Fairy tales      01/16/2020

Why is there a black bar. Black streak in life: how to get rid of it. Why don't we take a cue from the best

What to do if a black streak has come in life? How to survive the crisis, cope with problems and not fall into despair? How to deal with troubles and failures? Many psychologists believe that the alternation of white and black stripes in life is subject to patterns. Therefore, they must be perceived in such a way that they become not a source of depression and trouble, but the beginning of new business.

Everything happens in life: both good and bad. But sometimes bad things last too long. Then they say that this person has a black streak in his life. At the same time, negative events are layered on top of each other, and the number of problems grows like a snowball. A person is overcome by despair, and then he begins to look for a way out of this situation.

How to survive the black streak?

1. Change your attitude to the world around you. Realize that no one owes you anything. You are the master of the situation, and if fate has thrown trials to you, then you can overcome them.

2. All for the best! If you then you will find even better - with a higher salary, with a great boss and a great team! You just have to want. This thought will keep you going and you will be in a good mood at the interview, which will give you an additional chance to get a job. new job. Remember that quite often any problems led this or that person to happiness and wealth.

3. Do not forget that a person who thinks negatively all the time has the ability to attract problems and troubles. Moreover, such an individual is often sick, quickly gets tired psychologically and physically. Therefore, if a black streak has come in your life, take a break from problems! Remember pleasant events, such as a long-awaited vacation in the mountains or the birth of a child. You will feel better almost immediately. You can also go to the gym or climbing wall, as physical activity improves a person's condition. If you are in the country, dig up a garden, do some physically hard work. You will see, the black stripe in life will definitely be replaced by a white one!

4. Go to an entertainment venue - a club for a music concert or a dance hall. You can simply gather friends and go hiking in the forest, remembering to take everything you need.

5. According to some psychologists, the most effective way is to engage in some kind of creativity. After all, many people involved in creativity do not even know the black bar. Remember what you loved as a child - to draw, sculpt from clay, carve wood figures, sew or embroider... There can be many options. Try to master any musical instrument, and if you do not want to study for a long time, then just buy a kalimba - an African folk instrument.

On our life path, one way or another, there will be black stripes. And it is in our power to survive them, overcome our weaknesses and get out of the situation with profit. Remember that each life situation, each problem teaches and gives something new experience and knowledge. Learn to overcome yourself and your weaknesses. After all, there is only one life! Change the black stripe to white, calm down and tune in to a good result.

Andrey Belousov

“Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight” - these words of Vladimir Korolenko reflect the desire of every person, and of all mankind, to be loved, successful, happy. But it happens that, despite all the efforts and diligence, nothing happens. Failures simply haunt, and happiness bypasses. And then we say: There is nothing to be done - a black streak has come.

What to do if there is a black bar in life, is it possible to get rid of it? Let's try to find answers together.

Why did this happen to me?

We often hear the phrase that a person's life is like a zebra and black and white stripes alternate in it. Yes, this is true, life cannot consist only of happiness and pleasures, there are sorrows and hardships in it. Only some endure them steadfastly and courageously, while others experience a long, endless black streak.

What is this black streak in life?

Usually, a series of unsuccessful and tragic events is called a black stripe. These can be illnesses and material problems, quarrels with loved ones and relatives, career failures.

It should be noted that the black bars are different for everyone. And they depend, first of all, on the character and outlook on the life of each person.

For some, unhappy love and parting with a loved one becomes a black stripe, while others curse fate because of a broken nail.

But still, it happens that failures come in succession and, despite all efforts, it is not possible to correct the situation. Analyze the causes of what is happening and answer the questions: Why did a black streak come in my life? Why did this happen to me? Don't lie to yourself and answer honestly. Having received truthful and frank answers to this question, you will understand how to proceed further.

The reasons for persistent failures can be:

A black streak has come in my life. When will it end?

The black streak in life will definitely end and the white one will come. Joyful and happy. When this happens is up to you. After analyzing the reasons for failures, immediately begin to act.

Some psychologists advise on the question of how to get rid of the black streak in life, give vent to emotions and cry. Follow this advice. Just don't shed tears for too long. Remember the beautiful Russian proverb: you can't help grief with tears.

When you get emotional relief, calm down and act.

In order to survive the black streak in life, follow these tips:

What to do if a black streak has come in life?

All misfortunes are actually given to us so that our souls become stronger. (John Gray)

We live in an age of adversity; but life at all times presented people with ups and downs, good luck and trouble. Problems are part of the overall process of life. Even the happiest people, whom everyone considers lucky and minions of fate, from time to time face misfortunes, and a black streak in life comes to them too.

But why does it seem to us that troubles never overtake such people?

It's all about how they behave during such periods of their lives. Positive in nature, these people are able to overcome difficulties without bitterness and regret. They are not afraid to ask for help and support when they need it. Lucky people learn from situations in which others simply give up and try to see something good even in the worst. They control their own destiny and create their own lives. Such people, it seems to us, never live in a world of suffering; however, this does not detract from the feeling of unhappiness, which even in them can be very deep, and sometimes even destructive. They just "work out" these feelings, which cannot disappear overnight, while the rest simply sink to the very bottom of despair.
Why don't we take a cue from the best?

First of all, admit to yourself that the trouble really happened to you. Admitting to ourselves that a black streak has come in our life, we, no matter how strange it may seem, thereby reduce the emotional shock from the hardships that have fallen on us.
Now try to understand that all misfortunes are temporary and rarely affect not individual stages of life, but the whole fate of a person. You can lose your job, money, housing; but your family still loves you, your friends are ready to lend a shoulder, you yourself are alive and well. You have kept the most important values, and everything else can be earned.
Awaken your gratitude. Be grateful for what you have instead of complaining about what you have lost.
Realize that you have the ability to control your response to life's challenges. As soon as you begin to experience pain, immediately change your focus - look at things with a different look. Positive side in any case, it exists for every event, even for the most unpleasant - it all depends on how you look at it.
Achieve a higher state of consciousness, learn to control your thoughts, feelings and reactions. This will allow you to see things more clearly at the cost of less emotional involvement.
Decide what practical steps you can take today to help yourself. As small as these steps are, each one is important because it brings you closer to solving the problem. And in the end, you will get to a place where you really feel that you have the strength to cope with the situation.

Several ways to deal with adversity

Life is really unpredictable, and sometimes troubles take us by surprise. And then it is very important to know what to do if in life a black streak has changed the streak of luck. At a time when we are going through a difficult period, it can help us to have specific plan actions. Only action can clear the way through the jungle of adversity to give us room to move forward! The points of this plan may vary, it all depends on the individual and on the difficult situation in which he got. But the basic steps are still the same for any case:

One of the first stages of grief and other forms of unhappiness is usually a refusal

We refuse to admit that something bad has happened to us. And we try to hide from everyone what happened to us. This can only make the situation worse, because we do not give ourselves the opportunity to cope with the reality of the situation and rationally perceive the consequences of the trouble. The sooner we accept reality, the better our chances of moving forward. Remember what the articles shared with us in Nale successful people- after all, they, too, first of all recognize the fact of the onset of a streak of bad luck.

Mobilize all your inner strength, try not to let despair take over you

Don't panic by any means. Do you know what can happen to a non-swimmer who unexpectedly falls into the water? There are two options: in the first case, he will start to panic, flounder randomly, and eventually swallow water and drown if help does not arrive in time. And in the second case, this person will try to calm down, and the water itself will push him to the surface. By staying calm and relaxing his muscles, he will be able to control his body position and keep his head above the water. So in life - if you remain calm, you have a much better chance of resolving the situation.

Break down a difficult situation into smaller, more manageable and manageable tasks

You can even eat an elephant, biting off a small piece of it over and over again! By using this simple strategy of breaking down a complex problem into several simpler ones, you will be able to quickly see the solutions to the problem. You will dispel anxiety, restore organized, rational thinking, and direct your thoughts in the right direction to see the next right move.

Be proactive, don't let despair discourage you from taking action.

You can always find a way out! By taking away some of our opportunities, deprivation gives us the chance to take advantage of others. Imagine a person who has lost arms or legs. This is terrible for him and for everyone who loves him. And, of course, no one would dare to condemn the unfortunate if he fell into depression and lost the will to live. But we all saw (and in real life, and thanks to television and the Internet) there are many examples of people who survived such a loss and directed their efforts to what they can do, and not to what was not available to them. An armless musician playing beautiful melodies on the piano with his feet, an artist who paints pictures holding brushes with his teeth, a ballet dancer without one leg who dared to go on stage and dance with the same crippled ballerina - yes, they dance so much that you don’t notice a crutch at all guy, nor the absence of a girl's hand! These strong-willed people set themselves challenges when they lose the ability to do something in the usual way, and work to solve them. They are not just reacting to a tragic accident in their lives, but purposefully looking for ways to continue an active life. We need to learn from them not to fall into despair and at any cost to look for a way out of the streak of bad luck and failure.

Seek support and do not refuse the offered help

There is absolutely no need to fight troubles and troubles alone. Interesting fact: scientists conducted all sorts of studies, trying to unravel the phenomenon of centenarians. You can come up with all sorts of theories, starting from the characteristics of nutrition, environment and other factors that could cause such longevity in respectable elders. But one common factor unites these people, who have managed to survive more than one adversity in their long life - this is their connection with other people, the ability to accept help and provide support to everyone who needs it.

Very often, victims of failures and misfortunes remain captive to their past.

They retain the feeling that they have been let down or betrayed by circumstances, people, or even life itself. Their souls are wounded and bleeding, the joy of life is lost. Remaining thoughts in their past, which brought them misfortune, they kind of agree that unpleasant events can happen again. It is necessary to take responsibility for your life, for your physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being, and not allow all the circumstances and situations that you face to manipulate you like a puppet.

Stay strong in the face of danger

Resilience allows you to cope with adversity, overcome stress and be able to recover from grief, gaining valuable experience. Each of us has the potential to bounce back from setbacks and return to normal life. If we do not use this potential, then over time we lose it. But we can increase our ability to overcome adversity and achieve amazing results even in the most challenging environments. It is the desire to learn how to successfully cope with failures and adversity that can make us successful and happy - both now and in the future. And they will also say about us that we are lucky and lucky.

What else can you do to get these useful skills faster?

Re-read the list of everything that would be useful to pay attention to, and choose the most relevant items for yourself. You can expand this list by adding what would help you the most to weather life's storms.

Enjoy life, every ordinary day;
Smile at your reflection in the mirror every morning;
Relax calmly in the evening, knowing that during the day you have done everything that was required of you;
Rely on your curiosity to learn something new every day, expanding the boundaries of your world;
Exercise your sense of humor, laugh as much as possible;
See contact with people who have experienced mental trauma as an opportunity to study at the university of life;
Watch, read, listen to the stories of people who found the strength to endure misfortune and return to ordinary life. It is inspiring to become more resilient in the face of your own adversity;
Write down or draw your emotions. Try to talk more often about what is good in every event that is not entirely pleasant for you;
Try to be in such an environment more often that makes you revitalize and lift your emotions;
Get yourself a pet - this will help you immerse yourself in joyful experiences even more;
Come up with a new hobby;
Read the sayings wise people, quotes about fortitude and overcoming difficulties - this “clears” the brains very well!
Exercise not only the mind, but also the body. Previously, it was not in vain that they said that “a healthy mind in a healthy body”;
Periodically spend time alone or with the closest person in the bosom of nature. It relieves stress and tension very well;
Volunteer at least occasionally at hospitals and hospices. You will not only feel the satisfaction of being able to help someone, but you will also be able to make sure that your troubles are nothing compared to the misfortune of some people.

There is one very good exercise. Imagine that you are in a boat on the river of life. Sometimes the river is calm, the sun is shining and there is a beautiful landscape around. But around the corner, the river begins to boil, it starts to rain, a thunderstorm rumbles. And you are still in the boat and remain calm. You know the rain will end soon. You can't control the rain, but you can control the boat to move forward to where the river flows smoothly and calmly again.

It's the same in life. Do not try to control circumstances, command only yourself. Just be the captain of your life.
Overcoming adversity can be difficult, but it is always possible to overcome them.

Overcoming adversity can be difficult in times of despair, when a black streak of failures and misfortunes begins. It is not surprising that we may feel pain at first, but the acquired skills and nurtured resilience will help us overcome any changes in life. Our life can be like a roller coaster with many ups and downs and twists and turns. You must follow your own thorny path without stopping and without going back. It may even be scary at first, but don't give up! Life can be harsh and tough on us; but just like a rollercoaster ride, the hard times will come to an end and the disaster will be in the past.

Trouble means change - our life is changing, we ourselves are changing. But it depends only on us whether we will find the strength and opportunity in ourselves to eventually return to ordinary life and move on with it.

No one is immune from difficult times. It is impossible to prepare for them, because you cannot know about them in advance. Just now everything was calm - and suddenly problems and troubles pile up one after another, plunging into depression and depriving the ability to withstand the blows of fate. How to regain self-control and change the situation for the better?

Where to attack?

Unfortunately, many at such moments begin to believe in the evil eye and damage. It is not surprising, because it is easier to blame otherworldly forces for all your troubles and misfortunes than to try to find the cause in yourself. But we are sane people and will not take the path of least resistance, but will try to figure out why the black streak has come. Was it all so unexpected, was everything so calm until that day?

1 Objective circumstances

Global cataclysms, natural disasters, catastrophes, loss of loved ones, serious illness, loss of personal property... You cannot influence all these events in any way. Therefore, change your attitude towards them until they have driven you into a corner, from which even a kitten is seen as a bloodthirsty monster.

2 Your mistakes

If you disturb the balance for a long time in own life sooner or later it will make itself felt. For example, if you disappear all day long at work, is it any wonder that your marriage has cracked, and the child has gotten out of hand. And if you are constrained by self-doubt, lack of faith in your own strength, then you begin to refuse interesting offers, you do not see prospects, personally enclosing yourself in a framework from which you are no longer able to get out.

3 Negative attitudes and beliefs

Our thoughts and habitual expressions (sayings) determine our attitude to the world and tend to attract what we think and say. If you subconsciously do not believe in your success (at work or personal life), if you expect that you will not find happiness and you will always be haunted by failure, then it will be so. If only because in anticipation of the bad, you will not notice the good.

4 Lack of Life Purpose

If you don't know what you want, it's very easy to get thrown off course. This means that you will perceive any incident as bad luck and you can start fighting with windmills instead of focusing on the things that really matter to you.

5 Detractors

Sometimes our troubles arise from the light hand of envious people and enemies. If you voluntarily or involuntarily crossed the path of someone (at work or in a relationship), think about whether you will fight and defend your interests? Or you don’t need a “prize” (someone else’s husband, for example). In this case, wouldn't it be better to retreat? Or maybe you offended your pursuer with something? Then admit your guilt and make peace with the person.

Come out of the shadow

Assess the situation by answering the question: in what areas did you have difficulties - at work, in relationships with your beloved man, relatives, at home?

If the problems are concentrated in one area, you should not talk about a black stripe.

Analyze what is the true cause of a series of misfortunes, what mistakes you made. If you can fix something, make a plan and take action.

■ Estimate losses and resources. List all the means available to you (accumulated experience, knowledge, relatives, business contacts) and determine what will help you get out of the situation.

■ Find a balance: try to balance all areas of your life, avoiding bias in one direction. If you are a real workaholic, then with problems in the family, you should not go headlong into work. On the contrary, take a vacation and make time for your loved ones, even if at first it seems to you that they do not understand you or reject you. You just need to re-learn how to communicate with them, understand what is important to them.

If you have noted at least three problem areas, you should admit: now you really are not having the best time.

■ Let emotions come out. You should not pretend and prove to everyone, especially to yourself, that everything is fine. So you will only aggravate your situation and you can earn health problems. Let me splash out the negative: cry, scream, swear, beat the dishes. But just do not stretch this period and "suffer" for too long.

■ Change your familiar surroundings. Go out of town for the weekend, and if possible, take a vacation and go on a trip. But even short trips help clear your mind and take a fresh look at the situation. If the stress drags on, try to go out into nature more often, walk in the park, relax alone.

■ Free up living space. Make a rearrangement or repair in the apartment, throw out the rubbish that has accumulated over the years, change your hairstyle, update your wardrobe.

■ Ask for help. Do not try to keep everything in yourself, do not move away from loved ones - share your experiences with them, ask for support. Their mere presence in your life and sympathy will help you switch and accumulate strength. And if you are offered help, do not resist: believe me, not everything needs to be dealt with on your own.

■ Avoid whiners and pessimists, try to surround yourself with cheerful people. The more positive around, the easier it is on the soul and easier to cope with difficulties.

But this is not worth doing

Lose one's temper. Hysteria and panic are not the best companions, because chaotic behavior can only complicate your situation. Pull yourself together and collect your thoughts.

jam problems. Do not try to "drown" your hopelessness in food, and even more so in alcohol. Such "saving" measures bring only short-term relief. But the consequences can plunge you into depression, along the way creating new problems.

Feel sorry for yourself. Endless whining and complaining about life will only keep you in the “black streak”, because you are wasting time on suffering, and not looking for a solution. Analyze what happened to find a way out. Be honest with yourself, learn from the situation and do not repeat the mistakes.

Each of us in life there were moments when the sky seemed like a sheepskin. Before a person has time to “scavenge” one thing, something new falls on him. I just figured out the problem as a new attack. It is customary to say about such periods: a black streak has come in life.

But what to do, what to do if you have entered this very black streak? And then, what are the signs of this very black band?

You are on the black line if...

You have problems on all fronts, such as:

  1. Personal life(relationships with friends, partner, parents or children do not go well);
  2. Problems at work(You were laid off or fired, you can’t find a job for a long time, the work suddenly ceased to bring you satisfaction and you want to go there as if to Calvary, every morning you literally drag yourself there by the hair);
  3. Financial problems(revenues have fallen, or a financial collapse has come in general, credit slavery has crushed, you can’t get out of debt in any way, you are not returned a large amount of money, etc.);
  4. Bad feeling(weakness, loss of strength, increased irritability, poor sleep or lack thereof - these are symptoms that cannot be ignored. Moreover, if you do not start sounding the alarm, problems may begin at the level of the physical body. At the same time, diagnostics may not show anything bad, but you get worse and worse);
  5. Creative stagnation, crisis(the black streak is especially painful for those whose life is in creativity, because such people are entirely dependent on inspiration. If there is none, then there is no money, no orders, no sense of satisfaction from life);
  6. housing problems(a person is evicted, he cannot solve his housing problem in any way, he was “thrown” with an inheritance, etc.).

In a word, you can see for yourself that problems are above the roof and you can’t just leave these things like that!

How to survive the black streak

The proverb about drowning people is very, very good, because it, as well as possible, reveals the essence of what is happening. To get rid of a black streak in life, a person does not need to seek help on the side, and even more so, he does not need to passively wait for it. Still no one will help. Man must help himself. And there are two important components here: self-confidence and desire to solve the problem .

It's no secret that many people, being on the "black" strip of life, literally get high and savor all those problems and problems that they have. They endlessly tell everyone and everything about it, they pity themselves and demand the same from others, they cherish their sores and failures as something priceless. Yes, you yourself saw such people and had “happiness” with them at least once to communicate. Save us all from this! After all, communication with such a "miracle" in the literal sense of the word, de-energizes. By the way, here's one more piece of advice for you: stay away from those who behave in this way, not wanting to change anything in their lives, they only moan and complain, eating at the expense of you and your energy. There is a clinical case of the transformation of a black band into an entangling wire self-curse, and then an energetic black hole that sucks everything that only this subject can reach.

So, how can you help yourself if you understand that you are standing on black stripe? Let's say right away that you can come up with something for yourself, you can wind yourself up even more, for example, thinking that someone cursed you, that you were jinxed, that you were damaged, etc.

We will not analyze the reason why everything went wrong for you in one place, we will simply give you a working practice with which you can put your life in order. However, you will still need to analyze yourself, your life and its events for cause-and-effect relationships, it is especially important to do this if your black bars are repeated very often. Perhaps you predict many negative scenarios yourself. Thus, until you remove the cause, you cannot get rid of the effect.

We reduce failures to a chicken egg

Our method is simple yet very effective. In order to remove the negative that you have, you will need a chicken egg. However, a little more needs to be said about the chicken egg. In some sources, you can read that “a chicken egg should only be taken from black chicken", or vice versa, "only from white." This is all complete nonsense. The color of the chicken doesn't matter. But there is another very important point, which for the most part is omitted, and it is spoken about very, very rarely. A this moment treatment is really key. The egg that you take should not be store-bought (essentially empty, i.e. without a germ), but homemade. And not just from a domestic chicken, but from a chicken that “communicates” with a rooster. About why this is so, we will tell separately, in a special article on the phenomenon called "Egg".

So, as soon as you got such an egg (among other things, it must also be fresh), you need to perform the following cleansing ritual:
Taking the egg in your right hand, you need to start rolling it out counterclockwise, going down. Start at the top of your head and end at your heels. Note that if you begin to yawn at the same time, then some kind of magical effect has definitely been imposed on you. Together with yawning, all evil spirits and trash will come out of you, the egg, of course, will complete this cleansing process. In one difficult situation, you need to repeat the procedure up to three, and sometimes ten times.

It is important to remember two things: rolling out is done on the waning moon and always before sunset. After the sun has set, you can no longer perform any manipulations. These strict rules are very important to follow.

Conspiracy words for reprimand from failures

At the very moment when you begin to roll yourself out with an egg, you can read the prayer “Our Father”, it is sacred and has very great power, because it was uttered by Jesus Christ at the very moment when he was on the cross. It is for this reason that she is credited with such tremendous power.

If you do not live in Christian tradition, then you can use any other prayer that is close to you, which is used in your culture, in the culture of your people. If you are an atheist or simply do not know any prayers, then you can refer to the egg in your own words. These words are simple, the main thing is that they come from your heart.

For example, before starting the rolling out (cleaning) procedure, you need to hold the egg in your hands, and, turning to it, simply say: "Egg, help me get rid of negativity, clean all my bodies".

“I roll myself out with an egg,
I lay myself with an egg
I clean myself with an egg.
Get out of me all the dirt, all the negativity, all the sickness and all the witchcraft,
All misfortunes, and all failures, bad and all evil!
Come out of the head, out of the shoulders, out of the arms, out of the belly, out of the back, out of the legs.
Let it be so"!

The words given above are not a conspiracy, not a prayer, it is simply Your appeal, Your request, which will certainly be heard and you will be helped. The main thing is to ask with all your heart. Then the result will be.

Once you have properly rolled yourself out, the egg must be disposed of. And there are several ways, we will tell you about one of them now. The egg must be carried away from the house and buried in a place where no one walks. You can learn about other methods from the article dedicated to the "Egg".