot is tied to this in acting skills, starting with the fact that attention is turned on in the classroom in the first place so that not a single word of the teacher is missed, and ending with the fact that on stage, the actor must act exactly along the line of the role, not being distracted by extraneous noises, but at the same time keep the partner and his actions under control so as not to turn into a mechanical performer.

To improve attention, acting for beginners offers fairly simple exercises.

Keeping a creative diary

The development of attention does not even begin in the lessons themselves, but in Everyday life. The beginner is invited to observe people and situations wherever he is, paying special attention to interesting personalities, their behavior, because in the future they can be used as prototypes for roles.

To the same exercise, an attentive attitude to surrounding objects is added. Every day you need to write down what changes have occurred, what was not noticed before, what specifically has changed.

Listening to the silence

The exercise is to learn to direct your attention to a certain circle of outer space. Gradually, this circle expands.

  • We listen to ourselves.
  • We listen to what is happening in the audience (class).
  • We listen to what is happening in the building.
  • We listen to what is happening on the street.

Observation display

After the beginner's creative diary is filled, acting lessons are transferred to the stage. Based on his observations, the student must convey the image of the observed on the stage as accurately and interestingly as possible: his gait, gestures, behavior, facial expressions. At the same time, the teacher can place this character in non-standard situations that did not actually happen. At the same time, it will be seen how carefully the novice actor observed, how much he understood this person and was imbued with his image - his organicity in the given circumstances will depend on this.


When passing the course "Acting skills" training begins with the analysis of basic concepts. So without such a thing as action, there can be no performance. The definition of action is the main meaning of any role. The main thing about this is that action is act of will. The actor on the stage is not a thoughtless mechanism that performs movements and actions because he was ordered to do so, and not a monkey who, without realizing it, simply repeats a set of actions and words. The actor first of all thinks, and every action on the stage must be comprehended and logically substantiated by him.

Acting for beginners is based on the fact that there is no action for the sake of action itself. Every action must have a goal, for the sake of achieving which it is done. Therefore, it turns out that everything that an actor does in the image of a hero, he does consciously and of his own free will, and not just for beauty.

Any acting exercise involves the conscious action of someone on stage.

Work in the proposed circumstances

In this exercise, students are offered a place of action: a forest, old hospital etc. Aspiring actors need to find an excuse for who they are, how they got here, they need to see in their imagination this place to the smallest detail. The teacher then produces sounds to which the actors react depending on the proposed circumstances. Even with the help of music, an atmosphere is created - it can be a dark fairy-tale forest or a light birch grove. And here acting for beginners has three goals. Firstly, this is a test for attentiveness (how quickly an actor reacts to changes in music or sounds), secondly, it teaches novice actors to act in given circumstances that need to be adapted for themselves, and thirdly, it teaches them to keep the atmosphere, without jumping from sadness to joy and back again.


In the discipline "Acting" training is always complex, the basic concepts are intertwined in one exercise, they require the actor to constantly concentrate his forces.

An interesting exercise with a shadow. The first person makes some movements, justifying them with a goal (it can be any pointless action), and the second person is his “shadow” - he completely repeats each action. Of course, the first must work slowly so that the second has time to repeat. But the task of the second participant is to follow the leader very carefully and try to predict his actions. In addition, he also needs to understand what kind of action is being performed, and justify it, because the goal of a person and a shadow always coincides.

Exercises like these, which help to hone acting skills for beginners, develop a sense of shoulder - it always reminds the actor that he does not work alone, but depends on everyone, and everyone depends on him in the same way.

Acting classes are a set of exercises for the psychophysical development of a person. Thanks to special training, you can become an excellent speaker, actor, teacher, and persuasive coach. Acting courses help to get rid of mimic, speech and internal clamps that prevent you from going through life and communicating with others easily.

Exercises for beginners

Before the actor enters the stage or in the frame, before the game and pronouncing the first lines, it is necessary to prepare the acting apparatus - own body. The basis of good acting is imagination, attention to a partner, trust and perception. It is important to understand that anxiety, as with any stress for the body, is absolutely normal. Fighting the excitement that sometimes fuels creativity is stupid. The main thing is to be able to prevent the degeneration of excitement into panic and fear. Simple exercises from a professional actor will help you “zero out”, tone your body and get ready for work.

Emotion training

A lesson with an acting teacher from the St. Petersburg School of Television teaches beginner actors to work with emotions. First you need to understand the types of emotions. Having identified positive, negative and neutral emotions, you can start training. Successful work will require imagination, the ability to recall certain events from one’s own memory. life experience. Exercises will teach you to quickly enter the desired emotional state and concentrate, relax and express vivid emotions without hesitation.

How to cry just like that

The heroine of the popular youth series "Deffchonki" shows a master class in acting top level- the ability to show tears at the right time. You can master the “tearful” skill using several classic methods. Many actors retire and recall the sad episodes from own life or imagine a terrible picture. Galina Bob shows alternatives: with the help of special breathing, bright light, full getting used to the image, evoking certain emotions. The actress demonstrates examples of good and bad acting and talks about external technical assistants invented specifically to make the life of a film actor easier.

Learning to play strong emotions

One of the most exciting questions for aspiring actors is how to play strong emotion. For a natural game, facial expressions alone are not enough; mental effort is required. First you need to remember the ways of expressing emotions in real life, then feel and convey the right mood. Evgenia Din, head of the Gamma Theater Studio, talks in detail about the methods of acting and on own example shows several game emotions.

Meisner's acting technique for film

A unique video featuring two aspiring actors introduces newbies to the Meisner technique. The technique was created specifically for cinema and is one of the most popular and large-scale in America. The lesson helps to get rid of psychological clamps, connect the thought process to the game and activate emotional memory. The technique teaches partner play with the exchange of impulses, thoughts and moods.

Fundamentals of the Stanislavsky system

More than 80 years ago, K.S. Stanislavsky came up with a system that helps any actor, beginner and accomplished, brilliant and mediocre, to play with dignity. It is useful to know the basics of the system for all public speakers: actors, speakers, lecturers. Special knowledge is designed to make a charismatic performance out of an ordinary one. The author of the video sets out a complex system in an accessible language, explaining three key moments for understanding: “super task”, “stage action”, “belief in the proposed circumstances”.

Acting lessons with Mikhail Koltunov

The main task on the way to acting is getting rid of the clamps and liberation. The actor must boldly try new movements, actions, experiment with voice and body. During the group class, Mikhail Koltunov teaches to develop acting energy and use the acquired skills in further acting.

Exercises for the development of facial expressions

Mimicry is an integral part of the acting profession. Along with the main instruments of the game (voice, vocals, stage movement), she has a certain palette, which is developed with experience and exercises. How to develop and train a rich variety of facial expressions? The video shows effective exercises for elasticity and effective work of the facial muscles.

Master class for beginners

The training video presents an ordinary lesson on the skill of an actor. Beginners will replenish the treasury of diction and plot exercises, learn about the possibilities of pronouncing the sound [r], learn how to work with a partner, practice changing emotions, facial expressions and exclamation. The advice of a professional teacher will teach individuality, freedom and the ability to fantasize and turn on the imagination literally at the click of a button.

Game improvisation

The ability to improvise is given to someone by nature, to someone - as a result of hard training. There are a lot of exercises to increase the speed of thought processes, as well as auxiliary techniques that help you quickly respond to a partner’s remark, giving an instant answer. The exercise-game "Yes and no" clearly shows how you can conduct an impromptu dialogue or argument ad infinitum.

Language of the body. Gestures

Acting teacher German Sedakov shows exercises to give flexibility to the body and plasticity of movements. An online acting class includes an interesting warm-up and games that train reaction speed, smoothness and sharpness of movements, bodily and speech improvisation. Similar practices are actively used by coaches. personal growth at team events for the purpose of team building.

Warm up before the show

The channel reveals behind-the-scenes work in the theatre. To prepare for the performance, each actor does articulation and motor warm-up. Special gymnastics allows you to prepare the body and speech apparatus To creative action on stage, saves from loss of voice, stuttering and stiffness on stage. Suggested exercises are suitable for daily workout and bringing speech and body into tone.

Acting skills help to feel confident on stage and in life, to reveal one's own potential, to boldly leave the comfort zone.