Children's books      05/01/2020

How to buy a service for passing the exam. Investigation of "KP": The results of the exam were faked by the whole city

On Tuesday, the main wave of the Unified State Examination started in Russia. More than 900 thousand graduates take exams. For technology conducting the exam, processing and analysis of information is the responsibility of the Federal Testing Center, subordinate to Rosobrnadzor. It is here that data on surrender flock from all over the country.

Our observer managed to get into this "semi-secret" organization, who talked with Oksana Reshetnikova, deputy director of the FCT.

So, on May 26, graduates of 2009, accompanied by representatives from their schools, will come to the examination centers to take computer science and biology. By presenting a passport, everyone will receive an individual set of examination materials. What's inside?

The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of falsifying the results of the exam

There are control measuring material on the subject and three forms. Last name, first name, patronymic and passport data are displayed on the registration form. Form N 1 is used to record short answers to the tasks of parts A and B - where you need to choose one of the options. And on the form N 2, the answers to the tasks of part C are recorded - the very ones that are written in any form. This form is two-sided, but if this place is not enough (say, a person signed, because there is something to say on this topic), he may be given an additional form.

Anonymity guaranteed

How, with the help of technology, to analyze in the shortest possible time what was handed over in paper form?

Our forms are not simple, but machine-readable. After the exam, they are scanned, and all the information displayed on them is accepted electronic form. This significantly reduces the processing time of the results.

In general, it should be noted that compared to previous years, when the exam was taken on an experimental basis, the technology has been significantly modernized and supported by software. For the participants themselves, this may be imperceptible, for the organizers on the ground - too. Probably, even at the level of regional information processing centers, the difference compared to what it used to be is not so noticeable. But here, at the federal level, we have seriously strengthened and secured the entire process. Now it is securely protected and is a monolithic, efficient automated system. The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of rigging the USE results.

In Tatarstan, a couple of years ago, as a result of a collusion between officials of the local Ministry of Education and employees of the regional information processing center, it was possible to seize the forms of several students and replace them with new, rewritten ones. Is this possible today?

I'm sure not. Since then, the technology of conducting the exam has seriously advanced in terms of providing information security. Today, each exam material that a graduate works with has its own special barcode. At the same time, they are combined with each other, forming the same individual set. This immediately dismisses the possibility of replacing materials: a form with a "foreign" barcode will not match the rest of the forms in the set and therefore cannot be processed. In addition, it allows you to separate the details of the graduate from his answers, which is very important. The components of each set are processed in different places and put back together only at the federal level - already here, in our center.

That is, the answers to the test questions are now analyzed without being tied to the personality of a particular examinee?

Yes, that's the whole point. The first data we usually receive from the regions is from forms No. 1: here, minimal work is required, including verification. The second is the registration forms. And, finally, the last information comes about the results of evaluating the answers to part C by experts. All this is programmatically connected in accordance with barcodes, and only then it becomes clear to which particular person this individual set belongs.

Unlike in previous years, we now work with subjects of the federation in a single distributed database. Therefore, we will always notice any attempts to interfere with the system. We will immediately inform Rosobrnadzor of all such cases, and the most radical measures, even criminal ones, will be taken against those who try to do this.

"Keys" of happiness

Parts A and B are centrally checked using special "keys". At what point are these "keys" loaded into the database?

"Keys" are the correct answers to all tasks. There are none in the regions - they are available only at the federal level. And their loading into the database occurs after the exam has passed throughout the country, when federal level all results of processing forms from the regions were transferred.

Unlike parts A and B, in part C, the examinees are not checked by a machine, but by three experts from the regional subject commission. Moreover, if the opinions of two subject specialists differ significantly in the assessment of a particular work, then the position of the third expert becomes the verdict. Is there a loophole for abuse here?

No, it is absolutely out of the question. The experts themselves do not know who is the first, who is the second, and who is the third, so they do not even guess whose verdict is final. Works for verification are received by them in an automated manner, the form comes in a truncated form, and they themselves do not know whose specific knowledge is being tested. As you can see, everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

After the regions received answers to all questions examination tasks, here in Moscow, work begins on the preparation of protocols with the final results of the exam. By what criteria do you analyze statistics?

The main criterion is authenticity. Our software tools allow monitoring not only each point of the exam, but also each audience where the USE is taken. Everything is carefully analyzed, including for abnormal results - both overestimated and underestimated. For each such case, an internal investigation can be carried out, up to the annulment of the results - Rosobrnadzor has such a function. And if, as a result, the facts of abuse of official powers on the ground, which led to the distortion of the results, are revealed, the perpetrators will be severely punished.

I remind graduates and their parents that, based on statistical analysis the results obtained this year, a certain threshold will be set on a hundred-point scale, the overcoming of which means successful delivery final exam.

Measure seven times and then appeal

And if the graduate does not agree with the evaluation of the work, when can he appeal?

After the scaling procedure, when we determine what score each participant received for each exam, the protocols with the results via secure communication channels come from us to the regional information processing centers and are then brought to educational institutions. From this moment on, the period begins when the graduate has the right to appeal. For example, he may not agree with the grade given for part C. Or he wants to make sure that the machine scored his answers for parts A and B correctly.

And what does it look like in practice?

The appellant in the conflict commission prints out the image of the information that he wrote with his own hand, and the display of this form recognized by the machine. And in front of the graduate's eyes, the answers are compared on the subject of whether the machine correctly recognized his marks, whether they are in the places where he put them.

Do mistakes happen?

Hardly ever. A very high-quality recognition system works. When we ran it in, our experts specially filled out the forms so that it was extremely difficult to consider the affixed marks. But the car still took them apart! Therefore, errors resulting from incorrect recognition are minimal. And if the graduate correctly follows all the algorithms for writing characters, they are practically excluded. But if he displayed the answer is not block letters, as required, but got carried away and wrote in his neat handwriting, then difficulties may already arise. But this is already, excuse me, his responsibility. After all, everyone USE participant he signs under the fact that he studied the rules for the exam, where it is said in black and white exactly how to display characters on paper, and even samples are given.

There are some nuances when filing an appeal to part C. A graduate may not be satisfied with the assessment of a separate task of this part or all in the aggregate. If he does not agree with the opinion of the experts, a second consideration is scheduled. The conflict commission attracts subjects - and not those who have already checked his work, but other specialists who once again evaluate his answers. And, I must say, the revision of the results does not always end in favor of the graduate. For example, if he appeals to part C as a whole, then as a result of repeated consideration for one task of this part, the score can be increased, and for another, on the contrary, lowered. At least there have been such cases.

For more than a year there has been a practice of rechecking anomalously high results Federal Subject Commission. And many of these cases were connected with the filing of an appeal, right?

Yes it's true. At the stage of the experiment to conduct USE appeal often used for abuse and attempts to solve the problems of specific graduates. Suppose a graduate in the exam received for one of the answers of part C, relatively speaking, one point. And suddenly, according to the results of the appeal, instead of one point, he gets as many as four. And so - on a number of tasks. Such cases are always identified, and such works are sent for rechecking to the Federal Subject Commission. And I can report that 80% of the works she analyzed were revised downward.

On the eve of the USE 2016, information about the exam becomes the most relevant. Let's consider the most frequently asked questions.

Will there be answers to the exam? I saw (a) many VKontakte groups.

Indeed, when trying to find answers to the Unified State Examination, variants of KIMs of the Unified State Examination 2016 can be found in specialized groups in social network"VKontakte", in which the alleged answers are laid out. Often, groups can have a name that is completely different from the topic, thus creating the effect of "masking" information.
However, any possibility of posting answers to the exam is excluded - the database of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is located in closed access, which completely prevents the leakage of any information.
What then are VK groups? In most cases, these are fraudulent groups that are created for subsequent resale. Reviews that can make you believe the information are usually written by bots, and the reliability of the data is not confirmed by anything, so the risks of using the proposed answers to the exam are too high.

If there are no answers to the USE, then why do Caucasians who do not know Russian pass the USE with 99 points?

If we remove the subjectivity with which such a question is usually asked, then we can see that the situation with the USE results is not at all the way many people think.
According to local educational authorities of Russian regions in 2015 GPA The USE was: in the Krasnoyarsk and Stavropol Territories - 65 points, in Kirov region- 70, in Perm region- 71 points, and in Tatarstan - 69. At the same time, the average USE score in the Russian language in the Republic of Dagestan, for example, was 46 points. And only 8 graduates scored 100 points in the basic subject.
In other words, graduates from the Caucasian republics pass the USE no better and no worse than Russian graduates from other regions. And suspicions of a greater likelihood of cheating on the exam with 100-point students from the Chechen Republic than from Moscow are the result of unjustified stereotypes that have developed.

Is it realistic to write off the exam?

Many are still wondering "how to write off the exam?" On this moment there is no way to do so in any way.

Firstly, video surveillance of the audience is installed at each examination point. These records from all regions are sent online to a single special center, where monitoring is carried out by observers specially accredited by Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation.
. Secondly, at the entrance to the examination point, metal detectors are installed to detect any means of telephone communication, audio and video equipment on the examinee, which excludes the possibility of bringing gadgets into the classroom.

In addition, during the USE - 2016, it is planned to increase the number technical means to suppress the mobile signal, which makes it impossible to use telephones or earpieces even by those who somehow managed to carry the device.

Are the USE options the same in Moscow and Vladivostok?

No. Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to eliminate the risks of leakage USE materials since the beginning of the examinations Far East made a number of changes to the examination procedure. Including for each time zone introduced different USE options, so that schoolchildren, say, from Vladivostok, after the start of the exam, could not send assignments to Moscow schoolchildren.

My friends say that they bought the exam. Can they be trusted?

Undoubtedly, USE system- young and developing. This format of the exam was introduced throughout Russia in 2008. And, of course, there were cases of leakage of assignments and purchase of answers, when one of the graduates could be lucky. For example, in 2011 there was a major leak of data about the Unified State Examination in the social network VKontakte.

However, at the moment, the system has reached a level at which the purchase of USE 2016 answers is completely excluded.

Thus, the conduct of the USE 2016 implies the objectivity and unprecedentedness of the procedure. And somehow buy answers to the exam, buy real KIMS Unified State Examination or write off is impossible.

Is it possible to fake the results of the USE-2009?

Andrey Chernakov

On Tuesday, the main wave of the Unified State Examination starts in Russia. More than 900,000 graduates will take exams. The Federal Testing Center, subordinate toRosobrnadzor . It is here that data on surrender flock from all over the country. Our observer managed to get into this "semi-secret" organization, who talked with Oksana Reshetnikova, deputy director of the FCT.

question: So, on May 26, graduates of 2009, accompanied by authorized representatives from their schools, will come to the examination points to take computer science and biology. By presenting a passport, everyone will receive an individual set of examination materials. What's inside?

The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of falsifying the results of the exam

answer: There are control measuring material on the subject and three forms. Last name, first name, patronymic and passport data are displayed on the registration form. Form N 1 is used to record short answers to the tasks of parts A and B - where you need to choose one of the options. And on the form N 2, the answers to the tasks of part C are recorded - the very ones that are written in any form. This form is two-sided, but if this place is not enough (say, a person signed, because there is something to say on this topic), he may be given an additional form.

Anonymity guaranteed

V: How, with the help of technology, to analyze in the shortest possible time what was handed over in paper form?

O: Our forms are not simple, but machine-readable. After the exam, they are scanned, and all the information displayed on them takes on an electronic form. This significantly reduces the processing time of the results.

answer: In general, it should be noted that compared to previous years, when USE surrendered as an experiment, the technology has been significantly modernized and supported by software. For the participants themselves, this may be imperceptible, for the organizers on the ground - too. Probably, even at the level of regional information processing centers, the difference compared to what it used to be is not so noticeable. But here, at the federal level, we have seriously strengthened and secured the entire process. Now it is securely protected and is a monolithic, efficient automated system. The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of rigging the USE results.

question: In Tatarstan, a couple of years ago, as a result of a collusion between officials of the local Ministry of Education and employees of the regional information processing center, it was possible to seize the forms of several students and replace them with new, rewritten ones. Is this possible today?

O: I'm sure not. Since then, the technology of conducting the exam has seriously advanced in terms of information security. Today, each exam material that a graduate works with has its own special barcode. At the same time, they are combined with each other, forming the same individual set. This immediately dismisses the possibility of replacing materials: a form with a "foreign" barcode will not match the rest of the forms in the set and therefore cannot be processed. In addition, it allows you to separate the details of the graduate from his answers, which is very important. The components of each set are processed in different places and put back together only at the federal level - already here, in our center.

V: That is, the answers to the test questions are now analyzed without reference to the personality of a particular examinee?

OA: Yes, that's the whole point. The first data we usually receive from the regions is from forms No. 1: here, minimal work is required, including verification. The second is the registration forms. And, finally, the last information comes about the results of evaluating the answers to part C by experts. All this is programmatically connected in accordance with barcodes, and only then it becomes clear to which particular person this individual set belongs.

Unlike in previous years, we now work with subjects of the federation in a single distributed database. Therefore, we will always notice any attempts to interfere with the system. We will immediately inform Rosobrnadzor of all such cases, and the most radical measures, even criminal ones, will be taken against those who try to do this.

"Keys" of happiness

V: Parts A and B are centrally checked using special "keys". At what point are these "keys" loaded into the database?

O: "Keys" are the correct answers to all tasks. There are none in the regions - they are available only at the federal level. And their loading into the database occurs after the exam has passed throughout the country, when all the results of processing forms from the regions have been transferred to the federal level.

V: Unlike parts A and B, in part C, the examinees are not checked by a machine, but by three experts from the regional subject commission. Moreover, if the opinions of two subject specialists differ significantly in the assessment of a particular work, then the position of the third expert becomes the verdict. Is there a loophole for abuse here?

OA: No, it's absolutely out of the question. The experts themselves do not know who is the first, who is the second, and who is the third, so they do not even guess whose verdict is final. Works for verification are received by them in an automated manner, the form comes in a truncated form, and they themselves do not know whose specific knowledge is being tested. As you can see, everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

V: After the regions have received answers to all the questions of the examination tasks, here in Moscow, work begins on the preparation of protocols with the final results of the exam. By what criteria do you analyze statistics?

O: The main criterion is reliability. Our software tools allow monitoring not only each point of the exam, but also each audience where the USE is taken. Everything is carefully analyzed, including for abnormal results - both overestimated and underestimated. For each such case, an internal investigation can be carried out, up to the annulment of the results - Rosobrnadzor has such a function. And if, as a result, the facts of abuse of official powers on the ground, which led to the distortion of the results, are revealed, the perpetrators will be severely punished.

I remind graduates and their parents that based on the statistical analysis of the results obtained this year, a certain threshold will be set on a 100-point scale, overcoming which means passing the final exam successfully.

Measure seven times and then appeal

V: And if the graduate does not agree with the evaluation of the work, when can he appeal?

O: After the scaling procedure, when we determine what score each participant received for each exam, the protocols with the results via secure communication channels come from us to the regional information processing centers and are further brought to educational institutions. From this moment on, the period begins when the graduate has the right to appeal. For example, he may not agree with the grade given for part C. Or he wants to make sure that the machine scored his answers for parts A and B correctly.

VQ: And what does it look like in practice?

O: The appellant in the conflict commission prints out the image of the information that he wrote with his own hand, and the machine-recognized display of this form. And in front of the graduate's eyes, the answers are compared on the subject of whether the machine correctly recognized his marks, whether they are in the places where he put them.

V: Mistakes happen?

O: Hardly ever. A very high-quality recognition system works. When we ran it in, our experts specially filled out the forms so that it was extremely difficult to consider the affixed marks. But the car still took them apart! Therefore, errors resulting from incorrect recognition are minimal. And if the graduate correctly follows all the algorithms for writing characters, they are practically excluded. But if he displayed the answer not in block letters, as required, but got carried away and wrote in his neat handwriting, then difficulties may already arise. But this is already, excuse me, his responsibility. After all, each USE participant signs that he has studied the rules for the exam, where it is said in black and white exactly how to display symbols on paper, and even samples are given.

There are some nuances when filing an appeal to part C. A graduate may not be satisfied with the assessment of a separate task of this part or all in the aggregate. If he does not agree with the opinion of the experts, a second consideration is scheduled. The conflict commission attracts subjects - and not those who have already checked his work, but other specialists who once again evaluate his answers. And, I must say, the revision of the results does not always end in favor of the graduate. For example, if he appeals to part C as a whole, then as a result of repeated consideration for one task of this part, the score can be increased, and for another, on the contrary, lowered. At least there have been such cases.

V: For several years now, there has been a practice of rechecking abnormally high results by the Federal Subject Commission. And many of these cases were connected with the filing of an appeal, right?

O: Yes it's true. During the experimental phase of the USE, the appeal was often used for abuse and attempts to solve the problems of specific graduates. Suppose a graduate in the exam received for one of the answers of part C, relatively speaking, one point. And suddenly, according to the results of the appeal, instead of one point, he gets as many as four. And so - on a number of tasks. Such cases are always identified, and such works are sent for rechecking to the Federal Subject Commission. And I can report that 80% of the works she analyzed were revised downward.

Tuesday in Russia. More than 900,000 graduates will take exams. The Federal Testing Center, subordinated to Rosobrnadzor, is responsible for the technology of conducting the exam, processing and analyzing information. It's here from all over the country. Our observer managed to get into this "semi-secret" organization, who talked with Oksana Reshetnikova, deputy director of the FCT.

question: So, on May 26, graduates of 2009, accompanied by authorized representatives from their schools, will come to the examination points to take computer science and biology. By presenting a passport, everyone will receive an individual set of examination materials. What's inside?

%%VYNOS1%%answer: There are control measuring material on the subject and three forms. Last name, first name, patronymic and passport data are displayed on the registration form. Form N 1 is used to record short answers to the tasks of parts A and B - where you need to choose one of the options. And on the form N 2, the answers to the tasks of part C are recorded - the very ones that are written in any form. This form is two-sided, but if this place is not enough (say, a person signed, because there is something to say on this topic), he may be given an additional form.

Anonymity guaranteed

V: How, with the help of technology, to analyze in the shortest possible time what was handed over in paper form?

O: Our forms are not simple, but machine-readable. After the exam, they are scanned, and all the information displayed on them takes on an electronic form. This significantly reduces the processing time of the results.

answer: In general, it should be noted that compared to previous years, when the exam was taken on an experimental basis, the technology has been significantly modernized and supported by software. For the participants themselves, this may be imperceptible, for the organizers on the ground - too. Probably, even at the level of regional information processing centers, the difference compared to what it used to be is not so noticeable. But here, at the federal level, we have seriously strengthened and secured the entire process. Now it is securely protected and is a monolithic, efficient automated system. The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of rigging the USE results.

question: In Tatarstan, a couple of years ago, as a result of a collusion between officials of the local Ministry of Education and employees of the regional information processing center, it was possible to seize the forms of several students and replace them with new, rewritten ones. Is this possible today?

O: I'm sure not. Since then, the technology of conducting the exam has seriously advanced in terms of information security. Today, each exam material that a graduate works with has its own special barcode. At the same time, they are combined with each other, forming the same individual set. This immediately dismisses the possibility of replacing materials: a form with a "foreign" barcode will not match the rest of the forms in the set and therefore cannot be processed. In addition, it allows you to separate the details of the graduate from his answers, which is very important. The components of each set are processed in different places and put back together only at the federal level - already here, in our center.

V: That is, the answers to the test questions are now analyzed without reference to the personality of a particular examinee?

O A: Yes, that's the whole point. The first data we usually receive from the regions is from forms No. 1: here, minimal work is required, including verification. The second is the registration forms. And, finally, the last information comes about the results of evaluating the answers to part C by experts. All this is programmatically connected in accordance with barcodes, and only then it becomes clear to which particular person this individual set belongs.

Unlike in previous years, we now work with subjects of the federation in a single distributed database. Therefore, we will always notice any attempts to interfere with the system. We will immediately inform Rosobrnadzor of all such cases, and the most radical measures, even criminal ones, will be taken against those who try to do this.

"Keys" of happiness

V: Parts A and B are centrally checked using special "keys". At what point are these "keys" loaded into the database?

O: "Keys" are the correct answers to all tasks. There are none in the regions - they are available only at the federal level. And their loading into the database occurs after the exam has passed throughout the country, when all the results of processing forms from the regions have been transferred to the federal level.

V: Unlike parts A and B, in part C, the examinees are not checked by a machine, but by three experts from the regional subject commission. Moreover, if the opinions of two subject specialists differ significantly in the assessment of a particular work, then the position of the third expert becomes the verdict. Is there a loophole for abuse here?

O A: No, it's absolutely out of the question. The experts themselves do not know who is the first, who is the second, and who is the third, so they do not even guess whose verdict is final. Works for verification are received by them in an automated manner, the form comes in a truncated form, and they themselves do not know whose specific knowledge is being tested. As you can see, everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

V: After the regions have received answers to all the questions of the examination tasks, here in Moscow, work begins on the preparation of protocols with the final results of the exam. By what criteria do you analyze statistics?

O: The main criterion is reliability. Our software tools allow monitoring not only each point of the exam, but also each audience where the USE is taken. Everything is carefully analyzed, including for abnormal results - both overestimated and underestimated. For each such case, an internal investigation can be carried out, up to the annulment of the results - Rosobrnadzor has such a function. And if, as a result, the facts of abuse of official powers on the ground, which led to the distortion of the results, are revealed, the perpetrators will be severely punished.

I remind graduates and their parents that based on the statistical analysis of the results obtained this year, a certain threshold will be set on a 100-point scale, overcoming which means passing the final exam successfully.

Measure seven times and then appeal

V: And if the graduate does not agree with the evaluation of the work, when can he appeal?

O: After the scaling procedure, when we determine what score each participant received for each exam, the protocols with the results via secure communication channels come from us to the regional information processing centers and are further brought to educational institutions. From this moment on, the period begins when the graduate has the right to appeal. For example, he may not agree with the grade given for part C. Or he wants to make sure that the machine scored his answers for parts A and B correctly.

V Q: And what does it look like in practice?

O: The appellant in the conflict commission prints out the image of the information that he wrote with his own hand, and the machine-recognized display of this form. And in front of the graduate's eyes, the answers are compared on the subject of whether the machine correctly recognized his marks, whether they are in the places where he put them.

V: Mistakes happen?

O: Hardly ever. A very high-quality recognition system works. When we ran it in, our experts specially filled out the forms so that it was extremely difficult to consider the affixed marks. But the car still took them apart! Therefore, errors resulting from incorrect recognition are minimal. And if the graduate correctly follows all the algorithms for writing characters, they are practically excluded. But if he displayed the answer not in block letters, as required, but got carried away and wrote in his neat handwriting, then difficulties may already arise. But this is already, excuse me, his responsibility. After all, each USE participant signs that he has studied the rules for the exam, where it is said in black and white exactly how to display symbols on paper, and even samples are given.

There are some nuances when filing an appeal to part C. A graduate may not be satisfied with the assessment of a separate task of this part or all in the aggregate. If he does not agree with the opinion of the experts, a second consideration is scheduled. The conflict commission attracts subjects - and not those who have already checked his work, but other specialists who once again evaluate his answers. And, I must say, the revision of the results does not always end in favor of the graduate. For example, if he appeals to part C as a whole, then as a result of repeated consideration for one task of this part, the score can be increased, and for another, on the contrary, lowered. At least there have been such cases.

V: For several years now, there has been a practice of rechecking abnormally high results by the Federal Subject Commission. And many of these cases were connected with the filing of an appeal, right?

O: Yes it's true. During the experimental phase of the USE, the appeal was often used for abuse and attempts to solve the problems of specific graduates. Suppose a graduate in the exam received for one of the answers of part C, relatively speaking, one point. And suddenly, according to the results of the appeal, instead of one point, he gets as many as four. And so - on a number of tasks. Such cases are always identified, and such works are sent for rechecking to the Federal Subject Commission. And I can report that 80% of the works she analyzed were revised downward.

The technology practically eliminates not only the leakage of examination materials, but also the possibility of rigging the USE results.

On May 26, the main wave of the Unified State Examination started in Russia. More than 900,000 graduates will take exams. The Federal Testing Center, subordinated to Rosobrnadzor, is responsible for the technology of conducting the exam, processing and analyzing information. It is here that data on surrender flock from all over the country. The Izvestia columnist managed to get into this "semi-secret" organization, who talked with Oksana RESHETNIKOVA, deputy director of the FCT.

- Each graduate will receive an individual set of examination materials. What's inside?

There are control measuring material on the subject and three forms. Last name, first name, patronymic and passport data are displayed on the registration form. Form N 1 is used to record short answers to the tasks of parts A and B - where you need to choose one of the options. And on the form N 2, the answers to the tasks of part C are recorded - the very ones that are written in any form. This form is double-sided, but if this place is not enough (say, a person signed, because there is something to say on this topic), an additional form is issued.

Anonymity guaranteed

- How, with the help of technology, to analyze in the shortest possible time what was handed over in paper form?

Our forms are not simple, but machine-readable. After the exam, they are scanned, and all the information displayed on them takes on an electronic form. This significantly reduces the processing time of the results. In general, it should be noted that compared to previous years, when the exam was taken on an experimental basis, the technology has been significantly modernized and supported by software. At the federal level, we have seriously strengthened and secured the entire process. Now it is securely protected and is a monolithic, efficient automated system.

In Tatarstan, a couple of years ago, as a result of a collusion between officials of the local Ministry of Education and employees of the regional information processing center, it was possible to seize the forms of several students and replace them with new, rewritten ones. Is this possible today?

I'm sure not. Today, each exam material that a graduate works with has its own special barcode. At the same time, they are combined with each other, forming the same individual set. This immediately dismisses the possibility of replacing materials: a form with a "foreign" barcode will not match the rest of the forms in the set and therefore cannot be processed. This allows you to separate the details of the graduate from his answers, which is very important. The components of each set are processed in different places and put back together only at the federal level - already here, in our center.

- That is, the answers to the test questions are now analyzed without reference to the personality of a particular examinee?

Yes, that's the whole point. The first data we usually receive from the regions is from forms No. 1: here, minimal work is required, including on versification. The second is the registration forms. And, finally, the last information comes about the results of evaluating the answers to part C by experts. All this is programmatically connected in accordance with barcodes, and only then it becomes clear to which particular person this individual set belongs. We work with the subjects of the Federation in a single distributed database. Therefore, we will always notice any attempts to interfere with the system.

"Keys" of happiness

Parts A and B are centrally checked using special "keys". At what point are these "keys" loaded into the database?

- "Keys" are the correct answers to all tasks. There are none in the regions - they are available only at the federal level. And their loading into the database occurs after the exam has passed throughout the country, when all the results of processing forms from the regions have been transferred to the federal level.

Unlike parts A and B, in part C, the examinees are not checked by a machine, but by three experts from the regional subject commission. Moreover, if the opinions of two subject specialists differ significantly in the assessment of a particular work, then the position of the third expert becomes the verdict. Is there a loophole for abuse here?

No, it is absolutely out of the question. The experts do not know who is the first, who is the second, and who is the third, so they do not even guess whose verdict is final.

After the regions have received answers to all the questions of the examination tasks, here in Moscow, work begins on the preparation of protocols with the final results of the exam. By what criteria do you analyze statistics?

The main criterion is authenticity. Our software tools allow monitoring not only each point of the exam, but also each audience where the USE is taken. Everything is carefully analyzed, including for abnormal results - both overestimated and underestimated. For each such case, an internal investigation can be carried out, up to the annulment of the results - Rosobrnadzor has such a function.

I remind graduates and their parents that based on the statistical analysis of the results obtained this year, a certain threshold will be set on a 100-point scale, overcoming which means passing the final exam successfully.

Measure seven times and then appeal

- And if the graduate does not agree with the evaluation of the work, when can he appeal?

After the scaling procedure, when we determine what score each participant received for each exam, protocols with results via secure communication channels come from us to regional information processing centers and are further brought to educational institutions. From this moment on, the period begins when the graduate has the right to appeal. For example, he may not agree with the grade given for part C. Or he wants to make sure that the machine scored his answers for parts A and B correctly.

The appellant in the conflict commission prints out the image of the information that he wrote with his own hand, and the display of this form recognized by the machine. And in front of the graduate's eyes, the answers are compared on the subject of whether the machine correctly recognized his marks, whether they are in the places where he put them.

- Mistakes happen?

Hardly ever. A very high-quality recognition system works. If the graduate correctly follows all the algorithms for writing characters, errors are practically excluded. But if he displayed the answer not in block letters, as required, but got carried away and wrote in his neat handwriting, then difficulties may already arise. But this is already, excuse me, his responsibility. After all, each USE participant signs that he has studied the rules for the exam, where it is said in black and white exactly how to display symbols on paper, and even samples are given.

There are some nuances when filing an appeal to part C. A graduate may not be satisfied with the assessment of a separate task of this part or all in the aggregate. If he does not agree with the opinion of the experts, a second consideration is scheduled. The conflict commission attracts subjects - and not those who have already checked his work, but other specialists who once again evaluate his answers. And, I must say, the revision of the results does not always end in favor of the graduate.