Literature      01/15/2020

The prediction of the Chechen sheikhs about the collapse of the USSR. The future of Chechnya is seen only in two ways. New war or Khazar Khaganate. This is a book by German Sadulaev "I am a Chechen!"

Yusup-Khadzhi. One of the Chechen saints. His words about the future, like the words of Kunta-Khadzhi, are known among Chechens. Here are some of his predictions that were said by Yusup-Khajdi in 1912 year : among people will leave

2. neither the younger nor the older will know their place in life.

3. Shame will go away among people

4. the concept of a man is gone

5. informer will be the most worthy

6. thieves will be held in high esteem

7. brother will go on brother

8. rootless will be held in high esteem

9. there will be an eviction of the whole people

10. trust will go among the people.

11. new words will be invented in order to defame those who left power.

13. respect is achieved by rootless children

14. male (exp. - atheists Russians) will be in power, the Vainakhs will be in search of work and means of subsistence.

15. those who in former times were held in high esteem will be destroyed to the root

16. Bribery has long been in Russia, and they will teach this business to the Vainakhs.

17. new diseases will appear - their cause is human licentiousness. God's anger towards people.

18. the power of Russian atheists to collapse at the table.

19. It will appear to them that they have deposed Nicholas II, but it will be too late.

20. an army will come to Chechnya

21. at this time munafiks will appear (exp. - externally - muslims, inside atheists), God's enemies provoke war to kill people.

22. Having discredited the Chechens, new ustazes will gain a foothold in power (spiritual mentors) and ulema (Islamic scientists). May God preserve the one who speaks a bad word to ustazes and rulers. Truly, everything is by the will of God!

23. mentioned in the Koran, making just one circle, the mill will begin to grind the heads of the wicked mullahs.

24. Because of the mullahs and hypocrites, there will be discord among the Chechens. The war will come to Chechnya, increasing the confusion among the people. Mosques will be built, they will be beautiful, but there will be no people entering there.

25. The war will come to the Chechens, many of them will be killed, villages and cities will be destroyed.

26. The beginning of the second war will be monstrous and cruel, lasting 3-5-7 months and then it will show its cruelty.

27. not allowing the war to end, there will appear among the Chechens those who will kill real men under a reservation.

28. nevertheless, by the will of the Almighty, the people will be cleansed, those who fought will become martyrs.

29. the same war will begin when the leaves begin to fall. When snow flakes fall, the troops of the “muzhga” will leave Chechnya if there is unity among the Chechens.

30. The time will come when the hypocrites placed before them by the men will run. The time when these people will ask to forgive them from the wealth taken away and collected by wrong.

31. If the Chechens, having united around their leader, are submissive to him, then Chechnya will turn into a paradise on earth.

32. power will then be strengthened everywhere, based on the Koran and Sharia.

33. If the Chechens do not come to their senses and unite, they will be tormented by men.

34. people who call themselves Chechens and ulema will slander the leader of the people.

35. due to the intrigues and meanness of men, a war will begin. But their meanness will be exposed. The honor in the world that they had before will disappear.

36. after such a shame, they will leave for the Don. After them, the hypocrites will leave, and they will be put to death by the hands of men. Those who remained from among the hypocrites will probably be killed by the Chechens themselves.

37. Chechen land will be freed from the power of men. Blessed will be the one who will be on it, those who have gone beyond will yearn for it.

38. many nations will envy Chechnya, wanting to get there. The peoples will envy the freedom and wealth that will be / explain. - in Chechnya /.

39. A war will begin in the East, then the men will withdraw their troops from Deg'ast (as it is called in Chechen: Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya and Dagestan).

40. a year after the end of the war in Chechnya, the men will make an agreement with the Muslim peoples, and because of a big quarrel, a war will be started in the West.

41. short people, united with men, will fight in the eastern lands.

42. Muslim leader will win back the state that fought with 3 types of weapons.

43. maybe it will start World War due to the presence of the people of 3 types (clan) in the environment of a warring state.

44. at that time, the Mahdi (the forerunner of the Savior) in the country of the Arabs will have to come. The time when Kishi-Khaj (Saint Kunta-Khadzhi) will also appear.

45. With the support of the saints, the Chechen ruler will preach Islam throughout the Chechen land.

46. ​​During the ongoing war, men will accept the Islamic faith.

47. A year after the end of the war in Chechnya, those who plunged it into wars and those who provoked it will perish. Power in Russia will change, will be among the rulers / explanation. - Russia / those who will mutually accuse of confessing to the destruction of the Chechens.

48. this will be a time when people will yearn for their dead, wishing that they also shared their joys. People will not pick up gold lying on the ground, embarrassed by this.

49. one of the strongest Western states will control religious life in Chechnya.

50. The descendants of the deposed tsar will come to power in Russia. Russia will collapse. Many nations will depart from it.

51. made with hands like a bow with a weapon by a Muslim ruler, an overseas city will be destroyed.

52. The Arabs will destroy the Jews because of the oppression of the Muslims. A quarrel will begin among the Jews due to the fact that their leader went over to the side of the Arabs.

53. Islam will rise all over the world, those who follow the Shariah will be honored. Among them are Chechens and other peoples. Great freedom will be in those days.


according to paragraph 18 - the collapse of the USSR. Moreover, with reference to Kunta-Khadzhi, it is additionally mentioned that the state of "the three-headed Satan will not live even 8 dozen and will be destroyed at the table." Let's remember the 91st year, Belovezhye.

according to item 51 - perhaps - something related to the USA.

Everything converges. Of course, these predictions cannot be compared with some Wangs, etc. For one simple reason - the Almighty revealed something scanty of the future to his saint. Fortune-telling and pagan predictions are associated with a forbidden method according to Sharia. In any case, they say, we'll wait and see. The future is full of secrets...


Grade 5

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov say that today this person occupies almost the second place in the country. At the same time, it is the president of the Russian Federation who makes all his actions lawful. Psychics are sure that there is no other way, because only Ramzan Kadyrov can change the situation that has formed today on the territory of Ukraine. Only his temperament and experience allows..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #5

More psychics about President Kadyrov Ramzan He is said to have publicly declared six years ago that “the Sharia is the supreme law. He stands even higher Russian laws". He also said that all enemies of Islam must be destroyed.

An interesting fact: faith prompted Kadyrov in 2009 to open a Center for Islamic Medicine in the city of Grozny. It is there that specialists are engaged in the expulsion of the so-called "jinn" from people.

A year ago, the head of the Chechen Republic personally gave permission to his comrade Nazhud Guchigov (head of the police department) to marry an underage girl. It should be pointed out that she was only seventeen years old at the time of her marriage, while the groom was already forty-seven. They are also sure that the seventeen-year-old girl did not marry of her own free will.

According to psychics, mass Islamization enables the new government in the face of Ramzan Kadyrov create soldiers for radical Islam.

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #6

To date Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov is the most titled Russian politician. By his thirty-nine years, this man has a whole collection of awards and regalia.

Yes, on this moment you can often see how the star of the Hero of Russia and the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" glare in the sun on Kadyrov's chest. Today it is known for certain that the total number of state awards available to the politician has long ago exceeded sixty.

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #7

According to the official data resident Kadyrov Ramzan was more than 464,000,000,000 rubles were allocated from the federation's budget in the period from 2001 to 2014. The funds that the federal government directs to support the Chechen Republic are spent in the blink of an eye. About extravagance heads of Chechnya there are legends.

To all other, psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov they say that he is still not satisfied with such a small injection into the Chechen Republic. But in addition to the country's budget, funds from the fund of the elder Kadyrov are also spent on the needs of the region.

According to the latest data, the amount that is hidden in this very fund has long exceeded 1,450,000,000 rubles.

In accordance with the charter of this fund, and at the expense of the funds accumulated on its account, assistance is provided to all citizens of the republic who have provided assistance in a difficult situation. But here are just some of the well-known media expenses of this fund:

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #8

Today, most of the people who are subordinate Ramzan Kadyrov and are active military, police and security forces of a different nature, has more than 30,000 fighters. Many formations are engaged in criminal activities. Moreover, they have grown throughout the territory Russian Federation and brag about the support of Kadyrov himself.

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #9

For now psychics about the head of the Chechen Republic he is said to have launched the Young Fortress project. From a factual point of view, this organization has been training militants from the very beginning. early age. For the most part, orphans and children from dysfunctional families. They are taught to kill.

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #10

The authorities in Chechnya have almost all Ramzan Kadyrov's family:

Psychics about the head of the Chechen Republic they say that today she is completely and completely under the authority of family of Kadyrov Ramzan.

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #11

Ramzan Kadyrov has many influential friends

Also, the head of Chechnya can also boast of the presence of very influential friends in the capital. So, for example, over a long period of time he has been friends with Viktor Zolotov, a military general who enjoys the respect and trust of the President of the Russian Federation. Kadyrov is also friends with Surkov. It was this politician who helped the current head of Chechnya build their own regime, helped shape the power structure.

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #12

Psychics about the Chechen Republic they say that today she has practically become independent state. There is only one "but". Chechnya's sponsors are domestic taxpayers. For the reason that the President of Russia needs support Kadyrov Ramzan, he (the latter) can afford almost any prank. Even create your own state within a large country.

Today threatening a new Chechen war, Kadyrov was able to ensure that Sharia law was higher than the laws of the Russian Federation.

Kadyrov threatened with war if his powers were limited

Psychics about Ramzan Kadyrov. Fact #13

Psychics about the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov say that all their actions that actually contradict legislative framework The younger Kadyrov can justify the Russian Federation only by the fact that in this way he intends to counter world terrorism.

But the words of the head of the Chechen Republic diverge from the actions, because the terrorists have established a very convenient channel from Chechnya to the Middle East, which helps to replenish the ranks of Islamists in a short time.

So, today it is known for certain that the daughter of the head of the Federal Migration Service of the Chechen Republic joined the Syrian units

There is an opinion that Chechens often flee to Syria or Europe not in order to conduct terrorist activities and fight against infidels. They are fleeing for the reason that they are afraid of being destroyed by the Kadyrov regime.

So the situation is twofold. Psychics believe that peace with the Chechen people will last as long as interests of Ramzan Kadyrov will not run counter to the interests of Vladimir Putin. As soon as this happens, a new "holy war" will begin.

But there is still an opinion that Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov distinguished by valor and devotion to the common cause. So in the event of a threat to Russia, Kadyrov will personally go to war. However, this is not his first...

Oddly enough, I understood the essence of the Chechen character and even all the horror that the Russians had done in Chechnya much more clearly not from what I saw in Chechnya and not from personal communication with dozens of Chechens, but from the text, from the book.

This is a book by German Sadulaev "I am a Chechen!"

There is so much high human dignity in this book that I felt at once ashamed of my people who had made so many bloody mistakes, and sick of the fact that I was with these people and could not correct anything in their actions, not even once.

However, this is how a person who reads works, that while tormented by one half of the heart, the other I was glad that I was dealing with a real, forever, book, the very fact of the appearance of which, forgive me my sacrilege, serves as an incommensurable, but still justification for the bloody horror of war . So Homer justified the nonsense Trojan War, and Sholokhov is the merciless nonsense of the Civil.

And I was envious that such a book with the title "I'm Russian!" not yet, and it is not known who will write it.

And I also wanted such things to be written by the most talented sons of the Georgian, Armenian, Kazakh and other peoples and distributed to all one-dimensional, stubborn and evil nationalists. Perhaps they would have guessed that the Russians are dealing with great peoples, with whom it is necessary to do great things together, and not arrange false, senseless, merciless strife.

- Who is German Sadulaev? Where was he born, how did he study, who is the father, who is the mother? Children? Where did you spend your childhood and what was it like? What are you doing now?

A 34-year-old man, tall, stocky, with a short haircut, Slavic features and a barely noticeable Caucasian accent. Such a description is quite suitable for orientation. We will not go into the ontological depth of the issue here. Perhaps the writer is trying to answer the question of who he is and what the world around him is in his books.

I was born in the village of Shali, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, where I graduated high school, With silver medal. After school, he entered the law faculty of the Leningrad state university. Studied in two sessions. When he received his diploma, the university was already called St. Petersburg. During this time, not only the university and the city, but also the country began to be called differently.

Father Umarali Alievich, a Chechen, worked as an agronomist and official, now a pensioner. Mother, Vera Pavlovna, Russian, school teacher, already in a different better world. I have one child - a daughter, who is named after her grandmother Vera.

Childhood passed in Chechnya. It was different. Worked hard like everyone else countryside. I read a lot: my father collected a wonderful library, for which a special room was allocated.

- Two of your books have been published: "Radio Fuck", "I'm a Chechen!" The second was accompanied by a not always healthy noise, but in general, writers and critics, rather, raised their hats in respect: "Yes, this is real!" they said. I agree: this is strong literature. What book will be the third, about what? No desire to work with the "Chechen" theme yet?

- "Radio Fuck" is also important and interesting book. It's just that not many people were able to read its real meanings. But "I am a Chechen" became a program piece. I don't consider this book my own. She was supposed to show up.

I never had a desire to "work" with the Chechen theme. Even when I wrote the texts included in the book "I am a Chechen". I just couldn't stop writing. And finishing each story or story, I hoped that this was it. Such things are written hard and with pain. But this theme itself comes back to me, again and again. Today I finished work on a story about life in post-war, "Kadyrov's" Chechnya. Where and when it will be published, whether it will be published at all, I don't know yet.

- Is peace between Russia and Chechnya still possible? Is it possible to return that Soviet Grozny, where people of many nationalities rested - a beautiful, calm, generous, sweet city, where beautiful and hospitable people lived? Is it possible to forget these terrible wounds and terrible insults?

Here I want to say that Soviet time nationalism was. Of course, after the bloody collapse of the USSR, those times seem to us almost a paradise of internationalism. I myself am sometimes prone to such nostalgia. But we must remember that, despite the official ideology of "friendship of peoples", national problems were both at the state and at the household level. I, as a half-blood, experienced all this for myself. In Chechnya, I had to defend the honor of Russian blood, just as in Russia - the honor of Chechen blood.

It's just that I never tried to be more Chechen in Chechnya than the Chechens themselves, or more Russian than the Russians themselves in Russia. I have always tried to be myself. And stood on the side of the weak. Because the strong will protect themselves. That is why I consider myself a Chechen, a real Chechen.

And there has been no war between Russia and Chechnya for a long time. Like there is no peace. There is fatigue. Some are tired of killing, others are tired of dying. At such a time, any prince comes and says: "I will own you, and you pay tribute to me." And people agree: own us, and we will pay tribute to you as much as you say. Just don't kill us, or at least don't kill us so often. This is what is happening in Chechnya now. For several hundred years, Chechens fought the whole world for the right to be different from everyone else, not to have princes, to live free. Now the Chechens have their own prince, the prince has a squad, and the rest of the people have turned into cattle. Now the Chechens have become like everyone else, and you can no longer worry about the fact that they fall out of historical and social patterns.

Passionarity has fizzled out, passionaries have been physically destroyed or dispersed to other countries. Grievances will never be forgotten. But there was no strength left even for revenge. What will happen next? It is possible that there will be nothing more. Because there will be no Chechens themselves.

In the war "until the last Chechen" Russia won. The last Chechen was killed in the basement of a rural house in Tolstoy-Yurt. The current population of Chechnya is another Dagestan tribe.

I am making a political prediction: in the foreseeable future, Chechnya will unite with Dagestan. The new formation will be ruled, of course, by Kadyrov, his heir or successor. And it will be called - Dagestan. The dream of Imam Shamil, who shed Chechen blood without pity in order to strengthen and glorify his native Dagestan, it will come true: Chechnya will become part of the great Dagestan.

- Chechens - what are they? Sometimes your lyrics are sentimental in a good way. Are Chechens sentimental? Are they really cruel, as we usually think (I don’t think so, I know that Russians can be beasts too)?

Very sentimental. But it's a secret. Many fellow tribesmen did not accept my texts precisely because I flaunted this deep vulnerability and sensuality of the national consciousness. Chechens are very sentimental, but behind closed doors, with their relatives and friends, when no one is watching. And in public, a Chechen hides his feelings.

Chechen men knew how to be tough. Otherwise, this people would not have survived in constant wars. It is easy for me to imagine a Chechen being cruel in a fight, cruel in battle. A Chechen could kill his enemies and offenders in cold blood, and he did not dream of bloody boys at night. Is it cruelty? Yes, but that is the cruelty of a warrior.

But I learned what real cruelty is only in Russia. Here, a multinational gang of teenagers can beat a poor bum to death with iron bars for no reason. Perhaps these teenagers will mow down from the army, but when they get into a hot spot, they will urinate in their pants, unable to raise their machine gun and look into the eyes of an armed enemy. The most terrible cruelty is the cruelty of a coward.

This could not be imagined in Chechnya, which I knew. In modern Chechenistan, this has become possible, unfortunately. And in this Chechenistan is no different from Russia.

- Do you have literary teachers? In general, are your sources Russian literature or something else?

Of course, I was influenced not only by Russian literature. Until now, my favorite writer is the genius of Latin American prose Jorge Luis Borges. I consciously learned from him the construction of short stories. But, since I write in Russian, my texts can only be considered in the context of Russian literature. I will list several names of Russian writers and poets who have made me greatest impression. Ivan Bunin, Nikolai Gumilyov, Andrey Platonov, Venedikt Erofeev, from contemporary Nicholas Kononov.

- How do you assess the Caucasian line in Russian literature? "Hero of our time"? "Cossacks" and "Hadji Murad"?

Mikhail Lermontov is the first Chechen writer. Obviously, the Caucasus, especially Chechnya, played a big role in classical Russian literature.

- With what feeling do you watch series about valiant feds and damned bearded terrorists?

The first two minutes with sarcasm, the third minute with disgust, I can’t watch more than three minutes.

- And how do they look at this cheap propaganda in Chechnya?

Like science fiction films, for example, about the war with the Martians.

- Do you follow the literary process? What do you expect from literature? And from whom exactly?

I cannot say that I cover the entire literary process in Russia with my attention. I read very selectively. More often on the recommendation of friends whom I respect. There is no time and it is a pity for the brains to litter them with garbage.

I expect from literature, as it was expected from it at all times and in all countries, an analysis of human consciousness, social processes, inner truth. While expectations are rarely justified.

I was happy to learn, after the forum in Lipki, that there are young serious writers, I read them with pleasure. This, sorry, Prilepin, Kochergin, Gutsko, Senchin, Mamaeva, Novikov. I used to think it was the only one. It seems that once there were Gogol, Chekhov, Bulgakov, and now the only thing left for all Russian literature is that the Chechen Sadulaev.

This is a sad joke. Because I wasn't the only one who thought that there were no contemporary serious writers in Russian literature. This is what most readers think. because the shelves bookstores are littered with best-garbage, and only the two of us and our third friend know about real prose.

- What is happening with literature in Chechnya now? Do young people write? About what?

Write young and not very. They write a lot. About what and how is a separate, very extensive topic. Perhaps I will write an essay on modern Chechen literature. In short, the authors are united by an apocalyptic consciousness with an admixture of messianism and conspiracy theories.

- What is the most valuable thing in Chechen culture for you?

Code of moral conduct, a sense of responsibility for one's actions.

- Do your texts have to please, upset, make you think?

My texts load and strain. Therefore, they will never become bestsellers. No one comes to the pharmacy for pills that cause pain.

- In general, is literature serious?

Literature is the most serious thing I do in my life. I do everything else just to be left alone and to be allowed at least a couple of hours a day to study literature.

- What text would you like to film?

- "Splintered Tale" could only be filmed by Kusturica. Seriously, the most plot work is "When the tanks woke up." In any case, the movie would be unformatted, "author's".

- What newspapers, magazines, websites do you read and read?

I don't read government newspapers. Since now there are almost no others, then, following the advice of prof. Preobrazhensky "I don't read any." I read news and analysis more often on the Internet. Political News Agency, by the way, is an informative and interesting resource. I read literary "thick" magazines, prose.

- Should politicians listen to writers and journalists? Mindful of how much nonsense they have spoken and written in the last 20 years?

In this sense, I think that there is nothing to blame on the mirror. Sometimes it's good to look in the mirror.

- "Writers need to be flogged" according to Rozanov? As a writer, I ask you. Should we be beaten? Or hit on us? Or love us in life and put up big monuments?

Do you remember, BG has such a song "God Save the Polar Explorers". It contains the lines: "... double their portion of alcohol and leave them as they are."

There is no need to praise or trample writers. You don't have to touch them at all. Writers must be read. These are lunatics who voluntarily become pain receptors in the social organism. Imagine an organism that turned off all pain receptors. His life will be easy and joyful, but very short. Pain signals danger and illness, pain forces you to make the right decisions. Therefore, writers should not be cut out or fed with the drug of glamor and success, one should read their works.

- in what the main problem contemporary young writers? No time to write? Nothing to write about? They don't pay money?

I think you need to concentrate less on your little world, avoid petty topics. Time must be found. Work during the day, write at night. If you need money - earn money and write. Nobody promised that it would be easy. Nikolai Gumilyov has a poem about the fate of the creator - "Violinist" - it promises neither glory nor treasure, but the boy appointed to the magic violin cannot refuse it. The poem ends with the lines: "So master this violin, Look into the eyes of monsters, And die a terrible death, The glorious death of a violinist."

We look into the eyes of monsters whenever we start writing.

What would you be if you weren't a writer?

I would be dead.

I always knew that I would be a writer, from an early age. The question was who else would I be. I also became a lawyer, I could have become a builder or an officer. But I could not help but become a writer, I was born with this violin and accustomed to look into the eyes of monsters.

- Future life - only literature? Do you imagine something different in your destiny?

Of course, not only literature. Family, work. But, even if I die tomorrow, the main thing that remains after me is my texts. After all, they will not write anywhere: German Sadulaev, a wonderful employee of the office of such and such a company, who drew up more than two hundred foreign trade contracts, died! They will write that German Sadulaev, the author of the story "One swallow does not make spring yet," has died.

- In general, do you have, sorry for the vulgar question, a favorite writer, a favorite poet, a favorite adaptation of the classics?

Good question. I have already said about my favorite writers and my favorite poet, my favorite adaptation of the classics " Dead Souls Gogol with Kalyagin as Chichikov.

Do you follow politics? Do you have political views?

They say that if you don't get into politics, politics will get into you. Political decisions in our country often have a terrifying effect on our ordinary life, so you have to keep an eye on it. My political convictions are leftist, socialist. There is no political organization corresponding to my convictions in Russia. Therefore, I am not a member of any party.

- Your leftism - what are its sources? Why was the Soviet project destroyed, in your opinion?

Origins in humanism. Simplistically, there are two principles of interaction between living beings in the biological and social world: competition and cooperation. Right-wing concepts, neoliberalism, encourage competition. Socialism must develop cooperation. The human project is the project of conscious evolution. I am convinced that there is no point in specifically developing competition, it is already deeply rooted in our biological nature. In order to break through to a new historical time, humanity must consciously develop cooperation, cooperation. The dialectic is that the ability to cooperate is the strongest competitive advantage.

There are many reasons for the death of the Soviet project, both external and internal. There was a profanation of the idea itself. Then, when there was almost nothing left, it was easy to sell the remnants of the idea for sausage. Now we have no idea, neither social nor national. But there are a lot of sausages! Today I was in the supermarket, three racks of sausage, there is an expensive one, there is a cheap one, whatever you want! We live and rejoice.

- What do you expect from the new times, including in the political sense? The future of Russia - what is it like?

Unfortunately, there are no grounds for optimistic forecasts yet. And I will not share my pessimism.

- What ideology, in your opinion, is the most relevant for modern Russia?

I would like it to be a socialist ideology. The ideology of a social, just, responsible state. But, unfortunately, in reality, all forms of nationalism, up to the Black Hundreds, are most relevant.

Interviewed by Zakhar Prilepin

The exclusive position occupied by the Chechen Republic in a number of Russian regions and the special place of its leader R. Kadyrov in the hierarchy of the country's political establishment causes a lot of conjectures and questions on this issue among political scientists and various analysts.

In an attempt to find an explanation for this phenomenon, some of this series have gone so far as to see Kadyrov as Putin's successor in the not too distant future.

Intermediate links in the career chain leading to the highest post of the country, after such foresights, can not be mentioned.

Meanwhile, in the republic itself, the future is seen in two ways. And it should be noted that both of them do not bode well for the Chechen society.

According to the first option, a new war awaits the republic. Like, soon, Putin will find a successor.

By the way, it should be noted that no one in Chechen society considers Kadyrov in this role, apart from his inner circle.

The Chechens are well aware of the attitude of the vast majority of Russian society towards the Caucasians and especially towards them, to seriously bother discussing this prospect for their leader.

The successor found by Putin, in order to establish himself in a situation of a steadily deteriorating economic and social situation, will, of course, be forced, by secret agreement with Putin, to hang all the dogs on him, to declare Chechnya the center of world evil because of which Russia cannot recover in any way and further on. already traveled twice.

It should be noted that with its policy towards the republic and, especially, towards its elite, appointed by itself, the Kremlin did everything possible to ensure that the third war was perceived in Russian society if not with full approval, then certainly, without any organized and mass protest.

That is, Chechnya should once again serve as a lifesaver for the Russian authorities in settling internal contradictions.

Skeptics of this version point to an unprecedented construction boom in the republic, the fountain alone is worth something, and quite reasonably notice that if a new war were planned, then there would be no need for such construction.

A simple imitation would suffice, as it was during the first war.

In this case, Kadyrov's permission to create, in fact, his own army of many thousands, even if it does not have a heavy weapon component, looks extremely illogical. And Russia's image losses in the eyes of the world community will be too high for the Kremlin to take such a step.

Adherents of the second version of the expected future of the republic directly connect it with the revival of the Khazar Kaganate.

As justification, the CIA report of 2010 is indicated. Which refers to the imminent liquidation of Israel and the expected resettlement of 1.5 million Jews in Russia.

It is precisely this that allegedly explains the birth and rapid development of Chechen-Jewish relations, which is absolutely incomprehensible to the uninitiated, literally from scratch.

The construction of a synagogue, where a Jew cannot be found in the daytime with fire, some distant relatives of Chechens in the Israeli village of Abu Gosh, a business trip of Chechen football players to the Beitar club, the lighting of Hanukkah candles in Grozny, a declaration joint projects in tourism and Agriculture and many more from the same area.

The annexation of Crimea was allegedly carried out as part of the creation of the Khazar Kaganate covering the territory "from sea to sea", that is, from Crimea to Derbent.

The key region in this strip is the Chechen Republic. The largest ethnic group living in a mono-ethnic, in fact, republic, and professing the Sufi branch of Islam.

Only by profuse bloodletting, having weakened this people, it will be possible to talk about a successful solution to the problem..

If we take this version of the future not only for the Chechen Republic, but also for the entire South of Russia, including the black earth part of Ukraine, the territory claimed by the architects of the new Khazaria, as a basis, then much in today's Chechnya becomes understandable and explainable.

The stake on the criminal minority made by the Kremlin in the form of today's "elite" of the republic, and the tacit encouragement of its arbitrariness against its own people, is designed to create a layer of future guards of the kaganate in Chechen society. A kind of mankurt, which is guaranteed to be destroyed by Chechen society in the event of the slightest change in the Kremlin's policy in the region. And they simply have nowhere to go besides serving their new masters in the matter of destroying or squeezing out of the republic, the same Syria, the passionate part of the Chechen youth. Potentially dangerous for future owners.

An army of thousands of Kadyrov will be needed not only to protect the new order, but also for punitive expeditions to other regions, if they suddenly decide to repulse pretenders to their lands.

It also becomes clear that the court held over the well-known publicist in the republic, Rizvan Ibragimov.

He is being persecuted not for treatises on the role of the Chechen people in world history, under this article half of the writers of Russia of all nationalities can be held accountable, but for his work “How Crimea almost became Israel or why the Chechens were expelled”.

They cannot forgive him in any way for being the first to lift the veil of secrecy over the tragedy of the Chechens in the 40s of the last century and in accessible language told about the background of recent Chechen wars. It is within the framework of this program that we are seeing today the attempts of some Jewish leaders Khazanov, Kobzon, the same Telman Ismailov, Kolomeyts and others, through a certain Moisha Yunaev, to create in the world media and, first of all, Russia, the impression that an organized Jewish community exists in the republic .

Communities as the basis for the future settlement of Jews.

Under this settlement, high-rise buildings that are empty today are being built in the republic.

Fortunately, these movements do not find a response among the majority of Jews. Israel does not want to disintegrate, Israelis do not want to leave their habitable places, and Russian Jews, for some reason, do not want to move to Kadyrov's Chechnya. The status of Kadyrov in the hierarchy of Russian bureaucracy and the attitude of the President of the Russian Federation towards him are also becoming clear.

In fact, Kadyrov today brings more problems to the Russian authorities than positive ones, and in any other, normal state, he would have been put behind bars long ago. Answer for all your crimes.

But this will never happen in a state under the rule of the Zionists.

No one will touch Kadyrov, no one, including the president of the Russian Federation.

Both of them, one on the scale of the entire territory of the future Khazaria (military actions in the south-east of Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea) and the other, in a single region called the Chechen Republic, do the same work. Building a Kaganate.

Incidentally, as far as we know Hanukkah candles are lit in the territory where any danger to the Jews has been eliminated.

The well-known Israeli philosopher and theologian Pinchas Polonsky said the following in Berlin: “Islam is becoming more and more our enemy. And in the future, someday, when Islam is re-educated, it may become our ally again, gradually. But this is very far from that. First we must defeat Islam in direct military confrontation.”

Summing up the statement of Polonsky and the fact of lighting Hanukkah candles in the center of Grozny, we can safely say that Islam has been re-educated in this territory and has become completely tame.

I am absolutely sure that among us, Chechens, there is not a single one who has not heard about the predictions left to us by the ustazes of the t1ariqat. Some of them are known to everyone, in particular, it is believed that the deportation of our people was predicted, the fall Soviet power too, and at the same time, the liberation of the Chechen people from Russian power is predicted. Namely, there is a prediction that the Russians will leave, and then when everyone is sure that the Russian power has finally fallen, they will return. But it was predicted that only for one year, and in this return, the power will increase (read, it will become tougher) as never before. And now the Russian government has returned, and it has become tougher than ever, but something this year lasts too long, is time really to be understood allegorically and this year can last for decades. But if you look like this further, after that the Russians will leave completely, and instead of them the power of the English padishah will come, who will rule the whole world, with the exception of one state, for seven years. How long can this seven-year period continue if the year has not ended yet? It is predicted that the English padishah will fill the womb of a Chechen, and everyone will be compensated for any damage - if a person says that "here I had a nail nailed, this nail will also be nailed" Yes, and it was also predicted that the Chechens would be called to the West, and that everyone who went there go "become unhappy" this expression we have means falling into hell. It is predicted that after seven years of the rule of the English padishah, the British will begin to oppress Islam, and the Chechens will be called again, now to Syria; and those who do not go there "will become unhappy." And then predicted big war between Muslims and infidels, in which, of course, every English king will be defeated and defeated.

This is my presentation of what I heard all the nineties, I saw then that the Russians left, the first war somehow did not look like a return, but I did not believe that they could return to Chechnya, although I believed that it was predicted. In private conversations, when serious people are like children, I saw how people dream that the English government will come and we will live, but all this was not serious. I remember when, being in the mountains, in my ancestral village (we survived both campaigns there), my fellow villagers discussed the advance of Russian troops from Dagestan, and said (as if in jest) "it was predicted that the Russians would leave a lot of booty in the mountains (kh1ons) , so they will leave and let's go collect "Even then we did not believe that the Russians would occupy Chechnya, even if they were not going to prevent this.

And now about the prospects for predictions about the British. 1Zakaev lives in England, 2Berezovsky lives in England. Berezovsky is credited with supporting the slogan stop feeding the Caucasus. 4The slogan stop feeding the Caucasus resonates with rather large masses of people. And 5 If a political crisis breaks out in Russia, this slogan will contribute to the separation of Chechnya from Russia, and when there is no money (and there will definitely be no money if there is a crisis), none of the Chechen leaders will fight against it. Interesting prospects? Recently, from one person, I heard the opinion that these predictions about the British authorities were introduced into the Chechen consciousness by the British themselves. But it seems to me profoundly pointless, the only British organization interested in Chechnya in the twenties of the twentieth century, when such predictions could have appeared, was Dutch Shell, which bought the rights to the oil fields in Chechnya from Chermoev, expecting that the Soviets would fall, and they would receive them. But this deal itself shows that people who miscalculated in such a way could not have such influence as to carry out secret operations to introduce faith in these predictions into the Chechen consciousness, because the result of this could be the passivity of the Chechen people at the prospect of British domination. In my reasonable people they will not spend resources on such stupidity, and those who are not reasonable would hardly find funds for such stupidity.